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>Alternative Models:

>Previous Thread:

>Thread Question(s):
What was the funnest match you've ever had? How was it?
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I love steamtanks.
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Almost done with my dwarfs. Fighting big monsters still sucks.
Is that the momminiatures' stone thrower I spy top left? If so how was it as a kit to work with? Been eyeing it myself.
>Fighting big monsters still sucks.
Have you tried the ranged weapon runes from the AJ for that purpose and if yes, how did they fair in comparison to other potential anti-monster stuff? Regardless what have you found works best and worst against monsters?
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That's actually the mighty gob-lobber
>Have you tried the ranged weapon runes from the AJ for that purpose and if yes, how did they fair in comparison to other potential anti-monster stuff?
I feel like I get more points back from the Bursting Flame + Rapid Fire combo while I try to bog down the big beasts with my warriors. I only play against friends and we started this edition
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There were no less than six fanatics ping ponging around the board at once. It was a complete slaughter on both sides.
>That's actually the mighty gob-lobber
Well, consider me well jell.
>I feel like I get more points back from the Bursting Flame + Rapid Fire combo while I try to bog down the big beasts with my warriors
Fair, even though I kinda doubt that using warriors to tie down behemoths is the best of approaches. If anything investing in a second Engineer (or Thane) with a monster-killing set up such as the Master Rune of Slaying (+ Rune of Rapid Fire) or the Master Rune of Piercing (+ Rune of Accuracy and/or Rune of Rapid Fire) would be less points and the maximized latter on a Thane wouldn't be half-bad against Monstrous Infantry either.
Kek, sounds truly mad.
Anyone else have some kind of mental block against mirror models? I found some STLs for mournfang cavalry I really like but for some reason there are only 3 of them and I hate the idea of having a copy right next to each other
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Tree monster nearing completion

Needs more legs tho
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And next to a skele
You can paint them differently. That usually helps. Honestly though, I get what you're saying. It's a problem I have with a lot of modern sculpts. They have these elaborate poses, but there's only so few variations available that you'll inevitably get clones.That's why older-style models are better. Simpler poses, but more variation, so even if you do get clones it doesn't look as noticeable.
>If anything investing in a second Engineer (or Thane) with a monster-killing set up such as the Master Rune of Slaying (+ Rune of Rapid Fire) or the Master Rune of Piercing (+ Rune of Accuracy and/or Rune of Rapid Fire) would be less points and the maximized latter on a Thane wouldn't be half-bad against Monstrous Infantry either.
I'll give it a go and report back
>Well, consider me well jell.
It's a 3D scan, I'm not made of money
How's this as an Ogres list?

++ Characters [713 pts] ++
Tyrant [378 pts]
(Great weapon, Heavy armour, General, Thundertusk, Armour of Meteoric Iron)

Slaughtermaster [335 pts]
(Hand weapon, Level 4 Wizard, Grut's Sickle, Ruby Ring of Ruin, Battle Magic)

++ Core Units [781 pts] ++
6 Ogre Bulls [228 pts]
(Ironfists, Light armour, Crusher (champion), Standard bearer, Bellower (musician))

6 Ogre Bulls [228 pts]
(Ironfists, Light armour, Crusher (champion), Standard bearer, Bellower (musician))

6 Iron Guts [285 pts]
(Hand weapons, Great weapons, Heavy armour, Gutlord, Standard bearer [Cannibal Totem], Bellower (musician))

20 Gnoblar Fighters [40 pts]
(Hand weapons, Throwing weapons (Sharp stuff))

++ Special Units [901 pts] ++
4 Maneaters [237 pts]
(Hand weapons, Light armour, Maneater Captain (champion), Standard bearer, Bellower (musician))

4 Mournfang Cavalry [325 pts]
(Great weapon, Heavy armour, Crusher (champion), Standard bearer [Bull Standard], Bellower (musician))

Ironblaster [185 pts]
(Cannon of the Sky-titans, Hand weapons)

3 Yhetees [154 pts]
(Grimfrost weapons, Scouts, Greyback)
What makes it worse is that the riders are repurposed guys from the infantry STLs, so one of them will be a triple model in effect. But the quality is otherwise high and thye have the same theming I want so I guess I'm just gonna have to deal with it
New dwarf enthusiast, I never played but I've already got a list of models I want to collect, hopefuly they're not terrible when I play them.

A question, I really like the idea of an engineer snipping off big targets but I just realized, isn't that a slayers job actually? Aren't they supposed to run in with some killy weapons and nothing else and take care of all the suicidally dangerous things?

Also is there a minimum recommended number for warriors & quarrellers/thunderers/rangers? Also rangers are just quarellers but with great weapons?
Can you post a pic of the model? You could alter the pose yourself in Blender using a fairly simple function to give your models some diversity. Different anon and I too am repeatedly disapointed in modelers who keep reusing the exact same base model for everything in an army. If done with enough unit accesories it isn't a problem, but without it really sucks. Guess you could add stuff onto them during assembly?
Hm, I could slice the models in half at the waist but I would still have to use torsos from the infantry to replace them
Also it’s the hippo cavalry from Titan forge, on phone so don’t have a pic handy
Slayers have to actually reach combat to do anything and they're not great at it. Doomseekers get some extra movement, so they have an easier time running off to fight monsters. Guns and war machines are doing most of the heavy lifting.

Warriors you probably want at least 12 set up 4x3 since their job is to hold ground and they win combats through combat resolution more than damage. 16 or 20 would also be good. If you go great weapons, smaller units with drilled can switch between defense and offense. Thunderers/Quarrelers you want small since the rear ranks can't shoot and are expensive just to add combat res to fights you're not interested in being in anyway. Rangers don't need great weapons, you can just use them as better quarrelers that skirmish so you can run larger units.
>I'll give it a go and report back
I'd love it if you did, broham. I'm just theorycrafting after all. My own dwarf army is not something that is going to happen in the forseeable future. Atleast not painted.
>It's a 3D scan, I'm not made of money
Well that makes me slightly less jelly.
>isn't that a slayers job actually?
While fluffwise yes as I understand it the actual Slayer unit this season is quite bad and the movement of the Slayer chars leave much to be desired.
>minimum recommended number
I don't think so but bear in mind that if you want a unit to fight in melee you're going to want atleast an extra rank or two while a unit dedicated towards shooting guns/crossbows doesn't want any extra rank unless it finds a nice hill to shoot from.
>>rangers are just quarellers but with great weapons?
Quarrelers have access to GWs too. What Rangers got is access to skirmish, Scout and a higher BS meaning that you can plop them down closer to the enemy. It's for that reason that I'm liking the notion of a big block of Rangers which can both harrass and hem in the opponent. A big single block also happens to rid you of a larger portion of your core tax which is nice.
>Also rangers are just quarellers but with great weapons?
Better in combat (higher both WS and BS), have scout deployment, skirmish (they can't be flanked and -1 to be shot at) and throwing axes are pretty nasty against charges. The only downside is the lack of engineer's boost the quarellers have
Lmao, full on destruction derby
One of the funnier ones I've ever played was in 6th/7th at a tournament. I get paired against another Skaven player and in our first or second turns we each roll 13 on our Bells and panic off almost each other's entire army. It came down to our Bell units grinding each other to paste and the one random unit of globadiers he had that survived the psychological warfare.
How is TOW gonna be supported? Is it one faction a quarter and then they're done in 3 years?
Bery nice. Needs a bunch of tentacle-like barbed vines at the base with a screaming Empire mook caught in one of them and it'll be truly sovlfvl
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At the moment they're just making the Arcane Journals for each faction, and putting each faction back into production. We're not getting anything else for the rest of the year, so the the last 4 factions will probably be released during the first half of 2025.
After that I would assume some campaign books and new characters, units and mercenaries for about a year.
Then hopefully Kislev.
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First test scheme for a Karak Hirn army, using my skull pass minis.
Used a black and a grey primer, think I’ll stick with black.
Not sure about the green highlights with ogryn camo, depending on the light it’s a bit too yellowish for my taste.
Really happy with the base green tho, exactly the tone I was hoping for to represent Karak Hirn proper.
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one faction per quarter for this first phase, second phase is about releasing additional arcane journals with piecemeal model releases for the supported factions alongside campaign books
third phase is cathay
4th phase is tow2.0, meaning the legacy factions become additional core factions with their respective 6th-7th ed model lines, except for demons and chaos dwarfs
if they reach this point then and only then they will reach the point where they will start looking at updates for old kits like skeleton warriors, high elf spearmen, and grail knights

