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Thread subject gone edition


Previous thread: >>94148229

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TQ: How to fix the non-remastered classes?
some please post screen caps of the callings and mythic paths. All the rest has its feats leaked but not those things it seems.
Concerning War of Immortals:
>>94177329 (probably the single most significant shift to the metagame in the entire book, unless it is downgraded via errata)
>>94178404 (good fighter feats)

Between Exemplar Dedication and the new fighter feats, Spear Dancer and Needle in the Gods' Eyes, I think that fighters gained the most from this book.
>inventor can get overdrive on a failure and try again on a critical failure, can enter overdrive as a free action 1/round, and can use different unstable actions during the same combat
>psychic gets more focus points, a normal amount of spells, can refocus in ten minutes regardless of focus point amount, and has unleash psyche last for the duration of combat
>magus can enter arcane cascade as a free action right before casting a spell or spellstrike
>gunslinger increases the damage die of all guns and crossbows by 1 step, and has ways to avoid provoking with reload or combination weapon actions
>summoner summons scale better
So, what we have so far is...
Seems like a good, fun class
Seems like a good, fun class

Seems fine
Seems fine, although the lack of damage might hurt
Seems fine, if a bit uninspired
Abysmal Dogshit
>Warrior of Legend
Mostly a penalty, and weirdly specific. Why do we -have- to marry polearms with Special Weakness?

Real question is about Mythic and the Mythic paths, that's the part that actually matters.

This errata to the avenger is a significant blow to an avenger's action economy with a deity-favored weapon. Otherwise, an avenger of Saloc with a guisarme would be very good.

The vindicator, if nothing else, has a very strong 8th-level feat, Disrupt Opposed Magic. If a creature within reach or your weapon's first range increment Casts a Spell, you can use your reaction to Strike that creature. On even a regular hit, you disrupt the spell.
I'm getting to it anon. it's just there's a metric shitload. Mythic Paths have as many feats as a damn third class in the book and they only go up to level 10. Destinies start at 12 and they still fill more pages than the average archetype. please be patient.

Also, what you're missing about Vindicator is that they disrupt spells on a hit with their reaction. JUST, a hit.
You know the cost while I head out for lunch.
>The vindicator, if nothing else, has a very strong 8th-level feat, Disrupt Opposed Magic. If a creature within reach or your weapon's first range increment Casts a Spell, you can use your reaction to Strike that creature. On even a regular hit, you disrupt the spell.
Yeah that's the big part - it seems... a little strong (I'd be mad if I were a GM), and I'm not a fan of how it requires you to use the deities favoured weapon, particularly since all the cool deities have terrible favoured weapons, and all the good weapons are held by lame obscure gods that people will only ever pick for the weapon.
Are these the full mythic rules minus the feats and mythic destinies?
its alternate rules. like I said, please just hold on a second I just woke up
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>What are you talking about?! Psychic is good!
>You just have to use this ONE melee spell, burn all your resources that you can't regain until rest, and go frontline in the middle of the fucking field as a 6HP squishy caster that will die in two rounds!
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My bad, bro, take your time.
nta but honestly my problem with vindicator is "IT HAS A GOOD REACTION" doesn't feel like it makes up for the rest of it being kinda underwhelming and requiring so many actions for so much selfish setup. I don't agree with the take of it being dogshit, it's just lame AF right now. It'd be nice if its main focus spell, Vindicator's Mark, was either 2 actions and applied Hunt Prey, or 1a... And regardless of that, marked your target regardless of if the damage part of it hits. Right now the fact it can just whiff entirely after 3a setup blows ass.
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>monstergirls, in the one TTRPG where the vast majority of races are anthros and non-humans
be braver.
My thoughts on vindicator is that it super heavily relies on those focus spells to get going, but then it goes absolutely apeshit once it does. It just needs hunt prey going beforehand, and the hunt prey itself feels like a wasted action. The reality of it is hunt prey is still ultimately intended to just *be* active at the start of a fight because you can focus on any creature you can perceive with absolutely no tell.

You're fine anon, I haven't eaten since the book came out and I've been too busy clipping to actually read the damn thing until I passed on sleeping to marathon it.
Or rather, kept reading until I passed out at my desk.

Dragon girls can mean a number of things, but I do prefer monster girls it's true.
It takes at least two rounds to set up all its goodies. More if you want gravity weapon. Sure, you'll slaughter whatever you're after on round three, but someone else can beat you to the punch before you're done setting up your wombo combo.
One round if you used Hunt Prey out of combat like an intelligent ranger would, instead of just whiterooming that all combats happen in a vacuum.
People kinda forget that Hunt Prey is also used to track creatures so it's very clearly ment to be used while also in exploration and social mode.
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how do you feel about this?
I'd let her scramble some eggs for me I guess. I'm fine with it so long as it's cute desu. Western furry is the devil but kemono tends to be pretty alright.

Here's a shitty phone screenshot as I wait for my order
>How to fix the non-remastered classes?
Overdrive works temporarily/at a reduced power on a Fail, explodes dealing damage on a crit fail but you can try again. Like barb rage, it's a free action on initiative
Gets access to more focus points (max of 5) OR 3 spells per spell level
I tried a smattering of fixes in my game that had a magus
-Your spell strike refreshes automatically without spending an action if you spend an entire turn without spellstriking. It can be action intensive to spellstrike every single turn (requiring you to be in a particularly good position) but you're a little more freed up to cascade stance or move or cast a regular spell or do a backflip on your 'off' turns
-If you miss a spellstrike with a levelled spell, the next spellstrike you make can use the same spell but at half damage/reduced degree of success, called it 'spell echoes'
-Gave my Targe magus an alternative focus spell that instead keeps their shield raised for 3 rounds for one action. Makes it easier to fit in to your turns.
-Expansive Spellstrike is just part of the class by default
-Instead of making a save after getting hit, treat a hit with the spellstrike as a failure on the save, and a crit as a critfail
A few of these got sorta forgotten about, a few of them were, I'm sure, OP. I do think a lot of it was Skill Issue on the part of my magus player not really making the most of his chassis outside of just wanting to spell strike as frequently as possible and forgetting his many alternate sources of spells, though combining somewhat OP features with a somewhat sub-optimal player balanced out to a decent time overall.

