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Desperate Defense Edition

WFB: https://pastebin.com/qVGrgwwh
WM: https://pastebin.com/EsDAgeba
WFRP: https://pastebin.com/inbyBsR6
Novels: https://pastebin.com/PFqPDr0H
Warhammer Chronicles: https://files (dot) catbox (dot) moe/0xt777 (dot) zip
Time of Legends: https://files (dot) catbox (dot) moe/q46ut6 (dot) zip
ET: https://files (dot) catbox (dot) moe/j7d0t5 (dot) zip
TOW: https://gofile.io/d/ffbanD

>Alternative Models:

>Previous Thread:

What army are you currently working on? What army do you want to start next?
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I like cows and I really like not painting/printing/building/carrying a lot of models.
Hows this?
++ Characters [441 pts] ++
Doombull [316 pts]
(Hand weapon, Heavy armour, Shield, General, Headsman's Axe, Muscular Monstrosity, Gnarled Hide)

Bray-Shaman [125 pts]
(Braystaff, Level 2 Wizard, On foot, Hagtree Fetish, Dark Magic)

++ Core Units [503 pts] ++
10 Gor Herd [87 pts]
(Hand weapons, Additional hand weapons, True-horn, Standard bearer, Musician)

7 Minotaur Herd [361 pts]
(Hand weapon, Light armour, 7x Shield, Bloodkine, Standard bearer, Musician)

10 Ungor Herd [55 pts]
(Shortbows, Musician)

++ Special Units [595 pts] ++
Ghorgon [245 pts]
(Cleaver-limbs, Light armour (calloused hide))

1 Dragon Ogres [70 pts]
(Great weapons, Heavy armour, Shartak)

20 Bestigor Herd [280 pts]
(Hand weapons, Great weapons, Heavy armour, Gouge-horn, Standard bearer, Musician)

++ Rare Units [460 pts] ++
Cygor [215 pts]
(Hand weapon (claws), Hurl attack, Light armour (calloused hide))

Ghorgon [245 pts]
(Cleaver-limbs, Light armour (calloused hide))
beautiful game
>What army are you currently working on?
Bretonnia/rebasing and fixing my Warriors of Chaos list.
>What army do you want to start next?
Lizardmen or Kislev if it ever comes out
Goblins are shitty weak manlets.
Why are dwarfs always getting their shit kicked in by them.
Goblins don't have guns, are fucking cowards, don't like fire, and dwarfs have guns and flamethrowers and fucking impenetrable armor.
How are they losing to them so fucking hard. It should take like 30 to 40 Goblins on one ironbreaker to have a chance. And that's surrounding him, holding him down, etc. These guys are suppoze to be fighting in these tight cramped tunnels where Goblins can't even bring numbers to bear.
So how are dwarfs still losing
>What army are you currently working on? What army do you want to start next?
The beastmen boxes my friend gave me (20 bestigors, a cygor, a ghorgon 10 gors, 20 ungors and some shamans) I'm trying to figureout how ot make them an army and paint them.
Idk stuntie, if we are so weak and gunless why is it we gotz 8 peaks and youz dont?
goblin outnumber dwarfs 50 to one if not more
dwarfs also. don't produced fast enough compared to Goblins which can form a full tribe in a single decade
It’s because dwarfs are manlets and this gives the goblins courage. Notice how they fear tall chads ( elves ) but not short “ kings “
I don't rate bestigor at all and I think that minotaur unit is too big and you should be open to doombulls/gorebulls being with non-mino units, but it looks alright. And the level 2 is obviously pointless.

Beastmen don't really have bad units outside bestigor IMO.
I play TOW and AoS tbqh senpai.
Really I thought the gors were the weak link?
also isn't against the rules to have a monsterus infantry with regulars?
Like I figure the beastmen would serve a point of holding a line in case of games that need me to hold a point/terrain.
I could probably make the cow herd into a group of 3 and 4?
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Are you surprised by the newcomer fanbase TOW has attracted?
File deleted.
>Good job! Remember that the stormcasts are the way of the future!

in seriousness though I hear spearpoint is actually fun
Gors are amazing. Great statline for the cost, with dual weapons and some luck you can have 3 Str 4 attacks at WS 4 on the charge per 7 pt model. Insanely good.
Yeah but all they got to keep them alive is t4 which because this aint mordheim isn't all that great.
Was it a bad move to give them extra hand weapons over shields?
Currently working on getting my Dorfs painted. After them, I'm gonna get back to working on my WoC. Next year I'm going to make an Exiles or Beastmen army.
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>tfw no Italian accented WHFB loving gf
I suffer

They are t4 and m5 and cost 7 points. Shields are garbage over the extra hand weapon. 2HW doubles their damage output while the shield gives them 16.67% more survivability against AP- attacks.
So has the Dwarf Players Guide for WFRP4e been uploaded anywhere yet?
Ok so I did make the right move building them all that way. Thats a relief.
So what makes beastigors shit? and is a single dragon ogre a bad idea?
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>Desperate Defense
Retarded defense, more like it. Taking the ol Battle of Winterfell approach and standing outside your own fortifications.

I'm debating whether or not to start Ogres. They'd be modeled as Chaos Ogres, mind you.
I don't think they are shit. I like them but I admit competitively I would rather have more gors over them for the same points.They are expensive for their durability and are slow compared to other things that fulfill the same role as them ( dogres and minos )
Don't forget the pigs, the pigs are good
They were overran inside the hold by tunnelling gobbos. They are sallying out to try and break out of the lines. Defending their king.
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>cathay is mentioned in the TOW handbook
When am I getting my waifu bros
There aren't even 3dp of her
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Look at that vampire full of soul, you can already hear his accent.
Also, where did the dregs go?
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dreg deez nuts across your face lmao
he mordheim models were full of SOVL
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Stop avatarfagging with cheesecake, you ape.
I will beat you, in real life.
Dwarffag cope
Cringe fag speak
You might be on to something
I have full painted armies for both systems
You have cringe AI generated soijaks.
We are not the same. I am better than you. When I pass you you better look down. When I speak, you stop talking. And I better hear a 'sir' out your fucking mouth when you address me.
AoS was actually a good game in 2nd. 3rd was okay and 4th is a dogshit card game. Imagine playing a game where list building is the same as in a card game where you have no choice or customization past what’s given to you on the warscroll ( card )
Take AoS talk to the AoS thread, and stop taking the bait.
I'd never respect an aos cuck
Warhammer fantasy gave me structure, OPR gave me freedom
AoS is just crap all around
Who are you talking to, Schitzo?
I want to hurt dwarves.
Do I do it the green way or the point ear way?
>Warhammer Fantasy
Fatherless behavior. Everyone is playing a fucking toy game. Imagine needing a toy game for structure. You are without a doubt the cuckqueen of this board.
If you are still playing 'rank and flank' at 28mm scale you are still a slave and a faggot to boot
> I went from GW... to GW with the serial numbers filed off!!!
Lmao you are still buck broken>>94128457
>gw with the number filed off
Retard alert. OPR doesn't do IGOUGO which is a change gw will never do. and its free
You can't really comapre the two
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When will we get named characters for this era?
Isn't this magnus the pious' time to shine?
What are good proxies for Grail Knights? The store has had them listed as "temporarily out of stock" for ages.
We will get Teclis (forma de turista sexuál) in the High Elf AJ.
>for ages
Literally months. I got into old world in July. They have yet to be available and I check daily a few times a day. Seen the handmaiden come back into stock once for a few hours, but other than that no GK, no Green Knight, no Elise, no damsels.
could be the us store. i managed to grab the thane and the green night this week
I'm pretty sure that the highest scores in the book of cope are from orcs, so I'd go green
That probably applies to the Canadian one, as I've never seen any of them in stock since Old World launched. Even getting the notification email set up hasn't alerted me to anything, unless the models are bought up as soon as they're available or something.
there's also the rat way.
orcs and rats are a tie. elves are not as common these days
Do you mean not common coming from a fluff perspective?
I thought the US and Canada shared the same store. When I bought questing knights they shipped from Kentucky into Canada. But yeah, I’m in Canada and haven’t seen them in stock once since I started monitoring in July.
Occasionally finishing some extra flr the O&G but the last month has been smashing out 3k of WoC. I'll do another 1k of WoC and then go hard into TK or Vampires.
oh yeah. from a game standpoint i have no idea.
I'll be honest, I wanted to like this game so much, poured all my money into it, read wiki articles and lore, larped as a grog on here for months... But this game is, frankly, really ass and just not fun
welcome to war(board) games.
I'm sure you did.
I'd actually prefer my counts to be more subtle with their affliction.
After Araby makes it into TWW.
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Chaos! And, well, Chaos. Expanding to 3000 points from ~1.5k is like starting a second army, for me at least. I haven't been able to start re-painting the models that I decided to strip yet, but that will change soon. This army picture is outdated now, but I'll get to re-do the tzeentch knights and warriors and add a couple more regiments of warriors, about 8 or 9 more 1997 warriors to my regiment of chosen warriors and 2 sorcerers by the end of next week. I might not finish the banners in time though. I've already got a design ready for the knights, which will be marked by Slaanesh, but I'm still working on Tzeentch and Nurgle banner ideas. And then once that's done I'll get to take a new army picture.
>shiggly piggly still aching mad
What would a barak var army look like?
A lot of gadgets and guns?
Meds or rope, faggot. Call it.
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AoS fans continually trying to shit up these threads really makes you think.
Long drong slayers? since they are pirate-y
definitely engineers
Ships. You need a navy, sailors. Perhaps some of your units have fillers showing allies or merchants setting improvised defenses.

