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Previous Thread: >>94084926
Use the 1 page version, man.
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>Use the 1 page version, man.
Isn't it a fan compilation, rather than something from the author?
>that's how it was originally
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My Private Malefactor will look like this.
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Why does Tok fear these type of characters in a fictional setting? He literally malds at the thought or even seeing them and proceeds to cuss and condemn others to hell? Italics uses them and moves on with his life. JRPG Traitor and Tankista use them and move on with their life. Anons here use them and move on with their life.
>Why does Tok fear these type of characters in a fictional setting
Red mages from the original Final Fantasy video game?
Of of BTG's best.

How do we get him to make these instead of /trash/?
>How do we get him to make these instead of /trash/?
Animus was supposed to be a /trash cyoa. BTG (a.k.a. GiftedAnon liked how it was coming out so much, he decided to go for a broader audience.
What happened to your reading comprehension and contextual awareness? Or are you pretending to be retarded? Furry.
>pretending to be retarded
his specialty
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Lifelong: Memory, Inspiration, Creatures, Spirits
>full output Inspiration
>full output summon Creatures and Spirits
>ever growing army
>0 downtime, can immediately keep going with this strat the moment I reincarnate
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Art Style 1: splash image
Art Style 2: Telekinesis, Energy Shaping, Private Malefactor, Reality Warping
Artistic cohesion index is calculated by dividing the percentage using the most common style by the amount of art styles used, rounded down. The highest possible score is 100. The second highest is 49. Your CYOA used two art styles for five pictures, the most common one having 4. Its ACI is 40.
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Where does Black Magic fall on your scale?
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Relics could be a 100 if counted by itself.
Not interested in going through the whole thing to find out, but I'm seeing woodcuts, photos, and cartoons throughout it all. It's shaping up for the single digits.
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>Art Style 2: Telekinesis, Energy Shaping, Private Malefactor, Reality Warping
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A blast from the past
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Reminder that you would only need to assassinate 28 saintly people to get everything on this list except An Incorrupt Inquiry.
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>Reminder that you would only need to assassinate 28 saintly people to get everything on this list except An Incorrupt Inquiry.
But (you) would be a horrible person who did serious damage to the world.
I didn't catch last thread, but thank you for reposting my questions anon! Otherwise they probably wouldn't have been answered until way later.
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Update to the axe.
I changed one of the pacts.
And here are the first level of powers
Beacon of the Dead sounds like a massive brick. You can't do any kind of combat near allies or civilians at night without your mere presence turning everything to shit, decuply so if near an active battlefield or disaster zone or graveyard or whatever.
No need to call him a furry.
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Effortlessly destroyed by technology and guns.
Also destroyed by technology, pic related

Why do I need this whore again?
If you are going to fight and murder a ton of people then it is already a battlefield.
Just be ready to do it twice.
>technology and guns
stop cheating
She is cute.
We have anti-ghost tech? Since when?

(Also - is it practical? The Ghostbusters, for example, used a plutonium reactor to fuel their "proton packs". Expensive, hard to get, and guaranteed to secure you spot on a dozen watchlists.)
Yet another relic MOGGED by my wife Isi.
The evil spirits are probably just extra troops if you take the highest level of the undead control.
But that just turns her Pact into nothing more than an extra boon, isn't the point of Pacts that they're inconvenient commitments in exchange for essence?
Cool theme but not a loli so I wont pick her.
Do you just make up these numbers yourself?
That's the consequence of having a undead attraction drawback while also having undead controlling powers.
Wish this cyoa was finished.
Isi drawbacks:
>I gain the power to put your other artifacts in a torturous state of silence whenever I want
>You cannot instantly gain Enlightened tier magic of any other relic but me :)
Jian drawbacks:
>You must help restore this noble house to glory, if you betray them or fail to protect them then I'm leaving you
>You are not allowed to kill the innocent
Luva drawbacks:
>I will literally replace your right hand, which could cause it to become completely useless in the right circumstances
>You become much weaker against true moralfags
Chu drawbacks:
>You must always abide by your word and promises
>You need to accomplish a great deed with an artifact for every ability you want to unlock, with magnitude of the deed correlating with power of the unlocked ability
Sekera drawbacks:
>Sunlight weakens and irritates you, and you need to drink mortal blood to recover from it's effects

These are real drawbacks that meaningfully weaken you for a fair repayment of points.

>You attract violent, evil spirits to your location at night...
>BUT I give you the power to effortlessly control them all so they cause no damage and help you instead

This is a trash drawback that is easily circumvented and doesn't meaningfully affect you, one might even say it's reddit tier.
>I gain the power to put your other artifacts in a torturous state of silence whenever I want
>You cannot instantly gain Enlightened tier magic of any other relic but me :)
>I will literally replace your right hand, which could cause it to become completely useless in the right circumstances
>You must always abide by your word and promises
>You need to accomplish a great deed with an artifact for every ability you want to unlock, with magnitude of the deed correlating with power of the unlocked ability
these are not real weaknesses and are easily overcome by that logic
>>I gain the power to put your other artifacts in a torturous state of silence whenever I want
You give a shady bitch the power to jeopardize your relationships with all your other artifacts. That's a big weakness.
>You cannot instantly gain Enlightened tier magic of any other relic but me :)
Literally the second biggest weakness in the CYOA, Enlightened magic is what separates jobbers from the competent. Without Enlightened powers you literally can be killed by a regular guy with a gun.
>I will literally replace your right hand, which could cause it to become completely useless in the right circumstances
Not having complete control over what is most likely your dominant limb and potentially having it become a useless flab of meat for months at a time is a big weakness.
>You must always abide by your word and promises
Yeah I guess so. If you're not a lying bastard there's really no reason to not take this.
>You need to accomplish a great deed with an artifact for every ability you want to unlock, with magnitude of the deed correlating with power of the unlocked ability
This right here is the biggest weakness. With it, you are practically a normal person until you start accomplishing "deeds" with your artifacts to unlock their powers. Until you do that, your artifacts are just abnormally durable tools. What heroic deeds can (You), current (You), accomplish if given an unbreakable, talking hoe?
Is beacon of the dead going to target you? Is this a Guts getting jumped by spirits every night? If so then you'd die from lack of sleep or have to live with like 50% of your waking time being spent fighting ghosts at night.
Chu's drawaback is absurd imagine saying "sure, I'll get that package for you" only for it to fall in the middle of the ocean or something. You'd never find it and are now crippled for years. Unless the drawback only applies if you specifically swear upon your name, it is impossible to deal with if you become someone busy and influential.
These are non issues, if you think they're real weaknesses you're just shitposting. I don't like the axe either but drawbacks are the worst hill to die on here.
It is obviously worded as you having to fulfill anything you swear upon your name
Just kill them again. Or be a pussy and fight only at day.
>"sure, I'll get that package for you"
It's not like that. It's the classic oath of "I swear by my name that..." not everytime you say you will do something
Looking good.
>Effortlessly destroyed by technology and guns.
1. Its a sleeper power
2. Numbers matter, 1 zombie is easily dealth with, but your guns would shit themselves if surrounded by dozens of it.

