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Miniatures Edition

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>Thread Question
Do you use maps or tokens for your games?
depends on the game but generally WoD games I have never experienced the use of Maps and Tokens
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>give board gamers promo they won't have any use for
>give card games hypothetical card they can't reasonably acquire
I mean he's not even particularly good, it's a matter of principles.
>Do you use maps or tokens for your games?
Very rarely. If it’s a combat-heavy session with some prior build-up and chosen location something like "we’re going to rob this giant Giovanni mansion" or "let’s storm the Tzimisce castle", basicly something that would be a dungeon in another game, then I sometimes go full Shadowrun and draw a map outline, but that happens maybe once a year at best
. . . and Curseborne!
Wait, we can't acquire these cards by any other means except buying Chapters?
And bumblebee!
We have, technically, used the whiteboard to draw the layout of a room, and indicate where someone is standing relative to something. But I don't think we've ever tracked position or anything like that in our lives.
It pretty much always just comes up from a "what can you see" perspective, like whether you can see a car pulling up while you're in a building or something like that
Maps, such as city maps, are incredibly helpful
Tokens, not so much
There's just this one guy, there isn't VtES card for each Chapters character. But he seems really only available as "a bonus" to buying Chapters.
I remember they doing the Caitiff character card, but I thought they would do other characters as well.
That's sad.
Maps, in MY theater of the mind game?
More likely than you think.
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What's the most autistic character you have ever seen at your table? I'm planning on making a centerpiece out of the spirit brood born out of psychiatric hospital and need some ideas to steal.
>tfw no schizo Dreamspeaker gf
I wouldn't say "autistic character", but the player itself is autistic and this makes his character not only boring, but a wate of breathable air and space. Does that count?
I've been trying out a quick and dirty grid conversion for nWoD/CofD. I prefer grids for bigger combats because then speed doesn't feel entirely arbitrary, it also gives more use for powers that boost speed.
His name was Danial Ambrose. And he was one of the worst characters I have ever seen, role played by one of the most annoyingly autistic people I have ever known. What you need to know is 90% of what made him awful is that the player never intended any of this and it was just how he was in practice. No matter how much advice or feedback we gave him to make the character more sympathetic and likeable like he wanted.

He was a Ventrue who only had a single point in Dominate and power maxed everything else into Presence. His backstory was that he was a big shot radio show host in the 90s who let his fame and money go to his head. Had an affair with his secretary and his wife walked in on him. This being the 90s and him working for a proud conservative family values style station he was fired. Wanted to spin the backstory as if the WIFE was the one at fault and portrayed her as a psycho bitch obsessed with ruining his life (Even though he lost his job, all his money in divorce court and his reputation is in tatters) and wanted to have it where Daniel is just out trying to life his unlife but she keeps stalking him, sending letters to places he tries to get income from telling them to not associate with him, sending hired goons to harass and beat him up etc. Completely unhinged stuff while he himself was meant to be portrayed as the victim in all but name who was suffering unjustly. I no sold this entire thing and had him write it as he was the bad guy, she was devastated and just wanted him out her life. (1/3)
After he got embraced, he quickly defined himself as a character for being an egotistical, self-centred, miserable cunt Boogie2988 style. And being a complete woe-is-me attention hog. No one ever had it as bad as him. No one can understand what he is going through and no one sees what he sees. He went on a soul draining woe-is-me rant at a bar next to another player and an NPC. Said NPC had earlier that night been mind and soul raped by evil spirits into reliving all her worst and most horrific moments of her 200-year life (She had a very fucked up backstory) and she is in shock as she must go through it all over again after she got over it originally. Drowning herself in alcohol to cope. As Daniel is making the whole scene about him and how things suck for him. For comparison all he’s gone through is being drafted into serving the Prince due to being an illegal embrace who was shown mercy in exchange for servitude.
Everyone, both in the Coterie and among the NPCs hated him. He never stopped complaining or bemoaning his unfair fate of being condemned to being an immortal monster. Would say out loud how he wanted to murder vampires for no other reason then to lash out. Any vampire, even the friendly high humanity Malkavian goth girl who enjoys helping people. Only reason he didn’t do it was because everyone out of character called him retarded. In addition, because he was played by an incredibly introverted and socially ill-adjusted autist, Daniel acted like a smug, arrogant asshole who constantly rubbed people the wrong way and made people dislike him and want rid of him. Whenever we explained the reason no one liked him was because the way he role played his character made him very unlikable. This was a shock to him every time as he genuinely thought that is how confident socially competent people act. Not only was he soul crushing and depressing to be around he was also completely incompetent. He did not optimise his stats well at all and would constantly fuck up when using his Disciplines. Would unironically just declare ‘’Guys, Disciplines are just kinda bad. I don’t think they are worth putting XP into’’ after trying and failing to use Dominate in a situation where he had a +3 to the difficulty.
Eventually he fucked up so bad that he was arrested by mortal police and would breach the Masquerade when the sun came up. Coterie broke him out, faked his death and then had a Tzimisce fleshcraft him to look different. We went on hiatus shortly after this and he stopped playing that character. To this day he genuinely thinks the way he played was just how you naturally play a confident smooth-talking social character. Me and another player headcannoned that he was murdered offscreen by someone he made an enemy of early in the game.
(4/4) Underestimaged word limit.
>Malkavian with Derangment: See AMOGUS references/thinks there must be AMOGUS references everywhere
You know the character didn't sound entirely awful in the first post, but things just kept compounding. The backstory would work better for a Lasombra than a Ventrue and while I think evil cunts are fine in VtM, this level of incompetency undercuts everything. I also think I vaguely recall some of this from a while ago.

