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Administratum woes

>Warhammer Day Preview Show 2024

>Balance Dataslate:

>Community Links:

>3rd Party Models Pastebin:

Info hash: d91d8b9daa9c5dc9105fc0ec09812cbc17a752b5

>10th Edition Rules:

>Tithes Animations

>Previous thread:

>Thread question:
If you're in the habit of homebrewing rules, why don't you share some of them with the class?
It's common to say that the most current edition blows, the rules aren't as good as the older ones, yada yada.

Are there any rules you think had a HUGE improvement from Early/Midhammer to now?
I like vehicles now and I hate the shit out of spread.
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Wtf do companies 6-10 do?
Remove vehicles from the game

How does he put on the helmet with the jood? Serious question.
They provide support and replace casualties in the battle companies during campaign. It says so right there in the pic you posted. Can't you read?
10 is a scout company.
6-9 are reserves
>I could theoretically make an entire 2k point list consisting entirely of rogal dorns, leman russes, and a baneblade
>I could, in theory, be the most annoying ass tonkatanknigger in my LGS
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How are Primaris chapters/companies organized now that they have a bunch of new units that don't fit anywhere into previous codex standard companies?
So basically 500 space marines just sit on their asses waiting to replace some scrub? Or companies are never actually deployed in numbers they're supposed to be deployed? Sounds incredibly stupid.
What units do you think don't fit?
Ask if someone wants to do a big tank battle and then go for it. Anyone who makes a spam meme list without warning are gay as fuck
6 to 9 provide reserves to companies 2 to 5. Ratios os squads and the composition of the reserve companies would also indicate Assault and Devastator marines suffer higher than average casualties.

10th company are the Scouts; they scout. Interestingly there is no explicit number of Scout squads, meaning there's no apparent limit on how mamy Scouts can be there.
No, units from that are attached to provide extra support.
They don't seem to have tactical/devastator/assault squad equivalents and instead have dozen or so small units that are 3 guys with specialized wargear, plus some larger 5-10 man units that have all one type of weapon. It's like you took a tactical squad, put all the bolter guys in one squad and all the non-bolter guys in their own squads with one weapon type per squad. Just interested to see if anything has been written or if GW just gave up on the military wargame autism
The implication is that the Battle Companies have a high attrition rate during campaigns. Reserve Companies supposedly garrison and train while the Battle Companies are deployed, and the Scouts eventually grasuate into full Marines to replace those in the Reserve that went into a Battle Company.
You will have an ugly ass army that will rival imperial agents
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Do Redemptionist Sisters of Battle exist? If so, do they wear hats such as this one?
All primaris marines can swap their gear out whenever they want depending on the mission profile just like before. Gw nickle and dining unit sizes is the only reason you see 3 and 6 man units now. They have the same overall organization broadly, it’s just the tools that are a bit different.
Tactical, devastator, assault, aren't the names anymore.
It's more generic designations that multiple units fit into.
For example, reference the pic, a classic Tactical Squad and and Intercessor Squad are both "Battleline" units and use the upwards arrow.
>tactical, assault and devastator squads still exist
>but they aren't present in the game or mentioned at all in the lore
Huh? My best guess is from space marine 2 where marines are deployed in groups of 3 and equipped with mini-drop pod care packages
Funniest piece of lore
>Tzeentch corrupts through whispered words and sowing dissent
>Slaanesh corrupts through preying on your pride or general hedonism
>Nurgle corrupts by providing a refuge for the disaffected, letting them become content in their suffering
>Khorne blows up a big "corruption" bomb that makes everyone turn psycho and start killing each other
someone got me something called grimguards, can I just use these as generic imperial guard?
Ah ok I see, are the companies made with the same structure or are they organized like anything in recent 40k editions of "Who gives a fuck just put some models on the table"
Yeah but a better equivalent is death korps
Just take you classic chapter structure picture and replace the "tactical" with "battleline," etc. The only substance difference is that the 10th company maintains its 100 edicated Vanguard marines (10 squads' worth) in addition to the regular scouts
Wasn't there a Greater Daemon of Khorne that had an aura effect that increased everyone's attacks but also forced them to charge the nearest unit? Even Skarbrand still has a frenzy AoE in Total War 3
Gotcha, thank you!
the shittiest taste imaginable
S a codex compliant chapter would have more than 1K black carapaced marines now? 100 dudes per compamy + each of their staffs.
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Justify this.
>draws inferno pistol
That’s already the case, apothecaries, techmarines, and chaplains don’t count towards the cap. And you can have as many scouts as you want.
fill in
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When's venenum?
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>>I could theoretically make an entire 2k point list consisting entirely of rogal dorns, leman russes
You can't, these are special characters, and not even allowed in 40k
Of course
Like the other fella said, officers, serfs, scout corps never counted
redemptionists are fanatics officially unaffiliated to the church as far as I know

But you can have very zealous sob and they can have very hot hats, I'd say
>And you can have as many scouts as you want.
But they don't have the black carapace and thus poqer armor, that's the difference. There's effectively 100 new marines per company, shooting up their number to closer to 1100 at full capacity, depending on how many staff members they're allowed to have per company (it's questionable canon but Blood Ravens were noted as having higher than average number of Librarians, so the number likely isn't fixed) plus the officers, which should number at 30 now that Lieutenants are a thing.
i have finally collected 1000 points and I am in the middle of finishing off the paintjobs for them.
soon I will break the nogaems curse.
Yeah, but before you only had 900 marines + officers and staff at full capacity, with a soft cap at 1K. Now the minimum for full capacity is 1K, plus those staff and officers.
My bad! I'm from the future of 14th edition and to sell more primarch models you can have several of them in the same army!
>there's no apparent limit on how mamy Scouts can be there.
The amount of available geneseed helps moderate the number of scouts. There will rarely be a huge surfeit of the stuff beyond what's necessary for replacement.
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their best!
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Oops, forgot about this. Here you go: https://imgur.com/a/khwWD6q
Not op but I will be using that as an excuse to have an inordinately large 10th company on my dudes.
Typically the administratum will take excess geneseed, however a particularly ballsy chapter could keep some serfs around for geneseed cloning to have plenty on hand.
For some reason I'm thinking of an enemy I fought in a dark souls game
IIRC the Exorcists are currently running three scout companies because they keep sticking daemons in their scouts.
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>Reading the space book.
>Interestingly there is no explicit number of Scout squads, meaning there's no apparent limit on how mamy Scouts can be there.
the black templars abuse this loophole in the codex to bump their numbers considerably, but being on a crusade or in preparation for one seems to be a key ingredient for the loophole, so there's probably a clause underlining how the imperium might see a chapter amassing neophytes as a redflag.
Yeah that's what it takes to own astra Mili cum
The BT’s get away with it be not operating all in the same region, most chapters are tied to a given area so the inquisition might notice if they start deploying too many dudes to a given fight. Because the BT’s are spread into so many chapter fleets and usually fuck off as soon as they finish murderfucking the target of the day they can get away with it.

But yeah there’s 0 limit on recruitment while on a non-penitent crusade so that the chapter doesn’t potentially die out on a long campaign if they can’t go back to their usual recruiting grounds.
Squads from 6 to 9 are also assigned to battle companies or ad hoc forces on an as-needed basis. If you have a mission which requires a lot of firepower, you send the 2nd but request two additional squads from the 8th. If you have to plug the gap somewhere with a half-company, the 6th or 9th will provide the leadership and the main force, other companies will supplement the specialists.
Some slack is permitted under the codex if the chapter is on a crusade. Because the templars are always crusading they are never fully constrained by adherence to the codex. And because they are spread out it's practically impossible to get a perfect overview of how many of them there are in the galaxy at any given time.
>How are Primaris chapters/companies organized now
Same as ever but there's slightly more marines than before.
>Anyone who makes a spam meme list without warning are gay as fuck
daily reminder that an all MEQ list is just as "skew" as 120 gaunts or all tanks. it's just such a common skew list it warps the entire meta around it such that every single list is built to deal with masses of 2W 3+ save

I implore you to play against vehicles in tenth edition

You will enjoy it i promise :^)
It's not a loophole, they explicitly disregard the codex and do not organize themselves according to its dictates. And like >>94100796, they're never all in one place at one time so a crusade of twenty or thirty Battle Brothers here, another hundred or so there, each one with neophyte squires, starts to add up.

