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Tree Edition


The Week That Was: Where Dreams Become Reality

Metagame Mentor: Discussing Pioneer with Bloomburrow


>Current meta, complete with deck lists
>Build and share casual decks

>Build and share Cubes

>Search engines
>Proxy a deck or a cube for cheap
>Play online for free

>What is EDH?


Are there any underplayed cards you think people should be giving more attention in any format right now?
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Unban Mana Crypt
Why do you want it unbanned in Legacy?
Makes my One Rings better
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Red got a new counter-counterspell. Cheapest unconditional redirect there's ever been (that hits spells and abilities, and doesn't offer an option to pay mana to ignore it)
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>seals every toploader for shipping with cellophane tape
Does this work with Triskaidekaphobia?
it does
Gross. At least use painter's tape.
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The nigger in the art ruins it.
Yeah I forgot to mention that in the post but the art is truly horrendous. I guess it's kind of fitting for a horror set, in a meta way.
True. Fuck stores.
>He doesn't solder his toploaders
How are you going to host events in places that close at 8:00? What are the "wrong type of people", and how are those other places going to keep them out?
The art fits what the card does mechanically - breaking shit and causing mayhem.
I love this thing and I feel like it's gotta have a place somewhere.
It's a super versatile control piece that enables shit like Threshold and Delirium and let's you use a Deep Cavern Bat or a 1/1 token to steal something from a graveyard. It's so much fun to use.

I've been to literal raves in all of the places I mentioned. the public aquarium rave sadly did not come to fruition but I look forward to the aquarium GPs because they won't smell as bad :)
That's nice, but did those places have raves every week?

no of course not. raves are important social, artistic, cultural, and financial events that require a tremendous amount of planning and execution. magic tournaments are not and do not.
>People can hold events at these places
>Those places aren't suitable for FNM
>I've been to raves at those places
>Those raves didn't happen every week
>Raves aren't Magic tournaments
What a weird discussion. You still haven't answered how you're supposed to have weekly events at places that close before midnight or how you're going to keep the "wrong kinds of people" out of those places.
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One day WOTC will forget about him and print a 3cmc clone in simic
>raves are important

lol yeah all that pounding trance and wide eyed idiots with pacifiers are a real cultural treasure.
I just wish they hadn't added 'non-legendary' because getting Grist with him would be silly
>Legendary Bird
>Flash, flying
>Enters - Flicker target creature
Now he comes with a free bird
they forget to specify "another creature" because it was an untested last minute change
Bellower can't get legends so that rules out fetching Nad2
I forced blue-black like 19/20 matches in that Limited format and cast that card a lot.
found a loop with late pick commons where you could mill your entire library and put instant and sorceries from your graveyard back on top.
>Here We Go Again {1}{U}{G}
>Creature - Shapeshifter
>You may have Here We Go Again enter as a copy of any creature on the battlefield, except it has "When this creature enters, create a copy of target creature"
It will be hybrid
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I normally don't like riffing on already existing archetypes, but I think this twist is novel enough to warrant exploration.

Wish Control. That is, AZC with a wishboard. You have to make a few sacrifices to get it pumping, but the benefits are notable.

>Concentrate your fast interaction into the mainboard, while moving slow sweepers and wincons out of the maindeck to streamline things.
>Able to play far more potent wincons, like Kiora Bests the Sea God, that would otherwise be trash in the maindeck.
>Wishing rather than filtering means you are more consistently getting exactly what you need, rather than sometimes getting the wrong pieces off of Deluge.

I initially thought a 3-mana 1/1 wouldn't quite be good enough, but between Fountainport being able to cycle it and it being a body to soak up Empress counters, it's not terrible.

Overall it feels alright. I probably want more card advantage maindeck, but for now I'm just testing the core of the setup. I think it provides a lot of consistency, which AZC honestly lacks quite a lot. For as potent as it is, a LOT of the time it just ends up bricking on what removal pieces it has vs what it wants.
People kept saying this but I just don't think it's true. There's already a huge problem where stores are left with product they can't sell and the only way they can offload it is by giving it out after charging for seating at an EDH table.
Very few people I know actually buy singles from their LGS because the price and supply is usually worse than what you can find on TCGplayer. The only time I saw an exception to this was when the store literally offered to print custom proxies which naturally were dirt cheap (cheaper than MPCfill).
The problem stores face is there being a fuckton of packs to stock and they're all extremely value-thin so it's really hard to offload them. The closest thing to a value-dense set we get anymore is fucking Modern Horizons. I guarantee that if we saw the Masters sets return to From the Vault levels of high-value reprint density stores would not be struggling as much to keep stocking Magic product.

what you are describing is the normal result of a pyramid scheme.
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It's actually a fucking Captain Obvious solution WotC had cold feet over because you can't go back on reprinting $1000 cards en masse, but it's legitimately the easiest way to fix the struggles the game is having with player numbers, and by extent, the line going up.
>Hey guys core sets don't sell well because they're usually mostly reprints of dogshit cards
>Okay let's stop doing them
>(Standard instantly goes to shit and people stop playing it, making the sales of all sets suffer)
Literally all they have to do is take what they're doing with Modern Horizons (extorting stores to buy other sets to receive the set they know will go cash-positive), and do it with Masters sets that are loaded exclusively with cards WotC already knows are expensive and people want. As long as WotC keeps printing pushed set after pushed set they will literally never run out of material to put in these.
For fucks sake this isn't even making them create sweeping changes to how they design cards and print them in base rarity. If people need to wait a fucking year to potentially see a card at $5 they're still going to pull the slot machine for the epic gamblecore One Ring on the day it comes out.
Even Epic Games has begun to realize there's almost no functional difference in spending behavior between "this item will likely come back a year from now" and "this item will never come back", but the latter does immense damage to long-term growth because it gatekeeps people that you're trying to onboard.
Honestly, I think Wizards just needs to make a better standard environment and stop printing Modern Masters shit.
Stores should be able to hold events other than commander but they can't since all the other formats are shrinking while commander is growing. The only games my local store gets is kitchen table and commander, and the only reason kitchen table happens is because people come in hours in advance for the weekly commander event.
Also offer more support to stores, and bring back the judges program.

you need to remove meth from your life fren
I think another way to help stores is to go back to having desirable products that are exclusive to WPN stores. The From the Vault series was a big cash injection for stores and created a lot of good will, there's no reason why they can't have a few Secret Lairs every year that you can only get from your LGS.
A mega-pushed set exclusively of expensive reprints being given exclusively to stores that order product is exactly the type of support an LGS would want.
>Brings card prices down so more people want to play the game, creating more open potential for future sales
>Brings sales to LGS so they want to keep supporting the game
>0 new cards so WotC can easily justify not selling it online for maximum squeeze
>latter does immense damage to long-term growth because it gatekeeps people that you're trying to onboard
This is definitely the reason why I quit Modern and then the entire game. It was clear after MM2 that Wizards didn't give a shit about maintaining the format and that was when I exited (paying for) the game. Everything was still expensive and the reprints were not fast enough. Years and years of that with no actual relief and it's no surprise Modern died. Nobody lost their shit as much because nobody cares about Modern but fucking people after they paid like $200-400 for a set of Fury was just as bad as the Commander bannings.

