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Uncivilized edition

>2024 PHB Scan (Gencon copy, not DnDshorts)
>Cropped and rotated, but more artifacty

>2024 Official free rules
>2014 Official Free Rules

>2024 UA

>2014 Errata

>5etools (2024)
>5etools (2014)

The Trove Vault (seed, please!): bit<dot>ly/2Y1w4Md


>Previous thread: >>94168697

TQ: Do people in your setting have any superiority complexes, prejudices, or other societal pecking orders about methods of combat?
>why are there black elves?
Because Ed Greenwood wanted there to be. They're militantly ardent about staying ungabungas and live in Toril's equivalent of Africa.
There's also blue elves, purple elves, grey elves, copper elves, green elves, and like 9 other colors.

>they make elminster black
That part is weird because he's West Faerunian, but he's a master transmuter known for taking on a lot of various forms and disguises, up to and including living as a woman for an extended time.

So choosing a black persona to comfort his black descendant isn't totally out of his wheelhouse. But it would make it effectively blackface. Though without the history, that wouldn't necessarily be remotely as offensive in-world.

Which Fighter, 2014 or 2024?
2024, it's busted as hell. 2024 fighter practically breathes self-made advantage, and +3 to attack and damage is literally a Very Rare magic item.

2014 fighter, it's kinda winmore. You go from an average of 87% hitting to 96% hitting, assuming a base 65% to hit and +3 int. 10.5 DPR with greatsword to 14.4. The vast majority of the increase is just coming from the +3 damage, you'd be better off with hunter's mark in multiple ways.
An interesting change I just noticed when pulling Kensei with the backwards compatibility rules, with the 5.5 Monk base the Kensei can Stunning Strike with a bow. For 5e's Stunning Strike it required a "melee weapon attack", while 5.5's is "hit a creature with a Monk Weapon or an Unarmed Strike", which opens everyone up to doing it on thrown attacks, or in the case of something like Kensei that can get ranged weapons as Monk Weapons
I kinda wish class bonuses existed for skills

>Fighter Skill Proficiencies
>Choose 2: Acrobatics, Animal Handling, Athletics, History, Insight, Intimidation, Persuasion, Perception, or Survival.
>gain a +3 bonus to any check made with these skills

>Johnny McFighterman, 4th level, makes an athletics roll
>3 STR + 3 class bonus + 2 PB = 8
>Johnny McFighterman, 4th level, makes an intimidation roll
>1 Cha + 3 class bonus + 2 PB = 6
>Johnny McFighterman, 4th level, makes an deception roll
>1 Cha + 0 class bonus + 2 PB = 3

It's a decent boost that might encourage players to invest in ability scores that they would otherwise dump, or player might play into their role a bit more than just always grabbing perception, persuasion, and stealth. But is a +3 too much?

>Rogue Skill Proficiencies
Skill Proficiencies: Choose 4: Acrobatics, Athletics, Deception, Insight, Intimidation, Investigation, Perception, Persuasion, Sleight of Hand, or Stealth.
>gain a +3 bonus to any check made with these skills

>Mr. Stabbs, 4th level rogue, makes a stealth check
>3 DEX + 3 class bonus, 4PB = 10

Just stuff I was thinking about.
>encourage players to invest in ability scores that they would otherwise dump
Why would free bonuses in a stat make them want to invest actual effort into a stat when they're already chargenning on a budget? You're describing what Expertise does, an extra bonus beyond proficiency alone.
>one of my examples was a rogue with exper-
Yeah, no shit, and you fail to recognize that expertise alone already breaks bounded accuracy. Making something to work in complement to it with no adjustment to DCs is idiotic.
>So choosing a black persona to comfort his black descendant isn't totally out of his wheelhouse. But it would make it effectively blackface. Though without the history, that wouldn't necessarily be remotely as offensive in-world.
Or it's because it's a representation of Simon's insecurities and fears, and that's how he pictures his ancestor. It's not actually Elminster.
The way to get people to invest in additional ability scores is to give them benefits for doing so, not to fuck with skill math.
just spitballing
>Feat- “Well-Rounded” - When you have 3 ability scores of 14 or higher, add +1 to your proficiency bonus. For each additional ability score at 14 or higher, add an additional +1.

(maybe 13 instead of 14? idk)
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How do I build a melee Drow Gloom Stalker? I'd go hand crossbows, but I think someone else in my group is already doing that.

This is basically my first character, so anything at all would be good to know, from spells and abilities/progression to how to manipulate getting darkness.
First character? Are you playing an optimization autism game? If not then just wing it and learn as you go, you pretty much can't make a bad character in 5e and it takes a lot of effort to make a rather weak one. Just picking shit on the fly will net you a good gloom stalker unless you're exceedingly retarded in which case it will be a mediocre gloom stalker instead.
And maybe don't bother getting darkness, the rest of the players will probably be grateful.
14 or higher hits the sweet spot
So the way that find familiar works, the thing you summon isn't an actual beast, it's a fey, celestial, or fiend spirit. It doesn't specifically replace beast either, so things like Tressyms still become one of those 3.

And warlock's chain feature doesn't include any exceptions to that.
So if you summon a slaad tadpole or a pseudo dragon, they can't be an aberration or dragon like normal, they have to be fey, fiend, or celestial. (This also means you could have a celestial quasit, a fey sphinx of wonder, or a fiendish sprite)

So... For the Skeleton familiar, since they also can't be an actual undead... I can imagine what a fiendish cr1/4 Skeleton would look like, it's just Summoned Skull but virgin instead of gigachad.
But what does a Fey or Celestial skeleton look like?
You are literally describing proficiency score. You're just saying you wished it was more.
Foreword: 2024 5e is gay cancer and you should kill yourself for using it.
A celestial skeleton is a catacomb saint, a skeleton fey is a dire tooth fairy.
Yeah, but it lost ki-fueled strike and focused aim and sharpshooter. So literally it's entire bread and butter combo.
And quickened healing, which was a good restcasting outlet for unspent ki.

Besides, new monk can stunning strike with a thrown melee now anyways.
>Foreword: 2024 5e is gay cancer and you should kill yourself for using it.
If 2014 is so great, then why doesn't it let my warlock have a skeleton familiar?

That's even gayer. You're literally sucking your DMs dick to bend the rules.
Drow learn Darkness at level 5 anyways and get one free cast per day.
For the purposes of mechanics there's no real difference between a fiend and an undead skeleton, especially since undead in 5e are extremely gay and inconsistent, it's a matter of the DM okaying your visual description of the familiar and if he doesn't then you've found a huge retard DM and it's a reason to look for a different one
So in my game, we've been rolling for lingering injuries every time someone hits 0 hp. Most of those ended up being minor injuries that are fixed by magical healing. But one time, while fighting a necromancer, one of my players lost a hand and the party was forced to retreat. I was thinking of having the necromancer take the hand and make a Crawling Claw, until I looked it up in the Monster Manual. Apparently, if the person that the hand came from is still alive (which the player is) then the hand can re-attach itself, binding the necromancer to the person. The hand can remove itself at the necromancer's command, which puts the person into a coma, and if it is destroyed while separated, the person DIES INSTANTLY.

It seems absurdly broken and unfair to do to my player.
>bounded accuracy.
I get it for other parts of the game, mostly combat, but I never understood it for skill checks.

>Why would free bonuses in a stat
a skill, not a stat.
>make them want to invest actual effort into a stat when they're already chargenning on a budget?
To be good at something? The fighter might not take an 8 in CHA for a -1 to intimidation and persuasion if he might instead get a +4 (3+1) for dropping a 12 there instead
>You're describing what Expertise does, an extra bonus beyond proficiency alone.
Yes. A smaller boost that doesn't scale and only for specific skills for each class, not something you can choose to be an expert in.
>you fail to recognize that expertise alone already breaks bounded accuracy. Making something to work in complement to it with no adjustment to DCs is idiotic.
I mean, couldn't we adjust it a little bit? My main beef is that when it comes to skills everyone is mostly the same and expertise is the only way to really alter it

Like for example; most martials have perception as a class skill proficiency option (paladins and monks don't) and most casters don't (bards and druids do). But everyone has access to it via backgrounds which kind of defeats the purpose of class uniqueness? I don't know if that makes sense. That flat unchanging bonus that only those classes have seems cool. Sure, a cleric and a druid are both wisdom full casters with proficiency with simple weapons and shields who prepare their magic in advance from a whole spell list each day but their class skills are different

>Druid: Insight, Medicine, Religion, Arcana, Animal Handling, Nature, Perception, or Survival.
>Cleric: Insight, Medicine, Religion, History, or Persuasion.

baring expertise from a feat, a druid and cleric with 16 wis, 13 int, and 10 cha who is proficient with Arcana, History, Persuasion, and Survival are going to be identical.

Yes, but separate from PB, not scaling, and not universally the same for each class.
then just remove that part, duh
There is actually another stat block very similar creature called "undead limb" it has the exact same stats as the crawling claw and functions very similarly, but doesn't have that massive lore drawback. You can find it in the book "i'm the DM and I can make up whatever shit that I want".

It's a free download on dndbyond.
It refunds the investment required to get the benefit. Obligatory-Pick-Because-Objectively-Better Broken /10
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>Are you playing an optimization autism game?
No, but I like optimization and build building.
>And maybe don't bother getting darkness, the rest of the players will probably be grateful.
But that's the whole gimmick.
>I get it for other parts of the game, mostly combat, but I never understood it for skill checks.
Because they wanted to make everything consistent. Everything keys off of if you're Proficient or not. And if you're supposed to be really good at a skill then you get Expertise, which simply doubles Proficiency.

If you want big number play and meaningful growth in skills, play Pathfinder. Second Edition even builds better on the "most math on the sheet follows the same formula" concept.
>But that's the whole gimmick.
Trust me, darkness based builds are a fucking nuisance to the rest of the party, and if you're somehow gonna be divinely super powerful thanks to it then the DM will just pull more devil sighted enemies to balance it. Unless your whole party is balanced around darkness, it ought to remain a special trick for special circumstances.
>No, but I like optimization and build building.
Well, then look for it yourself. Optimizing on your own is the fun part, and since you're not in a hardcore game you won't suffer if you fail to think up a god tier character.
>If you want big number play and meaningful growth in skills, play Pathfinder.

