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Steam Tank Edition

WFB: https://pastebin.com/qVGrgwwh
WM: https://pastebin.com/EsDAgeba
WFRP: https://pastebin.com/inbyBsR6
Novels: https://pastebin.com/PFqPDr0H
Warhammer Chronicles: https://files (dot) catbox (dot) moe/0xt777 (dot) zip
Time of Legends: https://files (dot) catbox (dot) moe/q46ut6 (dot) zip
ET: https://files (dot) catbox (dot) moe/j7d0t5 (dot) zip
TOW: https://gofile.io/d/ffbanD

>Alternative Models:

>Previous Thread:

>Thread Question:
What unit(s) would like for its unit size/limit to increase?
>it would be better if it was only 12 of the ones personally made by leonardo
I think that's the original intention of the original article; and that only 8 of the original 12 still survive.
As for the rest, GW did later change the fluff; so that the imperial engineers had made some later improvements to the tanks (like adding pressure gauges for the boiler), both the original ones as well as their own reproductions. Although I'm a bit confused as to why they regressed the fluff for TOW?
You mean with the rules from the Warhammer Chronicles? Yeah, makes sense, does look a bit complicated
The true lore is there were actually thousands of steam tanks but they were all used up in the Great War against Dragons, which preceded the Great War against Chaos but was stricken from history.
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I would have loved to take 2 steam tanks per thousand points, as unbalanced as it may sound.
Also, I think the percentage of mercenaries that you can take should increase, at least to 30 percent.
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back then
>if the empire could mass produce steam tanks then they would steamroll the setting, we must have a reason why they don't
>they can't do more stanks because only leonardo was smart and they're dumb

>if there's only 12 steam tanks then we can't sell an arcane journal that lets you field a parking lot of these old expensive metal steam tanks we're bringing back
>just say there were more than 12 and that they forgot because they're dumb
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Today is a sunny day:
almost 6 years ago I drew a silly amphibian guy
almost 2 years ago I cemented my daydreaming about a slann mini inspired by it with chicken scracthes on the phone
one year ago I submitted a finalised version of the guy in pencil to someone who was looking for ideas to produce a miniature, including some variations for the equipment
today I got the dude in my own hands
(and am planning to convert the spare one into a sci fi version)
The "only ever twelve" lore is stupid and doesent work. Steam tanks are not gods, in such a small number they would both be essentially insignificant to the empires ability to wage war but also something that would have been entirely wiped out long ago. Steam tanks are not invincible god machines. Fucking titans in 40k havent managed a 100% survival record and they ARE invincible god machines
The idea that there were more and that the "12" number is essentially a myth/legend about them was indelicately introduced but absolutely the correct move.

>>if there's only 12 steam tanks then we can't sell an arcane journal that lets you field a parking lot of these old expensive metal steam tanks we're bringing back
You arent fielding more than 12 steam tanks. Due to points increases (and a move from 2.5k) you are fielding 50% as many steam tanks as you did in the previous edition.
>we cant make more of this machine and its a malfunctioning piece of crap on the tabletop
>but we have maintained all examples of it flawlessly and even made modifications to this design that we cant replicate or manufacture!
>You arent fielding more than 12 steam tanks.
Sure, but any list where you would be fielding more than 2 would be seen as an affront to the sacred cow that's the number of steam tanks in the whole empire
Lmao titans aren’t god machines because GW is retarded and doesn’t understand how height/distance works. Imperator class titans are 50m tall. That’s big but not even the height of large statues.
the human engineers think they suck compared to the dwarfs
>Sure, but any list where you would be fielding more than 2 would be seen as an affront to the sacred cow that's the number of steam tanks in the whole empire
Anon thats just 8th edition. 2 steam tanks and a life wizard to heal them was the absolute norm.
Empire players have always spammed steam tanks, if anything its not a change of lore to allow for steam tank spam, its a change of lore to make the spam every empire player does to their best ability less egregious.

More generally/with full seriousness, saying "there is this fixed (very small) number of them" was always a bad move for a wargame. It would be like GW specifying how many dragons there are in caledor or whatever, it creates utterly pointless "restrictions" that make the use of those things as game pieces silly. Its the sort of move that might work in context of "writers making lore" or with genuinely world shaking weapons, but with something as "dragon tier" as a steam tank it just doesent work. And the fact that theres this immutable golden cow number also ironically removes any associated stakes or conflicts.

