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Archives & Other Resources: https://pastebin.com/wETipqYw
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Previous Thread: >>94162765
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what's the context of this?
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That anon is retarded. The individual overcomes numbers with a sufficient power difference. See: Living God.
Retarded powerfags thinking they are invulnerable
Points are where the real power lies.
With 425 points, I basically own everything.
Sometimes, other shikigami come begging me for points.
I always tell them no and they leave, crying and in debts.

Extremely ugly
Far less intelligent than you were
You're a blubbering mess
Minimal Spiritual Pressure
Minimal Longevity
Minimal Durability

Welding Mastery Shikai

Form Lock
Danger Magnet

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Anon thinks that numerical advantage matters in Bleach, but not much when facing stronk bois. Remember, you can become a War Factor in this, so you'll grow to outpace your enemies mid-fight.
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Race: Fullbringer
Identity: Nobody
Power: Mook

>Special Object:

>Nature of My Power:
Awakening (Fullbringer)

Appearance-, Intelligence+, Spiritual Pressure 3, Durability 3

>Fullbringer Powers:
Fullbring (Heart Empowerment), Fighting Prowess 2, Bringer Step 2, Awakened Fullbring



I go around eating every decently powerful being's heart to take their power and run the fuck away from anyone too strong. Surely, I will become unstoppable sooner than some big name gets notified and hunts me down.
>powerlisting fandom
I no longer care.
>Implying that he reads and cares about other peoples builds to begin with
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What is the best Spirit Gift?
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>another ching chong cartoon cyoa as the OP
it's just so tiresome
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tower over power
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None, all jobber shit
Star. Prodigy is OP
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For me, it's Strength.
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>he's a giftless npc Incarnate
>Everyone picked different spirit gifts
>for me it's Lover because it gives you an eternally loyal demigod sidekick
Damn, this really is a good cyoa, huh?
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Towet has one of the best abilities though
>The Undying
>The Villain
>The Protagonist
>The Battle Maniac
>The Coomer
>Damn, this really is a good cyoa, huh?
If only it didn't do that retarded earth #7 billion shit.
I fucking hate alternate timelines shitting up kino multi-universe settings.
It would have been much better if you could have started off on a fictional world, ageeed
Lovers isn't coomer if you only sex up your waifu.
True, but I assume harem unless told otherwise ITT.
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>tower spirit gift
>use wish to replace Ruin with Will
>ally with this fine fellow
I'm ready
How well do all these supernatural races fare against eg fighter aircraft or nuclear bombs?
What do you think?
The Bleach races probably die in the process of attempting FTL. It's a trap option.
how dare you
Resist it effortless, much much quicker and higher attack output
They resist it and don't mention it being annoying or a problem
material beats supernatural in all cases
even a .22 could beat goku at his height because goku is fiction
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It is done.
>Resist it effortless, much much quicker and higher attack output
So if any shinigami were next to a nuke going off, they would take no damage?
That's because they're literally ghosts and wouldn't care for it. Late-term Bleach characters scale to Planetary-Galaxy levels of strength, and are casually FTL.
You've gone too far.
Man I almost went to fight in the Syrian Civil War because of this CYOA and the Tower gift
Your brain on powerscaling
Actually, I just read VSBW wiki and take everything they say at a face value because it's funny and because they wank characters like crazy.
Hm, Fullbringers and Quincies then get a really raw end of the deal compared to Shinigami and Arrancar. They still die normally, right? A nuke blows them up?
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The Fool, almost guaranteed success in whatever I do as long as I don't give up is OP.
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More sloppa
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Are all aro cyoas just the same one cyoa? lmao
Isi is the best artifact.
Yes. That's why it's slop
Yes, she had one idea and just copy pasted it over and over.
And then updates it again and again
Yeah, like the totem war cyoa (>>94172642) is mechanically just a simplified version of demigod cyoa.
You're gonna have to explain this one to me, kek
She wanted to be tankista, but in reality, she was just troyx.
Since nobody reads either of those author's works, i doubt it.
We've already established that aro is femtok
I fucking love TroyX
Both of those cyoas are five years old btw, and were some of aro's first.
Are you going to make me post the demigod early versions.
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Time for even more sloppa
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This one's actually good though.
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Authors that use western art only
Authors that use mixed art
Authors that use anime art only
tok tier opinion Tok
170000 wordcount pdf with no art
Dropped Bleach at like chapter 350 so i don't remember half of this shit, took a cursory look at the wiki, tell me how fucked i am

Awakening: Shinigami
War Factor

Spiritual Pressure III
Longevity II
Durability III

>Shinigami Powers
Shikai: Selective Force-Field Generation
Bankai +: Bio-Stellar Manipulation

>Arrancar Powers
Unique Ability: Evitability Manipulation
Sonído II

>Fullbringer Power
Fullbring: Invisible Ranged Weaponry
Fighting Prowess II
Healing I
Technology II
Power Fusion

Snowflake: Shinigami
Snowflake: Fullbringer

Form Lock
Danger Magnet


Getting awakening and then choosing your own species is a fat 40 points, the same as potential but without the drawbacks, with snowflake, choosing your own species 3 times is 120 completely free of charge, i decided to also get shinigami powers with my fullbringer ones, but that's still 80 free points, with no drawbacks
I decided to be a fullbringer because, as i understand it, after death they retain their fullbringer powers on top of having enough reiatsu to become shinigami on the soul society, meaning i can also get sacrifice and accept my death, then be reborn and continue on as normal, and a fullbringer rather than a quincy because they have the better versions of fighting prowess, healing and technology on top of power fusion to counteract the massive reiatsu drain that should go alongside trying to balance multiple sets of abilities
Getting visored allows me to independently travel through the worlds through descorrer, and utilizing sonído masks one spiritual pressure, making it better than hoho and bringer light

Maxing out spiritual pressure is a no brainer, and durability is better than hierro because it scales relative to my own power, and as a war factor i should be capable of taking a swing from kenpachi and then keep on trucking
Living hundreds of thousands of years is enough, i don't need to take the last level of longevity
My shikai/bankai is the ultimate defensive ability, my unique arrancar ability is pure bullshit and can make yhwach eat shit, my fullbring is an offensive ability and enhances my other ranged attacks through invisibility and fullbring healing is better than anything else i could take, with technology and intelligence to figure out spiritual devices for a variety of situations, i didn't see it as necessary to get kido
I specifically did not buy a hogyoku with my overabundance of points because it's some fickle bullshit and i take a hit to my spiritual reserves i'm fucked, on top of deteriorating with each use, so if i use it to, say, live forever, i'm going to have to replace it at some point, and at that point why even waste 80 points on one

Now tell me how hard i die
>tell me how fucked i am
Your build is automatically strong because you chose War Factor. I don't know what made you think that Snowflake lets you abuse Awakening for extra points, but sure, whatever.

