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>Previously in the Mortal Realms:


Would-Be Novel, edition

>Official AoS website:

>Downloads, Rules Errata and FAQs:


>Anvil of Apotheosis hero creator:


>Thread question:
Whats the most memorable game you've had?
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>savage orruks in most orruk arts
>removed from game
I doubt it's most
That was when they tried to push the orruk warclans big waagh meme
And nobody ever fell for it
I bought the ossiarch bonereaper spearhead, and im wondering, Is it best to leave the shields off the Mortek Guard and attach those later when im done painting the body? do I have to cover the connection points with anything so I dont cover it with basecoat paint? First time ever doing any of this kind of stuff
Rolled 5 (1d10)


If it's going to bother you that the insides of the shields and the bones behind them will be poorly painted at best then absolutely leave them off.

I promise you no one else will notice or care.

As for connection points, you could use some blutack but it shouldn't be a problem, plastic glue eats through paint, just make sure there isn’t much paint there.

And you can always scrape off any excess paint with a knife.
Thanks for the tips, I guess if it isnt a problem I wont bother covering up the connection points. Will save me some time so I can actualy start painting
Post them
Battletome covers don't count because they're rarely used again, so that's just one


One game that stands in memory was my 3rd or 4th 2k game in 2nd edition. The first one where I felt like I knew what I was doing and the plan came together.

It was my Ironjawz vs STD and I got first turn, I then did the old ironjawz thing of alpha charging 6 pigs and a maw krusha into the enemy line.

But most crucially I managed to teleport a reinforced Ardboyz unit behind enemy lines and charge them into Archaon, who they somehow managed to kill by turn 3.

Good times.
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Looking to get into AoS from 40k where I own and main most of the Khorne Daemons range. I have a game arranged for next weekend, but realize I am severely handicapped by the lack of an altar, a Slaughterpriest, and spell models. I'm cool with that for now since it's just a casual game, but is there any way to kitbash or get the stuff I'm missing in a way that is acceptable to GW event people? Assuming I enjoy the game I'm willing to pay, but prefer to be a cheapass about it.
>The free model seems like it could make a decent Slaughterpriest with some adjustments, but I doubt that'd be acceptable to James

Replace the head, the weapon and the shield with things appropriately Khorny, make the base a bit more impressive and fitting for a hero and then paint him all red and such.

Do all that and no one can complain.
Slaughterpries is quite big, so a warior kitbash might need a new base and a stepping stool
I'll give up on that then, I was kinda hoping to stick to models that could work with both systems but I love the Slaughterpriest model anyhow.
A bit more hesitant about the spells and altar, but I play at GW stuff sometimes and I can't really not justify not having them since they're free in points cost
>Damn you James
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the chaos spawn kit is a treasure trove of bits which you could use in conversions

the khornate endless spells shouldn't be too difficult to scratchbuild, one of them is just a spare axe from a bloodthirster, another you could get away with one or two floating khornate banners from blood warriors, the skulls and scenery are a bit harder, but you could get away with genuine scrap in the general shape and decorated with plenty of blood paint
surely under Halloween it shouldn't be hard to find skulls of any shape and size
Good point with the axe, I have quite a few floating around
The banners are a good idea, as are the skullls. Have to check if the bases are cheaper than just buying the thing outright.
Thanks, any other advice concerning AoS would be good. I'm pretty familiar with the ins and outs of hobbying with 40K but AoS is a bit new to me.
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What am I in for?
A WHFB mainstay once again inserted into AoS.
They r ally need to stop importing FB characters and start coming up with their own. I don't give a FUCK about hashut ot malerion dawg make up new characters
Who is it this time?
A plot that really goes nowhere. Characters who don't really grow. A story that only works if you never stop to think about what's going on or if all the characters are braindead.

Utter dogshit.
Nobody really. Unless he's broadly alluding to background characters like Sigmar and Archaon who are mentioned but don't appear in the story. I'm not sure what anon is talking about.
Are there any beasts of chaos that aren't screaming drooling retards?

Also come June they no longer exist.
I'm getting mixed messages here...

You're the one asking on a Nicaraguan hand modeling board so you can only blame yourself.
Beasts of chaos as an army are removed from aos, and come next summer their rules will be considered outdated and no longer getting point updates

But there are some beastmen leftover in other chaos armies for aos, predominantly in the tzeentch army where tzaangors are more refined compared to your average screaming drooling goat
Oh, this one’s great.
I'm do realize that BoC gets shafted and Tzaangors are not your average brayherd. But the question persists: Are there any beasts of chaos that aren't screaming drooling retards? (Dragon Ogors perhaps)?
At least one, the main BoC guy from Hallowed Knights: Black Pyramid was pretty smart.
There's another from that series who was a knighted squire in the order of the fly too. The SCE who kills him regrets having to do so, wondering if his kind could have been redeemed in much the same way the protagonist of black pyramid cooperates with the beastman in that
How many armies is too many armies? I want to pick one base on the popular advice - choose the army you like - but I like almost every army and think about buying... three or four?
There's no too many, collecting and painting is a hobby in itself but most can probably only play a few
That's not crazy and AoS is somewhat cheaper then 40k when it comes to having full armies. It was much easier for me to build SCE and ogres then it was for any 40k army outside of Custodes
Start reading lore for each and then looking at the minis. Your imagination should narrow stuff down if you can more easily imagine some minis doing the described actions compared to others.
its not so much a problem of too many, i've been in the hobby for 20 years and have 6 armies for aos and 6 for 40k (as well as 2 for warmachine and several boxes of dnd minis)

the issue is more 'too much at once'. if you buy 2 or 3 armies at the same time, or i'd say within the span of a year or two, you will find your self with an overwhelming backlog of unpainted grey plastic and that is often the biggest and most immediate cause of burnout.

start with one army. and im not one of those "buy one box at a time and dont buy another until you paint it" people, but i dont recommend having more than one army under construction at a time per game, you will just get buried by the sheer time requirements of painting an army.

i do think having multiple combat patrol/spearheads going at once is manageable though, if you can pick up a spearhead and then just leave it at that.

