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Sleepy G edition


Previous thread: >>94022742

/pfg/ (pathfinder 1e) link repository: https://pastebin.com/RSt0rF0T
/p2g/ (pathfinder 2e) link repository: https://pastebin.com/1zySxwm3
/sfg/ (starfinder) link repository: https://pastebin.com/5yp9s2U3
/s2g/ (starfinder 2e) link repository: https://paizo.com/store/pathfinder/rulebooks/core
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/pacgg/ (pathfinder adventure card game) link repository:
The T̶r̶o̶v̶e̶ Vault (seed, please!): bit<dot>ly/2Y1w4Md

TQ: Do you bother to keep time in your games? I've developed a compulsion for exact time keeping thanks to VTT, now I track movements across continents and keep time on deliveries with ease.
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Don't worry I woke up just in time, do you guys trust developers of 20 year old expansions to deliver a good game? I've never played Dragon's Demand outside of the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game 2E, but I feel like it can't really be that long, right?
Yeah I gotta keep time right now because the STUPID players I have walked into the labyrinth I wrote and now I have to roll encounter checks every 10 minutes.
Normally there's no need beyond advancing to the next day.

they aren't going to because it falls into being a "stereotype" (meanwhile you have classes like Monk and Viking and even introduced a magical girl class in your book of Asia-land). same goes for Ninja

What they aren't wrong about though is that Samurai/Ninja can easily be played through current avaliable classes/feats/archetypes and while it would he nice to see a complete class or archetype dedication you don't necessarily need special mechanics for it when the game provides everything needed to do it already.
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im trying to do my own homebrew for pathfinder mostly with lore stuff, is there some sort of mental trick i can use to ignore the current lore where every nation has a strong independent women leader and fucking lamashtu is still a fucking monster god instead of the god of ugly people.
Every time i try to start writing i get pulled back into the idea that orcs now have honor and that the world has turned fucking fruity which takes me out of my homebrew stuff. idk if im autistic or something but i cant homebrew without thinking of the "official" lore.
>Samurai/Ninja can easily be played through current avaliable classes/feats/archetypes
So can Cultivator and yet
I still think Ranger gets you like 90% of the way for both anime and "realistic" Samurai. Slap Gravity Weapon and Quickdraw on a precision Ranger, and you're mostly done with anime; grab a bow, branch spear, and take a companion and the only thing you're really missing is being a warlord or general, but commander will cover that really well. For anime it's missing a thematically proper air cutter, and it's weird it can't grab Dual Handed Assault without taking the dead feat that is Fighter dedication, I guess? And it's generally kind of dull but functional otherwise.

>but fighter is better-
If Samurai shitposters were willing to accept that answer then we wouldn't still be having people ask "where is samurai?"
if anyone's bored enough to read it, can I get an opinion on how this Drider / Spidergirl Ancestry for pf2e is looking right now? I just got annoyed re-reading the Anadi and got inspired to cook something. it's on the strong side for sure but I'm more worried about the 'feel' of it so far
Yeah there's not really a gaping, samurai-sized hole in the game that needs filling. Samurai have never had a very defined mechanical role in Pathfinder. They were added in Ultimate Combat alongside ninja in order to coincide with the Jade Regent adventure path release, which was a pet project of one of the lead designers (the GMPC that accompanies the party throughout the AP is actually his PC from his personal campaign), but mechanically they were extremely barebones. Samurai was an "alternate" class for cavalier, meaning that it was, in most regards, a straight copy. The samuarai's hit dice, class skills, BAB and save progression, weapon and armor proficiencies (with the exception of samurai weapons, which they got for free), etc. are all identical to the cav's. On top of that, they also straight-up copied cavalier's signature abilities: Challenge, Banner, and Cavalier Order (Paizo released a few "Samurai Orders" alongside the samurai class, but the order mechanic is identical in both classes and they can both choose from either order list).

In effect, samurai were cavaliers with a few abilities swapped out. Instead of the cavalier's mount training bonus, samurai got a mounted archery bonus. Instead of the cavalier's charge and free teamwork feats, samurai got a smattering of per-day "last stand" style abilities and free access to the Quick Draw feat. Unless I'm missing something, that's literally it. And it's worth remembering that the cavalier itself, which samurai was merely a copy of, isn't even its own class in 2e.


On top of that, the samurai already enjoy an embarrassment of official mechanical support in 2e compared to basically any other historic warrior culture other than european knights. While Chinese weapons like the Jian are supported as merely a "regional variation of the longsword" (that's from the Tian Xia Character Guide)--a literal reskin--samurai have a shitload of weaponry and armor fully statted out, including like a half-dozen samurai weapons and full plate samurai armor. You can make a fully kitted out samurai warrior, complete with samurai weapons and armor, right now.

That's not to say you couldn't add more samurai stuff to the game, including an archetype or even class. Of course you could, you'd just need to think up a gimmick and write it up. But there isn't, like, some beloved, historic Paizo samurai archetype waiting in the wings, aching to be released. There's really hardly an identity there at all, and people who want to play samurai already have an absolute fuckload of toys.
Cultivator archetype might be the most disappointing thing in that entire character guide. I'm baffled Spirit Warrior and Cultivator are separate archetypes, and that the latter is just unbelievably boring dogshit.

I feel like there COULD be an interesting "samurai" in the form of something that dances in and out of a "ready" stance, and making it an interesting choice between holding the stance for passive bonuses and treating it like a "reload" for unique metastrikes, but that feels too rich and interesting a design for Paizo's ideal of what power level a feat should be.
I threw this together in 5 minutes, do not take this seriously.

Weapon Master Dedication
Warriors that take this dedication are known throughout Tian Xia as Samurai, Jian-ke, Kensei, and by various other names throughout Golarian.

Trained in simple? Then you get martial. Trained in martial? Choose an advanced weapon. You're proficiency with simple, martial, and any weapons you gain proficiency with from this archetype is equal to your highest proficiency from your class. You gain the critical specializations for weapons that you are at least an expert with.

You gain the Weapon Master's Stance ability. Choose two of the following: Two-Hand, Agile or Finesse, Forceful, Parry. The Two-Hand uses one die size larger, unless the weapon already has it.

Weapon Master's Stance
Requirement: You are wielding at least one weapon.
You've learned how to wield weapons in ways that others could only dream of. When you activate this stance, choose one weapon that you have in your hand. You can choose to treat that weapon as if it has one of the two weapon traits you chose when you took this dedication.

The other feats: Who cares, gain more traits.
Just one dedication. Not meant be the only one for Samurais, just an option. But also more options for the game.
How does Kineticist get close to about 5 free casts of Heal heightened to half your level rounded up plus full Divine spellcasting?
I could explain how but I don't wanna.
Figure it out.
By spending one feat to get infinite healing with a 10 minute cooldown on each individual target, allowing them to top people off effortlessly and maybe have emergency combat healing in a pinch depending on element. It's not as strong as the in-combat burst of the Heal spell, but it's definitely in the "pretty damn good" category
Aside from the regular advancement, how can you improve a Thaumaturge's Esoteric Lore to improve the success rate of Exploit Vulnerability?
Check the items
lets get that spider puss-puss
In terms of flavor, it seems like you covered your bases. It does seem a little light, though, that you just smushed Anadi and Vishankya together and that is all, making me wonder what exactly you are missing from them.
>Climbing Speed from Level 1
Already kind of iffy. The standard for climb speeds in 2e tend to be 10ft at 5 and 'equal to your Land Speed' at 9. Even with your penalty, your speed is still 15ft. Climbing may be weaker than Flight and more situational than Swimming, but you still have to balance your movement speeds.
>Primordial Hunter
Like the idea, the level scaling of it begs a lot of questions, though. You end up in a goofy scenario where you can be a Medium creature wanting to hunt a Huge one because it is lower level than you. Perhaps go by creatures smaller than you, you don't have a lot of ways to leverage your Large size anyhow.
>Poison Gland
This is just worded really off. You will never see a "Level/3" equation in the game, it should be a Constitution Modifier and not a score, and a spider's venom gland tends to be at the top of their fang, not the back of the mouth. That's a snake thing.
>Compact Form
Can you...switch back? Or are you Medium form forever now?
>Sudden Retreat
Should be phrased "+2 circumstance bonus *to your AC*".
>Poison Master
I was going to complain about this being exploitable but it is actually reasonably balanced. So I guess I'm more curious what can you do if you do ingest an Inhaled or Ingested poison, since you can't use your fangs or apply them to a weapon.
>Dexterous Grappler
Lot going on, don't really know how this is helpful beyond a stacking bonus.
>Poison of the Soul
Don't really have much to complain about so much reminding me that your Drider is rather...magic-free? This is one out of the two instances where you reference magical concepts, and its strange to think about given we have a giant spider with a human body.
>god of calm seas
>sailors pray to him on the poopdeck
>What they aren't wrong about though is that Samurai/Ninja can easily be played through current avaliable classes/feats/archetypes
I agree regarding Samurai, but not with Ninja. Ninjas have a lot of cool abilities established in media that no single class can quite cover. From izuna drops to spellcasting, to stealth, to fighting with katanas, trick weapons and superhuman acrobatics.

Whether they could have a mechanical gimmick, I don't know, but abilities-wise, you have to jump through a shitload of hoops to build the fantasy proper.
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Precision ranger works really well for samurai. I'm fiddling around with a samurai for my next game and I've actually landed on Ruffian rogue. Ruffian does two important things: enables medium armor, and allows you to sneak attack with a katana. This allows for a breastplate + katana main hand (pic related, shown on a Caldera Oni) and a wakizashi off hand.

Grab Dual Weapon Warrior for Double Slice and Dual-Weapon Blitz. The build basically revolves around collecting reactions like Opportune Backstab, Reactive Interference, and Nimble Dodge (eventually Nimble Strike), and using Double Slice (or Dual-Weapon Blitz if you need to Stride) + Preparation every turn. The goal is to always get two Strikes and two reactions, and to have enough relevant triggers that you can reliably trigger both reactions. In my case, we also use Free Archetype, so I'll also be multiclassing fighter to grab Reactive Strike at 4. By 20 the character has like five different reactions to use, an extra reaction each turn from Preparation, and two more extra reactions specifically for Improved Twin Riposte and Reactive Strike, respectively.

If they do anything to trigger Reactive Strike? You've got it. If they try to use Reactive Strike (or any other reaction) themselves? You can cancel it (Reactive Interference). If an ally hits them? That triggers a Strike (Opportune Backstab). If they attack you? That triggers a Strike (Nimble Strike). If they crit-miss that attack? That triggers ANOTHER Strike (Improved Twin Riposte). The opponent basically has to step away from you first if they want to do anything. Obviously that's the ultra-endgame but the build doesn't necessarily need to "come online" to work; it's just a regular dual wield rogue that acquires more reactions and things to do with them as they level up. I'm looking forward to it.
Yeah, it is definitely Ninja that needs its own Archetype. Like, if you try to connect having magic, poison, throwing weapons, and scouting, you run headfirst into the archetype limit, even with Monk + Free Archetype. So much got added to the "Official Unofficial Ninja Canon" since Ultimate Combat and a major aspect of 2e's archetyping is pulling together disparate pieces into a cohesive theme.

also where are my fucking iaijustu cuts, goddammit. Sever Space should not be the only thing approaching such.
Is Blood Lords a good Adventure Path? Just got it on Humble Bundle, wondering if anyone here played it.
>where are my fucking iaijustu cuts, goddammit
Spirit Warrior has a level 6 feat for it
I think the usual complaint anyone has about it is how its not well structured and how despite being a group of evil undead pcs, your primary antagonists are also evil undead.
>It does seem a little light, though, that you just smushed Anadi and Vishankya together and that is all, making me wonder what exactly you are missing from them.
I was mostly trying to add a few of the existing spider related feats to ground myself a little bit.
>>Climbing Speed from Level 1
>Already kind of iffy
yeah, I know I was kind of pushing it there, but I did feel a bit emboldened with some of the things I saw in the newest heritages. what would yo go for,circumstance bonus to climb? that's what I thought at first, butn there's something inside me screaming when a goddamn spider cannot climb that well.
>>Primordial Hunter
I actually fucked up and pasted an older version. this is the one I was going with:
Your body is made to immobilize prey, especially in positions advantageous to you. You have a +1 situational bonus on your grapple or trip maneuvers against a creature that is either smaller than you, is prone or in contact with a web (either naturally or through magical effects). If 2 of these conditions are met, the bonus becomes a +2.
so you were kind of on the money with your suggestion.
>>Poison Gland
I was thinking of a way for it to scale with level and mod sounded a bit too 5e'ish, but I guess it's what makes most sense
>>Compact Form
yes, it's permanent
>>Poison Master
>I guess I'm more curious what can you do if you do ingest an Inhaled or Ingested poison
Ingested I guess you could use it for infiltration and assassination. Inhaled... not really sure. I guess I should write something about that specific case.
>>Dexterous Grappler
main thing I was thinking was: spiders sound more dexterous than strong, and they get Attribute Boost to DEX, yet that would not help them at grappling. so I took inspiration from intimidating prowess to give it a boost
>>Poison of the Soul
>no magic
I guess I did focus alot on the webs and grappling. Maybe something for cantrips at level 1 and something before Webslinger to cast web or something similar?
you mean negro warrior?
Thanks for your input anons
I took a look at Abomination Vault and it looks really fun but my group prefers more RP so I'm not sure how much that would work for them. I think my current plan is to do a couple 1-2 session adventures to get used to the system since I've never touched it before (some of them have run Rise of the Runelords)
In terms of Modules, would these be a good starting point? I see that they're pretty short so they seem ideal for jumping in head first into the system.
>spider pit
>forever DM
>join a game of 2e
>encounter a vampire spawn
>we successfully learn about it's sunlight vulnerability through recall knowledge, DM tells us it's weak to sunlight and will be slowed in sunlight
>drag it out into the sun and grapple-lock it
>know as a DM using vampires before that the way the sunlight vuln works is it increases slowed by 1 each turn it ends in the sun and at slowed 3 it dies
>2nd turn in the sun it fails to escape twice
>as it's third turn is coming up, it's still slowed 1, remind the DM it should be slowed 2 after it's second turn and thus only have 1 action on the third
>"Erm, that's metagaming, how do you know it works that way, don't correct me, I'm the DM so I can make it work differently if I want."
>third turn it is still slowed 1, DM rolls escape check secretly and says it crit succeeds, runs away into shade, ends it's turn out of the sun
>by the time we drag it into the sunlight again it killed another party member
was I in the wrong
You should 'drag your GM into the sunlight' (kill him)
Champion gets a focus spell for healing without spending any feats
Your GM wanted that vampire to survive and become a recurring villain. You should drag him out to the street and execute him
forgot to mention we were level 1 and it was a vampire servitor (level 4)
But overall is it good or does the lack of structure and bad antagonists ruin it?
Matter of taste at the end of the day, and how much effort you want to put into repairing it.
But when compared with other adventure paths it's not very good.
your group sounds like ass
And? Champion also has fuckall other focus spells worth anything, requiring it to barrel scrape or archetype if it wants more focus points, meanwhile a Kineticist gets a bonus 1st level class feat just for picking an element, resulting in it walking out the door with 2-3 level 1 feats, more than enough to tap one into a healing option it can spam without worrying about a focus pool, while still being able to afford other shit.
Is there a mechanical reason for a player yet to want to sheathe their weapon and just make use of iaijutsu strike vibes?
i played 3.0 rokugan with a crane courtier that stacked cha to fucking disgusting levels and then coming up with corny haiku's or aphorisms like "the swift breeze causes petals to fall" and shit.
Was a fucking good game
>10ft long hallways connecting 30ft by 30ft rooms
Perfect, textbook, if I didn't know better I'd think you stole it directly from an AP.
A samurai is literally just a Japanese Chevalier. A cavalry archer, if you want to be accurate. HEMA with similar weapons looks a lot like kenjutsu. A Ninja is an assassin/spy Rogue. What is there to them that needs a whole class and not just a fighting style/feat chain and regionally themed armor?

