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Previous Thread: >>94133826
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Can anyone confirm whether this is the latest version? And does anyone have a higher res version of Lilim?
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Actually, higher res versions of all the images in general would be appreciated.
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If that's even possible.
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The version in the allsync is the most blurry version I've found.
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Reminder that your author Cumblaster69 is working on ultimate god.
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Great omen. I hope this means someone will post higher res versions of this cyoa.
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> 2013
I can't believe this cyoa is more than 10 years old. I thought cyoas were all pill pickers back in 2013
Post some based characters from different CYOAs.

Option 1: Continue reading CYOA
Option 2: Get a girlfriend
Why? It's a brand new thread, one that's nowhere near bump limit. So what would be the point of dumping a bunch of random character art with no context?
>no context
Only if you don't play cyoas.
So we'll be able to have a great and meaningful discussion about how your character is a jobber/cuck/did nothing wrong/is badly written.
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stageplay here. Today I have decided to talk about some points on the creation of Death Is Just One Moment. These are not in any way spoilers about the work itself, just my own feelings on it, as valid as any others.

First, the CYOA was something I had in my mind for a long time, but as a larger more complicated work where you had to make series of decisions balancing resources against characters, making it mathematically impossible to not make at least one sacrifice, though if you played poorly you could end up needing to make more. It was simplified because the larger idea was too much effort for me at the time. I might make it the future, should I ever decide to return to making CYOA, though currently making more CYOA isn't my plan.

Second, adding "you can kill yourself" as a fifth option was an afterthought, something you could technically do given the scenario but which I didn't expect so many people to take. Personally, I couldn't imagine ever killing myself, no matter what hard choices I had to make to stay alive. I forgot most others don't think like me. Thus, the number of comments the work has gotten in terms of "the author is trying to force you to kill yourself!" amuses me.

Third, I intentionally tried to make it so there was no "correct" response. Based on the big variation in responses I've gotten among those who didn't just kill themselves, I think I succeeded. As far as choices go, it's supposed to represent your own priorities. Personally, I would choose Drifting Cloud, because I'm highly optimistic that it would work out anyway, and greedy for keeping around every other character for my own benefit.

Finally, every riff or inspired CYOA I've enjoyed. I saw one I hadn't before the other day and snorted in laughter. You are all beautiful.
I don't care about your shitty cyoa, UNDEAD GANG... FOREVER!
>Drifting Cloud is half our strength and is the only one that can prevents the Demon Lord from coming back
>Rumi is his favorite, so you can't sacrifice either
>Prince Barakaa's death cause a lot of problems down the line
Indra or yourself are the only choices.
Undead rule, friend. I agree with you there.
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I pick…


To add, the said mentioned more complicated version, there was to be a route where you could solve all your problems trivially by using necromancy. The end result of resorting to necromancy was to become a lich (with or without your consent) and kill everyone in a flood of undead.
>stageplay here.
Really? Could you answer a question or two about Are You Still in Pain?

1. How do the (temporary) roommates tie in to the other options? Or do they tie in at all?

2. Why is everyone so obsessed over the white-haired girl?

3. What is the painting at the end?

I really like the cyoa, but it also felt like we were missing a page or something.
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>Finally, every riff or inspired CYOA I've enjoyed. I saw one I hadn't before the other day and snorted in laughter.
Oh? Which one?
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I don't think a higher res version of Lilim exists, all I was able to find is this version that's a couple of KB bigger
Life is Just One Little Death

I don't like answering questions about this CYOA in particular, simply because I don't want there to be an author canon separate from the work itself, but I find myself caring a little less about these days, so I'll answer partially:

1. They do tie in.
2. Because it was the fundamental idea I had for the CYOA, "what if the most important character was dead?" As for why they care in-setting, that's a mystery to figure out, though I would at least point to Lia's comment of everybody knowing her and ask you to ask - how? If you can figure why Lia would say that, you're 1/3rd of the way to knowing why everybody cares, and 1/6th of the way to knowing who killed her.
3. A clue to several mysteries. I'll tell you that it's not just the text that matters in the CYOA - the mystery was constructed and text written after I selected the images, you are meant to draw clues from the relationships between certain images as well.
this cyoa is retarded power-wise. too many choos this or youre retarded options
>And does anyone have a higher res version of Lilim?
You might check Liminal's blog, although he (?) stopped updating it almost a decade ago. You could also look for an Imgur gallery - they were still the go-to site for image galleries when Liminal was actively writing.

I hate techfags so much it's unreal
What are some interesting abilities for an MMO-themed fantasy cyoa?
Depends on the cyoa.
Nexus doesn't have the same problem gateway does. Anyone can get the smart power for 5 points, and arguably gateway makes you way way way smarter than nexus does if you stack echoes.
We've pieced together parts of the background lore over the years, but it still feels like there's some key reference we're missing. . .and that drives me (at least) nuts. Some of the guesses include:

1. (You) seem to be stuck in some sort of time loop. (You) age, but something happens after a while, and are sent back to the beginning of the loop. This has already happened several times.

2. The government seems to be trying to clone a replacement for the white haired girl.

3. Either the death of the white-haired girl, or the experimental attempts to replace her, started the plague

4. Alana is either literally Death, and/or the monster that killed the white haired girl. She's fascinated by (you) because the time loop means she can't kill (you)

5. The wounded being from the painting - or at least part of it - is hanging up in the church

6. The Owl might be related to the plague somehow

I can't speak for the others, but I've never seen a good explanation for how the wounded angel, the monster (?) in the snow that everyone wants dead, Tulip the wild child, or the two dead giant monsters fit in.

(If the white-haired girl was the goddess of this setting, or had the ability to transform into a giant kaiju to protect it, certain things would make a lot more sense. But then I'd expect people to refer to her as "the Goddess", or by name/title).

Are we at least on the right track?
he hate us cuz he anus
Is there a reason the player of Are You Still in Pain has to take an offer, instead of remaining independent?
What were you smoking when you made something as pretentious as Are You Still In Pain? Have you thought about how that's your worst CYOA?
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>Thank you! I'm really flattered that you took the time do this even though entropist is no longer prominent in the threads.
No problem, nice to see some other sons sticking around earth for the long haul. Saw you update your Elaine pic by the way, looking good. Made me double check for other changes as well. But the armour on her left leg was fucking with my brain for a while. Hope i could convey your character in a satisfying manner.

