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It's Almost Monday Edition

>Warhammer Day Preview Show 2024

>Balance Dataslate:

>Community Links:

>3rd Party Models Pastebin:

Info hash: d91d8b9daa9c5dc9105fc0ec09812cbc17a752b5

>10th Edition Rules:

>Tithes Animations

>Previous thread:

>Thread question:
How big is your pile of shame and what is in it?
isn't it funny that james puts out a GSC killteam of cultist guardsmen right after they put out the GSC codex that limited cultist guard to a single detachment
Do we have GSC, Agents and Ork codexes fully scanned?
A whole lot of plastic Cadians.
A whole lot of third party resin.
Two Kings of War armies.
A whole lot of Reaper miniatures.
Incoming WGA The Damned minis.
Most of my backlog was whaled in during the lockdown.
A lack of a display cabinet is what I have allowed to halt my hobby progression.
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I don't play GSC so I don't care
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I started a GSC army before the new codex dropped, I haven't invested in any guard kit cause I prefer the other detachments, shame cause I like the idea of using the guardsmen
I bought a bottle of Vallejo dwarf skin but it's way too yellow, do you guys think I'll be worth it to try to darken it with some Guilliman flesh or do contrasts not mix well?
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I dont play gsc to field guardsmen so it doesn't bother me. I want desert rebels in stillsuits with crys knives
Contrasts do not mix well.
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Large enough I need to get on it. About 2k tau. Some seraphon, and a bunch of kit bashed characters/ a few vehicles are the worst offenders rn.
75ish marines and three vehicles and two dreads that I bought from a dude who quit after assembling 5 terminators and 15 intercessors
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Besides the obvious patriarch/hq's, are any of the genestealer cult generations considered higher on the hierarchy than the others?
I've read through the Marine codex. Am I right in my assessments of the infantry?
For holding objectives only. (Bad)
>Assault Intercessors
>Assault Intercessors (With Jump packs)
really really good
Very bad but Multi-Spectrum Array on an Oath of Moment target can be funny
Denying deep strike is good.
>Tact squad/Dev Squad
Better objective-gremlins
>Vanguard/Sternguard veterans
Expensive but solid at what they do
>Infernus/Reiver/Termies/Melee Centurions/Bladeguard Veterans/Heavy Intercessors
>Ranged Centurions
Great at shooting but need babysitters.
Solid option but a tad expensive
Run a Redemptor
>Redemptor Dread
obsecenly strong
Run redemptor
Need a transport
>Desolation squad
Outclasses like 90% of the other big weapons guys
Incredibly strong
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Day 26 of exercising every day until the Emperor's Children Codex is released!

Still pumped from yesterday. All of our dreams will come true next year
Way, way too much but I'm in the process of getting rid of almost everything. Only keeping my orks and gsc for 40k, everything else is being sold or trashed
What's it like being this desperate for attention
you left out inceptors
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Exactly 79 models. Most of which are half of a Custodes army, a Space Marine Kill Team, and the Sylvaneth Spearhead, which I'm thinking about selling. The rest are some random models for fun, like the Blackstone Fortress guys, a few guys left from the Kroot box I haven't finished yet, some random guys, and one Warhound Titan which intimidates me.
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post models

besides my bits collection not much. technically I can build another unit of Inquisitorial Henchmen with stuff I've got but I want all the henchmen to be unique kitbashes. I guess I also have my 1300ish points of Eldar unpainted but that is basically a trash army that'll never get painted anyway.
Having to post here every day is a good way to keep myself honest.
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Fucked the black but another Flesh Tearer done
Half of the Sanctorum Guard box
Box of Zephyrim, Greyfax, and Celestine
Assorted boxes of non-40k stuff that I bought because I liked how they looked
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>accidentally hooked the edge of the cap on a brand new pot with the back of my brush
Fucking wonderful. That's enough for me today.
There's zero accountability on 4chan
How fucking hard were you whipping that brush?
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Shame. Thanks.
I swear it only started working after I shook it like it was my dick and I had just seen a Necromunda sculpt.
Left: Dwark Skin, Middle: Dwarf Skin with only a moderate amount of shaking, Right: Guilliman Flesh
Enough to fill a closet and make part of my bedroom inaccessible
I think he looks great, stylized, but great.
>Ultimately though the rat does not fit on the eightfold wheel of chaos as presented in the ruinstorm demons pdf, and I have my own headcanon based on a theory that takes into account very niche and arguably wrong pieces of info about the skaven which would explain how and most importantly why the skaven and the horned rat are NOT a natural element of chaos, but a part of someone's else plan
I need answers anon, I really like your idea of the Horned rat being a scavenger diety taking aspects of the other gods
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No idea, I was really in the groove of it and was switching the brush between different grip positions. I had the pot close because I was dipping into it so frequently.
Posting from Australia, as you can see.
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Painting my pile of shame now. Indomitus box.
Looks good, anon
I hate you faggots that refuse to let these settings that have no business being connected stay apart. Khorne Nurgle Tzeentch and Slaanesh are shared because GW isn't making two entire games worth of daemons when the mortals of those gods are the only popular things about them
Cope and seethe
>Fucked the black
Anon, it's 2024, you can just say you had sex with your wife.
Their core is fundamental aspects of sentient life so even conceptually they don't need to be linked to still be generally the same thing. Slaanesh can exist without being created by eldar specifically, there's always going to be rage in some form to make khorne etc
Malice for Chaos God 2024
He already exists he'll just never be important or talked about in any meaningful way
Chaos is boring because they can't even bother focusing on it aside from marines. I've suffered through only a single aos bl audiobook and while its meh, it at least explored chaos in a non masturbatory way that most 40k bl does.
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I got me a Land Raider today. Need to fix some gaps with the top though.
Idk about the fluff but AoS handles the armies significantly better than 40k, it still is baffling to me that the various chaos legions aren't in the same fucking book as their daemons
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>133 intercessors
>15 new terminators
>20 hell blasters
>120 new cadian inf
>9 new heavy weapons
>2 baneblades
>dark imperium death guard
>battle force of nids
>Levithan nids
>indomitus necrons
>warhoundt titan
>black legion battle froce
>9 knights
>legaue of votann combat patrol
>about 40 custodes
>HH age of darkness set
fuck me
>Slaanesh can exist without being created by eldar specificall
My headcanon is that Slaanesh actually can't exist without the Eldar. The Pleasure Cults arose because the Eldar's existence of cyclic moodswings across milennia punctuated by actual perfect reincarnation of a soul in novel bodies was agonizing to a small group of Eldar who amassed power to create Slaanesh to experience infinite linear novelty. Slaanesh is a big warp construct using Eldar souls as a skeleton (as they stay together after death unlike humans) housing a big warp engine that runs off of the corpses of the Eldar Pantheon, surrounded by a massive swirl of human extremeness.

Nurgle, Tzeentch, and Khorne are natural, and as such they don't really "plan" or "act" because they'll always exist, but Slaanesh was born and if it doesn't keep going it will die. This is why Slaanesh keeps sucking down Eldar souls: it has to get more to keep the party going or it will slowly fizzle out. This is also why Slaanesh is the God That Gets Shit Done, because Slaanesh has to keep moving.
Which is why the other Three let dumb meme deities like Be'lakor, Vashtorr, Malal, the Horned Rat, etc gnaw at Slaanesh and keep it busy.

