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"Necessity" Edition
Archives & Other Resources: https://pastebin.com/wETipqYw
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Previous Thread: >>94171751
>Thread Question: Why don't you make the new thread?
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One of the big complaints i got from the last version of UG was weak angels and weak relics, so how does this new page 3 look guys?
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I am doing an evil ritual.
What prolific cyoag shitposter should I attempt to summon?
Sucks Dicks Anon
You wanna take on that bet? >>94181524
Is italics a ghost? When did he die?
>first angel
>can still be weak trash
Pick the good powers and bind them to the Ultimate Weapon then. Theres nothing that says the Archangel tier has to be weak.
When a car ran him over. What can be said. Authors are jobbers.
Probably when he tried to suck his own dick
>Now 4 instabilities for the strongest
>Gives 1 less power too
>Abilities are still not even planet level for someone meant to guard an entire multiverse
But why? Why is it so hard for you to fix it? Is not even hard to do. Also, ultimate weapon is still trash considering an ultima of destruction can do much better.
>Ultimate weapon
You mean that stick that can not even destroy a galaxy? What a waste of time. Imagine that. An entire family of ultimas working to create the ultimate weapon and all they can come up with after all their work is this shit, lmao. I like to imagine other ultimas laughing at them when they presented their finished product.
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I'll tweak the powers a little bit more then, some are already planet/star level.
And not everyone is gonna be an ultima of destruction lmao, but i'll change the ultimate weapon's entry a little, is this better?
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>Body: 3
>Wits: 3
>Magic: 7
>Spirit: 2
>Charm: 4
>Luck: 5
>Beastfolk (Fox)
>Bag of Holding, Looking Glass
>Pirate King: 1, Local Tribes 0, Independent 3
>Middle Magic
>Perks: Fighter, Spellsword, Rogue, Artificer, Acrobat, Mage, Explorer, Doctor, Naturalist, Alchemist, Polyglot, Perception, Transmutation, Dimensional, Doorways, Enchanting, Ritualist, Mana Sensing, Cantrip (Item Swap)
>Companions: Gabriella, Emilio, Arlin, Lex
>Ship: Large, Hold, Charts, Luxury, wacky crew
>Side Quests: Dungeon Diving, Labor Party, Sunken Fleet, Tree of Life, Sine Refinery
>Endgame: Peace
Gonna be a foxy pirate that can literally sniff out magic and specialize in plundering and crafting magical items and potions to equip my crew of wacky misfits. Spend the first month or so keeping to myself in my little glade on Westbeach crafting potions from the plants there, then harvest the trees for their superwood and pay someone to build me a ship out of it with potions. Once the main quest starts I can use the looking glass as a concrete means to measure who gets to try the ring, warning anyone who tries it of the dangers. Once we have the Sine refinery up and running we'll really be cooking, and I can start equipping my crew mates with overpowered magic equipment by using alchemy and ritual magic to combine magic items we collect into stronger ones that can handle being supercharged with life energy. Once all the craziness of the main quest settles down I can work on expanding my crew into my own little kingdom on Lex's island and turn it into a thriving trade hub for magical products by setting up door portals to the other islands, Howl's Moving Castle style.
>And not everyone is gonna be an ultima of destruction
You are missing the point here. The point is that this is supposed to be the culmination of the work a group of super entities did. All for the purposes of creating the best weapon they could make with their combined powers. At least, that is what it seems like from the description. The end results is disappointing as for beings that powerful, this weapon would be little more than a toy, as any one of them can do more damage than that without the need for a weapon. This is like a group of humans coming together and making a foam sword. Funny, I guess. But not deserving of the title ultimate weapon.
If my prime archangel can't even beat goku in a fist fight, what is even the point of them existing? Get out of here. You waste of space.
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Fair enough, something like this maybe, so that it can be used to prune universes along the multiverse?
Its over... aro...
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Lmao, thanks for the meme, i'll bump up the physical strength a little.
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Here is my latest image build!
Magic the floppening...
If you don't have Printing Press then you're a brainlet. If you take Condensed Rituals without Printing Press then you're especially a brainlet.
I don't want or need that kind of techshittery in my realm!
I can't wait for druid fail. Tok will finally end it all after that flop.
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Please remove the Instabilities, either your angel will be insufferable or useless with the majority of these. You have to take those instabilities or the angel will be worthless the moment you reach adulthood, first angel or no.

Also maybe specify what her base strength is without scaling to her enemies? Maybe between what an archangel can do all the way to the prime?

I will have to use my own abilities to experiment on her. That is bullshit, might as well make my own prime archangel.

For the ultimate weapon, maybe add special techniques unique to the gods that made the weapon. Based on their aspects to give it more personality.
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>remove the Instabilities
Agreed, they're so dumb. Smite and Whisperer don't matter while all the other ones are untakable because they make the angel disloyal.
It used to be 2 so you could take both of those which is why she nerfed it to having to take 4 to force people into the shitty ones. Aromage moment.
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>Specify maze's base powers are
Like this?
You forgot about wither and beacon... but they're really bad too.