The only thing you'll job at is having women on your dick, and you'll also die in 7 years.
>Longevity II
Without longevity III you need to breathe, that's a huge weak point. If you make long-lasting enemies, they will be sure to abuse it.
I watched the entire anime years ago and I do not remember anything, lmao.
cause' as a human, when i die i will be reborn in soul society instead of turning into reishi sand or whatever the fuck
that's how fullbringers and pureblood quincy work i think? not really sure
F = Fine
C = Cuck
S = Suck
Imagine being proud to be subhuman weeb scum
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Still sad how the World was completely screwed over.
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>Light Princess
Angelic Guardian
Magic Upgrade
On Your Best Behavior
Millennium Princess
Blast From The Past
Princess of The Arts
Never Alone
Princess Superior
Princess of Learning
I was already feeling like I couldn't live in normal society because I hadn't had any friends for two years (which feels like a lot of time to a 17 year old) and I could not imagine walking into the human-grinding millstone that people called "work" and spending five decades there. Then I got radicalised on 8ch's /leftypol/ about Rojava. At the same time I was burying myself in CYOAs for escapism, and this CYOA in particular was fascinating to me. The way the Tower was described really, really appealed to me, and it made me feel like I needed to get out there and do something very stupid and die semi-pointlessly.

Then I got diagnosed with ADHD and got meds lol.
Anyone have any of those like survival island shit? Or survival situations? Like you got 20 points and pick bananas and water and a loli to survive or some shit
idk I ain't a nerd but im sure y'all got it, hit me up, thanks my dudes
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Here's one by a redditor, I don't think I've seen it before.
Fuck yeah I love this shit dude
>Paladin Artillery (4)
Going to take out so many norks with this.
>Concrete Wall (7)
Good shit, this'll help a lot
>600 Winged Hussars (10)
Look I'm not turning down 600 good men.

I'm good on supplies and guns and ammo, I'm an autistic /k/fucker and I can probably arm half an army. Everything I got here is shit I don't have.
Also I always wanted a wall
This one is weird to me 'cuz I've never travelled outside of a days ride from my home and I never will. But maybe extraordinary circumstances happened. Regardless, I always keep on me, by default, my watch, knife, my steel P226, durable clothes, cash, I don't own a cell phone. So a lot of those choices don't matter. I have plenty.
This cyoa doesn't really work for me but thanks for posting it
An entire division is sent against my apartment building, and for some reason running isn't an option.
>A division is a large military unit or formation, usually consisting of between 10,000 to 25,000 soldiers.
That's too much. I'm done for.
>his clan's compound cant fight off a measly thousand-score norko conscripts
Get a better bloodline, anon. I live in a remote settlement of several hundred men, armed to the teeth, almost all with blood ties going back over a hundred years. If a division rolled up to our outer perimeter, there would be blood.
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I take every drawback and use all the points to buy cocaine. How fucked are they?
Fucked, because they failed to score the kill before the cocaine did you in? They'll probably claim it as a victory of their psychological warfare.
>They'll probably claim it as a victory
how? were they my dealer?
>Anon Anonson, a depraved and capitalistic enemy of the Outstanding Leader of the Juche Revolution Kim Jong Un who is the Supreme Leader of our Party, State and Armed Forces and the Banner of All Victory and Glory, has passed.
>In his final days, hearing of the approach of our courageous soldiers, Anon came to see the vile error of his insults against the Respected Comrade Supreme Leader, and understood that there could be no redemption except in death.
>He took his own life, by drugs. Thus passes an imperialist CIA puppet into the sewers of history where he rightly belongs.
>Our soldiers are known and feared by malicious hearts in every corner of the world. The mere knowledge of their might, as we can see, serves justice by itself.
I like Tankista choice options, but I'm not a fan of his use of metaplots. It breaks immersion for me and feel railroaded to get the best ending
>nobody reads either of those author's works
Outer Reincarnation was the biggest hit in the time I've been here (since 2018); I don't know how it compares to the hits of older times, like Stardust or Conduit or Power Armor.
outer memecarnation lmaooo
>Outer Reincarnation was the biggest hit in the time I've been here
Do you disagree? What cyoas (since 2018) have held cyoag for more than OR? The closest I think were Dragonfall, Entropist and maybe Overlord, which didn't come close.
>since 2018
Aw, new cutie
>The closest I think were Dragonfall
Entropist, Overlord, Magi Case,
It's brainless reddit slop, no one actually enjoys it aside from a few people with no taste, and no one actually discussed it for any length of time except to shit on it.
Don't feed the shitposter.
>Samefagging shitposter does not give you a real answer
Stop replying to him
I asked what cyoas (since 2018) have held cyoag for more than OR?
All those held cyoag for less time.

I think it's a rather flawed cyoa. For me the biggest problem was how mmorpg-like and artificial the setting was. But I'm not discussing quality here, I'm discussing popularity, and saying Dragonfall was never popular here is gross revisionism.
>not more than one post
>All those held cyoag for less time.
In hindsight, Magi Case was low-key kinda kino for a urban mage fantasy CYOA that isn't Fate/Nasuverse or Harry Potter. Just needed more choice options for inserting into the world and quests.
Flopstafags are really out here trying to act like anyone cares about his cyoas or they were ever popular.
>All those held cyoag for less time
Newfag. Magi Case literally lived rent free as the ghost of CYOAG for over 10 years. Years of discussion.
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Emperor has the best potential power scaling by far. You can already start with a whole planet under your rule, and a huge army to conquer even more. Plus a lot of companions/quests can get you powerful kingdoms as well. Combine that with Kopf empowering your Spirit Gift Powers and Emperor is going to be the strongest option starting out for sure, with the ability to quickly keep climbing. If you're willing to work with The Dark One you can even steal the King Maker Sword which would probably male you the most powerful Demiurge very quickly, but I wouldn't blame you for not wanting to take that risk.
You're being disingenuous. That's just the usual occasional italicsposting, not occupying the entire general. When OR released, for most of a year nothing else could be discussed because it was drowned out by ORposting.
That was all hype. The actual cyoa held the general for like 3 months
>you are being disingenuous
>better part of a year
Lmao tankfagsta, nobody cares or cared about your slop except the remaining Europoor erpers that got kicked to mcyoag cause they couldn't contain their erp.
>That was all hype
But it still dominated the general for years. Which was the only criteria.

Coping and goalposting.
>regularly go weeks or months with no one mentioning OR
>can't even go a day without case or entropist
Why did people think flopsta was popular again?
It's you who are coping and moving goalposts, by equating "sometimes mentioned once every few threads" with "dominating". "Magi Case dominated cyoag for 10 years" is obviously wrong, noone in their right mind would agree.
Mind you, I liked Magi Case, this is not shade on it.
It's just one guy keeping the entropist discussion alive to piss of Tok.
Did i stutter?
I see more of the random "entropiss" or something like that, which is more atuned to Tok.