>Also destroyed by technology, pic related
Dumb argument, this is not ghostbuster cyoa, thats like saying with a drill you can kill gods because of tengen toppa gurren lagann.

>This right here is the biggest weakness. With it, you are practically a normal person until you start accomplishing "deeds" with your artifacts to unlock their powers. Until you do that, your artifacts are just abnormally durable tools. What heroic deeds can (You), current (You), accomplish if given an unbreakable, talking hoe?

You can use the initial points and assign them to abilities. The oath is about powers you would gain after the start by training. So you are already a pretty powerful guy with powers
what changed
Her tits are slightly bigger now
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This is the only CYOA I have ever dropped because the author kept updating it so much I had to make huge updates to my image build and these updates wasn't small either. It was huge build defining updates that forced me to restructure my entire image build. I finally had enough and stopped updating my build and now I am disgusted every single time I look at the CYOA.
Oh no the image builderinos
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>Numbers matter, 1 zombie is easily dealth with, but your guns would shit themselves if surrounded by dozens of it.
No they wouldn't, the guns destroy the zombies.

>Dumb argument, this is not ghostbuster cyoa
No, it's instead an interstellar science fantasy CYOA with high magic and super science. Fools pay out their limited essence to harlots just to be not useless against ghosts. Men of intellect and foresight instead invest in Perfect Mind to invent Kirlian Zappers, mass produce them, and equip armies to slaughter all ghosts in the galaxy.
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>zombie outbreak
>easily dealt with by the military
>alien invasion
>easily dealt with by the military
>demonic incursion
>easily dealt with by the military
>giant titans try to trample the world to death
>easily dealt with by the military
guns fucking ruined the balance of everything
Why didnt the invaders just use cooler guns?
Sounds like they lost the gun game.
>>demonic incursion
>>easily dealt with by the military
Hasn't the opposite happened in everything featuring a demonic invasion? It's always one hero doing most of the work, and the military cleaning up after him.
Each of them (zombies somewhat less so than others) is flexible enough that you can define them as however strong or weak you want them to be.
That's only because authors need to jerk off their self-insert MC so powerfantasy KEKS can feel special. If Pathfinder's Worldwound opened in our world those demons would get their asses kicked.
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Does each species get 24 points or is it 24 points to spend for all of them?
This is complete dog shit in terms of image selection.
i like how the guy writing this didn't notice he was having his own midwit moment
your neighborhood has terrible shrubbery
>Hasn't the opposite happened in everything featuring a demonic invasion?
definitely not everything, in fact i remember some web novel where the entire point was jerking off to the militaries of earth first invading and conquering hell and then doing the same thing to heaven
oh yeah, it was called the salvation war, the writer died before finishing it but there was already a lot written
You bit the bait didn't you
You're right anon, I should have said most instead of everything.
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only the first one is plausible if the zombies are weak faggots and don't have the globohomo supporting them
the bait bites back
>only the first one is plausible if the zombies are weak faggots
Unironically in what scenario would the zombies be so strong that a modern military couldn't beat them? Do they all have superpowers?
>alien invasion
Like 90% of all alien invasion stories are HFY shit in disguise
>No they wouldn't, the guns destroy the zombies.

1. Bullets
2. Thats not a gun
3. You would still be eventually overwhelmed
4. As you see, you are in a defensive position

>Men of intellect and foresight instead invest in Perfect Mind to invent Kirlian Zappers, mass produce them, and equip armies to slaughter all ghosts in the galaxy.

I feel talking with you would summon physicsfag if you are not already him. He will take your body. For your own good, stop this conversation
>Unironically in what scenario would the zombies be so strong that a modern military couldn't beat them? Do they all have superpowers?
Even if zombies are normal, the infection could work in whatever ways. Eg, "anyone who thinks about zombies, becomes a zombie."
>2. Thats not a gun
>is very clearly a gun
what did he mean by this
>Unironically in what scenario would the zombies be so strong that a modern military couldn't beat them? Do they all have superpowers?

It's more numbers and logistics. How much people are in the military against the rest of the country? how are the military getting more food after everything else collapsed? and energy? new ammunition? emotional aspect because the military is made of humans with emotions and the others are drones with 1 job. Its a battle of attrition that would make even the side with more fire powers end up in a bad situation.

Winning or not is another case. But military would not stomp
In my low knowledge about guns, I think thats a machine gun. It has gun in the name but by guns I think about the classic revolvers and its look alikes. Not a machinegun. Just like if you think about a gun fight you don't think about 2 guys with a machinegun.

Still, the rest of points still stands if you want to argue about 2.
Machine guns are fake guns. Real guns are organic
The word you are looking for is "handgun", not "gun".
>2. Thats not a gun
Dictionary definition of a gun is
>a weapon incorporating a metal tube from which bullets, shells, or other missiles are propelled by explosive force, typically making a characteristic loud, sharp noise.
Handguns, revolvers, light machine guns, assault rifles, sniper rifles, bolt-actions, rotary cannons, autocannons, etc. are all guns.
>1. Bullets
Depends on the loadout of the guy facing off the zombies, which was not specified in the original post. Yeah a guy with a revolver that only has the bullets in the cylinder is obviously losing against dozens of zombies, someone armed with an M16 carrying the standard load for US Army soldiers (210 rounds) isn't.
>3. You would still be eventually overwhelmed
Depends entirely on how many zombies we're talking about, and the ammunition you have. In my eyes, "dozens" means any number from 24 to 100. Someone armed with the weapon and ammunition I stated earlier would not be overwhelmed by those numbers.
>4. As you see, you are in a defensive position
In the scenario where you are completely surrounded by zombies, all you can do is attempt to break through the encirclement to a more advantageous position, assuming you cannot kill them before they close in. How easy this will be once again depends on your gun, if you only have a handgun it's probably hopeless, but an assault rifle would have a good chance.

