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New thread to discuss the glory that is Mutant Chronicles.

Talk the RPG, lore, Warzone, Doomtrooper, board games, anything that involves this awesome IP.

Previous thread

Thread question for you chaps:
What do you predict will be the other wave 2 releases for Warzone Eternal?
My prediction for Wave 2 is Hussars for Bauhaus, Shock Troopers for Cybertronic, wither regular Troopers or maybe Valkyires for Brotherhood, Light Infantry for Capitol.

Dark Legion I'm not so sure on. If they stick to Algeroth then I would think .aybe Ezoghul? Or maybe they do Acolytes and prepare for them to be usable by all Apostles?
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Just arrived today, some of Prince August's totally not recast Blood Berets. Just excuse the mold release on them, it's totally not evidence of recasting.

>What do you predict will be the other wave 2 releases for Warzone Eternal?
I haven't been keeping up with Eternal. What have they got in wave 1 outside of the Imperials?
They selling Warzone Eternal models outside of kickstarter yet?
Not yet, the last thing i heard was that a production partner pulled out and it delayed things.
Grats, still waiting on my order to arrive. I think I should get it before Saturday, but it is Ireland to Australia, so maybe I'll be waiting another week?

And as we're speaking of the upcoming edition, I'm thinking of getting in on that late pledge of theirs for some Mishima boxes. I kinda don't like my Prodos Mishima, they're honestly not fun to paint and I feel like replacing them on those grounds. Though I could go for 3d prints of the classic range, too. Eh, more thinking to do.
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cant i.d. some of these. help?
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pics mostly from chronicles from a warzone fan's facebook page
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not bau, but rasputin
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Dude don#t start image spamming again.
>>ehrmagerd dont post pics on my precious secret no homers club
>still waiting on my order to arrive
I'm still waiting on part 2 of my order, it's expected tomorrow. A roughly 750pts Captiol force.
But from Ireland to Australia, yeah you may still have a little while to wait. Interesting to know the game made it that far.

I didn't even know there were late pledges for some of the miniatures, I might have to have a look at that myself.

>dont post pics
Nobody said that, but you need to understand that people might want to post their own pictures and if you just spam the thread, you stop that from happening. Wise up and stop acting like a 12 year old.
a bloo bloo bitch. i'm posting about fifteen pics i had. now go cry some more, you internet thread gatekeeping homosexual
Yeah fuck me right? How dare I want other people take part in the thread. Oh but wait, I'm a gatekeeper according to you, so by asking you to not image spam, I'm gatekeeping you! You poor little fragile thing. Abloo bloo bloo bitch. Be better.
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thanks for reminding me why i stay away from fa/tg/uys and niggers, brah
error no text entered
You're welcome, spammer-kun. Back to Facebook you go now like a good chap.
can I get a qrd on what's happening with mutant chronicles?
we had the board game when we were kids
is it back or something?
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lol no i get to have the last word on this precious internet tread only i'm allowed to post in or else i'll tell mooooom
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Pic for anyone who was wondering how the Prince August minis ship.

>the board game
Siege of the Citadel or Blood Berets?

>what's happening with mutant chronicles?
Well Prodos had a run at things a little while back, but eventually lost the liscence despite releasing rules and miniatures that I really rather enjoyed. But nowadays you've got Rez Nova, a new company, taking a lick at the proverbial lollypop. They're releasing new minaitures and new rules for a significantly scaled back Skirmish game. The miniatures are being produced in siocast and are currently only available by way of the Warzone Eternal kickstarter, they have plans to bring the miniatures to retail post kickstarter fulfilment. The current run of Beta rules can be found here for your viewing pleasure > https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/cfpssbu6owst8gvsrwk6e/Warzone-Eternal_Beta-Rules-Document_v3.pdf?rlkey=fp0pkz453w5qasz4jsndqwu8v&e=1&dl=0
needs a mortuary factory.
>Interesting to know the game made it that far.
Yeah, it was a very popular game down here during its lifespan. Sold through traditional game and hobby shops as well as through Toys'r'us, so there was a decent degree of market penetration here. I think it was GWs biggest compeition for the Australian market at the time, but I was just a kid then, didn't really understand any of that.

A lot of specialists and support types from Excelsior Entertainments 3rd edition run. You've got some Imperial Storm Trenchers and ISC agents, some Mishima speciliasts and rocket mortar, Capitol heavy infantry grenade launcher, some tribes of earth cavalry and many others. These either saw limited release or no release at all because they(Excelsior) only had the license for a good 2ish years before they went belly up.
looking at the pictures it was definitely siege of the citadel
that's about all I remember about it, though
also thanks for the link, that's cool that someone's at it again
>I was just a kid then, didn't really understand any of that.
back in like 1997 i remember going to a college carnival as a kid and being blown away by the poorly painted mishima and other warzone troops on some frat's house of mirrors or something
you mean the nekromakina? i thought there was only like 1 or 2 of those
Well to start i'd rather receive the stuff that i'm supposed to get from the KS prior to start talking about a second wave
My friend had some cards and I thought they were the coolest shit, especially those british guys
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>it was a very popular game down here during its lifespan. Sold through traditional game and hobby shops as well as through Toys'r'us, so there was a decent degree of market penetration here.
That's so crazy to hear. I know the Italians are big into Mutant Chronicles and Doomtrooper, but I didn't think it would have made it all the way to Aus. I'm glad to hear you're helping to keep the game alive anon, good for you.

