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Previous: >>94191400

>OFFICIAL Commander website, where you can learn the rules, see the current banlist, and read the format philosophy, laid down by the rules committee

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen color identity

>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck strategy and card choices

>Card Search

>Proxy a deck or a cube for cheap

>How to proxy using any printer

What are your favorite UB reprints of existing cards?
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Unban Mana Crypt
The Yargle reprints. These things are so dumb that I can’t help but find them funny.
That’s not UB.
I will not play UB cards, full stop. They could print literally the perfect card for one of my decks, from a property that I adore, and it wouldn’t get slotted in until a Universes Within version got printed.
Yes it is, bUle, Black. UB
sorry, I went to sleep right after posting that
I usually deploy too early and the removal gets flung at the first non-land permanent on the field, leaving the others free to do anything because now only I have a couple removal which is not enough alone
this is how it usually goes
>try to go under the radar by playing slow engines to avoid archenemy status
>play one that is an answer to some scary deck for example a hearse against a graveyard deck
>the other non-grave deck player removes my answer because it's too scary
>the piece gets removed and the other deck is now free and usually wins in a couple turns because all their removal got pointed on me
it's like they kingmake without thinking their own chances to win
what is a UB reprint?
And yet you posted a red card.
A mistake.
It's blue/black in spirit retard.
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A reprint of an existing Magic card with art from a licensed property.
Thirty (30) starting life is objectively superior to fourty (40)
thank you. why is it called UB?
It stands for Universal Bumrape
Unfathomable Betrayal
>join pod
>guy on 5c esika goodstuff opens fetch, volcanic island arcane signet
>turn 2 urza into swiftfoot boots on him
>turn 3 goblin engineer into sword of the meek
>turn 4 thopter foundry from hand
>doesn't grasp that he has infinite mana off urza, and can therefore play his deck, so he just passes
>wipe the board
>sacs his sol ring to feed the thopter foundry and gain infinite life
>gets mana screwed for the rest of the game
>blow up his foundry
>blow up his ensnaring bridge
>convince the uril player to hit him for 50 commander so we don't have to risk him randomly comboing off
lol get fucked I guess
Sorry, fetch, volcanic island sol ring arcane signet
because all of it is as good as ulcer bile
“People” slopped up Dr. Whosinmyass like crazy, it is unsurprising there is enough faggots to keep up Marvel hype. Universe Beyond is the worst part about Magic and I am including Niko, SL, and the bracket system.
>hiding the logo
Just pay barbasol some money you fucks
ub would be fine if it was just reskins but it being unique cards that will never ever get in-universe reprints is the point where it went to shit
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>never ever get reprints
This is the one thing WoTC did that was smart which is all the UB stuff has infinite reprint licenses. They can't make new versions of the cards but they can reprint them into the dirt.
Fugg you’re right.
Yeah if they weren’t mechanically unique at least the only reason to look down on the retards who use them would be lack of taste.
Ban Sol Ring
I fucking hate sol ring so much it's unreal.
And they don't.
Why is that?
X to doubt.
this. it reminds me of the time people wanted doomguy in smash. super fucking weird and altho I love doom and smash I'd not wanna play them together
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What's a fun and interesting spellslinger deck? It's the only major archetype I haven't built yet. Preferably not le izzet
Based, I also refuse to play UB cards. There are several that I would like to use, but a man has to stand by his principles.
Boros Spellslinger via Sunforger
I've always wanted to build a sunforger deck. Let me cook with this.
Le izzet but you have a core part of the deck and then a pool of interesting spells that you select from at random before each game.
Pretty racist and sexist of them to not make wolverine, iron man, and captain America black
Same, brothers. Just not worth the disgust and shame I'd feel everytime I played one.
>malds so hard can't even read the question
Many such cases.
Your neverending performative outrage is almost as tiresome as what you're bitching about.
Did not expect so many basedbros, usually this general is a lot more plebbit. I hope you all get good starting hands in your next games.
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Even with some of the art being a bit off I actually like most of the mikus.
Freyalise is still one of my favored decks so I was maybe going to see if I could get her face fixed by someone and if not I'll just have la goblina on TTS.
Universes Beyond
The alternate, Universes Within (UW) is for a mtg-verse printing of a licensed property card (like that human tribal guy from walking dead lair)
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Play removal
You're wrong. Some copies are cast. Read the cascade text again.
Has anyone here built pic related? Is he fun? I saw the card "destructive urge" and went to look for a double strike commander to use it in, and he seems perfect.
only in the 99. he is super boring as a commander
Exile green, force of vigor
NTA but Wort is one of the fucking coolest decks I've ever played. I originally did a hyper budget version, and then went all in when I discovered how fun it was
Really works your brain out as well
Why is he boring? Is the play pattern too monotone? Is it too fast?
>y-you're just mad that I'm interacting with you
niggas will unironically say this and then concede on the spot when a single spell actually resolves
no, you're not interacting, you're taking steps to make sure people can't interact with you which is why you crumble when people actually find ways around your counters