Yeah, I feel like even if you calculated that mathematically the vindicator does comparable or more damage per turn overall than a regular ranger, the amount of set up and the likelihood of your set up whiffing and the fact that it takes 3 actions of set up *per enemy* would just make it really unfun to play.
Where's the funny part
And meanwhile the barbarian and fighter are outdamaging your ranger anyway, and their stuff isn't reliant on an enemy failing saving throws.
>How to fix non-remastered classes?
Double the number of modifications they get to pick, and give them more to choose from. Lower unstable & overdrive DC.
They're good, actually. Maybe remove the stupefy from Unleash Psyche so that people bitch less.
Action economy makes them ass to play(especially without a bard or marshal), I agree with arcane cascade as a free action so they can actually use it.
They didn't do enough to enable melee gunslingers.
Triggerbrand is ass. Touch and Go should entirely ignore reactions instead of just the Step part.
Give triggerbrand & drifter their gun proficiency for some melee weapons. Triggerbrand gets it with combination weapons, Drifter gets it with simple melee weapons.
We have a summoner in my current group. They're fine, balance-wise. The only thing I would change is to make Meld into Eidolon a feat chain(and not suck), so we can have synthesists again.
Brainlet here, how is psychic good? They seem very rigid with much less utility than something like a sorcerer. I love the flavor of the class but they just don't seem that good.
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Thank you again for your hard work.
Isn't there a kobold feat that lets you ignore the strength penalty for damage?
I can't find it anywhere but I swear I saw it before.
WoI is up on the amber room telegram
Are you sure it wasn't a 3.5 feat or third party feat? Or something that wasn't specific to kobolds?
What are the best monster BBEGs? Stuff like the conqueror worm, that can be run straight out of the book, but isn't a unique named monster. I'd say the tarrasque counts because it's unique but not really "named," whereas Pazuzu counts because he is unique and has a capitalized name. I don't want to design a humanoid BBEG and I don't want to make a homebrew monster one like I have in the past. anything Cr 12 to 25 would be great.
Grim Reaper is hilarious. Seriously.
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I appreciate it. Now that I'm back at home, here's the start of the nonsense.
This is the BASIC INFO on mythic. Next will be the callings, then the Calling Feats.
from there I'm gonna go over the Destinies one at a time.
Lich is always a classic
I like Proteans like the Keketar, causin' chaos and mischief. A high-level giant like a Storm Giant warlord can also be cool as well, leading an army of giants and shit.
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Thanks again, very much appreciated.
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Here's Mythic Callings. Basically sorta your mythic backgrounds that dictate how you're gonna act as a Mythic being, including what you can use Mythic proficiency with.
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I think part of your last post got eaten, unfortunately.
Kind of weird that there's no Warrior's Calling or a calling for being the strongest there is. What would a Barbarian or Fighter take as their calling?
What's the point of spending a point (heh) to roll a check at mythic proficiency if you can just roll it and then reroll with mythic proficiency if needed?
When you can't rely on fortune effects for whatever reason, I guess.
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your sacrifice is appreciated, me and the homies are having a ball peepin' this stuff
let paizo know when you find out, they'd love to know as well
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Mythic Feats. These are BEFORE Mythic destinies, which is the shit where you turn into an archfiend or Slave Saverman

Not a problem. Cute girls with good tails are what fuel me. Plus with how dogshit AoN's been I wanna get the new books out there.
No, CSP just had a stupid. I'll keep a better eye on shitty crops.

I assume they didn't want people just being John Killyouman to receive mythic power. Only reason I can think of.

So you can reroll it anyway if you fail, obviously.

It's only free time I'm wasting and I'm getting cute dragons for the trouble.
>Flexible between Int/Cha, making them easier to fit into the party outside of combat
>Upgrades your cantrips even without focus points
>Charisma psychic in particular is an excellent debuffer due to the inherent bon mot / demoralize synergy that comes with having high charisma
>Intelligence psychic is better at recall knowledge / support(though still worse at it than dedicated RK classes)
>You can try to go between the two to do damage psychic; I wouldn't recommend it because even with Fireball added to the list by Oscillating Wave, that's not what the occult spell list wants to be doing and other casters will generally be better at fireball.
>Tied to the occult spell list, so debuffs and support were largely what they were going to do anyway
>Being able to pick any conscious mind with any subconscious mind gives them a lot of flexibility to work with what the party can use. I don't see them as an extremely independent class, but I don't see any caster that way.
>Unleash Psyche is a good 'oh fuck' button; if someone gets in your face while you're casting spells, you can unleash your psyche to increase your own defenses or make it easier for your allies to peel them off of you. It's also a button to press when you're otherwise out of resources.
All this said, they do have some weaknesses; they're far less effective in games that feature lots of swarms or constructs unless they know about it in advance, similar to how investigators/rogues are worse in games with lots of ghosts/oozes. A lot of their spells can't target mindless creatures. They also have slightly less resources than other casters.
They're not flawless, but they are fine.
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Cheers and thanks again.
Solid 70% it was for kobolds; At the very least it was for small creatures.
As a GM, I'd let a player modify Hunter's Calling for that.
This explains the weirdness of the achilles fighter. A mythic achilles fighter WOULD be incredibly hard to kill with a healer, because every time he wakes up he can reduce his doomed condition.
Small But Deadly?
What the fuck is that?
So the next section of the book was a bunch of "what the hell is going on in Golarion as a whole due to Gorum getting chopped apart" and its a bunch of fluff that isn't particularly necessary to what I'm clipping, but it did have the cool Arcadian Megagiants come out of an earthquake so I kept the image they had for that because he's a fun looking guy.
Additionally, with Mythic Destinies, I'm gonna do one at a time, mostly because they're extremely self contained and pretty damn dense on their own so it's easier to consume each one on its own.
It looks like the Callings are themed mainly after skill( action)s rather than common concepts people have, in classic Paizo fashion.
Along those lines, it looks like the one for Athletics specifically doesn't apply to Trip or Grapple, lol.
I think some of it has to do with scaling. AFAIK mythic proficiency is just legendary+2, so at 1st level that's going to be a +8 vs trained. Mythic Strike works as a super-boost to a Strike, but it's level 10, so all martials are expert (making it a +6) and will be master in 3 levels (making it a +4).
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Yeah yeah yeah, that's it.
Thanks a lot dude.
Do you think it's worth it, or should I put the few points to cover the strength penalty and go for Dex?
I genuinely don't know if it's worth it or not. You'll have to ask Google.
Is that a daemon-tainted goblin dog?
You're better off replacing Str for Dex entirely. So an Agile weapon, Dervish Dance/Slashing Grace, or three levels in UnRogue.
damn straight

