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Old Noise Marine Edition

>Warhammer Day Preview Show 2024

>Balance Dataslate:

>Community Links:

>3rd Party Models Pastebin:

Info hash: d91d8b9daa9c5dc9105fc0ec09812cbc17a752b5

>10th Edition Rules:

>Tithes Animations

>Previous thread:

>Thread Question:
If you do, what music do you listen to when painting your miniatures?
I cant believe they put incontinentors in the last codex, a bold move
Fucked up how the Incontinentals only have 24'' range despite the name
I decided to give this way too much thought.
Assuming you Oath of Moment Magnus (he's a daemon primarch so why wouldnt you), we get about 4 hits with the plasma cannon, and then S9 vs T11 means we only get one wound, and we'll say we'll use our one damage blank stratagem on this. We're allowed from the rules to use it in the fighting phase as well, but having excess cp is not a common thing this edition if you're playing your army right. We do however scratch off at least 1 wound with the gatling cannon and, thanks to Magnus having Fly, there's actually a decent chance of getting a couple more from the rocket pod, but he has a base save of 2+ so that's not guaranteed.
Onto melee, for our one space marine stratagem we'll use the one stratagem that gives Lance for the phase, meaning that the Redemptor is now wounding on 2s, which mean out of his five attacks four are likely to wound but there's a decent chance all five do so. At this point, as that one anon said, if the Tsons player is extremely unlucky and fails all his saves while the Marine player was only somewhat lucky and wounded with all five attacls, he'll lose 15 wounds from the fist (I have seen people fail many 4++ at the same time on multiple occasions in my life so its not unheard of). That plus the one wound from the gatling cannon means a dead Magnus. Only if he didn't pick the -1 damage buff though.
I'm thinking of doing my Noise marines in this scheme.
Is it worth it?
why are salamanders considered reddit?
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if I really want to make an invictor useful should I buddy him up with a squad of incursors so they can spot a target for him to magdump and if someone tries to kill his pals he can defensive magdump?
Friendly ebin nice neggers
They're like THE "only a little bit familiar with 40k" faction. If someone just gets acquainted with the setting, and they see how brutal and awful it is, but hey there's this one faction of marines that's actually kinda nice, boom, that's the one. It takes very minimal investment int the lore to make that choice.
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I use my phone as a music player when I paint miniatures.
I listen to Mitssies' (music artist behind the Helltaker soundtrack) Voidreckon album or an electro swing compilation video.
And lately I listened to the Arcanum of Steamworks and Magick Obscura ost while hobbying.

>Electro Swing compilation video example:
>Mitssies Voidreckon:
>Arcanum OST:
I've actually started doing audiobooks while I paint. Recently I finished the Mistborn series, and now I'm on a history book about the Crusades.
Because so often people reduce them to ‘the friendly marines in the grimdark future’. And it is quintessentially Reddit to try to make settings as inoffensive as possible

However sally anon is based
because everything is reddit
same reason even stupider people like tau, mecha autists notwithstanding
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Whats a good addition to this box to make this 1,000 points assuming im not gonna use it for dark angels?
6 Aggressors in land Raider crusader
Someone for the gravis captain to lead (eradicators work)
More bladeguard and a lieutenant for the hellblasters
A transport to special deliver plasma to the enemy's doorstep
So you're saying there's a chance?
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Ehi guys, want to open bets on how much tame the new EC are going to be?
Going to start easy and say there won't be even one (1) tit exposed in the new models
Why does GW have such difficulty sculpting good female faces? In addition, why can't figure sculptors in general learn to balance between Bong-faces and hyperbimbos?
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Post models
0 exposed tits or nipples
3 surface level pinhead references
Lots of shitty gold greebling
1 fulgrim missing an arm (slaanesh took it as a buttfister)
I think it's overcorrecting. They're afraid of being branded as "nerdy perverts", so they intentionally make their faces kind of wonky on purpose. Even a good painter would find some difficulty in making them better, but it can certainly be done with a bit of patience and effort. As for the "bimbo" thing, that's just dweebs overcompensating in the other direction - the same kind of people who run games with NSFW mods. Many of them aren't actually coomers or anything, they just don't seem to understand that the middle ground is always the best way when it comes to designing generic faces.
>If you do, what music do you listen to when painting your miniatures?
Soundtrack from warhammer vidya
I'd like to start a 1000 points firstborn army, any advice on the matter?
I'm coming from orks and nids, I don't really like primaris but reading about some chapters lore made me want to start a space marines army.
(It's going to be ultramarines and I'm 3d printing it to give them more of the Rome esthetic they sorely lack in newest edition)
>If you do, what music do you listen to when painting your miniatures?
when orks, older hard rock stuff like Thin Lizzy
when chaos or dark eldar, over the top death metal stuff; the Dethklok albums are a good painting soundtrack
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May come out tilted because I'm a phoneposter
how to do good basing
Should I buy ten citadel painting handles to be able to assembly-line paint a whole squad at once
Sticky tack and a rattle can lid. I find such a painting handle very comfortable.
>If you do, what music do you listen to when painting your miniatures?
I was listening to Kamelot while priming a sister squad, karma is just such a nice album
Can't go wrong with PVA glued on sand that gets painted and drybrushed with a tuft and/or static grass.
Because it's a niche in itself. I'm not trying to troll by saying this, but there's not a lot of distinctively female miniatures in 40K. The only ones that comes to mind are SoB, IG, and Eldar. Of those armies, only a small portion have women (except for SoB, of course) and they've recently gotten pressure from the money for broader mainstream appeal. This in turn leads to having to design a more varied range of facial features and hair designs. I've noticed that they seem to struggle the most with typical caucasian features, for some reason.
Polyfiller, some aquarium sand/rocks is all you need. Maybe some grass if you’re demon anon
Buy a pot of AK neutral texture paint and some grass tufts. Citadel skulls if you're feeling fancy.
>those models
I need to get an external SSD and start collecting STL files.
Honestly, as long as they're giving the project to the same guy who handled the hedonites of slaanesh in aos, of the death guard in 8th, then slaanesh is set
tit or no tit
>Stefania Ferrario
If I had some spare dosh I'd commission art of her as a Sororitas.
To answer your question, GW has always been kind of shit at any humanoid face that's not a Space Marine or Guardsmen. Even the new Eldar look kind of rough.
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I've been trying to crack this nut for a while but I've been struggling.
Tacticals are your bread and butter. Devastators do good work, but don't pair well with Razorbacks unfortunately. Terminators are your big melee option. Your dreadnought is nice because it has the aura and it's cheap but easy to take out. Predators are cheap and effective, if a bit fragile. Your only options for characters for your mandatory HQs are Terminators. Technically the Chaplain with Jump Pack is generic now but the model is meant for blood angels and vanguard vets suck ass anyway. You have no fast attack anymore unfortunately, Tacticals in rhinos are your best bet for objective monkeys and they're a bit expensive for that. The Hands detachment is an interesting choice, basically gives you the Deathskulls rule which is nice for your heavy weapon in your tac squads.
Mostly the problem is, they crippled firstborn by getting rid of all their units. Pretty soon it'll probably be impossible to play Space Marines and not Primaris, which is a shame.
Step 1: don't
Step 2: if you are retarded enough to do it, your options are extremely limited if you're deadset on no primaris because all of the leaders are primaris. Your list would be Guilliman, tacticals, devastators, centurions, and rhinos
one thick coat of goblin green then a dusting of flock
Even with the sisters I still prefer them with helmets on, it's a battlefield afterall
I think they're gonna do a cop-out and have the power armour have a weird cutout, but the cutout will be covered with a circular breastplate. We'll see, I was pleasantly surprised at the AoS Slaanesh stuff.
Personally I'm just looking forward to upgrading my Heresy-era ECs.
I put my whole collection on random.
ELO and Pink Floyd next to Love Bites, and anime soundtracks, Daft Punk, random modern indie EDM artists, Miles Davis, Black Emperor, City Girl and a lot more.
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I admit to not being up to date on the newest face sculpts they've put out but they have definitely had issues in the past with okay female faces that look terrible with the GW style paintjobs
meant to reply to >>94096596
For all faults of GW's sculpts, none are nearly actually as bad as the eavy metal paint jobs make them look.
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>Post models
I should take some new pictures of my dudes now that I've unpacked them, maybe on the weekend
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As >>94096675 said, it actually comes down to the official GW paint jobs a lot of the time.
That's mostly the paintjob though. Most faces are made to be generic, so that the buyer can add or modify them to suit their tastes as well.
>eyes pointing in different directions
>blue eyeshadow for some reason
Read the fucking filename.
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I love Ratlings. I have never been more excited for a release. I've had every kit since the original ratlings and I run them every time I play with my imperial guard. Beyond stoked.
Gratz mate, I hope that when they re-release older regiments they have this much soul
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Same as last thread since it’s during the work day but building up the agents force
Glad you're happy and excited, anon!
>I've had every kit since the original ratlings
Pump those numbers up. Wargames Atlantic has their own ratlings and so does Victoriaminiatures.
>that lewis gun
Is that from the WGA Bulldogs set?
Where are those helmets on the "guardsmen" looking minis from? I like them.
It really is incredible the amount of memetic mileage we are still getting out of the LotR film trilogy almost two dozen years after it launched. And I mean "we" as in internet users worldwide.
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Post best faces made by GW, anons. I like Drukhari ones, they're almost perfect for eldar
>Culexis assassin
I think the one thing that I wish I had as someone who doesn't play imperial factions is the ability to just drop in a cool model like an assassin or inquisitor or stuff like that into my force
I'd love a generic space dogs of war style codex some day with a bunch of mercs that could fit into most armies
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>killteam is rehashed Space Hulk (APL system) that's easier to support and sell other types of products for
>9th/10th edition is rehashed 3rd Edition where things are overly simple to make scaling up the battle to 2k less of a headache to play

Need a 2nd Ed/RT inspired game system for 1k point games with cards and tokens, and 1 vehicle per list max (except dedicated transports)
>just play 1k games and talk it out with your opponent before the game
shut up no games you will never understand why your safeway brand homebrewing is retarded
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They’re from perrys mounted men at arms set and spot on British bulldogs.