Good job!
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do any of you remember a bundle pack in like 3rd edition that came with 5 terminators and a dreadnought? I feel like im tripping out since I can't find it but I remember that being a thing
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I always wanted to turn this guy into a chaplain but Its wrong to not have him holding a crozius and it would be a shame to have the pistol on some other model. Do you think it would be stupid looking to have him holding the crozius in the power fist
Just paint something, all I have left to paint is half of hordo hereticus battle force and some genestealers
crozius dick
How do power fists work exactly, is it like a glove or do they expand their hands like a penis pump.
>How big is your pile of shame and what is in it?
15 more beast snagga boyz and some recast stuff that I prob will just use for bits desu
Assault on black reach had 5 termies and a dread in it, that what you're thinking about?
Man, must suck being primaris and not even having all these options to choose from.
nah it was the original plastic ones that went on 25mm bases like in space hulk, it was literally just 5 of those and a dread in a box set
if we count unbuilt models: 0
If we count unpainted: like 50? I'm a slow painter
>My headcanon is that Slaanesh actually can't exist without the Eldar
Well fantasy already disproves this so I'm not reading the rest
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It's a big mechanical hand combined with a power field. It can punch and tear things apart and the field can be switched off in order to hold onto things without destroying them.
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You're thinking of these bro lol
They were grog bait bundles that dropped in 2016 not 3rd edition
Chaos is boring because it's not at all chaotic, it's just generic bad guys in 5 different colors, and one of those colors is basically just reddit atheists
They should make a gun that is sized for a power fist
so I'm planning out my kill team board that I'll be starting tomorrow.. would it make sense for the Imperium to build administrative buildings on top of a manufactorum? I've got a really cool almost architectural looking bit of foam that I want to bulk out the base of the board with and I'm thinking the terrain pieces from Hive Storm will be integrated on top of that.
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>5/7 dark imperium plague marines
>2/7 regular plague marines
>3 first strike plague marines
>22 poxwalkers
>HH rhino
>5 characters (typhus, LoC, biologus, plaguecaster, and blightbringer)
>I also have the marine half of First Strike, and am keeping the intercessors. Only painted one of three so far, but did a shit job and am going to strip it. :^)
It's maybe gotten a bit out of hand... I also have like 2500 points of firstborn marines built and primed, courtesy of my sister who played years back and didn't stick with it. At the very least, I'd like to paint the boxnauts for my shelf and convert the landraider for Nurgle.
>would it make sense for the Imperium to build administrative buildings on top of a manufactorum?
I mean, that's how a lot of real building irl work. Manufacturing and stuff on the bottom, offices above.
This is really the rub of it and why 40k Chaos is so shitty and uninteresting compared to WHFB Chaos and even AoS godbooks. In the entire galaxy and all of creation the only people who matter to chaos in 40k are space marines. And not even all space marines, a specific group of marines from specific organizations that have been stagnant for the past 10,000 years. It doesn't help that the faction's internal dynamic is ruined by being split between the actual chaos worshippers and chaos elements, and the Team Sports Space Marines part like Abaddon who, despite being the SUPREME ALLIED COMMANDER of the entire Chaos meta faction, tells everybody he doesn't actually like chaos that much and it's just a means to an end to enact his daddy issues against Big E because the emperor wanted actual administrators running his government and didn't default to putting marines in charge despite them being literal child soldiers who don't even know how much a bolter costs in Thrones.

Every possibly interesting Chaos moment is overshadowed by the "RED TEAM BLUE TEAM SPACE MARINE GRRRR!" aspects, they have no variety and aren't allowed any because the entire faction must resolve solely around space marines and only space marines. We'll never in a million years see anything as interesting as the Ravenhost in 40k, maybe if we're lucky there will be an independent Dark Mechanicus army who can finally focus on unique shit but even then I bet it'll just turn into Perturabo's playpen.

If you like chaos but don't care about space marines you're completely shit outta luck in 40k, whereas in Fantasy even if you didn't care for burly norscan Vikings you still had options
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ah fuck
>ballistus dread
>space marine half of leviathan
>necron half of indomitus
>2x5 infiltrators
>9e necrons combat patrol
>lieutenant titus
>illuminor szeras
>2x5 flayed ones
>two hierotek circle kill teams
in the mail to me
>deathwing knights
>ten intercessors
in the near future
>necrons battleforce
>dark angels battleforce
"anon how can you afford all that shit"
i worked in high finance and made a good amount of money before turning 30. i got laid off three months ago, but they gave me three months severance and a lump sum at the end, as well as unemployment. i moved into my family's summer home, so i have virtually no expenses and a ton of free time.
i may be developing an ebay addiction - i got all of the above at 30-70% below MSRP. i have an autistic spreadsheet I made to track prices. i'm hoping my girlfriend holds me to no more purchases besides the battleforces before eoy.
if you know anyone in buffalo hiring an anti-money laundering officer please let me know i'm dead serious i need to stop
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oh, i forgot a 10e dark angels combat patrol too
I read somewhere I don't remember that some renegade chapters and vhaos warbands operate out of Commorragh as mercenaries. Would those groups of marines be permitted to have librarians and/or sorcerers with thwm given the whole "constantly under demonic siege" thing the city has going on?
Ultra clean edge highlights. Even after years of painting, I suck at them. The paint is either too thin and waterlike or too thick and doesn't run smoothly off the brush.
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>In the entire galaxy and all of creation the only people who matter to chaos in 40k are space marines.
Are we going to ignore that the current wielder of the reforged Anathame aka the god killer is a mortal woman and she is going to kill either Roboute or the Emperor with it?
>Would those groups of marines be permitted to have librarians and/or sorcerers with thwm
absolutely not
you're probably also misremembering. there IS a district in Commorragh devoted to hiring non-DE aliens and mercenaries but it's more the sort of thing unscrupulous rogue traders would frequent, not chaos fucking space marines. the only thing in the entire galaxy DE hate more than their personal rivals is chaos.
The only people in all of Commorragh who are allowed to skirt the "NO WIZARDS ALLOWED" rule are specifically Harlequin Shadowseers, largely because stopping clowns from going wherever they want is a fool's game, and also because they're powerful and trusted enough to keep them suppressed while within the Dark City; it helps that clowns recruit members from all major Eldar factions and so DE have a decent relationship with them.

Fabulous Bill did a study abroad program with some haemonculi but he is literally the galaxy's number one fedora tippers who has such little interest in chaos that he told Slaanesh directly to Her futanari Satan face that she was fake and gay and incapable of consciousness. And even that ended with him chased out of the city with a bunch of stolen combat drugs.
yes, because neither is happening
Isn't she abbadons slave
>Are we going to ignore [irrelevant character without a model or datasheet]
>but she's going to kill [characters who DO have actual models and datasheets
citation needed
>Thread question:
>How big is your pile of shame and what is in it?
off the top of my head
5 CSM Chosen
1 Warpsmith
1 Mauler/Forgefiend (tbd)
9 CSM Bikers
5-10ish Kabalites (assembled and primed)
3 Killa Kanz
10 Ork Boyz (I think)
3 Deffkoptas
1 Ork Trukk (actually one of those GSC trucks with ork stuff slapped on)
I think I might have a handful more CSM Legionaires left to do as well, I'm probably forgetting some other stuff
I mean you can bring like 6 psykers to Commoragh in Rogue Trader so who gives a shit. The only one who matters has a helmet of some sort put on her that temporarily stops her powers.
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>A WE combat patrol and the majority of a rescued WE army off ebay
>A tzeentch daemon prince I've already started and made significant progress on
>Mutaleth Vortex Beast NIB that I might sell
>A Chaos abominant and four wardogs that have their armor plates sprayed with vallejo colorshift but are in varying states of sub assembly and another chaos knight + two ranged armigers to convert that I received in a secret santa swap at my GW store last December
>Two Bloodthirsters I bought when they were new models before I started painting and various left over khorne and tzeentch daemons from 7th edition that will probably jump to the front of my to do list if daemons are added to the cult legion codexes
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It's not that bad, I think?
Dunecrawler, Serberys Raiders, Technoarcheologist and 3 Kataphrons
5 rubrics, infernal master and the termies
one box each of revenants and fliers
scar vet on carnosaur
I also have 5 unopened TK kits that I let myself get FOMO'd in but I'll start those after I finish everything I have from either trees or lizards
The worst part about the argument is that it still falls back to space marines to try and gain any relevancy. The most interesting xeno interaction is if isha got killed.
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>post models
don't they lock the actually dangerous psyker in a ball for the entire arc
"Hand of Abaddon"
Anyone who handles the blade sees a vision of the Emperor burning to ash on his throne.

She cut her strings. A mysterious shapeshifting entity now guides her to her destiny.
You should ask Gav Thorpe's Eldar how reliable visions of the future are.
No Model, No Plot Relevance
Do we need to count all the novel characters who got models in recent years? Already a character from the series she is in got a model.
The captured psykers are contained in specialized anti-psyker restraints, something the DE excel at.
>The Drukhari look down upon those who use psychic witchery. Not only do they tempt the gaze of She Who Thirsts, but they also risk the wrath of Asdrubael Vect. Through necessity, the Drukhari’s psychic abilities have atrophied, leaving them vulnerable to the warpcraft of their foes. The Helm of Spite redresses this imbalance, shielding its wearer from harm and setting up a field of violent psionic feedback.
Cool, come back when she has one herself.
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Man I'm so glad I got spoiled on the Ahriman book, that shit seemed like a dumpster fire.
>a vision of the Emperor burning to ash on his throne
as if the emperor hasn't been allegorically burning all along already
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It's irrelevant anyway, ignore that shit.
Which Ahriman book? He has half a dozen.
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>10e dark angels patrol
Give me that to free I will take it off your hands
don't forget that killing the emperor would allow him to revive at full strength, and for literal decades there's been a radical Inquisition faction devoted to doing exactly that; it's just the whole "oopsies the webway gate on Terra would be opened" and apparently that shitty BL narrative about Vulcan rigging the throne with a bomb that would blow up Terra that stops it being an actual solution.
Let me guess:
>I'm going to undo the rubric
>There's a thing that might undo the rubric
>Aha, I nearly have the thing that undoes the rubric
>I no longer have the thing that undoes the rubric/the thing that undoes the rubric didn't work
Was I close?
One, the blade she wields is the very same the Emperor used to supposedly perma-kill Horus.
Two, From what we have seen the bomb Vulkan worked into the throne needs to be manually detonated.
Daily reminder that there is a 100% canon and confirmed way to undo the Rubric and it has been successfully demonstrated to revive dusted Rubric Marines, to the point they immediately turned and asked Ahriman wtf they were doing, but developing this idea further would require giving any plot relevance and attention to Eldar so it's never going to be brought up again or referenced ever again despite it supposedly being a main chaos faction's entire driving motivation.