>it was definitely siege of the citadel
Every day, without fail, I'm tempted by an Ebay listing for everything that Modiphius released for Siege. Every day I resist, but I can feel my restraint weakening...
> that's cool that someone's at it again
I've spoken with Alex (Rez Nova's man in charge) and he's extremely passionate about MC. He bleeds lore and goes off on tangents to talk about the setting when he should be talking about buisness. I don't think there's a better man for the job at the minute. Even the minis (imo) look dope. I love this female Blood Beret.
>those british guys
That would be the Imperial Megacorporation, my personal favourite too.
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I should mention that this is a much better painted Blood Beret, just so you get an idea of the miniature quality from someone that thins their paint.
>Etoiles Mortant

>Free Marines
>Sunset Strikers


>Shadow Walker

Dark Legion
>Undead Legionnaires

>Redemption Assassin
>Sacred Warrior
>Fury Elite Guard

There was also a limited edition Cartel Agent, but I'm not sure if they gave it rules or if its just a collectable for the KS.
Three units apiece except for Dark Legion and Brotherhood. Is this for balance reasons or just so they don't floow players with too many minis?
So they don't flood themselves, they are definitely approaching this as a long term product, not a KS pump and dump. Each unit type also has a handful of other options, like a leader and a special weapon.

Most of the DL and Brotherhood stuff was stretch goals, and the focus because they can be taken as allies in the megacorps.
>they are definitely approaching this as a long term product, not a KS pump and dump
That's prety wicked. I'm glad to know that it isn't one and done, it kinda gives me more confidence around possibly pledging to the next round of kickstarter stuff. I might have a good look at the beta rules some time and give it a spin
I don't know if they are planning another round of KS. They've already been showing off Wave 2 stuff they were working on at the closing of the KS. We know that they have prototypes for Mashima Samurai, the Immaculate Fury (they did an article going over the design process of updating the design), and Imperial Wolfsbanes, as well as a handful of others that I can't remember off the top of my head.

It looks like they ironed that out quickly. The last update posted a spreadsheet of what's been produced and what's left. Mostly, they only have half of the Imperial line and the whole of Mishima left to produce.
>Mostly, they only have half of the Imperial line and the whole of Mishima left to produce.
Huh, given Imperials popularity I would have thought they got them sorted ASAP. Thanks for the info though.
Might be why they aren't done yet, they may have saved the largest orders for last. I know Mishima had a lot of buzz around it during the KS and they seem to be the last to get done. It may also just be because they are going alphabetical.
>they may have saved the largest orders for last.
>It may also just be because they are going alphabetical.
Both points I hadn't even considered. Also, fair points too.
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So I have just got home from work, and look at what was waiting for me tucked away next to my mothers succulents and cacti! God bless the Irish, pervayors of dead game minis, and cheap international shipping! €7.91 international shipping! Even after conversion rates that's still less than what I spend on a cafe lunch.
That's fair. I just like thinking about the future. And since they've already showed off some stuff I figured it was a good conversation starter.

>Every day, without fail, I'm tempted by an Ebay listing for everything that Modiphius released for Siege. Every day I resist, but I can feel my restraint weakening...
I keep getting tempted as well. I have the base game and a handful of extra models that was a stretch goal, but the expansions call to me. I really need to get some friends playing Siege with me.

>He bleeds lore and goes off on tangents to talk about the setting when he should be talking about buisness. I don't think there's a better man for the job at the minute.
Alex and Bryan are a team made in heaven for this franchise. I just hope Cabinet doesn't pull a Cabinet.

>Even the minis (imo) look dope.
Same. I'm not super sold on all of them, but my two favorite factions (Bauhaus and Cybertronic) are both looking top notch.

I want to see Semai get to Eternal. I think some modern updates of those designs would be fucking sick.

>We know that they have prototypes for Mashima Samurai, the Immaculate Fury (they did an article going over the design process of updating the design), and Imperial Wolfsbanes
I forgot they had shown off the concept art for the Immaculate Fury. Hopefully that comes out looking less silly than the original models.

>as well as a handful of others that I can't remember off the top of my head.
The ones you mentioned are the only ones I've seen from them. But I'm not on social media these days so maybe they're talking about shit over on Facebook that I'm just not seeing.