There were militant monks in all parts of the world.

And vikings were basically just Fighters, they had basically the same or better equipment than the people in other parts of Europe at the time.
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> what would yo go for,circumstance bonus to climb?
Reduce their land speed to 20 so the Climb speed is 10, or go with Awakened Animal's 20/20. It really is more 25/15 that makes it kind of awkward.
>I was thinking of a way for it to scale with level and mod sounded a bit too 5e'ish, but I guess it's what makes most sense
Remember, the remaster cut out all Attribute Scores, there is only modifiers.
>yes, it's permanent
Should make sure there is a Special tag then, that makes it so that you can either only pick it at Level 1 or you can't retrain it.
>main thing I was thinking was: spiders sound more dexterous than strong, and they get Attribute Boost to DEX, yet that would not help them at grappling. so I took inspiration from intimidating prowess to give it a boost
Makes sense, if just a little weird to be STR and DEX built like that but focus on Dexterity over Strength.
>Remember, the remaster cut out all Attribute Scores, there is only modifiers.
From a practical perspective attribute scores were already a vestigial element, they weren't doing anything anyways except generating the modifiers. Which work exactly the same way in the remaster.
My players in AV will continue trekking down as level ups happen automatically in PF2E, and none of them are casters at all beyond the kineticist. If I stop keeping time, they will simply no life the interior of the dungeon until its done. The threat of fatigue has kept them from exploring just one more room at times, and luckily, they are graceful and kind enough to return to Otari once a floor seems cleared out.
>want to make a Warpriest of Pharasma
>realize that locks me to a dagger of all things
By paying feat taxes you can go mauler to get functional proficiency, but jfc is the favoured weapon dynamic utter cancer. Not helped by domains also heavily affecting your deity choice if you want any of the domain feats.
Every time I try to mix it up it ends up looking like shit. How do I break my addiction to rooms separated by corridors? Sometimes I have them connect to caves or have underground rivers running through them, but other times I start overthinking those details and how they would actually work spatially and end up jsut reverting to this sort of thing. I mean it works, and it works well, but you're right, it's boring.
Yeah but the issue there then is that I want to take that new archetype, presuming it’s good, since it’s all about buffing war priest’s melee capabilities. I suppose my idea of a holy priest of Pharasma empowered to hunt the undead is likely better served by Champion anyways since their weapon proficiencies aren’t as hampered by their deity’s weapon, but still.
I genuinely think that deities really, desperately need to have a full list of favored weapons and not ONE favored weapon, it would solve the problem of needing 500 random misc garbage deities to cover everything and also the problem of "oops a core deity you wanted to worship will simply fuck you if you try to use a thematically appropriate weapon, because their weapon just sucks [for what you're trying to do]"
>want to make a warpriest
>go over every possible option with pros and cons
>pick ragathiel again
Best you could do that isn't already covered by Fighter might be an Iaijutsu archetype - starting with quick draw, then upgrading it into something like a combination quickdraw-and-one-inch-punch. And throw in some fighter feats like Cut-From-Air and you'll be golden.
Abomination Vaults isn't a short adventure - it's half the length of a 1-20 AP, which can be like a good real-life year of your life if you're just running it by the book and not expanding it too much
That said, I think you *can* squeeze out more roleplaying out of abomination vaults than you'd expect when you bear in mind that a pretty large proportion of the creatures living in there are sapient and self-interested. They sit in a nice kinda balance where you wouldn't feel bad about killing them if you wanted to, but you wouldn't feel bad about just reasoning with them either - teaming up with them against other monsters in the dungeon, or making a trade, or tricking them, etc etc etc.
Yeah, in the past I've ruled that Urgathoa will allow a Sickle (handheld scythe, innit), Iomedae will allow any sword (or lance), Abadar will allow any crossbow, Gorum will allow pretty much any non-finesse weapon you can think of, etc.
>(some of them have run Rise of the Runelords)
If they ran runelords, maybe they would appreciate Seven Dooms for Sandpoint, a 1-12 adventure that should be nostalgic for them.
How do you guys run ambushes? The rules for them seem jank and confusing, and I'd like to give a bit more of an advantage to players for careful planning.
>Justice Champion
>Nimble reprisal
>Returning Trident
>Expand aura

Am I right in thinking this lets me make retributive strikes from 30ft away?
Yeah the ambush rules (or lack thereof) suck. My GM usually just lets us do one "thing." Usually that thing can't do damage. So a caster could cast Fly, a rogue could hide, or a fighter can move into position. Stuff like that. Personally, I'm fine with surprise rounds for players and just not allowing monsters to have them. Everything doesn't have to be symmetrical between PCs and monsters, especially when it's a fight the PCs should win easily.
Hot damn throwing weapon barbarian is actually really hype. A shame they benefit from so few actual barbarian feats though.

Any suggestions beyond raging thrower? Assuming we're doing nothing but spamming double slice with two throwing weapons every turn.
I was considering building a warpriest with the cavalier archetype and using a lance for thematics, but there aren't even any deities who have it as their favored weapon
(GM) skill issue. The first question you ask before making a GMPC is "how does this improve the story for the players" and challenging them is an improvement, so we're clear. The second question you need to ask is, "is a GMPC really the best way to do this?" The third question you need to ask is, "am I going to be a little bitch if my character dies?"
The GM is responsible for setting the tone. If you want your players to not be whiny mary sue babies who can't handle character death, you need to man up and lead. Setting up a GMPC to be that obnoxious asshole doesn't work if you're going to deny the party the satisfaction of beating them. And it can be a blessing in disguise, if you were too obvious about the character's importance. It will make them wonder if this was planned and take (You) more seriously and respect you as a GM given the lethality and fairness of your world. If anyone can die they'll care more and listen to you more carefully, lest they be next.
If this is your close friend, give him some coaching in private, his ego sounds big and you don't want to publicly humiliate someone like that. He needs a LOT of help, he's making basic cliche edgelord mistakes.
If you aren't best buddies, ditch the group, too many massive red flags (vampire spawn, GMPC, gaslighting you on rules, refusing to respect the party working together on a plan and giving appropriate reward for effort and teamwork)
Saves some time since lances run into the mounted reach problem if you weren't playing a small race.
>Assuming we're doing nothing but spamming
Don't do that and instead grab furious bully and trip some fools with bolas.
But that Boomerang range

My man is hitting throwing clubs from shortbow distance for 4d6+30 and foot only climbing to stay out of trouble
Yeah, lances suck and mounted combat rules don't help them, but I'm surprised there isn't any deity who favors them
Anyone in here who has that Foundry VTT of some campaigns? I'd love to try them out
Knock yourself out.
Makes a bow paladin of erastil much cleaner as well.
Something to note is that you don't need a returning weapon; blessed armament allows you to grant a weapon the returning rune.
Returning runes are cheap enough that I don't really get the point of blessed armament - At least blessed shield gives you something extra if you already got a reinforcing rune and blessed speed gives a little bonus to people in your aura even if its main benefit is overwritten by the infamous wand of tailwind, but armament seems like the one that you can just buy your way out of entirely.

I do like how nimble reprisal makes archers viable (albeit longbows are still a hard sell thanks to volley) but what I'm going for in this spear chucking defender build is also guarding my big aura with shields of the spirit which needs to have a hand occupied with a shield. I'm not forsaking lay on hands either, it's a free archetype game, I'm just gonna take blessed one.
Hell yeah brother!
Ignore what I said about blessed armament, I just remembered it gives crit spec.
I run them as written.

Players get to Delay to favorably order themselves.

Any clankers will fuck it up like they're supposed to by becoming detected prematurely, unless they use some more advanced cover or hide further away. Players could have a fighter in plate enter a bag of holding for instance and then fling the bag out as their initial action; the fighter rolling perception for initiative and then Escaping from the bag.

I think this is a better way to do things since it forces the players to envisage the scenario more. And the fun situation can arise where players or creatures have their anime danger sense go off, and they can either turn tail, Seek to uncover the danger, or Delay until the enemy strikes.
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How exactly does playing a martial class as a small race work? Am I pigeonholed into something like Rogue because of the lost strength/weapon damage die decrease?
I've only played an Oracle before, so I am not quite sure how to go about this but I would like to play a funny rat.
Yeah. Bow with archer dedication to get point blank allows you to skip armament for swiftness if you desire, and then that opens up the fun possibility of using spectral advance and parting shot later to be extra skirmishy.
How do i play a Negro Caster?
Join the Mayabunga.
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Pick lightning spells
Warrior muse bard skilled in rapidly orating details of past conflicts you participated in over music.
Magaambyan Attendant and Halcyon Speaker archetypes are right there, anon. You could just look for them instead of asking dumbfuck questions.
is it deeply cerebral tactics-based combat, or is it just rolling well consistently
Both? Both. Both is good.
>in 1e
It's definitely a bit of an issue early on, but at mid-high levels once you get your weapon-finesse->slashing-grace->piranah-strike or whatever going dex becomes perfectly feasible. Or if you're going for a strength build, by mid-high levels the difference in die size and strength becomes pretty small compared to all the boosts you'll have gotten. A die step is, on average, *1* damage, remember.
>in 2e
Not an issue. Half the small races don't have penalties, the penalties are optional, and damage die differences aren't a thing.
do you guys think Sarenrae would be okay with one of her clerics using Stitch Flesh to patch up her friend who unfortunately ended up undead?
Depends on the circumstances.
>Edicts: Protect Allies, provide aid to the sick and wounded
>Anathema: deny a repentant creature an opportunity for redemption
If the undead is seeking redemption or, at the very least not being an asshole, I think the cleric is obligated to help them due to them being an ally.
On the other hand:
>fail to strike down evil
If the undead is actively perpetuating evil, the cleric should beat the crap out of them. I came to this conclusion because I think that being evil precludes them being considered an ally.
This is probably close to a situation where these edicts and anathema work against each other, and I think Sarenrae is one of those deities that wouldn't care which way you went as long as you were consistent and doing your best.
I don't know if this has changed in 2e but at least in 1e, Sarenrae is probably only second to Pharasma in her unending thirst for undead destruction, almost to the point of completely overtaking every other aspect of her personality. As such (and since all undead are, by definition according to PF cosmology, inherently Evil), she definitely prioritizes killing an undead over any other action because as she sees it, putting that body to rest IS the ultimate redemption above any other options available.
That makes sense.
What about Pharasma?
>Edicts: Destroy undead

Fuck no, she hates any mortal evading judgement.
Based entirely on her 2e entry, creating undead is anathema, but they're mentioned nowhere else.
>Edicts: Destroy undead, lay bodies to rest
There's your answer.
I love this art and I love the idea of a cutesy barmaid who’s also the town’s priestess of Cayden Cailean. I’d never play it myself though because I just can’t bring myself to play female characters in tabletop if it’s in voice.
Function before form, always.
Ask yourself what the purpose of every room, door, and hallway is.
This is a wizard living in a hole in the ground with his waifu. He can't magic food in, and the only individual who knows where he is can't exactly grab takeout for him inconspicuously.
So he's going to need:
1. Rooms to practice his craft. A necromancer needs an ossuary. An alchemist needs a laboratory. A summoner/demonologist is going to want some sort of secured summoning circle, even if the orb prevents its use. Maybe he's already summoned a guardian, and it's stuck there, or the wards failed and it's just made itself at home, unable to leave.
2. A library. Probably nothing sentient here, maybe some monster from the cave system or a magical trap. This is where treasure goes by default.
3. A kitchen, bedroom, just basic rooms that are there for worldbuilding. You can develop these further if you want but it seems weird not to have them
4. A prison, or somewhere to keep the waifu when the wizard steps out of his NEETcave.
5. How many homes have you been in with ten foot hallways? Don't rooms just usually connect by doors? May be useful to look at floorplans for actual homes and offices to get a sense of how things are laid out.
Here's the thing anon, it wasn't a GMPC, it was a generic vampire servitor. We were meant to either kill it somehow or it gets away because we couldn't kill it.
But anyway I went with the guy whose character died and talked with the GM about it. He's not a friend of mine just someone I met looking for an online game. The guy whose character died DOES know him though.
GM just admitted he got really mad because he thought I was trying to tell him how to run his game but I was just quietly reminding him how it works because it's easy to forget and foundry doesn't automate everything.
I dunno, I'm sticking around for a bit longer but if he has another spergout I'm going to leave. I told the other player that and he just said "Fair"
what's the deal with 2e's focus spells?
>here's a thematic spell you can cast by spending a focus point
>oh by the way you only get one point without feats and you can never have more than three
>also it takes ten minutes to replenish one and you can only replenish one at a time unless you burn feats
PF2E question
is there any feat or dedication that increases your weapon proficiency? I'm playing an untamed druid, and it has the thing where if your unarmed bonus is higher than the form's bonus, you gain a +2 to hit, but even if you start with +3 strength (the maximum) it seems like the form's to hit bonus outpaces you at all levels because your attack proficiency never goes up. At level 5 your animal form's attack bonus is +14 and your maximum unarmed at that level is +11 (without potency runes because potency doesn't apply in battle forms) bringing it a whole 3 bonus above you
Looking at druid's standard unarmed progression, this only outpaces your forms when you hit level 12, and only for that level because at 13+ the form's bonus skyrockets again
They're basically per encounter abilities that share a resource. It's pretty based.
Understandable, I've got folders full of shit I'll never play, but in my case it's mostly because I just don't tend to like playing female PCs in general. I prefer using those folders to help other people find the perfect art for their sexy kitsune bard girls, so I can hit on them with my human fighter later.

don't forget
>these are not properly balanced against eachother so the value of a focus point varies insanely even in the same class, let alone between classes (lay on hands and shield of faith vs every other champion focus spell; the best wizard focus spell vs the best cleric focus spell)
Their deal is that they wanted a middle ground between at-will cantrips and per-day spells and ended up with a kind of awkward middle ground, because they were nervous that screechers on the internet would get mad if they just made them an auto-recharging encounter-based set of abilities.
I played a Cayden priestess barmaid. It was pretty fun. No cutesy shit, though, lady had to break up bar fights too often.
They feel vestigial and under designed.
Its as if paizo was too intimidated to dispense with the sacred cow of spell slots to come up with an authentic daily/encounter/at-will power system, and this was a compromise.
I've homebrewed a whole spellcasting rework that showers caster players in focus points and low level slots.
Not imbalanced either; I've already killed the group wizard this game.
Yeah wow that's uh... really fragile.
You handled that incredibly well, much respect.
>They feel vestigial and under designed.
90% of this game
I usually see the expression "Ivory Tower Design" bandied about.
Anon potency DOES effect the "using your own modifier" portion.
Potency just doesn't apply for the battle form's set bonuses. Potency will keep you up to parity for the most part.
The note with untamed form now post-remaster is your unarmed bonus no longer needs to exceed it, just "if you use it or not"
however since it's a status bonus, if you have a bard in the party regularly giving +2-3s with inspire courage there isn't much of a point
>also it takes ten minutes to replenish one and you can only replenish one at a time unless you burn feats
I think they changed that in the remaster?
Monk default fist should have the parry trait, and crane stance should bump the AC bonus to +2 to compensate. Monks carrying around shields is gay as fuck. Change my mind.
It's a confusing change of an often-ignored rule, but they did not. Here's a quick history of focus points:

You regain one focus point per 10-minute Refocus activity, **AND CANNOT GAIN ANY MORE UNTIL YOU SPEND IT**. If you had a 3-point pool and cast two focus spells before refocusing, you could never get back up to 3 until your next daily preparations.

