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>Welcome back to /srg/, chummer
>Last Viewed Files: >>94012844
>"First Run? I've got a sweet deal on threads and arms".ad

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>Watch your back
>Shoot straight
>Conserve ammo
>Do not buy CGL books
>Never, ever cut a deal with a dragon
We don't need another thread right now. Wait a month.

What is a homebrew you've made?
We have cooldown on our general now? C'mon, there was some traffic last time so let's keep the momentum going while we have any.
I'm playing Shadowrun: Hong Kong, having delightful fun with a cybered up melee troll ripping and tearing around.

I have never played SR in tabletop, am I correct that the HBS Shadowrun games are loosely adapted from 4e?
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Are the german rules mandatory for 5e? And did anybody translate them into english?
Go fuck yourself with a brick.
I don’t know about anyone translating the German stuff, but I’ve run sr5 without it and it works well enough. You should be perfectly fine, depending on the splats you allow.
Speaking of splatbooks, are there any considered mandatory like Run and Gun?
That does kind of depend on your team’s composition, but in general, Run Faster has some excellent things, Gun Haven has some very nice pieces. Chrome flesh has excellent ware and therapies that anyone not awakened would like to look into as well, and Hard Targets gives a lot of things for hitman types, independent and corpo.
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My mandatory list (aside from CRB and R&G):
Run Faster
Chrome Flesh
Data Trails
Rigger 5.0
>german rules
Wrong. They're a very loose adaptation of 2e.
Ok, the cleavage on Ruby is pretty wild, hope this isn't her 15 years old version.
The German localizations of Shadowrun rules are treated much more reverently than the native English version. There is even some German-exclusive material. The Germans actually give a shit.
Anything of note worth checking out and putting into google translator?
Anyone had any experience or luck with randos online. I've seen the Runnerhub but it's been years since I've played period and I'm a bit wary.
Are there any links for me to get descriptions on either genesis or commlink6?
I think commlink is still lacking a way to add those with the beta its in. The best you can do is copy paste because the fields are editable but thats janky.
What was the name of the 6e trove again? I own a few physical 5e books but want to take a look at the "new" mess
Nevermind, found the sixth world. Sorry for the disturbance, carry on.
So sets out a man on perilous, hopeless journey of madness and disappointment.
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6e actually seems pretty cool imho. The OG release was rough but the new core rulebooks seem pretty nice. Haven't run it yet but plan to soon. I kinda like the new edge system. The optional rules in the sixth world companion like strength increasing melee damage and bumping up the edge per turn limit to 3 and making apds half any damage reduction seem really nice. Also I like the new initiative system so much more than previous editions. It seems like it will take a lot less work to track.
Also they made the 6thworlddesign persons logos official and they look nice.
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>5e (but not edition specific I suppose)
How often do you, as GMs, use the social modifiers table? My current GM doesn't appear to be using it much at all. It's either opposed rolls unmodified if it's a statted NPC, or just vs a threshold against unstatted NPCs.
Just from looking at the table it seems like every mr johnson negotiation would be done with a -3/-7 penalty
When i gmed 5e I never used it because it always slipped my mind when negotiation time came up
I eyeball it. There's no way I'm going to go through that chart every time a character rolls a social attack.
These sort of tables are just calibration tools so that DMs get an idea of what conditions should be what. And if they players call bullshit or are grumpy at difficulty, you point to a few items and call it a day.

The actual SR rules are garbage though, so take this particular table with a big ass grain of salt.
Just do whatever feel right. If they players try some laughable bullshit, make it super-hard and be prepared for when the min-maxing assholes actually pull it off. That usually means "let them get away with it, but with a twist".

I play SR4thEd though, which can have ridiculous dice-pools. Which is also why I usually hand players their characters or nerf bullshit characters in session 0.
Fair, but how did you adjust for difficulty? Like say the elf face is trying to convince the humanis bouncer to let them into a human-only club. That should be a lot harder than a human face asking the same npc for directions.

My current character can negate up to -7 DP of social penalties, which isn't very useful if the GM adjusts the threshold for difficulty. But I also recently realized that even when I ask for what the penalty is, I only get "half" of the benefit.

For example if I'm intimidating someone and we're both very physically imposing (+3 / -3) and armed (+2 / -2) but they outnumber us (-2) then my GM might say I have a penalty of -2. But according to the table it would actually be a (+5 / -7) total, which means I would perform the intimidation with a +5 bonus when I negate all penalties. Rather than just making it +/- 0.
I just made up a penalty if it seemed like the situation warranted it. Like trying to convince the johnson that the thing he wanted them to steal broke would give the face a -4. I was never super harsh with most things.
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>Schumannstrasse 51/Menjo Henhiro II, lnhaber/# 781 566 66
>Im Gore essen zu gehen, wird eine lebenslangliche Erfahrung blelben.
>Die erste Voraussetzung fiir ein Dinner slnd gute Nerven und die
zweite harte Wahrung in Form von OM-Chips. Ecu und Yen sind Im
Gore nicht gem gesehen. Eine Speisekarte gibt es nlcht, gegessen
wird. was auf den Tisch kommt. Wer sich nlcht daran halt und selnen
Teller nicht leert, wlrd in die KOche gefi.ihrt - und verlaBt sie nlcht
wleder. Nachdem man selnen ersten Ring oder die erste Brosche aus
dem Eintopf oder Gulasch gezogen hat, sollte man weiterkauen und
nicht an die Schadstoffe denken, die slch in menschlichen lnnereien
ansammeln konnen. Auch haarige Ork-Ohren sollten widerstandslos
gegessen werden, mltunter finden slch dafiir auch zarte Flletstucken
aus weiblichen Lenden in den Gerichten wleder, was alles wleder
wettmacht. Essen Im Gore 1st wie Russlsches Roulette mlt dem
elgenen Ekel. Das Restaurant wlrd von den jeweiligen Machthabem
geduldet, da unter den Machtigen eln Essen Im Gore hoher bewertet
wird als ein blutlger Abend bei den Domlnas.
>Tip: Man sollte sich nicht Im Hinterhof des Gore sehen !assen, sonst
kann man slch Im Gulasch und seine Augen Im Cocktailglas wieder-
>Wamung: lmmer aufessen!
How *should* a cyberdeck look?
Should it even have manual input or a screen since every sane hacker is using a neural interface?
the english version, for comparison.
whoever wrote the german entry of this should probably have their computer checked by the police
but this came out in the 90's and the Armin Meiwes case happened in 2001 so maybe it already was
That crap ain't trying to run, get it out of here
Yep, brainlets will find anything cool. This shit is what anons called happening on /srg/ years ago. You don't play.
Fixed skillsofts and the whole jazz (comically expensive), fixed hypervelocity weapons (they didn't have rules), other shit too idk chummed used to list them separately but now they're a single option. Go read the code or google it
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I ran a lot of 5th edition, I just like a lot about how 6th looks. I'm gonna be running a one shot in a few weeks (just running a slapdash conversion of missing blood from 1st edition for some people who know nothing about shadowrun), so I'll have a better idea of how it is in practice then.
It's unkillable.
Happy to see you here chummers, almost made a new thread. Anyone interested in forming an online community for Shadowrun? The reddit itself is alright for questions but the discords attached to it are dead or subpar (playing 6e). I was starting to make a public discord server for it but I don't have a ton of experience making something like that so I am teaching myself as I go.