If Wizards were competent, I would imagine they would see a downward drop in paper play but see an equivalent uptick in Arena play in the same region based on billing information, which would justify the loss of a store's population or the store itself. But I know they aren't tracking numbers that way because they're fucking incompetent. The post-COVID store-closure tanking of revenues is probably only just staring them in the face.
This game has gotten really gay over the last decade. In all respects.
I doubt Arena of Online make up for the loss of modern player numbers, online attracts an entirely different crowd and I've never spent a cent on it.
Although Arena might have offset them money wise due to online purchases, but player population wise it's probably a net loss.
wasn't there a soul cauldron oneshot deck with this at some point?
Every now and then, at least a couple times a year, sometimes more often, Ill get a strong urge to brew a cube. I often get pretty deep in the list building process, but have never gotten to a point that Id consider satisfactorily playable. Ill abandon the project for several months, some times close to a year, until I get the urge again. At that point I scrap my list altogether and start from scratch. I have gone through this cycle at least 30 times over the past decade.

This timell be different though. Im going to build my list, order the cards, and draft it. For real this time. Any ideas/suggestions are welcome.
>Any ideas/suggestions are welcome.
define your goals before you begin the process. make a timeline and stick to it.
What kind of cube are you thinking of building? Powered? Unpowered? Modern? Pauper? We need a little more to go on before giving suggestions
>online attracts an entirely different crowd
Well, this exactly proves the point. You don't spend money but the online people are different. They don't see this game in the long-term they just spend because they don't see the physical money leaving their wallet. Online assets are bought and discarded, like TV subscriptions or donations to streamers. All these people do is spend spend spend, much like Magic players who are still playing paper, probably Commander. All their self-worth is defined by how much they spend, they don't give a shit what the game looks like years from now they just want more reason to spend their money indiscriminately.

The fact they spun off Online to Daybreak means Online doesn't bring in enough to justify keeping the production internal. Arena is definitely printing them mountains of money because it is convenient, which was the vital missing aspect that doesn't exist in other Magic products. The convenience is what attracts the indiscriminate spenders. And it's hard to say at the moment if those people will stick around but the game is large enough that one can imagine Arena won't die for lack of players to fire events.

What Wizards has to care about is the death of paper regardless if it is offset by Arena. The death of paper is just less money or potential money they are missing out on - someone will question why the paper number is going down regardless of how big the online number is. They want the Arena money and the paper money no matter if Arena offsets the losses in the other.

We're post-COVID now, interest rates are up, nobody is buying shit. If we're going to see any sign of panic from Wizards it will be now. All it will take is for Final Fantasy to not sell like Lord of the Rings and there will suddenly be some kind of effort to win people back, which they won't, because non-EDH constructed is dead, just absolutely dead. Foundations won't do shit - you can't use steroids to revive a corpse.
If I had to guess, if paper dies entierly they'll just count it as a loss and end the magic ip as well, cutting away the entirety of the fluff and counting it win since they won't have to spend money on it anymore, while using the game entirely for crossovers. If they can't sell people on the game, they'll sell them ip. Puppeting around the corpse of the franchise until Wizards dies.
It's definitely a bad decision long term, eventually Wizards wouldn't be able to make up losses anymore due to overhead and the game would wither and die.
But it entirely depends on whether the people in charge actually care about the game or long term growth.
Itll be a 'powered' cube in that itll run most/all of the power 9 and wont be confined by budget, but Im want to try to create a more curated/well rounded draft environment than the typical 'most powerful 360 cards printed' lists
Yeah I think that's right Magic will just be a platform for shilling IPs when the paper game dies proper, which means no more real organized play and FNM just becomes this sort of EDH hellscape.

I think long-term growth and the game are interchangeable goals, they're the same thing. And I think the people in charge, MaRo and Forsythe, are too incompetent to know something's wrong. They don't understand that the paper game only exists because of people who joined the game decades ago and the only life that exists in paper today is a product of the emotional investment of those players, which for all intents and purposes can be measured by a store existing and that store posting event attendance. They can't just fucking broaden the attendance criteria to include EDH and ignore the non-EDH decline, which they did and to me I think they're just kicking the can down the road until retirement. All their staff are on average 5 years with the company with nobody else being there for over 10 years besides those two. And you can bet your life savings nobody is being groomed to take over. And when it all goes to shit the stupid retarded players will blame MaRo or Forsythe's retirement instead of what those men neglected by putting the game on a downward slope.

Wizards has never hired for competence it's always passion first. But the problem with that is that Magic needs someone who can organize a hot dog stand and nobody in that company can do that. They can't even test cards before shipping them. MaRo giving the excuse "at some point you have to stop testing" is actually batshit insane because you don't redesign a recipe or car parts and boot them out for mass production without at least fucking testing them. They think they have a banhammer quota, which they do, but they don't understand that using it hurts people who are their most devoted and loyal, the ones you need to keep something like a store/community running.
>it gatekeeps people that you're trying to onboard.
I love that fucking quote from Todd Howard where he said he didn't play his own crossover set (Fallout) because making a deck was too expensive.
The CEO of Bethesda said his own cards were too expensive to be worth buying.
>MaRo giving the excuse "at some point you have to stop testing" is actually batshit insane
Spoken like someone who holds passion over competence. If you let an author work on a book until they're satisfied with it, it'll never get published. If you let a dev work on their game until it has no bugs, it'll never get released. Magic would release zero cards and shut down within the year if you let testers work until everything was balanced to the playerbase's satisfaction.
>but what about older sets when they didn't have all these bans?
Yes, the current state of things could certainly be improved. But people put way too much credit on a time period when WotC was far more apprehensive about banning shit, there was far less access to data on powerful cards for both WotC and netdeckers, and simply far fewer games were being played. I wouldn't be surprised if Arena went through as many games in a week as the entirety of the game did in a year back then. Things will get sniffed out faster. I would also wager that if the entirety of older rotations was brought back today card for card, there would be significant divergence in the meta and several more bans being thrown out.

In short, it's completely fine to be upset that you're no longer the main target audience, you don't need to justify it with some cope about how you have secret insight into the market that others don't. Maybe WotC decides to give up on paper and hard pivot to digital and EDH. I would hate that move, but maybe that's the best way for them to continue. The two can both be true.
If WotC hard pivots to Arena the game unironically dies as a whole and I'm not joking about that. Most of the card pool is outright missing and as a digital simulator it's completely mogged by Master Duel even in playerbase.
>If you let an author work on a book until they're satisfied with it, it'll never get published. If you let a dev work on their game until it has no bugs, it'll never get released.
Do you really think a final draft goes to the printers without someone reading it? Do you really think a game goes gold without someone turning it on at least once?