You regain one focus point per 10minute Refocus activity with no strings attached. You can now refocus multiple times in a row, up to your maximum focus pool size. This is obviously how it should have worked to begin with.

>With feat tax
Classes that have in-class access to focus spells have a feat, usually around level 12 or so, which allows them to regain their entire focus pool with one ten-minute rest. If you intend to use focus spells as part of your regular combat rotation, this is mandatory, and comes in frustratingly late.
You're just correct though. I also think Monk should have a class feat for non-stance item bonus to AC when unarmored, as the Sturdy Scales effect. Give it some other fluff side bonus to make it more enticing, maybe a token resistance against environmental conditions or something.
> 5. How many homes have you been in with ten foot hallways? Don't rooms just usually connect by doors? May be useful to look at floorplans for actual homes and offices to get a sense of how things are laid out.

A lot? Not everyone is living in a 1 bedroom + kitchen/living room apartment. If you have a bedroom wing that's a hallway. If you are underground hallways are good for isolating areas such as kitchens away from bedrooms so that the smell doesn't reach. Similar for places of noise, and as a defensive measure on the entrance (so you can have murder holes on the entry hall).
>this is mandatory
Only if your GM has you on a timer (which they occasionally should, depending on the campaign).
If you have time for Refocus, you usually have time for two more.
Let's be real you're going to spend more than 10 minutes healing between encounters unless your DM is a dickhole that keeps throwing enemies at you while you're resting
But speaking as a DM, it's not gonna happen for two reasons:
1. most people run EXP in 2e and throwing more encounters at players as they rest just throws the exp balance out of wack
2. time. Most people don't want to run more encounters than they prepared for and just don't like wasting time
Also, every single pre-written AP it is safe to heal yourself between encounters.
By the time you're going to want to be quick about it is the time you can get the feats to completely refocus anyway
this is also true
but if you know you're on a timer you should be conserving focus points anyway
They remove the cap on how many times you Refocus in a row, but you still only recover 1 point per 10 minutes. Need the lategame wellspring feats to get 3 at once.

They are actually pretty sound design.
>Converge all encounter-based spell-like class powers into one resource
>Puts the feat design of 2e to the forefront, that magic is an investment and not a given for non-spellcasters.
>Keeps the resource load balanced for the early game and gives you something to do on recovery phases. Also pushes GMs to time things.
>They are actually pretty sound design.
I kind of wish they'd been the primary resource for all combat spells in the game, and revolved around that.
Keep spell slots for out of combat utility like Teleport, Creation, Shape Wood, while spending focus points on Blazing Bolt and the like.
I think Psychic's "class-specific Focus Cantrip you can augment with focus points" design is actually really good and how all casters should function. Unfortunately, that design is shackled to fucking Psychic.
That's kind of an awful idea. AEDU didn't really work not because 4e was a jank system as a whole but because trying to create gradients among spell design is really tough when it you have only one main resource. The more you have to split spells by their power so that your Admonishing Rays don't eat up the same pool of points as Fireball (you notice how that is the core weakness of Spontaneous Casters~), the more you just recreate spell slots. That or you have to consolidate spell design and not really have any more room to grow it. When I feel like a major appeal of d20 fantasy is the very defined rules and systems behind magic.

Yeah, the Amp mechanic being stuck on Psychic is...retarded design. It's not really "psychic" to be boosting up cantrips and every spellcaster could come up with something unique to engage with their spell lists, or at least those that don't get their own spell Focus Cantrips such as Wizard or Druid.
Gotcha, thanks anon
On the topic of mid-high levels, is the Aildori Swordlord stuff a giant meme? It looks like there's so much feat requirement that I won't reasonably be able to build into it unless I dedicate every part of my setup to it
It looks cool and I like the flavor of it but I feel like I'd be better off with my original plan (greatsword, build into big swings)
>Champion gets a focus spell for healing without spending any feats
this is pretty disingenuous, champion gets a focus spell heal in exchange for their SUBCLASS which is an even more significant resource investment in character building than a single class feat (and anyone can poach lay on hands and champion reaction with an archetype as well....)
What are you talking about?
>I kind of wish they'd been the primary resource for all combat spells in the game, and revolved around that.
>Keep spell slots for out of combat utility like Teleport, Creation, Shape Wood,
That's what 4e did so Paizuri had to go out of their way to be shittier and worse than 4e in many ways in order to remain legally distinct.

Healing Surges are also infinitely better as out of combat healing and a general limit on how.much adventuring you can do in a day than the schizophrenic mess 2e tries where you unironically roll dice 30 times just to heal up our of combat between every encounter. God somebody ought to beat the shit out of Jason Bulmahn in a parking lot for coming up with that idea
I can only speak for 2e.
>>94107904 is right in that it's not much of an issue except if you want to use Athletic maneuvers. Even with Legendary Athletics and Titan wrestler, a small size creature will not be able to Trip, Grab, Shove or Reposition a Gargantuan creature because of the size difference. And if you don't take Titan wrestler ASAP, you will only be able to do Athletic maneuvers on Medium or smaller creatures.
Since you are a ratfolk, being small is actually good for you. At level 1, take 2 free boosts to avoid the strength flaw. At level 5 Cornered Fury lets you make creatures bigger than you off-guard with no save. At level 17, once gargantuan creatures become more common, Greater than the Sum lets you make you and your allies Huge in size.
Yeah I forgot to put in a chained up demon or daemon or other weird outsider. Oh well. Maybe I'll add it in as we play.

When I make dungeons too realistic they usually end up really boring, and impractical for high level player characters with all their giant animal comp aions and summons.
Is it possible to play PF2E like an OSR style esque game? I really wanna run an OSR styled game but my players and friends only want to play PF2E. So I'm curious if for my upcoming new campaign I'm building how incorporating OSR stuff would work
The game's not exactly made for it, and it won't give you the kind of easy, out-of-the-box functional dungeon crawl that an actual OSR system would, but I bet you can do okay. Most of 2e's "dungeon" activities like recharging focus points, identifying items, and out of combat healing are standardized around a ten-minute downtime period, which roughly approximates what a "dungeon turn" might be in an OSR system. Throw in some encounter tables and figure out how to keep track of time and you could basically replicate OSR-style play. You may find that the combat's way crunchier than your typical OSR game and a random encounter that would take you ten minutes in an OSR game might take up a significantly larger part of your night in 2e, which could make dungeon crawling a drag. I suspect you'll also have to be pretty aggressive about those wandering monsters, as 2e's easy access to repeatable healing means that if you leave your players alone for too long they're likely to heal back up to full.

Big asterisk: I haven't tried this. I play 2e as the Paizo gods intended, which is to say as a big dumb theme park experience where players travel from one purpose-built setpiece encounter to another, tugged along by nigh-unmissable plot hooks. It goes without saying that I wouldn't recommend trying to run it as anything else but it sounds like if you could have convinced your group to play a proper dungeon crawler you would have.
Thanks for the advice, yeah, I've kinda been on an OSR binge lately but its a bit to old school for my play group.

I love pathfinder 2e and my players do as well, so perhaps the best way to go about it is just run it and forget about OSR stuff, or try and sneak stuff in here and there haha. Not to mention it makes it easier for me cause I use Foundry and I have so much PF2E stuff for it it'll make it easier.
The more I think about it, the more I respect 4e's Healing Surges. Though I don't think I would want them back. While it WOULD fix the martial-caster disparity in terms of resources and healing, I don't think it is a particularly useful mechanic in terms of what meta it wants to promote. You see it with how many people just stare blankly at 5e's Hit Dice mechanic. It just doesn't add much compared to balancing tangible things like potions or even spell slots, things players can use in more than one way (There's a reason Baldur's Gate 3 just have you recover half your HP with a Short Rest and balance it by giving you 2 per Long). It reminds me of Resonance, in how it does SOLVE a problem but not really in a way anyone would prefer or the implications it leaves behind.
he's an edgelord who thinks a party that lends itself to the paladin, redeemer, and liberator causes could just as easily lend itself to the antipaladin, desecrator, and tyrant causes making the choice between lay on hands and touch of corruption a meaningful opportunity cost
I think you could with some homebrew.
>Proficiency without level, automatic bonus progression, and gold as exp based on the party treasure by level table.
is what my notes say for a game I'm planning.
>Gold as exp
>The Party Treasure By Level table on page 59 of GMC has a Total Value column that will form the basis of the gold as exp conversion.
>At first level, the party should be able to advance to second level after obtaining their 175gp expected wealth which should grant 1000xp.
>The gold or treasure must be extracted and brought to a place of safety before the experience is awarded for its acquisition.
>Gold can be expended on hirelings and crafting items like staves which might be hard to acquire.
>To keep verisimilitude (why isn’t everyone just crafting endless magic items all the time?) crafting a magic item will require the expenditure of a non-consumable magic item, deductible the crafting gold cost.
>Additionally, experience from monsters should be reduced drastically, to about one fifth.
And then I have some other stuff about utilizing the doomed condition to emulate save or die, APL and how it functionally masks the threat of random encounters and permits players rerolling low level characters, and some other considerations.
I ran a simulated playtest and it seemed to work. The players robbed an APL+7 enemy and immediately advanced to third level, then in a second outing they randomly encountered eight APL -2 bandits whilst on low health and surrendered all their gold, as the threat was too difficult to assess.
how crazy would it be to make an Universal Ancestry Feat that lets Large PCs count as having higher STR for kickback weapons? is lvl 1 too much for a +1 to str only for that, with maybe an upgrade for lvl 5-9? I like the idea of big guy = better handling of big recoil
I feel like that does too little on its own, just change how kickback works for large characters instead.
like, the feat removes the penalizers of kickback, or giving it for free to all Large characters? would you include Large Bore Modifications on that?
Large PCs having higher STR for kickback is too minor a change for it to be a feat, IMO.
Large Bore mods make the kickback harder to resist, so them having higher strength would still help.
>big guy = better handling of big recoil
Well, more straighforwardly, it'd make more sense that big guy = higher strength = better handling of recoil.
Nta but explain to me why touch of corruption isn't the worst focus spell though? Manipulate, needs a fort save, -2 status to AC is not hard attain if you have other party members. Most of the time it's just a weaker, more accurate second attack that provokes reactive strike.
1) No MAP
2) 1 action
3) AC penalty stacks with off-guard
Probably not as good as the other options for champion I agree, just not terrible.
It IS but it is good to remember that you don't HAVE to take it anymore. No matter what you can always pick Shield of the Spirits over Lay on Hands/Touch of the Void, and it is a matter if your Deity allows you to take either/or the spells. So it is a bit of a null point to complain about it as of the Remaster.
Yeah it seems good low-level before most enemies have reactive strike and your most useful caster only has Fear.
Some anon was complaining that Lay on Hands was bad because it was an opportunity cost, of giving up Touch of Corruption. Which seems backward to me as someone playing a Champion of Asmodeus (trying a "Lawful Good" Hellknight) and as much as I like Spirit Shields, Lay on Hands is the one that optimizers should ask "is giving this up worth it?"
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Thoughts on free archetypes? I'm going to run a campaign that should go to level 10, and I want to give more free options, but I don't know about the power scale from free archetypes
The *power* difference isn't huge (not like, say, dual-classing, which is worth at least a level or so), but it is appreciable by your players if they're picking strong mechanical archetypes like champion multiclass or medic or sentinel or something.
The players will be a bit more optimal, and maybe they can handle slightly harder encounters overall.

It's mostly just Fun. Your class feats are going to be better 90% of the time, so it's mostly just a way to make your dude a bit more varied and interesting moreso than just powerful. It's an extremely popular rule for a reason. I'd compare it to, say, how Feats are technically an optional rule in 5e but basically everyone uses it anyway outside of people just starting to learn the rules.
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so Kitsunes and other beast people would probably be a little more threatened in a more grim setting because they have MUCH higher surface area than normal animals and would probably be hunted for fur farms and pelts

imagine how much a single well-treated kitsune's full body is worth.
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>>94115648 I suppose that's why they adapted to become so sneaky.
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Personally, I wouldn't play without it. The power difference isn't insane but it opens up a lot of room for more expressive characters that wouldn't be possible in the heavily silo'd system that 2E is normally.
>t. Currently playing a level 7 Fighter with Marshal, Inventor, and eventually Mauler dedications

I also built a different Fighter that has zero class feats and instead dumped everything into Beast Gunner and Beastmaster. If you put the time in to read you can get pretty creative with it.
I doubt that's a thing in common pathfinder setting, I think they do the shapeshifting thing just so the players can turn into ahri league of legends, but yeah that would be an explanation on why they would use something like that for real
On the topic of beast races: Do half kitsune/gnoll/etc. exist? I remember hearing that cross-compatability is really rare outside of humans and elves
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I'm going to find out and it's not going to be for lack of trying
>Do half kitsune/gnoll/etc. exist
Might old lore or from other setting, but about Kitsunes I remember something about how human/kitsune children tend to be either humans or kitsunes, and sometimes supposedly human children "awaken" as kitsunes in their teens. Not sure though.

Gnolls with humans no, but I remember something about gnolls being able to breed with hyenas.
Are Kitsune furs soft? The last time I was around a fox its fur was coarse and didn't feel good.
Wild, nomadic kitsune are a bit course, but those near civilisation and with a bit of money can make use of various lotions, oils and shampoos to give themselves extremely luxurious coats.
if you pet a wild fox then yeah it probably would have very coarse and rough fur

I'd imagine a lot of things that apply to animals IRL wouldn't apply to anthros since
a. They are intelligent and can talk (so things like scent glands that produce heavy smells would eventually be evolutionarily phased out)
b. They would bathe much more regularly
so they would probably care about their fur way more than your average forest critter
Oh right, and if Lamashtu is involved in any breeding progress then all bets are off what kind of hellspawn you will create
imagine how much money a pet shampoo industry would make in a world with anthro characters
Why is this fox throwing gang signs at me?
With the introduction of official rules for creating custom half-races I think they expanded compatibility quite a bit. Though kitsune are in an odd spot since half-kitsune in lore can't really exist due to >>94115761 being correct
>sometimes supposedly human children "awaken" as kitsunes in their teens.
I find the "human" fighter finding out he's a foxman because the alchemist gave him a drakeheart mutagen a funny scenario though.
Another bloodline foxed. Sad.
Now that the dust was settled what classes were the winners and losers of the remaster. I nominate champion for a loser. Yes the aura change is nice, and the subclasses are great. But subclasses were never champion’s problem, it was the lack of good feats. They actually had those shit oath feats removed but virtually nothing to replace them. It’s an unfinished remaster.
Considering that they are supposed to get many of those feats back in War of Immortals and Divine Mysteries, it's a bit to early to call them losers.
I dunno, I'd sooner vote Ranger and Monk as "losers" solely because while they aren't bad, basically every other martial got noticeable improvements by comparison. Wizard is slightly worse, but other casters got notable buffs by comparison. Oracle is what, "technically buffed" but they were also genericized and now feel even more pointless. Which is funny when compared to the witch, who went from "bad wizard" to "one of the most obnoxious debuffers in the game".
Oracle might qualify for loser. They're a four slot class now but they paid for it with a lot of flavor. Particularly Battle Oracle which is just bad now.