>‘’Guys, Disciplines are just kinda bad. I don’t think they are worth putting XP into’’
Oh shit does he post here?
No. He's the kinda guy who thinks 4chan is a scary deepweb site where pedohackers trace your IP address and send you pizzas covered in WEF promotional fliers.
That’s the Traditions’ secret, captain. They’re all schizos. :)
On one hand I want to kinda feel bad for the guy because he's obviously so socially stunted. However, anyone who actively refuses to change their behavior when it's making other players uncomfortable can go fuck themselves to the highest degree. I know personally that exact type of autist who refuses to believe that what they're doing is in any way wrong and thinks that everyone else is an asshole for getting on to them about it, fuck em
Victor G A V: stop buying trash and stop uploading non cleaned files to nv.
the trash being the wod5 files or the curseborne manuscripts?
What a shit show of a character. I'm using him as the reason why everyone is acting weirder than usual.
The Anarchs are the only correct sect.
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Freak Legion isn't the worst book out there, but it has some really weird choices like a trait to have massive and painful cocks or literal dick eating vaginas. Oh and that one trait which lets you get ladies pregnant by touching or sharing a glass of water with them.
Ok yeah, it's kind of a bad book.
Kinda sadenned getting a copy of Chapters proved so bothersome. It isn't what I hoped it would be, but at that point I totally would buy a copy just for the collection.
Rarely unless I'm playing with some of the tacticool friends that love Shadowrun and get no joy from failing a heist unless it's been managed to the millimeter. Othewise some board/pen+paper are more than enough when we have a situation that demands a bit more pracise details.
To tie both previous points: I still look at Blood Feud with some fear. I kinda want to give it a go just for the sheer madness of a 32 players run. But then I'd have to extort quite a few favors to get that many people.

The most fascinating thing about that was other orca learning the hunting trick from neighbouring pools that didn't offer the possibility to observe it.
>i know personally that exact type of autist who refuses to believe that what they're doing is in any way wrong and thinks that everyone else is an asshole for getting on to them about it, fuck em
I know it’s off-topic, but I had a co-worker like this for a brief time. my boss hired him because of benfits he could get for hiring a mentally .... you know... person. First Day the guy told me that he wanted to sue the city we lived in because he tripped over a tree root or something while walking. He claimed the tree moved just the right way to let sunlight through and blind him, despite his sunglasses, and since the tree belonged to the city, he felt it was their fault. Funniest conversation I’ve ever had

guy got fired after two weeks when the deadline for his first project came along and it turned out he didn’t do any work at all and was just watching YouTube all day... and had lied on his resume. He wasn’t even a IT specialist in application development he just felt like he deserved the job title because he once started and failed an apprenticeship in that field and only failed because according to him everyone else there was "evil" or something and didn't give him a chance

can't imagine playing ttrpg with a guy like that, random dice rolls would probably melt his brain
>The most fascinating thing about that was other orca learning the hunting trick from neighbouring pools that didn't offer the possibility to observe it.
Animalism anon strikes again?
Asking for feedback on an antagonist group I have planned for a game. Gotta keep some details secret because my players very infrequently lurk here.

