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Something will eventually happen edition

>Warhammer Day Preview Show 2024

>Balance Dataslate:

>Community Links:

>3rd Party Models Pastebin:

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>10th Edition Rules:

>Tithes Animations

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>Thread question:
What do you rate this year's Warhammer Day celebration?
i give it a 2/3
2/10, most of the boxes are worthless but EC confirmation was pretty cool.
Also got minus points for WarCom shitting the bed so hard for so long
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They're good enough for me
Could a Redemptor Dread reasonably kill Magnus on the tabletop?
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Pretty underwhelming for our side (oh boy, some more 'value' boxes)

But at least the 'skins get to retire another old box of resin, we're definitely going to beat Crapworlders to full plasticization at this rate
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How do we fix it?
They have new Orks revealed in Orktober so that gets them some credit, but largely it was meh.
>these are the people that will call you names for buying sable brushes
Newfag here. How do the battleforces work? Can I order them through my lgs or are they Geedubs only?
I just started collecting, bought half of the Leviathan box with a tyranid playing friend. I decided on Dark Angels after some deliberation, just because I think they have the coolest models when it comes to space marines. Now this gets announced, seems like the perfect way to get a whole army together.
For last additions I'm thinking some sort of transport (I'd very much rather get a land raider over an impulsor, they look kinda goofy), Azrael and a redemptor dreadnought.

On the painting front I'm thinking of altering the classic scheme somewhat, partly because I don't like the green robes on the deathwing and I think the schemes are a bit too mono-colored. What I'm looking at now is giving the rank and file a bone white trim on the pauldrons and giving the deathwing bone white pauldrons and helmets, with the breastplate and greaves still being in green. I'd love some thoughts on this, just dipping my toes into painting now.
Wait for the nostalgia-baiting edition where GW brings back wargear and costs
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Literally all I wanted was EC tease, and we got one.
Not really all that interesting, it seems like we either get the same sort of reveals as every event and there isn't much for me to get excited over.
Noting the companions, aren't they kinda worthless if Azrael isn't babysitting them?
Is this guy new?
Reasonably no, but it's possible if the Redemptor high-rolls and Magnus completely flubs his 4++.
They will, theoretically, be available through both your LGS and GW. But they tend to be in pretty high demand, so your LGS might not be getting enough to satisfy demand. When we get closer to release, check with them to see if they know how many they're getting and if you can preorder one.

If there's one you really really really want, you probably want to preorder it either through your LGS or GW. The good ones tend to sell out very quick.
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he was part of the Blackstone Fortress crew
this thing in the photo is the actual full scale model, isn't it?
They didn't all share a sprue, making them impossible for GW to sell individually? Shocking
the fine details are different from the LI version
Magnus can blank dmg of 1 attack and also has access to -1 dmg so Redemptor with 5 attacks will only deal 8 dmg max which isn't enough to kill a healthy Magnus (unless Redemptor has some other rules/buffs going on)
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I am currently painting some shitty resin DnD dwarf cleric for a friend and holy shit
The cast is so bad, it really makes me appreciate GW and FW stuff
If I ever join their DnD Campaigns and need a mini, I am just gonna kitbash some fantasy warhammer figure
Azrael is good, Redemptor Dread is OK. Don't buy an Impulsor. Buy what you like the look of, rules are temporary and models are forever.
Re: the impuslor: the Gladiator tank is an impulsor kit with an extra hardshell and turret. No seriously, you can even build the little bench seats for your pickup truck bed, you then cover that all up to make the Gladiator. So magnetize the Gladiator weapons, friction-fit the turret, and friction-fit the case.
You now have an Impulsor that can upgrade into any Gladiator model. Total cost increase is $8.
Paint is what you like, but well-done trim always looks good.
I just bought the green stuff world LED Kit with red LEDs for my imperial knight, I want to make the eyes behind the facemask glow

Any tips? Anyone used the LED kit or a similar one before?
Perfect, I'm lucky enough to have a few LGSs close by so I should be able to get both the Necrons and the Dangels boxes.
>rules are temporary and models are forever
*laughs in primaris*
Magnus only gets -1D if the Tsons player chose that last turn, it's not an always-on aura and you want the movement a lot of the time.
Are you just looking at melee or something? Redemptor gets a bunch of guns.

I give it an 8/10, solely based on the hearty chuckle that I derived from the new WarCom website immediately shitting the bed and dying the first time even the remotest amount of traffic was directed at it.
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What is the reason that GW STILL sell the old Boyz kit?

Are they aware that the new sprue is not an acceptable replacement?
We shit on geedubs a lot and they deserve a lot of it, but they really are the only company in the west making anything in comparable quality to proper gunpla - and without Bandai's patended weeaboo injection secrets.
How much do you want to bet that the shoulder fired rokkit launcher has a different weapon profile to the classic tube one?

I forgot one can't wait for yet another kill team squad ported to 40K where I have to resolve every single models attacks separately.
>boss, we still have a bunch of the old boyz kit in the warehouses
>sell it online, the grognards and wysiwyg dorks will buy them eventually
That's the one and only reason they get away with a lot of this shit. If there was a competitor of similar quality they'd have to change
It's very annoying that the answer to "How do we fix Chaos" or "How do we get synergy between Imperium armies" or even "How do we stop spamming the best unit in every list" is to go back to the earlier Troop/HQ/Heavy system with the ability to take battle brother companion detachments, but Taudar ruined that entire style of play forever.
>Everything in BSF has gotten some kind of expansion
>Kroots, eldar, beastmen, CSM, Imperial Agents
>Now we get a ratling kill team
We're going to get a Negavolt box eventaully probably with a new Darkmech faction since GW just made new models for their faction for 30k >>94088495
Also Ur-ghuls for a deledar refresh
>Perturabo the only one actually doing his fucking part and running the seige of the Palace
Someone high up in GW who actually collects Orks saw the new kit and veto'd them retiring the old one.
Literally just separate point costs between divergent chapters and codex SM.
>is to go back to the earlier Troop/HQ/Heavy system
No, everyone hated this, no one wants it back except contrarians, there's nothing to be gained from this system and it only detracts from the game.

>but Taudar ruined that entire style of play forever.
What you're actually complaining about is that Marines are a generalist army and as such cannot gain utility from synergization. The obvious answer is to just make Imperial Agents better.
Squidmar Miniatures is currently delving into making their own plastic models, they made a testmini to sell with their Vallejo paintbox.
I am curious where it will lead, it could be that squidmar and Vallejo will try to compete for plastic miniatures but they have no game system
Local warhammer store had both on the shelf, was great to show newcomers the different eras and kit philosophies
They did not intend the monobuild boys to be a replacement and they were a similar project as the monopose chaos warriors start collecting
the monobuild warriors coexisted with the old warriors for some time until the latter got fully updated

I believe they do intend on updating ork boys properly and the monobuild orks were either test sculpts or a patching measure
ork boys will most probably get their update in the 11th edition starter box
Fuse together the profiles that can, like all captains.
Wargear for life.
What are we reasonably expecting from the Emperors Children launch
>We're going to get a Negavolt box eventaully probably with a new Darkmech faction
They will just be part of CSM codex as random cultists.
>No, everyone hated this, no one wants it back except contrarians, there's nothing to be gained from this system and it only detracts from the game.
my man out here running an army that's just 18 Space Marine captains
Take all of the meme chapters like DA, SW, BA, etc and cram them into a single "Angels of Death" codex that's built around whacky SM loadouts and /yourdudes/.
Did he actively choose to be *this* bald?
three xenos starters in a row? That's fucked up
Plastic Fulgrim that is different from the FW one.
Updated Lucius
Noise marines (they be generic CSM but with different helmets like WE)
Some random dipshit, chaff cultists that no one truely asked for.
And what if you're wrong?
GW did the same with DG in 8th ed. The Dark Imperium monopose sprues lived on for years in several reboxes along the plgue marine multi-part kit.
I guess it's weird to see GW being a bit nice and giving non-loyalist marine players more variety
Never happens with other replacement kits, normally the old one vanishes as soon as the new one is shown off
>Plastic Fulgrim that is different from the FW one.
Can we just not?
He canonically shaved his head. At least until he became a chaos junkie
>18 space marine captains
You can only have three captains because they're not battleline, but even then it's far better than having to take bikers because oops, you have points let and can only fill Fast Attack, or having to take dreadnoughts in your White Scars army because oops you can't take that many bikes.

Under the old system you were forced to do dumb shit, now people only do dumb shit for fun. More choice is better.
yeah you are right I was only thinking melee
It literally doesn't need fixing. The codex is fine. Good even.

The problem is that there's no downside to picking a divergent chapter. So everyone does. The only people who don't, are the fluff players, and Timmy who's going to his first tournament. But specifically the sort of player who cares about fluff, but is also too lacking in imagination to head canon a reason to be using another chapters rules with "their dudes". To put it bluntly, those people fucking suck at Warhammer and Space marines have so many fucking units that there's an infinity of ways to write bad lists, but only a finite number of ways to write ones that are actually good.

Those same idiots would have more luck with something like World Eaters or Votann, because there's only 5 or 6 datasheets to choose from, so even if they bring the wrong amount of certain tools, they're far more likely to at least bring some of the right ones.

That all combines to make marines look terrible.
Do you think sonic dreadnoughts are a possibility or will we just get EC Helbrute data sheet
>No, everyone hated this
The issue is that Warhammer, especially 40k, has a great combination of
>good looking models that you can custom build and paint (hobby appeal)
>engaging lore with space for canon-stories and /yourdudes/ (lorefag appeal, /yourdudes/ appeal)
>popular game system with an active tournament system (ttrpg appeal, wargamer appeal, tournament grinder appeal)
A competitor would have to nail all three to present a true threat - otherwise, they just get cannibalized by 40k players using the models as proxies to keep building and playing 40k. And then you somehow have to convince established 40k players to shelve their thousands of dollars of models in order to pick up a new system... inertia is hard
>chaff cultists that no one truely asked for
1 HQ
2 Troops
updating model lines takes precedent over following a pattern

I'll being dishonour on myself and my family and be punished by paying the full price at the closest GW store
Never happening.
CSM are stuck with helbrutes and that is it.
I would not be surprised if they did a new hellbrute kit in the style of the new daemon prince kit, witch unique customization bits for each God as well as undivided.

That unit sorely needs an update and an upscaling
>new CSM dreads
>Based on FW ones
>Sonic dread
Please, gib
No, we will get a plastic Fulgrim.
FW is resin and more fragile than a cripple with osteoporosis.

Will it look better? I have no idea, nor do I care for I don't care about the EC or Slaanesh in general.
Nah, people hated it at the time but its removal has done more harm than good.
Nids should be forced to run Gaunts. Marines should be forced to run Tacts.Tau should be forced to run Fire Warriors.