I keep being tempted to buy stuff from Prince August. Yeah, international shipping sucks and the conversion rate is against me, but when motherfuckers on eBay are asking $15 for a single model sometimes it's real tempting to go abroad.
I have no idea where, but I know I saw pics of the sculpt for the Fury from one of the shows. I can't find it on any of their social media, so it might have been an independent cover of the show.

One thing they do need to do is improve their marketing of the game. Even their pics from the last few shows they went to have been pretty lacking; just like a single shot of the booth or the demo table.
I know its controversial, but I think the Dark Eden tribes look neat.
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You're not alone. I think the general ideas were cool, but most of them felt like they either belonged as new squads in an existing faction or in some kind of sideline skirmish game rather than suddenly getting wedged into mainline as whole new microfactions while everyone was waiting for updates. Water under the bridge now for me but it still pissed a lot of people off.
Knowing what I do now, I'm currently going through the Scotia Grendel back catalog looking for some of the stuff that's more or less obviously a Warzone proxy, like the Mourning Wolves champion here.
>Scotia Grendel back catalog looking for some of the stuff that's more or less obviously a Warzone proxy
Okay, you'll have to explain that one to me.
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Apparently many of the people involved in Warzone jumped ship to help start Void and Urban Combat. There are a bunch of models in the Grendel catalog that appear to be reworked Warzone designs, many of them from the same sculptors. For example - the Viridian Colonial Marine sergeant here has the same shoulder pads, webbing style, and even armament to be a Ducal Militia sergeant alternate, "Johnny G" is armed and detailed like one of the Capitol special characters, and GB Moira appears to be an Etoile Mortant with cut-down shoulder pads, even down to the pistol
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i dont play warhammer but i figured the rasputins would have made great thunder warriors or such.
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The story is not really with Scotia Grendel, as they simply bought the lines years afterwards. It really starts soon after Target Games dies, and a new Scottish company, I-Kore appears with a new SF skirmish game, Void. A big portion of the sculpts were done by Kev White, who was formally a rising star at Target and sculpted a bunch of the Warzone 2nd edition models. In fact, there seemed to be a lot of people from Target's Scottish campus at I-Kore, and rumours were flying that the minis were supposed to originally be for Warzone. The Viridians tend to look like shoulderpad-less Capitols, for example.

I-Kore wasn't able to break out of its niche, however, and closed. Void was taken over by Urban Mammoth, but it too eventually closed and the molds were picked up by Scotia Grendel.
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urban mammoth's stuff works too, for mishima and cybertronic. i bought vasa void archangels to proxy as jump troops though they look very different from howling banshees
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some of the syntha robots are fantastic for cybertronic
That makes sense. A lot of the stuff from that time period kinda blends together when you look at them as a whole.
Urban Mammoth is one of several companies in the line of people that grabbed the old I-Kore molds. IIRC Grendel bought them out and is in the process of passing stuff off to Seb-Games, I was just referencing them specifically because they have a large back stock at non-collector prices and sell singles of stuff that Seb Games doesn't. The models in your pic all from Urban War
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You know, I didn't think much of the classic Mourning Wolves sculpts before. The photography and painting of the time when they were relevent didn't present them all that well. But these are honestly some pretty good female sculpts for a 1997 vintage. I'm definitely gonna grab another pack or two when I do my next order, here're some of the girls in question, I gave them a lick of dark tone wash to let the phone camera pick them out better.
Currently reading the Eternal beta rules, I like what I'm seeing. Definitely feeling a pull towards Cybertronic...
I think they look petty wicked! I still have some in blister.
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The Heartbreaker/Target women in general tended to look surprisingly good, I've always been impressed by how well the Sons of Kronos Blade Maidens from Chronopia came out
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750pts of Capitol. Arrived just a little while ago.
Hell yeah, anon. Love to see it. :)
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Also nabbed some gribblies
>One thing they do need to do is improve their marketing of the game.
This is an issue to plagues most small companies in this industry. Doesn't help that big gaming "news" websites won't give them the time of day and turn their noses up at any freelancer who might be willing to talk about it.

I'm hoping once the game is in people's hands and available to buy a retail that they'll start focusing a bit on marketing.

I'm liking the rules thus far. They scratch the itch, even if I don't like everything they do. The LoS rules seem needlessly fiddly and the armor testing seems like extra steps for little real payoff. Maybe they feel smoother in action than they read.

Fuck yeah! Are you doing 1st edition or 2nd?

