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>Watch your back
>Shoot straight
>Conserve ammo
>Do not buy CGL books
>Never, ever cut a deal with a dragon
How close would you say Demon Lord 2099 is to Shadowrun?
Big Boy Greg was staring on hologram with disbelief. Letter? Who's sending a letter in 2070? And him – a wizard? He was a decker, not a some fucking technomancer… Or was he?
>didn't change the OP at all
Lazy, lazy anon. Bad enough that the previous OP didn't care, but you don't either.
sorry, but it didn't look like anybody else was going to make a new thread and i had only a few minutes to do it before going to work
I was waiting for the thread to archive.
i like it when there's a link to the new thread in the old one
That's not how /srg/ worked. Rushing threads is how we get lazy OPs like yours and the last one, emptily copying and pasting without any new material.
>Demon Lord 2099
That series was such dogshit I abandoned it ten pages in. I can see how it didn't break 20 chapters across two attempts at a manga adaptation. Consume something half-decent like Shadowrun's own manga, Silent Mobius, or Wicked City instead.

Why would you have wanted any of the retarded negroids from last thread to find this one?
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Where's the RWBY, anon?
Nowhere, thankfully. I prefer anime but I'd sooner good old Shadowrun art than that slop.
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Has anyone tried Armor Astir for a SR hack?
>A and B plotlines for van deckers and social infiltration
>downtime to spend getting personal interactions outside of a run
>metasystem rules about fighting an oppressive social system
>risks and perils are interesting damage tracks

The big issue I have is with magic. I don't know how to structure it so it's not just another weapon
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>shadowrun art
>not slop
ok? do you want to talk about shadowrun?
How exactly does Noise work? In this context, lets say I'm out in the middle of a noiseless area, totally empty flat white plain. Some guy wants to hack me. I have a Jammer. Do I need to put the jammer near me or near him to have it matter? DOES it matter, as long as it's where part of the test is occuring?
>How exactly does Noise work?
When you're taking an action against something in the matrix, you judge the distance between your persona-capable device and the target to get base noise, add anything else that could be affecting your traffic getting to them (yes, a jammer on you or them applies) and sum total applies to the attacker. Defender does not take noise penalties.
I started reading Crossroads and I'm going it. What's y'alls favorite SR novels? Also question about the meta plot, is there a list of what adventures to run in chronological order? Like if I wanted to run my group of players through the meta plot over one long ass mega campaign?
I really enjoyed House of the Sun, more than 2XS. Something about the tropical setting, I like seeing things that aren't "grey American corporate slum."

And I doubt there is a cohesive order for the adventures. They are set across 4 decades and multiple continents, and the end of many of them would make others impossible.
>Also question about the meta plot, is there a list of what adventures to run in chronological order?
You'll definitely want to swap out runner teams sometimes. Rule of thumb is to use the publishing date, though that can get funky. Here's the order for FASArun.


On the other hand 2XS had a bittersweet ending, while House of the Sun being so tropical was a dreadful flag it would end far worse. Everyone lies, chummer. Nigel Findley dying before he could follow up on Dirk's story makes it even sadder.
Is archery really viable at all, whether it's bows or crossbows? How do you make it good?
Edition? Called Shot for pin & blast out of hands are good in 5e. If you can work with your GM to get microgrenades on arrows that'd be something, but I don't think that's an option RAW.
Depends on what you mean by that.
Most likely no.
Did CGL errata Hard Targets' explosive clip from a flat reduction to a percentage reduction?
>Did CGL errata [5e book]
Right. Then I don't understand how someone fucked it up in Chummer5 to turn a -2 into -2% and it was never picked up. Or why they split Stolen Gear off into its own little pocket of funding. Or why In Debt doesn't spend the negative karma gained on the nuyen it gives. Etc.
>5e advice

An archer is fun to play as a joke, but is disheartening when every ganger with something bigger than a machine pistol can outshoot you. Did one as a backup character and it was enjoyable for what it was.
>get 10 AGI, 10 STR. This is a gimmick, commit. More STR lets you use the trollbow, but that's a huge investment because...
>get a lot of cash. Archery burns money faster than a Panther, especially if the GM is a hardass about recovering arrows.
>get the pistol crossbow with SnS heads and static shafts. Super expensive per shot, but it's the only.concealable weapon you have so make it count. Also learn a martial art, because you're swole as hell.
>Hammerheads with seeker shafts for accurate stun damage on your main weapon, explosives and incendiaries with regular shafts for physical. You can make incendiary arrows explode mid-air to carpet bomb dudes in cover three blocks away, it's great.
>get easy breakdown on your main bow, and a quickdraw quiver
>roll as many dice as possible. Smartlink, aiming, sucking cock under the table for another d6, you will need ~20 to do it right.

>buy regular, monotip or barbed arrows. Cost/damage is way off.
>leave arrows behind if you can help it. Shit's expensive
>try and compete for damage. You lose to an AK-97. Focus on called shots.
>put seeker shafts on anything that explodes.
>plan for a long life, plan for a fun one
>Or why they split Stolen Gear off into its own little pocket of funding.
That's how it works.
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>Archer is a gimmick build
Also get a gun.
>Super expensive per shot, but it's the only.concealable weapon you have
Wouldn't be so sure about that.
>A traditional style bow can be designed to be collapsible, requiring a Complex Action to assemble. Cost for this modiication is an additional 50 nuyen per point of Rating.
Whatever that means. Hard Targets also splits the option to take a smartlink into compound bows, not traditional bows.

