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Previous Thread: >>94112381
>Starting with Sartre
Welp, this thread is dead.
why did aromage remove the ass shot from Tav and the twink titties from Sin
i hate meta so much its unreal
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I sartre it back to life. I am free.
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Lobotomize Kleidi
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That would either lobotomize yourself or destroy your powers lmao.
>That would either lobotomize you
She's a conciseness completely separate from you
>or you powers
Most Flames don't even talk. So nah
That would be like the Avatar intentionally dying to get their past lives to shut the fuck up.
Is Italics actually a better at making engaging CYOAs than Tok? Dragonfall is pne of the Top 10 CYOAs of Reddit with a decent following here. Compared to, Italics doesn't have any real showings or highly praised content.
So are you, what's your point?
You don't even know who I am.
You're an anon on /cyoag/, there's a 90% chance you're annoying as hell.
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Why would you do that?
SHe saved your life and gives you cool artifact weapons...
Guess i'm the 10%
Yes. I had enough of that stupid fairy.
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She is waifu
Leech wife plus moth wife, plus being life + creation ultimate god to have all the hot angel and monstergirl harems I can metaphysically handle...

Ultimate god is home...
Do not care for your manjaw manly 'waifus', aroSLUT
Do not care for your forced parenthood, entroPISSanon
Do not care for your lore, SHITalics
Do not care for your disgusting bimbos, tokmaBALLS
Do not care for your children, husPEDO
Do not care for your giantess fetish, beriSHITTER
Do not care for your AI, SLOPingical
>More like ultimate not immortal jobber
>to have all the hot angel and monstergirl harems I can metaphysically handle
>Do not care for your forced parenthood, entroPISSanon
What does he mean by this?
No it would be like deleting bloatware off my phone
You cannot comprehend even a fraction of infinity.
If that bloatware was a digital incarnation of the library of alexandria, sure.
>What does he mean by this?

Its a joke hate comment for a lot of authors. It's not supposed to be serious. Paternity is not forced in the cyoa
>infinity infinity infinity bigger than infinity plus infinity
Cosmic cyoas are very boring.
>If that bloatware was -ACK
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tee hee ack -ACK
But that's how primitives think.
But can you comprehend dying of old age, aro?~
>What does he mean by this?
It means the only thing that anon is into is hag waifus
hyeanon WINNING
>can't into higher-order powers
>it's either aro or the arosimp getting defensive
Checks out.
But most of the stuff there is not even about waifus, are you retarded?
>can't even understand the joke
You have to be 18 to post here.
Why are you so stuck up, aroseether? What made you so mad? Why do you hate Mars Attacks?
Extremely based
It seems you are right.
"lol old age" is only the tip of the problem with the Aromage-verse. At least ultimate gods have a real afterlife.
No, I am right. He is into hags
Why are you replying to yourself?
Because we're only three guys.
>Instantly proves he is right by using boogeyman word
>He says while posting Tankflopsta
>Heritage: Wanderer [+12 Potential Points, +12 Possibility Points]

Shard Of Divinity
Scale Of Serpents

>Safe Haven: The Leviathan

Shroud Of Night
Eyes Of Reality [-1 Potential Point]
Strength Of Bonds [-1 Potential Point]
Temporal Warping [-1 Potential Point]
Space Folding [-1 Potential Point]

Tav The Hero [-2 Possibility Points]
Star-Jin Loong, The Azure Dragon [-2 Possibility Points]
Chrona Novos [-2 Possibility Points]
Dolores ‘Lola’ Colita [-2 Possibility Points]
Aevar Storm-Wolf [-2 Possibility Points]

>Extra Powers:
Samsara [-1 Potential Point]
Draconic Reflexes [-1 Potential Point]
Nanomachines [-1 Potential Point]
The Dreaming [-1 Potential Point]
Wrath Of Nature [-1 Potential Point]
Noosphere Warping [-2 Potential Points]

Hyperboreans [-2 Possibility Points] [Defense/Fortification & Expeditions/Procurement]
Children of The End [-2 Possibility Points] [Diplomacy/Trade & Research/Development]
Nightstalkers [-2 Possibility Points] [Expeditions & Procurements & Production/Export]

The Hands Of Ymir
The Black Cube
The Legacy [-1 Potential Point]

Inheritors [Construction/Maintenance & Defense/Fortification]
Danotian Champions [Diplomacy/Trade & Expeditions/Procurement]
Void-Wyrms [Diplomacy/Trade & Research/Development]

>Siphon: None

Treasure Planet
The Voyagers
Echoes Of The Ancients

The God-Hunter
The Blue Moon Witch
The Steel Seraphims [+1 Possibility Point]
The Sins [+1 Possibility Point]
The Red Drums [+1 Possibility Point]
The Endless Chorus [+1 Possibility Point]

>Great Pursuer: The Warden, Arbiter Of Time

Idk what I am really doing with this one, other than trying not to die. I have enough enemies to keep me busy, so no worries on that front. I still sort of agree with Ivory, if I am being honest, so I'd try and live a low-profile existence while pursuing my quests.
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Finally, something to sate my adult woman fetish
I love watching the thread perpetuate shitposting that I started long after i've stopped doing so. Its so fucking funny.
It doesnt matter the proofs that we are much more anons. It will always be 4 anons.
1. Tok
2. Good anon that is helpful and respecfull
3. Bad anon that is a troll and an asshole (occassionaly is also Tok)
4. Me/you