Wanted something more feudal looking for my voidsmen, and that kit got me a breachers squad, two voidsmen squads and a rogue trader entourage
The sisters heads fit nicely
Anyone able to help with my first list for 1500?

Warlord: Jump Pack Chaplain with Power Fist (75)

Jump Pack Assault Intercessor x5 (80)
Intercessor Squad (80)
Intercessor Squad (80)

Centurion Squad with Las (185)
10 man Hellblaster Squad (230)
5 man Infiltrator Squad (100)

Land Raider Redeemer (285)
Redemptor Dread w/Plasma (210)

This brings me to about 1325 without any enhancements. Plan is for the Cents to bunker down, Infiltrators to stop deep strikes, and use the Land Raider to shuffle the jump pack boys closer for a big charge. Not sure where my last pts should go.
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Sometimes I think its a shame that Ian Watsons crazy early 40k has been "decanonized". Think this zoat bit is awesome.
>“Yes, Chaos,” sang the centaur. “Thanks be to the Great Mind that Guides, the Masters are immune to corruption!”
>“Your galaxy is crumbling under this corruption,” it hissed. “Our ships shall take your flesh, extract your genes, and forge instruments that will wash your worlds clean of…” It stared at Biff, eyes glittering, “…of the taint of Tzeentch. And… of other taints,” it added. “Do you fear the torments of this Tzeentch?” Oh, it had picked up on the name Biff murmured.
>“And… of the other kindred torments of Chaos?” it asked. “Under the wise guidance of your new tyranid lords all flesh shall finally be remoulded into pure tools, serving the tyranid Overmind, which shall expel and quench all this tarnish utterly. You can never achieve that. For the traits of Chaotic tarnish are written within you. We can unwrite what was written. We shall delve for your daemons and expunge them! This is our message to you: withdraw, relinquish, yield, and serve. Your stars shall be saved by the Masters!”
>Vonreuter’s voice shook. “Don’t listen to this talk of daemons, lads. Of Chaos… it’s verboten. There are nouns and verbs that oughtn’t ever to be uttered—”
>“But is this not true?” asked the centaur. “How foolishly you pretend otherwise – when our Great Mind can intuit in its dream the features of the Chaos that haunts you all. Your puny Empire is a mere cobweb.”
What she's so mas at?
>so mas
She's upset that Taco Bell closed now she can't live mas.
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>Thread Question:
>If you do, what music do you listen to when painting your miniatures?

I've listened to this 100+ times

I like them and dance with the dead actually. I went through a whole Trevor Something phase around that time as well
I meant to post the Album from Megadrive, (198XAD) not a specific song.

Anyway, that type of music is fantastic for art.
I always liked the archon bodyguards for that but sadly it isn’t a thing anymore
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I feel I'm getting too old to paint and listen to music. Every time I try to listen to something, I find myself turning it down so I can see what I'm doing better.
redpill me on leadbelcher
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I disagree, I like zoats, but that excerpt doesn't really come up with anything particularly interesting or novel compared to your low hanging fruits "villains with a point"
and the more entities like a hive mind speak, the worse they look because writers can't handle them
Thank you, much prefer them for the hereticus part of the army
It's the best dark silver metallic paint GW has ever had.
Runefang Steel is the go-to for brighter silver and highlights.
it's thick and it works. It's great with a drybrush. If you layer, you might need a BIT of water, but it's workable. Remember you can always drybrush or edge with a bright silver as well. Looks great with orange dry pigments. Compared to army painter or P3's silvers this is great. Black wash works well on it. What is there not to like. Buy one today
Do you have to turn the radio down so you can see better while driving?
You don't!?
i bought some armigers today, do you think its chassis primed with chaos black would look good with it
Totally. Leadbelcher is what I use on all my mechanical parts for 40k models. Then slather on Nuln Oil and if I night some highlights, thinned-down Runefang Steel.
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Posting vespids again because no one gave a fuck last thread.
thank you so much, is that primer also the correct choice?
but why stick to the stock scheme?
>and the more entities like a hive mind speak, the worse they look because writers can't handle them
I don't disagree on that one but having someone else to talk for nids is what makes them great.
>but that excerpt doesn't really come up with anything particularly interesting or novel compared to your low hanging fruits "villains with a point"
I like that it's a more diplomatic approach (which is a ruse either way) as opposed to GSC subterfuge.
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No, we don't
I don't dislike the idea of primaris but why are they essentially just Aspect warriors now?
It's like they just make a whole new fucking kit for a weapon swap and a little tchotchke on their belt and charge you full price.
Do you guys know those old Batman or teenage mutant ninja turtle action figures? Every new primaris releas is like "batman with diving suit and scuba gear" or "batman with space suit and alien blaster" or "batman with briefcase and travel mug."

they make a whole new kit for every fucking weapon and marine fags keep buying it.

my 87 video playlist of cute Korean girls making ASMR
I like it. I was originally going to do the old stock scheme but decided this colour would fit my army better.
no, but I have to put on my glasses to understand what people are saying sometimes
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I both simultaneously feel like the 5e Wyches kind of need an update and at the same time don't trust GW not to just make them worse.
Dark Eldar plastic has aged remarkably well, but the little bit ofnew stuff they have gotten (Incubi, Mandrakes) looks great too.
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>checking up Kill Teams
>No Death Watch Kill Teams in Kill Team
Yes. Chaos Black is what I always go with for a base primer.
If you want to do zenithal priming to add shading, I'd recommend Wraithbone (off-white) spray over the actual white. I know other anons have said that it's a new formula and it's better than before, but old GW white was so fucking awful that it ruined anything you painted on top of it, so I still avoid it.
>why are they essentially just Aspect warriors now?
Because if you split loadout options into two kits, you can sell twice as many kits to people that want both options. It's purely a marketing strategy even though the lore doesn't really support space marines operating that way.
what you're hungry for is new and more elite units, not updated versions of the de basic troops
Well fuck.
Buddy, there's no Deathwatch army in 40k right now. Kill-Team is the least for their problems.
when will you understand that manlets are to be left behind?
>"villains with a point"
At the end of the day, the Zoat was just psychically headfucking them so they'd submit to being consumed. It's not supposed to be a voice of reason, it's just highlighting the (obvious to all readers and 40k players) flaws of Imperial dogmatism to get them doubting, so they can then be fucking eaten. The Zoat is itself just a tool of the 'Nid hivemind, just a more articulate one than your typical bug
>blue eyeshadow for some reason
Because it looks good and meshes with the rest of the colors?
But they don't have any weapon options anymore beyond what literally comes in the one kit.
You're talking about the old way GW worked, especially with the Devastator kit that only had 2 of each heavy weapon so if you wanted to have a squad fully loaded with Multi-Meltas, you needed to buy two, or have a friend buy a kit and trade him your Grav Cannons for his Multi-Meltas.
Either way, at least two kits are being purchased. Because then they have to buy and split Tactical Squad box to add the ablative bodies to the Dev Squad.
I suppose you're right. I'll settle for a Blood Brides, Trueborn, and Haemoxytes kit. Even if they're just an upgrade sprue with more weapons options or a better datasheet.
Dark Eldar has become too much of a horde army.
Death Watch will be getting something in the December White Dwarf.
Looks like GW realized they fucked up and are bringing them back as their own army, if only as a single detachment or two.
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>Spend all your life hearing about the pure and unyielding loyalty of the Lion and the Dark Angels
>Never once faltered in all it's history
>Get higher in the chapter
>Hear about the fallen
>spend the next few centuries ruthlessly hunting them, torturing them, all to maintain the honor of the Lion and the Dark Angels
>Make your way through a couple secret orders, getting shit tested at every step
>Finally become the Supreme Dark Angel
>Somehow, in your Lifetime, your fucking Gene Father returns
>Happy day... except
>He thinks your ideas are gay and retarded
>Makes you work with the guys you've spent your entire career killing in his name
>Not only that, he forms an inner council
>You're not invited and he doesn't even tell you about it
>It's also full of Risen because they're full of 30k guys who he can relate to

Name a character that got cucked harder in the setting than Azrael.
thank you again anon have a good day
I think GW genuinely thought they were doing a good thing with Imperial Agents and didn't realize the magnitude of their fuck-up until they saw the public reception.
The book feels like a lazy cash grab.
It would have been a good idea if they did a modern take of 3e DHs
Instead we got dregs and shit lumped together without the ability to form anything coherent
I don't get why some of the marine options are 5 in a box and some are 10
A full box of Hellblasters is 10 but assault intercessors are 5? Desolators are 5 but Reivers are 10?
Funny, I was immediately drawn to the most racist Marine chapters. Space racism is just too funny to me.
Hellblasters and Reivers are 8th ed kits. Ass Intercessors and Desolators are 9th ed kits when they realized they can still sell kits for full price with half as many dudes in the box. Then they nerfed Desolators to only have 5 dudes in a squad now, so at least their box is a full squad.
You painted them well but I can't muster a fuck to give about vespids.
I fucking hate every iteration of halfings (more in 40k than in any other setting), but at least some people like them. I'm glad for you anon.
Not disagreeing with you, I just laugh every time I think about how royally GW fucked that plot line.
I would rate them among GWs best standard infantry models.
Try dealing with an army that gets 7 in a box. You think the two extras are a deal but the rules around them and their schizo wargear are a headache.
They'd make for a good Kill-Team match-up
>>Not only that, he forms an inner council
>>You're not invited and he doesn't even tell you about it
Azrael is one of the few individuals said to be included in Lion's innermost circle. He's also been given open acknowledgement that Lion believes Azrael is performing his duties as chapter master more or less impeccably.
I really dislike how GW make those females, but yes, if they make a new one, it's going to be a worst box, also in the boyz one vibe.
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You can have Primaris Deathwatch too
Don't buy centurions id you don't already have them. They're next on the chopping block after firstborn.