And the armor on a land raider is like 30mm thick, also the war on vraks killed like 6 million people per side and the galaxy burning horus heresy lasted less than a decade or something. GW is bad with numbers.
Titans are god machines, they are world conquering wunderwaffe and repeatedly treated as such in the lore and by the narrative, they receive fellatio that would make steam tanks blush. But even there GW realizes that they arent and cant be actually immortal. Titans die, even the big and irreplaceable ones.
>2512 IC
i see C7 needed to change some dates around in their latest book
"there was a larger number of steam tanks (how many? who knows, maybe 20, maybe 50, maybe 100) but over the centuries since people cant build more and theyre weapons of war only 12 are left" works infinitely better than "they built 12 steam tanks once and they have all survived to current times but also we dont know how to make more for reasons".
I would like to be able to field more Chosen or upgrade my Warriors/Knights to them. I was let down by the Heralds army, hoping for an elite Chosen centric force.

I'd also like to be able to run more fun units at 500 so allied contingents could fit more cool stuff.
What is Warhammer Fantasy? Is that different from Age of Sigmar?
if you know how 40k and the horus heresy belong to the same timeline and are different games with similar but not identical armies, then you can understand how fantasy and age of sigmar are the same in that way
except fantasy came before than aos and the timeline separation is way more drastic, there's a cosmic apocalypse in-between
Dont feed trolls.
So was I, The limitation of herald aren't worth the chosen chariot.
This is not an interesting or well thought alternative army.
Here's the first introduction of the steam tank, back in 1992.
Other Beast-anon has my thinking about how I'm going to paint my Beastmen. When dealing with a primitive culture of savages who regularly rape sheep, naturally my first thought was of the Welsh. Taking the Welsh flag as my colors, I could do reddish skin with white and green as banner/clothing/body paint. Alternatively, sticking with the barbarians ancient Romans tussled with theme, Beastmen with blue tattoos and body paint like the Picts sound cool too. I'm not sure how to do body paint or something like the caveman "blowing pigment through a stick onto your hand and leave handprints of empty space" though.
>500 years ago
that alone would be impossible without semi-regular total refits of the engine itself, Even very well kept steam engines like the windermere tour boats have needed fairly drastic overhauls, water and iron not mixing well especially in the supposedly poorly sealed and unreliable engines of steam tanks. They probably rely on grease like pig fat or boiled tallow as a lubricant and anti-oxidizing agent which itself contributes to iron corrosion.
You can do both at the same time, Welsh are the same people as those Celtic tribes that Romans fought.
yeah but a Steam Tank isn't something that very realistic in the first place
Right, a mishmash of celtic-ish aesthetics. I'm also tickled by the idea of using the cow bit from the Giant kit and hanging it off a Ghorgon, he's carrying his mom/wife around with him.
Right, but theres a level of disbelief required to believe that a piece of technology works despite being unrealistic, and theres a level of disbelief required to believe that someone found out how to cheat the fundamental concepts of entropy and decay.

The concept of these eternal engines also sort of clashes with "theyre a lost science we cant replicate", if you can maintain something you can build it.
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Alright I need inspiration for the banner of my grave guards, I want it to be unique to that specific unit of grave guard which look a lot like chaos warriors. I would also like it to have a name which reflects what's on the banner. As an example my big block of zombies are called The Count's Shield and their banner is a putrefied head surrounded by worms on a shield.

Bonus points if the banner and title humiliate either the chaos gods or who the chaos warriors were before they got resurrected.

> Leonardo built 12 tanks
> His engines are tiny and never break down. I think a wizard helped
> We don't know how he made the engine but we grafted a steam engine on and it sort of works, let's keep churning these out

12 originals, an unlimited number of knock-offs. Similar to the Landship fluff or 40k Baneblade/Macharius
>that a piece of technology works despite being unrealistic, and theres a level of disbelief required to believe that someone found out how to cheat the fundamental concepts of entropy and decay.
the boring answer was that the Steam Tank inventor Leanardo was probably some sort of magic user and could manipulate magic without him knowing it this is the guy who made the Prism of Power which a recent WFRP book has defined as being made by "high Alchemy" which uses magic in the Alchemy process
or Doomwheels
I mean compared to current robots that's extremely impressive anon
If they had the steam tanks work through some magical macguffin that would be better,, but as is there is no indication that this is the case, and every indication that he was just smart and everyone else was just stupid and cant into steam engines at that scale.