Nadu did not get tested. They submitted the final version and it went straight to print with nobody having tested it.
>If you let people work until they're satisfied, they'll never finish
You also don't let authors make last minute changes that editors can't review. Video games are being released half baked all the time, and it's hurting the industry.
>The constant bans are because they have more data
They're also printing more cards while reducing playtesting. There are more bans because there are more broken cards.
>Maybe WotC decides to give up on paper and hard pivot to digital and EDH
They already tried to do that with Arena and it's been a disaster.
Magic needs it's own ip and original sets, people might buy a crossover commander set due to liking the ip but that doesn't translate to stores. I like command, I play commander but it isn't the best for getting new players into the game, I want the game on the whole to succeed and I'd rather my LGS be able to support multiple events from different formats instead of just commander.
>Spoken like someone who holds passion over competence. If you let an author work on a book until they're satisfied with it, it'll never get published. If you let a dev work on their game until it has no bugs, it'll never get released. Magic would release zero cards and shut down within the year if you let testers work until everything was balanced to the playerbase's satisfaction.

That would be a reasonable thing to say 5 years ago, but it's 2024 and we've had half a fucking decade of back-to-back-to-back blatant design mistakes escaping into the wild. This isn't just "you can't squash every bug", this is wilful incompetence because MTG players gladly reward the company for making blatant mistakes.
It's like some multiplayer shooter game releasing some blatantly broken DLC weapon that will obviously get nerfed, but the players still buy it en masse because they feel obliged to buy it to keep playing. Then the nerf hits and everyone is variously relieved or butthurt, but they all keep playing either way. And the devs keep doing it over and over again year after year because the players aren't learning their lesson, so the devs have zero reason to stop.
Again, I don't think it would be a good choice either. I would likely stop playing. I also highly doubt they would actually do that. If they do though, I would trust that their greed is better at finding ways to make money than you or I.

Obviously there should be testing done. Nadu was handled terribly, no disagreement there. My point was that in creative endeavors, there always has to be a balance between pushing boundaries and actually putting out product. It's real easy to do only one or the other, finding the sweet spot in the middle is the hard part. I thought I was clear in my post but apparently not, I'm of the belief the way they're handling things is bad for game balance. I'm also of the belief that most players don't actually care that much about game balance, unless it's egregiously bad. Look at all of the most popular competitive games, how many of them are actually well balanced? If people actually wanted it, they could play stuff like chess. But instead they flock to games with asymmetric design, games with shitty AI they can beat up, games with great variation in player customization.

I think spinning off EDH into its own thing would be good for both it and the rest of the game.
There are three Scales effects in standard right now
>And the devs keep doing it over and over again year after year because the players aren't learning their lesson, so the devs have zero reason to stop.
Well... yeah. They have no reason to stop. If someone overfeeds their dog, would you get mad at the dog and explain how it shouldn't eat so much, how that's actually bad for its health, or how it should think about long term consequences? Of course not, the dog will keep doing it because the dog sees easy food. You would get mad at the owner for overfeeding them. The dog is an idiot who pretty much only cares about a few things, and only in the short term. The same is true of these companies. Nothing will change until players actually stop giving them money. They only sell slop because people are happy to pay them for it. A lot of the "culture war" shit is the highlight of this, people will line up to throw money at a game solely because they think it'll make some imaginary person online angry. The game itself literally doesn't matter. Everything I saw of Stellar Blade looked mediocre, but buying it somehow became a way to identify yourself as saving vidya, or some bullshit like that. Seeing a similar thing again going in both directions with the new Ass Creed game, lots of people saying they'll buy it or that they'll boycott it because of the black dude, yet I have heard literally ZERO talk about actual gameplay. Ubisoft gets loads of free exposure, without having to worry about fun mechanics or innovative design. So why would they change?

Sorry for offtopic ramblings, I'm kinda tipsy and should go to bed.
>I think spinning off EDH into its own thing would be good for both it and the rest of the game.
I don't think that'd work, I think part of EDH's appeal, or was part of it's appeal is using cards that wouldn't have use anywhere else and making them into a themed singleton deck.
I've heard of some EDH like games but I wasn't interested and how would making EDH into it's own game even work? Honestly It'd probably just end up exacerbating the problems I have with the format right now.
But most of all, I don't think people would go over, I like EDH because I like Magic The Gathering and a Magic The Gatheringless EDH isn't something I'm interested in.
>Magic would release zero cards and shut down within the year if you let testers work until everything was balanced to the playerbase's satisfaction.
reductio ad absurdum faggot
Cradle Control seems kind of awesome
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>Seeing a similar thing again going in both directions with the new Ass Creed game, lots of people saying they'll buy it or that they'll boycott it because of the black dude, yet I have heard literally ZERO talk about actual gameplay. Ubisoft gets loads of free exposure, without having to worry about fun mechanics or innovative design. So why would they change?

No one needs to talk about the gameplay because Ubisoft has been releasing the same game for the past ~15 years. And it's finally causing them to collapse because they've been surviving on nothing but marketing and inertia up to this point and they've lost on both of those fronts.
>And it's finally causing them to collapse because they've been surviving on nothing but marketing and inertia up to this point and they've lost on both of those fronts.
You only need to look at those sports games which are actually the same game every year with different rosters to see it's completely possible to coast on that forever, They make a killing every single fucking time. Look at Pokemon, they've actually regressed in some areas and the games still sell like hotcakes. If Ubisoft collapses, it'll be because they drank their own kool aid and spent too money much on development and c-suite, not because they didn't innovate.
I don't think I've seen a format get fucked as hard as Modern has by MH3.
Nadu was historically bad, but that post ban environment is just awful. There's no reason to play a deck that's not running energy cards. Ocelot pride is disgusting
>You only need to look at those sports games which are actually the same game every year with different rosters to see it's completely possible to coast on that forever
Anon, you do know Ubisoft is crashing, burning, dying, unironically as we speak?
The company is tanking, just check any recent news about them.
The problem is that Ubisoft didn't carve out a niche that allows coasting on easy perennial releases. They still have to put in some amount of creative effort to make Generic Open World Ubishit #137 appealing, which is precisely where they stumbled with Star Wars Outlaws (so offensively bland that people didn't bother with it) and AssCreed Shadows (so directly offensive that they managed to legitimately piss off the culture they're trying to represent).
I wanna start playing Modern now because the one deck I care about has a good matchup vs energy.
But The One Rings it runs are gonna eat it soon so maybe not.
Wastes. Pauper.
Yeah, I've heard about the potential acquisitions. But like I said, it has little to nothing to do with the gameplay or mechanics of their actual games. There's plenty of amazing indie games that innovate more than big guys like EA, but nobody cares, because of that marketing and inertia. I would also wager that AC Shadows will be profitable when it does come out, the problem for Ubisoft is that they're not satisfied with that, numbers need to keep going up.
>I would also wager that AC Shadows will be profitable when it does come out

