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Larp Edition

WFB: https://pastebin.com/qVGrgwwh
WM: https://pastebin.com/EsDAgeba
WFRP: https://pastebin.com/inbyBsR6
Novels: https://pastebin.com/PFqPDr0H
Warhammer Chronicles: https://files (dot) catbox (dot) moe/0xt777 (dot) zip
Time of Legends: https://files (dot) catbox (dot) moe/q46ut6 (dot) zip
ET: https://files (dot) catbox (dot) moe/j7d0t5 (dot) zip
TOW: https://gofile.io/d/ffbanD

>Alternative Models:

>Previous Thread:

How much have you spent on WFB as a hobby? GW or third party doesn't matter.
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since old world was released i'm somewhere around 600€ spent on GW kits.
i honestly have no clue how much i've paid for the previous stuff or recasts.
i know it is wildly out of control. i'm afraid to put a number on that
At least $300 back when I played orcs and goblins in 8th.
Now? Probably $200 on high elves since I have two boxes of PG when they were $50, a used dragon, and some infantry from ebay.
So give or take around closer to $600.
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Are there any manufacturers who make *nice* looking 28mm pirates? I would like to do a Sartosa army using empire rules
Got my hands one a box and bunch of bits that I think'll make for a good start to an Ogre list. Never done did ogres before but I've queefed out a 500pt list for TOW

>Bruiser, 172pts
>Great weapon, Brace of Ogre pistols, Mastodon Armour, Deathcheater

>3 Ogre Bulls, 105pts

>3 Iron Guts, 130pts
>Veterans, Gutlord

>Gorger, 93pts

Good start for a few learner matches? I'll also probably use it for a Maneaters warband for Broheim.

Northstar's Frostgrave Crewmen work well as pirates and a hard plastic and good value. Includes options for making a few of them arab(y)-style if you want to shake things up. And they're kitbashable with all their other frostgrave and oathmark kits. Comes with no firearms annoyingly but they do sell a separate metal upgrade sprue that adds a bunch of firearms (plus more heads, a powder monkey, a parrot, and what I think are some spyglasses).
try looking at freebooter games, black scorpion miniatures, reaper miniatures, titanforge (for ogre pirates), but for plastic rank and file basic pirates I don't know
Are all Caledorian nobles Dragon Princes? In uniforms and heraldry book there's a pic of Silver helm in Caledor section and it confuses me since.
>How much have you spent on WFB as a hobby? GW or third party doesn't matter.
210€ for one printer, 2 bottles of resin and one jug of alcohol
I printed more than 2k points with a bit more than one bottle
>How much have you spent on WFB as a hobby?
Too many years. Too late to stop now.
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The banner is mostly done.
The middle shield remained unchanged, but idk what to do with it.
0 Euros; I have no WhF models.
There are few LGS in my country, and none around me. Also, buying in online places like wayland games in cheaper than buying in local stores, even with transport costs.
Looking sharp, anon. I'm looking forward to seeing your standard bearer hoist it up and lead his men into battle!
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Indeed he is! I picked him up first since in my mind he was the go to for a paymaster miniature, and later on I did track down Sheikh Yadosh with the paychest in case I wanna run Mydas the Mean, his paychest and bodyguards (who have magic attacks)
I bet there's a woman in there somewhere
Russian WFHB larpers are next level

Too much fucking money. Best Buy’s have by far been airbrush/compressor and 3D printer.

I’ve printed and painted 2 full 2k+ armies with a 3rd nearly done this year alone. And yes I have a full time job. This would’ve costed me 1000s w/o the printer… with printer maybe 200 bucks in resin and buying STL files. And never would’ve been able to get this much painted this quickly and have them look so nice w/o the airbrush.

Anons buying GW models first or second hand and painting with only brushes and (god forbid) not using oil washes, you are missing out.
Lore accurate
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does anywhere else do WF Larps?
I would have thought so considering GW's deal with that German manufacturer for LARP products wouldn't make much sense otherwise
Spent roughly $360 on 2000 points of beastmen, and just bought the dwarf battalion box recently so I'm at around $540
They're lesser nobility, I doubt that literally every single random prince had a dragon
I'm down for 3d printing. But an airbrush seems like a chore.
In Germany and Poland you have loads of (mostly imperial) larp groups.
Do any of these people larp as chaos warriors? That'd require a really impressive costume.
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Post your most recent dudes
/cgl/ has larp threads, you could probably find info there? I recall there being warhammer fantasy larp stuff there previously.
There’s a really big one in Australia
Nice proportions. Who makes them? I assume (hope) it's a print, yes?
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>I would have thought so considering GW's deal with that German manufacturer for LARP products wouldn't make much sense otherwise
I think this is one of those cases where they got in touch with GW rather than the other way around

still weird ghal maraz is the only truly worthwhile thing they're working on
I bet they could do a lot for stuff like shields
Not him but I wonder how does it even work down there in Caledor.
Dragon Prince being:
>heir/first son of whatever noble household
>anyone who's ancestor was a dragon rider
>entire male line of "dragon" household
>aristoctacy of Caledor bloodline
I can bet custom tailor made outfit will be both cheaper and better looking
a number of dragons aren't actually dead but indefinitely asleep, so I'd say that the noble houses who used to have dragons for their entire family still have those dragons, just asleep and parked somewhere under a mountain
and you get to be a dragon prince if you have inherited from your family line the "rights" over a specific dragon asleep somewhere
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Here's my current Araby army I started collection, year or two ago? Got some good advices here then so might as well show my (sloooow) progress.

I'm currently building them as 6th edition Dogs of War army. Its a mixture of historicals and 3d printed minis(kyoshuneko mostly). I'm trying to find OG WFB Araby models but they are hard to come by, and usually stupidly expensive.

I'm currently waiting for one more unit of spearmen and a unit of crossbowmen plus some characters.

I just love blocks of spearmen, no other reason I'm getting so many.
>Dogs of War

Also where are those camel riders from? Look cool.
>I'm trying to find OG WFB Araby models but they are hard to come by, and usually stupidly expensive.
Gonna add the Mordheim Araby merchant, sheikh Yadosh, Al Muktars Desert Dogs and the araby ma eater ogre?
About $500 for my 2.5k of Bretonnians. Counting movement trays and heraldry decals ordered from abroad $700 total.
Thanks, you're too kind.
I think I've spent a bit over a thousand usd dollars total on minis, bases and basing materials. I don't know how to factor paint and brushes since they're all stuff I already had (started with 40k). For my troubles I have around 6-7k of Empire, ~1k of Chorfs, and a few O&G characters.
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>order greater amazon booty
>receive lesser amazon booties
On the one hand I get that Empire was far and above the easiest to make larp shit for but on the other hand it's almost certainly going to be awful from a value perspective. You can buy a million different landsknecht style costumes from a million different places in whatever color you want already.
But lets be honest here, what could they end up making, realistically? what expertise do they have in making armour props for chaos or dwarf or vampires?
Wicked shit, Anons.
Got a game in a week what should I try painting before then? Currently I have 20 handgunners, 16 knights, 4 demigryphs, a grandmaster on horse, a wizard on horse, 4 outriders, 2 cannons, and 2 hellblasters painted. I have a wizard, captain with bsb, and grandmaster each on pegasus, a bunch of state troops with halberds, greatswords, 5 pistoliers, 10 swordsmen, 10 crossbowmen, a captain with bsb on foot, general on foot, or a couple warrior priests on foot I could paint.
How much involvement does GW actually have in the creation? As far as I know they are just loaning the IP to a larp company.
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They're from Kyoshuneko Miniatures, they have done entire range just for Araby and it keeps expanding from time to time. Carpet riders are from the same place and I will get more of their units and characters to fill up my army.

