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This thread is dedicated to all kinds of solo games.

Castle Seige Edition.

>Previous Thread >>94127008

Resources: https://rentry.org/srpgg

>Resources from Lewd RPG thread >>94163047


More threads:

Continued Thread Question: So, what system(s) are (YOU) using and how do you handle large scale battles with it?
Imagine playing this SOCIAL activity alone.

lol. That's it, not even an lmao
>Continued Thread Question: So, what system(s) are (YOU) using and how do you handle large scale battles with it?
I use a separate system for mass battles if I want to wargame. Basically a very, very lite version of Chainmail using only d6.
If I want to stay as the PC, I use an oracle to determine what happens outside my PC's own battle. Giving slightly better odds to my side if my PC is kicking ass and the enemies are seeing it or if the PC destroys a war machine, a bridge, whatever. If I'm not wargaming I won't really go in details about units being blocked by a fallen bridge or things like that. It's just going to be a bonus to the odds of my side getting closer to winning.
I like d20s. Thinking of just turning all my tables and systems to d20s and d6s only, with multiple d6s being mostly for things that benefit from a bell curve, while d20s would be for the random tables
d20s can easily emulate d10s, and for d100 two rolls are needed either way (as in, whether d20 or d10)
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Thanks anon
Adorable and badass. Get your daughter shreddin
What's the goal for babies first quest?
Treasure map. I have no idea what it will be and I only want to half-prep. I'll make it a bog standard thing and I'll let "does anything unexpected happen?" fuck shit up as always
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What happened to hotpants? Why is she depressed? What did I miss?
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I had an epiphany the other day. It's something really simple and obvious, but I think that I've been playing solo games so long and getting caught up in the "Procedural" aspect of it so much that it's easy to forget. For a long time I struggled to come up with scenarios or characters that were right for me. I'd roll up a character and start to play, but things would quickly get too abstract or I'd get too caught up in my oracle tables, or I'd even spend too much time getting into a simulationist form of play.

The other day, I turned off my music and just sat in silence for a little bit and I actually closed my eyes and imagined the scenario before I decided to do things in game. What I mean is, I didn't just move pieces around and activate abilities or do math on what I thought was the optimal procedure. Instead, I just imagined. "If I myself were in that room, and this scenario was going down, and these were my powers or inventory... What would I do?"

I think it helped me to get grounded once again.
So, I won't discard Let It Roll loot system, but enhance it with FFTA2 loot, I will roll a d6, if it's even I will use Let It Roll rewards, but if it's odd I will use the Ivalice one, there are eight categories of loot here, I will divide them in 4, one for odd, one for even, I subdivide this in several subcategories according to the item's rank, from A to E, A being the best, E the Chinaman knock off. Then once again roll odds and evens to see which category it belongs to. Haven't figure out what to do with item crafting Bazaar. But my subgenius mind will find something.
Does anyone know a free online card shuffler where I can add JPG's to make a custom deck?
I gave up looking and started writing one in Godot, but it's stalled because I don't know Godot very well :D
Oh, just read last thread. Damn...

I found one that is going to work. It's called ACDFree.

It let me rotate the photos too. Half of the cards were set to horizontally.
Good mascot! Good!
I got duped, the Bangaa noble used my PCs to kill the monster's in the cave so he can use their souls to power the monstrosity trapped in the book, now the thing has awaken and it's basically a Shoggoth, I don't think I can just bonk it with a staff, could be possible to deal with it without a battle, in a Scooby Doo way, perhaps?
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Do you think there's something supernatural in the way Korveen is acting now or is it purely psychological?
It's her without a doubt. When I met her she was paranoid and had trust issues, which for a Drow is completely natural. She got better over time but having a kid brought that side of her back in another form.
The true adventure, the greatest quest, the biggest reward, having a family.
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Agreed. I think that's kinda the appeal of jumpchain CYOAs and journalling games. The system gets out of the way, allowing for maximum mental immersion.
He can still no way fag out of this one
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the oracle has saved my honor a couple times so far
Yes, I can't deny it, I like to write, trying to reduce the game to pure mechanics took away much of the enjoyment. I can use the pure mechanics if I get bore and want to finish the game soon.
The Dice are wise.
I've been thinking about this but with d12 even though I'd be better off with d66
can't you just make a folder and set the sort to random?
I love the implication that Fran just spins a web to sleep in
How do you calculate the value of the loot?
Solo-chads, I summon three: What are your major inspirations when playing solo? And by that I mean the pieces of media, history or even music that inspire your campaigns.

