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Revitalizing Standard Edition


The 2025 MagicCon and Pro Tour Schedule:

Metagame Mentor: The Scariest Standard Strategies in Duskmourn:


>Current meta, complete with deck lists
>Build and share casual decks

>Build and share Cubes

>Search engines
>Proxy a deck or a cube for cheap
>Play online for free

>What is EDH?


What's your favorite Standard deck of all time?
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>What's your favorite Standard deck of all time?
Black control with Damnation, Urza's Factory and Skeletal Vampire.
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bets on what we'll see at the panel?
Lazy copy of old mechanic, but power crept.
>This was an actual wincon to a real, actually strong control deck in Standard
>Urzatron was not in the same Standard
oh I though I added that already. also putting in old spell/effect with set mechanic
Nice. If I still played I would consider them.
I never even got to use these after I got them.
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Small change. I think the addition of a restriction makes it more interesting to consider.
convoke bros we got too cocky...
some new retarded ward
>you used to have to spend 7 mana to get value after a boardwipe
Absolute state of this format
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Forgive the blogpost, but this TQ really resonated with me. Most of my good memories of this game are from playing standard. For context I started playing when Mardu Vehicles and Hazoret Red were the decks to beat, especially for a poor college student with no money for a meta deck.
Basically any deck where Llanowar Elves->Steel Leaf Champion was an available line were my favorites.
Probably the most meta-relevant one was
>Wildgrowth Walker/Branchwalker/Jadelight
>Llanowar Elves/SLC
>black splash for removal and Winding Constrictor
But there was a period of time where a fun elfball deck existed with
>Llanowar Elves
>Beast Whisperer for draw
>Marwyn the Nurturer
I would play a bunch of "pump/untap" spells, make a billion mana, and cast Finale of Devastation, finding End-Raze Forerunners to overrun my board. Was fun for the few months it was available.
But my actual favorite deck was the first one I ever built. It was a horrible shitpile of draft chaff and cheap commons/uncommons, but it was mine.
>Llanowar elves
Obviously, as well as the single copy of Steel Leaf that I pulled from a pack. >Elfhame druid
>Grow from the Ashes
>Untamed Kavu
>Territorial Allosaurus
I liked the kicker synergy with ramp. And the best part of the deck was the grindy loop I thought was so clever
>Memorial to Unity
>Mending of Dominaria
>Nature's Spiral
Churn through the deck with mending/memorial, reanimate the memorials once mending ults, and rebuy mending with the natures spiral you just tucked in to your library once you draw it again. I didn't win many games but it was fun. Pic rel put in work.
>implying its a worse game of magic than
>3 mana 5/5 flyer that makes a new guy every turn
>4 mana 5/6 with two upsides and graveyard synergy
>Board wipe? No prob, here's a whole new board in need of wiping and I only expended a single card
>Cards designed for a 4-player free highlander for all with 40 life being (somehow? shocker) broken in 1v1 with 4 per deck and 20 life
You're stupid and we need to go back
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It's good!
I mean, it's literally just the AZC shell with some pieces swapped out. But still, it's good!

Needs more figuring and testing. Not sure if I've improved AZC, built a sidegrade or simply dumped on it yet. Still, it doesn't feel like much of the core is lost.

Fae is a great blocker, which helps stabilize a surprising amount. Raven's Warning feels just good enough, the 2 life gain + a blocker barely over the edge of helping to stabilize.

Having your sideboard toolkit accessible from the maindeck is very comfortable. Also comfy, is knowing you only ever get your big dumb spells exactly when and where you need them, and you will otherwise be ripping almost entirely fast interaction.

Kiora Bests the Sea God is an absolutely obscene wincon to be able to include, without sacrificing inconsistency in the maindeck. So far, I don't think any of my other brews has produced as much FUN!!!!!!! as countering something with Three Steps Ahead while also duplicating a Kraken.
New here, I just installed XMage and downloaded the images in about an hour since then it has been a further two hours and looks like this. Is this the part that takes "a few hours" and I should leave it alone or is something broken?
>New here, I just installed XMage and downloaded the images in about an hour since then it has been a further two hours and looks like this. Is this the part that takes "a few hours" and I should leave it alone or is something broken?
Don't play Magic.
The game fucking sucks.
You wasted your time downloading all those images.
Nevermind, I am and Idiot and just had to press the start download button...
Just close it and press download images again
The images are still downloaded and it'll go over the fucked part of the local database linking again in like 10 seconds
You interpreted the complete opposite of what I meant in my post.
are those the right KMC inner sleeves to use?
there are so many transparent sleeves like that here
>tfw my lizard bro deck is no longer good
It's not fair bros, it was such an honest deck.
Those are outer sleeves to triple sleeve, you use those to protect art sleeves.
The inner sleeves you want are perfect sleeves by KMC.
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Esper Dragons
you can play without images perfectly fine but there is a LOT of images if you want to download them
lol it happens
also don't listen to >>94188048 , Xmage is free so you're free to play any format, including stuff like Cube Draft and Premodern