The original statement was "Effortlessly destroyed by technology and guns." and it's honestly right. The zombies from Grave Conscription are just moving corpses only capable of following basic commands, they even decay if exposed to sunlight. You would need great numbers of them to actually overwhelm anyone armed with modern weaponry, and even in your own example you need dozens just to swarm one random shmuck. The zombies LOSE to the gun.
The development of independent magazine organs really revolutioned gun technology as new bullets take forever to form
Why cares about guns?
Can't you retards just keep arguing about Tok and Italics like usual?
No, the debate of whether or not guns can beat zombies and demonic incursions is vital to the future of the general.
Tok and Italics are stale. Guns are the new hotness.
these kill everything in luminary btw
>I have guns I can wi-ACK
>Got incinerated by country sized fireball
Good try, kid
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>Pick up to 4 drawbacks.
What do I get in return?
Where the fuck is my gateway update?
>Can't make a .50 BMG handgun
a couple of questions:
in Luva's description she has been "reduced in this small form" what exactly does that mean? can artefact change their look?
will kleidi grow up to look like pic related? and is she some kind of dragon?
Im almost done, finishing up a lore page. We'll see if i get it done before this hurricane hits.
bragging rights
>before this hurricane hits
Literally or figuratively?
Literally. Hurricane Milton is heading straight for me lmao.
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My spell worked
Finally, it worked. Now die, bitch.
Deserved. If only catfaggot got hit with you.
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Ok good. I hadn't heard anything in a minute so hoped you hadn't dropped it.
what does a cat 9 look like?
He already ruined it by removing a lot of the sexy furry races
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My build
He didnt remove any of them.
Idk about that anon, I saw a random post with the Star Runners races and red circles
That was me, circling the ones I thought were hot.

It is inspired by Guts that's correct.
The spirits will vary on how aggressive they are as explained if they were for example tortured before dead they will come back with some serious thirst for blood.
But they generally attack everyone around you not just you.

The first pact as it didn't fit well in combination with some Luva powers.


It is supposed to have a double meaning.
She used to be a full set of armor and she saw herself as an older version of herself.
They can change how they look with time or big changes like having most of their body ritually destroyed.
She will grow to look like that.
She is not a dragon but she is not human either.
>But they generally attack everyone around you not just you.
You are a fucking walking hazard with this pact
>he used to be a full set of armor and she saw herself as an older version of herself.
They can change how they look with time or big changes like having most of their body ritually destroyed.

Luva's will change over time to a mommy, good.

>She will grow to look like that.
Luva, we have a mission, Kleidi must join the harem
No one answers my Beri's Living Dungeon questions ;_;
I know they're kind of stupid and are just me overthinking a simple "goals" section, but I wanted to hear what others anons think about it
I do want Italics OC too.

Please, no. Outer space Sci-Fi is extremely boring and I don't want Italics to basically make his version of Star Wars. Doesn't help there is nothing he can do to top Stardust's spaceship building.

Echoes PSY or somwthing original would be better.

He removed the alien birds IIRC.
sorry but i didnt play it
>Outer space Sci-Fi is extremely boring
...to fantasy midwits. Everyone else loves outer space sci fi.
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>They can change how they look with time or big changes like having most of their body ritually destroyed.
>She will grow to look like that.
That sucks.
I dont answer stupid questions.
No. The only siccessful space CYOAs have been either Star Wars, basically RTS or Stardust. None have been fleshed out worlds because space stuff usually turns into Starfield and bland. Hell, even Stardust THE space CYOA is bland as a world.
He means artifcats "can" change, not that they will change. Big difference.

The one that will grow up is Kleidi because she is a normal living being. And mommy Kleidi > kid kleidi
Yes what
said I'm leaving it up to personal taste if the artifacts change for stay looking the same.
You could even take Sekera and influence her to become a Loli.
So it goes both ways.
OH NONONONONONO Italicsissies... what happened to your luminary cyoa?~
Ngl, i dont care about authors shitposting but the people that only shit on italics unprovocked are pretty annoying.
What did he mean by this?
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It's still in progress. Here the second page introducing our Moms.

For me it's Ereyx.
Italics got a cough and is not going to be able to finish it this year because of that.
kid kledi > mommy kledi
Is the truth, just ask him when he comes. Or don't, he already said it on a previous thread.
>Dragon dragon dragon
Is this all you can think about?
>Echoes PSY
>Why not, can't you technically do both if you're big enough?
Beri didn't think about that and it's not like you can't do things you didn't pick.

>Could a classic dungeon also somehow work out with Dark Lord's Throne or is that too much of a stretch?
You can justify things however you want.

>how will Karma effect nearly impossible or great undertakings?
Make them less impossible.

>Are huge dungeons that are big to the point where it takes a year or more (of constant fighting, dodging traps and traveling) just to cross it from the entrance to the core considered fair enough?
Trying to be fair is stupid. Karma's effects are not pronounced enough that making things easier would actually make things harder.
He never said that shitposter or over a cougb. He even fucking released the second page to Luminary which was even reposted in this fucking thread.
>Gets called Tok
>Doesn't even deny it.
Shoot yourself
Tok has been acting salty this couple of days. Entropistanon came back for like 2 days and like 10 comments and you had Tok there trying to make him leave permanently (worst try at that btw) and now he shits on Italics out of nowhere.

Tok, what happened irl to make you this salty? I recommend you to take a break from here and go outside, breath fresh air and think about how bad you look acting like this and change
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If you guys get bored of whatever this is, we're doing a Chinese Warlord Arena in the other thread. Starts on Friday.
>and now he shits on Italics out of nowhere.
Italics is supposedly getting ready to release new OC in the form of a JRPG CYOA he's been talking about. I'll find the image in desu.
>BTG (a.k.a. GiftedAnon liked how it was coming out so much, he decided to go for a broader audience.
Kind of, the idea going in was masochistic living sex doll kink stuff but as soon as I started fleshing it out the revenge fantasy angle became much more appealing and so I took it in that direction instead. It never existed in a lewd form that was later changed, it's more that an initial lewd idea sparked a more interesting non-lewd one instead.
You don't. He is a fetish shitposter.
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Found it.

>Ecclesiastes is a near-contemporary fantasy. You take on the role of a Marshal Lord a powerful lord backed by your autonomous military whose duty is to maintain the balance of power by slaying Beast Tribes to prevent the resurrection of their Gods and to assist client city-states that ask for your help, since you are one of humanity's top warriors.

Found a pastebin where he dumped our power options: https://pastebin.com/wCLrxgY1.

Looks like JRPGs are back on the menu.
>whatever this is
It’s called shitposting, sweetie. Look it up sometime
Wow, classic shitalics with the 5 stolen character designs on a white background!
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>She will grow to look like that.
Tokie is having another meltie.
Tok just hates himself because he was born with a penis and wants to take it out on the /cyoag/. Don't read too deep into it.
how hard is to waifu kleidi? is she waifuable at all or will just be your temporal boss?
What makes Italics CYOAs popular in the first?
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I can't think of anything else to add to this so i might as well post it lmao. Lemme know how it looks.