I'm trying to figure out a good points level for 2nd edition without needing tons of expensive units (because Vulkan Battlesuits are hard to come by these days)
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>Are you doing 1st edition or 2nd?
It will be first edition for me, and a little bit of testing Eternals rules in a few days. Gonna bring my Blood Berets vs my bros Cybertronic.
2nd Edition never really clicked for me, even though I have two of the 2E starter boxes.
Let us know what you guys think of Eternal. Really interested to hear what fans of 1st Ed. think of it.
>what you guys think of Eternal.
Something that I already like, without playing the game, is they've dropped minis having facing, you've got 360 degrees vision.
Battlefields are 3x3.
I like that they say, "If you don't like our bullshit LoS system, you can just not use it."
Like in the later expansions for 1st Ed, you get a free melee attack if you sucesffuly charge, meaning the era of Move-Move-Melee is returning, although slightly nerfed because you now only get +2 to your Close Combat skill opposed to the old +4/+4.
Shooting into a melee is simply resolved as a regular shooting attack -5 to your target number (plus other modifiers) and if you fail to hit your target, you just miss the entire combat, no friendly fire.
Hide, Concentrate, Infiltrate, Route, Rally and Spot have all been removed.
Give Orders has been removed and replaced with special abilities get like a Leader's "Inspire" ability - If this Unit is neither Engaged nor has a Pinned Counter, it may spend an Action to remove a Reaction or Pinned Counter from a Friendly Unit within 12” and non Blocked LOS

There are other things, like I'm not mad about how damage is dealt, but I'm generally enjoying what I'm seeing.
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>The LoS rules seem needlessly fiddly
To me it seems like they're trying to do Silhouette LoS the way Heavy Gear or Infinity use it without knowing how far those rulesets have streamlined the system for play. And with the most annoying part of TLOS preserved for some reason.

>Let us know what you guys think of Eternal. Really interested to hear what fans of 1st Ed. think of it.
NTA but I'm reading through the rules now and gonna try it out shortly. Solo, unfortunately.
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>Old Bob Watts
He was in my order that I mentioned above. I'm looking forward to using the Nimrod and it's insane "place templates edge to edge for your shooting attack" insanity.
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Big Bob was the third model I ever painted, after the old Citadel Paint Set Chaos Warrior and Marine. I need to dig him out one day and showcase my terrible work. At least I arguably fucked him up less than Prodos.
I also like the way the original Bonner art is just straight-up Michael Clarke Duncan.
I know you can do some fun things with LoS arcs, but honestly, it has no place in a skirmish game. Kinda stupid that your soldiers can't turn their heads.

So far, the best LoS rules I've seen is the volume system Warmachine uses. Combine that with Deadzone's "everything is assumed to be in cover, so it's a bonus to hit people in the open" and I think you'd get a great LoS system for a sci-fi skirmish game.

Goddammit, I love those kind of ridiculous "fuck everything over there" strafing fire rules like that, even if they are impractical.
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I've never painted a Big Bob myself, looking forward to the challenge of black skin. Can't wait to see yours if you get around to posting him.
> the original Bonner art is just straight-up Michael Clarke Duncan.
I know, it kills me lol

>it has no place in a skirmish game. Kinda stupid that your soldiers can't turn their heads.
Couldn't agree more homie. A daft mechanic from a bygone era.
>I love those kind of ridiculous "fuck everything over there" strafing fire rules
Yeah some times they're useless, but other times they just level everything in front of them.
I once nearly tabled my Cybertronic bro with a firing line of Golden Lions with Plasma Carbines, it was templates for days.
>I'm trying to figure out a good points level for 2nd edition without needing tons of expensive units (because Vulkan Battlesuits are hard to come by these days)
Anon, and anons of the thread, I may be able to help you out with that, I've got a folder and some links to share that should be of great interest to you all. When I get home from work and onto my desktop I'll post it all.
Another thing I like is the "Faction Assets" and "General Assets."
The General Assets are very much like the old General Armory, just not as in depth or varied. The Faction Assets are akin to the old Faction Abilities, but with a little more variety. Capitol, for example, retain their Airstrike and Helicopter Deployment (though the latter has been changed) but also gain a new asset called Supply Drop which removes all reload tokens from within an 8" spot on the table.

It will be tomorrow for me by the time I see these things, but you've piqued my curiosity.
Imagine the damage a Hatamoto with a robot arm and Heirloom Blades can do.
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Very nice. Do you find 750 to be a good points level for 1e?

>bit of testing Eternals rules in a few days. Gonna bring my Blood Berets vs my bros Cybertronic.
Let us know how it goes, and best of luck to your brother (sorry, Imperial was my brother's faction of choice so I can't root for them)!

>To me it seems like they're trying to do Silhouette LoS the way Heavy Gear or Infinity use it without knowing how far those rulesets have streamlined the system for play. And with the most annoying part of TLOS preserved for some reason.
Yeah, if they just did a straight volume based LoS I'm be fine with that. Trying to add some element of TLoS just seems like an odd choice.

Like I said that's not enough to be a deal breaker for me, but it is one of the few things I've seen in the rules that made me go "why?"

>pic related

I, too, like the faction assets thing. It adds a nice dash of flavor and was something I liked in Resurrection as well.