I put all of my chips on "legendary"
The wonky Baral Land Destruction deck I tried to make work during Kaladesh era. Everybody jizzing over Aetherworks and vehicles and I was trying to make land destruction work. I won a random FNM here and there, but it was too inconsistent.
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When storm was legal in standard just a few years ago

enduring vitality stormsplitter is probably the strongest storm deck that has ever been in standard, not that it matters
I see, have a nice day
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Its not even the strongest storm deck in standard right now
set it to 10 download threads
>Dragonstorm literally got won a standard world championship one year, then got 2nd and 3rd at a standard world championship the next year
Listen anon, I'm not saying it's your fault that you didn't know this, but I am saying that it's a school day and you probably should be paying attention to your teacher right now
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>enduring vitality stormsplitter is probably the strongest storm deck that has ever been in standard,
8 mana to get value not 7
The concept of triple sleeving makes me want to give someone a wedgie and push them into a locker
You're a condescending piece of shit. You could have explained that without being such a total asshat. Congratulations you watched Nassif and Chapin play the deck, good for you. Grognards like you are 100% everything wrong with the game that doesn't directly involve Wizards.
What deck does he fit into?
It sounds like Reddit might be more you're speed, Anon
domain obviously
caretaker's talent, non-obviously

>land is a token and draws a card
>copying it for 1 mana gets you another land
>masses tokens that can't be hit by any sweeper in standard, gives you the mana to actually pop off and cast all the spells you're drawing
That's because you're a normalfag who doesn't like art sleeves. This is 4chan, get the fuck out.
Nothing. Imagine paying 5 mana to have a land kek.
Imagine being retarded like Anon here
Imagine paying more than 2 mana
Mono B control during Theros block, because Gary is based and my boy Desecration Demon was finally vindicated.
Also the G/R aggro deck during rtr with BTE and Flinthoof Boar. Goddamn that felt good to go Stomping Ground, Arbor Elf, next turn BTE, BTE, BTE, Boar go.
Enjoy losing.
Desecration Demon was never anything but the tallest midget and I'm tired of pretending otherwise
Every naysayer about the card was completely right, and the only thing demon had going for it was that it was the ONLY black top end creature in its meta.

What was it competing with?

can pretty much rule out any 7+ mana card and 6 was outrageous. Every black top end back then had a crippling drawback, usually sacrifice a creature every turn, or some stupid enabler.
>shadowborn demon: sac a creature every turn
>erebos: needs devotion 4 (+1 from self)
>abhorrent overlord: sac a creature every turn
>nightmare: besides being overcosted shit since alpha its mono black only
So then you look only at 4-6 mana creatures and they almost all have drastically overcosted bodies, way too small stats to attack or block:
>crypt ghast: 4 mana 2/2
>bogbrew: 4 mana 1/3 (!!!!)
>champion: 6 mana 4/4
>doomwake and hythonia: 6 mana 4/6
>fate unraveler: 4 mana 3/4
>macar: 4 mana 2/3
>reaver: 4 mana 4/3
>slumlord: 5 mana 3/3
>pontiff: 6 mana 2/7

Demon was just the tallest midget
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wow, altering cards is hard
WIP first attempt at it and I'm struggle to match colours, i may need some single pigment paints
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>Pioneer is the only format with a decent meta going on
>Drop Pioneer from the RCQ for no reason
Why make this new format if they were never going to push it in the first place
Enjoy me getting instant Domain and Leyline Binding anything you play for basically free
>Why make this new format
pioneer is 5 years old at this point and we've had a bunch of pioneer RCQs already
they want to push standard so they're gonna keep pushing standard
He's an all-star in domain style decks
Too slow for modern but a 4x in Standard and Pioneer
Why paint all over the card? You can't even see the name of the card anymore...
>at least 4 mana
Have to be honest,
This might be my least favorite flavor text of all time.

