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need some recommendations for what the last lance i include for this mech company
Is there a megameklab type tool where I can sort by quirk?
Anyone here know where I can get a good scan of the Mechwarrior 2e book? The current PDF I have has some black splotches on certain pages and all of the text in grey boxes is basically unreadable.
So, anyone else get to the choice in Clans? Which one did you pick?
Nightsky, Thud 5SS, Archer, Crud 5S
that works out nicely i have all of those
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*Glides into your rear arc on partial wings since quad lams are Illegal*
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How ubiquitous are solahma mechwarriors in frontline or even just garrison units? Do they just have a single solahma dude that they keep around in a star as bait? Or a cannon fodder solahma star in a trinary of regulars? Or do they keep solahma pilots separate from the rest of the clan like they're diseased. Sarna articles give me the impression that they're separated from regular units and relegated to homeworld defense, but I've also seen them referred to as cannon fodder units at the same time.
Solahma is never frontline. They're exclusively garrison units.
Solahma are oldheads who didn't have the sense to die or wash out. If they're on the frontline then the enemy has either bypassed your nominal front or shit has gotten very dire.
what is this shit and where did it come from? is it just zoomers "culturally appropriating" oldfag but not being able to say fag? at least normies was catchy
very goofy
old heads is 90s rappers i think
Solahma are used for a mix of stuff, either garrison work where Garrison units are not available, or as pirate hunters or suicide attack units. It honestly depends on the Clan in question and what their view on them is. They want to be on the front line, fighting to their last and redeeming themselves/earning one final shot at honour, but that pretty much never happens and the best they can hope for is that the "pirates" turn out to be a specops raider force, or that a major raid hits the world they are garrisoned on. That said, if things have really gone south, as in "the enemy is inside the gates" south, then yes, they will see frontline service.

Nice mech.
ah gotcha. so IS units would never encounter any solahma units except for the Jags during bulldog and serpent
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I pulled inspiration from my own Dongals but you also were a bit lacking in LRMs and EVERY Lyran formation should have the steiner thud its too good to leave out.
ah, niggerspeak, got it
I'm not even annoyed at any poster here I've just been seeing this shit crop up everywhere at an artificial rate
>so IS units would never encounter any solahma units except for the Jags during bulldog and serpent
How did you come to that conclusion? There's no way that bondsmen weren't organized as garrison units on Clan-held IS planets.
Well, you wouldn't be likely to see them outside of you raiding a clan world. But like the namefag said, it really depends on the Clan. Some just used them as reserve troops, some went out of their way to humiliate them whenever possible.
I forget that the JFC-Lyran border is subject to numerous crossborder raids. Is it the same the Ghost Bear and Clan Wolf space too?
The Ghost Bears aren't terribly aggressive unless they want to be, so they mostly stick yo themselves, unless they feel like kicking the shit out of the Dracs or something.

Wolves are cucks and don't matter.
>unless they feel like kicking the shit out of the Dracs
Which never happens.

Ghost Bears really are the dullest and most bitch-ass of the Clans. I know we make fun of Clan Honor, but the Ghost Bears are a good example of why this exists - they do absolutely nothing unless they can kick in a weaker opponent like the Nova Cats.
They've won 3 different wars against the dracs.
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Falcons vs Davion Gauss spam.

Round 2 is a loss on account of bad rolls in the very last turn. Neither of us scored the objective. You had to cripple/destroy a randomly selected unit on the same turn to get points. Otherwise it went down to how much BV you destroyed with crippled units counting for half. My timber wolf is nearly 4k BV and lost a side torso on the last turn which swung it. And I wiffed killing his banshee which would’ve won me the game.