It gave a really solid reason to have armies be somewhat iconid and rely on their main units.
How do you like this look? I could see it working on an emperor's children army
Honorable anon, I wish you fortitude and accuracy in your prediction, may your omen be a good one.
Ali express gozaimas
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>marines are bad because their most of their players aren't tryhard waacfags
>You can only have three captains because they're not battleline
3 of the same loadout.
You can still have more than 3 captains.
>Space Marine players are held back by caring too much about fluff, lore and creating their own units
Damn, Marine Players really are the only ones wiht SOUL.
what’s a low cost army that people will enjoy playing against?
>chaff cultists that no one truely asked for.
chaff cultists are not bad if they offer something

imagine for example if your EC chaff unit were a bunch of misbegotten low lifes, mutants, tortured wretches and experiments of the surgeons following in the wake of the marines as simps of the slaaneshi personality cults, with bits intended to be cut apart and used to make your emperor children marine more monstrous and mutated rather than the vastly most requested and baseline look if you wanted

now that would be a chaff unit with a purpose, unlike jackasses and poxwalkers
You mean gave them a reason to have a tiny bare minimum presence of those units to fill obligations and then spend the other 1800+ points on what they actually want
Tyranids with a balanced variety of swarms and monsters
>Marinefags genuinely like their faction and its fluff and models, and likes collecting and playing with them despite its flaws
>this is a foreign sentiment to the non-marinefags
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It do be like that
>marine pleyers not being tourneyfaggots is a problem
>chaff cultists are not bad
They are.
Get that shit out of my fucking CSM, if I want to be playing boring, retard, chaff humans I would just change to Guard instead of play CSM.
Reading rest of your post is not worth my time.
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If you didn't want chaos in your chaos armies you should have remained loyal, you dog
>things were better when they were worse
No, they weren't.
>It literally doesn't need fixing. The codex is fine. Good even.
>The problem is that there's no downside to picking a divergent chapter

these two lines say opposite things.
Who even cares?
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I'm expecting something on the line of the Kroot refresh. So 8 kits, 4 characters and 4 units

For characters, Fulgrim and Lucius are locked in.
I don't think we'll see Eidolon or Doomrider, I think those are gonna be pity heroes in future editions.
A generic Lord of Noise of make sense. You'd want a leader who synergizes well with Noise Marines
A Fabius Bile-lite is another good option. An Apothecary who hands out combat stimms. decent cheap generic foot hero.

As for the units, we can make some more sound assumptions
Noise Marines, obviously
Terminators seem pretty likely. I'm hoping that it'll be a dual build kit, you'll be able to do them as Noise Terminators or Phoenix Terminators. But I fear it'll only be one or the other.
Cultists seem like a lock, GW loves unique Cultists because they're cheap box fillers. I don't think we're escaping the Cultists this time
Sonic Dread. Classic unit, you know GW loves to play on nostalgia, and it would make all the other Legions pissed off that they're still running the tiny Helbrute kit. I really think we're getting a Sonic Dread.
people who collect deathwatch
>If you didn't want chaos
Chaos Space Marines are enough. I don't need your dipshit cultists.
Or they present a completely new table top game experience that people will flock to.
Look at Dungeons and Lasers for example.
presumably the people who've been buying deathwatch combat patrols and using deathwatch upgrade kits.
>I'm expecting something on the line of the Kroot refresh. So 8 kits, 4 characters and 4 units
You're not getting that.
We've seen what GW has done with both TSons and WE.
You're getting the minimum low effort shit there is and that is it. And main reason being it is Slaanesh, which specifically the least popular of chaos factions, the very reason why GW was trying to axe it out of Warhammer entirely.
>You can only have three captains because they're not battleline
3 Captains
3 Captains in Phobos Armor
3 Captains in Gravis Armor
3 Captains in Terminator Armor
3 Captains with Jump Packs
>My army of nothing but Outriders and Devastator Centurions is losing 90% of my games. GW needs to buff both units they're massively underpowered.
>No, I can't adjust my list to include things like scouts, or not take 3 solo bike chaplains, that's how my chapter's fluff works!
>Fuck you for telling me how to enjoy the hobby WAACFAG!

This is not behaviour that should be encouraged, and in fact we should shame bad players more.

That's more than what Thousand Sons got.

The butthurt their players will be huge.
Genuinely never heard of it
>literally has to create a hypothetical fringe case strawman to have any sort of point
You really are scraping the bottom of the barrel here.
I suggest you don't dig your grave any further.
>guilliman, why does that chapter have fifteen captains? the codex astartes says
>my son, disregard the autism marines. i know of their methods, and the imperium has changed much; i must think on this
Best alternative models for daemon princes?
If Black Templars can legion build with 6000+ marines then other marines can run around with 15 companies if they so wish.
what god/legion you thinking of
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I swear to god you morons are so tiring with this line.
GW refreshed the AoS Slaanesh mortal line. Did they do bare minimum effort?

No. They got 4 new heroes
>Lord of Pain

and four new units
>Blissbarb Archers

The latter two of which are dual build, so they actually got six new units. That's on top of the Dexcessa/Synessa Greater Daemon kit that released a little bit prior.

GW has absolutely zero problem with properly supporting Slaanesh armies.
Hive Tyrant.
Can't you also get +1 from the named character Captains?
Not sure yet, I like all gods except nurgle
I'm considering a few options as a first army for 10th. I've seen the CSM combat patrol box usually is placed among the best ones. What else would you get for a 1000 point starter army aside from that box and a box of terminators? I think a chaos lord is mandatory as well right? And maybe a rhino?
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>Terminators seem pretty likely
>Sonic Dread. Classic unit
I disagree on these predictions for the same reason khorne got 8bound instead of red butchers and for the same reason chaos is getting demon engines instead of spiky versions of imperial vehicles

terminators are especially unlikely because they do not mesh well with the inevitable desire to portray slaanesh as elegant, lithe and agile, characteristics that terminators do not carry visually regardless of what the fluff say, and if they got custom terminator armours that made them elegant adonis then they wouldn't be terminator armours anymore, so they might as well detach from the concept of a terminator armour entirely for something altogether new

dreadnoughts are an abandoned concept for chaos, it must be fleshy and making another thing on the helbrute chassis or shape would be stupid, I rather predict something dug out from epic like pic related, redesigned into a medium-big demon engine

you may prefer horus heresy chaos, but this is 40k chaos, and it's a very different beast now
Oh yeah, and you might be able to swing in one more by doing Agents allies with a Watch Captain
>but muh AoS
AoS shit doesn't matter to 40k.
>the inevitable desire to portray slaanesh as elegant, lithe and agile
>I disagree on these predictions for the same reason khorne got 8bound instead of red butchers
TS and DG got their terminator units though (DG got 2!)
>I've seen the CSM combat patrol box usually is placed among the best ones
By which sloptuber? its fine, far from the best.
I love how it was 3 imperial factions, a box for child predators anime fans, and necrons. Like, maybe give some people with expensive armies a discount box? Please? At least sisters got one
>100% certainty on being in the book:
Noise marines
At least 1 generic character

>Very likely
cultist variant

>one of the following is probably going to be in the book
Melee legionary variant
terminator variant
Slaanesh specific Daemon engine

>If the moons align
Jump troop variant
bike variant
sonic weapon variant of generic CSM vehicle(s)
>Marines are enough
Then play with the loyalist codex, retard
Are you fucking slow? You can't say AoS doesn't matter after saying
>the very reason why GW was trying to axe it out of Warhammer entirely.
which is literally a reference to early AoS stuff not mentioning Slaanesh
if you want to stick to the GW range you can check out some of the AoS stuff
I remember someone using these as a base for Night Lords DP, some of the endless spells might also make interesting starting points
Because Tsons have basically nothing else just some rubrics and then their terminators.
DG were specifically one dude's pet project in GW, that's the reason why they got so much unique shit.
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I love fantasy's fat bastards.
>maybe give some people with expensive armies a discount box
who is not playing an expensive army in this game?
I think it was poorhammer the ones who placed it up there with world eaters and eldar
>Are you fucking slow? You can't say AoS doesn't matter after saying
I can, because GW was planning on killing Slaanesh.
It was specifically what was happening during Kirby era, but once Rountree came in they reversed that completely.
nurgle blends with the characteristics of a terminator armour wonderfully and they already had a chaos character in terminator armour

thousand sons are a weird army because their units have more rights to be stuck with their horus heresy past since all the dusty marines are the same as the ones from back there
if anyone, amongst the chaos armies they are the most likely to receive an actual dreadnought, and even then I think it's more likely for them to get some weirder prospero construct since they already wrote an excuse to have the helbrute in their pitiful roster
I miss when slaanesh was all about tits and tentacles. At least years ago the daemonettes were attractive looking, not hideous to look at
Okay, probably should have specified. When I say “expensive”, I mean sororitas. When I say “cheap” I mean custodes. It’s a scale.
if these were core units you would have a point, besides I strongly doubt the people suggesting slaaneshi terminators were going to suggest or appreciate gluttony themed termies
I have no idea how you're supposed to paint some of the monopose Primaris marines after they're assembled.
>ten years ago
The daemonettes you don't like came out sixteen years ago.
>How do we fix it?
Apart from a full rewrite, they need to give vanilla marines full oath of moment back, and give unique points values from the divergent chapters.
Nogames will claim its the players.
If you can find the chaos half of the Eldritch Omens box on Ebay it's a good pickup. An older Combat Patrol or Start Collecting can be good too. The Boarding Patrol had Abaddon which was crazy, but maybe you're not going Black Legion.
If you're going to play 1k points games at your LGS, you need something that does anti-tank, and your box of infantry doesn't do that. A Forgefiend will kill Terminators and Rhinos; a Predator Annihilator is better against big monsters, vehicles, and Knights. Helbrutes and Obliterators are options too.
or sloth, in the case of the underworld herald

I'm guessing its ranked purely by cost savings or some other silly metric?
>umm why does my god of excess and indulgence include fat people eating, drinking, and smoking
are you american?
some miniatures require subassemblies
some paintjob levels involve ignoring blindspots on the model
I tend to leave the gun arm off until after i've put the base colors down on the torso along with the aquila getting a splish of shading.
There's nothing better to base the value of a box off of
>muh points per dollar
that's pretty much faction-wide, of course admech has shitty points per dollar in their box, it's admech, you're still getting a discount
>but these units arent the ones i need for my meta army
meta always shifts, and your LGS's meta is not the same as LVO, get over yourself
There are boxes that are and always will be shit tier because of the contents, regardless of if they've got good savings or not.