5e was my first table-top and I've been played it for maybe 6 years now I recently started playing PF1e with my group, and we're having a good timeIt's why I brought this up. A lot of stuff they do in pathfinder is very cool, and I wish it was in 5e
What cringe garbage is the top 2 pics supposed to be? 60 seconds for a damn captcha!? Are you fucking kidding me!?
Piratefag here.
So, the crew had killed a noble, and his daughter had gotten away. Unbeknownst to them currently, she's disguised as a pirate crew member, slowly learning about their weaknesses, desires, ect.
I plan to have her eventually poison everyone's food, and confront them all in a delirious state where the fight will all be in le had.
Basically, the therapist fight from Katana Zero, both stages. How could I make this work?
Wistoria Wand And Sword. A series about a kid who's really good with a sword in a world filled with mages.
>For the purposes of mechanics there's no real difference between a fiend and an undead skeleton
Cure Wounds. Turn Undead. Forbiddance. Cause Fear. Antilife Shell. Planar Binding.

>it's a matter of the DM okaying your visual description of the familiar and if he doesn't then you've found a huge retard DM and it's a reason to look for a different one
Jesse, what the FUCK are you talking about?
What are some interesting abilities a pair of lightning focused, mad scientist like wizards can have to act as support? Gonna have two stand out flunkies during a big battle, and want both of them holding lightning rods and throwing bolts around, but rather than just be what amounts to gun turrets, I want them to also be doing something annoying for my party to have to deal with.

Was thinking about having them deflecting ranged attacks, but curious what other thoughts people might have.
That's a lot of stars aligning to acquire that instant kill. I'd say it's fine, as long as you let the players KNOW it's possible, do they have the ability to prevent it at every opportunity.

They could buy and attach a prosthetic hand so there's no stump to attach to.
They could pay a cleric or a potion/ring maker to regenerate the hand if they have the dosh.
They can kill the hand before it gets a chance to reattach.
They could cut it off and destroy it again while it's still attached and the necromancer is controlling him.
If it pops back off, okay sure they can't kill it without killing their buddy, but if they hunt it down and capture it and forcibly reattach it, especially after maybe killing the necromancer so now the claw that escaped is trying to do machinations to necromantically bring him back, then they can destroy it once it's reattached and he's fine.

If they flub ALL of that, then yeah, there was ample opportunity to avoid it, and they chose to ignore consequences and walk straight into it instead. That's totally fine.
It's only bullshit if being fucked was unavoidable due to info or opportunity, or have extremely drastic consequences like total disintegration left up to a single noninteractive case of chance. Being fucked due to poor judgement or persistent gross negligence is not bullshit.

Last but not least, it's D&D, death is not permanent. So even if they severely botch it the entire way through, maybe they tried hard but the dice just had a vendetta, if they've got 300 in diamonds and a 3rd level healer slot, he's still fine. Or drag his corpse to the nearest cathedral for a raise dead, druid Grove for a reincarnate, or to a local hedge witch with a cauldron of rebirth.
>What cringe garbage is the top 2 pics supposed to be?
>He doesn't recognize Star wars

Dumbass zoomer
You fucking idiot. You absolute fucking buffoon. You god damn stupid piece of shit.
you’re right. heres a rework for review
>”Well Rounded” Prerequisite- 5 ability scores of 14 or higher. -you gain advantage on all skill checks for which your base ability score is 14 or higher.
>a skill, not a stat.
Even more reason not to invest if you're already getting +3 for free.
>To be good at something?
What they ALREADY have the power to do with chargen? If they wanted to be good they can choose to be good, and if you're getting a free +3 to something you've got a negative in you probably won't care about fixing the negative then when your only point for caring is covered by this stupid buff.
>A smaller boost that doesn't scale and only for specific skills for each class
Any bonus in 5e is a buff. Bounded accuracy is broken already by expertise and you think a flat bonus is just dandy?
>couldn't we adjust it a little bit?
Oh sure, so now your homebrew little idea has become "fix the math of the entire system." What a fun project!
>My main beef is that when it comes to skills everyone is mostly the same and expertise is the only way to really alter it
So play PF2e or something.
>But everyone has access to it via backgrounds which kind of defeats the purpose of class uniqueness?
Good, class uniqueness is found in their bespoke mechanics, not the skills literally every character can be good at.
>That flat unchanging bonus that only those classes have seems cool
A feature that doesn't scale built into a class which can scale by levels is not good design, it's antithetical to a class identity if they are just 15% better at basket weaving by default. Your proficiencies gained from your class are arguably intended to be gained from performing that class's functions in the world. That's your difference. A cleric could learn medicine from being an acolyte or war medic while a druid learned medicine from their archdruid teacher or even as an alchemist. That's the flavor. You don't need and classes don't deserve arbitrary skill benefits just for being a member of the class, they already have a scaled version of that that called PROFICIENCY.
Here's the thing with darkness.

1. You have to invest in some way to see through it yourself if it's not already part of the kit.

And 2. Placement is a bitch.
If you put it on the enemy to block their line of sight, you make your allies unable to see them.
If you put it on your allies to block enemy line of sight, now your allies can't see either.
If you put it on yourself, then you block allies line of sight any time you're within range of either the enemy or allies.

So the only real way to use it is to put it on yourself, and either
A. stand way, way off to the side out of range of both allies and the enemy and shoot or else
B. skirmish in and out so that you're making everyone on the battlefield blind to their enemy ONLY ON YOUR TURN.
C. Have everyone else in the party invest in seeing in magical darkness too (blindsight style, devils sight, shadow sorcerer, shadow monk)
Feeling a little called out, are we?
Seeth zoomer philistine.

We had real movies, not your Skibidi Ohio bullshit.
>what if when you're already good at basically everything you become arbitrarily fucking busted at them?
Great design, maybe try learning how the game is played and designed before you just shit in the open like this.
In my 15+ year history of DMing I've never seen familiars affected by any of these, save for cure wounds which is obviously a downside of having an undead familiar..
couple ideas
>when they’re within 15ft of eachother, they do bonus damage (your choice what die, how much.) they amplify eachothers lightning basically
>attacking them with anything physical sends a mild aoe shockwave 10ft around them for minor damage
>they both have mirror image
>their lightning ricochets off walls like old school rules

i wouldn’t combine any of these and none of then are original ideas.
The Star Wars images aren't the top two images, those are anime. The Star Wars images are in the middle
maybe my point is that its retarded to incentivize players out of having dump stats because being middling at everything is lame and once you start rewarding having multiple higher ability scores in any way it gets out of hand.
dump stats are important. nobody is good at anything.
>>they make elminster black
it wasn't elminster
i’m bad at profreading, for example.
gosj darnit
Also, 5.5's Cure Wounds removed the "Doesn't work on Undead and Constructs" tag, so in the context of 5.5's Pact of the Chain isn't something that would impact them
>take magic initiate: wizard, for find faimiliar
>take alert with human
>roll initative: swap initatives with your hawk familiar if it rolls higher than you

I'm a genius
>le head*
Yep! That's the strat, you can also swap with an ally if its advantageous to the situation at hand. Alert's such a good Origin Feat.
Gonna be hitting level 8 on my greasy lawyer warlock and tossing up whether to get cha to 20 or pick up another feat.
To clarify he's a bit of a meme as I didn't take EB and so his in-combat utility is pretty slim, but that works because the rest of the party are ver combat focused. Thoughts?
>Want to subclass both Battlesmith and Beastmaster
>It can work but I'll be handicapped a bit for most of the game for the sake of having 2 pets fight for me

Kinda lame but they're the only Double Pet Multiclassing that seems to not suck
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>want find faimiliar to have constant access to a mount as a halfling cavalier
>4-5 HP

As a DM, if I gave up the ability to change my familiar to anything else, would you let my find familiar goat/deer/hyena gain warrior sidekick levels? Obviously it's a familiar, so they still can't make attacks. It's basically exchanging any kind of familiar when summoned for only one kind of familiar, extra hit dice, and second wind/short rest.

Or would you turn me down because the paladins who aren't in our campaign would cry?

I plan on asking my DM and even on a no, I'm still gonna ride a 4hp goat into battle using interception fighting style+unwavering mark+mounted combatant's veer to try and keep it alive
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>be a beast master
>cast summon beast

an hour is a long time
>Have both your Steel Defender AND Beast fighting for you
>Summon another pet for the strategic

Yea that does sound fun

Only issue would be the DM getting huffy about action economy
It's because NOBODY every makes well-rounded characters.

Like okay yes, it's important that people who are really good at one thing are also bad at other things.

But there should be SOME reason to not always go full munchkin. And yes, it IS munchkining. It's not power-gaming, it's only the bare minimum of optimizing, but it IS definitionally Munchkining, because the origin of the term is taking a bunch of flaws like say being a midget, to pick up a bunch of extra power in your main strengths. Having a dump stat means you're minmaxing. It's not the most egregious expression of minmaxing to exist. But it is still minmaxing, and about as much as 5e even let's you "min" tbqh, especially with sunlight sensitivity, movespeed penalties, and now even size penalties removed or made trivial.
Minmaxing is fine as an option. It should not be the only viable option, it should not be the developer-intended default. Minmaxing should feel like willingly accepting a penalty for additional power, it shouldn't feel like you're being penalized when you don't minmax.
Well my friend is playing a gloom stalker in our current campaign, although he's a human. He's using dual wielding rapiers and playing a melee ranger, with hunters mark as his combat spell and goodberry and cure wounds as his support spells. He has the mobile feat (2014, since the 2024 book wasn't out when we started this campaign in early summer) and is basically hitting multiple times/targets and running away being absolutely annoying for the DM. I'd recommend you use the unearthed arcana for ranger if the DM allows it as it's significantly better than the base ranger without being broken. The gloomstalker isn't so much about manipulating darkness, as to being super fast and being an ambusher by attacking first. If you want to manipulate darkness/hiding, play a rogue, shadow monk or shadow socrecer. We're currently level 6 and he's also got the rope trick spell and the pass without a trace spell, which improve the party's stealth and ambush capabilities. The one huge flaw he's got is that his character hates ranged weapons and refuses to use them, however I think having some sort of bow/crossbow at the ready is pretty important and would work well with this ambusher gimmick. You also get a mini multi attack from the gloomstalker at level 3 or earlier, I don't remember, which is absolutely busted, even moreso if you dual wield and get a bonus action attack with your offhand. He's a solid damage dealer, although our barbarian and me with my warlock dps a bit harder than him.