The shame they must feel, if indeed they retained that aspect of humanity, to be overcome by sculpts older than themselves.
How does the Curse of the Horned Rat work? Like does the soul/consciousness/ego/person remain? Are they like Vampires where the same person just becoes evil because corruption? Or are they slain and replaced by ratkin that happen to have the memories biomass of the victim?
I had not even considered rank fillers for story telling.
As for ships, maybe gyrocopters?
Are there rules for lords on paliquins or was that purely for the high king? cuz pic related is rad
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I mean you kinda-have to go with the flow-circumstance
If you are change-polymophed a ratman then you may as well get-plow a breader. Yes-yes
I think that some variation of the spell implies that all the mutated victims eventually die, but if I'm misremembering it I imagine the mutants are either slain by their own forces, murdered by the skaven for being impure copies, or just go mad and kill each other as they try to quickly adapt to the evil rat brains that are now their minds, and the person they were is long gone.
what in the actual fuck happened in this thread?
anyway, /grog/ has nice scans of the realm of chaos books
go check them out
Easy. Averland, gateway into and out of the Empire, with a crazy count and some banging uniforms.
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Though white and purple ostermark is also baller
there, done.
now to base him
Gr8 stuntie m8
I look forward to eat'n 'im and feeding 'is runts to me boar
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This is the vibe I want from my ogre army
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Ostermark is a close second, at least in terms of uniforms. I almost, ALMOST want to repaint my Averland army as Ostermark as it would be simple to paint purple over the black. I feel like I need to repaint my Empire stuff anyway, and rebase them, as my painting skills have improved since painting Bretonnians again.

Picture for reference. I think what really messed up my Empire army was how I went about batch painting, and how I eventually just wanted to be finished with a model or unit so I cut corners or didn't learn the right lesson.
>I almost, ALMOST want to repaint my Averland army as Ostermark as it would be simple to paint purple over the black
You'd need wario and waluigi heros then
If I could afford to get into 3d printing, I would. I've included a couple variations of Wario in some WFRP campaigns as a kind of super strong but abrasive mercenary.
So it's similar to that old WD batrep that had two dwarf armies (commanded by Paul Sawyer and Gav Thorpe) against a night gobbo amd skaven army, where the hold had been filled with poisonous gas?
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>What army are you currently working on?
Dogs of War, a project I had in mind for many a year and it wasn't until the "death" of wfb that I decided to go for it
>31 human exclusive careers
>17 dwarf exclusive careers
>3 ogre exclusive careers
>2 halfling exclusive careers
>1 elf exclusive career
Sad to say I've put the army building on hold in favor of warband building.
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TQ: working on my orcs and goblins, not sure about my next army yet but I have a bunch of dwarves, a unit + character for wood elves, and a unit of greatswords for empire, so one of those three. I don't really vibe with the playstyle of dwarves though.
>28 careers for Academic
>10 careers for Burgher
>9 careers for Courtier
>11 careers for Peasant
>16 careers for Ranger
>8 careers for Rogue
>8 careers for Riverfolk
>8 careers for Seafarer
>27 careers for Warrior
>7 careers with unclear class
What warband? For Mordheim, I presume?
You got it. I obtained some of the classic militia to make some mercs, some undead, and I'm currently trying to find some good Kislev lookalikes that aren't just 3d prints.

What is it the ridiculous number of trannies that have attached themselves to Warhammer over the past half decade? Unless they're to do with Slaanesh, they need quarantining to AOS.
it's nothing specifically about warhammer
"estrogen hit the gaming community worse than crack did with the black youth of the us"

it's a sad state of things all around
>0 gnome exclusive careers

There's no oestrogen anywhere near those people.
Kislev is prolly the best human warband in the game.
>What army are you currently working on? What army do you want to start next?
Warmaster Empire and Undead, HE for 6th/TOW.
>0 fishmen exclusive careers
Ostermark is cool I got hooked on after playing Mark of Chaos. Unrelated but it's a fucking great game.
Barak Varr is of course navy. And it's kinda dwarf version of Marienburg, they have entire human town build inside the caverns so I'd consider mercenaries of all sort.
So dwarves have an underground tunnel system that is intersected by the skavens, are these both literal tunnels through the earth or is there some magic involved?

Literal tunnels, think Moria in LOTR.
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actual huge-ass tunnels
Moria's a mine, not a tunnel. A MINE.
So what about Thungni going deep into the ground to learn magic, is that just a whole other can of worms?
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More little uglies.
i think Menfish would be more likely to get stats in WFRP than fishmen
All those careers and they don't have a rapist one.
Without much experience, I would suggest it's due to:
>purchasable frenzy item
>a motherfuckin bear
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If the Empire happened to regain Marienburg, then the position of Marienburg's Elector Count would once again be available.
Would this mean Theoderic Gausser, Elector Count of Nordland, would have two positions (and votes)? since he is the de jure Prince of Marienburg.
well it's actually both since it goes right through a mountain from east to west
mines are made of tunnels
so wood elves have the magic tunnels, the other are strictly mundane?
the wood elves have roots which they can magically traverse, the underway is mundane and much of it is broken from the catastrophe way back when.
That's an awesome looking table.
Just got my new goblin hewer. Good thing I still have my old metal Malakai Makaisson.
Lovely! I prefer the old monke rats over the 2009 sculpts
>everyone is having fun except the redshirt
an ideal world
pretty accurate, I really hope TOW doesn't devolve into historical gatekeeping like the heresy did
same, I think heroes should be the only units that are in true scale
So theres gold, silver, ironand other real metals in fantasy, does the empire have some kind of an understanding of atomic theory (as in there has to be a smallest part of something).

In the real world the greeks figured out the basics by cutting something till they didn't have something sharp enough to cut it any more.
I'm curious about your dislike for bestigors. For an infantry unit they're looking really hard-hitting to me. Granted, they're probably ideally used as a delivery method for the Manbane Standard + Mangelder combo to which I'd probably also throw in the Pelt of the Dark Young and Slugskin on the char carrying the Mangelder meaning that it's basically a default bodyguard to your Beastlord which does only seem fitting fluffwise.
Wouldn't he have that already if that was the case?
Actually no. I totally skipped the bear because 2A won't really worth it imho (though it you have the money always go for it). What kislev has however is:
>warband building discount for 1 piece of noble's equipment
>one S4 hero
>throwing fucking weapons for everyone
>access to duelling pistols for everyone
This is kinda very niche but I had big luck in exploration and finds and was able to equip all my heroes and 3 of my cossacks with a brace. Long campaign lol
Are just amazing, hatred vs chaos when you have possessed, carnival, skaven and beastmen in the campaign, not to mention random happening gribbles.
My opinion of course, I very much enjoyed playing them in assault configuration (short ranged shooting and cc focus). Try them out.
From the thumbnail I thought that orc was holding up a dwarf beard so that he could stroke his chin in thought.
>historical gatekeeping
HH lost this privilege with current edition. It's just one more fatpig game and no longer elite.
Man I hope they start some reveals for Empire soon, even if it was just a look at the paint schemes for uniforms under each emperor.
It's a tomb
Is the Empire good in Warmaster?
The Greeks "figured it out" as a thought experiment. Which basically means one guy guessed and got it right. There's no evidence that belief in atoms was widespread.
Well no. Magnus the Pius had changed the province's status, from a Barony into a republic of the Burgermeisters; although Karl Franz or any future emperor could change the Westerland into a princedom, but that would only matter (I think) if the Westerland was part of the Empire.