I play in person occasionally but this is a niche hobby and a niche game, so I don't think that playing online would be a bad idea. Let me know if anyone is interested in it.
gave this a look through google translate, I'm assuming this is about some cannibal/ghoul restaurant right?
Only those with 3 or more essence can read the english version >>94124351
Prove me wrong by writing a poem that touches the soul.
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sorry, didn't realize i forgot to post it
the enlgish version tries to do what it can to cut out that part without completely retconning it
the german version talks about how its worth it when you find a womans cooked vagina in your soup
if i had a dog
it'd be valuable
like chrome
but squishy
and covered in fur
No. It's nice to have a Shadowrun thread every now and then, but the contempt for 6e combined with the lack of new content for the other version causes the discussion to fester and rot. I don't know if any of y'all remember how bad /srg/ got before it died, but I think it's best to not try to dig up that grave. We should just come back every now and then to pour out another hurlg on it and talk about the good ol' times.
It was compounded by an autist who was determined to kill it. Otherwise I agree with you. I've been having fun running Shadowrun again even if it's once again showed me I'm doomed to never play, but there's no reason to chain threads like we used to.
>Essence below 1.0 detected
>Invitation to cybernet: pending...
>ID successfully generated: #D0G IN THE M4CHINE
>To enter, open 1001 tabs of Chrome and follow the directions
>have ares alpha
>have cyber eyes
>have a stylized ballistic mask for +2 intimidate, packed with periscoping cameras for style
Can the mask’s cameras and the smartgun system share images with each other and you to improve targeting?
Obviously with image link and smartlink in the eyes, you can at least see picture within picture and enhanced reality formatting with the devices, but if they can all share imaging data through you and your PAN, shouldn’t the smart gun system be able to use the cameras to find targets and situate or center itself in reality?
>hacker doesn’t brick gun, but borks its camera, the gun is effectively no longer smart when it comes to targeting, since it’s blind, if it shares your special eyes and the cameras, it has no down time, can see itself, and can see its environment, to make the needed calculations to continue operating as a targeting system.
>you enter the sewers, your gun is blinded, you and some of your cameras aren’t
>a flash bang goes off in the sewers, the gun is blinded, you and a few of your cameras aren’t
I know this works in reverse for all the given scenarios: even if you can’t see, as long as your eyes aren’t bricked you can utilize your smartlink. You can obviously take in information from all sources as well, barring your ability to process.
The smartgun system is a sessile hyper specialized rating 3 dog brain, at least the smartgun platform shows us what it can do you when you give it Stephan hawkings Atari controller and a mechanical bull mount. It should love to cross reference its stats with a quality array of relevant sensors.
>i have no eyes and i must [insert gamer words]
if only the camera's fucked, i'd say it's fine
smartgun systems use a variety of sensors and the only thing lost would be the barrel pov
but since the smartgun's a whole package, if a decker fucks it up, then you lose the entire system
>Anyone interested in forming an online community for Shadowrun?
Sorta. The other anon is right that /srg/ was pretty bad before it died, but my other SR game on irc isn't completely fulfilling the itch.
What do the rules say?
Anon, there were discordtrannies pushing it in /srg/'s heyday. It fell apart. Stick to the existing discords.
without discounting the original asker's already tenuous grip on reality (evidence asking in the first place), I really doubt my post, thusfar the only not negative response of three, will end up getting it to happen. Let it continue to peter out by itself.
I'm all for a new Shadowrun online community existing. Forming it from /tg/ will instantly poison the well. No thanks.
Mechanics wise they borrow from 4e but very loosely, most old school SR fans say they don't really feel the SR outside of the names of things, 4e fans notice a few more connections but not 1:1 by any means.
Lorewise they are almost entirely 2e based.
In addition to what >>94103648 said.
Almost all of the errata is only in the German version.
Chum, I hate to tell it to you this but the 1e books have gangers as young as 11 and runners as young as 15.
There is no innocence of youth.
It should look like a metal box with a place to securely carry/hold it.
Putting screens and extra input devices on it is a customization option for when you have nondecker friends.
I don’t know. I’ve read them and I still don’t know how a smart gun would deal with a blind folded mud test, or a runners similarly arbitrary weapons testing gauntlet.
It seemingly acts as its own sensor array and dog brain, translating the data it acquires somewhere between it and the images displayed in your eyes smartlink.
As an example:
>you wake up in your birthday suit
>”””theyve””” surgically dimmed you’re eyes hardware, still turns on but all you get is AR pop ups.
>yank smart gun from prison wallet, you receive a message from its weapon personality on your implanted com
>”cant see BUT shit captain”
>no time to scrape it clean of your exotic diet
>receive call from decker
>he’s found you, says you partied too hard last week, everyone left your place after you party fouled your way into a coma
>hear the town rapists break in, turn 369 degrees and tactically make your way to your next self defense situation, accessing your compounds security and life support feeds so you don’t slip and fall over onto any stray needles
The place and its sensors are yours, so you are the native, immediately physically present and attentive owner as far as marks and PAN are concerned.
Blind firing is -6,
Smart guns allow you to blind fire at -3
Both you and the gun can’t see, but you both have access to deluge of highly accurate invasively gathered information by systems of equal or greater rating (you sprang for a high lifestyle these past few month) to your smart gun system and cyber eyes.
Where does this leave you and your gun?
Can it spin the information shared through your PAN in real time?
Are you effectively not blind due to electronic illusion and processed simulacra?
What are you rolling when you attempt to mag dump warning shots into the next room full of uninvited guests?
If one of them hide in the bathroom, can I use the cameras in there to target him through the walls? How much would the smart gun help?
Oh yeah, and periscopes reduce blind firing to -2, or -1 if wirelessly enabled.
So would it be -1 + smart gun bonuses?
RAW. Look at RAW.
shadowrun is known for exactly two things. corrupt management and having the absolute worst editing of all time. the guy obviously did his homework and he wants a second opinion on his ballistic mask question. you are not helping by pretending like there's some "higher state" of RAW.

like what's your intention here? you are not teaching him to become more self-sufficient by forcing him to sift through 500 pages of awful editing where you end up with 3 conflicting answers. the only thing he's learning right now is that there's no point interacting with this general if it's filled with asocial types that physically recoil at the opportunity to help a stranger.
be better.

if specifically only the smartgun camera is bricked then that (most likely) corresponds to the firing around corner benefit being unavailable. everything else still applies.
He's bringing up a bunch of bullshit
>the guy obviously did his homework
He brought up a hypothetical scenario not grounded in RAW. I want rules, pages, citations.
What portion of raw? I’m looking at the firearm attachment rules and that’s what lead to this question.
>Can the mask’s cameras and the smartgun system share images with each other and you to improve targeting?
If it doesn't say anything, the answer is no.
Hmm, it does say something, several times. That’s why I’m asking how those somethings interact.
If you don’t know that’s ok. Just wondered if someone here did.
>Hmm, it does say something, several times.
What is that something?
I've only ever touched 4e/5e but I don't remember the links ever saying anything about needing you to be able to see, nor, conversely, doing anything other than giving their flat bonuses/penalty reductions
>If it doesn't say anything, the answer is no.
The book doesn’t say anything about breathing either, but it still offers rules for gas masks, inhaled pollutants, and holding your breath.
Why would you need any of that if you can’t breath anyway per RAW?
Apples and oranges.
Hmm, no offense but that bullshit is asking how the rules would interact with actual play. Which is their whole point.
That aside, you can share feeds and (live)edit(ed) images with each other using matrix action, to drones included, but not the smart gun? Isn’t that its major function outside of collecting the information in the first place? Editing it to be more useful to the end user? Perhaps that last part happens solely in the worn portion of the smartlink and the gun only gathers. Seems a bit strange but I don’t know the work divide.
Seems like it would just be part of whatever hypothetical behind the screen wizardry is holding the game together to begin with, but I’d like know if there was an obvious held interpretation here on how you relate to your smart gun and how it relates to your PAN.
I think it depends on what your gm says. If I were gming I would say if the guns camera is broken no smartgun bonus because it needs to use its own camera to properly do those calculations. like how a sniper needs his own scope instead of just being able to use what his spotter says on its own.
The RAW.
>Hmm, no offense but that bullshit is asking how the rules would interact with actual play.
Use the rules, dumbass.
You too.
So no character can breathe in your home game, then. Got it.
>I think it depends on what your gm says.
100%, all answers probably reside with the domain of behind the screen wizardry (GM hand waving). I’d like to know if there an internally consistent commonly known answer though so I asked. If you pay for your smartlink, and pay for your smart gun, but are both momentarily blinded, by say a ghost having just slimed you, but aren’t bricked and can infact still see you’re surroundings via shared feeds (or not, potentially), would you still benefit from your smartlink and smart gun, would they pick up on those integrated streams of data in a way helpful to you in that moment? Would you get +2/2 to accuracy/attack? The smart gun isn’t reading anything from beyond the iron curtain suddenly draped over you, but the rules don’t say you ever lose the bonus so long as the system is up and you are firing the weapon, barring acts of hand wave. So I assumed you kept the bonus, and wondered if there were popular explanations for how this occurs within the fiction. Also yeah, wasn’t sure if feed sharing cameras doubled as periscopes more or less, which they seem to.
>If I were gming I would say if the guns camera is broken no smartgun bonus because it needs to use its own camera to properly do those calculations.
Fair. Some sort of proprietary piece that can’t translate any otherwise sourced data. Be especially good for gritty 1e era systems still running around.
>, but the rules don’t say you ever lose the bonus so long as the system is up and you are firing the weapon, barring acts of hand wave
Read again.
>like how a sniper needs his own scope instead of just being able to use what his spotter says on its own.
I don’t understand this, in fact this argument is great, but makes it seem more likely in the cyberpunk snipers scenario, so long as the imaging and other assorted data were being shared, especially in this case were it’s being shared seamlessly as if seen with your own eyes. The hard part is actually, at least I would think, accounting for the difference in perspective from the location you see things and the location you act from, everything would basically be a trick shot of sorts. I don’t think the hardware or shooters ability to line up with smart guns provided AR overlayed target would be the issue. It would be like “dragging and clicking”. The issue would be
>does the bonus/process translate over at all in these other nonstandard scenarios
Basically how effective/flexible are the perimeters which the smartlink/gun system operate. How is the work load distributed between the eye’s link and the gun’s system?
Despite the entry for the smart firing platform, I want to believe a smart gun is basically an immobile drone even before it’s mounted. The eyes can become drones too though. Idk, this isn’t here nor there, just curious on how advanced cyber eyes and smart guns are, because they don’t seem to be simply cameras either, despite not being as autonomous as drones out of the box.
>RAWanon(s) is/are back
Whelp, it was fun. Rip in pepperoni /srg/ yet again.
/tg/ be like
The thing that gets me is that it's important to have people who talk RAW, but he's just a "go read the fucking book and fuck off" type, which is just the worst.
6e sold like shit so cgl is deploying the psyops to kill the game so they can focus on things that actually make money. He's like an anti-shill
If CGL doesn't pay their writers, there's no way they're paying shitposters.
Although it's a fun conspiracy theory. I wonder if I can turn it into a run.
>I wonder if I can turn it into a run.
Sounds like something you could get an Agent to do, so maybe Horizon has bot farms shaping their social media empire. Are you bad enough dudes to crash the host?
Anyone tried Sprawlrunners, the indie game that runs on Savage Worlds?