Tonnage diff, also the guy was being weasly.
For meager gains that cost them too much, and now they have to backfill their touman with Spheroid freebirths or else be too weak to stop Hell's Horses from buttfucking them.
They do nothing, win in a stupid matter, and then go to the backburner. They got to be both warden and crusader to preserve their winning record and keep them from doing anything interesting or suffer consequences of their actions.
>also the guy was being weasly.
How so, out of curiosity?
The Horses launched a surprise attack on the Bears and got nothing from it but a brutal raping so bad it caused generational trauma. The Bears killed so much of the DCMS the Rasalhague non-clan soldiers were getting sad because the bodies were stacked so high. The Ghost Bear-Combine Wars the books pretend are peer to peer conflicts but at best the DCMS is decimated after with the Bears intact and moliphied in some then everyone finger wags the Black Dragon Society.
Black Dragons carried that conflict, Ghost Bears barely did anything except pander to Alaric.
>Tonnage diff
Kinda a given when you run clanners.
What's the loadout on this look like?
Any tips on painting grey death legion camo?
It just looks like splotches when I try
You know for how unlikely it would be for mercs to get omnimechs a lot of the merc boxes have omnimechs.
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I just embraced the splotch, and made splotchy stripes of dark grey on top of light gray.
The Star's kill count is like 4 digits by the end of the campaign. Clanners are retarded and the Jaguars are even more retarded but they're really good at killing people.
At least paint the canopies...
I'm still angry that they sent Clan Faggot and Clan Swede Bear to fight the space Japanese and not CLAN KATANA BIRD.
Why would it be unlikely, most of the IS ones were made during the heyday of things being sold on the open market to mercenaries.
The issue is they are clan omnimechs.
I'm getting there. Still need to finish the metals, too. Got distracted by Pleiades Hussars, was fighting with yellow all week.
A lot also tend to have star league shit like the cyclops or guillotine.
What are you talking about?
Probably the Grey Death box which is two clan mechs, the k2, and a shadow hawk. Dragoon's have a timberwolf as well but I don't think anyone would be confused at them having clan tech.
>I don't think anyone would be confused at them having clan tech
I am. They were sent to the IS without any.
For them it's a star not a lance so probably a later on incarnation of the goons. That or CGL had to include a timber wolf in the wolf's box by law.
I think CGL just doesn't care about fluffy pack composition.
Most of the mercs aren't that bad, highlanders have a highlander, snord's have the sneede, hounds had 1 of now 4 wolfhound models.
Pirate king guy was the only good character of the entire game
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Do you hotload your LRMs or are you a coward?
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Who does not?
Clanners don't need to because their LRMs don't have a minimum range
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Fair point. Let me correct.
marian variant is peak
reject modernity
zip tie 260 AT4s together and jam them into your mech's hardpoints
need hovercraft abusing no heat to spam rockets
The 'Goons canonically used the Star from pretty early on IIRC, although it was referred to as an unusual 5-mech lance composition. And they did bring some clan gear with them to the sphere - the Behemoth and a few downgraded Annihilators. As well as a shit-ton of mechs that where extinct in the IS such as the Flea, Firefly, and Shitbo-sorry, Shogun.

Which era? Because it depends a lot, during the Invasion mercs would not have an Omni as they are all Clan-tech and its easier to sell the damn thing to an IS research facility or house than have something you cannot actually maintain with you. By the late 3050's it would be a point of interest, but not unknown, and by the 3060's IS omnimechs are readily available, and Clantech is slowly proliferating. By the time your at the end of the Jihad its not unusual at all to see a couple of omnis and a bit of clantech in your average Merc company.
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‘Forgetting’ things when it was confident for him like rolling PSR for firing heavy gauss unbraced, or making consciousness checks without being reminded.

Last one was Raselhague Bears.
This last guy and I had an awesome game. Came down to last turn, tied on OBJ points went to kill points to finish where he had a 1% lead. Super fun, nice dude, good experience to play with
Anything after the Dark Age Clan Tech pretty much becomes common even among Merc outfits.

It probably be weird not seeing a few omnimechs among even some of the more poorer outfits.

The Gray Death Force Box is a representation of the new Gray Death Legion that was created during the Ilclan. The Regent is actually sold in mass to anyone who can buy one and the Executioner has been in the IS so long now its not a surprise to see one.

The Dragoons had brought Omnimechs with em but didn't start to use them until the Clan Invasion.
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>The Dragoons had brought Omnimechs with em but didn't start to use them until the Clan Invasion.
Retcon bullshit
Replace the Executioner with the Gargoyle my bad.
>joining race traitors
Not even once.
They give Prince Victor a god damn Dire Wolf during the 1 year of peace when the clans retreated. Its not a retcon you fucking dipshit.
That some faggot writer pulled out of his ass. Retcon bullshit.
Was it something they brought? Or something they made in the IS with their space station factory?
I'd buy it if it was salvage from Luthien repaired at Outreach.
Didn't Victor get the Daishi before Luthien?
I think the Flea is really neat and it's sad that every single version of it ever made is objectively worse than the Locust.
It's 90s skater culture, retards.