A Pure pack dominated by Fire-Touched that use a lot of bastardized Roman pagan themes. The wolf aspects of early Roman religion is fascinating to me, so combine that with orgiastic rites, sacrifice and some sadomasochism (the light whipping of lupercalia), all bastardized and flanderized to the point it reads more like a Christian Roman strawman of Pagan Roman rites. They want to spread rapidly through entrapping normal humans within the cult's grip, and breeding as many wolf-blooded as possible. I'm not a forsaken expert by any means, but I understand Pure tend to have a lot more spirit allies and powerful totems, so I'm struggling to come up with a totem that best fits them. My current WIP is a Hare of some kind, since madness and fecundity are two of the biggest themes of the pack.
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that's second time I'm seeing this tactic today, and it's barely 1am
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Bait is universal.
Can Presence mess with spirits?
Anarchs are just rebranded Camarilla, they have all the same roles and positions just with new names
I hear somewhat frequently that these games attract horny players and encourage sexual themes, with some horror stories about full on ERP at the table.

This has not been my experience, sexual content is always off-screen in the games I have played in and run. So I'm wondering how the games got this reputation. Is this really something that happens or happened? I'm morbidly curious.
It definitely attracted a goth crowd in the 90s which tends to be pretty promiscuous. And there's a lot of sexual themes and imagery involved in the setting. But I think a lot of it is a weird sort of mouth frothing telephone game that happens in online cultures where things are just constantly blown up and they get bigger and bigger. Some twelve year old on instagram says "lol u kys lmao" to some celebrity and that becomes "toxic fandom issues death threats!!!", you see this sort of gay horseshit all the time now. Has there been at least one table that turns into weird and awkward ERP? Yeah, probably. Is it dominant? I doubt it. I don't think the sort of person that tends to play tabletop RPGs is the sort of person to start uninvited ERPs with women in real life, most of these people can hardly talk to a woman about the weather. It's just some thing that people start to say and repeat, it's Marilyn Manson removing his ribs.
My froup never plays masquerade but I will be using this if we ever do
That snake confuses me. How does evolution select for something so specific? There must have been a point in it's evolution between now and when it was a regular snake where the tail was this weird lump that didn't resemble a spider, and yet it still wound up like this. How?
Evolution doesn't select for anything. Things that keep you alive tend to get passed on because you're alive and can have babies. Vipers whose tails worked as bait better than other could hunt better and so died out less. This repeats over and over. Tails that are more effective in a generation have a higher chance of propagating into the next. Over a long enough timespan eventually all the vipers in that species had tails that worked really well for bait. Because at some stage one viper had a tail that worked as bait.
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Well, I'm sure picture related has inspired quite a few players.
>How does evolution select for something so specific?
Evolution doesn't real
Are werewolves supposed to be so fucking huge?
The Sabbat are unironically the most "correct" in their beliefs insomuch as Noddist shit is desmonstrably true, the Antediluvians are not a conspiracy theory, and giant networks of blood bonded Methuselahs puppeting the Jyhad from both sides is factually correct. Actual biblical Caine was actually cursed by actual biblical YHWH and then a bunch of Archangels when he doubled down.

of course, being "correct" in the World of Darkness is usually not a good thing, but between the Anarchs who couldn't organize their way out of a paper bag and the Camarilla who are in outright denial, the Sabbat are the only people who even attempt to deal with the big picture.

V5 could have genuinely been a really cool game if "modern day vampire crusaders running off to fight proxy wars in the holy land and try to prevent the apocalypse by killing as many insane millenia old vampires as possible" was it's actual main premise, and not a background detail they refuse to elaborate on or explain and the book tells you you're a bad person for wanting to play as the CLEARLY most interesting party to the metaplot. No, instead you have to work at a coffee shop and struggle to pay rent while not being allowed to own a phone. Riveting.
Depends on the werewolf and the form and the edition that you're playing. I'd call that a very large crinos form, but not impossibly huge.
>while not being allowed to own a phone
Makes no sense, I just ignore it
The theory is that there are glowies monitoring every text message and phone call and private DM for any sort of vampire lingo so the moment you type
>hey bro wanna pick up some hot nossie bitches at elysium
you have a Second Inquisition hit squad parachuting through the roof of your haven and pulling out your fangs with pliers.
Which is absolutely retarded, because if they were actually screening every text and call in just America, they'd get a ludicrous amount of false positives. The amount of people you would need to filter out all of the normal people using the term kindred (real word), elysium (real word), etc (you get the point) just to find some probable hits is an insane amount of manpower, impossible to hide in the margins. If you leave it entirely up to an algorithm and deploy your kill teams based on that congratulations, you're killing a few dozen normal people for every vampire you find, at best.