On a glance it looks good, except for the abstract wealth system.
You're arguing in bad faith.

What kills it are retards like you.
>arguing in bad faith
How so? He's taking his understanding of your position to it logical conclusion
>Can the mask’s cameras and the smartgun system share images with each other and you
Yeah. You can see through the gun's camera if you have any sort of means to do that. cyber-eyes, phone screen, trodes. Sharing the parascope cameras with the gun doesn't do much.

>to improve targeting?
Nothing past the +2 smartlink bonus you fucking min-maxer.

>shouldn’t the smart gun system be able to use the cameras to find targets and situate or center itself in reality?
No, that's kinda bullshit. The smartgun's software is not made to model all of reality and triangulate where to shoot based off of third-position camera angles. "Imma gun, you pick targets, I shoot it".
And there's more than just a camera in there. It's a range-finder, and stereoscopic vision too.

The rules are a massive pile of horse-shit that have never been good and have only gotten worse.

>It seemingly acts as its own sensor array and dog brain, translating the data it acquires somewhere between it and the images displayed in your eyes smartlink.
. . . That's just called a fucking CAMCORDER you fucking nitwit. It's hooking the yellow RCA cable to your eyeball. DONE.
And if you start mewling about "but this is what the book micro-fic has written in da rulz!" remember that the shitty-ass books have self-conflicting material all the damn time. Take it with a massive fist-sized grain of salt shoved all the way up your asshole if you try hiding behind the SR rulebooks.
Are you guys watching Maou 2099 too?
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I made my own augmentation/technomancer splat pdf for 5e a while ago. Looking back, it's not very balanced. But people liked it.
So, as a decker without a single super kitted out cyberarm: Automatics or Pistols, and what should I use within the chosen category?
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Depends on where you think you will be running. If it involves a lot of high-security areas, go pistols. Everywhere else, go automatics.
Choose the best option that has Full Auto capability. If nothing has that, choose the best with Burst Fire.
Everything else is pretty much flavour to taste if all you care about are raw numbers.
Of course, that's boring. Ultimately, you should choose the coolest-looking gun.
5e? Pistols. Defiance EX Shocker with smartgun system and personalized grip.
Choose to make touch attacks instead of normal so that you get the inherent +2 DP and win on ties.
Take the Special Modifications quality (5 karma) and replace the electricity damage with acid because it's a horrible idea.
A pocketful of grenades is better than guns in that case because even if you miss they're probably dead.
are you truly a console cowboy if you're not using a revolver
>The rules are a massive pile of horse-shit that have never been good and have only gotten worse
Brainlet takes like these are why /srg/ threads stopped being made. People refuse to learn, they want to make shit up instead of paying attention to what's already been written, and they wonder why they're not welcome with people who pay attention. Why on earth would anyone keep making threads for such ingrates?
Even if you're shit at shooting, you can still suppress, just a bit.
And the cheapest bullets are made of wood, and they suppress just as good as other bullets.
Make of this what you will.
So apparently all the Metahumans are getting artwork for some third party tool called RPGFramework.

And that got me interested, do we have any offical artwork for 6E new metatypes like Valkyries, Dundes and that Pinyo elf type?
Generally I find that automatics gives you more options in load outs depending on the circumstances. Loud and hard? Assault rifles. Lay down suppression? SMGs. Something you can sneak in on your person? Machine pistols. As for top picks in category, it depends on edition but for 5th, I like the Remington Suppressor as a pistol, the Ares Executioner for my go-to SMG, and the Yamaha Raiden for an assault rifle because of the electronic firing and built in suppressor and smartgun system.
It's good to see a Shadowrun thread chummers
An important thing to keep in mind is that the Shadowrun timeline advances with every new edition of the game. Each edition is its own bracket of the timeline, with different technology available at different eras. 4e was a particular big deal because it introduced wireless electronics/access to the Matrix (because Shadowrun tries to account for modern innovations, and 4e was released after the smartphone blew up). The modern Shadowrun video games made take a number of mechanical cues from later editions, but lorewise, they would exist in older versions of the game.
It annoys me that SR2 and SR3 both talked about wireless matrix access as a thing, but it wasn't until SR4 going stupid with it that we finally got it.
Though perhaps SR4 was ahead of its time in predicting the Internet of Things.
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Just like real life, it takes a while for novelties to become mainstream. Wireless Matrix was a novelty before it went mainstream in 4e (after another Crash, if memory serves).
yeah commlink does for most
>Male dryad
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there are male dryads now. in the past people couldn't tell the difference because the men are all femboys.
Were female satyrs always a thing or is that new? I don't remember.
in the 6th world do you think it'd be offensive to call someone who tries to stir up arguments on the matrix a troll?
It probably never got traction as a term in the shadowrun alternate history. Or if it did, quickly became outdated when the actual trolls returned. Nah I bet there's some really stupid terms instead. Like "Trixter" as a portmanteau of trickster and matrix.
No they have always been a thing but like most non-standard metatypes, they are so one-note that they may as well be monosex D&D monsters.
A buddy of mine told me years ago that the German books had some missing lore for the metatypes but I see fuck all on the wikis.
Blue German Dwarfs
It’s 2050
Name me 3 things you would change about the setting
What 3 more would you change by 2080?
1. replace frag/dreck/hoop stuff with mid/'what de heeeel'/rizz stuff because the adults of the 50's would have been born in the 20's and 30's no cap on god fr
2. harlequin is a cunty drag queen
3. less japanese megacorps and japan isn't as bad and america is more bad.

by 2080:
1. brackhaven wins instead of dunkelzhan and destroys whats left of the ucas completely
2. no more essence. it kinda sucks and only makes mundanes weaker than magicians. let money be the only thing that keeps them from getting stronger.
3. hackers get to do damage by hacking people even if they're not in the matrix like cyberpunk 2077
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>3D Augmented Reality Kit kept in a deck that creates a map based off of GPS locations, Smartlink Connectivity, 3D Art Software, and a worm connected to the city's municipal blueprints.
>Allows for intermittent tracking and pinging of Commlinks, Smartlinks, Wireless Cybernetics and other hardware in a 3D space
>Gives snipers an informational edge, especially against curtains/tint/walls etc.
>A godsend for a decker/spotter and sniper duo, especially when counter-sniping or providing overwatch for the main runner team.

Requires E-Warfare+LOG/MENT vs (Firewall, min 1) as the Decker to correctly ping the target using their deck, marking their position until they move. More successes allow for more info (i.e. turns the ping into a tracker for x rounds above the threshold, basic info of user, etc).

For runners using Smartlinks, use Computer+LOG/MENT vs Firewall, uses a Free Action 1/round, any further successes only allow for the pings to last longer.
1. Instead of Injuns Injuns Injuns, have some Injuns but more general balkanization where different groups with different tech/magic have taken over.
I want the Homesteaders of Montana to be Gun Shamans who have taken over parts of Idaho and other places.
2. Remove the stupid idea of DRM/Copyright protections on spells.
3. Don't make literally everything be HMHVV or a variant.

