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Angry Blackshield Edition

>Warhammer Day Preview Show 2024

>Balance Dataslate:

>Community Links:

>3rd Party Models Pastebin:

Info hash: d91d8b9daa9c5dc9105fc0ec09812cbc17a752b5

>10th Edition Rules:

>Tithes Animations

>Previous thread:

>Thread question:
This was an enlightening discussion a few threads ago, so I'd like to have it again. Come clean, anons; what is in your backlog and how do you plan to clear it out? If you already posted yours in yesterday's thread, what's the latest model you've finished? Obviously posting models is encouraged for everyone, as usual, regardless of how WIP it is or skill level. .
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Reposting in the new thread, sorry.

Should I edge highlight Necrons? Maybe just edge highlight the "sharp" edges and dry brush everything else?

I have no backlog aside from a couple individual models I snag secondhand to repair or strip to repaint, I don't buy new boxes until I've completed the ones I have. Stops me from spending a crazy amount of money.
It depends on the model. A character model, vehicle, or centerpiece? Absolutely do some edge highlights. A massive blob of warriors that you're factory lining? Drybrush that shit and call it a day.
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I still have yet to finish 60 hearthkyn warriors, though the rest of the army is finished, probably about 2500 fully painted. They're just so bad on the table i struggle to want to finish them, the bs5+ rail rifles and loss of BEAM on my beamers killed my enthusiasm for them even though I like the models

Apart from that, I've got 1500pts of bare plastic tyranids I just assembled last week i got from a trade. Plus a bunch of sigmar stuff no one in this thread wants to hear about lol
I just have a brass scorpion, a box of warp talons and the new Votann trench coat guys I just picked up today. I'm saving the scorpion for a while so I can get better at painting before I tackle it, but the other two will likely be done before spring. I'm a VERY slow painter.
>60 hearthkyn warriors
You fucking madman. I don't think most people run more than 20. Also last I heard Votann are doing pretty well all things considered.
>A massive blob of warriors that you're factory lining?
Yeah, that's what I'm wading through right now, 20 of the bastards and another 20 after that, if I have it in me. Thanks for the advice.
At 1k should I take 5 havocs and 5 warptalons or 10 warptalons and no havocs? Or neither and take 10 more legionaries for 30 total?
Base coat, wash, layer if you're feeling spicy, dry brush that bitch, whatever color you're doing the eyes and gauss on the weapon, move on. Try not to use more than 5 or 6 colors just to get through it. You can always go back and add more detail later if you feel like it, but no one is looking closely at your chaffe when you have bigger, more eye-catching models on the table.
The army itself does fine, just that unit in particular does not spark joy.

But I bought them back when the army came out. Launch box had 20, got another 20 for cheap (like $10 a set), combat patrol had 10, boarding patrol had 10. You kinda can't help but have a lot of them if you buy the armies deal boxes

I dont think I've ever run more than 20 in a list. In 9th they were good but overcosted (like 200/10 if I remember right), now they're cheap but very bad for anything besides objectives and lost all their fun rules. So yeah they just kinda sit unfinished in the army case. I'll get to em one day.

I do still need the yaegirs, don't have any of those yet
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Serious question, absolutely not coomer based but what if we give Tau a power boost by having a Primarch (loyal or Traitor) basically retire there and take over partially and giving out his geneseeds while handling a tense temporary ceasefire with the Imperium? Then we have firstborn space marines armed with Tau Tech vs Primaris while giving an excuse why they are not wiped out yet when the Imperium have all these new toys from Cawl.

I'm wondering if it would be too controversial to eventually make the Tau not blue-berries by having a substantial amount of humans fighting for them under a different government
My only 40k shit thus far is Exaction Squad which I'm actively painting between picking at Lady Olyander and Sigvald.

No backlog, really, but I'm eyeballing the Biosanctic Broodsurge or whatever it's called. The SoB Christmas box looks fucked for starting, and there was no GSC box shown.
Seeing them like this really makes them look like StarCraft marines, and they look lovely
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What bullshit rules will thease fucks have?
How about we don't do that because Tau are an irrelevant annoyance that would be wiped out should any other faction turn their full attention to them. What Primarch do you imagine would even submit to some blue ethereal asshat preaching equality and peace while invading everywhere they can and forcing their newly castrated victims into an oppressive caste system?
advance and charge and if you did both you get lancer on all melees
The leagues of votann's technological secrets should be outed.
Imagine the shitshow that would ensue.
If you're lucky some throwback to ignores cover, what you're actually going to get is some worthless ranged battleshock shenanigans.
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My assault intercessors are finally done. My first ever marines
gay sex
None, it wouldn't surprise me if some twat actually retcons it was some alpha legion fuckery that made them this way
Loser tops
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Would never happen. Xenos are barely higher than animals in the eyes of astartes. Now face the wall.
Oh, we're done fighting then because I agree with you. GW's current writing team could easily go all in on "Communism makes Tau the good guys and since my Mom made me go to Sunday School every week that means religion is evil and thus the Imperium are the real bad guys."
People who like T'au mostly either like the Gundams or they like their various client races like the Kroot and Vespids. Anyone who would be interested in what you're describing already has a custom successor chapter painted up in their favorite sept's colors. Lorewise, they already have cloned Space Marine training dummies that they could make properly combat-ready if they wanted.
Do things like Daemon Princes and Daemon Engines make up for the other things that Chaos Marines lack compared to Loyalists? I realize different armies are different but I'm wondering if they're on somewhat equal footing.
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That's a nicely put TQ, cheers OP Anon.
I don't have any specific plans to clear it out, I just decided to not buy any more kits until I've painted at least half of what I already have. Been holding strong for 3 months so far. My latest 40k mini is this Rubric but I've been jumping between 40k and aos.
are you talking in lore or on the table?
Lorewise a csm can come back to life if he's favoured enough. Besides stuff like that they can pull other warp crap out off their ass to fit any situation. Yeah, chaos and the imperium are somewhat equal but chaos has the advantage. Next question.
Everyone likes to imagine that the Alpha Legion are still involved in some Machiavellian grand scheme millennia in the making but the truth is after Dorn killing what was most likely the real Alpharius and Omegon possibly being killed by Guilleman, the Legion is split into so many cells of retards suffering from varying levels of chaos corruption and insanity that are all working with 10,000 years of passed down fragmented information that none of them are working towards anything in particular because none of them have any idea what the fuck they are doing. If GW ever gives them attention in 40k (very unlikely), this will probably change for simplicity's sake but the cold truth is that they are extremely tzeentchian with their contradictory plots within plots that ultimately accomplish nothing.
Making tau humans is lame.
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I've been making a real effort to go through my backlog.
After finishing my Chapter Master and Terminators I now just have the rest of my doubled up Leviathan box to get through. 2 squads of Infernus Marines, 2 sternguard vets, a lieutenant, and 2 dreads. But first I have to finish up this Brutalis dread.