God I hate the SI. What a horribly conceived idea that just makes hunters LESS interesting foes.
Well, in some games killing entire cities to find one heretic is not only acceptable, but expected. However, that doesn't really work in WoD. because that would be impossible to keep secret and the Second Inquisition is more or less part of the government.
The second Inquisition's hyper competent 1984 oppressive vampire purges and total control over all data and information are diametrically opposed to the Masquerade still being in effect and absolutely nobody in the mainstream knowing vampires are real. It's a retarded half baked idea, especially since it's so patently ridiculous to anyone who's ever had any contact with actual 3 letter agency staff that they could be so magically hyper competent AND somehow keep this all a secret. It's literally easier to explain as the Technocracy fully puppeting the entire U.S government initiating their plans to turn the world into Shadowrun than the canon explanation offered, which is the feds being more immersion-ruiningly competent than the existence of vampires
What's the best edition for Ascension? 1, 2, Revised or 20?
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I can confirm as the guy who has to put up with him. He is so autistic that he genuinely comes across as alien. The way his mind works and the way he goes through the logical process, and the conclusions he comes to are insanity to everyone else and then he is bewildered when people are baffled and shocked. Genuine martian. One time Danial killed someone so we had him roll humanity. He failed and degraded a point. We then have to spend 45 minutes explaining how humanity works and how he should act to account for the humanity loss. He nods and goes ''Ok I understand. So Danial is evil now'' to which we all scream in frustration. I shit you not I had to explain it to him 6 times in 6 different ways before he finally got it. He's like that all the time, he just will not get what a normal person says or thinks and then concludes they are the crazy ones and when you do convince him of something his memory is so shit and his thought process so alien that by the time it comes up again its like he's forgotten all about it.
i personally would go for revised rules and 2e lore/ state of the metaplot
Aren't the Anniversary editions meant to be the most coherent ones and bring stuff from different editions together?
M20 is dense, very dense. You can do many things with it, but it's 700 pages long, and gives you multiple ways to do the same thing. It is not coherent
meant to be yes, but m20 is only a anniversary edition in name only