The hellblasters benefit a lot from a lieutenant and in gladius giving them the fire discipline enhancement pushes them into overdrive.

The command squad is great value for a decent all rounder squad as well.
Balistus dread is a good cheap gun platform even if it looks like a chickenwalker
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I have exactly zero strong feelings one way or the other on Ratlings, but I am glad most people seem pleased about them
I am, however, slightly disappointed that the Ork team for them to face wasn't Grots, a stunty-fight would be thematically amusing.
I think there's another "more inner circle", as I remember reading somewhere Azrael or some guards overhear the Lion talking to people in his chambers and they sound like Space Marines, but whenever someone enters for official business, it's only the Lion in there.

I think of Azrael as sort of the Lion's Chief of Staff, there for official things with the Imperium.

Then the Risen are his "kitchen cabinet", the ones that help him with his personal goals or give him advice.

They were never going to give a xenos race the time to shine, even if tied to a primarch. 40k is strictly a chaos and imperium setting, with xenos there to add to the kill count when you need a hero.
Oh, right. Have we gotten his reaction from the Risen? I read the Son of the Forest but nothing else. Asmodai must be PISSED.

I wouldn't be surprised if there was a Dark Angels civil war desu.
I had a squad of Cents from when I played in 7th before my break, same with the redeemer.
I can put a lieutenant with the Hellblasters and look into a command squad.
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why have the 3 most recent "armies" been colossal fuck-ups??

>world eaters
fewer datasheets than their generic CSM version BEFORE they got their own codex

another tiny army with no lore, no characters or history and no redundant units. barebones skeleton crew faction

>Agent of the imperium
mish-mash of random units that don't have any coherency or uniting themes. GW just scrapes up the leftovers and rejects that don't fit anywhere else. Instead of trying to balance them, they just throw them into their own book like sausages made from snouts and lips and anuses.
Why can't they just keep them as one-of support units in their own respective Imperium armies like in DoW?

What the fuck were they thiiiiinking?!!! In light of recent incompetence, there really isn't much optimism for a substantial and fitting release for EC.

AoS continues to mog the shit out of 40Kek
when will they learn that these fan service models based off old art just look like caca poopoo shit dookie when translated to 3d?
do you 3d print? does your lgs allow it?
Alright, just don't want anons getting jipped by GWs shitty communications. If you want to be "competitive" unfortunately vanilla marines are wholly outclassed by those with additional supplements - extra units and detachments to use and no downsides.
Does the Kroot refresh count as a new army?
>I think there's another "more inner circle"
There's a section in their current book headlined "The Innermost Circle" and it namedrops Azrael as one of the people included.
>You are a member of the Inner Circle, but we do not grant you access to the Inner*most* Circle
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are those long extended patttern decals supposed to be tattoos on the snakebites corner of the orks transfer sheet? they seem like they would stand out poorly if I used them on my boyz. It would also be really tedious to make them adhere to the arms with how much micro set it will take.
There's like a single line of text somewhere in the new codex stating that every time DA catch a Fallen, he gets probed by Lion's Chaos detection Spiderman sense first, if he has any taint within him, he gets shipped off to Asmodai.
Hello, I have been hired by GW to ask 40kg to brainstorm a new faction for our game. The only criteria is that they MUST rape people. Thank you.
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Speak for yourself, this is perfect
The lost and the damned if about a 5th to a quarter of them doing it is enough to meet the criteria.
Yeah, I'm aware. I want to run my OC marines instead of the super special chapters. I just hope they fix it in 11th
I'd imagine they're more for long flat surfaces like banners or vehicles
the shadow skinned cult warriors of abllah from arabistan VI
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Sons-sisters...Saturday was supposed to be our big day.
It's always been like that. Even prior to the Lion's return Azrael and a few other members of the IC had secretly formed a circle to do coverups from the rest of IC. This whole thing with paranoia and factionalism just comes naturally to them, always has.
How likey are my favourite units to get an upgrade or range refresh?
Legion of the Damned
You guys reckon these new tankbustas will get a better armor profile than Boyz?
I don't expect them to give them all nobz statlines with t5, 4+ sv, 2w but we might see a 4+ save boy statline for them, which will be a first for me.
It's nice to see a return to 'ardboyz in some capacity, anyway.
Guaranteed but might take 5 to 10 years
I fully expect wrecka boyz to be their own entry separate from tankbustas
Oh right Florida is in the process of being deleted by Poseidon.

When they bring back Ferrus Manus
Chaplain with Jump Pack (75pts): Crozius Arcanum, Power Fist
Lieutenant (95pts): Warlord, Fire Discipline, Pistol, Master-crafted Bolt Rifle & Melee Weapon, Close Combat Weapon, Bolt Pistol, Master-crafted Bolt Rifle

5x Intercessor Squad (80pts)
5x Intercessor Squad (80pts)

5x Assault Intercessors with Jump Packs (80pts)
3x Centurion Devastator Squad (185pts)
10x Hellblaster Squad (230pts)
5x Incursor Squad (80pts)
5x Infiltrator Squad (100pts)
Land Raider Redeemer (285pts): Armoured Tracks, 2x Flamestorm Cannon, Twin Assault Cannon
Redemptor Dreadnought (210pts): Redemptor Fist, Macro Plasma Incinerator, Onslaught Gatling Cannon, Twin Storm Bolter

Exactly 1500. Thanks for the help
Did the new vespids get a separate profile from the existing unit?
Either way I think tankbustas deserve to just be replaced by this unit and be called the same thing in 40k. Tankbustas is a much better name for Orks with rokkit launchas.

It's also nice to see confirmation that each model in the kit has an option for a hammer or a rokkit launcha. Can't wait to see the 40k datasheet.
>Did the new vespids get a separate profile from the existing unit?
No, they can be used as the old unit but with more weapon options.
I wish there was a shoes option.
>People thought GSCs wasn't coming back as its own faction
>People thought it was silly to think SOBs would return
>People dismissed World Eaters werent coming back
>People mocked the idea of Squats returning becuase of an April 1st annoucement
>People argued that is was clear the Dark Eldar would never get new models again and would be squatted
>People thought Imperial Agents would never happen
>People mocked the of Kroot an Vespids getting a refresh
>People denied the idea EC would be released
You Are Here
>People dismissed the idea of Dark Mech being a faction despite them getting talked about more and more and slowly getting models
>People deny the idea the Forge of Souls daemons will ever come despite the cnetral role Vashtorr is playing atm
Anons deny fucking everything up until the moment the models get revealed no matter how clear or obvious it is
I see. I figured if they got a new unit that'd be a confirmation that wrecka Boyz would be treated the same way. I guess we'll just have to see.
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They seem sweet, I look forward to mine but first I have to finish the hideous finecast old versions
>your army
>your fetish

>Dark Eldar
>spanking, chastity, humiliation
Something about the Aggressor models bother me but the Captain guy would probably be really good with them though right?
Bladeguard are cool looking, I was thinking about a Librarian maybe because I like the guy with the sword and the helmet. Would Heavy Intercessors be a good idea too or no? I also really like how Terminators and the Gravis Apothecary guy look too, plus the Chaplain models are cool as well.
Squats didn't come back though
gf did this with me last weekend, but I wasn't able to get any painting done. sacrifices must be made sometimes.
Sorry but I guess that was space cocaine
I like consensual sex impregnating my misses in the missionary position
>Orks, CSM, Dark Eldar (in that order of favour)
>collars and leashes (on her not me)
>Genestealer cults
Woman about my age who is reasonably healthy? Vaginal sex?
You two disgust me. Freaks.
Massages and elf women
>Dark Angels
>Gay Furry
Can I stack Oath of Moment and Devastator Doctrine (for fire support) so a squad of hellblasters can just delete 1 unit
>Imperial guard
>BBW,weigth gain.
Space jews
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>Space Marines (Salamanders)
>Happy Relationships
>Thighs, tummy
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So the Ynnari are just gonna be in limbo now?
Do any of the video game protags show up in real lore later, or is it just titus
They are going to get squated in 12th ed
Blood Ravens?
That ship sailed a while back anon, and it sunk pretty fast. If Yvraine didn't have a model GW would have killed her off by now.
*sigh* here we go again
Space marines, Salamander succesor
Ugly bastard, interracial, consensual sex.
Good taste in music.
>Dance with the Dead
Also good stuff. Will consider listening to it next time I'm painting.
Was it that hard to write? I remember people being interested in the story then getting buttfucked because It was obvious that GW was going to pull another warhammer fantasy end times
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All kinds of stuff, lately it’s been a ton of hair metal.
Ex. https://youtu.be/EF2PrtDjR50
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Lord Felthius is the only Based model in there
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Imperial Agents