Either make the angel useless or disloyal.

I guess the only easy solution is to rewrite its mind.
Does anybody have that Warhammer CYOA where you can choose various fates to move the global plot along? Like reviving as the Emperor, becoming a Chaos God or Eldar God, the good stuff.
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What the fuck did you do to the image?
I know this was a section in the original. But to be honest. I do not see why it needs to be like this. What I mean is that it should always be a prime archangel because of who the first angel is. Just remove the other 2 options, remove the drawbacks, and just have the player pick forms and powers for the first angel. It makes the whole thing much better. Then just balance everything for that level of power. I thinks this would make more sense for that whole section.
Based, thank you.

Naturally I choose Warboss because I wanna invade warp and kill everything there with pure retardation.
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I got this one too.
Yes but for each angelic power at their respective level.
Aromage has never been good at making drawbacks. They're always either free points or so insanely terrible no one in their right mind would pick.
This goes for most authors. Look at husanons luminary for example.
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I got this
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I will not allow the spread of lowered resolution images. Begone, demon!
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Why the fuck do you post shit quality versions of good CYOAs?!
I literally cannot see a difference.
This is one of toks better ones, gods i cant make up my mind!
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There's also this one. It doesn't make you a god, but it does give you an authentic CryNet Nanosuit, so you might as well be.
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You're just retarded desu.
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Go to sleep, aro. You are done for anyways.
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Hmm, maybe something more like this, then?
>Prime Angel
>Prime Archangel
Are you this uncreative? Use another variant of angel, retard.
no u
Prime angel does what the other two can already do, but worse. Change it please.
Explain what you mean first.
Grand seraphims are better trained, prime archangels are better diplomats.
Prime angels are better shapeshifters only, and are called the rank and file. These three are not equals.
The fuck does "swing around cruise ships" mean and how is it supposed to be comparable in any way whatsoever to flying at light speed and tanking nukes? Not even bringing in that outshining most stars is again magnitudes higher than tanking nukes, so the scale is still kind of fucked there, but... Cruise ships? What the fuck.
A simple change yet it changes the perspective from which you look at it. I like that you are trying to make them equal in power but different in what they are for. It makes this more of a choice than it was before. I do think that if you manage to balance them, this will be the superior design.
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How does this look then
Prime angels should be able to go toe to toe with cosmic entities no?
The sun collapsing in their faces should be nothing, planets should be nothing, galaxies should be nothing...
Are you also buffing the powers alongside this change? I mean, I would understand why it was a bad idea before when it could be just a regular archangel due to the player's choice, but now it would be easier to justify the first angel powers to be stronger.
If they're specialized for combat, yes.

Yeah, i've already buffed a couple of powers up to planetary/star levels
>If they're specialized for combat, yes.
Cosmic angels should not be bound to planetary limitations. Not in physical strength nor durability, no matter their specialization. These are not angels or archangels. But prime angels no? Please aro, i'm losing it here.
Troyx won.
It's important to remember that Angels typically fight in legions, and this is also true for prime angels and grand seraphim. They are meant to fight in groups of tens of thousands.
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How can one person be so funny without even trying?
It's a gift.
Tanking nukes and aircraft is not what i expected from a peak angelic entity. You nerfed bench pressing celestial bodies like the moon to aircraft. I'm going to sleep. But please, you said yourself that the strongest angels could fight cosmic gods. Write down that shit so i dont have to ask about powerlevels like this, because that was a big jump from what's written.

I have high hopes for this cyoa, removing instabilities is already one step in the right direction. Keep at it.
>Here is your super special angel that will always be at your side. So special, it gets its own section! That is how special it is! There is only one of them!!
But why is he so weak?
>He is not weak
Yes, he is
>Okay he might be weak. I changed him to be a prime angel
But why is he still weak?
>He is not weak
Yes, he is.
>Well, that is because they are tens of thousands of just like him!

I love aromage, lmao.
I don't particularly care for Aro CYOAs. Wake me up when something, literally anything else, is being posted.
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Remember that this is the *weakest* prime angel and unspecialized, while specialized ones can break worlds and tank supernovas
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w-what are you doing with that gun, anon-chan?
Let's be fair, even the strongest Ultima dies to pistolkind and riflekind. It's nothing to be ashamed of.
>Aro does not give in
Does that mean she will also not let us be the speshul main character?
The arodreams were just aromemes...
I do wanna say thanks to those who commented, this has helped a lot.
>pistolkind and riflekind
So aro has a jobber fetish.
It's so over.
>Is italics a ghost? When did he die?
Probably right before he exclaimed he couldn't breathe while Tok was kneeling on his neck.

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