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Drakenfels edition.

WFB: https://pastebin.com/qVGrgwwh
WM: https://pastebin.com/EsDAgeba
WFRP: https://pastebin.com/inbyBsR6
Novels: https://pastebin.com/PFqPDr0H
Warhammer Chronicles: https://files (dot) catbox (dot) moe/0xt777 (dot) zip
Time of Legends: https://files (dot) catbox (dot) moe/q46ut6 (dot) zip
ET: https://files (dot) catbox (dot) moe/j7d0t5 (dot) zip
TOW: https://gofile.io/d/ffbanD

>Alternative Models:

>Previous Thread:>>94127555

>TQ: Who is you favourite Warhammer BBEG?
I want Karl franz to strip his flesh mid stroke.
Engra DeathSword
for the name alone
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druchads won again
20 years ago...
I don't see anyone ever complain about dwarfs being too strong.
Does anyone have the images from 6th WoC army book of how to paint nurgle warriors/images of the nurgle themed armies?
>(and not in TWW fan's delusional fake reality)

Am I missing anyone? I would comfortably say Empire were upper half, and would say they were definitely more popular than Beastmen, Chaos Daemons, Tomb Kings, Bretonnians and Wood Elves. Skaven and Lizardmen were just slightly less popular than Empire in the store I played in. High elves were probably the most popular in that store.
then you must not have been playing in 7th
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Alright, wight king done, vampire on foot is next.
I tried shadows without using washes but I realized I messed it up in multiple areas. I basically have no idea what I'm doing but trying to progress is fun.
I feel like I need some retardant to do shadings though, paint dries way too quickly for that kind of stuff and it's driving me crazy.
chaos were way less popular than you might imagine, I would not say 'more' popular but maybe on par with Empire, they just catch a bigger range of people because they were very diverse as a faction. There's a reason chaos lost SoT.

>Dark Elves
definitely not more popular than empire, their updates in 8th were one of the poorest sellers.

>High Elves
HE players tend to hang around in the hobby, there isn't usually many more of them its fairly consistently on par with Empire.

surprisingly rare faction, usually old hands have them as a side army, some fanatics around, actually less played than Empire.

another side army for many, less played than empire.

this rings the most true but they were broken over consecutive editions and got lots of fun models/rules.

tl;dr MOST warhammer factions are/were played with a more or less even split even among 'popular' choices, and for old players side armies are common and that detracts from a meaningful hierarchy. Given Empire have so much against them from being hard to paint, clunky and often underpowered ruleswise and very expensive to collect they are super popular.
Only thing empire was more popular than were brets, beastmen, and tomb kings.
>tl;dr MOST warhammer factions are/were played with a more or less even split even among 'popular' choices

Agreed, people keep trying to argue that x faction is the space marine equivalent when in reality something being as popular relative to other options like Space marines in 40k is a rare occurrence.
>zoomie fake grog pretending empire were popular
Why are anons even arguing about whether or not empire was popular in the past? Shouldn't you just enjoy your dudes?
It's argument overflow from the previous thread
read anon the guy above you managed to.
I'm almost certain that you can find the 6th edition army books in the OP, anon. I also have a physical copy of the HoC book, would you like me to take a photograph of the pages in question?
Take a pic of a page of your choice but make sure your feet are in there as well.
People having nothing to say or contribute desperately want to feel relevant on 4chan whfb thread. Simpe as.
why didn't dwarves get an armybook in 6th?
they did tho
They did, one year before 7th edition was released.
>Dark Elves
>Games Played: 9296 Games Won: 4258

>High Elves
Games Played: 7732 Games Won: 4225

So HE had 1564 games less than DE but managed to have win ratio almost as high as darkies.
mind me I meant 7th but that explains it then
yeah, HE always get OP rules because their fanbase are waacags
I resent this, I like HE because they're cool as hell. (un)Fortunately, i'm the only WFB player in my area so I don't have to worry about being perceived as a waacfag.
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Take me back.
>6th es HE
>OP rules
I'm trying to remember the name of an old WHFB novel set in the chaos wastes about the odyssey of a guy who lost his village to a massive raid, makes a deal with a tzeentch daemon to go steal something from the fortress of a nurgle chaos lord, makes friends along the way...
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Didn't GW view this as a problem to be fixed for 40k?
no. gw realized that chaos warriors were their biggest seller and decided to make chaos warriors in space (space marines)
Looking good anon, keep it up
They didn't like us in the best edition (6th) and in ToW they aren't as bullshit as when Matt Ward wrote for us
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hey what happened to that guy doing the wfrp thing with the possessed ghost lady villain or whatever it was?
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Funny how that works.
I think one of the best things about the OW time period is that we don't have to put up with endless archaon wank
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Bros forgive me I paypigged on two sets of Tomb Kings dice. They are so aesthetic, what a stupid way to spend $75
savage orcs when?
Kerillian is actually kinda pretty behind the mask.
Making your own chaos lord or even your own chaos sorcerer lord and detailing his misadventures was always what chaos should have been about. Its a lot more fun that way.
>their updates in 8th were one of the poorest sellers.
The metal models replaced in 8th were all better than their plastic counterpart.
Except the wyches, weird bodies.
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>remove them from aos
>don't sell them in old world
bro. Baron of dice and etsy could have gotten you them for less
squatted for racism m8
>the waacfags said after being presented with evidence that they have the 4th highest win rate in 6th
by that logic beastmen should be squatted for transphobia
High elves attract handsome intelligent gentleman
>handsome intelligent gentleman
read as: waacfags who are trans
I know ogres weren't a thing at the time but what is khemri listed as?
Settra unironically seems like a good guy beyond ego. And if we count evil tyrion is a bad guy too
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What's on your hobby desk this thread anons? Made some spears for the lads that were missing one.