Doubtful. The marketing has been totally botched and they delayed the game significantly on top of all the chaos happening at the studio right now. The game would have to do gangbusters to be a success at this point.
>reserved-list artifacts
ok bro chill
Grow up
It's funny because what you describe is more or less how Yugioh runs in terms of reprinting cards and that game is ran by fucking Konami
Go back
Wizards of the Coast hates the people who play their game, and Konami doesn't.
this was my first mythic I opened when I started playing magic (in some ancient now dead online game they had on steam)
The moment I see Leyline or Emberheart Hero or whatever opener mono red uses, I immediately hit surrender. Do not let me keep you from climbing.
watching bosh'n'roll's latest video you can just tell the dude hates the state of legacy right now
stop playing bo1 arena standard

that Carnophage deck he battled round 1 was wild.
the last couple Crucible of Words legacy leagues I've watched are also 90% just him complaining about Psychic Frog.
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You are stupid. By this point you should have understood that the reason why hobbies turned to shit was normalfags not giving a shit coming into them. You should gatekeep harder, not less.
The Reserved List is a great way to gatekeep. If you don't want to put up the money fuck off. If you want to get out you'll be able to get your money back selling the cards.
I used to think like you but then I woke up.
Duels was so good.
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>Game has no players
>Cardboard now worth $0
What does bo1 stand for? Black Ops 1?
How do we get rid of investorfags from MtG and Pokémon? I don't think they exist in Yugioh anymore.
Do the thing WotC never will: Regularly ban cards and reprint staples.
Honestly Pokemon investorfaggotry is "okay" because base rarity cards are printed into the ground and chase arts are the only ones that end up expensive.
Pokemon doesn't even have eternal formats and people invest in art cards.
Magic has been completely destroyed by the cards printed in the last 5 years and faggots are crying about the Reserved List.
I wish I could beat these people up.
Historically every nation that isolated itself stagnated.
Did you miss the
>Regularly ban cards
part of my post?
The RL isn't exactly keeping Legacy alive.
You're retarded.
No, in fact I was agreeing with that part.
But that's the wrong mindset, they shouldn't have been printed in the first place, the fact that they have been printed is the real problem. They have been printed on purpose, of course they won't get banned.
It did before War of the Spark. Legacy started going to shit with Arcanist.
Not a single person in history on the planet looked at Legacy and thought your manabase being on the RL was a positive when starting the format.
Oh and by the way, sooner or later Arcanist will get banned in Modern as well, it's inevitable. As the powercreep gets worse, Arcanist becomes stronger.
Yes. Then they stopped being noobs and changed their mind.
Either way, people are stupid, you think you have a good argument but you don't. What people think is irrelevant, only what is good is relevant.
People think Universes Beyond is a good thing. Enough said.
You do not have the luxury of creating a time machine to stop WotC from creating the mistake that was WAR and every set after. The next-best thing is banning cards in a reasonable timeframe. Jerk off premodern all you want there's a reason very few people want to play it.
>I need to use jannies because I can't win arguments with logic and reason
Did you come from ResetEra?
No what actually happened is they didn't play Legacy which is why it lived in the shadow of Modern for 10 years then died under the weight of its own pricetag.
I don't care what people want. The less people play a format the better.
The solution is not the time machine, it's to stop playing this shitpile, that is pretty obvious.
Those who still play have no self respect.
>then died under the weight of its own pricetag.
Nice headcannon but that's not what happened. Legacy was doing just fine until the powercreep, price has nothing to do with it. It used to be the best format.
Saying that to make the game better you must ban the Reserved List is like saying you must cut your dick off to punish your traitorous whore of a wife.
>The less people play a format the better
Ah that's why you must enjoy premodern then.
You know what's weird, locally there's more Legacy than ever being played because everyone has shifted to using proxies. It's gotten to the point where everyone just wants to play Magic and so the taboo against proxies is basically gone. All those people who defended the RL, the people who protected their investment over the game, are basically gone and along with them their stupid defense of the RL.

The stores have actually bought into the idea of proxies. They charge table fees, the gambling addicts still buy packs, and they charge a fee for organizing the tournament, which has no prize payout because everyone's just using proxies. There's basically only two classes of player now: the person who prints out their own proxies and the guy who goes the extra mile and pays $1 for quality proxies.

Standard's dead, Limited outside of prereleases is dead. It's just proxy Modern, Eternal, and EDH and it works. There's harmony between the store and the players and nobody gives a flying fuck about sharking value 24/7 and all the muh investment grognards are gone. I don't know if it's sustainable but it's been going for a year now. Nobody batted an eyelid when Fury was banned; the people who were holding EDH banned cards, they felt bad but everyone was already on proxies so their actual gameplay wasn't inhibited.

Maybe this is what the true death of Magic is. Stores just not buying Wizards' shit anymore. We figure that in a year they might hold the prerelease materials hostage due to lack of buying sealed product and lack of events but everyone's happy.
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>you enjoy good formats!
It's honestly incredible how WotC fucks up so hard that people feel no remorse about stealing their products anymore. Even when playing D&D very few people actually buy the books now, they just look shit up online because the answer to 90% of their dogshit is "ask the DM" anyway (and the DMG is too busy talking about how to design a multiverse to tell new DMs how to run a table).
Oh wow the same deck I used to play with 20 years ago but with the inferior Bad Moon art.
It's just so strange to me that the dream I had 15 years ago where everyone just played is real now. No investing, no talk about prices, no constant arguing about the RL, nobody giving a shit about a dead pro-scene. If you told me 15 years ago that the inferno necessary to clear out the shittiest people and put cards in everyone's hands only required Wizards to greedfuck the game to death I wouldn't have believed you. Everyone believed Wizards' success was our success but nobody believes that now. Proxies cost anywhere from $0.10 to $1.00. The store has utterly divested from Magic so it's just sealed product and sleeves the singles are gone with non-Magic retail sales keeping the lights on.

New kids are showing up all the time, adult veteran newcomers are initially turned off by their cards having no value but then they figure out they can play shit as fast as they can receive their proxy shipments. Retards gambling addicts are still buying sealed product because whatever the fuck they do at the kitchen table is their business.
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I've said it before, but Coval is a retarded shill that will just swallow and promote whatever slop Wizards cooks up. If you ever listen to the podcast he does - Eternal Glory - with Bryant Cook and ThrabenU, just when I think he can't say anything more insane he outdoes himself, such as not understanding why someone would want to play a different format between rounds of an event for a given format for example.