so pathetic
>t. seething Naya player
you want to get him out as fast a possible, dump him full of auras and watch him clean the table in two turns. do you think this sounds fun? yeah, once or twice. but thats all the commander does every single game. Someone got removal? recast slicer and enjoy him being blocked to death and your deck falling apart.
it's kinda funny how magic evolved over the years, people would universally agree that blue is total cancer but now in the age of the internet since there's no way to publicly shame counterspell spammers they've taken to the internet to defend their ludicriously imbalanced cards
Copies from storm are not cast, however. And we were talking about giving it copies from storm.
>He uses removal on mana rocks instead of wincons
holy strawman who fucked you in the ass?
I've got a cedh player in my pod and they're surprisingly one of the least autistic spikes there.
Have a guy who likes playing """"""""""""""""""""fun""""""""""""""""""" shit like removal tribal so I just don't play shit if he's around.
Some other faggot loves rhystic but he's also generally not too much of a problem otherwise.
this guy just lost to UU you can tell
Being 3 turns ahead of the table is a wincon
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this is every match with any blue player
that's why I just run thought distortion nowadays, people always say it's bad but you use that on the control player and they always cry so hard hahaha
>I always have it!
>since there's no way to publicly shame counterspell spammers
People have just generally become more shameless. Blue control players were already shameless, however.
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I do
nta but all my friends ordered the extra life secret lair.
cant wait for the excuses why we are suddenly playing with free spells after getting my shit countered by fierce guardianship
they're hypocrites, what do you expect?
that's why cedh players seethe over tribal players so much, because they just run cavern of souls so even though their decks would normally be bad, they sometimes survive these absurd combo decks and win
and that pisses them off because all blue players think they're Jace irl and have an ego to match
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Commander moment
not legendary so no you don't
Jace stopped being a faggot a while ago.
Or well, he's at least significantly less of a faggot nowadays, probably someone like WE WUZ GHOST KILLAZ.
t. projecting blue player
you guys are always the first to lose it when the game goes in a way you don't expect
didnt he got snussy?
Agreed. All they've had to do to fix EDH for the last decade is to ban fast mana and cheap tutors. Instead the RC were lazy fucks and decided to just ignore oppressive meta decks. Now that wotc in the driver's seat they've decided in their infinite greed to split the format into four tiers. I'm sure it will be great!
>tfw the only 2 times ive been thought distorted i wasnt playing blue
one day i will get to do it...
>calling counterspells itneraction
when I was a kid playing at an lgs people genuinely believed control players who said this were just baiting for a reaction it's crazy that they're still repeating their bullshit years later
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Not sure if ironic or retard
this is why I talk about thought distortion, people really will be like
>oh what if they narsets reversal you
I've just never seen it happen, maybe I'm just good at reading people but in my experience people rarely have it
i play all colors this just reads like you lost to a counter and then made up some cope argument in your head after
Can confirm, back in college I was playing the ezuri precon against the resident control sperg and I mystic snake'd his cy rift.
Dude actually packed up and left on the spot saying he "didn't have any fun at all the whole game", he was usually not that autistic so he probably had some shit happen earlier but it was still funny.
Playing all colors means you play Blue.
>I-I'm not a blue player!
>not legendary so no you don't
you're such a liar, we all play against bluefags on a regular basis you guys are the biggest crybabies in the game
>I play all colors
yea, we know, you play blue
you're totally the control player who cries when the timmy whips out t3feri to stop you
I hate erratas so much
Boring just means he doesn't give the combo fags time to set up and instead slicer sets the games pace. Super fun deck and always makes for some fast games
This was literally never an actual mindset lmao. Whats more likely is you were underage and playing with other underage people who didn't like being told no. Now you've grown up and so have the people who you interacted with who realize blue is not a problem >>94197038
Tutors and fast mana have literally nothing to do with edhs problems. The problems lie entirely within the player base and fire design
So you admit this is literally a childish reaction to the game lmao
Almost? Nah.
It's not errata, it's a templating change. Her original typeline says "Legend".
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Legend used to be a creature type anon. There were a huge amount of erratas around this where creatures who used to only have the type "legend" were given other types so they didn't end up without any creature type. What do you think the type of pic related is?
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Read the fucking card you blind nigger there was never any errata
>This was literally never an actual mindset lmao
yes it was, you guys are hated because you're Maro's pet color
no one defends blue except abusers
>So you admit this is literally a childish reaction to the game lmao
yea and this is a kid's game
no one likes control players, not even other control players
why do you think they all bitch and moan whenever there's a control mirror
it's the worst possible way to play magic
oh man that reminds me of that time where this one guy was playing grand abolisher to combo in peace and later when I slammed t3f on board so nobody could do instant shenanigans like cascade he was so mad and said he doesn't wanna see that walker ever again