I'm reaching the point of "too many" I think.
I have 12 armies of 2000points or more, 5 of which are over 5k and one over 10k.
I'm running out of shelf and storage space as a result.
I play four of those armies regularly.
Oh yeh, Gunnar was my favourite character back in 1996
dragon ogres aren't actually beastmen mutants, despite being found often in their armies

if you don't accept tzaangors as your answer then the closest things you can find to less savage beastmen are 40k's imperial beastmen or the ancestors of tzaangors in aos, you can read about them in the twistfray fluff, or some types of beastmen from fantasy, for example ind was noted for having tigermen but while brutal, they weren't quite as bestial as the conventional goatmen of the forests of the empire.
the south pole of the warhammer world was also the home of beastmen that didn't get born from mutations in a human population but purely from mutated animals and from breeding with demons, some of these accompanied archaon when he use the southern portal to reach the northern one and interestingly enough they started to mutate, but instead of mutating into more bestial forms they mutated into more human-like forms
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Any tips or suggestions for the base? I'm going to drybrush the rock after another black wash.

I have agrellan earth and AK muddy earth but idk how to drybrush or undercoat/basecoat whatever basing paste I use. I'm leaning to agrellan earth with some arid sandy drybrushing. idk guys help me out here.
the blades of khorne vanguard/spearhead is not bad if you don't mind the older models it comes with. the slaughterpriest it comes with is a different variant but I don't think anybody at any LGS will care. It's 50/50 if a GW event will permit it.

If you own enough daemons (and like the daemons part) then just get the priest, the altar and the spells. You can maybe kitbash the priest if you have similar weapons and a khorne-y helmet.

Maybe check for 40k khorne berzerker or AoS blood warrior/skullreaper bits on ebay and get some helmets and glue it to the chaos warrior if you can find them easily and then paint him red. maybe take off the shield arm and put some severed heads or another weapon to differentiate him more. Paint a gold khorne icon on his cape or something idk.
Ngl, meeting new people was more entertaining than the games I played in 3rd ed.
I did spot a trend among the worst of waacfags
>Getting tabled by a small piece of shit, who copied a netlist and proxied it with paper cutout bases. The kind of piece of shit who yells I glee at every 6 he rolled
>Getting tabled by waacfag, who's SoB army consisted of four empty 160mm bases. He scored second place in the tournament
>Getting tabled by stonehorn spamming ogre player, who rolled hot on charges and threw most of my army off the table with a double turn. His stonehorns were either proxies or empty bases
I'd recommend you highlight his skin a little more. It looks flat and unfinished, compared to his armor
...why were they allow to play with proxies in a tourney? The other two things were things you allowed unless they kept out useful info
Oh boy, trading my octarius terrain and some orks for a big ol bunch of ossiarch dudes. Anyone know what the deal with ossiarch is?
>four empty 160mm bases
What is even going through head of such people... What is the point of such game, where is the fun or having army that is just empty round circles?
I'd have respect for even just like, a funny idea to go alongside a base with no giant. Like an overly elaborate old terrain base with just a guy with an assault rifle or something stupid.

Especially if you're gonna be that fucking guy and just netdeck your fucking list up to some meta slop.

They used to be a recursion heavy army with complex tactics and an answer to every situation, now they are usually played as a super elite army with simple but strong battle traits.

If you don't have any Morghast or deathriders I suggest you get some.
So are beasts of chaos going to be played as dark oath now? Kinda weird they don’t have a marauder chariot too…
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I'm a bit torn. Since Chaos Dwarfs are coming, I'd like to get them some slave warriors. Horns of Hashut and Hobgoblins feel natural, but what about Black Orcs? Apparently a few of them still remained, so I'm thinking a unit of five for a display board. Question is, do I opt for the old Black Orc kit or the new 'Ardboys?

I hope not for their sake, Darkoath have terrible rules.
I think they'll look too neat stood next to the Horns, also the sculpts are showing their age. Just go for the Ardboyz kit.
Either proonts or the new ones. Unfortunately neither actually look like the artwork, it's either chunky-clunky or smashed-and-battered. I'd suggest putting helmets on all of them, tho.
What am I in for?
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From what I can tell the lot I'm getting has 6 morghasts and 3 of the multi head guys.
It would actually be quite fluffy to use the new ones, runaway slaves that have been recaptured aren't exactly going to be treated well, and slapping pigshit armour on them fits.
There rumors going on tgat the Gitmob army box is going to have Doomdiver catapult and wolf chariots
Heavily chapterized adventure comedy caper story with dwarfs in flying boats.
hell yeah
Scans are dead. Nagash won.
Slaughterpriest is legitimately huge. He's around the size of a terminator, maybe bigger. Chaos warriors are probably about chest height on him
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>around the size of a terminator
Too many is only a threshold that you can decide on your own. If you have space to store all of them, and enjoy painting lots of different stuff, there's no reason you could have one of every army. I think it's nice having multiple projects to work on because it gives you something to pivot to if you become burnt out or frustrated with one project. I think as your first army it's best to pick one that you're most excited to paint and have lots of ideas for
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I meant the new terminators not the stinky old ones from calth. But the point still stands, mf is beeg
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>new terminators not the stinky old ones
They're not that bigger
Hell if I know, I've got all 4 death armys and feel like that's probably my limit. But I figure they all cross polinate enough to be 1 pseudo massive fuckoff army.

>6 Morghast

That is a lot anon, certainly playable but people usually have one reinforced unit of 4.
GW wouldn't allow an older slaughterpriest? Why?
>If you own enough daemons (and like the daemons part) then just get the priest, the altar and the spells.
I'll probably just do this. Not too expensive by GW standards
I'm excited, seems like some cool models too and I just finished my Nagash and have a little on foot Arkhan too.
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>tfw made fluff for an ogre character
>tfw didn't actually get the army after all
>tfw just sad I can't make him official in the lore

>homebrew character
>official in the lore
Pick one
This meme isn't funny and the art is horrendous
can't you still get a miniature for your ogre and play it inside whatever other army you're playing?
Only know lore basics, but watched the 4th edition trailer and while I liked the art from what little I know the voiceover seemed stupid
>Waaah Sigmar resurrected me and promised infinite lives but it turns out it's only kind of inifinte waaaah
Am I missing something or was it unintentionally super entitled

Nagash + 4 Morghast is a good combo, you just throw the Morghast forward to fight, kill a bunch of stuff and die, then Nagash brings the unit back at full strength.
It was pointless. It was a marketing tactic making it seem like something big was gonna happen with Sigmar. It was a nothing burger about something everyone including people in universe already knew and they could've went with something else that would've done the job for hyping the Ruination chamber.