Consensual Non-Consent and masks.
Ynnari are not meant to be a new actual faction, they're a pair of characters acting as keystone to field all sorts of eldar as one army.
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>this question again
Always happy to answer
Tomboys. Especially strong ones.
>Welcome to the station crew
>goes turbodere after a single fucking
She's weak.
Agents of the Imperium codex only exists as a tax for using allies. "Pay $50 to get the rules for that one assassin you plan to take" fuck you GW.
Any good desert tyranid schemes?
>I remember people being interested in the story
First of all, you remember wrong. There is nothing remotely interesting about them. Nobody cares about them.
All they ever was plot device to bring back Guilliman and that's it. Once that's done they can feel free to fuck right off.
>Old management wanted to do away with Slaanesh for marketing
>New management wanted to try and maintain the status quo
>Neither actually cared about the Ynnari or Eldar in general
The Ynnari were only ever going to be a plot device to end Slaanesh. Previously it was a matter of GW deciding what the Ynnari would become but only after the deed was done. Now they're never going to do anything, because their plot ended right before the big moment.
it's because they're recess shading something as smooth as a face. just start from a dark base and stiple the lighter colors on to create smooth highlights.
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3rd Edition Behemoth is the Coconut Crab of 2024
Everyone does it now lol
I care
Good for you and 12 other Yinnarifags I guess.
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Well I guess that makes you a nobody
That's not a bad thing. Should be the main colour scheme for them but I imagine its far too time consuming so they go for the faster and easier white and purple scheme
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Man I just wanted more Eldar shit. Oh well back to thousand sons I guess
Tau are just as bad.
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>coconut crab
>OG jormungadr
>B&W rorschach
>striped sandworm
>dried squid sepia
>klendathu arachnid
>pale terminids
>chrome beetles
Eldar going to get an update. Big time at that. Not Yinnari tho.
Which one was this again?
Difference is they receive continued support.
Cope all you want you cannot deny this.
Honestly I don't see why anyone would like Eldar over Thousand Sons.
>firstborn on the chopping block
source? your ass?
I don’t I just like the stories more than the tabletop
what army do coomers play?
>BNWO interracial
Cool. Doesn’t change my mind
That's just it anon, TSons are better in stories too. Ahriman alone has a better series of books than anything about the Eldar.
Bud are you just not noticing what's happening with every codex or are you wilfully pretending it's not
Space marines. Everyone plays space marines.
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I HATE hellbrutes
Yeah I know. I was getting into the eldar because of the ynnari stuff but now it’s just meh.
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Pepsis wasp.
Any army, they can crowbar their porn addiction into any of them just as easily
>impregnation, handholding, shibari
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First in all, last to cum
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My first paintjob
It would have been more thematic if he had a chaingun but the idea came after I had the models so oh well. The base isn't permanent, just what I had to hand
I LOVE rhinos
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What was so bad about showing all the news in order with pictures?
Is that colour scheme a reference to Lego Ice Planet?
Also the paintjob isn't that bad for a first mini. Varnish up the model and keep it to see how far you've gotten when you keep doing this hobby down the road.
Idk but I hate using the site now so I'll stop using it lmao, I'll just follow the article name from here or twitter
Yep, only the coolest Lego set
I do think I dirtied up the white too much, doesn't stand out from the other colours as much as I'd like, and I definitely need some practice getting the damn paint thickness consistent
>feet and armpits
GW released a lot of Primaris slop too and then removed half of their weapon options in 10th. Space Marines get slop. Slop gets cut down eventually.
What brand of paint are you using? Some are much harder to work with (citadel) than others when it comes to consistency
Can I just buy jetpack bitz and slap them onto assault intercessor kits
Because eldar have the best aesthetics in the game
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I think them having a main scheme sounds weird but I definitely appreciate the rejection of the false duality of Chitin-Carapace colourbook look. Not that it's bad, no, its effective absolutely, but I feel like there is much more to potential nid schemes.
So, the old school assault marine jump packs actually look completely fine on new assault intercessors if you can get a hold of them, and require zero work to adapt to fit
I can't wait to see the meltdown of chaosfags when their rhinos and land raiders get updated to be fleshy messes wearing the broken hulls of proper marine tanks
Yeah, the weapons options they cut were the firstborn variants..

We had [character]and Primaris [character] , then into 10e we only have [character] with the Primaris loadouts. They lose nothing, the firstborn model just got made illegal
Ah, I think they were Citadel actually (don't have the stuff to hand).
Tyranids. You know why.
I need 11, so I'll search around for them

You'd think Eldar and Thousand Sons would have more of a rivalry given they are the Psychic factions and Ahriman wants to get inside the Black Library.
Something like Heavy Ints or Erads could be good for the gravis captain to lead.
Aggressors too if you want more melee.
>Muh gravis
>Muh Aggs
What a gay faction
Maybe if he remembered his library card
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>You'd think Eldar and Thousand Sons would have more of a rivalry given they are the Psychic factions
Sorry dustboi, eldar maidens only lust after big bug thinking patterns
>Beyond the shield she saw the Great Dragon’s true form. Not the hideous intrusions into the mortal realm that swam the black star sea, nor as a Farseer might see it, as a great and braided cable of malicious fate dominating all the skein. The first was merely a part of the whole, the second psychic abstraction. What Iyanna instead saw was the reality of its soul.
>It was a great shadow when seen from afar, a wave of dread and psychic blindness that preceded the hive fleet’s arrival. But the greatest shadows are cast by the brightest lights, and seen closely, the soul of the hive mind shone brighter than any sun.
>She was so close now that she perceived the ridged topography of its mind, larger than star systems, an entity bigger than a god. It contemplated thoughts as large as continents, and spun plans more complex than worlds. It dreamed dreams that could not be fathomed. She felt small and afraid before it, but she did not let her fear cow her defiance.
>Against this vista flickered the souls of eldar, their jewel-brightness dimmed by the incomparable glare of the Great Dragon. And this was but a tendril of the creature. The bulk of it stretched away, coils wrapped tight about the higher dimensions, joining in the distance to others, and then others again, until at a great confluence of the parts sat the terrible truth of the whole.
>She stared at its brilliance. Unlike her passionless dead warriors, who felt nought but the echoes of wrath at the sight, she was fascinated by the beauty on display. She thought, if only such a thing could be tamed it would drive out She Who Thirsts forever. If only its hunger was for things other than the meat and blood of worlds...
jk tho u have a good point
>In addition, why can't figure sculptors in general learn to balance between Bong-faces and hyperbimbos?
Because they are miniatures unironically.
It means that they have to exaggerate some features on the women if they want to register as women even if looked at from other side of the game table.
This is the reason why most female models have massive tits, like Amallyn Shadowguide being a perfectly example. She has massive knockers if you go by the model.
Citadel is not unusable, but it does have consistency and saturation problems. In a world of improving paint technology, citadel is dated, hasn't really improved in 15 years and lacks quality control.

My personal recommendations these days for general use are either army painter fanatic, ak gen 3, or proacryl for general colors, and Vallejo for metallics, though any of those brands make a serviceable metallic, and Vallejo makes serviceable, if a bit thin, colors.

Citadel can be a bear to work with, and you are as likely as not to get a bad pot that has potential problems such as being dried out, not enough medium, not enough pigment, clumping, separation (especially their metallics) and so on. If you really love the Citadel colors, two thin coats set out to duplicate their range 1 to 1 without the consistency problems, so that may be worth a look.

The only other brand I would outright avoid is scale75, it has a fucky medium and can be tricky to use. Also avoid things like mig, Tamiya, and testors until you know what you're doing. They use different chemicals and require extra processes to work with

Potentially also look forward to the return of p3, a fan favorite paint brand that has been out of production for a while, in the near future. It was acquired by a new studio and the revamp has hit early reviews and gotten some glowing (though potentially biased) reviews so far
Are you serious or pretending to be retarded?
Only firstborn kits that are left are the tacticals and devastators and centurions pretty much.
And I highly doubt they will be sticking around for the next edition.
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Tree faction in 40k when?
The real question is 'will they fudge a Horus Heresy MkVII kit before, or after, the Tactical Squad gets squatted?'
exodites are wood elves
>implying the entire chaos car park isn't getting replaced by scuttling darkmek constructs
no rhinos, only open topped mecharhinoceros chariots
no bikes, only personal brassscorpid cavalry steeds
no land raiders, only an alternative build for the defiler which houses a chaos portal
no predators, you've already got forgefiends after all ;^)
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>even in-universe women love 'Nids
Seriously, what is it about the dino-bugs that women get so worked up about?

Only IF would have gotten MkVII during the Heresy I think.

But it's GW they will retcon things for the sale of sales.
exodites are wood elves but they don't have the treemen, instead they've got dinosaurs
the 40k analogue to elven ents are wraithconstructs
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the dino part makes some of their miniatures look cute
they're very not armyman-coded, its closer to having a collection of fake insect taxidermy than toy soldiers
Stupid sexy neurolictors?
You seem like you definitely have nobody to play with. Must be why you hate Eldar so much. Nobody is fucking you.
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Call me a fag, but I would see that as an absolute victory.
Any legion present at the siege of terra really
Plus despite it being known as aquila pattern nothing stops gw from saying "actually the traitors used it and put an eye of horus/whatever on the chest instead".

Sounds terrible
Gory messes don't fit every army, and the poster boys for chaos are more subdued than average with that kind of thing. I personally prefer it that way and thought Hellbrutes were a waste compared to regular Chaos dreads it's not like you can't run whatever models you want using the current rules, as long as it looks reasonably close.

The Rhino chassis and the Land Raiders hold up really well still, since they're basically boxes and there's not much you can do to improve the design. They tried to reformulate the LR with 30K's Spartan and it's just an alright model, arguably a bit worse in some ways.
>But it's GW they will retcon things for the sale of sales.
And they should

When fictionalhistorical factoids about armour autism get in the way of making miniatures people want to see then that's when retcons have to be employed.
Why is that Gaunt so smug? What does it know? Why is it looking st me like that?
Thanks man, I'll have a look at them and tell my girlfriend, the one who owns the paints and models and has been painting for ages already
I want to get that kit just for the machine spirit, use it as an objective marker or make a fun diorama with it
I've always wanted a burrowing mecha-worm transport for chaos. I think something like that was actually mentioned in a book before.
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That is a very bad idea. You have already lost a huge chunk of your available forces and what you have left isn't exactly fantastic.
Has any unit fallen from grace harder than this poor chump
You could also just drill some holes in a plastic ball and attach wires to it...
Yeah, pretty much.
Main reason why they got left behind in the dust is because GW changed management and stopped with the whole "kill off Slaanesh" idea.
Also even when GW was still going about the whole Ynnari idea they just fucked up in everyway possible with them.
As an idea and concept they are cool, I like what they were going for. Like making eldar more relevant and giving the eldar some sort of win.