>Would this mean Theoderic Gausser would have two positions (and votes)?
As for the two titles and votes, I doubt anyone would agree to that; either pick one of the two or relinquish the claim of one to a second-child.
Wissenland has Solland lands already and it's just a territory. Also does Empire really want Marienburg back? At this point it's kinda counterproductive and everyone benefits more from Marienburg being separate entity.
I always overlook throwing weapons, I'm usually the kind to either go long range or all in fuckfest. As for Cossacks, that's the main problem I'm having with starting the warband, finding some bare chested loose pants rowdy looking dudes that can be chopped up easily enough. Also the bear, but bears are easier to find than 28mm heroic scale plastic or metal cossacks that don't cost a fortune.
>does Empire really want Marienburg back?
yes, an independent Marianburg impedes the Empire's ability to use its fleet proactively instead of it decaying in the Reik Basin.
TOW rulebook says that
>The Phoenix King, Finubar the Seafarer, lands at the Bretonnian port of L’Anguille. He travels extensively across the Old World, opening relations with the Empire, Bretonnia and even the Dwarfs.
Only Finubar was elected in 2163 wtf
the TOW timeline is rather dogshit full is odd errors and other mistakes
it feels like something Gw forced themselves to put in the book since all the other WFB rulebooks have timelines and as such TOW needed one as well
The Elector Count of Nordland still has hope of getting back Marienburg.
They probably forgot to put "future" somewhere in there.
Gausser probably lost not only his arm but also parts of his brain lol
that's not a mistake you are reading it as though it were made in the current year of TOW where Finubar is the phoenix king, same way something might read 'Elizabeth II Queen of England coronated in 1953' even though she was a princess WHEN she was coronated.
I doubt it, if they omitted "future" by error then why is there "Seafarer"
no, it's a very Nordland thing to dislike Marianburg for being snooty and sabotaging Nordland ship building and trade industries.
so it's more that Guasser is appealing to his more extremist base that got him into power in the first place
Ok, but he's constantly lashing in all directions, being in conflict with all the neighbouring provinces. Remember that episode with Gelt?
*lashing out
that hasn't happen yet by WFRP timeframe it's the natural outcome of his outbursts

Yes they are fine. They are the versatile middle-of-the-road faction who get by with a broad toolkit and some well-costed generalists.
They rely heavily on firepower to break up formations and knights are your primary melee winners. Halberdiers are weak but cheap, and can be augmented by skirmisher detachments to make them extremely versatile.
They have a fun playstyle of interlocking parts and no singular unit to lean on.
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Alright, I'm finally done with those. Would you recognize them as crypt horrors on the table?
What kind of colour schemes suit bretonnian exiles armies well?

I want a colour scheme that suggests that they're ne'er do-wells, scum and treacherous knights, and may even have a slight touch of foul magic about them (but nothing super overt)
Black as dark as night! Vomitous, disgusting, corrupt green! Bloody red! Steel darkened with soot! These are the colours of evil knights.
How sacrilegious would it be to replace a broken sword on a metal chaos sorcerer with a chainsword from warhammer 40k? I could probably repair the sword with greenstuff, but I've been looking for an excuse to give one of my models a chainsword for a while now.
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ideally you want to make the mechanical components look otherworldly rather than too obviously industrial, avoid tubes and a visible engine, keep the scheme very eldritch and weird rather than mundane metal
keep that in mind and it's fair game
Thanks anon, I'm thinking about starting warmaster with the Empire and it's good to hear that they are not some lost cause faction that will struggle. Any recommendations what to have first? Also what minis would you suggest?
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Bought the dwarf player's guide for WFRP. By Grungni I love the dawi.
>I want a colour scheme that suggests that they're ne'er do-wells, scum and treacherous knights, and may even have a slight touch of foul magic about them
How do you differentiate Reikland from Talabec, the uniforms seem to be the same or have a lot of crossover?
Have you tried checking the mega in the OP
I didn't want to say anything but PBA is quick, thanks bro
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No faction is a lost cause, you can play and win with anyone. It's a game that rewards good decisions and good fortunes, no faction can spam their way to victory.
Your starting point is obviously the rules which you can find at: https://www.wm-revolution.com/articles/download.html

For Empire, your mandatory units are Halberdiers, Crossbowmen and Handgunners and you have minimum requirements that you must meet. Knights are so important that they are effectively mandatory, as are Cannons. You must take a General, you'll need Heroes to actually move anywhere, and Wizards are good fun. Every unit after that is a nice-to-have but not essential. Skirmishers are an odd unit that are a key part of the Empire statline but behave very differently to other units in that they are an upgrade to existing 2 units.
I would suggest starting small and growing slowly. 1000-1250pts are good starting points with most games being 2000pts.

2 Halberdiers
1 Handgunners
1 Crossbowmen
2 Knights
1 Cannon
1 General
2 Hero
1 Wizard

This is 845pts of what I would consider essential purchases. Obviously nobody plays 845pt games so you'll want to finish it off with your preferred units but I'd expect to see these units in literally every army you make.
For miniatures, right now I would say that MiniRat has the best 3d prints. However Forest Dragon is planning to launch Empire as their next project and will be dropping the files from November through to ~March so you might want to hold off a few weeks to see what he's making.
Good luck and good choice.
Bruh, Talabecland is red and yellow, Talabheim is red and White, Reikland is white/bone/light grey. Red and white Reikland is only total war thing
Man, warmaster armies look amazing
>How do you differentiate Reikland from Talabec
Very simply Reikland is a province while Talabec is a river
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Araby. Just got the carpet riding archers on sticks.
hey its still an army of knights not spiteful mutants
This >>94132115
What do they count as?
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I ain't too familiar with the armies project or 9th age, but what edition is better for a casual experience? Or should I just go for 6th edition.

Also besides the oathmark elves, what good resin proxies are available for the more specialized units of HE like swordmasters? Are these highlands files good?
what is this, stl for ants?
Aren't HE supposed to be next
I'd say Last Sword WL look pretty nice
does that hold true for TOW though with the different emperors? Also there's some art with red sleeves on 'reikland' troops in the wikis.
So I know fuck all about the rules right now. I am just painting up a Bretonnia army. It's the core box, 2 trebuchet, the green Knight and Lady Duchard. Will that work?
Depends on if you are planning on tournament games or versus friends. If you are playing in tournaments then it's a shitshow where the meta has completely flanderized itself into including as many dragons as you can or fuck you. Versus friends then anything is viable.
Bretonnia is so broken you can't go wrong, so get used to winning. Trebutchets aren't very good but if you like them they aren't going to lose you a match or anything.
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>does that hold true for TOW though with the different emperors?
We on't know for certain, but it seems to be relatively the same for some of the existing provinces/states. picrel is a Marienburg army by GW, and the colours seem to be the same as in WFB.
>Also there's some art with red sleeves on 'reikland' troops in the wikis.
The only art I could find, or that I remember which consistently associates Red&White with Reikland, would the the Reiksguard.
Birdmen of Catrazza, I'm building my army as 6th edition Dogs of War.
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all the gobbo siege together
where's the orc bully?
how can we be sure they won't shoot the boys?
Ill be painting the crew over the next few days, I'm particularly looking forward to painting the bully.
We don't know yet however in Mordheim you had all relevant warbands in provincial colours they sport 500 years after.
>how can we be sure they won't shoot the boys?
Or just leave immidately
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Who needs an Orc Bully when you could have
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Anons since great weapons text says that you set the initiative to 1 before any modifiers are applied does that imply that shit like potion of speed would then be added to the 1 alongside charge bonus and what have you? Additionally random movement charge by contact clearly doesn't apply the charge bonus since it's not a charge or does it? ToW incase I need to clarify
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In terms of lore, who is a crueler God to their followers?

Khorne or Nurgle? Nurgle seems to be nice on the surface level and some of his followers seem happy. On the flip side, Nurgle puts diseases on people and either offers to follow him or die.