Oh and they were cutting corners like crazy on doing the animations (as in the movements) in the trailer. You see some of this too on the other recent CGI for Gdubs.
Yeah some of the animations looked like they were made during the turn of the millenium.
"Sigmar lied" sounds like a cool statement at face value, but when you think about it for a moment you realize it just comes off as being entitled.
Probably just needed a catchy phrase and went with it without thinking about how it would come off
yes you're missing that the lie is that they could win.
Tbf if someone promised you eternal life via a medical procedure, but then failed to mention you would slowly turn retarded over time, you'd prolly be kinda cheesed too
Yeah but if I was literally dying (or, in this case, dead) and they resurrected me with eternal life with that caveat, it'd seem kind of childish to whine about it when the alternative is permadeath.
Was that it? I guess it's a bit more understandable, though not sure what you're supposed to say as a god/general. "Oh we're definitely going to lose to this apocalyptic threat. Probably shouldn't even bother. gl tho!"
I think I'd rather be dead then slowly lose myself to dementia/autism. Maybe its because you're already autistic and why you can't understand that concept
But they're fine as long as they don't die, right? Is it just that they don't have the option to permanently die? Even if that is the case aren't you likely just to be a slave to Nagash upon permadeath?
Like if I'm dying but you resurrect me with the caveat that I lose 10% of my IQ points each time I die, I'm still gonna be grateful, especially if the alterative is an even worse existence. Obviously it'll suck if I die enough and am left eating crayons it'd suck
Homosexual here. I... I cannot stop painting Fyreslayers. They're too perfect. Please, send help.
Do you actually like the short naked man aesthetic? I'm glad someone does because I love dwarves, but I haven't met to many people that actually like the models themselves
>But they're fine as long as they don't die, right?
It's warhammer anon, people die nonstop all the time, in every conflict. That's what makes grimdark what it is
Sure, but as a lorlette your choices seem to be
>Get a second chance at life to take revenge on what killed you, protect your family/friends as a super-soldier
>End up as a slave to an undead god who may turn you into a monster forced to kill family/friends
If I'm wrong please tell me, but "Sigmar lied" gives me the same vibe as "You promised me a Lamborghini for my birthday and all I got was a Mercedes? I hate you daddy!"
What do people do, if their army gets removed and they can't afford a new one? Do people take a 2-3year old break saving up for a new army ir do they as their opponents to play prior editions.
I guess if it takes them 3 years to save ~$600-1k for a new 2k or ~$125 for a Spearhead and they still want to play then yeah, older editions are the best option. Not like they're doing tournaments or whatever if they're that broke, could even homebrew current edition rules if they're just playing garagehammer.
They change up the skaven color schemes or are they still the same as in fantasy
Why is 4th ed dying? Nobody seems excited about the new battletomes. Most people at my local store have swapped to playing 40k or card games
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Kinda interested in getting into AoS but I wanna know if there's a really shooty army. I assume Skaven and CoS are the shootiest but are there any other shooty armies?

Khadron Overlords are Shoot: The Army.

But shooting has been overall reduced in 4th.
KO is all shooting (and garbage), all of the elves and not-elves (Sylvaneth) have shooting builds, Tzeentch and Slaanesh can do shooting as well though Tzeentch isn't very good at it compared to the spelldom or Tzangor melee options.
Khadron is what I got suggested when I asked around myself when 4th came out both here and IRL friends and acquaintances. Steam punk dwarfs. Way too goofy looking for my tastes and this is as a person who loves the shorty and mechanical parts of WHFB dwarves. Ogres technically too but less of a selection and old models
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Kewl, any heroes I should shoot for? I kinda wanna pick up katakros or the funny pope in the leg chair. I already have Kainan and I think I heard he's good? I know Kainan is fucking scuffed in underworlds at least.
Katakros and Vokmortian are both great if you're not running Nagash
Good to know, though I might just end up running nagash for now since I got him. And it seems like he works best with his rezzes with these dudes since they're pretty heavy elite. As cool as another big death model would be admittedly.
Is there a PDF version of 4e rulebook availble.

I want to read the background for sigmar but not carry a giant book to work with me.
You're wrong and very autistic for having the same thing explained to you across multiple posts and still not understanding
I think the guy selling them did in fact have vokmortian. I'm not sure if he knows desu. He's showed me a weirdly organized lot. I'll take what I can get admitedly, i'm basically just dropping off my 40k stuff I had 0 intention on painting.
The condescending attitude and use of autism as an umbrella term leads me to believe you're probably >>94192959
In which case you haven't explained anything.
>I think I'd rather be dead then slowly lose myself to dementia/autism
Sure, but those aren't the options here. The options are
>Become a sigmarine, which means you lose bits of your soul every time you die, which could potentially take several lifetimes or be avoided entirely if you are good/lucky enough. Also means you'll be able to continue defending your people for the forseeable future
>Go to Shyish and likely end up a slave of Nagash, which may end up with you deployed as a monster against your own people
>he still doesn't get it
Ngmi rainman
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Not that gay anon above, but I bought Fyreslayers because my playgroup doesn't have anyone who plays them and I found a bulk lot for an insanely cheap price, so I bought them. Absolutely fucking killed my passion and desire to paint as I was working through over 60 dwarves at a time. Yes, batch painting is for psychopaths. I had to take a couple months off but something in me went back to the Slayers and I'm about 80% through my entire 2000 point army now and I'm actually starting to enjoy painting them. I only do about 3 at a time, and mainly the characters because I enjoy painting them more than battleline. I think knowing that the project is almost done (minus basing them all) has energized me and given me a push to finish these little shits. Still think their aesthetic is a bit shit and I'm hoping they get some new models in poses and design like the warcry box has, but just gotta wait for that. Here's my Runesmiter and Auric Flame keeper I've been working on when I get spare time
How were you planning to make him official? Get a writing job at Black Library?
Does Brokk has authority outside of Barak Nar?
Apologies if this is obvious, but can I only use this once per charge phase, regardless of how many units I've charged with?
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I washed and drybrushe the base but I think it's missing something. Should I get some shrubs or give the drybrushing another try?