Maybe it's because I frequent the same hours of tok usually and he is still butthurt
In opposition to the one guy who can't even keep tankista discussion going csuse nobody cares lmao.
>It's you who are coping and moving goalposts
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Here are four new shapeshifting forms for Ultimate God, lemme know how they look.
>Skai form
Not fuckable
>Void form
Not fuckable
>Ultimate size
Fuckable enough
Hi Boy Smeller!
>Slop unfinished case held cyoag longer than Outer reincarnation.

Holy fucking copium.
Isn’t omnipresence sort of treading on Heart’s turf with the Shard power? I like Skai and Void though.
Lovers for point maxing.
skai and void are retarded, wtf
Ultimate size is cool
I don't even understand what omnipresence is supposed to do. I become my multiverse? What's the point?
To... spread your awareness? To see everything at once across time and space?
All of these except ultimate size are gay, and ultimate size should just be a regular power.
Are you the same guy who asked me to make Extrival free by default? Theres no reason to make anything except immortality, invincibility, and shapeshifting free.
I agree, I shouldn’t have to spend points to have a Cosmic Dong
Ultimate size should be balanced like Omnipresence. Pleroma should be able to hold the multiverse itself, Monads only having better finger dexterity or something.
Hmmm fair enough, i'll buff Ultimate Size a bit more.
>sometimes mentioned once every few threads" w
>Magi Case
Awwww Newcutie
I still stand by that. If something is such a no brainer everyone will take it should either be free or made more expensive so there's an actual choice.

Also it's pretty silly that a God would be unable to speak the Language of the Gods. It's a language, just let people learn it.
Can you nuke a ghost? That's what Soul Reapers and Arrancar are, after all.

Quincies and Fullbringers are (basically) human, so modern weapons are more of an issue for them. Some have powers that would let them deflect the energy, or retroactively prevent the bomb from detonating, or . . .
>trying this hard to keep the hype going
You had your three months
I did make it more expensive though; it's 5 and 10 points respectively, and the first level is still free, so you can still speak and understand it, just at a simpler level.
nta but Is it impossible to learn it if you dont buy it?
You can learn every word but it'll be much harder to put together sentences and write with it if you dont buy the higher levels.
So just spend more time to learn the proper pronunciations so that the other gods wont laugh at me, got it.
Jesus fucking Christ Aro, you forced me to redo my entire Demigod image build and now you are doing the same thing to my Ultimate God image build. WTF are you doing this?! There is nothing wrong with any of those 2 CYOAs and it just seems like you are changing them for the sole sake of change. So when will you make a remake on Demigod again? I don't feel like making any image builds for your CYOAs anymore if this is what you will do.
>It’s Levi-O-sa, not Levio-SA
I don't remember the Magi Case holding the general for 3 months? I remember discussion going for 3 to 4 weeks because I was answering questions then and looking at cool builds that gave me ideas for features/chatacters before discussion finally dying down and I also got feedback on what to improve and feature in Redux expansion to the CYOA to make it a more enjoyable experience for those that liked the CYOA and its setting and wanted to do more to be part of its world and expand on their capabilities/connections to the Clans.

Did the Magi Case really last three months?
Sorry you feel that way, Tok. I'm happy with demigod for the foreseeable future, but i was always intending on updating ultimate god eventually when i made the last version, primarily adding more titles, form powers, changing up the companions and family, and significantly buffing all the powers. Ultimately, the updating of my cyoas will always come down to me wanting to do more with the setting and improve my previous work, not out of a vendetta against you or others who make image builds.
>There is nothing wrong with any of those 2 CYOAs
Go to sleep tok you're rambling.
>forced me
Wait i-is Aro going to hurt me if I don’t do an image build
Had less than a month of discussion if at all. It did get many builds but most of the discussion was Tok shitposting and backtracking on shitty balancing. Overlord was massive in comparison nothing comes close it had its own massive general and tons of builds. Entropist was not nearly as popular as Overlord but eclipses Dragonfall. In fact to this day we still get Entropist mentions but nearly all Dragonfall talk is centered around Entropist and Magi since Tok always tries to bring it up whenever anything Entropist or Magi related is mentioned.
Comfy baker dude build. I'll probably do a depraved priest run next.
Yeah i'm gonna grab my chancla and go to town if you dont make an image build for every cyoa i post.
Even with that it's still too good. I'd be genuinely surprised if I saw like 2 people that didn't take it. And being limited to a few dozen words of your own races language is still bad.
True, i'm gonna expand it and specify that you can learn every word.
Tok being quiet on Magic the Awakening is still finny since he promised it would be better than Magi Case and Shitalics would never release it.

Afterwards he literally went back to spamming Dragonfall.
This has a lot of soul, anon. Thank you for posting.
Do you know what sloppa is?
It's the sound your mom makes when she walks around.
He literally made an update and spammed lore which he promised he would never do about Dragonfall to compete with an Entropist fan DLC of a things. Tok just can't keep up. And then Italics destroyed him with Magi.
This is how gil became the princess poster
Magi lore is fun, too bad the world ia controlled by the Illuminati and become cyberpunk like Deus Ex.
Thanks, I'm surprised anyone reads textwalls desu. What are your preferred builds for Life Chronicle (or Peil as a whole for that matter)?
My brain's wired weird. I get headaches when I try to do triple-digit math in my head but I can read about four times faster than average, and write at a similar rate. I like climbing walls of text. For Life Chronicle, I generally trend toward letting the RNG take me wherever. It's a sort of procedural journey, in that respect. Peil is one of my favourite authors, his work is seriously excellent and it's inspired me a fair amount.
RNJesus is a rewarding approach, guess I'm more of a control freak when it actually comes to writing things down though. Here's another (didn't end up going with the bastard priest in the end, something more bittersweet instead).

Inspired to create btw? What've you made? It's a funny thing to be inspired, inevitably fall short and eke out some satisfaction anyway; kinda inevitable (in a good way) when you admire to the likes of Peil, LO, nxtub or Scottish.
It's anything stewy or soupy which tastes good and is generally soulful, but looks like absolute shit. Do YOU fucking know what sloppa is?
My fellow co/ck/s, rise up
Ok so there are mad magic users in my setting.
They are powerful but extremely dangerous to themselves and everyone around them.
Some are caught while they are still young and forced to work for the government to hunt others like them.
I want to have a system with which their powers are suppressed to different degrees but I'm not sure how to represent or implement this.
The general idea is the following:
Complete suppression that renders them extremely weak this can only be done in sacred places where they are kept until used.

The next one is one in which they are bonded to someone that has high resistance to magical corruption and even can suppress it somewhat here they would be similar to the previous tier here they are brainwashed to become dependent on their partner.

The next is a "combat mode" where they are allowed to use their powers by their partners with minimal to null repercussions.