Also I highly recommend goodberry, it's and insane utility spell and can even be used to heal downed party members as it heals for 1hp. Our party's abusing this so hard, our DM got us a "goodberry proficiency" and allows us to heal a downed party member with a goodberry as a bonus action, while it should be an action normally. If you get this be sure to use all your leftover spellslots before the night's rest to make them.

>ranger scales off dexterity, multiclass requires a 13 in wis or dex
>beast companion scales off wisdom
>artificer multiclass requires a 13 in Int
>comes online at 6th level
>extra attack doesnt come until 8th level
>each pet scales with class level, so both have far less hitpoints than they should have for the challenge rating they'll be fighting at (both have 20HP)

I wouldn't worry about action economy if I were your DM.
i feel like a lot of this comes from shitty dm’s not knowing how to balance the game. too many of them arbitrarily decide difficulties on the fly because they think failure is challenge and challenge is fun, they don’t understand failing forward and the basic capabilities of anyone competent enough to adventure or even learn the skills to be level 1 in a class.
i find a lot of dm’s like to make players roll for everything and overtune encounters because it always sounds simple on paper.
good dm’s make good games but most dm’s are bad and so the general sentiment is just to build for bad dms.
>they're the only Double Pet Multiclassing

Dragon Ranger and Wildfire Druid probably wouldn't be a bad combo.

Creation Bard and Genielock could be fun. Or just paladin steed.

Does Echo Knight count as pet for you? Fighter jives with just about any other class you'd want to combine it with.

Also if you just want two pets, battlesmith can get homunculus servant infusion.
>i feel like a lot of this comes from shitty dm’s not knowing how to balance the game
The games are literally balanced around you starting with a +3 in primary, upping it +1 at 4, then +1 again at 8.
You can literally see it in the bestiary numbers if you compare them en-masse. ESPECIALLY for attacks vs AC.
where would it make sense for ruffians to hide a cache of ledgers and rival gang documents in their dungeon hideout? preferably somewhere tricky and nonobvious that players are competing with each other to retrieve as a sidequest.

If players are willing to allow themselves to be escorted down to the mage boss's lab under false pretenses, and they fail to convince him of any association or make themselves useful, do you punish them by throwing nearby mooks into the fight? Do you warn them profusely with "are you sure you want to to do this"s? Maybe encourage them to do better prepwork or investigation before they go down this road?

I'm happy to let them run at any time but also hold person exists. I'm split between simulationist tendencies and trying to do a balanced by-the-book encounter.
Making it a choice to engage with it doesn't solve the issue either. What you need is for Charisma, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Strength to have secondary functions the way that Dexterity influences initiative and AC and Constitution influences hit point total.
Genielock doesn't get a pet, unless I've had an aneurysm at some point in the last hour and didn't realize it.
Not to mention it's literally Standard Array and all the New Player/Quickstart recommendations.
Chainlock does, and Genielock has the unique synergy with creation Bard of making your vessel one of your dancing items.
Speaking on Pets I read on Druids Primeval subclass UA
Genuine shame that WotC never tried reworking that to be usable, it has a nice interesting niche to fill for people who want a Pet Class that deals with Dinosaurs

>Does Echo Knight count as pet for you?

Psuedo pet, kind of like Swarmkeeper
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>where would it make sense for ruffians to hide a cache of ledgers and rival gang documents in their dungeon hideout?
in the deepest, most secure part of the hideout/where the boss resides. It's fine that it's a super obvious place because it makes sense for it to be there. If the boss needs access to that information regularly, it should be at hand. You can also have red herrings and leave them ion more obvious places to make the player's think "they found it"

>If players are willing to allow themselves to be escorted down to the mage boss's lab under false pretenses, and they fail to convince him of any association or make themselves useful, do you punish them by throwing nearby mooks into the fight?

outline their options

if they're confident, but they should understand that this is their base, and they have far more numbers, including reinforcements and option 3 is always available.
they can bribe whoever it is to release them for a fair (large) sum of money, the gang leader would probably prefer a fat paycheck to a fight anyway.
They can make a break for it, it's just the rebrands

For option one, make sure to remember redbrands are people, not cultists or zealots. They value their life more than coin, so they'll absolutely run away if things get dangerous.
>humans who value their life flea at 50% health
That is always a means of making a fight seem more deadly than it is.
You can have Chain, Tome and Blade if you want to now independent of which patron you choose.
Genielock can get a pet if they're going chain. Locks as a whole have access to many summons, although almost all of them require concentration. My tome genielock has a familiar for flavour/scouting and a shadowbeast for fighting.
Did Arcana proficiency suddenly become a (near) must-have because of magic item crafting?
It was already a great-to-have given what could fall under Arcana during regular adventuring
I'll be honest, I don't understand how learning spells works generally, or how spell reagents work.

What about ways to create darkness without using the actual Darkness spell? For example if I take control flames as a cantrip to extinguish lights, or use Gust of Wind to the same effect. If you use the actual Darkvision spell, I could just give my whole party Darkvision, right?

I think my DM even said that casting Fog Cloud, which I took as a starting Ranger spell, creates the same effect as Darkness without the magical impenetrability, meaning the effects of Umbral Sight still apply for advantage, while my party could be made to see just fine with a little prep.

I've thought about trying some kind of Assassin Rogue multiclass for more melee ability, but I'm not sure what that would even gain me.

From what I've read, I know dual hand crossbows are absolutely fucking broken with this, but I think someone in my party is going ranged Phantom Rogue with them.
what you say makes sense.

Pretense is that a drow PC's convinced the redbrands she's an old friend of Glassstaff. If she doesn't use the name Iarno or seem aware of his larger identity I can't seem him buying it.
Another PC's managed to get himself "deputized" in writing as a liaison with the mayor of Phandalin.

Point is that when the party claims to have an association, I can only imagine a default attitude of "I don't know you, the redbrands don't seem to know you. It seems like you're lying."

If Glasstaff is smart enough and no holds were barred I'd almost his policy is to send an errand boy or his familiar to fetch the Bugbears as soon as strange people show up to his door. But the gambling redbrands would be more fair. And suppose around half of them can't even be bothered.

Maybe Nothic is the type to tip the players off en route as a way to fuck with them. "You're outnumbered. You'll all die soon. Forgive me if I spectate."
Xanathar's already had item crafting that required arcana, such as crafting scrolls.
Plus retards always used arcana rolls for shit such as detecting magic, instead of the lore roll it was supposed to be
>craft an amusing (to me) backstory as a reason to play grappling elements monk
>don't even know when this character will see play
Who else here /altmaxxing/?
>I'll be honest, I don't understand how learning spells works generally, or how spell reagents work.
Kind of depends on the class, and some species like Elves and Tieflings auto-learn spells on their own. Generally, though, Prepared Divine/Nature casters (Clerics, Paladins, Druids, and Rangers) can prepare up to their daily prepared spell limit from their spell lists after a long rest. Wizards have to add spells to their spellbooks to prepare them, but can also copy them from scrolls and other wizards' spellbooks. Spontaneous casters (Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock) have their spells just come to them like the first group, but it only happens at level-up.

Most material components are a thing you grab to wave around to accomplish the spell, then put back in your pouch. A lot of powerful spells specify the material is used up when you cast the spell. 300gp worth of Diamonds to Revivify someone who just died, for example.
I'm the opposite. I try to only make characters if I have an interesting concept for them, and only make a build then and there.
Find familiar says that if the familiar is a beast, then you swap it to fiend, fey, or celestial. The familiars that aren't beasts don't do that RAW.
Read the book.
Warn, yes, make sure they understand the circumstances and what the possible outcomes could be. It'd alert the most immediately local grunts, yes, that makes sense, and it'd be fine since they're also waltzing into the dungeon's final room with full resources so a little deadlier possible encounter is fine.
>I'm split between simulationist tendencies and trying to do a balanced by-the-book encounter
Such is balancing. It's an introductory adventure, no need to go full "if they have this they must operate with it at all times." Hold Person can also only hit one person and could lead to a fun scenario, with the captured PC in the cells with the others gaining information that way while the rest seek a way to liberate them. You have options, just remember the adventure scope and be willing to let the PCs' plans and ideas bear possible fruit since they're likely just starting.
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I need to decide which miniatures I'm gonna buy for my new adventure. Which is better for a "mining village on an island in the middle of a sea gets invaded from the underdark / underground" scenario: troglodytes or duergar?
>Point is that when the party claims to have an association, I can only imagine a default attitude of "I don't know you, the redbrands don't seem to know you. It seems like you're lying."

Yes, the player have a plan, but it's not a good one.

>"You're outnumbered. You'll all die soon. Forgive me if I spectate."
That's a fine way to warn them. Maybe Sildar can set up a rescue mission if shit gets dicey when they need an exit. Good luck.
>Identifying an Ongoing Spell
>You can try to identify a non-instantaneous spell by its observable effects if its duration is ongoing. To identify it, you must take the Study action and succeed on a DC 15 Intelligence (Arcana) check.
Obviously different from detecting magic but you do use Arcana for Identifying it. 2024 Did seem to remove that Optional Rule that let you use a reaction to learn exactly what spell is being cast as its being cast. So maybe everyone just knows what spell someone is casting when they cast it now?
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>playing mermaid girl
>hallow's eve session coming up
>in-game our characters dress up
What can a mermaid dress up as that isn't Ariel?
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War cleric lv6 here (fighter1/Cleric5) Picrel. What`s there to do besides spirit guardians all day and push enemies with my warhammer? i'm considering changing my fighting style from Defense +1Ac to the protection one so i can protect my horse or the wizard.
Also, now that we know about crafting, how often are we gonna see people dumping Str and crafting Gauntlets of Ogre power (uncommon) since it's so fucking cheap? just use magic initiate true strike while you're baking the gloves.
I don't like taking attunement items that don't do unique things. Bigger STR that's attainable through regular means is not unique. You're effectively losing 1/3rd of your valuable magic items. Not worth it to me for something like STR when you can play a non-STR character.
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>A series about a kid who's really good with a sword in a world filled with mages.
Where I have heard that premise before...
a full fish
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'Sup /tg/, I'm planning a fairy character in case my current human paladin dies. Because the Feywild is neat.