Mordant leader with robotic arm charging already sounds like a good time.
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>Do you find 750 to be a good points level for 1e?
Indeed I do. Here's what I get for Capitol before visiting the General Armory for the individual characters.

Capitol Infantry Captain - 34pts
- Punisher Handgun - 7pts
- Punisher Short Sword - 3pts
Total - 44pts

Capitolian Infantry Squad
1 Sergeant - 20pts
4 Infantry - 48pts
5 x M50 Assault Rifles - 35pts
4 x M15 Bolters - 4pts
1 x Chainripper - 4pts
1 Infantry - 12pts
1 x M15 Bolter - 1pts
1 x M606 LMG - 24pts
Total - 148pts

Capitolian Infantry Squad
1 Sergeant - 20pts
4 Infantry - 48pts
5 x M50 Assault Rifles - 35pts
4 x M15 Bolters - 4pts
1 x Chainripper - 4pts
1 Infantry - 12pts
1 x M15 Bolter - 1pts
1 x M606 LMG - 24pts
Total - 148pts

Martian Banshees
1 Special Forces Sergeant - 38pts
4 Special Foces - 120pts
5 x M50 Assault Rifles - 35pts
5 x M15 Bolters - 5pts
Total - 198pts

Martian Banshees
1 Special Forces Sergeant - 38pts
4 Special Foces - 120pts
5 x M50 Assault Rifles - 35pts
5 x M15 Bolters - 5pts
Total - 198pts

Total - 736pts

>Let us know how it goes, and best of luck to your brother
Turns out we won't be able to have the game until next week, but I'll be sure to report back. Pic attached is my list for the game.

Goodnight anon.
What's the best way to get into the RPG? I saw the movie but the real thing seems even cooler. I hear the later editions jumped the shark adding stuff into the lore, like a Russian corporation when you already have Bauhaus that seems to cover all of continental Europe. Is Mutant a prequel to Mutant Chronicles?
Also, is the new Warzone good? It's on kickstarter right? Or would it be better to wait for the kickstarter models to go to retail and use them to play older rules?
Very nice! Do you tend to adhere strictly to the equipment? I know the rules say you can take anything you want, but zi'm struggling to convince myself that it's okay to give a Mortant a Puker since there is an old Mortant model with flamer. Likewise with a sniper rifle if I wanted to use Eternal models in 1e.

Also, how did you get all that info onto a single page for your Blood Berets? Just some copy and paste, or is there a program?

I'd say stick to the older RPG. The mechanics of 3rd edition aren't bad, but they did sort of fuck the lore up which put me off. Then again, you could always just use 3rd edition rules and 1st edition lore if you so chose.

The newest miniatures game is Warzone Eternal. It's still in the fulfillment process for the Kickstarter, but will hit retail after that. Beta rules are available for free. Looks pretty promising, and I'm loving their approach to it.

I'm also so, so, happy that the models are as few parts as humanly possible. I'm so over fiddly ass plastic models that are a dozen plus pieces each.
>Is Mutant a prequel to Mutant Chronicles?
No. It is only a predecessor in the way that it's a SF setting that the same company made. The rules mechanics of MC evolved from Mutant (which is based on Chaosium's BRP via Target Games' fantasy RPG Drakar och Demoner).

If you think of Star Wars (which Target Games had the Swedish license to translate the WEG RPG), then Mutant is like Flash Gordon or Buck Rogers, Mutant RYMD is The Journal of the Whills, and Mutant Chronicles is, well, Star Wars.
Ok, as I said earlier today here are some links that the thread will find helpful. I trust we all know how to unscramble these, right?

My stl collection, all come from these three below.

Scanners, doing Gods work, I'll be contributing soon, too.
3d modeller, some cool shit here.
I don't know how to unscramble these, but you're a stud.
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This is a grail miniature for me, he arrived today.

>Do you tend to adhere strictly to the equipment?
For a 1v1 we stick to the rules on equipment, but if we're doing anything Narrative, which we typically do play, then we open up the armory to any units.
>Just some copy and paste
Alas, this is right, just some copying and pasting, it only took a few minutes so I figure in the future I'll make cheat sheets for each of the units to speed up my own game time.
Jenkem Pog?
You're a champ anon, gonna download it and have a look later today!

Pipe it through decode64 anon
No... it's, what the fuck is a Jenkem Pog... It's Vince Diamond. From Cybertronic.
>For a 1v1 we stick to the rules on equipment, but if we're doing anything Narrative, which we typically do play, then we open up the armory to any units.
Sounds reasonable. I'd likely try to stick to it myself, but sometimes you just gotta mix shit up.