And the final a panic full power release where the partner helps carry the burden of the backlash of the mage but this can be potentially lethal for both of them.

So I'm thinking that it would be cool to be able to buy powers for each of the modes separately.
Or should it be that buying one power automatically gives you all it's other versions.
And how could the backlash be represented?
Maybe with a corruption mechanics?
The more power you pull for upgrades the closer you get to a permanent drawback?
Or should it be just narrative?
didn't ask
Just joking
I would put be able to buy powers for each of the modes separately.
Not idea about backlashes tho
>the premise is that you're insane
No thanks.
>not an author
>no WIP
>just a premise
Yawn. Ideas are worthless if not acted on. I didn't read your shit but already know it's worthless.
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>Just a premise
Oh no... shitalicsisters???????!!!!!
Shut up, tok.
Cope. Italics does finish his cyoas. Entropiss and Tokshit have been baiting people with cyoas that will never be finished and have not a single WIP to work with. Those 2 are frauds while Italics is the real deal. Aromage also actually delivers oc despite the seething of this thread.
>Italics does finish his cyoas
Not as fast as I should or want to, though. I'm quite slow at CYOA production which is a negative against me even if they do come out.
lmao, his bait had so much fake stuff that even italics had to come out.
I'm good at pumping out cyoas quickly but they never have the same level of care that Italics puts into his. I'm better at building up a setting through multiple cyoas or through updates.
Is the allsync down right now?
Strength for zenkai boost
Looks like it for me.
>Benefactor: Quincy

>Who Were They Really: Nobody [+140]

>Benefactor’s Power: War Factor [-40]

>The Nature Of Your Power: War Factor [+40]

>What’s New [-15]:
Appearance [0]
Intelligence [-10]
Charisma [-5]

>Yourself [-70]:
Spiritual Pressure [0]
Longevity III [-40]
Durability III [-30]

>Quincy Powers [-100]:
Schrift [Link Manipulation] [0]
Blut II [-20]
Hirenkyaku III [-20]
Vollstandig+ [-30]
Vollstandig Ascension [-30]

Snowflake [x2] [-40]

>Drawbacks [+85]:
Form Lock [+10]
Rage [+20]
Beholden [+30]
Danger Magnet [+25]
Alive [0]

>Scenario: Beginning
Can someone tell me about Le HECKIN Mundo! xxDDD!!!1!
Hueco Mundo, which means literally just "Empty World" is just that, an empty world. It's a giant desert of black sand with little to no light and pretty much nothing else. It's also full of hollows constantly eating eachother in an attempt to get stronger. As an Arrancar you can pretty much just chill because generally you are way stronger than the average hollow.
I didn't like any of the powers I rolled for this so I guess this cyoa is dead to me.
Do hollows have a natural ability to take the power of things they eat or can everyone do that?
It's a hollow thing, and they don't eat everything, they specifically eat souls. Eating humans makes them eat the soul, and I think some souls are more powerful than others. Other hollows are just essentially soul containers so if you eat one you also eat all the souls it had. As an arrancar you are technically still a hollow so you can do the same, but you have access to better ways to get stronger by then.
Neat idea! Take it or leave it, but I think it would be more well received if you were the partner and building up your super powered person. Then the drawbacks could be a matter of “how much crazy are you willing to deal with” or “how much are you willing to put this person through for more power”. I’d say, rather than “new powers every tier”, you say that you allocate 50 power but tier one has access to 10 points of power, tier two has 20, etc. That makes it less tedious to have a full build since you just figure out what you want right off the bat and then try to subdivide it into the different tiers. Sort of like the stating vs potential points in Entropist.
You are not one of the mages harry.
But you do have powers.

I'm an author I just didn't feel the need to say my name.

From my point of view doing it like that can lead to deciding to specialize in one level of power scarifying power for a wider range of abilities or the contrary.
While the other gives more of a "shonen" feel to the power system where the character transforms depending on the need of the situation.
>It's a hollow thing
Damn, if I couldn't take the hogyoku as my special object for fullbringer, I would switch to arrancar.

>As an arrancar you are technically still a hollow so you can do the same, but you have access to better ways to get stronger by then.
What method can possibly progress faster than stealing the power of others?
You legally have to tell us if you're sand otherwise it's entrapment.
Sounds good.
I was planning for you to also have powers but they would be a bit different.
The mages are something natural to them like breathing.
While yours are learned esoteric technics, like martial arts they are safe to use but hard to learn and spend your life energy or chi.
You also have a level of tolerance that would be points to spend on your partner/s that represent how much free reign you are able to give them.
>What method can possibly progress faster than stealing the power of others?
Resurrecion and Segunda Etapa. Also you don't steal the power of others, think of it like a stat boost, you get stronger but you don't learn to use a shikai if you eat a shinigami. The thing is that hollows cannot train, they can only eat, as an arrancar you can train, and this is a shounen so don't underestimate the power of training. Each race has unique things they can do, the fullbringers for exeample can fuse with other power systems.
Does sand still make CYOAs?
I don't believe we should take the chance that he's fully retired in order to sit on the beach with a little boy in each hand.
Would you have pre-built magi to select and then you build out your “partner”? Or would you want to have custom magi and partner? I could see either working well, though more customization on one should mean less customization on the other, I would think. Then again, I don’t have the attention span for 20+ pagers but that’s a me thing
No, you only get 1 image from my WIP. I have to farm all the attention I can get from my oc.
As of right now the idea is for you to customize your character while there will be a selection of mages to choose from.
Each with their different magics to unlock.
>hollows cannot train, they can only eat
Wow, sucks for them.

>this is a shounen so don't underestimate the power of training
Totally forgot that part of the equation. Training is #1 there.
Here’s OC from chatGPT you animal

Choose one:

The Sword of Eternal Flame: You discover a legendary sword buried deep within a volcanic mountain. Wielding this blade grants its bearer the power to control fire, turning your enemies to ash with a single swing. However, the sword has a mind of its own, and its hunger for destruction grows stronger the more you use it. Will you claim this power and risk losing control?

The Elixir of Immortality: Hidden in a secret chamber of an ancient alchemist's lair lies a shimmering vial. Drinking the elixir grants eternal life, but at a cost. You can never return to your old life, and the longer you live, the more detached from humanity you become. Will you drink the elixir and live forever, or will you leave it untouched?

The Amulet of the Forgotten Realm: A mysterious amulet falls into your hands, glowing faintly with the energy of an unknown realm. When you wear it, you gain the ability to step between dimensions, seeing and interacting with beings from other worlds. However, each time you use it, the boundary between your reality and theirs weakens. Will you explore the multiverse, or will you protect your own world from the dangers that lurk beyond?