In recent times I discovered Black Moon Chronicles, a french comic, that nails the spirit of AD&D absurdly well. While my characters are too good-aligned to fit in that story (the MC and his crew are all chaotic neutral at best), that one comic informs a lot how I imagine the world and the adventures in it: An epic always on the edge of gonzo, the bizarre and heavy metal.
Use the tables already in your system. If your system doesn't have tables then look one up either among osr or solo resources online.
Too much shit to count. 20k Leagues Under The Seas, The Avengers, Under Milk Wood, The Incal, etc. French BDs are great for inspiration, there's a tone of adventurous stuff out there. Just a shame it's not really available online.
Pulp stories, Fallout, Final Fantasy Tactics Advance 2, fantasy books, Lovecraft and friends.
My white mage Viera bonked the Big Evil just in time, great. And Jylland is safe.
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Oh come the fuck on
Delicious wooden sticks prime for licking.
How do I even interpet this in a way that dodges sex
Slime toad
>Toad anthros with sticks
The prompt was
>does Fran do anything weird during the night?
>No, but...
>OK, something else happens
The prompt for >>94204222 was "CHANCE SLAVE" by the way
Wordcounter is fucking cursed
She doesn't do anything weird, so no seggs. But something is sniffling around outside, licking the tentpoles. Anteater, maybe?
The mom, in an overly paranoid attempt to protect the daughter (who doesn't need it) accidentally licks/tastes something dangerous and needs tending to by the husband.
just google "lick stick". It can be candy, or it could be something that you lick in order to stick (like with certain envelopes)
>it could be something that you lick in order to stick
genius! I was fixated on "stick" is the sense of a turgid, hard rod for some strange reason, involving Maria
wait a second do wet seal envelopes even exist in medieval fantasy? You're going to use a wax sigil
Okay slime frog it is. No way fag indeed
Made this out of pages from "The Game Designer's Tarot Using Tarot Cards for Narrative Design".
Pretty much just took the few actually useful pages, removed the backgrounds for easier printing, and added symbols and a note to use the same methods but with standard playing cards instead of tarot cards.

Hope it's useful to anyone, I just don't like having separate tables for everything, and there are so many decks with cool pictures that to me it can help make the game feel more thematic
really neat, thanks for sharing
it was just an example, you might also lick something frozen (or something cursed) and have your tongue stick to the material.
Looking for a book that'll take me through world and character creation step by step while assisting with these, and then kickstart the game. Basically a spoonfeeding tome. Is there such a thing?
Depending on how in-depth you want to go, ironsworn/starforged does just this. It has a world building exercise where you pick or invent options from a list on various setting points, then flesh out your character with overarching and immediate goals. Lots of tables at your disposal.
>through world and character creation
that can mean very different things

I liked tarot cards for kickstarting stuff/generating conflicts or backstories, but it's not completely spoonfed as you still need to use your creativity and consider your own preferences.

There are some sandbox generators like the one attached, but the world with these will always be "generic fantasy medieval"
you can also try Lichdom or The Merchant solo rpgs, as they're quite guided
Oh I just want to get over my collection syndrome and play something for once. Basically the easiest possible barrier to entry. For example, Delta Green gets me excited right until the point that it starts listing every fucking individual bullet and pair of underwear that each profession has.
Thanks, will check it out.
Unfortunately generic fantasy I absolutely despise, but I'll take a look anyway!
Thank you, never heard of them before but will give it a try if I can find them
It's a stick made of the tongue of some beast that is still quite flexible, and can be used to analyze organic matter by touching said matter with it, tasting the thing, licking it, by doing this the user immediately knows if the matter is edible, is safe, etcetera.
Thanks a lot.
d6 for how much (1 barely anything, 6 a shitload) Roll 1 to 3d6 and take the best/worst depending on circumstances
other d6 for and/but for magic/cursed items, etc.
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I went with a giant frog (buffed), "sticky tongue" fit the bill. Not a great fight but I got CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT
A horse (they eat salt licks) with a bundle of branches on it's back?
A guy in a sport car with slicked back hair driving stick? It's Grease Lightning!
A kid licking a stick of hardcandy?
A supervillain with techno stilts and a bionic telescopic tongue whip?
Just take it Hotpants anon, the oracle hath deemed it so, your getting the ceramic suck. Never know, you might like it.
Also, thanks for these comics, their ace
I love that book, but I don't really use it as intended.
Does anyone have Bro quest pics with good resolution, the ones I can find are hard or impossible to read.
>t. Wordcounter employee
You two should try FU Freeform Universal and see what changes.
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this is going to be several pages
...maybe I should just turn this into a comic
Finally, a manga that I'm interested to read.
Ngl, I would back your patron
Manga, not LN.
Manga, I'm not seen enough to read 23.420 chapters of something that will be abandoned because the mangaka worked himself to the Land of Shadows. Light Novels are cool in my book, they are shameless in their escapism.
I'm not weeb enough, I meant.
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All right all right
I can read some characters, the spider family is dangerous?
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it's supposed to be Spider Family Adventures (Kumo-Kazoku Boken)
I wish I knew how to draw proper manga style
I don't know Japanese, just a bit of Chinese, I just read the characters I recognized.
My experiment with Ivalice showed me I can grab any setting I want to play in it, there are so many. From the jungles of Mompracem, the dusty ruins of Mars to the ominous Cities of the Red Night.
That's part of the magic of solo play: As long as your oracles and base system are good, there's no setting or story you can't game in. The sky is the limit.
nta, but "As long as your oracles and base system are good" is a pretty big ask
it is?
>It's called ACDFree
Link? I can't find shit for that on DDG
All oracles are good, one has to use it in a consistent manner.
>All oracles are good
but only Wordcounter is horny!
idk, bad ones or ones that obviously don't fit can fuck up the vibes

>my bad
it's ACDSEE Free

I have been kinda out of SPRGG for a while, has anything interesting released recently or nah?

OP here.

Slowly chugs along with no drama. Not as fast as /osrg/ or share thread. We have picked up a partner thread in /lewd/. They are cool.

I like the /lewd/ers, that's why I rep them in the op.