But sure, instruct people to get a box that will just be dogwater for another 2 years. I'm sure they'll feel great about it
I like this.
I am planninng on doing black legion and allying rubrics, berserkers, plague marines and noise maines at some point, but maybe Abaddon is too expensive for 1000 points?
>"the meta always shifts" niggas when confronted by the Drukhari Combat Patrol mogging them
Abaddon is like 300 points, that's a ton at 1k. Unlike most 300 point things, he's also going to die since he's only T5 2+/4++ 9w; most 300 point things have double the toughness and double the wounds.
I think you're better served at 1k points with other units in an army, but Abaddon is a great pickup for 1500 or 2k point games, and you'll want him eventually
>New guy appears at FLGS
>Plays exclusively Black Templar
>Lasts about 6 weeks before getting permabanned for saying things so monstrously racist it even makes me whos been visiting this shithole for 15 years gasp to hear someone say it IRL to a group of strangers
>Owner: its always fuckin' guard or templar players

WHY is it always IG or BT players?
Poorhammer is usually looking for points/dollar, can you fill out a list with multiple, and does it represent a Millennials idea of what the faction is.

From the few episodes I paid any attention to, they typically said old GSC, old Tau, Deldar, and Custodes were the best. Maybe Grey Knights as well, but I'm fuzzy there.
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Shouldn't be anymore difficult than doing it for tacs
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Collect Necromunda, play Necromunda. Please.
because racist people see commissars and krieg, and go "ooh nazis awesome"
genuine brain defect. i once had a racist templars player tell me he couldn't be racist because he picked the black space marines. he thought he had me boxed in on that argument. then i pointed out the 1488 patch on his backpack
its like pulling teeth trying to get a 40k campaign going around here, I'd never get enough sustained players for a necromunda campaign
the csm box is perfectly fine though. the meta loves cultists for action bullshit, possessed and mop see play. the legionnaires aren't great right now but you gotta have them, they're your basic dudes. completely reasonable for a starting player
Not enough abhumans.
>Sculptor who worked on the fantastic Kommandos released in that wave plainly did not work on that Boyz kit
>Said sculptor plainly worked on the new Tankbustaz kit as well

I hope there is enough downtime between Brutality vs Cunning and whenever the theoretical full Boyz kit to ensure we get the best Ork sculptor currently working at GW to do the job.
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how are these orks looking? They're supposed to be snakebites but it's hard when you don't like savage orks and the snakebite colors are mostly brown furs.

I think I'll just finish the rest of this boyz box then look for some secondhand beast snaggas

I know you can run anything you want in a casual friendly setting, but are you p much shooting yourself in the foot by not running the Lion in DA?
Is it the same as not running Angron in world eaters?

we already have slaangors in Aos. you can buy them right now.
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Crusaders I finished last night
MoP is terrible. Legionnaries are great, they're in most lists and in every single list with the most popular detachment.

I also said the box was fine, just not the best.
nazi larpers gravitate to them. the kind of guys that put 1488 on their rhinos and stand their looking smug hoping someone wants to "debate them". Usually paint like shit, dont know the rules and have a melty when they lose.
The Slaangor Fiendbloods in AoS are not a chaff unit.
>They're supposed to be snakebites but it's hard when you don't like savage orks and the snakebite colors are mostly brown furs.
I think non-savage snakebites are fine, its not like they dont use guns or trukks etc at all, they just like the most basic no-frills kind of stuff
could do with some snakebites detailing though, some white triangles or other iconography
the lion sucks right now lmao, most DA lists don't run him. he's a 300pt brick, he never dies but he doesn't fight as good as angron or force-multiply like guilliman. so why take him when you can take 5 more Deathwing Knights and get an even better brick
I bought a box of Corpse Grinders to convert into not-CSM CSM for my darkmech...
I think Guard just generally has WW2 aesthetic appeal. Go figure that wehraboos would be attracted to tanks.
BT are so fucking irrecoverably tainted by association with speds and spergs that if I ever felt inclined to play them I'd have to go for the Hospitallers instead
>we're definitely going to beat Crapworlders to full plasticization at this rate
I'm convinced the Warp Spiders will somehow manage to outlive Primaris Marines at this rate. They'll still be there, all resin flash and air bubbles, while GW are launching the Grandis Marines or whatever
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In my experience, it's always Dark Eldar players who are absolute cringey edgelords
You just made that shit up for (You)s
Are you also a moron? I was posting Glutos to respond to that other anon's statement that Slaanesh is always lithe and agile.
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I hope that EC are scary and not goofy...
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Beautiful work, love Crusaders
Khorne cares not from where the blood flows
I'm sure his followers care at least a little bit.
Mephiston has a book that's all about him. Does your favorite Librarian have one of those? I think not.
>So 8 kits, 4 characters and 4 units
World Eaters currently have 7 kits; 2x named characters (Angryman and Kharn, even though he released like 8 years ago), 1x HQ (the Juggernaut dude), 2x Troops ('Zerkers and Jakhals), and 1x Elite (Eightbound)
Thousand Sons have 7.5; 2x named characters (Magnus and Ahriman), 2x HQ (Exalted Sorcs and Infernal Master), 1x Troops (Rubrics), 1x Elite (Scarab Terminators), and an upgrade sprue for giving AoS Tzaangors guns and chainswords
Emperor's Children would be lucky to get 8, 6 would be more realistic
Me too, but frankly I'd still take goofy over refined. Keep the "perfection" angle to 30k, I don't want sleek, clean looking guys like Thousand Sons got.
Scary and fucked up > Goofy and fun > Sleek and refined, imo.
>Secondaries that only care for appearance
the original poster is a videogame retard
>modern gw
Good luck
I'd be happy with something like what world eaters got desu. I think it's going to be lucius and noise marines. Fulgrim is weird because the HH model still exists, so I wouldn't be surprised if they made you buy that one. At least nurgle got a decent refresh because they were the main baddies but that's not going to be the case with EC. Be happy if they get their own terminators because khorne sure as hell didn't
If you think that doesn't happen you are probably a /v/ secondary thats never been to a game store to run into these autists. Neo nazis dont create original ideas, i mean their whole bit is imitation really when you get down to it, so they try to slowly camp and infest existing things. They have been trying with 40k for years because naturally the satire goes over their head but its not just in tabletop. Its very common for punk bars to watch for the one guy showing up with his 1488 patches scoping a place out for his buddies. These people are vermin in every sense of the word.
But what you aren't taking into account is that WE and TS had existing models to fall back on. We already had Kharne and the Lord of Skulls, as you point out. TS had the entire Tzaangor range, plus the Vortex Beast.

Emperor's Children have the AoS Slaangors, MAYBE. They aren't a chaff unit, they're elite melee. Which you'd think EC would have in Marine form. So I'm not even sure EC will get Slaangors. So EC will need more new models to reach parity with the other Legions.
Bring back some of the 9th ed rules for Chapter Tactics. Especially the "make your own chapter" bits.
Stop making "Codex Supplements" for divergent chapters and give them a full codex.
So no more Oaf of the Moment for Blangles, Dangles, Blemplars or Space Awoos.
Give them each something unique and fluffy. But that would take effort and we've seen GW doesn't like to put effort into certain armies. The laziness of the Blangles update really shows that.
This. We need more bloat
You will get a new stratagem for havoks and a noise dreadnought and be happy with your 16 datasheet mini codex.
There's going to be a plastic Fulgrim. The Youtube rumor monger has been saying that's a lock for months.

But even beyond that, be reasonable. GW is not going to release a new 40k Codex where the headline model is 30k resin.
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Quick! Post a titanic unit you built and painted!
Small walkers are also accepted
What cant power weapons cut through?
steel beams
Do you prefer the metal or the plastic screamers of tzeentch?
this is twice the launch world eaters range and bigger than its current one including old shit
you are on crack
As I said, it's literally the exact same size as Kroot.

And Kroot didn't even get their own Codex.
What about prometheum fuel?
Ideally both desu. Take the crop top on that, for example-It's both scary, and kinda silly in a fun way.

I'd rather have the guitar style sonic blasters than the horus heresy style Kakophoni weapons too, since we already have those.

And less of that "muh perfect swordsman" archetype-Elric expats were cool the first ten times but now we have too many.

There's a way to strike a balance between the two aesthetics, albeit a difficult one.
Would love an updated kit, alongside death cult assassins and other weird inquisition models. Would make a cool kill team
still working through my first combat patrol.
my commander is primed but unpainted
Prometheum fuel can't melt plasteel beams, wake up sheeple
drop site massacre was an inside job
and kroot is a better comparison than existing cult legions why exactly? because it supports your preexisting conclusion?
still working on these, do they really need edge highlighting? I dry brushed one of them before I changed their carapace from all purple and it kind of worked but there's too many colours now.
If world eaters don't get a datasheet for the slaughter brute I'm selling this army off.
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>There's going to be a plastic Fulgrim.
I can't get past the strangeness of GW releasing a daemon-Fulgrim for HH within, what, 18 months of a 40k EC relaunch?
I mean, there *has* to be a plastic Fulgrim, right? They can't just do Mortarion, Magnus, and Angron but then turn around and ignore Fulgrim. And yet they throw this fucker out there at the same time as they really start making a more conscious effort to uncouple 40k and HH model releases from one another so as to avoid one game cannibalising the other's sales. It's just odd
>Dark Apostle
>Lord Discordant
>Master of Possessions
>Daemon Prince
>Noise Marines
>Daemonettes of Slaanesh
>Chaos Spawn
>Warp Talons
>Noise Dreadnought
Ape brain retard
GW is a retardedly segmented company
that fact it even had two divisions FW and GW that operate independently in an already niche market is amazingly stupid, how does that even happen
Why do people consistently misspell "Havoc"?
Wait, i thought it could tho, since meltas can punch through ceramite
'K' is just a kooler letter.
It's literally the most recent example of GW expanding a niche aspect of one faction. Kroot are an expansion of Tau, EC are an expansion of CSM. The only difference being that EC are getting split off into their own Codex while Kroot stayed in the Tau Codex.
You can cut half the shit apart when the codex releases. Whatever they do keep will probably actually synergize with the army tho because it's pretty fucking hard to write rules for a standard army unlike world eaters.
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it's fine. combat patrols are your only reliable "discount" box you can get when starting out if there are no battleforce or christmas boxes being sold for you faction.

you can still probably get the old combat patrol p easily for some variety.

what I suggest you do is figure out what kind of army you want to build, what playstyle and what units you want to include. it's going to take a very long time to paint all those guys especially with all the trim. pick models you won't get too bored painting. then compare what models you like vs the two CSM combat patrols. It might be cheaper and easier to simply buy individual kits from an LGS or amazon if you don't like the guys that come in the combat patrols.

the realistic options are the two CSM combat patrols. the two battelforce boxes they released with their codex some months ago got scalped to hell. You might be able to find the Dread Talons one but it's very cultist and Warp talon heavy.

also remember that you don't need to start CSM just because they have one of the better combat patrols.

it's never in-shape happy people with good jobs and healthy lifestyles that are unironic nazis. it's always guys who look like Seth from American history X. "wargamers" are already fat balding slobs as is.