you can thank gav thorpe btw
>One, the blade she wields is the very same the Emperor used to supposedly perma-kill Horus.
You mean the Horus who was specifically retconned to NOT have died and been able to return in the future during the last book of the Dan Abnett cinematic universe? lol
Hell, Horus getting shanked with the thing was what made him turn traitor to begin with. He survived being stabbed with it TWICE
Which of the 40k game protagonists did the most bullshit within the scope of their game?
>Rogue Trader
Personal Retinue kills a C'tan shard, a Word Bearer Dark Apostle, a Greater Demon of Tzeench, a hellbrute, and also managed to shoot their way out of Commorragh
Killed a Daemon Prince in hand to hand combat, then also wiped out a pretty powerful Chaos Sorcerer and the Greater Daemon companion he had.
>Malum Caedo
Singlehandedly cleanses Chaos from a forge world, including a Chaos sorcerer, Lord of Change and Great Unclean One
>Mechanicus Squad
Defeated an entire necron Tomb world and also a C'tan shard
>Daemonhunter Grey Knight Squad
Defeats a significant amount of the OG Deathguard, a Daemon Prince, 5 Great Unclean ones, a ton of Nurgle's servants, and then defeats Mortarion, forcing him to flee the Garden of Nurgle
Fabius Bile Clone, Great Unclean One
>Blood and Teef
A Knight and a Stompa
nobody has yet to top Shas'O Kais
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What are the chances of a tyranid kill team this edition
I'd like some updated warriors
>Plot relevance to the Eldar
Even less likely, it'd be giving plot relevance to the Ynnari after their trilogy to kill Slaanesh got canned.
How the fuck did the ork game manage to be the most humble
What kind of kill team would Tyranids even have? Some lictors or death leapers?
in a more interesting timeline we could have had Yvraine twisting Ahriman's arm and using her ability to undo the Rubric in order to demand he change sides and attack Lucius/Fulgrim to obtain the final crone sword, inciting chaos-on-chaos conflict (something 40k could really use more of) and advancing that stalled plotline.
unfortunately we don't live in that world so expect it to be forgotten for the next 20 years until eventually some writer remembers it and has Kaldor Draigo steal it in a fit of random teleportation or something equally anticlimactic
I think its the shard fight that was a bridge too far for me in rogue trader, the rest was a stretch but not impossible for a rogue trader retinue
A C'tan Shard is 290 points, a couple stupidly high level psykers plus a NAMED SPACE MARINE (power level 9,000) killing one is completely fine.
Reminder Calgar has solo'd a fucking Avatar himself. Frankly the rest of the party should be thankful the furfag lets them share credit instead of soloing the C'tan himself
given that we now have shit like tankbustas in kill team, I don't think a kill team even needs to be particurarly stealthly. A bunch of tyranid warriors or raveners could work perfectly well.
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Ynnari came to be at about the same time roughly as Slaanesh being soft-squatted from the new AoS and I believe the rumor is that the last crone sword was going to be used to kill off Slaanesh in 40k as well. GW obviously completely abandoned that plot line which leaves us in the awkward position of the Ynnari being crucial to the plot of the start of 8th edition, a blatant natural prey/enemy of Ahriman that he's inexplicably ignoring, an enormous threat to Slaanesh, having 3 unique character models that are still fairly new that still need to have rules, but GW not wanting to acknowledge that they exist in the story in the story going forward.
>3 kataphron destroyers
>9 csm legionaires
>13 mk3 marines
>1 csm terminator
>7 cata terminators
>4 necromunda ambots that I'm gonna kit bash into obliterators
Ynnari should just bullshit a way to save their souls( but not the eldar as a whole) from Slaanesh. Give them a small victory and never speak to them again
I was under the impression that the general flavor of kill teams in 2.0 was that they were a surgical strike force meant to accomplish some objective that's less reasonable for a full army to attempt and that doesn't seem thematically appropriate from my understanding of how tyranids operate outside of genestealers, lictors, and death leapers.
How does Calgary solo an avatar but lose(?) To abbadon
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>chaos-on-chaos conflict
they already have a way to save their souls, Ynnari souls are claimed by Ynnead the same way clowns are claimed by Cegorach, and when other Eldar around them die they can absorb their souls into their body for strength instead of them going to Slaanesh
The Avatar of Khaine has no consequence from dying since it can be reborn again, thus it can never kill a named character that has a model. Abbadon is the most important chaos character model and was a useful plot vessel for Calgar needing to get turned into a primaris, unless I'm misremembering something.
honestly the space wolf felt like one of the least useful members in a fight for me too
Infantry engagement ranges are rather short. It's why SMGs became such a big thing and why we went from rifle cartridges to intermediate cartridges.
If I'm constantly buying 3d printed conversion bits and weapons would it be worth getting my own 3d printer or are theirs going to be higher quality
>How does Calgary solo an avatar but lose(?) To abbadon
because Abaddon is a space marine with a more expensive model than Calgar, and GW has been trying to shill him as primarch-tier for over a decade. Meanwhile Avatars have been defeated by Genestealers shoving their cocks inside them, there is no possible humiliation they haven't already suffered
That's why I love them.
I mostly tolerated Ynnari (except for on the tabletop in 7th, that was unbearable) because it was the first time in memory GW tried to do anything interesting with Eldar and gave Deldar relevance that they've never had since their inception. Then they chickened out and they are in this weird limbo of irrelevance but still needing rules.
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Huron Blackheart should be the real warmaster and not that useless Abaddon.
Yeah apparently a single sister of battle with high fervour and a bolter is the most dangerous thing in the universe.
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Garland should be the real warmaster and not that useless Abaddon.
It took 13 tries, but Abbadon finally accomplished something. Huron hasn't done anything in a long ass time except steal the Ultramarines battlebarge briefly I think?
Sorry, the SUPREME COMMANDER of Chaos as a faction definitely has to be a guy who doesn't even like chaos and claims he's actually a Renegade space marine trying to be the new Emperor.
No, it should be Archaon the Everchosen (but without the abomination that Dorghar became).
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>SUPREME COMMANDER of Chaos as a faction definitely has to be a guy who doesn't even like chaos
>apparently a single sister of battle with high fervour and a bolter is the most dangerous thing in the universe.
what part of THE EMPEROR PROTECTS do you not understand :^)
If Abaddon's motivation was the same as Jack Garland's that would be 1000x more interesting than the actual reality which is "waaah daddy wouldn't let me be gaddafi"
Imagine if bile cloned horus but because horus' original soul is gone it's a warp-immune blank
Anon has made me sad that I will never Tzeentch as well as pic.
Huron has something Abaddon doesn't, A PET!
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Painting while drinking might have been a mistake but I'm not stopping
The weird thing about Primaris lore for me is how there's these exclusive organs the Primarchs had, that Primaris have half, but Fabius never noticed this organ in all his dissected clones. I guess their biology is just too complex for him to understand.
>extremely paranoid about dust falling onto wet paint and ruining it
>dust room from ceiling to floor and vacuum thoroughly
>within two days I can already see dust building up on surfaces
I am literally never going to be able to paint a model again
Eh, I wouldn't call him Tzeentchian, his plan had a fully defined end goal and a route to get to hit. Him inadvertently sabotaging himself when he opened his soul to the Scions fits the bill thoughever.
Crawl is definitely the kind of dude to turn organ transplants into a puzzle game
But he does his plans so brilliantly and completely won without time travel.
Doesn't that describe Archaon?
Actual mental illness
What book was it that Big E speaks to Big G. And does anyone have it to share
>he doesn't paint in a hazmat suit inside a hermetically sealed room
The duality of man
archaon's primary motivation is not seething that The Empire wouldn't let him be king after having his entire career gifted to him on a silver platter, no. Abaddon wishes he was 1/10th as cool or well-liked as the Everchosen was
Dust is skin.
Stop scratching.
Are female squats stacked?
Like bricks.
>How big is your pile of shame and what is in it?
8 veteran guardsmen, 8 Yaegirs, a harlequin troupe, 6 nemesis claw, 10 brood brothers, 4 inquisitorial henchmen
Hold on a second, getting the pictures.
Nope, all the female Dwarf pictures I found were NSFW. Sorry.
>How big is your pile of shame and what is in it?
I've had a start collecting box of ad admech sitting in my closet since 2016. I might finally finish them once I'm done with my marines
The dust in question is fibrous
Anyone got Dark Imperium Godblight?
Archaon's entire motivation was sparked by Sigmar (his chosen godly father) not responding to his prayer, idiot.
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Just spoil Rogue Trader especially since it was crystal clear in Chapter 4 and especially 5 they had no idea what the fuck they were trying to do with the story. The inquisitor was keeping a necron super weapon underwraps and you chase after him in Chapter 5 where 90% of the game mechanics you were using are now completely moot.