Barbarian's a clear winner. They already were barely underperforming an Paizo gave them QoL improvements and straight number buffs. Although nerfing Whirling Throw is sad.

Monks got a great big pile of 'meh' and a capstone that exists to buff Flurry Rangers that took Wrestler FA.

Did anything change for Fighters other than names?

Alchemist got some nice boosts although I think Toxicologist is still weakest. Being able to swap from poison to acid damage on a whim is something.

IIRC Sorcerer got a nice buff but I've never played one.
Free Archetype should be the default.
there's nothing "edgelord" about it, the Remaster literally removed alignment and they went further with player core so it literally is a pure gameplay choice now
Why do mounts and animal companions suck so bad at high levels
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Going the down list...
Mixed. Overall it is mostly good changes but they still are pretty awkward to play as and figure out and still did the sin of just making them all bombers. But still good changes, I would say they feel like a Dark Archive option.
SUPREME VICTORY! Showing my hand a little early, they are really cracked and probably what most people expected out of a full refresh. They are probably the best Barbarians that have ever been printed in a d20 fantasy game. Honestly they are a little too freeing, they lost a bit of mechanical identity for smoothness, but I don't think that's much an issue, especially compared to some of their peers.
Win. The Warrior Bard changes are nice but they didn't really fix how nutso Courageous Anthem is on a design level or how Maestro is still the best option. I might say more Mixed if we are judging solely on how they change and not how the end results, but that might be just splitting hairs.
Win but definitely would be Mixed if judging by changes alone. They didn't REALLY change and punting their Oath and Litanies to later books is kind of a baffling decision, even by page space concerns. I get that the Evil Champion options aren't really that bad in a vacuum but they still could have more synergy with the rest of the class. Still, I think they can pretty much live and die by Defensive Advance alone.
Winner-Winner, Chicken Dinner. Divine Font no longer being tied to CHA, Warpriest being a real option, the new feats, Spirit Damage and Sanctification, just all great changes. Really, the biggest lost is just how empty it makes Cloistered feels in terms of progression but I would not be entirely sure how you fix that without overloading their package.
I'm going to say they are holding an L here. They didn't really fix anything, they just let them wear metal armor and called it a day. They could have improved how feat hungry Untamed Order is, you know?
With Druids, they really could have given them 4 slots if they were just stuck on how to improve them or didn't want to touch-up Battleforms, especially with Oracle eating some of their progression niches. Still, its not like they are bad or worse off, it just the nature of Druid (heh) means they need more to be enticing in this kind of system. It does not play well with generalists and the Primal spell list doesn't have a lot of its own personality to make it appealing.
The fact they got one tag change, an indirect nerf, and still come out an S-tier class is kind of infuriating. There's a couple classes here that are a case of "Can you really say they won or lost when they didn't really participate?", but Fighter somehow is being a Luigi about it, winning without doing anything. I rather not give them any kind of position, but objectively speaking, they kind of have an L? Mixed?
Win. The Devise A Strategem changes and additional clarifications on how it all works are all nice and the new feats help them stand out. They still do have a problem with Thaumaturge eating them for lunch and their subclasses being MAD as fuck, but outside of that they are far more competitive and smoother to pilot. Another case of the Remaster doing its job.
One of those "you didn't show up" deals I was talking about, which is something of an L in its own right. They didn't need much to them to be better, but that makes it all the more frustrating of what they did do to them (Whirling Throw...) and what they didn't do for them (is it really so hard to give them Parry on their fist?). They didn't even give them more Qi Spell (by the way, fuck China and needing to kowtow to their spelling over Ki when Monks are still more Dragon Ball than Xiaolin Showdown here). They really could have been in PC1 with how little they changed.
Controversial, but I'm going to say it's a W. Give me a bit more space to explain.
Their hit bonuses stop keeping up with the rest of the party.

If you mean
>why does Paizo insist on keeping animal companions in a weird mid-level box
I have no idea desu. I'm still not really sold on companion progression requiring so many feats in the first place.
So, it is no secret that the Life, Battle, and Lore's (non-)changes aren't really going down well with community. Especially Battle, that's just...absolute trash design and one of those "You should be fired cause you obviously aren't reading the game" deals. On top of such, the loss of flavor, the streamlining, and having to face head-to-head against Sorcerer more than ever can leave everyone feeling miffed in some way. Huge, /d/-tier BUTT however, Oracle now feels closer to its 1e incarnation, far smoother to understand, way easier to design around, and feels more traditionally risk-reward. It feels more like you are dipping into unique divine powers and it not coming out of your Focus Pool means you can participate as your class far more than before. There is a lot more of cohesive whole to Oracle than just absurdly powerful options that make up for really strange rules, fucky progression, and having to "put up" with being an Oracle. Kineticist would be the biggest theoretical example in terms of what I mean, imagine if they were here earlier and had to keep track of stuff like Burn or having to switch Kinetic Auras like in their playtest.
It isn't to say they couldn't have better changes. They could have kept the Mystery Benefits (with some changes in terms of boons), the strange way they split off Cursebound powers, some better balancing with the Curses (how did you made Lore WORSE than before??), Divine Access being lower level, etc. But I think the fact we can directly pinpoint the issues with the design instead of constantly scratching our heads on what the fuck even IS the class and what you even do to fix it shows that it is probably better off no matter how you slice it. Perhaps damning by faint praise but I value fixing something over redoing it all.

And being stuck on the Divine list isn't even that bad anymore ontop of getting actual elemental spells, unlike Sorcerer's Divine Bloodlines. So again, Win. Maybe some errata is needed.
Should be the default. In PF2.5, All classes should have an archetype feat slot at every even level.
Moving on...
Again, didn't really participate. But at least what changes they did get were all good. I think the biggest issue is them not touching Outwit or giving them more support.
Win...? Getting martial weapon scaling is such a massive buff, but it isn't enough of a change to justify them actively ignoring their standout problems. Thief Rogue still beats out all the other subclasses, they don't get to really be supportive beyond pretty few feats and the midgame Debilitations, and they didn't even TRY with Eldritch Trickster. That one is just baffling, especially with the Spellshot errata being out in the open. Just strange stuff all around, you know.
It might be autumn here but the season is WIN-ter for them. Love the new focus on Blood Magic effect, them just giving them Dangerous Sorcery innately, and the readjusted focus spells. They went a little overboard with Imperial's, it doesn't really have much flavor for them over just how stupidly powerful an option it is. It's not a design I necessarily appreciate, especially with how almost every caster in the game would want something like it. But you can argue if my biggest complaint is them making TOO strong an option, I'm probably just looking for things to complain about, so let's just leave it there and be happy the Win More Class got to Win Even More-er.
Don't really like how they did it, though.
It does make them feel more standout and cohesive as the strange Fighter + Rogue class, with how Precise Strikes is always on and Bravado rewarding you for doing your class things more. But it really hurts Swashbuckler's...reason to even be here in 2e, imo. Maneuvers not being a pain-in-the-ass to do in 2e already removes a lot of their appeal to begin with. The changes are such a blunt-force solution, it removes most of the challenge of being a Swashbuckler. And while that's great...aren't you here for it?
Food for thought...
I guess you can say Swashbuckler have always been such a fucked design in d20 fantasy, something that cuts all the chaff out of them and gets to the heart of why people want to be one is what's needed more than ever. Challenge is nice, but the challenge is already built into maneuvers, so no reason to stack on it. So I wouldn't necessarily complain about Swash THEMSELVES getting such a ball-peen hammer to their issues. It's more my game design senses that makes me iffy on the approach. If every class in the remaster had such a blunt way of addressing their flaws, I wouldn't even believe in having that many classes.
All their patrons are now Charlie Sheen, for they are Winning constantly. While I can see the issue with them going so hard on the pet class approach, especially with them not adjusting Familiar's stats to compensate for them...existing on the battlefield now, the design focus and feat design is super cool, grants them uniqueness among other casters, and really shows how you can make a complex spellcaster without drowning the player in custom rules and considerations. I would still hope Seneschal Witch downplays the familiar focus, but that is more to have options on the table then a real desire for Witch to not have the baggage.
The biggest issue is just how unbalanced they made the Familiar abilities and how...surprisingly worthless Patron's Puppet is. The "one Hex a turn" rule really does get in the way of abilities that trigger at the start of your turn, with it taking up all your class options before you get to make real decisions. Given how little Hexes a Witch can accumulate and how synergies are mandatory to mastery with them, it just leaves a sour taste in my mouth. Still, even the worse Patron option and Lesson gives them far more utility than other casters in the party, so still a W.
(I also have complaints about the post-remaster Patrons, but let just keep it to PC1/2 for now).
I mechanically liked the idea of getting panache to get a passive bonus to stuff that you can then eventually choose to spend on a finisher, though in my experience of playing alongside swashbucklers, I don't think I ever saw them at any point *not* immediately spend their panache on a finisher as soon as possible.
Every turn was >tumble >finish >tumble >finish

Like, y'know, you call it a "finisher" you assume it's a "finisher", you "finish" with it like it's at the end of something, there's a beginning, a middle and an end, but there was never any middle, just an end.
And finally, somehow last AND least...
Loser. Loser. Loser.
It takes genuine effort to fuck over one of the best casters into one of the worst, but never doubt Paizo's abilities... Even in regards to needing to remove Spell Schools and wanting to make the Arcane School system more customizable, they really didn't need to do it the way they did. Making them more like Sorcerer slots on a Prepared Caster doesn't make them any better, balanced, or fun for the player or GM. And even if you want to ignore that and just treat them as full 4-slot casters, their new feats aren't good, they didn't adjust their Thesis options, their focus spells are still awful, and Arcane Bond...is still pretty handy but now is carrying the weight of the entire class for them. Even saying "You can still play them with no faults" isn't really helpful because of Witch being far more potent and helpful to the party while sharing the same spell list and ability score. Rings of Wizardry weren't even reprinted, so they don't even have THAT as a boon anymore.

It is remarkably frustrating to watch them add more problems with a rework than remove them. They didn't even give the people a lulzy School of Goblin Magic like they were suggesting, so it is hard to see any benefit with this design.
You can't really go WRONG with playing a Wizard but you still rather play any other INT-class or Arcane caster nowadays... LO: Rival Academies really has to buff them up, else they are doomed to flounder.
Is Warm Morals out yet
Patron's Puppet is in such a weird place. Resentment needs it and once you get the level 8 familiar damage ability, it's an excellent combo to do a lot of burst damage in a turn. They could have just given both it and the resistance ability, and nothing much would change. The only issue with the class now is most of the lessons are still bad, either granting a worthless hex or a worthless spell. And Cackle not just being a class feature given at 5 or something.
End of the month. Spoilers probably start dropping next week.
Drops on the 30th. 3 more weeks.
Spoilers should probably start next week since books ship 2 weeks early.

I definitely agree with the feat hunger issue but I do get why they are more mid-level. You don't really want them to be THAT big of a showstealer. Their main goal is to provide support for your PC, not be one in themselves. They can massively compress action economy, give you different stats to work with, soak up hits, and don't require much maintenance. And they should take up SOME feats thanks to how much it DOES add. Still, 4 feats out the 10/11 you get in your career is...heavy and they could definitely be tankier for their flagging progression and how long they take to replace. Barding progression being so nonsensical really does hurt them.

I definitely have my issues with the Lessons system and Cackle still being a feat pickup for a class that is SO hard into sustaining things (it shouldn't even be a Hex) is a questionable choice. I think that one can be summed up with the gap and changes to design between PC1 and 2, where Paizo was much more comfortable removing feat taxes, so maaaaybe that can get errata'd? Perhaps Seneschal would get something like it?
Lessons will always be hit or miss thanks to how you don't need to make the spell and the hex equivalent to each other nor they could ever be. But it would be nice if they tried.
Oh and Witch's Armaments is...still such a "Why?" pick.... Symp. Strike really needed to be "'til the END of your next turn" to even be worth putting yourself in so much danger.
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>You don't really want them to be THAT big of a showstealer. Their main goal is to provide support for your PC, not be one in themselves.
I've heard this line before but I honestly think it feels like cope. A companion takes up so much of your power and utility budget that it usually winds up being a large focus of your character. There are entire Archetypes dedicated JUST to companions. Inventor effectively has a whole subclass revolving around it.

For how much focus they require just to keep pace, they ought to be more relevant at 20 beyond a flank enabler and an extra pool of hit points if your DM is feeling generous today. Inventor in particular has some really choice power spikes competing with Companion progression feats, like Megaton (which is, ironically, used best by a companion) and Gigavolt.
>(is it really so hard to give them Parry on their fist?)
It's funny because it's what they did for Spirit Warrior. There they knew Parry was needed to fulfill the shieldless fantasy, but they didn't come up with that for monks. Maybe back then they expected people to pick monk weapons for that effect. Maybe if the designers that did TXCG had also done the PC2, the monk would've made more sense. Monk still has some weird feat taxes and a lot of flavorful feats that aren't very strong and should be inherent of the class kit (wall run, deflect projectiles, etc).

>fuck China and needing to kowtow to their spelling over Ki when Monks are still more Dragon Ball than Xiaolin Showdown here
This I don't agree with. The original word came from Qi, and kung fu traditions (especially shaolin) and wuxia movies are the big inspirations for the monk class. Renaming it to Qi was a good move.
I'm running Outlaws of Alkenstar for my group, and I want to help the party's Cleric of Brigh out by homebrewing a doctrine/class archetype. Would it be too terribly unbalanced if I gave him the Inventor's Construct Innovation and its breakthroughs in exchange for getting Cloistered's save progression and Warpriest's casting progression?
FA is such an integral alternate rule that pretty much every table uses it, like feats in DnD 5e.
It adds a greater level of customization and the power boost is not very high. You don't need to really take into account FA when balancing encounters. Any archetype that gives you a feat another class has almost always gives you it several levels later than that original class would have it
I think in order for finishers to have a middle stage, panache should have been worked to have a value that you build up and spend.
untamed order actually got buffed. The wording for using your own modifier changed from "If it's higher" to "You may use your own instead"
As long as you start +3 strength,stay on top of handwraps potency runes and always boost strength, you will be always ahead of the battle form's attack bonus at all levels of the game. Very early on it will only be +1 but your modifier starts to become equal to the form's modifier so using your own strictly gives you a +2 ahead, comparable to a fighter's progression which is pretty insane.
>feat heavy
not much of an issue considering Druid's other feat options are kind of abysmal as they are either spell or companion oriented, and untamed druids are only packing buffs and heals usually.
I think they do need to overhaul the base versions of the form spells though. I think All of them should be able to heighten up to the max level, and I think growing bigger with heighten should be a "you can stay the default size or grow up to x size" to deal with the issue of being too big to fit in buildings thing (but put a minimum size on later forms, like large for dino and huge for dragon, but animal stays medium minimum)
I imagine they might overhaul those spells in the secrets of magic remaster release and that's where we'll see the biggest changes.
Also, howl of the wild DID add some feats for untamed druid, which aside from the feats that let you push/trip as a reaction when you transform and grow into an enemy's space, are kinda meh.
Swash changes were good, all the old panache system did was make it frustrating when fighting higher level or immune enemies so you just couldn't get panache at all.
Got it, thanks.
With that lack of creativity are you sure that you're not a paizo writer
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it is kind of weird how so few setting with beast races actually show off realistic or reasonably interesting negatives of being one. Its always "BUT RACISM THO" or literally zero consequences.
are they ever going to fucking fix psychic

just give it a few more focus points and make unleash psyche suck a bit less that's it
look man I know you love spamming furshig but can you at least have the decency of spoilering your shit before making me look at some decapitated bleeding furry jesus FUCKING christ
Taking that into consideration (I forgot that it was a wording change), I can definitely say Untamed Druid does play out better. I still would say Druids are holding an L thanks to not having much, especially with the more standard Orders like Leaf or Storm, but I will agree that all said works out pretty strongly. Though I will say the inability to just stick with Animal Form as a preferred instead of having to "Rank Up" to Insect and Dinosaur still leaves a sour taste in my mouth.

the anathema is still stupid and rather restrictive. how dare you make a log cabin.