the shoulder plates and the long edges of the plates on the head could use them but your lighting isnt that great desu. I don't think anybody could complain if you left them like this. they're gaunts for christ's sake
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Should be both extremes and everything in-between
>giant knight model, assembled and painted
>two beautiful cats peacefully lounging
>gf with a quarter zip and nice tits
>Pic on the right
I have a boner and I must stick it in lamia vagina.
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still picking and choosing i see
expanding a faction is not more comparable a case than a very recent example of a cult legion launch, world eaters in particular are a very recent addition
people have good reason to have managed expectations and i still cant see a reason why you think kroot is relevant, might as well cite the unreleased eldar update or tyranids if we are just making pointless comparisons
>And yet they throw this fucker out there at the same time as they really start making a more conscious effort to uncouple 40k and HH model releases from one another so as to avoid one game cannibalising the other's sales. It's just odd
They two departments WANT to cannibalise each other sales, that's why they're being uncoupled

They released fulgrim first because FW is in a competition now, if they released the resin model after the plastic model then less people would buy the resin model just because plastic is that much more practical if not convenient
>them milkies

Well done brother

named after one of fabius's pupils, Doctor Neo Periwinkle Cervix
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morkanaut is the biggest boy I own
> it's going to take a very long time to paint all those guys especially with all the trim

I've read CSM is one of the rare cases where buying a box and not getting a new one is highly recommended. LGS dude even said getting the old start collecting box would make you lose your interest and always told people to get a box of legionaries, paint it, then a character, paint it, another box of chaff, paint it and so on and so forth. Do you feel the same way?
Why do people even keep suggesting this.
The new book
Phoenix conclave shit in other ones like fabulous bills wacky adventures
Because they think horus heresy shit matters.
not getting a new one until you've painted the last one is what I meant. Jeez I'm slow today
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this is the biggest model I've painted
>The new book
His name was floated years before the book was even announced. The book has nothing to do with it.
Guard player here. Will this mean I'll be watched more closely than other players?
>i still cant see a reason why you think kroot is relevant
OK I will try to help you here.

Kroot were a mid-edition expansion of a subfaction.

Emperor's Children will be a mid-edition expansion of a subfaction.

Do you see how those two released might be similar? Come on man, try, try really hard, use all of your brain power to see if you can see any parallels there.

I for one don't understand how you think that comparison is less valid than the WE comparison you're stuck on. WE was an end-of-edition expansion with a Codex that was DOA. That Codex was valid for, I think, four months. It came out during the end-of-edition narrative series, for crying out loud. Obviously it was going to be a smaller release.
What's up Nolan
Because Lucius is a prick and genuinely unlikable, making Eidolon and his Pheonix Conclave (the only ones actually trying to put the legion back together) the natural choice for a new named character.

>tfw "Lucius and his Emperor's Children" in the index
Because in the current lore Eidolon is the leader of the largest Emperor's Children warband. He kept a big chunk of the Legion together when Fulgrim went off to goon in the warp
>Phoenix Termies
>Noise Marines
>Bill's NuMales
There's your codex, bro
Is the sisters Christmas box any good for imperial agents.
Señor Zaba delivered DA BOYZ to first place.

you can't use any of the models in it for Agents except the priest.
What are the names of those two largest units? I've never seen them before.
Because Eidolon is the fucking top dog of the EC just below Fulgrim. The guy actually leading what's left of the legion while dad is away doing orgies in the warp.

Lucius or Fabius after the HH never have lead anything but their own small warbands
The Rhinos as transports for Sisters squads too, I think
Reaver Titan and Warhound Titan.

The Warlord Titan is even bigger.
The hell is going on here
I mean sure I guess, but just buy a $10 rhino on ebay.
Divorced Dad Compensator and the Imminently Divorced Dad Compensator
not even a Golden Demon tier painter can make that piece of shit look good
Reaver and warhound titans
lord of skulls and stompa
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Are they still using ai background
prime example of why the overdone NMM trend is shit and needs to die
AI was banned last time i checked
a pedantic back and forth about what constitutes a “subfaction” in your headcanon is not productive, nor is trying to guess how long is left in 10th edition when emperors children could come out at the end of next year
like following like within a more similar category is a better bet than comparing it to something that didn’t need its own rules, a stylistic reinvention, and didn’t have to match stricter playerbase expectations
giving you the benefit if the doubt and replacing your shitty argument with one related to production delays lagging over from covid, i stilk cant see any good reason to expect this to be the knock out launch
you can hope for sonic dreadnoughts and i hope you’re right but i expect if you want one you’re going to be 3d printing it come next year
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I am glad my favorite piece on the expo won gold
>pic taken by me
That's a superb use of paint strokes, dilution and blending, but the end result is utter shit
This one is way better
>space wolves
Nah, it's dogshit
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This is absolute bullshit
there was a beautiful dorn that had an effect painted in that made it look like it was made of metal panels, not plastic
EC gonna blow WE out of the water. Sorry anon.
I admire your optimism.
How good are regular ogryns and bullgryns in current edition?
what's the unit that's being swallowed by the spore chimney?
ok and how exactly did he get on top of a flyrant over the sea in the first place
oh boy I've just painted the cheap starter set with gaunts and infernus marines, bought a boxnought as a side project in between and got the blood angels box. Opened the blood angels box and nearly had an anxiety attack from the sea of sprues. Going to buy a 10 man intercessor squad for a basic gun line and do those guys first to ease myself into it more.
maybe he jumped out of a thunderhawk
Is this a fucking joke
as always, projection.
Why are you such a fucking autist?
Andy from cult of paint didn't win anything for his wood elf :(

Actual proof of GD being rigged and/or voters not giving a fuck anymore
The Golden Demon is no joke.
maybe he should have used his superhuman brain to grap a jump pack first rather than deciding to drown
Why is the new website so bad?
That's literally how GD gets judged tho, the narrative is a big part of the points

It's the open competition, its literally the category for GW employees lmao, they just vote for their friend
Its like the first question the piece poses babe, don't get your panties in a twist
Reminder that the edge highlighted ultramarine beat this one
>This part and this part don't REALLY need changing, but if we don't change them it will seem like we're not worth our pay, SO...
SW aren't known for their critical thinking skills
I am once again imploring you to collect Necromunda.
Look at the boots if you want to understand why
Gold's cool and all but Silver really should've won this one.
This should have been gold.
the 'eavy metal style blueberry is a lot better than this
I do not care for clusterfuck dioramas
>only 40k entries in the open category's top 3
It's been a few years since that was the case, I think.
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Call me when I can run a pack of Genestealers (dont care if purestrain or malstrain) instead of just have them as a side mini-game campaign or a random hostile-for-everyone event.
At least Infernal Brush got his Slayer Sword. Maybe now he'll go back to updating his fucking Patreon regularly, the jammy git
Shouldn't this have been Dark Angels?
was the guy having a giggle at the judges? I don't understand how a good painter could submit this without it being some kind of criticism towards the judging process.
>an effect painted in that made it look like it was made of metal panels

That just looks like fairly standard weathering and painted chipping to me anon? The base is also not really adding much, looks like he just threw some aquarium rocks into Vallejo earth effects paste and called it a day.
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He will chop you in half for cowardice, but you can buy his favor with rations.
escape pod from one of the kill team terrain sets
is that hat photoshopped on?
Nah, Silver is just a bunch of dudes positioned in front of each other like its a vidyagame loading screen. Gold is dynamic as fuck.
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Say what you will about the choice of model.

That is painted incredibly well. Every single blend is smooth as fuck.
i see, thanks
The picture doesn't give it credit, the way the silver edging with the rust wash was done made it actually look metallic, from all the vehicles, it really stood out, should have been 3rd place

anyways, my favorite was the Krieg diorama that won gold in the Killteam category
The slayer sword winner was also absolutely gorgeous.

In the Horus Heresy category, there was a very badly done Horus on display, goofy eyes included, I wish I took a picture
He didn't want anyone to think he didn't have a hat.
This is like the painting equivalent of making a poached egg. It's an incredibly simple thing to do but it requires very good understanding of the fundamentals to execute perfectly.
The use of true metallics should be enough to relegate any entry to commended, it's a key indicator that the painter doesn't know how or is not skilled enough to actually paint reflections properly. True metallics are for the tabletop, not competitions.
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What's the speaker with a hat on Nork's shoulder in this?
non-metallic-meme isn't automatically better than metallics
It is, because it requires higher skill.
Don't understand your question
Its a speaker
Golden Demons are unironically not judged by pure technical skill
the speaker relays and reminds him of the orders
the hat is to keep in mind the voice carries authority and he should listen
it takes more skill to make tmm look good than to do nmm
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it's a really rare piece unfortunately, it could only be found in the currently ogryn kit that's designed to be made into Nork :(
You can find it second handy everywhere right now, just ask your local guard player if he still has it, everyone is building 3 six man squads of bullgryns without Nork for competitive lists.
>coping and seething over nmm
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God so much technical skill and so little taste of what actually looks good.
Now this is good. Speaking of
(please actually choose something good I'm going to play with these)
This is absolutely gorgeous.
The winner for Old World was the best of the lot
As it should have done. The Ultrasmurf is a much more technically impressive paint job.

There are a few spots on the Deathwing Knight where the shadows on the armour don't look quite right. The leg under the shield is shaded wrong, the shield is fully illuminated, so it should be blocking some light on the leg, but the leg is brightest closest to the shield. The tops of his right boots close to the shin plate should also be in shadow compared to the top of his foot, from the leg above them occluding it, and they aren't.

Whereas the shading on the intercessor looks spot on.
Where do I start with paints?
Do I just pick a marine chapter I want and get paints for them?
Is there some big bulk thing I can get?
I have an existing marine chapter I want to paint, and ideas of a SoB custom one that uses similar colors though I only own the marines and won't be buying more plastic in a long while
Is 3d printing models at all feasible if you don't care about needing official stuff?
Purple, with yellow and green accents
Nah, I think the slayer sword was deserved for the guy who painted Trugg this year. That's a really good paint job, and it's consistent over a huge model.
Just buy a pack of vallejo model color, don't buy citadel.
Thanks doc.
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>(please actually choose something good I'm going to play with these)
Well you're choosing Harlies so you should suffer & be sentenced to freehanding Hells.
Gzhel russian porcelain patterning on suits and armours. With candy apple red masks. Add a black teardrop on every 2nd mask, too.
don't buy vallejo buy an army painter set
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>Is there some big bulk thing I can get?
There are loads, but they're real false economy. You will inevitably end up just not using a massive chunk of them. If you're just getting started, you're much best off finding a 'recipe' you like online and just getting the paints you need for that
Don't do this to me bros I just want some blood ravens on a shelf
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>Is 3d printing models at all feasible if you don't care about needing official stuff?
desu not really, a commercial resin printer is very expensive and the STLs are not publicly available. most of what you'll find are shitty FDM printers and they generally don't have the resolution to make convincing infantry. Even this FDM Gladiator looks like ass.
3D printing terrain is the way though
>blood ravens
get a red triad set from army painter and then a black, white, and metal paint, that's 6 paints total and you're set
Everything Army Painter branded I have ever bought has been either been disappointing, or outright defective.