Looks good, do you have pictures of your units or other heroes?
Dragon ogres, great weapon or two hand weapons?
I haven't used them enough but seeing as they already have good strength great weapons don't seem as useful, especially at the cost of striking last
I'd go extra attacks
You lose ensorcelled weapons with extra hand weappn so no -1 ap, GW you get the -2 AP. An extra attack is nice though, 9 attacks versus 12 for a unit of 3. Tough choice
So extra attack or AP?
Does tow still do the old "high strength auto gives AP"?
if so I'd say fuck strikes last
>being this fucking retarded
Apparently you're here to prove everyone you're a drooling moron so please, do carry on
Where do I find adapters for greater demons and the cav?
great weapons are fine they have shit initiative anyway
Im just happy DoW where included. Also Dark Shadows was kind of cozy
Bro they’re gonna have to fix this fucking game. Every tournament report is genuinely making me sick.
do gnomes live in some kind of pocket dimension?
no just underground
ah, found a really old forum post theorizing it was some kind of a pocket dimension.
GW could've made the best rules ever and waacfags would still find a way to suck the fun out of it. The most alarming thing to me is the complete lack of any narrative/fluff themed reports or discussions on youtube. It's almost exclusively waacfagery which is leading me to believe that despite WHF's return, its true audience didn't come back. Just 40k and AOS converts and some post-end times 8th ed fags.
or the people that want to do narrative play or fluffy match ups don't have youtube accounts
>GW could've made the best rules ever and waacfags would still find a way to suck the fun out of it
Except TOW is very fucking far from perfect and the way it was designed encourages kaiju spamming. Not to mention extreme discrepancies between armies in terms of balance. You must be deluded to the max to blame the players for something this dumbfuck ruleset was clearly made for. You have no idea what you're taking about so fuck off with your buzzwords.
The true audience of WHFB are wargamers, who try to win wargames
Or don't waste their time on TOW and instead of mindlessly jumping on new shiny thing made by GW they just play older editions. That's a possibility too.
>NOOO leave GW alone, it's the ebil players who are to blame!!!
except if there also a youtuber you need to mindlessly chase trends otherwise you viewership plummets
True enough, there were two cool channels that were playing 6th but switched off to TOW and now they are just the part of the crowd and other channels are better at editing their batreps.
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Do you guys know who sculpted plastic Chaos Marauders? I'm looking for a fitting female sculpt for a warmaiden but can't find anything blocky and chunky enough. I hoped to find other sculpts from the same sculptor in hope he created some female warriors as well for any other game/manufacturer.
Gnomes live in my literal pocket.
yeah they updated the lore in 2019 so it's they just live underground
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Group effort between Alex Hedstrom, Juan Diaz, and Mark Harrison it seems.
Show them
Palace of the Plague God
CL Werner
Solid read
>lack of narrative/themed reports
plenty have done the arcane journal matchups but otherwise what narratives are there yet? It'll probably improve with the Empire book which should have the more central story.
Good, 6e cucks are fake grogs and should be bullied more.
Why not just use the darkoath warqueen?
Ok spergo
Of course, but the same applies to tourneyfags. Not all of them are on youtube but at the same time almost all the youtubers are tourneyfags so there is a large imbalance between the two groups.

Yeah, this is one part I agree that TOW is lacking and easily why a lot of narrative gaming seems to be no existent. There isn't much lore to work with atm.

In some ways this is a big failure on TOWs part since the rules lend themselves more to narrative play but there isn't enough lore to work with. Most of the players are currently trying to force it into being a tournament game. It has already failed at that as we can see from the bleak battle reports.
Define fluff/narrative army build.
Rent free.
Thank you, I can work with this.
Because her sculpt is absolutely different in terms of quality, details and aesthetic from Marauders. Different era, different proportions etc. I start to think that female Glade Guard minis may fit my requirements with some proper weapon swaps.
I didn't realise things were really that bad, even than then, in terms of model release an overall support for the game.

I think the rulebook devoted a lot to the lore as a background, but without army books you only have the journals which are a very thin slice of history by comparison with fairly singular events so far. I think it was a mistake to set it in so narrow a timeframe, it should have been the entire age of three emperors and then you'd have an excuse for really every major conflict to get an in-depth narrative, from skaven wars to vampires and waaagh gorbad. They clearly want to move onto the great war but that basically constitutes a narrative full stop and takes away any narrative about who might ascend to the throne of the Empire.
Hey this isn't actually dolphin pron, get the fuck outta here
Of course it's not, I'm keeping that good stuff for myself.
>desperately needs a girlboss
Kek beta
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What about a Frostgrave female Barbarian hero (FGV242 - Thief & Barbarian II, see pic)? If you're willing to use a female Glade Guard then that might be up your alley. It is metal. Frostgrave also have a female barbarian box in hard plastic (Barbarians II is the name of it), so you might find what you want there and pick up a single sprue?
Hello tourist! Have you made a single mini yet?
there's a reason it was killed off, though 8th and ET was bizarrely the most intensive period for new models/units being produced and did see an uptick in sales. But it does highlight why GW are the way they are now with big investment into one and done boxsets that catch as many as possible.
I actually have Frostgrave Female Barbarians and they are a great kit. The problem is, they simply look *too* good. Let's not foul ourselves, GW's Marauders are quite goofy and their proportions are ridiculous so any modern miniature stands out too much among them. The metal one might do the trick tho, it seems to be properly chunky.
maybe try some Wargames Foundry Viking models?
if you don't mind working with White metal
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Oh fuck me man, these are perfect.
>if you don't mind working with White metal
Huh, should I mind it? I worked mostly with old GW metals and Infinity minis.
some people really don't like working with the stuff and will only touch plastic or maybe Resin models
>Huh, should I mind it?
Some people don't like metal minis because of a) more difficult to kitbash and b) heavier to transport
Oh, I totally get this. Plastic is my preferable material to work with but I don't mind metal if I want a monopose mini. Resin on the other hand is the worst for me and I try to avoid it whenever possible. I love Moonstone but I never went balls deep into the game because of the quality of their resin.
I don’t understand people who work with resin but refuse metal. I am convinced it’s people who have never actually worked with metal. Resin is far worse than metal, plastic is objectively the best but metal is second without a doubt.
Barons of dice has nice dice but the GW tomb king dice are the best Egyptian skelly themed ones imo. Also they are more expensive usually, I got my tk dice for 32.50 USD each while most barons dice are 48.
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Ordered my first 3D prints I’ve ever bought for an army. I wanted to get the GW tomb scorpions but they have been out of stock forever. So I bought two of these. With shipping I paid half of what they would have cost me from GW.
Isn't a tomb scorpions base meant to be the other way around?
Yes, that’s the seller photo not my own. Just ordered it.
Etsy? Maybe it's retard on the brain, but I can't find it within me to pay for those shipping fees even if it's only $4.
this has got to be a bot right. a grog who prefers metal over resin but thinks plastic is "objectively best"? you don't prioritize detail, you don't rate ease of assembly, and you don't prioritize playability. so what's the deal
Yes. Eh I’m in Canada so it’s far worse. $16 shipping. 50 CAD for both shipped. About $36 US shipped for 2. It would cost me 100 CAD to buy them from GW, also in resin, but they are out of stock.
Durability and how is metal harder to work with than resin? Both require super glue and even if you need to put together something big/heavy you can just pin it. Resin is dogshit.
> you don't prioritize detail,
Metal has better details than reshit
>you don't rate ease of assembly,
Metal is MUCH easier to assemble than reshit
>and you don't prioritize playability
Metal minis are much more durable than reshit and the paint-chipping issue can be easily solved by using varnish, which you should do with every minis anyway.
Metal > plastic > resin, in my opinion. Metal is easy to strip, holds a lot of detail and the best models ever sculpted were in metal. Plastic is nice for regiments, but after winning a 2 month battle with this horrible, sticky, congealed, clotted black primer on some 2nd hand 1997 chaos warriors, I don't want to even think about stripping plastic models for a long time.
>, I don't want to even think about stripping plastic models for a long time.
Bro LAs Totally Awesome makes stripping a breeze. If left in tge stuff for 3 days tops it will just wash off
Are you dumb? Resin is easier to work with than metal
>Metal has better details than reshit
Lmao literally the same level of detail. Who are you trying to fool?
>Metal is MUCH easier to assemble than reshit
Faggot are you trippin? Metal is the worst assembly wise
Not found in europe, alas, our equivalent, Glanzer, was discontinued and its replacement altered enough to be undesirable.
I dread the day I finish the last bottle of the elixir.
Why two sets? One set is more than enough dice to play TOW with
If the level of details is the same then why I should pick reshit over metal? Reshit is more brittle, less flexible, requires extra work to fix bent parts etc. Not to mention I never received broken metal minis but pretty much every resin mini I buy comes with some kind of defect, no matter the manufacturer. Keep coping with your cancer plastic backlog.
Two hand weapons aren't worth it, you're paying points to trade AP1 on three attack for AP0 on 4. You'll do barely more damage against 5+ or worse with the EHW but much less damage against 3+ or better, 4+ you do the same.

