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Chaos Girls Doing Chaos Things edition

>Reveals are Coming Soon™

>Balance Dataslate:

>Community Links:

>3rd Party Models Pastebin:

Info hash: d91d8b9daa9c5dc9105fc0ec09812cbc17a752b5

>10th Edition Rules:

>Tithes Animations

>Previous thread:

>Thread question:
Come on now, what are your last minute predictions for the stream?
Hopefully Horus Heresy miniatures all getting legends rules for use in 40k.
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I am a Rogue Trader. My Flagship is pretty welcoming, With a harem of sexy alien and different types of human females wife's.( As long as I'm not doing chaos or treason against the interest of the Empire man 'm okay because I'm a Rogue Trader .
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I do sometimes have a problem with different species or types of wives like to pick fights with each other or bully each other.
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Who in your objective opinion is the best Primarch?
Where is the meme of white scars and eldar from?
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this other meme
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Lord adorable
the dead and forgotten ones
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Mandrad Humanthran
I personally find it very funny Abaddon can't take the Eye of Abaddon enhancement
I predict that they will NOT announce a new Lucius model.

Horus is the most entertaining to read.
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>Tzeentch gets covered by the logo
Just as planned.
Why do all fan art of Vulkan/Salamanders have them Niggers when GW always draws him and the Salamanders caucasian with coal black skin?
>Rogue Trader
>having children with your xenos concubine
This can only end in a tragically bloody succession crisis within your dynasty when you finally die and all your distant relatives show up to contest the warrant of trade, since your children are ineligible to inherit on account of being half-breed abominations.
Guilliman by far. If the Emperor had just made 20 Guillimans he would have conqured the galaxy and brought about eternal peace easily.
This is what I look like IRL
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I feel like russ is the only one allowed to be flawed in a way that is going to pay off in a character growth whenever he's going to come back as not!odin
Personally I noted that he has no eyebrows but that's just me
i like imperial knights
is it over for me?
Armigers are very cool.
The best knight is in plastic
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A new Ork kill team, either stormboyz or they are just gonna chuck in the monopose boyz kit in there with an upgrade sprue.
That looks nothing like a black person's skin tone.
I'm more annoyed that they continue having Lorgar be middle eastern when he's described as pale but one artist figured desert = arab and it stuck.
it's nutsbustas
The fuck is the bottom left picture???
Because, as deuterostomes, the genes that direct the development of your lips are first and foremost the genes responsible for your asshole.
And since vulkan was made to be a black asshole then it's only logical he would have black lips.
Where does the desert equal white people?
Oh my sweet child of summer
But there's middle eastern people with white skin. Most of Iranians are white, at least they aren't different than many Europeans (southern Europeans) Iranian people.
yeah but people won’t like playing against me and then they’ll beat me up and steal my lunch money :(
You two argue it out then lmao.
All I'm saying is the depiction of him as middle eastern isn't lore accurate, although the implication is kind of funny.
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>Come on now, what are your last minute predictions for the stream?

Same as last time. A lot of talking about shit that's already out or already known, a single actual miniature or kit shown, probably for something very few people care about, followed by some incredibly vague discussion about things that might come some time in 2025.
>Iranians are white
Iran is closer to the Asia than most of the Middle East including the Arabs who are generally considered to be Asian.
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>An Underworlds Skaven team with the already teased bomb rat
>Tanks for Imperialis, who cares, no one plays it
>Tzaangor Kill Team that's just an upgrade sprue (and price increase of Tzaangors for the trouble of course.) Coincidentally, this counts as your new obligatory Thousand Sons model for their codex no refunds :).
>Thanquol for AoS
>"Oh and one more thing" at the end and a single Noise Marine will be shown that won't be released until Q4 2025. Please clap.
>Iran is closer to the Asia than most of the Middle East including the Arabs who are generally considered to be Asian.
Whites have moved around a lot. There's whites as far field as Afghanistan.
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Idk I kinda want to make a 'small' knight army one day, with one knight of each type I like.
There's a small knight you can make from an armiger which is super cute
So when’s the stream?
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Actually, scrap that. Nothing for 40k, just one or two more armies added to the roadmap.
Eight minutes.
>using geography instead of genetics
>"generally considered to be"
So you don't actually have an argument?
>>Thread question:
>Come on now, what are your last minute predictions for the stream?
Legiones imperialis ruinstorm daemons, acting as practical announcement for a plastic army of demons for 30k proper.
I've always imagined him and Magnus as both pretty Coptic-looking
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This post will get (You)s.
>Fulgrim isn't "Griffith"
it startes
Doesn't appear to be any space marines.
GAY and LAME confirmed.
dunno, ask /vg/
It's criminal how much cooler daemons are in HH
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>green for nurgle
>red for khorne
>warpstone for skaven
>purple for slaanesh
>blue for tzeentch

>it's actually orks, stormcasts, undivided and ratlings, with skaven being the appropriate one
A rat with the Anus Destroyer 900, a chaos sorcerer, a tiny knight, some exciting stormcast guy, and Helbrute II.
Ugh is that votann far left?
Skaven (Underworlds)
Chaos (Smegmar)
I will be 100% correct.
thank adb for that
he always struck me as a pale levantine
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idk why you guys are expecting any 40k shit
they telegraphed pretty transparently that this was gonna but a disappointing pile of shit
Good, fuck flanderization. Not everything green should be Nurgle, not everything mutated should be Chaos.
Yes, it is destined
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Preemptive F in the chat for Chaos Daemons lads
Ratlings confirmed
>Dykecast Thundyr X-Bower™
>WoC sorcerer #2
What is death compared to vindication?
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GW has always been flip flopping in their depiction of Salamanders
Given it's an entire planet of people, what are the odds there'd be differences?
Geez, two of the models in the teaser checked off in the very first reveal.
There are white, black, and azn salamanders, but 100% of them have infrablack skin and Vulkan himself is black
Where are you guys seeing this? I don't see anything for it on the community page
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I'd kneel if the Votann get genetically engineered animals or flame sentry turrets.
40k planets, specially those owned by Chapters for millennia usually are have homogenous populations.
Nocturne is not a cosmopolitan planet, but tehnically a fucking death world
So they just don't even link it on the community page anymore?
lol @ removing art and them trying to sell that as a positive point.
>40k planets, specially those owned by Chapters for millennia usually are have homogenous populations.
While I disparage coomer shit that's actually decent, not too overdesigned and isn't excessively coom, unlike Creature Caster shit
The repulsor kit is just an impulsor with a turret and a hardshell for the stupid pickup truck bed, right? I've heard of people just friction-fitting the hardshell and running it as an impulsor if they need to.
White Scars still have different groups
Might just have a nap and check the thread later tbdesu.
Daaaaayumm the stormcast faces...whoever designed that should be sent to Palestine
How likely are successor chapters to inherit their progenitors gene-flaws? I'm assuming that it wasn't necessarily that every founding chapter started showing flaws in the geneseed until sometime in the 10,000 years after the heresy. So if we assume that the second founding was done before those flaws appeared, could they be free of defects? And the chapters descended from those successors? For example, does the Blackguard necessarily all have pale white skin?
>40k planets, specially those owned by Chapters for millennia usually are have homogenous populations.
That is very specifically not true. I know I've read stuff about Space Marine aspirants not getting along at first because they were from different tribes
he's not going to come back
Necrons kill team rule update pls
but not a new kit, i've just ordered hierotek circle
What's flanderisation about that? they've announced the stream as a treat about chaos for chaos and now they couldn't showcase not even a single model for each god? it's not even all chaos models
Up to you.
Otherwise would kinda ruin the point of unknown successors.
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dude the Iron Hands' Chapters are based on the vastly different and frequently warring clans of Medusa
I hope White Scars can do https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6WlI24rv__g
>he doesn't know about the Fenrisian viKangs
>How likely are successor chapters to inherit their progenitors gene-flaws?
>I'm assuming that it wasn't necessarily that every founding chapter started showing flaws in the geneseed until sometime in the 10,000 years after the heresy.
Nah, all the known ones were in place before the second founding.
>How likely are successor chapters to inherit their progenitors gene-flaws?
practically certain
Literally the first reveal was a Skaven warband
Literally the second reveal was new stuff for Slaves to Darkness
very likely
it's why most successors are UM or IF - their seeds either have no flaws or autism as the flaw compared to shitting out your intestines or something
Same shit as "muh orktober", to be short, you're not entitled to shit and always curb your expectations.
As for flanderization, I think the idea that gods own colours is fucking stupid.
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Give Votann Titans like this. Giving them gold robots that clap and drink wine is too obvious.
>thin legs.
Marines have thick legs.
>new stuff for Slaves to Darkness
and there will be literally nothing else for chaos, just orks, ratlings, krieg and some hh shit