They're probably already at legion strength in terms of raw headcount, but by keeping their forces dispersed and on the move they can't be held accountable. And who would hold them to account, anyway? It's a waste of political capital for an Inquisitor to pick a fight with a space marine chapter, and there are a lot of people who owe debts to the BTs already.
how are there muzzle flashes before the projectile has left the barrel
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>Harlequins are an elite, specialized troupe that only congregates in small numbers
>Despite this, they get added in as a separate army anyways
>Has a unique playstyle about close-range shooting, movement tricks and being able to hold their own in melee
Ok sure, it’s cool but also bullshit, the lore says they wouldn’t appear in such large numbers normally
>Ffw a couple editions
>Harlequins are a consistently high win rate army with low pick rates and low sales
>Impossible to balance around compared to regular Aeldari
>GW decided to cut their losses
>Harlequins get souped and rolled into Aeldari for 10th edition
Makes sense, there was low demand anyways
>Ffw a couple months
>No one cares
>When you bring this up, they just tell you to wait for the codex

>Deathwatch is an elite, specialized strike force that deploys in small numbers
>Deathwatch gets added in as a space marine chapter anyways
>Doesn’t have a unique playstyle, just marines but with weird anti-xenos weapons
Ok sure, that’s cool but also bullshit, the lore says they wouldn’t field that many at once
>Ffw a couple editions
>Death watch is a consistently low win rate army with low pick rates
>Impossible to balance when compared to regular space marines
>Gw decides to cut their losses
>Primaris kill teams get sent to legends and the army is rolled into imperial agents
Makes sense, there was low demand anyways
>Ffw a couple months
>The entire community throws their shit
>Apparently people were so upset about the souping that they sent GW death threats
>GW has to come out and say “we hear you, please don’t kill us haha, we’ll add deathwatch back”

I genuinely hate space marine players. Some of the most entitled, self-centered brats ever who only care about their faction.
Why can't cawl or the chaos gods just make more primarchs
That's true, and it's why every god fearing list should have a mix of infantry and vehicles/monsters. If your game allows you to spam one hyper efficient unit then it is failed
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What's that funky symbol on the Primars dude's belt armor flap thing?
>no glow effect on the plasma

literally stay mad butt guy
turns out when you have more players you get more response to negative changes
sorry you picked a contrarian army with no playerbase :)
Ok ignore the guy in pic rel and respond to the fucking point, you fucking 9 year old
The concrete number for BT is around 5000-6000 marines as per the 4th edition codex.
And the Psychic Awakening: Faith and Fury reinforces this by saying the BT are not codex compliant and don't use the codex.

Nowadays it could very well be more, like 7000-8000 marines.
If they haven't already broken the 10k mark.
I fear source lighting all the way down in my balls anon. Nothing will get me to do it until I have an airbrush.
>how are there muzzle flashes before the projectile has left the barrel
The projectile already left.
Both marines missed their shots.
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>Ok sure, it’s cool but also bullshit, the lore says they wouldn’t appear in such large numbers normally
you're retarded. harlequins have had their own codex since 3rd edition, and even in 2nd edition there were specifically rules for running an all-harlequin army. Who says they don't appear in """""such large numbers""""? Nigger even a 2k point list for 40k is like 50 dudes max. Eldar are a "dying race" in comparison to their 60,000,000 year old galactic hegemony, there's still enough fucking elves around for there to be fifty dudes.

Read a fucking codex and stop getting your information from retarded memes like "dude harlequins are eldar custodes". All harlequin armies have existed longer than you've been fucking alive you stupid fake grog
my man sallyanon lives in a different dimension than our own. completely detached from standards of painting mere mortals adhere to
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Why would they glow in the first place?
>If your game allows you to spam one hyper efficient unit then it is failed
welll, 40k is definitely a failure considering 100 marine body black templar crusader spam is not just viable but top tier
Dude, leagues of Votann launched with nearly twice as many models as harlequins. GW sabotaged us by giving us no models, and as a result, every “how to get into 9th edition 40K” guide told new players to not buy harlequins since you could barely build an army with them
because real men overcharge every shot
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Same as before but the 10th company has 10 Vanguards in addition to Scouts and there are 2 Lieutenants in each company now too.
Should bolter even have muzzle flash? It's using gyrojet ammo, right?
>bro marinefags are so mean, they actually care about their faction and want to keep it playable
>why don't marinefags just take it up the ass like us xenofags whenever GW tries to fuck them over, bro? so rude and entitled bro...
You really are dumb motherfucker, you know that?
because clown elves don't deserve it and squats were violently requested for literal decades
Yeah that shit is cringe
>Ok sure, it’s cool but also bullshit, the lore says they wouldn’t appear in such large numbers normally
A couple dozen at most? Doesn't seem that far fetched to me. Unless you're playing ine of the horde armies there's never many models on the table even in large games, and even in those armies it's unlikely to go beyond 100 dudes.
Yes, I was inaccurate, but I was trying to stretch the lore to fit my death watch comparison. What the lore says is that it’s rare for a masque to have more than a couple dozen members. Doesn’t mean they can’t, but still
>Why can't cawl
He tried, that's what Alpha Primus is, and he is a failure regarding it. It isn't that subtle even.
>or the chaos gods just make more primarchs
Because they can't only the Emperor knows how.
>but muh warp shit on molech
Nulore, ignore.
It’s worth noting that the BT attrition rate is downright atrocious. They’ve lost multiple entire crusade fleets at different times and something like 2/3rds of their neophytes die before becoming initiates. Which probably makes it still harder to pin down how many marines they have. A lot of them executed by their mentors for failing in some way or another. They only keep up by recruiting from every single planet they visit. Abandoned BT mini fortresses are all over the damn place. Even HELBRECHT doesn’t know how many there are.
No dude, we did complain, but apparently marine fans sent fucking death threats and the wider 40K community decided that THIS was the time to circle the wagons and demand change.
What ate these?
>we did complain
all five of you
Naw I’m just a coward.
This is true. Never not be overcharging.
Some chapters incorporate an 8 pointed star into their design. I think it's a hoodover from when lots of imperial shit was implied to be unknowingly chaotic
>care about their faction
So I said to my ai on my tablet.
About the Space Wolves of 40K.

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uh oh clown elf melty
Considering Volkus is an empire-tau frontline, probably the kroot.
See >>94100966

>all five of you
That’s my point, there weren’t many death watch players but the 40K community collectively decided to circle the wagons for the special mahreens

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About the Space Wolves of 40K.
Sent by Copilot:
The Space Wolves are one of the most iconic and fierce Chapters in the Warhammer 40,000 universe. Known in their own dialect as the Vlka Fenryka or “Wolves of Fenris,” they hail from the icy death world of Fenris. Here are some key points about them:

Founding and Primarch: The Space Wolves are one of the original 20 First Founding Space Marine Legions, created during the Great Crusade. Their Primarch is Leman Russ, a legendary warrior known for his strength and ferocity12.
Culture and Organization: Unlike many other Space Marine Chapters, the Space Wolves have a strong anti-authoritarian streak and embrace the savage, warrior culture of their homeworld. They are known for their unorthodox organization and tactics, often deviating from the Codex Astartes13.
Combat Style: The Space Wolves excel in close-quarters combat, embodying the ferocity and cunning of their Primarch. They have a wide array of melee-focused units and many special characters to choose from34.
Notable Units and Characters: Some of their unique units include the Thunderwolf Cavalry and Wulfen, while notable characters include Logan Grimnar, the Great Wolf, and Ragnar Blackmane14.
hundreds of multiples of deathwatch players over clown-elves
cope and seethe all you want, your literal meme faction should've never been standalone :)
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Barrels are not airtight, allowing some of the gas to move around the projectile, and a large muzzle device can allow burning gasses to expand around the projectile before it exits the very end.
It’s been standalone since third edition
Their battle cry, “For Russ and the Allfather!” echoes their dedication to their Primarch and the Emperor. The Space Wolves are truly a force to be reckoned with in the galaxy of Warhammer 40,00012.

Are you a fan of their lore or looking to start an army of Space Wolves?







>the 40K community collectively decided to circle the wagons for the special mahreens
it's more about circling the wagon to demand Imperial Agents not be a fucking joke. It's clear GW really wanted to sell it as a $60 tax to bring a Callidus when a lot of people expected and demanded more out of it.
>Should bolter even have muzzle flash?
Bolters aren't caseless ammo and haven't been for like 30+ years at this point.
In-universe fanon reason? So the bolters are lethal at both close and long range.
With the conventional charge in the casing guaranteeing armor penetration and killing power at close range. While the rocket engine enables the bolter to be precise and lethal at very long ranges without any decrease in lethality like with conventional projectiles that lose more energy for longer they fly through the air.

Out of universe reason?
Because GW realized that having big guns throwing out lot of brass casings in art pieces looks cool as fuck.
and? Doesn't change that clown elves don't matter and neither does your crying
>What the lore says is that it’s rare for a masque to have more than a couple dozen members.
And that couple dozen members is what is being deployed, I don't see the issue here.
the iron halo
it's a honorific, on top of being a piece of protective equipment often given to people deserving said honorific
it's usually red
>Should bolter even have muzzle flash?
>It's using gyrojet ammo, right?
No, they use two-stage self-propelled projectiles.
What lists are you planning to bring to your next game, anons?
>we complained
You and the 5 other harliefags.
You are a dumb motherfucker that is surprised that a faction with a larger player population makes lot more noise than the measly minority faction that is a minor subfaction within an already niche faction.