you don't want to know what phase 12 is about
What will be the scarps we are getting?
It's a great start, anon. I'm looking forward to seeing your dwarf force grow!
holy secondary
Larp stuff
So is there nothing old world being announced or previewed today?
no outside of overpriced LARP equipment by the Germans.
maybe some news for Empire or High Elves in November
Salute to the Electors. Today I tested the Altar of Sigmar for 2k points. I can tell you from my experience that it works perfectly with a demigriff unit. The main thing is that they attack one unit at the same time. The padre prays to the demigriffs for protection from shooting, while he himself goes into battle at 4+/4++ with GW
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I want a breastigor doe gf bros
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Dangerously based.
>Local incel runs into the drakwald to find wife.
>believes that his chud faith will defend him
>When asked for comment about the man Boris Toddbringer asked asked "What are they doing here?"
You will be raped throughouly by a oily group of giants, they won't even be beastmen giants, it's a greenskins one.
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Malekith, Witchking of Naggaroth will be at your house in an hour. He's got his gamecube, with Mario Kart Double Dash and 4 controller. He's also being some druchii bitches (though he only has eyes for his mom).
How do you prepare?
whenever GW get round to Empire I'm going to have the hard choice between demigryph or gunline cheese. It's a shame since the Priest of Ulric with knights of the white wolf looked promising but looks like Empire needs a crutch.
Get my copy of mario party 8
I can dominate them
A furry priest is needed (attention!) by doppelzoldners! And if there is also a demonologist mage or a dark sorcerer... the damage will be colossal!
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A harpy for me
I immediately fire up Crazy Taxi as a warmup and then start doing pushups and edging. Offer him my finest Mr. Pibb on arrival and order some Cathayan
I feel like Tab, Mr. Pibb, and Surge are the best sodas to offer to a son of Aenyarion
High elves drink coke
Dark elves drink pepsi
Wood elves drink sprite or fanta
High Elves drink Coke, Dwarfs drink Pepsi.
Dark Elves are Pibbers, Chaos Dwarfs are Tabbers.
Dwarfs drink some generic beer brand, chorfs drink moonshine
For Rock n Stone Brotha!!
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Beastmen have always been "Chaos for people who don't like winning" so how bad is this? Its mostly from 2 start-collecting boxes a friend gave me, Imma 3dp the rest

Beastiboys [2000 pts]
Warhammer: The Old World, Beastmen Brayherds
Characters [527 pts]
Rapestorm [247 pts]
- Hand weapon
- Shield
- General
- On foot
- Mangelder
- The Blackened Plate
- Horn of the First Beast
- Muscular Monstrosity

Mist-eye, The Doomcaller [95 pts]
- Braystaff
- Level 2 Wizard
- On foot
- Daemonology

Kzara, The Mancatcher [185 pts]
- Braystaff
- Level 4 Wizard
- On foot
- Earthing Rod
- Dark Magic

Core Units [671 pts]
23 Gor Herd [178 pts]
- Hand weapons
- Additional hand weapons
- True-horn
- Standard bearer
- Musician

21 Ungor Herd [143 pts]
- Throwing spears
- Shield
- Half-horn
- Standard bearer
- Musician

20 Bestigor Herd [350 pts]
- Heavy armour
- Stubborn
- Veteran
- Gouge-horn [Great weapon]
- Standard bearer [Vitriolic Totem]
- Musician

Special Units [312 pts]
6 Minotaur Herd [312 pts]
- Hand weapon
- Light armour
- 6x Shield
- Bloodkine
- Standard bearer
- Musician

Rare Units [490 pts]
Ghorgon [245 pts]
- Cleaver-limbs
- Light armour (calloused hide)

Ghorgon [245 pts]
- Cleaver-limbs
- Light armour (calloused hide)
the trailer for the LARP Gal Maraz since that was the only reveal in the stream that was really at all relevant for this general.
I wish women were real
So I have heard ToW called "Linehammer" I have no idea what that means, why its bad or if its really important
Can anyone explain
I've played a few games of 6th and liked it
You know ever since someone added guns to ork I figured I could never go back and collect a fantasy ork army.

But by god I am thinking of a gobbo army now.
I will now play with you
Basically ranks are kind of pointless in TOW, so you often end up with armies being made up almost entirely of one rank units, aka a line.
Linehammer comes from a semi-meme video. https://youtu.be/ctRvADAzfRo?si=so9va-m4fzzYCexi
Basically, the rules for infantry encourage you to ignore ranks and run your dudes in one single line. This guy made a follow-up video explaining more about this linehammer nonsense, but it's meant to be more of a critique about how weak infantry is in TOW.
I could not think of a better faction to use that name then beastmen
That Level 4 needs Hagtree Fetish.

Throwing spears on the Ungor are strangely not a missile weapon, try shorbows in skirmish.
It's just a handful of retards who don't play the game and theorycrafted that putting all your doods in one line was the strongest thing to do when in reality it's not even playable.
Wouldn't you get fucked by a flank attack? especially when cav is really good?
The problem is more that it is so damn unwieldy. Any wheel is all your movement. It only works in circumstances like a line of crossbowmen dwarves which force people to come to them and have some great weapons waiting, but even then it's not great since infantry isn't amazing and missile weapons that have to roll to hit aren't great either.
isn't it also very terrain dependent?
There's a bazillion things that don't work with the linehammer meme if you actually play the game with the real rules. Including moving at all. It's just retarded.
What actually works is having regular blocks of infantry and in some specific cases reforming them in a line. Typically after rallying after having lost combat you get a free reform and you can put your damaged unit in a line to inflict maximum damage if your opponent decides to engage your unit again.
My squad of imperial swordsmen, with heroes, kicked dragons, minotaurs, chosen ones of Chaos... you have to know how to play
>try shorbows in skirmish.
if I do that should I break them into smaller groups and nix the full command?
Keep the large group, drop the command.
kk. Thanks.
Beastmen are actually very solid in TOW, 2 Ghorgons is one path to victory but aside from them all you have are blocks of infantry. Go ahead with it, have some fun but don't shy away from spicing it up with changes like warhounds, harpies, chariots and loads more Gors.
I honestly I am having a hard time chosing what leader to go with
Years ago I wanted a minotaur themed army (because less to buy and paint but also because beef) but I tend to go overboard with elites in general and beastmen are a horde army in spirit.
I do like centigors in lore but historically, excluding mordheim they have sucked
The Bestigors really don't need the Poisoned Attacks from the Vitriolic Totem given that they are rocking GWs and as such don't need the extra help scoring a wound. Contrast that with the Gors who could really use it as they got a lot of attacks but are weak in Strength.