The Dragon’s Egg: Deep within a cave guarded by ancient magic, you find a dragon’s egg, warm to the touch. If you choose to nurture it, the dragon will bond with you as its rider, granting you immense strength and the ability to soar across the skies. But raising a dragon comes with great responsibility and danger, as many would seek to steal or slay it. Will you take on the challenge and become a legendary dragon rider?
Wow, aromage, italics, tok, tankista, and husanon lost to gpt this easily? Why do we even need them?
>You are not one of the mages
Yikes, i have to be a wagie babysitter
So i'm a wizard to their sorcery?
Is there a way to just do your own thing? And become strong enough to beat down mages?
Are we a martialcuck or a xianxiachad?
You can’t shitpost with chatGPT
I'm gonna set the mage on the lowest setting and find an opportunity to blood sacrifice their ass.
>should it be that buying one power automatically gives you all it's other versions.
>should it be just narrative?
Yes the drawbacks should just be implied.
You’re already putting the player in a position where they’re either an insane mage or the handler of an insane mage. That’s enough of a drawback.
You are nothing because that anon is not even talking about a WIP.
>So i'm a wizard to their sorcery?
More or less you are part of an order of sacred warriors protecting your city state.
Your powers are techniques handed down for generations.
>Is there a way to just do your own thing?
That's something I'm debating as you would skip a big part of the CYOA right now I plan to have you choose from different back stories that will give you different amounts of points for yourself or to buy and upgrade mages.
>And become strong enough to beat down mages?
You can that's how most orders work yours is kind of radical in that they thought that maybe using mages can be a good idea instead of just killing them as quickly as possible.

You are using chi which is totally not magic guys but it let's you potentially do a ton of different things.

I'm not sure that would do anything
>I'm not sure that would do anything
Are there no evil gods in the setting? Must I trouble myself to find a flesh and/or soul eating technique?
Levi's "incubation" was seeing you as the protagonist in other stories, i.e video games and other CYOAs. Maybe even media where you're not explicitly controlling a character but there's still an audience stand-in protagonist, like a bland everyman main character of an anime, etc.

Timeline is:
-Everyone, including you but sans Levi, plays a peaceful game that's basically a scavenger hunt. Andras isn't an ass, Velvet has a touch of yan but isn't actually violent, Dmitri isn't rich, Vivian knows she's an only child, Flora isn't dying, "Lethe" has her memories, Soren doesn't lose sleep keeping unnatural hordes of demons at bay all the time, and Aria isn't jaded by time loops.
-Levi, after "incubating" in countless different stories and watching you from the background, finally hatches as an exceptionally powerful demon. According to Soren, there's not enough emotion or creative energy in the world to create a demon like him - Levi's exceptionally powerful because his jealousy was incubated across numerous other worlds/stories.
-He steals your role and turns himself into the main protagonist. He overwrites the story, which is kind of like a time loop but not, and Aria can only vaguely the world before he overwrote it.
-He overpowers and corrupts Andras, gives Velvet her demon powers and uses ~Envy powers~ to turn her into a full yandere and redirect her affections towards him (he's the main character, after all), rigs the stock market to turn Dmitri rich, inserts himself as Vivian's brother, gives Flora a magical, incurable, lethal disease, steals Lethe's memory, and ensures Soren's always on edge by bringing a huge influx of demons to the city. He picked these changes as a way to up the stakes, entice violence, and create his perfect game.
-Aria wins this first game in the new world and wishes to "return to the world from her memories." Levi is able to reach out and corrupt this wish to create the loop. Aria's suffering and the playable CYOA proper begin.
There are many godlike beings and they would gladly make you their plaything.
>The Elixir of Immortality: Hidden in a secret chamber of an ancient alchemist's lair lies a shimmering vial. Drinking the elixir grants eternal life, but at a cost. You can never return to your old life, and the longer you live, the more detached from humanity you become. Will you drink the elixir and live forever, or will you leave it untouched?
Kino backstory. Became an immortal villain, pretending to connect with people and cherish friendships, all in a vain attempt to feel human again.
I'm working on it. So far, I have one of three pages halfway done. That said, it will be a chunky three pages.
>can't choose your own adventure
Skip. Not that you were ever going to make it either way.
>Can't choose your own adventure.
What do you mean by this?
Every CYOA has a set up for you to interact with the game.
Otherwise it would be uhhh here are powers here is place that's I dunno medieval?
Do whatever I guess?

CYOAs without context are slop
>training arc
Is shounen just flashy cultivation?
Everything can be anything if you squint hard enough.
Shounen... flashier than cultivation? Are you high?
>What do you mean by this?
Anonymous gets off to the idea of being assimilated into a fantasy culture by entropy and mental decay, instead of practicing his theory of mind for a little bit, so he tries to gatekeep authors into always having some element of slow-burning ego death like pic related.
Notice how the introductory message adds nothing to the plot, you just assume the role given to (You) by the author and there is no expectation to behave as if you were teleported into a distant landscape with an entirely different culture and technology.
This is why I hate Avatar, it's not about living in another world and exploring it, and trying to respond to the world accordingly. It's about some sap completely conforming to a status quo that was already upset.
In either case, the person acts as if they got the theologically accurate reincarnation treatment where you get brainwiped before turning into a footless chinese peasant, it's just not explicit. It's not travelling to another world, it's just a transformation as intensive as any zombification.
was this guy's mom raped by tankista or something that he can't stop whining about him all the time
Meh I have never liked that much those kinds of CYOAs.
I do plan to give you the option in the backgrounds to have one that is basically an Isekai.
If I do end up varying the points you get depending on background then it would be the one with the highest tolerance and the lowest personal experience.
As you would have little time to actually train and learn but your nature as an outsider makes you highly tolerant to magic.
Tell me, Anon. What do you think is the best way to go about introducing yourself to a CYOA world and presenting choice options that make you feel like that you have lived that world for a long time and had a place in it before going on your adventure?
Why not just let authors do whatever they want?
Another idea I just had is that your starting position could be modular.
I could assume you are Isekaied but it's been let's say a few months since you arrived and have been indoctrinated into the order.
In the first section you can choose your advantages and disadvantages those could entail things like:
>You partook in intensive training raising your starting points
>You have unnaturally great stores of chi
>You are completely inept in certain techniques that you won't be able to buy with points but you might learn with great effort later.
>You have zero tolerance(For those guys that only want personal power at all costs)
So you could say pick one or two advantages for free and one more for each disadvantage you get.
Lol, lmao even.
We have a few autists like this. Or one autist seething about several different anons. It's hard to say
I'm using the word in an older fashion you are not brainwashed.
You are quite literally joining the nobility of the city a citizen with full rights.
They teach you their techniques but also expect you to do your part in protecting the people living there.
>shitty author gets called shit when he's brought up
>buh buh why do you whine when I spam about them
Tok behavior. No wonder flopstafags are so low IQ.
Because they can't help themselves but make garbage.
The audience COULD just Sartre whatever degree of embeddedness Vs isekai they felt like too but then being an autistic obsessed with either end of that spectrum would rule out anything sensible like that. I swear the seething is for its own sake rather than anything to do with actual opinions.
Ehhh some practices are better than other practices. A really important one is: the CYOA should make it clear at the beginning whether it is compatible with the PC possessing (You)r IRL memories or not; some CYOAs assume the PC shouldn't have knowledge a typical early XXI century human would, and it's annoying to find that out only implicitly and mid-cyoa.
Sand came out with a gangster cyoa named "Cats" . . .I want to say about two months ago.
>Do hollows have a natural ability to take the power of things they eat or can everyone do that?
Building on the other anon's point, Hollows get to eat their victim's mana pool along with their soul, bolstering their own and unlocking new powers along the way. As a result, new Hollows eat regular humans, more advanced Hollows go after humans with special powers of their own, and Hollows looking to break into the top tier (Menos Grande) eat other Hollows.