The landship for example became what it did because they simply couldnt make sufficiently powerful/compact/reliable steam engines and had to make it bigger and less responsive so it would stop blowing up and killing everyone. If the steam tank was closer to something like the magic chariot where the important bit is some doodaad the empire literally cant replicate because its magic then that would justify it. Steam tanks are not the complicated bit, the 12 enchanted cores of leonardo are, you can blow the whole thing to smithereens and as long as the enchanted artifice at its heart remains the whole thing can be rebuilt around it trivially.
But that is to my best knowledge not the case.
The only thing unrealistic about it is the notion that it would be effective in combat. You could absolutely build a real world version of a steam tank, it would just be a piece of shit that's very dangerous to opreate.
++ Characters [650 pts] ++
Doombull [330 pts]
Hand weapon, No armour, General, Armour of Silvered Steel, Talisman of Protection, Slug-skin

Great Bray-Shaman [320 pts]
Ambushers, Level 4 Wizard, On foot, Hagtree Fetish, Ruby Ring of Ruin, Hunter's Spear, Pelt of Midnight, Elementalism

++ Core Units [580 pts] ++
6 Gor Herd [48 pts]
Additional hand weapons, Ambushers

7 Minotaur Herd [361 pts]
Hand weapon, Light armour, 7x Shield, Bloodkine, Standard bearer, Musician

10 Ungor Herd [67 pts]
Shortbows, Ambushers, Half-horn

2x 1 Razorgor Herd [52 pts]

++ Special Units [447 pts] ++
1 Dragon Ogre Shartak [92 pts]
Great weapons, The Blackened Plate

Ghorgon [245 pts]

5 Centigor Herd [110 pts]
Great weapons, Javelins, Ambushers

++ Rare Units [320 pts] ++
2x Gigantic Spawn of Slaanesh[160 pts]

Total - 1997

Pretty normal Beasts list? Haven't played with or against them yet. If I wasn't tourneyfagging I'd play a Beastlord with Bestigors because that's cool, but listposting doesn't matter for normal lists.
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in old lore, chaos could resurrect his champions as undead that would serve them for one year and a day
the years in the Warhammer world have 400 days
a banner that presents the number 402 (CDII in roman numerals) may be interpreted as signalling they're out of reach or beyond the will of the gods over them, technically they would have crumbled away, but perhaps your dudes endured by their own immortal will or the spell of a necromancer, who knows

a play on the saying "deus ex machina" by writing instead "deum ex termino" could both be read as "god from ending"* and "I kill god"

other latin saying or wordplays you could slap on the banner or shields could be the ever iconic "memento mori", or a more cheeky "corpus diem", as an intentional modification of the saying "carpe diem" (seize the day) but with the term for 'corpse'**, which you could neatly attach to that 402th day stuff mentioned above

*technically it doesn't since the term god here would be rendered in the accusative form and not the nominative, but people are still going to understand the parallel with the original saying even with this error
**again here it would be a nonsensical phrase as corpse day(accusative) means nothing without a verb, but we don't care about these details
I wouldn't use Latin in WFB. Try German instead.
a steam tank is perfectly realistic, really the only think unrealistic parts is that there appears to be no need to provide fuel, but you can boil water simply through the use of pressure etc, and also that cariage wheels may be too weak and have too much ground pressure to be effective.

doomwheels use warpstone though, which can explain nearly any property/function, whereas steam tanks use steam and have been described in detail as using a pressure boiler to work hydraulic motors and the guns.
Latin should be fine since that's basically what the "classical" language is
the Doomwheel comparison is more about Ikkit first making a perfect Dooomwheel that didn't have any faults and worked perfectly but then every other one since is based on newer designs Ikkit made that added a bunch of imperfections and faults to the design just to spite other Skaven Engineers
Latin exists in whfb and always have homes.
This has some good ideas but I'm afraid no one will ever get it without a lore explanation. 'm saving the post though, thanks
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I know linehammer isn't a thing in practice but the idea of it is so flawed it bothers me.
If you do want an encirclement rule than
a-Logically bothsides would try to encircle and effectively ALL modles would attack
b-you could have it be an actual manuvoure like in 6th there there is a real risk of a counter charge from another foe