Here's the update to Nexus: Gateway

--Update to Gateway Changelog:
-Split point pool in two; Potential for Havens, Talents, and Powers. Possibility for Legends, Legions, and Minions.
-Added small bonuses to each Heritage, expanded their entries visually.
-Buffed existing echoes
-Two more echoes (Psionics and Death)
-Added an Adventures section to the first page
-Change what Ivory does at the end of first page.
-Move Talents section to second page and add more options, including time travel.
-Make first safe haven free
-Add more havens and a new mobile haven section.
-Move Loners and Bonus Powers onto Page 3
-Two more Loners (Demon and Psionic, move Sin to Death Echo)
-Buff all existing Loners, rename them to Legends.
-Two more Bonus Powers, allow bonus powers to be purchased without their required companion.
-Move Legions and Gifts together
-Add a Minions section
-Add a minion purpose section
-Add more drawbacks/pursuers
-Add new quests
-Changed Ivory slightly
-Added lore page
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Mind of Machines, Thread of Thought. Don't need to choose anything else, I already won.
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Why are you not drowning?
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It's still two days away.
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Aromage, does pic related only keep Ultimate Gods from meeting their other builds or does it have that effect on all builds from your multiverse?
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Their other builds would be different people, wouldn't they? So long as they are actually different characters lmao.
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>on the page of drawbacks and enemies
A terrible omen!
Always liked this one. What are the best magics to take early?
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pretty easy i assume, at the least if you don't act like a retard, luva especially might help you seduce her.

>the dragon empress is still a bird
fucking hell..
Dinosaurs had feathers, tok. It's time you accepted this fact.
My wife Isi...
Need Hus confirmation about it
>Identity death
>Tok out of nowhere
Seethe harder, tok.
Master Nature to avoid taking a Familiar, Equilibrium op support, Master Time to time travel, revive (not really magic you "take", but I feel like mentioning it) Anlaf, who is op as fuck.
Nice projection
Ivory was right.
fuck off gil
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first of all, don't call me tok,
second, Triceratops and Brachiosaurus are not believed to have had feathers.
third, dragons are not dinosaurs or oversized lizards, they are death incarnate
You are replying to a defender. They do not argue in good faith. Only defend.
Stop defending Tok.
The Multiverse must be destroyed so that none may be exploited by Planeswalkers ever again.

I thought I had a Frenzied Flame image but I can't find it
Well said Terminus.
I was going to chill but I think I rather rape and kill just to make the bitch mad.
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>she didnt post it to reddit yet
our resident crossposters have the opportunity to do something very funny
What does the 'insight into the nature of reality and divinity' mean?
It means you are a jobber and now you know it.
It means you instinctively know more about the nature of reality, such as the Aspects, the First Guardian, the structure of the multiverse, how gods are created, etc.
Soulless reply
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Will there ever be any other authors as based as JRPGAnon? He should have added more than 3 options though and maybe an actual Beast Overlord.
Don't worry. She needs the attention so she will soon post it.
Is the blurred out text in Ivory's bio just lorum ipsum?
You can marry her.
I'm not sure if it will be implement mechanically yet but you can do it.
>at the least if you don't act like a retard
an impossible challenge
Can anyone refute this
Can you stop being obsessed? No one cares
But... how is it? she will just agree with it? is it purely political or she will love you?
Why does CYOAG have a decent number of Anons that would marry a furry? You wouos think ostracization would force them out or something.
Otracircumcizion make us stronger (like our idol Tok)
It depends as I said it could have some kind of mechanical requirement like helping her unite a certain number of worlds or I could just leave it open ended as a base she doesn't think you are ugly but is quite stressed out and busy with the whole "We could be found and destroyed at any moment and we are making no progress with my plans."
So helping her out is a good start.
Fully upgraded Shard of Divinity and Feather of Heaven allows you to move at 500 times faster than light, so yes, he's wrong.
I was already planning to help her as a thanks. And her opinion of artifacts like Isi loving you? is she ok with it?
can you beat goku tho?
Of course not
Of course
>>94100636 (You)
dragon empress down bad
You Will Never Beat Superman
There is a reason I don't like listing fetishes and stuff like that.
I think it is better if you full that gap with whatever you prefer.
She could be ok with it as long as she is the main wife.
She doesn't even know Isi has the power to give human bodies to the artifacts so she will be in for a shock.
tok would wipe his face of the map
Not even with his living god build
bullshit living god are killing gku full stop.
you're just salty because tok is a better author than you ever are.
Not gonna lie, I saw entropist posted and could not muster the energy to even read most of his comments. Everything i've read On conquest has made me less and less enthused by it to the point I now don't care.
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The only thing I hate more than CYOA's is /cyoag/.
Silence, Tok
Each species gets 24 points. I'd have preferred a single pool, and no cap on the number of species, so that (you) could specialize in lots of weak options . . .but oh well.
Sick, i'll read it when I havr internet on my pc again.
He doesnt care but he cares enough to shitpost about it, he is tok, ignore him
Each of your posts contribute to its continued existence.
same anon btw
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Neither, some anon got mind broken by him so now he's making it our problem by samefagging to give him attention
Please don't ban us aroseether, have mercy!
something something got that face
May need to call her simps to the thread again to make it seem like someone cares, lmao
I already have this face. Conquest is just looking boring.
>Samefagging already
Good, we all deserve to suffer here.
If you're here for beastman options, please look forward to Star Runners.
Yeah, it is pretty generic. It has a lot yet it has nothing.
Indeed. I wouldn't know where to mindlessly scroll if this place died.
for you. To me conquest is looking great
>He keeps tok's face instead of throwing it away each time he gets it.
Sounds pretty gay.
Nah, conquest is looking amazing. You just got filtered and can't get over that.
trash, r/makeyourchoice, questionablequesting, nsfw subreddit
Why do you feel that way about Conquest? I never cared about Entropist, so I haven't even read the WIPs/concept posts the author made. Everyone seems hyped though. Why aren't you?
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>and cant get over that
I just told you I don't care about it. Ifs its still looking dogshit on release I'll just continue to ignore it.
Who is the best ally now?
>t. filtered
Filtered harder than the Aroseether.
Marks are gay, boring faction options shown, nothing of substance actually posted. Its just entrobabies coasting off residual hype from entropist. If its good, cool, but i've seen nothing to actually hype me so far. Also stop with the 'everyone'. Its 3 bootlickers who will consume regardless.
Endless genie galleries and misery hypermaso BTG simulator. Pass.
>cyoag reddit ver
80% of its content is from here, the rest is tasteless pill pickers. Pass.
>QQ CYOA General Thread
I don't want to study the CYOA text for hours just to make a build. Too long, too abstract. No images too.
>trash reddit ver
Same interactive trash recycled over and over.
>>>94100636 (You)
Explain yourself.
Trash really is trash. How did it end up so fucking shit?
It is a mystery.
They never recovered from the Harahel exile.
Star Runners is nothing like beastmen. Star Runners is sci-fi alien slopa and has no fantasy elements to make things believable.