Secondly, the Archfiend. I'd make a domain expansion joke here but I'm sick to death of jjk memes.
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Thought the Gulch Gunner archetype was pretty cool to facetank with a ranged weapon so I'm going to try it out. Looking at the class though, I feel like there's nothing too useful after you get dex to damage at level 5. What do guys think I should multi class it with? Fighter comes to mind to get more feats since guns always seem to be feat intensive but I'm open to suggestions.
https://files.catbox. moe/wjq9vw.pdf
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I don't find Ascended Celestial very exciting, but it's certainly there.
Oh well, if the pdf is out there, I probably don't need to clip anymore Unless someone wants me to continue for the hell of it. Fun while it lasted, anons. and thanks for all the dragon ladies.
Thank you too, anon.
Thank you, buddy.
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imo I would say keep on it just because uhhhhh, that shit's going to get nuked, your stuff probably won't, but it's up to you. Thanks for your service either way homie.
Fair enough. I'll hop back to it in a bit. The beast lord section is a literal entire page of just flavor text and it's the second of technically four pet focused Destinies which is enough to drive me up a wall.
I've played a GG-EZ in Skull and Shackles, it was a fucking blast playing Punch-Out! with Guns.
There are two ways you could build your character.
First, if you double-archetype with the Gun Tank, you can sort of shrug off the odd critical hit and survive longer than the idea of 'ratfolk with gun-kata' would lead you to believe.
Take Grasping Tail and then you can Two-Weapon Fight with pistols, and for the love of God write down a list of things that have Combat Reflexes or can reliably crit-fish.
Second idea is to go with just the Gulch Gunner and take Combat Patrol with Snap Shot, then get as much foot speed as you can to spread Con/Dex bleeds or fire.
I would actually suggest staying as a Gunslinger until level eleven, that way you can bleed Con or Dex with a Grit point to either wear them out faster or reduce the amount of Attacks of Opportunity you'll be eating.
Is Skull & Shackles a good Adventure Path to run with a 2e conversion?
Any pros/cons to the Adventure as a whole?
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Beastlord, because mythic animal companion needs at least two completely different destinies.
Interesting, thanks anon. What conscious/subconscious mind goes well with supporting the party and not blasting?
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that was cool anon
I posted here a few days ago about my 3 man abomination vaults party featuring Melee Oracle, Monk, and me. We are playing Free Archetype and we need knowledge skills and thievery covered. I was thinking either Lantern Thaumaturge w/diverse lore and eventual scroll support, choosing either Psychic for cantrips/support spells, or going Alchemist w/ maybe Investigator to get more skills. Anyone have any input on if either of these builds are able to recall knowledge/disable traps effectively, while still having support options?
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Even if you don't find it exciting I'll still reward you for sharing
You can honestly skip the first book if you give everyone a crash-course on boating, and either the fifth or sixth book has a fleet Fight that's honestly pretty boring.
Lot of underwater in the middle part and it's very easy to get stuck in a raiding loop if you're not careful.
And no guns if the DM doesn't want to have fun, so cannons are out of the question as well.
But I had a lot of fun after the fourth try to get the campaign off the ground, but that was entirely my previous parties' fault for being drug addicts and completely unworkable.
Interesting, thanks. I had thought about using gun tank too, but I wasn't too crazy about losing the bonus feats and I don't know how many gun enemies the gun is going to throw at use for bullet deflection to be useful. Looking at the level 11 deed, I totally missed it was ability BLEED. Yeah, I might want to stick until 11 for that
Man when's this guy gonna bite the bullet and draw Dinopussy anyway
I'm not done yet. It's just that the destinies themselves are fairly draining to crop and clip because of a bunch of median images fucking up the line spacing and having to dance around em instead of just clipping the whole page like I did in TXCG.
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Good to see you again, man. I'd say keep at it if you are up for it, I highly doubt the PDF will stay where it is since there's an unspoken agreement that they shouldn't be out there until street date.

I'd say go Thaum + Psychic because the hand economy with Alchemy just *sounds* mindnumbing.
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Behold, mythic level Get Outta Here, Man
Gathered Lore / Emotional Acceptance are both support-oriented; I prefer Gathered Lore.
Being able to aid everyone within 30 feet of you(and using occultism to do so) is cool. I could see building around this by playing a Human, Halfling, or Adopted Ancestry/custom versatile heritage to do both.
Depends on the party.
>Infinite Eye
Amped Guidance being a reaction that only takes effect if it would change the result is awesome, and glimpse weakness adds to the party's damage. It's one of the generalists; I could see it being particularly effective with other PCs who already have high to-hit, like Fighter and Gunslinger, giving you more opportunities to use Amped Guidance to make critical hits.
>Silent Whisper
Amped Message is what Warrior Bard wishes it was. One action, 120ft line of effect, make an ally take an extra action. Extremely good for parties with bad action economy classes like Alchemist and Magus. And you automatically get Heroism on your spell list for picking this!
>Tangible Dream
Excellent for frontliners who have low AC or rely on flanking. Upgraded Shield boosts the AC of raging barbarians or flanked people, and Figment provides free flanking for rogues and fighters without you needing to be on the front line yourself.
Honorable mention to Unbound Step for supporting ranged characters and slow characters with its focus spells, but most of the rest of the mind is about moving *yourself* around.
I'll keep at it, don't worry. Plus I'll be around next month for Divine Mysteries.