One of the more flavorful things I did like to see was how they showed the other Rogue Traders are actually adept at combat, especially the fatguy who possibly gets corrupted by a Khorne cultist.
that is not the same as Abaddon who is literally a 12 year old child soldier who was given literally everything about him that makes him not a starving menial by the imperium but he's mad that professional soldiers are not allowed to arbitrarily rule the territory they conquer.

Archaod and Abaddon are nothing alike. Archaon is not an Empire Greatsword who's mad he's not allowed to rule Cathay after killing a bunch of Chinamen. That's literally what Abaddon is. He's eminently pathetic in a way that applies to no other character in both Fantasy and 40k
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painting while drinking is one of my favourite activities and one i am currently involved in

One Ork who's angry his boss stole his wig. Tons of other Orks including Nobs, lots of IG, an entite Genetsealer cult, many White Scars Primaris, a Baneblade, an Imperial Knight, and a Stompa.
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Are you an architect who enjoys painting naked?
Oh wait, it was a Leman Russ. Which was the one who 1vs1ed a Baneblade again? I remember one guy did that.
At least Abaddon didn't need to have entire edition where he got his ass beaten rectoned. People often forget that Archaon got beaten to a pulp by Grimgor and his invasion failed and GW had to recton this and entire 7th ed to even start end times. Abaddon just got more details about previous 12 crusades.
>that is not the same as Abaddon who is literally a 12 year old child soldier who was given literally everything about him that makes him not a starving menial by the imperium but he's mad that professional soldiers are not allowed to arbitrarily rule the territory they conquer.
Abaddon was a prince. He rejected kingship for his found family and nearly died with them. Abaddon's gripe with the Emperor was for his battle brothers. Dan Abnett's characterization for him is that he doesn't want to be a king.

Archaon is mad at Sigmar for abandoning him at his greatest moment of need. Archaon was an orphan and he chose Sigmar to be his father figure.
Any novels featuring Arbite psykers? Doesn't have to be stuff on the order of Witchbringer, but something that isn't "I am a psychic, I will be a plot device for you, the mind is destroyed but here is some information, you are welcome" would be fantastic.
>Which was the one who 1vs1ed a Baneblade again?
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>At least Abaddon didn't need to have entire edition where he got his ass beaten rectoned.
that is, in fact, exactly what fucking happened. Eldrad btfoing him was completely retconned along with the rest of the Eye of Terror campaign.
>secondary reading 1d4chan
>Eldrad btfoing him was completely retconned along with the rest of the Eye of Terror campaign.

Eldrad beating him happened in a battle report.
And we just learned recently that GW doesn't consider battle report write-ups to be canon lore.

EoT was a victory for Chaos. Don't bother to argue it. I have the receipts
Even in the unlikely scenario that the emperor dies the dogshit writers at GW have already laid the groundwork for his immediate resurrection
>And we just learned recently that GW doesn't consider battle report write-ups to be canon lore.
the fact people say shit like this is genuinely hilarious
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Why ARE ratlings the only designated marksmen of the guard? Why aren't there general imperial sniper squads?
Eldrad just killed himself to destroy blackstone fortress, BSF was still destroyed but Eldrad didn't die.
Unlike Archaon who was beaten like bitch in middleheim and run away to chaos wastes.
Eye of Terror outcome was stalemate, it just needed a little push. Beside I think 1d4chan is dead for some time.
That element is irrelevant now that be'lakor made him since it's just another meaningless destiny thing
If you weren't a retarded secondary you'd know that storm of chaos was a campaign not a fucking edition

Please stop talking, you know nothing of the hobby
There were, special weapons squads could take sniper rifles even just a couple codexes ago.
Laurie Goulding made a canon list. He specifically mentioned WD battle reports in the bottom of the list.
It would explain why in the EoT event the result of the WD was ignored and Eldrad was written to be searching for Abaddon but not managing to find him in time.
There are snipers and marksmen in guard, it's just called special weapon squad or guardsmen with special weapon inside squad. Just they an also use meltagun, plasmagun etc instead of sniper.
It's not. it comes from the same book. Praying top Sigmar was the result of Be'lakor not allowing him to die because of the resets.
Well, it's a good thing him losing to Eldrad was written in a canon story by Gav Thorpe and not just in the battle report.
>At the last moment, Lician's witch blade flicked out from the right, parrying the foul weapon Eldrad's spear swept up, braced on a fallen standing stone, the point under Abaddon's chin. The daemon sword hissed a hands breadth from Eldrad's face, its insatiable thirst for the Farseer‘s soul pulling Ahaddon forward onto the spear. Eldrad felt the future twist into place as its tip slowly puckered and pierced Abaddon's throat, and saw tiny spheres of steaming, black blood fall toward his face in perfect clarity.
in a rare moment of Gav NOT shitting on Eldar we see Abbydabbydoo get styled on and literally throat fucked by an old elf.

sorry carnac, take the L
I kneel before the Votann who caused all that
That whole narrative was based off of the results of a campaign dumbass
See >>94094057
Who are you fooling? The battle report fluff WAS written by Gav Thorpe.
>If you weren't a retarded secondary you'd know that storm of chaos was a campaign not a fucking edition
Yes 6th ed campaign that was followed by 7th ed that referenced everything that happened during SoC, like Voklmar dying and being ressurected by Be'lakor, Archaons defest in Middelheim, Valten's death etc. Entire 7th ed was rectonned in 8ht ed.
Please inform yourself before posting.
Yes, and it's canon, the same way the unfortunate Ynnari trilogy also written by Gav Thorpe is canon
>but muh list
it's still canon
>it still is baffling to me that the various chaos legions aren't in the same fucking book as their daemons
Member Khorne Daemonkin?
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Out of nowhere, I'm now curious what deserts exist in 40k.
>Sir we're being told this faction is too grounded and has insufficient fantasy elements
I don't want "a sniper in a guardsman blob" I want something like the Eliminators, like 5 dudes dedicated entirely to popping heads
>nooooooooooooooooo retcons only matter if it helps my argument

Kys secondary
fantasy catgirl felinids who shore up guard's weakness in melee soon
No. It's a battle report from WD. The text you posted is from the write-up Gav put at the end of that report.

It's so canon that EoT ignored it. Take the L.
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big kek
Anon entire WHF 7th ed was rectoned so Archaon could do end times. GW rectoned entire fucking edition. It wasn't only campaign results.
Now you are mad someone pointed out your lack of knowledge. Please just inform yourself instead of being mad.
Something obnoxiously grimdark that some edgy faggot at GW thought up
That's exactly what I mean, you could have a special weapons team that took all sniper rifles instead of all plasma/melta whatever.
I remember it's existence but nothing about it's contents andnever saw anyone use it
What do you think special weapon squad is? Dunno if it's still in army list tho, ever since 9th ed GW hates customization.
One Cain short story was set on a barge going to investigate a world for tech. Cain thought because the lead guy was an Admech, it was all going to be corpse starch but turns out the guy was also a gourmet and had good food like ice cream too. It was setting up pleasant moments for when Cain gets traumatized discovering the world's a Necron Tomb World.
What is that?
sorry, Abaddon got sodomized and throat fucked by an elf wizard for whom melee combat isn't even in the top hundred things he cares about.
I'm sorry this upsets you so much Carnac, maybe you can get ADB to roleplay a pity-party circle jerk about it on reddit when he's not busy writing articles ranting about how he hates he fathered a son and wished it was a daughter because his daddy issues prevent him from being a masculine influence
No. It's not canon.
It was weird way to bring khorne to level of other daemonic faction. Khorne lacked psykers that made daemons OP, because of summoning and spamming free units.
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White Scars fashion
Speaking about ADB. Is it true that he got hired as a narrative writer at GW?
>female custodes are thing now
It would seem so yes.
no, it is october in the UK and therefore too cold to paint naked while retaining any confidence
ADB is literally the Head of Narrative for GW now, which is why virtually every recent story revolves around his sublimated daddy issues from his alcoholic wife beating biological father (who he has essentially projected onto Big E)
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My first miniatures are coming along, tomorrow I will be picking up extra small detail and makeup brushes so I can paint the eyes and orbs white before covering them in tesseract glow. I'll probably highlight the metal edges on the necrons and guns before that though, as I plan to put a scatter glow effect radiating out from the orbs and eyes, and the highlights should be under that.

