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Wizard thread!
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Wizards are lame, Alchemists are where it is at.

> Pathetic Wizards
> Only know how to cast spells because you are cribbing the notes of better men a thousand years dead
> Doesn't understand how their magic works, and insists thats a good because that keeps it 'mystical'
> can't extend their own life without stapling their soul to a rotting corpse, a process that requires them to ritually sacrifice hundreds of people or other heinous shit that puts a target on your back forever
> synonymous with people who can't get laid

> Chad Alchemists
> Make new things themselves instead of fighting over ancient scrolls
> "Of course I know how my alchemy works, I fucking invented it"
> Can make custom replacement bodies for themselves on demand and move their soul freely between vessels. If you're good enough at it, you can even do it in between the time your body is obliterated and before you die. This costs you nothing and doesn't require you to put yourself on the most wanted list to accomplish
> cute
this you? >>94151625
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The great wizard debate.

I can't decide between hood or pointy hat.
wizards should be the ones doing alchemy, or doing deals with evil entities, or being born abnormal.
D&D flavor has always been fucking awful.
Most classic wizards (Merlin, Gandalf) are wise sorcerers anyway.
So basically between (>>94180818) and (>>94179848)?
I want to add, many liches are getting by by buying the most junk souls night hags come collected and buy them at higher prices than what it's worth
Neither. Wizardly garb makes it obvious you're a spellcaster and thus makes it easier for your enemies to target you as the biggest threat. Let them go after the druid larping as Poison Ivy or the barbarian in his fur diaper. Then you come at them crossways, the guy they took to be a gormless peasant decked out in shit stained rags you sewed yourself.
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Hats are where it is as.
If you don't have your pointy hat, how are people supposed to know you're a wizard? What's the point if nobody knows that you're a wizard?
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Wizards should be unnatural, and terribly mysterious.
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False dichotomy.
Kill yourself anime poster.
You kind of remind of that awful Pathfinder spammer.
>wanting to command the mystic forces without the proper ceremonial attire to aid you
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Wizard do alchemy too, just more magical
doing alchemy, deals with evil entities and being born abnormal are all ways to be unnatural and terribly mysterious.
alchemists are just a type of wizard

If the wizard believes that the world ultimately follows a set of rules that can be learned, documented, and exploited for function? They are an alchemist, because thats all alchemy is.

If not, then the wizard is something else. "Magic should actively resist making logical sense otherwise it isn't fantastical" type wizards are incapable of being alchemists.
Magic needs rules too, is not just shouting words.
Hoods for novice to intermediate mages, hats for masters
yes, but it also needs to be more than purely mechanical "put x components in, get y result."

It's more interesting if it's treated as something with a will of it's own, even if for no other reason than it helps to explain why it isn't used for everything.
While overall not a great comic, the transformation fetish webcomic El Goonish Shive had one genuinely interesting idea in it: magic has a will of its own, but as it is the will of *all* magic its ability to comprehend the perspective of anything so minute as a single universe is like asking you to 'imagine you are a toenail'. If a specific universe is fucking things up and becomes unhealthy, you might not be in any danger but it still hurts and you'll treat it to make the pain stop once the discomfort gets too much to ignore.
Magic wants to be used. Magic being used is healthy. Magic not being used would be stagnant and bad. But magic wants to be used in a limited, controlled amount by a select few. If the knowledge and use of magic becomes too widespread, too abused, thats a problem for magic.
And if magic gets too triggered by your universe, it will respond by *changing the rules of magic* there. Suddenly, everything you know about magic stops being true. One law of physics has been swapped out for another one. Some things you have to learn from scratch all over again. Some things you took for granted are now impossible entirely, and some things that used to be unfathomable are the basics. Everyone gets reset back to zero, and has to start over.