Eitherway I feel like limited supporting attacks to 10 files of dudes is just fine. even 100 goblins can benefit from that without being bananas. Remember that wargames are an abstraction and not a simulation
Dawi tits fro your consideration
>The only twelve is stupid and doesn't work
This applied to alot of other things
I wouldn't suggest that northern tribes know latin any more than they would know english, we just use english or latin as stand in for whatever conventional ancient language they may use
>it would just be a piece of shit that's very dangerous to opreate
So lore-accurate
>Dawi tits fro your consideration
I'm getting into the book
>in such a small number they would both be essentially insignificant to the empires ability to wage war
Not at all. It's not 40k, an army is only going to fight in so many battles a year, and having Steam Tanks there could prove decisive when your enemies have no tanks.
It's a shame Dwarf Women in Warhammer Don't look like that
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>german woman pictured

If dwarves are jews than I'm expecting Dorhitz to look like the jewess tempresses from hollywood. complete with khazar milkers
What does a steam tank realistically do. A chaos spawn can just flip it, magicians will bomb it, and I doubt orks, vikings, goat fuckers or whatever will fear it. It's fucking dumb.
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a rare few in lands far away do
it's heavy, it's tough, it hits hard and it's a mobile artillery
dwarfs aren't Jews in the Warhammer World or LOTR outside of some very superficial connection
>It's not 40k
It doesent matter, theres 1 of them at most. They would be present for a miniscule portion of engagements or battles.

Emperor dragons are going to be more common than steam tanks because theres simply a lot more of them. And those are also a lot stronger than steam tanks.
Emperor dragons are not a significant factor on the world stage.
that's a gnome, not a dwarf
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>the backpack looks like the face of grugni
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I'd say somewhere in-between
Chorfs are khazars. So you'd want a cow-centaur gf
>Eitherway I feel like limited supporting attacks to 10 files of dudes is just fine. even 100 goblins can benefit from that without being bananas.
I'd be ok with that as a house rule
>They would be present for a miniscule portion of engagements or battles.
Battles often turn on a lot less than you think. If the French had a single tank that could drive through the mud and into the English position they would have won at Agincourt.
no Warhammer Gnomes are diffrent anon
they look like pic
Ellen DeGeneres?
>If the French had a single tank that could drive through the mud and into the English position they would have won at Agincourt.
The french didnt have the technology to use a steam tank properly, it would have been an expensive paperweight for them.
i don't think she a Necromancer though she probably wishes she was
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Show us what you are currently working!

After few months managed to get painting mojo, trying to paint up my camel riders before I lose it again
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My progress on my beastmen, they are ready for their square bases now.
I'm thinking city streets, with a narrative of them just busting open the town gates and are about to bust inside of the townsfolk
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chorfs aren't khazars they are explicitly inspired by the assyrians. The women would look like modern non-arab Iranians so dusky to pale with curly dark hair.
So Hobgoblins are khazars? I guess that makes sense...
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Hobgoblins are more like the Huns and Mongols but WF has a shit ton of Mongol expy's
>monster banner
>when you could have made a redBULL one
Missed opportunity
What do you think I'm going to paint the ghorgon as?
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>After few months managed to get painting mojo, trying to paint up my camel riders before I lose it again
Good on you for getting that carp!
As for myself I've been tinkering with another Gor. Do you good peeps reckon that I should give it big floopy ears or nah?
Are Hobgoblins to goblins what Black Orcs are to regular orcs? Are they a chorf creation too?
Dont think so, theyre just a subset of goblin thats slightly less pathetic physically but even more cowardly.
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Should I get the Old World Night Goblins or the AOS ones?
Which ones do you like more/which are better value?
no, they're just a local subspecies of goblinoids
they helped and then backstabbed the greenskin rebels which is why they have a somewhat high status amongst chaos dwarfs
high in the sense that they aren't slaves