There's a few loose guys here and there to also do like the Terminator librarian and but I'll burn that bridge when I get to it.
wonder why tzeentch doesn't favor them over the ksons. probably because their self-destructive plots within plots is more of a malice thing or that unlike the plots of the sons, the legion has lost track of the end goal
>the Legion is split into so many cells of retards suffering from varying levels of chaos corruption and insanity that are all working with 10,000 years of passed down fragmented information that none of them are working towards anything in particular because none of them have any idea what the fuck they are doing.
That's what they want you to think, to lull you into a false sense of security and make you complacent.
Would never happen, because marines and by extension primarchs are biologically programmed to hate xenos, so that truce while sharing territory would not last long.
HOWEVER. Who's to say you can't do a bit of kitbashing with tau pauldrons and accessories?
>none of them have any idea what the fuck they are doing
This is the most unironically cool way to describe Alpha Legion. A group of very dangerous schizoid madmen obsessed with goals forgotten 10,000 years ago that they don't even know why they still want to complete, but believing that therein lies the ultimate truth.
Realistically the Legion probably just isn't popular or marketable enough to get any kind of spotlight while the TS are a largely self contained chaos army with a both a stand out gimmick and theme.
thats how I've always viewed AL, a bunch of contradictory warbands all convinced they're doing something but actually just fucking around making their own goals as they go
GK strike squad still on the sprues, clippers get here Friday.
I held off on buying the combat patrol box because of the potential model refresh next year, but I had to paint something. They might turn out like shit because i'll be using Army Painter for the silver with a straight dark wash
A Primarch that's sick of Emperor Vs Warp shit and bitch slaps the Ethereal into giving him partial control of the humans in a relatively warp calm Tau Empire. I checked estimates online of their size and most Tau players put their empire around 200-1000 worlds which is sizeable enough to Gulliman's pet project Pre-heresy. Give them the worst Primarch or some other big dicked human as a guardian to make a difference so they don't get wiped out.

I guess my question would be if Tau would be more interesting if they were not led by alien blue berries and instead had
Humans co-leading them (and possibly replacing them) as an alternative to the Imperium.
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as I said last time I don't really have one.. I've got a collection of bits that I'm saving for future kitbash projects that kinda includes some full models worth of parts but idk if I'd count that as a backlog.

there is my Eldar army but its honestly just trash that I'll never finish and I regret buying at all.

I do think I'll probably repaint my CSM at some point though, probably in the new year sometime so I guess that might count as like 3600 points as a backlog maybe? though its perfectly playable and finished, I'm just not happy with it.

my DG army is just straight finished as far as I'm concerned, its not something I want to put more work into besides some paint touchups.

anyway, most recent stuff finished picrel. my hivestorm box gets here tomorrow yay.
>thanks for reading my blogpost
Alpha legion is prime material for a good comedy book like Infinite and Divine. A group so secret even they don't know what they do.
But GW is too yellow to actually make them fun.
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I think the alpha legion should get some special models, as a treat. Not a full on index or some shit like how some loyalist armies have their own little dude. Have a squad of Alpha Infiltrators who do sneaky shit and when you kill them they go "no you didn't lol" and respawn somewhere else.
Stop trying to make a human Tau faction a thing.
It's not clever or interesting.
We have enough human factions as it is in this game.
Those space marines lack gene seeds and are no way going to shake up their leadership which I expect a Primarch would easily do.
All Tau players universally agree Ethereals are boring ass leaders and Farsight is way cooler, wondering if a Human leader would be acceptable as well.

Gue'vasa are already a thing and are fucking lame.

Putting Humans into Tau does nothing but another slop-tier line of model and lore that'll be disregarded with the same speed of Ynnari.

Tau are fine. They're fucking stupid, but fine.
the only way I could see an epic human is a traitorous imperial agent (RT, inquisitor, etc.). Important guard leaders are too loyal to bounce and agents who interact with xenos are probably more likely to think "hey wow these guys are kinda better than my guys". Would be cool if a human model had some tau-imperial hybrid power armor and led a cadre of humans (guardsmen with an upgrade sprue let's not get too fancy here)
No. Tau are pretty racist too and would never accept a non Tau leader.
The Tau have pretty well established themselves as first among equals in their empire. Even Farsight is the same and would never accept a non tau leader
I hate that necrons are human skeletons.
Just saying.
are nail files good enough for removing mould lines
I hate that my skeleton is just a bone necron
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Posted last time. I have about 400-500 models in the backlog. Not worried about the cost since I got most of it dirt cheap second hand. I'll just take it slow with my painting. Thinking about selling my 200 something monopose tacmarines and slopchop my nids to get the numbers down. Latest model posted
Use the back of your hobby knife. Just scrape it over the mould lines and you'll be good.
They were all nominally allied under the Emperor against the Warp or Chaos and with Big G's slapping everyone into shape (sans Imperium Nihilus), all of the humans are even more united under one banner.
I ain't proposing that Tau become human 100% anyway, just that they get some elite minis that are human underneath and having a diplomacy state similar to the Eldar's rather than a weakling state to be gobbled up when the Imperium gets time to breathe.
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Not fully human dimensions
Not all Necrons have humanoid bodies
Skeletons are cool as shit.
Stop trying to get 40k to be less 40k. You need to go back.
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Just received my 40k ultimate guide. This I hadn't seen specifically.
In the process of buying a house, I'm upgrading my paints as my final big purchase before I put myself in the mortgage cage. So I'll just paint my backlog while I save
>giving tau human leadership
Cringe and gay.
>giving tau melee battle suits that aren't just farsight
Based and heterosexual.

We get that you people want to fuck the flat-chested horse-aliens in the weird nose-Y, but that doesn't mean it's gonna happen in the lore.