The fact that they don't just have a poem by said poet, specifically. It's like going to see a movie, and you sit down, and some guy walks out in front of the screen and goes "Wow, it's a good thing that movie had a director, huh?"
Then he leaves. And that's it.

Fuck you, WotC, you talentless fucking shitstains upon this world.
I was pretty sure the word Island was going to get lost in the dark blue so i figured I'd write it in white afterwards.
Also im retarded
Look at how other people are altering cards.
If I were you I'd always leave the text visible.
Yeah I wont be doing the same for my next one.
It's been a good practice though
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Oculus is a flash in the pan. There's too much GY hate in the format. The deck will be irrelevant after Foundations if not earlier.
Artistic modifications are acceptable in sanctioned tournaments, provided that the modifications do not make the card art unrecognizable, contain substantial strategic advice, or contain offensive images. Artistic modifications also may not obstruct or change the mana cost or name of the card.
Are you under the impression your post is in any way coherent ?
Hopefully some more inclusivity
what kind are you thinking, anon?
What happened to Leyline of the Guildpact?
Scantily clad white females, they're underrepresented.
I use art sleeves you dumb lard

Dragonstorm is a shit deck and a shit card anon
I don't care what it won


he's based and you're not
Are you under the impression you can get the ability to trigger without spending 4 mana?
Am I in the EDH general or something?
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cats in pioneer tho
Hammercats is reasonably not awful.
all overlords are pretty good in Enigmatic Incantation as they're cheap yet have high mana cost so EI finds you bigger dudes
based, but I'm afraid wotc cannot define female
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>Actually opened the nuts sealed pool in the qualifer play in that I entered with play in points
>currently 2 wins
>free 4500 gems already

Trump guide my hand
Yeah and they clearly aren't worth shit lmao.
Not Magic.
Not /tg/.
Go away.
This is straight Duskmourne 2/3 sealed. It is actually more Magic than most paper Magic because decks are actually randomized
Fuck off go preorder marvel ub.
>This is straight Duskmourne 2/3 sealed.
No it isn't.
That is Arena, which isn't /tg/ and is not MTG.
>No it isn't.
>That is MTGO, which isn't /tg/ and is not MTG.
I played one of my copies of The One Ring, so I have protection from your shitposting.
Moving on.
Nah, this is boomer cope. Only best of 1 uses the hand smoother and sealed has no digital only cards. If boomer shit like modern on MTGO is /tg/ then so is sealed best of three on arena.
>decks are actually randomized
factually incorrect
Wizards is lying about how the hand smoother works for bo1 so how do we really know it doesn't apply to other formats

They claim it only looks at your opening hands, runs 2-3 possibilities and weights them and chooses them based on land/nonland ratio alone. But I have drawn the same card as my first topdeck 8th card in about 50% of all my games across a hundred games, a statistical impossibility. Its clearly looking at some kind of mana curve weighting and applying at least the 1st topdeck card, possibly more
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My Universes Beyond enjoyer, this has been tested to death on a much larger sample size than hunch from two leagues played.
That image does not line up with my preconceived beliefs, therefore I am choosing to call it fake and ignore it.
Its not mutually exclusive