Entropisanon, Hus, Aro, Italics, new anons, people from reddit... all of them, they are our imagination
What are hags to you? Women over 18?
Everything and everyone except for a few snowflakes are on the chopping board for being erased by the upcoming epoxy, and no one cares. The afterlife is a ruse and the "Highest Heavens" are run by omnicidal fags.
one day I hope that i too will joined the hallowed ranks of authors who get haters
>Inside you are 4 anons
True. Except when one of the clowns gets banned and then we get an entire 24 hours of no shitposting about that topic like it is magic.
Yeah but that setting was shit from the start. That is the difference.
Why are you not currently preparing for the sun's expansion, anon?
>3 is only occasionally Tok
Lies. It's always him. (You/Me), Tok, and the nice guy.
Things always come in three.
Like pic related won't shut up about heat death but it's abundantly clear that everyone wants to fight it and just doesn't know how to, yet. The existential threat is treated like one.
It's funny how aroseether is now being used as cope for anons discussing her cyoas too
>t.jobber build
You will be destroyed by your pursuers
Sorry, but my super-empowered moth wife solo'd ivory no-dif.
Based divine dragon build, you will eat your pursuers-holy shit wait you picked all of them? Yeah you're fucked man.
The shitting on husanon is also very strange
...Assuming there is only three guys in multiplayer waves, and Tok end up filtering himself, what am I supposed to understand from the two dudes RPing with each other ad nauseum? The flirting across builds?
Lmao, the flopstafag got so worked up he forgot to post his slop.
Nobody cares about shit until it's looming and imminent. This doesn't change and is likely worse when you're immortal.
Why do redditors come up with this sort of atheistic sour grapes?

There are "immortal" people in the Aromage multiverse. Like next to all of them on account of the afterlife being under the shadow of epoxy. This is more like preparing not to die of heart disease, or Hurricane Milton.
It's me and you, you see. If tok filtired himself, there is only 2 anons, you and me. I sometime roleplay as other authors and you do when its your turn. We are not in the flirt stage, yet
Weirdly enough, the fact that everyone is gearing up to fight oblivion make it seems more hopeful than CYOAs where you can't do anything about the background problems.

They're not apathetic. They're abiding their nonexistence. Her setting is a death cult.

It's not weird. It follows from the assumption that self-preservation is a virtue. >>94117981 is right, the attitude of Aroverse characters mean that she wrote a setting that isn't worth living in.
The Lodge only cares about profit, the Coalition only cares about their forms and papers, the Heavens are actively working to prepare for the Epox, the Hells are unclear, the Dreamlands only care about pleasure. The Planeswalkers likely had a bunch of programs running to investigate solutions before they fell.
Italics has honestly fallen off. Nobody cares about what OC he's making these days after Magi Case released.
People are talking about Echoes, Luminary and Star Runners.
Actually, since Ultimate God states that Ultima can withstand Epoxys, maybe the Key program, since the Flames are made from Ultima pieces, was also a way of ensuring that Planeswalkers would live on through the flames even through the Epox, since Flames carry the memories of all those who it lived through previously
Yes, about how it got delayed
The Highest Heavens aren't paragons of virtue, they do some extremely questionable shit, Ambriel is "honorless" and alone for a reason.
I guess (You) can aspire to change things, just kill The Megabitch for good before making serious moves.
Sounds bleak.
Well, planeswalkers are immune to aging, unlike ultimas. So they will probably be the true last.
Ultima are immune to dying for good, unlike planeswalkers.
Wait, so the only caste that might survive epoxys will die afterwards?
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They will just ascend to real godhood. Where they are actually immortal unlike ultimas.
Lmao you're really seething hard about that aren't you?
Ultimas are based on the God Tiers from Homestuck, who are trillions of times weaker, but only still only permadied for real reasons.
I can't believe that Living Gods are jobbers who can die...
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Why are you projecting?
Its over... arosisters, our cope? Maybe we can tell them about the star life analogy.
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Check again.
No one is talking about it

Delayed with no WIP interaction like HusGod.