If I can find some without having to sell one of my kidney, then yes.

Cheers Anon.

Pic heavily related, serving as a source of inspiration.
Looks fucking sick. Counts-as Bretonnia?
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probably none aside from having the last say on whether something is kosher and adherent to the IP and greenlit.

shit like telling total war to remove beaks from tzaangors because beaked tzaangors are for the aos ip and not the whfb ip and stuff like that
>awful from a value perspective
Remember there are people who'll gulp down everything with GW stamp on it.
I don't think much probably provides access to the Art archive from GW for them to use on concept work as they showed in the Ghal Maraz trailer and GW probably has the power to veto any product at the concept phase.
it's not like GW or C7 provide RPG ruleset that allows LARPing easily there aren't White Wolf
In my head I'm building it for 6th ed Dogs of War army but I can see playing them as brets!
As a hobby? through the years? unknown. I started with lizardmen purchased from a multitude of areas and sold them. then i got into them again with third party stuff I have yet to paint. Got heavily into TK since I always wanted to and
In the last month? 50 black orcs: $190 (20 from current kit, 20 from prints, 10 from aos, because i love them)
Rogue Idol: $140

$200+ on Highland minis Dwarfs. got them for about $1 a model.
If you are a noble in Caledor you are a 'Dragon Prince.'
Like 99% of Caledorean Nobles have never ridden a dragon, only the great lords can rouse dragons now. But all the Caledor nobility keep the title and act like arrogant assholes.
I don't know and thanks to the question I'm really bothered by it now!
Its hard to recall all the old prizes, I bought most of it during 5th edition.
An unknown amount of ~10k points undead.
About 150€ Lizardmen, but sold them with minimal loss.
200€ WoC when they got their plastic releases

And since 2020 I spent around 400€ on brets and MTO WoC.
Unless it's all painted you shouldn't be playing.
You got time to play you git time to paint
While the pegasus is a nice model, I'd recommend finding something like a Simurgh for that one to ride instead if you can to keep the theme. Outside that, it's a pretty damn cool force I want to see fully painted.
There's no need to rush, friend. Painting is a fun way to relax, and as long as you continue to work on your army, most opponents will be chill about it. It's better to take your time and enjoy your hobby than it is to burn yourself out.

less than $850 Canadian in about 17 years.

never bought a single thing Direct from GW or a GW store.

never bought GW models new but always used (eBay pre 2018, garage sales, Kijiji, craigslist, FB, putting up fliers at LGS, word of mouth...)
bought tons of 3rd party traded stuff and painted on commission for some models.

I set myself a soft ceiling of $2.50 Canadian per infantry sized model (trying to stay under $1) abd a hard ceiling of $5 for models I REALLY like.

I have over 1200 dwarfs, 20% painted and semi regularly played with. the rest is being slowly tackled.

GW is grotesquely overpriced, to the point that price is an absurd exaggeration of what I'd deem reasonable for plastic toy soldiers.

but the hobby doesn't have to be expensive for you.
I didn't even think of looking for mythological creatures from Persia, thanks for the idea! Now I just need to find a model for it, or models that I can kitbash one from...
What noble of any race doesn't act like an arrogant asshole? They really need that extra pip to stand out.
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Wargames Foundry have some excellent stuff, old citadel manufacturers. They also have a Seadogs and Swashbucklers range if you want more Estalian themed pirates.
>What noble of any race doesn't act like an arrogant asshole?
Caledorians are considered insufferable even by HE themselves and that tells A lot. As for the question: dwarfs.
> PoorLittleEmpireLass.jpeg
Also the jugs on that woman.
Caledorean nobles are such assholes when other HE, who are assholes, think they go too far.
> dwarfs
Their longbeards are arrogant as fuck
>7 minis
>6 names
Is French John de Lauve the guy in green or the guy without a leg?
I try not to think about it. I've spent far too much money chasing down specific sculpts from the 80s and 90s to use as chaos champions and sorcerers. But it's worth it, because they're so cool and the money usually goes to other hobbyists or my LGS or a faceless corporation in the UK that isn't GW.
Bro the dwarf books proved they were total dicks to eachother.
I used to think the war of the beard was what made them assholes but no. In fact their spurgery is the main reason things esculated.
I'm willing to say the war was 20% malekith, 70% dwarf retardation and only 10% caledor II fault
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Let's get some more Araby in the thread
>20% malekith, 70% dwarf retardation and only 10% caledor II fault
Bruh even HE were not happy with Caledor II and elven historians tend to gloss over his reign. He was literally Caledorian Konrad von Cerstein eq only much less retarded
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avatars of war just brought back into production its dwarf kits
It doesn't even make sense why the dwarves were so quick to be suspect of the elves at this point. They were their best trade partners and friends. Was it just greed?
Dwarves are just retards
I would assume green because everyone else has their name on the right
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I'm sorry "Stunties" "cumbeards" and "roadbumps"
"Jugs" are not impressive on a morbidly obese she-ogre.
>this is what brettonians actually believe
For the first time ever, this edition lets them be on top.
Hearing everyone seethe is very cathartic
>first time ever
this zoomer wasn't around during the pegasus spam days
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fat tits is fat tits
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My "no dragons. Go Fast/Eat Ass" list. Litterally just things I like and built around a theme of "walking is for poor people" and my favorite useless goddess
++ Characters [691 pts] ++
Warden Contrerion [257 pts]
(Hand weapon, Light armour, Shield, Bow of Avelorn, General, Barded Elven Steed, Armour of Caledor, The Cloak of Beards, Giant Blade, Pure of Heart)
Aqua [275 pts]
(Hand weapon, Level 4 Wizard, Lothern Skycutter, Sea Guard, High Magic)
Random Noble [159 pts]
(Lance, Light armour, Shield, Battle Standard Bearer [Lion Standard], Barded Elven Steed, Blood of Caledor)