Running a smoothing algorithm that not only cares about starting hand nonland:land ratio but also rigs mana curves and the top N cards of a deck would produce similar results to the curves you posted
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Okay for the second try I kept the name and text box.
That's a good idea.
Orzhov Haunt. Haunt remains one of my favorite mechanics to this day.
>mono white that high
What lying kikery is this?
Foundations' previews got revealed for where and when they're going down, and the Card Image Gallery was shown. The banner notably has Loot in it, so I guess he's getting a card there (or maybe they're just putting his existing card in it).
doesn't white have good insstant speed removal? that's the only thing that i can see helping it win against REDLINE.dec
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>mtg x marvel
>secret lair
get ready for the leaked marvel secret lair to be revealed.
I mean, it's not a mono-red deck, it's a Gruul deck (that plays mono-red staples but also Innkeeper's Talent I think).
>hey there fellow kids! we're prrud to include [marketable beastie/critter plushie looking thing] in [thing you otherwise won't give a shit about because we ruined it's core appeal]! please [purchase. consume. without asking questions]
it gets tiresome after a while
wait it's still 5 hours away? shit I thought it would be 1:20 hours to go
>October 25
photo is old
Abhorrent Oculus doesn't seem like it should be $30
no card should be over 5$
I never spend more than 5€ on a card
You forgot hinting/outright revealing all the IP crossovers they'll be bragging about like muh marvel and muh final fantasy
>Mythic Rare
>Used in U/W reanimator
>Good in Commander
Come on now
I just sold some cards, are there any modern staples in bloomburrow/duskmourn I should buy now?
ah, talking about next product to get excited about
Why the fuck would you spend more than like $15 on 60+ identical pieces of thin plastic film
I realize mtg cards as a whole are a similar concept, but they're individual collectible gamepieces and are not the same thing as card sleeves.
nnot really? latest staples were surveil lands in karlov manor but yeah those are not the cheapest anymore
>non-horizon set
nothing will push any MH3 until Marvel or MH4
>>I realize mtg cards as a whole are a similar concept, but they're individual collectible gamepieces and are not the same thing as card sleeves.
So ignorant. Many art sleeves are extremely rare and expensive.
If it wasn't for arena 90% of non-commandtard players wouldn't be playing any Magic, period.
How do I abuse this information in Bo1 Ranked
I don't have the bloomburrow one because they only show the most recent set
cut a land and put more gas in
actually cut even more lands
i've seen somewhere a 60 card deck with 11(?) lands and only 1-drop spells perform consistently
but it might have been not 11 but 13, i forget. there's sweetspots for maximum abuse with the way the shuffler/first hand drawer is rigged, but i forget the details because Arena is not my cup of tea, i prefer actual Magic
Show me your binder of art sleeves anon.
You do have a binder, consisting of pages and pages of individually-displayed art sleeves, right? They're valuable collectibles, are they not?
If you use "extremely rare and expensive" art sleeves, then you are a dork and I want to give you a swirlie.
Basically, because smoother reliably gives you some lands, low curve aggro decks benefit the most.
Retard you play a card game whose main attraction is the art on the cards.
I posted them already. I had to order them from Japan. They won't get printed again. Why would I want to ruin them? There are far more expensive sleeves as well.
Ask anyone with favourite art sleeves if they regret not protecting them.
>whose main attraction is the art on the cards
Nobody plays Magic cause they like the art
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>>Nobody plays Magic cause they like the art
Ah yes, that's why the best art is kept behind the paywall nowadays.
I bought a playset of each surveil land while they were 1-3 euro each
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I play magic DESPITE the art
Me? I like most of the art.
I understand your reasons for liking art sleeves, but I still want to bully triple sleevers.
Nice art! I think I'll go buy some for myself using twenty-five american dollars!
He says while posting what's probably the most iconic Llanowar Elves art
It will look like shit and it will have no value. You're missing the point. Everyone can print a black lotus.
soo no spoilers?
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Can someone at the worlds please tell him to get a shave, a shower and a haircut?
The guy smells through the screen.
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I hope they get boo'd at the event to get new stuff.
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What does the N represent?
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someone do some AI enhance magic
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accidently ruining formats they are barely aware of
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black black black black black africa black negroes black power black blaclk kfaabb blacb kbalb balhab balBAAL BAL BFBLABAAL BAAAL BAAL BAAL BAAL BAAL BAAL
not Magic the Gathering
oh nevermind i see it now
you gain LIFE equal to COUNTERS MOVED
as long as at least one was moved, you also DRAW CARD
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I for one can't wait for the thing that doubles thing again
like every set
do thing do thing again
double double every set
It represents that the cards are fake
Legendary Creature - Homunculus Horror

>red, white, blue
huh they went against the usual order
I am so glad commander is a dead format and I will never have to play against this
We already saw these weeks ago, guy
I like that you can still mutate onto him because hes not a human
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suck my hairy nuts
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I have no idea about the comics but when did they weapon x a woman wolverine and why?
My guy there is at least one female equivalent to literally every major hero and there has been for yonks
>"Okay guys, here me out, what if we cloned wolverine but made them a chick and also an assassin?"
Like a decade ago, Logan died and then they made X-23 Wolverine. Then she stopped being Wolverine and went by X-23 again. Then became Wolverine again. Now she goes by Talon apparently I stopped keeping up.
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Already saw this one too
>wotc didn't ban sol ring so they can sell licensed alters