It's like being part of some small activist group that has only 10 members and then being surprised that the local town goverment doesn't listen to you, but instead listen to the other group that has 10 000 members.
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The Iron Hands do it funnily. Their companies are properly categorized into veteran, battle, reserve, and scout like any other codex-compliant chapter's. However, every company recruits its own aspirants for the scout company. They only use the codex's labels because it looks proper to outsiders. In actuality there is no escalator system where fresh graduates from the scout company cut their teeth in the reserve companies before advancing to the battle companies. If a scout was recruited by the veteran company, they will immediately be inducted into the veteran company. Reserve companies are not used for advanced training, they frequently fight their own battles.

What all this means in practice is that there are nine battle companies and a tenth scout company. There is no middle ground between being a trainee and a full battle-brother. Once you're out of the scout company it's sink or swim.
My point is that, for example, T’au vs. Tyranids or Orks vs. Mechanicum is something that probably happens often, because there’s so many people in those respective factions, they probably fight at scale so often. But harlequins are comparatively rare. The average marine probably fights tyranids hundreds of times over their life. They probably would fight harlequins once.

Again, I’m not even sure we’re arguing. I was just stretching the lore in a funny way to make a comparison between them and death watch
I like orks but hate building/painting hordes and vehicles
what's the lowest model count for a 2k army you could pull off with orks that isn't just trukks and superheavy spam
There's not a max number of clowns in a masque to begin with, they're literal theater troupes and quasi religious organizations. It's like asking "how many people are in a dark eldar wych cult", however many you fucking want
Which Dreadnought should I buy for my Space Marines?
>But harlequins are comparatively rare. The average marine probably fights tyranids hundreds of times over their life. They probably would fight harlequins once.
and how many times do you think space marines fight fucking Grey Knights? or the Shadowkeeper Custodes whose job is literally guarding secret vaults on Terra? How many times do you think space marines fight the Blood Angels, of which there's only a few hundred left following the Devastation of Bhaal?

how many times do you think marines fight three bloodthirsters plus Shalaxi and Be'lakor?
One of each. Brutalis is the coolest tho.
This one.
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there's a clown car joke to be made in there
>>care about their faction
marinefags care so much about their "factions" that they unironically think blue marines and red marines and green marines and slightly different shade of green marines all deserve to be completely unique factions with completely unique rules instead of a fucking paint scheme.
>my guys wear green and use lots of flamers, where's the salamanders codex???
okay, paint them green and equip them with flamers. you don't need a faction to represent trends in wargear loadout.
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>the Blood Angels, of which there's only a few hundred left
Fix'd. You're welcome.
>marinefags care so much about their "factions" that they unironically think blue marines and red marines and green marines and slightly different shade of green marines all deserve to be completely unique factions with completely unique rules
Yes, they do. And they should be.
And no amount of xenofag seething is not going to change that.
>>my guys wear green and use lots of flamers, where's the salamanders codex???
>okay, paint them green and equip them with flamers.
No enough, give me the special flamer and melta rules and relics and psychic powers or fuck off.
Simple as.
Can chaos gods make new planets? Or fill up the void of space?
>there's a clown car joke to be made in there
How come there's no rule letting double the number of harlequins fit in transports
I know it'd probably be busted but I don't care, it's funny.
>make all ranged dread
>give it storm bolters
>make a close combat dread
>give it heavy bolters
Is everything alright with GW designers?
didn't devastation happen AFTER they'd already gotten their primaris reinforcements? that's not a fix. the BA also only recruit from that one irradiated shithole to begin with and the population of baal was only 100,000 mutants BEFORE the nids hit it, now they're lucky to have 10,000 people left on the whole planet (yes I know bri'ish mafffs means ignore GW numbers but still)
Any yellow enjoyers here? Whats the best recipe’s for yellow? I have an airbrush and looking to get started with imperial fists
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You could run a Bully Boyz detachment and have an army centered around Nobz and Meganobz
You could have it work like a Necron Night Scythe where you just say "One infantry UNIT can fit in a clown transport" so you could put a min sized or max sized squad in one no problem
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base with pink
zenithal white or bone from above
contrast yellow over all of that
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>No enough, give me the special flamer and melta rules and relics and psychic powers or fuck off.
sorry, you're a paint scheme, please enjoy your one themed detachment anyone can take and be quiet while the adults are speaking. If you're unsatisfied there's an entire game just for people like you called 30k
I really wanna see what this would look like without the pink
What pink is that? Vallejo or army painter?
>didn't devastation happen AFTER
No. How the hell did you even get that idea? It's so completely wrong and easily debunked by any primary source addressing the matter that I imagine it's genuinely really difficult to develop that misunderstanding while in the process of learning anything at all about the Devastation of Baal or the introduction of Primaris into the Blood Angels. Are you just dumb?
I wish chaos space marines got the same gibs that loyalists have...
if you have an airbrush you've already made it a lot easier on yourself
no clue
much flatter
Can I ask kind folk in here if there's a scan of the CSM codex for 10th available? I'd be eternally grateful
>sorry, you're a paint scheme
That's why 10th edition is a dogshit edition and I don't support it.
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CSM doesn't need a million goddamn Aspect Marines, the fact they still have Chosen/Legionaries, Havocs, and Raptors is a good thing
you were just a paint scheme in every single edition that 40k was good besides 10th, too.
Nope, 8th was based and it's how it should be.
Give me my rules or fuck off. No deal otherwise.
Legionaries being generalists is cooler and fits the fluff better. The only good thing about Primaris is that CSM are more distinct compared to their shitty cousins.
>Give me my rules or fuck of
you are welcome to fuck off to /hhg/.
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Chill homie. We had our time in the sun and it will come again. In the meantime just build cool dudes and keep banging your head against that wall trying to find a way to make themed lists work without hand holding rules. S’what I’ve been doing. It was fun last edition and if we’re lucky customization may return, just gotta be patient and let the other factions get their stuff for a bit.
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Finished my first squad of AL boys
Gonna pick up some of the army painter medium for the next batch to see if I can get the speed paints more consistent
How is that citadel texture paint for snow? I want to experiment with different materials for snow bases
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I use Averland Sunset followed by Yriel yellow. And I use flash gitz yellow for edge highlights if I ever feel bothered to do it which is rare.

But I'm also dogshit at painting so take my advice with a grain of salt

I'm also garbage at painting so
Which Xeno would you mating press
These look pretty decent to me, don't be so hard on yourself. Unless this is the "I say I'm bad so people will call me good" bait in which case fuck off
When do we get a datasheet for the new tankbustas? 6 models instead of 5 with actual options this time instead of a locked load out
What is the ork equivalent to a platoon? A mob could be considered a platoon since it could have around 30 guys, and kill team shows that a smaller mob of like 10 orks is used as a squad. But also Orks have nothing inbetween a Boy and a Nob. They also have nothing between a Nob and a warboss. Would a platoon be led by a Nob of multiple smaller squads with tough boys acting as his enforcers?

I get it's super fluid and not written down anywhere, but I wonder what you guys think. I'm working on a chain of command conversion to 40k and I'm between making an ork platoon either by some sort of bigger nob leading 2x20 ork mobs, or a nob leading 3x10 ork "gangs" or some such
>game has dice rolling
>try to make it competitive
What were they thinking?

And it worked too
Nice that sounds more my speed
are they alright on the tabletop? I don't care about muh meta or anything but I don't want something that's gonna struggle just to keep up
wait until you learn about poker
wait till you learn how popular mahjong is
Hey we may be degenerate gamblers but at least we pay our money up front.
Why is there not a Warhammer 40k Tabletop anime with intense dice rolling
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what army would akagi play?
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>Kaiji anime where he plays World Eaters and needs Angron to revive or he'll get his fingers cut off
fund it
better than anything on WH+
If the 3 squads are close together they have one Nob - the biggest ork.
When they break up into squads of 10 each of the biggest orks gets to be the nob for them, simple.
If you are 1% big you get to be the boss, until you meet some bigger ork then you are a nob. Don't overthink it, there's always the biggest ork and he's in charge
Those colors are too close together to create much contrast. Better to start yellow from shades of red, orange, or brown.