he wasn't even playing the cascade
not even blue players like blue players
never said i didnt im just not stuck to playing one color like the strawman in your head
in my experience its green players but honestly like 75% of the people who play commander are whiny faggots regardless of what they play and will cry about literally anything
theres no way for me to really prove im not offended by anti control cards or whatever but i do dislike planeswalkers in general so you got me there i guess
changing rules is indeed just that
easy. it's uncle istvan one type, just like time lord
I use t3feri as a litmus test, the people who groan when he comes out are the ones playing the most cancerous decks
>Yes it was
Yeah, among you and the rest of the kids in the school yard. Then they grew up and realized it's not a problem but you have arrested development
It is literally not a kids game and has never once been marketed as a kids game. Additionally if it was a kids game that makes you the whiny fag adult crying over an aspect of a kids game.
>changing rules is indeed just that
that's not changing rules you blind nigger
when they did the GCTU then you could have said THAT was a rules change, but Glissa was literally always a legendary creature, you're just a zoomer who didn't spend 3 seconds to read the actual type line
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Commander moment!
Playing all colors make you a Blue player you disingenuous faggot.
>bluetard gets laughed at by the entire thread
>still tries to pretend people don't all hate blue
kek you really can't make this shit up
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>that makes you the whiny fag adult crying over an aspect of a kids game.
what do you think this thread and most of this board is about, anon?
I'm calling you a nigger for playing control and you're crying that people call you out on it
>as a guy who plays blue it's really crazy that people hate blue
wow what an honest, thoughtful and not at all deceptive post by a projecting child trying to defend his overpowered toys
if blue players cared about what other people thought about them, they wouldn't play blue.
Still never made a blue deck to see how the other half lives, I take it? Pitiable.
>I don't think this is fun because it does nothing but prevent other people from doing shit
>Well have you ever done it???
No you fucking nigger that's the point. If this was a tournament or something then sure go ahead and be the most degenerate control player, but if you're playing edh you should presumably be playing for fun.
I have a mono green white and red deck. I don't play control lol I'm just again, not a whiny grown fag crying over a "children's game" (which it has never been marketed as)
EVERYBODY plays blue you idiot
5c ur dragon is like the most popular commander who the fuck do you think you're fooling?
everyone plays and has played it and they still hate it
because they're mature enough to recognize it's unfair, but you still haven't
grow up
Actually fucking hilarious
There are lots of things in your life that you didn't think would be fun, which ended up being enjoyable experiences for you. If for no other reason, you should build and play a control deck so you better understand the parts you can poke at to get through the net. It will improve your ability to play non-control decks.
Nobody like you or your blue shilling.
Leave, you aren't welcome here.
>Problem is the players
No, the players actually tried to fix the problem by creating cEDH to quarantine the oppressive combo meta. Literally ripping apart the format to try and solve the drama of having a clearly overpowered combo meta in what was intended to be a casual format.
The closest I've done that was the ezuri precon, a single draft in dtk where I picked yasova, and a single draft in unstable where someone handed me X for pick 2.
Since the dtk draft was technically a tournament setting I felt "fine" playing a deck with control elements but I didn't enjoy it, and well I did think X was a funny card it's not something I'd play regularly, especially because it just locks people out of the game.
It is not enjoyable, the intention of the format is to have fun and to do things, both of which are stopped by a control player.
idk who you're trying to fool, us or yourself
>idk who you're trying to fool, us
oh good you're an esl too
that fits
or are you somehow deluded into thinking people here like you when you had like six people shit on you
Cope more Blue "player," Blue is literally the anti-thesis to EDH and nobody here want to tolerate your shit.
I played an eluge deck once because a combo player angered me
his reaction to getting all his shit countered was exactly what you'd expect :)
you act all high and mighty but the truth is you're the same as anyone else, you know counters are op you just enjoy stomping other players who aren't willing to go the distance to crush you if you annoy them which is why you spend your time bullying little timmy instead of going to the cedh table with the other faggots
Without the threat of the control player, every pod ecosystem condenses to ramp into bomb into board wipe into bomb into board wipe into scoops or two hour games. Also, controlling the board is by its very nature doing things.
post a SINGLE non-blue deck you have, you won't
>esl reveals his own lack of literacy by accusing someone else of being an esl
the irony
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I play blue, so what
can it pablo you need to get a refund on your lessons, "us" is not the correct words to use in your sentence because there is no group, it is only you
>least delusional blue player
>every pod ecosystem condenses to ramp into bomb into board wipe into bomb into board wipe into scoops or two hour games.
yes? what format do you think you're playing in anon
i mean if your pod wants to play go control and are fine with that for some reason I have no real say in stopping you but most people don't find that fun
and most pods also know how to self-regulate so you aren't comboing off turn 2 because people generally don't find that fun either outside of cedh tables