I hope my pauper opponents have the decency not to play that galvanic blast
no shit retard
that's exactly what you should expect from Jews "we print manacrypt with cool art even though the cuckmander rules guys wanna ban it" of the Cocks
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i get it
is that a hint of cleavage i spy over there?
>Storm grants storm
Wow, thanks, I hate it.
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>Whenever Storm
>Not whenever Storm, Force of Nature
does this card even work?
They're been doing that for a while now.
yes they've been shortening names ever since they've started putting at least 4 lines of text on every card
wait this one is kinda insane value
also first ice storm reprint since 1993
>yeah but what if they forgot to put enough artifacts in their deck
>I know
>lets give them one for free
Yes. Because Storm is shorthand referring to the card's name. Its been done like that for years.
You can probably sell the Euro Island sleeves to someone. I don't know how much those ones go for in Japan.
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>thighs covered by text box
how is this premium?
So what can we do with this?
Also isn't it funny how the new Ral walker is already power crept
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Goddamnit I'm gonna have to spend money on this shit
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I'm so goddamn glad I don't have to spend money on this shit
How is it powercreep? It's a 4 mana do nothing creature that requires three colors and actually hitting face.
I don't want to. First I like them. Second why sell now when they will be extremely expensive in a few years?
if storm somehow had double strike and hit an opponent twice, would that mean the next instant/sorcery would have two counts of storm to basically double how many copies are made from a storm count?
Spider-Man is an entire set
I'm not at all a marvelfag but I do like that Counterspell
Kek people really like spier man huh? I was never really a fan
anything else being spoiled?
It's give any spell Storm without having to do any setup, unlike Ral. Hell, if you really wanted you could just give her Haste, and don't act like it being 3 colors is a real downside in current Magic.

I'm actually down for waifu manamorphose tbqh
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why are we talking about cards that are clearly designed for edh?
have you considered: just don't! just buy a printer and print the cards you want! it's that easy!
Wash dies at the end of Serenity
and you could use a card that already has storm to triple up on the instances of storm ability
God i hate this fucking marvel shit with passion... Modern is definitely the land of the cucks and you should be ashamed if you are or will platy that format.
spoiler season tradition: talk about cards in the exact opposite of their actual strength in whatever formats we play
i want spoder now
>triple storm
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I've never bought from these guys before. Do they ship internationally? And am I reading these prices correctly - 1200¥ for one sleeve?
Easiest flip ive ever seen in mtg. Limited supply and targeted to capeshit soys. Will probably take at most 6 months to double
welcome to magic
you can try playing pioneer but who knows how long that will last
Good bait you had me for a while but this one lost me
All cards are meant for commander. It is just happy accident that cards are used in other formats.
Source: Wizards
makes sense he was a character that sustained five solo's and a team-up book at the same time at one point
>4 toughness creature that grants storm for free because it's flying/vigilance
Is this what MaRo meant when he said we were going to be nostalgic for Companion in 10 years? Every creature will be "draw Push or lose"?
>what can we do with this?

If you actually pull it off it barely matters what you do with it, but the high end is probably storming Time Warp or Show and Tell or whatever
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It's just reprinted primal vigor see >>94191016
Also lol @ their choice to reprint this card prominently featuring a gorilla
I'd have bought it in the 90s they all look actually pretty nice, but after the MCU it's gotten stale and WotC doesn't deserve money these days.
Not bait, just common sense.
If it's good for you then do it but surely if you're not retarded you understand that having the original source of a picture will result in a much higher quality print, plus the collectability of original items and therefore a superior value given the necessary conditions.
>the Secret Lair version has different text for the doubling ability
Huh. Worrying.
it's edh garbage so there's no need to worry
You're out of your mind if you think she'll see play in any format other than edh.
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*this gets pretty cute with storm too
That is weird. I wonder if it's an internal change to wording about damage doubling (changing "If X would deal damage (to Y), double it" to "double all damage X would deal (to Y)" and the Secret Lair version was printed before that wording change?
Wait do those comic ones just not have the mana costs listed anywhere or am I blind?