The Imperium is more likely to ally with the Eldar at this point, but that's comparing the chances of individual snowballs in hell.
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I collect Tau and I am disgusted by people like you who want to bring Gue'vesa and more human relevance into my faction. I hope GW never listens to people like you and keeps introducing xeno races.
If you want humans convert some of the two million human models with tau bits and shut the fuck up.
>>giving tau melee battle suits that aren't just farsight
Why hasn't this happened already?
Tau are adaptable and have already become more in line with the batshit crazy stuff of the galaxy, so them not having specialised suits with their equivalent of power weapons is retarded.
Imagine full squads of mechs with hammers, swords, lances or whatever.
Peak fun.
You don't ally with t'au, you throw them into lava to harness their enegy for the omnissiah. Try asking this on reddit instead.
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I wanna do this to my necron overlords
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I'd rather have a rogue trader army made up of various xenos mercenary factions.
Like freebootas, kroot, and incubi.
Human and aliens all united under the common goal of getting more money
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>They're fucking stupid
I wish they were stupider.
Then do it?
It's just a headswap
Turn him into a furry?
>Like freebootas, kroot, and incubi.
You need some votrans
I would if I had them
they already appear as spiders, beetles, and trans, why not a jackal?
I bet you wanna have some hecking cute tyranid puppers too, don't you? Get the fuck outta here with that star trek shit.
Fuck it man, go full anime and give them cool energy swords. It's what their players want.
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>Find scouts on amazon for 55 dollars
>Put it on my cart and go out for a bit
>Come back
>62 dollars
>why not a jackal?
Ok furry, search for the bits and have a good day.
>going out
You fool!
Rippers already exist.
Are there established Votann mercs?
I feel sorry for muricans who have to use the goyim online stores. There are far better places to get models.
I would solve the human Tau and meele weapons in one feel swoop

After developing prototypes for melee combat it was found out that even the best Tau pilots couldn't operate them to their full potential until they decided to let humans pilot them.

Even with minimal training the humans had a natural gift for violence that allowed them to interface with the suits to a degree never saw in the experimental phases of development

You basically solve the issue of humans in Tau, you get them in the lore being predisposed brutes without having to paint "not cadians" in your Tau army if you dislike them
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Now tau players want to be a melee army. Sweet irony.
But does your gay ass rogue trader have them as le ebin pets? Go back.
As a not Taufag I'm all for it. Giving them more options means GW can dial back their absurd shooting because the "b-but it's all we're good at!" excuse wouldn't fly anymore.
Yes, like from cults and my friend's 3d printer.
yes, thats one of the leagues main themes, especially thurian league
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Yes, of course. They trade with the imperium constantly.
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>Imagine full squads of mechs with hammers, swords, lances or whatever.
They're too autistic for that. You'll get a blob of crisis suits with shields and powerspears and you'll like it.
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I really love the old lore (and old mechanics) of Chaos champions. The idea that there are only 3 outcomes once a champion pledges and starts getting "gifts": death, being turned into a chaos spawn for displeasing his god or becoming a daemon prince.

The mechanic of champions getting dark gifts after killing enemy squadleaders/heros with a 1/12 chance of being turned into a space. Sadly it's not suited to c*mpetative play.


just use a knife

metal nail files aren't ideal since they need a fast motion to engage the teeth. I always use Emery nail boards for all model filing. Emery is much better. It can remove sprue material without harming the model if you use it carefully but I've seen Emery tape fully polish high carbon steel in 10 seconds (If you spin it at 5000 rpm. I personally have never gone above 500 rpm because I like having all my fingers)
So big custodes?
You can get actual models for a fraction of the retail cost too if you're not retarded.
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>But does your gay ass rogue trader have them as le ebin pets?
Yes. Rogue trader pets have already been established.
The shipping from the EU always kills it for me. What is your advice for us burgers, o' sage of the savings?
That's not the tyranid ripper pupper chonker we were talking about. Stop being retarded.
Now this makes me question, if I played inquisition how many pets could I squeeze in?
I know you can get 12 with the Arbites for a little pet shop but I do wonder if you can get more
Unless you don't want human fluff prominence.
Good to know.
Okay they can come along too.
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I am slowly scratchbuilding and painting up my ork epic army. Been at it for a few decades now, just doing a bit here and there as inspiration takes me. Don't really plan to play it, though I have found online the free collated rules for EpicUK. I just enjoy occasionally adding stuff and painting a bit here and there. It should keep me occupied for another decade of so.
If necromunda can have genestealers that can't call the hive fleets then we can deal with out of sight out of mind humans

It's like a space marine list without space marines
Why would I want a ripper? You can't tame them.
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Talking about decades this way makes me feel hopeless.
Enjoy the ride, anon.
skill issue
Can rippers even live for more than a week? They are just a walking stomach, I don't even remember them having an anus in lore
I can't disclose the way, the walls have big schnozzes and they might sniff me out if I say too much.
Yeah that's what the Krootox Rampager profile is for. CCW is right hand/finesse melee weapon, Fists are heavy melee weapon Pistol and Javelin are defense array/small arms. Linebreakers special rule can be construed as a Fusion nozzle on the heavy profile. 7" movement fits infantry suit, have them take up 3 slots in a Devilfish with room for a potential character unit down the line.

In universe this profile aligns with the pre-exisiting XV46 Voidsuit and, due to the nature of boarding actions, would probably have similar statlines in it's loadout.

No one but Games Workshop/store employees can prevent you from playing with your plastic toys the way you want at their places of business.
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Very clean stripes. I always have trouble with mine.
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Are Ethereals just the Commissars/Priests of the T'au Empire?
They are the slavers.
Not familiar enough with Tau to see the comparisons but that kinda cool

Commissars don't have any authority outside of the bunch of unwashed Guardsmen they control. Ethereals control the entirety of the Tau race.
And you can't make an orc see reason or expect loyalty from knife ears or other xenos. The RT game companions are not the norm.
They control the masses through pheromones and brainwashing. They have more in common with the tyranid hivemind than a human.
Reminders that commissars are outside the imperial command structure and theoretically can condemn and execute anyone in said command structure. ANYONE.
They like a bio-pyker Big Brothers.
More like chaos priests

Most American Ethereal.

"The gun is good."
Ok well then I’ll just keep using my lgs, eBay, and a local model trade/sell/buy discord that seems less likely to scam me without consequence. And the 3d printer when I can of course. :)
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Everybody's got a price
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I'm talking about if you wanted to immediately implement this idea as a model there are existing game profiles that could be pasted onto it. Rampagers even have 50mm bases for extra chunky melee suits. Even baseline Kroot Carnivores stat wise translate well to an unaugmented human in some kind of exosuit.

The T'au "control system" is derived the Q'oorl that was bioengineered into the species by their Eldar creators. It's based largely on pheremones and underpinned by an unflinching societal machine.

>Aun’O Atari Shovah Dou, in the flesh.

>Where the ethereal passed, peace and good order spread out like the ripples in a pond. Panicking t’au, their faces contorted in atavistic fear, blinked as if waking from a dream and remembered themselves, standing straight and helping those pushed over and trampled under the stampede back onto their feet.