Whats your thoughts?
Were Skaven inspired by anything or when coming up with model ideas people really pitched out spinning balls and giant rolling wheels while mutated multi headed monsters stomped around?
Skarbrand is a neglectful father and nurgle is your uncle who will rape you.
It changes their BASE characteristic to 1 so any modifiers still work
Khorne. Not skarbrand.
Copied from the book

If the model is able to make contact with
an enemy unit during the Compulsory Moves sub-phase or
whilst pursuing, it may do so and counts as having charged.
Nurgle is certainly crueler since as you say he doesn't really offer a choice whereas with Khorne it's a live by the sword die by the sword situation. Also Nurgles followers are deluded, they don't seem to know what it is they've become and they trivialise life. Even Nurgle being kindly is just a trick essentially.
why does Gazul not get a runic magic associated with him in the new Dwarf book?
ever other Ancestor gods gets a selection
I don't like how Khorne was hadled by GW as time went by. Instead of god of fucking WAR he became a god of mindless slaughter. Ruleswise Nurgle related shit should have been exactly like 6th edition Blood Dragon powers: big WS, skills like killing blow and other stuff but it all game down to "lol frenzy and/or dispel". Meh
Jesus that's graphic...but point taken. Rather former than latter raping uncle, though I'd have thought that would be more Slaanesh.

Guess I am still camp Khorne. Nurgle just keeps creeping more into my head fan wise.
If you said: these are these are crypt horrors
I would nod in agreement.

Easy easier to tell what they are then which spiky knights are chosen/khorne/whatever in chaos.
while he appears Jovieal and friendly that is a facade, Nurgle and most of his demons are exceedingly hateful and spiteful and want to drag everyone to their level in the muck
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Has that been the case even historically? As in back to the Realms of Chaos Lost and the Damned days? Don't have the book but know it's very old.
You can usually tell which mark a chaos model has by how it's painted. Red = khorne, blue = tzeentch, green = nurgle, pink = slaanesh, black = undivided.
Unless your opponent wants to be cheeky, as pink could very well be a colour of tzeentch, black could be a colour of khorne, nurgle or slaanesh, etc., then all bets are off.
>Implying chaos players paint shit
Tbh, they're almost at bad as Skaven player when it comes to grey tide.
It also doesn't help tell the chaos knights from chosen. Or which chariot is a chosen chariot or character mount.
That has not been my experience at all, but I can understand how that can be frustrating. Ideally, nobody would play with unpainted miniatures, and I certainly don't, but I digress. The chosen thing is valid though, usually they'll be either converted a little or just be different models altogether. I like using older warrior sculpts as my chosen, for example.
In khorne's case it's kinda simpler since you can just slap those trademark bunny ears crested helmets and skulls on chosen.
I would say it's an older interpretation of Nurgle that is generally ignored these days outside of some Champions like Valnir and Mortarion from HH I guess
Fair, thanks for the clarity. So Nurgle has always been >>94133100. Good to know. Dude really is messed up.
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I need some help.
In one of the WFRP 4e books it mentions a ruined dwarf forge being discovered somewhere in the Grey Mountains, and Dwarven/Human scholars are going there to to do archeology/stealing everything not nailed down. It is hinted that it might be Alaric the Mad's workshop.
Does anyone know which book it is in? I've flipped through about a dozen so far and I can't find it again.
it doesn't ring a bell but if it's a 4e book about the grey mountains I would guess either the Ubersreik Guide in the starter set, Archives of Empire Vol1, or the book of Adventure hooks of the Reikland.
It's kinda both really though as usual one can blame 40k of flanderizing Nurgle into jolly green fart/shit/vomit giant with their dumbfuck 8th edition DG. Let's not forget that one of the last Nurgle related things we got was Tamurkhan and there Nurgle was properly creepy, dangerous and disgusting.
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thank you for responding Kings
>If you said: these are these are crypt horrors
>I would nod in agreement.
Neat, I was a bit afraid it wouldn't be obvious. I don't like using proxies much but I don't like the original crypt horrors and I didn't find any scan of them anyway. I did find midhammer and oldhammer scans for almost everything else though so I'll happily be painting banshee titties, campy vampires and even nagash soon.
Well what else are they supposed to be? Spirit hosts?

Theyre big ghouls
So how much of an asshole would I be viewed as for running
2x bone dragons (1 TK 1 Liche)
1x necrosphinx
1x casket
1x screaming skull
And a bunch of skeletons including horse archers at 2k?
You'd be viewed as a complete asshole, not sure what else you're expecting. It's like a checklist of top TK units spammed to the maximum with the bare minimum given over to actual units. It's a rank and flank game and you've elected to bring 3 flying monsters, of course its an asshole list.
I like beastmen for the wrong reasons.
Yes, dual electors get two votes.
Wingless varghiests?
Tbh there isn't a lot of options to mistake then for.
I’m planning on bringing at least 40 skeleton spears in a big block and then 2 big units of skirmishing skeleton archers. Around 70 infantry skellies at 2k.
>Wingless varghiests?
isnt that a crypt ghoul? Like they have the same torso and shit right? One just has wings and the other arms

Wow, a whole ranked unit and 30 skirmishers. That must be almost 400pts of things that aren't monsters or artillery.
What tactics are you expecting here other than 'throw monsters at you until you explode'? What counter-play does your opponent have other than bringing multiple sources of HKB?
It's a brainless, soulless c&p cookie-cutter tourney-shredding list. Yes you will look like an asshole for using it in any scenario other than a zero comp tournament.
>in my fantasy game
Sounds gay
Wow, very awesome anon. I really like the glyphs on the axe.
This. Herohammer is based and I'm tired of pretending otherwise. It's a fantasy game, the focus SHOULD be on badass champions, fuckhuge monsters and dragons, and spellcasters. No one would've watched Lord of the Rings if the entire story was focused on some gay gondorian infantryman
>Around 70 infantry skellies at 2k
Wow thats crazy, thats like a whole what, 300pts?
Youre taking the bare minimum of everything that isnt big stompy monsters/big flashy artillery. You are presumably well aware of this. Why play the victim?

You know what youre doing, either own up to it and accept it regardless or do something else.
Finally. Somebody said it. Sick of /hwg/ trannies trying to force the """""muh tactics"""" meme on WHFB. if tactics mattered that much in wargames then people would be playing Kriegsspiel or some shit, but they don't, no one is playing Kriegsspiel, they're playing Warhammer, and Warhammer has always been popular for its awesome badassness factor, not tactics or realism
Bruh if you care so much about this shit why don't you go play some faggy Napoleonic lmao this is a fantasy game. We want monsters and dragons, not linehammer core unit spam
wingless vargheist literally are crypt horrors, they both have the same body
>why don't you field an entire army of some of the worst infantry in the game instead of taking some of your good units?
I'll never understand retards like yourself
They're fakegrogs that really should be playing some kinda /hwg/ or something. Don't know why they intend on invading Warhammer which has always been about fantastical larger than life units
It hasn't always been about big monsters, most armies got their big monster after 6ed but they in the game now so bitching about people playing them is fucking retarded. If you don't want to see them on the table much just go back to 6ed and before. This is pointless bitching.
>some of the worst infantry in the game
Hes not fielding state troopers or chaos warriors
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if there was a warhammer fantasy wargame; with no miniatures in sight; i'd play the shit out of that.
wfb suffer from herohammer and named characters