Imagine if you had a dnd setting and then, one day, someone crossed the line and the response was "Vancian casting doesn't work anymore, we're using different rules now". You don't even get told what the new system is, just that the old one will never work again. Maybe its a mana point based system now. Maybe its some Brandon Sanderson shit. You don't know. Thats the sort of magical disaster we are talking about.
we call them "mages"
>Imagine if you had a dnd setting and then, one day, someone crossed the line and the response was "Vancian casting doesn't work anymore, we're using different rules now". You don't even get told what the new system is, just that the old one will never work again. Maybe its a mana point based system now. Maybe its some Brandon Sanderson shit. You don't know. Thats the sort of magical disaster we are talking about.
anon, I...
>Magic needs rules too
Says who?
> anon, I...
I've seen people post this meme for like 10 fucking years, and I never figured it out what its supposed to mean because there's no context for it
>I've seen people post this meme for like 10 fucking years
And in all that time you still haven't learnt how to greentext lmao
>there's no context for it
It's used in context every time tho
See this is the exact problem with retards like you who think everything is a meme.
Fyi Wizards, Ars Magica has an on going kickstarter for 5th edition revised corebook.
Highly recommend you to check ars magica out if you are interested in wizard stuff. There is also a separate thread >>94164426
OP image sauce?
Most games don't scratch my itch for what makes wizards cool: having a cool magic laboratory, doing experiments, hanging out in a tower full of golems / minions, etc. with your library of arcane tomes. Ars Magica is the only one I can think of that gamifies the wizard lifestyle.
Alchemy was THE wizard's trade, you fuckhead.

This is why D&D is such a menace btw. Ignorant autists like yourself shoving shit into unnecessary boxes.

Why not both?
>This is why D&D is such a menace btw. Ignorant autists like yourself shoving shit into unnecessary boxes.
Alchemists are almost all wizards in D&D
You're just a gay retard.
>I've seen people post this meme for like 10 fucking years, and I never figured it out what its supposed to mean because there's no context for it
Anon I.... think you might be a retard.
>Alchemists are almost all wizards in D&D
"Hurrr, durrr, artificers are not wizards, durrr"

Shut the fuck up. D&D class autism is peak cancer. Go fuck yourself.
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Originally, alchemy was considered witchcraft. If you ignore D&D, alchemy was the start of tangible magic on Earth historically. Alchemists are Wizards and vice versa. Now in the D&D world, they are possibly separated at times, but typically some of their studies would overlap.
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Guys I'm new at this, 2 levels of fighter just picked up my first level of wizard and I was wondering how you all coordinated yourselves? I have to hold my book in one hand and my staff in the other but to cast Burning Hands I need to shoot the fire from my fingertips, but my hands are fucking full holding my stupid fucking stick and my stupid fucking book and the last time I casted Burning Hands I dropped my stick and everyone laughed at me
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>If the wizard believes that the world ultimately follows a set of rules that can be learned, documented, and exploited for function? They are an alchemist, because thats all alchemy is.

nah, alchemy is magical chemistry, it does involve crafting stuff.
but anyway, yeah, wizards can be alchemists because alchemists are a type of wizard.
non alchemist wizards could be stuff like seers/diviners, but even necromancers and summoners surely know and do alchemy.
>holding my stupid fucking stick and my stupid fucking book
why would you expose your life's work to getting destroyed or spat on by goblins?
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>Originally, alchemy was considered witchcraft.
Yes. And witchcraft and religion are both indistinguishable. The earliest chemists were the priests who dyed their robes, and before them the cavemen who knew recipes to make the best cave paint, and so on and so on... They just didn't acknowledge it as chemistry/science--instead chalking it up to spiritual or religious essences, increasingly less so as time went on, and alchemy was a powerful bridge to truth, even if still laced with spiritual/religious bullshit (less and less over time).
I just love inhuman architect-type type wizards acting as agents of unseen societies or powers, like an alien masquerading as a human sage.
The wizards of middle-earth fill this niche, if much more subtle and much less obvious.
I have a hard time memorizing spells so I need to read from my spellbook
Got any more
He's referencing the tenets of real world alchemy, which was basically proto-science. At the time the idea of "the world runs on some rules that everything had to follow, even the gods, and that said rules could be learned if we try" was a pretty important step. At the very start it didn't say that magic wasn't real, just that if magic was real it would have to follow rules too and we should figure out what they are. The scientific method that came later was basically alchemy + writing shit down and peer review.

The idea that magic and science were different things is a modern perspective imposed on a history that didn't work that way. Sir Isaac Newton considered himself to be a practicing sorcerer as well as a mathematician.
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Strange how the evil one goes with their head uncovered by either hood or hat.
pure evil

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