The reason >>94101224 creates more contrast is because Magenta+Yellow = Red/Red+Yellow= Orange.
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Painted these guys, I'm happy with how the sword turned out, first time trying heat effect
>We had our time in the sun and it will come again.
Nah, fuck that attitude.
GW is a retarded company and only thing it understands is harsh and loud noise.
Rolling over and just taking the punches is what has gotten us to this point.
And seeing how 10th edition is I have zero hopes or expectations for 11th edition at all. It's going to be worse most likely.
Does anyone have an image of the sisters of battle codex with a demonstration of how the factions look?
I kinda need some inspiration for my pauldrons
The stripes on the cloth are really awkward and don't really make any sense with how the fabric folds
U still a daft cunt bitch
Yeah you sre right, but I'm too stupid to figure out how they should look like on folded cloth so I mostly painted them straight
How common are renegade space marines actually? It seems like everything is red corsairs which I don't consider actually renegade at all and ocdonutsteels
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Thoughts on the Raven Guard?
Awesome, got lots of bits thanks to HH
Renegades all fall to Chaos eventually.
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It just fucking happens sometimes. Often they're still loyalist they just don't like the imperium's beuraucratic bullshit. I don't think many renegades go full chaos/evil pirate gangs nowadays
That's what it seems like, it's weird that they even bother making the distinction for something that doesn't seem to really exist
I'm still unclear on when exactly Huron fell to Chaos. Like I know it was before he got melted But at what point during the war did he hop on board with chaos.

Every thing I can find just seems to skip over that.
Isn't this just a finished knight army? Like it's pretty much everything you can field, two boxes of this and some magnets and I think you're set for life lmao
Not very, especially non-chaos kek renegades.
Granted there are a couple loyalists on the borderline but are delusional about it.
Cawl only exists to be the Malcador to Emperor Gulliman.
Alpha Legion, Iron Warriors, and Night Lords I'd all consider renegade and they aren't chaosfags
The distinction is basically for the lore, renegades are traitor marines who aren’t connected to the traitor legions is what it really is. Whether they fell and got corrupted, were forcibly turned, or were from the ill fated crusade into the eye of terror that turned almost every chapter that went into chaos marines.
That’s probably on purpose because FW likes vagueries when it comes to lore a lot of the time.
Canonically most if not all renegades eventually go full chaos. Just a matter of time before someone slips up and it gets screwy and daemons start whispering in your Librarian/Chapter Master’s head.
Warhammer died when the Imperial Guard and its' stormtroopers were renamed to kosher crap.
Those three are all still traitor legions, anon is asking the distinction of loyalists going rogue, those three would most certainly not count for that question because they all have a massive amount of warbands here and there that both have a hatred in the imperium and a good amount of astartes within them that do make use of chaos.
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I don't know
but I made this
I dunno anon, calling them stormtroopers and having one of the highest ranking members being called Vader was a bit on the nose
well you're huffing fanfic, they're all chaos slaves like the rest and adorn their armor with chaos icons and directly work with chaos daemons
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1 more for roofless gayming
wrong board fuccboi
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They need to lean more into the Edgar Allan Poe references or cut them out entirely.
I want to see some Fall of the House of Usher, Cask of amontillado, and Masque of the Red Death references in their lore.

And they should all have 1800s southern/Baltimore accents.
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>the clown car
How cannon are xeno diplomatic renegade marines
>two boxes of this and some magnets and I think you're set for life lmao
the previous chainbreaker lance box was the same, it was actually better since it had warglaives as well; pretty sure this box exists to clear their warehouses full of unsold helverins
So what are Eldar Exodites, as a potential faction, even about?

I like the Eldar and would like to make a patrol on the side to play something other than marines, but whenever I talk about them I see someone here bringing up the exodites and how they wish they'd get a codex or at least a kill team and I just now realized that I don't know if they have anything unique about them?
>craftworlders are THE eldar with everything we know them for
>dark eldar are the OTHER eldar that are pretty much spiky equivalents of the above
>harlequins are the small elite version with the clown motif
>corsairs are space pirate elves
>exodites are... elves living on a planet?
Do they have any special units in the fluff or something?
they ride dinosaurs
they deserve nothing
Dinosaurs and thats it
They're sci-fi wood elves, anon. They ride cool dinosaurs and shit.
Don't Kroot do that now? Nevermind, everyone does Eldar things now, especially the Primaris.
Sallyanon is king
How hard would the Alpha legion effect be for a beginner to do? Like the half alpha legion half ultra marine efftect
Really they should be a single allied unit and not much else, just like Corsairs or Ynnari
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that sounds cool, ergo, it's not happening, especially since any american accents are banned from existing. but if they were allowed, I think it would be cool if they doubled down on the southern gothic art style.
What a horrible fucking take. How has turning the vehicle into character models with HP bars an improvement? The don't even behave like vehicles now.
Now? Kroot always did that while Exodites didnt even exist beyond text.
exodites never had major presence
you could kitbash them in 2e and then they only appeared in a game after that with epic and died afterwards
not very, you just use masking putty like bluetac and put it over half the model after painting it
All of them
>american accents are banned from existing
Except for John Grammaticus and his weird attempt at a New York accent
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>So what are Eldar Exodites, as a potential faction, even about?
why don't you read the codex they had multiple playable units in
>even about?
space elf neo-primitivist dinotopia
it's to have miniatures of alien dinosaurs with lasers strapped onto them
They look cool
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Are there any canonical rapist space marine chapters or guard regiments? Or is that too grim and dark for the setting?
Dude.... Changing mechanics to behave more like video games and less realism is a GOOD thing!!!!!
not answering a question tourists like (you) could easily find the answer of on google
Hippy amish elves are so lame they make dinosaurs uncool.
I'm doubt this counts but the Marines Vigilant became utterly unwilling to fight, due to some strange xenos manipulation that is assumed brainwashing but that's just the theory.

The Crimson Fists purged them to a man and they never fought back to defend themselves once.
slop that had to be kitbashed because it was never meant to exist
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The 2e eldar codex featuring them was literally written by rick priestley himself you dumb fake grog
and? If they were something anybody but contrarian faggots like (you) wanted they would've gotten support beyond an epic army lmao
Exodites are the opposite of hippies. They're the most rugged and individualist of all eldar subtypes and the least reliant on comforts inherited from the Old Ones. It's like calling Catachans hippies, stop being retarded, they're Eldar Deathworlders
"if people wanted it, it would already exist" is a silly argument, especially for a thread that constantly pisses and moans about armies that actually do exist like jannies.
Okay but doesn't that make the 1st company, not veterans at all? Seems like that's the one that should be the exception.
The game demands some mechanical separation, but I decided on
>Ork Nob is a Lieutenant-equivalent
>3 mobs of 10 boyz, each led by a big'un (stole from fantasy)
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Exodites wouldn't be another full faction but a microfaction existing inside the eldar codex just like kroots do in tau and harlequins already do in eldar.

Exodites are more archaic looking, have got dinosaurs, their own flair of more literal wraithbone and their planets are a relatively important element of eldar background, often a reason to get involved into a conflict such is their potential value as the new planets where eldar may live and be protected from slaanesh.
i think hes talking about matchup that are reasonable in lore, obviously the occacion where blood angels fight ultramarines happens at a GS because nobody wants to play the bad guys
which is why the emperor children release should get cancelled, right?
I like exodites because they ride Dinosaurs, that all they are
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rate this very serious list
>So what are [marine faction n16], as a potential faction, even about?
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that makes me wonder
What do you think we'll see for the Emperors children, with regard to new models?
>Oi ladz look, it's DA BOSS
>'Ez got all 'iz biggunz wit im
>Wez in for a PROPA FOIGHT
You know why it's bad
>Three bloodthirster, shalaxi, and Be’lakor