m20 is basically one of less good writers of the line taking over completely without editorial oversight
no offense but what where you guys thinking playing vtm of all things with someone like that?
I know only 3 people and he is one of them. One of my players is a really cool guy but after this game is over I'm probably never gonna run a game again unless I can recruit guys from TG to play with me and and that one solid player.
And also it all started very suddenly. The autistic guy went into a huge depression fit because we criticised his DND game (It was full of bad worldbuilding, poor writing and things that broke suspension of disbelief) I offered on a whim to run a vtm game for us all because I really like WOD and he was interested in it for a while as well. Cue me in a panic having 3 weeks to prep my first every WOD game and it was because I called the guys worldbuilding dogshit.
Why do the Lasombra feel so unfocused compared to the other clans?
On the surface, they're the spooky shadow clan, but they're also apparently supposed to be the Ventrue of the Sabbat (until V5 where they are now the second "leader" clan in the Cam.)
They have a different leadership style to the Ventrue, but sometimes it's described as "unapologetic openly tyrannical despotism, acting like dictators and constantly grasping for more and more power" and sometimes it's "sneaky, underhanded puppet masters who are fine sticking to the shadows and ruling secretly".
These two styles are NOT really compatible so which is it?
And then you have that weird "they focus on religion but aren't actually religious" bit muddying the waters further.
I actually came into contact with this issue when I dipped my toes in V5 by joining the Seattle by Night PbP server for a few months.
During the course of my stay, on three separate occasions, the Second Inquisition status was elevated by one vampire texting another vampire and including vampire jargon in the message.
In one case, this was done from the Elysium, which proceeded to shut down for two weeks and then relocate with a new rule of confiscating the phones of any attendees.
And in each case, the people responsible for the compromising text messages were hit with Status penalties within the Camarilla.
The Second Inquisition status also went up whenever messy criticals or bestial failures were rolled when hunting or interacting with mortals or operating in mortal spaces and if the Second Inquisition status was already Alert or higher, messy criticals or bestial failures led to players drawing Second Inquisition attention.
It was one of the factors that made me leave, I don't really play Vampire the Masquerade to constantly stress about the Second Inquisition.
Hey, you. You keep asking “wHaT’S THe POiNt of tHe lAsomBrA????” And it’s clear the answers from before didn’t satisfy you. So let me give you the honest answer: They’re for edgelords.
>”But then-“
Nope, there is no need for justification. White Wolf provided many avenues to explore with the Lasombra. I’m not going to repeat it for the umpteenth time just to have this question repeated in the next thread.
Now please shut the fuck up.
I will betray my fellow Kindred for the Kuei-jin pussy.
Why not mind fuck them into submission? The betrayal would be pointless.
>It was one of the factors that made me leave, I don't really play Vampire the Masquerade to constantly stress about the Second Inquisition.
Fair enough, I really don't see the point of using the fuckers unless that's the point of the chronicle. Even then you have better options for antagonists.
>How does evolution select for something so specific?
It doesn't. It just kills everything that doesn't work and sometimes you get some very weird shit.
I had a physics teacher who didn't believe in our current theory of evolution because he didn't think that there were any beneficial mutations, he didn't think that beneficial mutations exist. He believed that mutation existed, but not that mutations could be positive. He would have made an amazing Son of Ether. Good at physics, though.
He was also my only American teacher, which was a stunning coincidence.
>He was also my only American teacher, which was a stunning coincidence.
The burgers have a very distinct type of pseudo science and religious nutjobs. At least the ones who get seen from the outside do. Where else would a biblical fundamentalist could build a replica of the Ark and not go bankrupt in 2 years?
>insane amount of manpower
In 2004, not 2024
>Evolution doesn't real
People who say that suffer from survivorship bias - they see themself being alive despite having no desirable qualities.
No, it still takes a lot of manpower to manually screen the ones that pop on your radar unless you want dozens of false positives, leading to your kill teams (which would also need massive manpower to deploy anywhere in the country remotely quickly) blasting away goth kids, southerners, and history nerds by the score. Having an automatic scanner for keywords is at best only useful for narrowing things down, you'd need to do a lot more work before you could at all identify a vampire and move on it. Same night, hell same week super kill teams over the use of one or two vampire words is a fiction based on a misunderstanding of modern surveilance technology.
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Kuei-jin are abominable misinterpretation of Western traditions. Disgrace to classic Taoist necromany.
>manually screen
You're way behind
You have no idea what you're talking about if you think we have algorithms that can accurately sus out vampires based on phone calls and text messages.
just tell your oblivious glowie thralls that "kindred" is new alt-right codeword for being racist and they will sus them out for you
To be fair it's nowhere near as egregious nor as offensive as the taoism-as-religion faggots in the east.

>dozens of false positives
It would be thousands for every vampire they actually find. It's hilarious that we're having this conversation in a world that has had dragnet surveillance for decades and the conclusion irl is that a double digit % of the population are on watchlists. What were WW thinking?
Are there any notable differences between VtM Revised & V20? I ask because I see people state they prefer Revised Editions for other game lines & even Vampire itself & was wondering what the deal is.
V20 made a few changes like a nerf (that didn't work) to celerity but other than that it's a compilation of Revised stuff.
>What were WW thinking?
How can we make the 2020s world of darkness a caricature of current problems? I get the complaints but I'm not sure the solutions would be better.
You'd think BSD of all people should have a billion lupines
>Are there any notable differences between VtM Revised & V20?
I am going to be honest with you, all of the WoD editions just blend together. Odds are you can just run whatever and most people would not be able to tell the difference.
They are a single tribe and have as many garou as the entire nation. The only reason they don't have more is because the veil most be preserved.
>How can we make the 2020s world of darkness a caricature of current problems?
I was going to say that these are hardly new problems but revised is older than carnivore holy shit.
>I get the complaints but I'm not sure the solutions would be better.
Problem is they can't make an intentional caricature because none of the writers that are actually edgy by design are still around. It's odd to me that paradox would buy an empty box in this way in the first place but I should know better than to ever place any limits on what I expect from paradox' incompetence.
v20 has only very slight changes the biggest being probably mortis and co becoming necromancy paths or gangrel weakness becoming temporary

revised still has some worthwhile books like the primogen, elder, camarilla and sabbat ones even if you play v20, but v20 has very few offensive changes
>How can we make the 2020s world of darkness a caricature of current problems?