GW are a good option since going from I2 to I1 isn't a big deal, You'll still go first or at the sametime during a charge and last all other times either way.
It's pretty clear this is just a starting point and then they're going to progress as time goes on just like HH
I used that exact product and I still had to spend many, many hours using a toothpick to nudge out and scratch away the disgusting primer. It was hell, but now it's finally over and I can start painting again soon.
I wonder if mixing fantasy and scifi was the correct choice in your graph.
>If the level of details is the same then why I should pick reshit over metal?
easier to kitbash, convert, and cut parts in general
if you don't plan to do that and don't care about weight, metal is superior
Not my graph but Great Wargaming Survey has more detailed data.
>don't care about weight
I don't get this one. Unless you plan to carry 500 minis around, those few grams extra should not matter at all.
>cancer plastic
Hahaha you're one of them!!!
That would be very kind and much appreciated, thank you!
Doesn't this prove that metal as a material is just nostalgia bait?
>Metal is the worst assembly wise
Skill issue, not even joking.
Considering that it beats resin in every age group decades after being popularized by almost every manufacturer on the market, hardly.
What's the next new unit?
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Imperial Foot Knights.
Honestly better than I except from new GW stuff.
>Skill issue, not even joking
How is assembling metal a skill issue, but plastic isn't?
>don't care about weight, metal is superior
I usually hear the exact opposite. People that care about weight metal because "feels" better to move around.
>softer material is harder in assembly and work than the harder one
Down syndrom is what you have
nta but Pinning is a skill that is rather useful for Metal Models which people have lost over the years so much so most of the GW staff making TOW didn't know what it was
So you admit that metal requires extra work just to work. Lmao
>metal because "feels" better to move around.
Ok but they also have autism
Not sure about that Anon's opinion but yes, metal requires you to perform extra actions but is overall easier to work with since it's less likely to break, bending bits up to their proper shape is easier and from my experience requires less cleaning. I will take pinning over filling all those gaps, bubbles and holes in resin minis all day every day.
really depends on the model
Thank you, anon. GW it is.
I get that, but how is pinning a skill issue and not removing mold lines, assembling small pieces, filling gaps etc not?
those are skills as well but pinning is a rarer skill these days
it also has more steps to it than using a hobby knife or filling a hole in the model with resin
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Well, I've asked for as second opinion elsewhere, and general consensus is that you're partially wrong (and a retard).
Empire is certainly a top-5 in terms of popularity and playability (Cf. with >>94143152 ), that people don't give as much of a fuck about Orcs & Goblins as you think (see AoS 3rd edition boxset), and Dwarf are somewhat more niche.
So why is there no Celestial Hurricanum or Luminark in Empire armies in The Old World? I presume it will be readded with their Army Book right?
>see AoS 3rd edition boxset
To be fair, as much as I love Kruelboyz they are not the Orcs people like in Warhammer.
those only exist post-great war against Chaos since they were either gifts from Teclis or magical advancements that were made during the collages of magic existence
Ok so retcon it like they did with Steam tanks
I don't really like Retcons but lore shouldn't nullify the models that already exist.
there also to tied to the colour magic system which WFB/WFRP has that TOW doesn't have
>Ok so retcon it like they did with Steam tanks
Basically, and just like with Malakai's Goblin-Hewer.
I don't think it would be too hard to give them rules that aren't reliant on the winds of magic, give generic magic attacks flavored to their heaven and light winds respectively but without interacting with them rulewise.
AoS Cities of Sigmar kit.
Yeah but it will likely be phased out next CoS army book.
Right now the Karl Franz/General/Wizard on Imperial Griffon, Flagellants, Steam Tanks, and Battle Wizards are also Cities of Sigmars kit but have full rules in The Old World. A few of the Dwarf kits still are as well.
the Battle Wizard might not be or at least there will suffer a similar fate to the savage Orcs by not coming to TOW since TOWs magic system doesn't support Colour magic(at the moment) and as such having wizards that are so heavily tied to the winds would look out of place when your army's wizard is demonologist and an illusionist
What would be the alternative for Wizards sculpt wise unless they were given a new kit? The Wizard Lord on Imperial Griffon is also specifically an Amber Wizard but it was brought into The Old World without a connection to Amber magic.
they might give new kits that was one of the rumours for the Empire release is new wizard models
the amber wizard on the Griffen could in theory work as an Elementalist which is described as a more primitive magic in the core rulebook or Dark magic since he is controlling a mutated Griffen
>Considering that it beats resin in every age group decades after being popularized by almost every manufacturer on the market, hardly.

But it has a clear trend in losing popularity overtime.
What were the other rumors?
Plastic general/Grandmaster on a demigryph.
No new horse knights? Reiksguard kit is old af isn't it?
not that I heard but that doesn't mean that won't happen
I hope one of the Armies of Infamy allow for Greatswords to be core.
They aren't even that good but they look really cool.
I presume High Elves are just getting Aislann and Merwryms back?
I've heard nothing about the High Elf release but considering that the High Elves' main appearance on the Map are coastal Navel bases having some form the Sea Guard list from Storm of Chaos would make a lot of sense and implementing that with Forgeworld model also makes sense
They should have just bring back KF era or at the very least post Magnus instead of this.
Magnus is like 7 at most right now during the start of TOW he not going to be doing much until 2290 at minimum
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Had my first game in years yesterday. first for the new rebrand as well. Had a good time. Friend borrowed my dwarfs and i was surprised by how expensive their points were, though he did focus on a lot of warmachines and runes on his thane and king. giant got killed in one round of combat with the thane hiding among his one gunner team. We started late, so the store was closing before we could finish, called it a tie but my close range stuff was likely going to take out the vast majority of his ranged units. the longbeards and king were the only real concern up close, but likely would have drowned in my bodies.
WS5 dudes in full plate with halberds would be great.
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>Looks good
Thank you anon but you don't have to lie. I tried to fix some of the shadow by making them softer and it's much better (although it still looks bad on camera)
And here's my army so far. I also have 20 midhammer zombies and skellies but they're not on the pic.

Don't mind the zombies I've painted them in 4 days, I'll fix them later with some highlights and proper basing.
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Ah that's the one. Thanks here's a chaos troll WIP
Resins are a plastic. There are many types of plastic resins.

This wording is retarded and makes zero fucking sense.
I'm glad you had fun, anon. If you took more pictures, please post them! It's always fun seeing games being played.
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Whilst roaming the older armybooks, I've noticed that Karl Franz had the option to be on foot, or he could ride a Warhorse, Pegasus, Deathclaw, or even a Dragon. Since the newer Franz's model came on a Griffon, his other movement options wouldn't be immediately available to use.
I have a couple of questions: would any pair of legs fit well on Franz's torso? And what dragon models would be best to use?
tl;dr ahead of time: GWs are the superior choice like 95% of the time. Reasoning follows.

> single hand weapon
3 attacks, S5 AP1 at I2, with magical attacks thanks to Ensorcelled Weapons (that's also where the AP1 comes from). Solid base if you're trying to save a handful of points.