Fuck that got me man. Seen it so many times now. It is fun punking Be’lakor with just a couple eradicators tho.
If I have a Captain in Terminator Armor, and I paint him in Dark Angels colors, do I have to run him as Belial?
marines fighting marines is always just training exercises.
Lame, cowardly, passionless.
So what do the watchers in the dark have to do with the dark angels being gay
t. got raped
>interrogator-chaplain Assbringer, why did the dark angels kill sixteen space wolves and injure hundreds more in a "surprise training exercise gone wrong"
we don't spoonfeed faggots like you here
sorry zoomie
I don't see why you would?
it's too cool isn't it
At least I didn't get raped lol
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Fuck that. I’m out to kill some Vorpal Sword chapter shitheads who challenged our decisions in an honourable battle to resolve our differences with the winner getting the equipment of the loser. I want some more dreadnoughts baby
The Christmas boxes are actually kinda laughably bad upon further review. The big knight doesn't even have the upgrade sprues and is just the 2014 kit, sisters is actually fucking anemic in everything, tau is just showcasing it's shitty gundams, and necrons is okay but it has warriors.
>The big knight doesn't even have the upgrade sprues and is just the 2014 kit,
how do you know?
>Tau box is bad because it has tau units in it
Great post
Gw confirmed it in the reveal article.
I love a leader that's in my starter saving set with nothing to lead in my fomo box.
You retards have no idea what words mean
i heard that the dark angels one is decent, but thats coming from a space marine player
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welp, that's downright jewish of them
I'll bite
why is it bad?
I accept your concession
I'm too lazy to finish it but you get the gist
Is the Redemptor Dreadnought good I like that it has a big plasma cannon
its the best dread right now
The "christmas boxes" aren't anything of note anymore they just shit out battleforces throughout the year now and every book release for every game has an army box
Most of the units suffer a lot from not being led, and a shooty Mek attached to Nobz doesn't count. Borderline trolling.
Why are marinefags so lazy? You have a hundred books talking about all the autistic shit they argue and butt heads over. Come up with something for whatever matchup you're doing!
>Ultramarines fighting Black Templars
The Black Templars defended a world within Ultramar before the Ultramarines could get there in time. The Black Templars declare the world one of their recruiting planets and no longer paying Tithe to Maccrage. The Ultramarines are fucking pissed and a Demi-company to go "settle" the matter. Words are exchanged, heated debate follows, and it finally ends in a challenge. The two forces meet on the battlefield with the victor claiming the planet. Allowances are made for Apothecaries to recapture all Gene-seed in the aftermath, as such a loss could be replenished.
easy to call people lazy when you're a nogames like yourself
I'd have to go back throughout the years but they seem worse than usual for value
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First Terminator for my Alpha legion pretty much done
Looks great but have you considered using nuln oil to add some shading the the silver plates?
What's the power level order of: CTan, Eldar God, Primarch, Daemon Primarch, and atge biggest class of Titan?
It is a good box though I'd say the worst part is The Lion, and this goes for Necrons too, unless as a personal painting/comversion project nobody's going to want multiple of the same named character, which can very well devalue it in such a case.
This reminds me, is there a single official artistic depiction of two Imperium factions fighting against each other?
>2 tankbustas squads
>no warboss leading any of the nobz squads
>no nobz squads with power klaws
>none of the meganobz have kill saws

i still wanna see it in action though
Big assault cannon redemptor is cooler
My Necrons and my friend's Ork have been in constant conflict because every time the Necrons beat the Orks, more Orks show up looking for a good fight. Every time the Orks beat the Necrons, the Overlord gets pissed and reawakens more and more soldiers to settle this petty squabble over some border worlds. It matches the vibe since I'm playing with a decade old collection of dust collecting models that kid me never knew to varnish. He's a new player and constantly expanding his force, so whenever I bring stuff to match the new points total I dig it out of my basement. Also my Overlord and his Warboss have an especially tense rivalry since they almost always get into a fight and they're pretty evently matched between them and their Lychguard/Nobz
which metallic paint did you use for the armour?
The knights Christmas box is actually hilariously stingy compared to the old one which was incredibly successful and popular.
The old box was 2x Helverins, 2x Warglaives, plus Canis Rex. You'd buy two boxes and get a full 2,000 point army with a balance between melee and range units, Canis who's the best big Knight in the game and also a good ally for other factions, and then simply build the second Canis as a different big knight instead with bondsmen abilities.

the new box is four Helverins, the big knight is worse than Canis and lacks the upgrade sprue, and if you buy two of them your army is gonna be a lot worse for not having any melee or anti-tank options. It's like they saw the unanimous praise for the Chain breaker box and went "oh fuck we actually made something too good, quick make it worse"
There's the Badab War
Plasma cannons are cooler they blow up and glow blue

Also should I get a Captain or Chaplain to lead my three bladeguard guys or something else
How the fuck are you supposed to read this? It doesn't make any sense right to left or left to right. Is it right to up to left down to up?
coomers dont read, anon
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While I agree with this, if you put a helverin on the table and called it a chain blade or whatever, I could not fucking tell the difference and wouldn't give a shit. Just tell me what save I have to roll
You wouldn't be able to tell the difference between an autocannon and a big chainsword?
Leadbelcher over wraithbone primer, kroxigor over that for the colored plate and nuln oil over the trim. Really simple but I wanted an easier army to paint after doing a bunch of sisters.
Which one is the helverin? Which one has the melta?
Any official art from it showing Imperium armies engaged with each other? And that one's kind of a stretch anyway since one side is just a prelude to chaos Space Marines and chaos traitor guard. But you'll never see something like art of Gray Knights attacking Sisters of battle or the Space a wolves and the GK fighting or AdMech opening fire on Imperial Guard.
>is there a single official artistic depiction of two Imperium factions fighting against each other
probably cheating but the videogames have plenty of this. There might be art if shit like the Months of Shame or banana jannies chimping out at their own Primaris reinforcements too. Despite GW's continued assurance this is the worst regime in history and the official canon being that it's a Byzantine bureaucracy with many competing factions warring for power while the Emperor is indisposed there's not actually that much art of Imperial on Imperial violence.
I guess Kingmaker has assassins vs knights.

The problem is if there was a bunch of art of space marines getting melted by SoB with a Meltagun marine players would whine about it, which is why we get the exact opposite and it's instead Marvel team ups like the indomitus trailer
Because like, helverin kinda sounds like a portmanteau of hell and culverin, and that describes melta pretty well. But isn't it the dakka one? Should call that one the caliver or something
Alright, I'm building my crisis suits, and the instructions show a build where the suits float by using the stands for the drones. Anyone tried it? I think it would look cool but if it breaks easily then I'd rather not do it.
Helverin is double autocannon, Warglaive is big Melta cannon and chainsword. The loadouts really look nothing alike
The armigers can be built as either variant, but that doesn't detract from the big knight being a stingy fucking "deal".
did anyone here get one of the christmas boxes from last year?

the ork one looks proper meme worthy (le snagga shit)
Helverins have dual auto cannons in place of arms. Warglaives have a giant Meltagun as one arm and a giant chainsword as the other. They don't look anything alike even at a glance
Yeah, I kind of assumed it was to protect the image of factions that they didn't want to depict as antagonistic toward each other, even if the lore says it happens all the time. It's very important to the 40k culture that fans of the Imperium all band together in their hatred of the Xenos and Chaos.
Not a taufag but flight stands are a pain imo
>The armigers can be built as either variant
Does it actually say that on the website, because they took out the upgrade sprue for the big knight
There's gonna be a ton of them floating around for years not a single one of them is good
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You're missing the point. Put the gun one on the table and paint it like, fucking red or something and just tell me it's the choppy one. That's what I did with my Gunwagon and Bonebreaka, the blue one is shooty and red one with the big rolla is choppy. You're worrying too hard about it.
Rogue Trader and early 40k probably has the most official artwork of internecine violence, with that proto-SoB shooting a marine being the most famous one
Disgusting behaviour
Why are incels obsessed with rape?
>that artwork
Dark Eldar = sex, drugs, rock and roll
Slaanesh = fucked up extreme fetish porn which may or may not make sense in the first place.
Know the difference.
So we should ignore the blatant bad value because you're a retard that would be satisfied with a coke can instead of a model
Unless they retcon their article AGAIN this is what it says
My point is nobody but Ork players know what the fuck a Gunwagon or a Bonebreaka are, and can't tell the difference between them on name alone.
No, I even said I agree with the original guy. It is worse value.
There was one chapter at least that legit didnt give a shit about murderpillaging civilians for the lulz. Only tolerated because they were good at killing chaos/xenos. I forget their name. Like, the Facefuckers, or something.
>saw an Argentinian streamer buy a box of intercessors for 5,000 Argentinian pesos
Bros how does that work? That's like $5
okay that's not AS bad as I thought it was but only errant and paladin is pretty lame but still par for the course. It's still probably the "best" value box out of all these

who cares lmao
Unironically trans Bile marines, not as the overt selling point but visually and a way too heavy emphasis on music
Regional pricing is a fancy way of saying international corporations price gouge the shit out of you for living in a first world country.