To the people that didn't expect a mythic destiny revolving around destroying governments after they removed slavery wholesale from the setting, boy do I have a Destiny for you
Next is John Killyouman, the Eternal Legend. Probably has my favorite Immortality in Living Epic.
>If someone says your name within one week after your death, you appear next to them at full HP
Lmao, that's actually pretty great. Proper legendary shit right there.
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If you play a Fun Tank, you can imagine your plate mail forming a hump/hood over your head to protect you from downward strikes.
>my favorite immortality
I like it, I think I like the broken chain's more, though.
oh there's some funny shit in these
Next is the big bastard everyone was waiting for, Godling. Honestly very fond of how most of this is just creating a god sheet for future use, and cramming clerichood on a party member or some unsuspecting npc as a companion (which makes this the THIRD pet destiny so far.)
I feel like Spellstriker requiring 10 minutes to recharge the spellstrike is bad design, because what's the point of anything Magus if your spellstrike is one-and-done? Personally I believe it should require a 3-action version of the recharge.
>Personally I believe it should require a 3-action version of the recharge.
That'd still be *effectively* a once-a-round activity, given how much of a ballache it'd be to do.
>what's the point of anything Magus if your spellstrike is one-and-done?
You're multiclassing, being a magus isn't your Thing, it's just one of the things that you can do. You can just be a fighter or a ranger or a rogue or whatever for the rest of the ~2 rounds of combat a typical fight lasts.
Wizardbros, EVEN archamage mythic path in 1e was BETTER than this spellshit something mythic.
OWARI DA. i moving to Dnd
Just wait until you see this one where one form of immortality you can take is one of your buddies literally become you when you die.

The Prophesised Monarch's 100% my favorite destiny of the bunch. Extremely based.

Ok bye
>moving to D&D
Good, we don't want you here; you're too retarded.
t.braindead meleefags with negative INT modificator
See you on the next book, when you say the exact same thing again.
Says the guy unironically converting to dungeons and dragons. You have no ground to stand on, you have branded yourself as a retard for all eternity.
Speaking of annoying magic stuff in War of Immortals, they've made Create Demiplane, Freedom, and Imprisonment into Mythic Rituals which means you need to have a mythic point to use them.

Fucking Paizo, don't actively take away cool shit the players could theoretically do but never did!
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they hate us? white middle-age men playing wizards.
Vindicator is kinda ass, huh. Mark is alright, but very hit or miss and will feel incredibly bad every time you do miss. Judgement seems like utter dogshit for a level 10 feat.

I don't see a reason to use this clunky shit over just going precision (aside from the single reaction feat)
the FINAL mythic destiny (in this book at least), Wildspell. Not exactly my cup of tea, but becoming a living conduit of the underlying magical bullshit in the universe and harnessing that is the most generic Mythic Mage they could make, as they clearly needed room for more fucking pet-themed destinies.
all that's really left are Mythic Spells and Rituals, and equipment. if anyone wants them just let me know.

I just don't care for tribalism doomsaying like it came out of /v/, man. Just go have fun in whatever system you want.

I unironically really like Vindicator but I'm also a big fan of convoluted setup turns, so take that how you will.
They really did made the Anti-Slavery Mythic Path after removing Slavery, huh? Don't know if that's funnier than making the iconic for the Fighter designed to die quickly and horribly a spear-chucking black man?

On the topic of the Class Archetypes, my initial impressions are:
Pretty good, if a bit empty despite how loaded the flavor text is. Really surprised with Zealous Inevitability, it's fun they have a way to support (Divine) Spellcasters. Shadow of Death is pretty pointless but one dud feat out of the good ones pretty good balance. Weird how they don't really get much synergy or things to do with Hunt Prey other than the Ranger feats? Makes it feel like they Grandfather Clause'd its way here.
Putting aside my apprehensions of the new flavor, it seems...okay. It seems focused on sustain than combining magic and martial power, which does fit Barbarian's playstyle. But the lack of proper synergy kind of hurts it, especially with Hematocritical being more restrictive than it looks at first glance. I think I would still stick with Team+'s attempt at Bloodrager, but this makes for a decent sidegrade.
I really don't get the point of this? It doesn't really feel it plays that differently from Witch normally. Its real highlights are its Level 4 and 6 feats, and they still rely on how much you like Manifest Will as a cantrip. And it's not really that impactful a cantrip. Handy, but nothing special. Just feels like they scooped up a cool Witch Patron idea with a custom spell pick and made that a big deal.
It's good! Judging it entirely by how meh Vindicator's Mark is is a little gung-ho. It's definitely a bad spell, but you still get plenty of other features to help compensate, Judgment is actually pretty damn good, and I think there's some fun you can have with the +1/+2 bonus on your spells. Makes me...question why it doesn't get more spells, buuuuuuuttttttt....
>That'd still be *effectively* a once-a-round activity
it'd be once every other round at best, since 3 actions is a full round
honestly my opinion is guns need to just be changed fundamentally
in 1e, the action economy of reloading was tied to the fact guns were very strong as they targeted touch AC
there is no touch AC in 2e, and many guns range from terrible to just okay, so they don't really warrant the extra reload action economy.
Personally I think firearms as a whole should get rebalanced. I think lower damage firearms should either have higher capacities or faster reloads, similar to the difference between normal and agile weapons.
I think how reload should work is you reload the gun automatically between your turns, but you CAN reload in-turn to shoot again (if you wanted to)
so keep the bigger guns like the kickback ones or any of the guns with fatal as a one action reload
give the triggerbrand gunslinger some better way to mitigate the horrid action economy of combination weapons and the attack of opportunity provoking
Honestly the important thing to note with guns is they have reload so gunslinger can bypass that reload cost with their morbillion Reload And or Shoot And feats. The only class that can do similar is a Deft Exemplar, and I think that's just kind of intentional. Guns are a clunky pain in the ass for every class except their dedicated user class (and the class whose whole job is to kinda do any one thing you set it to do really well.)
Avenger is abysmal dogshit actually, it's such a fucking terrible version of slayer and it makes me sick.
>class archetype so forced to take the dedication
>gets hunt prey but none of the ranger benefits so that makes it pretty useless, good luck even hitting the second attack in your twin takedown
>garbage unique feats, just horrible dogshit
If you want to play some form of slayer you're better off just going flurry ranger with red mantis archetype, taking rogue archetype later or something
While it's not in my screenshots they released a day -14 errata explaining Hunt Prey allows you to get sneak attack damage with your Favored Weapon regardless of offguard status, so Avenger is Precision Ranger on crack, assassin edition.
Sorry, I meant to say once-per-encounter. Nobody's gonna spend 3 actions refreshing.
>Warrior of Legend
See, this is what I expected out of a Class Archetype! Built around a unique mechanic that heavily changes the class's playstyle. Granted, this plays a bit too heavily into the Doomed mechanics and it doesn't really...function without it. If you aren't facing your demise, you just are a Polearm Fighter again. When you are fighting something you are weak to, you definitely get a good power spike.