Thanks! Certainly saving some of this stuff!
Do Modipdius still own the rights? The ttrpg was good, I ran the Venusian Apocalypse campaign but that version of the 2d20 system was dogshit and very clunky. I really want to see it under a different rule set, especially since Modipdius haven't released anything for it outside of the KS campaign.
Modiphius had a stock clearance on all their MC stock a good while back, I can only imagine they didn't renew.
Oh good, maybe we'll get something new but I'm doubtful. I looked it up and went down a rabbit hole of who owns the rights now. It appears to be Tencent, via Funcom (who purchased Cabinet, who purchased Paradox, and it was them who had the rights).
I have a whole folder of Modiphius RPG content and I've never even read it because I heard the fucked the lore pretty hard. Is it actually worth reading or just rehashing old lore with some of that White Star nonsense thrown in.
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That's sick, he's an absolute machine. Excuse the pun.
>Stat boosts not included in the profile
Man, I do not miss those days of rules writing.
Yeah it's definitely oldschool to not include buffs and debuffs in character profiles. But that's just one of those weird little eccentricities that makes it feel more like a lite rpg with miniatures than a wargame.
Goodnight anon!

It's worth a read to see how batshit some of the changes are, if nothing else. Their attempt to explain the origins of the Dark Legion are fucking wild.

Same. There are some game design philosophies that I'm very glad have gone away.
You know, I should've put that together, seeing as Funcom was who published the Mutant: Year Zero game.

I get the thinking behind it; standard format for upgrades on normal guys. But I've always fucking hated it on unique characters, especially if they didn't have a standard profile to start with.
I've always liked the "MW: 16 (+2)" or "16/18" format for marking non-intrinsic bonuses. IIRC the reason it's not on his base profile is because they had to use a standard layout spacing for summary lists. And the Dark Symmetry can fuck with implants.
>Their attempt to explain the origins of the Dark Legion are fucking wild.
I haven't read it, what did they try to change?
That's fair. And it's very different when you've buying an upgrade for something and that changes the stats. To have it be part of his profile but not change the stat is odd.

>IIRC the reason it's not on his base profile is because they had to use a standard layout spacing for summary lists. And the Dark Symmetry can fuck with implants.
Huh, did not know that. Interesting.
Putting together an army as a present to a friend who sold off his Bauhaus ages ago, it'll be a mixed medium of genuine article models, recasts I've produced myself, and 3d prints. With what I have on hand, the force kinda looks like this for now.

2x Ducal Militia, 8 militia. sergeant, HMG specialist.
Ducal Militia HMG.
2x Hussar, 4 hussars, sergeant, HMG specialist.
Hussar Mortar Team.
Jungle Kommandos, 4 kommandos, sergeant, TRS specialist.

Venusian Rangers, 4 rangers, sergeant, HMG specialist.
Dragoons, 4 dragoons, sergeant, 2 RL specialists.
Vulkan Battlesuits, 3 battlesuits, sergeant, RL specialist.

Major Max Steiner.
Hussar Kapitan.
Jungle Kommando Kapitan.

Now, out of all this I have the militia, the kommandos, the rangers, a few dragoon models, and the vulkans already to hand. I'll need to come up with the militia HMG team, the Hussars and the mortar team and the specialists for the dragoons. I can mould and cast the vulkans, dragoons and the kommandos, as for the Hussars I can either order some from PA or print the freebie squad from my stl collection. But those ones are a bit... basic looking, I could probably do some digital kitbashing to spruce them up a bit. RLs for the dragoons will be tricky, but I should be able to figure something out.

I've got a couple months to get this all sorted out, looking forward to seeing his face when he cracks open the box!
If I recall something about them being an evil race of ancient aliens who fought a war with a good race of ancient aliens who sealed them away and gave the Art to humans or some shit before dying off.

Sounds awesome. You're a good friend! Which version of Dragoons are you using? If it's the 1st edition ones I think you can find the RL specialist on eBay pretty easy, and I know there's a guy selling a whole squad of reproductions for like $20 (and his reproductions keep tempting my broke ass).

I also find myself wishing I had any sort of coding skills. With how spread out 1e stuff is in the books I'd kill for a Battlescribe module or something. Debating making a spreadsheet with all the non-personality units and weapons.
Makes sense, formatting is a bitch, especially before we had easy access to word processors.

Like I said, I get it. And getting into wargaming through early 40k, I was used to it. It just rubs me the wrong way when it was something you have no choice in taking it or not, or its something you can't destroy or remove during the game. The Red Terror was a great example of it for me, since in 3rd, it had +2 attacks in its statline, because of the Scything Talons, but you could've just said it had a hand weapon and gave it 2 attacks built in, since its the same effect and it used a non-standard statline anyway. Its just ugly with the +2.