I've settled on either going Dex Paladin or Wild Magic Sorcerer. We did 4d6 drop the lowest for ability scores and I rolled a disgusting set of 17, 17, 16, 16, 10, 8.
Thinking STR 8, DEX 17+1, CON 16, INT 16, WIS 10, CHA 17+2 for a sorcerer stat spread. Maybe swap around INT and WIS so I can take Magic Initiate Druid and pull some Thorn Whip into the air shenanigans but not sure if that's worth dedicating an entire ability score and level 4 feat for.

Looking for input on spell selection and also cool fairy character art. Feather Fall is basically a mandatory pick in case she gets her flight interrupted by something.
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>Maybe swap around INT and WIS so I can take Magic Initiate Druid and
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Sorry, we're playing with the GOOD 5th edition rules.
You're gay.
When do the early access previews start for the DMG?
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the store that i pre ordered my alt cover copy from said that if you pick up at the store you can get it october 29th.
Magical swordsman build with 2024 rules. What are my options?
>shillelaghs + true strike Valor bard with nick from some paladin levels v human so I can start with shield and shillelaghs
>warlock. Blade. Fighter levels. It’s simple but I don’t feel like it mixes magic and martial enough
>ek to 7 for a more martial focused build. Lacks a bit of magical oomph. Lots of attacks though.
>ranger + Druid to get CME
>straight paladin

Am I missing any? Kind of wish we got the 1/3 caster monk subclass but I’m happy they fixed it into what it is now.
A naga
Water genasi swarmkeeper whose swarm is several swirls of floating water blobs. Flavour all spells as a mix of water, ice or lighting. Shillelaghs for topple and high spell dc.
Level 6 and onwards druid levels and at level 8 sea Druid with the subclass ability being a stronger manifestation of the swarm.

Do I ask the dm if I can relfavour plasmoid as a water person? Water genasi is a bit boring desu.
would you recommend against buying supplemental books during this rollout if new core books? If I buy tasha’s today are they gonna turn around and announce an updated version after the MM releases?
Sure, ask to play your goo girl.
what about paladin/sorc. be a paladin of mystra or something.
Dragon ranger and wildfire Druid sounds like a fun combo flavour wise.
Ranger x Druid looks really good with the new rules and spells.
I’m level 10 now and have access to grasping vine and steel wind strike is coming up in a couple levels too.
Innate sorcery and swashbuckler with booming blade from sorc is a fun combo.
Can just pump sorcerer levels eventually and do the whole shadow blade thing right.
I would recommend against buying any books published by WotC period. All of them are free on 5e.tools and other places anyways
It's very likely most of 5e's content will be reprinted, because it'll be cheaper and easier than actually making anything new.
I understand your sentiment but I personally loathe digital books. I don’t take issue with anyone else using them but I need physical books in my hand. I vote with my wallet by not spending a single cent on anything digital. 5etools is fine i guess but again, I don’t like planning my games with a tablet or a computer. It’s my one unplugged hobby.
Then spend your money on a high-quality printer.
Human Male Fighter levels of based
The old subclasses, where viable, will get rebalanced and reprinted at some point.
The Forgotten Realms PHB (2025) will include subclasses and expect most to be old rebalanced ones.
This or find a local printing business to do it.
Nice. One more week then.
Okay, first find good destitched photocopies of the books.
The true way is to use Homebrewery to compile your own compendium of the material you want to use, with the errata and updates you like and none of the ones you dislike.
>no art
No thanks.
Anon, do you really want to use what Wizards of the Coast is calling art these days?
Who says you can’t put the art in as well? Most of it can be trivially grabbed from 5etools.
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I want to make a blunderbuss that requires coins to shoot. Maybe something along the lines of for every ten gold coins you load into the gun, up to 100, you add +1 damage, and every twenty, gets +1 to hit?
Perhaps a curse should be attached to it as well?
if you really dont want to support wotc then stop playing the game or play older editions.
why the fuck would I spend the time I could spend planning my campaign or painting minis on reformatting, printing, and binding my own books? if i hated the company that much, i’d play a different game.
The Slotgun
how about feed it a platinum piece to do an extra 2 damage die and gain advantage on the shot.
the gold thing seems like it might be a bit of tedious micromanaging keeping track of what its been fed and what it’s spent
You can have it shoot 1 gp normally, and then add magic ammunition for +1, +2, and +3 at incremental costs. This could be 5 gp, 25 gp, and 100 gp. This can get expensive quick, but it's still a bad idea design wise to uncap this. Also, add ability to shoot coins in a cone once per short rest, which takes 100's of gold.
Alright. Should I still buy both groups of minis just in case?
Would it make sense to sneak your way through a village avoiding troglodytes? So they do well on the sunny surface?
You should buy as many minis as you can afford, if they're good ones. Though with trogs, they're very sensitive to sunlight, so they'd be more likely to collapse parts of the village into the earth, requiring the party to navigate between safer areas where the sun can still shine through in order to reach the surface.
Aboleth if you want spooky instead of sexy.
I have another idea. I just need to gen through the slop until I get something cool, and then put it through detailers.
Or, you can learn to draw yourself you fucking slopposting cunt.
>learn to draw
He's too daft to prompt "medusa" instead of "mermaid with snakes in hair", you really think he knows wich end of the pen he's supposed to hold?
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I feel like making a new player race, anyone got any ideas?
Want to adapt something? Warforged needs to be in the new edition asap.
Want something fresh? I think a bug race would be fun.
>Jumping cactus
>Fire elemental
>Giant intelligent friendly talking spider
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>size: small
>racial trait: amphibious
>speed: 25ft
>swim speed: 10ft
Yeah, but Conan is not about prejudice against Conan for being a lowly sword peasant retard in a world where even preschoolers can perform basic magic.

Start with Rock Lee, then follow the line through Asta Hage and Mash Burnedead until you hit "literally seen as a mentally disabled subhuman brute by the majority of society" and "doesn't even have Muscle Magic/Ki/Antimagic, he's literally just a guy." The closest he has to any kind of special power or technique is he can transfer an ally's spells through his sword strike.

He's useful mostly because everybody else has been coasting on natural magic talent, and have gotten incredibly over-reliant on spells, and he's actually been doing the homework and PE, and training to have real skills that normally are redundant because a basic spell can supply them but sometimes fuck up against specific monsters, like enemy detection.
By all rights, if his classmates were competent well-rounded adventurers instead of minmaxed cocksure snob nobles, they'd be 100% right about him being a worse than useless primitive that just beats things to death with a pointy stick because he has no other options and should probably be killed for eugenics purposes. But since he's the only one in shape and proficient with any weapons period even though spells cost mana and you really should have a backup just in case, the only one who actually bothered to memorize the bestiary and magic theory for anything but their own personal specialty, the only one to carry any mundane gear, the only one who remembers to use his eyes and ears not just the Search spell, the only one to properly strategize instead of spamming their OP gimmick strat regardless of repeated previous failures, and the only one whose personality isn't too repugnant to have a familiar willing to occasionally guard them with its life even if it is just a little 3lb fey cat, he ends up carrying the team despite only being like 5% of its firepower on his own.
You mean Thri-kreen?
Why? Are you filling a niche? Creating something for a type of character you can't play? Or just brewing because you can?
If it's the last one, just write down all ideas and come up with fun features you want on a race. Then figure out what kind of thing they'd be or where they'd come from.
That sounds like dogshit ngl.
I mean, sure. I was more talking about something unique. Thri-kreen fit the bill enough for your point though, so fair play.
Is old warforged not compatible with the 2024 rules?
I've got scarab, moths, ants, and wasps, but I suppose I could do a grasshopper or something, I'll add it to my to-do

Alright I can add to my aquatic races, thats a good idea, added to my to-do
>Jumping cactus
Jesus christ why
warforged unfortunately covers this
>Fire elemental
same with genasi
>Giant intelligent friendly talking spider
Already got em.

Just making something for funsies, but also want to fill a niche?
I might just go steal another race from one of the novels I'm reading.
>Is old warforged...
Yeah it's compatible. But they're fun to work on as a homebrew concept. Just tossing the idea out there.
Got enough fairy types?
Tree people?
Legless snake people?
Fish people that are top half fish?
Mushrom person?
Dullahan/headless horseman?
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Peanut butter Genasi
Constructs are hella fun. Got string people, sentient weapons/armor, even a hologram race. Honestly annoyed with the new rules, I ain't adapting any of my shit.

Yes to all except the mushrooms and reverse merpeeps.
I will add mushrooms to the list, dunno how I never thought to make any.
Thanks a bunch!

I'm sure I dont want to know
Is it bad form to post homebrew here? Not spamming, mind you, just posting a race like Anon was talking about.
Post whatever you want
The worst that can happen is someone calls you a retard
No, it's fine. 5e general is a containment board, otherwise the catalog would be flooded with 5e threads of all kinds of random shit and /tg/ would lose a lot of nice threads. Just be prepared to accept feedback.
Not at all, I want to see it
I never said it was good.

I said it was an example of prejudice against certain forms of combat.
Anyone got the most recent version of the Anon's bullshit pdf?
>Is old warforged not compatible with the 2024 rules?
technically, but it should have had subraces.

warforged don't just come in the one infantryman model.
Where's the scouts? Where's the psiforged? Where's the greenshadows? Where are the envoys?
>Where's the scouts? Where's the psiforged? Where's the greenshadows? Where are the envoys?

too complex for 5e
I still use the UA warforged in my games. Except for the AC + Prof shit. Fuck that.

The game was literally made with the main rule as "the default is that the DM calls the DC with a few exceptions"

If WotC doesn't bother to explain how shit works, it's going to be like that.
The rules literally gives DCs in increments of 5 for difficulty.
Can't help it if DMs don't follow it and makes it arbitrary based on the players present.
Yeah, the D20 is going to overpower your character build. This is by design.
Go play a D6 game if it's a problem.
>Yeah, the D20 is going to overpower your character build. This is by design.
Pathfinder 2E avoids that by making your training levels matter and adds the degrees of success. If two lv 5 characters have +3 in dex, but one has Expert in the skill, that's rolling D20+3 versus D20+12, and if both succeed the roll, the one with Training likely scores a crit on it as well while their difficulty to hit DC is 9 lower on the D20.

5E isn't very well designed to show "growth," instead it's about giving you more options and bigger hits over time, with the primary difficulty element being "how much HP does the enemy have so we deplete that before it whomps us too many times?"
>5E isn't very well designed
If anyone's trying to make new subclasses, i've compiled a list of what themes/power source VS class combinations have already been used and by extension, which ones are still wide open.