Gay Bolas
Well, that was easy.
shut the hell up bluefaggot
This is the most out of touch view of reality I've seem in a whole.
Scoops and two hour games where six wipes get played are also not fun, and you would avoid this problem either by having a control deck or elements of control in the decks of your pod.
>I don't play control I play blue!
>Well I play all colors!
>Look I play mono-white control too!
this is hilarious
Tazri has blue in her color identity and mono-white control is blue in spirit.
>Without control everyone will play midrange!
I wish this was true. People will just play combo without any control players. lol
>Posts a blue card and a control deck
Literally a psuedo blue kys faggot
>a bloo bloo bloo
>why did you counter spell half of my 2 card combo piece
>playing against blue sucks I would've won t3 if you didn't counter me
If the pod has smart players - a rarity at commander night - then it will degen to combos. Most commander players are timmies however, why else would they be this bent out of shape about counterspells?
>Wipes BAD
>Control GOOD
I mean if someone is wrathing the board every turn then yea it's not the best, but it's also not any good if someone's just countering everything
>b-b-but I run out of gas I can't counter EVERYTHING
i see that rhystic don't pretend otherwise, and you're still a blight upon the game regardless
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You're describing cedh anon, you can enjoy your Rank 4 cards in the quarantine section with the rest of the spikes.
Don't forget xir's pronoun sheet.
>I mean if someone is wrathing the board every turn then yea it's not the best, but it's also not any good if someone's just countering everything
If you can't tell the difference between spot removal and a board wipe then you are dumb. But I already knew you were dumb, since you were complaining about control decks
You're the one who specifically brought up "six wipes" anon
ranks don't exist anon. there is no cedh anymore, its just all edh. so I am going to sit at your table and hold up two blue mana all game, ok?
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No, now discard 3 because I sucked you so good that you made a mess on the ground.
and I will call you a dumb nigger and not play with you, the same as I can now
or are we still larping that ranks will make every lgs timmy into a control player
No, she is a white creature so only white cards can go in the deck. that's why she is interesting because you have to find a way to make the mana for her ability other means. It is not that hard.
>States an easily observable fact
>Y-you're out of touch!
Maybe you're the one who isn't looking at reality?
>RC says they won't ban meta decks, tells community to do it themselves
>Casual players house ban fast mana/combo/stax
>Competitive players group up and create cEDH community
>so only white cards can go in the deck
I don't know if you're pretending to be retarded at this point or if you're just genuinely this stupid.
this card is literally unplayable....
Stopping one person from doing one thing is patently different than resetting the board state of four people. Pack some spot removal next time.
Well then you can leave, because I sat down and I'm not moving.
the deck has only 99 cards anon cmon now
No, I'll just play with someone who's not a nigger. I don't know why you think I'd be forced to play with you.
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>anons having ptsd flashbacks from vietnam upon seeing half a blue mana symbol in an otherwise mono-white deck.
Yeah. That's why it is called the 99.
Because I'm filling your 3-top. Shuffle up, anon.
Go ahead anon, your turn
Like I said out of touch. None of this happened. Casual players didn't ban anything all of those were still played at casual tables, to call this all fact is absurd. The problem is as I said, fire design, and nothing else.
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Just for that I'm going to keep sucking until you spill your whole hand all over the table.
this is gay bolas, anon.
I uh...
*flicks cards*
*shuffles hand*
I think...
*Taps Cavern of Souls*
Wait uh actually...
*Untaps Cavern of Souls and taps Boseiju, Who Shelters All*
Yeah I think...
Wait, no...
*Untaps Boseiju*
Okay I uh...
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i doubt anyone actually read the decklist it does seem like kind of a meme deck though like the mono black golos decks
t.guy who loses to gruul
there are only black creatures in the deck tho
Oh my god who the hell cares
based nooticer
the absolute state of white
damn I miss magiccoincidence
Mill 3 now since you can't seem to stop making a mess from my big sucky.
Post irl decks
I cast standstill.
kami of the crescent moon
nemata grove guardian
xiahou dun
Lier disciple of the drowned. Super reactive, discard and mill is draw, and it fucks other blue decks in the ass. People are always surprised the first time they play against it because they see mono blue and default into thinking artifacts or counter control
Anthousa and Noyan Dar spellslinger mandlands deck
No. You'll judge me
Ban Cyclonic Rift
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>planet-killing assault
>does not destroy lands
If it destroyed all creatures and lands, you might as well have it just be "target player loses the game" which will never be allowed to fly without conditionals on it. If you have 7 mana to spend and everyone else loses their entire boards, manabase included, pretending that the game isn't over is just forcing everyone to play out a potentially long and grindy unrecoverable situation.
I like the flavor that it doesn't work on orcs
8 mana spells are often game-winning, I really don't see the difference. If making it 8 or 9 for destroying lands makes you feel better about it, then fine.
But I could do as much or more to you just by playing Omniscience for 8
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Besides the fact that I think you're reading the card wrong (it's symmetrical, doesn't just hit opponents), similar effects exist at lower CMC.