On a side note, I don't think we see a "real" arrancar in either the manga or anime. Supposedly a Hollow evolves into an Arrancar when they make peace with what they are, and thus don't need their mask to suppress their guilt/ fear/ conscience. So they can take their mask off, and use that power for other things. Aizen's so-called Arrancar still have a piece of their mask on, and don't seem particularly enlightened or at peace. It's more like forcibly suppresses or burns out the part of their mind holding them back, so (you) could theoretically go beyond them, given time.
If I give a CYOA to https://rentry.org/TotalSorcererDeath it would have a lifepath system like JRPG Traitor, with areas for childhood, youth, and adulthood. As well as being split by age, it would be split between whether your events happened as someone within the Electorate or Villainy, with the different character of those events showing why the Electorate has a moral right to conquer the planet. You could have a pure row of Elect events, but would need to have a chain of Villainy events that transitions into you becoming a citizen of the Electorate, since the CYOA is about your part in the righteous genocide that they are committing.
>>Can someone tell me about Le HECKIN Mundo!
>Hueco Mundo, which means literally just "Empty World" is just that, an empty world. It's a giant desert of black sand with little to no light and pretty much nothing else. It's also full of hollows constantly eating eachother in an attempt to get stronger. As an Arrancar you can pretty much just chill because generally you are way stronger than the average hollow.
Well, (you) could chill as long as (you) didn't take Potential - (you) will need powers to not get eaten - and don't run afoul of any of the elite Hollows.

Also adding to the description: Hueco Mundo is the afterlife/plane of the Hollows. Gates to it are literally giant mouths that eat the traveler.

Other than the desert, there's also Los Noches, a sort of fortress/city that serves as the palace of the toughest being that wants it:

*In the Beginning, Los Noches is ruled by Barrigan Louisebairn, an incredibly jaded Hollow with the power to instantly age anything he touches into dust and ashes.

*During the Hueco Mundo arc, Los Noches is ruled by Aizen, who often has the arrancar Ulquiorra "house sit" while he's off executing his plans.

It's a little unclear whether Aizen actually took Los Noches from Barrigan, or whether the Hollow threw the fight, just so he could plan a counter-coup. That was one very, very bored Hollow.

*After the fall of Aizen, Tier Haribel takes over Los Noches.

*During the Thousand Year Blood War, Los Noches is in the hands of Yhwach and his Quincy army.

Although Los Noches literally means "the Nights" in Spanish, it's actually locked in eternal day (unlike the rest of Hueco Mundo. Maybe as a joke, or perhaps as a status symbol.
Sounds interesting. Good luck!
Is this stuff something from the light novels? I don't remember any actual explanation for why natural Arrancar come into being, which is very odd when I think about it.

The two powerful natural arrancar we see (Stark and Ulquiorra) do fit with the 'make peace with what they are' thing you're describing though (and maybe overcoming 'fear' too). The hollow that became Stark was lonely, seeking out other hollow companions that died to it's power. So it split itself into two, to never be alone, and seemingly the result were Arrancar, Stark and Lilynette.

Less people know Ulquiorra is natural, but his whole backstory (from his databook Unmasked) definitely has an 'enlightenment' theme to it. He is born sealed inside white armor, without touch, taste, scent, hearing; only sight. He then goes on a journey through Hueco Mundo seemingly trying & failing to find something of meaning, until he discovers the origin for the white crystal trees that cover Hueco Mundo, which captivates him.
He pushes himself into the centre of the white trees, and sinks into a void of pure white. As he experiences nothingness he declares it beautiful and for the first time ever in his existence is happy, and his mask breaks.
(Though nothing from that point is explained; like why he ever left that spot or why he follows Aizen).

Either way, neither one is your usual Hollow/Arrancar. Hollow are soul eating monsters said repeatedly to be dominated by fear. Stark is completely nonmalicious, even naive compared to the Shinigami, and only fears the loss of his companions. Ulquiorra shows at no point anything that even resembles fear, he's so divorced from emotion in general even other Hollow appear human compared to him.

The idea their masks would vanish entirely is an odd one to me though. Just from a visual design point, how would you know they are Hollow characters?
>Just from a visual design point, how would you know they are Hollow characters?

With a hole thought their bodies. There was one with a hole in their dick so it wasn't noticeable but the ones with a hole in the neck, face, arm,, chest, stomach etc... are pretty noticeable
It's from the anime - or at least what I remember from the anime. Haven't watched it in a while, but at several points it stressed that just removing a Hollow's mask isn't enough to cause them to evolve into Arrancar. That they had to outgrow their need for the mask, or else the loss of the mask was just an injury to be healed.

(Which is why Nel's fracciones didn't become Arrancar after being tortured and stripped of their masks. Dondachaka and Pesche still needed the crutch, and ultimately grew new masks.)

As for how you'd know they were still Hollows? I don't know that a natural/true Arrancar would still be Hollow. Aizen's creations still had a Hollow-style hole somewhere in their bodies, but my personal head canon (which might be completely wrong) is that they would become more like the Visored, but with the mask as the primary item, not the sword.

Again, though, that's pure speculation on my part.
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I hate quests and adventure sections in CYOAs, I want to come up with my own adventure and only want some lore, character creation and maybe a companion section from CYOAs. The worst CYOAs are CYOAs without immortality and those that forces a specific but arbitrary number of quests on you, I fucking hate that shit.
>level 0 charisma
Reminder. Hollows canonically can have sec and reproduce. They are just too much of powerlevelfags and sociopathetic to do so.