Because it's 4chan I'm sure some of you will have arguments like Conquest isn't related to fiends even though the lore thing literally says they're commonly card carrying hell knights, or that Creation isn't gods based even though it says it uses the words gods first used to create the world, or that Stars/Astral doesn't describe Horizon Walker even though i'm also using that as a category for anything to do with what's in between the planes, etc. But I'm working in the broadest of strokes here, I'm not quibbling over minutia. If it's even slightly in the direction according to the lore or abilities, it's close enough.

And yeah, there's probably several

>where is lunar sorcerer and runechild and open sea paladin...
if it's setting specific book I'm not including it. same reason there's no chronurgy or bloodmagic theme here. Krynn's 3 moons are unique to Krynn, it would be incredibly bizarre if there was a relevant subclass for every class.
>but spirits bard is from van richten's
Is not actually a book specific to the ravenloft setting. it's poorly named for marketing purposes. it's actually a book about the entire shadowfell as a whole, more than just ravenloft has spirits bards. Similarly scag subclasses specifically mention being on other worlds and even give a generic name for PDK. That said if I were to remove one source, SCAG would definitely be my go-to choice for multiple reasons.
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Thanks anon, looks neat!
Don't really have anything to offer in return for now except for this picture of a cool hedgehog.
I did this to upgrade Divine Soul for 24, ignore that the flight thing shows up on the card twice.
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Helps if I include the image.
Pretty good. I'd personally put Wild Magic with "Fey," since its randomness fits with how people tend to conceive of the Feywild.
Cry about it more if you can but I don't think you can
When can a creature release a grapple it has on another creature? Does it cost any resources to do so?
Imagine getting this mad.
>Does it cost any resources to do so?
yeah, it costs 2 second-level spell slots, and 17 ki points
Thanks for the laugh anon lol
>character in Vecna: Eve of Ruin died
>need a new one at level 13
>party is on a mission in the Mournlands in Eberron
What should I make? Other players are a Vengeance Paladin, Battle Smith Artificer, Zealot Barbarogue, and an Arcana Cleric. My previous character was a Drakewarden Ranger.
>13th level

is 2024 an option? Either way, play a monk. You get to skip the shit levels and you have the ASIs to make it work.

pick mercy
pick kensei
Dm was sticking to 2014 for this campaign since all the 2024 core books aren't out yet, and would prefer to have the full set before he uses them.

Hadn't considered monk, but you're right that they do start to pop off around there.
Any time on its own turn, I should think, and shouldn't really require anything more than declaring "I stop grappling (X)". Though I'd allow for a Ready Action to release the grapple off-turn with a specific trigger.
I made the treasure map before deciding what's there.
So what would you put there? terrain, creatures, island climate, and of course treasure.
Yup. You can do a gun monk since you're moving through Eberron

>13 ki points
>sharp shooter + gunner feat
>phat d12 musket

and you can pick a shifter too, like swift stride or beast hide
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Isn't taking Blind Fighting as a Fighting Style to get Blindsight a total wasted trap, when you can get Skulker at level 4 for the same effect plus several other good bonuses?

I'm trying to build a melee Gloom Stalker, and if I don't need to take Blindsight, I'm not sure what else to go for, since other choices like Two-Weapon Fighting seem like only bonuses and not integral to the build. Can they not be taken as a feat later, or can I skip a fighting style there and get two cantrips from Druidic Warrior instead?
>melee Gloom Stalker

What weapons are you using? 2024 or 2014?
New campaign, so 2024. But I don't think you lose anything doing that, right?

I haven't decided weapons yet.
With the 2024 monk rules, would be in the interest of a drunken master to throw themselves prone when fighting two enemies if the damage the enemy attack would deal is less than the damage that deflect attacks can deal? I know with drunken master, if they miss you can redirect the whole attack, but if you're fighting two weak foes, is it better to fall over and then slapstick the enemies to death before getting back up with only 5ft of movement? If you know you can reduce the damage down to zero, it seems like the thing to do would be to grapple them and then make yourself the most appealing target.
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yea, then take two weapon fighting
>short sword + scimitar
>dual wielder at 4th
at 5th you're making 4 attacks for 1d6+3
>I don't want to dual wield

Wis ranger.

>Guide background for magic initiate druid: shillelagh, guidance, and one of the spells from pic reated
>human for alert origin feat
>fighter style dueling

Your spells like entangle get a boost since you're focusing on WIS, and WIS is also a bonus to initiative
>+2 dex for med armor, +2 from alert, +3 from WIS
+7 initiative. At 5th you'll reliably have +4 in WIS and a PB of +3 giving you an initiative of +9 and your shillelagh hits for 1d10
>feats at 4th
inspirational leader to give everyone bonus Temp HP

That sounds like a barbarian with extra steps.
Is Tales from the Yawning Portal not in the tools?
I’m looking to download a few pre-made dungeons
It's barbarian but faster, goofier, and with better AC
Blind Fighting is strictly worse than Skulker yeah when comparing apples to apples. There's a different opportunity cost of the "free" Fighting Style Feat versus a slot for an unrestricted one, so it depends on if the extra goodies of Skulker are worth it to you versus whatever other helpful Feat you could be taking instead.
>but faster
you're forcing yourself prone, so it's negligible
I'll give you that
>with better AC
you're making yourself easier to hit because you want to get hit

personally, to buff drunken master

>3rd level
>b̶o̶n̶u̶s̶ ̶p̶r̶o̶f̶i̶c̶i̶e̶n̶c̶i̶e̶s̶
>Dizzy lotus strike
Your attacks with monk weapons and unarmed strikes are treated as if they have the sap weapon mastery.
>Swift Misstep
Once per round, you can use an additional reaction, but it can't be used to make an attack of opportunity. You can use this feature a number of times equal to its WIS mod, and it recharges on a long rest.
>Drunken Technique
stays the same since it's perfect

>6th level
>Tipsy Sway
if every monk gets a 1 point ki cost reaction attack to being attacked, drunken monk's redirect attack shouldn't cost anything, especially since its setup is more niche.

>11th level
>Drunkards's luck
Reduce the cost to one ki point to negate disadvantage, and As a reaction when you suffer a critical hit, you can spend two ki points to turn that hit into a normal hit. Any effects triggered by a critical hit are canceled. If you use Swift Misstep to activate this ability, you regain a use of Swift Misstep.

>Intoxicated Frenzy
with the changes to flurry of blows no longer needing to be immediately after your attack action, + the previous change of dizzy lotus strike, I think It's fine as is.
>dual wielder at 4th
I'm taking Skulker on 4. But Dual Wielder actually doubles the bonus attacks you're doing with light weapons?

Do the Fog of War and Sniper bonuses apply when under the effects of Umbral Sight? If you're invisible, and thus hidden, I'd think so, right?
A light weapon property attack can be made as a bonus action, if the attack is made with the scimitar, and you have its weapon mastery (you should) it is made as part of the attack action instead, reopening your bonus action to be used for other things, like the dual wielder feat's bonus action attack

>Do the Fog of War and Sniper bonuses apply when under the effects of Umbral Sight? If you're invisible, and thus hidden, I'd think so, right?
No. Hiding takes your whole action to do, unless you're a rogue.
RAW, even being invisible, a creature can detect where you are

Skulker is pretty good for ranged sneaky bois, but not really for melee.
It doesn't specifically cover only ranged attacks from stealth, does it? You could potentially stab a guy from darkness, and if you somehow cock it up, you won't break cover.
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>play war cleric
>wizard asks for healing
>remain silent
>later on wizard gets dropped to zero
>i heal him back
>Wizard: T-thanks frien-..
>My cleric of Tempus is flailing himself in penitence: "Forgive me Tempus, i will NOt waste your blessings in non pain facilitating spells every again"
I can see the hate in the eyes of the wizard player, nigga literally thought i was going to be a healslut.
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>It doesn't specifically cover only ranged attacks from stealth, does it? You could potentially stab a guy from darkness, and if you somehow cock it up, you won't break cover.
Correct, but hitting them would break cover and they have disadvantage on you anyway since you're invisible. And your attacks already have advantage because, again, you're invisible.

Unless you're a goblin, have a very specific magic item, or multiclass into rogue, you can't hide as a bonus action so you spend your first turn hiding for no tangible benefit other than "they won't hit me"
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>No. Hiding takes your whole action to do, unless you're a rogue.
>RAW, even being invisible, a creature can detect where you are
Why does hiding take your whole action, and how does Rogue bypass this?
If the success state for a Hide check gives you the Invisible condition, and Umbral Sight always gives you the Invisible condition (while heavily obscured) to any creature that can't see you by extraordinary (Truesight, Blindsight, Devil's Sight, etc) means, then you should be hidden at all times unless revealed somehow, right?

For example even if you make a melee attack successfully, you still retain the Invisible condition, meaning attacks against you are still disadvantaged. And if you were to move position as a bonus action after the attack in those conditions, it's arguable you shouldn't even be attackable at all, that is if you move outside of the target's standing melee range. Because then to hit you, they'd be required to move towards your new location, which at best would be random chance.

Basically hit and fade, and all reliant on trading your bonus action attack for movement instead.
What are all the race variants listed with "Mark of X"? Are they standard options, or only for something specific?
Check the book that's listed dummy.
It's Eberron.
On the one hand, I get ya.
But see, but Wild Magic Barb is definitely not fey, it literally gives allies spell slots back that's super arcane, and they're definitely the same power source right?
>cleric of sun and shit
>if you can say thanks to the sun each morning for bringing us light and warmth. I will share his embrace (healing)
>if you commit to the sun. I will share his bounty (buffs)
Atheist-ish wizard seething as Rogue enjoys on demand healing and things like deathward and bless. “I would never commit to a serve a higher power”
>we need not your service. Just your gratitude
“The sun rises whether I show gratitude or not”
>he is great is he not

Eventually wizard goes down some sessions later. Player is staring at me. Group looks at me. Dm is holding back a laugh.
>cleric approach’s. Upcasts cure wounds to 4th level “the sun rises whether we show gratitude or not my friend”

He’s now a level 3 cleric and will be in charge of the southern chapter for our church.