I'll never understand why someone would spend hundreds of dollars, many hours painting, and then 3 hours of their evening to mash 2-3 monsters into each other while their army watches. Its a shit game, you know its shit, your opponent knows its shit, but you're both here to throw dragons at each other like you're toddlers playing imaginary dinosaurs.
Why not just cut out the middle man and leave out core, it's not like anyone actually wants to factor it in anyway.
With no miniatures in sight? What? Did you mean to write monster miniatures?
And it is just NOW that I realized why GW gave TK those ugly, shitty dragons. They knew exactly what they were doing.
If you thought what you were doing was good you wouldnt act so defensive about the simple fact that you are doing it.
I think he's full schizo and wants to RETVRN to using coloured rectangles to represent entire units each.
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stuff like this for warhammer.
but i'm one of those cunts who think the battle part of total war warhammer is the worst part of the game
What's really funny about that post is that it works with any unit.
Good job finding out the whole hobby is for retarded toddlers.
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Did two more banners for Marienburg, bottom being dedicated to their sea god Manann.
Oh, I see.
Well, I can't help but disagree, anon! My favourite part of warhammer fantasy is getting to see the models I spent so long painting form up into regiments and fight. If it was just reduced down to little rectangles, all the spectacle would be gone!
>but i'm one of those cunts who think the battle part of total war warhammer is the worst part of the game
What, correct? The battle aspects of TWWH are weak and too often come down to cheesing the AI or being buried under AI hacks
Autism. Meds.
>Good job finding out the whole hobby is for retarded toddlers
Self hatred and projection at once. Wow.
Your lack of self--awareness is just really entertaining.
>monsterspam/herohammer is good and based and thats why I will cry like a baby if someone says that I am doing it
>also the entire hobby is retarded shit for fags which is why caring about any of it is lame and gay
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Elfhead3d is your man
>no stls just some etsy store
Combat is overwhelmingly dogshit in all Total War games. The only fun comes from the spectacle of seeing lots of dudes fight, which the TWWH games excel above all their other games. For actual fun and tactical real time combat you'd have to play Shadow of the Horned Rat, Dark Omen.. or even Mark of Chaos.
>For actual fun and tactical real time combat you'd have to play Shadow of the Horned Rat, Dark Omen.. or even Mark of Chaos.
I concur, these are amazing.
>getting to see the models I spent so long painting form up into regiments and fight.
i like that too; but it's really painful for me to see the minis you've spent so long to paint die so fast.
and i can't get around the scale of miniature wargames; it's just too fucking small, a 3000pts wfb battle would barely register as a skirmish :
about a hundred soldiers on each side.
for years i've been gaslighting myself into thinking this is the crucial point of a larger battle.
my armor autism is winning over my imagination
Warmaster will scratch your itch
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i already can't stand painting 8mm. i can't go any lower for scale
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Here’s your (you) retard
Why buy proxies when there are scans of the originals for free?
Because I don’t have those scans
Warmaster is 10mm, anon.
Checked and factually true.
Very geometric
I don't believe in spoonfeeding. They're on telegram.
very nice anon
Is a kratos really bigger than a spartan?
based and BLEH-pilled
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I like em. Middle is his Phoenix guard
they are basically the same size its just the big stupid dozer blade
you have no right talking about your appreciation for sculpts with those horifically bent weapons. If its metal it takes literally 1 second to straighten out.
It’s from eBay and is stitched together with superglue so there’s no bending it any further. It’s not the original staff
>It’s not the original staff
And the sword has Sunfang's blade lol
Yup, still enjoy it though little piece of broken history
Must say that Legions scale greatly improves Kratos' looks
Combat in TWW is the best that it's ever been. Only Rome 1 (with mors) and Med 2 had decent combat but shitty AI
Lol.lmao even.
Any thoughts on what base rims should be painted? I've been going with straight black, but considering changing that. What colors are you all using?
Black is pretty typical because it creates a nullspace
But you can accent your rim color with the base you have. It's why you see the green flock with the goblin green trim
I like black because it works for everything and serves as a good way to demarcate where the miniature - and therefore the fantasy - ends and where the real world begins. But, there are similar arguments for a variety of colours. A nice green base rim is traditional and fulfills a similar purpose if you're going for a brighter kind of model. Brown is another option as well, for something a bit more middle-of-the-road.
For me it’s brown because it’s how I was taught as a child and it just feels right to do
I do black for my WoC, but mud brown for my Bret bases.
I decide which way to do it depending on how I base them.
Social media was a mistake.
It should be the same as the terrain you use for your bases. Doing a black rim is a sign of mental illness and the fact that 99% of 40k and aos players do that is a definitive proof.
>my wife top left
>me bottom left
>the guy she said not to worry about bottom right
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goblin green
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depends on your basing work and the dominant color of your army, black is neutral so it always work
I do brown for my spooks and lately dark sea blue for my cobblestone frostgrave bases
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++ Characters [755 pts] ++
Tomb King [390 pts]
(Hand weapon, Heavy armour, Arise!, Level 1 Wizard, General, Necrolith Bone Dragon)

High Priest [365 pts]
(Hand weapon, Level 4 Wizard, Necrolith Bone Dragon, Necromancy)

++ Core Units [560 pts] ++
40 Skeleton Warriors [290 pts]
(Thrusting spears, Light armour, Shields, Nehekharan Phalanx (0-1 per 1000 points), Master of Arms (champion), Standard bearer [War Banner], Musician)

15 Skeleton Skirmishers [75 pts]
(Hand weapons, Warbows, Ambushers)

15 Skeleton Skirmishers [75 pts]
(Hand weapons, Warbows, Ambushers)

5 Skeleton Horse Archers [60 pts]
(Hand weapons, Warbows, Light armour, Chariot Runners (Nehekharan Royal Host only - 0-1 per 1000 points))

5 Skeleton Horse Archers [60 pts]
(Hand weapons, Warbows, Light armour, Chariot Runners (Nehekharan Royal Host only - 0-1 per 1000 points))

++ Special Units [225 pts] ++
Tomb Scorpion [75 pts]
(Decapitating claws, Envenomed sting, Heavy armour (Bone carapace), Ambushers)

Tomb Scorpion [75 pts]
(Decapitating claws, Envenomed sting, Heavy armour (Bone carapace), Ambushers)

Tomb Scorpion [75 pts]
(Decapitating claws, Envenomed sting, Heavy armour (Bone carapace), Ambushers)

++ Rare Units [460 pts] ++
Necrosphinx [200 pts]
(Cleaving blades, Decapitating strike, Heavy armour, Envenomed sting)

Casket of Souls [135 pts]
(Hand weapons, Great weapons, Light armour)

Screaming Skull Catapult [125 pts]
(Screaming Skull Catapult, Hand weapons, Light armour, Skulls of the Foe)

What do you guys think of this list? Help me cut 200 points so I can kit out the TK and Liche. I think it will be pretty strong and I won’t use it outside of competitive settings ( tourneys ). I have a casual bretonnian list for regular games.
The obvious answer would be to cut one tomb scorpion and the screaming skull catapult, but catapults are cool so that won't do. Do you really need to give both your characters their full 100 points budget worth of magic items? Maybe you can get away with only taking out two tomb scorpions?
The screaming skull is 100% not an option. I am considering dropping a scorpion or two or reducing the size of the skirmisher units a bit. Maybe dropping one horse archers cav but screens are important so idk.
I think you should figure out exactly which magic items you want to give to your tomb king & his hierophant first. Thay way, you'll know exactly how many points you need to cut. Good on you for wanting to keep the catapult, it looks like a really fun unit.
I fucking love her accent
>teh dee-mones of kyhorne
I wish she'd gone through with that Wandering Knight series she teased, it sounded fun.
Weren't Tyrion and Teclis already around?
>in WFB
>in Mordheim
>product placement army for whitest teeth
love that shit on his back
How do the arcane journals compare to older WHFB armybooks in terms of enjoyment to read?

I stopped actually playing WHFB around 6 or 7th edition (Whenever they stopped doing softback army books) but still collected the starters/some of the minis.

Are they worth picking up?
Not very well, or at least the chaos arcane journal doesn't compare well at all to the 6e chaos books. The first two pages are pretty sweet, but the rest is terrible.
They're smaller, and don't have the unit bestiary like the army books did, but I enjoy looking through them. They still provide insight into the armies and new rules to play them.

If you're not sure, just download the e-book versions.