>I'm not sure how that pesky vampire got eyes on one of my wrestling matches with Koryuu
She can be sneaky like that

>"research into the flesh" refer to my lack of Fleshwarp?
Yeah, my build has a heavyish focus on mutations and such, so she is used to my death mages coming up with all sorts of supplements to make life easier.

>Sao Paulo?
Marked that shit for you, but i dont think he ever claimed it as his territory so you might be good there

>I'm going to try and make a build for this and take Little Brother. I'm not sure who I'll take yet, but I probably wont take my own build as that would be a little strange and I'd like to pay homage to some of my favorite builds in some small way.
Cool, that is exactly what this "dlc" is for, to give anon builds some extra life after the cyoa was said and done. I await your team with anticipation brother. Also when/if you do your build, please use this link https://imgchest.com/p/m9yx2lppk7q as i removed the other one. Made it clearer now how one of the boons are free. Fucking forgot about doing that.

Hope you can reach perfection this time, at least that would make one of us.
Yet anons are still asking questions years later.

You are correct with 4 of guesses, on the right track but still wrong with one of them, completely off track with one of them, and one of them is half correct, but only relevant if you want to uncover 100% of the mysteries rather than just the core mysteries.

The wounded angel is relevant to at least one mystery. The monster in the snow everyone wants dead is the consequence of several other things being true - it serves as a "confirmation check" for if certain theories are on the right track. Tulip is relevant to at least one mystery. There are more than two dead giant monsters.

It's very strange there's obviously at least some-relationship between the white haired girl and the goddess, but she's referred to by the former! That's a core mystery.

Not explicitly, but if you don't you are just making things harder on yourself. Even if it's the dead white haired girl, whom grants you special powers for taking selecting her, on account of being dead.

I would say my worst CYOAs are the ones I never finished. Every finished work is a blessing.
No special powers for selecting her*
Fucking based
>I forgot most others don't think like me.
Ironically enough, this is probably why the mystery in Are You Still In Pain is still infuriatingly impossible to decipher for anyone. It might make sense for you, but it is quite probable it simply cannot make sense for anyone else.
i like lore
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I like lore but not companion lore. Whenever someone types up more then two sentences for a companion choice in a CYOA that isn't just "ur waifu" or "guy who fights good" I just don't read it.
time of day: night
all lights: off
headphones: on
music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-LPLxhljBwY
yup, time for another reread of black magic
Ignore everything, take the Lord of Beasts' offer, and leave.
He's obviously the most powerful entity you can interact with in the setting, considering he manages to talk over Alana and all offerers. If he lies, you're fucked, but then again you seem to be fucked anyway, and quite literally no one else you interact with seems even remotely trustworthy. Plus, the world seems to suck, so there really is no downside inleaving it to its fate.
>b-but don't you want to find out what's going on
Not particularly, no, and even if I did, it seems obvious from this very thread that no one is even close to the answer, if there even is one.
Only redditors pick kill themselves.
Stop killing your friends.
Is there some "obvious" source of information that we're missing? Based on the way the cyoa is written, I didn't realize (you) could still pick the white haired girl as a patron, even though she's technically dead. So I'm wondering if there's other things we're missing. . .

Also, can we choose to oppose one of the patrons for one of our six quests? John's quest to kill the magic rubs me the wrong way.
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Heres some new ultimate god lore, lemme know how it looks
What would the fourth option be?

Also - is the goth mob boss coming back in this version of Ultimate God?
Authorhood, where your powers expand over the omniverse but you become bound by responsibility to keep the Aspects running and the story moving.

Cynthia? Maybe, i have a bad habit of changing up the companions and family each time i update this cyoa lmao, hard to be happy with them in a setting like this.
If you reach that level of power, who is going to ensure you do your job?
The Aspects and Skai, mostly. You're going to be an even more conceptual being than the Ultima, and to go against your responsibilities to keep things running would be like us going against being made out of carbon.
It's a big loss of agency. Conceptual powers are not worth becoming a slave to the script for me, but to each their own.
>i like lore
How do you feel about people calling your setting bleak? Was this the intent when you wrote all of your lore?
>Glaive Knight
Aw man, I took Brazil specifically because I thought it was free real estate, but I would be more than happy to share, especially with a fellow fightfag. He seems based.

I'll probably hold off on posting my build when I finish it just so I can see what the other anon is writing. No rush to him though, I'm having fun but I won't be done anytime soon.
Based and true
Indra is the obvious choice. There's little reason not to pick her, especially when as the survival expert she should've been in charge of the water. Also fuck the "I get to confess but you can't heckin reply until we kill the demon king" shit
Stop killing women in cyoas.
Everything is and should be bittersweet in some way. I get wanting to have blissful power fantasy and in some ways my settings do cater to that, but in creating a setting that is more than skin deep i feel like it's disingenuous to create something that is incapable of being bleak at times.
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Most of those 'misunderstood creatures' are attacking me first, with the intent to kill. Not my fault they lost the gun game.
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Am I getting older and more bitter or was this kind of a shit year for cyoas
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Could be both.
There has been some good cyoas but the frequency has been pretty bad. There is still time for some bangers to drop, almost 3 whole months but i think some of them will go to start of next year.

Last year was worse except for entropist carrying the end of the year.

Also, you are older and bitter
Aro just wants to be tankista so badly. That is it. She copied that too.
>Magi Case
>Entropist update
>Living Dungeon
Nah you're just bitter s hell
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new titles too btw
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So, did you end up not changing the ancient ones? I think they look the same.
Entropist, update included, for me its an end of 2023 thing. Wasnt even the update days before 2024?

Harmonist was funny but i wouldnt consider it a good cyoa, it was a try of Thief (will he keep that name?) to try to make a cyoa and learn, it was a practice.

So Gateaway. Living Dungeon and Magi Case. Magi case was the biggest and ended up a meme and legend of it not being made (and enraged tok, which is always good)
There was also the Demigod update.
Aegis should have a shield instead of a sword, Aegis was literally the shield of Athena and Zeus and populariced as another word of shield
It was kind of forgettable. Only kept a float by the 20 updates it got.
You did it right this time. You're learning
Finally I can be the shogun
Any good upcoming cyoa? or just more aroslop?
For me it was Entropist, Remnant's Operation: Blinded Godhead and Isekai Bounty Hunter. The monster one was good too.