> two hands weapons
4 attacks, S5 AP0 at I2, losing magical attacks as well. Just about no reason to ever pick this, I think - the only time it's a superior choice vs single hand weapon is against completely unarmoured chaff, but why would you waste your super expensive elite moncav on that block of goblins?

> great weapons
3 attacks, S7 AP2 at I1, losing magical attacks. Due to the way Strikes Last works in this edition, you aren't really losing much as you still add the initiative bonus from charging - the only things this makes you lose initiative against is in a frontal charge against uuuuuh elves and elite infantry like Hammerers I guess.

Other than that, great weapons are the best pick nearly always. The extra S makes you much better at wounding things T4 and up, like elite infantry or monsters, and the extra AP is a nice bonus for denying saves.

The only two scenarios where I see single hand weapon being picked over great weapons is 1) you are fighting something Ethereal for some reason or 2) you are ridiculously tight on points and for some reason can't drop some anywhere else.
what grave guard is that?
>long ways front arc on a big model

Are there rules dictating what side of a bade is meant to be the front arc? I had assumed the shorter side but I've seen a lot of images like this one that has it long-ways
Pay attention to the order of base size dimensions in the rules for a given model.

The first is the front/back, the second is the sides.

So if it says "30x60mm" (e.g. Centigors or really most cavalry), it's 30mm wide and 60mm long.

If it says "150x100mm" (e.g. Great Unclean One), then it's 150mm wide and 100mm long.
>And what dragon models would be best to use?
The easiest to convert would probably be the star dragon kit.
Is that tim the enchanter moonlighting as a necromancer?
My birthday is coming up, a relative wants to get me warhammer. What should I ask for? I play WoC.
Ah okay I hadn't noticed that. Is there a rule pointing this out? Or is it just an assumption?
I ran the rogue idol as a giant because i wanted it to see a game. this was just a friendly meetup and not a tournament, so it worked alright despite being wrong.
I'm very sad he never made 2handed version of those because I like them a lot.

Yup. He was sold on aliexpress with like 8 other minis for 6€.
>the star dragon kit.
This thing? Idk, it definitely needs some trimming.
Chaos warriors! They're the cornerstone of any collection!
Can't wait for empire to be stuck on shelves until the second edition.
I checked the rulebook and noticed that it doesn't actually say so anywhere, which I guess makes it an assumption.

That said, every battle report I've watched that uses official GW models has confirmed this assumption (e.g. almost all cavalry is 30x60mm in the rulebooks, and horses have a tendency of being longer than they are wide).

The reason I pointed out the Great Unclean One specifically was because I saw a battle report where someone did use an official GW GUO, and that chonky boy was in fact wider than he was long on his base.

TOW has very, very, very few models that have a base size a x b where a is greater than b, so it really sticks out when it actually is (such as the GUO).

Note that I'm not saying people need to slavishly adhere to this, I'm just saying what I'm pretty sure the intention of the official rules is. If someone thinks a Rogue Idol with a wide base makes a sickass Giant substitute, the only one who should get a veto on that is their opponent.
Ask for the Slaves of Darkness' spearhead, and some square bases.
Put these in the front rank, with the standard ones behind? it's gonna look awesome.
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Deployment map from the WD181 Battle Report where they used every Empire, Wood Elf, O&G and Chaos Dwarf model in the studio armies with 8 players.
God that's a beautiful cover.
No, the elf one.

The issue is that I already have a bunch of knights and warriors and chariots (especially chariots). I suppose "more never hurts" but it feels a bit shitty asking for something which will almost certainly go into a big pile of unbuilt and barely opened boxes for a good while.
the battalion WoC box is cheaper and provides more models
Jesus christ this is exactly what he was talking about. Absolute subhuman NPCs just sitting drooling gormlessly staring at the Official Games Workshop Webshop waiting to be spoonfed The Narrative and when nothing is forthcoming, returning to their vapid terrain-free mid-board smashfests using netlisted cancer.

Narrative gaming isn't about mindlessly following whatever GW shart out, you absolute...I literally can't find superlatives strong enough to express my utter disgust at the fact you are alive. No story to follow? Fucking write one you worthless waste of flesh. No scenarios to play? Make them up you genuine subnormal sack of shit. Not "vibing" with the special characters available? Why the fuck aren't you making your own characters, you fucking soulless void. Please, for the sake of the future of our species, kill yourself and any offspring you may have tricked someone into producing for you.
>Since the newer Franz's model came on a Griffon
I don't think we ever had a model of franz that wasn't on a griffon, you were always meant to convert the other options

Stop.. he's already dead.
MWG did an entire narrative campaign, some warboss or another fucking around bretonnia, they also routinely play with very suboptimal lists and actively avoid the competitive meta, and they are (I would assume) one of the bigger channels for TOW content. Im sure many smaller channels have also done similar stuff.
You will find MORE "pickup games" or reports from competitive events because those things are infinitely easier to organize and run.

To run a narrative campaign you need to write homebrew rules that wont break and make for bad content and then play out a series of games while trying to "stick to character". You will also ideally have bespoke models and lots of custom terrain and in general want good production value even besides the rules too.
To play a normal game you and a friend or coworker agree on a point total and then show up and play a game.

One of these is a lot easier to organize and therefore something which will be done a lot more, do you want to guess which is which?

>its true audience didn't come back
Are you delusional or just stupid? Do you actually think the turbo-nerds who make narrative campaigns were ever the majority of players? The majority of games were never part of some narrative campaign, especially not a homebrew one. Out of the minority of games that were campaign games most will have been part of preset narrative rules because those are simply easier to run.

>just do more legwork yourself
Are you being willfully obtuse or are you just a retard?
Yes. You CAN write your own lore and characters and campaigns/narrative missions. That however takes a lot more investment in terms of time, money and resources than finding set missions you can play out with your friend.
"universal" narratives also help provide context and keep shit grounded for the audience. Its easy to do narrative shit for HH because the audience doesent need to catch up on your 20 house rules and OCs and context.
It sounds like you should work on the models you already have before asking for more, then!
I think it should be pointed out that narrative battle reports are a lot harder to film/edit than competitive battle reports. It's a lot easier to write a story on a blog or in a text document than it is to make a video about it! There's also the question of what you consider to be a narrative battle report. Do you want the rules to be mentioned? Do you want the report to be super immersive, as if it was being told to you as an in-setting legend or tale? I like to write little battle reports of my games and I include narrative elements, like pull quotes and stuff, but I don't consider my battle reports to be narrative battle reports. Is naming your characters and recounting their mighty deeds through a battle report enough to be a narrative battle report? Or does it have to be a cinematic experience? I could regale you with the tales of my chaos sorcerers, my aspiring champion and my regiments doing battle with pernicious elves and stalwart dwarfs, but I wouldn't consider the games I played against those armies to be narrative games. They were regular games that I then wrote a narrative around.
Where's the cut-off point between a competitive, a regular and a narrative battle report for you, anon?
Dude, where's my possessed kit?
You have various narratives and scenario campaigns that your audience knows the rules for, knows the lore for and can easily follow along. This makes it easier content and therefore means you are almost certainly going to find more videos along those lines.