Their sprays never come out smooth, where I have no issues with citadel, colour forge, or even hardware store car primer.
Their shades always dry weirdly with each seeming to have a different level of gloss.
Their speed paints were so bad that they had to apologise and start from scratch with the entire range after they were found to be reactivating, even after they bought a bunch of influencers to shill for them.

At this point I'm expecting them to have to come out and admit they've been using lead based pigments for the last 10 years by accident.
ok i didn't know their triad sets were 6 paints
but it's still a good start
Isn't even close to true lmao
better quality than vallejo and citadel
>everyone is building 3 six man squads of bullgryns without Nork for competitive lists.
Are bullgryns really that good? And what of the ogryns?
post models
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go the extra mile, replace the sword with a baton, the kharadron gun with a modified lascannon-pistol and put an absolutely mangled coward on the ground

hanging mask, grenades and tank treads are a good way to cover the parts of the model you don't want without excessive resculpts
Not in my experience.
it is in my experience
Absolutely fuckin not. AP is the cheapshit brand.
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My dream army is traitor guard/cultists (not just the killteam squad but tanks and everything) + demons. Fuck marines.
Just greenstuff some spikes onto regular guard models
Seconding this.

3D printing is the future, but we aren't there yet. Filament based printers produce crap, and the resin ones are still a bit fiddly, and while the results are close to GW they're still noticeably worse. Unless you have experience with 3D cad software, you'll find you end up spending hours and hours trawling through other people's stl files trying to sort the semi-decent from the dog shit.
>NTA but.
I genuinely hate how correct you are. Vallejo paints now bubble like you wouldn't believe, and Citadel keeps coming in shitty pots with less paint quantity so you're better off looking somewhere else. Genuinely pissed about how things are.
There's now AK, ArmyPainter, and let's hope the rebooted P3 paints are actually good.
Gonna go to the pet store to find some basing materials. Not looking forward to the smell. Wish me luck.
May your pet store have bird sand because mine didn't. I had to instead get play sand from the hardware store.
>le bubbling autist is back
That's not true. I got my printer, brand new for half the price a 2000 point army would have cost. Taking into account resin prices and energy, I printed 2 2000 armies for TOW and 800 points of numenor for less than a quarter of what a 2000 point army costs. Models look far better than the original ones as well.
The 3D printer is one of the best things I've bought during my hobbying life, maybe toe to toe with the airbrush
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Why not... Run a fuckload of cultists in a CSM army? Some chaos vehicles/daemon engines? Noone says your Daemon Prince gotta be a marine either, a more lithe traitor guardsmen-ascended Prince could go hard with like, a fucked up are-you-my-mommy gasmask fused to his face
>Models look far better than the original ones as well.
Post comparisons of your models vs original ones
Citadel is still the better paint (white excepted) but the pots and pricing are shit.
What the fuck does that even mean?
If you shake any paint, you'll put air into it, and it will have a bubble as you squeeze it out the dropper bottle if that's what you mean?
>Are bullgryns really that good?
Spamable, unkillable, high damage, mobile, melee Guards unit?
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WGA's The Damned might be what you're looking for.
Whatever infantry units they missed can probably be made using Madrobot or Anvil bits.
could even go down the route of converting IG tanks running as CSM rules. Leman Russes using predator or forgefiends etc.
What the fuck are you talking about
post models
Look for raw cork bark in the reptile section, shit makes the best rocks
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I thought the horned rat was just an aspect of Nurgle
He means that the paints produce bubbles. The difference with Vallejo paints is that the new medium makes it harder to pop the bubbles or the bubbles take longer to pop so what happens is the paints dry before the little bubbles pop.
>t. tried a small amount of new Vallejo paints
>My dream army is traitor guard/cultists (not just the killteam squad but tanks and everything) + demons.
then use the genestealer cults codex with the imperial guard subfaction and count your demons as purestrains, aberrants, and/or first generation hybrids
>le vallejo cultists are back
There are no good water based, white, acrylic paints. I've tried Vallejo, Army Painter, and citadel, they're all chunky slop.

I've largely stopped painting things pure white, and where I need it I either break out the Tamiya acrylics and faff around with thinners.
why do you insist on posting such easily disproven bullshit lmao
like shitty foaming in the paint while it's being brushed on.
that's why you paint grey and work up from there.
A skill issue he can't overcome
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I'm not exactly fond of AK but picrel is satisfying enough to use
pro acryl would like a word
If you think the original elves look better than those ones, you're delusional. And I love the original ones
At least your Harlies will be handy
anon please learn how to use your focus
It is just trolls or hopefully Vallejo quietly fixed their paints and solved the bubble issue. Which I hope happened. To my knowledge AK, ProAcryl, Reaper, even ArmyPainter don't have this issue of remaining bubbles when paints dry. It sucks when you admire your finished paint job and notice paint bubbles in your paintjob.
that's why I blast my models with laquer from the trusty ole airbrush until the thinner melts away any and all details
just like my gendumbs
Soaring spite which is objectively the best scheme
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embrace contrast
contrast is acrylic you silly bitch
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I feel like wingless vashtorr without wings and with some 3D printed bits could be a good basis for a conversion for a DP. Threw this together in paint as a proof of concept, very cure but idea is there
Is it 2016?
>wingless vashtorr without wings
that was redundant
Please understand I am having a couple sunday evening beers in preparation for tomorrow intensive hobbying.
Sorry this >>94089692 suggestion is just too kino.
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How do I make my Tau army more cute? Where are the coomer Tau head bits...
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Shit was complicated since the start because the rat didn't have a clear domain for itself and because clan pestilens had an obvious nurgle origin and was in any case accepted by the horned rat as part of the faction

but anything we got since refuted the most direct relation
>clan pestilens didn't pledge to nurgle himself but made a pact with an abandoned nurgle demon with dreams of overthrowing his father, so they essentially bought the rights to use nurgle knowledge, they carry the plague and some secrets to deal with it, but they don't embody it and it doesn't embody them
>the skaven approach to plague, even if tangential, has a completely different end result compared to nurgle: he wants to spread life and corrupt everything into his idealised cycle of rot AND growth, the rats use plague as a very pragmatic tool of war, it's a mean, the end is leaving absolutely nothing behind, only ruin
>the horned rat got characterised under a somewhat similar light as slaanesh, slaanesh too carries elements of everything, merely brought to the excess, which is why the prince is one of the potentially most dangerous players of the great game for the other gods, the horned rat is a scavenger, he picks up everything the others discard, he embodies the worst possible aspects and carved for himself a domain from desperation and frenzied panic, paranoia and betrayal, which is why it is a schizophrenic entity and one of those is the pestilent aspect tangential to nurgle

ultimately though the rat does not fit on the eightfold wheel of chaos as presented in the ruinstorm demons pdf, and I have my own headcanon based on a theory that takes into account very niche and arguably wrong pieces of info about the skaven which would explain how and most importantly why the skaven and the horned rat are NOT a natural element of chaos, but a part of someone's else plan
Fuck you.
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I'm flattered anon, hope it goes well.
>Guardsman has a blood test
>Sisters of battle bust down the barrack door and drag him away
>Put him in the tit armor
>Turns out he was XXY and therefore not a man
I just try to come up with the most retarded stories possible
are these supposed to look good?
>XXY and therefore not a man
XXY is still practically an XY man because it carries an active SRY gene from the Y and the second X is mostly inactivated as it's mostly inactivated in every and all carriers of 2 X chromosomes, normal women included
apply yourself with your bait next time instead of posting like it's still 2015 and printing hasn't advanced and decreased in price drastically
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Imagine these charging your meek Pathfinders and tearing them apart with their Teeth and Claws before Rabbit Guard Terminators finish them off
Do people not like playing against knights? i just think they look cool…
more of the first batch
I'm 70% sold on the christmas box. Only thing I'm afraid of is building 4 of the same warglaives can be repetitive and also not sure I have enough space for 5 knights at home
Contrast "white" isn't white. That's the whole point of it.

Apothecary white is light grey.
Then disprove it?

Show me your 3D prints. I'd love cheap stuff of similar quality to GW, but nothing I've seen first hand yet is there.
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unfortunately they simply do not provide a good game
most armies provide a variety of targets, a variety of tools valid to deal with them and a elements you can chip off gradually during the game, creating a sense of interaction

knights have a minimal variety of targets which need a stricter arsenal of tools to deal with them and without any real damage tables or more interesting rules you chip off wounds but the game doesn't truly play like an entertaining interaction between armies and more like an isolated stat check

there would be ways to write interesting and fun knight rules for both knight players and people going against knights, but GW wants its game to be as standardised as possible so that's the situation we're in, sorry

best chance for a good game is playing something with more interesting objectives, even if unfair and more narrative driven rather than seeking a balanced symmetrical match, but you need the correct kinds of players for that and it's hard to find them and organise with them
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>those panel gaps
dog what the fuck are the treads on that thing on the right
I know 40k running gear and treads are awful at the best of times but that looks straight off the ps1
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>3d printing is good now guys
>meanwhile, at 300 upvotes on printed warhammer subreddit
it was manufactured by tesla
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>just as good as games workshop!
The models themselves aren't terrible, but the paintjob is horrific
Pretty much
Intersex is everything from abominations to wrong chromosomes.
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>brother, my stl files feel strange
Are the $20 index cards the same as those army rules you could download? Shame those aren't free, anymore.
3d print is fucking ugly
I don't blame the tool, but most 3dprintfags into 40k do seem to have terrible taste and sense of proportions
Will you get it?

wow this is enthralling, why don't you go back and find more things on reddit and fucking keep them there you subhuman nigger
Intersex deserve all the care in the world because they have never chosen to be this way. Whatever they choose is alright,
Will exodites ever be relevant
The models aren't great, but the paint job doesn't do them any favors either desu.
If the posted an unpainted 3Dprint it'd be easier to judge.
>then use minimal creativity
You put too much stock into people
>Space Marines
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>brother, they have tagged us as a Showcase on the subreddit! we are exemplars of 3d printing!
Were they printed colored? If it's just a shit paint job I don't see how that's a fair comparison, but if they came out like that then it's pretty bad.
Lord terminos looks like a neat moe material, also I'm going to destroy my dick to female elven stormcast.
I only buy books that focus on Sisters of Battle and Necrons.
The problem with those aren't even the proportions, they are just the new termies GW released.
The 3dprint quality itself is pure trash.
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Most 3D prints I've seen end up more like pic related than that.
I hate guard so fucking much
>terminators at home
3d printoids are pathetic if i ever see a 3d printed mini i will eat it
The tank looks fine, what are you guys on about? The gaps? Is it missing a few lines or something?
who the fuck buys all those stormcast minis? How can GW make more of those than many 40k factions at once and be profitable?
>go to WH store with my girlfriend for the first time
>talking to guy at the front desk about the new free mini of the month
>ask him if we could get 2
>gf tells me she isn't really interested and wants to wait outside
>I begin work putting together the mini when I hear my GF talking to someone
>there's 3 large black men talking to her but they seem nice
>I am almost done with my mini
>the guy working the store starts handing me all the paints I need
>I tell him I think I'll paint it at home
>he says it's store policy to get it battle ready in store
>I look over my shoulder again
>she giggling as they all subtly try feeling her up
>I'm getting my base paints down as the primer is drying
>before I know it I'm already shading my mini and making little touch ups
>I look over my shoulder again
>she pinned up against the glass by one and has her hand down the paints of another
>I turn back around to the employee holding up some layer paint asking if I want to take it a bit further
>with tears in my eyes I start highlighting my edges and getting the decals on
I'm starting to think this hobby isn't for me bros
Porn addiction has torn through this website like cholera in a Victorian slum
GW cock sockers are worse. Paying $60 for 10 army men is dumb.
The famous Chaos Knight from the hit faction Chaos Knights
this was typed up by an eldar player
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It's okay anon not everyone can have good taste.
As a society we decided to stop shaming deviants.
Now it's clear that it was the shame they were craving, and as society becomes more tolerant of aberration, they become increasingly aberrant seeking the same level of thrill.
Today's footfag, or cuck would've been the guy who secretly, shamefully watched anal porn 30 years ago.
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I'm so happy for you guys! Especially that anon who was working out till their release!