Given that your general is rocking the Mangelder I'd have him join a unit carrying the Manbane Standard to get the most out of the LD shenanigans for which the Bestigors would likely be the best choice. I'd also go with a Charmed Shield over a mundane one for him since for just a couple of points more you get a 1/3 chance to save a wound.
Lastly, that block of Minotaurs is rather large and you might be better off with just a 4 model unit in one row. Regardless, consider giving the champion a Charmed Shield rather than a mundane shield and if you're feeling frisky you can always perk him up with the Multi-Limbed Fiend gift.
The way I see things Ungors are probably best used as a defensive screen for you chariots in which case I'd say a 10 man unit with a bow is likely the best approach. That way they can do some mild harrassing while dropping off the chariot. Granted I don't have actual game experience with Beastmen so take whatever I say with a grain of salt.
Cook up some easy snacks
clean up a bit, see if I have any edibles to give to the girls
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>I do like centigors in lore but historically, excluding mordheim they have sucked
Personally, I quite like the look of a small unit of 5 Centigors with GWs and Ambush. Seems like they have the potential to really mess up a backline if you're lucky. Then again I can't deny that I've also been eyeing fielding an entire horde of them with a geared centigor char for the lulz.
>Then again I can't deny that I've also been eyeing fielding an entire horde of them with a geared centigor char for the lulz.
Tow sadly does not have the old centigor characters
It got a new one which doesn't look too shabby
Where? and pics of model?
There's a group of three plague monks in the modern screaming bell model sprue.
What's a fun thing you can do with them? Have you seen them as a unit filler? A piece of terrain?
Centigor chieftain, beastmen models haven't been released for TOW yet.
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Get some pizza and beer.

Of course the Witch King would prefer to play the best Mario Kart, what a guy.
Never heard of Mr. Pibb. Is it mostly a regional thing?
it was cokes answer to Dr. Pepper and kind of a meme
Surge and tab are also out of print sodas (which is why malekith would be the only person to know of them)
The latter became diet coke
Skaven vs High Elves in 6th. Fired a Ratling Gun at a High Elf unit, misfired, and killed my entire Storm Vermin unit instead.
I said, very confidently, "Beware! My Warplock Jezzails are the most reliable of Skaven tech!" and two blew up that turn, while managing to kill like 3 Silver Helms.
My Clanrats beat a unit of Greatswords by 1 due to Outnumbering, and had them run off the board immediately, despite getting no kills.
My Poisoned Wind Globadiers didn't kill a single cavalry piece, but did manage to kill themselves before they could be charged.
And, strangest of all, my Warlock Engineer got through the entire match with nothing bad happening to him, just watching the carnage.
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The wide sword and staff make it look kinda retro idk, its also a lot more static pose wise than I would expect from new models, and that fur is closer to the old warriors than the new ones.
Honestly, I really dig it. The armour looks great and so does the two head options. The way the staff is held means that it would also work wonders as a BSB which is always welcome for a army lacking any official such model.
Im not the biggest fan of it, imo that staff and sword are far too chunky (as is the model in general frankly) but its nice to see some simpler models from GW.

The helmets look sick though.
a beautiful tale of clan skyre.
Should have picked faith over tech scrub
>t. a grey seer
I don't like it. I'll be getting one of the '90s sorcerers second hand as my third and final on-foot undivided sorcerer.
Get the 8e plastic one, its probably the best generic sorcerer theyve done outside of the games day one.
It was a match a while ago, so I don't remember much beyond the big things, but I think it was a 1k point match. Sadly, no Seers at that level.
I like the chunkiness of it, it's probably that which made me think BSB rather than wizard with that staff. It also helps to make the model look fighty. I wholeheartedly agree that it's swell to see some relatively simple sculpts that got their fair share of bling without being oversculpted.
It's literally just Dr. Pepper but slightly better. Very big in the Midwest
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I completely forgot that I have that one too, but I don't use it. It's currently soaking in paint stripper so I can re-paint it. My favourite sorcerers are from either the 4th/5th ed range refresh, the RoC days or 6th edition. The two sorcerers in picrel are my all-time favourites.
I was thinking of getting the one from 4th/5th ed with a viking helmet, a sword and a staff with an orb, but the only one I've been able to find is damaged. I'll have to keep looking or get ready to repair it with greenstuff.
>I like the chunkiness of it, it's probably that which made me think BSB rather than wizard with that staff
Yea, its pretty close to just "chaos warrior with staff" in terms of aesthetics
Someone talked me into playing Killteam, and I've never played Warhammer before.
Are the starter kits all I need? Do I just pick one that sounds cool or are there some newbies should stay away from?
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I saw you on /v/ you little rascal
wrong thread anon
So you did. Hello, anon. Hope you're doing well.
Anyway, the sorcerer I'm talking about is Classic Chaos Sorcerer 2. Something about the pose and especially the staff really appeals to me, but the only one I've found online has a broken sword. But honestly, every sorcerer on this page is awesome, and I'm very proud to have Chaos Sorcerer #2 as a part of my collection. He's served me well on the battlefield so far too, managing to outlive my other, primary sorcerer in every game he's fought in.
That's actually what I think is so neat about it. It doesn't break away from the generic aesthetic but fits perfectly in with it while simultaneously managing to be unique enough in all aspects but the pelt and arms to be clearly identifiable as a character.
For my own sake I can say that I've long been considering converting up a fallen Warrior Priest of Sigmar as foot Nurgle Sorcerer and this model might just be the one to make me realise that concept.
What's worse? Dragons or 360 degree line of sight flying skirmishers?
The latter, you can avoid dragons.
The thoughts your mom have about your uncle's penis.
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Pretty good base for the model. Not sure I'd go with either head but looks very swappable. Runesword makes me think he's going to end up with some retarded 'once per game do d3 mortal wounds' rules in AoS where he's otherwise been very good for 3 editions, but I guess that doesn't matter here.

I recently bought this creepy little guy to use as a sorcerer in TOW too.
I watched that Luke Blaxill tournament breakdown and it did make a pretty convincing case pegasus knights and murderous characters on pegasuses are fucking retarded tbqh.
>I recently bought this creepy little guy to use as a sorcerer in TOW too.
I'm a big fan of how GW lately seems to have gone back to making weird little odd models like that one.
Anon Kill team has team rotation based on seasons. Like cards rotating out of play in standard in magic. Why would you want to play kill team? It’s inferior to necromunda and Mordheim in every way for skirmish scale games.
It's just down to establishment and expansion of the specialist games, I think. Making these more marketable and profitable to GW has its downsides >>94082524 like Kill Team's rotating format, but them getting more support does allow for more experimental models.

It was a real shame to see so much of the Warcry chaos stuff get squatted recently though. Very characterful models.

KT is a much better competitive game than either Mordheim or Necromunda, and Nucromunda is an insane mess of a game, so I can understand why someone would play it on that basis. It's also a game where you literally can just buy one troops-priced box and play which is appealing. That isn't really true of either of the others anymore. Mordheim isn't supported, so it's hard to find a group, and no current troops box is customisable enough to make an entire warband out of. Nucromunda is a sprawling mess where your gang realistically requires 3-4 purchases to put together.
all skirmishers had 360 vision in whfb 6th too bro
It makes sense since they aren't in a tight formation
Unless you want to start measuring the pivots or wheel of each individual model, they're going to have a 360° front arc
I mean don't chaos sorcerers wear the same armour?
They can, but a lot of the time theyre more slender or ornate. Warriors and lords are generally quite bulky and prutal, while sorcerers are often more delicate and ornamental looking. Lots of robes and shit.
Hello Satan, chaos armour isn't a uniform type of armour. It's a suit of armour that has been blessed by the gods with divine protection. So, it could look like just about anything. Traditionally, it's plate armour, but it doesn't always have to look like that.
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Decided to do one last banner for the Sylvanian templars. It's still in a rough state, but it should more or less look like this.
sorry if I spammed too much with this topic, on the previous thread
Nonsense anon, banners are something to be shared and cherished! Well done, by the way! It looks fantastic. Are you going to write something on the parchment part?
don't worry, I fancy flags
I'm new to the old world so this might be a stupid question. During a game today my friend charged my Catapult by going straight forward about 5 inches, wheeling 60*, and going straight maybe 4 inches more. This way he could skirt around my skeleton warrior block. But can you really do that mid way through a charge? I thought wheeling was something you did at the start or the end of the move to maximize contact?
You get to wheel at a maximum of once during the charge, but you have to factor it into movement. You also get a free wheel at the end that isn't counted as part of your movement in order to make the contact flush.
What’s the best Warhammer Fantasy lore YouTuber?
that's like asking what the best dogshit is
Skirmisher rules are a mess honestly they should probably just rank up and face as normal but retain other benefits of skirmisher rules.
So you can actually charge around another unit? As long as you see the target in your vision arc? The rules say "as straight line as possible" I figured that it meant you couldn't go around. Like, why would they even mention it? Anyways thanks for the answer
Read the rules for maximising contact again - it doesn't specify it has to be at the start or end, just that some time during the charge movement a unit has one free wheel that they must use to ensure as many models as possible from their front rank meet the defending unit.
Can you use mspaint to draw up a diagram of the regiments & how the charge went down?
How does Spectral Doppelganger work with the Keeper of Secrets?