Its worth mentioning this since you seem like a massive mental idiot but youtube content isnt something people do in a vacuum, people want views, have finite time and have finite resources. Many of the bigger channels also do shit beyond just TOW. There is an entire business side of things which affects what content people make and what videos you see.
>b-but they shouldnt do that, it should solely be about making the specific niche content I want to see!
Then I hope you have a nice sack of cash to convince them to do that, or the material reality is going to be disappointing to you.
I personally wouldn't care if it's clear the model is made for a wide base instead of a long one, but it could make a pretty big difference when it comes to facings. My cygor for example I have set up the usual way, but I know a bad-faith individual could utilize a wider front arc to make theirs objectively more effective than mine.

This is just theoretical though. Never actually encountered someone doing this.
Did they use an apocalypse-type tuleset? Or did this game just take a week+ to play?
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>And what dragon models would be best to use?
what kind of thing do you want?
bulky? serpentine? oldschool? new? plastic? resin? printed? official? third party?
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>No, the elf one.
Ah, this one then. I actually thought all dragons in WfB were in metal, didn't know this one was plastic.
>The issue is that I already have a bunch of knights and warriors and chariots
Then... ask for something else. Do you want to start another army? or perhaps you want some Warhammer books?
Over in the 40k section on most retailers and LGS?

>It sounds like you should work on the models you already have before asking for more, then!
Probably. But I still have an occasion coming up and people who want to buy me warhammer.

Im considering the slaughterbrute/mutalith, since its something id probably never get for myself but which is a model ive always kinda wanted (and which is now very usable). Maybe a wilderfiend. Suppose some chaos knights (old style) are also good for bits.
>I actually thought all dragons in WfB were in metal
Nah, the high elf prince on dragon kit and later the black dragon/zombie dragon were all plastic.
Mountain Minis also regularly does games where lists aren’t meta. They are kind of linked to MWG in that they use the same space and half the time the old world Battle reports on MWG are Luka+someone else.
What third party dragon is that? This is why I prefer GW models, this kinda looks like ass, very cartoony and not in a good way, Pixar ass how to train your dragon.
Too bad they're insufferable with their constant screaming and interupting the game with calling out every chat
>This is why I prefer GW models
Just stop fucking posting GW WH dragons look like absolute shit compared to that can be printed. Also lmao, this is a GW model you dumb poser
>what kind of thing do you want?
Plastic preferably, and official. Bulky would be nice, and that pic doesn't look bad, but the model itself reminds me a bit of scalie-shit; especially the face, as if some deviantartist designed it.
>What third party dragon is that?
Not 3rd-party. It's an AoS dragon.

Hmm. Didn't know.
>black dragon
Doesn't look bad either desu.
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>Mountain Minis also regularly does games where lists aren’t meta
True, but MM are essentially MWG for practical purposes.

They also play like absolute dogshit. I know theyre explicitly not overly competetive, but the stuff they pull hurts to watch.
sometimes it's the paintjob
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>AoS dragon
go and make a narrative batrep and see how many views you get without tieing in to a release, you fucking moron.
I think we need to recouple strength and AP.
No fucking way.
Two days with chess style time limits and some houserules.
On paper? No, the extra granularity is a flat good.
In execution? There needs to be more overlap. A strength 5 great weapon should not be the same as a strength 8 one.
Speaking f dragons, does anybody know of a good carnosaur proxy/flightless dragon? Want to use it in 40k with the 3E creature feature rules.
a good half or more of the new AOS releases look genuinely good. this just wasn't among them. Most of that is the gloomspite range, but still.
not with the strength value, but with the wound roll

a s3 human hitting a t3 human doesn't break his armour
so why would a s6 dragon hitting a t6 dragon break his armour?
it's the same kind of confrontation just scaled up!

a more elegant solution would be to bake armour penetration into the higher dice results of wound rolls where the difference between strength and toughness would make your roll easy
>wound on a 4+? armour penetration on a 6
>wound on a 3+? armour penetration on a 5+
>wound on a 2+? armour penetration on a 4+
the amount by which the armour gets penetrated then can depend on the weapon, because different weapons are designed to take purchase on armour differently, but still the overall interaction will scale up, meaning that a heavy armour on a giant will feel similarly heavy as a heavy armour on an infantry model, rather than having monsters feel like they're wearing tissue paper unless they've got a 2+ and/or unmodifiable saves
magmadroth? troglodon?
steeb is unwatchable
Fantastic, dragons are even better now. And good luck killing a steam tank.

The base system is interesting though
Anyone know of a good source for skinny and elongated limbs for making folk horror(?) inspired beastmen? The Bloodletter kit from GW has been pretty good for it thus far as has some of those funky AoS orcs but I'm in need of other bits, especially once I get into some of the quadruped stuff.
Not my pic but I think it's a decent enough example of the sort of thing I'm going for.
Furthermore I'm generally struggling to nail down the skinwalker feel of a animal that at first sight might seem relatively normal but the more you look the more wrong things you realise about it. As such I'd love to hear your tips on how to sell that theme, or if you have some blogs or pics of related conversions to share that would be awesome.
I feel like a more elegant solution would be to just add more AP once you get past the bonuses to wound. So if your S is 3 more than their T you get +1 AP and so on.
the problem with dragons isn't the base stats but the absurd amount of shit you can stack on them
The problem is combined profiles and everyone who asked for them should be dragged into the streets and shot.
How about something like:
If wounding on 6s: Ap-2
If wounding on 5s: Ap-1
If wounding on 4s: base Ap/Ap0
If wounding on 3s: Ap+1
If wounding on 2s: Ap+2

And then weapons/models have various AP values.
You would have to completely rebalance every model's strength value.
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For the sake of making things easier these are the models I've made thus far that I feel capture what I'm going for the best.
I'm paint racist.
I hate white and I love black. White clumps up, dries up quickly and doesn't cover shit. Black flows easily, doesn't dry as fast and you only need one coat.
I like this. It's more elegant.
You’re just bad. When I was a kid I hated painting white too. Then I grew up and started doing multiple thin coats and now it’s all good.
Aaand just for the sake of making things even clearer ideally I'd like to find a way to make a significant portion of my beastmen (at the very least the centigors) lean more into the animal side than the human one, almost as if they're mutated nurgle-worshipping animals that gained sapience rather than your average man-goat beastmen.
>started doing multiple thin coats
Yes retard, like I said, that's why I don't like white. I'm glad apply multiple coats of a paint that doesn't cover well is a thing you figured out on your own though, good job.
I think I would look into making your own blue stuff molds. You can cast arms in greenstuff and while they are still setting elongate and twist them. Sculpt some and recast the ones you like.
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Why would anyone care about Fantasy/TOW when we got AoS now? It’s time to grow up people.
I agree, it should be that way in all of the game systems too.
I won’t take the estrogen and you can’t force me to sigsister
The amount of AP could also just be the difference between the actual roll and the required wound roll. This is pretty elegant, if possibly time consuming.
These are great. Have you looked at the Knightmare beastmen guys? Not what you want but could be good basis for conversions.
Don't reply to the obvious bait.
Because GWs will effectively ignore all armour for anything that isn't monstrous
not really logical given it means the same armour is more or less effective depending who it is on based on their toughness.
Why do I love beastmen as much as I do?
They feel more genuinely "Evil" and the most "blackmetal" than any other faction. Including demons and warriors of chaos.

