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>Welcome back to /srg/, chummer
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>Watch your back
>Shoot straight
>Conserve ammo
>Do not buy CGL books
>Never, ever cut a deal with a dragon
>Jake Armitage, the SNES PC, follows Dog
>The Sega Genesis PC follows Gator
Who's your favorite shamanic patron spirit?
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>The Sega Genesis PC
His name is Joshua you slag
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Slipped my mind.
(Decker Joshua in the bottom left corner)
You should've posted in the eastern European posting time, this general is dead in water without Germans.
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Seductress or Fenrir
How relevant is this in-universe?
How many rwbyXshadowrun pictures do you have, anon?
not very. elves are cool and kind and people love them (even if the devs don't).
Best drones money can buy at chargen?
Like to see some starting packages by wealth if you know what I mean.
Which edition?
In OldRun a Rigger with significant nuyen could set up a whole network of drones, land and flying, with MMGs and armor that made them invulnerable to anything not anti vehicular, but it was also recognized a Rigger who does that in character generation is going to have the GM shit on their face.
they need to translate krautrun already
You'll have to wait and see in the next general.
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Only really relevant if your dealing with the Immortal Elves and even then their more like the Dragons than anything. But their such an astoundingly tiny fraction of a percentage of Elves they really don't matter for a question like this. The Immortal Elves numbers are probably measured in the dozens, MAYBE the hundreds at absolute best and even then I'm skeptical that their that many.

The majority of Elves fall into the usual range of metahumanity with everything from saints to assholes and regular joes in the middle. Most earlier editions made a point of highlighting this, since a large part of the Shadowrun setting was supposed to be subverting the usual fantasy cliches of, 'All Elves are haughty stick-in-ass back to nature hippies' or, 'Orks are big, dumb and violent brutes'.
An Elf is basically what you get when you take a human and you make them on average, a little more attractive and with better social skills and then tack on a few physical traits. Like better reflexes and coordination or being able to see in the dark. The biggest is their longevity, how would a person react to being 25 for the next few centuries? You still have someone human but their going to be a little different because of these changes and that's always been what's interesting about Shadowruns Metahumans. All of the fantasy stuff is so fresh on the world stage major differentiation hasn't sunk in yet.

Inexplicably 5e decided to jettison a bunch of the nuance JUST for elves and write that the majority of elves are either racist, arrogant effeminate ponces, or racist, arrogant macho edgy tryhards and only a super tiny percentage being somewhat 'normal'.
6e seems to have pulled back on this a little bit, one of the few things that trash fire has somewhat gotten right, sorta

But yeah. That pic would only be 'relevant' in the fever dreams of the setting's resident turbo racist white hooded losers that thinks all elves are in on a global conspiracy to take over the world
Use FASArun if you mean pre-CGL editions. Even 3e which was only half finished by them.
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What does /tg/ think of the various editions?
For me...

1E set's up a lot of the tone for the setting everything is rough around the edges but it's a great first attempt. Is there anything that can really be said? Personally I find it fine, I've never played 1e and it's just 'background' for me.

2E is the customary improvement over the first edition, the time period is shifted only three years into the setting's future (The same amount of time between editions.), rules are tweaked, the lore is refined as the tone and worldbuilding solidify into what is very recognizable even today. Came with a lot of sourcebooks and adventures that kicked off metaplot stuff that still reverberates even in more modern books, stuff like 'Bug City' and 'Harlequins Back' and this is also the edition where they started with digging into the Earthdawn period.
I've only played it a handful of times, but like 5e it's mostly just background for me.
I'll dig into the sourcebooks when I'm bored though or need context for something.

3E is the quintessential Shadowrun experience and I feel that when folks talk about Shadowrun this is generally what's being referenced. The setting just feels like distillation of the prior editions into it's purest cyberpunk form and it's probably got the best art out of all the editions. Some of the jankier worldbuilding from the previous editions is further papered over and it also helps that the timeline is moved ten years down the road. This is the edition I got into originally so it's got a place close to my heart. But I admit it's got some problems. The rules are a lot more complex and increasingly granular and this will probably be the biggest thorn going forward, 'New Seattle' is frustratingly is light on details. (I use SR2's Seattle Sourcebook in conjunction to flesh it out.) but it's 'Shadows of-' books are fantastic.
4E is the renaissance to 3E's golden age, when people aren't thinking of 3E when they think of Shadowrun their probably thinking of 4E. A lot of big changes came, tone and genre the setting was shifted to being post cyberpunk with a stronger emphasis on 'Mirrorshades' over 'Pink Mohawk' gameplay. The setting's technology made a quantum leap to keep up with technical developments of the 00's. (Social Media, Cellphones/Smartphones, Wifi and etc.)
I actually really enjoy these changes as it feels fresh and relevant to a genre that was getting dated, after all when 4e was first published the 80's had been over for 15 years so I feel like the shift in tone and sub-genre was somewhat necessary.
The rules got simplified a lot compared to 3e but it's still pretty complicated and difficult getting new people into but what else is new.
20th Edition was a fantastic book with hands down the best layout and let's you easily hunt down rules and gear in other books. (Something I wish they still did.)

