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Bringers of Truth edition

Previous thread: >>94085044

>New to The Horus Heresy? Here’s Everything You’ll Need to Get Started
>Official FAQ/Errata/Downloads:
>Thread FAQ (very old, remembers Age of Terra)
>HH1 Black Books
>HH2 Rules and Supplements
>Miscellaneous Extras (Visions and Old Rules)

『Adeptus Titanicus and Legionis Imperialis』
>Adeptus Titanicus Rules and Supplements
>Legiones Imperialis Rules and Supplements
>List of Titan Legions with Badges and Colours
>More lists
>What size magnets do I need?
>homemade missions:

>Thread question:
Why do your dudes fight? What is their guiding purpose: Revenge? Loyalty to their leader? Their own ravening madness?
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first for the first
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EChads stay winning.
Do troonscalers really?
Why is MKIV boxsets not available in stores? Is GW going to stormcast them?
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I honestly hope whoever made this and thought it was a good idea to record it and show others meets a very painful end
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I hope we never get plastic mk2 because FWs yassified mk2 looks like dogshit
Give me proper no necked mk2 or none at all
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Meanwhile, in RT...
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You could leave a comment
>Visibly different helmet from mk3
>Proper ribbed legs that don't flare out between Pamela
>Still hunched forward to provide no neck look despite being able to turn his head
FWs mk2 is a disgrace even compared to models from 1987
>Between Pamela
Truly phone posting is a curse
This is an abomination. However, I’ve seen another YouTuber that just uses parts from the original kit to bring them up to speed with current sizes. Just a knife, spacer and putty. Want me to link it?
Jesus fuck what a waste of parts.
cerastus class space marine
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I'm searching for a space marine torso with a high collar for a heavy duty looking centurion, tips? I was considering kitbashing a mk8 or mk10 from 40k for a "big guy", but the scale might be off too much.
Wouldn't use MkX. MkVIII you might get away with. The scale isn't that far off, at worst you'll just need a little greenstuff work.
You could also use polystyrene tube to make the gorget and attach it to an existing torso if you're really worried about scale.
Isn't it kind of limiting (story-wise) to have this guy in your list?
if youre autistic enough i think you could carefully trim the collar off of a primaris marine and attach it to a mkvi or mkiii body
Magnetize his head, paint his skin with glow in the dark paint, turn the lights off. Ghost ferrus.
It's narratively limiting to have any primarch in your list considering we knew where all of them were and exactly who all of them fought at all times in the heresy
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>we knew where all of them were and exactly who all of them fought at all times in the heresy
do we now?
>Yet another Thousand Sons opponent playing as the 5th Fellowship
Dead and dead
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Your only real non-gay options are the torsos found in the DA Veteran, Tactical and Devastator sets.
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Can you guys post your models please? preferably legion infantry and characters?

I'm trying to get some inspo and references since there isn't much 30k artwork or hobby projects compared to 40k. I have to find tutorials for 40k IW or IF since it's more popular than 30k. Also, would it seem odd to have IW beakies? Duncan did a video for beakie IW and while the pait job is cool and so is the beakie sculpt, the sculpt is just too smooth and flat for the iconic look of IW. I think they fit IF or RG or BA much better, but mk3 is still my all time favorite armor iteration.
allow me to clarify that all armies/factions are welcome. 30k is much grittier and bleak in my mind compared to what 40k has become.
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Scratch that, I forgot about the DW torsos. Though slapping on some pouches and grenades on their chest is rather mandatory to cover those grooves for mounting them.
Bro that scale looks like fucking shit.
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>"There are no gods on the sky!"
>Names the first legion "dark Angels", makes a son with wings
No one could see this one coming
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The atheist thing was retarded to begin with, it was not required, it was just a personal thing from a writer, someone probably has the pic of him having his book signed by richard duckling or whatever his name is.
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Does this look too different from the regular Mechanicum fare?
The old Sternguard sgt torso
Did these even exist in HH?
High collar technology was known.
True enough, but that's not what I'm asking.
What are you asking exactly?
He's asking if Mk VIII existed during the heresy, whjich he should know the answer if he's ever read anything on Mk VIII
The same could be said of all primarchs and characters.
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Did MkVIII exist specifically? No. Can you find a way to use a MkVIII torso? Yes. Collars existed, MkVII style torso complete with three abdominal cables and a decorative breastplate existed, etc. Anon is, after all, looking for an armour for a centurion, who's in AA, so his armour can diverge from pure designs.
Factory fresh vs on the line. What are you anons working on?
As is? Yeah, probably.
Nothing a few minutes of work wouldn't easily fix, however.
Alpharius Omegon never agreed with the Cabal, even if they recognize the truth in their words.
If Horus wins, mankind is consumed by chaos and destroyed. This is bad.
If the Emperor wins, mankind stagnates and the whole galaxy is consumed by chaos. This is also bad.
...but if NEITHER wins, these futures are averted. Mankind will be pushed to the breaking point, but also be kept strong and in a state of constant readiness.
So the Alpha Legion made sure no side would gain an advantage over the other, helping the weak, pruning the strong.
This is why they both made the plan for Istvaan V, but also made sure that Corax survived, and that his legion recovered the Sangprimus.
Don't you think it was very convenient for Marcus Valerius to get those dreams telling him to go to Istvaan? Especially when stationed on Deliverance, where we later learn the AL also were, fostering a rebellion.
That's why they vented the Cabal representative into space. The only survivable future is Eternal War.
It's what the Emperor tasked Alpharius with: to seek for answers in unlikely places.
>Paragon of metal
>Can't be given to Kakophoni
poorly designed game
Wow I like AL even more now
I'm going to run Cybernetica - I've got 2 squads of 3 Thallax with Melta, and I've got Castellax with Bolt Cannons. What do I do with the next squad of 6 Thallax I'm putting together? Plasma or Photon?
Another 3 guys in your first two squads with more melta. I would just about never run less than 6 in a unit.
The gun that shoots black niddle anti-light things
Honestly I prefer the old lore where they were bitter that no one acknowledged their method of warfare, and siding with Horus was a chance to directly demonstrate its effectiveness. Also funny that they got sidetracked fighting other wars just to flex on loyalists
>Honestly I prefer the old lore
Yeah you can finish the sentence there. I don't think there's a single thing BL changed where it isn't flat out worse than what was originally there.
Why didn't we ever get legion specific vehicle variants?
Cuz james doesn't think it's worth the investment
You had me in the first half ngl, thought this was gonna be a "fuck off grog" post
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I don't remember, but was there any other legion specific vehicle, besides picrel?
>this thing rocks up to the battlefield
>every enemy unit that can draw line of sight must take a leadership check or lose their shooting from pissing themselves laughing at it
Took them long enough, Jesus.
Does anyone have that pic of the Inductii with the Dark Eldar swords?
(Night Lords with all red hands)