Also, if one person keeps their board after wiping lands and creatures, that is not a long drawn out game. That is a victory.
Orks are lands?
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What decks should I play tonight? Looking at 6 player games.
Nothing makes me laugh harder than when Bliggers fucking SEETHE at cards like Grand Abolisher, Kutzil, etc.
I had a bligger rat throw a shitfit because I plopped down an Abolisher and proceeded to beat him down with combat damage while he bitched about it being "unfair" that he couldnt counter my dumb timmy shit.
No because that one schizo stalker could be still lurking.
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>wanted to make bloomburrow deck
>mouse tribal basically narrows down to just a boros equip deck
>rabbit boils down to just a generic token deck with Baylan
This was my issue with Bloomburrow as well. It was extremely generic.
>"""Casual"""" format that revolves around decks being built around deck master creatures
>commanders either get countered or removed the second they hit field
>over and over
Every card game has boiled down to preventing your opponent from playing rather than playing yourself. A lot of commander decks literally cannot function without their commanders and locking someone out with commander tax forcing them to sit there doing nothing for 30 minutes is the epitome of cringe gameplay

Its why I feel no shame in playing Edgar and watching faggot seethe over Eminence. If you're gonna be a fag and spam remove my commander then he's just gonna sit there in the command zone while a bunch of his underlings run you over. kys
That's if you want to make the most efficient deck. Rabbits got plenty of creatures to justify tribal and a lot of the rabbits are really good.