It's sortve like gigaturbo powercrept dreadhorde arcanist. Might see play in legacy for memes.
it's nothing like dreadhorde, what are you even talking about?
What's this general opinion about that Warrior Token?
Spidey being a full set makes a sort of sense, but damn. Wonder how many sets they're actually planning. Maybe 3? Spidey, Avengers, X-Men?
As much as faggots are willing to pay obviously lmao.
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>Give Storm double strike from a spell (storm count: 1)
>Strike twice for 6 damage
>Cast Seize the Day (storm count: 2)
>Get four more combats
>Hit an opponent for 24 damage
>If an opponent is somehow still alive for whatever ungodly reason, the next spell you could cast that turn would have EIGHT instances of storm on it with a count of 2.
>costs twice as much
>doesn't actually trigger if you can't hit face
>doesn't cheat on removal during combat to help itself hit face
>restrictions mean you can't use instant/sorcery rituals to help cast whatever you want to get storm
>restrictions mean that you need to cast instant/sorcery you don't want to get storm before she hits
what the actual fuck do you mean, it's like dreadhorde arcanist?
>give storm double strike from a spell
I crack my fetch and cast fatal push on Storm in response.
>What's your favorite Standard deck of all time?
Ixalan-Amonkhet Standard. UB Cycling, with Faith of the Devoted and Drake Haven as my main wincons, Hollow One for fast beat potential on a lucky draw (two 4/4s on turn 3 sometimes!), and my pet card Abandoned Sarcophagus for long-term redundancy. The great thing about Sarcophagus was that I could dump my Hollow Ones early, or cast them and have them die, and then get them back for free from my graveyard later with a cycle or two.

Back in the twilight days of Magic, after the peak but before the now-inescapable fall.
Might work, although seeing as how Storm is URG, they might also be running some annoying counterspell they can cheat out. Not definitively, just could happen.
>gigaturbo powercrept dreadhorde arcanist
this has to be bait

You just flash it back and get another uhhhh 24? combats
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are 'jaks still banned on 4chan because every marvel mtg crossover deserves many jaks
Selesnya is the official black character colour?
>mostly peaceful protestors
>lunchtime rowdies
>The Selesnya Conclave
¥1200 for a pack of 64. No they don't ship internationally; I would recommend avoiding the integrated worldwide shipping service on their site - it's a third party company - and use Japonica or Zenmarket instead to get them outside the country. I think Hareruya sometimes stocks things from them too.
Green and White are objectively the Good Guy colors, and though they pretend to be morally nuanced, WotC subconsciously recognizes this. Since blacks are the gods of the civic religion, they have to be Good Guy colors.
>commie cult that kidnaps and brainwashes people
>good guy
Even in the Scooby Doo set they acknowledged that Selesnya is fucking insane.
Black Panther's character is just pretty white/green. Community-focused, very 'will of the people' kinda guy, etc. You could argue for him being Bant overall, but Selesnya's a good way to represent him.
Should I be able to play this is a white person?
Should I respectfully kneel whenever I pull it out?
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Constrictor did not age well
So will the Spider-Man set be Modern legal?
It's a miniset so who knows
constrictor would see play in pioneer if we were allowed to have ballista
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>try to vial in sfm while my own containment priest is on the board
>entire lgs erupts in laughter
Commander moment
BG just isn't a great color combo for Scales shenanigans. Conclave Mentor and MOM Ozolith ate its lunch.
Where'd you hear that?
classic d&t blunder
An anon that went to the panel.
But also it says
>Spider-Man slings cards from across the Spider-Verse into your favorite decks.
so it seems like its not that big
Ah, fair enough. It makes sense that it's a mini-set, I guess. You probably COULD make a full-size set with JUST Spider-Man and Spider-Man-related characters and events, he's that absurdly widespread, but no need to stretch yourself that thin.
White is the color of indoctrination and brainwashing there's no avoiding it.
Blue can have that too, though it's usually more just "used as a tool", not "enforce my ideology via brainwashing".
Yeah, it's more direct mind control with blue.
Mind control effects should be white. Yeah blue gets mental magic or whatever, but that should be more about mind reading and telepathy and that stuff, not actual control.
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now that you mentioned it the first brainwash art even has a black dude in it
Black works too, but primarily blue makes the most sense I think.
I'm getting them. It's incredibly racist.
You decide
Am I supposed to be mad that legendary creatures are depicted as strong people?
They're made just for you :)
I don't think it would. New ozolith does everything you would want it to do and doesn't die to push.
Also crucially doesn't put extra poison counters on yourself or extra stun counters on your stuff.
BG has potential but GW gets all the new toys instead :(
Those aren't cards, they're variant covers for comics they were giving out at the con. Odds are they weren't sure what version of text they were going to use and the comic had to go to print before they decided on it.
that looks great.
I want to learn to paint.
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I actually prefer le heckin based cards that depict cowardly black people.
it's a 4cc creature with no etb and a "when this deals combat damage to a player" trigger.
what fucking format do you think this could possibly be playable?
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Someone remind me why poison still exists?
They have enough material to fill out at least 5 sets and several Commander decks.
Why would it not? It's not even good these days anyway.
Alternate wincons are a good thing
Okay, so, from what information I've understood, Spider-Man isn't a mini-set, it's a full set. Not sure where people are getting the idea it's a mini-set.
If the anon with the UW Stoneblade Delver list is here, could you please post your latest iteration?