>Star Runners
That's one Anon samefag
Bro, is not even that hard to get it looking the same and you did not even got the color right. You ruined the joke.
>No one is talking about it
I want it :(
No you don't.
This is why Living God is so boring even though it's well written.
Only Troyx managed to make KINO
You don't even know what Echoes is about.
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What site is that?
Ultimate god may be weaker but that makes it more fun.
Based. Best author ever
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>No one is talking about it
That's the sole reason why I'm still here.
Well you are not talking about it, so your presence is close to none.
I hope we see more adult females in the CYOA.
Pill pickers are the gods of cyoas, really.
she's the only one
>Infinite money cheat through selling cars
Anyone that doesn't pick green or blue is a moron
they're too complicated for me, personally I prefer would you rather's
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Thanks for you input, Anon #3.
Where is this from? It looks so familiar but I can't place it.
Why is Tok crying? He relishes the attention.
It's from western animation sloppa #486
He is crying because it gets him more attention. It is a tactic he copied from women.
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Tok is sheltering all of our hate...He's so strong and handsome you guys...So misunderstood...See, he was merely pretending to be retarded all along...
>Heritage: Stargazer
>Echoes: Mind of Machines, Heart of Nature
>First Steps: People of Every Shape, Wonders Beyond Imagination
>Static Safe Havens: Twilight, The Wastes
>Mobile Safe Havens: The Cylinder
>Talents: Lighthouse Keeper, Eyes of Reality, Strength of Bonds
>Allies (Legend): Legion the Everlasting, Kleidi the Flame Within
>Extra Powers: Nanomachines, Genetic History, Noosphere Warping, Soul Weaver
>Allies (Legion): Children of the End, Warforged
>Gifts: Endling, White-Gold Heart, The Legacy
>Allies (Minions): Yaoguai, Mechanimals, Steel Worms, Blackbirds, Psyborgs, Synthetics, Great Hybrids.
>-Construction and Maintenance: Steel Worms
>-Defense and Fortification: Blackbirds, Warforged
>-Research and Development: Yaoguai, Synthetics
>-Diplomacy and Trade: Psyborgs
>-Expeditions and Procurement: Mechanimals, Children of the End
>-Production and Export: Great Hybrids
>Siphons: N/A
>Quests: Treasure Planet, Those Above, Legacy of Janus
>Pursuers: The Steel Seraphim, The Red Drums
>Great Pursuers: The Warden
Yes, I'm aware that I'm just a tad overspecialized and not as powerful as I could be, but that's where networking with other planeswalkers, civilizations, and other denizens of the verse will come in. I'm fairly hopeful that there will be a place for the living mechnagerie that I want to be.
Even the arosimp is less obvious than you and he's a complete retard.
Even the aroseether is less obvious than you and he's a complete retard.
Who the hell are those anons?
I haven't been paying attention to drama for a while
Even the aroseether is less obvious than you and he's a complete retard.
Anyone who likes aro is the arosimp, and anyone who doesn't is the aroseether.
I take it back. You're even worse at this than tok.
Even the Tok is less obvious than you and he's a complete retard.
Even the Tok is less obvious than you and he's a complete retard.
Holy shit a backup dancer.
Aroseether=anyone criticizing an aro cyoa for any reason.
Arosimp= the retard immediately replying anytime she is mentioned.
a flesh dancer even
Thinking of making a wish-choosing option.

>Theoretically unlimited wishes.
>Every wish comes with a cost or twist. he's kind of a prick.
>You can specify your wishes to make them more accurate.
>He's much, much better at twisting than you are at fixing.

Monkey's Paw
>Five wishes.
>Every wish will backfire if it is too prideful or greedy.
>What IS too prideful or greedy is unknown.
>It is a desiccated limb and smells awful.

Ring of Wishes
>Three wishes.
>Fulfilled to the letter of your wish.
>Limited power and scope.
>i.e., "I wish for a grand castle", "I wish to a lawful and respected king." "I wish for my kingdom to be fertile."

Dragon Balls
>One wish of Ring-Level power.
>Dragon can actively attempt to assist you in getting what you want.
>Potentially able to get a wish every year.
>It's a lot harder to find dragon balls if you're not an anime protagonist.

Fairy Godparent
>Unlimited wishes.
>Constrained by Da Rules.
>Must maintain secrecy, yet speak wishes aloud and be followed around.
>The fairy granting your wishes is absolutely, completely, Nickelodeon-levels of dumb and misunderstanding.

Wishing Well
>Unlimited wishes.
>Lowest potency of power i.e. "I wish it doesn't rain tomorrow."
>It actually does need money.
>Located in a grassy field.

Shooting Star
>Exactly one wish, No other shooting stars work.
>The wish aligns with your thoughts perfectly.
>You have no idea how powerful of a wish you can make.
>Don't waste it!

>Very limited magical options.
>Limitless uses.
>Can teleport you or transform you into animals.
>Cute and nice! Always Ret-2-Go!

I probably need to nerf Fairy Godparent and the Ring.
>Hmm... this all seems extremely useful. I'll look into it once I'm off of work and can do a deep dive. There's an entire world of image-editing software I've been completely blind to up until recently. Why is there so little discussion about the particulars of CYOA creation in the /cyoag/? Maybe they're mostly in some discord? If so, I don't care to join it. I don't care for 90% of forums. Imageboards are ideal, they rip the societal fabric and lay the soul of every post bare. There's a purity of substance to them that can be found nowhere else.

There are some image/pdf tutorials made by various people like SDA on the allsync. The basic principles are applicable to most programs.

>My eyesight problems aren't that bad, it's mostly the fine details that are a bit blurry if I'm not zoomed-in or wearing my glasses. I tend not to when writing, and like to lay on my back while bracing the laptop against my waist balancing its monitor over my face, and my glasses make that slightly trickier. I never could handle contacts.