Mice on the other hand all rely on the Valiant/target gimmick and they have no good commander other than Mabel and despite her basically being the main character of bloomburrow she kind of sucks. If the equip she created wasn't legendary then she could maybe spam them out on ETBs but that's not the case
and then the dimir player will piss and shit themselves about new commanders having ward, or other things to escape the command zone when this wouldn't need to happen if they just put a limit on how many counters and removal pieces you could run
>Has to use a crutch like Eminemce because he seethes about removal whilst playing the strongest removal color combo in the format.
Lol. Lmao even.
If your deck needs your commander to win, youre a shit deckbuilder.
If your deck doesnt need your commander in any meaningful or thematic way, then youre a faggot.
The perfect EDH deck is one where the commander helps your gameplan, but isnt integral to it. That's why Powerlevel 6-7 was based before pubstomping losers completely ruined that term.
*kills u with vampires*
cry, faggot
>Every card game is about not letting your opponent play rather than playing yourself
>Look inside
>RDW Standard
>RDW Pioneer
>RDW Modern
>Pay 2 to draw 7 Legacy
Your finneas? Cheap pump spells and some most of the bloomburrow rabbits. It's not high powered but t's fun enough
When no one is running interaction, everyone complains about green instead.
no they don't
>if they just put a limit on how many counters and removal pieces you could run
How much of a fucking child do you have to be to want WotC to enforce the number of interaction pieces a player can run? Grow up.
If you said this about any other MTG Format youd be laughed out of the room.
so to be clear this draws max 3 cards no matter how many creatures hit per damage step?
ward is pretty strong, though I've never heard anyone actually complain about it being broken
>If your deck needs your commander to win,
Not to win but to literally function. Decks like Obeka are complete shit because without her in play you basically can't use the gimmick of your deck and auto lose
If you have 100 tokens and a Glorious Anthem on the field with Kutzil, and they all connect, you draw 100 cards.
no one plays other formats anymore for a reason, retard
It draws max 1 card.
>one OR more creatures
If you attack with 3 creatures you only draw one card
Then run ways to protect Obeka? She's Grixis. Run counterspells, run recursion.
Stop going all in on your commander's gimmick or be prepared to protect that gimmick.
so the "to a player" part doesn't matter?
Ignore my statement about the tokens, Im a retard and was thinking about the other cats effect.
Yes, I believe it triggers once per player.
So if you swung 100 tokens split into 33 at each player, each player "draws you a card."
This whole interaction/removal/counter argument would be moot if they just removed the commander tax
People don't play other formats because of WotCs meddling. Nobodys crying about removal spells and counters in Modern unless the card is INSANELY pushed like Fury or Bowmasters.
Nobody gives a fuck about Counterspell, Path to Exile, etc.
Quit being a baby.
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I wont play magic the way richard garfield intended. I will play the way sheldon menery did instead.
>I wan't the only viable removal to be auras that make a creature useless
for what reason
I think the bigger problem is that the current pace and state of the format highly incentivizes you to play stuff at 4 CMC or less for precisely this reason.
Its be interesting to see a safety net like "Commanders over 6CMC+ dont get taxed" or only get taxed by 1 or something.
Basically make it less punishing to get your high cmc commander removed, but make it more punishing for people who abuse powerful low cmc commanders.
Hell Ive honestly thought there should be some rule where you have to cast your commander at least once to satisfy a victory condition. It would speedbump ALOT of stupid bullshit like Goodstuff piles
>Nobodys crying about removal spells and counters in Modern
because all the people who would have simply quit modern for commander, retard-kun :)
are you a wotc employee? you're just as stupid as one
>have to cast your commander at least once
this will only hinder the high cmc commander you sought to save wtf?
That would just make every commander go infinite with food chain
The fact that youre crying about removal and counterspells proves youre the only retard here.
>place a must-answer threat who will run away with the game or even win on the spot in the command zone
>it gets countered or removed
Look man I never said it was some ironclad idea, Im just sick of seeing goodstuff piles where the person never plays their commander or just stuffs their deck so full of irrelevant combo shit that the commander barely matters.
I know a good chunk of people where I could throw their commander in the trash and give them a napkin that says "Grixis" or "Sultai" and their deck would function 99.999% the same.
>commander tax remains as is
>your commander gets Ward X where X is the number of times it was cast from the command zone this game
Too broken? Or would it encourage not immediately dumpstering commanders?
Couldn't be me.
everyone would run more edicts and boardwipes.
uh huh, yeah yeah
so how's standard going?
I feel you. have been playing against combo piles for years. it sucks too because any answer that tries to rip combo pieces out of the deck get usually countered. the only card I can really think goes around this is bitter ordeal
>So hows standard going
Apparently flourishing with deck variety but I don't know to what extent Duskmourn affected the format and we probably won't know till Worlds.
Does that answer your question or are you going to keep pissing yourself and demand WotC put restrictions on interaction like a manchild?
Yes please devalue spot removal in the format where spot removal is worse even more.
Why didn't he just counter or remove the abolisher.
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i do
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does anybody think this guy will get hate at a table? kinda wanna build him as a low cmc general value with late game voltron or slow drain effects over the game. really like his art too
>does anybody think this guy will get hate at a table?
No because that effect is shit.
>Payoff instead of setup and payoff with protection
Nah he's g. I only think he's draw hate if you go the "50 edicts no wincon" route.
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times when the whole table scoops at your board
Hell no this guy is laughably terrible.
>No protection
>OPT put a hyper specific counter on a creature or walker an opponent controls
>If that permanent dies while he is on the field you get 1 card and some life.
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One of these things is not like the others...
in my experience people hate the one ring much less than they hate rhystic study
That's a very low bar to overcome given how Rhystic is the best card in the format with a 0/10 play pattern
I like the LotR sol rings
yes, I will continue to use the one ring because I need draw and it's less aggravating than rhystic for people
that's all
That's your decision to make I guess but it's pretty hard to build a deck that loses after resolving TOR.
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I hate that there are so many different bug tokens ahhhhh
I've died to the ring damage multiple times....
Why? Just pick your favorite or the one relevant to what you're making and work with that one.
I don't have a single commander that says draw a card
I need these 4 for my zask deck though.
Its just silly that they decided to give us so many insect tokens, I'm pretty sure there are 4 others as well but not used in this
>I like punching myself in the balls
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i have a commander that only says draw card
I can't say the same.
this is the guy who plays stax and mld at your groups by the way
and that's a good thing
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I play new land
>"No, you can't have fun that way!"
Anyone who cries about UB cards existing is a blubbering retard plain and simple
anyone can play what they want without problems as long as I do too anon. never said nobody else couldn't, you might be crazy
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pic related is super annoying in a top-deck war.
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Booba or Uggo Pirate?
Both have unique strategies and seem to play in fun ways, but Booba costs 2, and Pirate costs 5... But booba is more mana intensive, but I already have a few "draw every dlcard ever" decks...
then I'll just play storm and do your mld shit better than you and make you cry :)
How? It's trivial to reset.
What other cards do what this thing does? Create additional creature tokens when you would create tokens. I know there are some that can add elves, but that's also green. Any in other colors that aren't green?
the only way to make me cry is to suck all your other opponents off except me (kingmake them)
usually mine only resets when someone casts cyclonic rift :/
Anointed Procession
Kaya, Geist Hunter
Mondrak, Glory Dominus
Ojer Taq, Deepest Foundation
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If you drew so many cards that the burden count became a problem without drawing a solution or winning the game, then it's legitimately a skill issue.
winning? /: o
yeah, I'm bad at magic that's why I need cards like the one ring to make up the difference
>WotC says blue is supposed to have the worst removal
>Bypasses indestructible, death triggers, ward, hexproof, shroud, and protection
>Oh uh we actually meant worst PERMANENT removal
>Still bypasses indestructible, death triggers, and being returned to the command zone
A thank you would be nice
...You know what, fuck you, I hope you bend your most expensive card in your deck in half the next time you fucking shuffle
Those are token doublers. Not adding a different kind of token when tokens are created.
Not him.
This count?
Sort of. It's adjacent to what I was thinking, but it in the right ball park. Thanks.
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I love Zoraline so I decided to try and make her borderless. It's not great but I'm mostly happy with it for my 3rd attempt at altering.
Have you altered your commander(s)?
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that turned out great, nice job anon. I lost a game today against her. friend had bolas citadel and aetherflux reservoir and shat like 15 creatures onto the board.
Got these back.
Expecting another 10 or so cards back soon as well. Almost half way done with having my favorite deck fully signed.
Why do nogames post?
>Draw 30
This is why other formats laugh at us.
He's alright in 1 on 1 but terrible in multiplayer.
>Unban Mana Crypt