Still, I think the 5 CAs don't quite live up to the idea of what a CA should be, or at least what was promised. Without the feature swaps, I feel like none would be all that different from just typical subclasses, other the Deity Weapon training on Rogue and Warrior of Legend's weakness. I expected at least Bloodrager to get Bounded Spellcasting so that you don't have to deal with the awkwardness of buying spellcasting feats. Avoiding awkward feat taxes to fit the theme of the class should be the point of Class Archetypes, especially with how they demand so much in return, imo.

I actually think the other gun-focused Archetypes work out pretty well for non-Gunslingers. They all help play into the gunslinger fantasy without innately boosting guns to lethal status. If you actually play a Repeating weapon without them, even on Gunslinger, you kind of realize just how important that Shoot + Reload idea really is, you feel really empty without such.
I think the gun design is fine, it is more how powerful the Bows are that leaves a sour taste in everyone's mouth.
I do think knocking a lot of the guns down to Simple would grant a lot of them real niches (bullet dancer sure would love it) and wouldn't have to stare Longbows in the face. Alternatively, giving each class their own Reload + Something idea without needing to archetype would instantly resolve a lot of issues with the net negative feelings behind firearms.
>Artisan's Calling
That anathema is going to suck if you aren't playing party vending machine.
Then its unique feat scales off CHA skills which is an interesting move for the calling that makes crafting nonnegotiable.
I think the main appeal is becoming a patron(especially if you have party members that took witch dedication), though level 20 is quite a long time to wait.
Now that I understand that (great, my errata needs errata...), really does help shore up my opinions on Avenger. That is pretty cracked, if a little basic. I still wouldn't say it what I want out of an Avenger CA or heavily alters their gameplan, but does sound loads of fun nonetheless.

I think the twist behind Vindicator comes from the fact that it isn't really a high damage class as it is more utility and investigation, Outwit but actually works. Getting Investigator feats and Interrogate makes it clear that Rogue and Ranger swapped ideas with Avenger and Vindicator. Avenger for high damage marks, Vindicator for skills and research.

...Doesn't excuse how bad Vindicator's Mark is, it being Heightened +2 is salt in the wounds. But when you consider how stupidly wide and all-encompassing the original 1e Inquisitor is, it makes sense why it isn't so all-in on damage.

I know the idea and fantasy, but I don't get how little the Class Archetype actually does. Think they just ran into the logical issue of making Patron's so vague, they didn't really know what to do for a player being a patron.
Wait so we've finally got a ranged rogue? That's fun.
Yeah, you're probably right. Psychics are cool anyway. I'm planning on putting most of my FA feats into it, unless I suddenly decide I want a flanking buddy or something.
Not the guy you replied to, I'm >>94182741 but I still appreciate your writeup. I'm thinking either shield, message, or guidance for my thaumaturge.
I mean, Avenger can use any fucking weapon as long as its their god's divine weapon. There's at least two orc gods that just got added with greataxes. But yeah I guess Avenger is the quintessential bowspam rogue.
>...Doesn't excuse how bad Vindicator's Mark is, it being Heightened +2 is salt in the wounds. But when you consider how stupidly wide and all-encompassing the original 1e Inquisitor is, it makes sense why it isn't so all-in on damage.
The thing that gets me is if the mark was 1 action and marked regardless of if the damage part landed, there would be no complaints to make. Oh I have to spend a focus point to get my damage amp? Oh, it comes with a chance to tack on some initial damage? Alright that's cool I guess. Maybe make it just be the damage part if you don't spend a focus point, and I would've been big thumbs up wow so cool.

Instead it's 2 actions and can whiff the mark entirely. Inquisitor in 1e had an annoying setup turn sure, but you didn't have to worry about it just not doing anything. It just worked.
thing is they still feel clunky even with gunslinger's special reloads
NOTE: hunt prey is the only way for avenger to get sneak attack btw
For Thaum w/ Psychic archetype, I could definitely see Amped Shield being really good, especially in that party(unless it's a Crane Stance monk).
Guidance would be good, too; at least in the remaster, the Oracle really needs to make at least one strike each round so they can sustain their weapon trance, and Monk makes a crapton of strikes. It also requires no actions from you on your turn due to being usable as a reaction.
Not sure about Message; Monk really doesn't need the action support. Oracle might be able to use it sometimes in order to get spells off instead of striding, but I'd personally take something that's always of use.
Huge oof. I guess there's still a niche for an avenger of the elven pantheon or Erastil with a longbow, since Hunt Prey > Strike > Strike is doable. This basically kicks them out of melee though. Even before I saw the errata, I was thinking the best way to play them was just to ignore Hunt Prey entirely, since--without a Hunter's Edge--it doesn't do anything but enable feats like Twin Takedown, which is nice, but a tough sell. The fact that their sneak attack is locked behind it is just brutal and I'd say unequivocally puts them behind ruffians in melee, who both have a better action economy due to not needing to Hunt Prey and access to a debilitation at 10, which avengers just don't get I guess (???), which goes a long way towards erasing any damage boost they might get from a deity's weapon.

Ranged avenger? Doable. Melee avenger? I see no reason to do it, other than the admittedly sick flavor of a half-orc avenger running in doing sneak attack damage with a a greataxe.
Thanks bro
I think normal Sneak Attacks work fine, it just that if you are using your Deity's Weapon and it isn't Ranged/Agile/Finesse, it has to be against your Prey. Again, we need errata for the errata, it is a little vague how it functions, but it is a pretty big oof.

I think, with them being Early Firearms, they need to have some friction to them. Them being a bit clunky is part of the fun. It's more that Reloading is such a net-zero in advantage without some rider, many classes can't afford to take such. Same with crossbows.
it was confirmed to JUST be with their hunt prey
Paizo loves fighter do you really think Warrior of Legend is bad? It synergies with Mythic, you can just keep removing doomed infinitely and become immortal because you only die at doomed 4
>Mythic characters don't die at dying 4, instead stabilizing and gaining 1 stack of doom.
>They don't die until doomed 4.