>On walked Aun’Dou, wordless, head held high and hands held at his sides in a loose gesture of benediction. The bow wave of composure spread along the platform as he went, and the citizens outside the Zoa’ha’s transmotive carriage calmed instantly as if a switch had been thrown, be they sturdy fio scientists, long-limbed kor pilots or stylishly clad Por diplomats. The sense of order being restored felt like cooling ice on the inflamed soul, despite the growing heat from the monstrous ork craft roaring low on the cusp of hearing.

>The aun walked, silent and unhurried, along the avenue that had opened up before him towards the door nearest Zoa’ha. The ui-plus rankers in his carriage pressed back into one another to allow the ethereal dignity of space. So tightly packed was the transmotive already that Zoa’ha heard the dull snap of breaking ribs from those furthest back and the laboured, hurried breathing of those whose lungs were either punctured or compressed to the point of suffocation. Not one of the t’au made a word of complaint. But then, thought Zoa’ha, why would they?
You should elaborate on that or you just come off as a reddit tourist who has seen a weshammer or majorkill video. The commissarat has no authority over astartes or sororitas since they too are not part of the normal imperial command structure.
no, but I like using a cuticle pusher sometimes
The Imperium's hatred of Xenos comes from a long, long history of getting infiltrated, sabotaged or betrayed by xenos. It's not xenophobia for no good reason. The Inquisition and rogue traders have a loose alliance with some xenos races, but it is only done out of absolute necessity.

Tau are one of the races that the Imperium distrusts the most because they know how the Ethereals control their population. They also know that they have used this ability to brainwash Imperial citizens.
the tau brainwash their citizens? that’s kinda hot where do i sign up
Stick to the discord for models. Get supplies from LGS.
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I can't think of any recent examples but they used to be able to execute planetary leadership if they fail. Like Dante and Yarrick convicting the governor of Armageddon of 3.8 billion counts of manslaughter by depraved indifference and sentencing him to death or commissar Holt in the excellent late 90s Epic RTS/FMV game pimp slapping the planetary governor and relieving him of his rule.

You type like you're expecting upvotes.
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>They also know that they have used this ability to brainwash Imperial citizens.
Pure Imperial cope. It's not brainwashing if they're simply offering Imperial citizenry a "better deal".
To those not too invested in T'au lore the entirety of their race's purpose is to generate genuine good will towards the Tau'va. This can't be done with bait and switch tactics, the Ethereals are using the Tau'va as an ideological backdoor into harnessing "client race"/warp attuned subjects to manifest the Tau'va Warp Entity.
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Ok, I'm going to clarify.
The commissariat has supreme authority to judge, condemn and/or execute anyone in the Guard hierarchy.
They can, not to say it's advisable a lot of time.
And as an example we have Gaunt executing a general (I think, I don't remember what title he had) at the end of the siege of Verbun hive.

one squad of kommandos

about 4k worth of orks. im just gonna go hard on the contrast sloppa to finish most of them
And you type like a faggot, so now what?
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Have some reddit gold my dude
>Dorn killing what was most likely the real Alpharius
This seems likely
>Omegon being killed by Guilliman
The way this infomration is presented to us bascically confirms its some kind of psyop by the AL to trick the UM. Ultras had no records of that fight between primrarchs on that moon, the UM sergent that witnessed the death of omegon never excisted and the Inquistor writing all this up and presenting it as truth is caught and killed as an AL assest. So we can assume
>One of the twin primarchs lives
>He would have some influence and control over his own warband at a bare minium
>There is an ORGANISED AL cell working directly towards a goal set by their primarch
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We fuck.
Better. You have been redeemed in the eyes of the thread. Stray again and we won't be so lenient.
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Will he rejoin the EC in time for the Codex release?
Nah, he's too cool for EC ever since Canticle city.
I kinda wish Omegon popped up and he's the only uncorrupted traitor primarch because he's built different (built stupid)
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>what's the latest model you've finished?
these guys having been sitting at 80% completion for over a year now
need to finish them, get them based and add some transfers
the predator also feels a bit bare, might need some more spike or something
nah, closer to like a hive tyrant or something

they exude a chemical aura of unnatural control that has long been hinted to have been bio-engineered into them by another higher power (rumors were that it was eldar/eldrad but that may have been retconned or ignored), and without the influence of the ethereals, the tau essentially go feral with infighting and civil unrest and devolve into mad max style warring tribes

its very similar to how tyranids synapse functions, except instead of psychic emination, its chemical pheromones, which they use to enforce a caste political structure and social cohesion
Give these tips a try anon, glad to see you got them all finished, just need some basing now
Cheers anon. I assume you do it that way already, but in case you don't - tilting your mini and painting along the stripes help a lot.
GW probably have plans to revive every single primarch over a long period of time regardless of logic from a pure business standpoint and you think both of the unique twin primarchs of the psyop legion are just done and dusted, end of story?
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My backlog is big, but not as bad as for other anons, at least it hasn't grown in a year or so. I'm taking a break from painting because I'm really busy with my life since September 2023.
>latest model you've finished?
Id rather someone turned necrons into borgnicles
Where's the "just put it in the fridge" image?
It's not "simply offering". The ethereals have an organ which gives them mind control powers.
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Why is the admech so horny for necron tech, data and material while hating on t'au stuff? Shouldn't both be considered disgusting technoheresy?
do any of you paint your minis separate to their bases? i didnt realise how much of a pain it is to put on that chunky textured paint until i tried it with a model on the base. shouldnt be too bad for shit like marines but for small lads like grots its a bit shit
Necrons have mastered all physical science.
Necrons are also literally people who became machines, which is what admech wants to accomplish.
Sounds heretical to me.
no i prefer to base them after they are already glued. i tried putting them on after the fact but they looked like they were floating over the basing material rather than standing in it
ad mech hypocrisy is a defining trait of theirs
not even a dig, makes them more interesting as a faction
Yeah but the best magos always skirt the rules. See also: Cawl.
Why are you high effort basing 25mm models? Just slap some paint on there and call it a day, or if you're really desperate to have matching bases, put some tape on where it will go then paint the base as normal
depends on the model, but for rank and file I'll usually just lightly glue them to the base while painting them, then snap them off if it proves to be a hassle painting around their feet for the base
Putting a piece of paper behind one of your guys is do easy and doesn't require you to clear a shelf on your fridge
How do pheromones work through sealed crisis suits? Sounds like added grimdark bullshit to me.
The Ethereal organ only works on fellow Tau. It's bioengineered by the Eldar. It's another reason why the Tau are so warp inert. Rote biological call/response evokes a minimal impact on the warp. When an impressionable gue'la gets worked by a Big Titty Tau Water Caste and then gets put up in a livable, functioning society with fellow benevolent gratitude warp exuding gue'la it powers up their xenos warp entity.
i havent tried doing them separately yet but id imagine thats how my metal models would look, really rigid and just straight up shit. would take a while to grind the feet down to stand flat