The slaughterpriest in the Khorne Spearhead box is a different variant of the regular slaughterpriest called a "slaughterpriest with hackblade." he has the horned helmet with a ball and chain around his arm.
this guy is in the khorne spearhead

this guy is the regular slaughterpriest

I meant to say that most people will probably let you proxxy that slaughterpriest with hackblade as a regular one. I've never been to an events so idk how strict GW is with proxies, even if it's just a slight variant of the same model.
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I think this base could've done with some smaller rocks piled up around the tactical rock, and then a single tuft could've easily brought it back to life. Currently it's very very flat in a sortve unnatural way. If you decide to stick some rocks around the tactical rock now I'd probably build your texture paste up along where they meet the base and then hit the whole thing with some more drybrushing
Please consult these tips when taking pictures of your stuff. Taking pics of minis in hand is one of the easiest ways to make them look like ass even if they're fairly nicely done

I think GW fucked up hard with the squattening, it really eroded trust and interest in AoS in my area.
Each unit can use it once. It's the unit using it, not your army (in which case you wouldn't pick a friendly target) so you can use it as many times as you have charging units.
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>people who weren't buying anything aren't buying anything anymore

Speaking for myself, I have 13k of Stormcast and am not going to buy any ruination chamber stuff, I also skipped skaventide.

To be fair GW has made this an easy decision by giving ruination chamber bad rules, but if that changes I'll be proxying.
They're still rats, blue furred ones aren't a thing
That really doesn't matter much, save the few who were actively building an army (which may not matter for Bonesplitterz soon and won't for BoC). Everyone in my area has continued to play with their stuff without complaint and will do for another three years at least.
>muh tournaments don't permit...
Something like 0.0001% of players attend those lmao
The real reason the game is in a slump is because it's now a very abstract game with arbitrary points systems and heavy on feel bad attrition/regurgitation moments. It's too technical in many ways and too simplistic in others
Nah I'll take photos of my minis however I want. Not taking them to impress you, I'm happy with how they look so far. Maybe when they're all done, based and together I'll take some "professional" shots, but as they're still WIPs, I don't care
GW kicked off the edition with mass squatting into shitty index rules into battletomes that nobody seems interested in buying, even in hugbox forums like TGA.

It's not a great start to the edition. Not unrecoverable, probably, but there's very little right now to make anyone actually enthusiastic about 4E.
I need more bits.
When should we expect Slavs to Drakness
this Sunday is UW, then kill team then StD
After both the Skaven and the Stormcast Eternals battletomes have been fully scanned from cover to cover and linked here. Which is to say you shouldn't expect Sukablyats of Darkness soon.
We literally cannot see your paintjob from how blurred and shit the image is, the other anon may be a bit gay sending that image to a random wip pic, but come on man
Actual pissbaby, go back
Wasn't posting a picture for the purpose of critique or showing off, just to show I'm having fun painting them, but I'll obviously take a bit more time when I want to show them off. This was just a grab and go situation
Late 2024, early 25 if GW fucks up
November December time i think will be left for the new release of MESBG
Before the end of the year.
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Quick question as i'm seeing conflicting information online

Forward to Victory, do you declare before or after you attempt the charge roll?
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>I'm thinking a unit of five for a display board
Perhaps see if you can get your hands on Ironskull's Boyz and the TOW Black Orc Bigboss.
They were running ironskulls as part of the stormbringer magazine stuff weren't they.
Yeah, issue 70.
So is alarielle the only bug themed model or are there others in the green realm that are bugs?
Sylvaneth have quite a few other buggy models, Maggotkin have fly cavalry, and Gloomspite Gitz have the Arachnarok spider and spider riders.
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a few bugs here and there
they should have made the kurnouth on beetle a generic character or have a generic character build
tbf he was made for 4e, which has the design brief of list restriction and hero simplification
Really wish we got some regular fairy spites too but ig that'd clash with TOW now
Should've kept the bug spites to tree folk and given noble spirits humanoid ones
All Sylvaneth mounts are insects
Who's the bottom right?

Arch revenant
Thanks. (I love when somebody is posing with a head or a skull.)
I dunno if 4th edition is dying but my hype for it deflated pretty quickly and my LGS who were initially interested it went back to 40k (which I think is inevitable anyways).

My problem with it is they revamped a game that didn't really need it and scrapped a lot of flavorful army rules and complexity for a game that's less balanced and not really that much faster. The indexes by and large suck ass, they somehow did worse than 40k's barring Eldar bringing broke as fuck.

The worst part is there's nothing to get excited for in future tomes. They're not reintroducing complexity or meaningful flavor battle traits. AORs are more of a narrative concept and there's plenty of shitty 3+ rolls plaguing the game that either your army hinges on or just doesn't do anything at all to be worth it. Underdog is another mechanic that's funny since it kicks in at battleround 2, many times I'll end up getting the bonus cp or bonus while having or starting to have board dominance.

I know it's not going to get better because they're repeating the same mistakes they did in the past and not really learning from it. Shit like foot combat heroes being shitty and overpriced, undervaluing movement tricks and overvaluing healing, pretending the game is a lot less killy than it actually is. I'd love to see a community backed 3e ruleset that gained traction.
>people who bought into and played the game, are doing neither
I hope you enjoy Warhammer Fantasy/4e 40K, because you clearly didn't learn the lesson from those games. It turns out when no one wants to play the game, no one buys it, and then it dies.