Spectral Doppelganger is an Assailment, Assailments can be cast when a Wizard fights during any Combat phase. The Keeper of Secrets is I7 but is armed with Impaling Claws which have the Strike First special rule. However the Keeper doesn't have the Strike First special rule itself.

So is it Keeper makes its regular attacks at the Strike First step, then at I7 can cast Spectral Doppelganger? Or can the Keeper cast Spectral Doppelganger in the Strike First step when it would normally make its combat attacks?
for wf they all kinda suck
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tilea troubles series from big small worlds
the master tavern keeper from J•U•G•S• (japan's united gaming society)
lorebeards from loremaster of sotek and lawhammer (the latter also covers a whfrpg campaign on his channel)
2+ tough for age of sigmar coverage
awesome lies blog for oldhammer history and snippets
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Do it. It's the most fun you'll ever have. You will lose 90% of the time but you'll love every minute of it.
Pretty sure its in the FaQ
Thanks guys. :)
>Are you going to write something on the parchment part?
I was thinking about it, yeah; something like "Sylvania", "Drakenhof", or even "Isabella".
Another addition I plan to make is to include a 4th crest with the Sylvanian dragon (the same as in picrel).
"As straight a line as possible" means it doesn't need to be a straight line if there is something that you have to maneuver around, but if there is no obstacle, you just go straight to the unit. (So you can't wheel and turn it into a flank charge) Other units that aren't a charge target would be considered an obstacle.

If you want what the book says you can go to page 131 under "accidental contact during a charge"

"A charging unit might find its path unexpectedly blocked by another enemy unit, usually one that has fled from another charge. If the charging unit is able to wheel to avoid the unit and complete its charge, it should. If this is not possible, or if doing so will cause a failed charge, the charging unit has two options – it can halt its charge, or it can continue ahead."

It is important to note as well that units block line of sight to units behind them. (unless they have Large Target) That may have applied during your situation but it would depend on exactly where everything was at the time charges were declared.
Convince me not to start Tomb Kings as my second army. I found a great deal where I can buy the core army box for $230 CAD, third party price is usually $302 and GW sells them for $360.
If you want to collect an army and you have the means to do so, you should. Be sure to post pictures of your army when you're done painting them, anon!
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Most of your units are trash. Your liche priests / tomb princes will have giant targets on their backs for every enemy hero and to try and gank.

Do it anyway.
Worst undead
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Well if you're playing TOW they're both the worst and best undead faction.
I am only half way done assembling my Bretonnian 2k army that I bought because of my gruelling work schedule. I told myself I wouldn’t buy any other shit until I finished my Bretonnians but the price is tempting me very very hard.
Buy it and put it up for sale on eBay at a $50 CAD markup (no shipping) from what you bought it. If no one buys it at that price before you're done with your Brets, take it off eBay and start painting. If they do, pocket the money and put it toward the next thing that gets your FOMO dick hard.
This won't be the last good deal that ever comes your way, tow getting attention from a lot of aos/tww zoomies is good as they've all picked up huge collections that they'll inevitably dump for cheap when gw pushes out whatever new slop catches their eyes
My first fantasy army as a teen was Vampire Counts. I originally wanted to do them again but eBay prices for the old ( not skeleton horde old but the old skeletons ) are insane. And I think the death rattle age of sigmar sculpts are really soulless, and not in a good skeleton way.
My reasoning is that I love undead and my Bretonnians will take forever to paint as I’m doing individual heraldry on them. The tomb kings I could paint pretty quickly using my old vampire skeleton dry brush method. Also I could sell the Old World rulebook, even for $20-30 bucks and recoup more of the already great price.
Money spent isn't money saved, even if what you spent that money on was on sale. Do you want two armies? Will the $130 you save now be worth the stress of having all that extra plastic somewhere in your house?
If yes, then yes. If no, then finish your Bretonnians first and then think about it. Will this "great deal" go away before you finish your Bretonnians? Then use that as motivation to finish assembling and painting your Bretonnians. And don't forget to give all your characters names!
You’re right. I need to be responsible and not distract myself with another project before the Bretonnians are done. Thank you for the wisdom.
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Blessed by the Lady!
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I can't stop thinking about Bretonians, what are some factions I should eye that will relieve me of this ailment.
What is the purpose of the Daemon-Flesh chaos gift? It makes it so that you cannot be wounded by a to wound roll of 2, no matter the strength of the attack, for 45 points. Why would someone take that on their chaos character? It doesn't seem very good, but maybe I'm misunderstanding it.
Chaos got intentionally shafted
That's the problem though, apparently it's good. Some very good players are taking it, but I can't figure out why. It makes it so a T4 character will only ever get wounded on a 3+ even by hits at S6 or higher, but I don't see how that's worth 45 points. Or a T5 daemon prince would only get wounded on a 3+ by any hit at S7 or higher. That can't be worth it, but people are taking it. Why?
It isnt very good, and you shouldnt take it. Its only real use is vs cannons/artillery, which are essentially the only things s8+, where it offers a slight benefit to survivability that isnt worth the points
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Elle est rapide...
>triple dragon
>intentionally shafted
chaos babs really are up there with delf players for whiniest retards huh?
>apparently it's good
It isnt. It has a niche use vs cannons and thats about it.
I forgot anything but demons existed for a second
delves are the most shafted faction after skaven, that army is a fucking shambles
Am I crazy for considering a Tomb King gunline? Big 36 skeleton block of arches 12x3 with poison banner to take down dragons, two caskets of souls, screaming skulls, horse archers and chariots to countercharge cavalry threats? With a tomb king on dragon of course.
Sounds fun as fuck
About as crazy as me for wanting to do oops all chariots.
You forgot bow ushabti and priests with magic missiles to raise them.
>chariot list
>bonedrag instead of Settra
Shameful display. Entomb yourself NOW
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Not to mention if he ran Settra instead he could put him in that unit of Tomb Guard Chariots
Silly question but attacks made with a magic weapon count as magical?