I've been meaning to work on a PDF to put in the op. Just haven't had the time and would put some of the best of the rentry and some more resources.
>My experiment with Ivalice
It sounded like you had a fun adventure. I thought about trying TA as a setting but don't think it really works narratively outside of the video game.
Still not sure what base system to use, maybe just d&d 5e since that's the only fantasy system where I played a full (regular) campaign in?

My main annoyance is that I hate the whole "magic everywhere" theme. I don't want fireball, even healers should be mostly non magical.

But I guess it shouldn't be a big issue for solo, where I can pick monsters and classes?
Try it out and see how it fits. You can always change the system mid game if it sucks
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I'm making a quest generator with chatgpt. It's made in html. Highly recommend you guys try using it to make your own tools.
Looks simple enough to not really need chatgpt, but little code thingies are fun to make anyway (I like jupyter notebooks with python, I pretty much remade most of Lichdom on it for fun
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It was simple, then I started to customize it. I'm going to keep playing with it until it's perfect.
What's a system that can actually work for hexcrawl?
I'd like the whole survival/supplies to matter for my next game.
need this for cities
This nigga has some of that
cheers guv
>(I like jupyter notebooks with python, I pretty much remade most of Lichdom on it for fun
Cool, how was Mythic 2nd edition received? Better than the original or should I just stick to that?
I can look for it later, but really while it was fun to make, it really didn't feel as fun to play compared to physical components + journaling.
Not him, but it's good. It's basically the same with lots and lots of helpful tables and optional rules.
Personally, I find the original is enough for me with Variations 1, but I would still say 2E is worth it.
>while it was fun to make, it really didn't feel as fun to play compared to physical components
lol I do that all the time too
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I got annoyed at all the hex crawling terrain generation rules so I made my own. The main two issues I had were either you rolled your next hex based on where you're currently standing, which could lead to long snakes of one terrain, and where you could forever avoid bad terrain just by walking around it. The other issue comes up if you don't roll based on current terrain and you get absolutely schizo patchwork landscapes with little contiguous blocks of land. My current method's only downsides are that you need differently colored dice, and you roll more dice per roll.

The idea is that when you explore new hexes, you discover "terrain blobs." When you are in range of terrain blobs (blue dots in the pic, amount is the radius of the blob), you roll d6 for every terrain type of the blobs (so two plains blobs are only one die), and one additional d6 for unknown terrain. The dice representing blobs either get +1 if you are merely in range or +2 if you are adjacent. The highest result is the terrain of the new hex. If the unknown terrain die wins, roll up a new terrain blob. Either roll on a terrain chart, or since you already have multicolored dice, assign terrain types to each dice and roll, highest wins. This way you can easily do modifiers to prefer certain terrain types more than others. Then roll 2d3, with the lower result being the distance to the blob hex and the higher being the size. Roll an additional die to decide the direction, only allowing empty hexes. Place the terrain blob in the direction and distance you rolled. It affects future rolls.
Oh and if a hex is in range of multiple blobs of the same type and your roll lands on that type, you can make it "deep terrain," basically making it more hilly, more foresty, or more whatever.
Sorry if this is a retarded question, but I see many generation methods, but how do people actually play with these?
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When you want to look north, but your map is blank in that spot, you need to generate the terrain and its other features, like settlements, dungeons etc. Then once you know what's there, you know how long it takes to walk there, what monsters might live in the area and so on. Then you can decide if you want to go there or somewhere else.
>When you want to look north, but your map is blank in that spot, you need to generate the terrain and its other features, like settlements, dungeons etc. Then once you know what's there, you know how long it takes to walk there, what monsters might live in the area and so on.
I meant that I understood this part (the generation), but what after you move there?
>walk into a forest with a goblin lair
>roll to see if you have combat encounter, let's say 80% chance because of the goblin lair
>there is combat
>you could roll to see what you're fighting, if for some reason it you feel like it might not be goblins
>it's goblins this time. How many? Roll (for example) 3d6
>it's 12 goblins
>use your preferred rpg system to handle the fight
>step into the lair
>use a different map generation algorithm to make a dungeon
>go room by room, rolling to see what's in them
>handle the encounters with your preferred system
>finally, is there treasure? Roll d6
>you found some coins. How many? Roll d10 and 10x it or whatever
>you got 80 coins and whatever else you picked up on the way
thank you good anon
MUNE's trick works for hexcrawls as well: if you're entering a marsh, you know what a marsh is like already, so the question you ask is "is there anything unusual" and then you roll a d10 on a table. In this case I got "Decrease Major Element" which means that something that's supposedly essential is not there: maybe there is no wildlife in the swamp. No frogs, no dragonflies, no fish in the water. I am going to make the assumption that this place is tainted by the undead, so I ask the oracle if I find warning signs of undead presence, oracle says "no, but", in this case I prompt the oracle for 2 random words, I get "tearful hearing", so it's pretty straightforward, we hear mournful wailing in the distance.
If the oracle replied "yes" I'd roll to see if we get an undead-themed encounter, if "yes, and" we are surrounded by skeletons raising from the waters (surprised).
I don't like generating hexes in advance and juggling PC and GM knowledge.
So my crawls are what my PCs can see, close by and from a distance. So, in a way I'm generating hexes farther than when using hexcrawl rules (mountains in the distance, etc.) and not generating hidden dungeons/settlements until they can see them. Or hear them, in the case of settlements.
>MUNE's trick
what is this?
I'm trying to find this MUNE document online but all links lead me to a homebrewery link that doesn't work.
Is it just about the yes/no (with ands and buts) oracles + other random tables (such as "possible unusual things") whenever they seem relevant?
>Mythic 2nd edition
It's the standard, but not the be-all, end-all.
Should I stay on Ivalice or start a Cyberpunk adventure with neon lights, vulgar advertisements and existential dread?
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You're right, it's mostly a very lite oracle, but the technique anon is talking about is specifically how to use presuppositions in conjunction with a little randomness to speed up the scene-setting portion of play:
>What happens here? Describe the scene for me, hypothetical GM.
>It's exactly what you'd expect. Except...
Dragonbane is one of the easier pure RPGs you can solo given monster attacks have a roll chart.
I just got a 15 minute timer for the anti-spam which was just implemented. I don't know what to say. I have cookies on and disabled anything that might get in the way, but I still get 60 seconds almost every time I post for weird reasons, so I imagine that I'm going to get 15 minutes from now on and I'm going to have to say goodbye for good. I had already dropped a lot in activity because I got fed up with this anti-spam stuff and that was why I dropped off for a while.
Perhaps the site would be infinitely worse without these endless waits and captchas, but I think that's it from me.
Here is the mune pdf (it was free so shouldn't be an issue)
It's going to expire because I don't have an account, so someone should upload it somewhere permanent.