>What are Contemptor, Levathan and Rhino Door upgrades.
>What are Contemptor, Levathan and Rhino Door upgrades.
cosmetic upgrades to a vehicles that every legion has equal access to

at least mention the mhara gal and the osirion dreads, you smartass
>>Names the first legion "dark Angels"
The 1st had no official nomen until after Lion had been discovered on Caliban. The name "Dark Angels" is a reference to a Calibanite poem Luther cited when he witnessed the first space marines descended on Caliban, and so the name could be attributed to him.

Point being that the Emperor did not actually name any of the legions "angels".
We already do.
Is the Thanatar Cavas any actual good? A lot of conversation seems to focus on the Calix
Are you saying the Emperor had that legion the whole time and never once occurred Him give it a name besides "the first"? He did name the Thunder Warrior legions: the 4th legion was the Iron Lords.
Man BL is sooooo baaaad
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both are great, desu
the cavas is amazing at IDing T4 except IH models, with its ability to shoot two s8 breaching, ignores cover, large blasts. it can wipe out blobs of marines and termie deathstars with no fnp or shrouded or cover saves allowed.
Hey ho /hhg/, been musing on my idea for a HH force that I can start working on in a year. Mentioned my idea before of a renegade Ultramarine force that's ambiguous about their loyalties. Not sure if I want the commander to be a legate or lowly captain but essentially he's supposed to be prideful, arrogant and lusting for power that he feels has been denied him under Guilliman and the Imperium. I'm basing him on a populist senator during the late Roman republic, Cataline for example but also Sulla, Ceasar etc. So he'll be scheming, unprincipled and selfish but still an Ultramarine at heart so he values strength, discipline and courage (TRVE ROMAN for his own purposes). So he'll have some thousand marines in the ass end of the galaxy when Calth happens and news eventually reach him. He'll have his trusted veterans but will quickly raise masses of inductii so he can start building his own little Ultramar. But unfortunately for him his in traitor territory and has to lay low, mainly fighting SOH and WE. So while he's fighting a hit and run campaign he's waging populist uprisings on hive worlds against Horus. Taking inspiration from Judge Dredd, Genetic Infantryman, Rogue Trader and Necromunda here so I can have hive gangers with a Roman flair while my inductii will have lots of inspiration from the good comics of the British 80's. Horus sux, Ultraside, shark mouths on beakies etc with obscene graffiti straight outta Pompeii.
So what's the best way turn this concept into a functional army I can play games with and survive past turn 1?
Ty anon.
It really is the smallest and simplest kitbashes that are the most effective, aren't they?
I like your idea, however consider breaking up your sentences a little bit.
It doesn't have to be written in one big block, makes it a bit of a pain to read.
Go for it.
I also like the prideful aspect of AL: that they admire Horus as a superlative warrior over a distant Emperor, and that their own methods of warfare go unrecognized, despite being successful.
Maybe both the old fluff and the cabal disagreement can be true: they are 2/3 traitor, allowing the Emperor to be defeated. But their remaining loyalty has them also stab Horus in the back to ensure he loses as well.
Full renegades, furthering the cause they believe in, even if others won't understand...
Legion specific vehicles (excluding automatas):
>WS Kyzagan Assault Speeder
>WS Shamshir Jetbike
>BA Contemptor-Incaendius Dreadnought
>TS Contemptor-Osiron Dreadnought
>WB Mhara Gal Dreadnought
Legion specific upgrades to vehicles:
>IH Blessed Auto-Simulacre
>IH Armatus Necrotechnika
>Sallie Dragon’s Breath Weapons
>BA Assault Cannons
>IF Assault Cannons
>IW Shrapnel Weapons
>TS Æther-Fire Weapons
>WB Warpfire Weapons