I'm still iffy on how I'm going to do the tubes, but I think I'm going to dry brush them very lightly with a white to make a gradual transition from the middle to the end, and then coat it all with tesseract glow instead of a traditional layering. I think it should pan out pretty good but we'll see.

I've learned a whole lot on painting these 5 miniatures, I think the rest of the army is going to go a lot faster once I get there. A lot of trial and error up to this point.
>ADB is literally the Head of Narrative for GW now,
Do you have proof of that? Last I checked Phil Kelly was the head narrative guy.
Lmao I even rotated this one and saved it as a new picture in hopes it wouldn't rotate when I posted it, oh well
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Are the skaven leaks real?
hey how's straya?
Admiral Spire fucking destroys the Vengeful Spirit and kills Abaddon, sending Chaos back into the Eye in a power vacuum they are unlikely to ever properly recover.
the man's own LinkedIn proudly advertises as such
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Is there an alternative to Citadel glue that isn't Tamiya? I started this hobby using Tamiya extra thin but it could barely keep models attached to their bases and other small parts. Switched to citadel and it works great, no issues, but I'm sick of the clogging. Is there another glue that works as well as Citadel? Or maybe Tamiya non-thin is the way to go?
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5 Retributors
~40 DE Warriors
~40 Wyches
6 Raiders
6 Venoms
3 Ravagers
20 Scourges
12 Reavers
10 Hellions
10 Blood Brides
1 Razorwing
1 Voidraven
5 Incubi
3 Broadsides
3 Stealth Suits
10 Fire Warriors
~4000 points of Blood Angels
Entire Vampire Count army

I'm totally fucked.
Nah the ork one finally topped him.
Is Horus more interesting than Abaddon?
Eldrad had to look into infinite timelines and find one where he draws with abbadon in that fight. 1/infinity is worse odds than winning any game of 40k just by rolling crits
Desolators are strong now to move models, expect them to be nerfed hard once the meta chasers have all bought in.
Dunno ask /hhg/
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>creeping on linkedin profiles to find out who does what at GW
fucking weirdo... I would never do something like that....
mfw I see M.P. is a project manager now
Are looted wagons still in Legends? I kinda wanna start a Blood Axes army.
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>Draws with Abaddon
it was an unambiguous victory, he sliced Abby's throat open so the latter had to teleport away with his tail between his legs, and this is after every single one of Abby's terminators get shredded
GC/HH Horus is more interesting than GC/HH Abaddon.
post-Heresy Abaddon is more interesting than GC/HH Horus.
I'm not clicking that because I'm currently applying to gw and don't want to be linked on here
which loyalist chapter is the best (in your opinion)?
which loyalist chapter is the worst (in your opinion)?
Interesting. It explains the current direction of the setting and its meta-story.
no, he had his spear pointed at abbadon in such a way that if abaddon were to strike him down as his sword clearly wanted to do then abaddon would have his throat punctured.
Iron Hands
As for traitors
Word Bearers
Are you readying the same thing? The moment Eldrad's spear would have gone fully into Abaddon's throat, Eldrad would have gotten a face full of Drach'nyen.

Eldrad's goal was to assassinate Abaddon to stop the 13th Black Crusade. He failed. And I don't recall any terminator wipe outs.
Give him a serf to carry his crozius for him.
Would it be right to want to fuck a member of the Inquisition?
Best as the strongest and most successful or just my favorite?
I wonder how they could fuck things up more. Maybe if they went and hired that one author who writes like 5000000 words a year and every book is the same with a different coat of paint? The fantasy one? I don't think he's had a creative thought in his life.
Go to bed Cain
Blood Angels, they properly represent 40k's best aesthetic (baroque/victorian gothic) as well as the best aspect of 40k, the fact that it's awful, yet within it the best characteristics of humanity shine through.
Best? Canon answer is Ultramarines, but in my oppinion Blood Angels or Iron Hands.
Worst? Space Wolves.
I think every member of the inquisition who still has the requisite equipment fucks, and even Ravenor still manages to 'get inside' women pretty regularly.
A puritan or a radical one?
You don't use plastic glue for that, dumbass. Get some normal super glue.
Oh yeah and the worst is wolf wolves, but only aesthetically and becuse of the lupine wolf wolves aspect
>model of the month has a fur cape and I was working on a SW kitbash
Nobody likes the inquiSHITion so ye it is very wrong
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Mostly sisters. I've bought 2 of the Faith battleforces from a few months ago and have yet to get around to working on them.
I also have a few Tau crisis suits I picked up cheap on ebay hiding away, they're the next army I'll start on once I've got most the sisters done.
Otherwise it's a few scattered models I've yet to paint up for dnd.
Anyone remember the Xenos factions in this setting?
Puritan of course.
Then yes, but you have to be extra careful not to be accused of heresy.
The end game is Necrons vs Nids
this, everyone else is just filibustering.
While the Eldar look on from the newly reconquered webway being smug, until some dark eldar they missed opens a hole.
So uh, coming back to the hobby after a few years, what the FUCK is going on with 10th ed? Where did the SVOL go? The fluffiness and flavor is gone from my Craftworld army because half my HQs are no longer legal, all my pyskers are trash....what the fuck no psyker powers? Wargear being all "paid" for is stupid, not to mention the new limitations with it. It feels like there no fun or thought going into list building anymore. You take X models that have to be to y sizes, and you always take the "best" wargear because you've already paid for it, and then you always bring all your big characters because they're just so good. I don't find it any simpler that 7th or 8th. Am I wrong?
Committing hereßy all over that dick lmao
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5 sternguard vets
2 aggressors
10 major minis
tech marine
2 apothecaries
5 intercessors
3 hellblasters
3 infernus
marneus calgar with vitrix guard
5 desolation marines
3 reivers
librarian in gravis
tau breacher team

Now that I've typed all this out I realize there is a problem and I should not have bout sternguard vets yesterday
>And I don't recall any terminator wipe outs.
abaddons entire honor guard have been slaughtered by the point Abby teleports away
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Revell plastic glue
Nobody hates the White Scars.
If your citadel glue has the little metal needle tip you can heat it up with a lighter and it'll burn out all the stuff stuff in the tip.
Not too bad since I realized how long it's going to take to finish painting everything to the standard I like and stopped buying so much.
-Blood of the Phoenix box (most shameful purchase, only built some of the banshees)
-9 HH beaky marines
-Assorted half-finished Necromunda boxes
-Hivestorm (picking it up tomorrow)
Can't hate that which one does not even remember existing.
And now you understand the point of the question. You don't want to be that one consoomer on twitter who posted a picture of his unopened boxes piled to the ceiling and blocking access to an entire area of his house.
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This is how I White Scars Successor Chapter.
>Blood Angels
>tfw I love the excessively gaudy art, angelic imagery, inner struggles, and melee heavy tactics but can't stand the vampire stuff
White scars are a single hero that isn't doing the thing that white scars do
But why are they called Dark Angels? It makes no sense
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Where does it say that?
which inquisitorial faction is the best and why is it the monodominants?
they are angels (space marines) who are hiding a dark secret from the rest of the Imperium (their repressed homosexuality)
Because it's ultimately tragic and doomed to failure. A total refusal of any responsibility and pressure by assigning yourself an uncomplicated and impossible goal.
cool stuff anon
Captcha: HADAS
>Abbadabadoobadon needs an actual, entirely literal, deus ex machina to save him
What kind of shit writing is this?
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Hammers of Dorn
the actual battle report and even gav's narrative write up.
>"With me! For Ulthwe and for Khaine!” shouted Eldrad. a storm of actinic lightning flickering around his body as he sprinted forward at his heels, the rest of the Seer Council ran toward the Chaos lines, their psychically resonant witch blades glowing brightly in the gloom.
>Abaddon the Despoiler, a looming giant clad in brazen armor, strode to meet their charge, hatred and bloodlust etched in equal measure across his face. Eldrad. Quillindras and Lician stormed into the Despoiler, the Warlocks engaging the sole remaining Black Legionnaire.
by the time Abby makes it to melee with eldrad his entire squad of termies are dead. then he rolls hot and kills most of eldrad's seer council even with Fortune, then eldrad and his remaining seers force him to teleport away
>What kind of shit writing is this
the part where chaos literally lost the match but GW have to asspull a reason why the named characters involved can show up again
>Or maybe Tamiya non-thin is the way to go?
Either that or Mr.Cement Deluxe
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28 genestealers
30 gaunts
200+ monopose tactical marines I got from lots that I'll probably never paint
1 vindicator
1 whirlwind
1 rhino
40+ terminators
20 assault marines
3 dreadnoughts
10 bikers
13 black knight
3 deathwing knights
15 devastators
5 vanvets
20 boyz
About 10 random orks
1 mariokart
1 deffdread
8 scouts
5 assault ints
50 intercessors
20 hellblasters
3 inceptors
5 scions
20 chosen
1 chaos lord
Handful of leftover tau and eldar I used as basing material many years ago
Some terrain
5 reivers
20 metal death company
30+ space marine characters
+ more shit I've forgotten about probably.
I dont feel so bad about the pile though since almost everything is second hand stuff I got for cheap.
>Eldrad. Quillindras and Lician stormed into the Despoiler
So it wasn't a 1 v 1.
So to expand on what another anon had said in a previous thread
>3x wolf lord on thunder wolf
>harald deathwolf
>krom dragongaze
>ragnar blackmane
>3x captain
>3x captain in gravis armour
>3x captain in phobos armour
>3x captain in terminator armour
>3x captain with jump pack
And this is 1800 points and works well with the champions of russ detachment rules
>that filename
I thought you had quit for some retarded reason frozen flames anon
They all get eaten in the end anyway
It was eldrad and his seer council vs Abby and his terminators. Saying "ree it wasn't a 1v1" is dumb since both brought their bodyguards. If Abby didn't have his termies he wouldn't have even made it to melee in the first place.
Read it again. All that remained was one CSM and he was engaged with warlocks.