Hey, thank you for posting that.

I would suggest, as per PDF Share thread guidelines, not to post files directly to the thread or links.

What they would do looks like this:


I would check the FAQ there.
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you should stea-, ah downlo- I mean... AQUIRE the rules for star trek adventures, captains log, and start a shackleton expanse campaign.
You're still fundamentally running into one of the issues I mentioned here >>94219756 With the blobs the only GM knowledge you have is "there's maybe more desert this way." Which to me is barely GM knowledge because I don't like single hex biomes anyway.
I read good things about it, but I'm not a Star Trek fans, in general I don't like those big franchises, can I still use it for my own setting?
Hey, that could be the Zuni Doll from the Trilogy of Terror.
Let me roll, always trust the Dice, even Cybertruck campaign, odd keep in Ivalice. And...it's a six. Neon hedonism here I come. Hope there is ice cream in the world of the Near Future.
they use the same system for many settings. fallout? i think they have a halo one?
The solo supplement included in the starter box has an awesome Humanoid combatant roll chart too. It divides it into some archetypes (spellcaster, ranged, etc)
So, what is the general consensus about GMEs arond here? On reddit everyone seems to suck Mythic's dick and it's alright but it can really slow play down, even with the solo toolkit, although I do like how it makes everything connect with lists and such. I've tried a bunch of oracles before and I tend to like lighter weight ones that move the story forward (One Page Solo Engine is fine but not really it), can anyone point me something good? Been soloing for years but haven't settled on an oracle :(
Mythic slowed me down until I really learned it. And I never was able to really learn it well until 2e was released with cleaned up formatting and better explanations. It shouldn’t really be slowing you down…can you describe what your slowdowns are like? I may be able to give a suggestion
I may have worded it poorly, it's not that it slows me down and more that, while I really like what it's structure does I'm not a huge fan of it's oracle or the bookkeeping phase (tracking chaos factor, adding/removing entries from lists). It doesn't take long, I just feel that it puts me out of the game. Also I think it's meaning tables aren't the type which inspire me the most
There are a TON of optional tweaks detailed in Mythic Variations I & II and the magazines, including rules for reducing bookkeeping (one example- rules for simplifying or removing Chaos factor entirely)

I tend to ignore Chaos as it locks you into phrasing questions in a very particular way, and that DOES slow me down a lot.

I also don’t use the meaning tables that extensively- I pull or create genre specific meaning tables for each campaign I play. For example, I’m currently using a Grimdark table from Ken Wickham for a campaign which specifically reinforces the genre tropes that I’m shooting for in this campaign.