Who in the fuck is going to believe a race of dog and cat aliens exist?
>Marks are gay
Gay opinion
>Boring faction options shown
>Nothing of substance posted
Lore, main theme of armies. It's not a wip like Husanon is doing so I can see your point. But for me it's better to wait until everything is done to post. My opinion so i understand yours.
>Its just entrobabies coasting off residual hype from entropist
It's a minion cyoa from the guy that did one of the best minion cyoas. It's understandable to expect it will have some quality, if this was his first job nobody would expect much, just like the rest of minions cyoas that are in theory being worked on.
Basically is the same as Dragon ball Sparking Zero having hype becuase it's budokai tenkaichi 4, previous works hype it.

>If its good, cool, but i've seen nothing to actually hype me so far

Understandable, the author has been answering questions and asking for some ideas. So i understand you in this point

>Also stop with the 'everyone'. Its 3 bootlickers who will consume regardless.

This is simple false
>Its 3 bootlickers who will consume regardless.
I've heard this argument for about every fan circles.
That place is shit too. What do they even do there? You go and check and all you see is anons talking to themselves.
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Why do some people shit and piss themselves at the thought of aliens not being Xenomorph creatures or Asari
Use your suspension of disbelief.
Why are you not playing Gateway, anon?
So... here?
Why should I?
I am waiting to have more time to read it all
it doesnt particularly interest me. sorry aro
No, I mean that they post something and that is the only post they ever made. It seems to be directed at someone, but they are not replying to anyone. No one replies to that post and the entire thread is full of posts like that.
I'm literally reading it, chill.
I don't post my builds anymore
You're here to play cyoas.
You kept the terrible images that you are attracted to. I am not a lesbian. I do not like them.
Anon I literally could not care less about your opinion, why are you trying to disect my post like we're going to argue about it?
I still don't understand, could be on me tho. I guess i would understand if i see it myself but if its porn tentacle cyoas i think i will pass
>Filtered this easily.
To play CYOAs that pique my interest.
I'm sure Gateway is very fun for some people, but after my initial reading I don't feel engaged enough to bother with the mechanics.
Ivy's mental issues were fun to observe.
>why are you trying to disect my post like we're going to argue about it?
Is just me giving my opinion. You can ignore it, it's fine. Just like if you say you dont care about X, it's fine, someone will not ignore you if they want.

Is basic human relations hard for you? Don't answer and ignore me if you do understand something this basic. That would save us time too

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So this build is leagal then?
>take advice from anons in the thread
>they dont even play the completed cyoa made with their input
No, sci-fi should be sci-fi. You don't see any other respectable sci-fi series doing what Italics is doing.
No, every Tok build is illegal.
More like ignore the advice then act surprised when no one cares.
I'll make a build for this later. I'm too busy right now to though, too.
Why don't you ever take my advice?
Where is Discipline Tok?
I mean, we've already seen the whole CYOA, bit by bit. There is nothing special about the final collage.
>respectable sci-fi series
Ah, like Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality ?
>I mean, we've already seen the whole CYOA, bit by bit. There is nothing special about the final collage.
Uhhh Luminary bros? This doesn't bode well for us...
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it has to be bait
Non canon and even more jobber than Discipline Tok, who is known as the jobber Son in the multiverse. So yeah, where is Discipline Tok? also, if the league of Toks is about finding every Tok, Discipline Tok should be there, he exists
Why does furfags feel the need to insert their fetish into EVERYTHING?
We are built different.
Obsessing over a shit-tier fanwork to this degree is sad. Discipline seriously damaged Tok's already fragile psyche.
>Tankista use them and move on with their life.
Like I know that Fate Gay/Shit has anthropomorphic animals and that he'd presumably use them in the next update if he dares go into the mobile game but I haven't seen him use pick animal people in his original universe content.
Outer Reincarnation beastmen don't count, they're only kenomonomimis.
>Ah, like Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality ?
Mad much? Couldn't even pull space sci-fi to defend yourself.
It was a joke, anon. I don't really care for sci-fi.
Nobody is inserting anything into anywhere someone doesn't want them. Stop malding.

>Outer Reincarnation doesn't count.
One thing to note as i'm reading, I like a lot of the pictures you changed for the legends, the right side makes them look a lot cooler now.
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1: Only according to RAI and not RAW. If you accept RAI then you're also getting the multiversal stability guardians on your powergaming ass.
And the Sons.
And the forces of Heaven.
And the Torrential Tide's freakshit brigade.
2: Meta builds are illegal by definition.
>coomer build
It doesn't matter if it's legal or not, I disavow.
Glad you like them! I had a lot of fun writing the companions this time.
>t. afraid of sex
Hey aromage? Do souls get reborn after the "big crunch" or do they just get erased? Highest heaven says they are reborn tho? But i always assumed they died.

Is there a way to make souls remember all their past lives?Even the crunch itself? Or will they just go mad if that happens?
In the Epox, when the entire multiverse goes Big Bounce, most of the souls are absorbed and remade in the First Star, but a few are catapulted out into the Void and some of those end up becoming Ultima, if they're super lucky.

Stronger souls, like that of gods, are simply scrubbed clean of memories and then reborn in the next cycle, while most mortal souls are broken down into their base Aspects.
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You're undoubtedly getting Ecclesiastes CYOA as the first release. Then I need to slide something in to replace it on the release order, but I'll deal with that and let you guys choose since it can't be The Magi Case Redux or Lamentation R~ since those are heavy hitters.

The only race that got removed were the Oiseau (Bird Race) because I didn't have enough images for them to be companions. So they are no longer a playable option, though they still exist in the CYOA.
I'm actually more hyped on Conquest than I was before
Don't delay Echoes and we're good.
>most mortal souls are broken down into their base Aspect
>end up becoming Ultima, if they're super lucky
Yikes, It seems planeswalkers have means to survive it tho? Since the nexus made it out. Also is this the very first cycle of this multiverse? Considering how Manu and Heka are acting, this must be their first time? If Manu comes back, will the flame and all planeswalkers disappear? They are pieces of her right? Have yet to actually play the cyoa so i know little.

Thanks for your time btw.
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Echoes is on the release list. These are the CYOAs you are getting on the immediate release list: Echoes PSY, Luminary: Servitor of the Goddesses, Ecclesiastes: Of Providence and Cataclysms, and Star Runners: Adventures in the Cosmos Fantasia.
This multiverse has not had an Epox yet, but Planeswalkers should be able to escape it by fleeing into the Void, though some may consider that a fate worse than death.
Yes, this is the first Cycle of this tree, and Manu may indeed come back when the next cycle starts.
The Harahel thread was a spinoff for the WIP cyoa of the same name. The author released enough pages that it was playable, and people liked their characters enough that they wanted to roleplay them. So they spun off in a new thread.