On top of what the others said, it depends on the merc company too. Of course no periphary nobodies will be running around with the good shit, but a group of talented (or writer favorite) mercs who operate in between all the major players could reasonably have a few omnis, maybe a clan ERPPC, and a few clantech vehicles.
all im saying is if my mech can have wings and jump jets there should logically be a point where it just doesnt need to land any more, right? and if a mech with honest to god wings and an aerospace engine can only jump 5, then surely LAM tech could be implemented more successfully
Learn how flight works.
Yeah during the 1 year stint of peace after the Clans lost Showers.

Wolf's Dragoons held a summit on Outreach and trained some of the major figures on how to fight the clans.
Where the FUCK are the rest of the world kickstarters.

If I knew what a fuck up degen infested shit company catalyst was I'd never have backed this shit.
Blame your grifter mail system, that's who's got your shit.
im not a skater calm down
>Put in manufacturing order before final numbers in backerkit
>Doesn't matter since retail boxes will be more anyway
>Oops guessed 'swag' kickstarter only shit wrong
>Pillage all non-US shipments to ensure US order start getting filled
>Oops ah guess we have to manufacture more teehee
>Communicate none of this
Nothing about it is shipping. They even made the shipping fees massive for 'premium shipping'. Lmao.
You should have chosen to live in a better country if you wanted your stuff. You deserve exactly what's happening.
The correct choice?
Also yes. You're star is gonna make it past Bulldog making decisions like that.

In the Jade Phoenix trilogy a character meets their end in a Jade Falcon solahma unit. The unit was equiped with submachine guns and ordered to charge a mech star. The most those poor bastards could accomplish is tricking mechwariors into wasting time and ammo.
What the fuck is this resolution? Is that a picture of a book cover? What are we, fucking Lyrans? Post the whole picture, bub.
Since your star is the only competent star in SJ, you'll live anyway
>thinking that this shithole website has any influence on internet culture
All people post on this shithole website are regurgitated twitter screenshots and crossposts from reddit. Kids don't give a fuck about the site either and the primary drivers of memes is tiktok and snapchat.
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>the primary drivers of memes is tiktok and snapchat
And that fact is what keeps me here and off both.
>‘Forgetting’ things when it was confident for him like rolling PSR for firing heavy gauss unbraced, or making consciousness checks without being reminded.
Man, fuck people like that. My store had a guy who brought rigged dice and I would rather deal with him than the kind of waste-of-life loser who doesn't even have the cognitive ability to cheat and just decides to play calvinball like some toddler mad you're spanking him in Chutes and Ladders.
Can you guys recommend me some Civil War~Jihad era Charger, Firestarter, Javelin and the Goliath variants? I'm an Introtech guy, but a new guy I recently met is collecting WoB Celestials and he wishes to play against the new KS sculpts I got, so I gotta up my era
>guy with celestials wants to fight your shitmechs

brave of him
The story has you join the Dragoons?

Well I was going to play it, but thanks for telling me. Saved me some cash.
Reputedly there's a choice track that prompts that, but I haven't played it myself so I'm not 100%.
The goliath is a good mech and I am sick of pretending that is not.
There are supposed to be two endings. I presume joining the Woofs is the Warden ending.
Now we need an Operation: BULLDOG sequel where they reveal the crusader ending is canon and you fight Jayden as a boss.
You can either betray the clan and join the dragoons, or stick with the clan and kill the traitor
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Why is the black knight so aesthetic bros?
Is there any other mech like the Hunchback that you can fill every role with its variants?
Most Omnimechs at least try to hit a variety of roles.
Oh okay that's better. Thanks.
Catapult can fill a few. Griffin as well can cover a few. Thud can pretty much be slotted in wherever. Most omnimechs by design. For lights I'd argue the Firestarter is one of the most versatile.
Trebuchet gets pretty close with faster variants, SRM boats, direct fire PPC models, some with jump jets, and a couple of extreme melee nonsense variants.
The Whitworth, it either has srms or lrms. There is even a variant with a flamer.
I know there have been some platic fighters, has CGL done any plastic Omnifighters yet?
Nope, only the two fighters have gotten made so far with no expectation of more.
Who's the traitor? Liam the contraction dude?
Didn't they release the Visigoth with the new Mercenaries lineup?
Oh, I forgot it's an omnifighter. That's on me.