I find that when I'm working on a cyoa that zooming in to work and back out to 100% is ideal to see how the thing looks overall, font size and design elements.
Some strange aro defender that uses a boogeyman word. I think he is unable to see that he just ruins aro's reputation even more with every stupid post he makes.
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Oh no, you lose again...
>a boogeyman word
What word?
>he just unchecked the 'you' box for one of the posts
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5. catposter
88 phones
>ctr+f aroseether
I’ve never understood pulling the “samefag” card. A true anon can force his superior opinions on an army of like minded retards.
It's because it diverts the opponent's attention and it can't be fully disproven, even with the >lol phones rebuttal
It is a sad attempt at appearing to be in the right. It never has anything to do with the argument that is being had.
Good power fantasy potential but very limited waifu picker potential, so your PxW score would be low. I’d recommend using a picture of a slutty genie and fairy at the bare minimum.
>waifu picker potential

Waifufags only ruin everything with their ever-growing demands.
>Monkey's Paw
>Ring of Wishes
>Dragon Balls
>Fairy Godparent
>Wishing Well
>Shooting Star
Trash. Too limited power or ability to get what you actually want.
What do you actually want?
>The fairy granting your wishes is absolutely, completely, Nickelodeon-levels of dumb and misunderstanding
I don't think anyone would be able to survive long with just Cosmo as a parent wthout Wanda keeping him in check, this is pretty much a death sentence. Having a normal fairy like Wanda would be too big of a boon, maybe just have a really strange one like the general or the guy fixated on himslef?
gil kino?
Power and waifus.
Anon, I don’t make the rules, I am but a scholar who has found the formula to CYOA quality.
Has trash made anything worth a shit in this past year? Anything that is not just super fetish stuff, BTG, or someone trying to be BTG
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I know the wish to make
And that's how you get Ultrakill.
>so high res
Post the template pls.
Objectively Speaking:

Blue > Yellow > Red > Green > Orange > Purple
>Lowered to category 3
It seems aro lives to produce slop another day...
I didn’t make it, but you can find Timmy tuner praying meme on google.
Milton-kun was supposed to isekai Aro and give her first hand field research.
She was finally going to produce something good...
I want to congratulate anons last thread was the first time in months entropiss wasn't mentioned even once sad that Tok ruined the streak with shitposting
lmao, imagine being that obsessed that you track something like that. Absolutely mindbroken.
Entropist was mid.
Whatever you say tok
I already have this face, give me another one.
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no cap fr fr
Whatver you say aro
average anons are mindbroken
My current CYOA concept is a riff on the Gateway/super powerful Planeswalker concept into something a little more manageable. I have no idea if it will be any good/popular though.
that's as good as saying nothing
I might make a second gateway build. Mind + thread is meta but they're not what elements I actually like... or maybe they are... I don't know anymore...
I was going to make a baitpost but changed my mind.
Aro, both nexus and gateway say that the pathfinders make pacts with eldritch beings to planeswalk, but what these pacts entail is never elaborated on, how does it work? Frankly I'm kind of worried pathfinder might be a trap.
You can collect other Echoes in play, nothing stops you.
>I'm kind of worried pathfinder might be a trap
A pathfinder killed everyone, so you're right to be worried.
Then again, any asspull can happen when the author wants to. Even the same type of stand.
I was gonna say that being retarded has nothing to do with being a pathfinder, but then I realized that she could have been corrupted by that Ancient One. In fact, corruption is infinitely more plausible and narratively satisfying than her being innately retarded.
Doesn't that require both knowledge that so far only ivory has and kills the people you steal from?
Almost all the legends have an echo and not all of them are planeswalkers. Ivory stole planeswalker flames.
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>People complain and hate Gateway
>Still seething about it 3 threads later
Arochads won. I kneel.
Aro is too stupid to think of that. Remember what she originally said about ivory? right.
What post are you thinking of?
This is proof that it was a good cyoa. It got a bunch of builds and has staying power which is all that matters.
Hmmm, I guess that's fine. I'm honestly only a little unhappy with my build then, I don't really like chrona because I don't like big tiddy old women, and still think aevar being power armored up would be sick, or that the giants would be cool to have. I dunno what to use those last two points on I guess.
Why is there such a disproportionate amount of pedophiles on the /cyoag/? They make up less than 1% of the total population but are easily 20% of the /cyoag/ and CYOA authors. I hypothesize it's due to the correlation between autism, interest in CYOAs, and disgusting paraphilias. For further evidence of this, look at how /trash/ has a thriving CYOA community with only mild overlap with the /cyoag/. I suspect that trannies are overrepresented among lolifags, with perhaps 30% trending toward autogynephilia. Again, I base this on the inability of autists to self-regulate or discern normal sexuality, while seeking to escape from an alien reality. To iterate, not all trannies are lolifags, as evidenced by Aromage, though I reason a slight majority are.
Bait used to be believable.
AROMAGE. Give a proper name to the insane Time Ultima referred to as the "Lord".
There is literaly one pedo author.
will you ever stop seething about him?
I was looking through my collection, and found this apparently unfinished cyoa. Is there any more of it floating around?
Only if you stop seething about aromage.
No, this is not bait, merely musings.