1. No playable vampires/monsters, possibly have early signs of some of the other ED races.
2. Similar to how the dude putting toddler brains into the matrix made kids who effectively have infinite essence since they don't have a real body (assuming nothing fucks it up), make it so one can get essence back by getting used to their ware, especially if it happened at a young age.
3. Cats everywhere
Congrats, Catalyst has picked (you) to lead a reboot of the setting for a new edition. Walk it back as far as you want and build on it from there. What's staying, what's going, and what's getting added?
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>Similar to how the dude putting toddler brains into the matrix made kids who effectively have infinite essence since they don't have a real body (assuming nothing fucks it up), make it so one can get essence back by getting used to their ware, especially if it happened at a young age
sounds like the transhumanism rule from 6e
Isn't this just Trace Icon?
Similar concept, though I kind of like the lore behind it in older editions, namely that it had to be like full cyborg conversion from a young age.
>thread isn't dead
Did the mods revoke the 1 week rule?
Yes, the one-week autosage timer was lifted relatively recently. We can only hope bumpfag has fucked off, as he's the reason the timer was implemented in the first place.
How do programs work? Are they a buy once cry once arrangement a runner can utilize on each appropriate device, iteratively and/or simultaneously?
As in, a decker has bought a rating three agent, as well as a hacking program, but has left their main deck at home, are they able to utilize these programs on their spare deck they keep in their truck?
What about a pilot and autosofts for destroyed drones? Say the same decker totals his dodge scoot after purchasing a high level pilot and maneuvering autosoft for it (rating six). He goes and buys an identical dodge scoot because of his brand loyalty and love of classic shitty scooters, is he capable of of installing these programs or their original manufacturer setting back ups into his new dodge scoot? What if he he keeps a garage of identical equally shitty vespas?
Is this considered piracy? The purchases are tied to your persona, so as long as the programs show up on devices registered to you, there should be no problem as far as the matrix is concerned. You’d just have to worry about the piracy warning the company clips to them on purchase.
> Instead of Injuns Injuns Injuns, have some Injuns but more general balkanization where different groups with different tech/magic have taken over.
This is already the case. The feather heads were only the catalyst for the surge in the ages magic levels, the fallout came thereafter, in the form of balkanization and breakdown of society. Corps rule the awakened wasteland by being able to actually supply the surviving sizable populations with what they need to maintain the lifestyle, since everyone outside of the biggest cities immediate strata (sprawls) seem to be reinacting Oregon trail with fireballs, (insect) spirits, neo-amphetamines and radio active hell hounds.
> make it so one can get essence back by getting used to their ware, especially if it happened at a young age.
They can, they just have to awaken. RIP in pieces if your sub 1* essence
>*you can revitalize your way back to 1 then awaken, but that may or may not facilitate magic HMHVV doping so you’d probably be bothered by that.
Everything being HMHVV is just a symptom of the times. No one knows anything so all the vaguely similar transmitter magical conditions are grouped up under the same label. The extrapolations from there are prime real estate to build your own campaigns eccentricities off of.
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This is a lot of /your table/ territory. Personally, I would assume that different brands are like IOS/Android/Windows and are software incompatible. I'd still let you do it with a good software check beforehand. As long as you mention that you're making backups or something before you total your scoot, I'd be fine with it. Its absolutely piracy, but that shouldn't matter since you're not being caught, right omae?
CRB p267 states that running a program on your RCC provides it to all of your drones. This implies that a program is a single instance, and cannot be duplicated. CRB p268 talks about the difference between a pilot rating and programs like maneuver softs. Confusingly, they use the word "program" for both, but mechanically, one is an item, and one is a stat. I believe an ITEM program can be popped out and slotted into any compatible device. You can only have so many programs running at a time, but storage space is functionally limitless, so there's no reason to not just move all of your programs over to whatever device you're using. In the event of a drone crash, assuming the software got fragged by matrix damage or the explosion was spectacular enough to destroy the hardware, I would rule that any program running on it goes with it (although if a player specifically mentioned he was downloading all his programs off it at the last minute, I'd probably let him get away with it).
It’s 2050 again, SINs and Shadowrunners getting a round SINs are a bigger deal.
Magic is keeping the world from dying from industrial after effects, magic is drawing more dangerous spirits and paranormal wildlife out into the modern day.
The USA and UCAS and NAN all still exist in a messed up combination of overlapping exclusions tied to SINs and corporate deals.
It takes some punks with no records to get things done.
There is a line in one of the early novels that a big part of why NAN succeeded is that the metas joined in due to the prejudice, when otherwise they might have sided based on racial lines.
And NAN spent a small, if significant portion of its GDP compensating people it removed.

These have never been mentioned since.
It's funny looking back at how the early books make a big deal about how much the NAN hate white people but make exceptions if they have pointy ears.
Early Shadowrun is just wild. Like the gay human/dragon assassin team. Who because of 80s restrictions very pointless emphasises the male dragon turns into a female human for sex.
Which in some ways makes it weirder.
I seem to recall SR2 having like three all gay gangs.
I wonder how much of that is overcompensating for SR1 censorship.
Do we know what was specifically censored or was it just a general decision of nothing that could about the squares in a game about street punks committing crimes for money or valor?
*annoy the squares
If there's a list out there, I can't find it.
1. Just wipe all the lore bullshit that was written in the 80's. All of it. Goblinization happens. Magic comes back. Dragons, sure. Dunkelzahn does his whole lore-dump, but it's not a famous journalist, it's just some youtubber or some rando shmuck on the street with a phone. No, Indian reservations are not going to push out all them thar white folk from the midwest.
2. It's just the Internet. No you don't need some wacky NuNet where if you die in Canada, you die for realz. The tcp/ip stack is still there. The reality of hacking that we got with the Internet of Things is just as horrific and wacky as hollywood sci-fi imagined it could have been. There's really no need to embellish.
3. Sure, there's the extraterritoriality of corporations giving them sovereignty in their own turf, but also add in the degredation and dissolution of the government by making public services private. The justice system is a for-profit system. Cops are corpos. Judges and jails are corpos. Every law has a price-tag next to it for the price of enforcement and they come down hard in the swanky areas, but nobody pays the police to deal with fender-benders or child abductions out in the dregs.

1. The other corporations start to lose control to more organized dragon CEOs, namely Lofwyr, and Aztechnology playing with blood-magic. The frontier capitalism of every corporation for themselves eating up the corpse of the state and filling that power vacuum is replaced by a few rats actually winning the rat-race. Consolidation is a bitch and even the big boy players are getting swallowed up.
2. The bureaucratic nightmare, corruption, and incompetence of established corporate rule is apparent and street-punks are turning into organized rule and law.
3. Growing crisis of HMHVV spreading, cells of bug spirit cults forming, and... I dunno, some sort of tech crisis... Rampant AI take-over or something.
>a reboot of the setting
Another one!? 6e was bad enough...
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You can only cataclysmically crash the Matrix so many times before people go "all right, what the fuck."
They had a good thing going with the 5e matrix if you put on your editing hat or know German.
6e matrix is like the best part of 6e. It doesn’t take 5 turns to hack a single device anymore.
Any suggestions for UCAS/CAS cities that aren't Seattle but are still interesting to play in? Eyeing New Orleans.
I'm torn on the CAS because depending on what era you play in they're either super militarized or super digital with fucking everything
FASArun East Coast is fun, post-SR2 Chicago is neat, Detroit is basically what if Delta City from Robocop actually happened, with all of the good and bad that implies.
>6e matrix is like the best part of 6e
>It doesn’t take 5 turns to hack a single device anymore
Peak brainlet. Do you realize how often we made fun of you on /srg/?
just come up with your own, it's not like fasa/cgl did more than the most basic research anyway
ok, why is it bad?
Why can't you do a single shred of research on shadowrun instead of parroting what the dyscalculic author belched at you?
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Man you're just a prick, aren't you?
You're a brainlet who parroted the official line about 6e's matrix. You wonder why people abandoned /srg/, and it's due to clowns like you.
I'm not even that guy, I didn't like anything after 4e, but if you're going to talk shit, explain what you don't like, don't just say "uhh if you were as learned as me you would know you're a moron" while adjusting your glasses like a fucking speccy nerd.
>I didn't like anything after 4e
Even better.
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If you can't accept that SR4 added some cool shit to the game lore-wise, you've got problems son.
The Krime Heater’s 5e stats should have been damage 10 penetration 0.
There. I said it. That’s the change I’d make.
The varmint version should have been a double stack version that is literally just a cheaper ares predator with worse accuracy + the meme stock option. Maybe a few more rounds to drive home how uge the grip is.
I'm the guy who's defending 6e, I don't have anything against you or against earlier editions. Those pre-4e editions have some cool stuff that I like, like the damage system using wounds and stuff, but they have some weaker parts too like skills being very disconnected from attributes. Personally I think every edition has it's own strengths and weaknesses and I honestly just really like how 6e looks, even those most people who talk about shadowrun online don't seem to like that edition as much.
Why I think the new matrix rules are good:
Simplifying hacking to networks again instead of devices is a massive improvement over 5e's single-device based focus. It reduces the amount of rolls needed to hack things, which keeps the game moving and allows the decker to feel like their actions are more impactful.
I also think the outsider/user/admin permissions system is very good, and how the hacking actions get you those permissions makes each one more situational. In 5e hack on the fly was just objectively better while now brute force is a valid option in some situations.
I think separating hacking devices from just cyberdecks to cyberdecks and cyberjacks is really good for a couple of reasons. First is that if your deck gets bricked you don't instantly lose all your matrix defense, second is that it gives a bit more balance to upgrading. Because decks are now cheaper it doesn't take the decker the whole campaign to be able to upgrade their stuff.
What system do you guys use to run Shadowrun? Besides Shadowrun.
>that post
>those digits
I'll admit I've never tried, but honestly it never felt worth it. Either I have to finagle Shadowruns rules into working, or I have to finagle the other game into fitting the setting. Might as well just stick with something that already knows what it wants to be.
I've never done done it but if I had do I'd make some something using BRP as the base. Matrix shit is a whole other story... Some people have made unholy homebrews out of Cyberpunk 2020 as it's base which seems easier but also harder at the same time.
I always use it.