But then GW fucked up by doing the following:
>putting Gav Thorpe, the dude who hates elves, in charge writing their main fluff books for BL
>said books are so bad that the trilogy gets cancelled after the 2nd book.
>GW only releases 3 HQ models for the entire Ynnari "model range", no troops at all or whatever to give some sort of backbone to the faction
>GW then tells the eldar fans to just soup the rest of the army from different factions
>gives the Ynnari absolutely busted rules, which just sours lot of the playerbase

At this point if I was you I wouldn't be expecting GW to do anything with the Ynnari, at least for a long time. Unless they just quietly sweep them under the rug.
>>GW only releases 3 HQ models for the entire Ynnari "model range", no troops at all or whatever to give some sort of backbone to the faction
It's even worse if you believe the theory that the Corsairs models were originally intended to be Ynnari troops.
Riptides? Maybe Vindicators.
I could also sculpt my own minis
You do that, right anon? You're not hobbylet, are you?
wooden wraith constructs would be cool
Couple of dudes over at /wfg/ unironically did that for their Slaanesh and Nurgle armies.
>Any legion present at the siege of terra really
Only loyalists.
The mk7 armor was a project that was specifically carried out of Mars out of the hands of the traitors.
And never mind that there was basically no suits of them made until the VERY VERY late into the Heresy.
Remember, the entire conflict takes place in the span of like 7-9 terran years as weird as it sounds.
At best the loyalists would get mk7 armor around like last 1-2 weeks before the final showdown between Emps and Horus which then ends the conflict.

How many Rhinos is too much for Thousand Sons?

I wanna buy/print the custom doors.
Totally gutting the space marine faction just to justify coming up with some new units and a new scale always sucked to me. I like a lot of the new units but still can't wrap my head around why we can't just have tactical squads but primaris and instead I get a battleine that has no options and a bunch of single weapon "devastators but less versatile". Dark Angel intercessors can't even take a plasma gun. It's astounding.
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The more I read about the Inquisition, the more I don't like them.
All of my attempts at working with greenstuff beyond simple gap-filling and making balls and crystals have been total failures.

They will explain it like they did the MKVI and let you roleplay your traitor army as having looted crates of MKVII armor from the Loyalists.
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>if you believe the theory
It seems pretty obvious, as well as being a mix of CWE and Deldar armour pieces (rather than following up on the distinct variant armour from the old FW models) they're blatantly following the design cues of the Visarch
>face motif on the kneepads
>belly plates with over-shoulder straps
They say 40k is becoming like capeshit. Is this true?
it always has been capeshit
Only insofar as 'capeshit' has become shorthand for a very tightly corporately controlled franchise which feels increasingly engineered to have mass appeal over any distinct identity of its own
Have you seen the Deathwatch animation? Are we not going to talk about how two-three basic Deathwatch marines took on and defeated an elite Necron Destroyer lord without suffering any losses and how retarded it was?
It's been capeshit since the emphasis on marines.
Yeah, I definitely believe it. They also share absolutely nothing in common with the Forgeworld Corsair models.
their drip is immaculate thougheverbeit
fr fr no cap

>Horus Heresy 4th Edition

>GW releases Primaris Tactical / Command Squad kits because technically Cawl was working on them at the time.
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Cool idea for something that would replace the concept of the drop pod on the tabletop for a chaos army:
It gets around the issue of drop pods usually not being big enough to be practical by making part of the thing underground
Since it's a burrowing demon engine it could be more easily imagined moving around afterwards compared to an assault claw
It reinforces the hellish theme of chaos by having them arrive from below rather than from above
It's one 30k mechanicum concept which the darkmek would have appropriately evolved and turned into a demon engine
>anon discovers 40k is very plot armor heavy for the first time
welcome to the hobby
Nobody expects you to like the imperial inquisition.

Why are Necrons such popular xeno antagonists in Warhammer animation?
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Necrons are the coolest non-Imperium faction.
Relatively speaking, yes, not enough to the extent people claim because they cherrypick their examples, give an arbitrary greater importance to largely background stories and let memes taint their understanding of the setting and what are its real movers and shakers.
Do people actually care for deathwatch or is it white noise
>Bolterwank is... Le bolterwank???
No I have no desire to speak about it or any other of the drivel GW shits out. None of it is worth my time
You forgot that the lore serves the product
I think most anons forget that part.

It's not about lore, it's about a company selling stuff. Once you realize that every release makes complete sense.
Imperium are protagonists and the other factions are cool enemies for them to blow up.
Nice, at last Ash Soldiers suplement of /myguys/!
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Kitbashing some lootas, they nicked some shiny humie trousers too
Someone has the pic of the calgar marvel comic?
Movie marines are old news, the animation was amateurishly mediocre, especially in any and all instances where it didn't abuse slow motion to hide its flaws, and there's really nothing to talk about beyond the possibility this is a test run for s project that runs on the same animation techniques, budgets and choreography (so, shit).

GW should focus on licensing art and comics, not animations, especially not animations for anything that isn't an anthologic snippet.
The unimportant background stories are the meat and bones of the setting. The alternative is a series of bad sci-fi novels instead of the little moments that inspire you to paint your dudes ans ram them together on a table with another sweaty guy.

I think people like the idea more than the execution.
You're almost two decades late for that. Horus Rising released in 2006.
The Visarch was/is a corsair though
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They most definetly were intended to be so.
When you look at the design elements on their armor lot it is almost 1:1 with the Visarch.
Who is, as far as we know, first and foremost made and intended to be an Ynnari character first.
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Working on deffkoptas but it's still really early so have my warbikers from a while ago.
I love them, man. Despite their scrawny humie legs my favorite is that one that looks like the power gunner suit from the matrix.
Top notch kitbashing
A squad of deathwatch in a marine or inquisition army? Sure
A whole army? That's not a kill team anymore.
I'd rather give some of my marines deathwatch arms to give them character.

I also think deathwatch looks better in og chapter colors with only the silver arm linked them together. Power rangers type shit.
I believe it
I'm locked in w/ the eldar community and this is the first time I've heard people bitching about the corsairs, at least like this*.
Normally people bitch about the poses or lack of options, not the design.
Most people are satisfied that the corsairs arent just an upgrade sprue for craftworld guardians.
nta but were are you getting that?
The problem is that Visarch is pretty much Ynnari character first and foremost.
Him being a former corsair prince also fits Ynnari since they don't really care who follows Ynnead, that's the reason why Ynnari have eldar from all walks of life.
That's Yvraine, the Visarch was an Incubus
I'd tell you to cry about it but you've already got a head start.
Because they are PG-12.
No blood. No gore. Even their weapons don't cause bleeding.
>The Corsair kit was supposed to be Ynnari troops!
sounds like bitching since they're saying the kit is basically a stitch-up job.
which, you know, bitching is always warranted in some* way for GW models.
>bitching about the... design
It's a cool design, it's just very obvious that they were designed for the abortive Ynnari range
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Sounds plausible.
Apparently picrelated was initially sculpted as a fusion of spore mine & human, not a psychic thing. And the author was disappointed by how GW handled his work.
So rehashing a corsair HQ into uh... Visarch was the name? is definitely on the table I think.
Usually don't like contrast but these came out nice
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>no blood. no gore.
I mean, if you want. GW paintslop doesn't push it but you certainly can.
It's more just pseudo-conspiratorial trivia sharing, like how people like to mention that Forgeworld repurposed their unfinished K'daai Destroyer into a big ugly Khorne monster that no one bought.
>Belive me, I tell you that I have a really good taste to tell you which army is cool!
>Posting a tastelet IA shit as something cool.
I´m not even >>94097784 anon
Sounds like a stretch, or maybe you're right, didn't get that from reading that post.
>bitching is always warranted in some way
GW keeps fucking up that's damn right.
One step forward two step backs.
It's tiring when the problems could have easily be fixed or resulted from purposeful additions.

I'm gonna start thinking they do it on purpose.
Did you miss Szeras's model or something
It's 'pseudo-conspiratorial' until it's proven right and you stop acknowledging it out of shame.
It's always like that. Been there, seen it.
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A model truly crying out for dripping PVA blood
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>hands shaking so badly with impotent rage he can't even spell coherently
>The alternative is a series of bad sci-fi novels
Those are the irrelevant background stories I was talking about.
is super glue good enough or do i have to use plastic cement?
If it's true then it's almost certainly the other way around.
The Visarch is even wearing a big fur cloak.
He's Corsair-coded.
Super glue loses power with time
He's just Indian or something.
Still waiting for that new priest model.
>blackstone fortress guy
He's cool but proper kit please
>inb4 just convert
Not worth it.
blood doesn't behave like that at that scale
Thanks anon it's been fun trawling through the bits bins for these guys. A buddy of mine gave me some spare GK legs and I knew they were gonna turn into lootas. Some of the guns are so bulky that ork legs don't fit lol
I don't understand the tone of this post. You do realize that "pseudo-" means "not", right? I'm saying that it's "not conspiratorial" because it's pretty clearly true.
>but proper kit
that is a proper kit
In the grim darkness of the far future it does
and metal isn't glittery, what's your point?
>painting kabalites at LGS monthly paint event
>guy tells me that painting their little banners as flayed skin is inappropriate, since apparently some of the people who play at the store are younger players
And then everyone clapped and cheered.
You look like a loser. I hope you don't think you're cool or clever.
oh hell naw...
Clean metal

They're working on it

Metal is nice and smooth, no issue there
>hairy pussy and glasses
look mom I posted it again
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I think it requires much less of a leap to assume the Corsairs are left over from the Ynnari project, which was launched but abandoned, rather than assuming the Visarch was actually meant as a Corsair
>He's Corsair-coded.
He's really not. The FW models were only like 5 years old when the Triumvirate were released and had established a very different style to the Visarch's
Mah fakin' options
My mistake, I will commit sudoku for this act of friendly fire
The thing is that corsairs fit thematically very well into the Ynnari as a faction. Many don't talk about it but it is uncanny.
Because Ynnari as a whole don't really have main base where they hang out, like no central craftworld or something. It's just Yvraine leading their group and trying to recruit more people to their cause, and Ynnari aren't picky when it comes to who joins them.
What does that sound like? Yeah, that's just describes corsairs as well.