Real head scratcher, huh?
Hero from the Sylvaneth vs Gitz box
why give him a bitch's face?
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I hate the regiment system.
Regiment system hates you more
Oh Lord terminos isn't a named hero. Weird fucking title. Kinda wish he could join another hero though.
Why the fuck would he be a named hero when he doesn't have a name?
Lord terminos sounds like a name.
So are there any words if they'll release a Skaventide-esque thing without the Stormcast half?
There's a lot of factions they could have paired them against that I'd have vibed with, but I'm just not a big Stormcast man.
I'm torn on it. I recognize that it is currently much more cumbersome to some armies than others, and that many players may feel limited by it for no benefit. But I also think it is a cool structural feature of army building and I think it could be a lot of fun if only there were more rules interactions with it.
Usually is quite a while before they release them separately and will always be way more expensive than picking up a starter box half on ebay or local buy/sell groups
I appreciate that it brings something of a thematic level of army building (aside from the Heroes where their Regiments are "just take whatever lol") but, man, it gets a bit tedious after a while.
Honestly I don't think I've ever seen anybody with Stormcast that didn't just come bundled with something else. If they're even painted more than base coat it's just the three color good nuff strat at that.
My brain had blocked out the idea somebody would be selling just the rats on eBay.
I actually wish Skaventide sold badly so I could get a box for cheap as shit
stormcast half is actually kinda drying up. Or at least they arent as cheap as launch anymore.
delete this, it goes against our narrative
Bought some corks for basing. I didn't want to spend money on ebay but then I realized I was trying to figure out alternative ways that included getting drunk on wine/buying it for others and keeping the corks and then I realized that would be more expensive and also retarded. Sometimes the work around is.... le bad.
I've heard rumors regarding this, any basis? I absolutely love Dwarves, but the naked fat man and steampunk aesthetic, while cool, aren't really my jam. I'm more into the Tolkein style, though I know they're more eastern/Persian influence
>Also I do BoK, any chance they'll have renown shenanigans where I can use daemons? I know they worship a different god, so not expecting anything
They’re plastered all over the new corebook, it’s got a bunch of “ooh…. They’re Coming!!!!!!” passages all over it and the new maps in it specifically note where their forge-cities are. It’s also a whitefang rumor, but basically no more info from them besides what you can already assume from that
NTA, but I've personally never seen more forward teases about a potential new faction than those.
I think everyone knows someone with an alcoholic white mother or aunt who crushes a bottle of wine every two days or less. I dunno how many you needed but wine milfs are an international phenomenon and definitely not in short supply
They got the wine bottles with the screw on/off tops, not the corks so it's a no-go.
>a few remain
Sounds more like a hook for Gorgrim Sideiron, last son of Gork, to rise up and unite all the destruction forces in a great green tide.
>W from TOW sold badly!
>X from 40k sold badly!
>Y from AoS sold badly!
>Z from HH sold badly!
Then why can't I find a box, huh? Why can't I? Someone is holding out on me.
You just need to hang out with richer milfs
The only real indication of something selling poorly or selling well is whether they get removed from the model line or have more added to their model line
Or being a GW accounts employee
I actually said it didn't sell badly but I wish it did, so I could buy it for cheap as chips.
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I want to get into AoS and AoS lore so i can pick an army that jives with me personally but from an outsider perspective it honestly seems like to me out of all the original AoS factions, Stormcast have so much effort put into their “cool factor” nobody else hardly gets any.
Define cool factor
They get juicier gear, armor, lore and models than everyone else by so much more it’s ridiculous. Cities of Sigmar seem one-note next to them and every other faction is a creature-feature when I generally prefer cool gear and weapons. I like Stormcast at a glance but I don’t like feeling pigeonholed.
If you're not into spooky ghouls, goblins, monsters, and ghosts you're looking at the wrong game. 40k is the game for people who want 30 different rules profiles for guys who look the same but are carrying different flashlights
I guess they get the most stuff but idk I've always felt SCE stuff tends to feel a little phoned in to me.
StD is Stormcast and CoS as 1 faction (and evil), so if your goal is variety then they easily have 1 over SCE
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Will river and zenith releas simultaniously?
We've already got River scouts. We need the Aelementor and the mage for them. I'd bet that's all we get. I think they'd save Zenith for Tyrion and finishing out Vanari.
Don't you have cork drink coasters? They're pretty cheap and should be available in any home decor store.
Fellow kharadrons
how the fuck do you play this faction this edition?
I'm on my tenth game and still am not getting shit done
Can't interact with endless spells, shooting is way weaker than meleeing, and high save with no ward means nothing with having having anti-X and super high rend
Is there any secret sauce or it's just time to shelf the faction for a while
it's hard to imagine they would release 3 centerpieces at once (river elemental, zenith elemental and tyrion)
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Stoopid question; do Mega-gargants have a secret move "drop p̶a̶n̶t̶s̶ loincloth and piss (or shit) at enemies"? (Caution: image might contain anatomically correct giants.)
That is possible but they mostly just stomp people into dirt
Why would they expose weak spots like that?
Gatebreaker wears a gate too resiliant for him to break down there for protection

Shelf faction, there's a few of those in 4th.
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I think this guy came out okay
>Why would they expose weak spots like that?
>Gatebreaker wears a gate too resiliant for him to break down there for protection
Aren't Gatebreakers slowly becoming...bfrigid?
Face seams unishinished.
can't see shit
You should buy it in sheets/rolls. No one is tearing apart bottle corks for basing...
I couldn't see his eyes honestly, so I didn't do them
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I'm trying to come up with a fun Fyreslayers scheme, my working theory is that unusual skintones might make them more interesting.

Which one do you prefer /aosg/?
Right one with stone skin. (Left one looks overcooked.)
left looks better
lighter tones on the beards only make them look more fake and by having both the beards and the skin a darker tone you can make any sort of rune or metallic or glowing effect much more visible

a dark beard like that can also be used as a canva to add small variations between units or for heroes, like a few streaks of white for oldfags, or tips ritually drenched in blood, or fiery effect within the hair for some heroes or wizards, or blue, some cold colours always help in making a fyreslayer scheme look more complete
right side. you would need some bright yellow shading for the left one to work to make them look molten and lava-y like a magmadroth

do right side, give them yellow eyes. Look at the Dark Iron dwarves and blackrock orcs from WoW or WFB chaos dwarves for inspo. I recommend burnt umber colors like rhinox hide, dark khaki colors, reddish browns, light greys, dark metals and charcoal colors. if you want some brightness then go for gold or bright brass
I like the right one, looks molten
might look even better with some dark bronze bits and a magma-y base
Are you partially blind?
You could probably do just some little grey or white teeny tiny brush dots then skin color over the top of any bleed through areas.
Can I ask for the recipe for the dark jron dude?
why don't these guys ever wear armor on their ankles and shins?
>inb4 they can just step on anyone close enough to hit those parts

alright then why don't they wear armor on their chest to deter missile fire?
thoughts on statuecast?
Not my thing.
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cool for a test model, not for an army
statuecasts as an army would require way more attention
I once tried to think of a way for doing it as a scheme, but it's far from practical, just a mental thing