Yeah, Visigoth is an omnifighter.
Dubs of humility and responsibility. Nice.
Just had my first chance to JAG in almost a year. Comguard dogs FELL before my warriors who suffered NO CASUALTIES. Their dishonorable C3 network was a poor substitute for SUPERIOR GENETICS. Jaguars forever!
Any thoughts on MW5C?
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>last time playing battletech, a clan guy refused to play me because I paid for better inner sphere pilots
>back again today
>same guy brought some kaiju-esque clan assault
>convince him to play my lance
>bring an eris 3r with 24 rocket-laucher 10s and 7 jump
>first turn of real combat, drop my eris behind his dire wolf a
>alpha strike all 240 rockets into him
>57 points of damage, two gyros, one engine hit
>falls on its back and crits another engine
>eris is shut down for 4 turns due to heat, but dire wolf is flopping around on the ground
>his remaining timber wolf gets focused down by a crab, lancelot, and warhammer
>by the time his dire wolf gets into the fight, it's outnumbered 3-1
He tried to complain about me being unfair, but I pointed out that he cheated 500 BV by not paying for his clan pilots again. He didn't say anything after that and went home shortly after. Meanwhile, the other guys in the shop liked the beer I brought. Is this what having a big penis feels like?

>is a knight
>has a big space gun on it
It's just impossibly cool.
Surprisingly not
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PGI has granted us all a true gift by at last giving the Smoke Jaguar Clan the glory it deserves. It is unfortunate that my PC is low end, and that there is an option to be a Warden and join Wolf's Dragoons in an act of ultimate betrayal.
In light of the most recent clans game, is that actually how omnipods are supposed to work in tabletop?

>direwolf prime has ams in left torso
>don't like that, and variant b has a streak srm6 pack
>I'll just run a prime with a variant b left torso

You can mix and match pods between variants as long as you don't exceed tonnage? I'd never really thought about it in detail. So it's a sort of inbetween means of frankenmeching omni's? Or is it just bullshit vidya game wankery.

And for anyone that's curious, it's a solid 6/10. Great rental. Complete in a weekend. Uninstall. Totally could have just been a campaign expansion in mercs. Mercs is still the superior game.
>Is this what having a big penis feels like?
As someone with a big penis, I can confirm, the answer is yes.
I'm glad this had a happy ending to it. When you talked about your earlier experience with that clan player, his behavior genuinely pissed me off.
Pods are ultimately flexible. Any pod fits in any open space as if you were freeballing the design in a white room. The canon configurations are just the most common accepted ones that beancounters and high officers will sign off on. Anything that is pod mounted can go in any space on any omnimech as long as it has crit slots and tonnage free. It can come straight out of one omnimech and straight into another with no further modifications needed.
Damm, who is it then? I don't mind the spoiler.
Also, does Liam get killed?
I don't mean lorewise. I mean rulewise.

Can I bring two record sheets for a timberwolf and say I'm using a prime, and two variant b pods in the torsos? Or does that count as a custom mech?

Obviously I could make a clan omni from scratch, but that makes pods meaningless(other than frog grips)
I also mean ruleswise, any pod can be installed on any omnimech in about the same time it takes for a normal mech to reload a ton of ammo. There is no mechanical penalty for installing pods that do not match your current configuration.
Most players will still consider it a custom though, so if customs are banned, then it's a no go.
>does liam get killed?
We don't see it on screen, but the characters certainly seem to think so. And the game doesn't say otherwise. It reeks of 'open ended story development'. So Liam can be "found" in a season pass of content later. The conclusion makes me think they plan on doing regular campaign releases. And they better since there's literally nothing other than the campaign and replaying missions you already completed.

None of which were exemplary, imo. The countrysides looked comfy is all.
A pod mounted streak SRM 6 "from the b configuration" is mechanically identical to a pod mounted streak SRM 6 "we found in an unmarked container that fell off the back of a space truck". Pods are not specific to the mech. If it's in a pod, it fits in all omnimechs equally well.
including IS no less, looting omnipods was half the impetus of bringing an IS omni
between inventing omnipods and basically funding the society uprising yet being one of the surviving clans after WoR anyway coyote are absolute fucking chads
It's a pretty rad feeling lol. I'm happy for you.
I've been waiting for this day. I picked the most mobile mech with the highest alpha strike I could find to try and core him out in one go. The rest of the night was pretty fun too.