Even at 5000 pesos that box of intercessors made in Nottingham is still turning a profit, it's like 50 cents of plastic plus electricity as their main cost.
Slaanesh being the tranny faction used to work when the setting was half-decent.
Now I fear they will abandon that angle completely due to "the modern audience."
Noise Marines
Phoenix Terminators inexplicably in cataphractii armour
Special Lord equivalent
Some special possessed
Release slot wasting chaff unit.
There's a difference between profit and profit incentive*. Without the incentive of first-worlders to price gouge, GW wouldn't exist.
Again not as the unit role, but I'm telling you right now the first female space marine will be in that release as a Bile creation and this place will become even worse than it already is
Am I missing something? Doesnt the knight questoris box come with all the upgrades and such?
EC are allowed to have tranny marines, they're the hedonist faction.
You play orks, 90% of your models are shitty kitbashes and there's no point in arguing with you about what should be what. You're barely above Tyranids in terms of "yeah fuck it just tell me your rules I can't tell the difference"
Imperium players have to actually follow the rules because people know pretty well how Imperium guns should look.
It'll never happen and you're making yourself mad over scenarios in your head again
looking good brother
Would you give me shit for running Mk6s with plasma guns as Hellblasters?
Cool, so your argument was things look very similar. So we're back to
>What do you think we'll see for the Emperors children, with regard to new models?
It'll be the same anemic half range as World Eaters.
>New plastic Fulgrim despite resin Fulgrim existing for 30K, just like Guilliman and Lion
>New Lucius
>Bile already exists
>a single non Epic Hero generic HQ
>New Noise Marines
>New Cultist equivalent (either Bile's New Men or noise marine groupies, mayyyybe Slaangors)
>Single Elite kit that's one box building two slightly different units, like 8bound and exalted 8bound. Maybe two kinds of Slaanesh terminators, who cares
>Then add in all the generic CSM vehicles and daemon engines plus Princes
the end
Here's your brand new army bro, enjoy your 7 datasheets with 3 epic heroes
No, as plasma = plasma is fine, who cares.
But don't tell me a gun is a chainsword lmao
If I put a Bonebreaka with a Killkannon and a Gunwagon with a Diff Rolla on the table and asked you to tell me which one was which without my input, could you do it?
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They price the products at what the market will support. Infinity retardwhales in your nation will buy Primarislop at any price, so prices are set high. The richest Argentine has never even dreamed of more than 100 dollars (the equivalent of a few trillion pesos), so prices are set low.
No, since it will probably be one of Bile's New Men, if not his actual daughter who's a named character, and nobody gives a shit about Slaanesh shit growing tits or Billy cloning wimminz because he plans to completely replace the existing human race
What if I put a bayonet on my Knight Castellan's volcano lance?
I hate chaos space marines so them being ruined is fine with me but that will be a massive turd in the punchbowl for the 40k community
That's still clearly not a chainsword, but if it looks cool enough I'd be like sure.
Damn ork bros we are being bullied again
So you can't tell the difference between an autocannon and chainsword is what I'm hearing
Why are women obsessed with rape?
Bold of you to assume anyone at GW has read the BL novels that would justify his return to them.
The fact that he's already in codex CSM means he's probably staying there.
I mean I don't personally care. I play Necrons, I lie about what my weapons are all the time, people don't know what gauss flayers and gauss reapers look like.
That's the advantage of playing Xenos, nobody can keep track of our bullshit. Can't do that as Imperium or most Chaos.
What if I painted my Knight Dominus as Lord Horrik Canorem, but I gave him the Castellan arms and not the Valiant arms?
I can't tell the difference between a Helverin and a Warglaive from name alone, yes. Warglaive doesn't mention its melta and it doesn't have a glaive, it's a stubby little saw like a Sentinel. The helverin doesn't really have culverins it has small bore rifles.
Since a long time yes.
The fact they are stripping it out for the Christmas box is criminal
I doubt they would make two different units of slaangors and that kit definitely wasn't designed for an upgrade sprue
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which edition is this depiction of horus from?
So you're telling me it's cheaper to buy a plane ticket to Argentina, buy a new army there, and then get a ticket back than buying the army here?
The name is irrelevant
Where does it say they're stripped out? Im confused
RT or 2nd ed.
So I can pull up with Roubote Guilliman and give him dual lascannons?
>glaive = melee weapon = melee
>helverin = howitzer = ranged
you might be stupid
Because both are degenerates.
i can't stop laughing at horus face
Then not doing it. Ghetto ass technique of taking one of the extra drone poles and just cutting it, then cutting the "guides" for the legs and letting the feet hang.
How is a helverin a howitzer? Also auto cannons are direct fire weapons howitzers are indirect fire.
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pre-decline codexes banned daemons in iron warriors army except for daemon princes and possessed - and their possessed were stated to be "different" in that they used daemonic energy to fuel cybernetics instead of mutations.
they realized it was fucking stupid and is no longer canon, sorry fanfic faggot
Would that be a violation of just the name, you brainlet fuck?

"Run the autocannon armiger as the one with Melta and a chainsword, I can't tell the difference" is not the same as not knowing the specific name. Nor is it the same as making up rules
What do I paint my first Primaris as? I'm thinking just blue or maybe black templar.
You don't know anything about those legions then
couldn't think of another gun that starts with H; the point is that they're both ranged weapons. if that's too complicated for you, you could try actually learning which model is which, retard
make your own dudes up
dubs say dark angels and also you are now gay
>more primemyass players
You're fine with one character having a loadout he shouldn't have but not with another.
>your autism is too much but my autism is fine
I mean, I can't really argue with that.
The questoris knight box has been sold with all variants since I think 2014
The prior battleforce for knights was the exact same as this one, but had all options.
Gw are being cheap shits
any later installments that walked back from iron warriors getting exclusive artillery units were steps backwards.
Using daemons still makes you chaos dumbass
Red Corsairs
>You're fine with one character having a loadout he shouldn't have
At no point did I say this
nobody cares, fanficfag
They really went out of their way to make that box worse
You did. You said the name was irrelevant.
my autism means i know what model is which, your autism does not. my autism is superior, yours is inferior
You are actually retarded holy shit lmao
Yes, you know what model is which for your army. Off the top of your head, what's the difference between a Cronos and a Talos? What about Celestians and Domino's?
stop being retarded, he meant the name is irrelevant as in it could literally be called Armiger A and Armiger B, they're two different Armigers with two different load outs and the difference is extremely visible.

It's as dumb as trying to run Assault Marines as Devastators. A literal cardboard cutout proxy would be less confusing than saying my melee unit is actually a completely different ranged unit
First. That makes his use of lightning claws the most canonical.
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>hey neil, we found some 2013 knights boxes in the back of the warehouse, wtf do we do with them
>shit, lets throw them in a battleforce i guess
He said he was OK with me running a character with a loadout he shouldn't have, then changed course when I suggested a character with a loadout he shouldn't have. He has no idea what he wants
you can't fool me anon. domino's is a pizza
I have a Titus figure from that Target exclusive I'm painting blue just because why not and I have a bunch of first born painted red that I bought from a friend over 10 years ago in highschool, I don't wanna have primaris with firstborn it looks funny and blue is the basic guys fuck I have autism or something this sucks.
I impulsively bought 11 Ork Boys from Ebay I'm just gonna free hand tho, they look so cool. My Necrons keep fucking breaking when I try to assemble them and nids there's too many of but are fun to paint.
Ah fuck it's over
>tfw seeing more and more ork armies being sold on marketplace everyday

Wtf is going on? Why are my ork brothers bailing?
Points update?
>like the iron hands
>don't like vehicles
How crippled would an iron hands army be without vehicles?
>Wtf is going on? Why are my ork brothers bailing?
The codex was released as fun and interesting with every single detachment as at least viable.
then after it sold enough they got nerfed in a bunch of different ways instead of just points hikes
no longer fun
Just play grey knights at that point
Bolts are two stage. First, a normal propellant charge to ensure stopping power at close range (this is the reason for spent casings visible in some art), then the rocket engine ignites, ensuring higher accuracy at long range.
But I thought it didn't matter if orks are shit or not for ork players
Tripling down on being a fuckwit doesn't make you look any less stupid anon!
being shit isn't the same as being unfun
points increases wouldnt have made people sell the army
I don't understand what you like about them at that point that's their whole gimmick
>And that one's kind of a stretch anyway since one side is just a prelude to chaos Space Marines and chaos traitor guard.
Someone doesnt know Badab war as well as they think they do!
While yes thats kind of correct for the Astral Claws, if youll remember there were multiple chapters on BOTH sides, most of which stayed loyal to the imperium even after. Lamenters, Executioners, Mantis Warriors.
Also on the Badab war, i REALLY think that GW needs to do a modern badab war to really get people more invested in the newer chapters and have them actually do something of substance
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>Nuh uh.
if you like dreads you can be fine
if you don't even like walkers don't play them
The codex was dogshit and propped up by a very small number of pushed datasheets. It was all viable on the basis that you ran said datasheets, not because the codex was actually good. It's a bad book, and the rules are designed like ass
Just play iron warriors anon, the real iron army
>i REALLY think that GW needs to do a modern badab war
Absolutely fucking not. Did you miss the way they screwed up HH?
This conversation wasnt even about characters, so I suggest taking your medication
The conversation was about levels of autism. He can't even consistently state what autism he wants. He doesn't have a fucking clue.
I would like phobos so much more if it just fully ditched the ugly imperial ornamentation and embraced tacticool, it looks horrible on them
There's nothing autistic about being able to tell the difference between an autocannon and chainsword, that's just being a human being with functioning eyeballs
I've only ever liked the eagles/purity seals etc on the models that fully embrace it otherwise I would just scrape all that shit off. But I would never even consider doing more than a KT of space marines
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That's not what was being discussed. What was being discussed is not which one between the two is named Helverin or named Warglaive. The Warglave doesn't have a glaive, and there's nothing hellish about the non culverin weapons the Helverin uses. Both the Helverin and Warglaive go to war.
I'm gay and I like ultramarines
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Forgot pic
Ah so you just didn't follow the reply chain at all and are speaking from a place of total and utter retardation. Do that next time!
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*is which one between the two
Nigga I'm the guy who brought it up in the first place
Does anyone happen to have some pics of which sprues are missing?
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And it doesn't even fucking matter because the box builds both anyway. After I finish my Dominus I might be stupid enough to buy a couple of them, and you bet your ass I'm putting a bigger fucking chainsword on the Warglaives.
GSC bros, how are we this edition? I'm wanting to run hordes of melee acolytes. Any recommendations? Tips? Tricks?
Nigger the entire start of this was not being able to build Armigers as both, aka not having the guns, aka proxying autocannons as chainglaives.