I wasn't disagreeing, it is all a good change and very helpful overall. I just personally dislike how blunt it is. It's like giving Rogue Sneak Attack damage all the time because "setting up off-guard is too inconvenient", it removes a lot of character and design and not in a way that builds it towards a better situation ala Oracle changes. It is very blunt like the Barbarian changes, removing all sense of friction from the playstyle.
They also should have touched up Battledancer, Fascinated is still worthless. Leading Dance shouldn't be the load-bearing *drywall* of that subclass.

A class is more than just an exercise in creativity. Classes are major commitments in design space, it consumes a lot of focus and potential for other options. It has to synergize with other classes on a tactical and strategic-building senses. It's why Kineticist can be such a sore spot, in how it refuses to play nice with other options but also needs to be here for simple elemental damage designs. It's why Samurai and Ninja can't be full classes again, they would take away from other opportunities for one strict theme compared to adding.
...They should be ARCHETYPES, Class Archetypes even! And Paizo's excuses for not making them are bullshit! But I do get why they can be not the most upstanding thing to make.
Check next year, I suspect that we'll see a Dark Archive reprint sometime then. Maybe if you are lucky they get another pass in the Fall 2024 errata, but I'm pretty sure Paizo sees them fine as is and want to do more testing with the patch job we already got this year. It's why I'm not holding my breath for Magus changes until at least LO: Rival Academies since that's probably a psuedo-Secrets of Magic redo.
Guns & Gears had to skip in front of any post-Remaster reprints because...that book is just super scuffed. Meanwhile Dark Archive was pretty fine overall, so I don't think Psychic is in any hurry to get some buffs.

yeah bro what the fuck.
>it removes a lot of character and design and not in a way that builds it towards a better situation ala Oracle changes. It is very blunt like the Barbarian changes, removing all sense of friction from the playstyle.
It feels very much like "giving up"
That reminds me that sword and board is still a poorly supported fighting style.
For barbarian or just in general?
Insect isn't an animal upgrade it's an alternative
dinosaur is a strict upgrade based solely on heighten, soaring form is technically worse than dino but needed for dragon which is a 100% upgrade overall
Monstrosity and dragon are about equal it's up to situational preference
setting up off-guard is the easiest thing and 90% of the time does not even require a skillcheck
Battledancer was never worthless, the primary draw pre-remaster was aoe panache so you could fish for it easier BUT, fascinated is still very VERY good against casters, and leading dance is an insanely good feat anyway.
Don't forget that a battledancer can take bard (polymath) archetype and get a feat that lets you use performance to demoralize and also use performance proficiency for intimidation feat requirements, and it still gives you panache because you are performing.
Strictly speaking is it worse than the other swashes? Yes, but only slightly.
In general.
god damn it, I really want to like psychic but its SO scuffed as a class. Making a cantrip focused spellcaster but not giving it a shit tier focus pool means you basically cast two attacks per fight on Lv.1-4 and you hit the fucking suicide button with Unleashe Psyche. It sucks
I'm genuinely baffled what more could ask for from Sword + Board playstyles. We have the shield archetypes, we have Defensive Advance (which could probably be pushed into Bastion but it does exist), we have Shield Runes, we have Augments, we have shields to cover your allies, we have non-shitty Tower Shields, we have Everstand Stance so you can be Goofy with it, what more could you possibly fucking need?!

I'm also not sure your complaints either, though I do get some of your apprehensions. But it is important to remember that most other casters don't get that much firepower or shots that early either. Unleash Psyche can be kind of bothersome and unwieldy, but it also comes with the innate suggestion that if your fight going on that long that it IS becoming a problem, you likely already lost the momentum.

Psychics can definitely use some tune-ups, especially with how redundant the double focus point refresh is with the focus point changes. Hell, I think they can be granted 3 spell slots a rank, I think everyone got the gist that it IS a focus-point caster and they don't need to sacrifice casting like a Warpriest anymore. But it not like they need THAT much.

Yeah, I just don't like the idea of the forms having strict upgrades even if that is how you can handle proper progression. Imagine if your Fighter HAD to switch from sword and shield to polearms later on, you see why it rubs me the wrong way.
Yeah, it IS easy, just like how it was easy to spend an action to Rage. But removing the friction from the class that is meant to be somewhat creative just feels like what >>94118606 said, giving up. Swash and Gunslinger to me are two classes that need to justify themselves being full class options the most for 2e's standard.
Remember, Fascinated breaks if you hit ANYONE ELSE in addition to the victim. So you have to make sure a caster is right next to you in initiative to be effective.
Also I don't think using Bard MC to buff it is particularly fair since none of the others need to do such. Definitely a helpful combo but that probably should have been added onto with the Remaster over leaving them as is.
Though if we are talking about Archetypes, Fan Dancer is amazing for it (which it should be!)
Player’s guide for Triumph of the Tusk has dropped. Lists a bunch of new Orcish deities, what’s folks thoughts on them?

We need Raise Symbol and Emblazon Energy outside of cleric multiclass because those are pretty good shield feats that no other class can pick up.
Some of these anathema are pretty restrictive in a way that makes actually playing one feel off-the-table, and I don't like how many of these are exceptional weirdo out-there gods of gunsmithing or not-being-orky, leaving only like 2 or 3 that feel appropriately orky as ork gods.

It's also always weird to me *how many* gods there are in pathfinder - I'd rather have different cultures have more different interpretations of the gods then a whole extra pantheon every time.
For Kingmaker: Is there room to add other bits to it? One of my players wants to be a ratkin and I was thinking of throwing them into the area as well
So what I'm hearing is the best profession to get a foxwife is to run a bathhouse?
Do you decide whether to use the Shield Block reaction before or after damage is rolled? The trigger only says "when you would take damage," so any clarification would help.
My GM rules it as before damage is rolled, but that doesn't feel right to me.
Devs have said its after damage is rolled. It's also logical since resistance and other such effects could potentially eliminate the damage altogether, removing the ability to react to the attack.
After. You can't take damage if no damage has been rolled. If it was before, the trigger would be "You are hit by a physical Strike" or "You are hit by a Strike that deals physical damage" (those examples are from Rebounding Barrier and Sacrifice Armor, respectively). Those take place after the hit, but before damage is rolled.
More support for fighting with your sword and shield bashing, especially a version of everstand strike that does not require that retarded everstand stance.

Is the cardgame that good?

By the way the pirated material repositories are down.
Really what they need are just more weapon-agnostic feats, since it makes sense for feats that require a shield to be defensive and shield-related, but a classic sword-and-boarder ends up pretty much exclusively getting defensive options as if the shield is your main identity rather than it being a casually assumed accompaniment to your sword.
Any one-handed/agnostic weapon feat can be used with a shield as long it's not asking for an empty free-hand; and if you really want to strike with both sword and shield, slap on a Shield Boss/Spike and pick up Double Slice. It isn't exactly a complex thing. And complaining about getting feats to use your shield like a shield is a little silly, it isn't just a casual accompaniment but an investment in itself.
To go Sword-and-Board in this game is saying you value defense over offense.

I'll shortly be running the Murder's Mark module for 2 veteran players and 2 new players.
Any advice from someone who ran/played it?
I am making a maestro healer bard, is it worth taking assurance (performance) for lingering composition?
if anything it's the opposite
>uhm sorry playoid, you can't be a foxgirl, the ability to be a human but with fox ears and tails is a level 5 feat, giving it to you for free at level 1 would ve unbalanced :)
>a classic sword-and-boarder ends up pretty much exclusively getting defensive options
>I chose defense rather than a second weapon or a larger weapon that does more damage
Which is why I'd like more weapon-agnostic feats, for characters that just happen to have a shield, and not characters whose core identity is all about using the shield. Some people want a more balanced kinda build
In a vacuum, no. Do you have any idea how hard it is to fail a performance check when every skill increase, boost, (non-armor) magic item purchase, and some of your own occult spells are raising your performance or Charisma?
In the current state of PF2 there are so few worthwhile skill feats that you may as well, just to eliminate randomness completely. I'd never take it before Virtuosic Performer.
>Some people
They're called Rangers
It's fun, but it's been dead for a few years. Paizo killed it because of the coof but before that it got society updates monthly and adventure expansions out the ass. 2e and 1e are mostly compatible outside of a few small rules. You can find everything but the society cards on tts pretty easy.

The pirated materials for the ttrpg are easily found in the pdf share thread they get asked about all the time, leaving them in the OP gets them taken down quickly.
Could use a hand building up this dungeon idea for 2e. It's not golarion, but a cult of an old demon king are attempting to resurrect him in a city deep below the surface. Monoliths, catacombs, you know the drill. But I'm liking the idea that this king and his soldiers are more oozy than red, horned and flaming. I can't break away from the idea of it being an underwater dungeon, flooded with this ooze that serves as a chrysalis, turning those within it into demons.

Question is, how can I mechanically represent this? For NPCs it's not much of a problem, the cultists are already consumed. But for the PCs I'd like to do something a little more than Will Saves and Acid damage while they're within it?
Cook up a custom condition, treat it like a poison/disease, increasing every N hour they spend inside and/or whenever XYZ happens.
Thanks, are there any links to official statements on this? That'd be more convincing than word of mouth.
I like this a lot. The party are level 14, so how does this sound?
Soul Soup (name pending)
DC32 Fortitude Save
Onset: Immediate
Maximum Duration: 1 Day
Stage 1: 3d6 Acid Damage, Enfeebled 1 (1 Hour)
Stage 2: 6d6 Acid Damage, Drained 2 (1 Hour)
Stage 3: 6d6 Acid Damage, Fatigued 2 (1 Hour)
Stage 4: 6d6 Acid Damage, Doomed 1 (Rest of the day)

I'm plotting the dungeon out so that they can use these flooded areas as sort-of shortcuts once they drain them, but doing so is a risky proposition in and of itself. The risk of dooming themselves and stacking all these conditions should be enough to prevent the PCs from immediately rushing through it all in a day, as they can do some fighting and exploring, get fucked by soul-soup and then drain the passage before taking a rest?
One of my players bought me the PF2 corebook because they want to shift from 5e. Am I gonna regret reading all that knowing that there's already a new "2.5" ruleset?
The rules are about 95% the same between legacy and remaster.
Very little of the actual game changed. The big stuff is name switches and class errata but the actual play rules are the same.
Does it say Player Core? That is the 2.5 book and it’s less 2.5 and more 2.1.
You'll regret it because 2e is dogshit
If you like the 'modern D&D genre' - games where you carefully craft a half-moon-elf-half-centaur dragon-blooded shadow-sorcerer/dream justiciar and team up with a group of 4 similar wierdos to kill rats in a basement to earn XP, find treasure, magic items and Complete Quests until you're demigods saving the world from the recently awoken ancient evil, etc etc, - then I think pf2e is the best current game at doing that.
It has a few issues (Mostly a lot of options being balanced far too stingily) but if you liked 5e but thought it was too bare-bones, or if you liked 3.5 but thought it was too janky, then you should like 2e.
If it's Player Core or GM Core you're fine, if it's the old Core Rulebook(confusing I know, Paizo named this shit like fucking idiots) you'll still be mostly fine but the character options have all been eratted to hell and back.

Not that it really matters, Paizo's based and all the rules are online legitimately for free so buying books from them is mostly for shelf decoration.
If you had a giant frog companion wearing an Anaconda's Coils, would the damage caused by being Swallow Wholde have constriction damage as well?
Yep. In the same vein, if you grapple (maintain) to deal damage you'd deal damage twice.
You'll probably want the Hefty Brute feat so that the frog can swallow medium foes. And before you swallow them, make sure they're either using big weapons or pin them. Unless you want your frog to be cut open from the inside.
Wouldn't they stop being pinned when you Swallow Whole them?
While Swallow Whole is written with the expectation that you'll do so immediately after grappling the creature, it is not a requirement. The creature getting swallowed is still in a grapple and being pinned is just a more severe version of being grappled. It's not like a tied up creature would downgrade to just grappled if they got swallowed.

And in general, animals that do swallow creatures whole usually try to avoid having the creature escape through their stomach. Ever seen a snake swallow a rat before killing it? The snake makes that mistake once.
On that note actually, the rules don't seem to say anything about how many things you can stuff yourself with.
Is there an actual limit or is this something I have to warn the DM about?
And I could have sworn the rules said the whole you cut closes after you crawl out.
No limit afaik. So it's up to your GM to limit it some way. I'd say a good rule of thumb is doubling the amount for every size category below your maximum. So with Hefty Brute that would be 1 medium, 2 small, or 4 tiny. Smaller than that and you can just handwave it.
>25 Diminutive creatures or 100 Fine creatures can fit into a single square.

how do you feel about mythic stuff
Less Epic than Legendary.

But seriously, kinda underwhelming.
Decently excited, though the current list of mythic destinies does no inspire me.
>Swarm Monger Druid.
>Parasitic Familiar.
>Familiar sneaks into a place, infests a dude.
>Fight that dude later that day.
>Dude refuses demand for unfamiliar surrender.
>"Pop him."
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>Unconditional surrender.
God fucking damnit.
Augh that's nasty
I'll wait until we get our hands on the book but I'm with the other Anon that I'm not really loving the mythic destinies. I get it, but at the same time, they seem a little constraining. What if I don't want to be reincarnated like Link throughout the ages, or become a god? Can't I just get my super powers and define what they're for myself? I don't know if I'm a huge fan of your "lore" being linked to your mythic abilities. Maybe that's just me being picky.
I find it a lot more cool and exciting than the kinda vanilla flavoured mythic paths of pf1e where you were just 'more fighty' or 'more sneaky' or 'better at arcane spells' or 'better at divine spells'
There might be more than six mythic paths (eventually) if they get enough demand.
>if they get enough demand.
Can they get enough demand? I'm kinda sceptical.
the teaser blog didnt really go over much substance. I kind of like the idea of mythic and i think its a much better alternative to epic levels from dnd, but it's more lore/storytelling stuff than actual gameplay because it throws a wrench into the whole mechanics side of things, whether it be epic levels or mythic ranks.

i would like the idea to get more info on stuff like being an ascendant deity. the starstone was a very interesting story beat that was ultimately left at the hands of gms. i think seeing the lore tied to actual gameplay for mythic is risky and could make it either a smashing hit or a complete miss.
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I like the idea of more content, even mythic stuff.
It probably won't happen, but It'll be hilarious if that Dragons Demand CRPG fails to get funded. I've wanted a 2e CRPG for awhile but this one just looks kind of bad.
I hope it gets funded because dumb people deserve to get their money stolen.
pretty negatively
that shit is lame
The miniature look is pretty ugly, but they're doing it mostly for production reasons. They won't have to make animations for every single action. It's a shame it's such a small project in scope, but I'm sure it'll play fine and be well balanced.
I'd understand if they weren't also doing different *poses* for every action - at a certain point I feel like you might as *well* go the full hog. At least make it a stretch goal.
I'd only deign to support it if there are guns this time.
it's just a bad look in general
if they wanted to be economical they could have just done tokens on a grid. that way players can always just import their own images for characters and it would save tremendously on production cost because there's no 3D at all besides maybe spell and attack effects, which could also just be simple particles and bump animations
instead their doing this butt-ugly quarter measure
I've just bought the Tian Xia World Guide hardcover since I will be running Season of Ghosts, but I was trying to also get a pdf so I could share sections of the book with my players to help them make their characters.