Like they aren't as insidious as a cultist or the skaven, they aren't as much of a world ender as warriors but they feel so much more sinister. I remember the story of Morghur and reading it as a kid legit unnerved me. There is something there I love but I cant describer

And its not even the coomer who played Spyro 2 as a kid in me since the faction doesn't really have waifus beyond a harpy but no bovidae gf
>blind bald dyke vs furrfags
kek the state of smegmar, it's like the special olympics tabletop
Just say you like hairy assholes.
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I don't think entering a beastdoe in that hole would be a good move even in the best conditions
In TOW; does Spectral Doppelganger count as magical damage? It's a spell so I'd assume yes, but it also says it just does X amount of hits with your weapon profile.
Lord Byron would disagree.
I'm not a performing chimp desperately trying to bilk nerds into watching me in the vain hope of generating ad revenue on the yootoobs, anon, I play games between me and my mates for the enjoyment of me and my mates, as should anyone who calls themselves a wargamer. Deflect, deny, insult, it doesn't matter what you do my critique remains valid because it applies to everyone, everywhere, at all times: if you need to be spoonfed you're subhuman; if you're too lazy to write your own fluff - which you should be doing because it's enjoyable, it's not a fucking chore you worthless scum - you're subhuman; if you're incapable of coming up with a quick hook for a scenario and stringing those together over time to form a narrative that's influenced by the outcomes of the games you play using them, you're guess what that's right a fucking subhuman.

If you can't or won't do it yourself, just do everyone a favour and piss off back to videogames where you can let someone else do all the work for you and nobody will judge you for it.
>"just make your own" cried the retard throwing a fit that not enough youtubers were making the niche shit he wanted
All spells do magic damage
Cheers, thought so.
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Just to show I'm not some no games shitposter I'm working on my first set of beastmen.
I'm using the scheme I want to eventually use for my Warriors of chaos based on Monster Energy: Black metal, silver trim and neon green cloth.
Problem is beastmen are mostly defined by skintones and horns. Figured a pale purple would compliment the green

Note this is BEFORE I hit it with streaking grim and hopefully take it to the next level.
Rounds are just for painting until I 3dp some bases
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I went extra pale since I know that the grime will add a lot of warmth via the browns.
I'm not sure what basing scheme to compliment them though
>Round bases
No games shit poster
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>round bases
Swing and miss
Converter trays
What do you guys think it would take to kill TOW
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me, i killed it.
if it isnt james workshop
All the actual WHFB fans never quit, they just went back to playing their preferred editions because they no longer needed to keep up with the release churn. Why would they jump back into the GW madhouse and play TOW when they could just continue playing superior versions of the game?
I wish this were true. up until last year finding players and organizing events was very easy. I could get 3-4 games a month. (we played 8th ed)

after ToW released only one othet person stuck to 8th and while he's a great opponent and great guy, he's an hour drive away and we can only meet once every couple of months.
A lot of grogs on here love to daydream about just getting to use whatever rules they like, when reality is much more like what you describe. New edition comes out, new roster/army list and people all jump to it because it's new, whilst grogs on here argue that "nooo you can just ignore the new and play old!". They're either just nogames, or playing with friends and not in a store/league.
the sad part is that it had been exactly like that for a couple of years before TOW came out and sucked the air out of every other group
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I fought and defeated all-cav bretonnian army as dwarfs. It was fun
>hammerers are a great anvil but need a damage dealer on the flank to survive
>miner's cart is absolutely useless, I hate it
>gyrocopters are fun, next time I will take a second one

pic related, my stupid miner's cart
thats always gonna happen, barring very few exceptions officially supported formats will be more popular than fan rules
Oh, good idea! I'll give that a try.
Thanks! Funny you'd say that 'cause that's actually what I've done with some models. The unicorn second from the right in >>94150699 was based on their 'Woloff the Mystic'.
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And this fine fella' was inspired by Shoggtor: https://knightmareminiatures.com/product/shoggtor
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Yeah, pretty much this. I play 6th (sometimes 7th) and will not abandon it, or rather, won't consider the alternative gaming mode that is TOW until they fix it and I wish they hurry the fuck up. Though I belong to a gaming group I can perfectly understand the problem of someobody who has no other option than the mainstream GW game and actually even this qualifies as being lucky.
for a while now I've been planning a big knightmare order, just looking for the opportune time to piss 250 aud down the drain and get the beastmen and chorfs
they usually have free shipping around halloween
they don't have a single line of comedy or silliness like orcs or skaven do, and they're genuinely inhuman compared to warriors of chaos who are either crazy and/or edge apologists
It appears to be elective. When you report the match, you say which side was good and which was evil. You can see there are even stats for matches where daemons were the good side.
Why does TOW/fantasy attract less intelligent wargamers? In a local escalation league we've had repeated issues with players not understanding an extremely simple scoring system and there's been numerous arguments over rules/moves that in all cases both sides were wrong. Wish it was just my LGS but I've seen tow retards everywhere from YT to WW.
At least in my circles people like to prioritize whatever game is evolving/supported.
Oink oink
Zoomers are just less intelligent. It’s not a bad thing, generationally.
>there's been numerous arguments over rules/moves that in all cases both sides were wrong
I've only read the 40k rules once but it's written better than the TOW one
you think zoomies play tow? that's cute anon.
GW is the big name in tabletop and most players' gateway in to the hobby, but its consistently shitty to its customers and there's a lot of better options out there (GWs own oop community-supported games not least among them). trying to stick with games GW actively supports is an exercise in masochism. most players fall for their shtick once, those who have difficulty learning from their mistakes might fall for it twice, but it takes a special type of stupid to keep sticking your hand back in the fire after getting burned dozens of times. and for TOW, which is aiming at the ex-WHFB audience, that describes everybody.
ToW is great fun and I’m tired of pretending it’s not. Some people here act like the entire game revolves around the tournament scene, which is the exact cancer that should be kept out of ToW. Personally I have two armies, a fluffy bretonnian army with lots of questing knights, and a double dragon tomb king army. Which one I pull out to play depends on my opponents list. I’ve never had to pull the tomb kings out yet and I save them for tournaments.
>complains about tournaments
>plays non fluffy lists in tournaments
Ever think you're part of the problem?
No I’m saying that making the focus of the scene on tournaments is a problem. Tournaments themselves are not a problem.
do you guys have multiple armies?
do you consider your army completed, or do you see a clear completion point?
>complaining about people going full waac in tournaments
Pointless endeavour, really. As soon as there's cash or some other sort of prize involved, people will be motivated primarily to "win", and non-fluffy lists tend to be the go-to for that.
The thing about this is that it's a sort of "prisoner's dilemma" situation, where as soon as one guy brings waac shit, everyone else has to waac as well or they're guaranteed to lose.
Playing with or against a waac list usually isn't particularly fun either, so the prize at the end becomes the sole motivation. At that point, it's a vicious cycle.
>Which one I pull out to play depends on my opponents list
So you're carrying two full armies on you and pull out one after studying opponent's list and evaluating it?
No I ask him how many dragons he has and if he says more than 1 I go to my car and grab my tomb kings.
Thanks for confirming you're retarded. Also cool story
I've been thinking the same, especially since I really like their goblins and some of their orcs.
Why keep them on round bases if you can't even play them in AoS anymore?
You didn't even do any basing yet.
Were you the anon who was asking for advice about painting pale skin? You did a great job! I'm looking forward to seeing your beastmen formed up in regiments once you finish 3d printing your square bases. Speaking of which, is that actually a viable way to get bases? I just buy bags of 25mm bases ('cause I play chaos) at my lgs, and if I ever need 20mm bases I get them from GSW at an obscene markup.
Been eyeballing their goblins and squigs for a long time.
Been thinking of getting some of their heavily armored gobbos to use black orcs.
If you do get around to ordering, please post about how long it took for them to ship your order. I was considering getting some chaos warriors.
So how does the Master Rune of Hesitation work?