The short stories about the Coyotl dunking on IICs and Star League refits for a solid decade are great.
If I were a mercenary fighting clanners and not dying immediately, I would absolutely have some guys in a hovertruck and a jumpy light mech go around yanking clan weapons out in the middle of fights. It takes what, five minutes tops to disconnect an omnipod?

>lyrans bringing a 5 mech lance
>gauss spam

Shame on this man.
>takes five minutes
For a clanner mechtech, sure. Doubt IS mechtechs are acutely aware of how pods work within the first few times seeing them. There was a debate if clanners were even humans in the very beginning.
Yeah that mentality is PGI brain disease. YOU NEED THIS SPECIFIC POD TO USE A WEAPON!
If I'm a mercenary fighting clanners and not dying immediately, we're well past that point. Maybe I've even encountered clan defectors or captured ones.
>>bring an eris 3r with 24 rocket-laucher 10s and 7 jump
small penis energy
>He tried to complain about me being unfair, but I pointed out that he cheated 500 BV by not paying for his clan pilots again. He didn't say anything after that and went home shortly after. Meanwhile, the other guys in the shop liked the beer I brought. Is this what having a big penis feels like?
one of the most reddit posts I have ever read
Salty clanner tears full the gauss rifle
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Hm. This next Battletech session I'm running feels off somehow. But there couldn't possibly be another hex based sci fi mecha game, could there?
A CLANNER came into the game shop today..He had refused my previous batchalls, but this time he didnt refuse..It took 10 dude wipes to clean the sweat from my eager body, eager to crush him with my 24 rocket launcher eris 3..And how sweat it was, when I pressed my full weight upon him from behind..he didnt expect it, and i yelled GET THOSE RAGS OFF OF HIM (Joker 2 reference) when I did it and everyone clapped..Epic night bros
Shit like this is why I feel no shame fielding Kraken 3.
Pretty sure thats how avantis angels got alot of their stuff they would down a mech just take the arm off at the joint and run off with the gun
>The correct choice?
>Also yes.
>a fucking Zetas
>correct choice
It's why Spiders are a menace, they can just bounce around at jump 8, snatching fallen arms with impunity.
Not any good ones
I mean, would it really though? A lot of IICs are late SL mechs are pretty mean machines. The Coyotl is a good mech, but it's only a 40 ton.
God why did they have to do the face capture animation for the cutscenes everyones mouth movements look horrid
-J.Jonah Jameson
>face capture
Did they? Looked hand animated, poorly, to me.

Although you can tell the characters near the end were worked on more than the whole sibko arc. Mia in particular looks much better later. But saKhan talks through her teeth.
>We've got to tune-up some mechs with sexy lostech to beat the clans
>but also give the Black Knight a sword, because that is COOL AS HELL.
The black knight just wanted to club so toads.
Hey. It's a sword-shaped hatchet.
I wasn’t even really mad about his list (though I did have questions), it was more his selective enforcement of rules only when it negatively impacted him and then it became super important suddenly. Everyone else there was a super good sport, but he was being an autist. I think I did pretty well for playing a ‘fluff’ list I threw together in like 20 minutes vs people who had actively scrimmed and theory crafted for weeks. Also why the fuck is the Jade Phoenix not on the Jade Falcon ilClan MUL it’s literally in the ilclan recognition guide.

there was exactly one good mission out of the 3 the others had bad/not impactful planetary effects or objectives that were really hard to achieve unless you had a specific type of list, and most of the scoring which was on objectives. There was also a ‘notional’ 15 turn limit but the defining factor ended up being the 2.5 hr actual time limit. I don’t think any game got past turn 7 or 8 and there were a bunch where one or two extra turns would’ve mattered.
I just want a skirmish scale squad based narrative fps where you're conventional infantry fighting elementals during the clan invasion.