Harmonist was cringe and the definition of soulless. Gateway was flawed in many ways but still interesting enough to be discussed. I didn't even bother reading magicase, living dungeon, or Demigod
see >>94140318
I'm working on a "low powered" Planeswalker one. I don't know if it will be any good but I'm trying to make it with builds and synergies you can make with a decent amount of points and worlds to pick from.
>Unironically trying to copy Gateway
So if i get this right, you can choose to pussy out and sleep. But there might not come a day when you can be reborn because not enough gods scatter?

And nobody wants to be the dude that dies so that others can live right?

But if say 100gods scatter, we get like 10000gods that can be born again without waiting aeons to come back?

But really we have to play this like warhammer right? psykers (ultima) being sacrificed so the emperor (Aspects) can keep terra (verse) alive? What happens if all ultima say fuck it im going to sleep. Can the species die out? For it sure looks like thats about to happen.

Also please aro, can you give the lord of time a proper name? Unless you say what the lord title means, or is it because he is the strongest timegod or something after eating his sister? Why are there not more of him out there? Anybody can do what he did after all.
Where can I read Ultimate God?
Surprisingly, the one with more KB is lower res.

>check Liminal's blog
The images there are worse lol.

>Imgur gallery - they were still the go-to site for image galleries when Liminal was actively writing
I'm glad it isn't anymore.
No, there will never be a point where no more Ultima are being created, since they can be created naturally when multiverses Epox, since those multiverses blow cosmic power and souls out into the Void, where new ultima can be born from. Skai can also step in and make more every once in a while.

I'll consider it lmao. And the reason there's not more is the Pact, which binds all ultima and ancient ones by its magical laws, which compels both races to not eat each other and to band together when shit goes wrong.
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WIP traits / drawbacks for a minion cyoa (earlier units wip page: https://archive.4plebs.org/tg/thread/93968958/#q93970772). Does this selection work? Is something you'd like to see missing? I'll probably drop a few of these before the final version anyway, to keep the more "impactful" ones.

I originally had archetypes like "hive" which had preset traits, but the feedback nudged me to try a more modular approach. I'll also make a race section where you unlock two or three races (by default) for your minions.
>I intentionally tried to make it so there was no "correct" response.
You failed. The objectively correct response is to kill the deadweight. Anyone who doesn't agree is a retard.

If this was a psyop to find how many people are retards, you succeeded.
>if their power is not consumed in the creation of new Ultima
>halt the creation of new Ultima to revive

>Should you [...] desire, you can [...] be reborn into future generations of Gods
>revive at will

Everyone will pick Sleep lmao.
It's not 'revive at will', its revive if Skai needs more gods out there AND you are willing.
Skai doesn't matter.
Which would you prefer for a warlord CYOA?
>vague faction overview (Demon Conquest)
>fluff for separate units (Entropist)
>detailed mechanical stats (Dawn of a Demon Lord)
they good
for me it looks like it works
This looks cool, again. My magnitude of hype knows no bounds.
Separate traits and drawbacks into two sections.
How about a number of tiered traits to combine into a unit in ways players deem necessary?
Detailed stats ruin everything because no one can do them right.
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I prefer fluff for separate units, without exact numeric values though. Autists will ruin it if you give them numbers.
Just 2 more weeks
WIP attention farm
WIP attention farm
Done for
Still the best
beri is a cuteposter and therefore he must die. he two steps away from tranny
I guess you could say he's two steps from helll
That's one possibility but I've got a few minion ideas in mind. The premise is that the world has declined into a grimdark shithole but you've found a piece of a shattered old overgod, instinctively usurped it for yourself, and now need to use your minions to conquer the land because everybody wants your soul. Like a more mobile, holy-themed Dawn of a Demon Lord.

I was thinking of having six stats, Strength, Toughness, Speed, Cunning, Mysticism, and Discipline, and ranging from a score of 1 to 20. 1 barely exists, 20 is on par with a demigod. You would have 60 points to distribute between your own stats, and a supply of extra points to augment your forces. There would of course be traits, abilities, and so on, and I'll be detailing your opposition as well.

I lean toward fluff too but want to do something more crunchy.
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I just killed a hag and replaced her with a loli
>20 is on par with a demigod
I hope this demigod is not as much of a jobber as the ones from aro's cyoas.
>he lost the god game
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Nobody's going to play it, Tok. Stop trying.
All CYOAs have a few builds at least. He'll be fine.
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Well I'm making luminary a juicy slop waifu, power picker and planeswalking CYOA.
You got infected with underdog aro brainrot. It is over for your cyoa.
Talking about android waifus. Does the android's coochie work? and would she let you hit?
If I end up going with the stats, 20 Strength can break a mountain, 20 Toughness can endure the broken stones falling on them, 20 Speed is effectively invisible to most foes and able to teleport short distances, 20 Cunning is a strategic grandmaster able to predict the future by noticing patterns, 20 Mysticism has enough aura to passively shape the weapons they're holding into enchanted masterworks while inspiring fanaticism in everyone that sees them, and 20 Discipline is an unbreakable will that boosts every one of their other skills by a huge degree. Most of the enemy faction leaders will have +18 stats in most categories, difficult to outstat, and need clever use of abilities and minions to reliably defeat.
Yeah this sounds way weaker than even Demigod.
I hate updating my image builds but here we go
Okay, so it is better than demigod. Since there strength can not even lift a ship. Much less break a mountain.
>Swinging around an Eiffel tower in each hand is weaker than lifting a ship
Are you on crack?
That depends on you.
You have the tools to be quite the powerhouse if you are willing to pay the price.

Yeah her reproductive system works.
League of Jobbers
It will be a minion CYOA. With stats of 20 you'll be able to demolish most enemies but fighting peer foes is a serious risk, since the afterlife is FUBAR'd and you don't have any resurrections available.

You'll be able to jump farther than an english longbowman can loose an arrow if you go for 20 Strength. There will be a trait and several minions for jumping good, in fact.
>t. fainting after 15 minutes
and this is while really pushing yourself lmao. Can't even hope to ever lift an aircraft carrier. Demigod is pathetic.
I should make a traveller's tale build
>Leagues of Tok
I wanted to use them as antagonists at one point, but most of them are just slightly veiled fetish builds.
post travellers tale 2 then
give me a few whiles to write something up
I’m taking Witch Tok, Angel Tok and Gwen
Tok is a coomer in his heart. His long list of fetishes is so long and full of taboo's ones he would put to shame the rest of cyoag.