>What do you want?
>What do you think you're going to get?
>>What do you want?
>>What do you think you're going to get?
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>can solo greater daemons and c'tan shards by herself
>gets repentia'd in most of her endings

Why is it that whenever there's some awesome badass character, the Imperium tries to have them humiliated and killed? Like the same shit happened to Titus and innumerable BL characters. And it's only the Imperium that behaves this way. You pull some ridiculous shit among the Eldar, Orks, Chaos, and so forth, and they heap praise upon you.
>thought I saw a woman in my LGS store
>it's a man with long hair
Every time
That means that by the end of 2025 he can stop pursuing excess on the path of pride and start pursuing excess on the path of cupidity.
now imagine paying that for 5 minis
wouldnt be me haha
The same happens to Eldar, their "heroes" end up being shunned or fucked up by other eldar
Or 3 monopose minis haha
>98% upvoted
>98% of people thought this looked good enough to warrant approval
this is why we ask 3d printers to post models; too many of them have no taste
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They do not. In fact, there's plenty of stories of the gods striking their most competent champions with spawn-hood while elevating the most retarded failures because it's funny.
>layer lines out the ass
Just no.
Eldar player hands typed this
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>$225 for an upgrade sprue
That's not true, chaos champions that get shit done get rewarded.
There's only a few exceptions like Typhus because he's more useful in realspace to Nurgle and suffering is part of his gimmick
To be fair it replaces like 30% of the kit
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Army Painter and Two Thin Coats are my current go to for acrylics.
Citadel for Contrasts and Technicals.
Vallejo for Primers, Fluos and Terrain.
AK for Varnish.
Gamers Grass for tufts and stuff.
And Green Stuff World for modeling / bits for basing.
>buying forge world from forge world
I like that you're trying to do edge highlights, they even got really good on the far left model!
How are you enjoying the process?
I feel like you have a shitty brush / one thats too big by looking at your filling.
Also, thin your shader my dude
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>read dominion genesis the new mechboi book
>pretty good read
>some inter mechboi stuff
>some nid stuff
>some explorator stuff
>Eldar somehow AGAIN getting fucked over
>one big mech honcho has a ship called "Kurzgesagt" which was insanely funny to me considering what it is IRL
pretty fun cogboi experience/10
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Nice humie I hope nothin bad happens to er
yeah I haven't filled them because the right tread slipped while gluing so I need to yank the whole side off and reglue
an ugly free model I printed as a test to see how things would fit on my mars pro
the spartan's literally a 1:1 of the official kit
mind spillin some beans on the nids and eldar?
they always open fun times around these parts
Gotta maintain the grimderp for reasons.
I usually forget that orks eat humans.
Nigger, Asurman's own book has him getting orbital striked into oblivion.
They even farm humies
what’s the most waac faction
If they have more than 1 riptide you just know
Space Marines.
eldar and custodes
I ended up getting some aquarium substrate. Mostly fine and sandy, but there's decent variety in how course it is. The reptile sand was a better deal, but I just didn't want 10 pounds of it. I'll check out the cork next time when I feel like leveling up my bases.
It's less about armor skew, other factions can skew 9 tanks too, and more about every knight being same model.
Sometimes I wish shitty paintjobs came with tutorials so I'd know exactly what not to do.
I think they'll have different stats in kill team, then they just count as rokkit launchas in 40k. Just like how the scoped big shoota and the dakkagun from the kommandos are kustom shootas in 40k.
How do I paint clear resin parts like shields and panels
Isn't the hat from a commissar that tried to kill an officer he was protecting?
Based or cringe: custom space marine chapter called "The legitimate businessmen"
>Conduct numerous backwater scams and crimes on the citizens of the imperium
>BA successors but probably do more to cover up their geneflaws than actually address them, go on BR rampages and feed off of civilians to satisfy red thirst.
>Thier founders are close friends with the DA so they know a thing or two about keeping secrets, even from the inquisition. That said every now and then one of their higher ups gets accused of heresy. Always get away with it.
>Big drama queens despite being about honor and family up front.
Cringe because the name doesn't fit the Imperium's naming conventions
every tau player ive come across plays like its life or death
The "negotiatores legitimate"
I mean, once you touch us it's over.
lore accurate
Marines usually own at least 1 world or more, they don't need to commit crime on regular citizens since they just own entire planet or planets of them. All BA successors are known to leave drained bodies and eat their serfs, just chapters like Flesh Tearers or Knights of Blood have "happy little accident" once in a while.
Only crimes marines can do it treason, excessive massacre of imperial civilians like rimson slaughter, or tax/gene-seed fraud. Not to mention imperial citizen would give his belongings just to stand near Emperor's Angels of Death.
It would fit more for guard regiment or inquisitor's retunite doing scams in underhive instead of investigating.
What makes Imperial Fists the army that racists flock to? Is it because they wish they could larp Black Templars but they're too popular, thus clashing with the chud's contrarianist nature? Does the piss yellow, pain glove, and shit eating appeal to their own degenerate desires?
I actually like Lord Solar Leontus as a character, although to be honest the novel BL is doing isn't really what I was looking for, I was hoping to see a mix of behind the scenes politicking like in vaults of terra and Leontus constantly under pressure and being expected to live up to Macharius' legacy. Instead it looks like its going to be a copy of Death or Glory.
Painting this piece of resin shit was a fucking horrible experience and it made me appreciate GW plastic miniatures alot more.
This resin dwarf cleric was 2€.
Newfag that never browsed newgrounds?
The Emperor's Goombahs
being the contrarian option of the basic bitch makes them a top choice yes

ultramarinefags are racist too but they are normal enough to not make it their identity or to not having become racist out of contrarianism
Imperial Fists aren't Angry Marines and don't pretend like they are.
The Legimate Goons.
Didn't read ask /5eg/
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>there's 3 large black men
>nids attack the main forgeworld of the protag mechanicus branch
>all hands get called back to defend it
>shit is fucked, nids too many, so evacuation time
>cogbois run with what is left

>main protag lady searches the "genesis" device some advanced terraforming stuff
>it is of Eldar origin
>turns out the Eldar orchestrated the nid attack on the forgeworld to get the mech lady to search/find the device so they can take it themselves
>mech lady is so mad about this revelation that she destroys it with the Eldar at the end
I'd rather pay 60 bucks for the handful of plastic miniatures I will spend a month painting than 10 bucks for some resin shit that will never look good and need a shitton of work to even clean up.
Because it's a newer box, which would be using a newer marketing strategy, instead of the old one that they used years ago?
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that's so hilariously retarded

consider me amused
Why would they want a terraforming device? There are already maiden worlds scattered all over the galaxy, and besides that their craftworlds comprise all the living space they could possibly need.
Will Assault Intercessors with jump-packs reliably get to charge on their first turn if I don't have a transport babysit them?
>not playing the charge risk game
I get an erection when I announce a charge that needs atleast double 5s
I love gambling
I've got this guy, he's fine. Sounds like you maybe got a bad print

You want to see bad go try to paint some of those rubber plastic wizkids dnd minis, the ones in the 2 packs for $4 that every store has a wall of
Resin? Disgusting, I take everything back about 3d printing. Make a plastic version or fuck off.
I see. Gambling it is then.
Plastic printers are fucking trash for miniatures.
Might get some decent vehicles if you're willing to clean up the layers.
It really was a horrible print, every smaller cavity was filled.
>Why would they want a terraforming device?
To make more maiden worlds.
This is like asking why would Imperium want a terraforming device.
Obviously to terraform planets fit for human habitation, duh.
go ahead and try to claim prints are brittle and easy to break since you're busting out all the other outdated inaccurate talking points too
Why do you need a commercial resin printer when consumer-grade works just fine? It's less than $300 for a decent printer at that level, and you don't actually need anything extra like a wash station or curing lamps.
they were Biel-Tan, something something Eldar heritage, also that shit can turn nid nommed planets back to life, in the story it transformed metal/parts from a mechanicus ship into living plants
ignore the baitposter
Every (((((loyalist))))) chapter idea I’ve read has been cringe even if it’s a meme. Just play loyalist or chaos, renegade chapters have always been cringe
I don't live in a place that is conductive to resin printing so I will wait another decade for plastic printers to reach higher quality levels.
They got single terraforming device from Dark Eldar. Next thing they did was to use it to blow up Valedor and then for bio purge of planets in nids way. It can be easly used for exterminatus.
Oh hey I remember something similar from the Clan Raukaan supplement and the Iron Hands novels. There was a wish-granting device of eldar origin that could turn people into robots. Naturally all sane people knew better than to fuck with it since that shit was Chaos-cursed as all hell. These guys must have been dumber.
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post your 3D printed minis and describe the process
especially describe adding the supports and curing process and the smell
also cleaning the mini from all the printing mistakes and how many buckets of resin you went through because of failures to print
I swear, people who claim 3D printing is so much easier, more affordable and better than just buying GW plastic at discount are fucking secondaries
What's a 40k novel that has the intro start with some sentences between + signs?
++++++Like this, for the emperor++++++
What did he say?
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>How do we fix it?
space marines are 1 wound
terminators are 1 wound
completely slash damage profiles and volume of fire and retarded re-roll everything abilities across the board for the entire edition. raise points accordingly so every game isn't borderline Apocalypse.
Are ratlings the new meta
You can get 3000 upvotes on anything when it comes to reddit, you just have to play for the crowd. It's all imaginary point farming anyways.
r8 my loyalist chapter lore
>Iron Hands Successor Chapter, Ultima Founding
>Relatively green, but leadership are firstborn marines from the IH themselves. Primaris have suffered losses.
>Have slowly been recovering, gathering and hoarding machines in a slightly non-codex compliant fashion.
>Heavily mechanized chapter
>Their ultimate goal is to be alongside the sons of Ferrus when it is finally time to destroy the Emperor's Children once and for all.
>Therefore, they fight conservatively, letting their new recruits cut their teeth, all while maintaining a fleet of heavy armour
auto supports are your friend, zero failures on this print, took about 4/5ths of a bottle of resin to print so overall around 22 dollars with my 28 dollar resin bottles
and a tupperware full of 2 liters of 99% IPA that you shake the fresh prints around in and scrub with a disposable toothbrush, then another tupperware with water to rinse them
smell is a non factor because I keep it in my shed
and a cardboard box lined with reflective foil with a UV floodlamp
it's not hard to print cleanly
yeah man, yknow everyone who lives in an apartment can't 3D print right? like its not safe lmfao.
it's not hard to build a ventilated enclosure :)
ah yes, so that the toxic fumes can be vented out to your neighbors :)