From a practical standpoint, mythic characters just don't die unless it's a TPK, I guess? If everybody goes down, sure, the monster just finishes them off. But I'm not seeing a way that a mythic character actually dies otherwise. Getting to four stacks of doom, each stack requiring that you get downed, and you remove a doom stack automatically each night? You'd have to be downing PCs all the time for there to be any kind of realistic threat of character death.
>each stack requiring that you get downed

Sorry, each stack requiring that you would *die*.
That's mythic baby
The best part about Paizo saying Paladins don't need to worship gods, is that means I can have a Paladin of Aroden who actually gets powers.
Why in the name of fuck is a gladius uncommon?
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When building a character who will be using the werecreature (werewolf) archetype with the theme of being an unarmored frontline bruiser would it be better to go Animal Instinct Barbarian, Fighter, ruffian rogue, or something else.
You still have the normal Sneak Attack feature. So any off-guard creature you Strike with the typical Rogue weapons works fine. It is if your Deity's Weapon DOESN'T fit, it HAS to be against your Hunted Prey.
I suspect that an animal instinct barbarian with the werecreature archetype might have a lot of redundancies (like one giving you a Claw and a Bite attack... and another giving you a slightly different and separate Claw/Bite attack)
These callings are lame as fuck
Tranny coded game
what's wrong with them?
Totally inferior to the theming of the 1e paths
The problem, though, is that the deity's weapons (and their bigger damage dice) are the reason you'd take avenger over ruffian in the first place. If you want to avail yourself of an expanded weapon list, you're shackled to Hunt Prey. If you don't, then ruffian's right there. If the avenger had anything else going for it that'd be nice, but honestly I have no clue what scenario they think the avenger feats are going to be useful in. On one hand, they revolve around stacking doom over multiple turns (due to the Flourish trait, you can only apply one stack of doom per turn). This points them in the direction of being big APL+ boss-fight feats. However, everything you can actually trigger with doom, including the instant-death caused in the improbable event that you stack doom four times, involves a save with the incapacitate trait, which effectively disables them in fights against higher-level opponents. So what you're left with is a series of feats that require you to be attacking the same target multiple turns, but which only work on lower-level targets, which are not unlikely to be dead by the time you can actually use Slay on them (which you don't get until level 12 anyway). Meanwhile, in exchange for these feats, you're giving up Vicious Debilitations at level 10, which I'd argue is better by itself than all the avenger feats combined, and available two levels earlier than Slay is.

If they didn't have to use Hunt Prey they could just take the bigger damage die from a deity's weapon and run with it, trading the Ruffian's debilitation for a bigger weapon starting at level 1. But now they're in this weird spot where they need to Hunt Prey, so they might as well grab Twin Takedown, which requires that they use one-handers anyway and largely negates the benefit from having deity weapons available, unless they ALSO take the new Haft Striker Stance to use Twin Takedown with a polearm, which is another action tax on top of Hunt Prey. It's just ungainly.
I was digging the barbarian feats like the charges, swipe, and awesome blow, but I do see what you mean regarding the redundancy. Maybe spirit instinct instead?
>On one hand, they revolve around stacking doom over multiple turns (due to the Flourish trait, you can only apply one stack of doom per turn). This points them in the direction of being big APL+ boss-fight feats. However, everything you can actually trigger with doom, including the instant-death caused in the improbable event that you stack doom four times, involves a save with the incapacitate trait, which effectively disables them in fights against higher-level opponents.
The real thing is that it gives them penalties to saving throws against spells, which when coordinated with a team sounds like it'd actually be really really good.
This is seriously what they're calling Slayer? LMAO
how the mighty have fallen
Why didn't they just make it so when you hit an off guard target you hunt them as a free action or something

I know that innate spells are not automatically heighten but I keep seeing people saying bullshit like “unless the effect that grants it specifically says otherwise”, implying that there are feats that actually do but then don't give fucking examples. What are those mythical feats that give innate spells that are automatically heightened? Or they are just talking out of their ass?
A problem with the current bloodrager is that when you reduce your hp from drained, you do not recover your hp once you remove it with harvest blood. I'm convinced this is a mistake and will be fixed down the line
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Oh right some lore excerpts while I'm doing a whole lot of nothing tonight.
The entire osiriani pantheon is dead, as is the hag pantheon. Thanks Nethys.
Why are you spoilering it? The gods of Osirion died, as did the hag pantheon. Nobody gives a fuck.
I try to spoil big flavor stuff is all, just in case someone wants to see the lore for themselves.
It's not hard mechanics, so I care a little more about people that want to avoid spoilers.
I completely missed they put Flourish on Inevitability, that REALLY hurts my ranking on them. Still, the effective power of making a foe permanently weak to Divine spells is a good amp to it. If they removed that trait, it would be very good, but as of now, it does definitely hurts the viability against Ruffian.

I feel like the slayer bit is kind of tacked on, they are definitely more 4e Avenger than PF1e Slayer, as much as you can really crib from that. Hence why they get stuff like bonuses against divine magic and haunts, shaking down churches, and saying "FUCK YOU" to other divine casters. Precision Ranger is still more Slayer than this.

I think that's actually intentional, since it is supposed to be pretty Cast From HP and recovering the lost points sort of misses the point of such.

I guess they wanted to get rid of all real-world mythologies from Golarion? That does seem kind of goofy to remove.
>I guess they wanted to get rid of all real-world mythologies from Golarion?
They have a Romanov ruling Irrisen.
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>Why do we -have- to marry polearms with Special Weakness?
It's literally a meme, Lancer's in Fate almost always have E Luck and die in ridiculous ways.
Why the heck did they remove the Osirian gods? Literally nobody minded the Egyptian gods being included, the only reason I can think is that they just felt like they were too redundant or something?
>Literally nobody minded the Egyptian gods being included
I always found them a bit redundant.
One of them is named Isis
>Why the heck did they remove the Osirian gods?
Orientalism, probably.
Man, between this and Dragon Quest renaming Isis to Ibis, it really going to be infuriating if the future of all Isis references will just be scrubbed out because of a bunch of backwards towelheads.

Wonder if that's still going to be around? Since we haven't gotten to the Saga Lands in 2e that much, I wouldn't be surprised if they cut that aspect.
Shield seems good, I like how flexible it is (can improve my AC or bolster up the monk(tiger style) or oracle if needed.) If I go Tangible Dream for Shield, are the rest of the spells good? I don't think imaginary weapon works with Exploit Vulnerability.
I'm also playing a Kobold for more utility cantrips, but none of them seem great except Figment, which is also a Tangible Dream spell.
>Since we haven't gotten to the Saga Lands in 2e that much, I wouldn't be surprised if they cut that aspect.