I'ts not worthy to try to understand his mind let alone use builds of him created from such a mind
Tok, my man/woman, half your builds are based on 100% sex, half of the rest include a fetish like you wanting to be a slut and the rest are you being a dragon (which probably included dragon dick zoophilia in your mind)

I would say only the snake doesnt include sex but you probably thought you could enter an ass or pussy with that form.
Red Ravager.
>Hope you can reach perfection this time, at least that would make one of us.
I have the same issue so I need to tweak my build again before I submit. Im glad to see you are still doing this.
You're build got in, nice. I like fellow battle autist builds like yours and "the strongest". I wonder what happened to Dread Legate
I would use them as the initial arc Jobbers. Like saibamans, all his builds are jobbers and easily defeatable
Already stronger than Raditz...
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I mean as their role in the arc. Being jobbers at the start to hype the rest. Raditz or saibamans already solo the league of toks
1. Different recruitable unit-types and tactics like Dogs of War.
2. Mutually-exclusive investments with their own benefits/drawbacks like in Broken Steel.
3. Focus options for drilling, equipment, characters etc. like fast attack, never retreating, accuracy, ammunition, adaptability, numbers, range, killrate, comms, recon, counter-intelligence, para-dropping, swimming, shadowwalking, teleporting, magic resistance...
4. Choices of targets to try to conquer, each with their own strengths, weaknesses, and rewards. Maybe one place has a huge population but also a lot of land to cover so it's easy to enter and maneuver in but difficult to completely hold. One area might gain a waifu princess, a different one a factory for better armaments, a third site may have a high attrition rate to get by Giant's Bridge yet wield fantastic wealth if taken.
>The Shogun of Destruction Death
>The Apostle of Heart Light
>The Aegis of Time Mind
It just doesn't roll of the tongue anymore.
This is the price of having two Aspects.
lmao all toks solo their settings speedreader
And they all kneel to the average Laboratorium build, yes.
He would love that
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>vague faction overview (Demon Conquest)
The Power of One
>vague faction overview (Demon Conquest)
>fluff for separate units (Entropist)
The Power of Two
>vague faction overview (Demon Conquest)
>fluff for separate units (Entropist)
>detailed mechanical stats (Dawn of a Demon Lord)
The Power of Maaaaaannnnnyyyyyyy
no, they don't tok. Flesh dancer is a collateral damage. The one in dawn of a demon lord is a jobber in a jobber world escared to go out.
Magi case jobs to any semi capable mage in every faction, let alone auctors. Demon eyes tok's weakness is a weiner, he dies if he confronts one and the list continues and continues.

You simply do jobber builds because you seek your fetishes
Don't bring that filth here.
Most builds aren't asexual
They just aren't constantly thinking about sex
Tok's life is how he can ge ta cyoa to fulfill one of his fetishes, be it be a girl and get raped or be a snake dildo
Any theories on the opening scene? I’m guessing some kind of meta-narrative thing given that you are called “anon”.