Are there any non dead links that contain TXWG? Or should I just make do with taking scans of the relevant pages of the book?
Take a trip to the catalog and you'll find a thread on /tg/ for sharing PDFs, I'd check there.
That did it, thanks!
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PF1e question, homebrew out there.
Has anyone done a good homebrew conversion for the 3.0/3.5 high CR demons (and demon prince servants/lesser demon tardwranglers) Klurichir and Molydeus?
Can you buff allies within time stop?
I thought most ancestry paths for kitsunes let you become an ahri league of legends except for the weirdos that turn into actual foxes
for me it's removing the feats from existence and letting people play anime girls with fox ears by picking kitsune and not having them rely on crunch to do it
and generally steering them in that direction by stating that's how kitsune work in my setting
no furries
I hated it in 1e
I don't trust 2e Paizo not to fuck it up
Everything except Player Core 2 and Rage of the Elements has convinced me Paizo accidentally created a good system, like completely and totally by accident, and then to demonstrate how little the deserved credit for PF2 they cluttered it with the shittiest most half-assed subsystems full of junk options.
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do most people associate kitsunes with casters? I made a barbarian kitsune and everyone in the table said they think it's funny/weird
Because THE kitsune irl was a beguiler and all miscellaneous bakekistune are described with similar powers?
Kitsune tailless form is just a regular human, so hybrid form is the only way to do that. The problem is that hybrid form competes with actually useful feats like shifting faces, spell casting, or even just another 1st level one.
In my experience most GMs will give it to you for free if you ask since its a contender for the "most useless ancestry feat" competition.
Just how kitsune(and fox spirits in general) are portrayed as cunning tricksters. This makes casters and rogues/swashies more fitting/expected if you come in with prior knowledge of the myths.
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They are inherently magical beings, bro. It's why they have CHA as a set stat and gain tails with more spell slots.
Hybrid Form really is the most baffling feat design. I think it genuinely comes out a place of spite against weebs. I talked about it before but there are some aspects of d20 fantasy racial design that very much plays into Weeb vs. Furry subculture wars and 2e gets stuck playing for both sides. This is why we get Lamias as a heritage option for Nagaji, who come in the same book as just "dudes with viper-fangs" ala Vishkanya.

You can argue that they don't necessarily have to play into Base Hybrid Form Kitsune anymore with the advent of Mixed Ancestry options, but Kitsune really could afford a second pass in feats. Ostilli Host Archetype pisses me off for being essentially what people expect a full Foxfire-focused archetype, at least without having to drop $20 on a 3pp splat for such. But almost every feat kitsune have are really bad...
>Just how kitsune(and fox spirits in general) are portrayed as cunning tricksters
They're also the messengers of Inari, the god of rice, and treated as divine guardians/purifiers. The mythology is complex. Hence why one of the heritages is Celestial Envoy.
On the thing about tails, do you get multiple tail slaps if there's a way to get tail slaps, right?
So a Barbarian kitsune would have a bite, two claws and like nine tail slaps at level...fifteen, I think?
Multiple strikes/multiattack with body parts would be more a 1e ruling and they still wouldn't be able to strike with their tails even there. They only had the bite and they never got a tail slap. The Magical Tail feat you could take in 1e just gave you a bonus spell each time you took it.

2e still doesn't give them an innate tail swipe that but you can argue with a GM that you can take Thlipit Contestant to strike about with your tail. Still can't strike 9 times with them but might be fun to work with.
Source? There's enough demand for them to make a Ninja class, Kitsune feats, or to fix Wizard, Druid, Oracle, Secrets of Magic, and Guns n Gears, but we all know this isn't happening.
There's absolutely no reason to believe Paizo isn't just an echo chamber full of low effort DLC that you and your GM can pay to opt into.
Take the human heritage Alternate Racial Trait, then the Racial Heritage (Lizardfolk) feat and then the Dangerous Tail feat.
Then just dump your FCB every feat you have into more tails until you're a tempestuous storm of hair.
Bam, tail slap(s).
>Guns n Gears
We already know they are fixing that.

Being blackpilled is fun and all, but they do listen eventually. An echo chamber doesn't break by being silent.

Again, not for Kitsune. Could work though, sounds fun at least.
>The wording for using your own modifier changed from "If it's higher" to "You may use your own instead"
You sure? I can't find that wording change anywhere. Everywhere I look has the higher text.
>Kitsune feats
>Secrets of Magic, and Guns n Gears
Given that these were for pf2.0, and there's been a remaster since, it's not unlikely that there'll be reprints with adjusted rules.
Much like the rest of the remaster, this will improve things, but only about 40% as much as you want them to.
>Wizard, Druid, Oracle
Given these were already changed in the remaster, it'd be too late for them to go back I figure
>Ninja class
I dunno, how would you design that? There's a cluster of ninja-y things you can imagine but they're mostly taken by rogue/ranger/monk/shadow-sorcerer/shadow-witch/red-mantis-etc-archetype
I could imagine a Ninja Archetype though, maybe.
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Not a barbarian, but the sole kitsune I've played was a magus, a blatant ripo^W^W homage to the Demon Queller.
>Ninja Class
While Ninja would probably work best as a Monk, Rogue, or even Swashbuckler Class Archetype, I can imagine the pieces to a successful Shinobi class all coming together. Archetypes are great and all, but you need to make sure it doesn't take every bit of system mastery to create, hence why 1e had all its classes in addition to archetypes. It really is more figuring out a core class mechanic and progression that can be a wall.
Maybe something like the inverse of Champion, they get a small aura of shadow or mist that lets Hide anywhere and their subclasses effect what it does, from debuffing foes to enhancing summons. Make them Primal or Occult Bounded Casters too, to split it up.
>pf2e remaster
>look at toxicologist
>vishkanya toxicologist
>vishkanya venom is functionally infused but doesn't have the trait
>none of the research field benefits work on it because of this
>double poison doesn't work on it
>technically you don't create the poison, you just happen to have it in your blood/saliva, so tenacious toxins does not apply
>you can't mix additives into it because you never make it with quick alchemy, so pernicious poison doesn't apply
But it still seems nice to have a customizable, increasingly nasty 1/fight poison. And some of the alchemist feats do work, specifically Sticky Poison, Pinpoint Poisoner, and Blowgun Poisoner. So it's still usable, it just feels bad to half half your class features not work with it.
GMs: would you add Infused to the Vishkanya's venom if asked?
Namely, it'd allow them to:
>hit constructs/undead with it
>use their greater field discovery to spread it to a second person
>combine it with other poisons they make >increase the duration by a round.
I'm mostly asking to see if its a completely out of line question to ask my GM, I haven't had enough sleep.
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It's a feature of untamed form specifically, it's in the description for the focus spell.
They left the "higher" part in for the actual form spells as those are technically spells any caster can get, but when casted via untamed form which only druids can use, you get this
Ninja would just be an archetype, considering 1e ninjas were basically just monks with sneak attack
The wording there hasn't changed though. It has always said that. And that just says "when you choose," not "you can choose," meaning that in order to actually choose to use your modifier it has to be higher. Nothing has changed.
bro it's kitsunes they get infinite demand
>or to fix Wizard, Druid, Oracle, Secrets of Magic, and Guns n Gear
>No one EVER remembers how dogshit Psychic is
I'm going to end it
Looking at the legacy version for wildshape does have the same wording so I decided to look back and it seems Paizo's intent IS that with untamed form, you can use your own modifier regardless of if it's higher or not
Am I severely autistic, or does Clawdancer only needing claws or talons not make sense?
I see through the lies of your false dichotomy
To rephrase my question, it gives you stances for both, so why doesn't it require both?
something something if you have clawed hands you probably have clawed feet
psychic is great from a multiclass archetype standpoint
Fair. I put the 'severely autistic' thing in there for a reason. Plus it would make the archetype a lot harder to access, I guess.
I looked and there really aren't a lot of race/heritage combinations that can get both by/at level 2.
for the curious, the ones I remember seeing:
>strix w/ Nephilim heritage
>awakened animal
...and that's all I remember, because I can't for the life of me remember a VH that gives access to talons.
Also to add, I think while talons stance provides kicks/feet claws as an example, I think personally it's more than possible to just have it be an alternative stance to your claws in general. Claw being swift agile lower damage, talon being slower and higher damage.
Clawdancer has a shitload of feats that are based around swapping between the two stances so I think it would be weird if you just couldn't use talons because you "lack" feet claws
Also fair!
It's also fair to mention claw dancer's flavor/lore specifically talks about it being intended as a catfolk fighting style.
not specifically, it has flavor for cat folk and I think only one catfolk exclusive feat but yeah
Right, but while the intro paragraph talks about how a clawed creature might develop the fighting style on their own, the only specifically example is Catfolk from Tian Xia.
i feel like it will be like deviant feats and relics: a concept that sounds interesting but has very limited options and never gets expanded

A swashbuckler battledancer can't use this to gain panache, right? From what I understand only the basic perfom action and any action that a feat gives you actually has the bravado trait.
battledancer can get panache from anything that involves a performance check
Note this also applies for if you get bard dedication for versatile performance so you can perform to demoralize
to reiterate: Battledancer states that when you perform, the action gains the bravado trait, so whatever action you do, as long as you perform, it gains bravado
>When you Perform, the action gains the bravado trait
It requires that you Perform either as the action or as a subordinate action. Capitalization is key here.
>The GM might determine that a check to perform a particularly daring action, such as swinging on a chandelier or sliding down a drapery, can gain the bravado trait. These checks typically involve at least a single action and a non-trivial DC.
So the GM can just say yeah sure why not.
By raw that is a no then, as you are doing a Deception action using your Performance proficiency. Most GMs will still probably allow it to gain panache, so I'm going to take it.
Strangely enough it qualifies for use by fencers RAW since this is Create a Diversion, so there's reason enough to just slap Bravado on it when used by a battledancer.
Gonna be straight - there only 5 classes in pathfinder:

They all S rank. Strongest, Straightest and Sacred.
Sorry, special sun-flakes
Fool, there's only 2 classes: The awesome human fighter, and the inferiors. Kiss my muscly abs.
>the gay scout version of a Fighter
>not redudant
>straight in any way
If for no other reason, I hope it fails because it's ridiculous how kickstarters never fail nowadays because the site has gone from a legitimate way to fund projects that couldn't get a bank loan to just the new excuse to charge people for games before it's possible for them to make an informed purchasing decision now that the vast majority of game sales are digital so "pre-order so your copy is reserved in case they run out" no longer works.
Really bro? In front of my Kineticist?
Paizo probably agreed in advance to quietly foot the remainder of the bill if their paypigs don't. This entire thing reeks of desperation for there to be a pf2e vidya because they're salty they negated most of the benefit they could've reaped from the success of Kingmaker and WotR by ceasing to sell the game they're advertising.
you know if it does get funded 2etards will dismiss any criticism of it with "well how can you blame them, they only got the bare minimum of funding"
Don't let monk tards hear this or the entire weeaboo contingent will strike you down
Sorry buddy no amount of funding or gay bear sex will turn this ugly piece of shit made by neverwinter nights devs into BG3, that isn't 2E's fault. You're lucky owlkek did what they did for cheap
why can't they just find a good fucking developer it can't possibly be that hard
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my real question is how the fuck is Paizo so bad with marketing and money? Pathfinder is THE second fucking option if you don't want to play DnD and THEY CAN'T FUCKING DO ANYTHING. PF2E is constantly well reviewed by peers and reviewers and the owlcat games were also well received, and yet they can't fucking get anything actually worth a shit off the ground. How?? Did Critical Role REALLY completely change the fucking course of history forever? AND THEY'RE STILL ACTING EXACTLY THE SAME WITH NO FUCKING CHANGES? WHAT IS WRONG WITH THEM?!?!?

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I say pathfinder should do a complete do-over of it's current visual aesthetic design and turn it into a 90s anime look. 5e is already the main "western realistic looking rendered medieval fantasy" so just go the other direction. Just go full fucking anime. Record of Lodoss war up this bitch.

I know that there is a HUGE amount of TTRPG players who are huge fucking weebs but want to play a well made western system that still looks animu as fuck so they should stop just trying to copy DnD and do something different. Unfortunately they'll have to kill the pathfinder goblin too.
2E question.
I'm trying to make a homebrew racial feat, rather several, that add some cool flavor and options for classes. The idea is there is a subrace of humans that are sky wizards based on Tempestarii. Mechanically, I wanted to let arcane spellcaster take it to get some weather themed spells and a little bit of healing to go red mage with. If it required a feat, a specific subrace with a bit less health, possibly a penalty to con, and lv3, would adding +2 damage to spells with the cold and electric modifier as well as getting the spells heal and restoration too much?
>they'll have to kill the pathfinder goblin too
So it'd be a win-win, hopefully they'd axe them as a playable race (or at least a core race) as well.
Well, marketing is plagued by the same issues that majority of western culture related stuff is.
"Put a chick in it and make it lame and gay", and when they can't and won't do that it either does not get funding or get approved.

Whereas money issues are just the usual "too many useless leeches, not enough people who actually make stuff".
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I wouldn't mind them keeping the goblins if they made them cute or cool. It's just that they look fucking HORRIBLE right now. Like nearly everything else because they're trying to just ape realistic western fantasy renders and sometimes making them uglier
>Unfortunately they'll have to kill the pathfinder goblin too.
They will literally never do anything you just said, but especially not this because the monkeys they call diehard fans would shit themselves in rage all over their forums if they did anything to make them not look by hideous.
ehhh it feels more like they have actually NO marketing team whatsoever and because the pathfinder art seems to be cosmically unappealing it doesn't help
Use Soothe.
Restoration is a dead spell in remaster, use something like sure footing.
I would just say that enemies take a -1 circumstance penalty to saves against spells with the air and electricity traits, so then non damaging spells like gust of wind and pressure zone benefit. Howling blizzard aka cone of cold has the air trait.
yeah I doubt anything can be done at this point. It's just a hopeless situation because they've built something completely dogshit
Honestly, I don't think there is any notable artist that can do the 90s anime look anymore. It's sort of like looking for someone that can do those superflat, no-concept-of-perspective medieval paintings well.

It kind of is. Gotta remember that BG3 took 6 years of development (long enough that the place it was revealed -- a Google Stadia event-- died before it came out). CRPGs are massive games with a lot of commitment, even before you try to adapt a tabletop ruleset to them. Finding a team that wants to undergo that challenge is not easy, especially for an IP not as ubiquitous as D&D. Kingmaker and WotR were pretty much passion projects by insane Russians and they already shifted back to the typical Insane Russian Game Dev stomping grounds of Warhammer.
Now throw in the idea of finding a team that has actually read the 2e rulebook. Given how adverse Paizo freelancers tend to be on doing that, you see the problem....

That kind of feels like a full-on Archetype than just a subrace + racial feat. And not Restoration but Cleanse Affliction/Cleanse Condition.
But I like wayne reynolds :(
Alright, yeah that's much better holy shit. Thank you so much.