It was three seers vs Abaddon.
>All that remained was one CSM
That one csm IS Abaddon you retard. It's eldrad leading a seer council, a seer council is an Ulthwe unit that's farseers guarded by Warlocks. Just go read the entire battle report I'm not gonna spoon feed you every turn
Question about killing Lucius
Is there a time limit on the becoming Lucius? If you kill Lucius and don't feel anything at the time but 50 years later feel some pride in retrospect, do you become Lucius?
Subassembled bits for ~30k in models across a dozen armies. Building your shit is easy, painting it when you're a perfectionist aspie is the real struggle.
Lucius' resurrection is the direct influence of Slaanesh raising her champion and doesn't actually follow any rules. It doesn't matter. The "rules" are just to punish Lucius and mock him. It's no different than when Kharn is vaporized to chunky salsa he still comes back. Get a Culexus to blast his brains out and then teabag the remains if you don't want him coming back.
I would imagine the purestrains are top dog, although they shouldn't really be part of the cult that heavily from my understanding since their goal is to leave and start their own cult
At this point it's half the Marines, Nids and Necrons from this and last editions limited release started boxes.
10 Wraithguard, a Wraithlord and a Seer from years ago that got hidden behind things in my cupboard and forgotten about.
2 Exorcists, a Castigator, 2 Immolators and 10 of the Sisters with shields.
40+ basic troop Fyreslayers I got dirt cheap on ebay.
81 Sisters of Silence. I've been slowly buying them for years, every time I see them going cheap. I figured their release was just around the corner after custodes got expanded and was just waiting to start them properly. I never took stock of how many I had bought and now I've got near a hundred of them.

I'm slowly working through it all, mostly the SoS and stunties at the moment.
the trick is to make sure every fucking 60 seconds you do a paint consistency check. It needs to be about 25% paint thinner, 25% water, 50% paint, and you have to LOAD the brush correctly every time.
It's absolute niggerfaggotry, which is why the only way to paint well is to "get in the zone" so to speak.
Space Wolves
Dayum anon, very nice model.
>Laurie Goulding made a canon list
Does he call the shots there? Because his precious priority canon novels are ofren contradictory.
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it socks cock but thanks bro.
the DoW III is what made check out WH in the first place. Shame the game was shit idk lol but it was sick as hell.
He was an IP curator.
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Can I use a vtuber standee as my ctan shard
>the DoW III trailer****
He did a shit job at it, then
Space Wolves have functioning penises.
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They use them on eachother all the time
That's gay.
Is your LGS LGBTQ+ friendly?
Hes made some claims that were demonstrably wrong before, honestly was no better than people here who try to say what's canon
If you refer to lukas he fucked before becoming astartes. There is also a lore blurb where a space wolf makes a joke about going to a settlement to fuck but thats just lockerroom talk your honor. They're marines and have no desire for sex
What’s wrong with the Hammers of Dorn
oh whoops looks like you got the Cathayan Flesh instead of Dwarf Skin
Only proven wrong after he left.
no there were claims he made about books written while he was there that were objectively wrong
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Yes which is why I stopped going there and arranged game nights at my place for my fellow racists and transphobes until I moved.
No one except the elves are sex crazed. Sex is irrelevant in the setting as it should be.
I dont have them off hand, I do remember distinctly remember people citing him back in the day and others having the same issue.
where do all the guardsmen come from? how are they made?
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they suck
more specifically they're hard core dorn fags but also hard core codex fags
they also got btfo when they tried to decline the primaris which is funny
Sex and cloning. Next stupid question.
Who's the most fuckable named character?
Euphrati Keeler. If it has to be a model then Lelith. Next.
I'm not him, I've just saved some of his serfs because it's a neat idea.
Anyone have any reference for obsidian skin for demons? I’ve only ever seen it done on Salamanders but I think some of the demons would look proper gnarly with jet black skin.
the dark patron of kleptomania
Genestealer cults probably collect all of their pee and shit to eat later
>symbol is a spiky bike tire
>Monkeigh stole my jetbike
not all of them, only the ones that infiltrate humans
No probably all of them
Yes, so am I.
are custodes a waac army
Absolute patrician taste.
Not at the moment but they can be if built right. Prepare to listen to fags bitch about lady custodes as long as the complaining about primaris has been going on tho.
No, they're a LGBTQ army. Next question.
for gay guys and chicks yeah, for loonytroons no. most of the people that play here are boomergrogs that don't put up with that stuff.
It wasn't grog bait, it was a Collab with Revell to get sets into (toy)stores that usually would not carry Warhammer.
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Marines Malevolent. And that one is canonical.
Estonian madmen are my favourite. Also mongolian buddhist blood sacrifices are hilarious. "Yeah sure we totally follow the imperial cult anyway PRAISE KHORNE"
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Marines Malevolent
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Do the Tau use drop pods?
Oh my gooood>>94095168
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Fuck me yourself coward
Why did you put terminators in bloat you fucking faggot.
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Lamenters or Salamanders
Marines malevolent
No, they use mantas.
How's this for a starting 500 pt army
>2 Captains (one with shield & sword one with plas & fist)
>10 Assault intercessors
>5 Infernus
>3 outriders
On my journey to 1k, what should I add? What should I drop? Why would GW get rid of the blood angel CP and not the shitty SM one?
my dudes
posterboys like ultramarines
what chapter
Needs more dreadnoughts
nothing at the moment but I might do dark angels. I don't care for blood angels or templars and space wolves are mmmm unappealing.
>1 Stompa Boyz Box
>1 Knight Castellan box
>1 Scout KT box
Some models of the SM half of Leviathan I didn't have any immediate desire to build for my army.
Not sure what I want to build after painting a bunch of White Stodes from my homebrew shield host army. I originally bought the Scout box for my Sallies, but I've been getting to Space Sharks lately so I might want to make some Neophyte Sharks.
let me rephrase, what SM detachment are you interested in trying there's like 16 and each play very different?
no way they only gave me 18 out of 20 of the 25mm bases in my combat patrol :(
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Finished my vespids. Fuck they were a lot of work. More than I expected - there was shit tons of mould lines on the kit, nfi how since it's a brand new set. And I nearly ruined the models when painting the white parts. Got there in the end but fuck. They're big units. I can see why they used to be sold/run in groups of 5.
Contact your local gw, they'll prolly hook you up with some extras if you bought it from them
>Whenever I assemble my mech stuff I always imagine its tech priests from /mydudes/ putting it together and assembling it in the forge
Do you guys imagine similar stuff for your dudes or am I just autistic
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> best
astral claws
> worst
fire hawks
That's kinda wholesome, but nope I don't have that kind of imagination I just kinda zone out and enjoy the process
I agree anon, completely. But I think it can be fixed by just creating non space marines who are powerful figures of influence and power for chaos armies. The reason why chaos in 40k is utterly tied to a specific group of marines from specific organizations from the Heresy is because there is no one else.
The CSM fled to the Eye and it was all terra nullius so they are the only ones with any power agency or do anything. Darkmech get a pity mention every few years and chaos xenos less than that.

If chaos had charcters or factions that came from chaos xeno empires, traitor guard/mortals born on daemon worlds that are not tied to CSM, that had personailties, plans and did something in some warzone it would improve chaos immensly. Chaos cultists virtually always herald CSM when they could be their own faction, like GSC working on stellar conspiracies across mutiple systems. Chaos xenos should get more than a name drop as they're genocided and then be avenged by CSM.