Also what are the current bases sizes for beastmen? They used to be 20mm for ungors 25mm for gors and beastgors, 40 for minos?
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All magic weapons have the Magical Attacks rule, even a 5pt Burning Blade. Use OWB to look up nu-base sizes
All _gors were 25mm in 6th since they had the shared unit thing, might've been a change from 5th?
bro I can't stop watching the webm.
Hes litterally me
If you're into collecting armies and have a budget just buy a printer my dude, there are scans of almost every official model
Iktf, I've been staring longingly at my untouched pile of shame for like 2 months now. I can probably swing some assembly time next weekend if nothing fucks my asshole last minute.
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Ellyrian reavers always confused me to use correctly so I never tried them
Are the best as hit and run archers to harrass enemies? Or as something to support your heavy cav charges from the flanks?
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Almost done with basecoating. Hoping to have the army mostly done by year-end.
The flail guy stands out nicely. Is he the leader?
Thanks. He's a plague censer-bearer and the others are clanrats. They won't go into the same unit.
Get some soft drinks, beer, and various chips ready. Make sure theres enough for everyone
>clean up a bit
Translation: fill 3 trash bags full of goyslop wrappers and rotting takeout containers off the floor and then nuke your gooncave with Febreze
Will TOW get more lore or are basically frozen in time forever?
Do you want GW Nu-lore? Karl Franz leading his army of Stormcast Eternals to fight the dangers of The Old World.
the story is meant to progress to the Great War Against chaos but it's taking it's time to get their
Where can I read more about Empire-Kislev relations? I am trying to give WHFRPG 2e a go and one of my players REALLY wants to play as an Ice Witch. And I don't have the heart to tell her no.
The impression is that they plan on moving things slowly from this starting point (2275 if I remember correctly) to the great war against chaos of 2300, detailing some tangential events along the way
How well The Old World is doing financially, by the way? I've heard that the pre-order models sold out almost immediately and GW allegedly said they weren't prepared for such sales... which in the end isn't saying much.
What's stopping dwarfs from taking a great cannon + engineer or an empire wizard as allies? Would it be viable?
IcV2 had old world as the 6th best selling game. AoS in 4th in the same quarter for reference.
It'll get new lore the 40k way does, with little multi-book campaigns every so often.
Old World has not sold even a single box, we're getting canceled to make room for Warhammer 20k
Oh no no no xisters, this is what we get for ignoring the BIPOC market.
The fact that you have to take an entire sub army as allies and that army's points allowance is based on the tiny ally allowance.
Ambassador series which has the imperial ammbassador in Kislev as the main POV
why are you setting the game?
because there is an ice witch in Middenhiem that is sent there for diplomatic reason
Did really well in its initial turnout; Brets and TK almost universally sold out. Things got more spotty with the Dwarfs, but some things sold out. Orks and Chaos Warriors were a complete flop.
TLDR; its doubtful that TOW will even be in the top 10 in Fall, but it did well enough that it will continue to be supported.
Kek. You’re wrong, half the orc range sold out and the warriors battalion with non meta warriors also sold out. Unlike Skaventide, which is still selling fast!
Most people (in my area at least) don't like playing with allies, so you might not be able to.
I don’t like the idea of allies either. I hated it all the way back in 7th 40k too. An army has strengths and weaknesses, you shouldn’t be able to just skirt around them as you please by bringing another faction.
I saw they updated the legacy pdf recently, do you guys know what they changed? I can't see anything new on the VC pdf
I see no reason to shit on skaventide. It's pretty useful as far as starters go, and the fact they finally included terrain in it for the first time since Battle of Macragge and Skull Pass restores some hope. Stormkikes are useless trash, but they can be sold off if you split the box.
I still see TK starter boxes here and there. Definitely did not sell like the Bretonnian side.
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I’m not shitting on the box I’m shitting on the “ Selling fast! “ marketing lie of GW to try and induce fomo in what is clearly a low demand product.
>why are you setting the game?
I haven't thought about it just yet. Definately in the Empire, but I'm planning a campaign in some more remote location.
You are trying to bullshit people into thinking it's """low demand""", when it clearly is not. Lots of examples of people building and painting it even on this board. Rat is cool, people want rat, people buy rat. Simple as. Kys self for an hero and ur mum sucks cocks.
I've been re-reading the 6th edition chaos army books recently, specifically the chaos lores. Is it just me, or is the lore of Slaanesh incredibly powerful, with the lore of Nurgle being a close second? The lore of Slaanesh has a spell that completely shuts down an entire unit, a spell that makes a character attack the unit he's in, or shoot at the unit nearest to him, and a spell that forces a unit to move to a specific point on the battlefield, not to mention the other 3 spells being exceptional too. The lore of Nurgle is incredible at killing characters, has two incredible remains in play spells that either reduce WS, BS, S and Ld by 1 or halve the target's movement, a spell that just removes one toughness from any character it targets permanently and Pestilence. Just, go read what Pestilence does. The lore of Tzeentch isn't bad either (especially considering what a chaos lord with the mark of Tzeentch could do after casting Orange Fire), but it definitely seems weaker than the other chaos lores. I suppose that's because it's balanced around tzeentch wizards being good fighters too. But it's such a shame that in TOW, all those cool spells are gone. Even in the lore of Tzeentch, turning enemy models in to Horrors, making them attack themselves, 2 solid, but very variable magic missiles, essentially Oaken Shield but slightly worse and instant death to any character within 6" who fails a leadership test, the spells are all awesome. And that's just in 6th! The chaos spells in 7th and 8th were cool too! I really hope TOW gets a proper magic expansion book, or something like that.
That's retarded. Allies are super restrictive and make for great thematic armies.
It is low demand. It’s a limited release run and it hasn’t sold out many weeks since launch. 40k limited editions sell out in a few hours, Skaventide is still selling fast! With no end in sight.
I don't disagree with you, but a lot of people look at the allies rules and just try to find ways to abuse it.
Better than expected according to GW. that's all we know for sure
The TK and Bret boxes aren't limited release. They're still up on the website despite selling out their initial release
It's undeniably lower demand than the supply as it's a limited run box that GW only just recently sold out of.
Look, I just hope TOW is successful, becuase I really want that Warhammer Fantasy cRPG.
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Alright I pulled the trigger on the Tomb Kings. Bought the core set and a Casket+screaming skull. Do you guys think white instead of turquoise would be too white for the skeletons and lack the contrast? For the shields I mean. Like in this art.
Counterpoint: Chaos mortals and daemons shouldn't be two separate armies and allies will allow for mixing.
I agree with you, marked Beastmen should also be allowed for both daemons and chaos imo. I wish chaos could soup woc, daemons and Beastmen.
This is true, but throw beastmen in there too.
We need to go back to how it was in the Realm of Chaos days. Or, if that's not possible, at least back to 6th edition.
That's true of everything, though. You aren't banning magic items because people take the Ogre Blade instead of the Sword of Might.

It's also really hard to do. No allies Brets can take are better than more Pegasus Knights, no allies WoC can take are better than a Warpfire Dragon or triple dragon. If your army gets better with allies, it's probably bad to start with so it nets out reasonable. Most people haven't even read the allies rules and somehow think you can take allied Great Cannons or Giant Spawn in 2k.
TOW success is kinda irrelevant for that
since nothing has blocked someone trying to make a WFRP CRPG, that game is pretty successful by most TRPG standards, more so than modern 40k RPGs or Soulbound the AoS RPG considering the amount of support it gets from C7.
i think so long as you make Skeleton more yellow-brown you should be fine for that colour scheme
you could probably set it on the Ostermark Kislev Border then since it would have a decent reason for an Ice Witch to be poking around if it's something that also affects Kislev
That sounds good, thanks for the idea. I was thinking about Ostermark actually.
My Bretonnia Army is coming along nicely and a lot of time has been spent on them. Now it occurs to me I need a way to transport them without them being damaged. Do you guys have any recommendations on carry/travel cases for Bretonnia?
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I'm a firm believer in magnetizing minis and putting them in a multi-level toolbox. The bottom has enough room for your cav while the top level is generally the right size for infantry.
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Turn thy lustful eyes away from the maiden's purity, peasant!
>Bretonnian "maiden"
Choose one and only one
Golden Demon winners announced .
TOW winners were all TOW models this time unlike the last Golden Demon
Epic Winner was the Bloody Reaver which I'm not sure it should be in that category but the category makes little sense to me at times
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Your face when you realize that 90% of the Golden Demon winners are 3D printed rather than actual GW minis, even the ones that initially appear as regular minis.
This competition sucked
I was more referring to the Bronze winner in the TOW category last Golden demon just being a slightly kitbashed AoS model that was very clearly still an AoS model rather then the Golden Demon winners using 3d printed models or not
that's a pretty awesome boat
the dwarf banner that won gold for TOW also looks incredible
Overall though, kinda boring! Only one category for The Old World is a real shame.
Well, to be fair last year was TOW debut so you were kind of forced to use AoS models for a lot of factions. I don't hold that against the artist or GW for allowing it in. Going forward though that shouldn't be the norm, and it looks like it won't be.
all the specialist games only get on category it's not like HH or MESBG got more than one either
It's mental how many of the chaos model kits are online only. I don't want to buy directly from GW because I want to support my LGS. Everything except chaos warriors, chaos knights, the plastic characters (aka the worst ones) and the stupid dice are only available online. What were they thinking? Will my LGS get some of the money if I order the online only stuff through them?
Yes the Slaanesh lore is in a vacuum probably the strongest lore in the book. Characters were much less killy in general in 6th edition so that spell isn't particularly crazy but the others such as the forced movement or shutdown one could be killer. Bear in mind that units broke and were completely destroyed more often in 6th edition too, though.