I think the answer to your issue with Mythic is that once you’ve learned the system itself, it’s time to customize it to your needs and the needs of the campaign that you’re running. Strongly recommend picking up or otherwise acquiring the magazines and variations.
How often are you using the Oracle? I tend to follow Dungeon World's advice of keeping the adventure as close to the goat as possible, so if an NPC has a problem it might directly or indirectly tie to the goal. I really, honestly, just go with the first thing that pops into my head and roll with it until I get stuck or I second guess myself. The moment that happens that is when I use the Oracle.
It comes down too what you want to use the Oracle for, you can use it for everything or you can just use it for some things, I'm usually... I wouldn't say creative... But this kind of thinking comes very naturally to me so a lot of the time I'm not actually using the Oracle outside of NPC reactions, twists, random encounters, and if I manage to write myself into a corner.
I've found when it comes to creative writing, the more you worry about tropes, not being "creative or original", or being too predictable narratively (or attempting to subvert expectations) you ultimately handicap yourself and your writing will suffer. Remember, you're here to have fun, if your idea of fun is Conan the Barbarian for the 9000th time except he is now allergic to milk? Go for it. Explore concepts, ideas, morality, and IRL questions that you find interesting. The more you lean into what you are interested in and what you find fun the more naturally the narrative will flow, the easier it will be to write, and you'll have more fun.
>tl;dr: Don't sweat the small stuff, do what you find fun, if you don't feel interested or inspired with the story you are writing right now don't be afraid to change it via a twist. Don't be so rigid with how you use Mythic, trust yourself and bit with how you flex the narrative, never flex the mechanics though.
Wow, they have Pentiums! Such marvels of the year Two Thousand and Twenty.
jesus christ
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>Exploration continues
Amazons soon
Whenever I see maps like this I get Vietnam flashbacks of that one solo wargame RPG I played where I was constantly running into enemies.
The enemy cannot overwhelm you if you bring your entire army everywhere you go anon.
Tell that to logistics, dumb fucks kept having troubles with requisitions. I have no idea how my little army dudes survived as long as they did in that jungle.
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anyone tried any of these Hex flowers / "random tables with memory" systems?
most are free
Very hard to give a fuck to them when you already have a bias toward a generative system
In the Trilogy of Terror movie a woman is hunted by a warrior spirit inside a doll, the doll uses a pointy knife and pointy teeth, the protagonist tries to trap it inside a suitcase. It checks all the boxes.
The weather flower works well. The others work if you don't keep a map, as they're not really meant for drawing it out.
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you'd still be able to draw a map if you want
some of the other files and one of the examples in the folder includes a dungeon map
there are some fairly plug & play minigames using the same general idea (19 hexes, moving down/left has higher probability than moving up/right, small mechanics can help with more favorable movements, and random events spice things up
Just got home, thanks for the insight! I've actually been incorporating a lot of that type of advice into my plays recently, since I mostly play to have a fun time and tickle my storyteller brain; stuff like making every scene be about answering a question and putting obstacles to go against it, making everything connect, it makes play flow wonderfully. I don't struggle to keep that momentum, in fact sometimes I forget I should be rolling dice!

I guess my main problem is one of focus and not system (apart from the meaning tables, it's been a while since I've used mythic and I just started a new campaign with it and... boy, talk about disorienting) but rather what I want out of it. That and the fact I'm a system junkie who loves rules (despite Fate being my main solo system), but I guess you have to break them when they don't rub you that well.

I know about the no CF variant but it's just so integral to the system I never really looked that far into it, probably should! And as for the meaning tables I'll do what I've done for some past games: write my own table with words that relate to the campaign theme, those are golden.

Anyways, it's good to hear words like these, in some ways soloing is like being a wizard in a lonely tower, hoarding arcane knowledge but not having much of a place to share it, thanks for the insight!
Anyone have some easy hacks they use to spice up combat in simple dungeon crawlers like 4AD or especially NoteQuest?
I've been enjoying Notequest Expanded but I find the combats kind of tedious. There aren't any rules for retreating or morale, monster damage is a fixed number, and the only choice you can make in combat is when to use spells.

I think I'm at least going to houserule in some simple rules for trying to retreat from combat.
I've used them to draw maps before, although it wasn't going for anything resembling realism. It's about as good as the markov chain method.
Could slap RUNE on there. It's pretty system agnostic.
You mean the Dark Souls one? It looks really cool but actually kind of hard to adapt, what with the custom moveset for every weapon, unique enemy AI, etc. Honestly Notequest is so simple I might be able to make it work though.
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table already has a "rule by the intelligent", which is close enough to scholars. I can only interpret "pedocracy" as either "rule by children" or "rule by pedophiles"
huh, didn't mean to quote, sorry
I rolled the Dice, now my PC is a brave, rebellious, no nonsense agent who has to recover a stolen microfilm, he can be as dense as any Shonen protagonist.
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Me too, but after accidentally deleting my post mid-count I can post normally for some reason.
My favorite lite emulator.
For Mythic, upkeep is easy if you don't use Chaos factor and don't remove threads and characters from the lists. There's always something to learn about old threads and characters even when they are resolved or dead.
I think they are using the latin (or greek) root of the word (pederasty). Which is basically what people would call teaching before teaching became a word. It is an odd choice to use such an archaic term these days when you have words that describe the same thing without bring up specters of subjects people feel uncomfortable talking or thinking about; but it isn't a misuse or wrong use of the word either. What book is that from?
You can substitute with the word "Geniocracy" which is rule by the geniuses (or experts) of that nation. If you haven't, you should read Starship Troopers, or at least the first couple of chapters where they describe what happened to Earth when it ws ruled by those thinks of people, its at least an interesting take, if anything.
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they already have Geniocracy in the table.
This is "Book of Lost Tables".
still, rule by geniuses and by scholars can be made quite distinct from each other (ofc either can be lead to an interesting setting)

Sure, but even then
>from Greek paiderastia, from pais, paid- ‘boy’ + erastēs ‘lover’.
Does music enhance your solo play or is it a bother? In my case, it sometimes help me, sometimes I have to turn it off.
Mostly a bother if it has lyrics, if it doesn't I stop hearing it when I concentrate on something else so it's not very helpful. But I do have a high capacity for earworms so I can hear music without having to actually hear music. My earworms are so bad (or good) they're full songs, not just parts of song. And I hear them almost all the time.
I'm crazy.
Catchy tunes are like that by design, so I don't think it's that weird.
Trying these.

They are fun to use, imho, but at least terrain should really have a high chance to stay on the same hex (ie next hex is identical to the current one).

for weather it's fine since weather is 1d and always progressing (ie can't move back to previous turn's weather).