why even call it a chaos stream?
Worse site """upgrade""" ever.
It's always worse with warhammer corp.
>and there will be literally nothing else for chaos
Are you will to bet? If they do even one more Chaos model, post a picture of your dick
Honestly as a teen I thought dwarfs were cool but now that I have grown up I think they're super embarrassing and lame. Evil dwarfs are cool tho, like chaos dwarfs or derro or duergar. But regular dwarfs are lame bearded midgets, super ew
>Pushing Darkoath

Arguably the most boring AoS faction. At least the fish people are unique.
Is valrak actually /ourguy/?

>Hates 10th edition
>Hates nu lore
>wants more narrative less T sports
>Hates Age of Sigmar
>Prefers to build narrative focused armies
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the armours say otherwise
No, it's the Gladiator that's like that. Friction fit the shell, magnetize the turret, you can swap between the Gladiator variants or just leave it off for an Impulsor. $5 gets you three more models your kit can be.
>white male
he's no guy of mine
no because hes a fat manbaby imperial fist shillpig
hes about as retarded as the average /40kg/ poster that lines up
>Arguably the most boring AoS faction.
Super ugly too, and all the trash women.
oh my fauci
is that BELAKOR???
*heavy breathing into the mic*
I want to find a print or make it myself to add some armor to the front thighs of terminators,
>Giving them gold robots that clap and drink wine is too obvious.
But what if I want those?
Are the fishies boring? Their models are kinda cool
Valrak acts like a grog but he also acts like a zoomer timmy.

He hates 10th edition but complains that the narrative is not progressed, and loves Primarchs
new knights box
I really don't understand how the Arbites are supposed to work, or what goals they're supposed to pursue. It's not like they're out there arresting your common criminal, and once a threat becomes large enough to effect things on a planetary level, you'd just call in the guard. So what are they doing?
They're space FBI.
ASMR themed stream?
Armors sculpted by retards.
I check my twitch way more than any warhammer site
>I think a lot of people's favorite aspect of the Tau are the battlesuits
I guess GW can't actually sell people's favorite aspect...
That Necron battlebox is boring as shit.
But what does that effectively mean? They distribute warp dust to the ghettos of Nocturne?
The Arbites are in charge of pursuing threats that threaten the Tithe and the loyalty of Imperial worlds.
Bro, just look at all the different types of crime syndicates in Necromunda. They’d be for stuff like that.
no, they don't. Chogoris is space Mongolia and pretty homogenous
tribes != races
they don't exist. The ones in the cover of that book do not appear at all in the text
that's the point
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>40k section is literally just the Christmas boxes
It's going to sell out instantly
enforcing imperial law
local crimes are enforced by local police forces
>Renaming Robo Girlyman to G Man
Why even bother
They go after interplanetary criminals and anyone who violates non-local laws.
>No Death Guard BOX
>No Imperial Guard box
>No other Chaos boxes
>Chogoris is space Mongolia and pretty homogenous
They have bits of China and even Japan. Also what do you mean homogenous? Modern Japan would laugh at how much fake homogeny they have. White Scars recruit from a collection of heterogenous tribes rather than a single unified culture, meaning their depicted hairstyles and armour customizations can come from pretty much anywhere in and any historical period of East Asia in general.
>no drukhari
>no emperor's children
I sleep
Arbites wouldn't care about local gangs.
Back to /slop/ with ye
That's what an individual planet's enforcers or equivalent are for. The Arbites are to protect Imperial interests, not planetary ones.
Cool I’d like to pick up some cheap rhinos.
Orks suck.
Do the White Scars actually have anything to do with Eldar in the lore? Or is this just big titty Eldar girlfriend memes?
knew the secret thing would shitty merch
Normal issues with gangers and normal people, a step below involving the PDF

I wonder if there's any book were the arbites take down the early stages of a GSC, that would be a good read
Guard just had a box last year and we're getting Kriegshit next year, calm your tits.
>Twitch on the verge of rioting
The Khan went missing after he went into the Webway in pursuit of Dark Eldar.
>A commander with no crisis, one broadside, one ghostkeel and one riptide?

What in the fuck is that box
Deathwing Knights are cool.
Two Knights boxes and a Dark Angels one will do me I think.
Why are you guys mad, it's THE warhammer! Now on sale!
Is it bad that the penitent crusade one looks as the best option
wow it's fokin naffin
it's not the warhammer
THE warhammer is the one wielded by harry the hammer
>literally showing anything to not show interesting stuff

What next, AoS mug coasters?
this but unironically
Having orks in 40k is retarded
honey we have Warhammer at home
I am indifferent, It's not my kind of toy
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I need help. Every time I hear Deathwing, I think of WoW and imagine that styled DAs.
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Why do I fall for this every time
God these all look dogshit
Nice and balanced, their active ability makes up for any shortcomings in their personality.
What? the Knights one is great
Tzeentch is the god of hope and you are but a pawn dancing to his tune.
Every time I watch one of these I feel like I'm a member of the worlds stupidest cult
>Mechanicum box leaked
>stream pretending as if they just showed it, talking about it

knight and lion box are going to disappear before even being announced on the website
Knights are gay and should stick to their containment game
imagine being firstiary and paying for this crap ha ha ha ha!
WS and Eldar connections:
>The Khan dissapeared after the Heresy chasing Deldar raiders into the webway
>Slaanesh tried to corrupt the WS during the HH
>It's implied by Magnus that Cegorach had a hand in the Khan arriving to Chogoris instead of Chemos (he was swapped with Flugrim)
>The WS are sophisticated barbarians into speed a bit like Saim Hann eldar
>the similitudes between Stormseers and Farseers
They're concerned with secular matters that could lead to a planet falling, but before you'd call in the guard. A suspected seditious governor, or a mutinous and powerful individual looking to usurp planetary rule, would have Arbites investigating and working against on the ground level. If things heat up, they can requisition their own detachment of Guardsmen to deal with matters, but if they fail to quell the rebellion before it becomes a full scale war the rest of the army will touch down on the planet.
shit just got real
>Dark Mechanicum
>For Minihammer only
Fucking monkey paw
When are you going to learn 40k as a game is a secondary concern to them. This is a brand they want to be english magic the gathering. Thats all now until the company hits its next collapse.
Actually cool.
post your dick dude.
Yeah, but that's basically the same as a rivalry between states. You have different regional identities, but your cultures are still gonna be pretty similar, for the most part.
The game is shit, who cares
just casually dropping first Dark Mech unit
Darkmech fags on suicide watch.
I have to kill myself
>that's basically the same as a rivalry between states.
that's an assumption you're making
Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment
Negavolt Cultists were the first
Knight one is decent what are you on about
Ratlings are Americans?
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why do hobbits even exist in 40k this shits gay
Ah, forgot about those.
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>"holiday model"
Southerners to be exact.
>commemorative model
but youtuber said all you eat in 40k is corpse starch
Should have made them Irish.
ye of little faith
Kill Team is where the SOVL is