the artificial subspecies of goblins were the red goblins, unfortunately they were forgotten long before chaos dwarfs were made a faction, they were just nebulously made by dark wizards and sorcerers
Get both and jumble them together into different mobs for variety.
why not mix and match if you like both?
maybe but they might just a weird in-between Goblins and Orcs and the Hobgoblin name is just in-universe scholars trying to understand them
for the number of models, the TOW one wins you since it also gives the options for Archers and spears which the AoS one does not
I promise you that if Emperor dragons are given rules in the Empire Arcane Journal, they will become statistically significant.
>which the AoS one does not
yes it does
This is great art. Dude looks unbelievably evil.
your correct after a looked at the spruce provided in the AoS box
The old ones have more character imo. And btw they are both fantasy goblins, the AoS ones are from 7th or 8th
Its the same art direction so go with the newer ones.
Only a retard would say otherwise. The new stone trolls are in the same style as the old and they are honestly the best kit gw has ever made from sheer number of options and bits
i do know some people that really wanted the old Night Goblins back for whatever reason
Glorifying old for the sake of old is retarded.
I love high elves but fuck me if the old Silverhelms don't look like deep fried dogshit. Even as a kid I didn't like them and was so disappointed by them.
Thankfully 3dp has my back
I just wanted to check the community's opinion as I think both seem to have issues? I heard the 6th ed goblins don't come with models for netters while the newer goblins are smaller and look off on 25mm bases but I don't know for sure
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Would you eat with them?
You need to make a blunt rotation of 5 named characters
You can't use the same faction twice
You have to have an equal number of good and evil factions (ogres and tomb kings can count for either)

Marius Lietdorf
Morarthi (don't judge me)
Zamnil Grundisson
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Would you game with him?

>equal number
Make it 6
I mean up to you but IMO you can look at it like this.
Do you want the ones that fit nicely into rank and file?
Or do you want that ones that you can build while your wife bull fucks her and your daughter as you clap?
So the lore is sketchy but I think Karak Zorn is the oldest dorf hold since stunties orginally came from the bottom of the worlds edge mountains (explaining why they are cunts: they are south africans)
So why isn't there any stories of expeditions there? Like as both a wargaming and rp campagin that would be so baller.
>if the empire could mass produce steam tanks then they would steamroll the setting, we must have a reason why they don't
I get that idea, but it doesn't make sense that the idea is only applied to the Stank and not gyrocopters or skaven shit.
Or dragons for that matter.
They both rank up because they are both WHFB minis.
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Balthasar Gelt, Supreme Patriarch of the Colleges of Magic
Mallobaude the Serpent, Duke of Mousillon
Ungrim Ironfist, Slayer King of Karak Kadrin
Malekith, Witchking of Naggaroth and rightful Phoenix King of Ulthuan
Heinrich Kemmler, the Lichemaster (Krell can come too)
Mighty Settra... Great King, the Imperishable, Khemrikhara, The Great King of Nehekhara, King of Kings, Opener of the Way, Wielder of the Divine Flame, Punisher of Nomads, The Great Unifier, Commander of the Golden Legion, Sacred of Appearance, Bringer of Light, Father of Hawks, Builder of Cities, Protector of the Two Worlds, Keeper of the Hours, Chosen of Ptra, High Steward of the Horizon, Sailor of the Great Vitae, Sentinel of the Two Realms, The Undisputed, Begetter of the Begat, Scourge of the Faithless, Carrion-feeder, First of the Charnel Valley, Rider of the Sacred Chariot, Vanquisher of Vermin, Champion of the Death Arena, Mighty Lion of the Infinite Desert, Emperor of the Shifting Sands, He Who Holds The Sceptre, Great Hawk Of The Heavens, Arch-Sultan of Atalan, Waker of the Hierotitan, Monarch of the Sky, Majestic Emperor of the Shifting Sands, Champion of the Desert Gods, Breaker of the Ogre Clans, Builder of the Great Pyramid, Terror of the Living, Master of the Never-Ending Horizon, Master of the Necropolises, Taker of Souls, Tyrant to the Foolish, Bearer of Ptra's Holy Blade, Scion of Usirian, Scion of Nehek, The Great, Chaser of Nightmares, Keeper of the Royal Herat, Founder of the Mortuary Cult, Banisher of the Grand Hierophant, High Lord Admiral of the Deathfleets, Guardian of the Charnal Pass, Tamer of the Liche King, Unliving Jackal Lord, Dismisser of the Warrior Queen, Charioteer of the Gods, He Who Does Not Serve, Slayer off Reddittras, Scarab Purger, Favoured of Usirian, Player of the Great Game, Liberator of Life, Lord Sand, Wrangler of Scorpions, Emperor of the Dunes, Eternal Sovereign of Khemri's Legions, Seneschal of the Great Sandy Desert, etc, etc
So if Marienburg is the evil dutch, who are the good dutch (i.e. Belgium. Ignore the congo it was just a silly mistake)
the Brettonian marches I guess or( if we don't ignoire the Congo) the colony of Leopoldheim in the southlands
dwarfs have autism and will never move past personal craftsmanship for more automated industrial processes