>if I had to come up with something that's slightly at odds with what others have done while playing into the aforementioned hard lines instead of treating them as more normal warriors I'd suggest coming up with a good recipe for bronze in various stages: pristine and polished, normal, partially oxidized, very oxidized
>so that you could play around in a way that's very visible the amount of reforging and the degree of "ruin" the individual stormcast has gone through

>one suggestion to ramp up their azyr-powered nature would be to unashamedly steal mtg's direction for their not!greek gods, with stars in the shadows and recesses and/or as if the clothes and banners were pieces of the night sky itself (painted by stippling ahead of everything), similar effect could be applied to some of their beasts to give the sense they're zodiacal manifestations

>with that in mind then it's a matter of drawing attention to the key areas: heads and weapons, giving the heads a marble/porcelain look would work easily and as for the weapons it's just a matter of making them silvery and with lightning effects (perhaps running for some length through their arm and body too)

>then you can use gold inlays, more lava or blood effect, and personal engravings in their armour to remember who they were before to add extra individual touches
Fun concept. Seen Good executions but I doubt whole army could work. Especially heroes.
That's kinda what I came to terms with for Statuecast, I wanted to do the brass statue covered in patina but I realized it would be hard to really pull that off in a consistently good (at least by my standards) way.

Instead I went with the same Warplock brass base, brightened it with some drybrushing. And added moss and things to it and went for more magical forest cast.
Is there a pdf or Imgur summarizing the updated Skaven warscrolls from the BT?

Terrestrial titan (Dark purple)
Uniform gray main highlight
Mixture of uniform gray and mocca skin highest highlight.

All AP fanatic paints.
>still no proper scans
Lord do I miss the days of 2e when it was a given that any rulebook would be published digitally.
Yeah, the best we can hope for how is app codes for sale but that'll just be the gaymer edition with no fluff or tutorials
That's exactly why GW stoped doing that
I had planned on painting the Skaventide half as stone/metal statues but greenstuff and sculpt vines and plants growing out of them, making their bases all heavily jungle style, but I just don't think it'll look good. In fact, typing this has convinced me of it
I painted mine with pixelated as inspiration but I still think I went a bit more on the traditional skin side. If I had the strength to repaint my Slayers I'd go a bit more wacky with them, so I really like your two test models and it's a shit answer, but I genuinely like both. I'd say I'm leaning more towards the dark beards though, it looks good
Right all the way

>Kill Team week
>no Underworlds or anything AoS
Absolute cockfucks
Underworlds is probably next week
Would this be the rerelease of previous warbands? I'm desperate for the Sons of Velmorn
Underworld is the 2nd of November we were told this beforehand
don't know but they will have a road map of upcoming releases
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>No Aos
Apparently there'll be stormcast warhammer heroes, they mention it in the video? If you google it some stores have it up for pre-order already. Odd that they don't mention it in the article.
why would they mention a blind box that they only sell in japan to third parties?
Ah cheers
Just learned that Skragrott's Moon Onna Stikk is a pun on a phrase I've never heard before
Can be done well.
whats the phrase?
>Oy luvme unn on em tick
It's North English
I really am glad to see so many anons actually like underworlds, which is a bummer that GW continues trying to kill it.
New edition and promising consistency with warband availability is killing it?
"Moon on a stick" is a rare-ish American English metaphor that relates to wanting lots of things, including that which is unfeasible or impossible. Usually worded as "What more do you want, the moon on a stick?" or "[X] wants everything and the moon on a stick".
retailers seem to be less gun-ho about though
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If GW actually goes on a re-rereleas spree with old bands, like some speculate, that would probably be one of the best things that could happen for the game
It screws with matched play listbuilding based on rules drawn from narrative standpoints which is a meme design.

But to be honest I hate the current season rules more then the regiment system by itself
Why did nobody tell me the model has a chudjak head option?
We thought you knew already
I'll be excited if they actually decide to make old warbands again and make them not shit. If shit like eyes of the nine, godsworn, or Khagra's come with a fresh update
Assuming I know anything at all is a highly irresponsible thing to do.
We sent you an email. Haven't you read it?
/qa/-core is /aosg/ culture though
It's already confirmed by GW themselves
I'd like to believe them but I am gonna hold back from high hopes. It's neat that they're going for a fresh slate, even though I'm a bit peeved that they're making every single old rivals deck meaningless (hypothetically, nothing is stopping me from just using all the old shit) but I'd find it hard to believe they'll go all out on warbands they don't have plans on re-releasing.

People have been assuming based on the card "art" the warbands that show up are the ones that will be back so we'll have: Crimson Court, Kainan's Reapers, Headsman's Curse, Blade coven, Soulraid, Arenai, Thundrik's Profiteers, Shadeborn, Brethren of the Bolt, Hexbane's Hunters, Da Kunnin Krew, Rippa’s Snarlfangs, Ephilim's Pandemonium, Gorechosen, Khagra's ravagers, and Gnarlspirit pack

If the Skaven and Stormcast books are any indication then each army gets one underworlds unit back.
I hope it's Godsworn hunt for STD, Darkoath need them.
When is stormbringer ending? I wanna see the skaven variation to come.
No, the videos and articles have said so? 20 old warbands, keep up with the news if you're going to cry about it bitch
Ended, but the new mag won't start until 40ks has ended next year
no it's 16 old warbands, 2 new ones, and 2 new ones in the core box dummy.
FOLLOWUP, holy shit I think I hit the fucking motherload. They just dumped the ossiarchs and like an entire tomb kings army and some other shit.