++ Core Units [508 pts] ++
10 Silver Helms [258 pts]
(Hand weapons, Lances, Hand weapons (Hooves), Heavy armour, Barding, Shields, High Helm (champion), Standard bearer, Musician)
6 Ellyrian Reavers [128 pts]
(Hand weapons, Cavalry spears, Hand weapons (Hooves), Light armour, Shortbows, Harbinger (champion), Standard bearer, Musician)
6 Ellyrian Reavers [122 pts]
(Hand weapons, Cavalry spears, Hand weapons (Hooves), Light armour, Shortbows, Harbinger (champion), Musician)

++ Special Units [391 pts] ++
10 Dragon Princes [391 pts]
(Lance, Full plate armour, Barding, Shield, Drakemaster, Standard bearer, Musician)

++ Rare Units [410 pts] ++
Ho-oh [170 pts]
(Heavy armour)
Lion Chariot of Chrace [125 pts]
(Chracian Great Blade)
Lothern Skycutter [115 pts]
(Cavalry spears, Shortbows, Eagle-Eye Bolt Thrower)

How bad will it fail?
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I like to imagine in-setting Morarthi is just goth christina hendricks with elf ears
Explains so much
Cavalry is still strong against everything that isn't dragons and Bretonnian super cavalry. You do only have 1 real hammer so got to be careful about that.
>Seekers of Slaanesh are movement 9 (nine) fast cavalry skirmishers with counter charge
These are basically grounded pegasi. Shame they don't do any damage.
Nice! Honestly, I want it to be a fun, non-sweaty list to play as an alternative to my more balanced list with a star dragon.
I will say it feels odd to go without any spearmen. To me the high elf spearman is the "iconic" high elf unit, but that's aesthetics and personal tastes
>For the first time ever
>dwarfrager is also a playlet
Way to expose yourself
>Warden Contrerion
Between $1,100 and $1,200 for well over 2k points of Skaven for 6th (90 Clanrats, 40 Clanrat Slaves, 20 Plague Monks, a Warp Lightning Cannon, Doomwheel, Screaming Bell, 40 Stormvermin, multiple Weapon Teams, 2 Rat Ogres, and some more), about 500 points of High Elves, and about 2,000 points of Chaos Warriors.
I also have the 6th edition core book, Skaven and Chaos army books, and my wife owns the Lizardmen book. She really likes the Slann and Skinks.
Bretonnia was one of the best books in 6th and 5th. Stop shitting yourself.
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First one is because I can't think of good names
Second one? Call the cops I don't give a fuck
Chaos Warriors, Knights and Chosen should go up to 2 wounds.
Chosen maybe
Not core
Think of the poor families of these unemployed chaos warriors, doomed never to see the field.
if you are not feeling warriors in a Chaos army, you are cringe.
Warriors iconic models are worth fielding.
But seriously is the meme to just use the minimum core, then go bananas with specials/rares and a dragon lord?

I know there is a norsca list that lets you bring skin wolves (and you MUST bring exactly 4)
>But seriously is the meme to just use the minimum core, then go bananas with specials/rares and a dragon lord?
Yes. But this is true of all armies.
I just called the cops, you brought it upon yourself anon.
>But seriously is the meme to just use the minimum core, then go bananas with specials/rares and a dragon lord?
Welcome to TOW son
You want an actual army game play Hail Caesar, Warmaster, Fantasy Rules!, or any other set of rules meant for it instead of this flashy warband skirmish game.
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What's everyone up to hobbywise?
For my own part I started working on Miss Piggy here, who is going to be my Beastman Giant Spawn of Nurgle. Just messing around with some dryfitting currently but I'm thinking that I might end up using this here head and arm. The former is gonna have to be raised up a fair bit and since I kinda want the monstrosity to be crying I'm not sure if I should go with a massive opened maw full of protroding tusks and fangs or not. I also reckon that I might end up cutting off the 'hand' of the massive arm and replace it with something a little bit more half-way in between a human hand and a pig's trotters such as the Beast of Nurgle's paw.
To get the pose right I'm gonna have to reposition the back legs which I'm not sure about how to go about currently. What I do know is that I want them be more piglike than the front pair which is going to be armlike. Then again, since I ideally would like for the end result m to come off as somewhat emaciated, but pregnant, I should maybe try to go for some longer legs which would also require different feet/hooves.
This but lady-pig is the vibe I'm going for.
Painting a blorc and a halberdier, might assemble some more boyz, assemble some more halberdiers or strip some ngobbos next
I just built all the beastmen I am not 3d printing. now I am trying to decide whether to start painting or just do the whole thing when I get my new machine and print the rest
I really wish GW would do more lore/book releases for Old World. It would probably help the game/models gain in popularity.
I want to fuck it.
As much as I love my chaos warriors, I don't think that's a good idea, anon. 2 wound infantry is a big step up, it'll come with a hefty points cost increase and the army will be even more elite than it already is. And I barely have enough room to fit as many warriors as I want in a 1000, 1500 or 2000 point list as it is! And don't worry about unemployed chaos warriors. They're not as bad as people say they are, provided they get a bit of sorcerous assistance.
Average br*tish woman
Once you're married you don't have to try, but to get that to size is foul
thinking of picking up the karl franz griffon before empire releases net year, whats the consensus on using it in TOW? Considered going for the island o blood griffon for a kitbash but would have to find an empire general to ride it and it may be too small.
That depends on what you see as worthwhile, Anon. Why shields but not the weapons and uniforms they've shown off?
The smaller gryphon is perfect for a normal gryphon, as only deathclaw is on a chariot base.
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The model is quite literally in the rulebook, as is meant to act as an Empire General on an Imperial Griffon.
So go for it.
Empire when?
ogres when?
Early 2025
2nd edition
>They made the cloak of beards just cause terror but dwarves don't auto hate you
>pheonix guard aren't 100% immune to psychology because lore
I mean the former is technically a buff but its lost its flavor
How are monstrous infantry in tow?
I always liked ogres and minotaurs
Like practically all the magic items. And those retarded PG conditiinal wards are great too.
There's a guy who wants to run them, and he has them, but then he compares them to DOgres and leaves them on the shelf
He's a tourney shitter though
shields are both useful props and something that displays the heraldry and character of a faction that one might want to get just to collect and hang on a wall
This. Shields and banners are how you make your dudes into /yourdudes/. In 40k its the space marines pauldrons. For some reason gw (at least with AoS) now etechs patterns into shields and banners without blank options.
I'm honestly kinda bummed that my beastmen army has so few shields
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oh looks like you can avoid the karl franz bits with the kit then, for some reason they only show the KF version on the website. Guess I know my next project, thanks anon.
Empire shield are not something that historical reenactment society's produce at least not shield you would see on Empire models
>for some reason they only show the KF version on the website
They do this with a number of kits and it pisses me off, especially when there aren't sprue pics to tell what's actually in the box. Sometimes I'm pleasantly surprised by bitz that weren't advertised, sometimes it's real disappointing that shit I expected in there just isn't.