skaven are held down by being an unreliable and volatile a crab bucket

dragons are asleep, they can't be roused in numbers large enough to revolutionise fantasy warfare anywhere but on the tabletop rules

you would have a point regarding chaos dwarfs, but I'm going to bet they've got some pretty significant problem when it comes to trying to extend their power past the darklands
>the good dutch
the what now?
I think the general gist is that other than elves the old ones dumped both men and dwarfs in the southlands and they spread from there. As for expeditions they are probably discouraged by the land of the dead and jungles full of dinos and beastmen, plus badlands is full of greenskins.
You don't need convoluted arguments though. It's as simple as:
>It's expensive
Which is the reason why not every soldier is equipped with their own hellblaster volley gun, or nine-barreled repeating rifle and plate armor.
That will come with the Primaris Altdorfius launching in the empire AJ.
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no, it is a thing to do for /YourDudes/ or your WFPR adventure party
no one even knows what remains in Karak Zorn it could be Gold, Demons, a mine full of Diamonds, some cave paintings etc.
>So why isn't there any stories of X
So you can make your own, dummy.
WHFB is a setting not a narrative. It's there to be thy backdrop for your own stories.
the only mistake made in the congo is that there are congolese left
rubber ain't free kido
I can’t be racist I play the only African themed faction (Tomb Kangz)
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of course you can, silly
"Latin" is canonically WH thing it's called High Classic or something like that.
I will freehand pygmies and (((skaven))) onto the sandals of my tomb king so that he may crush his enemies as he walks.
Problem with majority of models/art/lore is that steam tanks are too fucking small. There's one comic from Warhammer Monthly (one with reversed alternate univereses) when it is pictured as a towering big ass warmachine capable of roadkilling entire regiments of enemies. Problem with GW is that they often scale down big stuff so it fits the tabletop game without taking too much space. And then you have rules that fit the smaller model because "hey it's not that big".
Very awesome shit Anon. I'm happy for you.
>Emperor dragons are going to be more common than steam tanks because theres simply a lot more of them
The fuck are you taking about retard? Emperor dragon is not what you think ot is.
>who are the good dutch
The dead dutch
I think french would benefit much more from having a solid, unified and competent command in that battle.
Only two things I can’t stand in this world. People who are intolerant of other peoples cultures, and the Dutch.
>The fuck are you taking about retard?
Emperor dragons, the largest classification of dragons in the world that are the oldest and most powerful of their kind.

Theres more than 12.
>Glorifying old for the sake of old is retarded
Sorry, but you sound like a really special idiot. They have different aestethics and both have their own fans. Also sounds like reversed projection lmao
>People who are intolerant of other peoples cultures
>Theres more than 12.
Probably not awake at any one time.
There are at least 10 different species of emperor dragons (probably 11 in reality but warpfire dragons come from the southern chaos wastes so no one is sure)

Theres going to be a lot more of them than there are steam tanks.
Or they could've just... not cavalry charged an entrenched, muddied position while taking heavy fire from the best archers on earth. I'm armchair commanding here but that was fucking retarded no matter how you slice it. What they did at Crécy was equally stupid, and the cavalry was equally disorganized there too, not to mention wasting (and also personally murdering a bunch of) their merc crossbowmen instead of holding them back for support.
>Theres going to be a lot more of them than there are steam tanks.
Not awake at any given time. The Elves can barely wake the smallest of dragons. Almost all dragons are asleep.
Not in TOW. Most armies are led by two dragons in this time period.
What does a good dark elf list look like?
A good chorf list?
>good dark elf list
two dragons

>good chorf list
lot of black orcs and a magma cannon
Anon the elves "being able to barely wake the smallest of dragons" still has them at many times a dozen. And thats just one kingdom/nation.

The dark elves likewise have entire squadrons of the things.