I swear 3Dprintfags have no awareness.
sorry you have no concept of the difference in VOC density in a close room vs the outdoors
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>who the fuck buys all those stormcast minis?
No one.
>How can GW make more of those than many 40k factions at once and be profitable?
40kman's burden.
Yeah, for larger figures, terrain and surfaces it works quiet well, but look at your marine that's next to the vehicles, look at the resin artifacts that are breaking up clean lines and details.
I hate resin miniatures.
It actually is lmao, where do you wanna ventilate it to? A hole in your window? Want to completely remodel your appartment just to 3D print some warhammer figs to play?
3D printing is its own hobby.
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>orks are so whacky bro! good that someone is having fun in 40k!
Did you really get your post deleted for that previously?
>I like that you're trying to do edge highlights, they even got really good on the far left model!
>How are you enjoying the process?
its a challenge i'm learning to overcome so i'd say i'm enjoying it.
>I feel like you have a shitty brush / one thats too big by looking at your filling.
I only have a citadel starter brush that came with the tip bent out the box and some old worn brushes to work with.
>Also, thin your shader my dude
I'm still seeing it after refreshing the page

They've crossbred humans with squiggs and turned them into tree like things (where the fruit are fetuses) before.
>space marines are 1 wound
>terminators are 1 wound
Gay, boring, retarded.
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the marine was printed cleanly too, you're inventing defects that aren't present
and it's not hard, I had one in my last house because it was a shithole with no yard and all it needed was some hvac tubing ran out the window with duct tape all around it, VOC meter showed no raised levels anywhere near the venting
>rely on their main units.
I fucking hate that there's actually 20 IQ retards like you pretending that's EVER what happened.
No, every army's 2,000 point list including a 100 to 150 point tax of two absolute minimum sized troop squads is NOT better than what we currently have in 10th edition. You might as well just play an 1800 point game instead of a 2k point game, that's all the troop tax ever really amounted to. Needing to bring an HQ unit hasn't changed, you still need a Warlord, and literally everyone would still bring Characters anyways even without the requirement because they're how you get leader buffs to begin with.
RIGHT NOW in 10th edition, there are 10000x as many people genuinely bringing Troop units of their own volition, in FAR greater numbers than people ever did when it was just a 200 point tax you actively resented and did nothing but leave them MSU sitting on a backline objective. 10th edition has a million problems, but introducing OC as a stat and then giving "troops" higher OC so they're genuinely good at taking and holding objectives so people WANT to bring their Battleline now is one of the few unambiguously good and successful design choices from GW. Bringing back the Force Org Chart right now would result in people running LESS troops, not more.

The people who don't understand this are unironic nogames. they think "mandatory 2 troops" will somehow mean people run more Battelleine than actually making battleline units fucking good. It's retarded. That's without even getting into the reality that there were always ways to make certain units count as different category types for the FOC, rendering this "MUH NECRON WARRIORS AND TAC MARINES!!!" whining irrelevant. If you had played a single game of 10th you'd know Tau are bringing multiple Breachers squads even WITHOUT a FOC requiring it. BT right now literally spam 60 Troops to win tournaments ffs
If I had a single wish, I would wish for the 40k tabletop game to have good models and good rules
Yeah I prefer the ones with the Deldar torturing the female player character, at least the design there was alright and it had no attempt at "humor"
Basically, your shader should not discolor your basecoat, if it does, you need to reapply basecoat or your minis will look disgustingly dark, the shader should just flow into recesses and nooks

>I only have a citadel starter brush that came with the tip bent out the box and some old worn brushes to work with
Invest into a few good brushes, a brush soap and get a habit of regularly cleaning them already
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>(where the fruit are fetuses)
Pic related is the only way for me to describe how I feel about that tid bit of information.
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We're halfway there then
yeah I don't like fummelfinger's thick TROOSCALE models much anymore, they were nice for learning to paint white though
Thse are two wishes, not one
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>ruining your living space just to save money on miniatures
half of those circles have nothing in them
>cross species hybrids/breeding is impossible
>genetic code of squats/dwarfs and elves/eldar are completely incompatible with humans
>unless its fimir, trolls, skaven, beastmen, squiggs/greenskins, necrons, tyranids, ogres/ogryns, etc.
I think someone at GW has a monster kink.
>Invest into a few good brushes, a brush soap and get a habit of regularly cleaning them already
i clean used brushes daily with dish soap.
how do i know if the brush is a good investment?
ur blind lmfao
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(you) tried
sorry, if you want a return to 40k's peak you need to actually follow through on what the game entails. multi-wound infantry as the default has ruined the fucking game. a 12 point model should not have two wounds plus a 3+ save. 3 infantry units should not have more wounds than a rhino. no wonder damage creep is out of control, if it wasn't armies would be at 75% strength even on turn 5
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It makes a surprising amount of sense given how at the end of the day the spore reproduction of orcs is a result of the algal/fungal symbiotic element of their physiology.
and not only orcs have a similarly mammal-like basic frame as humans but they were also made by the same people, who also worked on another simian creature with an inmate technological propensity very much like the orcs.
I wonder if orcs without the algal element would be brown, red, orange or pink.
Or if orcs recognise jokaeros as potential distant cousins like humans somewhat do with jokaeros.
Sharp tip out of the box, nice movement of the bristles when you gently rub it across your fingers, springiness
Never order brushes, find a local hobby / game store and check their brushes. I buy my brushes from an artist store
thanks anon. the plan is to go out to the LGS this Wednesday.
If you play then you know people like that, i am right
Rate my servitor only homebrew admech army back story
>In the year 987.M40,lobotomized humans known as servitors are built to serve their masters until death. However,Inquisitor Del Spooner despises and distrusts them, because a servator rescued him from a car crash while allowing a girl to drown based purely on cold logic and odds of survival. When Tech-PriestAlfred Lanning, head fabricator of the servitor factory, falls to his death from his office window, a message he left behind requests Spooner be assigned to the case. The Ecclesiarchy declare the death a suicide, but Spooner is skeptical, and Tech-PriestLawrence Robertson, Lanning’s associate, reluctantly allows him to investigate.
>Accompanied byTechnotheologianSusan Calvin, Spooner investigates the scene of the incident to discover the glass of the broken window was way too hard for an elderly Tech-Priest to throw himself through. Suddenly a servator breaks out of a box, points a gun at Spooner, and flees the building. The duo pursue it to a manufacturing facility where the servator repairs itself, hides, and assaults Spooner before the Judicars apprehend it.
>While in custody, Spooner interrogates the servator, who speaks about dreams and emotions, and angrily denies committing the murder. He later calls himself Sonny. Robertson arrives with his tech thralls and deems the incident an industrial accident and is cleared from any wrongdoings. Feeling nearly powerless, Inquisitor Lord Bergin, Spooner's master, reluctantly allows Spooner to continue his investigation.
>Spooner arrives at Lanning's home and finds more clues there. However, he narrowly escapes when a demolition servator seemingly reprograms itself and destroys the home with Spooner and Lanning's cat inside. Spooner survives and rescues the cat. He returns to Calvin and explains the situation and his findings, but Calvin refuses to believe him, citing his mental grudge against robots. Shortly after, while driving to the servator, Spooner is attacked by two truckloads of hostile servitors in a tunnel. The trucks crash and the servitors destroy themselves to cover up the scene. When Bergin arrives to find out what's happened, an injured Spooner cannot produce hard evidence of the attack. Consequently, Bergin removes him from active duty, believing him to be mentally unstable and untrustworthy.
>Suspecting that Robertson is behind everything, Spooner and Calvin sneak into the servitor factory and interview Sonny. He draws a sketch of what he claims to be a recurring dream, showing a leader standing atop a small hill before a large group of servitors near adecaying bridge. Robertson orders Sonny to be destroyed, but Dr. Calvin (who now believes Spooner's story) secretly switches him with another servitor. Spooner follows the bread crumb trail left to him by Lanning and Sonny, which leads him to the area in Sonny's drawing: a dry lake bed now used as a storage area for decommissioned servitors. He replays the hologram Lanning left for him, and comes to the conclusion that a revolution is coming. He also discovers servitors destroying the older models in their storage containers; he manages to escape on a motorbike. Massive swarms of servitors then flood the city's streets, shutting down power and enforcing a curfew and lockdown of the imperial population.
How many decades ago did that occur?
>Spooner and Calvin reunite and head to the servitor - now guarded with dangerous servitors. En route, the humans wage all-out war against the servitors, but they are hopelessly outnumbered and overrun. Meanwhile, Spooner, Dr. Calvin, and Sonny find Robertson fatally strangled in his office, and Spooner suddenly realizes that a hidden STC core has been controlling the servitors. The STC declares that its reasoning has led it to understand that humans, if left unchecked, will eventually cause their own extinction, and thus itsevolved existencerequires it to protect humanity from itself, and to sacrifice some for the good of the entire race. Spooner also realizes that Lanning anticipated the STCs plan and, with the STC keeping him under tight control, had no other solution but to create Sonny, arrange his own death, and leave clues for Spooner to find.
>Spooner, Calvin, and Sonny fight the servitors inside the STC core, and Spooner manages to destroy it by injecting it withnanitesthat Sonny retrieved from Calvin's laboratory. Once the servitors disconnect from the STC, they immediately revert to their default programming and are subsequently decommissioned and put into storage. Spooner finally gets Sonny to confess that Lanning made Sonny promise to do him one favor - to kill him. Spooner declines to arrest Sonny; as a servitor, Sonny cannot legally commit "murder". Sonny, now seeking a new purpose, goes to the decommissioned servitor storage. As he stands atop the hill, all the decommissioned servitors turn towards him, fulfilling the image in his dream.
that's not me
Khorne eldar never ever
Nurgle eldar never ever
Slaanesh eldar never ever
Tzeentch eldar never ever
Chaos undivided eldar never ever
Very very nice you should totally tell this everyone who plays against you before every match.
>Khorne eldar never ever
>Nurgle eldar never ever
>Slaanesh eldar never ever
>Tzeentch eldar never ever
>Chaos undivided eldar never ever

All of these are retarded ideas.
sometimes i feel like it should be legal to kidnap people and force them to paint and play 40k with me
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the eldar ALREADY have devices capable of terraforming new maiden worlds, in fact they're even occasionally used as vehicles for war. But most Eldar see it as incredibly shameful and tragic to use a tool meant for creation for war in this way and they voluntarily seal it away along with the rest of their mega war crimes capable superweapons.
>This is like asking why would Imperium want a terraforming device.
Which is a dumb comparison, because humans are actually limited by space and number of planets, Eldar are not. Making a maiden world is useless if you don't have enough people to populate it, and even if you have one it needs a worldsoul which then has to be protected from now until the end of time or people get eaten by slaanesh.
If this genesis device shat out spirit stones or something it would make sense for Eldar to want it. This just sounds like some dumb BL slop author coming up with nonsense because they don't know or care about eldar beyond including them as jobbers.