that's actually a great idea but also just another reason for white cards to just not be in magic
Half of these aren't even black and most of them aren't leaders
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ggs homie good luck on your next game :)
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Whats the deal with MB2? Is there supposed to be a massive supply at MagicCon or what? I really want to buy a draft kit of these basics but I dont want to spend $1,000 to do so. Will prices go down after MagicCon, or am I fucked?
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i don't want to put nadu in my cephalid breakfast deck
>thunderous applause
The supply is somewhat limited. It has the same print run as a premium product, but I don't think we got any information about a second print run. You might be out of luck.
You don't have to be a dick about it!
Just doing dailies and opening more Phyrexian packs in MtG Arena so I can eventually create a blue Phyrexian deck but I noticed a mechanic I've never saw before when looking at the cards I unpacked. What are oil counters?
What's the most underrated 2 color combination?
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Orzhov probably. While we're at it, I think Izzet is overhated
How ugly will they make MJ?
What's a miniset? Is it like Aftermath?
What would need to happen so we start getting cute girls again? Mass firing of employees at WotC?
It's not a miniset, at least as far as I can learn.
>What's your favorite Standard deck of all time?
Atarka Red
Earthquake big enough to sink California into the ocean.
Depends entirely on the format and the current meta
Is it really underrated? When was the last time a WB deck was the top deck of any format, without it being a 3+ color deck like esper or abzan?
Im going off of feel and aesthetics not competitive viability
everyone I know loves the orzhov design though
Imagine taking a loan with the obviously evil pervert necromancer cult
Couldn't be me
They're the ONLY banks.
That can't be true. Like logistically it just doesn't make sense.
And besides that like half of Ravnica's population is guildless.
How dare you slander my religion. Your insurance rates have just gone up.
That's how it works in real life, why is it hard to imagine it being that way in Ravnica?
It's not thought?
There are a lot of different banks. Also credit unions and other shit like that.
All of this is reminding me how dumb New Capenna was. We already had a mafia plane. It's Ravnica. All the guilds are basically gangs. Whether it's the Selesnya as a hippie brainwashing cult, or Boros as police brutality, or the more obviously evil ones, they're all shitty and selfish groups who fuck over the guildless.
Not blunt enough for modern mtg enjoyers
Need new plane just to beat them over the head with the mafia references
>What is the Federal Reserve
Selling the IP to a Japanese company.
Not where all loans come from
Yeah but fantasy Art Deco was a fucking awesome look
That's like saying food comes from the store.
>genuinely thinks the federal reserve rules the US somehow
Go on, enlighten me about the latest schizo lore.
Nigga sometimes food does come from the store
I'm actually fine with the look, though I know a bunch of people hate the more modern style. They could've just said it was a different region of Ravnica, or maybe pull that shit they did with Kamigawa. Not like they were concerned with turning half the plane into detectives for no reason and giving them all fedoras.
I fully believe what I heard about MKM being intended as a Capenna set and being redone at the last minute as Ravnica. I would have welcomed Capenna getting an opportunity to distinguish itself from Ravnica, but wotc apparently couldn't be bothered to do so.
It was probably not a last minute change. Too much of the art is too Ravnica.
I think it's more likely that it was gonna be a return to New Capenna in the concept stage and they had a lot of art and concepts they were happy with but someone looked at how well New Capenna did (not great) and they decided to pivot to a plane they knew people liked to try to force the set into popularity.
Although it would make girls attractive again, you would never see creatures other than dragons like Yugioh now.
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That's supposed to be a problem? They might even make Nicky B look cool and not like a fucking goblin.
>phlage will die for guide of souls' sins
its joever bros
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>Artifact being played more than every land in the format
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>galvanic blast reprint
>it's from the fucking marvel set
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Is Grist good?
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I don't know about good, but it sounds fun. Do you plan to flip her with Fein Death effects, or do you have some persist/undying creatures in mind?