I don't think that was their intent. The early V5 releases were where it was at its most "street level" and "play to lose" paradoxically using massive setting changes to force the specific type of play they wanted players to engage in. I don't think the SI are supposed to caricature the surveilance state or the unchecked power of intelligence agencies, I think they were a blunt implement used to force a specific state of the world, alongside the beckoning and the gehenna war. Even as a caricature I don't think they work, but that's a secondary point. Consider how much the actual SI book walked back from their original Vienna fucking London purging debut. Or how much later V5 releases walk back things from the early stuff in general. It was always a tool for forcing a certain type of play, but now it's getting in the way of publishing more books so it gets rolled back.
In my vtm game were doing a week long time skip and my player just sent me this list of things he wants to research/do during it. What are the answers if any to any of the things he's brought up
1: can anything heal or dull the pain for aggravated damage (using game terms for simplicity)
2: what weaknesses if any do fleshcrafted creations have, failing this what are good ways to fight them?
3: Any book that might give Alistair knowledge about making charms or wards against supernatural chicanery, I.E being spied on with animalism or maybe a protective amulet or something that makes using dominate on him harder. i'd just like a list of like 3 examples ideally since i know it's a broad and vague subject but i'd appreciate a good idea of where to start.
To clarify he's a 5 Occult Lasombra.
They bought a brand they hoped to sell shit games with. TTRPGs numbers are fucking tiny in comparison to video games sales, merch and other sources of revenue.
1: Heal? Not much he'd realistically be able to research in a week. Dull? Fortitude depending on what we mean by dull.
2: Almost always obvious to spot, and guns. Szlachta and co are ghouls, meaning guns are effective, and fleshcrafting has less benefits to shooting than it does to melee.
3: If there's anything like that, it'd probably be in the nearest Tremere chantry. Couldn't name any actual in-setting tomes.
Yes, it's something that happens. LARP scene happened this a lot in earlier years, and probably it still happens. There was a time people did orgies post-larp session around here, but not everyone was invited.
RPG scene depends from table to table: If you allow that, this will happen. I'm currently in a game which this happens, but this goes from player to player. ST does private sessions and that's it.
Want to start a hunter game to introduce my players to the setting, what system would be best for this? They know absolutely nothing and I want to take advantage of this to make the initial supernatural revelations and investigations interesting.
>setting changes to force the specific type of play they wanted players to engage in.
They also don't lean into that hard enough to feel like an interesting setting to play. Vampire hobos really aren't any more viable than the guy hiding amongst the elite when dealing with the glowies.
They also didn't copy a decent enough doomsday clock mechanic to feel coherent, even something along the lines of "You reached 5 stars, your mortal assets are burned and the kill teams are on their way" could make this feel more like a game.
I think they had an idea like this in an early draft but didn't develop it in a way I enjoy.
>what system would be best for this?
Just use Vigil 2e. It is by far the best rule set for Hunter and it allows you to play around with more horror concepts. Reckoning and H5 are pretty garbage.
Read Clanbook Lasombra, both of them if needed.
If you want WoD and not CofD then Hunters Hunted II
Use Hunter the Vigil's mechanics, with monsters from the old World of Darkness, unless you're really into the setting of Chronicles of Darkness for some reason or you really like the old-fashioned mechanics of Hunters Hunted for some reason.
And stay the heck away from the steaming pile of shit that's H5e.
So the SI was V5's Avatar Storm?
>"You reached 5 stars, your mortal assets are burned and the kill teams are on their way"
That's Demon the Descent.
The fact that they couldn't copy that is just retarded.
The SI was one Avatar Storm, the Beckoning was another Avatar Storm, the Conclave of Prague was a third Avatar Storm. V5 really screwed up.
I don't think outsiders can tell the difference between BSDs and Garou Nation werewolves, and BSDs tend to be incredibly violent and aggressive to anything. As such, I think they're more likely to get put on the shitlist by people who have a need to kill werewolves. More children are born, whenever people kill a werewolf there's a higher than 50% chance its a BSD.
This would go a long way to describe why a good chunk of the werewolf myths we know are so polarised, which would be the same in WoD, because BSDs only started to exist around 150 AD.
You could easily explain Werewolf myths with the Impergium. And with the Red Talons.
I'm sorry anon, I'm just glad the one I know isn't in my VtM game. I do have one """problem""" player, but that's just because his autism and my autism kinda just don't align well, different kind of situation.
>Vampire hobos really aren't any more viable than the guy hiding amongst the elite when dealing with the glowies
if anything the hobos should be extinct. Paradox really went and said "HMMM, WHICH SOCIETAL GROUP INTERACTS LESS WITH LAW ENFORCEMENT AND CAN SOCIALLY ACCEPTABLY JUSTIFY ECCENTRICITY, THE MEGA RICH OR LITERAL HOMELESS ENCAMPMENTS?" and came away thinking that players should be the latter.
It's such a profoundly entitled and unironically privileged mindset lol. Hey, spoiler alert, it's basically impossible to be a member of the Working Phone and not have a fucking phone. Meanwhile somebody with a bunch of dots in Resources can say they're doing a """""digital detox"""" and have their professional driver or secretary handle all their calls. IRL billionaires already have literal blood boys because they believe it extends their lifespan for fuck's sake.