Or you're a clan elemental point mowing down civilian resistances after the mechs have already ripped apart their militia.
Now that you've mentioned it, the Star League Falcons and the Alyina Falcons get it but not the "Clan Jade Falcon" list.
>conventional infantry fighting elementals during the clan invasion
You know, a lot of people *say* they wanted to play as the regular zombies in L4D versus, but I think Valve made the right call in not doing that.
I think an Elemental FPS would be a lot cooler.
I was thinking like siege where you have to keep ambushing elementals with traps and explosives. Coming through walls with rpgs and shit.

Yea, but only if the elemental v mech combat is set piece and not every level. Like elemental vietnam on a kurita core world.
No Night Gyr either even though it's literally a JF designed mech.

MUL is seriously fucked up/in need of an update.
Both the Jade Phoenix and the Night Gyr have their factories on Alyina so it makes sense when the AML was formed that the remnant Falcons would "lose" access to those mechs. The majority could also have gone off with Alaric so that could explain why the Star League Falcons have access but not the remnants.
they better either make this split actually fun unlike the snorefest that was wolves in exile, or straighten out the situation asap, I do not need "lmao there's two jade falcons and they're both just jade falcons and we'll barely address it for 500 fucking years"
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Agreed. Better there be no Jade Falcons at all.
The MUL hasn't been updated in months. They're supposedly upgrading it, but my bet is their incompetence means it'll be at least a year. Any questions asking about the status will be locked in the OF.
TW-accurate tank hunters? In my fiction?
I saw a mention in the discord that the guy responsible lives in Florida and just got double hurricane'd
I read somewhere that they were actually planning to put real record sheets up and not just alpha strike cards. That alone is going to take a lot of data entry time unless their internal record sheet software happens to be optimized for it already (Which it almost certainly is not).
Maybe that, but eventually you can find and/or unlock PA and eventually BA armor. Maybe even make it a fallout style RPG.
Shadow of the Colossus but with BA troop MC versus mechs, because mechs should be presented as a terrifying, titanic figures from the perspective of the ground pounders.
What kind of healing system would you have in a Battle Armor game? Harjel, but it actually restores armor points? You're going to want to have some kind of recovery because even low end mechs would be able to one/two tap you easy if they ever show up.
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I am confirming this. As per Byrn Bill's recent public confession, there is an MUL-type project afoot for other point-based Catalyst miniature games**, along with BattleTech MUL updates. And the person who does all the MUL updates was absolutely double hurricane'd, and this has essentially knocked the relevant person out of circulation for a while. As of my update Saturday morning, he doesn't yet have his computer available.
>**picture completely unrelated

In the interim, here's a fun question to debate. The Sniper SPA reduces all Range Penalties by 1/2; so a +2 becomes a +1 instead. Because the justification is that you're good at shooting shit far away from you. So, is the Sniper SPA intended to function when a C3 network is affecting the effective range? For example, a MechWarrior with Sniper and a C3 link is shooting a standard PPC at a target 18 hexes away; but the spotter is at Range 10 (Medium), and there is no relevant ECM. Is the range modifier for the PPC shot a +2 (medium range due to C3), or a +1 (Medium range due to C3, reduced to a +1 due to Sniper)?
>essentially, does Sniper key off the *actual* weapon range, or the *effective* weapon range?
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I would make it key off the effective weapons range. Also I wouldn't worry about it too much, because a while back Xotl shared an update to SPAs he's working on and sniper had been eliminated entirely along with a lot of other SPAs that made your targets easier to hit.

Picture also completely unrelated.
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I'd much rather have a Battletroops game with conventional infantry. Then you can do the usual red flashing or medpacks for the guy, Battle Armor becomes boss level and if you put some on it's like Fallout Power Armor on steroids. Mechs become absolute titans. Imagine even just fighting a bug in a set of IS standard.

Plus it also opens up all the various crazy equipment for different missions. You can deploy as mechanized infantry and have support lasers mounted on your apc's for a convoy mission, you can get the cool jetpacks for a jump infantry mission where they dump you out of a Karnov into a city, you can get a mission with grapples for actually taking on a mech without armor, just so many options.
Should be effective. Other gunnery-affecting stuff stacks.

That said, I would break that over my knee because we use Extended and LoS rangebands in my group. A +4 to hit wherever the fuck is just mindblowing.
This is not a place for facts. It is a place for feelings. Anon is a Bear fan. You can't just come in here saying the truth, have some respect.