It doesn't bring anything good to the format.
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all 3 active players?
>no protection
>no defense
>no recursion
>no "alternative strategies"
>speed and power only
>remove my shit? I cast three more shits and attack for 48 trample
why is pairing green with other colors still legal again?
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They win when it draws 3...
the reason the one ring is good in modern is because it's a 4 turn format
so, if you drop "protection from everything" on turn 4 you can survive and win
It does it lets me ramp harder in my monobrown deck.
Nice! What deck are these for?
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Nice Vampiric Tutor, tier 1 fag
>comfy game w/ friends at my house
>play few games
>go out for food
>come back and play more
>tv on in the background playing LoTR
I feel bad for people who have to play magic at LGS's
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What happens if the Ring tempts me????
Just wanted to use this thing as a cheaper tutor substitute since I can't pay $40 for Demonic Tutor but this shit doesn't explain what happens on the card.
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What is your opinion of two-for-one spells? Back in the 2010s, I jammed as many of these as I could into my decks but nowadays I always end up doing a 1-for-1 and also killing something that doesn't matter.
Thoughts? Are these cards actually bad?
same here, but
>music instead of movies in the background
>not comfy at all, everyone is extremely stressed by the other's board state
>games that drag on for too long because of multiple wipes and one guy always shitting permanents
>tired and beat after 6 hours of this
>every week someones says they don't wanna play commander anymore
>still meet everyone 2 times per week with freshly changed/optimized decks
it's an addiction at this point
google it retard
good card tho
In a multiplayer format like commander you should always be able to find more than one thing that you'd rather see dead. These cards are best in control decks, but I wouldn't run any that are sorcery speed imo, besides maybe stuff like decimate.
Sheldon would have never greenlit this stupid mechanic if he were alive
There's not a single more confusing mechanic in the game
it's one of the few mechanics that require you to bring the cheat sheet token with you because of the 4 stage shit. it's pretty stupid.
>every creature has a broken etb now
>every spell over 4 mana wins the game or gives ludicrous value
sorry the blue player stopped you from tapping for 6 mana and winning the game
I'm cutting Return to Dust for Anguished Unmaking because I want more creature hits and you never cast this card at instant speed anyways.
Decimate is pretty great onii-chan
creatures need to do that, they've been power crept to match the potency of counterspells which remove anything and everything
even ward is a meme because you can just use uncounterable removal or board wipes
god damn I am gonna make a killing scalping that marvel slop. Each lair is going to go for 500+
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Maximum comf
I used to play dimir and brought a few counterspells to the table back in the days. they never felt OP in any way. every counterspell was a gamble on actually blocking an important piece for the actual gameplan instead of a decoy.
currently, there are no counterspells in my group. any interesting commander I should try to change that fact?
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great table anon, where do I a get a tablecloth like that?
>orange sleeves
*chef's kiss*
Yea I'm not much of a fan of return to dust. I either go with high-value instant speed removal or efficient instant-speed 1 for 1's. Either way I've found that sorcery speed removal is just ass in many situations.
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Bonus with this one is that not many people have built it. It's fun though. Can also lean into wizard tribal.
>you sit down and this is one of your opponents commanders
Magic: The Gathering
very nice art
Well at least you admit it
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I can't believe it
they've actually done kardur dirty