To be fair, anyone who tries to turn their hobby directly into a job will grow to hate it; I know from experience. And yes, legacy is in a terrible state. Archetypes are increasingly homogenized and the uptake of supplemental set cards is at such an extreme rate that the format can't be called healthy, but Wizards has no interest in keeping the format balanced or supported and just has it on life support because they are obliged to. The official tournament account didn't even mention EW Asia by name, let alone offer paintings. I really hope someone with a reasonable following points out this lack of support and perhaps even takes matters into their own hands, but it's quite well known that most MTG players don't care to disrupt the status quo even if it's in a poor state.
Why is the nightmare bundle out so late compared to the rest of the set?
>listening to any MTG-related podcast besides LR
Is Doomsday just ass or are the other decks just that much better now
Ackchyually, negro inventor whose 'inventions' malfunction all the time makes sense. Kinda. (At least it's not Marvel's Moon Girl.)
Doomsday is a powerful deck, but you will more often than not kill yourself by making the wrong selection when you're learning how to play it. You need alot of format knowledge and have to be able to extrapolate information about what hate an opponent might have. There's a guy at my LGS who plays Doomsday most of the time and is quite good at the deck, but conceded on the spot in one game when I played a Torpor Orb after he piled that he wasn't able to counter or bounce. Being a combo deck in UB colours it's quite resiliant and can access a toolbox of options when constructing your pile.
I see, thanks anon I really appreciate the insight. I really like spell combo decks and since Modern is awful I figured Legacy is the way to go.
Doomsday piles with Oracle are like 10x easier than they used to be
a new player picking up the deck might struggle for a while though
What's LR?
>at some point
It's a deck right now
How much better at playing TES is Bryant Cook than the normal MTGO legacy player who picks up TES?
He crushes leagues like it's nothing with that deck but idk if it's actually good at farming leagues.
idk how good Bryant is but I can tell you people play storm because they like playing storm, not because it's a good deck to grind leagues with
If you want to farm leagues I would recommend either reanimator or painter
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>Find my oldest sleeves, want to use them
>Way too dirty to just wipe off
>Mise well try pic related
>Win rate skyrockets
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rigged shuffler was already a thing back then, I learnt young
like that other guy said doomsday is really powerful but you will be eating shit for a while till you get the hang of it, and if you ever decide to play it in paper please for the love of your opponent and the clock practice it online first
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>If you want to get out you'll be able to get your money back selling the cards.
You don't understand, the game will only improve the less people play it.
Only when all that's left is the most dedicated turbo autist and stores won't most mtg anymore will magic be saved.

well that much is true
My beautiful bug queen who did nothing wrong
Getting some more fake cards from shein soon, ill show you all the quality when they come.
Bunch of fetch lands and power 9 included this time
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The game needs more beautiful girls that did nothing wrong.
It's really fucking funny that the main problem with Energy cards were that they were super parasitic, overrate, and hard to interact with, which made them tend to push other strategies out of formats were they're viable
And then they printed a bunch of over powered energy cards for Modern and are now having THE EXACT SAME PROBLEM THEY HAD IN KALADESH. The reason they refrained from revisiting energy is playing out in Modern as we speak. There's no reason to play anything but energy in formats where Energy is good
>play best of one, lose to mono red on turn 3
>play best of 3, Kiketraxa piles
Yeah, I’m done with Standard for another rotation

Wow it's almost like resources mechanics that can't be interacted with and which are entirely orthogonal to the actual magic: the gathering resource mechanic are a bad idea

Storm is pretty good if people aren't prepared for it. If people are prepared for it by seeing lots of storm decks in their league, storm becomes worse when every boards for it. But boarding for storm hurts a lot of other matchups, so people don't do it if they can get away with it. Some decks really only fold to storm, so they will always be sideboarding for it, but usually those decks can and still lose to clever piloting and lucky hands.

I used to grind leagues with various storm decks a few years ago (Ruby, TES, BSaga, ANT), and the really good storm decks, those that have multiple plans and angles of attack are difficult to pilot. You need to know exactly what hands you can and can't keep vs the various decks that can interact with you. It's sometimes difficult to evaluate what is a winning hand, what will be a winning hand, and what happens if they have a force, Archon, LoTV, or something else. Lots of storm decks will have a transformative sideboard, and you need to know when that will work better than just trying to jam. Bryant has played so long and so many different storm decks, he has a good general understanding of what his deck needs to do against what his opponent can do. I've seen him fumble some new tech and decks quite a bit but hes decent otherwise.

>ral, flip six cantrips
>extends hand
>rereading Phyrexia story arc
>literally everything that happened was Tezzeret's fault and he got off completely scot free in the end having accomplished all his goals
it kinda bugs me but I admit its impressive
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Energy should define every format. Spells should have alternative energy costs allowing them to be cast without paying their mana costs. You should start every game with one {E}.
Tezzeret pulling this shit TWICE in a row made me go from "I kinda hate this guy" to "I kinda hate this guy but I still wanna see him do his bullshit". Like, he deserves to be humiliated and defeated but at least let him be a rat bastard to the very end about it. I hope he's secretly the main villain of this big arc or he hijacks it from Jace.
Did he not even have to fight any Phyrexians during the invasion?
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>is that a Valgavoth?
>did your impending just impend?
>top decks ETI
unironically based
only masochistic landcucks who enjoy getting mana screwed and flooded would disagree
I'm still hoping he'll get to be the Dick Dastardly of the Death Race set.
No he fucked off to a tower somewhere and said "I'm just gonna wait this one out"
Specifically the tower that he used as a base for his Consortium activities that served as his final boss lair during Agents of Artifice. He apparently felt the TINIEST fraction of guilt for helping Phyrexia but he was like "Eh, I got my darksteel body, I'm good".
My hope is he'll be the walker for the set. My expectations is he'll be desparked but involved. My lower expectation is that it'll just be, like, another Chandra.
instead of just banning frog in december they should do something more extreme to shake up the format, ban daze and unban hermit druid, earthcraft, frantic search, goblin recruiter, memory jar, survival of the fittest and yagmoth's bargain
The thing that baffled me the most was that Norn ACTUALLY GAVE HIM his darksteel body and chose the most retarded method of betraying him imaginable. Like what the fuck, she could have socked him in the mouth and compleated him while he was incapacitated, she went out of his way to order Jin to give him the body he wanted and THEN start converting it to blightsteel
no thanks that would just turn every deck into 4 colour soup
I think Norn actually genuinely just wanted to give him his body, the one who betrayed Tezzeret was Jin. If Norn had her way Tezzeret would just be paid and she'd hopefully keep him as an ally.
I mean, at this point, "Norn being a complete fucking moron who got by on pure charisma" isn't exactly shocking news. Even in-universe she was considered sort of an idiot. Jace, barely able to stand and suffering under compleation, thought to himself that if he WEREN'T in that state he could probably have just killed her brain right then and there.
None of those unbans hurt Reanimator
To be fair to her, I think Tezzeret would genuinely end up siding with Phyrexia if they kept feeding him fancy new gadgets while they invaded and looted the multiverse. That man has no principles and he's basically compleated already.
thats the point of the daze ban
Not enough would actually fuck with the Tempo decks more
if frog and daze go UB reanimator dies and goes back to being a BR deck. If delver has to die for reanimators sins so be it
BR Reanimator gonna run Vexing Bauble to protect its T1 bullshit
thats okay every combo deck is doing that these days anyways
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This is my standard deck
it wins games
there is no way hermit druid is a playable magic card today.
I like the idea but those are all combo cards.
maybe memory jar would be insane in that 8-key ring combo deck but untapping the ring with keys is already a giga memory jar.
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Do you see anyone playing this?