I should probably also convert it to an AT then.
It's not 2e's fault that this specific dev team suck, but it's 2e's fault that they can't find a better one.
> but it's 2e's fault that they can't find a better one.
Agreed, there just isn't the same kind of Insane Russians or the like for 2e that 1e has. The design of 2e filters a lot of that kind of autist for a...less competent(?) and unambitious person.
On the flipside, it DID took over 10 years for a Pathfinder CRPG to come out ANNNNNND the first attempt at a Pathfinder videogame was the fucking MMO... At least the first 2e (official, so no Dawnsbury Days) vidya was the Vampire Survivors clone.
Why is the dev bad? Aren't the NWN modules they did good?
but 2E converts nearly fucking perfectly into a videogame it makes LESS sense to make a fucking 1E videogame than a PF2E videogame

I didn't say the devs of that new game are bad, just that this is a clearly underwhelming project to throw right after BG3 existed and made it's gigantic cultural impact. This was the exact time Paizo should be greenlighting something really fucking impressive to try and compete
>but 2E converts nearly fucking perfectly into a videogame
*mobile game, it does not adjust well into real videogame
you could easily convert it into a BG3 like CRPG. A lot of it's mechanics are stuff found in other RPGs already like the property system

what the fuck are you on about
Not an argument
>you could easily convert it into a BG3 like CRPG
Nah, you can't. The system has inbuild issues which give it a mobile game style structure, that can't really be changed without majorly changing the whole system while at it.
I don't need to make one. Your retardation is obvious to everyone.
what do you fucking mean by mobile game
It is hard to pinpoint into one or two things, it is the general stucture and feeling that pf2e would give if turned faitfully into videogame.
Just say you don't like 2e instead of being a disingenuous retard. It's that easy.
so you're just spouting random fucking bullshit and you have no idea what you're talking about. ok good glad we cleared that up
It is easy to see, but I guess you guys want to be blind fanboys instead
yeah, it's so obvious and in-your-face, you don't NEED Insane Russians With Questionable Political Opinions (not accusing Owlcat, more the scene entirely. Check out Planet Alcatraz) to make it. Again, the design filters for a different kind of autist, one less obsessed with insane system and build mastery and thinks putting in an awful wargame minigame in their battle against Hell module (after fucking up the Kingdom Making part of Kingmaker) is a valid decision. PF2e is gamey and wants to be a tactical video game, much akin to D&D4e (lol at how it never got one but a MMO).
For a different example, look at how much hype Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero gets despite it being a completely inferior fighting game in every way but sheer density of content to Dragon Ball FighterZ. One is a fighting game with DB characters, the other is the Dragon Ball Fighting Game. Two different breeds of autism.

>you could easily convert it into a BG3 like CRPG.
Side note: A BG3-like game probably won't be coming for another half-a-decade at the very least, if Wizards doesn't just go ahead and throw another team to make a module with the engine (and grind them into dust too). There was a grain of truth with all the game devs and journos going "PLEASE DON'T MAKE THIS THE BASELINE OF ALL OTHER VIDEO GAMES, THAT GAME IS AN INSANE PROJECT MADE BY INSANE PEOPLE!". BG3 wasn't just great for its writing and core gameplay, but by iterating on a decade of Larian's game design and engine to craft a near-perfect D&D simulation. A lot of Divinity: Original Sin's source code is used to create the emergent game design you just can't get with other CRPGs and D&D video games. And others haven't tried to make such, so we sort hit something of a bottleneck.
So many people have got caught on making successors to BG1 & 2, they forgot they are kind of bad D&D simulators.
>There was a grain of truth with all the game devs and journos going "PLEASE DON'T MAKE THIS THE BASELINE OF ALL OTHER VIDEO GAMES
I feel like the biggest point, the most important thing that other games shouldn't try to emulate from BG3, is the sheer amount of scripted voice acting. Any other RPG that commits to that scale of scripted animated voice acting will have to either totally gut the amount of dialogue and choice and interactivity down or blow half their budget on it and compromise everything else about the game.

There are definitely a lot of things about the game that should be emulated (the level design, the movement and exploration, simultaneous turns) but the presentation and production values would be overscope.
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>A BG3-like game probably won't be coming for another half-a-decade at the very least,
we will literally never get another game like BG3 ever again. It's another Disco Elysium, where everything had to go right exactly the way it did or else it would have never been made. And now no one can EVER do it again because the motherfuckers with the grubby hands won't be able to be kept off away from it. Larian quit on the spot after releasing the game because they knew WotC and Hasbro is filled with retards (doing shit like firing their entire fucking consulting team, the exact same one Larian was speaking with for no fucking reason besides MUH MONEY).

I don't believe there will ever be another BG3 because the conditions that made BG3 possible will never exist ever again. And I do not believe Paizo is the kind of company that would be able to allow their own "BG3" to exist as well. They are one of the grubby hands. And any dev team that would be stupid enough to sign a contract with them without realizing the death trap they are getting into would also not be the dev team able to make PF2E's BG3.

but yeah BG3 had LOTS of time and budget to do all that it did. People don't realize just how fucking much voice acting that game has. No wonder Tencent had to get in and give them money to be able to fully realize the game because the whole thing is ginormous. They had to make an entire tool generator for the facial animations to keep the game at high fidelity but maintain animation quality for the dialogue sequences, even with random NPCs
>is the sheer amount of scripted voice acting
Give it a couple of years and the most of the voice actors in videogames have been replaced by AI.
They might keep couple of fleshbags for major characters in big productions, but all side characters will be acted by artifical intelligences.
anyone with even a modicum of taste or dignity won't give a shit about that. Especially since the AI bubble is bursting in like a few weeks now that companies are finally realizing that they are investing trillions into something that isn't and never will be profitable
AI bubble is a whole separate thing from actual AI development.
Bubble is that retards think they can just stuff AI into something and call it a day while getting billions from investors.
Actual development is when big guys actally can replace expensive with an AI that does not ask money. Only way to turn that around would be by banning AI completely, but that just means that chinks will do it instead.
>It was always clear that what was planned was a minis-themed game
>Durr why isn't it like BG3 hurr?
doesn't change the fact that Dragon's Demand clearly happened via Paizo begging every rpg studio they could find to pretty please with sugar on top make a pf2e game and picking the one whose reply email had the least spelling errors
Reminder that you can't please everyone, and they'd get shit for turning them into fapbait too.
I thought Dragons Demand was proposed first and then Paizo picked it up, not that Paizo were after it themselves
Were I take you at good faith and try to help you at a little, I think you are trying to say that PF2e is very streamlined and focused on mechanical setpieces with the split between Encounter, Exploration, and Downtime systems. When applied to a video game format, it kind of mimics the modern gacha, wave-based RPG systems more than the full-scale CRPGs of old. Without the heavy simulationism of 3.X being the backbone of the system, why try to stuff the game into this niche when you simplify everything into very discrete boxes of gameplay like mobile games? You kind of see it in practice with the Owlcat CRPGs having the really lame and forgettable book sequences whenever it needs to do a big event with skill checks. It couldn't do something like BG3 would, a bunch of fire could be smothered with a rain spell or buckets of water or flooding the place in that game but not in Owlcat's engine. And that's a 1e game. A 2e game doing such would be far less a sin.

It's still a very retarded and shortsighted complaint, especially when you remember just how advanced mobile games have gotten over the course of the decade. But I can bend my neck a little to see what you would take issue with, assuming you aren't just hating 2e.
I have no fucking clue what you mean and I spend half the threads I come to bitching about 2e feeling like overbalanced shit, so I gotta ask what gacha game has you barely resisting the urge to say a slur. At worst I imagine 2e lends itself more to a Fire Emblem/Nu-XCOM setpiece battle structure compared to the full scale nature of the owlcat games, and needing to actually worry about team composition since I can't just funnel 30 buffs into an Archer and have him kill everything. But neither of those are a downside, just fucking different, video-gamey ass structures.
>assuming you aren't just hating 2e.
If he weren't just a retard hating on 2e, he would have elaborated on his point himself instead of letting you explain it for him.
>compared to the full scale nature of the owlcat games
It's weird, since all the stuff outside of the core combat system that people are talking about - like the interactivity of BG3, aren't even being taken from the tabletop systems they're from. That's just the game designers doing it. There's nothing written in the rules in 5e saying that water is wet that isn't said by pf1e or pf2e, that's just the programmers.

The owlcat games happen to have pretty little going on for them outside of the core rules combat engine - there isn't really any interesting movement or climbing or jumping outside of pre-scripted janky skill checks. And there's stuff *for that* in the pf1e rules. And the larian games have a ton of verticality and world interactivity that is totally absent from the infinite vaguery that is D&D 5e.
that's why it pisses me off so fucking much. If Larian made BG3 on Pathfinder 2E they would have a fucking ocean of actually well defined rules meant to interact with each other in much more interesting ways compared to the abysmal dogshit that 5e is. They had to work SO MUCH more to make 5e work and interact
You aren't wrong about the infinite vaguery issue, 5e is more narrative than it is simulationist. But to many people, whether this is the fault of 3.X or weird preconceptions of tabletop play from mass media as a whole, view D&D as incredibly freeform and logical. They think it plays closer to Minecraft than Final Fantasy. Grass burns, kobolds fly, Fireballs shine, and the Darkness spell is coming. The rules are designed to create a world and the player is allowed to engage with every bit to their advantage. It is why stuff like Chalk, Marbles, the Two-Headed Coin, etc. exist in 2e. They aren't supposed to have clearly defined rules so much as exist for the sake of improv and problem-solving.

This is what BG3 was so good at! So much of its immersive sim qualities were either carryovers from D:OS or just there to fuck with. They weren't about being accurate to the 5e ruleset, but accurate to the vision of the Absolute D&D video game. Conversations don't make both sides immortal until it's done in D&D, you totally can just chuck a Fireball mid-sentence, roll initiative. If you feel like you are getting lost, you can just drop a bunch of junk on hand to make a trail, your GM can't debate you on that. Can't lockpick the chest? Just take it with you until you find someway to open it!

This is what I meant by BG1 and 2 being kind of terrible D&D simulators. No one is playing these games to play AD&D2e again, in both senses of the words. You play them for the story of the Bhaalspawn, which you can ultimately do in any system. BG3 isn't about being a true-to-form 5e simulator, but a D&D simulator, hence why so many fans that do know the rules let so much of its creative liberties slide (even if Height Advantage is a bullshit rule that makes bows even more OP than ever...).

It really does hurt Dragon's Demand, even with its promises of being accurate in terms of 2e's Speed rules. BG3's interactivity really did hurt the view of other CRPGs, past and future...
>It couldn't do something like BG3 would, a bunch of fire could be smothered with a rain spell or buckets of water or flooding the place in that game but not in Owlcat's engine.
To be fair here, they had that stuff in BG3 because it was part of the Divinity games already.
Ridiculously specific levels of interaction have ancient traditions in video games, with stories of Nethack devs thinking of everything, and the logic employed in Sierra adventure games. The idea that BG3's kind of thing can't be done nowadays has always been an illusion. It's always been done rarely, but never been impossible. Sufficient time in development is probably the most important ingredient. It's not the kind of thing that gets produced when corpos close the development studio and hire an entire new crew after every project.
That's no secret. Skyrim is said to be one of the greatest RPGs of all time mainly because of its level of absurd interactivity while still being accessible to the masses. Ultima 7 is as notable as 4 is because of all the bread that game lets you make. It just rather thought-provoking to wonder how in the world the entire Immersive Sim non-genre lived, died, and then been reborn before someone said "hey, lets try taking all those ideas and put them back into the brand that those systems are emulating to begin with!"

It is again why Dragon's Demand is a bit painful to look at, still iterating on the BG1 & 2 ideas of CRPGs. Especially as it isn't trying to be a huge full 1-20 adventure stacking subsystem upon subsystem or the most graphically advanced game out there.
Well, I don't know if you can take their word for it, but Ossian did say in interviews that their main focus is interactivity and story. That's why they decided for a shorter campaign and the simple look, to make it feasible.

Personally, I'd like the game to be funded. If the kickstarter fails we might not see any PF2e games ever (since it makes PF2e seem unpopular), and if it succeeds we might get sequels or other games later down the line. Besides, even Dawnsbury Days is fun, so I have some hope Dragon's Demand will be as well.
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>make a thread on the PF2E leddit about how untamed druid still sucks after the remaster and it's a worse martial and an admittedly shitty druid that is too reliant on NEEDING a bunch of extra feats.
>everyone just comments about "erm you can't be a caster and a melee at the same time, just accept that you're mediocre and untamed form is worthless"
>they don't even read the post talking about fundamental issues like forced huge at later levels and being incredibly reliant on the form feats
Yeah I think I have given up on having intelligent conversation on there.
>why are you posting on leddit
This general is too slow sometimes
the vast majority of the community is beyond fucking retarded and thinks paizo's vision on how balancing everyone like shit should work is justified
People fellating paizo's genius is funny since even paizo seems to understand their shit isn't perfect and needs to be constantly updated and fixed, even if the rate that happens is glacial
I think if I had a player who wanted to use battleforms I'd have to go in an unfuck them.
Mercifully it hasn't come up beyond very clever use of ooze form to tank hazards.
4chan assumes that things are shit by default and work backwards to explain why.
Reddit assumes that things are perfect by default and work backwards to explain why.

I feel like untamed-druid would be best served by either a) a class archetype for a half-caster chassis like summoner or magus, or b) an ability to sacrifice spell slots for raw battleform power

As it stands, most of the druid's power budget is caught up in spellcasting, which a wildshape druid doesn't want as much as it wants smashing things. Same issue with Warpriest.
>>why are you posting on leddit
>This general is too slow sometimes
That doesn't mean it's acceptable to bring it here. Fuck off.
how you unfuck them is just remove the "if your modifier is higher" clause and let them use their modifier regardless
for Druid, starting with +3 strength and keeping up with boosts and potency runes you'll be EQUAL to the battle form bonus for most of the game so just letting them use theirs period is a massive buff
I'd probably fix it by letting Handwraps and Explorer's Clothing work where they can.
It's extremely silly that you can't really itemize for battle forms at all. If I spend ~70 gold on a striking rune, it should raise any 1d attacks to 2d, not get nullified entirely.
>BG3 wasn't just great for its writing and core gameplay
well neither of those were good you stupid fag
the BG3 story is irredeemable dogshit
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>>>/r/eddit is that way
>core gameplay
They did a lot of things with movement and environment interaction that I think were a pretty big development in the field compared to other RPGs. While the, like, pure *goodness* of the writing is up to taste, there are a few ways that they handled it that felt like a Development, mostly in the reactivity of stuff.
>Being this newfag
>Starfinder 1e
I come to you, /pgg/, with a mighty need
my guy is a SRO with 10 charisma and no social skills (as class skills) but he's down bad for an android girl
is there an augment he can get to increase his odds of success when he asks her out?
he has 924 credits. there's a non-zero chance he can double that (via gambling, he is willing to take the risk) before attempting the deed, but I wouldn't count on it

he is a poor autistic retard who was born to kill, not to love, and is discovering feels for the first time
basically is there a way to pay money for a brief period of having Diplomacy as a class skill, or something similar? one party member just threw money at him to have the personal upgrade item for +2 CHA so he's at least at +1 but +4 is not very good. the party has become very invested in this very stupid thing and turned it into a sidequest
he's tried asking two female androids HOW WOULD THIS UNIT APPROACH A FEMALE ANDROID FOR THE PURPOSE OF COURTSHIP but one was too science-addled to have an answer and another is the android girl-in-question's co-worker (works at the same casino) and just gave some non-answer, so I am looking to acquire the mathematical advantages I can get
this is IMPORTANT to him and if he fails he will become a very sad robot that just karaokes journey's separate ways in a monotone robot voice to a crowd full of boo-ing jerks for the rest of his life
Going to sleep if its not up in the morning Ill post just let me think of a new theme
10 means average, not horrible at it. You're just not above the norm like a lot of adventurers in that area.
I'm new to pf2, but I'm playing in a 3 man party with a monk and an Oracle. What can I play to help fill in the gaps?
If the monk is dex you want to play some sort of strength martial with a good fort save. Barb, fighter, champion, etc.
If the monk is strength you want to be a dexfag. Rascal swash would work well, or you could be boring and play a rogue. You could also play an alchemist in the slot but it's tricky and might not pay off.
Monk is strength. We're playing Abomination Vaults so do we need a ton of skills? I heard recall knowledge was really important in 2e.
Ah that's very good info. Scrap what I said about rogue and swash unless you're ok with being gimped for a while.
Alchemists are very good in AV.
Whoever has the highest perception needs to diligently search for traps, but that's about it.
Your party can cheat recall checks because oracles get a level 1 feat to know enemy weaknesses without making a check.
>If the kickstarter fails we might not see any PF2e games ever (since it makes PF2e seem unpopular)
I think PF2e being PF2e makes PF2e seem unpopular
What feat is that?
I don't think the .only or Oracle have taken Thievery, and we are playing with the free archetype variant rule. I'll check out alchemist, I just got the remaster PDF for it. A friend of mine told me to try thaumaturge but I have no idea what it's supposed to do by looking at it.
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>What feat is that?
It's from Player Core 2, which has the oracle remaster in it. So if you're using something like Archives of Nethys, it won't show up there yet bc they haven't updated Archies for PC2.
Thaumaturge is a high-utility class that specializes in recall knowledge. They do damage pretty well, but can fill a lot of different roles depending on what you pick.
Their main gimmick is Exploit Vulnerability; they use an action to recall knowledge on a target, and if they succeed, that target gets a weakness to their attacks (or their attacks trigger its greatest weakness, whichever is higher).
Flavor-wise it's all about weird occult bullshit.
This one.
Lore oracle gets it for free.