Just need to convince the warlock and I’ve completed the secret quest the dm handed me.
But are they generally choosable in a standard campaign?
Dm won’t be running a shit load of combat for his homebrew world. At the very least there won’t be much filled combat. So only two or three big fights a day.
With that in mind, should I go shillelaghs route with my blade singer or dex using 2024 rules?
I can still nick with shillelaghs and my round 1 will be dropping a big con spell and bladesing activation so 2nd round can be
>shillelaghs, attack with club, true strike with scimitar (fighter levels) nick and swing with the club.
Especially with new crafting rules. DM is quite lenient so I should be able to craft a ruby of the war mage or something similar.
Only if the DM allows it. It's otherwise a setting-specific racial thing for Eberron.
>standard campaign
there is no such thing. DM decides everything and communicates with players. Please don't show up at a game with your plasmoid strixhaven initiate or whatever before asking.
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Ask the DM.
How does /5eg/ name their characters?
Do you go with a serious name for immersion or are you a punny name kind of person?
I'm a "fantasynamegenerator.com" kinda guy
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>Why does hiding take your whole action
because that's the game
>and how does Rogue bypass this?
with their cunning action feature, they can hide as a bonus action
>If the success state for a Hide check gives you the Invisible condition, and Umbral Sight always gives you the Invisible condition (while heavily obscured) to any creature that can't see you by extraordinary (Truesight, Blindsight, Devil's Sight, etc) means, then you should be hidden at all times unless revealed somehow, right?

>For example even if you make a melee attack successfully, you still retain the Invisible condition,
with umbral sight, yes
>meaning attacks against you are still disadvantaged.
>And if you were to move position as a bonus action
Movement is not a bonus action unless you are to use some kind of feature from a class/race/feat/magic items/etc. Movement is movement, you can split your movement anyway you like on your turn
>after the attack in those conditions, it's arguable you shouldn't even be attackable at all
something attacked them, so they know something is there. They are aware of your presence, and you are not hidden, just invisible.
>that is if you move outside of the target's standing melee range.
You are invisible and making an attack of opportunity requires sight of the creature, so correct, they can't make that attack of opportunity.
>Because then to hit you, they'd be required to move towards your new location, which at best would be random chance.
Correct. However, none of this requires skulker which was the whole point.
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Every character starts with an A.
>had no naming pattern
>played paladin starting with an A
>we had apprentices to do lower level lesser missions that would be too small fry for main characters
>went through two apprentices accidently naming them A names
>now I give every character real A names
This must be JC's best movie. The final fight shootings lasted 3 fucking months.
Avoid normal names. Iterate on something until you get something you like. Name generators make this go faster. If I make silly names, its to make it memorable. Aliteration also helps in having the name sound like a song.
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Why are rogues so fucking boring in combat?
>plays cleric, doesn't want to heal
I can understand why your table will hare you.
Only 1 attack
>Be thief/rogue
>Get shafted every single published edition from 50 years ago till now
>Boring in combat
Yeah, it's a mystery.

Rogues are good in D&D 4e and Pathfinder 2e.
I thought about 4e, and they're alright I guess. Wasn't counting on pathfinder, but 2e they're top of the list as well.
it's their most "well received class" they have so I guess it's doing something for someone, but I don't see it. Imo they really need to have the fast hands feature be core to all rogues and give them clear tricky things they can do each turn in addition to their bonus action. The new edition added some options for sneak attack so that's good I guess, but it's at the cost of already paltry damage and it's still like a one attack limited battlemaster maneuver dude.
You should have stuff like assassin gets to apply 5 different poisons with bonus acction, thief gets to swing someone's cloak over their face, temporarily blinding them, and get access to extended "thief gadgets" like smoke bombs and shit, and Arcane trickster to be allowed to cast illusion spells as a bonus action. It feels a bit like wotc see that they have strong defensive options and expertise, and then count the features and conclude that they're in parity in numbers total to other classes and just call it a day, even though it feels so lackluster in practice.
The primary issue stems from not letting martial classes go beyond the scope of mortal limits, like demigods. I mean they do in terms of stats, but not in terms of what they can do with their capabilities like you see in mythology and folklore. A 20th level rogue should be absolutely terrifying on a conceptual level. As it stands, it's just sort of a guy who stabs good, and not a living shadow of nightmarish proportions.
It's just the wizard, he gets dropped too fast, kek
fancier full name for myself, shorten it to a nickname that's easier to remember and more catchy to make it easier for the DM, and because fancier names usually devolve into getting nicknames by other players anyway so you can get ahead of that and at least choose your own one so it doesn't become something too silly like a common real world nickname as it often does, it's a win-win
Expertise made them the strongest class in many games of 5e though because stealth is such a meme
The falloff for rogues was that in 3e they were the designated UMAD class. They lost both their niches to bards and were kept in the game by a single subclass feature in 5.0 that's since been removed (and bards buffed into the stratosphere).
>Expertise in stealth made them the strongest class
They're not even the best at stealth. That goes to Pass Without Trace, which gives +10 to group stealth. A level 5 rogue with expertise and 20 dex gets +11. Expertise is not even a unique skill, as anyone can pick it up with a feat. And that doesn't even begin to pick apart your frame of reference for damage, defenses, and utility of spells to sincerely determine the best class. Spoiler, it's the one with the pointy hat.
hmm... a goliath rogue perhaps?
How much would a rings worth of adamantine cost?
this is the superior method. have a fancy full name that you can whip out for roleplay if needed, but also be able to shorten it to make things easier/ faster for everyone. also having it look nice on paper, but also try saying it out loud before you settle so you don't sound like an idiot trying to pronounce it and your name actually flows well in spoken word.
no, because Strength rogues aren't allowed by wotc
I base my names off Transformers.
>You are invisible and making an attack of opportunity requires sight of the creature,

it requires you to know that the creature is moving away from you. invisibility does not cover sound. many dm’s would allow an opportunity attack at disadvantage if the reacting foe is intelligent.
it is quite normal to swing wildly at an invisible foe who attacked you.
>You can make an Opportunity Attack when a creature that *you can see* leaves your reach using its action, its Bonus Action, its Reaction, or one of its speeds. (5.5)
>You can make an opportunity attack when a hostile creature that *you can see* moves out of your reach. (5e)

A DM may potentially homebrew being able to OpAttack a creature you can't see, but RAW which should be the default assumption unless otherwise noted, sight is required.
fair enough.
>you can split your movement anyway you like on your turn
So you can always move after attacking?
>something attacked them, so they know something is there. They are aware of your presence, and you are not hidden, just invisible.
But Hide says nothing about removing your existence from the enemy's awareness. If you've done something to show that you're present, and then take the Hide action, logically you should be no more hidden than if you were already invisible, right? That's all Hide does.
>Correct. However, none of this requires skulker which was the whole point.
Right, but in reference to Skulker I'm only talking about Umbral Sight's invisibility in regards to gaining the effects of Sniper and Fog of War.
Isn't Thief currently one of the most broken of all classes? Because you can just activate any magic item as a bonus action, plus attune to four magic items at once, plus use any spell scroll with an unfailable arcana check. So you can practically nuke anything you want at any time.

Not to mention you get two(2) turns on the first round of combat, and indefinite invisibility. Thief is busted.
>So you can always move after attacking?
Yes, in 5E there's no restriction on that, as long as you haven't moved more than your max movement per turn. Move - attack, attack - move, move - attack - move, Dash and move twice, etc.,. That whole thing was why 3.X had the 5-Foot Step as a free action each turn, since all movement had to be taken as a single action.
Somebody have the wizards are immoral meme with the guy climbing the fence?
A 10lb bar of Adamantine costs 1000GP as of 1492 DR. A gold ring weighs ~5grams. 10lbs is ~4500g, so it's roughly 5GP per gram of Adamantine. So, 20-30 gold for enough to craft a ring, not including the cost to make the ring, or any artificial price inflation from craftsmen who think they could make more turning into armor or weapons, and upcharging the small chunk to justify the lesser material they now have to work with.
Thief being good is exclusive to the 2024 printing, it was bad for the last decade of 5e
About fucking time, I hated it when Crawford pulled his usual bullshit and declared that the subclass dedicated to using items effectively and using unusual magic items couldn't use magic items effectively.
If you get absurdly rich, and have access to the right magic items, and get to be level 13 and up, they'll be kind of alright. Or you could just be a caster. We'll see what happens in the next couple years, when 5.5 actually gets play with a monster manual and dmg with magic items.
In a white room where the DM showers you with unlimited gold, you have unlimited prep time, you have a willing player playing an actually good class dedicating their character to helping you out, and you actually make it to tier 3 and 4 of play, its okay, in practice its a weak subclass.
>15gp and 1 day of prep time per turn minimum to contribute to a fight
>this price only skyrockets with higher level scrolls, hundreds to thousands of gold and weeks of downtime for a single turn of power
>To do big turns with high level spells you need the dm to hand you those good scrolls personally or beg your party casters to make them for you since you can't scribe spells you don't have prepared.
I don't know what games you play in, but my dm is rather strict with gold and our downtime is 0. If we had a 2024 thief rogue, he'd get to cast 1 cantrip of his choice a day with our very generous wizard's help, and occasionally a shatter scroll or other mediocre scroll since the wizard wants to scribe any good spells into his book, good luck rolling a good scroll twice to be used. Its only saving grace is exactly magic wands, and thief can't attune to them until level 13 which I've never seen outside of one shots. Looking at the rules again, I don't think the thief is even allowed to use scrolls until level 13. Thief is dogshit.
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If I'm reading Dual Wielder feat correctly, you can make an extra attack as a bonus action after attacking with a weapon that has the Light property, but that second weapon making the bonus attack itself doesn't need to have the light property?

So say I attack with a Scimitar, can it take an extra attack as part of my attack action due to the Nick property, I could then take another attack as part of my bonus action with a Longsword or a Rapier, even though those aren't Light weapons?
thank you wise sir
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>ut Hide says nothing about removing your existence from the enemy's awareness. If you've done something to show that you're present, and then take the Hide action, logically you should be no more hidden than if you were already invisible, right? That's all Hide does.
5e uses natural language, so hide also means. Prevent from being seen or discovered. 5e is a shit system, if you're gonna play it, get used to it.
>Right, but in reference to Skulker I'm only talking about Umbral Sight's invisibility in regards to gaining the effects of Sniper and Fog of War.
Yes, and umbral sight does not make you hidden, just invisible. SO you would not benefit from snmiper unless you were hidden first.

Our most recent book was written by AI, so it's filled with dogshit inconsistencies
barbarian/rogue or barbarian/fighter, which is the new hotness in the 2024 rules? skimming thru the barbarian changes it seems like barbarian gets a lot of what made rogue so cool for free (more skills, don't care about expertise for grappling from new rules, can take berserker to get a sneak-attack extra set of dice) but maybe im missing something
Yea, you now dip barbarian to make rogue better, rather than dipping rouge to make barbarian better.