I wouldn't be surprised if these models were 100% intended to be updated eldar corsairs and named that from the begining, but they were also intended to be the main troops for Ynnari in their faction.
>"a really good taste"
>putting a period at the end of a line of greentext
You are either ESL or a retard, and your take can be thrown out in either case.
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You know the worst part about 40k being mainstream is the amount of porn and other shit made my lonely horny fucks for other lonely horny fucks.

It's fucking Warhammer 40.000 dude, what the fuck
>It gets around the issue of drop pods usually not being big enough to be practical by making part of the thing underground
Why are drop pods too small serves the loyalists fine
>It reinforces the hellish theme of chaos by having them arrive from below rather than from above
Implies they were there below the planet already
Being a daemon engine it could mean it travels through the Warp to arrive within the earth, it goes from slithering in the immaterium to slithering through ground breaching to the air to disgorge its hellish cargo with no real sense of travel for those travelling within
In the animations I meant. Show me a scene where there is gore or excessive bleeding.
How would (You) implement terminators in space marine 2?
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This fucker masturbates to zoomer animatronics
They're in the drukhari commoritr kill team, 5 wyches and 5 kabalites
Not to mention court of the archon and the madrake killteam they also have
For such a niche faction is ofd that they have 3 killteams
nta but you say that as if it's a crime to not be acknowledged by you. Who the hell are you?
Thrown away? Why should I cry? You're a faggot on the internet pointing out some bloke's typos, hello? Self awareness?
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What do they put in their rockets?
whatever works
You're just mad that I'm not going to entertain a hylic's pointless words. Keep seething.
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what remains to be seen
Squig cum
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lately, for some reason, bunch of mashups
Real 40k fans wank to the Rape of an Eldar Diorama.
nothing exciting aside for that lizardmen unit
I'm actually more confused and sad for you buddy, projecting your own anger on me is not gonna change that, sorry.
>not going to entertain
Then stop replying, right there, leave me hanging, go on with your life.
You didn't say anything of value in those posts, and if you feel my posts are vapid too, good, ignore me, I'm gonna forget you exist in 1 hour tops, probably 30 mins even.
How stupid is going with imperial guard as my first army?
I've read that it is an expensive army and difficult to paint but I really like their lore.
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>Real 40k fans wank to the Rape of an Eldar Diorama.
Model the armour, add an additional shield bar and add a stormbolter and a temporary immortality perk. PROFIT.
That's a lot of words, too bad I'm not gonna read them, gaywad.
That's it. I'm headcannoning that female kroot have a psuedopenis like hyenas, and none of you can stop me.
>How would (You) implement terminators in space marine 2?
They'd have to be another class imo.
But it's hard to say how well it could be added.
Probably in the same vein as the gravis class but less agile, meaning you can't dodge as easily, or you can but your dodges are slower.

If I had to make it like how I want. I'd make them more melee oriented, while still giving them some ranged options.
So your loadout can be the old reliable thunder hammer with a storm shield, or a sword and shield.
As for ranged options a stormbolter, assault cannon, plasma cannon or melta/flamer.
And the class ability is cyclone missile launcher rack.
I'm fully aware this would step on the toes of the gravis class, but my solution would be just to share the weapons between the 2 classes, so both get the melee and heavy weapon options.
Ask SM2 general.
The guard is expensive, but if you really like the guard then go with the guard.
Alternatively you could get into the guard with 3D printing and save quite a load of money. But that's only if you want to put up with the troubles of resin 3D printing.
>I'm not going to entertain a hylic's pointless words
Look in the sky, your credibility is flying away.
My job here is done. :^)
>Why are drop pods too small serves the loyalists fine
I disagree on that, drop pods are a relatively big model for the one-time deployment of one squad and that's it, which is why when they were more common on the tables they were taken in multiples, not just one or 2 dropped far from each other.
all drop pods since have experimented with being a bit bigger to transport more and bigger units or to retain some kind of utility after their drop
there's a reason gw isn't trying to remake them anytime soon despite being somewhat iconic, it's a product for a large model meant to represent what's at best been made a low point cost token you have to take loads of, and their use in games makes the battle a one-trick alpha strike.
they're simply something that doesn't work seamlessly at the scale the tabletop is operating unfortunately.

>travels through the Warp
I was already giving it for granted that a chaos driller could do that, but in any case it could simply deploy from orbit, just somewhere safer and then reach the battlefield from below, like any other driller unit or most transports.

Just run the tanks yo
small model count and pretty simple to paint
plus lethals into other vehicles is ace
Thanks for the advice
Explodey stuff.
All I see is a (you). Feed me more.
Mostly Darkness's works.
Just something gentle in the background.
Ah, the ol' clitoral shaft.
For an Imperial Agents Immolator, should I go for the flamers, the heavy bolters, or the multi-melta?
Are 2 vehicles too much for a 1k point game as Marines?
Melta. At least until vehicles stop being meta.
meltas for sure, and give the sisters inside meltas as well.
I got into Warhammer 40k hoping it would be a social hobby. I used to play Magic / Commander, and I recently quit, so I was hoping 40k would fill that void. I ended up enjoying the Warhammer hobby, but not as a social outlet, I ended up preferring the homebody aspects of the hobby, the assembling and painting. I've played once or twice, and honestly the rules are too complicated, I got filtered. However I really like cool looking models, and painting them interesting colour schemes. Anyone know that feel?
What vehicles?
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Finished off my Admech style Inquisitorial agents today. Got the two servitors to do and then they're done. Bit of a rush job on a few of them as I'm using them this weekend, but i'll go back and tidy them up some other time.
ever since anon posted it here a few threads ago:
sorta. I mostly hobby and play as an afterthought. lots of people are only in it for the hobby anon, don't worry about it.
Redemptor Dread and Las predator
looks great anon.
That’s what I was thinking, but I wanted to make sure. Thanks anons
amazing work anon, are you going for like, an Inquisitor hunting tech-heresy?
I find social hobbies are a lot easier to find than personally fulfilling ones, because anything can be fun with friends. But I certainly find model painting rewarding for the time investment in a way that other hobbies are not. Both for the end product and the skill development aspect.
Those look fucking great anon
>night lords
>but in any case it could simply deploy from orbit
That's some cool imagery anon. You ever see those videos of a pray mantis being dunked in water and horsehair worms wiggle/tear out of it? That's how I picture they look when being deployed from ships in orbit. Shocking long and big compared to the ship they were deployed from with a mind of their own
>Redemptor Dread and Las predator
Are you concerned that it's too much or not enough.
Don't worry about it being too powerful. If you come up against a stripped down guard or Tau list you will still get completely pantsed.
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Thanks guys.


Thanks. Yeah exactly that. Since Knights really benefit from having allies I wanted all the agent stuff to be more admech themed so they look cohesive on the tabletop. The idea is to make a Admech Inquisitor next, and i've got forgeworld techthralls with some 3d printed shields to do next that will be my version of the arbites squads. Everything in the metalica theme since my Knight house is Metalica aligned in the lore.
Yeah, that's fine. I just wanted a nice 1k list for my first games but didn't wanna be that guy who brings too much armour.
Is he the only Primaris-era sculpt that people unanimously enjoy?
Is he? Replacing the ever iconic brick that was castraferrum was rather controversial methinks.
>Yeah, that's fine. I just wanted a nice 1k list for my first games but didn't wanna be that guy who brings too much armour
You have nothing to worry about. The Redemptor is arguably the best unit in core Codex Space Marines, but it is mediocre by most of the other factions standards.
NTA I love the classic box dreads, but I still kinda like the Redemptor too. It's more just unfortunate that the latter is replacing the original design.
>Is he the only Primaris-era sculpt that people unanimously enjoy?
I think people like most of the Primaris stuff outside of the hover tanks and rocket launcher guys
Cheers. I gotta finish painting before my first game. Thanks for the help.
Redemptors are cool.
Another very well like done is the gravis captain with a chainsword/eviscerator option.
Primaris monopose intercessors are garbo.
No, gimme back my box
The moon boot marines are a tad controversial as well.
No; I hate that model.
I'd say the least controversial primaris model is the gravis apothecary or the techmarine.
I think we're on the same wavelengths here
picture the following as some other optional visuals
they "nest" within the hulls of wrecked imperial ships or drifting asteroids or space hulks, waiting for the moment to attack enemy vessels who happen to pass nearby (preferred by alpha legionnaires who may go the extra length of having the transported units remain in suspended animations for prolonged periods of time. plus hydra motif with the heads of the drill)

since the demon engine is partially warp capable it's employed in numbers to act on already open warp rifts, like maggots in a festering wound, making the rift more stable for the transit of chaos vessels and creating precise tunnels whose ends can be opened on the battlefields as rents into the earth that disgorge the wyrmdrills and demonic hordes

the emperor children use punishing strikes of orbital bombardments onto the same spot of a planet until they reveal the naked mantle, then the wyrms are deployed en masse, often in a bombastic and suicidal race, to reach the center of a world and detonate a vortex charge to create a demonic portal within a planet

the iron warriors erect makeshift instant fortresses made of little more than tangled and coiling wurms, dispersing after the warpsmiths have laid down the first level of walls and artilleries from where the rest of the defensive position gets built
No, I have seen a lot of complaining about it, most often he is ridiculed for looking like an obese faggot, complaint he shares with Gravis range. Black Templars range is the least complained about
Redemptors are worse than boxes but WAY, WAYYY better than the shit Dreads HH tried to force
Can someone tell me why so many people hate the primaris knee fin? I never noticed it until anons complaind about it
Sooo... Emperor's Children for EARLY 2025 or LATE 2025?
Don't kroot excrete some absolutely foul smelling ooze from their skin that makes them unbearable to be around?