I like my physical media, so I still buy the books.
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Some more piratogres, yet to be based. Gonna add a gnoblar to the crows nest too I reckon
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This bro gotta have a mad deadlift
Checked, but I don't think he's good in either. A character (and potentially your general) shouldn't be fielded with no armour and just a hand weapon, same goes for your captain in mordheim.
not just yet they only rise to prominence when malekith invades ulthuan
This list for casual games...
>le "I SWEAR Im not an AoS player in disguise" jojo pose.
There's a picture of you at birth to illustrate the imperial encyclopedia of assholes.
Nurgle can be thought of the god of the inevitable. That's why he and tzeentch are opposed - Tzeentch is all about rejecting inevtiability and hope for a better option while Nurgle is about accepting it. Sometimes for nurgle that takes the form of joviality and other times horrible dourness or cruelty, but either way it is fatalistic and resigned, which is his core aspect.
>chaos before 6th basically didn’t have the viking vibe at all
Mind fucking blown.
Does WHFRP 4e have wood elf rules?
With legs that short he only has to move the bar 2 inches.
Won't even move the bar off the ground if he went for the sumo lift.
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I've finally found the croc ushabti on ebay for cheap, he will serve well.
Get yourself some pigments for a powdery effect on the ground and feet.
Thats a nice cactus
Them some sexy looking black knights
the mould was probably damage beyond repair
yeah in main rule book with Archives of Empire vol 1 having more lore , items and careers for eonir wood elves
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s-selling fast
my LGS has TOW boxes floor to ceiling and they never bothered shelving them, but that's what you get for releasing the least popular factions first. Greenskins in particular needed a plastic wyvern to pull in new players, massive GW L.
>Greenskins in particular needed a plastic wyvern to pull in new players
Retarded times.
As if they couldn't make a new one
but think of the cost anon
GW would have to actually spend money on TOW
Sounds like the store owners were retards and ordered way too many.
>lvl 4 wizard on a monster mount
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Highlands elves are great but you'll have to print them at 87-90% scale to fit the older models
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because they were afraid of the problems that came with 8th edition:
if infantry is too strong then people will ditch elite and monstrous units in favour or hordes of infantry, which causes two problems, one being that people feel cheated on if they try to play their big flashy units which are generally what attracts someone to a faction, and the second being that an army made of a huge amount of models usually costs more and is more time demanding when it comes to buying it and painting it all

except the one problem with infantry in 8th was that steadfast as a rule was fucking bugger and never addressed with a simple faq&errata to tell the waacfags "no, you don't remain steadfast if someone charges your flank with at least one rank"
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It all depends on what story you want to tell and feeling you want to evoke with your army.
For "Evil" armies, or dull colorschemes a muted and neutral base works very well.
For "Good" armies, a more lighter base works best.
who the fuck even goes to physical stores to buy things anymore
say that to a black orc's face
My infantry was always bad, so it doesn't affect me.
He did [Censored].
Thanks again anon. What can you tell me about the steam tanks? Are they as good as in WH?
cope, even one box would have been too many and this was with a ton of participants in a TOW escalation tournie. The game was never going to be a success financially and GW claiming otherwise is the same bs they've given for every other failure. Too many people have armies, print or have no reason to invest in ancient kits over other games.
Anon the only data we have is that 30 year old skeletons and Bretonnia were the 6th best selling game in the US. Compare this to AoS 4th place. With popular factions AoS is cooked, they might as well cut losses now and introduce AoS End Times.
The game is already as financial success according to GW. Will it make as much money as AoS or 40k? No.
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>With popular factions AoS is cooked
I think they could perfectly keep both IPs up and running

the real stinker is retconning how the end times happened and how inevitable it is
>but if it doesn't happen then aos doesn't happen
aos practically exists in a bubble of the realm of chaos and has got canonical time travel already, they can pull some shrodinger bullshit about it being both the past the future and a parallel thing at the same time and be done with it
You have that completely backwards, nurgle is endless stagnation while tseentch is constant change. Nurgle is completely happy with everything simply sitting there and festering.
You can't upgrade stack infantry.
>I will ignore literally all signs of success and instead assume my own conclusion based on my own anecdote
I want AoS to stay strong and be the mainline so that we don’t get the AoS treatment of black women leading every human faction.
Warriors of Chaos were the most popular faction and their re-launch was a wet fart
not according to retailers the WoC sparked some renewed interest in TOW from the O&G/dwarf release
Where do sigmarsisters get this myth of chaos being the most popular faction from?
Too late my dude, we already had black bretonnians.
they not done that yet i think
the BL books had an Damsel that was describe as Olive and Dusky but I think that's the closest GW has done so far for Brettonia
>and their re-launch was a wet fart
But yette it eez in ze rupture de stock
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Let it go my man, it's all rotten to the core
I wonder why they only make Damsels different ethnicities.
>as Olive and Dusky
So, mediterranean?
Black and midnight blue.
Chaos was never the most popular faction. We know for a fact that it was of middling popularity as of 6th edition.
Gazul is just a minor god.
are you mistaking popularity with campaign results again? because if so I have to remind you we've got people at gw confirming that despite everyone's expectations and perceptions, the empire always disappointed in sales
I think it’s because they are one of the more popular AoS factions, which makes sense considering they are basically a fantasy faction inside smegmar.
Almost like their range has been and currently still is being actively sold for another game
So, why are Chaos Ogres and Trolls so cheap compared to something like Ushabti?
NTA but Gazul also found the signature runes of himself and the other dwarf gods of note.

>so cheap
Ushabti are only 8 points more expensive than Chaos Trolls, and they get better WS and BS, better weapons, and better rules than both. They're better, therefore more expensive.
I mean the cost of minis, silly anon.
That’s what he is saying. Ushabti are better so they cost more irl. Chaos trolls are pretty bad so they are cheap.
But are they more good enough to warrant a 100%+ bigger price?
That's the opposite where I'm at. They can't keep tow boxes or even books on the shelves.
Aos stuff sits there for ages. I don't think I've even seen a single game played
How would you model Yeoman Guard (that is, the foot infantry version of Mounted Yeoman i.e. better men at arms available in the bretonnian exiles list) to distinguish them from just regular men at arms?
Considering they have been sold out for months. Probably.
whenever I wake up I see the old world being played between my indian hobo buddies. Their minis look fucked up though.
It's hard to tell if stuff being out of stock is related to popularity or GW bring a fuck up.
maybe it has something to do with the fact they have always been the more popular faction in every iteration of the game. The definition of chaos in warhammer has always been broad too.
They've got the same equipment. So meeting just brighter colors and less mud.
all the other Minor Ancestor gods get rune magic, Gazul the odd man out and Skavor I guess but he is not even mentioned in the book
Different shield designs maybe but that would require either buying another box of bits or 3d printing some stuff
>Level 1 Wizard
Well done, your list is illegal dipshit.

Kings can only be wizards in royal host lists, royal host lists cannot field high priests and must field a unit of chariots as 1+ core requirement.
Use bits from the steelhelm kit I guess, or maybe mix parts from state troopers in.
Well looks like he just found 30 points

> powergaming asshole hasn't even read the rules he's trying to cheese
What else is new?
Also no point in heavy armor for a guy on a dragon since those have 4+ innate.

If youre also desperate for points drop a unit of horsemen for a flat 500pts core. The most important magic items are armor of ages and talisman of preservation.
Armor and talisman for the TK? Or should the Liche get the talisman to prevent a crumbling loss?
>signs of success
such as?
The only consumer data we have so far is that in the quarter it launched with only tomb kings and Bretonnia available it sold 2 spots behind the entire AoS range. Old World is cemented and could realistically overtake AoS in the next few years in sales/popularity. This makes the sigmarsisters seethe impotently.
GW stating the game is a financial success and that this warrants the scope expanding?
This is why big one.
Also the active communities and constant stock sellouts.
For a /tg/ example. This thread was created 40 hours ago. It has 373 replies. Age of sigmars thread was created 60 hours ago. It has 348 replies. The writing is on the wall.
The product routinely selling out from the seller with the largest stock?
Sorry, but you're seething here. Whitefang, an insider that has leaked every major AoS release, also leaked that the AoS' Skaventide was the second most profitable box release. Second only to Leviathan.
Its doubtful that TOW will catch up anytime soon. It did explosively well at the start, at the very least, but it slowed down a bit afterwards. Its definitely secure, but idk if it will ever overtake AoS.
Unironic retardation here. /tg/ is grog central. The fact that AoS even has a presence here despite being filled with trannies means that it must be pretty big in the mainstream. Forgotten Realms also moves slowly here, but utterly mogs the likes of 40k in the mainstream.
Ah yes, the box that was selling fast! For months, a limited release, was the second most profitable box ever. LMAO.
Copium aside, this came from a literal insider. So you're just screaming impotently against reality.
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>my whitefang works for Nintendo!
>we have to ignore all the objective numbers we have!
Cope tranny. Your system is on the way out.
Is leviathan the one that can be seen in photos stacked against a wall unsold?
>some guy gets asked "whats your source"
>lists his source as only "grapevine" with no proof
>tHaT mEaNs LiTeRaL iNsIdE kNoWlEdGe
This absurd AoS vs TOW shitmeme only serves to highlight how retarded the people trying to push it are.
>objective numbers
>isolated data
Do you know what seething means? It's a fact based on sales data, not
>Some guy in the internet heard it through the grapevine
1) We don't have any objective numbers. We have zero actual knowledge on how Skaventide did besides boxes selling out on GW's website or your own subjective belief based on how your LGS did
2) Again, this came from an insider that has gave a 100% accurate leak about eveyr major AoS release. They leaked Skaven coming, they released key details of AoS 4th edition before it launched, they leaked new SCE and Skaven units specifically before they came out, etc.