Travel & Encounters one seems a bit pointless as the events don't seem related to each other anyway so random tables could work better.

I do like this as a base for any kind of subsystem with win/lose conditions, such as the mass battles in the author's drivethroughrpg. Might make my own version for a "wizard research" subsystem for my current solo, as that would have a lose condition (having to discard the whole project, maybe causing an accident or disaster), a win condition (creating a new spell/gaining reputation as a wizard), each turn could be a week or a month, "points" could be resources (money, books, aid from other wizards, treasure, etc).
What do you guys use for making your hexmaps? I have a good set of symbols I like for analogue maps but I don't have a good digital solution.
not sure what you're asking for, algorithms or symbols in a digital format?
A program
Bad streak, at every damn question I get a NO from the dice. Frustrating.
Finally, I ended up putting the tracking screen of the tracking device in the belt buckle. Kinda neat. Don't doubt the Dice.
Should I have a fixed money sum or roll to know if I can buy stuff?
on your preferences, and on the relevance
I like micromanaging and my game is about survival, so I track all the numbers
but just rolling for it can make sense if management isn't crucial to the experience, or if your character reasonably could have access to saving or so on
I bought mythic emu
I really like it
Are the other books worth it?
Some of the variations are worth. Variations 1 I think is the best one. I use mythic 2e which is basically just mythic 1e with the variations added to the main book.
I got Mythic Gamemaster Emu 2e, for less than 10 big ones PoD off amazon. It's quite short and sweet which I like.
I think you mean pedagogy there
Pederasty is the transitive verb of the institution (pedagogy), isn't it?
Pedagogy is just teaching young people. Pederasty is buggering the young people.
this sounds good, I need to do a jungle survival game now
I think I'm really gonna like this secret agent intrigue, now I use all the obsolete gizmos I always read about, like this
Thanks to the magic of the dice is now the communication station of my G-Man.
Is buying stuff that only way to obtain it? Keep that in mind.
Oh, I see, good question, thanks.
killed my first overseer in ker nethalas, what a fight. haven't been able to play anything for almost 2 weeks so this was a nice return
how are you doing secret agent stuff?
there's a lot of overlap these days but no
I used story tables to arrived at a G-Man trying to get back a microfilm with sensitive information, I roll for scenery and almost every action, for example, does he gets briefed in a bar or in the park? By another agent or by other means? What other means? Radio, telephone? Does he accept the mission despite not being in agreement with the content of the microfilm? Where does he start? Where the microfilm was robbed or talking personally to the mugged agent? I really like I rolled a rebellious attitude, it gives my G-Man nuance and more possibilities than just being a good hound.
>these days
there was even more overlap in ancient greece days, pederasty was seen as educational
It's not any more common now than at other points in history, and far less common than in much of it
ok diddy. aren't you due back in court? why are you wasting time on a rhodesian mahjong tournement site?

FYI, the united states government managed to LOSE almost 500 K kids trafficked into america illegally. this year alone. that's just the ones they know about.
nta, but you seem retarded
the fact that there's a lot of child sex abuse going on right now doesn't mean it's increasing. It has always been common, and in the past it was even easier to hide, and lots of societies just normalized/justified it.
Fuck off back to /pol/ with your bullshit numbers, retard
NVm it's in O-S-R
>Bad streak, at every damn question I get a NO from the dice. Frustrating.
I know that feel. I've had such absurd streaks of bad luck with the dice that I'm thinking of implementing some kind of reverse Ironsworn Momentum mechanic. Like every time a series of rolls makes me say "are you fucking kidding me" out loud at my table, I get a Bullshit Point that I can use to nudge a die roll by one pip.

In my last dungeon, out of like 10-12 doors I made, seven were trapped (1/6 chance each). Of the trapped doors, three were the worst kind of trap (1/6 chance each). Of those, one was an instakill (1/6 chance) and the other two resulted in my character's arms getting lopped off (1/6 chance). Also there wasn't a single piece of treasure anywhere in the entire dungeon except the final boss room, which also had the most powerful possible boss I could've rolled.
>Like every time a series of rolls makes me say "are you fucking kidding me" out loud at my table, I get a Bullshit Point that I can use to nudge a die roll by one pip.
Just make it so you can't use the bullshit point for the same roll, or that you need more than one bullshit point to nudge.
Otherwise you might as well not roll.
>Bullshit Point.
Interesting idea.
That's a good idea. I don't want it to feel like cheating (even though it definitely is kek). Something like every 3 BPs can be spent to modify a die roll, only after the current scene is resolved. And I can't use more than 1 BP per die.