If I remember right they don't actually poop, and instead shit by sweating out semi solid waste oil through their skin, which they use like a combination of sunscreen and territorial gland marking
I'm going to guess Q1 FY2025/26
hard to say at the moment
they don't appear on the release schedule for what's likely the first quarter of next year, but an announcement now would be weird if they were going to be revealed only at the end of next year, unless it was a hazardous damage control for the reaction to the last abysmal reveal stream

perhaps they will take the summer spot
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Skull tits. Khorne is pleased.
Sooo similar to the Votann release slot from 9e and not the World Eaters one?
Does that mean they WON'T be the last codex of 10e?
CWE will be the last Codex, I'm calling it now
they're no more monopose than any marines before them :)
God this art is so shit. At least the pedophile can draw better.
It and the other design features that serve to differentiate Primaris armor from firstborn (the neck guard, the weird pectoral plate, and the longer bolters) all come together to make something that's busier and uglier than what it's supposed to be replacing. At least in my opinion, which a lot of people seem to share.
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Except we know it's the second Codex of 2025 you nincompoop.
Dark Eldar then.
All they had to do was update the proportions.
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You're a joke with no taste or test
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So same as old marines, stop being a hobbylet and repose the models.
post your firstborn models
Yeah, Dark Eldar getting a February Codex and then being in the 11E starter box and getting another Codex in July sounds about right.
>Pale athletic bodies, collarbones
I adore all of these ideas. I really like the first one though, them being an aggersive parasite like threat lurking in damaged/destroyed ships to ambush scrappers/scavangers lone ships really adds a lot. Or being in space hulks. Imagine scavanging through it for weeks or months and then you discover one of the ships deep with in is housing those things, then they emerge from the carcass like fucking brine worms or some other deep sea ambush predator.

Make shift instant fortress for Iron warriors is another ingenius use for them. 10/10 ideas anon
I only own Orks.
They still complain about the "potbelly." People around here just want something to complain about, the line between SOVL and slop moves depending on what side of the bed they wake up on.
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Can anyone please help identify which model this is? I inherited it from family who no longer plays. I think it is a Librarian, but if there is more detail I'd like to know. Thank you.
spess mreen
Librarian Epistolary
Haha look at this goofy ass
He says posting a man in a wig.
Primaris units just need to not have the fucking hands glued to the guns.
Thank you!
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>xenosfag yet again seething over primaris
Isn't it way easier to have the hands be modelled on and attached to the guns and just the wrists be where the cut is so you can glue the hands in at whatever angle you need?
I'm not angry, I feel sympathy for marinefans.
Remember that one guy who had a meltdown about it?
try fucking assembling the non easy to build one
fucking nightmarish
Are the gsc patriarch and tyranids brood lord models on the same base/interchangeable?
I don't need tests, I already got Cs on mine.
isnt that old Ultras Tigurius?
>I'm not angry, I feel sympathy for marinefans.
You don't.
>Remember that one guy who had a meltdown about it?
No and I don't care about him.
the brood lord is on an oval. the patriarch is on a circle.
NTA but which particular meltdown are you referring to? Seems like we get one every couple weeks.
>Raptors get the spotlight yet again in the Kill Team release
minis and novels when?
Both hands are attached to the gun so no matter what you do you have to do so much chopping to get it to a different pose.
Old marines were much easier. The 'scared of plasma' pose was a classic and you could get poses with personality fairly easily.
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>Ultras Tigurius

I think the other poster was correct, and it is in fact Librarian Epistolary. It matches this other pic I found.
as if the entire phobos line wasn't the wet dream of tacticoolmarines already
retards like you pretending that people EVER liked that shit and it wasn't the most miserable assembling experience are hilarious
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>proper marine instead of primarshit
>four gun options
>three melee options
>five pauldrons
>iron halo or banner
>four different heads
>cheaper than GW
Tortuga-sama, I kneel.
buy an ad
So buy it then.
I do. While I have my opinions on the new Boyz, the fact that marine enjoyers got rug-pulled so hard that paypig adopters got mindbroken by it stands as a testament to the sheer audacity of the decision.
I mean the guy who started spamming "Primaris Are King" for like a week straight.
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>broke out of my 5 years as a hikki to go to the LGS and meet the 40k crowd
>they were really chill, very much reminded me of the guys I played EDH with back in the day
>went a couple times and learned a bit about the game
>bought some models
>out of the 7 plague marines I've finished, the fastest took like 18 hours
>haven't been back to the LGS in like 4 months
FUCK. I'm trying to get close to 1k points painted by the new year, but if I can't do it by then I'm gonna probably say fuck it and roll thru with a half painted army
>>Raptors get the spotlight yet again in the Kill Team release
To be fair this is not a hobby for small children, which explains your traumatic experience.
Or you could just identify why a single power armour miniature took you 10x the time it should take, and rectify it?
What? Old Tact Marines were well known as the easiest model to pose, assemble and paint ever.
Intercessors are so shit they had to get rid of them as the default newbie build/paint unit in stores.
GW themselves disagree with you.
>gets bombed and production cancelled due to current events
>nuffin personell...kid
Seriously though I have to pick up their thunder warrior models. They look like they are meant to be custodes proxies and look nice to me.
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>Intercessors are so shit
Only if you have parkinsons and gorilla hands.
you've so blatantly never touched a model it's almost funny
Cyberdaemons when?
The fact that I can still order my silly little miniatures from a country that is being invaded is crazy. Capitalism is king, it would seem.
That being said, I own one of the Thunder Warriors and I am pleased with how different it looks from regular marines.
Are you just going to schizopost for a couple of hours like you do every time people dislike the current state of Marines?
What do you think the bait is
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>I own one of the Thunder Warriors and I am pleased with how different it looks from regular marines.
Care to show some pics, please? And how is the resin quality?
>n-no people actually liked having to cut gun grips off and model the hand around them!!!
kill yourselves, tourists
Anything from steong amasec to enriched plutonium
Can't make any promises but I'll take a look.
Resin quality is really good but it has an odd finish, sort of a cross-hatching pattern on it. Most likely will need a bit of sandpapering to get it smooth enough for painting.
It's easy to do, what's your problem?
Yeah actually different poses are cool. Are you a GW shill? Every time someone shits on how soulless Marines are without wargear/chapter rules and how bad the Primaris models are, you seem to appear and rabidly defend them with the same, tired 'nomodels' bait.
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I already bought a load of those models, but having the chance to have Allarus Custodian proxies now.
Here's hoping more thunder warrior proxies by Tortuga get released.
thanks for exposing yourselves as low effort shitposters
enjoy this last (you)
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In the new edition. Core Rulebook. They get a short story and a named kill team called Squad Eslaron to represent the Angels of Death faction.
I can post the story, if you'd like.
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this is somehow worse.
Well, at least you're giving up early this time. No worries champ, I'm sure people will like Primarislop eventually.
>tactical rock
Fuck off
we need to go wider
I wonder where this FAT FUCK floated in from
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It's a bit too busy for me, alongside the tassets and neck piece. On their own all of them are fine, just in conjuction they're a bit much for me.

I also don't really like the new silhouette in the core design. Manlets were some bulky strongman-looking shithouses, while Primaris with their wider hips and armor that emphasizes a V-taper leaves them with an artificially narrower waist that has them looking more like bodybuilders. Makes them look a bit more unstable and, ironically enough, weaker than the older design.

That's mostly for the design, though. The actual minis don't emphasize this trait due to their proportions and size, while the chicken legs on manlet minis were kind of silly. And the new ones are better
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I'm going to the store. Hopefully, you will deliver by the time I get back?
Hard disagree, boxnaught mk2 fucks
I'd make it better by replacing the twin bolter titties with the heavy bolter titties
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nigga looks like he walks like a wind up toy
nice walker
Reals dreads never bend the knee to their enemies.
Why are you getting defensive? 18 hours is a ridiculous amount of time to spend on a plague marine. It's better to work out why it's taking you that long than running an unfinished army.
Yeah, after looking around it also seems like the brood lord is a fair bit bigger than the patriarch, which Is the opposite of what I thought the case was, so maybe I'll just have to pick up a brood lord model in addition to my patriarch model
I fucking wish that 40k stopped having shared demons with fantasy so it can have mecha augmented versions of demons only
>but da lore
fuck the fluff, as far as I'm concerned they can make up some bullshit about how the cicatrix got hijacked by an ascendant vashtorr so demons cannot manifest normally without buying shit from him first or being shoved in engines
Dark mechanicus soon
For ligma
soul grinder moment
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Here we go, lucked out and found them within five minutes. I'm using a two-bulb lighting setup which is crucial in my opinion, helps with spotting things you might otherwise overlook.
I've not edited these pics apart from resizing them, I just moved the bulbs around to highlight the pattern on the miniature.
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I finished up these guys and wanted to try a dynamic shot, people doing the same in other threads motivated me
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>vashtorr gets more powerful and the gods become more numerous
>but demons become less independent and more reliant on mortals
It would actually make sense for abbadon to pursue this gambit actually, given how he has the frankly impossible goal of getting rid of chaos after he's used it to get the galaxy, but he couldn't possibly hope of achieving that if the only way of using chaos comes with making chaos stronger and stronger.
Thank you anon. This is helpful. I think the texture will disappear when primer is applied, but I see your concern.
Now I've got to think of a colour scheme for my future thunder warrior army that got somehow sent to the current events of 40k via Warp shenanigans.
Taking the plunge on a new army. How's this list for 1500