What exactly are you asking for?
Why the hate for John French again? I read his 40k stuff and it’s not bad, though kind of mid.
All of that and more, in plastic.
That looks horrible.
From 1d6: "With the sad death of Alan Bligh, John French has taken over as the main fluff writer for Forgeworld's Horus Heresy Books, and it fucking shows. Suffice to say he is a talented writer who's not suited for that sort of thing at all, and the threads that focus on the lore were not kind. For those curious, either French or another writer had a serious hard-on for the Dark Angels, as an example, apparently 12 Cenobites in the lore were able to kill 50 of Horus' Justaerin Terminators, while only losing a handful of their own. They then went on to butcher the most skilled fighters the Sons of Horus had to offer during that siege, and after carving their way through every fucking opponent, were finally killed when the Destroyer Corps used Phosphex to finish them off. Lest you think the Dark Angels had lost though, the book makes it clear that the Sons of Horus got their ass kicked in every aspect of the conflict as well, despite having the element of surprise, careful planning, and a much greater force."
But it doesn't matter to the WAACfags that infest the HH community. It's the same sort of loser who has to bring their special character to every game.
hes a piss-guzzling wall rat
>What exactly are you asking for?
Sonic Fellblade
Pretty sure those are dark elf corsair swords there champ
> source: painted a 20 man unit for TOW like two months ago
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This is one of those rare moments where GW's cowardice might actually be beneficial. Provided they go for "safer" sculpts, they'll be more in line with the Kakophonii during HH. Easier to harvest bits and kitbash with.
French writing for Fists is like how Ward wrote the Ultra's back in 5th.
They both wank of their respective chapters and give them special treatment to the point that people hate them.
> harvest bits and kit bash
Lmao I'm going to use them one for one and call it a late HH force.
> noooooo that's bad
Fuck off the White Scars series by the only competent BL library made it clear they were full Chaos Space Marines before the Siege got close to starting.
I have made a poor financial decision
Lord save me from the suffering I am to endure
Sigismund, apparently, is the bestest duelist evar, and has instant death on his sword, and is special enough to have eternal warrior so he can't be instantly lascannon'd off the board (Note: not even Abby has eternal warrior, despite that being his old thing in 40k). John french wrote sigismund. Take a look at sigismund's model, then take a look at john french. Notice anything?
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I missed the anon who was asking for it but I pulled out one of three boxes of my Dusk raiders infantry on the living room carpet.
My bad, I mistook the Evil Elves (Fantasy) for Evil Elves (science fiction)
Hell yeah dude
Confess your sins my child
Most legions went unnamed until their primarch came around. But beside the numeric designations there were plenty of informal names.
What was the informal name of the first?
Good evening gentlemen. It has been well over a year since the forgeworld daemon engines were legends'd from 40k and unceremoniously dumped into Horus heresy, first as a pdf and then repackaged into the Martian civil war book. Despite now being models for 30k, they are still sold under the banner of chaos in 40k instead of the Horus heresy.

Also if you go to the page for the Javelin- the one painted in Sons of Horus colours- and click on the link in the description, it will not take you to the rules for the Javelin as advertised, but rather stick you on the front page of Warcom- in German, for some bizarre reason. Well done, Games Workshop.
Weren't they just called the "Angels of Death"?
7" pie plates are my kryptonite
I think their earliest known cognomen was "The Uncrowned Princes".
I think they originally were called the angels of death.
The two can work together just fine; only the Alpha Legion could have the pridefulness and ego necessary to believe they know better than both a superpsychic nascent god who's also their daddy AND an organisation of Ancient Aliens with gajillions of years experience fighting and predicting Chaos. And what better way to prove they were right all along about how wars should be fought than using their preferred methods to turn the entire future of humanity into a war fought on their terms.

As usual the problem is not BL but flufflets incapable of creative synthesis.
>the truest to the mould from which the Legiones Astartes had been struck
Suck it Sons of Whores
>They were killers of the purest and most refined kind
Suck it Night Losers
Where and how did the Emperor first get a fleet to conquer the Solar System? Luna Wolves just kinda 'get to the moon' but how did they even get there? Was there just some fleets hanging out in Terran orbit the Emperor somehow conquered/had a treaty with?
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Has anyone tried putting some TK bits on TSons? Does it look daft?
can anyone provide a 3d print file link to taller MK3 legs, in the style of the old MK3 models?

kinda the same size as the dark angel interemptors

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