I'll see if I can get this organized with some pics.
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So inside the bags of stuff he gave me I just have all this tomb kings stuff, metal characters I think these are old wight kings in metal and Kemmler and Krell.
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And then also the ossiarchs, I think they fucked up the big dudes though since they're only in groups of 2... but whatever this is nuts.
Tomb king stuff looks printed
It's either Metal or GW plastic, no resin except Kemmler and Krell are finecast.
Maybe the lighting is just giving it the resin watery effect I suppose.
>Eightpoints has fallen
Was that a Battleforce? Seams like a lot of fucking Morghasts
Maybe? The dude who was trading me said he just got a random bigass AoS lot. I checked for battleforces or army boxes and bare minimum they'd have at least 20 mortek minimum.
did he explain the TK?
I don't think he has any clue on Age of Sigmar, he was a big 40k player. I just happened to have like 3 killa kans, a warboss in mega armor, and the octarius terrain box. I think he just thought all the skeletons and undead guys were the same thing so he lotted them all together.
but there on square bases
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Man I got no clue, but I'll take what I can get I guess.
If they do that I'll forgive them. okay I won't but I really want the models.
I know what that is, Feats of Bones (morteks+Vokmortian+Stalkers+2 Morghasts) and some extra Morghasts
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Oh shit, so it is. Nice catch anon. I'm still wondering why he made 3 of each morghast though since they only go in groups of 2.
I want to see this happen, if only to fuck over those piece-of-shit price gougers on eBay.
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Glad i got mine a long time ago.
Inspired rule for the 2 non-bosses is their boss being killed, which i find quite funny
How much of a leap is it to bash Stormcast as S2D? Sigmarines are cheaper plastic, but I probably only want them as Warrior conversions. Do I just need enough spiky bits to make it convincing?
always have and will hate super gimmicky army themes like that, unless they are MAJORLY converted to fit the theme better, and have some reasoning behind why they fit in AoS (or whfb or 40k)
And even when done really well i still question it
still hate that they basically did nothing interesting with the poses or anything with the sculpts for them being new models
The only upsides is maybe the new knight arcanum sculpt and thats like it
To be fair the primaris versions of these were JUST about as bad, but thats a given for primaris. This definitely could and should have been more unique sculpts and should fit together more like a warband for warcry (i know you can just play all those models in warcry, but its not the same as like "the blacktalons" with new rules and some unique stuff)
biggest issue is that SCE always have that distinct chestplate with sculpted in abs and pecs and that would absolutely stand out on a chaos warrior
Blegh. Figures. Maybe I'll pick up a sprue and see if I can file it off without it looking like shit.

Any other Kitbash tricks for Slaves?
Paint the armor black with a gold trim and nobody will notice.
Biggest question is are the standard sce on the same bases as warriors
>them being new models
I thought they're just regualr models cut out as 1-offs, like they do with model of the month
>I think I'd rather be dead then slowly lose myself to autism

true but still rude.
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Got my old boners from 2ed in the lightbox today. One of these days I'll have to start my skeletons from cursed city.
I don't think it's rude to acknowledge how difficult it would be to live with a limited understanding of emotions
Lookin good though your executioner is missing his noose!
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Ye it snapped off ages ago and at one point I had it on hand to glue back on, but it disappeared into the ether at some point. Also got some pics of some other ancient projects I hadn't got pics of while I was at it
Lookin good anon, I gotta get a lightbox to do some mini photographs one of these days.
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Honestly I dunno if you need one if you've got a good backdrop and some lamps. It's just nice having an area to contain the light and reflect it back on your subject. That's how I did a lot of my stuff for a while
I just use a black tshirt and my lamp(s) for most shots. Lightbox can sometimes be hell to get good shots on.
I figure if I can get a good enough shot with some decent lighting to show the bits I wanna show it should be fine I spose. Still would be nice having a dedicated spot for it haha
What would be considered cheap? I've seen 180.
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I think the main problems with the Ironjawz is that their armor is yellow. Armor is supposed to be metallic, not fucking yellow.
can't take them seriously because of their baby booties
orks look better in 40k
>No ass no pass
>Armor is supposed to be metallic, not fucking yellow.
This is the worst kind of autism
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>I think the main problems with the Ironjawz is that their armor is yellow

should have remained black with red accents
Pretty boring
Here actually good version of what you tried to doodle.
Together with non-green skin for better effect
Picking a white skin tone makes this even more boring
You yourself said he was a 40K player. He probably built everything without reading the rules and assumed that you could buy individual models and not full units. That used to be an extremely common misconception.
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Pick up some of the old (now Old World) Knight weapons and heads, and some 40K pauldrons.
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These look not very good
Honestly, they're not too shabby! They could stand to be a bit spikier and maybe add a bit more evil bits but they got the look down.
What kind of plastic is this? Are they 3D printed or is GW making some weird shit overseas?
I don't play AOS but the models are amazing to look at. Is there a market for people buying assembled and painted armies like in 40k? I'd love to buy and paint some but I'd need to resell them because I'm a poorfag.
I saw people selling painted stuff, but mostly in those "pro painted" memes.
Yeah people will buy fully painted armies off ebay, but the market is a decent bit smaller so you'd be waiting longer for a sale
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Novellas or the whole novels?

Just find yourself one kit you really like and paint that for your shelf, I'm sure even a poor can do that.

The sort of midsized 200-300 point heroes are perfect for this, I'm talking stuff like Yndrasta, Radukar the beast, Treesong Revenant, Eternus and the Mangler squigs.

These aren't too expensive, costing usually about as much as a box of basic troops but are wonderful for painting.
Pretty sure it's Ghoulslayer, Gitslayer and Soulslayer + some short stories or novellas. Nothing is confirmed so far, but judging by authors on the cover and how BL releases its stuff.
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Is there a pic that compiles every chaos sorcerer lord model? I want to collect them all and I know I'm missing at least two.
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The main problem with Ironjawz is that they all look like the same model in different sizes. They are missing less armoured boyz/boarboyz, armoured goblins and other miscelaneous monstrous units that aren't BRUTES BUT BIGGER or brutes but smaller.