so lamenters anon doesnt abuse me again

thats fair, its almost definitely a skill issue on my part. suppose i could use the chunky stuff away from the feet (ironcrust) and use the crackle paint around it as its easier
>serious question
I dunno, ask /hhg/
Fatass doesn't have any spare room in his fridge for a 28mm base
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I like painting my minis on the base. I usually stick my rocks down before priming, but I tend to do texture pastes last. If you ever get texture paste on a part of the model you don't want, you can have a wet brush on hand to erase the texture paint while it's still wet.
Did that stand thingy come in black or did you paint it that way? Looks really distracting
Fucked up while masking it and decided to just black it out than have random patches be matte or glossy
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Ban inbound lmao
I love xenology, it's a pitty that it's not canon anymore.
>he didn't paint over the canopy like other subhumans
Most based anon in this thread
uhh wrong thread buddy
disgusting circumsised dick, yuck
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People who care about "true canon" are engaging with the setting objectively wrong. Everything is canon.
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I was so stoked when that masking actually worked after the flightstand debacle lmao. I had too much fun doing the cockpit I would've been so sad if it frosted out
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What sites besides Etsy and eBay sells already 3d printed 3rd party bits? I just need legs.
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Wait what? Why would you ever paint over the canopy?
>I just need legs
OK Lt Dan
>but muh firstborn must still exist
Gay, boring, retarded.
Anon that's a barbie grill
where the fuck did that tranny bullshit even come from
>Then you are lost!
Starting 40k with Deathguard and I like the look of the marines, terminators and deathshroud... Could I get away with spamming them and some blighthaulers/bloat drones/and the plague bursts or are the Plague zombies (sorry forget their name) necessary to the army? I mainly want to focus my army on melee but I suspect that may be a shit idea
>It's not clever or interesting.
It is to me.
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At least you could've posted a sororitas cosplay
These are really cool, great faces.
Getting into WS and I can't help but headcanon all kinds of shit from chapter structure to new specializations and lore. Incredible how much of a blank slate they still are in 2024. Feel like the attention and detail the Ravenwing have gotten versus all of WS really speaks volumes.
Ok, convert more, do it for you, and stop fucking around until you have like 50 models converted, painted and posted.
Because the hobbylets fear masking and thus just give up and paint over the canopy, or worse, they're WAACfags who just want to pump out a model as fast as possible.

The absolute worst ones to me are the ones that paint over the canopy and then do a very complex paint job, like really dude? You went through all that effort and left the canopy looking like shit? Why did you even bother.
>can i get away with spamming....
>proceeds to list every unit in the army

yes? you can play death guard by fielding deathguard units
I'm not going to defend this paintjob, but I think that this anon was trying to make red dust and dirt effect in the glass.
I think it can look alright on things either tiny cockpits, like I think eldar planes and tanks look decent with the cockpit painted
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Thanks anon. I enjoy painting faces.
i hate how most photos hide that the stormsurge is an open-top convertible
Spicy stuff as always mechanicanon
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>RT talks about Ork stellar slavers that buy humans from 'corrupt' planetary governors.
>Said slavery is only an problem in the eyes of Impeirum because they're being sold to xenos, not that humans are being sold into slavery
Wish 40k kept Orks being slavers and that human-xenos interctions and relations happened more often across. RT paints xeno mercs/slavers/enemies as like medieval mercenary groups, or different tribes of indigenous people during the colonisation of the age of sail. They're exciting and rare to people living in cities in europe but an everyday group of people and interests group to keep in mind when in their part of the world.
yeah that what I was going for, it's still weathering and not just painting the entire thing lol
>Wish 40k kept Orks being slavers
It still comes up in ork fiction.
Honestly is there a more Reddit tier army than Alpha Legion? Insufferable
They use slaves all the time but they don't trade them really
Just make up a new auxiliary alien species that the Tau brought under their wing. They just happen to be stabby.
salamanders, sallyanon doesnt apply obviously
what sort of storage do you use for your minis? im just trying to find some cheap containers off amazon
>Wanting a ripper when you can trade an Ork for a based squig
I'd rather he clone his own army of EC for his own purposes and start an EC successor chapter just for laughs
Many. Votann, Krieg, Dark angels, Sisters of Battle, Admech, Tau, GSC, Agents and Eldar are a few.
All of them except the one I'm playing
Only Krieg and Votann. AL is the 3rd.
so only certain spess muhrines which you most likely arbitrarily chosen aren't reddit? okay faggot
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Ignore the haters. Do what you think is fun. Don't let memes crush your dreams.
Would my painting quality go down if I drink while painting?
not if you drink paints and thinners
to master painting you must become one with paint
Orks, daemons and necrons are the best space marines, yes.
Whoever cums the farthest gets to reroll failed charges during the gooning phase
God I fucking loathe zoomers and their fucking slang.
If they deal excess wounds to a model you get a random buff and are allowed one (1) nut.
Since they're all about perfection, they get some sort of massive bonus for not getting hit, but once they eat shit they immediately lose said bonus
Wait, you're the guy who did that guardsman? I've had that saved for what feels like ages lmao. Hopefully you can find time to start painting again soon.
oh yeah anon, like fapping is high brow internet slang
Should be OK, just don't come back after a big night out and try it, that's how I spill paints everywhere
The T'au are a second attempt at making the men of stone in my head canon. I could see them making their own men of iron but keeping the AI loyal through "greater good" indoctrination. Them having a men of iron tier robot on the battle field would make them more even
I fucking hate painting teeth, is there any way to make it easier?
A lot of the og hotrod pinstripe guys swear by taking a shot to kill hand shakes
Ork bros we are getting bullied AGAIN
You should gov robust painting a try, you'd probably really enjoy it
Imagine having those brush skills to paint our man-dollies.
I like AL when the idea is that all their spy vs spy insurgency bullshit actually has no real end goal and they're just delusional about it
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WTF happened to gamza?
I remember him having a YT channel however now I can not find it.

What happened there?
I see his patreon:https://www.patreon.com/CommissarGamza

All I wanted is to listen him shit on GW. I can not even find his channel on YT now.