It's not that hard you guys.
I made a Cyberpunk 2020 and Call of Cthulhu conversion document out of some 90s magazine articles.
It very clearly magnifies the flaws of all three games and I never got around to converting magic or the individual cybernetics.

But metatypes, guns and armour work fine.
I know in Shadowrun 4E and 5E that you should go home if you got less than 14 dice, but what was the good numbers of dice for FASArun?
The closest alternative I've seen is Genesys. Take the base game, add Android: Shadow of the Beanstalk for a cyberpunk setting, then slap this splat on top to turn it into fantasy cyberpunk, Shadowrun in all but name. It helps that the hacking rules in the base game are clean as fuck.
Cities Without Number
It's d20 based, which isn't my favorite, but it's a neat little package that does everything shadowrun does more elegantly (except technomancers, but I personally hate technomancers and think they're a horrible waste of pages anyway.)
In SR2 if you're a mage you should have a bucket of 20+ dice
Otherwise in SR2/SR3, having 8-10 dice is usually enough, 12 is usually the most you see if someone goes all in on a combat roll, but 16+ is possible through minmaxing like a mother fucker (or playing a Troll).
Some rolls you will never see more than 6-7 dice without shenanigans.
If you were condensing the weapon list to 4-5 examples per category, what weapons do you view as the "essential" stuff to stick in the list? Working on a system adaptation and don't really want to stat every single gun in every sourcebook, so I'm sorting through the books to put a trimmed list together. Right now my criteria (outside the heavy weapons) is basically
>1-2 "classic runner weapons" (Predator, Alpha, Super Warhawk, etc)
>1-2 "corp weapons" and 1-2 "ganger weapons", potentially overlapping with the first group (Crusader II, P93, ; AK-97, Defiance T250, Uzi IV; etc)
>1-2 "weird things" (Monsoon/Cherry Blossom, Puzzler, etc)
I'm not committing to these being the only guns that ever get used, if testing comes up with a missing niche I'm happy to write up another stat block, but I think it's sane criteria. Are there any specific examples in any of the categories of "do not skip including this", though? Trying to keep the iconic stuff, but I'm not super well versed in the 4e stuff if there's anything that didn't make the 5e cut that should have.
What the thread’s opinions on Kane?
Half of the forums seem to think he is the epitome of the pink Mohawk old school character and the other half think he’s a garbage harbinger of the deep dive in tone that started in late 3E and only started slowly climbing again with 20A.
How are the Novels?
Holy shit Demon Lord 2099 is just a Shadowrun anime.
But surely you're not using the Street Rep modifier? Those things are handed out like candy.
>cool cover
>look at the stat spread
I am vomit. Will read beanstalk but genesys games… is there a battletech rendition?
I don't follow.
the stat spreads of the starting races, the first thing you see when you open that pdf, are hard to look at.
The thought of shadowrunning in a genesys system is also hard to stomach, despite all this… I ask if there is a battletech splat put out yet, as battlerun is truly the best ever, and genesys is a light enough system to do a hatchet run through of it
Genesys, even as a moderate crunch system, is much more lightweight mechanically than Shadowrun. No one seems to have a problem with FFG Star Wars, and Genesys is just that with the serial numbers filed off.
Genesys and Star Wars have most of the XP budget (for Star Wars about 110-130) tied up in special abilities as well as characteristics.
1 Willpower 3 Agility is +20 -30 net -10
There no doubling up with high characteristics and WT or ST, so they get a +5 refund on the 9 WT
1 rank in a skill is -10 XP
60+10+10-5 = 75, so low-light vision and nimble make up the rest. Genesys Secrets of the Crucible would be able to tell us those costs and so what the totals is. Which is certainly under 100 XP.
Keep in mind that the typical "baby's first archetype spread" separate from 2s across the board is +1 in one stat and -1 in another stat. It's easy to understand and immediately lays out the archetype's baseline strength and weakness.

Also keep in mind that in Genesys/FFG Star Wars, characteristics (core stats) and skill ranks are hard-capped at 5.
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>"Somehow, Deus returned"
Reminder that the reason that SR5e never got meaningful errata is largely because the head of the errata team was a tranny who got kicked out of their house for bringing their homeless boyfriend into the house and he was too weird with his feral predator/prey fetish so they both got kicked out and were homeless
wow, i had no idea your mother was on the errata team.
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What's the earliest date of birth for an elf if someone wants to play a boom baby?
I’m familiar with the source of genesys (if it’s the Star Wars books), but is there >>94174159
another book where I can see the math for starting races? How much xp do the they get to build them from 1s across the board, up? Or is it 2s +100-130xp to taste? I need to cleanse my mind of what I saw by substituting it with my own systemically sound headcannon.
>…and he’s living live as cute cashier at the stuffer shack
What if deus was one of us? Just a chummer with a day job.
If you mean spike baby, iirc the earliest known one was born in the 80s
Outside of some obscure spike baby feng shui brought about bull shit, it should be the time of mass goblinization itself, no?
A hundred year old human poser elf from the seventies sounds groovy though.
My bad, haven't read the books in a while. Got to refresh it before the upcoming game.
Ninja’d, plus I was off by a good bit…
Anyone's ever made a totally legit character? I was thinking about building an Aussie Troll (mundane and a bit resentful) who joined an army, then went to university, got a bachelor's degree in cryptozoology and now he's a one-man scientific expedition to the Outback.
The latter is usually a pretty safe place to start.
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I made a 3d model of the Seattle skyline. The arcology is lore-accurately scaled, the rest of the skyline I just threw in without any research.
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Fudge; wrong render. This is a more complete version.
No, but I have SR concepts that I would encourage it, like my 'maritime security patrolling the Carib League' idea.
1. Smaller NANs, numbers just don't make sense. Even supposing an early advantage in magic, they wouldn't be able to keep gains, especially on prime real estate.
2. Utah lore doesn't make sense. Draw inspiration from their masonic / hermetic roots (ala "The Refiner's Fire" and apocryphal material like the forged salamander letter) and current groups like the Mormon Transhumanist Association. Instead of a big null zone and gun control, make Salt Lake City a heavily armed "every man in the militia" fortress state paranoid about conquest by their neighbors, with awakened members inducted into an esoteric inner priesthood and elders quorum desert rifle training with cyber-eyes. They'll never do anything this fun / interesting at CGL though because they've got too many Mormons on staff.
3. Make trolls more long-lived, give them some more differentiating flavor. Capable of hibernation, slowly getting bigger over time. Remove contradictory lore about dumb trolls, being slow is already a big enough disadvantage.
>Remove contradictory lore about dumb trolls
It always annoyed me that Trolls had an intelligence penalty.
Fluff says they're not dumb, just uneducated since they live in the wilderness since most civilization isn't built for them.
Lore also says they have a large amount of mages/shamans which doesn't really work if the majority eat paste.