From experience, all I know for sure is I definitely DON'T want it to just be a re-roll. The fix can't be luck-based in any way. Because if I'm already frustrated and then the second result is the exact same, I'd probably have to get up and walk away from the table
If you can keep it in check just carte blanche saying fuck the dice will improve your solo play experience by a lot. I wouldn't do it ker nethalas but after 8 misses in starforged Im taking the strong hit fuck you.
I haven't played Starforged but I remember Ironsworn being really easy for a few bad rolls to just kill all of the momentum of a scene. Especially fights. IIRC to try and end a fight, you need to have the initiative which requires a strong hit on another move. So a lot of fights would just drag on to the point where I was barely even narrating them anymore, just fishing for a strong hit on SOMETHING so I could move on with my life.
Sometimes I put down tiles in a vtt. If you just want a map hextml works well enough
If you do this things start feeling weightless, just play a less punishing game
Chill out.
>there are more slaves now than in any point in history,
No there aren't.
>THIS is were permissiveness, apathy and tolerance have lead us
No it isn't.
My agent PC is now on his way to talk to someone who might know something, roll, nothing happens on his way, roll again, no one follows or spies on him from a distance, my PC is naturally even more nervous and paranoid than before, nothing more suspicious than nothing.
Would you play as a party of 4-5 characters?
I wanted to just play as 1 protagonist + bf, but I feel it might make sense for more people to tag along.
Sloppin really struggles to make a big warrior woman with her small wizard boyfriend. Or maybe it's just being inclusive idk.
I really want to draw them by hand but I'm struggling to visualize them
So, my PC agent got attacked by some guy in a ski mask, instead of going directly into a fight, I made a quicktime event of sorts, I rolled to see if the PC could avoid the attacker, I rolled for the speed of the bad guy [9], then I rolled for the speed of the Agent [10], the PC could avoid the attack, then I rolled if the bad guy escaped or if the Agent could stopped him, rolled 1, automatic, the bat guy is grabbed by the collar and the fight starts, ways of spicing the game.
Am, AMA WIZARD, anon!
makes sense, the AI noticed that it generated an anime elf girl so it had to make her appropriately retarded like all anime elf girls
>Two specifically different things
>In the same image
That's generally not going to work. Even if it's something extremely iconic, like a knight beside a princess, it will still scramble them in weird ways.
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it can work with enough tries, but yeah it can merge them or swap roles around. At least with this specific prompt, the most common error was making the big warrior a male and the wizard a female.
I kind of like this one but not sure why it keeps giving them elf ears when nothing about elves was mentioned in the prompt.
I really can't imagine it ever working very well in solo form but I'll ask anyway... any good horror games?
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chatgpt didn't really capture the "armored warrior woman" image at all, but imho, this pic fits the feel of the game too perfectly so from now on I'll imagine them like this

but yeah, sorry for the slop, this is the last one
Why frustrating? A no just means something else/the opposite is true. A no isn't supposed to be a block/obstacle to your game.
My PC got killed by an Emu. No joke. The assholes of the bird kingdom. Boars are still worst though. Geese are dicks, but you can just kick them around.
The Ironlands are like a farm that wants to see you dead.
>amoge the worrin woman whis, make I womard aafrnfienss.!
He's literally me
It works REALLY well since you can cut out the jokes and humor bullshit that always creeps in almost all social horror games. Almost all my games are horror. Even fantasy games are very horror-oriented for me. Creepy crypts and skeletons.
WTF? I got a second 15m posting thingy! I just had one and only 1 normal posting between the 2!
Anyway, there's tons of good horror games. You should specify a sub-genre and wait half an hour for a response...
Apparently it procs if you're a new user. Maybe cookies aren't enabled or something.
Fuckin dipshits are actively trying to kill this place.
The guy who wrote this has a lot of solo guides/tools. This one isn't solo, but it's very solo compatible.
At least for /tg/ it's not THAT bad since I don't write as much as on other boards, even if it's my main board.
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Forgot to post it. Anyway, sorry for the watermarks but I'm not on my usual PC right now so you get the free version.
It was reviled as a despicable and heinous act, I suggest actually reading up on the subject instead of going by the "hurr hurr ancient Greeks wur gey" memes
I see that your recent internet history is very troubling.
Have a seat...
.... your human customs are strange, is it normal to gift a visitor a means of seating at every formal meeting? I shall have my assistants procure one forthwith from my ship.
If it's something else, you still have to come up with it.
nta, but too spoopy to click.
I don't feel pressure to play anything spooky related because everyday is Halloween, it's the same in the whole wide world.
Then don't? I've been going out of my way this year to do more spooky things since I really didn't do anything for a long time.
It was a jokey way to reference this song:
Well, my Agent Man chased down an enemy, fought him bravely, but the Dice are tricksters and made the treacherous knave pretend to be knocked out, surprising my PC, who is now at his mercy. Will my PC overcome this dastardly trap? Find out later, I have stuff to do.
I like your Ivalice setting but play what you want. :)
Don't worry, I will return soon, my clan has promise.
it's a free file and this is not the pdf share thread anyway
you were being silly
Has anyone had fun with any d&d 5e solo adventure?
I know that there are guides like DM yourself or just regular adventures and using mythic, or freedom, but I want something more guided.
>Different system
I specifically feel like having some 5e flavor and would rather not homebrew it somewhere else
My Agent prevailed, stunning the baddie with a needle under a ring, Borgia style. Every mystery man needs his gadgets. He also recovered a beeper (pure retrofuturism), with interesting info, but I rolled for what type of scene would come out of it, I got "meanwhile", so I decided to focus for a bit on the villain, a dapper foppish man, as dangerous as campy, straight outta Matt Helms' movie.
Usually novels, some old games and movies too. But I find it hard to read when I'm into RPGs for some reason
I'm so bad at generating POIs from abstract lists...
I feel that way about pretty much any abstract oracle, especially mythic-style Action/Subject
like whenever I roll on one because I need a prompt it just makes me feel like more of a retard when I can't think up anything good for "POSTPONE JEALOUSY" or whatever