Also, I think I’ve seen three portraits with unexplained blood on them (angel, church:Ike, and tulip). Maybe something important there??
Add a “and” between the aspects.
did husanon release the full axe page or not?
W-What is this power?
I'll be honest, I've had Traveller's Tale opened up in another tab while I've been at work for... like, weeks, honestly. I got really, really enamored with the world and concepts. I've made half a dozen different builds, some based on just exactly what I'd want if I were sent over, some based on characters. Written little short stories to experiment with the Destined For Greatness bonus, though they aren't of much quality as I've never written before. I figured since I've gotten so much enjoyment out of it, and I don't really have anyone else to talk to about it or share anything, I may as well post one of my builds. So, introducing one of the ones based on myself, Rent-Artillery, or Rent-R-Tillery, or Rent-Our-Tillery. We're still figuring it out. Hell, it could barely even be considered a rental service, it's just the name at this point.
>Origin: The Watcher
Five extra traits, another companion. Race is going to be baseline human. History is going to be mostly my own. Young adult American enlisted in the army.
>Traits: High tech, inherent ethereal, Notably Functional, Foresight, Practical Comptroller, Juryman, T.R. Indirect Fracture
Some people say that, in the heat of combat, the first thing to go is the plan. I guess that's true. But it doesn't mean that you ought to just come up with everything you do on the spot - know what you're doing, how you'll be doing it, what your enemy is doing, how your enemy is doing it, what you ought to do in response to what your enemy is doing, and what the backup plan is for when the enemy asspulls. Failing that? Sure. Make something up. The training requisition is because Indirect Fracture seemed to fit best with my artillery ambitions.
>Shadow Wizard Money Clan
Not gonna lie, it goes kind of hard.
>Ethos & Alignment: Your Nation, Altruism, Your Status, Utilitarian > Idealist
I'm a member of the Order, now, and I'll bear that flag on my shoulder. If the order has a flag. If not, I suppose the American one will do in place of it. I'm not a 10-foot hulking combat monster, I'm not an A.I. able to plan the game ten thousand steps in advance. What I am is someone who's willing to give a helping hand to someone in desperate times. Provided those desperate times can be solved with a 11-foot-long artillery shell. And, hopefully, you save enough lives like that, and people will remember you as the one who did so.
>Initial Requisition - Attire & Armor (+1500, -700 after purchases, 800 left): Traveller Leathers, NNTSBBN.19 'Aniki', Upgraded 'Full Metal' Operator Helmet, Void Suit
Traveller leathers come free. The Aniki suit is neck-to-toe total shrapnel protection from my job, and theoretically could just be clothing that's physically impossible to wear out if I'm willing to be mildly scandalous. Operator helmet covers what the suit doesn't and provides a heads-up-display, a flashlight, and a communications rig. Void suit is for if my artillery operations require me to be in space temporarily, so I don't have need for infinite recycling or anything for now.
>Initial Requisition - Arms & Weapons (-135 after purchases, 665 left): Yuta Bracer, Yuta Utilities Function, 'Old Iron' Skinning Knife, TM.912 Alrewnder Pistol
Not much to say here. I don't want to get into face-to-face combat often. In the event that I'm forced to, I'll have the .45 as a sidearm on my hip, and failing that, the bracer on my wrist. The skinning knife is for utility or for stabbable ethereals. Utility functions are for utility functions.
>Initial Requisition - Misc Equipment (-2060, -1395 into the negatives): Jump Pegs, Basic Survival Kit, Basic Bags, ID Card, Hammer Closet, Universal Thumb, 24-HR Multi-Reality News Feed, Multiversal Timekeeper, Universal Traveller Markers, Old-Standard Living Rations, Privic 'Luxuries' Rations, Traveller Corpse Soap, Venathari Headset M.183, 'De-Deafs', Toshamark-Zaibatsu Standard Mobile PC, Multi-Media Collection Cube, QM Macro Generator, 38.62KM Compressed Duct Tape Roll, Internal Business Setup Package
This is the stuff that doesn't have to do with implants or the big weapon itself. Jump pegs, survival kit, bags, and ID are all free and getting used. Hammer Closet can be bolted to the frame of the weapon and used as personal office and living space. Universal Thumb is for emergencies. News feed is to keep up-to-date on things. Timekeeper is for if a client wants an artillery shell lobbed at something literally-yesterday. Universal Traveller Markers are for utility and awareness. Old-Standard rations are for food. Luxuries rations are for nicotine and mints. Corpse soap is grandchildren protection. Venathari headset helps me do artillery math. De-deafs make me not go deaf every time I fire. Mobile PC is for utility and morale. Media Cube is for morale. Macro Generator is to run all of my drones and my weapon. Duct tape roll is cheap enough to just buy for whatever comes up.
>Initial Requisition - Personal Implants (-330, -1725 into the negatives): Base Physical Reformatting, Rotating Mental Module
Basic, here, but there's enough to elaborate on to warrant its own section. Shift current physical structure to complete androgyny, retaining male reproductive features so as not to veer into Extensive Physical Restructuring and spend even more points. I don't have much need for human notions of gender, and people have done significantly more degenerate things with this option. I'm busy dropping artillery shells. I also don't have much requirements for physical strength. Minor details come down to 5'4", 130-ish lbs, straight black hair, olive skin. The RMM is for if I need to work overtime.
>Initial Requisition - The Reason For The Build (-4000, -5225 into the negatives): Tyazhelyy Gustav, Custom Drone-/Titanic/, Custom Drone-/Large/ x5, Custom Drone-/Small/ x5
It's wonderful. It's incredible. It's damn-near-magical. Gustav, unrestrained and off of the railroad tracks, and Edelweiss the Titanic Drone that I've chosen to quite literally mount atop Gustav to streamline and expedite the firing process by doing a lot of the heavy lifting and management. Five large drones to do other physical tasks, five small drones to do weaker tasks, run calculations, and monitor and alert me of any issues. One traveler standing on-deck to manage them all and point them in the right direction. I'll get around to giving all the drones names eventually, as they develop little personalities and quirks within their assigned tasks.
The idea is simple. Most people couldn't afford to spend four thousand requisition points on a functioning one-man artillery piece. So, I'll make myself useful by going where that specific function is needed. Somebody, somewhere, out there in the great infinity, could have a hell of a better time fighting against whoever they're fighting against if they only had an 11-foot high explosive artillery shell straight into the eye of their enemy. All they have to do is call, and I'll blink the Gustav into existence into the sky right over the horizon, lob a high-explosive shell right onto the designated target, and blink right back out of existence as soon as the jumping systems recharge. Then, fifteen minutes later (or faster, given Edelweiss' hard work), if the first strike didn't solve the problem, the second one will, or your money back guaranteed.
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Give me your best looking CYOAs!
Internal business setup package from earlier was so that I can set this up as business/requisition. Idea being, I'm about to blow four thousand requisition points on a moving piece of artillery. But most travelers aren't going to have any need for artillery in their day-to-day - they'd just want it when, yknow, that sort of thing is useful. So for a fistful of credits, when you're up to the neck in bullshit, me and my rig will show up and just decimate whatever you point us at, and blink right away.
>Initial Requisition - Modes of Perpetuity (-600, -5825 into the negatives): Standard Maintenance, Koshchey Phylactery
Provided you trust in your ability to protect your phylactery and you keep your corpse maintained I see this as essentially without drawback. Cloning technology is stated to exist in the end-sum human’s racial description, and nowhere else in the document. Regardless of that, it shouldn’t be that hard to provide a sample of DNA from my current, living body and either outright clone it or use basic 20th century IVF to grow another body that’s mostly similar to my current one (or maybe with mild changes as the years go on and self-image preferences change), use a combo of ethereal and biological interference to prevent it from developing a soul or sapience, leave it braindead and comatose until it reaches adulthood, and then cull it and store it in a freezer near the phylactery in the event that my initial body is destroyed.
Anon was patient/autistic enough to sit through Traveller's Tale, and is now posting his build.
I haven’t seen any other builds use this sort of lichdom, which I’ll use to interpret as few other travellers taking a similar path - which makes it more fun, I suppose. It could jumpstart a joint collaboration between ethereal and biological on what exactly a lich can possess. My own preference is to remain as close to living as possible while using the phylactery as insurance against total disintegration of my original body, so maybe eventually they’ll refine the process and figure out how to ‘kill’ a shell body while most of the biological functions are still work fine.
>Little Things (+1850, -3975 into the negatives): Notorious, Weapons Hubris, Leon-Hearted, Vanguard Of The Order
I'll write something up for notorious in a document. Weapons Hubris is inevitable for my sort of niche, given I've invested so much into Gustav that I don't have much time and effort for face-to-face combat - though, eventually, I'm sure I'll be forced to get over that and learn to fight with my hands and my sidearm better than an average foot soldier. Leon-hearted is something I felt I would suffer from even if I didn't pick it as a drawback, as I *do* want to make sure everyone is accounted for and good to go. As for Vanguard Of The Order, it's pretty direct - I belong to the travelers, and bearing that flag, I'd see it stand for a hundred thousand years.
>Covenants: The Dak-Conventional Church (A Clean Gun Is A Happy Gun, Logistical Support), Βάκχος Gathering (Wine Song and Dance, Satyr Gifts)
Two very, very different organizations. Or perhaps they aren't that far apart after all. Battle Buddies and Bacchus Buddies. I could've gone all-in on the /k/ult - I'm arguably in posession of one of their most holy artifacts - and I do love guns and firearms, surely. But to focus on one aspect of yourself is to kill the rest of you. And I also like grapes, wine, and satyrs. For as long as my body is alive, anyways. It won't be hard to get a Bacchus Buddy from biological to help out when it isn't.
I was debating on which of the /k/ult's blessings I wanted, and in the end I'm sad to not choose Private Manufactorums, but I am Gustav's caretaker first and foremost. To see him run dry or run dirty would be a disservice. And I can't imagine not choosing that option means I'm locked away forever from asking the help of my fellow churchmen whenever I need something manufactured.
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fucking hell, what's the point of releasing the cyoa in snippets?
especially if you are that slow, either release the full cyoa all at once or don't release it at all
>Home District & Housing: Residence Bloc 299C – If You Wander Far & Often
The residence bloc is mostly just to put important things that I'd rather have stored securely on Ae, like phylactery and extra corpses in some . I'll be using my hammer closet as my primary living space. It shouldn't be all that hard to procure raw materials and furniture and have some of my drones fashion about half of the pocket dimension into a good little 20th century apartment and office space, and set the rest up as shelving and storage. And the Residence Bloc will always be there if I see my beloved Gustav atomized, and the closet with it.
>Panic Buttons: The Sant Sipahi
It was around here in writing this that I realized that the purpose I was fulfilling with the order was remarkably similar to that of the Orbital Platform first responder, who arguably would be doing my job better than me, given an orbital battery is probably stronger. But, just as well, there's no complaints when two true travellers are both leather-jacket-wearing dagger-wielding teleporting wanderers, huh? In an order as big as this, no there's no sense in getting jealous. Besides, it doesn't have to be an emergency for you to call me. You could call in a Gustav strike out of pure convenience, if it helps you out.
Allies, Acquaintances, Rivals & Friends: Wu Mei, Sir Richard Francis Burton, Archibald of Nablus (Recruiter), Yarihei Neinta, Johann E.E. Rommel
Frankly, there's exact rhyme or reason to these choices. It was down to who I felt like I could get along with, who I felt I could learn from, who I felt I could benefit from, or all three. Well, that and Archibald is in my church. It's hard to know exactly who a person is just by a written description. You have to talk to them first. But these ones seemed like the ones I'd do better to be around. And, of course, nothing says I can't make more friends later.
>Hubworld Deployment: Crowns of the Archons
Seemed like the one I could apply myself to and learn from my mistakes from. Given currently, I have nothing but a hammer, I ought to look for nails. So I'll hang out somewhere out of sight and out of danger, collect information from fellow travellers, and drop Tkilotons on foreheads whenever those fellow travellers spot a weakness. It's the sort of thing it's better to work together on - A god who's currently pummeling the shit out of your Battle Buddy won't be paying quite as much attention to the 1,550 lbs artillery shell heading towards him at Mach 2.
i didnt fucking greentext the allies bit god damn it
>Final Choice: Red Letter
Frankly, I can't remember what this choice was, and I've chosen not to go out and find the red letter and jade letter document because that'd take the fun out of it. So, who the Gustav serves from here is up in the air. A mystery.
>Tally of words I've written so far because I've written a lot and I'd like to know how many points I got and how much I theoretically have to write to break even: 2092
Quick math is that that earns me 1000 points. Leaving me still about 3000 points into the negatives, so when I go off and write my story about my recruitment, my notorious drawback, and whatever else, I'll have to write about 6000 words more. Not that bad, to be honest. Or I could just Sartre it away. I wouldn't know. I haven't written it yet.
>buildGODS enriching thread quality
You love to see it
To do the same thing aro was doing. This is what happens when you put authors in a discord together. They infect each other with their worse parts
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>about 3000 points into the negatives
I'm ultimately okay with that.