The ring is a time warp that draws you 10 cards for 4 colorless mana, every deck that can play it will always play it. Memory jar is a durdly ass piece of shit on its own
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that's not even close to memory jar where it's relevant. insofar as the only deck that might want memory jar is the monobrown grim monolith deck.
definitely not better than the one ring though. might just fit in as extra copies of TOR (or 1 in the karn board).
they really should unban some of the old stuff.
Love outdoorsy girls.
Shitpost aside this reminds me of an idea I had.
What would deckbuilding/metagame look like in a format where both players start with one "Everywhere" on T1 but can't play a land T1?
You still need lands to play anything other than 1-drops, but does aggro go like 10 lands instead of 19? Or lower? Does everyone just play degenerate 5c piles because of the inherent color fixing?
Seems interesting at least.
We get rid of the mana pool. All lands and other mana sources now create "blue energy counters" or "red energy counters", etc. Current energy will become "unrefined energy" or something like that.
Players should take their first turn simultaneously. Each phase following each other player's phase

p1 upkeep
p2 upkeep
p1 untap
p2 untap
p1 draw
p2 draw
p1 main
p2 main
p1 combat
p2 combat
p1 main
p2 main
p1 end
p2 end
p1 cleanup
p2 cleanup
p1 turn 2 normally
p2 turn 2 normally

yes I will use a cut down on your monastery swiftspear turn 1
LoR tried that and it failed miserably.
>6 colorless for a 6/6 that timewalks when it comes out
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backs are terrible but it does keep them easy to identify I guess
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he's cool I just added him to my edh deck
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Don't forget Artifact! We even had the privilege of creature removal doubling as a stax effect that prevented your opponent from doing anything for 2 turns! It was epic and fun and I have no idea why this game failed!
When is wizards going to admit the one ring is a problem?
Probably when it starts affecting a real format
Its not whatsoever a problem for wizards, its a huge success
Artifact might have done well if it wasn't a Dota spinoff. Nobody gives a shit about Dota and the people who do don't wanna play a shitty card game.
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I was one of the people that got suckered into flying out to PAX to play it early and get a beta key.
I did an analysis of the game about a year ago to see what might have fixed it, and it's legitimately a game that's so bad it's hard to imagine it being possible to do worse if you tried. Literally everything about it was done in the worst way possible right down to when it was announced (in the wake of companies pumping out cashgrab card game spinoffs following Hearthstone's success)
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Another batch of custom cards ordered. This has the seals from last thread (the custom back is the top left image) I couldn't fit all I had already designed and I even replaced some proxies that I had planned to order to make room, Many double sided cards (back is shown to the left), borrowed mechanics from here, there and reddit, a mechanic that creates emblems and destroys them, AI Slop and most important of all tits. There are probably a few errors but proofreading is boring and at 0,4 eur a card who cares. I don't think I'll ever manage to create a set, but there are more than a few cards here for a set with a Napoleonic vibe. Creating random cards with cool art is more fun, I guess.
I don't know enough about the game to have an opinion I'm just saying if you look at the famous clip of the reveal it goes like this:
>Audience: WOOOOOOOOO!!!!!
>the DOTA card game
>Audience: OOOOOOooooooooh.....
"card game" was what killed it for people, not "dota"
It was AWFUL announcement timing that was completely tone-deaf and the announcers hyped it up like it was going to be HL3, a game that was FAR more anticipated at the time.
Eh, it was probably a bit of both
It's funny every time
even the slightest hint of association with an IP as toxic and despised as dota is enough to sink a game
artefact would probably be as played as hearthstone is right now if it wasn't seen tied to something popularly associated with unwashed third worlders punching monitors at internet cafes
Why? You're going out of your way to buy the lowest quality stuff available.
I wanted some alien pj's and these were less than $5 to add on. They are better than I could print at home so that's good enough for me
What were the funnest matchups in the past?
e.g., burn vs death's shadow in 2019 modern
Lantern control mirror
I'd kill for a fucking ensnaring bridge effect at low mana costs to slow down standard / modern / etc
something like

>Ensnaring Moat {1}
>Creatures without flying and power greater than the number of lands you control can't attack you.
are there actually any fun competitive mirrors?
something like izzet murktide kinda works in mirror, but it's still very draw dependent who wins
It would either be a 5 mana effect or it would be printed onto a format warping creature
ah yes I forgot FIRE design

>Moat-Dweller Eldrazi {1}{C}
>Creature - Eldrazi
>First Strike, Reach
>When Moat-Dweller Eldrazi enters, draw a card and untap up to two lands that could produce colorless mana.
>Creatures your opponents control with power greater than the number of lands you control and without flying can't attack you.
That thing is already format warping at a cost of 1.
Make it symmetrical and I'd love to see it on a fucking leyline.
>started playing the game with edh in 2013
>I remember modern, standard and especially draft being everywhere
>edh dies
>I sell my cards
>buy into pioneer and proxy a legacy deck
>I live in a major metro area, should be easy to find a game somewhere
>every store event for 25 miles is edh
>check into next month
>there's ONE pioneer event and ONE modern event and a few drafts
holy shit, I am sorry I had no idea what EDH would do to magic.
Spoiler Season ?
you do realise they just attack with the 1/1 and pump it after, right?
next week I think
which one flies
Are you controlled opposition
hold my bunnies
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Snakeskin Veil
Better luck next time!
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After getting into magic with some precons, tried building somethink myself. How shit is this?