Full barb is solid enough to stand on its own if you want to play a barbarian. But if you want to be a better rogue, take three levels in barb. Your example of rogue + zerker is one obvious one where you don't lose out too much on sneak dice in exchange for damage resistance. Zealot to a lesser extent, but you also get a pool of healing.

barbarogue with dual wielder feat + scimitar gets


On top of sneak attack, triggerable on any attack, because reckless attack.
At no point in 2014 was it worth taking more than 5 levels of Barbarian.
the extra attack from nick has to be with a different light weapon.
how are you striking with two light weapons and then putting one of them away to equip another weapon and attack with that.
maybe if your extra attack from nick is a thrown dagger? throw dagger and unsheath sword.

idk. seems extremely fuckin cheesy
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Dual Wielder lets you stow and equip two weapons to enable all this swapping silliness
>Prevent from being seen or discovered.
But you can't get un-discovered after being discovered, as in you don't just erase the fact that something was there from the enemy's mind. By any metric being invisible and being hidden are the same thing in regards to after an enemy has been made aware of you.
>But you can't get un-discovered after being discovered, as in you don't just erase the fact that something was there from the enemy's mind.
Yes, thats the hide action.
>By any metric being invisible and being hidden are the same thing in regards to after an enemy has been made aware of you.
Except in the context of the table-top game Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition.

Anon, these are the rules. That's how the game works. Unless your DM decides it works differently.
>Yes, thats the hide action.
Where is that written in the Hide action? All it says you gain on a successful check is gaining the Invisible condition.
DMG, about how the game uses natural language
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>With the Hide action, you try to conceal yourself.
Concealing yourself will only erase your existence to a creature that lacks object permanence though. If you were to hide yourself behind a pillar, an enemy will think "he's behind the pillar", even if you're concealed and move away. And if the enemy checks behind the pillar for you and you're not there, he won't just forget that you were there or that you could still be around.

If we're talking about natural language, I would take it that concealed, invisible, or hidden are all synonymous with one another. Especially since in the case of Invisibility, gaining that condition nonmagically is shorthand for being hidden, as in "not being visible".
No such thing as an atheist in a fox hole.
shark mermaid
Wrong, Relentless Rage is INCREDIBLY good, one of the best abilities in the entire game from what I've experienced.
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How do i build a Naruto style ninja using the new 2024 rules?
How does selecting feats work? If you take a pre-2024 background, do you not get to choose a level 1 feat? And those feats are tied to background, so you can't take a different background and get one of those feats?

>Backgrounds and Species from Older Books

>Backgrounds in older D&D books don’t include ability score adjustments. If you’re using a background from an older book, adjust your ability scores by increasing one score by 2 and a different one by 1, or increase three scores by 1. None of these increases can raise a score above 20.

>Similarly, species in older books include ability score increases. If you’re using a species from an older book, ignore those increases and use only the ones given by your background.

>Also, if the background you choose doesn’t provide a feat, you gain an Origin feat of your choice.
Not that anon but I just want to thank you for writing out your honest thoughts in that post
I liked that post, and I think you deserve at least another (you)
Here we fucking go. Finally.
Ok. What type of ninja?
Fuck it never mind this will probably work with most ninjas but I especially like Gaara, water shark lad and anyone elemental ninja for this set up.
>swarm keeper, shillelagh, high wis and con and decent dex
Flavour the swarm as Gaara sand or a whirl of water. 5 levels for extra attack.
>land Druid for gara sea Druid for shark lad
After ranger 5 we take Druid levels for better ninjutsu and speeding up the slot progress.
From there it’s just a matter of flavour for entangle, spike growth, conjur minor elementals, grasping vine.
It’s such a fun build but I can’t decide between sand (+fire) or water (+lightning) for my character.
>Also, if the background you choose doesn’t provide a feat, you gain an Origin feat of your choice.
Nice! So for example if I choose the Criminal (Spy) background, rather than the 2024 Criminal background, I can choose something like Magical Initiate as a starting feat, without being tied to either Alert, or any of the three Magical Initiate backgrounds?
Im a bit autistic for the Uchiha lad but damn Gaara is sick im gonna try it out.
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Could you guys help me craft a homebrew weapon/scaling weapon that the DM is allowing me to make? It's supposed to be a reward towards my fresh level 4 Paladin as he's been fully Knighted and won a tournament lately, along with the favor of a Princess.

DM said I should craft something that could scale with me over time, I'm a Longsword/Shield type of Paladin sword and board wading into the enemies and throwing out as much damage as I take. So there are lot of things we could do here. Was hoping you guys might have some suggestions.

He's quite the honorable lad, a bastard of a King that has no claims, lands, or true titles beyond his knighthood but is absolutely striving to make all the stories of brave heroes he grew up on into a reality. Even with all the rather depressing reality of how dark the world can be compared to all those flowery stories.
Maybe? If something has the same name as something that was updated you're intended to use the new one, I'm not sure if the variant backgrounds are "the same one" for this. I'd probably say it counts as part of Criminal and thus has been superseded and is not intended to be available? But something like Fisher from Saltmarsh as the first nonreprinted background I can think of would do that.
You'll always get an Origin Feat with a 2024 character but ask your DM if they are imposing any limits.
For example, my DM let me choose any Origin Feat I wanted for a custom background but I needed to have a plausible backstory reason why my Fighter turned Warlock (we started at level 3) would have Magic Initiate: Wizard.
If your DM doesn't care about that and just lets you pick anything, then you're good to go.
>I would take it that concealed

It doesn't matter what you think, unless you are the DM, those are the rules. They are poorly written, but they are what they are.
>dual wielder
isn't the whole point of barbrogue that you can do a lot of damage with strikes while saving your bonus action for cunning action and other cool stuff? why just roll an extra 1d6
An easy enough scaling weapon could be to just slap on 5.5's version of Shillelagh (either as an always on effect or allowing you to cast the spell targeting the sword even though it's not a valid target for the spell usually). 5.5 gives the spell cantrip scaling by upgrading the size of the damage die at 5/11/17 to d10/d12/2d6
>Taijutsu = extra attack, fist weapon.
>Ninjutsu = evocation, conjuration, transmutation, divination, abjuration, & necromancy.
>Genjutsu = enchantment & illusion schools.
A spellcaster with extra attack, or gestalt. If you go monk you just end up as Rock Lee.
You need to play a monk, and you need to start at level 15
Easy there, Might Guy. Genin exist. And ninjutsu is 90% of the latter half.
And before they before genin, they can run on water and walk up walls, a 9th level feature.
Literally 3 of the four monks in the new PHB have blatantly magical powers.
No I just have the one saying the have no sense of right or wrong.
>the slop poster, lookin for interaction
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Artists are the most insuferable people in the world and not a chance I'd pay to get art of every character in a campaign, we AI slop for the ease of life.

That's exceptionally simple, anything extra you'd suggest adding on at later levels?
They train for that while genin. Level 1 is fine.
Depends on your scope, and abilities you want. Spellcasting becomes a bigger signifier than stealth and hand-to-hand.
>Artists are the most insuferable people in the world and not a chance I'd pay to get art of every character in a campaign, we AI slop for the ease of life.
Fair. But the second most insufferable people in the world are slop posters who shove their garbage pictures into every thread without taking the time to actually make something worth showing off.
Which of the Find Familiar familiars would be most capable of extinguishing lights? A bird, I'd guess?
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baboon or monkey
Naw, second most annoying are people who complain about stupid shit. Like (You). Stop being an insufferable faggot and keep your bitching to yourself, retard. Your "art" isn't worth looking at just because you made it yourself.
I can't draw a stickman so I'm not going to post my art here. Get over yourselves, ai art is a non fucking issue
this anon gets it
>Not gonna post my shitty art here.
>Ai art is non fucking issue
Aww. You were so close to getting it.
lmao cope more, artistard
>ML art only works because of mass theft of copyrighted works and regurgitates samey, soulless, and noncreative garbage out for people who take no effort to try to learn nor want to help those who have done the work pay their bills
It's a big fucking issue.
not really
>mass theft of copyrighted works
Not how AI works. AI is not a collage machine.
Yes, really. The entire point is techbros trying to buy their way into a skill without doing the work while cutting the people who did that work out of the revenue.
>Not how AI works.
It does not work without massive amounts of images to train on. You can feed it only one artist and get back images in that same style. The idea that it's not making collages is a red herring argument.
It's ugly. Cope somewhere else.
>the entire point
no it's not
looks better than 80% of character art done by a person
>It does not work without massive amounts of images to train on.
You don't work without a massive amount of images to train on.
Your disability check will be sent in the mail.
Let's see your art, Michelangelo
>Don't like AI art? Paint the Sistine chapel.
Schizo posting hours.
>it's literally impossible for any drawing by a person to look like shit
you legitimately retarded, cope more artistard
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here's some AI art for you two to argue about.
At least they made the effort to create something. And if they keep going they'll get better.
>Fucky hands
>Random "highlight" splotches
>Where the fuck is the light coming from
>Purple reflections from who the fuck knows where
>Nonsensical architecture
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>Veer. While mounted, you can force an attack that hits your mount to hit you instead if you don't have the Incapacitated condition.
>doesn't require a reaction
>Find familiar: any 0 challenge rating beast

-Pig: 30ft speed, +1 str, +0 dex, 195 carry weight
(Chain mail barding) 16 AC, 90lbs, 300gp
-Deer: 50ft speed, +0 str, +3 dex, 165 carry weight
(Studded leather barding) 15 AC, 26 lb, 180 gp, 26 lb.
-Hyena: 50ft speed, +0 str, +1 dex, 165 carry weight
(Chain Shirt Barding) 14AC, 40lbs, 200gp
-Goat: 40ft speed, +0 str, +0 dex, 165 carry weight
(Chain Shirt Barding) 13AC, 40lbs, 200gp

Magic initiate wizard is the best option for small races if you want a reliable mount baring the usually suspects (paladin, beast master, battlesmith) you only have to be afraid of AoE attacks. Goat gets special mentions for being a goat, darkvision, and a climb speed of 30ft. A ridding saddle is 25 lbs but a pack saddle is only15 lbs and there is no real difference aside form the name and weight

and a saddle of the cavalier is I think 10 days and 200gp to craft so your mount gets access to its dash and disengage options
Depends on the character. If I want an aristocratic character, I'll often go for a French, Italian, or Norman name (French for fops, Norman for chads). A more fantastic or foreign character gets a more fantastical name, and smallfolk tend to get goofy names with lots of alliteration.

e.g. I might have a paladin named Bohemond, a gnome named Bloren Boxleblorg, and an elf named Pelandyr.
There's a bit of cheese in weapon swapping, but that's the gist of it. Basically, if you have a longsword and two scimitars with Dual Wielder, your attack sequence might look like

Attack Action: Scimitar (Regular)+Scimitar(Nick), stowing one scimitar to draw the longsword
Bonus Action: Longsword
I really like the Gaara concept. Grab wizard initiate for a (sand) shield.