Feels like two different writers couldn't agree.
looks dope
Anyone ever played a game where the PCs weren't shadowrunners? Corpo game, cop game, black ops game, ganger game, dragon game, etc.?
It’s weird that people who underwent goblinization still retain their full intelligence and lifespans despite their bodies effectively overcooking themselves in a matter of hours.
But the ones born naturally are dumb and short-lived.
why is that weird?
The metabolic changes are huge but they don’t suffer after effects.
Like bones and muscles warping while brain chemistry rewrites.
The ones used to the metabolic changes are somehow even worse.
sean laverty had to have been born before the 1980s, since that's the decade he started the xavier foundation
Perhaps Trogs simply have lower brain–body mass ratio than Norms?
Figuring out my character to fill a gap in a party. Right now we've got
>human rigger
>human face
>elf hermetic mage
>troll street sam
If I don't take a decker, we'll have NPC decking support. Physical infiltrator or decker - what's going to be more fun to play? Or another archetype, for that matter? I'm not married to any concepts yet.
Well it does depend on what exactly everyone is planning with their characters, but I’ve personally found a good deal of success with a decker who dips into physical infiltration, as the skill sets do have some overlap, getting around mag locks and into secure areas to get access to particular servers or to weak spots. It’s not like you really need more than good logic and intuition to be a good decker, so you can afford to sink some points into Agility to be good at all that sneakery, and a few points into pistols as a just in case.
I wonder what their builds are? Three adepts, one mystic adept? From left to right: gun focus, magic, stealth focus, brawling focus.
>first spike babies were boomers
Knew it.
>but I personally hate technomancers and think they're a horrible waste of pages anyway.
Agreed, and they're a stupid idea.
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It really is. I'm liking it.
Unironically true, they eventually made a GoFundMe to try and get a place and one of the big name Shadowrun devs made a weepy post and donated a bunch of money to them
>tfw fate/stay night can still exist in the timeline as a niche doujin game but everything afterwards including a translation never happened then Crash 1.0 probably wiped out this priceless history
>I know in Shadowrun 4E and 5E that you should go home if you got less than 14 dice
You should go to a GM that doesn't practice dicepool inflation. Most of my team that actually bothers rolling ends up working with less than 10 dice before penalties.
Have you kids watched Hyper Police?
Any advice for running this on foundry?
Hyper Police went to shit once they introduced the time-travelling samurai. Wicked City and Silent Mobius are much better uses of your time.
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I prefer the modern aesthetic imo.
>literally preferred sovless to sovl
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Let's have a chat down at the station, anon.
I just think the feel of modern cyberpunk is a bit better. the older stuff is like 'yeah fight the system' and everythings blocky and dirty. The new stuff is kinda like the vibe of an aging woman without any real emotional connections in her life like friends or family and is just a kinda unimportant replaceable cog at work and the only thing to alleviate that suffering is buying a thing of hagen daz once a week and form a parasocial relationship with an internet personality. It just feels depressing like watching a dog run over by a car limping in the road with the two legs he can still move.
>4 str
>2 agi
What's this guy look like? I was going for someone relatively built but skipped leg day.
NTA but old cyberpunk does seem to have more personality to me, with cassette futurism, guessing what the future will be like and all the colors. Modern cyberpunk looks better on a technical level thanks to newer graphics and computer effects, but a lot of it is just copying Blade Runner over and over or just slightly updating modern dystopias.
Is this the rare Dwarf with 8 STR and BOD?
Probably just a reasonably fit guy who's a little bit clumsy sometimes. Neither of those are significantly far off from average.
>Personal Alerts
>* Your Current Rep Score: 2351 (32% Positive)
>* You have 1 new private message, titled "Heard you're back in town. Come see me, we'll celebrate."
>* Your Chummer > Tools > Options books list has been unchecked https://github.com/chummer5a/chummer5a/releases
>* Cloud File Storage: https://pastebin.com/SsWTY7qr
>* Running Refresh.BTL...
wow that pastbin is almost ten years old now...
just 3? ok then,
1. fix a lot of the immortal elf and earthdawn stuff to make elves less evil.
2. make awakened musicians and celebrities more common
3. have other classic fantasy metatypes without having them just be variants of the main races

1. Deus is permanently destroyed at the climax of the Shutdown
2. Tir Tairngire avoids its economic crisis and the Council remains in power
3. All the characters I like stay alive
That is closer to a 9 STR and BOD dwarf
4 is above average. There's definitely some definition going on. Toned.
When did you get access to Earthdawn on top, chummer?
Do you even get new players for this anymore?
More like old players get new GMs who run the latest editions.
I'm not a new GM but every player I get has been doing it for a long time. Newbies dried up.
>That is closer to a 9 STR and BOD dwarf
Perhaps he's got a suprathyroid gland?
It's a real pity, too. Old Shadowrunning taught me a lot that ended up going into other games as inspiration and as lessons. I think a lot of younger, new TTRPG players could stand to benefit from a dose of "if you don't think before you act you're going to get torn to pieces while your mission fails" in their careers that will go a lot further than things they're learning from whatever flavor of D&D is the current hotness.
i'm not sure what you mean
He's referencing that current SR is not allowed to make direct references to Earthdawn because CGL didn't buy that.
I feel like I should specify, 5e. Should I bother with tracking down the compendiums?
I don’t know why I wrote this. Maybe I just wanted my own version of SR. But it’s too damn close to the actual version.
1986 to 2012 - Isolated cases of genetic abnormalities occur in wildlife, this is ascribed as either mutations caused by pollution or preexisting genetic variation. Large Hadron Collider finds interesting new particles that might revolutionize physics.
2011 - First ghouls may have occurred in Africa around this time if HMVV strain had developed by now from early VITAS.
2012 - Magical fields grow strong enough to be detached and debated in scientific forums, start of spirit contact with attuned minds.
Dragons wake up and begin hoarding wealth.
VITAS, a magically-altered virus emerges and within 8 years has killed two billion people. Controlling the spread is within human limits, but randomly shifting onset times and 99% fatality rate wreck havoc. International aid and interventions collapse.
2016 - First recorded birth and immediate hospitalization of meta-human child, an elf, followed by recognition that dwarves are not suffering from dwarfism in 2019.
VITAS isolated as triggering mutagenic effects. Realization that VITAS has broken quarantine but does not kill certain common genetic markers. Panic sets in, sub-national borders harden.
2020 - Goblinization occurs as VITAS triggers explosive biological overclocking in segment of humanity, many die as their bodies give out, many survivors left with permenant development issues, physical disabilities and hormonal imbalances. National authority and social order begins to break down as people die or flee their homes. Corporate territory becomes defacto without any enforcement from outside.
2021 - With VITAS Strain I having run it's course, humanity is either dead, immune or sheltered. Large-scale conglomerates lead recovery, many derived from privatized government groups, due to the lack of funding.
VITAS Strain II occurs sporadically, containable but lethal even to meta-humanity.
2022 - Magic is demonstrated and tested before a scientific conference, spirits recognized as echoes of biological life's magical presence. Understanding of increasingly dangerous wildlife in non-urban areas.
2024 - With climate change wrecking havoc and no aid, suggestion is put to the United Nations that magic forces be deployed to halt it. Traditional native practices grow in popularity and power.
2024 to 2035 - Internal conflict wracks the globe as assertive traditional cultures push back against invaders or each other, the defacto corporate independence is made explicit under the same privileges, for supplying the global economy and pushing the boundaries of magic.
National authority remains low globally, sub and cross-national blocs and groups appear in large numbers, egged on by corporations and traditional magic groups. emergence of deniable ops as chosen recourse without other authority. Many VITAS, war and climate refugees are left without SINs as overlapping authority snarls.
Dragons support new power structures, as they desire to collect wealth with a minimum of expenditure.
2031 - HMVV first suspected, confirmed sightings of ghouls and potentially other Vampiric meta-types.
2035 - Super/Sub-national blocs gain UN seats along with a UN Corporate Council, right to issue SINs. SINless class of professionals emerge from post-war veterans and gangs.
2039/40 - HMVV isolated, some fear that this is the final stage of VITAS and of meta-humanity altogether, mass rioting in certain urban area, Seattle's Night of Rage.
2050 - Seattle Metroplex offers 3 separate and mutually exclusive SINs (USA, UCAS and Metroplex) + Corporate SINs. Borders remain in flux depending on the SINs. For instance, Washington State SINs are issued and synonymous with Salish-Shidhe Council SINs.
Is there a reason why Shadowrun has basically zero post-Soviet presence? Evo is just a relocated Japanese corp, and there's basically nothing else that comes out of any of the other former Soviet states whatsoever beyond the piles of AKs. Nothing survived the breakup?
Cyberpunk blew up when the Soviet Union collapsed and Japan looked like it was going to take over the world. Not many people have really explored cyberpunk Russia, though I don't imagine things being too dramatically different than what we currently have.
It's just interesting in contrast to, well, Cyberpunk (2020/etc) where the Soviets are still big players on the world stage, even if they're not strictly "socialist" any more (to the point of taking it out of the name). You'd think there would at least be some after effects of the breakup and all that.
just a slob like one of us?
Shadowrun 1e released in 1989 and the second edition released in 1992, with the USSR collapsing in between these dates. There was some stuff implying the soviet union existed in that first edition, but later stuff really did its best to brush that under the rug.
Shadowrun in America has always been focused on North America. Shadowrun in Europe was largely written by the Germans and the French who chose to write about their own areas for the most part.
Over time there have been some things written to try and expand the setting, like the shadows of Asia book or the Shadows of Latin America.
As far as I'm aware there's been very little written about Russia, with one of the only things being a small part for Vladivostok in Target: runner havens.
sorry, the book is "Target: Smuggler Havens". Got it mixed up with another book called runner havens.
>glorious best option is a deadlink
Most likely
are powered exosuits a thing or a homebrew?
They're implied to be something that people have attempted but never got working in a cost-effective way compared to just a vehicle because most of the SR4/SR5 writers hate pink mohawk.
Meanwhile SR2/SR3 had the JIM Suit which due to how the rules were written, could be customized into a powered exosuit even though that was clearly not the intention.
ah understood. well, i still think they depict elves a bit too negatively for my taste. you'd never see them release a book called "never trust an orc".
It's just en vogue to hate elves, especially these days. Nowdays everyone loves dwarves for some reason. Some time in the future trends will cycle back and maybe we'll get good elves in 7e.
That was soured back in 1E where Oregon and Ireland get turned into weird fantasy kingdoms where suddenly a large portion of Americans/Irish throw off their clothes and start singing Enya and Bardcore. And start being dicks to everyone else.
All while an Illuminati of jerk NPCs who clearly haven’t gotten any better from Earthdawn get to rule the roost as pompous aristocrats.