>Should we ban op card?
>No, lets just print an op but narrow counter
I wonder how many decades it will take wotc to create a balanced game. Probably never.
Mouse tribal is feasible with Feather at the helm
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>>place a must-answer threat who will run away with the game or even win on the spot in the command zone
>The deck doesn't actually make use of the commander at all
>threat eats all removal and counterspells instead of my real combo
I tap Whopper
>I am silly
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>place commander in the command zone
>never cast it
I mean you *could* go Molten Echoes and Cadric, Soul Kindler token spam route
Tribal doesn't have to mean 100% all Mice
>place commander in the command zone
>across the table from me are Chucky, Aquaman, and Godzilla
>remove commander from the command zone
>leave table
Aquaman isn't in the game.
We have enough UB without you guys making them up.
It'll happen one of these days.
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Yeah but why make them up when we have plenty to choose from and far sillier shit?

You can have Leonardo Davinci equipped with Captain America's shield and crewing the fucking Titanic.
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>Marvel lairs
>filled with genuinely expensive cards
>also mechanically unique commanders that would be extremely popular
lol no one but scalpers are going to get these. Literally 100% of the playerbase will want these for one reason or another. Be it because they like marvel slop or because the lair reprints 100 dollar cards
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why the fuck are reprints so expensive in this game I'm tired of seeing "new reprint in luxury set pricing" and only being able to afford singles
What happpened to pack opening being an affordable pastime to collect cards? Now everything is FOMO or priced for whales.
Because looking up more horrible shit that shouldn't be in the game is devastating to my mental health, anon.
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Because it makes more money to do it that way, retard.
WotC has a loyal audience that buys whatever they print you idiot.
If I was them I'd do the same thing. Fuck these dumb nerds lol.
They are reprinting a card in it that has not been reprinted since unlimited, not counting collectors edition and 30th anniversary.
They are pushing these lairs harder than any lair before. No idea why. They would have sold with draft chaff in them.
Zero IQ post.
I like coomer cards and I'm tired of pretending I don't
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inb4 you were only pretending
Get fucked dummy!! LOL
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>can't read four lines of text
I don't have to care about you anymore. You do you.
Still didn't read
Isn't all Secret Lair stuff going to get reprinted in main sets down the line anyway? Scalping them is pointless lol
They stopped doing that. Unless something changes in the near future, this is the one chance you're going to get.
This was a fine edh set. It just sucked for other formats.
No. The list was retired with bloomburrow. Last time it was discussed Maro gave a non-committal sort of answer which came across like it was a "No" done in as nice a way as possible.

Even if we want to use the reprint excuse, it will be YEARS before these are reprinted. Possibly not even this decade. We are currently still waiting on

Xenk, Paladin Unbroken
Simon, Wild Magic Sorcerer
Forge, Neverwinter Charlatan
Holga, Relentless Rager
Doric, Nature's Warden
Edgin, Larcenous Lutist
The Fourteenth Doctor
The Fifteenth Doctor
The Celestial Toymaker
The Meep
Rose Noble
Lara Croft, Tomb Raider

We have a back up of 12 cards with zero indication they will be reprinted any time in the foreseeable future. You can raise that to what, 16 now?
mono red + all it's iterations r/w, r/g, r/b can kill you reliably on turn 2 or you're in for a 40 minute grindfest against white removal or black removal.dec.
People who say it's varied are dishonest as it's just multiple different iterations of similar decks. A lot of archetypes are simply unplayable because everything is hyper pushed. But then again the only remaining players love that shit.
>on the play
>three cut downs and Go for the Throat in opening hand
>still lose to Leyline red turn 4
It's absurd.
Most pods I see run One Ring as a way to be out of the line of fire for a turn. I assume this is because they are stupid, but even stupid people should figure out that pic related is a much more affordable alternative
I've seen blue decks bounce ring to recur the protection. Honestly, I think it's fine in EDH. It's fucked Modern though.
This is pretty shit by comparison. Like comparing Monastery Siege with Rhystic

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