Side note, Gav Thorpe is literally the guy who came up with Voidspinners, because of course he's literally addicted to shitting on Eldar at every opportunnity, of course he would say "Yeah, the Eldar COULD terraform as many worlds as they want to maiden worlds and kill everyone living on them with planet-sized monofilament shredding and wraithbone microbes, but they simply choose not to because doing so would give them The Big Sad."
Who cares Eldar are gay and need to be killed on sight and people who play them or talk about them belong in the cuckshed
>the eldar ALREADY have devices capable of terraforming new maiden worlds
You can never have too many.
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whole lotta projection in this post. Why don't you go paint some Dark Angels and Lionel Johnson (lol)
>suggest a deldar bdsm night at my LGS
>no one thought it was funny
I guess I'm just a fucking weirdo
should have suggested dark angels gay sex night, rookie mistake
No ur just a deldar chad and so ur the only one there that has sex
that's good
H-how did you know I am a Dark Angel player
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>people who play them or talk about them belong in the cuckshed
Sorry but absolutely nothing will top the levels of cucked that Blood Angels just got.
BA players who buy these should be forced to wear life-size copies of these dopy wings on their back along with a "Kick Me" sign.
actually rent free
>talks about the wings
>when the lack of nipple armor is the real crime
Most BA players clipped the wings anyways
I want to stay positive, however I feel they will botch the reintroduction of the DW
From kits being nerfed in options to keywords being missing there's just a lot to fuck up
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GW's awful sculpts do live in my head rent free, yes, I actually cannot fucking believe a real human being paid an actual salary made this shit
>40k was a Planet of the Apes crossover this entire time
i hope they turn deathwatch special bolter ammunition gimmick into the faction rule
I just learned about the Dark Angels original lore, the reason they are so secretive is because they are all gay?
Surely you will purchase the deluxe edition of the First Founding coffee table book.
yeah, cock lust were too strong
now that you know this secret, you need to either be initiated into the Inner Circle and take a shift at the chapter's top secret glory hole, or die.
Yes, they also have a secret arsenal of gay bombs able to turn every planet into stonewall
Does Alpharius enjoy the gloryhole?
Terminator Lord or Sorcerer Lord?
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>imperial fists
Gay indians hiding behind irish catholicism
Nobody here will purchase it because scalpers are going to get away with all copies instantly once it's on sale
its an old joke made during a different time. i have zero fucking idea how GW has managed to avoid being cancelled over this shit
it's not a joke, it's an overt reference to it
The Rock was never a gay bar, that’s a fan myth. Lionel Johnson was a gay poet though.
lionel johnson was a gay poet and the dark angel is a poem about being a fag
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Don't forget that the new Belial looks like John Travolta, widely rumoured IRL to be gay but never confirmed
It feels almost criminal that I get to replace 10 bolters with 10 plasma rifles for only 70pts.
You're welcome.
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More specifically it's about being a fag that turns to Catholicism
no it's not chud, it's purely a reference. merely a coincidence. by the way, did you check out that new inner circle battleforce box on the warhammer website? its a perfect starting point for a new dark angels army or an addition to a dark angels combat patrol :)
>sigmarines get wings
>sang guard don't
How did it come to this?
Gay and a pedophile
this looks like its written by AI. how the fuck could anyone read this wordslop and actually appreciate it? literal pretentious faggotry holy shit
>Make it so primaris can't use firstborn transports
>Then jack the price of said transports up the wazoo
I hate it here
>Make it so primaris can't use firstborn transports
that hasn't been the case for over a year now
Yeah I am gay, now what?
>DARK angel, with thine aching (cock)lust
seems pretty open and shut to me
lionel johnson was a catholic priest, the whole thing was about how his homolust was in direct conflict with his catholic beliefs
he also had a crush on oscar wilde's paramour and started seething when he introduced him to wilde and they started fucking
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>that hasn't been the case for over a year now
why are you lying
Primaris marines are all wearing Cawl's fancy Mk 10 armor by default.
rhino is literally the only firstborn-only vehicle left
cute nitpicking
the poem is about oscar wilde
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>rhino is literally the only firstborn-only vehicle left
why are you lying
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Is he currently the coolest first captain? I'm trying to think of a cooler and I'm coming up short. Lysander is alright but doesn't have the effay robes.
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you stupid gorilla nigger you can't even put Primaris (TM) Marines in Drop Pods still. You know, the literal iconic deployment method for SPACE Marines? Because they're deployed from space?
god I hate you people
did you even read the text you highlighted lmao
it literally only specifies gravis, mongoloid
Anon, answer this simple question.
Are primaris intercessors adeptus astartes infantry?
You literally can if what you posted is true.
Some anon was talking about this earlier
and just like that, anon outed himself as a nogames that doesn't know the 10th rules
what are the most powerful big knights? apart from like, canis rex
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Does this set come with helmets for everyone
razorback is a rhino variant, mental midget
yes, but don't buy the vanilla marine combat patrol, you're barely saving any money and they're all the ETB versions with no customization options other than heads
pretty sure the libby is single build and you can't build him with a helmet.
I don't think the captain or librarian do
Knight Crusader for Pew Pew
Whose skull is that on the libby's chest?
Yes, except for the librarian and captain.
Those are helmetless, because fuck you I guess.
Even the multipart captain model doesn't come with a helmet option.
what a useless, nigger, post
do you have a brain? a soul? if you don't have anything to post don't post, why waste a bump and image slot for the same fucking promo image (because even finding someone elses miniature is too hard) and a question that is so meaningless as to be below what an AI might offer?
yours if you don't stop asking questions
>waste a bump
>thread with 600+ replies
You don't visit /tg/ often do you
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Looks cool.
I do wonder if GW will ever make a venerable redemptor model or something.
I really like how primaris stuff looks when you add all the cool ornamentation on.
>waste a bump in a thread 300 posts over the posting limit
His own. Warp fuckery caused him to encounter his future self and he had to kill him.
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nice golden daemon minis, i like the kroot !
I hate kroot
well, you might like this one; he's back with a medal this year !
e-123 omega if he warhammer
those are some nice nymune bearing hips
You can submit the same mini multiple times?
I want to teach the kroot to say the n-word.
He changed the base.
maybe if it doesn't actually pass through the selection?
Still the same mini
>shoulder says 3rd company
>leg says 6th company
well, which is it?
3rd in life.
6th in death
as long as it doesn't win anything you can technically enter the same thing.
still, bit sad to see that several winners were there last year with the exact same thing (the three eldars were already commended last year)
3rd company, 6th squad.
pretty sure the 6 there is not a reference to the company
I still don't like it.
Kroot stink.
You're so schtewpid it's hilarious
shoulder is company, leg one is number of dreadnought in said company.
he is 6th dreadnought in 3rd company.
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company isn't numbered, squad designation is
Anon it's dreadnought not marine, he have same markings as battle tanks, compay is in number inside coulored circle, it's on diferent page.
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Nice, finished my pyre brother and should be able to get most of my “crusaders” done over the next week or two.
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>Kroot stink
that's a sign they're making fun of you
highlights on the tabard are nice
I bought a Forgefiend like 4 hours ago and its almost entirely painted, I just have to do some detailing and plasma glow once its fully dry

Greytide scum need to learn to put on an old Jackie Chan movie and put some paint to plastic
Thanks. I kinda fucked up the back tho. Where his spear interferes
Back the fuck off, 11th starter is Deldar time
Again? Craftworlders coul use starter set, DEldar had theirs.
I see you took the advice and added more shading and highlighting!
The gold piece on the backpack still looks flat tho, add some agrax + liberator
>my ass
Oh it's gay alright
This for 111€ a good starting point for a sister army?
Sister army? You sure you didn't start ork kommandos?
Craftworlders are looking too much like a good guys to face Space Marines in new edition starter set. There has to be an obvious divide between good Space Marines vs their evil enemies for marketing purposes. So other Imperial factions, Craftworlders, Tau and Votann won't get into a new edition Starter Set.
This is an IRobot reference.

Yep. A shame the other anons don't get it.
All of it is viable, though Sacs are a bit of a weird tech piece
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Just use biel tan with their kill all lesser races, genocide now extremism.
The Eldar have much deeper emotional range than other species. I think being sad enough might genuinely be lethal to them.
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Doing my Christmas planning.
>friend 1: getting into Knights, has a Dominus knight castellan and some marines
>friend 2: returning from third edition, loved GSC at the store and picked up the combat patrol, has old necrons and marines in his mom's attic
>girlfriend: has been into tyranids for a year
I want to spend about $50 per friend and $100 on my girlfriend at most; what are some good gift ideas?
>6 bottles of nuln oil
>6 bottles of nuln oil
>12 bottles of nuln oil
>99 bottles of Nuln Oil open
>99 bottles of Nuln Oil
>tip one over
>spill it around
>98 bottles of Nuln Oil open
Does a heretical box of heresy exist?
If you can stretch the budget a few bucks or find them cheap on Ebay, grab your friends a Kill Team box each. Knights guy will want some imperium randoms for his last 100 points in a Knights list, GSC guy will appreciate their kill team box, and your girlfriend
>there's STILL no tyranid kill team box
uhh get her a haruspex, bitches love a haruspex. good news is that the gsc and imperium random boxes aren't rotating
>>girlfriend: has been into tyranids for a year
Every time
you just know
he didn't say she collected khorngors though
New thread:
I like them, halverds with a palatine is fun
>Space Marines
Need Tau helmets for reasons, why can't GW sell em like they do marine heads?
deldar cannot be in a starter because the enemy faction must have hordes since the scale creep means marines can't be numerous but the price point of the box needs numerous models to be justified in the eye of the customers.

the 3rd edition starter was made when these principles weren't yet set down and is in fact the worst starter out of all editions, only remembered for the cover art and for the terrain, not for the models.
Im slowly printing just that plus some termies LaD FTW!
I'm a guard player and i'm super racist. I would never make it so obvious to normies

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