That aside, I get that they wanted to make black orcs: the faction, but why change the look of the armour so radically? And why does it look so weird compared to literally every depiction of a heavily armoured orc?
They just give a completely different vibe.
so play TOW instead pissbaby
40k refugee here, is 2k the standard in aos? i put a list together with the small amount ive got and was shocked to find that i already had a lot of points from nothing

a friend wants to learn the game and was interested in having 1k battles but i argued that its going to be skewed heavily towards certain armies. is it even worth having 1k battles?

Yeah 2k is a standard game, and yes getting to 2k is generally a lot cheaper than in 40k.

As for 1k games they are fun but indeed very swingy and some armies barely function at that size.
well im liking it so far, means i dont have to fork out a fortune for another army at least

thought that might be the case. it was going to be skaven vs ironjaws or stormcast
Stfu, they added a single squig model to the army and it's a fucking eyesore that ruins the vibe
how far back do you want to go?
>hey this orcs have a different vibe I wonder what they did to their design that makes it feel so different
>go play a different game with 10% of the support
Why are you like this.
6th I suppose. I know there's a few metal ones they just re-released for TOW.
WAAAAH why is AoS not like Total War! I hate Ironjawz, why can't they look like Total War!
So old warbands will return in big boxes of 4. Cards for all sixteen warbands are bundled and sold separately from the models.

What is Flex (in context of warband}? Army that sucks at everything?
>Ylthari's Guardians returning
>Skaeth's Wild Hunt canned
Good riddance. Rest in piss, furshits.
These jews are completely allergic to anything that cost less than 150$. What a god awful product.
You might want to stop projecting.
>maneater instead of icebrow hunter
>Idoneth Underworlds team canned without getting an individual release
>I'll never get that big squid.
I'm actually very mad about this
They might get rereleased for the wargame without getting rules in Underworlds. Like the Stormcoven and Plaguepack.
Where are they running?
Probably to >>94204208
Get your AI slop out of here.
Btw, wtf is this?
"new warband" x3
Yeah, sure great map.
Gw kick the fag from current PR department please
How can you tell Games Workshop doesn't use AI art in their books? I recall GW distinctly not revealing names of artists (even cover artists) working for them.
The concept of a roadmap.
They get worst every time
What I'm getting from that is that before 2025 GW will be releasing a new core set, sixteen reboxed old warbands, two new warbands, and two new rivals decks. So that's what I can expect to see within the next couple months. With that in mind I feel decently informed on what the schedule for the new edition will look like at launch.
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These aren't all of them, but a few you might want to catch
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Testing a scheme for my LumiElves. Still got work to go but I think I'm a Pro Acryl shill now
GW turning all their efforts to creating worse roadmaps each time.
Why is Horny Wizard of Tzeentch (bottom left corner) so muscular? (Anyone's got a back side view? Seems there's something very wrong with his anatomy.)
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I disagree with that it's better than the AoS one they showed last month it's readable at least
chaos sorcerers are allowed to get swole on chaos
and it's far easier to draw and sculpt a muscular human figure than a non-muscular one, unless you're allowed to make something grotesque or uncanny or covered up
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games day 2010 limited model, btw
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Any recommendations for a good orange paint? GWs are chalky af
Is that their paint for the orange/tan?
Recasts don't directly fuck over these evil retards.
Woof no sons. I guess it's nice they're finally just selling the cards seperate for this update.
gw magmadroth flame if youre looking for contrast, vallejo clear orange is also decent enough
Fingers crossed that Sons of Velmorn are rereleased outside WU. They could call it a Wight Court or some shit. Everyone would love it.
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True, but given hw insanly popular those vampires were i woulnd't call their inclussionin the Soulblight slot a miss
>OOP item
3-4* RRP is fine given it's still under $100
Fuck scalpers and all but these aren't so bad imo

I wonder if those featured in these boxes are the ones definitely *not* getting rereleased for AoS?

It's a shame if the Vampires don't return for Soulblight.
God, that's awful. It was bad enough that certain warbands were never sold separately, you had to buy a box shared with another warband. Now you have to buy 4 of them...
Everytime you purchase something from GW for less than $150 they weep bloody tears and promise themselves "never again"
I feel like it's better than the previous batch roadmaps.
Makes sense in some fucked up kind of way, I kept wondering if they were gonna have em all in single boxes again. Kind of a bummer, would have been funny if they just released a box of every single stormcast warband though.
Tbf soulblight is seemingly getting some shit soon, new graveguard, possible new zombie dragon, etc.

I do like the crimson court, fantastic models. So fantastic I think they came with a warcry set recently.
The last roadmap was shit in an entirely different way, but it at least provided some actual workable information, if you managed to decode the nausea inducing formatting. (next 3-4 battletomes, new spearheads, army boxes, narrative book, etc)

This is an entire placeholder image that just tells us they will release three standalone warbands (no hints) sometime over the course of the entire next year. It's like 6 words of actual new info set over a copy-paste background.
Nah, those were more specific. This is basically just "things will release in 2025"
Holy shit Ossiarch points are fucking great. Thanks to Nagash I nearly got a whole 2k point list, just need 10 more mortek and the little bone pope in leg chair. This feels fucking great.

That's great anon, I hope you have fun.
dude how many times are you going to post about this?
Brutes and Bandits seams interesting.
death one would have been kino if i didn't already have most of the bands
Sorry I'm just really excited. Getting to learn and read into a new army is fun! Also having an actual gameplan from step 1 feels fantastic! I can shut up for a bit though!
So this card box is basically just the character cards and warband scroll right? Since we have to use rivals for the 1 of 4 and no more faction decks. Neat, I guess. Hipefully they don't shaft the guys who didn't get physically re-released.
It says 16 warbands on the box. 16 is also how many of the bands are getting repackaged. The 2 main box ones already have their cards.
It annoys me.
>You want this one warband? You just have to buy another three warbands in addition to the one you actually want.
>You want the deck of cards to be able to play that warband? Well, if you want it you have to buy the cards for another fifteen warbands, twelve of which you don't have.
>Warbands coming back
>Stormcoven are now generic
>Stormcoven are not for sale and not coming back and were only available in a dual box
Oh okay
>>Stormcoven are not for sale and not coming back
Bro just hold it for another five days it's not that long
I feel worse for anyone who got rivals of shadespire and got absolutely fucked.

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