It’s like every dumb take on Elves from the 70s onwards rolled into bad real-life politics.
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I dunno man... Why go back in time?
2016 was 8 fucking years ago.
2020 was a global pandemic, not goblinization. It's never not going to be.
You might as well say that them thar injuns rose up and kicked out the cowboys back in 1980's, when all they had were six-shooters and wooden sidewalks.

Cyberpunk settings, the genre, should be near-future.

I mean... nothing of worth DID survive the soviet collapse. We used to think Russia had the 2nd strongest army in the world before they invaded ukraine. Turns out that a kleptocracy of oligarchs fucking over the nation and pillaging whatever they can doesn't make for a good military. Now they have the 2nd strongest army in Ukraine.

What have we really got?
Partisan politics in America tearing the nation apart. The slow decline of the American empire. All developed nations have their fertility well below sustainable levels, America and Europe are importing workers to offset the looming demographic crisis while Korea and Japan are diving right in. China is developed at this point, and yeah, their 4-2-1 problem is just now coming to a head. Meanwhile they keep fucking like rabbits in.... oh, India is also coming down, just slower, and Africa peaked and is oh-so slowly coming down. So yeah, Europe will be overrun with Arabs and Africans. America will bring in a lot of S.America.

Space is cheap and about to get cheaper. Meaning telecom and spy-satellites. And not much else up there really.

AI is poised to make every white-collar job look like the next rust-belt.

Longevity medicine could make semi-immortal CEOs. Or at least have them more active for longer. Have you seen that bullshit with the "young blood" transfusions? Straight up vampiricism. No HMVV needed.

Drone combat is a de-facto thing as seen in Ukraine. Missile defense in Israel... works? Huh.

If your near-future sci-fi high-tech low-life setting just kinda ignores any of this.... then it's already outdated.
>Cyberpunk settings, the genre, should be near-future.
Cyberpunk has never been near future.
It has always been fantasy based around ideas of how humans operate.
The rest of your post reads like you're someone who says Sci-Fi needs to always directly be critiquing current real world situations.
I hate it! It’s clearly just jealous nerds with bad aesthetic taste

I know, that’s why I listed it as part of the lore I would change. It also gets really absurd, like having the queen of the elves palling around with Hitler.
>It’s like every dumb take on Elves from the 70s onwards rolled into bad real-life politics.
Yea, pretty much
Wait. I'm unclear. How did Oregon change?
A bunch of elves migrated there and then seceded from the Salish-Sidhe Council, forming the elven country of Tir Tairngire.
Ditch 5e and 6e as lost causes and get rid of the Headcase Metaplot that was brewing at the end of 4e.
Keep the post-cyberpunk tone of early 4e.

Magic Metaplots going forward focus on the fallout of the Dragon Civil War as the dragons great and lesser deal desperately trying filling in the vacuum left over by three Greats getting the boot, the cage and the axe. The Immortal Elves are getting active once again because the Dragons are all flustered. Make the Heavenherds relevant again as little spurts of Atleatean era magic knowhow get leaked out.
The Immortal cliques of the Atlantean, Serethea and Shosaran factions start 'argueing' and using shadowrunners as agents and cats paws.
Mundane Metaplots deal with political destabilization and polarization increasing, political violence ratchets up, segments of society are demanding change while others go reactionary. Sepratist movements might crop up. Nations take the example the Aztlan-Amazonian War to start their own brushfire conflicts. Corporations are busy either fanning the flames for gold and glory or trying to keep the fire from reaching their own lawns as they all try and stab one another in the face as is custom.

Bring back the 'Shadows of-' to update a bunch of regions about the current goings on and to provide a bunch of plot hooks using magic and mundane ideas.
Shadows of North America needs updates on places like the Tir or California Free State along with the UCAS and NAN for example.
Keep the 'Book of Trog' but also make a 'Book of Changelings' for Elves and Dwarves. Have them serve as player guides for the various metahuman races.

Ditch Jackpoint and it's metahuman garbage PoV characters, bring back Shadowsea or Shadowland.

I've got other ideas but I'm sorta busy and that's the first stuff that comes to mind....Other then not embezzling from my company to build a 850,000 extension to my house and not pay my writers....You know.
What are your favorite contacts to take? Especially unusual ones.
>2020 was a global pandemic
A global scare.
Hmm, I usually design my contacts specifically for each character so they end up very varied. And since we get a lot of contacts from runs, typically only one backstory contact ends up being relevant. For my current character that's a french mobster that we use for smuggling routes when we travel.
3e made it a point that the NAN didn't have the population of Native Americans to pull off their nation building plan. So they had to improvise massively.
Many did stuff like giving citizenship to people who could prove or 'prove' they were 1/15 Cherokee. Mexicans and Mexican-Americans were declared honorary Native Americans in recognition for Aztlans support. Due to heavy interference by the Immortal Elves and once again, practicality and maybe a little bit of sympathy declared Metahumans honorary Native Americans and could form their own tribes and many NAN's would also give citizenship of varying types to much needed experts or even falsify data declaring someone had native American ancestry. So if your a civil engineer in the newly formed NAN they might be willing to fudge your genetic tests to find that you are officially 1/10 Choctaw, congratulations, also here's a house and a new car. Finally if memory serves a handful didn't actually care all that much and would just give non-voting citizenship to whoever wanted to stay.
Also the lore isn't why about what happened to NA Nations like the Ute who tried going in for the whole, 'Only full blooded native Americans can live here!', they quickly faded into irrelevance and economic crisis before getting gobbled up by their more pragmatic neighbors.
Well I like making Awakened characters, so I always like to have a Talismonger for a contact. My last character was an ex-Lonestar hermetic who had an arrangement with a corrupt officer who could get stuff out of the evidence lockup, he was pretty neat.
the devs hate elves so much that they keep changing the description of one of their most prominent writer's pets to make her less and less elven.
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Never noticed that, not a huge shock.
I still remember how 5e's 'Run Faster' book's section on Elves almost seemed as if it were written by a Humanis supporter and kept pulling shit out of it's ass like the idea that the Path of the Wheel, which used to be a weird Tir Nan Nog religion that not only saw Non-Elves as soulless beings but saw Elves outside of Ireland as 'evil spirits' suddenly became the hit new religion of elves the world over somehow between 4e and 5e.
6e's Neo Anarchist Streetpedia is almost as bad.
When did the Elf hate start?
5e also introduced the new concept that dwarves serve the dwarves Illuminati who somehow have carved out an international conspiracy despite comprising of people who still have pre-change language, cultures and ethnicities with nothing else in common except a new biology.

I think it’s just the fantasy elements have increased in prominence as freelancers struggle with writing modern/sci-fi content.
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Ugh, yeah I remember that. No idea what the fuck kinda meth those writers were smoking but they needed better shit.
I agree though, think a lot of 5e's garbage, 'universal metahuman experiences regardless of culture, language and nationality' were just the writers being hacks. In 'Run Faster' each metahuman group has two or three different 'cultures' that each group for some reason rigidly adheres to regardless of where their from and then it gets to humans and it's suddenly, 'There's no single human culture! Humans are all different depending on nationality, ethnicity, social class, religious affiliation and etc!'
Meanwhile Elves are either racist stereotypical sissy elven fops, Ancients and the ultra rare, 'Normal People who aren't like the other elves' or the dwarves like you said being, 'Racist Dwarven illuminati or not racist dwarven illuminati'.

Maybe Elves and Dwarves could have benefitted from a 'Book of Changelings' like how the Orcs and Trolls got a 'Book of Trog'
But that was never going to happen because the writers would have to stop sucking off Orks and Trolls for five minutes.
Maybe the material would be better served if the material just went, "This is what it's like being a Metahuman in the North America, Europe, Asia." or whatever.
>When did the Elf hate start?
The moment Findley died.