(If you haven't seen it yet, Harahel is about Earth being accidentally destroyed, and neighboring realities being pressed into service as "life boats". One such reality is Harahel, which has a strong JRPG theme to it. It's a very good cyoa, actually.)

While courteous of them, the spinoff did damage the /trash thread for months afterwards, as they lost a LOT of their regular posters. The situation has stabilized somewhat, though.
>Planeswalkers should be able to escape it by fleeing into the Void, though some may consider that a fate worse than death
Because the eldritch gods live in the Void, and anything that flees into it has a very hard time coming back since time and space don't really make sense like in reality, making it very hard to get back into reality.
This results in most that leave out into the Void becoming corrupted by insanity and eldritch influence until they warp into an eldritch being themselves.
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>I'm a nice Son, honest!
plz update Ultimate God author waifu girl
I wonder if anyone noticed that the vampire twink in Gateway is now a Son...
every man is a son of another man and woman
The three people that read it sure did!
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Since I'm here. Would you guys enjoy having named antagonists/side-villains for Lamentation R~, they get their own dedicated page going over their profile, ambitions, plans that you can challenge. I'm pretty much at the end of writing the choices for Homelands and including Campaigns for them that starts out the main reason why you began your adventure in the first place before ending up challenging a catastrophe at the end.

Or do you prefer having faceless enemies that you can always beat up at the end of the day? Any other additions and suggestions is fine too.
only normalfags care about ostracization
while you were wageslaving and being miserable I was obtaining ayy waifurs
>Noosphere Warping
>psionic weapons
Why would I ever use them over telekinesis?

>memes and antimemes
How do they work in this setting? Can they only affect information or can they do shit like turn whoever knows about them into pus and erase things from existence?

Can I make it small and be inside it, use it like armor?
I am not reading aroslop.
sorry kido, even the stupidest looking animals have people that look like them out there in the universe
limited fear tards don't write the rules of existence
Aro really is that shameless and desperate
Twinks can not be true sons anyways. Not like xer could know since xer never read entropist.
I like facing off against mobs of enemies/factions
I don't like reading through character backstories
>every necromancer is a son
kill yourself
How long until this multiverse gets Epoxed?
3 seconds
You all are dead by the powerful bait. The twink's descriptions says he is a son of his father basically, not a Son of Entropist, a son
In case you need to stab or slash, or if you don't have Thread of Thought.

Most Noospheres are limited to a single world or solar system, but memes can spread pretty quickly within them. Memes can also be pretty fucking strong in the Dreamlands.


a few trillion years.
He is adopted so it does not count.
Any particular draw towards mobs/mooks for a reason like a musou? Any type that you consider to be your favorite types?
What it says is that he is the grandson of the Father, the God of Death. I read it because i thought it was bait
So a GrandSon then?
Your existence being based around seething at Entropist and Italics is hilarious. Like a meteor of shit around planets that are not even aware of your presence.
So basically, a jobber
Mind of Machines
Thread of Thought
>First Steps
People of Every Shape
Worlds of Every Color
>Safe Havens
The Leviathan
The Cylinder
The Ark
Gateway Builder
Lighthouse Keeper
Eyes of Reality
Strength of Bonds
Break of Reality
Temportal Warping
Space Folding
>Allies: Legends
>Extra Powers
Genetic History
>Allies: Legions
Carcharodons (Expeditions & Procurement, Defense & Fortification)
Draconic Empire (Expeditions & Procurement, Defense & Fortification)
Daughters of Light (Diplomacy & Trade, Expeditions & Procurement)
Warforged (Expeditions & Procurement, Defense & Fortification)
>Allies: Gifts
The Power Trident
The Lost Princess
The Sunstone
White-Gold Heart
The Legacy
>Allies: Minions
Dwargon (Construction & Maintenance, Expeditions & Procurement)
Yaoguai (Production & Export, Expeditions & Procurement)
Primordial Slime (Production & Export, Construction & Maintenance)
Dark Moths (Expeditions & Procurement, Research & Development)
Psyborgs (Research & Development, Expeditions & Procurement)
Synthetics (Construction & Maintenance, Research & Development)
Great Hybrids (Production & Export, Diplomacy & Trade)
Tulpas (Expeditions & Procurement)
>Quests & Events
Treasure Planet
Containment Breech
Legacy of Janus
The God-Hunter
The Steel Seraphim
The Sins
>Great Pursuers
The Warden

The same as before, i'm creating a diverse high tech multiversal empire under my rule, and aside from needing to brute force control of the warforged and maybe the psyborgs, pretty much everybody will have improved living standards and quality of life, as long as they submit to me. The enemies and pursuers will have to work hard. It's kind of weird that you can't spread your minions roles out more, and many of the combat minions fall into the same role as the mining dwarves, but overall I think this is still a really good cyoa, and the improvements are pretty much all good.
ONLY A FEW TRILLIONS?!? That's not even a smidge of the lifespan of an Ultima. Looks like I have to prepare for the exodus through whatever means necessary and eliminate all latent problems.
I don't read builds. But I will leave a generic reply. Let me see...

Cool build, anon.
Thank you, it means a lot to me.
>t. dead
>Any particular draw towards mobs/mooks for a reason
they're fun to kill
powerful individuals are always a pain-in-the ass to deal with
>Any type that you consider to be your favorite types?
The ones that are really evil, I get lots of satisfaction from eating them
Thank you for responding for me, fellow Aro. Saved me the trouble.

Surprised you didn't take any extra pursuers and that you took so few extra powers and only one Legend. Interesting that you took almost all of the mobile bases, and a lot more minions than i expected.
All in all, looks like a great basis for an empire, enjoy ruling.

Some of the universes will take a bit longer to die, to be fair. It will be as little as 3 or 4 trillion years, but as much as 100 trillion.
>Son is killed by gay, twink grandson.
>grandson of the father, the god of death
>enjoy ruling.
Don't lie to him like that. You know he is done for.
Aro still seething about Entropist and her Harmonist build
Holy based.
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Huh, that has a lot of implications.
Father is entropy, retards.
I did take one extra pursuer, but yea the legends are very expensive and I didn't care for most of the extra powers, I kinda eschewed most magic for myself. I focused on taking the mobile bases because they're big technological powerhouses I can learn from and I'm partial to biology, of which two are. I like minion in general, but for some its really hard to justify only putting them in two positions each, and makes deciding for stuff like diplomacy and production hard. Thanks though, appreciate the cyoa.
Looks like my previous build still works.

Gonna make a new one instead of updating it.
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AHAHA get fucked entrocucks
Silence, Slave.
>Donut Steal fanfic
I would say is more a wink, a reference, toward entropist than Aro trying to steal the thing. The text even mentions the father of the twink trying to steal his body to transform into an archlich, that doesnt make sense in the lore of entropist.