False. Italics, Husanon, Beri, Apotheosis, Tokhaar Gol, and that poor schizo Christian dude whose name escapes me now are all lolifags. I am not casting judgement, nor do I care, but the skewed statistics are fascinating.
I don't know how to stop something I never started.
this was finished, i dont have it but its around. try archive searching some of the option names
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It's too bad that the final mission decides how you have to do the entire build, which I did not even look at until I was nearly finished building.
That's actually page six of Build A Wizard
Don't pay attention to him. He is aroseetheranon.
Wtf, why did you post the last pages of build a wizard? How did you even disassociate these you retard?
I love after starting this its devolved to the point where both aroseether and arosimp are the same person interchangeably now.
>False. Italics, Husanon, Beri, Apotheosis, Tokhaar Gol, and that poor schizo Christian dude whose name escapes me now are all lolifags
Yeah there are alot of lolicons.
But only one actual pedophile.
The difference is night and day.
This looks... too much like SLOPPA
No. It is anime. Anime makes you a pedo.
My build is still immortalized in the last page, it was fun to be there when it happened.
>the skewed statistics are fascinating
the statistics are pulled out of your ass lmao
What happened to that overlord pdf new version? Let me guess, nothing.
I stopped working on it because I got bored.
Not even the hurricane was this much of a nothingburger.
I have no incentive to post OC. I made it to the point I was happy with it and then stopped working on it.
Italics here. I'm not a lolifag.
For someone in /trash
/trash/ crossover
If nsfw cyoas didn't exist there would be way less pedos in the hobby
Italics here. I'm a lolifag.
How do I make my build not a shopping list? I don't know what to say about it.
>How do I make my build not a shopping list? I don't know what to say about it.
Why you picked it? What you want to do with it? How it will interact with another choice?
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>Heritage: Stargazer

Shard Of Divinity
Mind of Machines

>First Steps
People of Every Shape
Wonders Beyond Imagination

>Static Safe Haven: The Wastes

Shroud Of Night

Lighthouse Keeper
Eyes Of Reality
Break of Reality
Temporal Warping
Space Folding

>Allies: Legends
Star-Jin Loong
Chrona Novos


>Extra Powers
Draconic Reflexes
Genetic History
Heaven's Light
Soul Weaver

The Dreaming

Noosphere Warping

>Allies: Legions

>Allies: Gifts
White-Gold Heart
The Legacy

>Allies: Minions
Danotian Champions

Void-Wyrms, Great Hybrids and Raja too, after I get their corresponding Echoes.

>Allies: Purpose
Nah, I don't believe in castes.

By using metaphors, fairytales and lifestories of people who definitely aren't me, but very similar, I was able to mostly cheat the price. This all still feels with a certain degree of alienation, of course, like a lifestory of my previous reincarnation.
The Drums and Megabitch required truly desperate countermeasures. At least my soul isn't devoured. And I didn't go bonkers from fear, guilt and despair...

>Quests and Events
Containment Breach
Echoes of the Ancients
Legacy of Janus


>Great Pursuers
The Watcher
I guess they actually used some poor Weaver for my Key, huh.

Ivory, the Megabitch
Yes, yes, I get it. Oldwalkers were massive faggots. She's one them too though.
There really, really was no need to destroy the solar system, or at the very least destroy my home and send the planet into hysterical madness just to bully some young Keymaster...
I will deceive The Watcher by using Obelisk technology, Nanomachine-based avatars and my soul mastery (I am totally doing my work, Big Boss!). I will collect other Echoes (Heart of Nature seems the easiest, you just have to ask Legion nicely), some will be easier, some will be harder, some I probably can just buy from The Black Moon Lodge. I will unlock secrets of the Ancients and steal tech from the Xheel. I will increase my soul mastery and find esoteric forms of attack that were never even mentioned within Nexus or Gateway, because with all the powers and forms from Nexus the Megabitch can't be reasonably killed physically.
And I'll destroy Ivory. For good. And preferably also steal her knowledge (my build is very good at this). Just so it's doesn't disappear with her death. And maybe she maintains prisons for some horrors, and no one else knows, it's not impossible.
Then we can try to change Heavens and find a way to save the multiverse from this so-called natural order.
Don't pick options as if you're shopping for what you want.
Do pick options that would be the most interesting if they happened.
If you explain why you wanted those options, I won't care.
If you explain why you thought those options made the most interesting scenario, I will.
>another one
At this point, I'm suspecting samefagging.
I'm too lazy to make multiple proper builds for cyoas. The drawback just seems relatively cheatable for me.
No its just multiple anons being retarded and going straight to ego-death. I just ignore builds like it that kill themselves.
Ego death is fine if you can cheat it.
You forgot Entropist, Gil and Apotheosis.
(you can't)
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I have a reasonable plan.
You spelled retarded wrong.
It is impossible to cheat that drawback. ALL recordings of your memories are wiped from existence.
EA said he didn't like them but put them in for the anons who did
I accept your retardation.
That's why I plan to use what I plan to use.
It's not technically my memories, just something extremely similar. Extreme ego purists will call it death anyway, but with my soul, knowledge and skills in place I think the changes won't be too serious.
>retard thinks retard plan will work to fix death, news at 11
This is what I get for not pointing out your lack of reading comprehension, I have learned my lesson.
Reminder that memories include skills and knowledge. No memories would reduce you to a literal manbaby.