>tfw they confirmed Sven stepped down from being King of the Thanelands
>tfw his daughter took over
You can't describe how mad I am. Sven being old and eager to hand the crown to someone worthy was ripe with opportunity for some grand adventure. But no, it's 2024 and we need women in charge, right? I'm done with this setting, it was bad in 2016 and it's worse now. The fuck is there left to do if you're a red-blooded man?
You anons are both scholars and gentlemen.
I'm just a lover of cute dragon girls. Been eating real good for some simple work these last two days.
Here's my gold-dragon sorceress :)
Very good.
Unless people want mythic spells, equipment or more lore stuff, I'll probably just be around in threads for a few days then come back for Divine Mysteries spoiler season.
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She's a funky lady.

>then come back for Divine Mysteries spoiler season.
When's that?
>Mortal Weakness / Personal Antithesis
>Your unarmed and weapon strikes
Yeah, that wouldn't work with a spell attack.
>Are the rest of the spells good?
I'm not certain you can get them, actually.
Psychics normally get them automatically by leveling up, but psychic archetype's dedication states:
> You gain a spell repertoire with one standard psi cantrip of your choice from your conscious mind, which you cast as a psi cantrip. You gain the normal benefits and the amp for this psi cantrip, but not any other benefits from the conscious mind.
This means you wouldn't get the other psi cantrips, and there's a feat that lets you access your surface cantrip, but not the other two.
You can, however, steal the low-level psi cantrips from other conscious minds if you want them, using Advanced Thoughtform to take the Parallel Breakthrough feat at... 12th? level.
Next month, actually. Lots of crazy shit going on at the back half of the year for splatbooks.
So is GnG errata going to be published before they reprint the book?
Does humble strikes work weapons that are "treated" as simple weapons due to feats?
I second gathered lore. Emotional acceptance has that 10 minute cooldown per person, and if you want to be a charisma support occult caster who doesn't focus on damage Bard is right there.
>use Amped Guidance to make critical hits.
Amped guidance can only be used on failures and critical failures so it can never make a critical hit. It is still the only good thing this conscious mind gets. Also it feels weird to scout ahead with a spell and then have no idea what any of that means because I picked emotional acceptance and I was wrong.
No, only simple weapons. Weapons that are treated as simple weapons say they count as simple weapons only for the sake of proficiency.
>Sparking Strike
>Attack, Cantrip, Concentrate
>Traditions: Arcane, Primal
>Cast: ◆ or ◆◆
>You channel a spark of energy through your weapon. Choose either fire or electricity, then make a melee Strike. You deal damage of the chosen type in addition to the damage of the Strike and this casting has the appropriate trait. If the Strike is a critical success, then the target takes double damage (and double persistent damage on the two-action version).
>◆ Your Strike deals its normal damage, plus 1d4 of the chosen type.
>◆◆ Your Strike deals its normal damage, plus 1d4 of the chosen type and also 1 persistent damage of the chosen type.
>Heightened (+2) The energy damage this spell deals increases by 1d4 and the persistent damage increases by 1.
I love misreading things and spontaneously becoming very stupid.
But also, the guidance will still help the party's oracle a lot.
Forgot to add that starlit span & eldritch archer can use this with ranged within the 1st increment
So I was so baffled at this decision I decided to look up the Had deities in question. Not only did Mestama have her faithful appear in at least one 1e AP before in Hell's Rebels, but according to Inner Sea Faiths Gyronna, the default Hag Deity, apparently HATED Mestama for being competition in the Hag worship space. So this whole "oh they decided to make a coven together" nonsense makes even less sense according to their own lore!
I'd be down for seeing some of that stuff
Ok Paizo, you can fuck off for removing the Osirion pantheon
Thread question: For inventors, I think it would be neat if overdrive and unstable worked together. Overdrive would be a condition with a value that adds to your damage. Unstable would lower your overdrive based on the check. Activating overdrive would give you full int on critical, half int on success, and one on failure. The class level will determine your maximum overdrive. Because I want to have a space for maximum overdrive on my inventor's character sheet. Get that mechanic working right then worry about fixing the action economy.

Guidance for attacks isn't where it's at anyway. That's just the most common. Unless you have a Bard or someone cast bless because status bonuses to attacks are easy. The real impressive shit is using guidance to save failed saving throws.
Fair enough, it looks like I would only get 1 spell of each level for my repertoire. Maybe it would be better to move onto a different archetype after a couple levels then. Psi strikes looks useful, I could use it when I cast/sustain shield, or after I cast True strike with my psychic spell (I'm not sure what other level 1 occult spell will stay relevant as a non-caster).
Is this homebrew?
can avenger or vindicator make their attacks holy?
>The real impressive shit is using guidance to save failed saving throws.
True, but they don't have a bard, they have a monk, a battle oracle, and a thaumaturge(psychic archetype).
>(I'm not sure what other level 1 occult spell will stay relevant as a non-caster).
Maybe Pocket Library.
Cast it at the start of the day, get a +1 status bonus to your next recall knowledge check, critical failures become failures, and you get more information on a success / crit success. The further you go with psychic archetype, the better it gets, but you can use it twice at a +2 bonus with just the basic spellcasting benefits.
Soothe is always nice to have, for emergency healing and a pocket bonus against mental saves. The Oracle will likely have heal- that won't mean he'll always be able to cast it.
>mythic spells, equipment
I'd appreciate seeing that, if you don't mind
Alright. Currently Marathoning Rezero to catch up with season 3 Betty best girl I suppose . If I'm not asleep by the end, I'll get started on one of them.
Lmao, are you me?
Season 2 is way better than I initially gave it credit for.
Echidna SEX
Why the fuck did they do that?
Dona is also super sex I agree. My current witch pc is VERY based on her appearance.

No, that is not how the avenger errata works.

>Page 58 Change the first sentence of the third paragraph of the avenger racket to the following: “You can deal sneak attack damage to your prey with your deity’s favored weapon, in addition to the weapons listed in the sneak attack class feature.”

In order to sneak attack with your deity's favored weapon, the target needs to be off-guard, and the target needs to be your prey. Yes, it is bad.
Yeah, it is likely what we see in the Fall 2024 errata is what will be reprinted, alongside the Spring 2024 errata.