Other say that this
is his channel however it looks nothing like him and I'm not talking about the title change where he no longer uses the commissar in his name.

The content is radically different this fagot plasters his face into every video old ganza never did that.
The bombastic personality is gone.
He no longer shills 3D printing.

Looks like some totally different guy who took the name to get popularity.
buy an ad
if for some reason you aren't him keep the fucking shittuber slop away from this place
i don't even fucking know who the fuck you're talking about, take your redit shit back to redit
>i don't even fucking know who the fuck you're talking about
I can find no info on this so I ask.
Buy an ad fag
For what retard?
I'm not gamza fagot!
there's a site that is up to date with all youtube drama, you should consider going back there you inbred faggot
>there's a site that is up to date with all youtube drama,
What is it.
That is not an answer retard there are 1000s of subredits.

>going back
Shut the fuck up retard!
Do people actually drill their barrels? I have some CSM termies and the fucking combi bolters don’t have barrel holes
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Begone drama tourist
Get your retardation properly diagnosed chop chop.
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>leak about Ratlings and Ogryns vs someone
>Its ratlings vs new tankbustas
So do we think orks will be like LoV and get a second killteam for new stormboyz soon? Will they fight Tyranids shrikes or eldar swooping hawks I wonder
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Gamza became a gigantic doomposter faggot.

He started posting about the those warhammer comic books that have those 3 young kids on the covers.
Goes on about how 40k is getting kiddified and softened.
Turns out he is fucking wrong because the books are pretty apt for 40k and how shit goes down within the Imperium. Majorkill was somehow involved, I can't remember.
But Gamza in the end dropped it when he got clowned on by everyone.
After that he went on hiatus for some months but after he came back he was a massive GW hater who was constantly doomposting about how "this is 40k end" "GW killed 40k", etc. etc. while he also still shilled his god awful 3Dprint shit.

What happened recently I don't know, but I think Gamza in general just got tired of 40k or something and is now trying to rebrand himself as some anti-SJW, anti-woke reactionary faggot that just does reaction video slop and then plasters his soi face on every thumbnail to game the youtube algorhitm (it's been shown plastering your face on thumbnails help with algorhitm)
But it still all hilariously failed because when he was doomposting about 40k he at least broke 1k views regularly.
Now his reaction slop content barely gets like 500 views.
He was probably trying to become Arch 2.0.

Gamza will either completely stop youtube soon and finds a proper job or he some digs in his heels and becomes the next lolcow or he just kills himself.

I don't know nor really care which path he chooses for I think he's an annoying pest.
I want the 4meter tall gigastacy goddess to step on me.
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Anyone recognises where the power fist is from?
His patreon makes him at least $9,000 a month (before taxes and patreons cut) so despite the super low views and dead channel hes making bank being a right wing grifter. Just say trannys are bad on stream while talking 40k is all it takes
man i really like how it looks
would lke to own it in hardback but i move around a lot so i am eternally forced to read soulless scans online
Plague marine innit
>I don't know nor really care which path he chooses
>knows everything about him
lmao fuck off
Plague marine
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Plague marine champion fist.
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Would be this can terrain and the infantry next to it I posted several threads back.
Plague marine kit. Specifically the plague marine champion kit.
Safehorny troonshit
I my backlog i have all the models i own but didn't paint. Not one is unbuilt or waiting in a box.
>10 legionaries (kitbashed as NL)
>10 legionaries with NL upgrades
>5 las/missile havocs
>20 traitor guardsmen (+ commissar/ogryn)
>2 war dogs (magnetized)
>5 raptors
>5 chaos termies(tartaros)
52 models in total. All of these models are heavily kitbashed so it takes time (no pics rn, will post after work)
That said i already got like 2k of Night Lords painted and the Dark imperium box + combat patrol of Dark Angels.
They way i usually go about painting is in batches of 5-10 depending on complexity.
We usually host painting nights with the boys, and i usually get a squad done by the end of that session. Next one is on saturday.
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>>I don't know
As in "I don't know where Gamza goes from here."
I don't know what recently as to why he became a faggot who makes reaction slop content.
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As for backlog, I'm simply trying to paint more than I print/assemble. My backlog is getting smaller, but still sizeable.
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I have been much too busy for a few weeks to get any painting done. Have been chipping away at this kitbashed inquisitor. Not done yet. Not sure if I should paint the lens and the purity seal blue or green.
I lied, I've just been spending all my free time playing Darktide with friends
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>and then plasters his soi face on every thumbnail
Is this really him? I mean he does not even act like his old self.

Do people have the old links to his old channel (way back machine)? to see if this soi face is really the same guy?

>and then plasters his soi face on every thumbnail
Yes it is cringe however pretty comical since I suspected the guy who posts drawings of himself as a ultra muscular giga chad is some ugly dude.
Now that he shows his face
>Necbeard unshaved
>Chubby face

Yea every time some retard posts himself as a drawing of a muscular giga chad you can be certain they look like some strange basement dweller.
Go back to twitter.
>I mean he does not even act like his old self.
Based on the image you posted, he is acting exactly like his old self.
Gigantic, self centered faggot.
>Based on the image you posted, he is acting exactly like his old self.

He did have a personality that was interesting despite being boring after 4 videos.

The new self (jesus fuck 500 views) is some fag boy who puts on a pikatchu hat (WTF) and ''''reacts'''' to other peoples videos
>Aha haha
>[insert useless anecdote from his life ]

This channel is pointless.
when will they make the new ork kill team available?
>reddit spacing
>still keeps going on about some literally who sloptuber
jesus fucking christ just leave
what a shame
you should just forget him and never mention him again
move on or something
A single mom with 20 kids trying to survive in a tough world.
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I have uhhh
5x Seraphim
5x Celestian Sacresants
The inquisitional agents box
The Imperial Navy Breachers box
2x Penitent engines
10x Repentia
Space Marine Land Speeder
Knight Questoris
All unbuilt, and a handful of battle sisters and their characters (~12 models) in the process of painting. I'm just trying to paint them a few at a time and get to painted 1,000 points before the end of the year.
I like it, except for the Primarch taking power part. They should either be in the background, or have one world to themselves.

I think they need to give Primarchs to other factions to make it interesting.