Tok being as pathetic as always
Tok, even in the fanfic fake cyoa your build is a jobber build that would lose to a single death lord. Man up and stop being this jealous of EA
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I wonder if Tok was always an autogynephile tranny or if his porn addiction led him to become an autogynephile tranny over time.
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He's more of a twisted parody of one, like Chris-Chan.
>someone reposted my meme
I kneel
Porn addiction i think. Tok has been in a downward spiral he can't get out until he leaves behind bad traits of him
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Good meme. Also have this one.
Will work on it next!
AIEEEEEEEEEE you can't have slaves!! that is le evil!
She was right all along...
Tok being mad at entropist but liking the fan cyoa of a fan of entropist and accepting that cyoa as good is weird.
He hates entropist but likes what his fan did?

I think tok just doesn't like he was left out in entropist era, let's forgive him and accept him as one of us, until he misbehaves.
I accept you, brother Tok, the Discipline, see? is not a bad name and has a beautiful mission of spreading hapiness.

WIth that in mind you could be one of the most loved sons like Petros!
I pray for the safety of all my fellow Florida Men in this time of trouble
Shut up, you failure of an author.
Is there any actual benefit or reason to buy "Freed" for any monster?
Especially if you have Emissary.
Someone post the massive dragon ball cyoa with all its pages pleasy please~
If only apo finished it...
Damn, i'm kind of jealous of sovereign if this is what the sistussy looks like.
CYOAs don't need antagonists or plots or deep lore. All of that is slop. Just make an adventure.
Aro, what if we kissed under cyoag~ Just kidding... unless?
Sorry, i'm taken.
Not aro but you got me to laugh at least.
Just like that, I now hate women. It really could happen to anyone!
Can you take Tok with you? Aro should stay with us.
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A fetish is not necessarily natural, it can be acquired. In tok's case, he has acquired a really bad one. It's also not a coincidence that he said he watches Jordan Peterson. It's always the problematic people like tok that needs guidance. I hope he can fix his paraphilia but it's unlikely.
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Golden word "Sit down bitch"
Aroclown, where is the imgchest link?
There are some of this I find kind of natural, but probably there is some point of them beyond this image that makes them clinical but:
1. Voyeurism at least in that image is seeing a naked woman. Is that clinical? unless your whole kink is only staring, i find getting aroused by seeing someone attractive and naked something normal.
2. Fetishism is lingerie? lingerie is made is to be sexy, unless the whole kink is only lingerie without someone filling it up i see it also as normal

I respect sadism and masochism as long as its consensual and I would partake myself if its very minor, but it doesnt do anything for me, its only I would do if the other person is into it and it's in a very minor form, not latex and whips.

Transvestic Fetishism at least is funny, weird and funny. I didn't think it was a thing until this conversation about tok
Is the First Guardian an Ultima? Which Aspect?
old age
Is the god if death the entropist god or some other random? Can we learn necromancy by making a deal with him like some do with gods?
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see attached; they are primordial Hyperions (star gods)

Lol it's just a reference to Entropist, i don't think i could actually steal the Entropist setting.

I shall make a build tomorrow, but only because you will die soon. More of a final gift before you drown than anything.
>There are some of this I find kind of natural
They are just normalized.
>Voyeurism at least in that image is seeing a naked woman. Is that clinical? unless your whole kink is only staring, i find getting aroused by seeing someone attractive and naked something normal.
The two things you said are not the same. That's not voyeurism. For example, an extreme form of voyeurism would be cuckoldry, e.g. guys watching their wife getting fucked by another.
>Fetishism is lingerie? lingerie is made is to be sexy, unless the whole kink is only lingerie without someone filling it up i see it also as normal.
It's basically a sexual attachment to inanimate objects. Like fetish for school uniforms, chokers, tatoos, etc.
>Transvestic Fetishism at least is funny, weird and funny. I didn't think it was a thing until this conversation about tok
Can tok ever stop being funny?
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Just from familiarity with the source material, it isn't. Ultima are a power wanked version of the God Tiers from Homestuck. God Tiers are SBURB players that have passed a threshold of game advancement giving them super-powerful versions of their class and aspect's abilities. These powers come from the game and completing it as intended. They are, by definition, people from the dominant species of their world

First Guardians are alchemical constructs created by SBURB players and sent into the past to protect their homeworld until it produces the circumstances needed for the planet to cause a SBURB session. Their power source is the corpse of the universe.

One of the characters does become both a Space God Tier and a First Guardian, but after completing an extremely cancerous power gaming strategy.
Is this true? Are we finally getting the cyoa that was promised? Do not play with me woman.
Yes. I'll see if i can wrangle Celt, Highlander, and PCA into helping me make the powers better too.
is it?
>women DID play entropist
Further proof that making cyoas exclusively pandering to men is a mistake. Entropist should've had at least some male romance options and not discriminated for playing as a woman.
Sorry, not happening. Just like ultimate god and not dying of old age.
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>tee-hee old age-ACK
I dont want male romance option but bro style gifts would have been cool.
Yes, that is what ultimate jobbers say before dying of old age. You got it perfectly.
Harmonist is right there, xister.
>Still ignoring that you can just choose not to die of old age
not gonna make it.
I remember Aro complaining about it and then making a cringy Harmonist build
You're thinking of Tok.
Nope. But there two peas in pod
>I can choose not to die!! I can do it!
Is this how ultimate sissies cope with dying of old age?
All of the harmonist builds were cringe.
Aro shitposting about how she was gonna beat up all the mean boys and then having a melty about it was peak comedy
>EntropistAnon gives blessings for eight months straight, in excess of forty unique, nuanced abilities
>Thief gives blessings for a weekend and barely cracks six
see >>94102078
I always thought that ultimate god is a jobber cyoa. Since you are basically as good as any other of the other ultima. So two of them can just bent you over a table. Nothing really makes you special. Now, before someone comes seething. This is similar to how Krillin is considered a jobber in dragon ball despite being stronger than every other human and probably 99% of their universe too. This is based around the people that matter, in this case, other ultimas.
Honestly I liked Harmonist. Other than the inability to make a coomer build without pics of anime girls, my biggest complaint is just the depth, which could expand over time.
Are you referring to how all Ultima have access to the same Mythic tier powers, or to how all of the Ultimate Tier powers operate on the same multiversal level?
Both of those. Of course, anyone can argue that one aspect is stronger than another, but that is subjective. Other than that, the real main character was the guy that had 2 aspects.
>the real main character was the guy that had 2 aspects
the sealed time god that went insane?
So your gripe is that the main character isn't super special and unique and there are others on their power level? Couldn't you make the same argument for Entropist and most other cyoas also being Jobber cyoas?
You can be a part of a full family of six, a rare thing cause few ultima are based enough to scatter
Yes, that is cool.
Other cyoas give you the chance to get stronger than those on your level or above you. Here, everyone is the same with the same limit.
>You can be a part of a full family of six
And you can custom make the other 5 into your eternally loyal harem! Aro, I swear to god, don't ever put a custom option for companions again.
So you are saying you are forced to go family of six since otherwise, another family can just bully you into doing whatever?
Few full families exist, the ultima are a dying breed and you have to scatter to make them.
Best Aspect pick is Unity for the control over your family.
nta, but this is such a strange answer. The topic of being special or some shit is brought up and the reply is
>Get companions lmao
Reminds me of the types of replies italics gives.
I don't see what this has to do with what I originally said, but okay.
>Since you are basically as good as any other of the other ultima.
Get on the level of Witch Awakening, where you are not allowed to matter in society, are told that you are special, but the author means that your magical rapist caste is special and you are just part of why, and are forced by the gods and multiple competing yet ultimately equally evil conspiracies to perpetuate the wretched status quo of Earth.
Yeah, they can bully you, but they also have to find you. The void is a big place bro.