Well for starters it is in the wrong thread
ask here >>94180419
ah shit, didn't know
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I'm grave titan, but better
Has anyone considered the following? I know you can just flicker the enchantment but that's not the most common thing in the world I don't think
Before you leave, know this. What you are playing is not Magic, it's Commander.
no deathtouch/10
I like impending, shame we won't see it again in forever.
Actually most of the non-human monsters from Duskmourn look great, if we only there weren't any survivors I wonder how wizards will fuck up Lorwyn?
>I wonder how wizards will fuck up Lorwyn?
black ones?
>abandons the best 60 card format
>turns attention to edh
we are saved!
until they print pioneer horizons...
No, all colors. Disgusting humies.
Definitely, and don't forget about the popculture, we gotta get that relateability guys!
How will people care about the characters if they're not humans!
I care about Colfenor and the Sapling of Colfenor more than any of the shitty popculture humans from Duskmourn.
oh they tried with that butt ugly elephant furry for example and everyone I know has been either neutral or negative towards it
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>mtg crushed in japan
You'd be better off just stealing The Coin directly
Would not be surprised, still mad my lgs decided to kill it in favor of fucking modern as soon as I bought in.
People hated that because they tried to make him quirky and he came across as shallow.
why does consign have replicate..
why dose it need replicate?
makes it better against counterspells or stacks of triggers, otherwise it's worse than stifle or flusterstorm
so it scales
ok but it's still amazing without it...
it was designed as a safety valve against all the eldrazi support in mh3, it has replicate because most eldrazi spells have on cast triggers, so you're paying 2 mana to counter both the spell and its trigger
how does an uncommon from a set that's less than a year old become 7 dollars anyway?
There's no way in shit it's a supply/demand issue
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shut up
buy more packs
So it can counter both the Eldrazi and the cast trigger.
there are enough of these damn cards to make a mono colored spy deck
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hello i am from the future (january 2025)
please sell your copies of the one ring and guide of souls if you have any
that is it thank you for reading
Imagine playing Modern when this shit is legal lmfao
even thalia investor stopped wasting money on mtg
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>The less people play a format the better
then why are you still here? stop playing lol
>m..m..my w..significant other
wew the mind virus is strong
you have a wife and a daughter
just call her a wife you don't have to doubletake to give cover for homos lmao
wait sweet baby got involved with mtg? when?
wotc, not mtg specifically
what's the difference?
wotc makes/publishes a lot more things than mtg i believe
ok but that also means they are involved with mtg
After the reprint
name 2 things they make other than mtg
1) dungeons
2) dragons
1). DND
2). Nerds Mad
video games
jackie chan
gamma world
dungeons and dragons
1: New HR jobs
2: Nostalgia for better times
>not the 1 mana three upsides cat
please go back to the future and take me with you and we will go further, either more into future until this all blows over or back to the past to un-Horizons the game forever
Have MH sets been banned from all formats yet?
What are the December legacy bans?
I'll just leave this here

make a video about premodern you fuck
i am infinite on mtgo and still lose more money in collection value every day than i make cashing in challenges
worst part is hololive cardgame is just pkmn but with all energy in the extra deck
they didn't do anything new or creative and still beat the former "top three" card game that Magic used to be
dumb take
mtg was always middling in japan
It's not for the player on the draw, it's both players
always sad to see a man emasculating himself because he's afraid of social reprisals
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I really like how different morph effects interact.
I wonder if there's enough promise here to make a standard deck work
My last game I really lined it all up

turn 2 roaring furnace as removal
turn 3 quicksand whirlpool as removal
turn 4 overlord of the mistmoors impending
turn 5 mainphase scrollshift to flip mistmoors, then molten duplication to clone it, attack, dealt 10 damage, have an overlord and 6x 2/1 fliers on board
turn 6 trumpeting carnosaur and massive overkill chain of 2x quintorious, 3x molten duplication 2x scrollshift all in place but I only had to get 10 damage up after opponents sweeper
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It's not even a problem of different sets interacting, they did this in the same set
It will definitely "work", but how are you going to deal with Red Deck Wins?
it kind of works but biggest draw against bubble smuggler is that cheating in a 6/5 simply isn't enough on its own turn 3+ when even decks running out turn 3 atraxa / valgavoth are too slow

If you manifest a creature, either by manifest (tarkir) or manifest dread (duskmourn) or you cloak it into play (cryptic coat), you can turn it face-up for its mana cost, OR its disguise / morph / megamorph cost if it has one.
Think of it like this:
>manifest, manifest dread, cloak all permanently give a face-down creature card the ability to be turned face-up for its mana cost
>morph, megamorph, disguise are all abilities that exist on cards that allow them to be turned face-up for that cost regardless of how they got turned face-down

So if you manifest a flourishing bloom-kin you can turn it face-up for either 1G or 4G, and either way triggers its ability. But if you cast it disguised, it can only be turned face-up for 4G.
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Psh, idiot how are they gonna fight through this staggering lifegain
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Let them self destruct
I made a deck with my beloved Etrata. And both are 3, both can be Helping Hand'd.
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wtf this deck is disgusting. pretty crazy that mox diamond is legal in premodern too.

turboland rides again
oath of druids was never really "okay" in any sense
go away.
okay so if I play turn 1 leyline of resonance mountain heartfire hero with my STANDARD deck, is your numodern deck going to die before taking a turn 2?

you can't play leyline of resonance on turn 1 with one mountain retard
We can't even be sure if his daughter is his own (could be from another man and he is dating the mother and taking the child as his).
>gamma world
Not anymore
Like mtg after 2017 made anything meaningful to attract new playerbase who would actually play the game...
Remember how the huge multiversal invasion happened and ended within 2 sets?
I can't play turn 1 either, its a turn not spell or land
I goes in literally every EDH deck with blue. That's got to be massive demand.
Bro there was a time not that long ago where raves literally happened multiple times a week.
Jesus fuck even without leyline it can do 15 damage on turn 2
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captcha Y4NWN

you're not supposed to post shit like that "outward facing" because it will scare the normies
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So that Magic Spotlight thing which I guess is sort of the new GP also has some promo cards and this'll be the one for the Spotlight for when Foundations releases.
I like it, it's different.
Need to change the blurb text at the bottom to,"Did I do thaaat?"
I have a silly all in morph list in pioneer with elves, neoform and eldritch evolution. You can play the 2 drop morphs that are only good when manifested as normal creatures then neoform them for an oculus which manifests other ones into play. I can't fit the playset of hide/vannifar though but you do get to run icefeather aven if aggro is a problem. Between it, oculus and exit specialist it's pretty easy to block red decks and then blow them out with a bounce morph if they go for a pump spell or burn together. I honestly don't know why rakdos aggro hasn't cut that shot for thud
I think the only reason they dont use thud over the rakdos adventure is because then they'd be forced to admit they're splashing just to access thoughtseize/push
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>Hello, TCGPlayer?
>Yes, I would like to buy a playset of The One Ring.
>Hello, TCGPlayer?
>Yes, I would like to buy a playset of every card with rulestext that includes the word "prevented"
>one dollar? seems high...
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>Hello, Usea?
>Yes, I would like to buy a playset of The One Ring.
I've always found it funny how mtga has the only formats where neoform is allowed to be a true ohko combo deck
I mean yeah legacy/vintage but then its just pissing in an ocean of piss
Dualcaster mage was such a mistake, imagine how much more deader than already dead pioneer would be if it was legal