Also the anatomy on that pic is disgusting, never post it again.
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>Empire shield are not something that historical reenactment society's produce at least not shield you would see on Empire models
You mean 7th edition state troops shield shape or what? Because there are repros of such shields, search for jousting or bouche
You know, you can check the sprues online and not be surprised anymore.
more 6th edition since round shield were rather anachronistic.
There are plenty of beautiful griffon stls which you can wcale up od down to whatever size you please for a fraction of the price.
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I think it has 3 builds: karl, general and wizard, all with different griff heads and pectoral armour
Well, 6th edition had standard heater shields (shitload of those everywhere) or rotellas it you're refering to the round ones. And people make them too only in steel since it's historically accurate.
Is there a naked option
I mean take her to dinner and feed her some quality birdfood first bro
oh damn looks like I might get a wizard out of it
not as far as I've seen
>wants naked Karl, amber wizard and general
why are you gae
It has holes in it's chest for the Breast Plate, and it's smooth.
You would need to green stuff feathers if you wanted that.
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eat candy corn
>you could have stopped this
Yeah, by not putting a rang o' powah on that future beast
Simply having multiple wounds is a huge buff for infantry, sadly outside of minotaurs they aren't great.
Has there ever been a viable way to all trees in wood elves? I kinda like dryads and treemen but I hate elves.
Same boat. I'm hoping they get an elf free arcane journal.
I always had this dumb idea I wanted to try
All trees except 1 unit of robinhood style rangers
"The Merrymen of Sherwood, including Sherwood"
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Its more than that. Its her face.

Like I like a pretty cow just like the rest of us but the OP is not a pretty cow
They have to speaking for a friend who has a colossal tree army
I would put an elf free tree spirit army in the journal at a 90%+ likelihood. It’s so incredibly obvious.
So was including ALL the old whfb races in TOW than arbitrarily legacy-ing them with nonsensical lore reasons.

If something makes sense, gw won't do it right
Ogres are fun, I wish people were more open to Ogre characters in WFRP
In Total War you can do a Drycha army of malevolent tree spirits and animals
If the rules don't support it then just homebrew your own Wargrove of Woe army
we roleplay to escape reality, not embrace it
Is there any precedent in previous editions to build off of?
The WE book won't come out til next year, but if tree players can get some ideas
Well, that'd be nice
I don't think you need to do anything special.
In 8E you have Durthu or an Ancient Treeman for your lord options, Drycha or Branchwraiths for your heroes, dryads for your core units, tree kin for your specials, and treemen for your rare units.
You can already put together a full tree spirit only army it just won't be very diverse.
My point about homebrewing is more to diversify your choices with some feral animals.
For example it would be nice to snatch Arachnarok Spiders from Orcs and Goblins or Thundertusks from Ogres, or just grab a bunch of feral units from White Dwarf articles and throw them in your army. I don't think there's direct rules that support this, but it would probably not be very hard to do.
2E had a battle bestiary that had rules for a lot of animals like wolves and boars and bears and eagles and whatnot
Most of the legacy factions are legacy because they exist in age of sigmar. Also it was launched and developed with the expectation of it being a small specialist game on the tier of HH or necromunda. Now sales show it has overshadowed both and threatens AoS directly. I think long term we will see most legacy factions launch fully.
You can already make legal all tree spirit armies with just the forces of fantasy rules. They won’t be very strong, but you can do it. Hopefully the arcane journal gives them more forest spirit units and rules a la troll horde to make them stronger if you leave the elves at home.
It's not arbitrary, they wanted to avoid double dipping factions with AoS. The only faction that's not legacy that AoS has direct equivalents for is chaos, but that's just due to chaos being too central to the setting to not be included.
there's also the 4th ed bestiary, and it includes treemen as a monster option
You have to take at least one elf unit in TOW.

I'm hoping the Arcane Journal helps them out. As it stands they're an army of Meh-nts.

Damn this is nice! Do you have one for Marienburg?
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They’re the Bloodsail Ogres from Titan forge, very happy with them
Paint them like tree spirits and have the backstory be that they are elf schizos who believe themselves to be forest spirits and the actual forest spirits find it funny so they let them tag along.
I'm hoping for weapon options for dryads and treemen
We know Durthu uses a sword so it's really nothing new
Give dryads spears or bows made of bones and sinew, give treemen the ability to throw boulders like LotR ents, that sort of thing
To me that’s a bit much in straying away from what forest spirits are. Just make the forest spirits better in the list. Something like an army wide buff. My quick idea would be to give them army wide Hatred (All) to keep with the lore.
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I can maybe see how it's a stretch for dryads, but no treemen always used weapons
The Treeman Ancient has a staff, Durthu has a sword, I don't see how throwing boulders is a stretch
If anything it's not far enough and the treeman weapon options should include stuff a bit more specialized than a bunch of big rocks, like give them a giant bow or something
6th had drycha army with only forest spirits. Obviously you had to take drycha as a general, she gave all your units something akin to beastmen ambush.
>they are elf schizos who believe themselves to be forest spirits and the actual forest spirits find it funny so they let them tag along.
This is kinda WE fluff anyway lol
Does anyone know from which book is the excerpt where an Imperial explorer gets captured by Tomb Kings and thinks they're going to kill him, but when he tells the pharaoh that he went into Khemri to find his lost love the pharaoh remembers his own lost love and lets him go?
No but if that story was reprinted today the Tomb King would be gay
>2 scrolls worth of pronouns
>treemen always used weapons
Literally just 8th edition model young anon
Pretty sure it's Tales of the Old World anthology
After getting magister rank is wizard free to do as he pleases in terms of employment?
and black
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And crippled
What does a competitive Empire army even look like in TOW? I don't see any point in taking crossbowmen or handgunners and state troops are massively overpriced. The great cannon and hellblaster look alright: they won't do anything to monster lords but they can hit armored troops and regular monsters OK. Archers look good with skirmish and scouts. Regular knights are whatever but they have lances, countercharge and swiftstride so I guess I fill out my core with them? Then what? Two level 4s and fill up on demigryph knights? Three level 4s? Not like my combat heroes look any good, they even nerfed the Runefang.
Choose one anon. Sorry, Empire is the worst full army faction in the game and it's impossible to fix it without total rewrite.
Its just a race to the bottom at this point

Only thing you can do is not watch their stuff and encourage others to do likewise