Hollows are also the only ones that are immortal and will only die if killed unlike Humans, Quincies, and Shinigami.
>Demon of sex
> 0 Charisma
Classic Tok's move
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>When Spirit has Magic
Is the author just retarded?
Starrk is canonically an arrancar. He didn't need Aizen.
>Hollows canonically can have sec
I guess? if one has a dick he probably can cum, somehow.
>and reproduce
>They are just too much of powerlevelfags and sociopathetic to do so.
But have some of the best baddies
>Hollows are also the only ones that are immortal and will only die if killed unlike Humans, Quincies, and Shinigami.
I think they are not inmortal but they don't tend to live long enough to die by age
that introduction is there precisely to prevent any possibility of ego death

it's different types of magic, one of which is called magic but the other isn't, deal with it
You think that's bad, try playing JRPGs with elements like Fire, Water, Darkness, Light, Magic, etc, as though the elements not labeled Magic weren't magic. You just assume that by 'Magic' they mean rawest/purest magic (even this makes no sense) or something.
"you get a retroactive history in the world with some depersonalized memories as a training wheels type thing"
don't forget how he forgot to take the wish spell that lets him do anything, the one thing in the cyoa that would make a very high magic stat actually worth it

he also tries to cope about how territory is wish, which it definitely isn't, and shows that all he wants to do is live in a secluded basement
"That's not magic, THIS is Magic!" ew
yes, that's how it works, different settings can define magic differently and there is nothing you can do about it
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>different settings can define magic differently
More like different people can define magic differently, even within a setting. Magic is 100% psychological. Bitch.
that's irrelevant since the issue here is the way a setting defines magic, not the way a person does
when did they play tok slop?
>the issue here is the way a setting defines magic, not the way a person does
A person made the setting anon... Start thinking transcendentally, please.
that doesn't matter because the person who made the setting's opinion also doesn't matter, he could come here and claim something different from what the text says and i'd call him wrong and be correct in doing so, the setting has a definition of magic and even the author can't argue with it without going in and making changes to the text
>because the person who made the setting's opinion also doesn't matter
Okay so the author's opinion on their authored work doesn't matter, got it. Retard.
yes, i'm glad you learned something new today as clearly you haven't even considered this before
Dumbasses like that guy are the reason we got shit like the Rings of Power. They truly feel they know better than Tolkien.
>Trollolololol, I'm pretending to be retarded again.
Gas yourself, retard.
>pointing out something so basic a 3 year old could understand it is pretending to be retarded
i guess you aren't pretending
Gas. Your-self. Now.
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why would i do that when i have a retarded monkey like you here to amuse me, this is great

also this captcha is topical, i love it
Tolkien is a dumbass. He thinks that technology is magic, and that fairy people aren't magic. What a dumbass.
Celt? Is that you?
You mean just like >>94179686 thinks he knows better than the author of >>94177583?
Authors (neckbeards) disagreeing with other authors (neckbeards) over magic in their given works of fiction, like here on /tg/, is indistinguishable from past persons in history disagreeing over magic in their given cultures around the globe.

So like, magic is "magic". Always has been. It's just a way of looking at a thing.
Which stat is best to put to 10? I went with luck.
they aren't disagreeing over magic as some sort of platonic ideal, they're defining the terms of the magic particular to their setting, which may or may not be different to the way magic is defined in other settings, however that doesn't constitute disagreement

this is where your dumb and helpless ass is falling over itself repeatedly, you're trying to make it a strict general definition where everyone should use the word the way you want to, but that's not how people use the word

like i said, a 3 year old could understand this, but apparently you can't, either because you're deep in the non-functional part of the spectrum or else far on the low end of the iq bell curve, take your pick

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Sigh. Pretending to be idiots just invites actual idiots to this place, I hope you realize. You're a danger.
It sure is easy to just call other people idiots all day isnt it, retard?
I think they're just fed up with being lectured by some obsessive autist. Over-education has the exact opposite effect.
It would need to be education first.
Why do you hate them?
I normally see them just as adventure seeds.
We know, Tok.
Why not just take Wish? Seriously, is whatever you're doing with those 10 skill points REALLY better than the spell that does anything?
Is "magic" magic "magic" magic?
he's an idiot, it can't be helped, if he wants to be gimped and weaker compared to 99% of magic builds out there it's his business

the best part is that he took mid magic, when either of the other two choices would have been better for a magic-focused build, because in low magic you can be the only strong mage around, in high magic you get to avoid all the trouble by sticking in your territory, while in mid magic you get what, the worst of both worlds and the chance to get made fun of because you don't have enough points for wish?
Hollows are souls like Soul Reapers. Soul Reapers can reproduce. Also, Kubo interview
>Not immortal
There is a literal million year old Hollow that bitched slapped Yamamoto.
>A million years old
Lol, lmao.
Come back when you have one at least a trillion years old who's also survived proton decay.
Living God build > All
Ultimate God Build > Living God Build > All
Then breeding Nelliel and Harribel is possible? nice
Meta > All, by design.
how do you figure ultimate jobber has literally anything on even the weakest living god build? hell, i think a living god build that isn't allowed to spend any points whatsoever would still be stronger than an ultimate god build
The rules of the afterlife in Bleach are a little weird. It's almost like a second life, where the dead can grow up, age, and even die, only to be reborn in the living world.

There's no real rhyme or reason to it, either. You'll have one ghost that's dying of old age at ninety, and another that's just as old, but hasn't even hit puberty yet.
Spirit energy determines how long you live on Bleach afterlife. You can also age yourself. Only applies to Shinigami/Humans. Hollows and Hell spirits are immortal.
Go to /a/ you filthy plebs
Meta is literally at the bottom. Turns any cyoa into absolute trash tier.
>he can't handle the power
>He fell for the cheapest storytelling trick to appear to have depth
/a/ryan here. Meta is based, Bleach is based, and you're all subpar writers like Tankista. Satre every CYOA until you become the new Demiurge.
he seriously lives rent free inside your mindspace

got a cozy cottage and a few hundred acres of farmland, mofo even has running water and electricity on top, he has three houses in there and charges rent to the other guys that would normally live rent-free like him
>tfw everyday there is a mini-tok, mini-aro and mini-tok saying good morning
Technically you could also say "All > Meta", assuming you're using said meta to make the world less easy for (You).
Most posted CYOAs are literal shounen tier in terms of powerlevels and plots. Outer Reincarnation, JRPG Traitor, Pokemon Personified.

No seriously think about it
>Why do you hate them?
I hate chores and the quests/missions feel like chores to me. I want my schedule to be as empty as possible. Whenever something pops up that I HAVE to do I do it right away. Because having things that I must do drives me insane. It is like having a thorn in your head which is continuously making you bleed and feel pain. I want to pluck it out as soon as possible. I want to remove it from my mind so I can return to a state of zero and live in the moment were I can feel happiness and not have to worry about any bullshit that I MUST do tomorrow. This is why I HATE dailys and weeklys in MMORPGs and detested going to school because I would always get homework which I would rush to complete only to get more fucking homework.