Downsides are the rules are still overly complicated even if they got pared back as I mentioned. And well.....The Embezzlement at CGL hamstrung the later books. There's a real noticeable drop in quality with many of them and is emblematic of Shadowrun going forward. There's still a lot of great books but then we get shit like 'WAR!' which is just....Bad Chummers.
Which leads me to 5E.
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As much as I love SR I only had a few chances to play so my thoughts are:
>2E: the one I played first as a teen, I have the rulebook and a few expansions - it was fun
>5E: the one I GMed for a few months almost a decade ago, crunchy but fun, I tried getting some splatbooks recently but there's nothing at a reasonable price, at least in my country, and to think just a few years ago the shops were filled with the books - overall it was fun

I hope CGL loses the rights for Shadowrun and someone better picks it up and releases 7E. In the mean time I'll try organizing an oneshot with some strangers since my usual party is already busy with different systems.
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5E I have a complicated history with, I didn't like it when it came out and I was still burned by the drop in quality 4E suffered from and CGL's handling of the embezzlement. (ie: They didn't do shit.) the art was a huge miss for me as well and the editions Headcase metaplot didn't really compel me. It's lore was also all over the place.
I didn't like how the setting seemed to go through a regression away from the post-cyberpunk tone 4E started with (Though in hindsight it was obvious in later books that they were trying to claw their way back to old style cyberpunk.) to something closer to 3E. This is reflected in the rules as well as it feels like a huge chunk of it tried bringing back 3e's granular systems. At least they tried reigning in the dice pools I guess...But editing and layout were complete garbage.
I actually got burned out by the franchise so hard I skipped out on it for most of it's run. Only occasionally taking a looksee.
I've slowly warmed up to some of it, there are some books that are decent, but I'm still more scornful of it then prior editions.
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Ho Boy.
I'm not impressed. It took the worst shit from 5E the poor layouts and editing and paired it with the worst metaplot you could think of for Shadowrun. This feels more like something like some MCU superfan would brain up after doing a few lines of Area 51 and UFOology. This doesn't feel like a Shadowrun metaplot. How are players supposed to get involved in some kind of worldwide apocalypse? And the stuff going on in the background is just bizarre like many Mega's and world governments going along with it for a quick cash payout that lasts a few years before the planet dies....But I guess you get to ride in a sweet super yacht for a few years before you die screaming I guess?

The writing and retcons are fucking wild to core lore stuff that's been pretty stable since the earliest editions. The stuff about Essence in 'Body Shop' feels like it was written by someone Tumblr brained idiot who thought Essence was 'problematic' to disabled and trans people and didn't let them live out their fantasy of playing as an Elf Poseur (Yes they got rid of essence loss for Posers because they can have Elf/Ork/Troll/Dwarf Souls or something.) neko-mermaid tank and wanted to fix that with some rather boneheaded writing you can imagine.
Or someone having an axe to grind about UMT as being 'Corporate Ideology to keep magic down' or turning the Metaplanes into DnD style Planes/Alien Worlds that players can visit and the Corporations are busy mining and building luxury resorts at. (Instead of being spiritual planes and stuff.)

So yeah. Dumpster Fire. I haven't even attempted to run or play in a game set in 6e or bother learning the rules. At least some of the art is good. But that also feels like a mixed bag at time. A HANDFUL of ideas I actually like, like mundanes being able to use special preparations. (The Mega's had been angling for marketable magic goodies for mundanes going back editions.) but overall, yikes.
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I'd rather 6e just get silently retconned. There's nothing really salvageable. I can't find anyone who actually likes the edition, let alone love it.
But yeah, CGL is a huge part of the problem.

You try just using PDF's? You can always find some that fell off the back of a truck or if you want to go the honest route their generally cheaper. I only have hardcopies as a kind of collectible. PDF's are generally more useful for games. (Bring a laptop, phone or tablet, use a spreadsheet for your character sheet, you can swap between books pretty fast and hunt down information pretty quickly.)
Dog was awesome
I have all the pdfs for a quick search during a game, but I prefer reading and using physical books.
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Ah. I getcha. I prefer PDF's nowadays but I can't blame ya.
Though I do question your taste regarding 5E.

Joking aside, like I said I mellowed out Fifth Edition in recent years, it didn't even take 6E bombing to make me ease up on it. I still think 2E through 4E is probably the Franchise has to offer but I can at least recognize that the books weren't a complete waste and and that things could have been worse.

But at the same time I can't help but feel that a lot of the problems the 5th edition has were warning signs about how bad 6E would get.
We got the whole edging towards 'The Metaplanes are really just alien worlds' thing I hate in 6E in 5E's 'Aetherology' and 'Court of Shadows', we also get the 'The Metaplot is now about world shaking threats outside the scope of players' with CFD. 5E's desperation to claw back the tone and genre of 3E leads to 6E being even dumber with it.
And that's not even touching on problems with layout and editing that still persist.
Or hack writers because CGL's embezzlement screwed over everything forever.
5E was the edition I came back to after a long hiatus from playing or GMing any RPGs so I have a soft spot for it. Even took the rulebook to a specialist and paid to have the binding and stuff changed for a more sturdy one.
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Like I said. I was mostly joking, I can understand emotional attachments to an edition that can develop based around when someone get's into something or a particularly stellar campaign. I first got into Shadowrun right around the transitional period between 3E and 4E so I have a soft spot for those editions. (Even if I think 1E and 2E are also really great.) My initial dislike for 5E was partially emotional driven due to the changes in the setting, tone, sub-genre and other changes compared to the previous edition (As well as CGL's embezzlement bullshit.)
I'm still hard on Fifth Edition but for what I think are more logical reasons nowadays.
anybody play this stuff online using discord or roll20? also how do you handle the matrix and netrunning? just using grid maps?
Not familiar.

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