Traitor marines (and Darkmech) should never have been alone in the eye, they should have been the latest of many chaos servents and forces sworn to chaos. Or just more focus on chaos lords that arent space marines
Personally I would add a repulsor and aggressors or a Phobos librarian with eliminators, realistically you will probably enjoy painting a dreadnought a lot more
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Shit as usual. I cant believe I didnt think of using some possessed bitz on legionaries for my WB's before though. I think it looks cool.
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I won a Combat Patrol in a raffle and have been discussing expanding that into a full army with my friend. I already had a group of Hearthkyn painted up as Demiurg so it seemed serendipitous. That meant I had two troops, some Beserks, three pioneers, and a Kahl taken care of. I've set out to buy some three Sagitaurs and a Hekaton land fortress as the Sagitaur seems outright the best dedicated transport in the game and the Hekaton seemed like a ton of fun, and I figured I'd fill out some ranks of Beserks with some Vulkyn Flameseekers I also happen to have in the mean time.

So that of course had me eyeing what to get next. I don't particularly like the Einhyr models themselves, to me they're rather bland, so I thought I would convert up some Saurus Warriors, call them "Ironhide" Tarellian Dog Warriors considering the T'au Auxilliary theme I already have going on, have them carry plasma guns, something for grenade launchers, and deck out their shields and they'd be pretty golden for Einhyr who are also 32mm base size minis.

I was also thinking that for more bikes I would take these Raptoryx models I also happen to have and make a flying mounted cavalry unit for more pioneers. Then after that I'm only a couple hundred points shorts of 2k.

My friend /hates/ these ideas and thinks it's a "hat on a hat on a hat" considering the rest of the army and that they should just be Space Dwarves. That the Saurus warriors would look too weedy to be armored even with their shields. But I think Space Dwarves and Space Lizards/Dragons have plenty of room to coexist and wouldn't detract from the Tau Aux theme I already have going on.

What's your take?

Also, what do people actually put in the Transports? Is it just Hearthkyn for the Saggies or do people put Cthonians in them despite not being able to shoot their moleguns or charge after the special disembark? Do people put Einhyr in the Hekaton or is it still just Hearthkyn Warriors? 6 in transport seems like a waste.
Rainbow Warriors
Iron Hands
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For reference, here was the pathfinder Killteam the "Demiurg" were a part of and you can see a previous take on a Tarellian in the back there by the Ghostkeel.
>thought I would convert up some Saurus Warriors, call them "Ironhide" Tarellian Dog Warriors considering the T'au Auxilliary theme I already have going on
Sounds like a really cool idea anon, the new saurus models are big and tough looking if yu kitbash some armour for them. I really like the Demiurg Kyn as well
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Is that meant to be a Galg front left? really cool if so!
Desolators are only good because that's the only way GW can move them out of their warehouse and to stop taking up space.

No one likes them and want nothing to do with them.
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Yep, it always grabs attention whenever I post my guys.

Probably my best RoI of time spent converting/paitning and positive comments/questions.

If anything I'm also mildly worried they'd be too tall.
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Blood angels
Salamanders or Celestial lions, it's hard to pick.
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>astral claws
>Are we going to ignore that
Yes. Because it is never happening and you are gullible dumb motherfucker for believing it.
that looks awesome anon, and you get a ton of extra arms with possessed too. gonna do a full unit like that?
>One, the blade she wields is the very same the Emperor used to supposedly perma-kill Horus.
Which didn't happen.
Horus literally isn't mega-super-dead anymore, Abnett literally had that retconned in End and the Death part 3.
emperor's children when?
She will girlboss her way to the Emperor, kill him and he'll become a true god and she'll be like oops did I do that uwu
Next year during womens history month.
Your auxiliaries are great! I might have to take that dryad idea for mine.
are armigers fun to paint?
You know what tyranids are right
like their entire gimmick
literally just make a new unit, like I dunno combination drop-pod/warrior beasts that deliver themselves instead of using up a whole womb bomb
or god forbid
Ye big robits are fun to paint
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Kino ideas as always agents anon.
Did some more deathwatch for mine now flexing back into doing the henchman as they’re quick and easy
It's not just the space marine issue.
Chaos in general is uninteresting and boring in 40k, it is what happens when you endlessly wank off a faction so much that every other one just looks fucking stupid in comparison.
GW and the chaos fanboys within haven't made Chaos cool, they just constantly keep making everyother faction lame.

Nevermind the actual god awful multiverse shit regarding chaos.
Yeah think I might. The issue is there are so few left handed pistols/bolters. This guy is getting a storm bolter for rule of cool
Sorry, but Abaddon is a father, unlike Huron.
So he is cooler.
Could I use plasticard to make a "base" for some terrain so I can make piles of sand that are building up on the corners and spots for rubble and corpses?
Like stacking them on top of each and sanding them down to make lumps?
Better off just using some cork and covering it terrain putty.
no no, like, if I have a large plastic corner wall already and I want to put some dirt in the corner. Could plasticard be put beneath the corner as an effective means of making a spot to add dirt or would it be too weak to handle sticking to the wall?
>Abaddon was a prince. He rejected kingship for his found family and nearly died with them. Abaddon's gripe with the Emperor was for his battle brothers
Which still doesn't matter.
It's the same motivation of "I'm mad that my soldier friends don't get to be rulers for this territory just because we killed some greenskins" but by fucking proxy at that point
>60 $$$ for 3 models
ugh why
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thanks, I'll have to get a new picture of my full army soon now that its had a bunch of additions. thinking I might just sit down and name everyone too.

you excited for this news? I'm hoping it'll result in rules buffs for agents as a whole, though I'll still play them regardless lmao.

eh you don't even need to really worry about them having pistols held, can just give them holstered ones and it'll still be WYSIWYG
Because pigs pay.
Bit of a waste of plasticard aint it? Also depending on the thickness, plasticard is flexible and the terrain on top might peel off. I'd go with mdf if you have power tools to cut them or foam core
>Are the skaven leaks real?
Space skaven are never happening.
AoS already got a massive range refresh for the skaven, which is the final nail in the coffin for space skaven because GW deliberately is sectioning things off from their IPs so they aren't mixed.
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if it's something along the lines of
>If you're running the deathwatch detachment, you can run a bunch of space marines too
then deathwatch might be salvagable. Also Agents needs a proper faction rule, like before the game pick anti-chaos, anti-xeno, or anti-imperium. The one you picked you get a unique buff to your army,
Also more deathwatch exclusive units would be cool as long as it's not a fucking hodgepodge like kill team crapius
Oh and chipboard is good cheap material for basing terrain as well.
Surely someone is compiling all the "40k skaven will never happen" posts for the day it inevitably does
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As cute as space skaven would be I don't think it's happening because space dwarves came out and they've gotten jack dick squat shit zip zilch nada and NOTHING since they released
Salamanders and Black Dragons
Iron Hands and Marines malevolent
>No vanilla SM Christmas Battleforce box this year
I’m not sure if I should be disappointed in not getting an equal attention cake or happy they didn’t dump a bunch of shitty models no one wants that they need to sell into a box and call it day.
they've gotten two kill teams and a few model releases since their launch
which is a denser release schedule than the world eaters or any other non-starterbox xenos has seen
How long should my No ) brush last? I have used it for 4 models and I think its fucking done
In a friendly game, sure. Just make sure it's on the correct base.
But if I'm at a tourney and you pull this shit on me, I'm getting you booted.

But really you should be making a necronish proxy for your CTan idol.
>world eaters
shrinking because i'm selling some stuff off. still bigger than i wished it was though.
-age of darkness box
-close on to about 2 companies worth of marine infantry
-half a dozen rhino chassis vehicles
-couple drop pods
-about 2.5k of eldar

and that's not even counting the piles of loose sprue i've got stacked in a couple boxes, nor my AoS army, nor my TOW impulse buy because i thought brettonians are cool. luckily i'm getting back into the hobby so i think on my next day off i'm going to start hammering away at my space wolves stuff because that seems like the easiest portion to check off the list
She'll take off her mask and we'll learn it was erda the entire time
then big e and her will have makeup sex that births female primarchs and female Primaris marines
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>-close on to about 2 companies worth of marine infantry
The best of each era.
may your blade chip and shatter Lianon Al Gaib
Fags are basically uunavoidable unless you're lucky enough to have a rural LGS or something. Sooner or later they'll show up for something. Usually dnd.
I'll give you 30 bucks for a drop pod
I’m looking forward to seeing what they do for them they I suspect it’s just removing the primaris elements from legends and dumbing them down some.
Which unfortunately doesn’t help me and my 6 bikers