That sounds like a modern way to do it. Satanic Panic scared away quite a few from using real demons or demon-like things in their games.
>Sounds awesome. You're a good friend! Which version of Dragoons are you using? If it's the 1st edition ones I think you can find the RL specialist on eBay pretty easy,
I think the ones I have are 2e sculpts? Or perhaps these are the jeagers? They've got quite a visor on them and there's not a lot of photos of the 2e ranges floating around these days.
>and I know there's a guy selling a whole squad of reproductions for like $20 (and his reproductions keep tempting my broke ass).
I think I know who you're talking about, they occasionally put things up on ebay, yeah? I bought a set of Capitol Assault marines from them through a friend of mine in the states because they)\(the seller) doesn't post outside of the U.S.
Ok, so upon some digging the figures I already have are the Bauhaus Jeagers, not the dragoons, the difference is in the helmets, it seems. Will need to grab the STLs after all, then. Which is not a bad thing, the ones available are quite nice.
>Satanic Panic scared away quite a few from using real demons or demon-like things in their games.
Maybe. I dunno. It feels like Modiphius just wanted to add their own spin and went "ancient aliens!" It just feels so cliche and bland.

Yeah, the Jeagers have the spiked helms and the officers have plumes.

They're, honestly, the one new unit that Bauhaus got in 2nd edition that interested me the least. They just didn't have enough, visually, to set them apart from Hussars for me. Less armor, sure, but they just didn't have that something like Rangers or Blitzers to make them stand out.
I think if they'd have gone with the plumes for the whole squad it would have done a lot to set them apart. Probably could have done something more with the uniform and made their climbing gear stand out on their belts and backpacks. I've bought the dragoons off cults, now, so those'll get printed and painted up soon.
The Bauhaus dude with greenstuff parts on the top row, 3rd from left, is actually just a fan conversion by this guy https://ganymede-english.weebly.com/news/apology-and-news to act as a medic for his Hussars squad. The painted mini next to it (2nd from left) is from the short-lived metal Ducal Militia squad, released late into 2E to supplement and replace the plastic minis from the starter box (picrel shows the squad w/ specialists)
2nd from right on the top row is a Capitol Heavy Infantry specialist w/ grenade launcher, one of the minis Excelsior added to the range to buff up existing squads in the 2000s
The two painted figs on the 3rd row (the Ilian Templar and Razide, 2nd and 3rd from left) were large-scale statuettes, IIRC they were pre-painted vinyl figures (possibly polystone?) released while Excelsior still had the licence. There was a whole load of them previewed, although I've no idea if they ever actually made it onto market
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Can anyone here remember her name? I'm aware her expansion never came out, but I know she has a name.
>Satanic Panic scared away quite a few from using real demons or demon-like things in their games.
The original Mutant Chronicles came out post-Satanic Panic. And, actually the game it drew the Legion terminology and some monsters from, Kult, was the game that *caused* the Swedish edition of the Satanic Panic.
Do you happen to know where I can confirm this?
I can't give them too much shit, my own Donut Steel setting went the Burning Legion/DOOM Eternal route, and made Hell an all-consuming collection of previously conquered creatures.

More of the long term effects. And Satanic Panic, at least in the US, last a longest time, well into the 90's and 2000's, though the focus shifted to video games.

It's also probably just a symptom of tabletop becoming more popular in the mainstream. Everything gets sanitized.
I tried to post the answer but 4ch thinks the link is spam, apparently. Let's see if you can decode my encrypted URL.
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I could not figure out your URL, but I was able to decipher they Doomtrooper and Indigo Island Team Member part, so that made me jump into my own archive of Doomtrooper stuff and voila!
Also, see : https://mutantchronicles.fandom.com/wiki/Indigo
Yeah, I think k plumed helmets and a real emphasis on their climbing gear would have done wonders for them.

God damn, the Crucifier is so cool. I hope we see that pop up in Eternal.
>the Crucifier is so cool
He really, really is. I sadly don't have the classic model, but I do have a pair of the Prodos sculpts and those are the bees knees. Love that shit. Got my fingers crossed that they hit it out the park with him in Eternal.
WE won't be visiting Dark Eden in afraid, the remit of the game is exclusively 1st Edition, no expansion content has been planned at this point.
I just hope they include some of cooler stuff we saw in 2nd edition. Jungle Kommandos, Mounted Hussars, Capitol Rangers and Assault Marines. Some cool shit there that it'd be a real shame to ignore.
Sorry but that's very unlikely.
>I'm aware her expansion never came out
What's the story here? I thought Dark Eden did come out?
>I sadly don't have the classic model
I dunno. If they stick strictly to 1st edition stuff they're gonna run out of stuff for some factions pretty quick. I mean, Bauhaus is already 50% done by that logic. They can make all new units, I suppose, but why not dip into some pre-existing stuff? None of those units fundamentally change the lore in any way.