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Why do they call it the 41st millennium when it's called 40k everywhere?
Orks won
Great stream!
And there's Orktober.
goddamn those kill teams look fucking great
He cute.
I heckin love forced ork loadouts
>All of Orktober so far
What century are you in and what year is it.
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As someone who actually reads the books, it's less of an assumption and more of an observation. Or maybe you just have no idea that each state in the US has a different spin on the overall same way of life. Either way, you don't seem to have any sort of counterpoint, you're just trying to argue for argument's sake.
They look bigger than normal Orks. Is that Nob Warboss-sized?
>These idiots think 40k matters outside of videogames and specialist games anymore
after 9th and 10th its over. Its never ever been more over than it is now.
Finally, some good fucking food.
post models with timestamp or shut up
Catholic church fucked up the calendar, they didnt know what zero is.
>each state in the US has a different spin on the overall same way of life
man that is extremely incorrect. Just because some states do barbeque wrong doesn't mean they have a different spin on life.
about fucking time, really
Forced loadout. Shit unit.
it's m42 now
first your 10mm scale one
We got ork models on orktober, that's a first since 5 years ago
It already did, fakegrog
I cannot sanction your buffoonery.

The 1900s were called the 20th century. That’s just how it works.

It’s just math, if you count to 100 from zero, any number in that range will have been a part of that whole.
these models are outstanding
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i like most of them, dark angels the most
imperial knights are prolly the best value
a bit sad with necrons innit, too many warriors
How can you even go barefoot in 40k
Now's your chance to be a big shot
Is that Big Boss?
Are these orks way bigger than regular orks is that just because they are standing next to ratlings
they're disgusting mutants (britons) and rightfully discriminated against
>There are no tanks in Kill team - that we know of
Grot tanks confirmed for 2026
I can't

I'm tired of meme pet models, boss
why are you even hating like this
For the same reason we're in the 21st millennium and its not 2100 yet
They're pretty big.
my body is so ready
>One Knight
>Four Armigers
We’re never getting proper bondsman back are we…..
I sleep.
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>yet another sm cartoon
They've been slowly upscaling them, they're also becoming bigger/stronger in lore
All the fan animators they scooped up were making imperial wank lol I was always shat on for this but the 40k cartoons are SM wank
I don't hate it

I'm just tired
Yes, he’s a Midhammer chad
Tankbustas pretty good, but overall shit.
lol called it
What a fucking joke of a "reveal" stream.
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Did something pop up at the end?
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eh ill take it
Fuck you Valrak
>we heard you hated the tankbustas due to limited rokkit launches, pistols, and melee
>... so we did it again but MORE melee and MORE pistols
Absolutely fuck off, EC are confirmed, I am fully erect, I give no shit about your shitty Aspect Warriors or whatever nonsense you wanted to see.
>1 chaos sorcerer
>1 epic scale 30k venomcrawler
where were the chaos reveals?
You should be happy your shitty microfaction isn’t squatted
The chaos reveal was the "EC are coming in 2025" 2 second teaser
Tune in again in November for more ;)
>no krieg reveals till November at the earliest
>EC won't be revealed this year 100%
>eldar phoenix lords delayed too prolly

I'll just take my NL kill team and paint em up.
Skaven warband
Nobody cares about your shitty xenos, grow up.
EC hype started
maybe slightly moves up the timeline for them from fall to summer
Yup, EC chapter symbol with a ”Coming in 2025”
the symbol for the emperor children

announcing to the retards in the back of the room who were clearly too blind to see what's going on or too deaf to listen to rumours we've had for months that the inevitable EC army is indeed coming eventually
to noone's actual surprise
Doesn't matter. They'll give them good rules to sell them.
Howdy, gentlemen, I'm here for the Thousand Sons announcement.
that's a skaven reveal, not a chaos reveal
Lmao OK
We all knew EC was coming, they’ve been revamping each chaos legion

Don't worry Sonsister, tune in next month for the reveals!
>not chaos

It's okay Lenny, you just go back to painting those Tzaangors.
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Fantastic stream, 0 complaints
They're Nids or Necrons
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Tzaangors. Tzaangors as far as the eye can see.
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Definitely better than the previous catastrophic fuckup of a stream. 6/10
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>april was 13 years ago
no one gives a shit about krieg or eldar
eldarfags are the most miserable cunts
I like Tzaangors
Some genuinely boring people really care about Krieg
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What's the best way to make cables w/ greenstuff? Gonna try making some to connect this dude's gun to his backpack
>EC in 2025
Meh, it's going to be a disappointment anyway.
I'd rather see something I fucking care about instead of that.
You could've just said "I like shit" and spared yourself a syllable.
Try to make cleaner cuts next time holy shit
>I'd rather see something I fucking care about instead of that.
and that is?
Where does this "skaven are not chaos" shit come from when they are always called "chaos worshiping ratmen" and use the raw solidified material of chaos for everything and literally have their own chaos god?
Did anything interesting come up today?
Can't see it on official channels.
Salamanders are getting a codex
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Take a blob of greenstuff and roll between your palms/on a matt until you get a string. Then cut to length.
I hope once EC are out and each god has its codex, their respective demons are included into them. I don't ask for more.
My prediction for the profile:
A2 WS4 S8 anti-vehicle 4+ AP-2 D3
Hopefully they kill off Chaos Daemons as an army now so that I can actually take my Soul Grinders alongside Vashtorr instead of being told that I need to pay lesser daemon tax for no fucking reason
997th son got announced (It's bob from the local trucker garage).
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Make a greenstuff snake. Wrap it around a paper clip. Roll a comb on it. Once it cures you can clip and bend it into any shape you want.
Pic related some bigger ones I did a million years ago
>the only marine box is one that will ONLY work for dark angel players
Greenstuffworld tentacle maker works wonders
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Will the prodigal son return
My prediction for the profile:
A2 WS4 S7 AP-1 D2
i hope so
hoping that's the reason they have sat on the chaos bikers box for so long
>tfw the Knights box will probably sell out before I can buy it
>AoS Nurgle box has useless warcry unit in it killing all the value
>sisters box has rhinos in it killing the value (rhinos are free, you can just take them)
I'm sad
Just watched the space marine cartoon.

Not that I wish to start any 'drama', but does the face of this Necron look AI generated or am I just overthinking? It's got the weird 'overdetail' that some of the AI generators do when asked to make space marines.
when will these new battleforces be available for preorder? i didn’t watch the stream
>he doesn't know
Where's the warcom article?
Codex Space Marines already came out.
from the fact that the ascension of the rat is a cope and counting skaven reveals as chaos reveals would be like showing only sisters of battle at a marines reveal stream
I missed the tankbustas reveal.
What's the model count?
Codex Adeptus Astartes*
the what? Which one?
the over detailed stuff is just the animation studio(Safehouse) style in models there also doing the 3d animated Gundam film for Netflix
Is there a reason everyone paints Grey Knights with red robes, book, weapons etc?

It only on Warhammer+? Link?
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Fool of a Took!
Free cartoon (As they said) Space marine short. They announced it on stream.