Dragons are rare, but comparing dragons to steam tanks is essentially comparing the F-35 with the SU-57
They had superior numbers and troops anon. And had the advantage of time meaning that just by sitting on their asses and not letting english out of their positions french would have scored a victory. But the french people were retarded.
>black orcs
Okay, but the point is they would have won with a tank capable of storming the English position.
>expertly shot longbow arrow loosed by local village champion finds its way into minute gap in tank's armor then ricochets around inside killing all the crew
It wouldn't even slow them down. Even if they couldn't do this the archers would tear the tank treads to bits with bodkin arrows and then slowly peel off its armor with their misericordes.
Considering how allegedly fucking mudy that section of the field was I don't think a tank would have been very useful.
It's probably a Ship of Theseus situation where it's the 'original' steam tank even if every part has been replaced at some point or another.
I don't think TOW was as extensively playtested as they claim. Sure thing, there is plenty of very nice solutions but all things taken together are messy as all hell. Lack of internal and external balance doesn't help either. I think bringing back the old pre8th roster and limiting behemoth mounts for characters would at the very least solve some problems.
This is the worst solution. I'd rather go back to playing 9th Age slop.
>rank and flank game
>infantry is terrible
tow was designed by RETARDS
Chaos infantry is fine. Trash infantry, like greenskins, is trash. What is the issue here?
>This is the worst solution
Not him but why? One lord on the dragon per army doesn't sound like a bad thing
>Trash infantry, like greenskins, is trash
Have you seen orc infantry rules?
Yes, they're trash unless a Black Orc Boss is babysitting them. They can be baited out of position into failed charges comically easy. I miss REAL Animosity rules where they just got bored and beat eachother up, not this bullshit.
>old animosity rules
You don't miss them, secondary
>Yes, they're trash unless a Black Orc Boss is babysitting them. They can be baited out of position into failed charges comically easy
Go pretend you understand how this game works somewhere else.
>Chaos infantry is fine.
this is bait
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The Animosity table was better than Impetuous, that much is true and you're an idiot if you think otherwise.
but now we got lulnatics
Unbelievably incorrect, post models
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They will be nerfed almost certainly.
I agree but my main issue with le impetoos is that it's easily prevented and basically non existent
Honestly that's the far better explanation for having the Stank be rare; they're just not good enough to be worth making loads of them. Oh, if you get a battle that's within the range it can function without malfunctioning, AND if the battlefield itself is nice & hard packed earth without any medium sized rocks scattered about, AND it's against the type of foe that can be relied upon to see a big slow noisy rickety horseless chariot approaching and either A; flee or, B; charge mindlessly then it can do some real work, but in most places they just end up breaking down, or mired in mud, or facing an enemy with slightly more tactical acumen than an angry mushroom, in which case they're basically just a cannon that can run away slightly easier if the battle goes badly.

The Empire doesn't have a "Dampfgetriebenpanzer Korps" rolling around dominating the world not because its engineers are dumb, but for the same reason steam devices never really took off IRL until the Industrial Era despite having been around since at least ancient Greece and Persia - there was always a cheaper, easier, or better way to do [insert thing here] than by using a steam engine and so no incentive to develop the technology, until that was no longer true.
"A man on a horse is spiritually, as well as physically, bigger then a man on foot."
-John Steinbeck
Speaking of tables that have been changed... what the hell happened to the Eye of the Gods table? It's not as much fun when you can just choose to roll on a d6 table every turn instead of only being allowed to roll on a 2d6 table when your unit champion/character does something cool. And the effects are boring! You don't even get turned into a spawn anymore! It's lame! I'd rather have no table at all than a table that barely does anything. I always forget to roll on it every turn anyway, that's how boring it is.
Damn that looks creepy. Great job!

Definitely needs some sort of ears imo
>>if the empire could mass produce steam tanks then they would steamroll the setting, we must have a reason why they don't

You could simply say they're resource intensive and the empire is still at the beginning of industrialization instead of setting a hard limit lol. Even post industrialization most countries can't just spam tanks.
Already were, nogames-san.
I used Baal Red on my Squigs since I wanted them to be really bright red. Since the paint doesn't behave like a proper contrast paint the minis have a very flat look, however. Any suggested washes that pair well with it? I tried Agrax and it's pretty good although it does subdue the brightness.
Yeah, slots are much better than percenteges especially how latter look now.
>You don't even get turned into a spawn anymore!
Brain damage
Warpfire is an Emperor Dragon? It's pretty small

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