I just want an autistically specific subtable with concrete answers for every possible situation. Surely that isn't too much to ask
>I just want an autistically specific subtable with concrete answers for every possible situation. Surely that isn't too much to ask
Imagine something. Then roll for how different from your original idea it ends up being. Ask questions. Use And/But with Yes/No. No means the opposite, so it's quick and easy to come up with thing. Ask if our idea for a But or an And is true. Roll a degree die to determine how big and/or important something is.
In the end your original idea is changed completely and it doesn't take long. It's even faster than determining what 2 words mean because you never get stuck.
>does the forest path lead to a clearing?
>yes, but
>1d6=5 so a huge clearing
>but there is a settlement?
>no, but
>an ancient temple?
>1d6=2 a small one
>anything else around related to the temple?
>no, but
>a river goes through the clearing?
>1d6=4 an above average sized river
>does the river go through the temple?
>where is the temple?
>divide the clearing in 4 and roll a d4=3 front left
>where is the river? 1d3=2 (because it doesn't go through the temple) back right
Why is this song so long?
Because it's a slong.
I know this might be another joke of smashing so and long together but it really was a slog for me, not my music at all.
What do you guys think of the two new Kal-Arath books?

Anyone willing to share the files?
>Five minutes.
Tik Tok generation? Wait till you about the Ring Cycle.
I'm a millennial and that is just how much I didn't like the song. That 6 minutes felt legit like 15 or 20 minutes.
It's not a question of time. Obviously.
Try treating it like a kind mad-libs, where you have to come up with an answer to your own question that includes those words. It's still forcing you to be creative, but if you're approaching the problem from a different angle it can sometimes help.
Postpone Jealousy is easy:
>a character related to you is jealous about something but has made a compromise to help you, but will trouble you later about it.
>the evil villain pulling the strings (if there is on) and coverts something has either has a hitch in his plan or has made something you need to get to defeat him harder to get
>someone postpones your travels or progress forward because of jealousy and it must be resolved before moving forward.
It never has to really fit 100% the two words are suppose to be a "foundation" that you can build off of rather than having nothing, its okay to stray a little away from the concrete meanings of the words, or the order, to create something that fits. For example, you could say that the villain pulling the strings wants eternal life and that jealousy has caused him to do cast a powerful spell that in some way postpones or inconveniences you.
I hate to say this cause it always sounds unhelpful, but always go with your first through or gut feeling, if you second guess yourself allow yourself a 5 minute break to think about it and if nothing better springs forward just go with what you have. Its okay to have "bad writing" in these adventures, loosening up, relaxing, and having fun really helps with creative way more than being uptight and controlling about it.
This was actually quite helpful, but getting 3 No, buts in a row still wasn't easy. It's like your

>but there is a settlement?
>no, but
>an ancient temple?
>no, but
>no, but
>no, and
Yes the dice do commonly hate me.
what's your favorite source of random tables?
I do like DMG 1e and Book of Lost Tables, but don't care for d&d style kitchen sink fantasy monsters/races
Mystery Man needs a car worthy of the future the 70s envisioned, so I'm researching automobiles of that era (my PC ends up with a Pinto).
Maze Rats, the So1um Enhanced cliche column and story maker columns, don't have a name as far as I know.
Thanks to the magic of the Dice, my PC got a Chevrolet Aerovette. It's neat.

I'm the OP here and do not want to take any chances it's hard to break good habits.
>I'm the OP here
Not relevant
mune pdf: https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/rkmo0t9k4Q

this dude on itch made a few solo 5e campaigns that you can play in browser that are pretty good

can’t believe i had to wait 15 minutes to post this wtf
seems like my browser (Firefox) for some reason was (and still is) fucking over homebrewery links (works in Edge though).
But thanks
The 15 minute thing seems to be something new to punish phoneposters
nvm found out it was the ad blocker
Thank you so much.
It's relevant to me.
If you post another PDF here, I will report you.
'Nuff said.
Do you guys view your sheets on a tablet, laptop, print?
Does anyone know of a good system for keeping and progressing time as it relates to adventures? I'm not talking about time keeping within an adventure, like travel times, times spent in combat, etc that most sytems already have basic rules for. Rather I'm interested in a system for pacing adventures and quests in a discreet manner.
As an example Mouseguard had something like this where you had to actively track what happened in each season and move on to the next season after the current seasons adventure was resolved. A system that actively pushes time forward and your characters connections and goals were effected by time moving forward.
I could rig something together but I'd be happy to know if the nut's already been cracked by a wiser mind than I.
>posting a publicly available free pdf is wrong because a different thread (focused on sharing copyrighted content) suggests to not post pdfs directly
>creating a thread in an anonymous board gives you authority
idk dude

plus reporting -any- pdf posted here feels silly, stuff like some anon's personal brews have zero connection to the reason why that other thread suggests not posting pdfs
My agent PC got a car chase scene! [Bullit music starts to play.] And it has more action than I thought it would had.
>No, you can't link free pdfs
Watch this.
What you gonna do about it?
Instead of battling like always, I'm rolling to see if the villains or my PC get the upper hand, the villains do this, are they successful? Don does that, is he successful? They are chasing the PC, can they the PC outrun them? And roll for every car's speed, and so on. I think it suits a spy story better than fantasy combat.

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