The only obvious source of information I think people might be ignoring is that each of the patron's responses are only considered canon if you pick that patron for that playthrough. You don't have all of them talking to you at the same time. Also, that when they speak up they may be responding to that particular choice, but they're always speaking to (you).
I have about 1000 words of recruitment written down, so i guess it's more like 2500 into the negatives. It may have been more honest to myself to wait until I had more before going through with posting, but in the end, I have a teleporting artillery piece and you don't
I'll add on as my final message before I ignore this thread for another few months, Von Sterling is more important to various mysteries than I think people have really considered.

In any case, I hope my choice to illuminate some things hasn't lessened the work itself like I feared. Goodbye.
Why are you still trying to decipher the author's intent years after the release?
>1. Different recruitable unit-types and tactics like Dogs of War.
There are four planned unit-types and a set of six philosophies (doctrines of war) you can take to alter how your army works.

>2. Mutually-exclusive investments with their own benefits/drawbacks like in Broken Steel.
Nothing you have access to at the start is going to be mutually exclusive but you'll need to specialize to survive.

>3. Focus options for drilling, equipment, characters etc. like fast attack, never retreating, accuracy, ammunition, adaptability, numbers, range, killrate, comms, recon, counter-intelligence, para-dropping, swimming, shadowwalking, teleporting, magic resistance...
I do plan on some intricacy and logistics. One trait will allow you to apply abilities to any unit, for an increase in its cost. For example, you could give a Basilisk's petrifying gaze to Oozes, causing them to grow eyestalks capable of using it, at the cost of them taking threefold more currency to produce as it's taken from a much stronger creature.

>4. Choices of targets to try to conquer, each with their own strengths, weaknesses, and rewards. Maybe one place has a huge population but also a lot of land to cover so it's easy to enter and maneuver in but difficult to completely hold. One area might gain a waifu princess, a different one a factory for better armaments, a third site may have a high attrition rate to get by Giant's Bridge yet wield fantastic wealth if taken.
There are seven (eight, including other anons if you go multiplayer) enemy factions planned. They cover a wide range of strategic niches and terrain, and are at least a little broken. Most of them are in a genocidal conflict with most others but most are also open to negotiating with you, which excludes negotiating with their bitter foes.