No, it doesn't. It adds to your funds during character generation. What it doesn't do is convert into nuyen you can keep after character generation.
>No, it doesn't. It adds to your funds during character generation.
It adds a 200k budget you can't exceed.
It's the same wording as In Debt.
You are a coward and your mother will forget the sound of your voice.

Sure, getting a bow to break down is handy for moving anywhere you don't want to be immediately obvious as a Hawkeye cosplayer. The Sliver is for when you need to do some quickdraw shit to take out a guard, or conceal something in civilian clothes where carrying a rattling gym bag would be suspicious.
>or conceal something in civilian clothes where carrying a rattling gym bag would be suspicious.
If you need something entirely inconspicuous, take a slingshot, capsule rounds, and pepper punch. Aside from the capsule rounds (which you might be able to make yourself if you're good) it has no availability rating (so you don't need to black market your way into owning one - any local corner stores have them), no license requirement, is cheap as fuck, and runs off archery. There's nothing else in the game that matches up - provided you're doing an archery build and are able to figure out between you and the GM how you can stealthily take someone down with toxins.
(5E) I like the aesthetic of being a troll immensely, but mechanically I don't like how pigeonholed they are. The lower mental caps and agility penalty are punishing, and the strength and body you get aren't enough to make up for it, especially because if you want to go melee the agility is arguably more important than the strength. Heavy weapons requiring some strength aren't better than normal automatics, you don't need too much strength to bring the best heavy armor, soak tanking is your only real advantage and it's not even better than dodge tanking. It takes a smaller investment to make an elf dangerous in melee than a troll because of thegood flat-damage weapons, you have to go all in to be a serious melee threat with muscle power. Priority A is a joke.
I get what you're saying. There are many small factors that contribute to the troll being left behind in chargen but I guess one of the bigger is that metatypes are really just statblocks. Without actual "racial traits" or race-locked content we're just comparing stats, and trolls come up short because we already have two metatypes that are STR/BOD focused with less investment.

Sure, going from priority C Ork->priority B Troll means that you increase the base/max of BOD by 1 and STR by 2. But you're effectively losing 4 Attribute Points from not investing in the Attribute priority. Or 4 entire special attribute points if you had gone with priority B Ork. You're paying out of your ass because of the increased maximums. Which would have been fine if STR/BOD weren't the shittiest of the attributes. Imagine how busted it would be if "trolls" gave 10 AGI and 10 INT.

And you aren't really getting those increased maximums for free. When you sum up the total attribute increases and penalties, you'll see that Elf, Ork, and Troll all three get exactly a 3 point increase. So you are at net 0 when you jump from Ork->Troll.

Honestly, a complete overhaul of the metatypes isn't a bad idea.

>All metatypes starts at 1/6 down the line
>Different metatypes have different racial traits

>You possess incredible bulk in a society not adapted for you physically nor socially.
>All your melee attacks based on STR gets a +4 DV bonus
>Whenever you take damage, lower the amount by 2 (minimum 1)
>You possess an inherent Recoil Compensation of 3
>You possess an inherent +1 Reach
>The first rank of any social skill costs two extra karma. During CharGen, instead of karma the first rank costs two points
>You may not begin with Academic knowledge skills above rating 2

and so on.
>especially because if you want to go melee the agility is arguably more important than the strength.
Only if you have a monowhip.
Play karmagen, and apply metatype minimum characteristic increases after purchasing characteristic advances up from 1. Chummer5 has the option.
>The lower mental caps and agility penalty are punishing
Two dice less won't mean anything unless you don't actually try to make up for it in other ways. Especially social skills. But if you want to throw around 9 max charisma as a baseline troll (more as a giant), 5e is the edition to do it.
Agility? Get narco, oxygenated fluorocarbons, and muscle toner or replacement 2. Throw in a reflex recorder for whatever combat skill.
Well, that's also a good reason to not have friends in melee. DESU, you should probably be able to negate the "enemy has friends in melee" disadvantage, too. At that point, it becomes not a four on one, but a target-rich environment where you're guaranteed to slice through someone's something.
Whoa. Word filters in 2024?
dumb zoomer
>Shocked wordfilters are still around
>Must be a zoomer

Looks like it's time for some weeaboo.
Looks like someone's a zoomer newfag who doesn't understand the one that said weeaboo first is the one that gets a paddling.

Kill yourself.
Congrats, you now get to go paddle anon's ass like you always wanted.
Be done, faggots.
>soak tanking is your only real advantage and it's not even better than dodge tanking
Yeah man, rolling 1-2 more dice on your dodge (which can be reduced to basically not being able to dodge at all by a hundred different things) than they have on their attack and getting dropped or dying if it connects is totally just as good as rolling an absolute minimum of 27+ (realistically 33+, scaling indefinitely) dice against a maximum of like 12 (stun) DV is totally just as good.
Troll adepts run 5e to such an extent that it's laughable, what the fuck are you talking about?

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