If you had a stroke and forgot that, your issue.
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Nigga the entire start of this is that it doesn't fucking matter because only Knight players know what the fuck a Helverin or a Warglaive is.
You wanna get really pissed off? Last time I played against Knights I called them all Wardogs anyway.
Melee skew works ok, but not really acolytes. They just butchered the mining weapon profile too badly.
Why are necrons always comically evil? Can't they be good guys?
They're spooky metal skeletons, why would you want them to be good guys
Have you read The Infinite and the Divine?
The names are irrelevant. We're looping now because you're so fucking stupid. The issue was the supposed lack of upgrade sprue and the "solution" meaning proxying because nobody could tell the difference.

The name never mattered. It could be the Armiger dicksucker 9000 but it's still got an autocannon on it and that's blatantly obvious. If you're actually telling me this entire time your post was only about the name then your post was utterly pointless because that was obviously never any sort of issue whatsoever

Last (you) for the terminally retarded.
Im going to invent a 3d printer frame that accepts paint brushes and can paint your minis
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The names being irrelevant means that running the autocannons as chainswords is also irrelevant. Just fucking tell your opponent beforehand. I built my MANZ with a KFF Big Mek, a Killsaw guy and a Klaw guy, and before the game I just say "hey, these guys are all killsaw guys". Same with my termies, the forced ETB of the Leviathan one means "hey, the power sword guy has a power fist". I'll buy another box of newtermies when I feel like it.
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Already unnecessary.
So they can team up with humanoids and curb stomp Nids
I don't think so is it good
Where do I get the bladeguard lieutenant?
Or you could just get, you know
Make one.
it's fantastic, if you want to see why necrons shouldn't be the good guys you should read it. it's all from a necron point of view
im straight and i like EC
But if i make one ill be short a body from my bladeguard squad
Get a spare bgv body from ebay.
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NTA but bully boyz is our second best detachment right now (not saying much), so it can hold its own. Also "elite" for orks is still "horde" for other factions. My bully boyz lists are about 70-80 models, but I lean more to nobz than meganobz.
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this is biovore, with his spore mines. say something nice about biovore and his spore mines.
>"Absolutely fucking not. Did you miss the way they screwed up HH?"
firstly i dont think the new HH is bad at all
BUT even for the sake of argument lets say that i do, what part of that matters for GW making a NEW badab war? not a horus heresy type game for badab war (though id probably like that too, but that wont happen because theres not much they could sell for new stuff) but a NEW narrative thing for NEW chapters and marines but in the same sort of way as badab war, like a civil war thing, doesnt need to be 1:1 badab war but primaris or anything
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Day 27 of exercising every day until the Emperor's Children Codex is released.

Two days ago EC are confirmed for next year, today I get accepted into the Master's program I applied to. Everything has gone so well since I started doing this
Sounds very gay anon
I appreciate GW tried to redesign it look better but it still fails. The gun thats smarter than the creature should be represented somehow, it should look like a mortar not a cannon. The spider form doesnt suit nids and it lost its connection to the 'nid bioform made from orks' thing it had. Like how neuron and zoanthropes have elda design cues.
Had to type this twice because it got dropped twice
EC release is just going to be new noise marines, a new lucious (which will probably be a dual kit for a generic EC captain) , Fulgrim, and probably a new EC terminator (judging by all the other traitor legions)
If we're LUCKY we might get a unit of slaangors or some slaanesh cultists but idk
Slaangors already exist. It's possible they'll be in the EC Codex but seems unlikely to me.
Either way, EC are getting 7-8 new kits. Guaranteed.
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>i dont think the new HH is bad at all
Words cannot describe the disgust I feel for you and your wretched ilk.
good thing nobody cares about your faggot opinions :)
How are you planning on painting your EC when the time comes? Pink and black, purple and gold, or something more out there?
Imperial Fists or Alpha Legion.
i asked you to say something NICE about biovore with spore mines. something NICE. all you did was BULLY it.
Captain or Lieutenant or Chaplain with my Bladeguard? Or have the Bladeguard be leaderless and have a Librarian with my Hellblasters or Intercessors?
They're glass coils.
Do the Warhammer stores usually have the Heroes gacha boxes?
I'm in Japan and I'm thinking of getting the mini of the month and a Hero box as a souvenir
no they aren't lmao
With that attitide? Of course no
I got the whole set in america for 70 dollarydoos, but if you really wanna, I think that's where they'd be stocked.
I think I'm gonna play it a bit loose. A lot of art shows different shades of pink or purple, and randomly black panels.

My default idea is pink with black trim, but varying the shade of pink, occasionally going full purple. But I'm not married to any idea until I see the models.
hey know I said I appreciate the idea of it
Dude they're the same as tacticus except the greaves and missing a few extra armour panels (tummy, knee flange and power pack).
>realize I have exactly 1,000 points of CSM in my backlog now that I’ve finished moving
Huh, neat. Do you guys play at 1k usually?
>They're the same but not at all
You miss the point, gigabrain. They're similar enough that you could easily enough argue 'why not make tacticus tacticool?'
The whole purpose of phobos is to be tacticool it just tacks on extra shit
Only if you're playing dark angels and not one of their numerous sucessors that look exactly the same save for minor differences in the shade of green and insignia AND you're painting your army as 1st company.
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How's this for a starter list? I already have the captains, the assaults, and half the outriders. The company heroes I just think are neat
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Well I was working on deffkoptas but I got a Rukkatrukk squigbuggy as a gift. So here's the WIP for tonight. Hopefully it'll be done by next week for a game.
I really love the fatass Orks that are in this model. The guy on the back with the shotgun is such a lard ass and I love it. Can't wait to get some paint on him.
mixed up a bottle of that marine juice and no paint has looked so enticing to drink
oh very nice that's good to hear, and 70-80 models is a lot more manageable than 90-135 models
I just want one.
Shame the Japanese don't have anything exclusive.
>he fell for the thin brown wash meme
yeah yeah yeah I know you're desperate to be a contrarian lil guy
I don’t have a current Space Marine codex but I’m gonna pick up the new Scout box, what’s a good way to kit them out? Are they worth taking this edition?
If I had the imagination and the time I'd love good Ork army with kitbashes as fun looking as those.
He's incredibly fun looking and the carapace crests are pretty
And despite complaints, it fits way more into Tyranid aesthetics and the design is more intelligent than the Ork brute thing from before
Auto take action monkeys, build them with whatever, they won’t be fighting most of the time. I run missile, sniper, 2 bolters, chainsword.
Kind of
Retards just don't realize that gyrojet is flashier than non canon bolter shells.
Also cooler.
It is kind of hilarious how even later lore confirms self propelled ammo but it is never depicted.
At this point said thing is just a bait to get retarded no guns angry.
trips confirm he's a little bitch
Thanks anon these guys are taking a lot more time and attention than a 50 point unit that I only bring in a couple lists would normally warrant
It is literally and I mean literally just thinned wash. Anyone who gushes over it like it's the second coming of agrax earthshade exposes themselves as a hobbylet
whatever you say little contrarian
Anybody else remember Wallhammer Faulty Kai?
If you don't have the Impulsor yet, don't buy one. Buy a Gladiator for a few dollars more, you can magnetize it between the three variants and remove the turret and shell to run it as an Impulsor. It's like $5 to get a 4-in-1 kit, the Impulsor can only ever be an Impulsor.
current fluff is that bolters have an initial propellant launch to cover short ranges and increase muzzle velocity and then a secondary self-propelled gyrojet making them the fully automatic armor piercing rocket propelled grenade launchers we know and love as "bolters"
>already have all the models I would've wanted from the battleforces
I really hope the 11e starter is marines vs orks
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>haven't enjoyed painting for years now
>don't enjoy assembling the models
>don't enjoy the game itself
>can't stand the majority of the community
>don't enjoy reading the books
>don't care about the fluff anymore
>looking at deathguard on ebay
Why am I like this
how long until a scan of the BA supplement is available?
low key from what i saw in previews and leaks it looks kinda ass but i'm still curious
Owning fancy little army dudes fulfills your innate desire to be a warlord.
Amend that: how long after the 19th would it take?
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How many rounds can a bolter magazine actually hold? They're huge, right?
Realistically like 10 max but it's irrelevant
>The big knight doesn't even have the upgrade sprues
..do you mean they don't have the excess arms that come in regular armiger kits?
Why don't you read his post again
thank you for saying something nice about biovore and his spore mines.
Seen a couple artworks like this, is there any actual lore on EC (or any chaos marines) with daemonette girls at their side, not criticising, the idea of doomriders/noise marines with groupie daemonettes kicks ass
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The roaring bonfire that was your passion faded to a memory. You seek the spark that will make its fires roar again. Go on. Seek it.
Question still stands.
I bought the CK box and the abominant came with enough parts to make a despoiler or a rampager.
What colors should a Deathwing Librarian Terminator be painted? Bone white like the other Deathwings?
The, as in the only, BIG knight in the battleforce does not have the extra sprue that allows you to build all of the big loyalist knights
You like farts
If only death guard actually looked like that. Instead they're covered in horns and mouths
Bone, black, green, and blue quartered
Pink to trick the genestealers. Also what's stopping the marines from becoming infected?
What's a (melee) horde army that can actually kill shit? I really don't wanna win solely with sitting on objectives/doing actions.
I would totally play a plumbercore army that had that aesthetic.
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Pic related is 20
12gauge is 18.53mm
Bolter is 19.05mm
Now imagine how that gun would look like with double feed
Why would you want to do that
Whats a double feed?
That's really gay
>Bolter is 19.05mm
Woah shit, I thought they would be bigger.
When you eat twice as much
You'd know all about that wouldn't you
Custodes once you get tired of painting the same model 50+ times.
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Model from the game.
I was surprised by how strong Carnifexes were the first time I used them.
I deleted a norn emissary in a turn (with good rolls, obviously) with only a melee fex and OoE
World Eaters.
>Librarian Terminator
How many of these are there per chapter, like 1 right? like some chapters don't even have enough termies for their whole 1st company and Librarian generally average to 10 of them or less per chapter
Having a hard craving for etsy ripoff Krieg Death Riders.
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I know it's contrast slop, but I don't have time for traditional painting.