Fun fact: muscle memory technically doesn't exist because muscles do not remember anything.
Yes, I am more than a part of my memories. Cope and seethe.
Read the drawback.
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capcha: THOOT
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>t. projecting his cope
Go ahead. Reply with more cope, seetheboy.
>anons showing terrible reading comprehension
>anons killing themselves
Nothing ever changes.
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>You will not lose any knowledge or gained skills from before your awakening.

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D-do anons regularly kill themselves?
All humans regularly kill themselves by forgetting even the smallest details of their past. Or not.
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Any suggestions for good Halloween/spooky cyoas?
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Blood Magic
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I don't like the way this smug moth is looking at me.
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>Want to make a CYOA
>No graphic design skills
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Do you think that the artist of your reaction image needed any "art skill" to make a drawing that you'd appreciate for your purposes? No, and yet you reposted the result because it successfully imparted its ideas onto. I can make a CYOA and get attention and engagement for it no matter how unreadable or obtuse or ugly and so can (You).
Want to know what my first CYOA looked like? Looked like this. It looked like shit but I still made it. Trust this anon when he says you can make it. You just gotta do it and you will get better.
No, I just consider losing my original memories to be relatively unimportant. As long as I keep my personality and conciousness I'm fine.
>if I keep my personality
>while losing all his memories
anon is about to learn an important psychological lesson.
That's a thing, I looked it up.
Maybe you can. It's not possible for me.
how exactly are you going to keep your personality if all your memories are gone? what does that even mean?
>about to learn
Unlikely, he'll forget the context.
True, lmao.
Memories and personality are not the same thing, they're in different parts of the brain. Change to one doesn't mean change to the other.
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Just keep it simple without trying to get fancy, and you can't fail too badly.
Maybe he thinks his subconscious reactions (i.e. distaste towards promiscuity or a sense of justice) will remain unchanged.
From my perspective, having your memories deleted via magic is more severe than occlusion via brain damage, but since it's not said in the CYOA his interpretation could be valid.
So learn. It didn't take me very long at all to learn how to make great looking CYOAs. It's been a LONG while since I checked the pastebin, but if they're still there read the guides by SDA and Tok and then find a CYOA you really like the look of and try and recreate its look. Ta-da. Now you know how to make good looking CYOAs. Ee zed.
>all people that regularly use sites of your choosing are barred from using 4chan
I bar everyone who regularly uses 4chan.
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>"...except for /b/"
Do you realize what you have just done, anon?
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I do.
> Maybe he thinks his subconscious reactions (i.e. distaste towards promiscuity or a sense of justice) will remain unchanged.
Yeah, you got it.
Lmao, he actually believes this.
They literally aren't. Look it up, it's a known thing.
>he actually beloeves memories dont affect personality
Keep going, you're hilarious. Minor in neuroacience, btw.
Call me back when you are a major
I accept your concession, you may now kill yourself through ego death.
No, I'm saying that memories aren't the same thing as personality, not that they can't affect them. Like how a car can make tire tracks, but the tracks won't just disappear when the car leaves.
>there are actual human beings who really believe losing your memories wont affect your mind
This is why natural selection isn't real.
Lmao, retarded analogy from a retard as expected. How much of you do you think is constituted by your memories? Don't answer, I know you'll answer incorrectly and then cope about it.

The real analogy is, if you delete the memory from a computer. If you need more than that to understand why you're retarded, you're probably in need of the mind wipe anyways.
>Maybe he thinks his subconscious reactions (i.e. distaste towards promiscuity or a sense of justice) will remain unchanged.
but why would they? those are both examples of learned values, they aren't somehow innate to the hardware of your brain, they're part of what you've learned, in other words memory
>Of course I was born with my sense of justice and personal preferences towards societal issues! What do you mean these are learned behaviors?
This is the intellect of who you're arguing with. Its probably tok, thinking about it.
> How much of you do you think is constituted by your memories?
Depends on how you define 'you' really.
People in real life have lost their memories but kept their personality, and vice versa.
>People in real life have lost their memories but kept their personality, and vice versa.
people in real life haven't lost all their memories and remained functional, they can still do basic things like talk and walk, and they still know what everyday objects are, so unless you think knowing what a car is for is part of your personality and not your memory then this isn't a good argument

a cyoa option that says it erases your memories erases all of your memories, not just the ones you feel okay with losing
You should take the ego-death route, it would make you smarter.
Yes? It's happened.
Well the drawback in question still lets you keep your knowledge and skills so there's no problem.
>Depends on how you define 'you' really.
>factory resets himself
>no problem
Yea take the option, it would help you at this point.
I feel like you're actively trying to misinterpret me at this point.
You're just that retarded, take the option please so I can have an intelligent conversation with the new you.
You're just dumb desu.
Again, 'losing memories' in real life is more akin to your brain forgetting how to get there, hence emotional resonance towards certains things and briefs moments of sanity when you have dementia. It's not erased but out of reach.
There is a difference between losing the key and burning the house.
Even in the drawback that's still the case, it is possible to recover some of the memories.
I guess my Gateway build is too boring to care about if nobody's replied to it. Maybe it's better this way.
Actually no, I think I misinterpreted that. You might potentially be right (assuming that the difference is relevant to one's personality) . I'll just ask Aro.
Its ok, being the main mind + thread build means anytime the other faggots says shit about it reflects onto me.
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What would be some neat powers based off the Four Perils?