Kerlin Ward gave them the schematics for that and IIRC the Kit Fox on their last salvage run. They then spent like twenty years refitting the SLDF factories beneath Outreach to build a handful prior to the Clan Invasion. Them giving two out of their limited stock to the House heirs was a big deal. They had limited Clan 'Tech manufacturing ability from about 3050 on but mostly just bought salvage from the Invasion and refitted their forces that way.

MW5 is mostly just padded out with procedural bullshit contracts you do to stay afloat while waiting for the campaign to advance. If you could just play the scripted missions, even including the DLC it would be shorter than MW5 Clans.

It felt about as long as MW3.

Pods are complete bullshit. I slogged my way through the game looking forward to unleashing a turbofuck death Star of Dire Wolf Widowmakers on the freebirths of the Combine and couldn't even do that. The closest you can build on is the A config and even that falls short. I wish they'd use the TT rules with fixed equipment. In TT, you can change anything but the engine, IS, armour, and any fixed gear (some 'Mechs have fixed jump jets, MASC, extra HS and so on).
>Kerlin Ward gave them the schematics for that and IIRC the Kit Fox on their last salvage run. They then spent like twenty years refitting the SLDF factories beneath Outreach to build a handful prior to the Clan Invasion.

It was Madcats and Daishi and later on Elemental Armor they could make. No fucking clue where they sourced the Harjel or even if their suits had any.
LAMs in airmech mode don't land unless you want them to, they use WiGE movement which means they're always 1 level above the terrain
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>Alpha Strike
>most minis new and old look like shit
>Ilclan sucks
>influx of "people" that don't care about the IP at all
>"old guard" is just as bad
>PGI ruining the video games
>CGL at all
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What the fuck is this
>He hasn't played Mechassault 2
They use an enhanced version of WiGE movement that actually allows them to gain altitude and keep it at double movement cost, and to move less than 5 spaces in a turn as long as they are able to spend 5 movement points to do so (Which is almost irrelevant, the only LAM that would even have trouble with that is the Urbie LAM if it survived losing a jump jet).
It's funny that the most likely unit to ever use WiGE doesn't even use the WiGE rules as written.
harjel sprayer?
A time of war now has these rules, I've played it a couple of times and it's clearly not very well thought out but it does work. It also has rules for protomechs and even full mechs if you have the patience
why, my peenus weanus of course :)
I know all that anon, it just wasn't pertinent to the point I was making. Normal WiGE movement can also maintain its current altitude but it has to raise its level with terrain and it falls back down at the end of the turn. You already new that but writing down all the rules the other person didn't is apparently what we're doing.
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This is unironically the best time to be into BT since FASA folded. You spit on being blessed because you're ignorant and a tourist and don't comprehend true suffering.
This. 2003 was the real dark times.
This. Until they decide to go fully 40K and start to cycle out the current gameplay mechanics every three to five years, we'll be eating well.
Please tell me Oblique Attacker is gone, that psr is broken as hell. A 1 point skill that let's you lob LRM's indirectly without a spotter AND ignore the indirect fire penalty? That's absurd.

I'm going to chime in for "effective range" too, it makes sense.

Good stuff anon, I'm glad you broke him, people like that give groups a bad name. You can also try using LAM's to the same effect, back when all Headshot brought where Clan Assaults and Heavies I broke him using a 3/3 LAM lance to get in behind his massive kaiju's then run away when he tried to return fire. Taught him to embrace mobility and lighter, faster, units.
>You can also try using LAM's to the same effect
Aren't their current rules basically useless? Like they take so much in accuracy penalties in WiGE mode that no amount of help will counteract it?
Last I saw, Oblique Attacker wasn't gone, but compared to Campaign Ops it had been nerfed to hell. If you have a spotter, you can ignore the +1 penalty for indirect fire. If you don't have a spotter, you can make a PSR - if you succeed, you can indirect without a spotter. These are mutually exclusive.
>Aren't their current rules basically useless? Like they take so much in accuracy penalties in WiGE mode that no amount of help will counteract it?
The current rules are HEAVILY nerfed but still useable. You take an additional +1 penalty to Gunnery if you spend Airmech MP, so a +1 if your stationary, +2 if your cruising, or +3 if you move at flank. They are pretty brutal, but against slow moving targets that dont generate a good TMM you can stand a reasonable chance of hitting, and I was using 3 WOB Wasp LAM's with the Medium VSP that, at short range, negates even the Flank move penalty (The 4th was the WOB Pixie LAM with the Snub Nose PPC).
Even without that though, I have found that opponents will expend inordinate amounts of resources trying to hunt it down - see a mini campaigns penultimate game where my opponent sent 2/3 of his near company size force to hunt down one Stinger LAM that was barely even able to land a hit.