Yeah, that makes more sense and goes back to what I was thinking originally. Strange how they don't give Avenger Racket anything to force offguard like the others.
At the very least, most other Rogues are already trying to get into flanking position and you can Hunt Prey outside of combat, so it isn't THAT bad. But it is also a bit too many hoops just to use the big feature of it. I would hope they just revert the errata back to how it is in the book.

Note that this has actual, mechanical ramifications. Anubis was the only god offering both Wall of Stone and the vigil domain, both of which were great options for clerics.

pathfinder 2e
Wizard wants to craft a doodad to let them cast touch spells on another party member at range; Fighter wears doodad, Wizard can cast Touch spell on them from X feet away.

Is there an item or spell that already does this for me to calibrate/calculate off of?
Familiars have an ability that does that.
what should it be costed at?
Familiars usually come from a feat, and you can select that ability from one of two points. There's also Ghostly Carrier (https://2e.aonprd.com/Spells.aspx?ID=1543).
If I were to make an item like that, I would probably make it require investment by the wizard and let him choose one player as a conduit for his magic during daily preparation. Then he can spend 10 minutes of downtime changing it to another player. Maybe you can let him change it during combat, but the effect turns off for the rest of the encounter.
Dunno how much or what level the item should be.
Sorcerer's Nymph's Token I guess
I can deal with the mythic rules being only a relatively modest power bump, but my single greatest grievance with them is how mythic monsters can be highly resistant to spells and feats that call for saving throws, while punishing raw martial attackers very little.

If you are a spellcaster or a kineticist, you should not dare to offer a saving throw to a mythic monster unless you are absolutely certain that the target lacks mythic resilience for that saving throw. And sometimes, you are just out of luck; if that horde of ~8 lower-level mythic monsters has mythic resilience for Reflex, then your 5th-level blaster sorcerer cannot feasibly Fireball them.

Mythic Casting can help with this, but it is a 10th-level feat. It is not going to help, say, that 5th-level blaster sorcerer in the example above.

And even in the scenario that a spellcaster lands, say, a minute-long Slow on a mythic monster, Remove a Condition lets the monster wipe it away for 1 Mythic Point.
>targeting the enemy's good save is a bad idea guys
How were you doing it before?
>Is this homebrew?

7th-level monsters can have two mythic resiliences, while 13th-level monsters can have all three, short of a role template, anyway.
>Dragon Quest renaming Isis to Ibis
They made it even more offensive
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>thrown weapon swashbuckler
>go fencer
>need panache and need to feint
>take pistol phenom dedication for pistol twirl
>feint with the gun you don't use and then chuck a hammer at the guy while he's off-guard
this is retarded but I love it
it makes perfect sense
>enemy sees gun, expects shooting
>hammer to the face catched him completely off-guard

Pre-combat Hunt Prey requires some measure of prep time beforehand, and it can be inconvenient if you have to switch targets.

This affects the new rogue archetype, too. An avenger rogue has Hunt Prey, has scaling proficiency with medium armor and their deity's favored weapon, can choose Strength as a key attribute, and can sneak attack with their deity's favored weapon.

You might be considering something like an avenger of Saloc with a guisarme for the reach or trip traits. You can go ahead and do this, but there is a major caveat in the day −14 errata:

>Page 58 Change the first sentence of the third paragraph of the avenger racket to the following: “You can deal sneak attack damage to your prey with your deity’s favored weapon, in addition to the weapons listed in the sneak attack class feature.”

In other words, if you want to sneak attack with your deity's favored weapon, the target must be both off-guard and your prey.
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>pic related
it just reminds me of that scene.
Arcane Sense heightens Detect Magic based on your training in Arcana. There might be other examples, but that is one I've actually used before.
i'm giving wizard the cauldron, knife and broom feats from the witch.
fighter vs gunslinger (indy is the fighter here)
Pathfinder 2e

Spell recommendations for a summoner? I'm picking fey eidolon and captivator, I want to focus on illusions and electric spells.
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>The fuck is there left to do if you're a red-blooded man?
Challenge it
The kilted breastplate is common and objectively superior to the chain shirt, so you might as well use it instead.

• Chain Shirt: Common light armor, 5 gp, +2 AC, Dex cap +3, check penalty –1, Speed penalty —, Bulk 1, chain (irrelevant due to light armor), flexible, noisy.

• Kilted Breastplate: Common light armor, 3 gp, +2 AC, Dex cap +3, check penalty –1, Speed penalty —, Bulk 1, plate (irrelevant due to light armor), flexible.

The kilted breastplate is cheaper and non-noisy. Also, for those curious, it is the Greco-Roman kind of kilted breastplate, and in no way Scottish.
So long as each player invests it it seems reasonable.
I would be a dickhead and come up with multiple ranks and costs for allowing spells of up to n rank through.
I'd use the level and price of a wand of that rank.
How the fuck is vulot only stated for L21 when he's a full demon lord? I get that he's a larper with even bigger resurrection cheats than others but it still strange that his power rank is equal to a Grim reaper whom you can still juice with mythic powers

The in-universe logic is, admittedly, rather bizarre:
>Kilted Breastplate: This armor consists of a chest plate, typically made out of bronze or other water-resistant alloys, strapped to the body with a leather harness and featuring a skirt of leather pleats reinforced with metal studs to protect the upper legs.

Despite bronze being heavier than steel, a bronze breastplate is light while a steel breastplate is medium? Well, whatever you say, Paizo.
>Overdrive would be a condition with a alue that adds to your damage.
Inventor hb anon from a few threads back here, this is what I had in mind last time I tinkered with it.
You start with a maximum value of 2, increasing by one at 7 and 15. Bonus damage is double your overdrive value, which maps pretty close to current implementation.
Unstable actions keep the DC15 flat check and deal double the damage on failures, but you can lower your overdrive by 1 to lower the DC by 5 and not shut you off from future unstable actions.

Still, I'll wait and see if Paizo does anything with the class until I tinker with it further.
nvm i finished reading his entry and they only bother at the end to specify that he's a nascent demon lord, he can just cheat out resurrections by burning up a stolen identity and he got a lot of joe shmoe's
Does the grim reaper really NEED mythic powers though? Grim reaper might be one of the single most juiced stat blocks in all of 2e
it would be funny as a thought experiments how mythic chuds stack up to misfortune-instakill machine

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