Apothecary (50pts): Absolver Bolt Pistol, Close Combat Weapon, Reductor Pistol
Captain in Gravis Armour (80pts): Warlord, Master-crafted Heavy Bolt Rifle and Master-crafted Power Weapon, Master-crafted Heavy Bolt Rifle, Master-crafted Power Weapon
Chaplain (60pts): Absolver Bolt Pistol, Crozius Arcanum
Lieutenant (65pts): Pistol, Master-crafted Bolt Rifle & Melee Weapon, Close Combat Weapon, Bolt Pistol, Master-crafted Bolt Rifle

5x Heavy Intercessor Squad (100pts)
5x Heavy Intercessor Squad (100pts)
10x Intercessor Squad (160pts)
10x Intercessor Squad (160pts)

6x Bladeguard Veteran Squad (180pts)
3x Eliminator Squad (85pts)
5x Hellblaster Squad (115pts)
Whirlwind (180pts): Armoured Tracks, Whirlwind Vengeance Launcher
Impulsor (80pts): Armoured Hull, Ironhail Heavy Stubber, Bellicatus Missile Array, 2 Storm Bolters
Impulsor (80pts): Armoured Hull, Ironhail Heavy Stubber, Bellicatus Missile Array, 2 Storm Bolters

Vets get chaplain, hellblasters get lt, and they get the transports. Cpt is only gravis because I get him in the Donk Angels set. Apothecary goes in the intercessor squad.
Nigger just build your demons that way if that's what you like. You DO have demons, don't you?
>anon has a positive reaction to a thing, but anon doesn't know exactly why
>anon has a negative reaction to a new thing, but anon doesn't know exactly why
>anon seeks to find the difference between the thing and the new thing
>finds one difference, immediately blames on it his gut feelings
They're that simple
Those aren't print lines, are they? But they aren't cast into molds either I'd assume, so what is it?
Multiple int bricks let alone putting a character with them is certainly a choice
looks like print lines to me, but maybe printed on a weird angle?
Looks neat but unfortunately very lacking in anti tank unless vehicles arent a thing in your local scene.
Did GW say points update was coming this week at some point during the stream over the weekend?
By the end of the month is what they said
Well fuck, that probably means the last day of the Month then.
Old habits are hard to break. I have two full dark angel companies worth of tactical marines and devastators and I always just sort of vomitted those out.

Not a lot but I didn't even think of that. What about swapping the whirldwind and second Int block out for two lancers?
Two lancers would be perfect AT for 1.5k
I like space elves.
I hope they get a nice thing in spring.
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Agreed. Here's hoping for Asurmen /Dire Avengers and Warp Spiders, as well as Fuegan/Fire Dragons.
I unironically wish for more ynnari stuff.
Like give me an upgrade at least.
Just get the Corsair box for cheap, plenty of stuff in there.
>primaricuck tries crawling back with his negativity
I spit on you.
elves fucking sux
worst 40k race along with votann
silence KNAVE
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>average Imperial reacting to Eldar
>last time I play my opponent comments that the captain from the dark angel box makes a such a great Azrael proxy when I put him down as Azrael
>I wasn't aware he wasn't

It has not been an issue in friendly games but I'm going to have to go to a GW store for the forseeable future as my LGS was hurricane'd into temporary closure, should I rebase or is it fine. I'm a bit reluctant to rebase since it's my favorite model.
rent free
I'm sure glad that he's In there and we're out here, and he's the SHERIF
muslim qt had never heard of 40k or the hobby in general, asked if it's like Lego. how do I explain it to her
>muslim qt
Why is she talking to you? She's a woman, why the Hell is she even talking to you? She should know only her husband and her children and close her door and close her eyes
how the fuck do i know if i thinned enough or not? aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah
I'm her childhood crush
>how do I explain it to her
Have you tried describing the things you enjoy about it?
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Explain it normally, it’s a wargame where you build and paint your own dudes. Lego works as a description but outside of some rpg stuff Lego isn’t quite as autistic. She’s a muzzie so play up the “religious warriors desperately fighting a doomed cause against alien and demonic degenerates won refuse to submit to the one true lord they should under mostly bad leaders cus they’re the only ones available.”
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>I was out for an hour longer than expected and he STILL didn't post models.
lol. lmao even.
It should be a consistency like water, but still have full pigmentation. As opposed to looking watered down. Take that with a grain of salt though. I'm a painting secondary.
explain like it's the 1800, it's a tabletop game that simulates millitary strategy and a painting hobby.
Only 16 more and you'll have a finished mini
If you can swipe the brush on something after thinning and the paint shrinks together you’re good.
>The hobbylet is still responding to me like I'm supposed to care.
You've already disgraced yourself in front of everyone by not posting models. There's no way you can possibly recover from this.
how do i know that i didnt thin it too much?

what if it looks opaque but dries almost transparent?

using citadel paints btw
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I didn't ask for you to post yours (I don't want to see them) and nothing is gained by posting mine

18 hours is still a truly fucked amount of time to spend on a mini that isn't a GD entry. Get a grip.
If you thinned it too much just do another coat and wipe off the excess. Better too thin than too thick.
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NTA but yeah you’re right 18 is a bit much. I’m slow as fuck but it still only takes like 5-6 hours of actual painting time for one of my ugly fucking minis. Though it seems to be taking longer and longer now, seriously highlighting makes me want to rip pout my eyeballs. My typhon was like 12-14 or something but it’s a big fuckoff tank and I had a lot of edge highlights to do
No one is looking for your advice shitbag.
You need finer brushes, and to strip that BA Chaplain you've got and give it to someone else.
>nothing is gained by posting mine
Except credibility for what you say. You unironically tried to claim plague marines should take under two hours each, which is just fucking stupid. Of course 18 hours is a lot, and I could cut it in half by being more attentive, but I still I find it hard to believe those are really even your minis.
Run screaming, anon. Trust me.
ok ill try. thank you.
if I buy the infiltrators box can I make 5 infiltrators and 5 incursors or does it only come with 1 sergeant?
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No. He is mine and I love the ugly little bastard. I even varnished him which fucked up massively cus it was too humid and he came out looking like he’d just finished a swan dive into some Columbian marching powder.
bro just take the L
Lazarus? Yeah, he's basically discount Azrael if you build him with bolter and sword.
You can make 5 of each. Sergeants aren’t any different from regular dudes, they have 0 options.
I posted a mini that's credibly mine, and he's posting other people's pics while spouting bullshit. In what world do I not win this?
>erm you reposted this army in the past it's clearly not yours
I mean, if I was going to talk shit, and wanted people to take me seriously, I would post a new image, yea.
gawd u bakas leave salman alone
Are you drunk?
>You unironically tried to claim plague marines should take under two hours each
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A new image like this?
u jus mite b
Can I see those nids?
Imagine getting ass raped by a female bull, shes going to get that whole titty in there.
>tfw im really slow painter and i like to be super careful when painting, with multiple layers thinned often and lots of details even on infantry.

I-is being slow that bad?
Only if you're playing with unpainted models.
>I-is being slow that bad?
only if you've got an event coming up
>female bull
that's called a cow retard
Depends entirely on whether you're having fun. Some people love to play and want to get passable models asap; some people love to model and just want to build, bash and paint. If taking that long makes you happy more power to you.
If you need to be slow to make dope as fuck looking models, there will never be anything wrong with that.
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>seven days into Orktober
>Only like a dozen people have posted ork models or discussed ork fluff/gameplay across all the threads we've had so far
I simply do not care for orks
typical boring eldarfag
eldar are unironically more interesting than orks
>t. Grot
eldar are less interesting than dirt
wrong, but a retard who likes orks obviously wouldn't know
Where's the new Weirdboy? It's one of the Rumor Engine pics, bit weird that they haven't put him out yet.
orks keep fucking rolling me (knights/lov) so no
enjoy your canon tranny elf faction I guess
Cool, thanks guys. And yeah I definitely enjoy the modelling and painting parts of the hobby over the playing. I've only played 1 game so far.

I love my models, i think they're dope as fuck.
your entire faction is nonbinary you literally have no place to talk
biologically genderless and asexual is not the same as your mental illnesses
sorry eldartranny
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>I love my models.

We’ll all that’s really needed I guess.
I like orks but hate building/painting hordes and vehicles
what's the lowest model count for a 2k army you could pull off with orks that isn't just trukks and superheavy spam
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I love your attitude anon, don't lose it because of some jaded fucks in this thread. Paint at whatever pace you need to be happy with your models.
What jaded fucks? nobody has said what he's doing is even bad
>He doesn't know
>Desolation Squad
>2,29 USD
Wow, that bad huh?
Should I get it to practice painting?
One word of advice, if I may: leave this place. It has nothing good to actually offer anyone. Even hanging around the fart-sniffing reddit users are better than becoming a regular here. It happens slowly, over time. It feels natural, just posting memes and shitposting. But then, you start realizing that the time spent here could be used doing literally anything else, anywhere else.
Leave this place while you still can. Please, I beg of you.
yes, that is what you're doing by pretending eldar are at all compelling
Shut the fuck up you ai posting sloppa sniffing buzz kill.
They're top heavy and fall over easy if you do. I really hate them compared to the old rocket launchers and frankly don't understand them.
Up in the thread, people were shitflinging about how long it sjould take to paint a mini
he's not wrong though lmao
Because the guy was saying he was just going to play with unpainted shit. That's different
Yea, and honestly, I really like it. It's massively easier to take you seriously this way, and I think your collections are quite nice, but still: even if I do git gud enough to do my current level of painting in 1/10 the time, I wholly intend to continue painting to higher standards so it continues taking more time, because I fucking love it.
>was I sperging?
>do I regret it?
only a little bit.
>will I do it again?
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very new to painting, wip
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Metallic nids are always such a treat, what color di you use for the carapace?
No? One dood was complaining about minis taking 18 hours to complete each, while the other said he could do it in 2 hours. Then they started shitflinging for no reason.

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