Put the Khan in Deldar
Put Vulkan with the Tau
And so on

But don't make them the/a faction leader.
Oh yeah and the legionnaire Kill Team box that I wanted to paint just for fun to see if I could get into collecting a CSM army.
And in the grim darkness of the 31st millennium, coffee beans are lost to history.
Is that what the Horus Heresy was over.
Apparently they have stim rations though, wouldn't that serve the same purpose?
If you think morning coffee can be substituted by speedballs then you've either had neither or you need to go through rehab.
Recaf is a thing, 40ks equivelant of coffee.
What's it made out of? Maybe coffee beans with Imperial grade extra stimulants in it so you can work for 16 hours without sleeping or breaks.
20 Wyches, 5 Incubi, 5 Scourges, 3 Jetbikes, 2 Venoms, 1 Succubus.
5 Mandrake [Proxies](gotta grab some more green stuff for them because they are looking gappy as fuck atm)
5 Lychguard, 10 Warrriors, 3 Scarabs, 1 Spyder. Finecast Orikan, Anrakyr, Zhandrekh and Obyron and a Cryptek. Saving them till last because.
Vespid Kill Team.
Buttload of terrain.
And that's only the 40k stuff
There is no grand plan. Just try to get at least one squad assembled, if not painted, per week and I might be able to justify buying something else by New Year. Maybe.
Recaf is tea.
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Currently in my backlog are
>3 kataphrons (they are a slog to paint)
> one csm terminator
>9 legionaires
>13 mk3 marines
>7 cataphrsctii terminators
>4 necromunda ambots that I'm gonna kitbash into obliterators
>predator that I started assembling yesterday
To tackle it I'm gonna try yo be more strict with hobbying every day for at least 30 minutes and not make any more big purchases until next year
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I'm looking for ideas/advice for my upcoming Word Bearers army. I want colchisian runes on my dudes. I'm thinking super thin layers of green stuff on some armor panels, then carve the runes into the green stuff. Fuck painting all those runes.

Would it be possible to make the green stuff on the armor panel thin enough to handle it, or do I need slightly "thicker" layers of green stuff? I don't want the green stuffed panels to, how do I say, "stick out" compared to the rest of the armor panels...
It's kind of both according to the creators.
Iirc, they said if you want to make it irl just take coffee and tea and mix them together.
The current "Cypher" is actually Omegon in disguise, hence the Cabal connections to WITD, escaping The Rock, Harlequin connections, knowledge of Terra's dungeons and Custard patrols, and him speaking to girlyman on a first name basis about Big E
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Do you base your miniatures? For me that’s the best part, also greetings fellow brother IW, here are my dudes WIP
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Is this too few models for 1k?
>all imperial agents battleforces are still in stock
Agent bros... are we going to make it?
That was one of the first 40k theories I ever learnt. Makes a lot of sense since its pretty clear Omegon didn't die in the heresy
Are there any 40k Admech minis that can be proxied by a Thanatar and Castellax?
not admech but you could probably run it as a knight if you gave it a different sized base
Selling fast!
Admech don't want to become machines, they want to get as close as possible to a machine but still maintain their human side. That's why their symbol has two sides, the mechanical and normal human skull.
I would like to run imperial soup and I want all the models in the ordo xenos battle force. It's even on sale at my LGS. But I'm apprehensive because I know I won't be able to run them cum the next edition.
because the admech are being manipulated by a c'tan imprisoned on mars by the emperor
Necron tech is a lot more powerful
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>Wait, you're the guy who did that guardsman?
Yes, I will paint in a month or two.
>painting teeth,
Just like any other thing, few thin layers, for monster I start with red-brown and go for yellows until white.
gov robust painting
What's that?
>Lego releases it's own 40k table top game using Lego minis and customizable Lego terrain
Would you play
>gov robust painting
NTA but I think he was suggesting giving painting busts a try.
>painting busts
Ah! that makes sense anon, thanks.
IMO arch is not even that assblasted about 40k in general, just when they do retarded shit like femtodes or bad lore.
>20 Wyches, 5 Incubi, 5 Scourges, 3 Jetbikes, 2 Venoms, 1 Succubus.
>5 Mandrakes
>Bunch of Necrons
>Vespids Kill team
>Buttload of terrain
>Spoiler - Assuming this is AoS stuff.
Are you me? That's like my exact backlog minus the Necrons and my Mandrakes are the old resin ones.
I'm guessing you got the Drukhari Boarding Patrol for cheap at some point too?
this was always just an army for the collector who bought every kill team release to use them in 40k. It was never going to be the 2nd Imperium faction especially with how half assed the rules are
Any YouTubers that have critiques of the actual tabletop game and not just nebulous problems with the lore or aesthetics?
I feel like no one actually talks about 10th edition itself.
Even Valrak shits on 10th and all you guys do is call him a pig.
I dunno, I don't watch YouTubers to complain about rules, I do that here and irl.
But I guess auspex tactics?
>Ahhhh stop talking about thing I don't like! you're only suppose to talk about edgecoc and ben and post models here! Aaahhhh
How about you guys tried to talk about something more interesting instead of fruitlessly calling others out?
I think he massively overestimated his own importance and relevance in the 40k community, and he probably really thought his videos in combination with his ugly stl files would hurt GW.
Those files in particular were such a joke. Completely disgusting compared to pretty much every proxy for gw stuff that is available, but again, him suffering from being inside his bubble apparently really thought those are actually "GW killers"
>his ugly stl files would hurt GW.
thats every printfag though, especially the ones coming here calling everyone pigs
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Love the ol' flappy Flyer, don't get the hate it gets
nice hairy leg
I doubt the majority of 3d creators actually think they are hurting GW. Or that their entire reason to create the files is to hurt GW in the first place.
3d printoids and brokies are not allowed get away from my hobby
incredibly rare respectable tau collector
What is the average life span of a member of the Mechanicus?
What I find funny is that prints have almost completely replaced recasts.
chinese recasters are even worse than pr*ntoids
if i ever see a 3d printed mini i will send a deathsquad directly from james
Probably because most recasts were from 2 countries currently killing each other
>Imagine being proud of being a whale piggie
Jokes aside, 3d printing should be a part of the hobby just like kitbashing and most people in the hobby don't get to make massive spending sprees every time sometime releases or they decide to get another army.
This hobby is still very expensive, but not so prohibitive to only allow whales, so concerns about pricing and gw being a stingy cunt are extremely appropriate
>hello james? yes it’s this guy
yeah i agree desu FUCK spending 60 bucks for 3 models
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TQ: 5 plasma lads and 10 flamer lads, and need to finish up a drop pod. Once they're finished the company as a whole will be done.