Despite the Slaanesh lore being strong, Tzeentch was the army that could really supercharge their power dice and cast an unstoppable number of spells. Chariots were core so you could easily max out your lords and heroes all as Tzeentch casters (and level 2s were good in 6th ed) with no static infantry and all hypermobile small supporting units and chariots generating a ton of power dice to fuel a continuous onslaught of spells. That was an obnoxious 6th ed list, one where you might even have seen a dragon, and in that way actually played a bit like TOW lists. Chaos can't do the magic thing nearly as well in TOW, but Tzeentch Daemons kind of play like that.
that might be something to ask the LGS owner but I think they do
It may be the new Slann model, but at least the Stegadon well predates TOW.
And it looks like Mazda on Zlaaq, whom GW never bothered to make a model of and you had to kitbash your own anyway.
I think I can build a Slaanesh daemons list that picks on the Bretonnian anti-dragon list, but the problem is the daemon list itself loses to the dragon lists.
I'm so sick of NMM.
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Hummina hummina hummina bazooooooooing! *eyes pop out* AWOOOOOOOOGA! *jaw drops tongue rolls out* WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF *tongue bursts out of the outh uncontrollably leaking face and everything in reach* WURBLWUBRLBWURblrwurblwurlbrwubrlwburlwbruwrlblwublr *tiny cupid shoots an arrow through heart* Ahhhhhhhhhhh me lady... *heart in the shape of a heart starts beating so hard you can see it through shirt* ba-bum ba-bum ba-bum ba-bum ba-bum *milk truck crashes into a bakery store in the background spiling white liquid and dough on the streets* BABY WANTS TO F--K *inhales from the gas tank* honka honka honka honka *masturabtes furiously* ohhhh my gooooodd~
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Oh shit a Blue Velvet reference. Very nice.
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anyone id this skeleton? i like his pose.
I just use a big plastic tub and glue sheet metal to the bottom. Much cheaper than a tool box
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That works too, but I just feel like the toolbox is sturdier and locks in. The last thing I want is a flimsy plastic flap being the only thing between my minis and the harsh outside world.
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I think that's from Sepulchral Guard Underworlds team.
It's from an old underworlds band IIRC.
They all look like they're having so much fun.
She's drinking skaven cum
What's the black one in the middle? It doesn't seem to have any guns...
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Wrong. Only the finest Bretonnian shota milk
I really like that, It's a good Mazdamundi conversion.
An argument came up at my LGS regarding targets for enchantments
Do friendly targets of enchantment spells need to be in the vision arc of the wizard? (Not counting range:self spells of course)
The rulebook states that target for spells need to be in the vision arc for any targetting spell but other players at the LGS are trying to say that enchantment spells don't need to be in LOS.
Which is true?

The high Elf player is stating they can cast Shield of Saphery at a target outside of their vision arc.
>target for spells need to be in the vision arc for any targetting spell
Correct. Around elves, watch yourselves
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It's a weaponless steamtank, just as it shows.
There is nothing stating that Enchantments or Shield of Saphery can target models outside their vison arc.
Typical lying Elf player.
that blackedhill guy said they might go backwards which honestly makes sense especially for releasing legacy armies proper.
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thanks, pity there's no way to get it by itself one of the better gw skeletons i've seen.
Pro tip, an elf player is lying to you if words are leaving his mouth.
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Played in a store for the first time in an age today. Against one of my usual opponents still but the change of scenery was nice, and the battle was good and even as always.
Do you have an example of toolbox you use? I have the Bretonnia core box, 2 trebuchet, the Green Knight and Lady Duchaard to fit in.
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My favourite moment in most battles: the jostling for position before either one pulls the trigger.
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And the glorious rush when it all goes down and its time to see if your plan floats or sinks.
Was thinking about starting OnG as a second army, then I went on the sub and their banner features a pride flag. Are OnG associated with gays in fantasy? I’m not caught up.
about as much as any other faction
fuck off dipshit
I don't they have the auto reform in TOW so go spears for supporting charges
Beastmen are basically trans
In the sex-pest rates and their hatred of happy traditional families
Use them to screen and then support
Kino vampire. Is the beholder a banshee?
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it doesn't need guns where it's going
Set up my ps2 for godhand and devil may cry, shower, and do my best to flirt with his friends
Beastmen are as trad as they come in fantasy. They literally want to return to the old days before men figured out how to build walls.
Only because seeing happy families and villages literally fills them with rage.
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I use it as a chaos spawn that I allied into the army. I wanted to use it to bait the frenzied savage orcs into a charge but I unfortunately rolled too high on the random movement and the stupid thing blundered right into clubbing reach of the savage orc warboss.
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Finally, after all these years, this ghost booba will be mine.
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>want to start vampire counts
>first army as a teen
>can’t find midhammer skeletons anywhere
FUCK. Ebay only has ancient skeleton horde 90’s era skeletons and the trash AoS monopose death rattle skeletons. The midhammer VC skeletons were perfect. Just perfect.
I don't think people know what monopose means
By their standpoint having a nuclear family instead of a gaggle of does that you fuck is progressive .
It means you have no control over the pose. They can be dynamic and monopose. That’s one of my biggest problems with AoS modes. All the poses are incredibly dynamic, but then you have monopose copies in units and it stands out gravely.
If you have a printer there are scans of them available.
what faction lets me have this vibe?
Best case scenario they bring them back in 3 to 5 years

dwarves are litterally the incel faction
beastmen have sex, though rarely with consent of both parties.
Sometimes the village maid gets caught, sometimes the centigors take that ungor buck for a doe...
Personally I like my skeletons naked.
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Is it like the Mark IX tank, a transport?
>billions must die
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*taps ithalmar mic*
FUCK STUNTIES and not in a shortstack horny post kind of way. Shave thier corpses until you have a banner of their beards. Melt their gold and give it to humans!
Polish their gems so that all their fauceted cuts are removed! Plant clinging vines around their statutes and flowers in their vents so that the smell of stale sweat and axe body spray never comes out of their vents.
>pisses on the Phoenix Crown
Quit your yapping elgi
I mean it cost you most of your prosperity and was entirely your fault but sure.