Unless there are a bunch of unit types in the RPG books they can pull from that I need to freshen up on. It just seems silly to ignore existing units that people may be fans of/are basically already designed for you just because of some "2nd edition bad" mentality.
I know in one of the interviews they gave during the KS that they were open to looking into stuff like 2nd edition models or Dark Eden clans, but its not going to be anytime soon. They are focusing on 1st edition stuff first and foremost.
That's fine. I want my Hussars, Dragoons and Venusian Marshal. But that's all Bauhaus had in 1st edition that isn't already released.
Im glad no one has forgotten this game. I tried a demo game of ultimate and loved it as we did the scenario in the back where all the players bring a squad or two and the game had just the forces of the Dark Apostles attacking the clocest squad as they reinforced from the broadsides. Really got into the game when resurrection came out and then it just stopped and with the new one a little worried.
Eternal is currently making minis. They've got most of the line ready to start shipping to backers and then it'll hit retail.
Oh yeah, he's on the shopping list! I'll have one soon enough, but the lamentation still counts.
>Im glad no one has forgotten this game.
It's one of my top three games!
Say... how would ya'll go about d6-ifying MC?
If I had to, I'd go with 3D6 and readjust the stat values. You'd also have to rework damage multpliers.
Never, not once in my entire life, have I ever considered using more than 2D6. I'm not too bright, and at times like this, it shows.
You could also go with 2D6 and half all the stats and bonuses to rolls. Might be an easier conversion, since while the stats are going from 20 to 10 scale, not 12 like the dice, 2D6 does have the bell curve to take into account.
I wouldn't. Part of the appeal is the d20. Allows for a good range of stat options.
Honestly, the D20 is my one issue with the game. I don't need a handful of dice to roll, but bell curves from a combined roll is so much nicer. I should try Warzone with 2D10 instead of a D20 some time.
I love it. But, Warzone my introduction to wargaming, so maybe I'm just biased.

I could see it working with maybe a d10 if they overhauled some of the mechanics, but I feel like d6's just don't give enough variety. I think for a skirmish game like Eternal d20's work well, but I can see how they might feel a tad clunky in a more platoon scale game like 2nd edition.
D6's are only good for combined rolls or dice pools.
I don't think I would, even if I could. The roll variance on a d20 is much greater then what you get on a d6 and that allows for more varied stats among units.
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Lads, I started on a thing. It might be madness, and I'm not even convinced this is the smartest way to format shit.
Ohhh neat
>Uses spreadsheets
>Doesn't know how to screenshot
How curious.
Spreadsheet is on my work computer, which I can't post to 4chan from.
>my work computer
Risky business but I respect the dedication to posting.
I found a couple of Doomtrooper Starter Decks and a deck of loose cards, none of them are particularly valuable but I was surprised to see some of the prices for cards on Ebay.
Hey I do the same, corp shitters have more layers of """security""" than the army.
I would never browse 4chan from my work computer, that's what my phone is for. Y'all are braver than I.
I just have a human boss who I can tell his idea is retarded to his face and survive with my job unscathed, so the most I risk is just him bitching at me. It's just the corp clients having shitty overdone standards for the most mundane security.
Everyone liked it more when you were banned.
>Test results: pozzed.
>Verification not required.
Can a lore-head please explain to me the level of technology in Mutant Chronicles? I understand there's some sort of fear around technology turning evil?
The technology is basically a kind of space dieselpunk and used to be higher than it is now; Dune and 40k are both reasonable comparisons even though the tech itself doesn't really resemble either. The idea is that mankind developed high technology and explored the solar system, but then that let the Dark Soul out, and Dark Symmetry infects AI and turns it malevolent, so there was a Butlerian Jihad type destruction of all thinking machines which fucked up all kinds of technology. Unlike in 40k though, things aren't falling apart or anything, instead Mankind figured out how to run shit like terraformers without any electronics (electricity is safe but any kind of a computer is fucked, basically) and so things are at least indefinitely maintainable. Interestingly (this is kind of never explored that I can recall, but it's mentioned) space travel without computation devices is actually reliant on the Dark Symmetry, because it inherently distorts space and creates wormholes that ships can shunt through, so there's kind of an inherent risk there, they're reliant on the power of evil to move about the solar system.

Similarly, cybernetics and so on are susceptible to dark influence and are restricted or unused, even though Mankind theoretically knows how to make them and has known for millennia.

Cybertronic's whole deal is basically that they're violating the directive against AI, and they claim that their devices are immune to the Dark Symmetry, but they obviously won't explain how or why, and the (classic, anyway) lore leaves it open-ended whether they're actually a front for the Dark Legion, or what. The Cybertronic sourcebook for the original RPG does verify that their cybernetics are based on salvaged Dark Technology, though, so they're definitely more or less sinister. The Brotherhood has basically excommunicated them, but the corps keep dealing with them because the lure of "safe" cybernetic prostheses and so on is too strong.
I browse on my phone at work. Can't post while at work because the IP is blocked from posting, but I can still scroll through during my shift.

There is still some tech. Radars and the likes still exist if I recall. It's just really advanced stuff gets fucked by the Dark Soul, thus the whole "you shall not make a machine that thinks like a man" edict from Toth.

Nice. I still have a stack of random cards myself. Would love to buy a booster box or two just for fun.

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