An enemy unit that charges the front arc of a unit carrying a
standard inscribed with the Rune of Hesitation does not count
as having charged for the purposes of choosing which weapon to use or using any special rules it may have.

It turns off Lances, initiative bonuses, impact hits? Anything else
It does not remove initiative bonuses as they aren't a special rule.
It turns off lance bonuses, choppas, first charge, impact hits or other special rules that are related to charging.
It doesn't turn off "first round of combat" stuff like elf's initiative bonus or flails.

If you want to deny initiative bonus you need Rune of Confusion.
Buddy I'll tell it to you straight

With the amount of Grey armies being fielded it's amazing to see someone field a project they put actual care into.

Looks great
as a continuation of my point

>thinks zoomies play tow

>thinks 40k written better than tow

>plays meta list but claims to dislike tournament metas over narrative play

>tow aiming at ex-WHFB audience, as in the people who let the game die by buying nothing 10 years ago

>thinks tournie metas encouraged by cash prizes when most tournie are pay to enter and no cash prize

this is all within a handful of posts, incredible.
That's a lot of (you)s to just try poor bait.
Good luck.
I have lost 7 games in a row with my chaos dwarf army. Playing against tomb kings, brets, ogres, and beastmen. I am probably just awful but has anyone else had good luck with chaos dwarfs and how so?
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Was gonna post some battle reports from my escalation league but it appears that some fag is sliding the thread. Zoomerwaffen ToW game-posting will commence when morale improves. In the meantime I will cont. working on some movement trays (bolt throwa atm)
I approve of that file name, anon.
Thanks mate. I just finished this vampire, I put more effort into it and I feel like I'm leveling up.
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C.G. Byron was a power-hungry magitech inventor, not a beastfucker. Considering that he started the Pucelle purge you could say he was anti-furry.
AFAIK they were pretty successful in tournaments. Much more than regular Dwarfs.
>hobby costs money
damn how is this possible..
Rounds look better
That's okay anon, I've lost 5 games in a row with my chaos warriors. As long as you're having fun, winning or losing doesn't matter.
I've only played a few games at 1500 points, I beat Empire and O&G but lost to brets. The big winners have been the magma cannon, which I sit between units of infernal guard, and the sorceror lord with demonology who can dish out a good bit of damage in combat with the hex spell. I do like the hobgoblin wolf riders and the khan is really cheap for quite a good bully character. Some players swear by the greenskin options and take almost no dwarfs.
Anyone has the errata for the Dwarf Player's Guide ? Seems like it came out today
do we know what changes in the errata version?
>undead beastmen
Astonishingly underused concept. Looks just as cool as I'd imagine
Who needs Balthasar Gelt when you can play as Bald Bethilda, the super-dyke stormtranny who's STRONGER than Gelt? Don't ask how, we don't care. Buy!
>They feel more genuinely "Evil" and the most "blackmetal" than any other faction.
Fimir send their regards
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>they're actually the anvil
Truly the zenith of Khazalid tactics
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shame they haven't been a faction since the early '90s
I'm 24.
Those right three are absolutely sick. What bits did you use?
it's always been a bit of a problem with hammerers and ironbreakers.

stubborn is just too good, and given the damage output hammerers are not only more likely to stick around (thanks to stubborn) but also likely to dish out more damage than anything else in the army.

I always thought that stubborn would work better on ironbreakers or have them gain an unmodifiable armour save (up to a point) and/or immune to Psychology.

idk, they always felt lackluster compared to hammerers.
at least it's a nice model.
Up their points and make them unbreakable imo.
Pointless to imagine any fix when infantry in general sucks.
>infantry in general sucks
People say this but there's at least one good infantry choice in almost every army.
Name them and describe their uses.
there is no good infantry in the entire game
What do I do in my dark elf list once I have both my dragons and have filled out my minimum core with dark riders? Cold one knights? Double kharibdyss?
spam shades
Pick two armies and I'll talk about their infantry options.
Why? You said there was at least one good option in almost every army. Back up your own fucking argument, name them all.
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Not that anon but thank you

Before and after streaking grim. The lavender undertone is gone but holy shit its grimedark in a bottle
Because there is a good option in almost every army but I'm not going to go through 16 different armies for you.
Uh Bretonnian Men at Arms are killers for 4pts.
So you’re talking shit, got it. Next time how about you just don’t fucking lie and then try to crawl out of it? Then you won’t have to pretend like you’re running out of valuable 4chan posting time.
I think chaos warriors are pretty sick.
yeah right. they are so good that nobody takes them. lmao
They’re one of the best imaginable infantry units under TOW’s rules and even they don’t make the cut in competitive Bretonnian lists anymore. Excellent example of why infantry just fucking sucks.
Inb4 the infantry defender tries to pretend empire flagellants are good, swordmasters are threatening and/or marauders with flails are worth running.
How to make bestigors worth their points?
The Exiles veteran ones are fucking beautiful. Love em
Qq fagot.
If you can't be asked to name two armies, why should I be assed to spoon feed you? Lol
no infantry unit will be worth taking until cav and monsters are nerfed
Not possible in TOW core rules.

You’re the one who started trying to argue the point you still refuse to back up, you stupid cunt. If almost every army has good infantry option you should be able to name them. Instead you’re trying to dance out of it because you know it isn’t true.
The only decent infantry units in the entire game are the VC/TK ones with that upgrade that means they literally pin an enemy unit in place until their own entire unit is dead.
>Abloo bloo bloo
tow sucks. cope.
>Yes, I admit I was lying about infantry being good and about not having enough time to explain them being good.
>To cover my shame about being caught in my lie, I will pretend I was just trolling from the start.
Ok so how to make bestigors at least useful? Any decent magic/item combos? Particularly against VC
Have you tried getting good, instead of just being a piss baby on the internet?
>Ok so how to make bestigors at least useful?
you cant
Slug skin
How would you recommend nerfing them? higher points cost?
you lost. retard.
Skirmishing infantry could potentially be good if they removed the skirmishers rule from all non-infantry that currently have it.
Lmao at least you can win internet arguments piss baby
would take an entire rework of the combat system. as it stand right now if you charge you auto win and cav is always going to get the charge vs infantry. fbigo mechanic also greatly benefits cav.

basically the entire tow system was built with the intention of making bret cav spam the poster boys.
Remove first charge. No character magic item protection extending to monsters. No 360 degree LoS for non-infantry units. All infantry benefit from an extra rank bonus. Re-institute some form of step up. Take a couple inches off all Fly (X) numbers. Only infantry can capture standards.
Oh, and reinstitute Outnumbering bonus. It should be hard to break an infantry block with a frontal charge.
Honestly you don't need much. Give infantry fight in extra rank and thena few targeted nerfs.