And I'll say it, you guys deserved the orcs
Dwarf greed overrides elf hate, they wouldn't piss on the high kings treasure
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>FUCK STUNTIES and not in a shortstack horny post kind of way.
too late for that, lad, but I appreciate your optimism and I'll wish you good luck in whatever the rest of your post entails, or lend my condolences, whatever fits best.
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Halfings fill the shortstack role better and don't make an entire hold want you dead
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I don't want to pass for a shill, but this shit is stellar
we truly are in a cryptic second golden age for warhammer
How do you fluff some of the more unlikely battles in whfb?
Like high elves vs beastmen or dwarves vs dark elves or lizard men v chorfs
>high elves vs beastmen
Beastmen have put up a Herdstone that affects the winds of magic badly and the High elves have sent an intervention force
Chaos v Tombkings
The fleet got blown off course
It's funny if true
Why didn't you just not move the full move?
>Like high elves vs beastmen
in their patrols of the tainted anulii mountains the elves discover a beastpath™ leading to a place where an army of beastmen is amassing to raid their lands, the elves must strike before the mutants spill into sacred ulthuan
>or dwarves vs dark elves
a black ark attack on a dwarfen vessel results in many dwarfs, including nobles, to be captured, the thongs mustard to liberate the dwarfs or avenge them
>or lizard men v chorfs
the slann predict the chorfs' mining operations will have repercussions on the geomantic web and teleport their army in haste to the dragon isles to march north to stop them preemptively

so mostly portals and autism
>high elves vs beastmen
Beastmen invading Avelorn through a Chaos portal were sighted by a scouting party, believed to be a small herd. /Yourelves/ are sent to go shitstomp them before they do any real damage, but their numbers are larger than expected and you're caught in their ambush.
>dwarves vs dark elves
Dwarf expedition to avenge a caravan raided by dark elves, or dark elves laying siege to a hold to capture a relic of Aenarion to gain favor with Malekith.
>lizard men v chorfs
A chorf sorcerer is about to uncover dangerous magic/technology that could allow him to terraform large swathes of land into a toxic shithole. Lizardmen immediately teleported the fuck over there by Mazda to stop him at all costs, Mazda himself has shit to do.
>Elves loose all their colonies
>Dwarves ever golden age where they are the undesputed rulers of an entire continent
Yeah big win for elves. Lol
Because some people think TOW rules are for WAACfag cunts
It was legit the end of the golden age for the dwarves though. Not only when they lost their best trade partners they would ever have but it was just before the greenskins came from the east.
Also I have a silly fan theory but I believe that the orcs as we know them were an invention fo the chorfs from breeded gnoblars:
>Gnoblar country is the only place in the wh world where green skins are considered "native"
>they made blorcs
>they were not an issue until after the war of the beard
In 5th it's not an option, the 2d6 roll is how far the spawn travels. Rolled an 8 on turn one and 11 on turn two, just a couple inches less would've been perfect. Oh well.
I thought they had a century or so of feeling like winners but then the Slann fucked up the leylines and upset the holds, allowing the rats and night gobs to get in. The orcs just took an opportunity.
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it does get boring after a while. and i'm not digging many of the winners, way too fucking clean, just look at the aos ogre, his skincare routine make morathi look like a cheap whore.

ah well, not like i can do anything presented there.
Dumb lore question: what is exactly stopping an elf from changing allegiances from high to wood to dark and back to high again? Outside of them being eventually hated by all three factions for being an indecisive shithead? I know eldar in 40k have no issue swapping allegiances on the fly.
Was there ever an example of let's say repentant dark elf that wants to join the high elves? Or a salty high elf that decided that Malekith was right all along?
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Cultural differences are significant and a several hundred year old elf would be pretty set in his ways and not willing to abandon sitting in a literal ivory tower in favor of literally shitting in the woods. Ethnic differences are nonexistent given their generation times/lifespans, though, so it's perfectly feasible for a Helf/Delf/Welf child to get captured and integrated into a different elf culture, or a Helf/Delf/Welf woman to get.. "integrated".
>I know eldar in 40k have no issue swapping allegiances on the fly.
Kek extremely wrong. Even being a Ranger for a while is borderline shameful, it's literally called "the Path of the Outcast" and most of them never return to follow another path. Let alone ditching the Craftworld entirely to go play pirate or even fuck around in Commorragh. Especially if something dire were to happen back home while you were busy tonguebathing Wyches. Look at what happened to Prince Yriel (his case is pretty complicated though). Also, Deldar and Eldar don't have nearly as much enmity as Helves and Delves, but they aren't exactly buddy-buddy either, they're still very much at odds ideologically and still fucking hate each other, they just have rare instances of cooperation and diplomacy. The only Eldar who are cool with all other Eldar are the Harlequins.
>Was there ever an example of let's say repentant dark elf that wants to join the high elves? Or a salty high elf that decided that Malekith was right all along?
not really but a Dark elf that goes turncoat would be sent to as far away as possible from Ulthuan for an "interview" like the Citadel of Dusk or Elithis.
Wood elves would probably care the least depending on if it's Asrai or Eonir.
Both those sound like good fluff for an army. I think the different flavors of elf have some ethnic distinctions. Like dark elves tend to have black hair and high elves are blondes.

I've been thinking about getting dark elf minis and painting them more like high elves. For a dread lord that has gotten tired of all the backstabbing and fucked off to make his own colony.
>I know eldar in 40k have no issue swapping allegiances on the fly.
Yeah, no, fantasy is different on that front, the civil war that led to the schism between dark and high elves is a deep wound with the knife still lodged in the raw flesh and occasionally twisting to never let it heal.
And wood elves are isolationists interested only in their own forest and who see the other two sides as beyond chance or right to be helped.
I recognize that undead army! The one with a bone dragon in it

What edition were you guys playing? 5th?
If I recall, it was basically a battering ram both for field battles (crush enemy units under its bulk) and for actual sieges (bash the enemies door down)
>stopping an elf from changing allegiances from high to wood to dark and back to high again?
Politics. Youre not going to be accepted back. But high> wood or high>dark are both doable.

>I know eldar in 40k have no issue swapping allegiances on the fly.
Actually no, a craftworlder cant live like a dark eldar without severe difficulty because theyre psychically attuned and active while dark eldar have forcefully cut that part of themselves out.

Dark eldar and CWE are meaningfully different in a way the asur, asrai, eonir and druchii arent.
>Was there ever an example of let's say repentant dark elf that wants to join the high elves? Or a salty high elf that decided that Malekith was right all along?
No. Yes.

Tears of Isha has a dispute over inheritance within a high elf house turn into a small civil war when one party decides to defect to malekith in exchange for forces to strengthen his claim, so that sort of thing is absolutely possible. But theres been no case that I know of where a dark elf defects to the asur because simply put there isnt anything to be gained there.

Even if you ditch team dark elf, its not like team high elf has good signing bonuses. After how badly the last attempt went theyre not exactly interested in direct action aimed at naggaroth and theyre not exactly going to offer lands and titles back home either. A defecting dreadlord is likely to just go rogue but stay very much culturally dark elf, a "going to make my own dark realm with blackjack and hookers" sort of deal more than anything.
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20" x 8" x 9" URREA toolbox.
Also just going off "faction themes/story logic" the dark elves are more than happy to side with anyone and anything that fucks the high elves over. If prince dipshit of whogivesadamn is going to try and ask for some help to wage war on his brother and decides that his odds are better if he recognizes that malekith did nothing wrong then theres a realistic chance some corsairs and crossbowmen show up to help him in his conflict, even if his overall fate if he does actually suceed might not be entirely positive. Hes probably a disposable asset used to ferment dissent and internal strife within the asur and going to be discarded when he outlives his use, but while hes useful hes going to be on the team (mind you this goes for basically anyone in Naggaroth).

By contrast the Asur are a lot more moral, theyre not going to ally themselves with dreadlord darkedge babyrapist just because he doesent like paying taxes to the witch king. They might seek to exploit the opening if there is one, but the idea of giving the guy actual help would be abhorrent to them because that guy is fundamentally a terrible person whom they hate.