I wouldn't play a thaumaturge just because they are fragile, but lantern implement would be very handy if you chose it.
And then the oracle could do something else, though its sort of a waste and they may as well play a cleric if you have that covered.
>but 2E converts nearly fucking perfectly into a videogame
If that piece of shit actually comes out and people realize it's 30 hours of Inspire Courage+Double Slice or Reach+Trip end turn they're gonna realize why nobody has made one in the half decade since 2e came out.

There is never going to be a proper Neverwinter Nights/Baldur's Gate/Owlcat Kingmaker/whatever version of 2nd edition because the moment non-paizo drones are asked to engage with this shit for dozens of hours they're going to immediately see the crippling flaws in the game's core structure and won't have a toxic positivity hugbox preventing them from calling it a colossal piece of shit.

Seriously, I want you to actually envision what a full scale CRPG featuring 2e"s combat would look and play like and then realize it would be a glorified Foundry knockoff. Not to mention the completely awful design of Skill and General feats would be highlighted to the nth degree where suddenly half your level ups do fucking nothing
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Why do people say twisting tree magus is bad? It literally turns staves into a good weapon and everything you get is really good.
Lunging spellstrike practically gives you a shitload of extra reach
With the remaster, did they make alchemists better, or did they make Bomber the only viable subclass?
Lunging Spellstrike is a 10th level feat, so irrelevant for 50% of the game AT BEST (and likely more like 70% of the game, since you're probably not playing to 20) and doesn't even work with cantrips or focus spells which are what you're actually spellstriking with most of the time.

If you're going melee take Laughing Shadow to un-fuck your awful action economy a little less, otherwise go Starlit Span and just turret. Twisting Tree offers nothing, if you wanted "more reach" on your Spellstrike you'd take a goddamn bow
Way way better.
Every 10 minutes you pull two infused reagents out of your arse for free.
You now know all the ranks of any formula you know; elixir of life minor lesser moderate etc.
You get to master strikes.
You now get to set the DC for any item.
Its absurd how much better they are in PC2.

Bomber is still leader since bombing is what alchemists do, and bomber is the best at it, but the other three got some nice toys. Toxicologist notably gets to ignore poison immunity. Chirurgeon can use crafting in place of medicine and throw unlimited heal bombs. Mutagenist isn't significantly different but the mutagens themselves have been improved.

It's not bad. The conflux spell is awkward. But it competes with targe and laughing shadow, which are both very good.
Which of the alchemists subclasses would you recommend for the monk and Oracle party mentioned above?
Bomber. Chirurgeon if the oracle hates healing.
is there a way to get scaling proficiency with an injection spear as an alchemist? archetype, race, etc.
I want to triple poison people.
I don't remember if new alch has scaling simple weapons, but your best bet is Mauler Archetype or Unconventional Weaponry
More importantly, can you say your injection spear is a giant syringe and dress up your alchemist as a nurse?
Potentially. Would secretly being a snakeperson upgrade or downgrade this scenario?
They get master w/ Simple at 15th. Thanks for the tip. Unconventional Weaponry is probably the way to go- though Mauler sounds fun just to have the attack options, i'd be more focused on pulling off triple poisons...
which I just now realized would require some third limb that's able to hold items, i think, because how am i applying poison to the outside of the injection spear while holding it...
update: a visap would be so much better for applying poisons than an injection spear. do unconventional weaponry & vishkanya weapon familiarity stack?
i.e. VWF makes it Martial, then UW makes it Simple.
>Potentially. Would secretly being a snakeperson upgrade or downgrade this scenario?
That depends on if it's a cute snakeperson.
Could be, they wouldn't have an entire snake ass though. Might be a dealbreaker.
Addendum: kissing her would likely inflict an extremely deadly poison on you.
>Vishkanyas are ophidian humanoids who carry potent venom within their blood and saliva.
Battle form spells just suck ass and i don't think a Druid should need to sacrifice anything to have access to a strong version of it.

Casting the spell on yourself in combat is just a straight nerf. You are spending your entire turn to remove the one thing you are good at (spellcasting) to be a substandard martial with low health, no feats and or gimmick. The shapes themselves barely grant you anything cool other than a movement Speed until you reach high levels and at that point your spells are actually worth casting. Form spells should just make you a standard martial stat wise with each sub form having some kind of gimmick or special ability like the horse form allowing others to ride you or the bear form having a special bear hug ability.
>people realize it's 30 hours of Inspire Courage+Double Slice or Reach+Trip
As opposed to games based on D&D3.5 and PF1e where it's 30 hours of stacking passive feats during level ups and then 5-foot-stepping up to an enemy and using Full Attack? It's not as if the game is anywhere near as unbalanced as any of the other systems that have been adapted for videogames.
>Skill Feats
I think it's pretty standard practice to significantly downsize the skills part of the game when making a videogame adaptation. There's a lot less skill related stuff in owlcat games than in pf1e, you have to assume they'd do the same thing in a game for pf2e.
You could go pretty wild with the skills in pf2e because they're all expressed as discrete actions with defined targets.
Recall knowledge would be the worst to implement just because you would require some sort of vast hyperlink choose your own adventure similar to morrowind dialogue.
An npc mentions a topic, you click the topic and roll to recall, success advances you to that page, and so on and so on.
You could even do something really fiendish and just contextualize all the proper nouns, so critical failures show you the wrong page with the right names. So you can just go down a randomized madlibs rabbit hole.

Strikes me as very stretch-goaly.
You keep making this argument and I have to wonder if you've played like 90% of popular rpgs because "spam the same basic attack every battle after juicing it with buffs" is basically the entire fucking game for the owlcat games, to say nothing of so many other games. Like, goddamn are you the guy who complains about rpg by videogames being turn-based? Are you the motherfucker I have to put in the blender?
>90% of popular rpgs
the "popular" rpgs are almost entirely action games like skyrim or cyberpunk, because turnbased is dogshit
>"spam the same basic attack every battle after juicing it with buffs" is basically the entire fucking game for the owlcat games
you can actually make functional DC casters in 1e, something you cant do in 2e
Oh you only play dogshit shooters like TESV and cyberpunk lmao that explains a lot. Solasta can do well enough to get two full dlc campaigns and its based on srd5e, Paizo have no excuse
We're talking about popular RPGs, shitlasta obviously doesnt apply
>the "popular" rpgs are almost entirely action games like skyrim or cyberpunk, because turnbased is dogshit
...fuck it, we at Page 10, might as well bring this out.
you know the most recent million-copy seller game is literally a turn-based JRPG, right?
Its Fatlus slop so its a visual novel/otaku dating sim larping as a JRPG
and JRPGs are not RPGs because the player has exactly 0 agency in the story
yeah, just utter /v/-bait, can someone get the new thread up already before we have to shit ourselves over that literally every tabletop RPG is turn-based.
>wrong about video games
>wrong about ttrpgs
>tries to flee to another thread
There are still 6 threads and like 4 hours before this space is demolished, no shit the wet blanket 1e trolls have never played a game, its probably just the dragonarian complaining to a new audience because he got doxxed on /v/
Jarpigs are not real rpgs, so obviously they dont count
BG3 is 1 fotm goyslop versus the rest of actually popular rpgs, all of which are action games
Gamer the 1e players don't want this dumb motherfucker either, if he wants a PF action rpg then he has the AV arpg and can go jerk off to that. Bro literally cannot fathom the idea things he doesn't like can be enjoyed or popular.
I'm running a pf2e for the first time, and I have previous experience with dnd5e and so do my players.

I'm uncertain how to rule health regained on a long rest. DM Core says the players regain their constitution modifier multiplied by their level worth of hit point upon a long rest. But as long as one of the player owns a healer's toolkit, they are able to use the treat wounds exploration action. So if a group of 4 players has 12h of downtime to rest from travelling and sleep, they could realistically perform multiple treat wounds checks in addition to the health recovered on a long rest.

With how many attempts they would have to treat wounds, to me it feels reasonable to just allow them to recover all of their hp on a long rest. How do you rule situations like that?
>to me it feels reasonable to just allow them to recover all of their hp on a long rest
If the party has someone trained in healing with a healers kit, then yeah, I think a standard ruling is that you just heal back to full.
"If there's no challenge, don't roll the dice".
This is good advice for all scenarios and tabletops. Leave the dice rolling for more time-sensitive scenarios, if the players are retiring for the night, just heal 'em up to full.
Keep the long rest recovery rules in your back pocket, such as a time when the main healer is KO'd.
>no shit the wet blanket 1e trolls have never played a game
Nobody is trolling, youre just wrong and retarded
and you can stop projecting, Ive played far more ttrpgs and video games than you have. 2e subhumans should learn their place
>muh boogeyman cope
This is some real strong copium you got here.
On the subject of video games...
>Despite the relatively low level spread, the game features vast potential for party development with lots of character choices and build options. In fact, after listening to our backer feedback, we have decided to give players the option of fully creating their own party. We will of course have a dozen wonderfully written companions to choose from - but if you prefer the Icewind Dale (or indeed tabletop) approach of complete party customization, we have you covered.


Why did they had to be told that your party-based RPG should give you the ability to MAKE YOUR OWN PARTY??
I know BG3 dropped the ball on that but that is the one thing you *didn't* need to follow in their footsteps on... Why is only Solastra that said "hey, your custom characters are just as valid as any stupid BioWare fuckdoll?"
>"hey, your custom characters are just as valid as any stupid BioWare fuckdoll?"
Most people prefer written companion characters over plain ones. Very few people playing, say, the owlcat games used mercenaries instead of the large cast of real characters with dialogue and opinions and backstory and integration into the plot.
Dragon Age didn't have custom companions, mass effect didn't have custom companions, I don't think NWN2 had custom companions. The games that do have it either feel a bit empty or are just offering it as a side option that maybe 5% of players will use. One of the big things that people play CRPGs for is the dialogue with the companions, it's one of the main attractions.
>I know BG3 dropped the ball on that
If you want to you can replace all of the Origin characters with custom Hirelings.
>doesn't like turn-based combat
Why are you here?
Jesus, oracle remaster curses are so fucking bad now, they used to give you trade off for the bad but now its just straight up bad and they lock you in a playstyle to counteract that shit, I don't even want to play with some of them even though they fit really well with a character I was making.
Its not cope
Popular Action RPGs:
>2-3 Elder Scrolls games
>RDR and RDR2
>3+ Fallout Games
>Cyberpunk 2077
>Dragon Age
And if you go even further to middling popularity you get
>Dragons Dogma
>Mass Effect
Meanwhile turn based RPGs only have BG3. Everything else is either not an RPG or not popular.
>red dead revolver is an action rpg
You may be clinically retarded. Have a great day
The curses are worse, but less restrictive than before. You aren't locked to specific upsides also forcing you in to certain playstyles anymore. And they made them more detrimental since you can reduce them to 0 between combats and have more control over when you up them. I still hate what they did to battle, and life to a lesser extent, though.
Anybody looking forward to anything in particular from War of Immortals?
How it will flop
the entire book, but my GM tried to run a mythic game using third party mythic rules and it tanked because the rules were too bad. So probably those.
Exemplar and Animist seem fun, though.
I care about the classes the most, then the archetypes, but don't particularly favor any one option there. I don't care about the mythic stuff at all.
Yes. Just handwave it and say "you're all full health, remove any wounded"
Also remember to double the hit points recovered from rest if a full 24hrs is used.
Doesn't come up ever unless someone casts moment of renewal.
SELLING FAST doesn't work here because rpg crap has never sold well since adnd 2e you feckless mongoloid, go back to your fucking containment zone
Looking forward to not having a fighter in my party finally
Naturally, and I am not immune to BioWare propaganda. Games like Icewind Dale are pretty awkward and I can't say I'm a fan of Divinity: Original Sin 1's approach of having to banter and disagree with...yourself. Still, the option should always be on the table(top) because they are games about player choice and with them being deliberately based on tabletop games. I don't want to go through the entire adventure or restart the first hour again and again to test out builds and craft my narrative.

I really like the tag system of Divinity: OS2 and how that can let your CACs have real ties to the world and meanings, and appreciate the psuedo-integration of it in Baldur's Gate 3. Wasteland 2 and 3 aren't even based on tabletop but they have a lot of ways for your 4 Marshals to comment and build towards being characters. Solastra's approach was pretty hamfisted but it was neat to see how the characters play out and how personality choices shape decisions they would make autonomously. You don't have to go out your way to put THAT much effort into CACs for sure, but if your game is deliberately built on tabletop rules and you already have to make a chargen process, I don't see why you wouldn't let the player indulge in hirelings and the like?

Okay, he obviously meant Redemption and Redemption 2, and more specifically 2 as that is a lot more heavy on RPG mechanics. Revolver's fun but come on, who remembers it?

They deliberately offload the benefits of the subclass out of the curse because the power scaling for such is way too screwy and it supposed to be akin 1e where you decide your curse and powers separately. If you don't want to be cursed, don't use your Cursebound powers and use everything else the class gives you. If you want to, you take the Curse.
Curses like Flames, Life, Cosmos, Bones, and Tempest aren't even that bad and don't pretend you played a pre-master Oracle long enough to even get to the benefits of your Curses anyhow.
>SELLING FAST doesn't work here because rpg crap has never sold well
Alright, before I give myself an aneurism trying to dissect how wrong a statement this is, can someone explain to me if SELLING FAST is some /tg/ meme I haven't heard before? And not how...most products are judged in terms of success?
I need to see if Exemplar multiclass archetype and the unarmed Ikons are any good.
Go be underage elswhere, this faggot thinks Elder Scrolls started the arpg and that Shin Megami Tensei isnt an rpg because it features japs. Digital Devil Saga shits on Ultima 7 btw
youre clearly illiterate and malding you got btfo
Get btfo over here
>he forgot the subject

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