Remove seed of Rebirth, the wood elf -1 and the chaos strike last aura/-1 to shooting from behemoths.

All behemoths go to 100x150s
All monstrous creatures go to 60x100

Lances can't be used after a fbigo

Remove furious charge from pegs.

Dragon ogres go down to armoured hide 1.

A model can only be screamed at once per turn.
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painted white for the first time on my Royal pegasus and decided to go for Caliban green and Mephiston red.

Thinking about painting moot ggreen and Evil sun scarlet on aswell but not sure if it will look good or not.
That caparison is a 10/10
>they always felt lackluster compared to hammerers.
I don't know it that "always" concers TOW or general but IB were the most popular dwarf infantry in 6th and 7th because of their 3+/2+.
Is skarbrand not in the old world
not yet
what is a Caparison?
I've been playing dwarfs since the tail end of 5th and I never recall IB having a Ward save. except in 8th where they got a 5+ parry save (which I guess was a good differentiator between them and hammerers, although I would have indeed preferred a true ward save).

and while I don't like nor play TOW I do like the idea of separating armor penetration from strength as it would make both armour and weapon skill more relevant.

and I'm sure both area and personal preference play a big role, but it always seems that hammerers were the more obvious choice.

in talking more in general and historically. I mainly play 8th and have grown up playing 6th and 7th.
perhaps TOW makes them feel like they're described.

I guess that could work. I was always disappointed in how the dwarfs are described as being unwavering and determined (to the point that when they do break, the go insane and become slayers) but this was never really reflected in the game. a rule similar to LM cold-blooded would have worked well for dwarfs in my opinion.
I think that is more because of the mode than my painting skills.
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I wasn't aware that the steam tank was capable of having a fighting crew on its top; it looks pretty awesome.
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They can also dispense soup!
That's awesome. I don't suppose that GW will include it in the future Empire's arcade journal; but I at least hope they release a separate rules file, for the funsies .
as >>94153629 said I think being joyless is a big part of it but how they feel more sinister than demons and warriors is beyond me since there is little to no humor or satire in those factions either
GW has left stuff for the sake of stuff behind in favor of what math dictates is appropriate
My dude, the rules are right on the image. It wouldn't be tournament legal, but i don't think it was to begin with. play to have fun, not be competitive.
Give them halberds instead so that they can actually benefit from their I4
>if you charge you auto win

Nogames confirmed
t. seething bret retard
If you think combat is only ever decided by the first round of combat, you've 100% never played a single game. The only time that's ever happened to me is my ungors, and even then they manage to hold the line more often than not
cav gets the charge. cav wins. you fbigo, cav counts as charging and wins again, etc. maybe you should play the game before trying to talk shit you fucking retard.
Nice take, what post did you get it from?
>uhh actually my ungors hold the line against cav all the time
fuck off RETARD
Does anyone know of an STL or model for a dead rotting horse? I can find dead horses but I want one that’s gnarly with bones exposed and shit
Do you only understand things in dichotomies? Because that isn't what I said.
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update before bed. I love streaking grim so much
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oh and I'm planning on square cobblestone bases. Though I don't know if I should go with warm (cream) or cold (grey) schemes for them
cream. everyone dies grey cobblestone, it's nice seeing some variety
Don't reply to him
Good suggestion.
Veteran is one point per model, re-roll failed leadership tests which i assume covers primal fury rolls.
Reroll primal fury on hopes of passing with doubles and gaining fury.
It was made only for one scenario 20 years ago.
Thats a good idea but im asking for within the current rules
Nothing is stopping you from making that conversion and running it with your friends though
Higher points cost just means that you drop even more points from the lower rung of your list. The current high value units, like dragons, are essentially worth an infinite amount of points. It doesn't matter how expensive you make them because it's still worth it, while the cheaper chaff is something that's nice to have but not necessary. You need to change the fundamental of the rules if you want to make other units competitive. The other option is to house rule lists, i.e hard cap or cavalry and dragon units.
Sure thing I was just giving historical context. Truth be told I'd rather play this than 6th ed og imperial steam tank lol
with warriors and demons you reach a level of cruelty and evil that's so exaggerated we simply brush it aside as cartoonish and hyperbolic

>sventrator bloodgore the axinator feasted on a thousand babies and drank a lake worth's of innocents' blood that fateful 13th day of the 13th month of his 13th year of his raid

>the minotaur attacked the farm at night, guard dogs were reduced to pitiful whimpering things, the house itself razed, the farmer split in half, the wife and child, missing
there were a few variants
>howdah with engineers
>open topped with artillery
>cannon replaced by a volley gun
>fully enclosed with no guns

the steam tanks demolition derby had rules for crews that could disembark and attack the opponent's tank and I think some other options
In 6th you had fully customizable st with like dozen combinations. Cool stuff
how can there be so many variations if theres only 11 of them
they had to update all the magic res stuff because the retard writing the rules was using the pre-order pdf of the core book
those 12 had different configurations and were equipped differently throughout their 'lives'

and I don't like the "only 12" bit of fluff honestly, it would be better if it was only 12 of the ones personally made by leonardo and then a bunch made by other engineers the centuries after which don't really live up to the hype of the originals
You got ripped off, buy a printer
that's a very C7 blunder.
I do wish they would edit they stuff before going to PDF release and then just crowdfunding spellcheck and editing after that
Those models look like cartoony rubbish
>In other games he uses it as a scraplauncher
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that's pretty cool
but your scorpion is standing on the wrong side of the base
Should I just get the plastic Carnosaur, or try to find a complete metal one? The metal one just has such soul...
it's pretty small compared to monsters nowadays, it's essentially the size of one of the new cold ones (aggradons), but it's one of those rare few trish carden monsters that doesn't suffer from her usual pitfalls
mysteriousforgery should have a metal recast for 20 something (?)

the new plastic kit is looks better as a troglodon anyway
Can you post what was updated ? Now I am curious as to what talents changed or what else got added
nta but a quick glance through
Gazul priests gets Rune magic now which he didn't before
>akshulee there were more of them xd
That's cringe bullshit pulled off by GW far top many times
Yeah, the only thing beastmen had was poop jokes but O&G poop stuff was so much better and coherent
the only 'impossible to engineer' bit is the steam engine, so presumably of 8 working engines they can build just about any tank and put the engine in it, which they probably hae been forced to do every time the hull has been penetrated. That said, it is vey rare in human history that smething cannot be reverse engineered once the concept is proofed, especially when a physical example. The very few instances relate to when the materials needed are no longer obtainable but what those might be for the steam tank is hard to say.
Yeah it doesn't make sense. Especially since the empire has access to super materials like gromril and ithilmar, not to mention actual magic.

If the retarded rat people can make goofy wooden motorized unicycles, the empire should be able to figure out an advanced steam engine with a working example in front of them.
hopefully someones baking a new thread
leonardo made a weird prism of normal glass which could dispell magic on its own
we have no way of knowing what the fuck he put into a steam engine to make it run THAT efficiently, and his blueprints are intentionally full of errors and encrypted codes

for all we know he might have used elven magnets and a perpetual motion mechanism hidden somewhere
There's a halfling on a bike inside

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