One side is willing to work with any and all forces for the final goal of total asur death, the other is obsessed with moral purity and doing the right thing.
There's probably an STL out there somewhere.
That looks a lot like the toolbox I use to carry my chaos warriors around! A metallic box like that makes for a fantastic carrying case, and you can even use it for multiple armies too, unlike a foam case which would require you to re-carve the foam multiple times for different armies. Magnets are awesome!
No he didn't, Bard said he HOPES it keeps going back
I wonder if there's an stl of the 5th ed squig hoppers, I want more for my ngobbo army but I recently saw the new AoS hoppers and they're fuckhueg, they'd totally clash with my current lads
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Luv me Lady
Luv me lord
Luv me halberd

'ate Orcs
'ate Goblins
'ate Beasties
(AM racist, dun loik em)

Simple fookin as.
now do it in french slang for bonus points
J'aime ma hallebarde.
J'aime mon seigneur.
J'aime la dame.

Je déteste les orcs.
J'ai des gobelins.
Je déteste les hommes-bêtes.
(Je suis raciste, je ne les aime pas.)
C'est simple que.
Angron would be a decent proxy for a bloodthirster right
extra points for getting the accents right.
Je hais les orcs/gobelins/hommes-bêtes works too.
replace the last sentence with c'est aussi simple que ça. as it is currently it make no sense
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Aime ma Dame
Aime mon seigneur
Aime ma hallebarde

Déteste les orques
Déteste les gobelins
Déteste les bestioles
(J'suis raciste, je n'les aime pas)

C'est tout simple.
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Magnetchads keep winning!
its up to personal taste but I LOVE the justapose of fantasy and scifi
My bretonnians charging demon marines sounds baller
Recasters are your friends. Someone probably sells WHU models piecemeal.
They should have left them in production like they did with ork boyz. The older kit is perfect for unarmoured, and new one makes excellent light armour.
I frankly spent way too much time on this, so excuse the shameless dump
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recasters are a thing

also both of those are often found in second hand sites the skeleton warriors box usually is anywhere from 30 to 45€
Really can't be bothered to play tOW.... the game doesn't reward playing Fantasy in the way that I think it should be played. Is there a fan patch to the rules to fix that yet?
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There's several rulesets to choose from. Find the one that speaks to you the most and use that.
Based, I really should go back to 8th and try and fanrule my own 8.5 edition for it, see if I can make my own tOW ruleset I was hoping for
Are you retarded?
>Really can't be bothered to eat chocolate... It doesn't taste the way that I think it should. Is there a fan made candy to fix that yet?
>should go back to 8th
Kek yea you should. ToW is 6th edition and vastly superior to 8th in every way but magic.
>tow is 6th
I play 6th but do not like TOW, it has premeasuring, perentage based listbuilding, and end times units. to me, it resembles 8th more, and I don't like 8th.
Just getting started in TOW, currently assembling and painting, is this list decent for getting into it? I have basically no idea what I'm doing. I've heard that Vampires suck ass compared to the supported factions but I love them so I've made my choice.

Vampire Count[359 pts]
Great weapon, No armour, Level 2 Wizard, On foot, The Flayed Hauberk, Lore Familiar, Master Of The Black Arts, Beguile, Illusion
Master Necromancer[195 pts]
Hand weapon, Level 4 Wizard, General, On foot, Sceptre Of De Noirot, Necromancy
Wight Lord[132 pts]
Hand weapon, Heavy armour, Shield, Battle Standard Bearer [Banner Of The Barrows], On foot

20 Grave Guard[303 pts]
Hand weapons, Heavy armour, Shield, Implacable Defence (0-1 per 1000 points), Seneschal, Standard bearer [The Screaming Banner], Musician
30 Zombies[100 pts]
Hand weapon, Standard bearer, Musician
20 Skeleton Warriors[135 pts]
Thrusting spears, Light armour, Shield, Skeleton Champion, Standard bearer, Musician
10 Dire Wolves[86 pts]
Claws and fangs (Hand weapons), Doom Wolf

3 Fell Bats[45 pts]
Claws and fangs (Hand weapons)
3 Crypt Horrors[145 pts]
Filth-Encrusted Claws, Crypt Haunter

9 Blood Knights[497 pts]
Hand weapons, Lances, Iron-Shod Hooves, Full plate armour, Shield, Barding, Kastellan [Giant Blade], Standard bearer [Drakenhof Banner], Musician
Guestimating is for brainlet try-hards who can't win without a idiotic gotcha mechanic.
So I looked into it.
Linehammer is kinda exagerated and only the sweatiest faggots would do it (mind you I do know one who would at my lgs) but who ever put in the rule that models not in base combat can have a swing, rather than does directly behind those in back combat, was high af
> T. spacially retarded memorylet
I have to agree. Guesstimation slows down games so much and leads to a lot of arguments.
that's 100% the shit people you play with though, never had that be an issue for me
Yup and yep!

I've got plans to expand the army with some new stuff in the coming weeks and months so keep your eyes peeled!
Why do Chaos warriors only have heavy armour when full plate is right there?
Has bard ever posted his dwarf army anywhere?
Will do
I wish standard infantry didn't feel so bad in this edition
stop playing currentyearslop and retvrn to 6th
6th standard infantry were even worse.
8th at least made them worth taking in large numbers.
you don't know what you're talking about
standard 20mm human or gobbo infantry are the best tarpits in the game against heroes and even small elite units. If they have a small hero in their front rank they can go toe to toe against a lot of things, thanks to their static res
You clearly didn't play 6th. Infantry was barely a speedbump in the path of actual useful units. Worthless other than filling up the Core tax.
convinced everyone who thinks this just hasn't actually played much or any 6th
>barely a speedbump

a 20 man state troop w/shields sets you back barely 120 points with command, for a +4 static res (+5 if the enemy doesn't have a banner). Even if the enemy is an elite unit and kills 4 of your guys in one round, you're even.
This works for most human infantry, bretonnian and imperial, chaos barbarians, goblins, etc. Dwarves are a bit more expensive but they have R4, undead too but they are unbreakable and cause fear, and if they outnumber you even by 1 you'll autobreak
dont @ me you nogames towshitter
6th started that way but later and by 7th ed with the new army books he's right, core infantry lasted two turns tops against anything in special or rare. Hell even dwarf and VC lords would blend them in one turn.
I need to paint 2400 pts of Ogres before January halp
thats like 50 models anon, most people here have to paint double that for similar or less points.
>losing with night goblins
good joke?
Fighting from the second line (third if spears) would fix the problems I have with the latest edition
What base size is the ogre ironblaster in TOW? I cant find the info anywhere
>spaghettilines are halved
>it's harder for cavalry to make an infantry block completely unable to respond
>infantry blocks can leverage more attacks against enemies with smaller footprints (monster)

yeah, that would probably nudge things a bit for the better, despite horde rules and second rank attacks having been some of the things that made 8th ed bad
but I won't consider this edition fixed until the interactions between riders and monsters get reworked in a way that stops the absurd saves and lvl4 wizards stop being so mandatory compared to a similar amount of points spent on smaller widards, at the very least
why, it makes sense historically with back rows not fighing until the enemy reached them while front rows clashed and tried to encircle one another? It just looks weird since the models are held in ranks so a bunch of guys might be miles away on the sides if the opposing unit is smaller.

honestly if spears ignored step up that would be fine and it'd give them that 'good against cav/monsters' that they logically would provide. Halberds could choose between a spear or getting the strength and AP bonus.
New Thread
it should be written in the unit profile in the army pdf
in any case units like those have either a 50x100 or a 60x100
in 8th ed it had the 50x100, now I don't know what rationalise they use for deciding who goes on a 60x100

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