Hoping we do get an army rule now but I suspect that’s too big of a change for a balance dataslate
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I'm on chapter 4 right now. So far, it's pretty entertaining.
>quit for some retarded reason
I though that he went full redditorr, so being known here makes him unsecure.
Fucking great paintjob.
>btfo when they tried to decline the primaris
That is a thing to be proud, at least they need to be threaten to eat the dick instead getting in it in the mouth happily as almost any other chapter.
how to do drybrushing well
Use a cheapo makeup brush.
it's a collection of tactical, assault, and devastators in various levels of completion, at least 10 terminators, some scouts, and then the marine half of the Shadowspear box from a couple years ago that I keep on forgetting exist because they're in a box that's been out in the shed for the last 2 years

i'm actually saving the pods because i want to make an old fashioned firstborn space wolves army and you can't go wrong with a couple grey hunter packs bum rushing objectives out of drop pods while the blood claws are dying in style
Where's the traitor version?
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Yes and the last one complained I didn't rebase my 3rd edition tactical marines. Which was very gay of it.
Sure mate, as long as you have the right base, you should probably find a 3d print if you want to commit though
People may respect you more if they see the model painted at the table
Why does that book have "Fist Fucking" on the cover?
Tinfoil and super glue is probably a cheaper and easier method to build up some height. Could even use balled paper and super glue for that matter
Sure is and they dont even have gaming tables. Sack of shit place. I cant even considering it a LGS beyond the fact that it sells games and models. Pretty sure 90% of the customer base are fags and troons buying TCGs.
Pretty sure he had a meltdown over female custodes and claimed the woke were encroaching on his gaming spaces despite also mentioning he exclusively played at his friend house
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I refuse to buy new marines and will continue to run my Dark Angels successor as entirely firstborn and shit up the board with a hundred marines.
The book was just using art that would've been used in the 9th edition versions of the chapter supplements plus a codex space marines 2.0. When they decided to reindex the game they decided to just do an artbook instead
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Make up brushes and drybrushing over a simple version of the blend you're trying to do will help you smooth a lot out. The squigs in pic related are all drybrushing over a jank spray paint blend followed by a recess wash. Just do 50:50 mixes in between each colour transition and go slow.
Probably aroun 100-150 infantry men with a lot of old cadians, some admech, some marines, 10 sisters, 20 necrons and other stuff.
Also 3 leman russes... I think that's all.
I haven't painted almost anything in 2 years, but I stopped buying GW like 3 years ago.
Entering here is the last step to let go the hobby completely.
Okay, sounds like fun
It is but I see the writing on the wall and don't like nor having customization in my battleline so I may switch to IG and take my shitting up the board to the next level.
Go DG and have 300 poxwalkers
is vehicle spam the future?
Also sounds fun
Which codex was the biggest jump in powercreep ?
It's a lot of fun running around with high wound stuff and tearing shit up. I don't think it's super good, but it leads to funny stuff in game
>The book was just using art that would've been used in the 9th edition versions of the chapter supplements plus a codex space marines 2.0.
Would've been much better if GW had just done that.
this edition or in general?
Blood angels
Most of the armies at one point have been utterly broken after a codex release but that stuff doesn't last super long. Most recent was probably green tide before it got nerfed
During 9th a lot of folks here hated it, of course now that we are in a new edition 9th was fine
I have a dream.

>make scouts battleline
>phobos armor characters can attach to them
>bring back scout bikes
>bike characters can attach to them
>scout snipers
>make scout assault squads

Scout is now the most retarded sub army. You may thank me later.
scouts used to be troops back in the old system but people would just run them to fill the troops tax and so GW made them an elite choice.
Early 9th was fine. Then it got power crept to shit with everything getting AP-Fuck You, D2 weapons to counter all Marines getting a second wound.
It was utter shit until AOC, which was only a band-aid on a gaping wound but it made Sisters actually viable again. And Marines could run things other than spamming Van Vets with Lighting Claw and Storm Shield.
Tau 6th made MEQ so ass they had to double their wounds.
Scouts were fine as Troops when they were BS3 (hit on 4s before modifiers) and full-fledged Marines were BS4 (hit on 3s before modifiers).
Space Wolves' Wolf Scouts, in-lore being fully-fledge Marines who were just good at being sneaky were Elites and earned it by being BS4, like a proper Marine.
And Space Wolves' initiates, Blood Claws, were BS3 and had Frenzy so they needed a Wolf Guard Pack Leader to act as a tard wrangler or else they'd run off and charge the nearest enemy.
Do ranged Cents want Grav or Las, generally?
Grav getting Anti-Vehicle 2+ is nice, but AP-1 may as well be AP0 with how fucking easy it is to get cover this edition.
And even AP-1 is fucking garbage.
The blue dwarf is what squats should have been... An auxiliary unit for tau with alien aspects and nothing more. Great work.
best and worse IF successors at least
>anti-primaris nomodels are also ESLs
9th was all around better than 10th. The main problems for it was bloat and then that GW power crept it fucking hell and back.
With shit like Votann, Tyranids and Eldar being the problems at the end of the edition.
When people here were talking about 10th edition fixing 9th's problems, people just wanted GW to stop the insane power creep, lessen the bloat like stratagems, and then combine some of the data sheets into one.

Nobody asked GW to kill of the points system and then replace it with renamed power levels, same goes for these god awful weapon keywords that GW clearly can't balance for shit (devastating wounds for example).
Same for free wargear because it does more harm for balance than anything else. Nevermind that it is completely schizophrenic, with some units getting wargear out the ass, while shit like tyranid warriors have NO options at all.
Agree on all points.
I will say I do like 10th's stratagems better. Not just because 9th had so much bloat, almost every faction had some 3CP stratagem that they would use right at the start of the battle for some bullshit faggotry that would kill a huge piece of your army turn 1 before you even got to move.
So fuck that shit.
Fewer stratagems and less "Gotcha!" bullshit is an improvement.
But free wargear, fixed unit size costs, barely any choice on relics/warlord traits, Dev Wounds.
10th is far, far better than the clearly unplaytested mess it was at release, but it's still a dogshit edition.
Star Phantoms
Wolfspear (I can't stand the sublimation of wolf shit in a chapter which on top of everything else is a new fucking chapter of primaris.)
10th edition feels like it was made by like 5 different people working alongside each other, but every single person has their own fucking vision for the rules and how it should be.
Resulting into the clusterfuck that is 10th edition.
I don't get why they keep trying to do successor chapters when Space Wolves being unable to do that shit is one of the interesting things about them.

Plus they have all these Great Companies to pick from. Though they all look completely cancer to freehand I guess.
>But free wargear, fixed unit size costs, barely any choice on relics/warlord traits, Dev Wounds.
Oops, I didn't finish my thought.
Fuck all that noise.
It really does.
>"This edition is totally less killy!"
>gives Dev Wounds to every other unit
>I have no arguments so I'll go ad hominem
Yeah, I don't even have anything about SW, but a forced SW successor chapter, full of phobos, with all the memes about hunt, precision strikes , packs and attacks to the throat is just too much.
Worst chapter ever.
What are these specific makeup brush types called that are best for drybrushing?
Space Wolves need to go back to "no successors because they mutate out of control."
Have there been any fluff explaining what happens when chaos space wolves or chaos blood angels mutate/get consumed by the black rage?
Just google "makeup brush", there are a billion different chink brands and you don't need high quality stuff since it's gonna get wrecked by the process of drybrushing anyway.
"makeup brushes"
just buy a set of the cheapest ones niggy
Not really. Chaos Space Woofs who mutate would just be bigger dumber uglier Wulfen.
Chaos Blangles would be interesting if they fall to the Black Rage around some Black Legionnaires and/or Abby.
Gene stealers
Why are they so weak, so bad at keeping secrets, and so prone to coping?
what to do against guard tank spam
Because they are based in Italians.
Melta gun
360 and walk away from the table
Why don't they just fly over or under the great rift
Bring dedicated anti-tank
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Is getting pic related a good starting point if I want to get into Space Marines and Imperial Fists in particular?
That is false
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What clippers do you guys use? i need a good pair that won’t leave any marks on the sprue
Tamiya ones are good, but you will have to clean shit up whatever nippers you use. No brand is going to leave zero trace.
where in the hell would you even get that box nowadays?
what’s the best way to clean the marks? a scraper?
>thinks of primaris
>starts thinking of dicks
Gay, homo even.
a fucking knife you british ingrate
If you are able to get that box set, it's a good start. Just keep in mind that IF is trash as a competitive army right now.
A hobby knife with swappable blades. Again, Tamiya is preferred.
>that won’t leave any marks
then godhands is your best option
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if I really want to make an invictor useful should I buddy him up with a squad of incursors so they can spot a target for him to magdump and if someone tries to kill his pals he can defensive magdump?


I like eyeshadow brushes personally
Can't you only have 60 at most?
We already got a glimpse at what a fallen blood angels looks like in the devastation of Baal, even the flesh tearers were left speechless
You better be using real Necromunda Wastelanders as a base for your Feddaykin
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This line never made sense, its seen as some honerable line but
>may thy knife chip and shatter
Bros saying "i hope your fucking sword breaks"
someone got me something called grimguards, can I just use these as generic militarum?

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