Wizards and Demigryphs. Core is a tax to be spent on Archers and Knights (the least-bad options).
Not watching anything, not buying from the bald fuck as well.
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I’ll just assume this list is fine and a non-issue as a starting place then.
Stop watching porn. Normal people don't talk like this.
Good try but I'm not spending a single dime or a single minute of my time on this shit.
It's difficult to offer any advice because the game doesn't work at 500pts. You might learn how to roll dice but it won't look or feel anything like a real game.
The only advice you can take is to follow the army composition rules and not cheese it out by putting something bullshit in.
Isn't that WHFRP 2e Lure of the the Lyche King? It's a good RPG module.
Empire was always a solid, workhorse, middle tier army with potential for greatness based on your skill. Now it's a waste of book space with majority of units being laughably bad and/or overpriced. There's so many things wrong with the Empire that writing it all down would require a blog entry.
>because the game doesn't work at 500pts
500pts is too small to fit even a single dragon
It's completely unbalanced. A single round of spellcasting from a level 2 wizard can delete half your army.
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humble request to kill yourself at the soonest convenience
Isn't that a good thing actually?>>94122235
For real? I'm still learning the rules so would be thankful for a bit of enlightment.
Since TOW returned? I have probably printed close to 3-5 thousand USD worth of models. Though I did this as much to fuck over GW as get my old armies back.
The only one that matters. Sneed&mald, oldtroon.
>How much have you spent on WFB as a hobby? GW or third party doesn't matter.
I'm a bit afraid to calculate it, definitely not as much as many many others out there, but definitely too much considering the extent of my use for them
I've asked about strategies about fighting an all-cav 1500 Bretonnian army as dwarfs and this is what I came with:
>one cheap gyro to bait/block charges allowing rangers to shoot
>16 Rangers with a runesmith that will retreat behind a blob of hammerers with MRoHesitation and a Thane on shieldbearers
>flank protected by 14 warriors with a tanky king on an oathstone to issue challenges every chance he gets
>miner's cart for one last stand and shoot with the Blasting Charges
Will it be fun? Maybe
the easiest solution is using cannons against those cavalry formations
but it's going to be dishonourable
source on image? I am interested in making monster suits for a LARP
Bolt throwers also wreck havoc on lance formations.
I've only played two games but my Spawns and Chaos Ogres worked decently enough. It's worth bearing in mind that monstrous infantry are effected by spell buffs such as Steed of Shadows which means that if you want to flying Ogres/whatnot is a thing you can do.
Bret players like myself dislike shieldwall, It nukes our best advantage which is the charge. KoTR and KE suffer in ensuing combat rounds.
>I have probably printed close to 3-5 thousand USD worth of models
Show not tell
I'm worried that I won't have a hill to shoot from + I don't have a bolt thrower. My other strategy involved fewer rangers and replacing a king with three grudge throwers and two engineers
Last time my bret friend mopped the floor with my dwarfs
Frenchmen have no honour, so no harm in being dishonourable towards them.
nta, but at gw prices of "worth", that's not much of a claim. you could probably get 1000 dollars out of a single bottle of resin.
No, they work for the college of magic after that. In TOW there aren't any colleges, so there's no rank of magister to reach.
Was asking about WHF not TOW but thanks
>it's going to be dishonourable
Yeah I gave the WHF answer first
>warmaster anon in wfg last month got me to print proxies and try
>start collecting and assembling miniature miniatures
>all 2k WHFB armies just look like tiny skirmishing forced to me now
send help. also, I think I need to start a WM Araby army.
>tfw could get them from Etsy
>or just Carthaginians and pull double duty
500 pt games require a couple of rules to even things out and keep things a little more fair. Usually your character allotment doesn't go above 150. Find the old border patrol warbands rules for 6th/7th and it gives a small guideline.
dug out my old steam tank pretty much all thats left of my empire stuff, could use a fresh paintjob but not sure if to stip or just spray over it. In my experience plastic doesn't strip that well.
>In my experience plastic doesn't strip that well
depends on the primer really, an IPA bath and a scrub will leave the plastic 95% clean for most not-rattlecan primers, and for those others will probbably just leave the bare primer ready to paint over
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yeah hard to say whether a spray with a thin primer like chaos black or leadbelcher and a repaint would be better than stripping which can get messy, especially on the grooved stuff like wood. I could try prying the shields off and spraying them in the right colours and leave it as it.
I would string that thing entirely, fix anything that needs fixing like the seam on the cannon and front armor and paint again
That was when the Bretonnians and Tomb Kings were selling out immediately. Now things are barely selling out, even the Chaos Warriors. Its doubtful that legacy factions will launch fully until stuff like Cathay and Kislev comes out.
they already removed Beastmen from TOW, no reason they can't remove others. The Soulblight Bloodkings or whatever vampires are called there have nothing in common with whfb vampires anyway
AOS, sorry
Alternatively, apparently the recent AoS box outsold even 40k's Indomitus box, if leakers are to be believed. So AoS may just take some factions back if GW is still retarded enough to keep these faction splits.
It's more likely for them to make entire new ranges for aos than to cannibalise the old models again
True. Stuff like the Empire are safe since they replaced the style of their humans, for example. If Ogors change style in a new refresh, then Ogors may just come to TOW.
Ogors becoming Ogres
It's a symptom of a very different thing than shitmar vs nu40k. Skaventide is 50% proper new sculpts for iconic WHF units, faithful to the previous designs. They are desirable. The other 50% is aesthetically inoffensive enough for people not to mind the trash. Indomitus is full of fucked up downgrade """updates""" to preexisting units, and half of it is primanlet tranny fakemarines. So it only shows that Warhammer sells while fake ass nuhammer doesn't.
>apparently the recent AoS box outsold even 40k's Indomitus box
Well, 40k is fortunately dying slow death while one half of AoS box had amazing Skaven models. In my area all eligible AoS skaven end up on squares btw so mayby that's the reason.
Are HE spearmen and archers good in TOW? Same question about DE spear/reapeter xbow warrirors.
>So it only shows that Warhammer sells while fake ass nuhammer doesn't.
Certainly the take of all time. Even if all Skaven fans from TOW and AoS bought Skaventide, its doubtful that it can match with a new edition space marine box. There has to be new people jumping in too. It helps that that new game can be played with just that box.

TOW needs to have its own mini game like AoS Spearhead and 40k Combat Patrol if it wants to get new people, I think.
If nobody was wanting the Storm boys, then that box would have never sold as much. You can find plenty of Skaven and Stormcast on Ebay still with similar prices. Whether some people like to admit it or not, Skaven could not have carried this.
As an aside, 40k isn't dying. GW has only made more profits, and 40k is its breadwinner.
You could be right, but indomitus was not a space marine box. It was a fakemarine box. By contrast, leviathan has some actual space marines, even though you get retarded primanlets in it as well. It sold on the merit of having proper, unshittified terminators and tyranid gaunts in it.
Infantry sucks in TOW
I played some border patrol games back in march(I think?). My friend brought beastmen, maxed out magic missiles and brought a ruby ring and absolutely ate my units every turn.
HE Archers can be run in annoying 1x5 columns and not lose any firepower due to volley fire. You can put them at odd angles to fuck with chargers. Spears/Sea Guard are pretty reasonable with the razor standard. DE crossbows are decent, I think dark riders are better, and spears are similarly reasonable but nothing to run home about.
Surely such a mini game is on the way now that the scope has been expanded. Those games are really popular (around me, at least)
Ebay has scalper/reseller splits, they insist on selling unwanted trash at the price of desirable models to maximise profits. So you are wrong, and skaven did carry the box single-handedly. And nu40k is dying from primanlet troon infestation, there is no denying that.
All of the skaven in my area ended up on triangles
Mordheim soon, bros
Nobody cares for beastmen. Even with the waac rules I don’t think people will bother with them. They will have to make new plastic shit to remove the shitty finecast range of the roster to even hope to move stock.
>Ebay has scalper/reseller splits, they insist on selling unwanted trash at the price of desirable models to maximise profits.
Then they wouldn't sell at all. But in reality, they do. Every bidding war with Storm boys ends up getting pretty heated, when I checked. So, your logic doesn't check out at all.
Sure until the next 40k reveal. Even the new shitty Christmas boxes will sell out even though they are probably the worst bundles to have been seen.
Only retards give a fuck.
Look at their mother
Look at their ankles, if their ankles are big. The genes know what's coming next.