The natural result of the second inquisition would be every vampire needing to be a wealthy eccentric, not a hobo-chomping dumpster diving Anarch. I fucking hate nordic larpshit so goddamn much. "muh play to lose" clearly you lost all your goddamn brain cells.
>member of the Working Phone
Working Poor*
Thats the cootch that had Saulot actin a fool
I have Chapters, we're about halfway through, and holy shit you can feel the playtesting competency and scenario tightness and writing quality falling off with every passing session.
Sad, it felt so cool when we started.

>You arrive at the negotiation, do you:
>A: Acquiesce totally
>B: Murder a guy without cause
it's completely reasonable to be powerless before Kuei Jin pussy, they have Exalted-crossover Charms in gorilla grip technique inherited from the Scarlet Empress. If even the Ebon Dragon can be tamed by such skill what hope does a mere mortal have?

That's my story and I'm sticking to it, officer. I didn't betray the Camarilla, the Camarilla betrayed me
>t. Totally Not Vampire Marco Polo
Anons I think I'm going to start experimenting with goth fashion because of wod, I never thought I would end up wanting to try it
Vigil or if you're absolutely refusing to play nWoD/CofD, Hunters Hunted II (V20).
One day I'll run a game set in my autistic rewrite of WoD Asia. I'd rather play but I do most of our worldbuilding work for our group's WoD games, which makes it unfair for me to make someone else run that unless they volunteer.
How well is it integrated? I feel like the biggest problem you'd have if you had players down for it is working in the NSFW stuff organically, and without people being taken out of the dramatic moment.
>The SI is actually a Ventrue plot to get rid of all those dirty plebpires who get in the way of their ruling everything, leaving behind only them and the upper crust Camarilla types that benefit from the status quo.

Would almost be cool. Almost.
Back in 00s we used to have this big cross-splat multi-group chronicle. VtM, WtA, MtA, some hunters and probably other stuff as well. Dozens of players, a bunch of STs. It was more of a sandbox, without much of a general storyline. We used a bunch of chats, IRC, messengers, forums, etc. People were engaging in ERP regularly. Sometimes as in-game characters, sometimes just regular cybersex. Yet it generally was happening in private.
>There was a time people did orgies post-larp session around here
Was it filmed and by any chance leaked online? Asking for a friend.
That's when you Go Loud, cause a massive disaster, and disappear into a new Cover.
Assuming you don't want to be a dick to Wraiths, what can a vampire necromancer offer them in exchange for a service? What would they be interested in?
Moral of the story, birds are dumb
News about their surviving friends/family, doing something to help said friend/family, or something to do with their fetters or passions.
This is actually something they actually made an entire book to discuss. Vampiric necromancy is built entirely on enslavement of spirits, even on the magical/ideal level. A vampire cannot have a friendly relationship with a wraith they have summoned via necromancy, unless they're a Samedi.
I think there's a v20 merit you can buy that lets you do non-hostile interactions with ghosts but yeah soul forging is always going to be awful
Yeah look at the Medium merit in the v20 rulebook, that even says you can summon spirits, ghosts, and shades through pleading and cajoling them. No evil necromancy required
That said, V5 necromancy is a little different, so might have different implications. In V5, vampires ARE the focus for necromancy, they are naturally a walking jhor battery. You could use that to frame it as a more open process, like the Samedi, by framing the summoning as meditating and some kind of shadowlands "pinging". That's something that can work with fair exchange between the dead and undead.
>This is actually something they actually made an entire book to discuss. Vampiric necromancy is built entirely on enslavement of spirits, even on the magical/ideal level. A vampire cannot have a friendly relationship with a wraith they have summoned via necromancy, unless they're a Samedi.
Our coterie's Necromancer doesn't want to go around scavenging for fetters to threaten the ghost with, she wants to go around haunted places to see if she can find ghosts already in the skinlands with Witness of Death (Path of Sepulcher 1) and bargain with them
Even the most basic shit is still the vampire casting a hermetic spell on their transgressive mastery of life and death to basically rape the Shadowlands into producing what they want. That is, if you're running sourcebook canon only. It's the V20 blood magic book.
If a VtM lick gets beaten into torpor with lead pipes, can he not wake up early from being fed blood? Seems like V20 is clear on this point and it's giving me culture shock coming from VtR
>If a VtM lick gets beaten into torpor with lead pipes
You also have to state where and by whom
been a while since i actually played vtm, but it is a common enough thing in the fiction, beckett in bjd wakes up a 4th gen ravnos like this, the protagonist in parlament of knives wakes up the ventrue primogen like this, jürgen is woken up like this in the dark age clan novel series and zarathustra from the lasombra trilogy keeps members of his line that dissapointed him in topor below water so nobody would feed them blood