You guys are on full copium here. Just accept reality.
GW have said warcry is a financial success but it is getting canned I wouldn't placed too much faith in that, especially going off an article. Nothing in the investor report suggests much confidence.
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Nobody cares about sales and marketing and financial faggotry. Fuck off and die. Warhammer Fantasy.
This isn't a rando, this is a literal insider you retard. He literally name-dropped units that wouldn't come out for months. He's a GW insider that is there to hype up new stuff in AoS and has never been wrong before.

This is why I said that you guys are seething, because this is indisputable fact now.
does Thulsa Doom want some Warhammer Bitches?
you might be confusing it with underworlds. Both of which are seemingly still getting support. Would actually be more upset if warcry got canned before the mainline game of aos tho.
Thulsa Doom wants his Warhammer Fantasy thread to be about Warhammer Fantasy.
Skaventide did well because all the homofurries bought it for the skaven half.
Unlikely that Skavenfags can carry the entire box. They are dwarfed by Space Marine fags anyway. Also, Skaven aren't more expensive than SCE on Ebay to boot. It seems angled towards Skaven, but not by much.
RIP legend :(
Those skaven clanrats are awesome
We do have relative numbers thanks to skaventide not selling out very fast, it means that the demand for the product is lower or more in line with GW's expectations where as the ToW stuff that sold out immediately means that demand is much higher than GW expected.
Idk about Skaventide, since your logic for that is absurd. Just because it didn't sell out doesn't mean it didn't make massive profits. Not everything is 40k, that's a massive outlier.
That being said, its true that GW underestimated TOW's popularity when it came out. Things have stopped selling out for TOW though, so either it slowed down or GW upped stocks to more match reality.
Either way, my original point was that Skaventide, objectively speaking, was GW's 2nd most profitable box. That's it.
Not him but I have played vs Empire and can tell you that steam tank is probably the toughest single stand unit in the game. Wonderful roadblock or flank/section anchor with firepower equal to a unit of handgunners. Downsides are considerable though, it cannot be brigaded, must recieve separate order and can go nuclear on blunder roll. Overall very tough to remove if you have no massed armour piercing, magic or artillery of your own.
imagine extracting any kind of information from shit selling out other than GW sucks at reading the market
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>I’m telling you my whitefang really does work for Nintendo!
>Idk about Skaventide, since your logic for that is absurd.

>how long did x product take to sell out
>is it shorter/longer than y product
>shorter? Than x product must have a higher demand relative to GW's expectations than y product

I don't see what you're not understanding here.

Also, this argument was about demand/interest not profit, obviously you aren't going to profit very much on something that you aren't producing enough of. Also "most profitable" makes no mention of net or gross or how quickly that profit was achieved. If two products sell at the same rate but I make twice as much of one than the other, on paper the one I made more of would yield more profit despite demand being the same.
does he just accidentally get the releases correct ahead of time? or do you think he's a time traveler?
Yeah, except you're kinda missing a lot of key details. Like how much they actually produced for x product and y product. If they made 500 x product that sold 450 and 50 y product that sold out, then its obvious that y product will still be less profitable than x product.
Read the whole post anon, this conversation was never about profit
He might.
>Whitefang has all of the information about AoS releases, even the exact name of new units despite how weird they are
>100% accuracy
>Easily verifiable

>You: jUsT A rAndOm dUde
You're a complete retard.
Knowing what releases are coming doesn' mean they know Financials anon
>Some literal who
My aunt's dog Walker says that AoS is doing great!
To know what releases are coming to the very detail, you need to be an insider. Only an insider would have that information; and subsequently can have easy access to financials. Can you guys please stop inhaling so much copium just to deny the obvious?
The dude has literally never been wrong. What more do you want?
>Dude that has information that only an insider would know and has never been wrong
Seethe harder
My aunt's dog walker has always been right too! Lmao
Give some stats or so coping. No one cares about some grapevine shit.
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I don't post in stale breads
Their latest edition was a flop, so they have to come in here to reeee about it.

As for me, I'm repainting one of my Empire captains in Ostermark colours. I just primed him so I probably won't have pictures for a few hours.
>Only an insider would have that information; and subsequently can have easy access to financials.

No lol, there are plenty of positions where you could know imminent releases and not know the full financial information lol.
If nothing else, I'm impressed by the sheer amount of copium that has been inhaled. Whitefang has never been wrong, but somehow he's wrong this time.
Its sad to see.
That's the thing about "insiders". They tend to be right a lot when you only count the times that they actually were right.
Stakes are so kino.

I've been avoiding painting the last of my aemy
Okay, but the times that we can verify, they were right. Down to the detail. You can check it out if you want.
Why are we back to whining about Age of Sigmar in the WHFB thread? Who cares? You can play both games. GW separated their release cycles and armies. They have nothing to do with each other.
Slopmar fans keep barging in here to disrupt the conversation, same old story for the last nine years.
Probably because they've been a defining popular faction of the game since it's been identifiable as Warhammer Fantasy. Where do TWW secondaries like you get your idea Empire was somehow ever a popular faction on the tabletop from?
Some people here are butthurt at the idea of AoS doing well at all. I even pointed out that TOW blew out expectations at release, and that its definitely secure for the future. Its not good enough that TOW does well, some want AoS to crash and burn too.
Maybe it's because the army fucking sucks if you don't want to spam dragons. There is actually zero fucking point buying any battalion box with how TOW currently plays.
No one cares to verify a guy that an anonymous guy on the internet claims was right a lot about other stuff and heard some info second or third have about GW financials through the grapevine.
Either compile some evidence, preferably sales statistics, or get ignored.
One anon mentioned playing both games like two days ago and it led to a shitpost freakout the jannies had to clean up.
Iirc Empire has always been the top or near the top for armies played.
But not for sales. For obvious reasons.
Correct. Age of Sigmar is dragging down valuable Warhammer Fantasy IP and whole entire factions. It MUST be destroyed if The Old World is to truly prosper. You will not get good new sculpts and full faction releases until AOS is dead.
>You can play both games
Literally nobody does shit like that here, they take limited data from their LGS' or online and then extrapolate to conclude that their hated game is dying and deserves to die. And nobody cried for statistics then.

I gave you something far more reliable, a leaker that is most definitely connected to GW and has never been wrong. If you don't want to accept reality, that's fine, but don't pretend that its because you care about the facts.
Great. I don't care. But if you're so butthurt at the existence of another game that you'd deny reality, then at that point you deserved to get cucked.
>Great. I don't care.
Then you're not a TOW fan or supporter and shouldn't be posting in /tow/.
>deny reality
We will shape reality until our game is once again supreme.
kinda hope we dont get pajama pants empire

As said, it's a roadblock/tarpit. Damage output is very low for its cost, but its also bulletproof. You drive it up to jam up a brigade and delay enemy movement.
A full unit of charging cavalry might do 1-2 hits which will be bounced by 6 return attacks from the Tank. Infantry will do nothing but should win on support. In either case, you can quite reliably survive one turn against a full assault and set up some knights as a counter.
Just think of it as a portable anvil. Does nothing on its own but frustratingly tough.
You gave us hearsay. We've seen sales data.
You haven't given facts, you've given
>My uncle joe says dogs can't look up
Idc if you say Uncle Joe is super reliable and used to date a veterinarian.
The problem with 8th was that after making people invest in large blocks of infantry they released Storm of Magic which let anyone delete any block of infantry they liked with spells, so all the infantry people spent lots of money on became irrelevant.
>We've seen sales data.
Is your personality so tied to this retarded console war faggotry that you'd straight up lie?
Again, we have nothing for statistical analysis.