Taotie represents gluttony and greed so it's a pretty easy one, something that relates to eating

But Taowu relates to stubbornness and ignorance, and Qiongqi attacks the good and rewards the evil. What sort of powers would fit them?
Rolled 15, 7, 4, 2 = 28 (4d16)

Those blessed with the power of Hundun should have the ability to get prickes with seven holes and then die.
>but Taowu relates to stubbornness and ignorance
Ignore damage? or concepts? or...? ignore something could guess depending on the scale you plan
>Qiongqi attacks the good and rewards the evil
karma increase damage? sniff the negative karma people? karma related powers i guess
they should have the ability, in case they are men, to retract their dicks inside their body. In case they are women, retract boobs inside their bodies
Make a image build!
start with describing why you took each option and how it synergizes with other options
NTA but if I post again I should make a pastebin, i've posted too many times disjointed now...
Is the psionic avatar thing you get from noosphere warping a seperate entity like a stand or tulpa, or is it literally me controlling a mind mech?
Can be either.
Yeah, my interpretation was just your episodic memory being lost. So you lose memories of your family and friends and all of your upbringing, etc. Since it says you can get them back but without the emotional attachment, it doesn’t seem too crazy. It explicitly doesn’t wipe skills or knowledge, so the anon thinking you’d lose muscle memory is a readlet

Less clear is if you’d lose personality and preferences. That’s not directly tied to episodic memory, but this is magic so anything goes.
To prevent goalpost shifting, the original argument is that losing these memories is equivalent to ego death. Not that it would simply have some effect on your personality.
when my builds get that big i just don't post them

>that one build that's more than a megabyte of pure txt
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At that point it's basically journalism, which is something I've considered doing for larger CYOAs because of my extreme and incurable autism.
no it's more like a disjointed and very poorly written story, the majority of that filesize is narrative
do it no balls
If its a cyoa i care about, i will read it, if it is not, i won't care.
I can't stand text wall builds. If I see a pastebin link I never look it up and any build is longer than 1 post then I skip it.
I'm back!! Power is out so I'm gonna go through this slowly lmao.

The OG pathfinders used those pacts to trigger their dormant powers, you dont need to in either nexus or gateway since your power is jumpstarted by either the nexus or kleidi

She is, that's why she disbanded the arbiters; her mental state is declining.

You can just give aevar power armor.

It's more like a mind mech.
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>Calli born
So this "Lord" is some kind of horse human shinigami hybrid? pic realted
>She is, that's why she disbanded the arbiters; her mental state is declining.
You just came up with that didn´t you?
Clearly so.
Yes. She saw that it was a good idea and decided to make it real.
Lmao do you want a screenshot from the 19th of me coming up with that idea or something? Here you go.
Fake news. Just like you have no power.
Do you lose your personality with Siphon Mind?
>not implemented
infinite stupidity
>The image itself shows the corruption part was not even your idea
>I came up with it.
Post screenshot of someone else giving her the idea.
Why is it written that her mental state is declining then if it's not implemented? If she was always just stupid she wouldnt be getting worse.
declining "mental health" =/= being corrupted by an eldritch god.
>te-he I'm so quirky vs My will is not my own but I can sometimes see through the glass in my prison at my hands covered in innocent blood and I can't even weep.
She still thinks what shes doing is right despite being corrupted, and she'd never say that shes corrupted to you, you have to pick it up from the subtext.
And I wrote mental state, not mental health. Mental state as in memory loss, personality change, paranoia, delusions, loss of empathy etc. Its not like she has developed mild social anxiety or something.
Will she be on the ultimate god companion roster? For those that completed her redemption questline?
I hope not. She would be taken the space of one of the 6 we get from gateway.
Nothing wrong with that...I hope. Because that's how I do a lot of my worldbuilding.
As long as you admit it unlike the cope bitch is doing now.
Maybe; shed just be a companion though, not a family member.
She could just be an added extra.
I ain’t takin’ a corrupted schizo retard.
What is a lolifag?
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I can fix her
Why do you think they are called lolifags too?
A miserable little pile of cunny.
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Milfs with giant anime boobs
And what is an aromage?
low iq and spite
If your soul was forcibly ripped from your body and forged into a weapon by a roving lunatic but it was your least favourite kind of weapon, would you try to make yourself less effective out of spite, or would you accept being a sword if you're a spearfag, or spear if you're a swordfag, and so on?
i wouldn't get my soul ripped from my body and i'd kill the lunatic assaulting me instead because i'm not a little bitch like you
I don't think I have a 'least favorite kind of weapon' What is the lamest weapon you can think of?
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Should I get rid of the endlings? Then I could knock off the las two
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Anything other than a spear
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yah, I'd be a little grumpy if I was turned into nunchucks
If it’s a JRPG, you might be turned into a paper fan or a magical girl wand.
I'll play along until I can find a way to get my revenge
Magic tools are fine, as they're just conduits. Real pride comes form functionality.
>make yourself less effective out of spite
Retarded and suicidal.
Are they hot? Can i make them use me for recreational purposes? Can they offer me another body if i am a good boy?