What my dad always taught me, and so far he's not been wrong.
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The anti-dragon coalition at my local is growing, almost half the player base doesn't play games against lists with dragons now
Which dad?
The trick is to play WHFB, but each base has 6-9 Warmaster minis on it instead of a single 28mm figure, and every war machine is a battery of them.
That sounds extremely retarded and counterproductive.
Oooh goody, can't wait to see decades worth of dwarf lore thrown out and replaced with nice safe DEIslop.
hopefully it has roll charts
one of the writer is Alfred Nunez who did the old Dwarf WFRP book and other dwarf stuff so I doubt it will retcon much maybe some Grudelore stuff
Why? Warhammer is defined by the bases not the figures themselves, you could play it with appropriately-sized square counters with a label on it if you wanted to, and if you A: enjoy WHFB but B: wish you could fight battles with a bigger scope then it works great. Certainly better than just playing bigger and bigger point values of the game until either its rules or your wallet shit themselves and die.

Some people don't care for Warhammer and want their "grown up" command management game, great, Warmaster is right there glhf, but much as this place could give you the opposite impression there are many people out there who *like* WHFB as a system and enjoy playing it.
Grudgelore was superior to the rpg cuckfixtion slop
Ok, you can do whatever you want naturally.
seems a little petty I think it's fairer to introduce a caveat like 'no magic items' with flying mounts. Remember people with dragons would have to find another 300+ points if they can't use them which isn't that easy especially for some like Dark Elves who have so few legit choices.
>stunning and brave ironbreakeress on the front
If you think all the stuff about women being a much smaller portion of the population and so largely get restricted to "home front" domestic duties and crafts while the men dwarfs go off and fight the wars(CISHETERONORMATIVE PATRIARCHAL OPPRESSION!), or the whole "wrap your beard around your prospective bride to determine the dowry"(FATSHAMING! WOMEN AREN'T CATTLE TO BE BARTERED REEEE!) thing aren't going to be axed or so toned down they might as well have been, I'll take whatever amnesia-juice you've been drinking that lets you be that naievely optimistic in Current Year please.
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Honestly a lot of stuff in this book.
Very great.
hey those people have no problem with women being treated that way in islamic societies, just say it's their religion to submit to the men.
C7 books have been fine when they aren't written by Andy Law who hasn't worked at the company for years at this point
the rest of the writing team seems to some extent pretty aware of who they are writing for
Please post the PDF of the book, I beg of you boss
Unfortunately I do not know how to clean a PDF to remove the tracking... but pastebin anon is usually fast for these releases.
Damn, do Gyrocopters have stats at least ? All I want to know
reading it now the only changes I think of are the Skaven rather than the lizardmen are blamed for the world edge mountains going haywire and leading to the age of Woe and the book mentions Thorgrimm is the son of the previous high king rather than his nephew.
i guess these could change when the book is printed next year
Every 8th models was an aos model in disguise.
Warhammer stop at 7th edition with 6th edition books and models.
>Skaven rather than the lizardmen are blamed for the world edge mountains going haywire
That isn't a change, that is following the lore of the Skaven armybooks
you faggots made this shit up, I still don't know what it means but the only people who mention it are broke chuds

Oh Pastebin Anon, I beseech of thee, appear in our moment of need!
check the pdf share thread, they'll do cleaning iirc
Nah 6th edition was when aos protoslop was in production. Return to 5th.
so the dwarfs just make the human farm for them instead of doing it themselves
Hail, pastebin anon! I beseech you to do what this anon wants, but also to turn your gaze towards /grog/. Someone posted scans of the re-prints of the Realm of Chaos books in there and they look really good! It might be interesting to have scans of both the original and the new printing available, would it not?

Andy Law is such a DEI fag, it's honestly painful. He really rubs me up the wrong way when he states that his view is correct because he used to work at GW.
There are strong rumors the TOW crew is going to impose a 25% limit on lord level characters as a balance patch. Given this wouldn't actually solve any of the issues with lords or game balance currently in TOW, why would they do this?
Yep, they have for ages. It's one of the reasons they even bothered with humanity in the first place. Because it means THEY don't have waste their time on lesser persuits, and their grain on bread when it could go to making Beer
So... 25% lords, 25% heroes? It would prevent you from bringing dragons to 2000 point games, but I would still prefer to go back to the slot-based system from 6th.
>So... 25% lords, 25% heroes? It would prevent you from bringing dragons to 2000 point games
It wouldn't thought. The only thing it really nerfs is chaos dragons. High elves, wood elves and tomb kings can all bring a kitted out dragon for less than 500 points. And importantly it doesn't actually fix dragons or any of the other issues with the game.
They should just bring back the old 6th edition force org chart. Can't even take a lord in any game under 2k.
I feel like the casters can’t wear armor rule was designed to just fuck vampire counts specifically in a roundabout way.
can they fit a level 4 and a dragon? Also what makes you think it's about fixing the game, it's just affirming what most tournaments are doing, they won't fix anything until a new edition.
Hilariously dragons aren't even the top issue
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would anyone like to roll a d1000 for a dwarf first name?
That's basically the only thing it does. If you don't mind putting your level 4 on a dragon you can still have both.
Anon pls show me what airships got added to the game