mind you pretty much all but Hazimel frenzy afterwards
a vampire who has any blood while beaten to incapicated spends blood to heal only if he has none does he even need to be feed blood

>A character at the Incapacitated health level is utuerly immobilized and can take no action of any kind except healing himself with blood points (if the character is a vampire or ghoul) or swallowing blood that is offered to him
v20 corebook
Did you have a stroke?
>Further damage suffered by an incapacitated
vampire sends her into torpor
Torpor. Not Incapacitated.
Could someone upload the Curseborne Primal manuscript, please?

Also what do people think of the Curseborne Primal manuscript?
no i am quoting the book topor is only if you have no blood to heal anymore
>A character at the Incapacitated health level is ut- terly immobilized and can take no action of any kind except healing himself with blood points (if the character is a vampire or ghoul) or swallowing blood that is offered to him. "skipping mortal parts" . If a Kindred suffers an aggravated wound (see p. 285) after being Incapacitated, he dies the Final Death. A vampire at the Incapacitated health level with no more blood in his body immediately sinks into torpor
>Incapacitated: Character is incapable of movement and is likely unconscious. Incapacitated vampires with no blood in their bodies enter torpor.
>Torpor: Character enters a deathlike trance. He may do nothing, not even spend blood, until a certain period of time has passed.
pg 121 - 122 so 5gen needs to be beaten down up to 40 times till he finally stops moving

but if you get beaten to the point where you have zero bloodpoints you still need to wait out your humanity rating
>Torpor: Torpor is the deathlike sleep common to the undead, particularly among ancient vampires. Torpor may be entered voluntarily (certain undead, weary of the current age, enter torpor in hopes of reawakening in a more hospitable time) or involuntarily (through wounds or loss of blood). Once in torpor, a character remains dormant for a period of time depending on her Humanity or Path rating. As mentioned, characters with zero blood points in their blood pools begin to lose health levels each time the rules call for them to spend blood. When a vampire falls below Incapacitated in this fashion, she enters torpor. There she will remain until someone feeds her at least a blood point. If this happens, she may rise, regardless of Humanity or Path rating. This sort of re- vivification works only for vampires who enter torpor from blood loss.Vampires who enter torpor due to wounds must rest for a period depending on their Humanity or Path rating
pg 283
You're having a schizophrenic breakdown.
Going into torpor from wounds (which your quoted section even mentions) is distinct from going into torpor because you have no blood.
>pg 121 - 122 so 5gen needs to be beaten down up to 40 times till he finally stops moving
No, taking damage while incapacitated puts you into torpor. pg. 283, already quoted in full
>Further damage suffered by an incapacitated vampire sends her into torpor or, if the damage is aggravated, inflicts Final Death on her.
Man vampires in your game must be durable… read the text again

Still i personally ignore the whole humanity/path time because i love my ritual scenes to wake up vampires
I can drop it, but only at the weekend because i am on a business trip for the next two days so the other anon os probably gonna be faster again

As foe the primals their narrator sucks she is way too opinionated and that’s bot what you want when you first read about the setting. The werespiders are nice but the cats and raptors sre very meh because the cats play their stereoype 100% straight and nothing more and the raptors are pretty much only about the fact that they are the oldest primal family
I'll throw it up in the morning and reply to the other part, but I think other anon is being a little harsh.

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