They're really not having luck shifting that fatass priest mini, are they? Its in the Agents CP too
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>look AI generated
I was thinking the same at certain parts

the details on the models seem weirdly cluttering and at times almost inconsistent
I think this was produced as a test run to say "hey we can produce this type of animation for these kinds of costs if you give us the licence"

I bet GW feels real happy about the slop, especially with the choppy animations
>from the fact that the ascension of the rat is a cope
I don't know what the fuck "cope" means anymore. I genuinely can't parse this sentence, because I don't know how you're using that word.
>and counting skaven reveals as chaos reveals would be like showing only sisters of battle at a marines reveal stream
That's not correct, because skaven do belong to the superfaction of chaos, whereas sisters of battle do not fall under the label of "space marines".
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hey man can you tell me what these symbols on skaven banners are
Because the chaos that counts is just the four gods
Fatrak confirmed new daemonette sculpts are coming
That helmet is awesome. Where'd you get the halo from?
They'd better resculpt all of the dogshit lesser daemons.
i would be surprised that Namco Bandai would want to do that though considering how much of their money comes from Gunpla
I couted seven plus two squigs. So I'm guessing 12 total.
pinks and blues are pretty new
1. Battleforce boxes revealed. Necrons, DAngels, Knights, Sisters, and Tau battlesuits
2. Orks vs ratlings for Kill Team, plus a ratling holiday commemorative mini
3. Emperors Children teased
4. Dark Mech also made an official appearance for Legion Imperialis, so I guess they’re finally becoming a thing
For 4. they said explicitly that there is “more to come” on dark mechanicum in horus heresy
Not Salamanders.
So no.
People have their eyes drawn towards red, so it makes for a good spot colour.
lol, warhammer community shit the bed. Their developers are absolute jokes
>For 4. they said explicitly that there is “more to come” on dark mechanicum in horus heresy
Yeah, for Legions Imperialis that is.
They only showed 1 model for them.
Blues are, pinks are not. Blues came out in AoS; Pinks came out all the way back in 2010.
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Pretty boring. The Orks were cool but who the fuck likes ratlings? The boxes look shit. Yet another SoB one. I guess it's cool the Dark Mech are a thing finally and I'm eager to see the EC but it's a long way off still I bet. Meh.
Dark mechanicum look shit

Ratlings are a meme
>who the fuck likes ratlings?
Abhumans are great and we need more.
>I guess it's cool the Dark Mech are a thing finally
They aren't, though. This simply does not count.
I predict that this thread will be rendered unusable for months when they do so.
Dark Mech in 30k is a signal that Vashtorr WILL ascend and IW and Dark Mech will become HIS factions in 11e trust the plan 2 more years
Anyone rip that new deathwatch animation off shithammer TV?
gay as hell
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the prophecy
Should be converted into the servitor that is stamping all those oversized purity seals.
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>chaos stream

>one undivided aos sorcerer
>one darkmek epic 30k walker
>one skaven squad for underworlds

>tankbustas kill team
>ratlings kill team
>ratling limited model

>ghal maraz cosplay prop
>deathwatch vs necrons short

>chaos stream
Cancelled my subscription after the female custodes bullshit.
It's a free video...
>he was subbed
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Tankbustas looks like a forced 10 man unit like Kommandos. Count 5 rokkit guys, 3 tankhammers, knuckles, the boss with hammer and 2 bomb squigs.
They will probably be way overpriced like mandos
fabius bile here
you’re gay
>Dark Mech in 30k is a signal that Vashtorr WILL ascend
He wont.
He will be an eternal jobber like his brother Be'lacuck.
Said it was the YEAR of chaos not the STREAM of chaos, idiot
yeah you are
It's the one the Noxious blightbringer comes with
>subbed to WH+ in the first place
GW already have you by the balls and you're too much of a retard and a faggot to realize.
I don't wanna go to their website to watch it
Shut up doomsissy comptroon those models are absolutely amazing
Go buy another primaris kill rig
but for how long anon?
better to ripp it now so GW does not take it down on a whim like Arstartes or what Hasbro did with that free Novella for MtG
It was the year of chaos last year though, or perhaps 2 years ago
The new site is so shit, they've had trouble keeping it updated in the past but now it's actually worse. They didn't even have an article up to watch the preview show, and have articles go up for each reveal during the preview, but there wasn't any of that and now the site has crashed lol. I wonder if they were tricked by some consulting company into "upgrading" their sites, or whether this was someone in corporate's pet project.
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you will not be missed
>Said it was the YEAR of chaos
Only thing Chaos has gotten so far is 2 mediocre CSM lord models and that is it.
My ass on the regular is more chaotic when I go to the toilet than this fucking entire year has been.
I for one can't wait for the trannyettes.
The fallout will be amazing.
Don't despair anon!
Tankbustas will be like lootas and burnas, 5-10 man units with rokkit launchas as default, and the special weapons being optional.
If anything it's a sign that if it happens it won't be soon. GW is not going to release them close to the HH release.
If you don't care about being comp why aren't you running tankbustas in your list right now?
We'll see. I noticed today's stream didn't break 20k.
Remember the whole Year of the Xeno thing? That was incredibly embarrassing
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the year is almost over
behold the year of chaos

barely more than what orks are getting for orktober SO FAR
Good. The lastest sculpts were an eyesore.
They can't even get their text formatting properly on the store pages
>stream is literally about fucking nothing
>dude it didn't even break 20k
No, fucking wonder.
It’s hilarious considering now busy their main page is with all the text, and little to differentiate all the separate articles. I would not be surprised if they got scammed by an outsourced contracting firm. That, or their designers are blind and don’t know when something is too busy and unhelpful
Based. Fuck that shit.
Now do all the AoS chaos releases, cretin
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If it can't break 20K it's certainly not going to break 40K.
I'm happy enough with the current plaguebearers, but I have a ton of them and older metal ones so I have no need for them anyway.
>>stream is literally about fucking nothing
>>dude it didn't even break 20k
>No, fucking wonder.
People don't know it's due to be shit until they've seen it. People are not even bothering to turn up now. It's a bad sign.
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Old ass models that have been impossible to buy locally
NTA but who gives a flying fuck about AoS?
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huh the new animation was directed by erasmus brosdau, he did 40k fan animations WAY back, he was the astartes dude before the astartes dude was a thing, was decent
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Already have ratings and damn well cost cheaper
Like half as good too!
>point ears
miss me with that gay shit
i did wonder if it was then since it looked like it was animated in Unreal which is what that studio uses
>People are not even bothering to turn up now.