Also I got a 403
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I've brought it up in the past but the fuckup of the world edge mountains got very convoluted by the 8th edition:

the time of mad stars, as late sources would call it, refers to the combination of events that happened in -1500IC:
by this time almost one hundred years passed after the first rise of nagash and many more hundreds of years before his second rise and the ritual of undeath, yet his black pyramid had an eruption of power for reasons unknown (the one event of relevancy nearby would have been the rise of vampires with neferata's recreation of the elixir of undeath in -1520 or some of nagash's first heavy experiments with warpstone for construction purposes), anyway the eruption of magic from the pyramid altered the alignment of the planet with the stars above; the slann lord quex takes up the window of opportunity created by this new alignment to enact ritual that would fix better the position of certain continents and strengthen the wardings of the world, much to the opposition of some other slann which considered the decision too hasty (for a slann) given they couldn't account for all hidden chaotic variables, in fact despite the calculations there were things that couldn't be accounted for, which altered this otherwise painless ordeal: the tremors of the realignment caused a catastrophic malfunction in the great device built by the ratmen in skavenblight; the shockwaves of this explosion met with the waves of energy from nagashizzar and the tremors of the slann right under the world edge's mountains, resulting into an all too destructive mix.
the earthquakes that followed were the start of the age of woes, the end of the second golden age of dwarfkind, with many holds crippled by the earthquakes and the opening of new paths for greenskinned hordes which would become a greater threat for them due to this for centuries to come
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sure thing
the stats seem to be done in a way similar to Sea of Claws book
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even if the dwarfs had to pay a heavy price for it, the slann that initially opposed lord quex got buried under rubbles in one of the earthquakes and the at the time unknown skaven went through a social crisis that would see the emergence of the council of thirteen and grey council, lord quex was nonetheless satisfied by the ritual: the continents were realigned according to the plaques and the warding was strengthened.
he ate a flower and went back to sleep.

also one of the earthquakes tore a hole into the great bastion of cathay, allowing a large chaos horde to pour through and invade.
on top of that we now know that the great wall of cathay is spiritually linked with the very life essence of the celestial dragon emperor, meaning that such a catastrophic damage must have been perceived as a near fatal blow to the dragon himself.

btw, lord quex did nothing wrong and we know he survived even into the age of sigmar, although now his temple ship has crashlanded in the realm of beast after a skaven attack, he's trying to recover from a pestilens plague with long rests on his potential deathbed, while his sauri without most direct slann guidance decided to go near-feral establishing an extremely warlike genocidal empire in the immediate surroundings, growing to be one of the main subfactions of the seraphon battletome.
wow. I need a unit of these for mercenary troops
that's not nothing, its a minimum check that is an acknowledgement of the issue and if people want to introduce more balance they can, it's better that GW do less and they really shouldn't start chasing the meta which has been disastrous in every other game.
Pfffft. 5th already had AoS in mind and it was slowly creeping into miniatures design. 4th is THE edition.
>discovering basics of dwarf lore that were there since always
Proud of you
It also says the Chaos Dwarfs MAY have helped the Skaven with the ritual.
This game really looks like fantasy version of AoS battles lol.
I don't think this idea exists in LoTR but it always made sense to me as far as dwarf/human relations go, dwarves obviously specialize in making high-quality goods that other people want so there's no reason they should have to grow their own food.
I do wonder what the ancient dwarves ate in D&D settings where they're supposed to have started underground. But it's no weirder than the rest of the underdark ecology.
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the formatting of the Careers section is rather different compared to what C7 has done in the past with WFRP
I think this is the first time we have seen options for players to pick in different careers in the same career path
Why care about rpg "lore" at all?

What a newfag you truly are. 4th was clearly set up to pave the way for AOS. The tragedy of McDeath is where true WHFB peaked.
Rolled 778 (1d1000)

>I don't think this idea exists in LoTR
It did throughout the entirety of dwarf-human relationship.
what was the relationship between the Lonely Mountain and Dale then?
Yeah, it makes me think there could be that rumored 4.5e on the Horizon with a more career-tree type of development included.
Just stop. The real WH was at its best when Tolkien and his buddies were hunting for rats to eat in the trenches during WW1.
What is better? 1 shaggoth or 2 indie shartaks + a couple dozen extra points?
it is such a shame that the Core rulebook for 4e is such shit but that is what you get for making Andy Law your lead writer and developer
GW controlls and shapes the meta bruh.
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im not including the lore page about them, or the side-bar about Dwarfs slayer not having Armour
The bones of the system are really good, formatting and some edge stuff are a bit off sometimes. That's why a 4.5 would be great.
I doubt we will see it, C7 already have enough on their plate with the six pre-existing GW RPGs they support let alone their own IP.
If your thinking of the story where the guy loots a tomb king ruin to find a cure for a poison that's killing his love and the tomb king allows him it's from WFRP2 Old World Bestiary. It's one of the reason that's my favorite RPG book
Single Drogre units are cancer
Yeah, slots were much better. I think this game will make a full circle to a more unit based gameplay instead of herohamer kaiju gay wrestling. And all the lardasses will applaud how caring and smart GW is.
beyond rulebooks/armybooks they shouldn't especially where tournie rules can balance things effectively. Honestly it would be better if GW did very little to structure competitive play beyond army comp rules, even points costs are largely a massive investment that leads to misprints and skewed metas in any case.
Probably because short of heavier erratas (which invalidate the books being sold) they can't do much else to patch the situation
I am so fucking close to just pulling the trigger and getting this damn book, are the runes good brother anon ? Are they any hype ?
Yes they are great.
What ever happened to Perry anon? He really livened up the general
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the empire has the best artillery in the game atm, so that's where most people focus. Cannons will still work against dragonlords but you need 3+ of them. Hellblasters are excellent against everything else. both units need engineers to support them and with a blunderbuss they have a decent shooting attack too. drilled is the best rule no one is talking about, 6 man knight units are fast, maneuverable, can have stubborn, and are relatively cheap. Easy access to multiple level 4s in almost any lore is great and while they aren't is the same tier as a dragon, griffons are fast and hard-hitting.