Lol i aint aromage, just an anon trying to cope a bit myself honestly. One of my builds is a solo death god that never got a family and is bitter about it.
Hmmmmmm, i might implement something that allows you to take an ultimate power from an additional aspect or two if you get all three of that aspect's mythic powers.
Harmonist is gay, i just said i didnt want that.
I wish you luck, deathbro. Maybe in the next update aro gives some advantage to going solo instead of the family size just being a difficulty slider.
I'm impressed anyone read it enough to know that. I dropped it the moment I read that it forces you to take lower level magic.
I just assume ill learn higher tiers of magic in that cyoa.
Yeah, maybe a booster to your angel or something. That thing is too much of a jobber.
this entire discussion is artificial as fuck.
Its over...

so these are what i have so far, anything else to add?
---Ultimate God Update - Heart of the Forest Version
-Fix family members
-Upgrade angle
-More/better items
-More titles
-fix balance(?) - Rewrite powers
-corruption powers
-Add ability to take one Ultimate Power from an additional aspect? - likely only if you take all three divine powers of that aspect
-give some advantage to going solo instead of the family size just being a difficulty slider.
-Rewrite companions to be cooler/more useful, more like in Gateway
Can I ask for a pet section too? I mean... why not?
hmmm sure! I can section off some divine and celestial animals for you.
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>why not?
That's how you get worm v1740238579834.
We are so back!
dont forget to change the demigod companions to their new versions
Its okay, frogposter. Maybe there can be a frog pet for you too.
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and include HIM
Which contradicts what the other anon said. Women didn't play entropist they just complained about it.
But I'm not ready
Who the fuck is this supposed to be?
Akainu from one piece? I dunno why anon wants him.
>tfw discovered how to expand layers in GIMP
This software is fantastic. The updated version will be out in another couple of days, possibly tomorrow. I'm taking a lot of time to figure how to detail the exact limitations of these powers and their future, upward bounds. This version will most likely actually need two pages.

It is but anon >>94095075 is right, I originally intended it to be one page but wasn't sure of the pixel limit so I underestimated it. I still have the original one page variant and am using it as a reference for the second version, as I'm needing to reconstruct it from MS Paint into GIMP.

Fine taste. The Malefactor is capable of adjusting to take on any appearance over time, though the exact nature of this depends on what it's made to do and the user's preferences, vastly weighted for the latter.

I prefer to keep artistic consistency in general, unless it's advantageous to break it for some reason. I figure that, as Bzunthulon's an existence of your existence, it seems solid to have him be depicted with an artstyle entirely outside the constraints of the powers he's offering (You), the reader.
is a retarded meme from that fandom to call Akainu (HIM).
I scatter after fixing countless retarded death systems across the omniverse.
It takes a lot of work to make life meaningful for mortals. Imagine getting a measly 60 years of life and then being forced to stay in one place for eternity lol lmao.
That's why I'm proud to be The Warden of Death.
>pixel limit
Length limit is 10000. I forgot width limit, might be 10000 too, but it's enough to not matter for us anyway.
Don't limit the items to certain drawbacks like you did before. Instead let anons decide what they wish to spend drawback points on.

Add some more quests if you are able. Maybe life partner quests like in demigod? Where you help them cope with losing friends and family etc. But mostly change the demigod origin quest, that one forces you to be the asshole behind that rollercoaster.

Let custom companions have as many points as the player. Also maybe buff the limit on family members? So people can make larger and more encompassing builds, should they desire to do so.
>Let custom companions have as many points as the player.
No, remove custom companions altogether.
I agree with this.
I mean, Entropist has beings that are explicitly above you: Father, Mother, Hound, Void Dragon. I think it’s pretty much impossible to get to their level.

It sounds like you just like the idea of progression, which is fair.
Based Son's doing the Father's Work
Please elaborate? Aro rarely have enough bros, maybe i don't want to be surrounded by only women?
I love my ultimate god angel.

Honestly I struggle to see why I should care about my angel when I can make legions of them with creation.
Make the 3 aspect powers of the original aspect free.

>Aro rarely have enough bros, maybe i don't want to be surrounded by only women?
That's a copout, equivalent to adding a difficulty slider as an excuse to put effort into balance. The solution to not having enough bros is to make more bros, not tell people to make their own.
>to put effort into balance
*to not put effort into balance
This too >>94103315
I would have preferred it if it was more lore accurate. Getting to pick the barrier world you protect, your army of bishounen pretty boys and/or daddy paladins (the minions and Companions kind of do this, but didn't really feel like something a Daughter would have outside of the Paladin/Saint lines), some other Daughters that you have to deal with or navigate since they're always having piss contests, etc. Plus the powers felt kind of direct and low scale for the offhand figureheads we learned about in the entropist lore - I always thought of Daughters as relying almost entirely on passive stuff like huge auras or damage reflection rather than actively working/fighting since they don't seem like the type to try hard at anything, but that might be headcanon.

Wasn't bad for a first attempt at a cyoa, and it actually got completed which is better than most. Just would have been better if it didn't copy Entropist so much (why life essence instead of stamina/mana, or just making powers passive to use? Just to keep the * system? And why do Daughters have Sanctums?).
Maybe if the hurricane kills me, then I will shut up
Is that john entropy on the back?
why not both
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Cute boy! (male)
I love the setting page for Summoner's Choice. Something about it really grabs my attention, and I could see myself actually participating.

"I am the Summoner from Earth, Emissary of the Great Kosmad. I will not allow you to interfere with my mission."
Yooo high quality john entropy pic!

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