Which of these two base color schemes should I go with for Tau army?
It’s contrast but even so you can make it look better. Use the contrast medium to thin it out, and where it’s leaving those pooling spots you want to use your brush to wick those away so it dries more evenly, with or without the thinning medium you want to just spend a minute more making sure everything doesn’t pool so you get a nicer look. Left is the classic scheme and it works nicely because the yellow is good and bright and shows off well at a distance, like in a picture here.
When gun is hungrier
It is big
Heavy bolter is 25mm
There is very few infantry weapons that big and most of those are low velocity like shotgun or grenade launcher
I like left better, but you need to fix a few things. I'd say make the gaiters a different color, it looks weird to have them be the same look/texture as the armor. Also, you need to stop painting the back toe in with the gaiter, it should be the same as the front 2 toes. And paint the lenses some other vivid color to have them stand out.
The dark one could be really cool if you do just a little bright accents like glowing lenses on the helmet. Follow >>94104008's advice.
because you think that maybe they'll be the one to get you back into something you used to enjoy
that thinking is why I have like 5 different armies (7 depending on how you want to count it)
what do i play if i like feet
>wake up
>don't shower or shave but do shit
>get out of bed
It's deathguard time.
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Dark eldar/ ynarri

Possibly tyranids

Guard with lots of rattlings
>open up the app
>not subbed so I can’t read the rules
>realize I can count how much points my stuff is worth
Huh, I own 1360 points worth of CSM, neat.
This is just the base coat so I was going to add accent color and the lens and stuff. Idk how to stop it from pooling, I tried soaking up the extra with my brush but that leaves a spot that's lighter than the rest
If you are sooooo pressed for time that that level of paint job is all you have time for, you may want to reconsider this as a hobby.

Warhammer is a hobby of years. Armies cost hundreds of dollars, potentially thousands, and take dozens of hours just to assemble and clean. To absolutely slap dash 2 coats of thin liquid on a model and call it a paint job will be a disservice to yourself and a questionable use of all the time and money you spent buying and building the army in the first place.

Watch some tutorials, get some fundamental painting techniques under your belt, and take your time. Unless you are a literal meta chasing tourney fag taking flights to international events on a tight deadline, there is no excuse to put so little time and effort into a paint job

All that said, ochre and black is the superior scheme
clean brush and soak up pooling
if it's too light after go in with a small bit of contrast on the brush and touch that spot up
contrast is much easier to get a consistent basecoat but it's not a one and done paint like it's advertised as, unless you do something like a zenithal/slapchop underneath to help aid with the overall look
Considering 70%+ of all armies I see at every LGS I visit nowadays are entirely grey tide or partially grey tide, I can't have anything bad to say about anon quickly slopping on some contrast
>How many of these are there per chapter
Depends on the chapter but usually two:
Chief Librarian
1st Company Librarian
Whatever you say. They're your minis, if that's really what you're willing to settle for just because other faggots are worse, then so be it.
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>If you are sooooo pressed for time that that level of paint job is all you have time for, you may want to reconsider this as a hobby.
anon please stop taking drugs, pic related is totally fine for a random infantry model and is painted to a perfectly reasonable standard, it just needs basing.

if you would genuinely spit on someone with an entire army painted like this because it's not "good enough" for you and you demand they buy an airbrush instead you're outing yourself as peak nogames.
Ngl that kinda looks dire compared to clean basecoating and some washes
is there any way of getting rid of the coffee stains from contrast paint?
If that's what you need to tell yourself then go right ahead. Your money, your time, I'm not gonna stop you
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How does anon do fire and plasma colors? The usual blue?
noir warriors
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thinning the paint and being careful with the contrast application helps. You can also just touch up any spots after if you have a similar looking base/layer paint
I did these guys in contrasts without too much pooling issues
Paint over it with regular paints or thin it with medium and do multiple coats

Some kind of underpainting or zenithal can also help break it up, or additional passes of layers and highlights. But just raw contrast on flat panel armor? Not really, it's gonna pool
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that anon's fire warrior looks fine.
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All the fire
it's hilarious how much the standard for paintjobs has jumped in the last 20 years
this shit was (still is lmao) the fucking official promo paintjob supposed to sell you on those models and nowadays it looks like somebody's first models
I don't get it
>his shit was (still is lmao) the fucking official promo paintjob
yeah, even with the new webstore. they let you spin it 360 degrees in all their glory
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Post models
do you thin it with contrast medium or water?
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medium, water will change how it behaves too much
more like basedpost
>leave the multi-billion dollar corporation's artists alone
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small indie company
reminder their head rules writers get paid less than a manager at costco
not trying to be an asshole but this doesn't look better than those catachans, arguably worse because of how badly the white is applied
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>arguably worse because of how badly the white is applied
anon, nothing is worse than those catachans
you just dont know what the horrors of war do to a man
He actually went cross-eyed after seeing how dogshit his 10th edition datasheet was
What ratio?
depends on the contrast, they have different densities
Fire warriors come with a lot of extra bits if I remember right because they build both fire warriors and breachers. Prime some extra left over pauldrons to play around with mixing ratios before using it on your main squads
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I took some feedback and did another one, trying to sop up the pools and changed the gaiter color. How does it look?
These models have sat assembled in a box for a decade, I don't have the extra bits
I prefer the black one. Give it some red or christmas green accents and it will look sick. Maybe some light grey camo pattern over the black panels to break up the pooling. Most people's shit talking is due to the close up photo, at tabletop level it will look just fine
Left looks nicer imo. Also look forward to seeing what you're doing for the bases
Looks fine, needs a bright colour for eye lenses to break it up a bit
looks much better, close to the old boxart tau color-wise
definitely color in the eye lenses regardless of scheme you go with
better, but i would still consider trying a traditional workflow. it doesnt take much more time and in my opinion looks much better on smooth surface models like tau and eldar

>in my opinion looks much better on smooth surface
Why would they care about your opinion
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Should I edge highlight Necrons? Maybe just edge highlight the "sharp" edges and dry brush everything else?
New day, New Thread:
Because it is the correct one
>Kino monopose calthtemptor
He a qt
A lot better, anon!
clean your nails

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