You still can't compete with the broken shit, like triple dragon, peg spam, and oops all vortexes but you can do well against other "fair" lists.
yeah also helps that there are a lot of them
the ancestor priest runes access is a bit weird though
I can see why C7 did it though
Can you show a page of the runes ?
it's 6 pages anon so no not really
would there be any particle type of rune you are more interested in?
>You still can't compete with the broken shit, like triple dragon, peg spam, and oops all vortexes but you can do well against other "fair" lists
And yet broken shit is as common as it is. Empire has bad heroes, bad infantry and you're basically shoved into monolist with no variations at all.
Why are they all silver 3? Why is an outcast engineer as prestigious as a guild engineer?
rune of smiting
it's a first-day PDF of a C7 book they basically don't edit these things until they go to print which is months away at this point
because the base engineer is silver 3
Malakai is a fucking slayer engineer and he teaches classes at Nuln anon, they are still dwarf engineers
Thanks :D
>Do you have one for Marienburg?
I do not, sorry. I'll try to do one though.
Any movies that feel like they could have been in the Warhammer Empire? Trying to get my local group in the mood of it
Yes, but why are they all the same? Theyre very different professions and life-paths and one would assume that there would be a difference in prestige one way or the other.
Flesh + Blood
Solomon Kane
brotherhood of the wolf
do you mean the Master Rune of Smiting?
that's not in the book
Agatha all along
I was about to post Brotherhood of the Wolf but since >>94125057 beat me to it, With Fire and Sword could be set in Ostland if you imagine the Ukranians rebels are Kurgan
That better be 5 pages of actual dwarf words and not 1 page of the usual from 6th edition + 4 pages of art
Damn, what about the master rune of Snorri Spangelhelm
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it's four pages of pic and an intro page that talks about dwarf writing and how it's different from runes
here you go anon
You're probably right, I'm probably dumb, I was too busy thinking about differences between D&D dwarves and other dwarves. I think Dale mostly did fishing and trade but same idea.
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Looks like Andy Law-less C7 has definitely pulled back. No more 50/50 gender split in soldier (for Dwarfs, at least).
why would there be a 50/50 split in soldiers if the race doesn't even have a 1:1 ratio between men and women
Is there a wonky/fun rune you like?
I'm still reading will let you when I'm done with the section
Because modern values have to be injected into fantasy worlds.
Found the Tomb Kings core set for $180, that's decent right? Considering I could ebay the sealed rulebook for probably at least $30
because the rest transition so that gender parity can be achieved
Yeah that's a pretty good deal. You can use everything in that box too for a good army. Generally recommended to build ALL horse archers (however in a Royal Host list a Cavalry Cohort can be good so some horse spearmen could be used there)
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interesting that the Seige weapons list includes some stuff Oldhammer like the Swivel gun. I'm not sure Dwarfs ever had a bombard model.
Oh no, the formatting is artificially increasing the size. Not looking promising, show me the end of it, the t-z.
Doesn't have white/snow/ice, fail. Thanks anon.
It does not feel right that a mechanically complex device like the Goblin-Hewer is cheaper than an Organ Gun.
>half a page (if that) for norse dwarfs
at least there's a lot of variety
They covered them pretty well in the Sea of Claws book, so they don't need a lot here probably.
Did they add Grudge Rakers?
All of their stuff is in sea of claws, they even explain the difference between normal slayers and norse slayers in that book
the Norse Dwarf also get some sidebars but it's all information we already know

Thank fuck, I've got no idea why Andy Law is such a dweeb about this stuff. Now if GW could fix their recent nonsense with Bretonnian knights I'd be happy.
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the weapon list replaces the one in Archives of Empire Vol 1(same with the Ranger career)
Wasn't that just in the shitty novel?
Because a single unit of anything besides msu or fodder is going to make up 50% of your list.
>Blast on the raker and not Spread
the forces of Fantasy book also has a lot of "Sons and Daughters" and Men and Women" when describing units for Brettonia and Empire
if I had to guess i would say it's a mistake that will be fixed later
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it's nice that Tainted Dwarfs get a mention, I'm guessing it's referencing some old like Liber Chaotica. It's shame there isn't any art or stats for them though, maybe in the GM dwarf book
The best Empire army includes no characters other than a general on griffon, wizard lord and engineers, and no fucking state troops, only archers.
It does prevent triple dragon
hey man, I don't disagree at all. but they asked for competitive tools and that's the best we got.
Whoa... So this... Is how Warhammer ends... Impressive
yeah, which is why everyone not working for GW basically ignoes it
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I've compiled a couple of them.
>WHFB Marienburg cost of arms: boobs, Money and Swords
>TOW Marienburg cost of arms: Loreal siren holding a mozzarella ball
truly the power of democracy can change anything
Due to morbid curiosity I listened to a podcast on some recent TOW tournament and the landscape sounds bleaker and bleaker each time I listen to a recap of the latest tournament. Armies are now 2 or 3 dragons. Why are compfags like this? I'm glad I don't need to rely on this shit to get some Warhammering done.
New foot knight models includes lady knights.
GW even clarified in a tweet that it was a woman and not a twink. Lol
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Two of three done, I'll finish the third tomorrow along the bases. I think I like these models better than the GW ones for the crypt horrors.
There is exactly one army in the game that can field 3 dragons.
>Why are compfags like this?
Because GW designed the rules this way.
how is that a problem
how is that even your problem
It doesn't require complicated manufacture, like casting or boring a cannon's barrel.
>The best Empire army includes no characters other than a general on griffon, wizard lord and engineers, and no fucking state troops, only archers.
Reminds me of
At least a band/family/whatever of giants actually makes sense.
spotted the malding WAACfag
you're projecting, you're the one who's upset and I don't even know what waac is nor do I care to know
I believe the collective is a percussion
Don't lose hope, anon. I'm confident that a good comp system could fix TOW up nicely. It'll just have to come from the community! And always remember that these things always start with individuals making the conscious decision to take fluffier army lists to their games. Instead of taking a level 4 wizard, why not take two level 2s instead? Or how about only taking one lord-level character in 2000 point games? These self-imposed restrictions can make the game a lot more fun!
I assume "Hearth Priests" are just the priestesses of Valaya?
All comp systems are retarded because the only people worse at game design than game designers are players.
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Damn the Runesmith art goes hard

Basically, though they can also function as priests of Gazul or whatever minor ancestor god you come up with.
Smednir and Morgrim would probably be more suited to Forge Priest
maybe Thugni as well
shame about the lack of Skavor references, maybe in the GM book.
>meanwhile players have made well balanced games like wamaster revolution or WAP
just playing the actual fucking game gives players far more insight than modern GWs writers the fuck are you on about?
Lick some more boot. Lol
>hits on ridden monsters roll a die
>1-4 hits the monster
>5-6 hits the rider
>monsters don't benefit from protective saves from items used by the rider
>if the monster dies the rider takes d3 automatic wounds and is placed on foot
>in addition, units of single or single ridden monsters don't gain +1 combat res from close order
Wouldn't this just fix the issue? Dragons aren't that hard to kill if all they have is a 3+ or 4+ armor save.

I do think stomps are wildly disproportionate between monsters and should be brought into a shared general baseline.
Why do you think 2x level 2 wizard is fluffier than 1x level4 wizard?
>well balanced
Fuck off
>not a wizard btw
>Runesmiths in art be like:
>Meanwhile runesmiths in game
>unsubstantiated nothings
we find you as interesting as the rest of the people in your life
Anon in the latest England GT the top 4 armies had a combined total of 0 dragons ( they were all Bretonnia )
Don't know what was in the other post but you claiming that WAP was balanced proves that you are indeed a village idiot.
Fuck off ESL
Reminds me of old old fantasy where your characters mounts could die. You could have the riders of chariots die and then the chariots would move randomly each turn with the animals pulling them along aimlessly. Or the chariot/animals being destroyed and the riders having to dismount and continue on foot.
WAP balance is hardly perfect, but it sure as hell is more balanced than any edition made by GW, and get better over time, as the unbalanced stuff actually gets addressed and adjusted over time.
That's because Brets prey on dragons, though.
When everyone is digging for gold, sell the shovels.
Freshly baked for your pleasure

looks like your typical cheap digital slop

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