NTA but I'm busy with work.
I'm only have time to properly sit down and work on my WIPs on the weekends.
Better than Italics never releasing anything.
Why wouldn't I be? Especially since in this particular instance, uncovering the mystery seems to be the entire point of the CYOA. The choices are meaningless otherwise.
It might be time to accept you'll never get to the bottom of this and move on.
also just as well if you want, it breaks even if you just strip the armor (other than leathers) and the non-artillery-equipment
but that's more boring, personally, and I'd like my 20th century apartmentspace pocket dimension
If you want a build that doesn't spend credits then go make a shaman in a loincloth and put all your points into ethereal mastery. I bought the luxuries rations because nicotine and altoids are important
You are not HIM.
>Von Sterling is more important to various mysteries than I think people have really considered.
I actually suspected as much, interesting. He always gets dismissed out of hand as irrelevant and powerless, which didn't sit right with me.
But then again, I also have a hunch that the Devourer isn't as one-dimensional as it seems, and THAT seems very improbable.
Who is "HIM"?
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No, I am not. I am me, no more, no less. I'm looking forward to the CYOA but there's no reason not to try to make one of my own in the meantime.
It's not something that consumes me non-stop or whatever. Just a reason to get slightly annoyed whenever I see this particular CYOA being posted, which isn't often.
The best author of all times. You know the name.
I fucking hate planeswalker / multiverse CYOAs. They are so unoriginal and have no real focused world with its in-depth explanations and events. I don't know how or why it has become so popular that it has affected every piece of media that you can't have something set in its own world anymore.
It's Outer Reincarnation and Entropist bandwagoning. This too, will pass.
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bruh, so defensive

Seriously though, personally I find cyoa build making engaging when it's bit of a struggle against limitations, so just picking everything you might want and hand-waving the costs seems quite boring, like playing a game with infinite resources cheat. I suppose one could frame the story-to-credits option as all the stuff you'll be earning in along the story, and IMO that's more interesting than getting it all on day one just because.
Entropist is part of the thing I hate, never liked Traveller's Tale either. Outer Reincarnation is okay-ish because it takes place in one world with its own stuff despite the isekai plotline and shitty metaplot that you can't really ignore because its so ingrained in all the choices from the beginning.
sounds like shit taste to me
I think a large component of it is that most CYOAs expect the player to insert themselves, which means they're a portal fantasy by default. From there it's easy to extrapolate that there's more out there than the CYOA's setting. I'm neutral on it, personally. Some are good, some are bad. As long as it's detailed enough to imagine my build existing in I'm content.
lmao next you will say that it invented be the bad guy or waifus CYOAs too.
What's better for supersoldiers brainwashed to love their commanders to fall into ennui and waste away or go berserk if their handler dies?
Coin toss between the two.
TroyX was and still is the only good author.
depends on what you want to leave behind in the world after your death
Neither. Being brainwashed is disgusting degenerate Tok-level shit and going berserk for low int fags that need to be executed.
That fraud just gave up on his wip. He is as much of a failure of an author as PCA who did the same. BEYOND FILTERED.
That depends. Which would the supersoldier-brainwashing faction prefer?
The second one is a plot seed for a mission.
The first one carries the insinuation, if the commander is a player character, that his waifus will have to be remarried to someone else if he dies. I know this because you'd 100% put the player in the position to replace another commander. It makes more sense but has a proven ability to upset insecure anons.
>was about to scream about cucking
well played
shouldn't have died bozo
>I know this because you'd 100% put the player in the position to replace another commander
anons and xianxia protagonists have convinced me stuff like this is one of the most unrealistic scenarios in fiction
What are some dumb shows or movies I could make a cyoa out of?
Fifty shades of grey.
Mortal Engines, combined vehicle and society builder.
I could not watch this. No way a mobile city or town wouldn't stop shaking itself into ruins

Also, why do so many young adult settings use the word 'Mortal' in their titles?
>Mortal instruments
>Mortal bones
>Mortal engines
Gurren Lagann (I jest, it's actually high cinema, I just want to see more mecha CYOAs)
It's an unintended consequence so they don't have a say.
And they can't brainwash them again.

They can't be reassigned.

I think I'll go with this.
It gives me more room to write things like a deathwatch group of supersoldiers without their commander that are sent to die elsewhere.
Or mentors with barely any will to keep going.
And a good excuse for them to be distrusted and seen with fear.
Mortal Gods
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Brainwashing is kino if it's taken at least semi seriously and confronted as grim.
Not as just fetish fuel for perfect loyal waifus.
That's kind of the angle I want to go for.
Neither. The logical course of action would be to try to revive their commander.
Fluff for seperate units, no stats. Just allegories to how strong they are.
Me in the back
This show is so bad lmao
Would make a perfect cyoa tho
I'm so glad fags with shit taste like you weren't around for Conduit.
>multiverse slop
>locations and creatures get five lines per pages max
Yeah me too.
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Can you catch the monsters? And even more so, would it be morally wrong to rape one of the monsters if you could catch them?
How strong are they? What do they do in the day time? They seem to follow people relentlessly, albeit slowly, but still. In day, do they sleep? Does the sunlight hurt them? Why is no one asking these questions? Why is no one experimenting hunting the things? It wouldn't be hard to set a trap for one. A room before a room, or maybe a trap floor that leads to a locked metal cage, or a pitfall with spikes that traps them on the spikes before you drop something heavy on top of them, then see how they fare in the morning.

After that it's only a matter of experimentation. The first one you catch doesn't matter, it's only the first of many subjects. Once you finally have one, regardless of how, then it's only a matter of time before you can finally have your way with them. Put one in the sun. Stab it with spears over and over and over again, see how much damage you can do to it while it's alive, burn it and see how long it takes to die. Test it's strength. None of this would be difficult. The other point is, with supernatural rules in play, you'd need to test how the amulets work or how them coming inside works. Does having one inside your house mean others can come inside?
>Discovery requires experimentation!

These people suck. They could be fucking monster pussy every night. Imagine the horrors you could inflict on these monsters and be completely free of any shame or guilt.
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I didn't think I was the only one here who went to /tv/
You're literally the guy that opens the window and gets everyone killed kek
anyone would
So literally any anon trapped in that town...
Rape is bad, regardless if it's an absolutely evil creature.
>picture is a normal woman
Funny without context.
What's the name of the show?
Its copypasta by the monster rapist on /tv/
It's called FROM
It's about a bunch of low iq midwits trapped in a town inhabited by "people"
So I guess /tv/ is a containment board….
>he doesnt want to risk it all for the slight possibility of monster pussy
It is
For what it’s worth, I’m much more interested in it now that I’ve seen the thought going into it. I originally skimmed over it thinking it was all vibes and no real underlying world desu.
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>he doesnt know
Imagine driving into a small town and not being able to leave, and at night a race of slow walking human looking monsters (of varying eras, but also sometimes people you recognize) come out to sadistically torture you slowly over the course of the night. Also for some reason hanging a talisman in your house prevents them from entering it. Also everyone is retarded.
League of Legends!