The Warhammer community website was completely broken and it's the way most people look at streams. The only ones that managed to watch it were the one that specifically searched for it on Twitch.
GW explicitly said they won't support 40k until next year.
he was the lord inquisitor guy right
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not an ork connosieur, but the new ones look good to me
I think the funniest feature is the little read time thing they have with every article, I get why they're on news sites because articles can vary in length based on what they're about, but warcom is a glorified bulletin board site, any article that is more than a few minute read is a significant outlier. It's the sort of decision that likely came from an outsourced firm that is trying to win the contract through claiming they can add a bunch of features, most of which don't actually improve the site.
and yet they just released Vespid and Jump pack Scions with 40k rules today. Curious!
>admitting to have subscribed to WH+ in the first place
beyond embarrassing, genuinely no hope for you
Are you from the past?
They look like beast snagga slop.
I find this particularly amusing, given that Orks were crying for new Tankbustas because their ranged AT is woefully shit, but then the KT is going to be 2 guys with rokkit launchers lmao
I was
I do, I might buy the maggotkin battleforce to branch out of warcry.
it'll have more weapons on the sprue like every other KT box designed with 40k compatibility in mind
They have to hope that the box allows all rokkit launchers with the usual addition of a customisation sprue for kill team. It's a big cope but all Kill Team kits are presented with all the specialists built so it's not totally impossible
KTs usually come with specalist and standard builds, so I'd imagine you can probably build them all with the standard rokkits.
ork models just can't be bad man, too powerful
No they don't what the fuck are you talking about?
>what the fuck my skirmish game models are designed with skirmish game mechanics in mind???
There's also VictoriaMiniatures' halflings.
What do you think those sausages are made of? Ever see how a sausage is made?
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>neither team has a dual knife guy
what the fuck
Would Astolfo stay loyal at or side with Horus at the Istvan 3 drop site massacre?
>I wonder if they were tricked by some consulting company
realistically speaking the corporate heads probably did it as a way of justifying the salaried webdevs they have. Tale as old as time.
how the fuck are these gonna work
Aesthetically they look great. I can't decide what's going on here scale wise - are we shifting even further towards smaller-head proportions for Boyz-equivalent models, or are Tankbustas now Nob-profile units? These dudes look huge and the Nob leader doesn't seem in any way significantly larger than the rest. If it's the former then I guess that explains why it's harder to tell them apart, but I can't say I'm much of a fan of that. Also not a fan of the unit having less rokkit launchers overall.
it's not mandatory on KT loadouts either, little retard-kun~
me top left
wtf gw you sexist pigs why aren't half of them female?
retard, you can kit them out with all rockets, you could see it on the stream
Shut up, bitch!
Yes yes, great, all you have to do is build a bunch of boxes for a single squad! It's going to be soulful as fuck
T. James Workshop
Orks have the guy who dual wields fists to punch you.
Ratlings don't like melee in general.
we don't know the weapons in the kit, for promo shots they always mix the loadouts
>give you slightly stronger weapon for free
>not mandatory
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>tfw it didn't happen
Hold me, /40kg/.
Traitor, obviously, no loyalist would be caught with a skirt that short
I'm happy for some real representation
probably sculpted by the same guy who did the halfling bloodbowl team. They look great
Why? Its always been canon anyway really, doesnt break any lore and gives the ever growing female gamers more to relate to
for overweight uggos? yeah, now you can feel seen!
you can't add barefoot women models because of THAT crowd...

>Exploding Varmints: The Board Game
you will get him to respond
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>great looking mechanicum range
>no rules for 40kay
im checking out
He... He looks like me..

He's built like me... I... thank you
Man these guys are going to look great in blue.
I mean ratlings are supposed to be pretty ugly. My only complaint is how few of them are actually holding their weapons out but I imagine the sprues have that covered like the rest of the kill teams
>Warcom STILL down
This is what happens when pajeet migration into your country is left unchecked
>ever growing female gamers
troons don't count
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The death wing christmas army actually looks pretty good. I might consider buying it. Please talk me out of it since I already have 2 armies.
>I'm happy for some real representation
But that's not an ogryn.
Then go back!
non-homebrew space marine chapters will leave you empty
Do it.
THey can be a homebrew DA successor chapter though.
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Are there any models missing because during the stream they showed some rokkit launcher boys which I don't think fit any of these as mere "options"
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Do we have a price point for this year's battleforces?
Was looking for an excuse to get some ally knights and that battleforces is exactly what I wanted, so I can have the choice of armiger or big knight support
What was last year's? $230 USD? So start eating less big macs and start saving up!
I'm thinking they used 2 kits and they're going to have options for full hammers or full rokkits
Fingers crossed
they said 2025 is the year of Chaos, numbnuts
The current tankbustas rules are fucking shit. Any change is welcome
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imagine losing to orktober still
It's always about +10€ than the year before
>Blood Angels shit goes on the website
>That description
Is GW for real? Paint them any other color and they're pretty easily mistaken for any other jump pack model.
2025 is the year of Chaos you moron
I'm a euro so I get "less" price fucked by GW exporting, plus I get 25% off at my club's lgs.
Shit I might actually buy these fucking knights
It looked fine to me.
why? you clearly display cuck behaviour by subbing in the first place
you should be enjoying the female custodes to cuck your little panzy ass even further
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>adding orks released out of orktober
will probably be $280 from an LGS with the 15% off GW price
just do it you faggot
The sausage guys aren't a part of this?
how do i get the sausage team?
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>Canadian funny money
You're lucky they take it all
Where are the lords? Did the dies crack?
That is the Christmas model
Female custodes is a betrayal.
What models are the orks riding the pigs kinda like them
Yeah, but then you basically add it back in with our sales taxes
>slight conversion
>guy has the dick of the sniper in his hand
>Psst! Don't tell anyone,
bait used to be believable
>Verification not required.
How do I get the Christmas Model?
Good to see he's still doing 40k stuff.
Erm... actually Skaven are chaos now Chuddy. Respect their pronouns
You just order it like normal, but it's a limited edition so they don't make that many.

Every other Christmas models so far hasn't been all that popular and you could find it months after, so I'm sure you can get it.
can’t get on the community site, anyone know what’s actually in the battleforce boxes?
You don't even play custodes.
What would happen if the Imperium discovered a planet of busty anime girls whose way of saying hello is sex?
we already have the Tau
Any in particular you are interested in?
I think I like this box, actually.
You can see them on any social, like FB and Instagram.
Or just wait, they'll fix the site eventually.
all of them, since I’m considering starting a new army and the contents of these boxes could sway my decision
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>pygmies got updates with 40k models
Based and DEIpilled.
Correct, and I never will again until GW offers an official apology.
I like how they spaced the pentient engines out like they're separate units, rather than what they are (one box)
I don’t have FB or insta, I tried twitter but they don’t seem to have posted them for some reason
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sshhh lemme cope