And again, we are referring to an insider that has leaked information that was proven to be factual several months before they released. The fact that you can verify my words but choose NOT to is proof that you don't want to face reality lmao
All the competitive TOW players are telling me everyone loved 8th edition and we need to go back to it though.
>No seriously guys, dogs can't look up!
>You can look at my Uncle's Facebook to verify it!
Lol cope
storm of magic was an alternative game mode with its own exclusive scenarios

it's like saying apocalypse ever impacted 40k's balance
>Intentionally lied about having sales data
>Refuses to verify easily verifiable information out of fear of being proven wrong
>Continues to downplay a famous leaker

Imagine being so thoroughly cucked lmao
Cope and seethe more
You've posted line a dozen times about this guy, but don't care enough to post proof.
Why would anyone care to look him up?
>why would I care to look up someone who destroys my shitposting's narrative?
no, you're right, anons can't look up, it's impossible for them
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I'd rescue her from a tower
>Refuses to acknowledge that he blatantly lied
>Can't do a simple Google search after I had 2 posts with Whitefang's profile name plastered on them
So unironically cucked lmao
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My friend with a 3d printer wants to make this.
Thats a 28mm miniature on the steps
How do I talk him out of it?
Tell him how much it will cost
>If I double down on not posting proof people will have to believe me!
Have another you, monkey. Lol
Is it some armies on the (gay) parade display or an actual battlefield terrain?
>How do I talk him out of it?
Why would you want to?
Well filiment wise maybe 200 USD?
I'm not well versed enough in fdm printing, I just do resin

He does love dwarves and it would be a cool backdrop for his army
$5? it's 3d printed after all if the friend owns the printer the only cost is the resin and time needed to construct it and then the additional time needed to paint it
It makes a good display but he also wants to try to use it for games like siege scenerio


I kinda love the idea but I'm worried if he'll get full out of it
Its just so big!
If it's FDM that's like a whole spool or ~$40 of filament.
Idk what the resin cost would be.
I think I'd encourage him instead of trying to talk him out of it, even if he gives up, it looks like most bits could double as scatter terrain.
I gave you proof, retard. What do you want? Another post? The website is TGA, just Google the profile name and you'll find it. I'm not posting a link on here.

Like I said, an actual cuck that needs to be handheld to prove me wrong.
Dance monkey dance
>I'm not posting a link on here
So you admit to not having proof? I accept your concession.
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++ Characters [185 pts] ++
Tyrant [185 pts]
(Hand weapon, Light armour, General, On foot)

++ Core Units [1814 pts] ++
858 Gnoblar Fighters [1721 pts]
(Hand weapons, Throwing weapons (Sharp stuff), Groinbiter)

3 Ogre Bulls [93 pts]
(Hand weapon, Light armour)

Say I wont.

ok I wont but imagine this fully painted, gnoblars in a 72x12 block. And then fleeing at the first shot of damage
>Still refuses to acknowledge that he blatantly lied
>Still can't do a simple Google search after I had 2 posts with Whitefang's profile name plastered on them

Here's your last [you]. Imagine being so pathetic that you'd try to lie for an online argument, though. And can't do a single Google search kek
>Aos stuff sits there for ages.
That's not true, aos stuff useable in tow sell well.
what people always fail to realise is that there is a limited pool of interest, and crossplay is a fraction of that, playing more than two GW products is then a fraction of that. GW also never change marketing or production stategy on the fly, so the intentionally limited success of TOW does not mean their attitude towards it has changed. It is probably fifth on their priority because the players who will actually purchase are maybe a fifth but probably far less of the total pool, and GW would rather catch new players in a different franchise higher up the chain.
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I have definitely contributed to AoS sales.
Ogres aren’t onis. Frankly they are more British than whatever gw thought Mongolians were.
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I think it's terrible that GW isn't even selling a handful of Empire units in their stores.
The most popular and well-known faction on WhF not getting any attention...
>The most popular and well-known faction on WhF
*Since Total War: Warhammer
>The most popular and well-known faction on WhF
chaos, VC, dark elves...
Nope, since always.

Not as popular as Empire
Not as popular, also Legends
>dark elves
Same as Vampire Counts.
>He's an insider here to hype up GW products!
>He's been completely accurate about leaks designed to drum up hype and so positively impact GW sales!
>This also means he's completely trustworthy when claiming knowledge of whether sales of something were good or bad, and he has no ulterior motive that could steer him to be dishonest whatsoever...

Riddle me this, Batfag; have they ever, even once, admitted something from GW that everyone and their dog could tell was selling slowly *didn't* sell well?
Incredibly fake and gay TWW fag delusional history rewriting.
GW's entire development, marketing, production, distribution, and sales methodology is designed above all other considerations to produce a sellout first run. They're constitutionally terrified of things not selling out after their own dipshit decisions left them recalling and destroying a bunch of stock for things like GorkaMorka, Dreadfleet, and Dominion. When they produce a box like Skaventide, they don't merely intend for the first run to be a sellout, they intend for it to be a sellout *within the preorder period*, and if it doesn't that means it has failed to meet their expectations and so is, by their own preferred metrics of business, a failure. Maybe it wasn't a gigantic flopasaurus like Dominion was, but that's the reality: by GW's preferred metric TOW has been a roaring success and Skaventide some degree of a failure. Reee all you like, that's the reality.
Bro you don’t understand the limited edition box that took over a month to sell out was the second best selling product ever!!!! Don’t look at space marine limited edition preorders that sell out within an hour or two!!! Trust me I know a guy who works at GW and he said it’s true!
You can cope however you like, but it's the truth.
Warcry getting shitcanned to clear the way for Mordheim relaunch thh
Sure, and when they launch the next edition in 2 1/2 years that will also be a flop. And the one after that. And the one after that.
1/10 falseflag
0 hopes for nuMordheim being a good game, only fatpigs want it to happen.
Where is Perry anon when you need him…
>1/10 falseflag
Because it's not one. GW have barely any Empire units for TOW in their store; in fact they have many more Dark Elf units for purchasing, than Empire.
specialist games might not completely shit the bed if they remake Mordheim but there is always the chance that might happen
nobody gives a shit about the empire, zoomie.
Can you back it up with facts though?
if I ever buy empire its to turn the humans into vampire count zombies lmao...
Isn't TOW written by the specialist games team?
yes TOW is Specialist Games along with HH and Necromunda
OK. Do you want TOW to overtake AoS as the big game? Do you want the top suits to start making design decisions instead of letting the sweaty nerds tinker with their esoteric and antique game in peace?
Not him but I don't care either way because I'm just printing and playing with my club, not giving GW a single cent.
Irrelevant if you're playing with TOW rules which is at risk and not anything else.
tow rules suck ass though
Nothing is at risk of anything, I am the master of my own destiny, I play whatever the fuck I want however the fuck I want.
GW isn't going to break down my door and burn my books or delete the pdfs off my computer, so no.
>GW's entire development, marketing, production, distribution, and sales methodology is designed above all other considerations to produce a sellout first run.
There is literally zero proof of this beyond your schizo brain, anon.
Horus Heresy doesn't sell out. AoS never sold out, despite being top 2 in ICv2 multiple times. And TOW only sold out initially, and now doesn't sell out at all.
>by GW's preferred metric
Your own retarded metric that you made up as you reeeee impotently.
>N-No bro! Selling out in the GW website is all that matters, bro! Don't pay attention to LGS or independent retailer sales! Stop looking!
Still being a retard, huh? Imagine thinking that GW website sales are all that matters, like some monkey with a negative IQ.
aos is dying. cope.
I ain't the one inhaling industrial grade copium, anon. If anything, AoS seems to be expanding. Same with TOW.
Continue seething in your daily life knowing that AoS and TOW are both doing great. Or take the easy way out, I don't care.
Sure, by that definition you can play any ed you want np. Most people move on from the hobby if there aren't new things, however. Most players don't have the luxury of having a core group of friends with minis and who will continue to play together.
furrytide flopped. deal with it.
Cool? And those people will never be happy regardless, nothing gets new shit forever and is also good forever
LGS and Independent retailers when taken as an aggregate instead of cherry picks also support that TOW was already catching up to AoS in terms of sales in the spring.
New Thread.
Not you it seems, but many people do.

I can.
Can you do the same though?
warcry with rules for old world minis in addition to aos would be kino.

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