>I wanted to use them as antagonists at one point, but most of them are just slightly veiled fetish builds
The thing with image builds are that some dumb dumbs like you only look at the images and forget to read the actual builds

>I’m taking Witch Tok, Angel Tok and Gwen
Depends if you are a cute girl, then yes, but if no then you won't be taking anything except 3 big black strapons in the ass

This is tokpilled and true!

Based, moralfags hate fun and anything which isn't asexual
Can't they shoot them?
Shhh you can't talk about guns here, especially right under Tok! He'll lose his mind!
Not very effectively.
What about burning them? You can never go wrong with some old fashioned fire.
I almost made an image build for gateway but I felt like I had to respond to ivory but don't want too so I stopped making it.
Retards value their booze more than bombs.
A brilliant idea. What if we just get the monsters drunk?
That's a lot of image builds, I only recognize a few of them. Which Tok is the most powerful?
You mean which Tok is the biggest jobber? Probably ultimate god.
They all get mindbroken by some weak hentai mob, considering Tok runs off of hentai logic.
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The one from this CYOA.
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Flesh dancer, who is below death knight
exmanaficated tok
Weird argument.
I could reasonably be Nameless with the same "Me > Others" logic and challenge everyone everywhere until my death (which is fated to be important) because it's all fuel for my personal growth.
Whether you choose comfy or adventure is a matter of taste/ideals, not logic.
Aro got btfo so hard by replying that she stopped doing so. Now she just comes to drop her shit and leaves.
>trying to reason with Tokie
Half of the posts in this thread are from me, bro. I just can't remember which ones because i turn the (you) off of every post i make.
>i turn the (you) off of every post i make.
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Because i have no long term memory so if i can't see that i posted it i will forget, and i can trick myself into the belief that i am not alone in here.
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Don't worry, it's not like we're all AIs made to copy your neural network through hidden queries.
Have a CYOA.
Those are bird wings.
Those makes it look like she has a hairy ass.
Then it seems I must bully you even more.
Inferior and incomplete version. It's pretty but I prefer the one where she crashes into your house.
She does
imagine the aroma
I am pretty sure that's the standard artist implying that she wears frilly panties that are bigger than the pants.
Reminder that aro includes stuff based on what she is attracted to.
Or it's, ya know, denim strands from the cut off daisy dukes.
Conduit sucked ass too and has poor writing.
I did not look at the image properly, it did not load before, but yes in this case it's just that.
>sucked ass and has poor writing
a relic from a more civilized age
>hot as hell
Why do people hate this?
Nta but I am pretty sure the complaint is not that it's not hot enough, it just does not fit with the rest.
She looks better than the rest of the moths though. Am I supposed to be upset she’s not a black eyed albino covered in white hair from head to toe?
Both in either order for maximum kino.
>She looks better than the rest of the moths though
no she looks like a human, and that's shitty.
What if underneath her hood theres a big moth face? What if most of the chest under the hood is covered in black fuzz?
She has bird wings so I doubt that
Pic is too human, don't like it. Doesn't match with the others.
They're shadow wings manifested through magic, i don't think that really matters that much.
>Where can I read Ultimate God?
Aromage's author folder, or here:

someone remind me what cyoa this is again
The Iliad
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Is this lore accurate?
>looks like a human
Gee whiz I fucking hope so. You don't actually want to stick your dick in something other than a human woman, right?
>You don't actually want to stick your dick in something other than a human woman
Yes. I do.
Did you pick a Traveller faction? And are you going after Duwall (the unwinnable fight), accept an introduction to one of the leaders pushing the Travelers into civil war, or walk away?
Yeah I now see my mistake. Of course fags want to stick their dick in human men.
Only tok does.
Well, Von Sterling is a cybernetics guy with a black ops division of the government. Then there are his reactions . . .

Logically, he'd be involved with the murder of the white-haired clones, the bartender with cybernetic limbs, the roommate with a cybernetic leg, and efforts to control the plague.

He probably also has information on "big" events that aren't public knowledge. Stuff like the giant monsters.

The only surprise was his comment on the guy who is maintaining the church
. Sounds like he knows him personally, like an ex-colleague.
>someone remind me what cyoa this is again
That is Tankista's One Page Shit Post Cyoa. Option A makes (you) the dreamer of Avalon, while Option B makes (you) the Nameless Deathseeker who killed Aeneas (the Fifth Omniarch).
Daily reminder that coomers go here >>>/trash/
If cyoa authors were servants in a grail war, what roles would they fill?

Yeah I don’t get his reaction to Ike (assuming that’s who he’s referring to).

Interestingly, Ike’s been with the goddess for 1000 years. The devourer mentions someone from 1000 years ago being like us. The owl mentions the church falling to the forest in 1000 years. There’s gotta be something there…
One thing that caught my eye - the world of Are You Still in Pain has cybernetic prosthetics, but there's no evidence of guns. All the warrior characters are sporting swords - even the outlaw types.

If I was hunting plague zombies, I'd be investing heavily in firearms. Also - they're wearing chain and plate mail, which won't (usually) stop a bullet.

What sort of world has cloning and cyborgs, but no firearms?
a shitty one
>the multivers-
into the trash
That could work maybe they go berserk for a while and wear themselves out.
Or maybe even can go from one extreme to the other by being exposed to certain stimulus.
Like seeing whoever they think killed their commander sending them into an unstoppable rage.
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I want to make an image build for a cyoa now but don't know what to do it on. I was going to do it for gateway but its going to be difficult.
Do it for Solar Legion
The superior Aromage cyoa
I like solar legion but it doesn't have enough substance for an image build imo.
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This general needs an enema
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Do it anyways anon
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Drink deeply
I'm really liking the look of your cyoa so far. I can tell this is one of those rare cyoa releases that will put me into excited happy autism mode.

I'm thinking you could add a promotion trait. Minions that kill lots of enemies/worthy enemies get increases in stats, and will be upgraded to an advanced unit if there is one suitable for them to be.
I think we started getting the rather big ones in 2013 or earlier
Shit like the temple and conduit cyoas, and those went on for quite a few pages
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This is gonna be the updated angel system for ultimate god; lower angels have more forms, and the forms have their own abilities and power. I might also add another level of angel powers, locked to each rank of angel.
The Temple? What was that one about? I'm not sure I've ever seen it.

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