>the big updated ctan shard
>twenty battleline
>a character
>maybe something else I can't tell and don't play with or against necrons so idk the models well
>new fatguy priest model
>arcoflag unit
>repentia unit
>penitent engines
>two rhinos
>four baby knights
Dark Angels
>ten terminators
>six innercircle
>chaplain in terminator armor
>three crisis suits
Necrons : 10 warriors, translocator cape lord, 10 lychguard/Praetorians and dragon ctan
Sisters: buttload of repentias, 2 rhinos, 2 pain engines and preacher dude
Knights: 4 armigers, 1 big knight
DA: 10 DW knights, the lion, 6 inner circle companions and terminator chaplain
Tau: broadside, commander, stormsurge and the big stealth suit
>tfw no new Crusader models to go along with the Priest
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FB is worth it even for just the Warhammer market places imho. Best deals of my life.
wait is that the tau box? lmao all the mechs look the same to me
>>three crisis suits
Its a Riptide, Commander, Broadside and Ghostkeel. Actual schitzobox.
A riptide FFS, I mistook the name
Not meant to, just a bullshit point that only a few idiots on /poltg/ think is "le based, no wimens" It needs calling out at every turn
You're missing some Chaos ratmen, do you?
I do hope we remove terminators from the codex. Gravis looks better in every way
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>two rhinos
Well we know what’s not selling
thanks anons, I’m most tempted by the knights but honestly none of these boxes are really tempting me, might just save my money this year
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orktober never ends, it lives in our hearts forever
is that you, Brad from the poorhammer “podcast”?
Corax because he had the decency to see what a shit show the Heresy shit was going to be and immediately kill himself. I'm so sick of 30k garbage poisoning the main setting, primarchs included
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>no generic space marines
shame. I was hoping to buy into them with a new battleforce. Ah well.
Why is the Necrons one labeled "Hypercrypt Legion" when it doesn't have a Monolith, which is like THE Hypercrypt Legion unit? Why not Obeisance Phalanx, since it actually comes with Lychguard and Praetorians?
dark angels are the 2nd most generic legion after ultramarines
>didn't include any skaven stuff on the chaos side
Seems GW's webstore is wrecked just like their news site. Trying to search items on there just returns 504 ERROR.
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that was Curze, not Corax. Try to keep up, lorelet
>repentias, rhinos, and penitent engines
thank god I don't need this
In theory it could just be hidden by the Sisters box. We'll have to wait for Warcom to stop shitting the bed I guess.
That's what happens when you outsource to India.
have the new CSM models been released?
>Vanilla space marines are almost always shittier than the subcodex chapters
>They solved this in 7th with unique rules and relics that the sub chapters can't get
>This got removed
solo releases for the lords seem to not be a priority
aaaaa i like the boxes when can i pre order them
byt that logic, Knight Armigers aren't selling
If I can't equip every tankbustas with a rokkit launcha then it's a dead on arrival box
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> FB marketplace
Yes the place where the majority of what you find are obvious scams.
> pic related
All sold by blacks for pennies on the dollar in NY. It’s hilarious how obvious this scam is. I’d have half a brain to think these blacks don’t even use a fake account for this shit
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Is it expected or am I doing something retarded having to buy like 20 paints to paint my first kit to parade ready
I used the citadel app for the list of paints and I guess its expected when starting out but it feels so wrong to have a cart with more than a hundred dollars worth of paint and a 60$ kit
Can't you just get your bank to reverse it if you don't recieve your goods?
>Why the GW app Is trying to make me buy a hundred dollars worth if paint
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I guess it's an american thing, I never had any problem in my country.
well, obviously its fencing of stolen goods, how can you know the nog so wall but not grasp that yourself retard
> get your bank to reverse it
What? Wire transfers are final. Zelle is final with no protection. The only thing you can get buyer protection for is EBay and PayPal Goods and Services. Everything else is final and no refunds
> you must be 18 or older to post here, child
how should I paint the rubber joints on a space marine in black power armour?
Dark Red
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Gentlemen I must say that I am very excited to see the new tankbustas. The models look great and the weapons are beautiful. I hope to see that the updated datasheet they get for 40k is a bit better than their current iteration with plenty of options to make them all hold rokkit launchas capable of actually busting tanks.
I'm hopeful, and will be ordering the box.
>like night lords aesthetic
>hate that theyre "allied" to chaos
I just wanna be space batman but actually be a "good" guy
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Carried by the C'Tan and it feels mediocre
Mega mediocre
Completely gone day 1
>Gay Marines
If nothing else, fully expected
Schizo box
Raven Guard
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Your optimism is deeply unhinged.
Yeah I’m trying to figure out what the fuck the deal is with that box.
>Yeah I’m trying to figure out what the fuck the deal is with that box.
It's clearly a "what do we have taking up space in the warehouse" kind of box
I mean I might pick it up to round out my 2k list but i already have a bunch of crisis suits I got second hand.
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I wanted 'Ard Boyz back. I guess this is a good compromise...?
The perfect box for someone who only owned chaff units and never bought a combat patrol or battle force box ever in their lives. It’s rather funny
It doesn’t have crisis suits, anon. It has:
> Commander
> Riptide
> Ghostkeel
> Broadside
There’s a lot of anons that have no clue what Tau units are called
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>Basically every list is Triptide
>Must be taking up room in the warehouse

The other stuff is meta too, really isn't the dregs
1 main color
1 contrasting color
1 silver
1 gold
1 brown
1 black
1 white
Black/brown wash
Then just mix your own shades and highlights
That's like what 8 paints?
Anon I said I already had the crisis suits. I don’t have a GK and only one riptide and broadside as well.
That’s my confusion, why would having crisis suits sway your decision on obtaining a box that doesn’t have a single crisis suit? Your sentence makes no sense
I do Vallejo basalt grey then put a black wash on then with my black templar
Okay, now they HAVE to update Aspect Warriors. Surely they will a-any day now
Chalk it up to mutually incompatible autism.
>There’s a lot of anons that have no clue what Tau units are called
Yeah its called being a xenos army
You won’t hear a thing until February of next year, anon. And that’s if you’re lucky. Krieg first, then Eldar
Fair enough
Make your guys then.
Anon, marines are one of the factions with most freedom to kitbash and make up your own shit
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>every unit in the necrons Christmas box is something I wanted
At least, building the praetorians as lychguard, that is. I wasn't expecting much but I'm very pleasantly surprised by this.
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I really don't understand this box.
It's supposed to be a big entry box but it feels like a heavy reinforcement instead.
You are talking like every Eldar release in the last 3 editions didn't have updated aspect warriors in it
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>byt that logic, Knight Armigers aren't selling
they probably aren't. Every knight besides Canis Rex sucks cock to ally in to any Imperium army because they don't get army rules or enhancements and the entire faction is balanced around Bondsman abilities, Armigers and big knights suck cock on their own when you can just bring a Gladiator or Redemptor.

You know what does sell? War Dogs, because they're actually good datasheets on their own even without army rules, they're not completely garbage as allies, and lots of Chaos factions don't have bloated datasheet options so a Brigand for anti-tank is actually a compelling choice.
Motley Crew is peak SOVL, kys
will going to an official gw store ensure i get one of the boxes before it’s sold out
Congrats on having no decent LGS near you and paying full MSRP like a sucker
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>ammo pug
>24 out of 52 CSM datasheets are characters
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...my lgs sells at full msrp
At least I can pay over time instead of buying the full thing all at once
i can't access any of the balance dataslates... I'm forced to work just off of my vanilla condex...
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>30k chuds keep winning
Sad part is 30k dark mech will look kino while 40k eventual dark mech will look like slop
I have 3 LGS and they all sell at MSRP as well. I buy everything except paints and other tertiary materials on eBay and Amazon. I thought everyone did? I got the necron combat patrol new on amazing for $125 a couple months ago, no way I'm spending $160 on it locally.
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>Get admech
>Add spikes
wow... so kino... yeah man....
>on amazing
Damn, that sucks for you.
My two local stores are always 15-20% below the GW price
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Yeah, it is pretty kino!
Bro everyone knows carnifexes, lictors and norns, fuck there's even generational trauma about flyrsnts, it's just that people legit don't give a crap about Tau units
>recaff mug with a skull on it
alright this is pretty fun, these would pair well with the Gaunt's Ghost minis
>...my lgs sells at full msrp
Mine is too unless it's something that's say through price changes and was never updated like the seraphon start collecting that's been there for like 5 years
The painting team really has gone downhill haven't they
I could probably do with less Warriors, already drowning in them after Indomitus, swap them for Immortals and I'd be happy. Could take or leave the new Lord. C'tan is cool and more Lychguard are always nice.
All told not a bad box, but we'll see if the price label is worth it.
Also Scarabs. Alwayss need more Scarabs.
This looks exactly like the kinda paint Job I shit out the weekend before a GT not like something a professional art team would do
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what’s your fav big knight?
The Wraithknight.
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I have a soft spot for the Cerastus pattern.
hope that fat fuck sits on his internet cable and logs off forever
wtf did you think chaos admech would be?
Grim, but nu-hammer will say this is fine
damn, the faction that focuses on individuality is full of individuals?
I'd commission someone to sculpt shoes on them
How can a man have such shit taste!?
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>buying paints from the LGS and get suckered into a conversation.
>goes quite well
>guy lets slip the word "secondary" when the >conversation shifted to the online sphere of the Warhammer 40k fanbase
>We were talking about online fanart of 40k before.
Aw shit I'm assuming he's one of us. Not sure if the guy is a troll or lurker or frequent poster.
I don't wanna get identified as a 4channer from my LGS via posting models. I might risk being banned for association given this site's reputation.