If no, then like this >>94124519 guy said.
So reverse Luminary?
You get turned into some randos magical weapon?
Heritage: Stargazer
Echoes: Ash of Stars, Thread of Thought
First Steps: Worlds of Every Color, Beauty of Cosmos
Safe Havens: The Labyrinth, the Wastes, the Leviathan
Talents: Gateway Builder, Lighthouse Keeper, Shroud of Night, Eyes of Reality, Strength of Bonds, Temporal Warping
Extra Powers: Draconic Reflexes, Nanomachines, Star-Bright, Noosphere Warping and Soul Weaver
Allies, Legends: Star-Jin Loong, Chrona Novus, Kimiko-Yomi, Kleidi
Allies, Legions: Carcharodons (Defense, Expeditions)
Allies, Minions: Dwargon (Construction, Production), Steel Worms (Construction, Research), Synthetics (Diplomacy, Research), Tulpas (Defense, Expeditions)
Gifts: The Power Trident, the Legacy
Siphon: Mind
Quests: Treasure Planet, Echoes of the Ancients, Legacy of Janus
Pursuers: The God-Hunter, the Blue Moon Witch, the Warden
Some plans:
Attempt to recreate technological power of Stargazers of old with knowledge of the material world given by AoS, intelligence given by ToT, knowledge from allies and technology of the Hekkites. Hone my predictive abilities from ToT with so I will be always many steps ahead of my enemies and could outthink them at any moment by slowing my perception of time.
Study workings of the Leviathan and rebuild it to be great palace-city-starship. Guide Dwargon and Synthetics that will be its inhabitants towards developing civilizations separate from their origins. With ability to transfer souls to machines, their carbon/silicon-based life will be just a short childhood before being given perfect mechanical bodies free from pain and death. Same for any mortally-wounded Carcharodon. Steel Worms are perfect and cute as they are.
Help Blue Moon Witch kill Godhunter and take his Flame, two problems solved for half the cost of solving one. Evade the Warden until I am powerful enough, while I use powers of ToT to deceive her Arbiters, turn them against one another and enjoy hypertrolling them as if I was Mephet’ran the (Messenger).
Based herochad.

Canesword, but not a proper saber, like one of those flimsy potmetal prop swords, and the cane itself is made of plastic.

Not a bad choice, but he probably expects it.

That depends on your definition of suicidal but you are likely to get banged up pretty badly, yeah.

>Are they hot?
Uhhh, pic related.
>Can i make them use me for recreational purposes?
In theory, yes. In practice, your captor's idea of recreation consists mostly of killing the weak and torturing what he can catch.
>Can they offer me another body if i am a good boy?
If you're a good weapon they'll give you upgrades and occasional oil baths. This is offset by the caveat that if you're a good weapon, you're probably going to stay a weapon.
>pic related
Looks powerful. Hot.
When you said raving lunatic i imagined a hobo wizard or a sexy lady with mental issues. This just throws everything out of the window.
Before i just wanted vengeace or felt slightly aroused. Now i just want to survive. Thing is not even human.
Dude looks like he would fucking eat you if you do anything funny.
Somewhat, he's in a negative feedback loop of soul eating.

He's still technically human. He just figured out how to eat souls and use them to restructure himself, and went from a homeless drifter to the same, but is now a serial killer. If he continues for too long he's either getting smote or evolving into a true abomination.
He might, but your soul has the rare quality of stacking more than magic than usual at once without being skilled in it, so you would have to push it pretty far.
>your soul was forcibly ripped from your body and forged into a weapon by a roving lunatic but it was your least favourite kind of weapon
So that's what you're making next. Kind of interesting, but I don't think being unable to pick the weapon is a good idea.
Isn't there a combined one
>He's still technically human
Okay, vengeance it is then. I will wait until he´s stacked me up pretty good. Then get "misplaced" and picked up by a young man, whom i will instruct. Then i will gently guide his hand to this dudes cold black heart. Then try and be destroyed or something, i am not living like this.
>Then try and be destroyed
Huh, anons *are* suicidal. Can't believe that guy was right.
Shitalics... finish your current 20 WIP before starting another one, YOU ABSOLUTE FRAUD!
Not quite, I'm half-navel gazing posting because the thread's at bump limit, half-testing the waters for one of the antagonists. My next CYOA is going to take some inspiration from Isekai Bounty Hunt, from a more antagonistic vantage point. It'll either be this or the other, more intricate one I'm planning, but I'm leaning toward the former due to my inexperience.

There is but not of the second version. I plan to be editing the font-size when I get home later to try to squeeze it into a single page, as well as aligning them.


I am NOT Italics (pbuh)
There is no escape

Shantae is very tempting.
>The OG pathfinders used those pacts to trigger their dormant powers, you dont need to in either nexus or gateway since your power is jumpstarted by either the nexus or kleidi
Azathoths gateway in nexus specifically says you make a brief pact in order to planeswalk.

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