Currently mine is a 1st hokage rip off.
If you want uchi with gnjitsu I’d try aberrant sorc flavoured as sharingan etc. lighting uchi build is probably elemental monk but ranger x Druid can make it work with a bit flavour.

Honestly ranger x Druid is really slept on with the new rules
anon you're unleashing dark powers here.
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>If I'm reading Dual Wielder feat correctly, you can make an extra attack as a bonus action after attacking with a weapon that has the Light property, but that second weapon making the bonus attack itself doesn't need to have the light property?
Yes, it opens up the dagger/rapier style among other things

>So say I attack with a Scimitar, can it take an extra attack as part of my attack action due to the Nick property,
not unless you are using a different scimitar for the light property attack, or, using a short swod to make the attack, and THEN using the scimitar.
>I could then take another attack as part of my bonus action with a Longsword or a Rapier, even though those aren't Light weapons?
if you fix it

>shortsword/dagger/etc. in one hand, and a scimitar in the other, you can then stow the scimitar and draw a rapier and attack with that as a bonus action.
enchantment wizards level 2 feature is basically the sharingan genjustu no?
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Reminder a LIMITED number of Turks, Ottomans, Egyptians or Saudis in a European fantasy setting is fine so long as they are present as being from a far off land
We waz elvez n sheet is not fine and 100% ruins the setting
Bladesong works for uchiha's sharingan, being able to dodge everything. You get the spells for fire & lightning style, and any enchantment/illusion for genjutsu. The list goes on.
Fuck it. If you want some real Naruto jank.
>5 levels in ranger swarmkeeper with magic initiate wizard origin for shield. Swarm is sand.
>3 levels in attack monk. Now we have wis hands for taijitsu
>rest in Druid for bigger spells/jutsu

Requires a whole turn to set up and even a second if you want to be greedy but damn was it fun in a one shot.
You have no idea of what you're talking about. Stop posting
>attack monk.
guessing you mean astral monk? sick overall i like it
How often do you gain spells? I'm starting at level 3 as a Ranger, the book says to choose two level 1 spells at level 1, at what rate do you get more as you level up? Does the 3 under 1st (level spells per spell level) in the table mean I can choose three level 1 spells for third level?
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So prepared spells means that since I'm starting at level 3, I can take four spells from the Ranger list, not 3?

Do they all need to be level 1 spells?
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So... Yes? I can only start taking (2) 2nd level spells at level 5?
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Took you this long for that butthurt reply?
Anon if I thought I was reading the table properly, I wouldn't be asking the question.
at elast you're learning.
I have a life
How do I buff fighter just a little? He's going sword and shield style, I'm hoping to give him something that will give him a slight damage increase outside of the +1 weapon I gave him. Think maybe just giving him some battle master maneuvers as freebies would do?
we're running off 2014. Anything from 2024 or Tales of the Valiant or anything else that might help give him a tiny boost in damage? I feel he needs just a tiny bit extra to get over the top here.
>The number of spells on your list increases as you gain Ranger levels, as shown in the Prepared Spells column of the Ranger Features table. Whenever that number increases, choose additional Ranger spells until the number of spells on your list matches the number in the Ranger Features table. The chosen spells must be of a level for which you have spell slots. For example, if you're a level 5 Ranger, your list of prepared spells can include six Ranger spells of level 1 or 2 in any combination.
give the one-handed weapon vex
If they're using 5etools that could be part of the problem, there's a typo in the Ranger chart there that shows the column that should be "Spell Slots per Spell Level" as "Prepared Spells per Spell Level"
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Yes, but if he can't figure this out, he's going to have a much harder time playing the game. Pic related. If you know, you know.
That it's banned??
He's a Samurai fighter, so I feel like that'd step on the toes of of his fighting spirit. He took Martial Adept as a feat, I'm thinking maybe expand the tools he does have. Another Maneuver and another dice, more second wind or fighting spirit?
Did you already take the Dueling fighting style?
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>He took Martial Adept as a feat

-Give the feat a +1 to STR or DEX
-give it 1 additional die.

Let him swap one maneuver at the end of a long rest if he spends an hour practicing drills
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I'm the DM.
He took blind fighting (It's been surprisingly useful). I mean just giving him dueling might solve it.
Spitballing thoughts have been giving him a +2 weapon or a weapon that does 1d4 extra damage? Or maybe "you can use this magic item to use another fighter feature once per short rest"
Where is that, that's so much better
Sauce on the art?
I have no idea
>he doesn't know
Ik they deemed the art problematic but other than that...?
Have Bastions changed much from the playtest?
they are in the DMG, so we don't have them yet
its homebrew, I made it on homebrewery
>I cast a spell!
>Alright, which one?
>Which spell do you cast?
>Where is that on my sheet?
>The section that says "spells".
>This one here.
>I cast Earthbind!
>Okay, on who?
>I want to cast Earthbind on this guy.
>He doesn't fly, you know.
>That guy can't fly.
>You know what Earthbind does, right?
>It traps them and keeps them from moving, right?
>It keeps them from flying.
>They can still move, they can't fly.
>It doesn't stop them from moving?
>I don't want to do that, then.
>I want to cast Hypnotic Pattern.
>Okay, where?
>I want to cast it on that guy.
>Centered on him?
>I want to cast it on him.
>It's an AoE spell, you know.
>It is?
>Yes. 30 foot cube.
>In fact, you could probably get some of the other guys if you aim it between them.
>Okay, I do that.
>What's your save DC?
>Your save DC?
>Should be written near your spells.
>Where are my spells?
Some content creators got early access. Nerd Immersion did a video on Bastions, biggest change seems to be the Bastion Point metacurrency has been dropped, things like magic items you have the workers there do the crafting rules rather than them going out and acquiring it for you with the points
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Thoughts on running the Curse of Strahd in Innistrad, as discussed in Planeshift: Innistrad?
The main appeal to me is the familiar setting, the stronger emphasis on gothic horror tropes, and the homogenization of party species (its hard to describe a zombie as "painting the eventual future of all humanity in the starkest terms, underlining the grim truth of mortality" if some of the players are immortal).
However, do you think the Curse of Strahd can be run effectively outside of its intended setting? Do you think the core adventure is good enough to sustain a campaign without its recognizable characters?
I must have missed this because I get no context from it
I have a dumb request
I asked my characters to give me a picture to represent themselves and one of them basically told me flat out no and to use whatever
therefore I'd like to ask someone with better talent than me to please draw the shittiest possible depiction of a tiefling rogue, please and thank you. Just absolutely terrible is what I'm talking about.
Could do it, but might want to expand on the changes given.
I'd probably want to flesh out the Abbess a little more to suit what occurred in Innistrad, for example. Is she still trying to "cure the infection" in her own way?
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I might be mis-remembering. Post it, please.

I don't know the intricacies, but I'm incredibly for that idea.
Pointy Hat also covered it in his recent DMG video.

I'm mostly just curious how much of it is ripped off from the old Stronghold systems of 2e and 3.5.

And this right here is the only appropriate use of AI art generation in the RPG space. When you deliberately want it to be bad.
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weapon mastery properties, just port it over.
Or remove action surge and give fighter two actions each turn.

I think you don't have a vae
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And yet he's asking people to draw a shitty piece of art for him. Odd. It's almost as if your retarded point makes no sense.
>watches pointy hat
>still thinks he's allowed to have opinions about anything
>knows who pointy hat even is
>he doesn't know
are you the same guy who didn't even know about the decade+ old pasta?
It's a little 8 page section at the back. It's fairly low detail - you mostly just replace creatures with their local equivalent. It's set during the onset of Shaodws Over Innistrad, so Vallaki has a big inquisition going on and Krezk has an insane angel caring for people afflicted by Emrakul's influence. Their name for InnisStrahd is super lame, they named him Strefan.
I think it'll require some work, but I'm enthusiastic about the setting.
>he says as he can't even post shitty art of a tielfing
el oh el
>Weapon Masteries
>Just like give him two actions bro
One of these things are not like the other, one (You) of these things just doesn't belong.
most tables are brainlets, using fighter's action to swing sword. What is fighter going to do with multiple actions? Even if he starts taking caster levels, he can only concentrate on one spell at a time and is going to blow through his spells even faster.
The DMG warns against it, and for good reason. Sword & Board fighter is likely a brainlet, but any slight damage steroid can spiral so quickly with 4 - 8 attacks. Say Cleric casts Holy Weapon, or he finds a Flame Tongue. Damage dealt is far more likely to "break" the game normally.
My party captured two kobolds in a failed raid on their camp last session. One is sniveling and weak, the other silently pouts. Which one should betray them?
They should let the PCs fuck them for their (the kodolds') freedom
Neither. All you do is amp up murderhobo behavior. Even if they're fodder like kobold, your PCs appear to have granted them mercy. Have them honor that.
Darkvision distribution among player races is one of the worst things about his game.
Prove me wrong.
DMs who think Darkvision doesn't impose disadvantage in darkness are retards.
...it literally doesn't though?
It's disadvantage on perception, but not attacks.
If a player was this disinterested in my game, I would honestly kick them.

They'll just cause a blowup later, might as well use the time between sessions to advertise for someone new.
They're like Wizards but also with really good hand to hand combat and sometimes weapon use. I'd say you could pick a Monk or an Arcane Trickster Rogue or you could play a Wizard (Bladesinger maybe?) and find as many spells as you could that would be flavored into Taijutsu and then get as much magic as you can. I'll also mention the 3rd Party Subclass the 'Shinobi' Wizard from Ryoko's Guide to the Yokai Realms. Its basically just a Naruto Ninja- see pic rel.

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