Am I just being paranoid right now?
people actually want more lol
they want chapter masters for the original traitor legions and primarch models for perty and lorgar plus chaos lord on bike etc

disco lord cypher sorcerer trashtor and warpsmith could go and i wouldnt give a fuck
Ewan McGregor?
You monster.
They could pare it down a lot by making better soup rules. Why does MoE need rules in two codexes? Why can we take cult troops but give them no leaders? They already opened the door to point values differing between souping and not with imperial agents

Make up your fucking minds gw
Stop being a fucking pussy and post your models, or are you a secondary?
>salaried webdevs
Are they actually? So why did they pay 10m for the webstore replacement?
>They already opened the door to point values differing between souping and not with imperial agents
The soup points values are the real ones, the others are just some numbers to fake IA being an actual army.
Vashtorr desperately needs to be his own faction, his own codex even
I think it would be better for me to just take the secondary branding right now.
To any frequent model posters have you ever been identified?
How did it go? Did you have to explain yourself or what did you say?
Vashtorr is more interesting as a character than 95% of chaos
Yes, they complimented my minis and offered to gift me some .stls. That was about it.
Vashtorr is the ynari but for chaos
>To any frequent model posters have you ever been identified?
>How did it go?
Fine, keep in mind if you're identified it's because that person also lurks.
>Did you have to explain yourself or what did you say?
Not really, this place is far more constructive than Facebook. On Facebook noone will hurt your feelings with their public Facebook page. Here people will call out your opportunities.
I'm evil like that
Nigga looks like buffalo bill in heels and his lore is “it gets the artifact or it gets the hose again”
Tell me one interesting thing about him
I know someone here because we were in the same painting competition for our LGS. We have never spoke about it and I never plan to
do the PDF versions of the codex have all of the dataslate updates
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You know sugden started here right? Kept posting in wip and 40kg until her shit was good enough to grab GW attention
>offered to gift me some .stls.
Did you accept? If you did I'd start running some virus scans for potential malware. Just in case.
>Fine, keep in mind if you're identified it's because that person also lurks.
Alright that's fair enough.
Any PDFs of the codexes are just going to be scans of the printed books
Nah, often when the epub gets shared it gets saved as a pdf too.
>the epub
There is no epub
I knew that, but I think Sugden got lucky due to miniature painting talent being a good portfolio for working at GW.
anon they stopped doing epubs for 40k in 8th
Since I already have the Void Dragon, the rest probably isn't much of a deal. Could have used the Lychguard, but most Necron players probably have enough Warriors to last them a lifetime.
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Naw I said no, too busy to use my printer rn anyway.
Spikes on the legs are just the same the AdMech already have - Dunecrawlers, Ironstrider/Dragoon.. . Even the Skirarii have them.
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Release yourself from fear. Post dudes.
Just tell anyone who gives you shit you just come here to tell chuds to kill themselves.
this already looks like slop, its just admech painted black with some spikes

we need an army thats a fusion of flesh and steel
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Nope, never post models, it's always a trap.
a trap designed to make you buy your first mini which you've cleverly avoided until now you weasel
Warhammer community is down so I'll ask here instead. Was there not a single 40k reveal this Warhammer day? Whst the fuck are they doing?
I circumvent this by not having any friends so nobody will ever identify my models no matter where I post them
if you're a pussy or you post your models somewhere where it can be traced back to your socials, then yeah
You never played custodes.
Oh no someone might see that you..... paint minis...... for a game that people paint minis for.... the horror
There was killteam which is just unit-by-unit soft realeses for 40k.
They revealed the new Kill Teams and then teased Emperor's Children, so any hype for armies after IG died.
only reveal is that EC are coming 2025 and the Christmas boxes
the Kill-teams will be used in 40k I guess
This is unironically just standard admech shit but painted black and grey and brass.
It's still not marketed as 40k. Why is the breadwinner taking the backseat?
Happy Warhammer Day
Yeah I did.
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If I had the money and weren't a poorfag I'd unironically get the Dark Angels box.
It looks great and all of the models in it are something that I like.
Nah, I know your kind.
Ah so you agree you haven't bought any
what are watchers in the dark
I know I frequent your mother's bedroom often, but that doesn't mean you know me.
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He killed quintillions.
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I meant to reply to the "it's always a trap" post, my bad. I'm not that anon. I post my minis here pretty often
Should have been more
this is the gayest slapfight
you are both fucking losers
Looking at the large opisthosoma, I suppose the Venomcrawler is a female. It'd propably eat the Doomstalker after mating.
Hey, when I come to parents bedroom it's to fuck your mom, your dad just watches.
People who post models are nogames. They have no fear of discovery because their armies never leave their home.
now that's a new nomodels cope
Post games.
Get lost /pol/tard.
Post models.
I've explained why I won't do that, why don't you post games?
I know you're both playing into a bit but there has been more than a few times when people dox others with enough info in a picture, and it is much worse when posting game photos.
You explained you're nomodels yeah
so, nomodels? :)
Sounds like no games talk to me.
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what can realistically happen even if someone fucking found you lurk here lmao
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Yeah, you do kinda reek of it
I feel the same way. I decided on Dangels a few months ago but have only bought a single unit of Deathwing Knights, everything else is generic marines stuff. Was putting off the Lion because I didn't think I was good enough to paint him.
Well, here goes nothing.
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the darker coloration would indicate it's a male though
Vaginataur is a weak figure that only gets remembered because he keeps trying to shill him in half assed attempts.
>local LGS has a no photography rule
>all because of a sperg/creep
>nobody gets to have pictures of their games because someone ruined it for everyone else
I want to know what happened
see >>94082754 for a summary
uhh tldr
>guy seems to really like taking pictures of games at the store
>not just warhams but cards and d&d etc
>is always hanging out taking pictures
>posts them to the store's facebook
>meanwhile he's sneaking creepshots of every girl that comes in
>including underage girls
>including the owner's 7 year old daughter
I fucking hate imperium fans by a lot. You ruined 40k you stupid fucks. The only good thing here was the fucking ratlings. Your stupid fucking spess muhreen just unleashed legions upon legions of casuals unto the setting. It’s so fucking over.
4chan is normalfag central since 2016. Imagine being this much of a pussy
Thanks for reminding me why I fucking hate my lgs

God why can't we just have normal people
Come home, tank man.
Shut up manchild
low effort bait
>noplayingsince3rdandevidence ofeverysinglegameplayedmodelmadeandmerchbought
How many goalposts ya think we can scoot
Look what you fuckers did you absolute dumbasses. All because you wanted more slop muhreens. You stupid immature moron.
People who post games have no friends, because they are not afraid of alienating people they interact with by posting them on 4chan. Post friends.
>post friends
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Post a paternity test that proves you have reproduced that is independently verifiable on the blockchain as well as three character references so I can take your warhammer credentials seriously
You guys are such gayboys
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great work today guys
>its ok for chaos to have their gay little retard op primarchs
>its not ok for the imperium to get them
am i supposed to paint on the sprue or assemble first
>post games
>post games
>post games
>Someone does
>commence vague nonsenseposting
assemble or sub assemble
if you assemble on sprues you wont get paint where the sprue gates are, and you won't have any capability to clean off moldlines either
How about both of you fuck off with the fucking capeslop

Horus Heresy was a mistake. Fuck off with the homo erotic soap opera crap
>she doesn't edge highlight the mouldlines
real /v/ermin posting hours I see
Named characters are lame.
their models are still metal that’s why
One side are immortal deamons
The others are 10k old mortals
>people excited about EC when WE release was 5 kits
I hope you're ready for
Noise Marines
Cult Troop
And a terminator equivalent!
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>Cult Troop
probably just an extra sprue for CSM like NL, no need for more
Lurk more you dumb soap opera lovin’ shitter. It’s been fucking /v/ hour just about every hour for years now.
It's better than the literal nothing they have right now.
The only new shit will be fulgrim and the terminators, you'll have less than you have being able to soup csm shit for probably 5 years if not more
Noise Marines ARE the cult troop
Fuck man, I'd take 5 new kits over a shitcast upgrade kit older than I am any day of the week
>You'll lose all your CSM stuff!
Yah I'll really miss those 24 characters
they shouldn't be. They're more like Havocs or Devastators in thr fluff.
world eaters wave 2 is never happening
Tsons is still not a full army
Cope? Cope about the fact that space marines and their consequences have been a disaster for warhammer? No, I don’t I will.