Wait, her?
WB has the same problem as GW: they are either worse version of another color pair (WB midrange is nearly always worse than its GB counterpart for example), the monocolored version of the deck is better or you need to add blue to have access to counterspell.
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>he doesn't know
It's incredible how much more faith people have in the Pokemon tcg than in Magic. There isn't a fucking single modern Magic box that appreciates over time right now except for Kamigawa neon shit while Pokemon is booming and just releasing its mobile app, that will resulting in an even more massive growth.
The mismanagment of the Magic IP by the suits is unbelievable, you would think their intent is to make the game fail. They have absolutely zero understanding of what attracts players, especially the old playerbase.
They waste time chasing identity politics, sullying the image of the brand in the process.
Magic is on its way out. Jump shit while you still can.
But magic had recording breaking profits each year, every year bro. Collector boosters are cheap in production and theres marvel and ff coming up to make sure that 2025 will be the most proiftable year in the entire history of mtg
Pokemon doesn't need to whore itself out with Marvel because its own brand has value.
Magic is telling its customers Magic is only worth something if it can print cards with Marvelshit on it.
Self-destruction. You are gullible and can only see short term.
That’s actually a good point
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No offense but that LotR set was only successful because of the One Ring card so investorfags all over kept buying boosters to pull that one in the world card.
I genuinely believe the Marvel set will flop as Marvel isn't as profitable anymore with the only success in years has been Spiderman No Way Home and Deadpool and Wolverine. Everything Marvel has been flopping and the only Marvel game that will honestly be a success is Marvel Rivals as seen in this WEBM.
FF might do well IF they don't do what they did to LOTR and race swap everyone, and I am hoping the women aren't ugly as shit.
>No offense but that LotR set was only successful because of the One Ring card so investorfags all over kept buying boosters to pull that one in the world card.
I know a group of people who only started playing MTG because they love LotR and bought some cards.I know more people who never completed a set but want to do it with LotR, Pokemon Style. Only self pulled from boosters.
Why can't I play Eldrazi in Standard?
>LotR set was only successful because of the One Ring card
That thing was found the weekend of release and then confirmed as real within two weeks, meanwhile the set still sold incredibly well for months afterward and all the supplemental products like the Scene Boxes sold well too. Even the Special Edition collector boosters, the ones that cannot contain the One of One Ring and released after the hype about it died down, sold incredibly well and are now commanding 900USD for a sealed Booster Display on TCGPlayer.
The idea that the set sold well solely on people hunting for the One of One is nothing but ludicrous Cope
Has anybody heard of an alternative rule set, where the more uncommon a card is the harder is to cast? I'm thinking about a game mode where the player gets experience points, e.g: when the game starts you can only play common spells and basic lands but you get xp for casting commons until you can cast uncommons and so on.
>All the ONE poison bullshit is still in standard
>Only one poison card ever gets played and only meme decks because everything else is shit
They had the chance to breathe some life into poison and decided to stuff it onto uninspired vanillas with set mechanic. Now it's a phantom limb on standard where you barely even remember it's all still legal.
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Honestly that's one of Wotc biggest failure. Wotc has never managed to build a MtG brand identity. It's really a shame, they started to have something during the early 2000's from odyssey through scourge where they developped their own identity. But then you had Mirrodin and Kamigawa when they started doing the "theme park" plane at first with their own interpretation but that ended with Theros and now here we are.
New thread
It would've been STAGGERINGLY fast as a revisit if it was Capenna. The original concept seems to have been a new plane, but they basically went, while making that new plane, "Wait, Ravnica just has all the elements we need for this set". I think they TOUCHED on Capenna but decided Ravnica was more doable.
they've been routinely lowering print runs to cut costs and increase profits because papa Hasbro needs dat moolah
you're out of luck, better off proxying

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