Most recent minis were the command squad, kitbashed from Leviathan sternguard and some bits.
There are no legs in this picture, that's just the floor.
Really cool guys
>praetors of orpheus
I see a lot of white+bright colour chapters painted lately.
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Sometimes, once in a blue moon you will get a set that is actually reasonably priced. This box ($166.99 nzd is about $100ish usd) if I were to try and buy each unit separately would probably cost me close to $600 nzd.
I was going to ask a friend if he would like to pitch in to split the box but then I decided fuck it, I'll buy the box myself and just give him the space marines because even if it were only the tyranids in the box for that price it would still be a decent deal for this hobby.
I'm jealous of anyone who can make their whites look that good
i have decided to prime my orks with chaos black. what color do you recommend for the skin
Thanks, I wanted blue/white which left surprisingly few canon choices and I liked the admech links they had (This in 5th ed so before admech had its own list and i had a lot of vehicles to justify in the fluff)
God bless retailers, only reason I can justify being on my third army
Leviathan was the last really good deal I noticed. Split it with a mate and when I mentioned it cost £120 he initially assumed that was the cost for just his half. Actually felt reasonably priced for once.
Those are some nice guys.
My only "complaint" is that I think the lenses and or the aquilla would have been cool on another colour
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Priming your Orks black means that the skin color will be noticeably darker. That's fine if you want dark Ork skin, but you'll be shooting yourself in the foot if you want lighter skinned Orks.
My scheme is:
>Basecoat Orruk flesh over wraithbone primer
>Wash with 2:1 ratio mixture of contrast medium and Ork flesh contrast
>Go over higher and smoother areas with Ork flesh contrast mixed with Orruk flesh to smooth the shading and fix any coffee stains
Produces picrel, which is a pretty light skin. On the few models I primed black, the same scheme turned out a lot darker which didn't really work for me.
that is fine to me, i like darker skinner orks, thank you for the recommendations
Then you'll do fine with black primer even if you do that same scheme. Enjoy your Orks
The big HH box is an incredible deal to build a firstborn marine army from scratch, even taking into account getting upgrade boxes for different weapons.
>Inb4 muh /hhg/
It's still a great price and minimal proxying gets you more than a 2k army
Yeah, I went with the green just because it's what was at hand but maybe red would have stood out more? The blue aquila is part of the chapter heraldry so didn't want to change it up.
Well, Anon, you know the rules and so do I about doppel gangers.
Probably no contrast paints, even going over it with a basecoat of green it's going to look very dark. Duncan Rhodes does a tutorial on painting orks (and the skin), which isn't too hard but he uses a grey primer
To be honest if you wanted to build a chaos space marine army working off modern HH plastic kits is probably the most efficient way money wise if you didn't want to go third party even if you bought purchased single unit boxes only. The sons of horus praetor although it's a little pricier than the actual master of executions looks way better and would make an excellent proxy for it.
>but he uses a grey primer
I'm starting tot think that a grey primer is superior in every situation except metallics
When some YouTuber says that they use contrast paints but "different to how they are meant to be used", what do they mean? I've heard a few of them say this but never give examples. I've only seen someone use contrast paints over metallics for different colours (like turning steel into a copper colour) and that's about it
I just use it and a zenithal white but due to the humidity here it tends to come out looking fairly shit. It's not unusable but I'm getting close to buying an airbrush, just don't have much room for it atm
Dunno ask /wip/
Contrast's selling pitch is *slap that shit in and call it painted"
Most sensible people use contrast like a technical paint with different dilutions most of the time, straight from the pot has very limited applications
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>"different to how they are meant to be used", what do they mean?
Blackshields only exist in HH and are an excuse to make your own gay not-chapter of homos who are loyalist emperor's children or whatever.

How get 2500 puntos but still missing units?
OK that makes sense, so diluted with contrast medium I'm guessing
They're not completely horrible but they suffer from the same problems as AoS stormcast in the sense they're an attempt to make a 'cool' army by making the rank and file look like elite troops, when the flak jacket militia, possibly representing miners called up to fight, would have made more sense a la the original Squat army since it makes your shiny elite troops seem cooler by comparison.
Getting murdered by Iron Hands.
Alpha Legion are skaven in space.
Do you mean in the lore, where Iron Hands are completely irrelevant, or on the tabletop, where the Iron Hands are now once again completely irrelevant?
>built stupid
You can betray the emperor and not worship chaos you know, it's not a requirement that everyone has to buy into the cringe compilation crew.
>Alpha Legion are Space Skaven
>The Imperium are Space Skaven
>AdMech are Space Skaven
>Dark Mechanicum are Space Skaven
>Dark Eldar are Space Skaven
I'm beginning to think you people just see rats everywhere.
Did someone make the mistake of talking about the hobby again? Tsk tsk
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Now they can look like this.
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Like the other anon said, contrast paints and speedpaints were marketed as a "one coat and you're done" paint for newbies to get into painting with easily.
The truth, however, is that if you use one coat of contrast paint over white primer like advertised your model will look like shit.
The best way to use a contrast paint, in my experience, is to dilute it with contrast medium and apply lightly to make it act the same as a wash, or you can use them for glazing.
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How’s this list building off of the Dark Angels combat patrol?

>Captain in Gravis Armor
>Captain with Relic Shield
>Bladeguard Ancient
>10 Intercessors
>5 Heavy Intercessors
>6 Bladeguard Veterans
>5 Hellblasters
>1 Redemptor Dreadnought
That’s 970 points which leaves 30 for enhancements too
>We’ll leave you with the sound of motors revving past the horizon, and the promise of more reveals for the Ironhead Squat Prospectors in the very near future…
They're making squat bikers finally? can we consider squats properly back now?
I have a few characters to paint, and I want to update my thundercav, after that I'm done with my wolves for the time.
No it wouldn't have made more sense at all. Why would a massive and incredibly successful empire of highly trained and well armed militaries be using mining labor as its mainline soldiers? You get the occasional mining crew as shock troops or scrappers as scouts but they are not the bulk of the fighting force

That's something for rag tag rebels on a shoestring budget like genestealer cults. Leagues are well trained, well armed professional soldiers. I think you fundamentally misunderstand what leagues are
It's just such a newfag hobbylet question it's barely worth a response
Man these guys look kickass.
Uh oh GW shill melty.
Those yellow helmet are hideous. Also I really hate the "neutral" colour palette of nu-warhammer.
Otherwise the models are ok.
it was there since the first codex

and the exact nature of the control is still unclear but likely works on multiple levels, the chemical one might just be the most evident but a subtle psychic influence is not to be ignored, tau are not utterly without a psychic presence and it's been noted that their psychic presence goes exponential depending on the numbers, not linear, so there must be an interaction at play.
It's barely mentioned here desu, Mr nomodels

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