And you can post all the bolter porn and spess muhreen beats eldar crap all you want, but you will never beat the allegations. There are no women in your ranks. Your origin and lore is based in homoerotic soap opera filled with dues, and your entire faction’s recruitment process involves taking seed from their daddy.

You will never cope hard enough.
I've had a hard time painting chest pieces on the frist 3 models I did since I assembled them first.
I think I'll just prime the sprue, cut off bodyparts, deal with moldlines, then paint them, and finally glue it together.
Why would you have women in an army?
so you can call a stranger gay on the internet
because one of the gods of my army is an amazonian goddess who created an entire race of hot parthenogenetic women and sometimes blesses my dudes to be actually gals with boobs, for no other discernible reason beyond the fact it pleases her
New to 40k and looking to buy a battleforce. I can get the Imperial Fists battleforce, the Spearhead force with a bunch of the jump marines, the strike force space marines one. Which of the 3 is better for a new player? I'm torn between the last two as I'd want to play White Scars or Raven Guard over other chapters, so I don't think the heavy Marines are what I'm after.... Are heavy Marines necessary though in terms of if you don't play them, good luck type of thing?
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>There are no women in your ranks. Your origin and lore is based in homoerotic soap opera filled with dues, and your entire faction’s recruitment process involves taking seed from their daddy.
pornsick freak
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Cute ratto.
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Primarch 88.
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>Make a big deal out of the fifth chaos god being the rat
>Despite chaos allegedly being multiversal, this has had zero impact on 40k
And you’re aren’t beating the allegations. Cope.
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I thought we'd finally gotten an answer to what the fuck this thing was, but it seems not so.
Nobody gives a rat's ass about the lore in AoS (and that's a good thing)
And thank God for that. Ratfags are insufferable enough in fantasy and aos. They can stay there.
>Be'lakor gets imported from AoS to 40k
>daemon primarchs don't get ported to AoS
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>beating the allegations
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>mfw I look at non-Marine armies
Idk what you think there is for someone to be called out on for posting their models on a 40k discussion board

Why are you guys so paranoid? Is this a meme?
nothing sexual about it, dude
can we send him back with vashtorr shoved up his ass
>posting Cope images
Don’t you have some seed to extract, seed takers?
Well done
Not 40k
Should've left him in his cuckshed where they found him.
neither is 90% of this sewer of a thread
best outcome is a necromunda gang of skavengers and an occasional cheeky ratman amongst the crews of darkmek units or a dark mirror of ratlings for the traitor guard
that'll inevitably lead to SIGMAR LOST PRIMARCH??? discourse
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What, you want some?
As an Eldar player idgaf bout this. Non-named characters will always job to named characters in media.
Then don't let daemon princes cross universes.
Why do people act like this is bad? What the fuck could you possibly want? These are military units, you build armies of them
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you're okay anon, don't go to the craftworld tomorrow
the discourse goes nowhere, we saw sigmar's birth and life in his novel, he's no primarch, he was a MAN

on the other hand demonic primarchs amongst the chaos armies wouldn't be that different from but another flavour of greater demon
the only problem would be HHfags whining about how their space daddy isn't the most important thing ever even in the aos armies, narratively
>a necromunda gang of skavengers
What? Are the Ratskins a joke to you? Could easily work a few full mutants in.
>What the fuck could you possibly want?
A full release like DG
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>HH SM fans thinking about AoS fluff
delusional projection, lol
>no GSC bundle box
here's how I would do the run-up to 40kmar
Ok so the primarchs that aren't dead are all back and brawling in the eye of terror and faith levels go critical and KABLOOEY the entire galaxy explodes in chaos power. Chaos wins.
Then it reforms.
Everyone's like "huh whuh wha happun"
And then out from the Eye is the fucking EVIL GOD EMPEROR and he's like HAHA I AM A REAL GOD NOW
and they kiss sloppystyle
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>new warhammer community sites down on the one day it matters
Why do these companies take something that is working fine, and make it dogshit. The old website shit on the new one. And the new one immediately crashes due to traffic.
Read this as Cadian dollar.
>And a terminator equivalent!
Noise termies?
The banks broke before the people did
The homoeroticism and soap opera shit is literally why their so charming. "Uhhh no women no bitches." Yeah that's the point.
I'm sad too brother
I'd like that, think we're getting some weird tartaros inspired phoenix guard melee termies using swords if I had to guess
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Yes well done
You said cope
Have you not heard of the communal space yacht orgies of the Aeldari, or the depraved debauchery of the Drukhari filthy Mon-Keigh? Both of which have women by the way.
DG aren’t just like 5 kits? Could’ve fooled me
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>instead of this
>we'll just Chaos phoenix termiators at best, most likely just some OC donut steel like eightbound
Feels great...
>discussion still going strong
>not at image cap
>makes new thread
Fuck you faggot.
This applies to the custodes and shit too, women for some reason feel the need to elbow in to factions or spaces were the weird homoeroticism is kind of part of the identity.
we're only 7 away from cap, chill out
>DG aren’t just like 5 kits?
get your fingers checked brood brother
>discussion still going strong
this thread has been horrible
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Unfortunately I don't see modern GW wanting to touch ratskins even with a 10feet pole, otherwise ratmen and ratskins if anything would serve as natural and perfectly thematic enemies for one another, with the ratskins represting somehwat noble primitives while skavengers a fast growing new threat of foul creatures
>The homoeroticism and soap opera shit is literally why their so charming. "Uhhh no women no bitches." Yeah that's the point.

I have no rebuttal this. I just wanted some honesty here. No bullshit, just complete utter honesty on what space marines are about.

Hyper masculine toxic angry gay space racists.
Yes yes, we know you are upset about women entering your club of sweaty golden muscle men. We know.
I mean its partly that but its also that it would make way more sense to actually expand the Sisters of silence and better deliver on the whole thing of them working with the custodes instead of just like doing a gender swap of a male only faction. The sisters of silence are cool IDK why they get neglected so much. Their whole sign language thing is kino.
why are so many of you retards so autistic about new threads being created a couple post/images before cap, holy shit
>no generic space marine box to pick up and integrate into my army
>considering starting a Tau army but not with this mess
>necron box doesn’t have any of the cool stuff
Strike 3. Why have GWs starter/expansion boxes been so bad lately?
>on the overall same way of life
It's like you're only reading what you want to. Sometimes I wonder why I even engage with this community.
They confirmed it back when they released the index, my dude.
I don't play SoB, but would it be better to keep them separate instead of as a dual unit? I figured you could get more use on some cases if they weren't paired.
That box is useless to anyone who doesn't want to play DA, though. Maybe you could run some of em as assault termies and bladeguard vets, but you're still proxying one unit for another.
Mystery midgets from Caliban, they work with/in close proximity to the Dark Angels through some mystery arrangement. They've got cool secret powers and can make you disappear, like from some old cautionary fairytale.
Both of those SoB faces came on the same sprue, I'd bet.
Neat action figure
The biggest one
Anyone here have a favorite Sororitas novel?
Eldritch monster-Jawa-children with incredibly strong psyker abilities who are bros with the Dark Angels for some reason. We don't know what they are, where they're from, or why they do what they do. Could be Xenos, could be warp entities, could be some kind of abhuman psyker midgets or maybe even mutants, we don't know.
And that was the best possible Golden Path outcome. Without him humanity would be extinct entirely

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