Honestly I keep going back and forth.
Would metas be better if they were just evenly distributed everywhere with five million different cultures as a result or would they be better if some cultures were more prone than others?
On one hand I like the random factor, on the other hand the idea that Scandinavia is all humans, Giants, and Dark Elves is kind of fun, even if it raises questions of like "should all if India just be ghouls?"
On the topic of Night Ones.
Has anyone ever seen them in game as furries?
Of three different groups where one was either an NPC or a PC they were always described either more like WoW night elves or D&D Drow.
I don't think I have ever spoken with anyone who actually liked the blue furry design the canon has.
Scandinavia without Dorfs? Sacrilege!
>India just be ghouls
But why? Nagas, Ganesh, Hanumen, that four armed human variant...
We're not talking about writer's fetish inserts.
I hate it. Why not just make their skin blue? Why do they describe it as a thin layer of fine hairs? It doesn't even look like that in the pictures.
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Amongst the Writers? Or the Players/Audience?

As for the second part, we kinda already see that? Sorta? A bunch of areas have higher rates of certain Metahumans then others (Like how Ireland and KwaZulu-Natal had sky high rates of Elves being born and even areas like the PacNorWest, U.K. had higher rates of Elves then average.)
And then we have specific metavarients cropping up among certain ethnic groups like how Scandies have Giants or Central Europeans have Ogres or Gnomes and the like.

I think the most optimal take would be that each country/region have it's own take on the various meta's and how they fit in but maybe there's some overarching commonalities due to just shared circumstances, biology and stuff?
Trolls are always going to have problems fitting in because of their size for example. Orcs are always going to have certain problems because of their lifespan. All Elves are basically stuck as 25 year olds for the next few centuries.
But outside of this the life of say, an American Orc is going to be vastly different then an Orc from Russia. An English Elf is going to have a different time of it then a French Elf, let alone an elf from one of the Tirs.
A Scandie Dorf is going to be different then one from China.
>The moment Findley died.
I dunno about that. The Tir Tairngire sourcebook has a fair amount of elf bashing in it.
It does, but it's also clearly setting up for something bigger.
Most of the stuff it was setting up was trashed in SR3.
True, but Tir Tairngire Book also portrayed the Tir as having a stable and prosperous economy, strong environmental protections and having never signed the BRA was able to keep the Megas at arms length, it had a good military and was also a very young country barely thirty years old when the book came out. (And with the oldest, non Spike Elves being college age.) left a bad taste in people's mouths despite all of the internal racial tensions, sham democracy, lack of government transparency, authoritarian tendencies, extreme isolationismand weird neo-aristocracy.
Folks focused way too much on all the cool positive stuff.
It's why we eventually saw 3e wipe a bunch of grime all over it's luster with the Rinelle's, Racial Supremacist Elves Militias, an economic downturn and everything else.
4e would let us get another look at the Tir and how it's transitioned into something that's actually really interesting. Although the anti-elf animus has resulted in radio silence about the all of the Elven Nations and the Immortal Elves for the past two editions and even kicking Telestrian from its AA rating to a A rating.

All of which I think is a shame because an Elfland with an open border next to Seattle should be super interesting and you'd think whatever is going on there would effect things more.
All 3e and 4e did was muck around with the elves instead of actually doing something fun with them.
Findley was the one who wrote Harlequin properly. A dick who's better than you, but fucks up a lot and has human moments that make him feel relatable. The newer writers just have him be pathetic when he isn't unkillable.
In a cyberpunk setting, wouldn’t it make sense for the elves to be not only hostile (since all factions are generally ornery and confrontational in such settings, ie aggro), but also particularly loathed in shadowrun because they ostensibly are led by shadowy “old powers that be” in the the form of ancient elves seemingly sprung from the ground? The elven nations at least.
It’s supposed to be told from the punk perspective. Isn’t that why aztlan always has good pr despite their obvious nefarious practices and wicked schemes? Being “plucky”, brown, post colonial “dragon slayers”?
The literal genre of the setting has a bent, it’s explicitly hamfisted into 99% of encounters and statements on and within itself. In the fallout of the setting, it’s not odd for elf bashing to exist, because their nations are a power for shadowrunners to loathe, and they tend to be the meta most able to exploit and maneuver the systems that exist.
Elf bashing makes “total sense” from a punk perspective, even if it doesn’t make literal sense in any given example.
You can’t have a (explicit) good guy in punk, or the perpetual seething would be intolerable, and the premise itself would most likely just give way completely to the point of its existence ceasing or becoming vestigial to another.
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So what is it about Shadowrun that makes it special? What makes it more than a cyberpunk clone with some elves sprinkled in? Or is that the whole appeal and if you don't get it you just don't?
It's actually a D&D clone with cyberpunk tossed on top of it
>Aztech are the good guys
What the fuck? What game are you playing? Aztechnology has good PR because 1, they wouldn't get away with all their shit otherwise and 2, it's more dystopian for the public to be unaware of the blood magic and think anyone who believes it be a crackpot conspiracy theorist.

And people DO hate the Council of Princes. They just can't do anything about it.
It’s actually vampire the masquerade with both of those mixed in
Vampire is a ripoff of Shadowrun.
>desperate strawman bait
Here’s a (you) anyway because stuffer shack and its consequences are fun to talk about
>it's more dystopian for the public to be unaware of the blood magic and think anyone who believes it be a crackpot conspiracy theorist.
Didn’t the azzies overtly practice ritual sacrifice? at least at some point. Could have sworn there was remarks made about them sacrificing people at coliseums and the pyramids for sporting events, elections, product reveals etc.
Checked but you have it backwards.
Well first off, the existence of the Immortal Elves isn't widely known. There more of a crazy conspiracy theory more then anything and the Elven nations generally play a good game of diplomacy.
Elf Bashing is actually dumb since the overwhelming majority of Elves are just ordinary people working 9 to 5 jobs like everyone else.
Yeah their blood rituals are semi-public affairs last I checked. Their PR goes on about how they only use condemned death row criminals and stuff while the shadows go on about how that's not accurate.
A lot of people really latch onto the worldbuilding. People tend to stick around for the love of the setting more than anything.
>Checked but you have it backwards.
Nope, Vampire was released afterwards.
>didn’t vote for president dragon
>doesn’t know he fights for our freedoms to this day
Dirty dumb azzie scum
Make the metaplanes great again!
>>desperate strawman bait
Alright then, pal, why don't you re-articulate your point so I don't misunderstand it, because it really read like you're trying to paint them as scrappy underdogs or something.
Black Lodge hands typed this post
>turn 369 degrees
Is this Gyromancy?
Does anyone know the font the anniversary logo uses?
>Black Lodge
I want to learn more about this guys and what you others have used them for? Just a shadowy group of dark mages, whats the elven connection?
Using the Black Lodge depends on if you're using pre or post 6e lore.
let's assume pre 6e
Halp me Anons, I have too many muscles and whenever I go they want to give me the most backbreaking labor. Are there any mods that DECREASE strength? Or should I give in, get myself fake tusks and larp as Ork?
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the only things that come to my mind are weak cyberlimbs, or this thing
>Folks focused way too much on all the cool positive stuff.
Did we read the same book? Anything positive is immediately followed by BBS comments talking about how it's actually bad and driven by a sinister/cynical ulterior motive.
I haven't played since 20th Anniversary edition. What's the best way to get a lowdown on how the setting's changed? I'm less concerned about crunch, more flavor. Particularly curious if anything has changed dramatically with tech/hacking (similar to the Crash 2.0).
>I haven't played
I have been lurking in these threads since I found out about shadowrun six year ago, still haven't played a game of it yet.
i've played a couple of sessions (3e) and let me tell you, it is a miserable game to actually play on a mechanical level. i'm much more interested in the setting and worldbuilding.
>interested in the setting and worldbuilding.
Thats why I am lurking here, I even tried to write my own story in shadowrun But it didn't feel like it had soul to me.
>couple of session (3e)
Are you one of those poor souls from years ago that had a game of it here? Your GM did you a disservice.
You need to know more about the setting, and that means understanding the mechanics.

You have a lot to learn, or rather unlearn.
>You need to know more about the setting, and that means understanding the mechanics.
I did,
I wrote my story by using rolls to decide what happened It was pretty much a game but I was the sammy, technomancer, face, mage and gm.
It still felt souless but I was in HS so I am not bent out of shap about the bad writing I did.
You're talking about trying to use it as a solo game. I'd suggest not doing that. Don't you have any friends?
Lightbulb moment: Are all those auguments of all kinds just a hi-tech version of cutting themselves?
No i don't
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i don't think you're supposed to use it on yourself
>Are you one of those poor souls from years ago that had a game of it here? Your GM did you a disservice.
no, i played it with a good GM who's done a great job running other games. he says that after our poor experience he thinks he's successfully troubleshooted it, but we haven't played it again yet.
I think just that is special enough, you can imply about not only corporations but also race and the inequality of people with magic and no magic. Also SIN is something most cyberpunk settings don't have or don't focus on as Shadowrun does.
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Should I bake a new thread now or can someone else handle it in like an hour or two?
Try again.

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