Having a fucking list of quests that I must do is like having a list of chores. I don't really want to do any of them but the CYOA forces me to do them. I'm fine with the quests in Mythic Lands because there is multiplayer and I always thought I would just afk the quests putting in the least amount of effort as possible but still enough to contribute and reap the rewards. I would also add that I am fine with a single quest like killing Ivory and 0^0 or guarding your charge in Royal Guardian. But the quests in Demigod and Ultimate God are obnoxious as hell where you are forced to do a set number of quests.

Territory is the Wish spell dumb dumb
technically that would still be meta winning because you're still using it to create massive changes to make the fantasy fit your ideas better, even when depowering other things it's still the most powerful
post isekaishit
think about what? japanese tropes fall on power levels similar to western ones? i don't get it

>I hate chores and the quests/missions feel like chores to me. I want my schedule to be as empty as possible.
this reminds me of this really terrible cyoa made by some retard name tok where you were the ultimate janitor and had to take care of fucked up universes, god that was a terrible cyoa because you had so many pointless chores to do
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Meta itself would be winning, but your meta build might not.
>weebshit cyoas are Shonen
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You're built for BSD (Big SDA cock)
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A stroll down cringe memory lane
No. Most cyoas are pill pickers and similar level shit
So the average Tok CYOA then?
I wonder if Tok still feels bad about SDA never raping him.
he said most posted
Is there any CYOA with "good" quests?
HE does. he even thinks about and wishes he were a little girl in the arms of SDA
>Hoho 2 let's you move faster than light
wtf isn't this basically just an I-win-button since this makes you effectively go back in time to attack someone before you started the attack meaning literally no one that isn't capable of movement at the same FTL speeds could ever fight back against you?
FTL is pretty common for mid-high tier shonen characters because it sounds impressive and because the author doesn't know how it works or doesn't care.
take the ascension pill and realize it's all fucking magic
Even then it is wrong. Cyoas most posted are a bunch of old cyoas everyone ignores about different things.
wow so both of you were wrong haha
That's not what's written in the handbook.
FTL isn’t time travel, you ignorant buffoon.
>Territory is the Wish spell dumb dumb

Look at it this way: If Territory truly can do everything like Wish can then it doesn't matter what you spend those 10 skill points on regardless as you could just do it with Territory, so there's no benefit to not taking wish anyway. However if you're wrong, and Wish can do stuff Territory can't, then you're way better off taking Wish. Taking Wish is at worst neutral and at best way better.
>So the average Tok CYOA then?
Fuck you! The only cringe CYOAs are the CYOAs without immortality.

>Is there any CYOA with "good" quests?
Let me think.... Yes, I do like how quests are done in Royal Guardian and Overlord. There quests are optional, rewards people for picking them with points and each quests represents a problem which you are mostly free to deal with in whatever way you see fit. It is not the heavy railroading that you see in quests/missions sections in other CYOAs.
Arobitch, stop being lazy and finish that cyoa already. Or else... italics will possess your body and take over you.
500 dollars on Italics breaking Aro's spine when he takes her over and inevitably gives in to temptation and breaks his neck trying to suck on Aro's huge suckable dick clit
My eyes...
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Send this peak to their private hugbox!
You're in the private hugbox right now.
cyoag is not a hugbox
lmao, okay faggot.
meant to reply to >>94181675
meant to reply to >>94181669
CYOAs for this feel?
Gateway, capture aro's self insert, ivory.
That makes me think that good authors self insert as the protagonists of their OC while bad authors self insert as their all powerful DMPC that dominates the PC.
>Good authors self-insert as the protagonist of a cyoa
>This means that you, the player, are not the protagonist and are relegated to being a side bitch
Are you retarded?
No you didn't understand my point the protagonist is also (You) what I'm trying to say is that they create CYOAs that they would like to play as the PC.
And that is the same thing the readers do.
Tok was a good author all along, I knew it!
Such bold sublimity, such feckless rapacity...
see >>94181690
Aro is having a melty again?
Tok was earlier, not sure about aro. Doesn't look like it though.
If every cyoa was real and you needed to hide in one of them which oc would you pick?
it doesn't matter, if every cyoa is real then everyone lives in the grabbiest and most high-power cyoa now
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living god duh
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It depends why I'm hiding.
If the pursuer can track me down if I'm too visible, hence the need to hide, I'll pick [Not an Adventurer]. Decent world, easy to live by without drawing attention.
If the pursuer WILL track me down no matter what I do, I'll go to [Outer Reincarnation] for the narrative (I'm the protagonist, and they usually win.)
If the pursuer can't track me down at all, [Laboratorium] to travel the multiverse and get stronger until I get conceptual authorhood, in which case I'll write all the other CYOAs into existence from the cabin described in [Solitude].
>raped by tok
>multiplayer out of nowhere
Rent free.
I don't trust deals like that. Whatever keep me on Earth unchanged.
Tok should spend his time in mcyoag instead of here
They would value his time far more then us clearly
Keep your filth here.
refer to >>94182241
>You have to fight the council of Toks if you lose they rape you for all of eternity
>You only have one CYOA to prepare
Do you survive?
Literally any decently powered cyoa could defeat every last tok, because they are literally designed to lose.
Hide from what exactly? And for how long?
Nta, but i dont recall the council having a living god so there you go.
You don't even need a living god to beat the League of Jobbers
I go to Godly Husbandry and fight the council of Toks aith a council of daughterwives.
Give me a lvl 5 pokemon and it will be enough. They are the league of jobbers
>One CYOA to prepare
>The Magi Case: Fragmented Bloodlines
Nah, I'd Win.
Someone that already had his cyoa power-up and search for you for like a milennia before getting bored
Seconding the first answer. If you have a functionning brain victory is yours. Hell, just
I pick Lamentations or JRPG Traitor.

I then use the furry female companions to beat up Tok and have sex with them afterwards while he watches jut so he can reeee and mald
>tok take the time to make an image build
>share it with the thread so you can appreciate a tok legacy
>everybody shit on it because they're too jealous
Outer Reincarnation (blessing of SRTR) and Ultimate God (Perpetuance) both have RAW that instantly abolishes the council. You can win with the sandwich CYOA if a throwdown started.
Do you really blame people for making fun of your jobber build?
Satre was a mistake
>You can win with the sandwich CYOA if a throwdown started.
prove it cumeater
>Tok was the cumeateranon all along
I'm not Tok you retard
The Interactive worm one, it's very easy to become omnipotent in this.
>that introduction is there precisely to prevent any possibility of ego death
It has only guaranteed it. Your identity can't exist in a vacuum, it was dependent on your country, loved ones, aspirations, even the basic assumptions that have been replaced. Even if you have no connections to anyone in this world, you must surely have physical possessions that filled their place, that are now gone. You are in a very gay hell.
Ok tok, whatever you say.
your social connections and possessions aren't your ego
>moving to a different country is ego death
based retard
Husanon here.
I have turned to God and will change all lolis in Luminary to adult women.
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yeah no
But fatto catto you hate lolis...
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