The fastest pioneer neoform is what, turn 1/2 mill spell, turn 3 soulflayer, turn 4 cheat out an atraxa?
Meanwhile in standard I'm going
>turn 1 enigma jewel
>turn 2 collector's vault
>turn 3 valgavoth's faithful -> reanimation atraxa/valgavoth

Pioneer somehow feels slower and the only thing keeping it near as fast is that pioneer RDW is just standard RDW lmao
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wtf am I supposed to do with this?
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This card is so fucking annoying by itself and then it combos into thoracle
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How the mighty have fallen...
I think hes criminally underplayed but then again I still play him in tron
>You think you're tapping out and taking an extra turn for 4 mana and stabilize
>I think I'm gonna take an extra turn for 3 mana
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What a format
Thats what you get for banning my splintertwin you gay fucks
I always knew Satan was behind the "unban splinter" posts.
>splinter twin isn't allowed in modern
>basking broodscale + sadistic glee is allowed in pauper

how does it make sense
Its in 3% of mono blue decks and 9% of decks overall
Thats a lot but not more than say mystical tutor that ends up being around the same price
Cards only get unbanned when the staff at Wizards gets too tired/drunk to prevent my buddy Kevin from breaking in and hacking into their system. He's been trying to unban Splinter Twin for years but Wizards hasn't been hosting many orgies.
Imagine the smell
Pauper doesn't move product, I don't think WOTC knows it exists.
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I have never seen a format more btfo than pioqueer
>artifact lands aren't allowed in modern
>they are all legal in pauper
Pauper is vintage with a big asterisk.
with only 12/30 affinity cards legal and several of those stone cold unplayable?
Unban it you cowards. It's not like it could make Legacy any worse.
Maybe defender stompy can beat the RDW menace by simply being too fat to push damage through
>Plays double Turn Inside Out
d&t vs rug delver
>hat-man does a racism
holy based
>no trample
ok sure
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Outplayed ggs
Jk I just realized its because it triggers prowess and heroic
Thud is worse
You'll never have a safe block, swiftspear can become a 9/5 trampler with just two mountains out. The mouse can keep growing every turn, if the burst isn't enough. Slickshot can fly over. Not to mention you'd probably have a terrible matchup against other decks in the meta.
>Energy is more than 30% the meta
Everything is fine
You don't really need a perfectly safe block, you just need to stay above 0 life until they run out of gas
>Plays ToR
>Only 30% meta share
THERE *clap* IS *clap* NO *clap* SINGLE *clap* TOR *clap* DECK *clap* DOMINATING *clap* THE *clap* META.
>unironically replicating twitter speak
Holy fucking cringe.
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>To make matters worse, the once aggro-focused deck has begun running multiple copies of The One Ring, making that card more popular than any other card, even lands
>even lands

inb4 energy cards get banned, receive three+ paragraphs of explanation, and in the same B&R TOR does not get banned and is not mentioned.
go back
>You don't really need a perfectly safe block, you just need to stay above 0 life until they run out of gas
... anon, they don't run out of gas. That's what the impulse draw is for.
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That's very concerning.
We are monitoring the situation.
Anon, they can get essentially 1 mana draw 2. Or even better, if they have leyline out. You'll be running out of blockers before they run out of gas.
It's really incredible that a format with such a deep card pool can be so consolidated into, like, seven cards.
Depth is superficial when there are cards that invalidate the existence 99% other cards
It blows my mind how bad the removal options are in Pioneer.
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It's literally the only playable removal in the format and it still sucks 50% of the time lmfao.
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>There is no one energy deck dominating the format, and energy enables several fringe strategies that would stop existing without various energy cards. No ban.
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does anyone here speculate on MTGO? Sounds like a fun way to spend some money except for the fact cashing out is an instant -20~40% on value plus you can actually use your expertise instead of pretending you understand real world stocks
Sounds retarded
Extremely underrated card.
no thats retarded. the entire point of magic cards is to make the other guy mad by playing cards he doesnt like and then winning the game.
cardboard stonks is retarded. digital cardboard stonks is DOUBLE RETARDED. play the leyline, play the mouse, play the ring, make 1 million cats, resolve the grief, reanimate the thing, counter target spell. these are the things you should be doing.
Today's the day!!!!!
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Is he okay in EDH or is he just mogged by Serra Ascendant?
People are playing Not On My Watch in standard thinking its smart

loch whale is basically the same thing with a free draw a 6/6 flash ward 2 built in
Why does this specify you don't control? What possible use could this have spinning your own attacking creature? Why do they print the restriction here but not on Tibalt's Trickery?
>Why does this specify you don't control? What possible use could this have spinning your own attacking creature?
I don't know I guess WotC was scared of you blanking a removal piece on your fucking FIRE'd up flashing Ward 2 removal adventure creature. That would have been too much.
Yes truly bouncing your own creature after attackers declared was the final straw not the flash ward 2
for what anon
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>Yes truly bouncing your own creature after attackers declared was the final straw not the flash ward 2
WotC are very good at design, you know.
Imagine my board is a Beza, with Loch-Whale in hand and I surveilled an untapped land on top of my library. And my opponent's board is a Founding the Third Path on 2, with a Go for the Throat in their graveyard and Hopeless Nightmare in hand. I've got 4 mana, he's got 5 mana

If I just attack and pass, he kills the beza with recurred GFTT and makes me discard the whale. If I could target my own beza, I'd put it on top of my own library, exile whale as an adventure, and I'm empty handed. His founding fizzles, and he can either do nothing with nightmare and I'll draw off beza, get a treasure and play a land, or he can play out nightmare and I'll draw the land next turn, either way I'll be at 6 to cast whale
And... any of that is a problem why, exactly?
he said this like a year ago too
for marvel cards to get revealed in a panel. dunno if there is a stream or anything
For as big as they seem to be expecting the Marvel stuff to be I've barely seen anyone excited about them. Way more interest around the FF set.
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It's up.
That's because Marvel went to shit when they flubbed Infinity War.
>For as big as they seem to be expecting the Marvel stuff to be I've barely seen anyone excited about them
Some of the cards got spoiled and the reaction was a collective "Oh, Wolverine regenerates. Sure."
I don't speculate but I buy a lot of cards (to play with) and when their price skyrockets for whatever reason, I sell them for profit, just this week I made like over 100 TIX by selling my playset of Bloodletter of Aclazotz, this allows me to keep buying new cards until something else spikes.

I don't have any intention of cashing out at the moment but I guess if I really needed some money I would have to.
Actually, Grave Titan being a zombie makes him distinctly good.

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