Good. Played in a campaign at the start of the yer where one player had it on a Treb and an Archer, it was not fun.

Kraken. It can be a long range plinker, a mid range brawler, a close range juggernaught, or it can blot out the sun. It can do AA, AI, or AT/M. The only thing it cannot, as of yet, do, is recon work.
>The current rules are HEAVILY nerfed but still useable. You take an additional +1 penalty to Gunnery if you spend Airmech MP, so a +1 if your stationary, +2 if your cruising, or +3 if you move at flank
Current rules are in alternate eras and are not like this at all. walk and run are standard, airmech cruise is +3 and flank is +4.
>see a mini campaigns penultimate game where my opponent sent 2/3 of his near company size force to hunt down one Stinger LAM that was barely even able to land a hit.
LAM working as intended.
videogame contrivance for creatively bankrupt developers to maintain pacing
Your opportunity to choose between being an idealistic idiot who will try to destroy his former Clan or being an idealistic idiot who will try to reform it.

Also, what the fuck is that loadout. Just get a Dire Wolf A with 3 PPCs and a GR. If you're a half-way decent shot you'll be headcapping everything in two or three volleys. I still haven't dipped below 80% on anyone in my Star on that mission and even that was because I had to hard carry since everyone else was getting lost in pathfinding and was hung up three gorges back humping rocks.

I don't think they had Timbies, but whatever they were doing they don't seem to have had production lines for full Clan-tech 'Mechs, just the ability to do everything bespoke and assemble the result.

No. They just aren't all-powerful any more. They are harder to hit than they are to be hit (unless your opponent bought some AA weapons) and they have absolute control over whether engagements will take place and what range and arc they do if one takes place at all, but because it's not brain-dead jump arcs where you can just go wherever you want and requires a little bit of planning, the smooth brains are still up in arms about it.

Personally, I think the current state works. AirMech mode shouldn't be completely busted bullshit like it has historically been. LAMs should be strategic rather than tactical assets, used as scouts and raiders, not heavy cavalry.

I'm fine with this. SPAs that counter a single condition are fine.

The one I really want is a Night Fighter SPA. Take it and eliminate the night fighting penalty.
Most new players don't realize how much being a Battletech fan is suffering, nor do they really grok that you can just ignore 90% of whatever the retarded IP holder is doing at the time and play in your best world with like-minded grogs and greybeards as we've been doing for literal decades.

I despise CGL and I think the new Mechwarrior games suck ass, but I'll acknowledge we got at least once decent tactical command game AND we're getting non-embarrassing art AND some better minis variety.
>Please tell me Oblique Attacker is gone, that psr is broken as hell. A 1 point skill that let's you lob LRM's indirectly without a spotter AND ignore the indirect fire penalty? That's absurd.
lmao, I hated dealing with that shit in megamek with asshats in city maps using bane 3's or lrm carriers (or both!)

Doesn't matter that only 10-20% of the missiles hit - it's 10-20% of them every single fucking round with 250 missiles per round and you either can't see anything to shoot back at because the spotter has an active probe and is hiding behind buildings that block LoS, or the spotter is literally too far away to even shoot at.

to make such an unfun playstyle even more effective is pretty wild
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Leave Smoke Jaguar. They lied about the food getting better
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pov you just agreed to play a game with a EHMM ARE CEE nigga
Probably better than dying in a Combine concentration camp, though.
The Flea should be 25 tons and it should jump.
Goons are still retarded option for alternative.
Should be Jade Falcon, Sharks or Homeworld Clans
wrong, also the flea is mean to be a cheap list filler and its cheaper than the locust
Seething cheater doesn't like it when his munchmechs get bodied lol.
May as well just bring a tank at that point, since it can do something besides maybe kill a bug or a platoon of infantry.
there aren't a ton of tanks that are ~300 bv, and most are slow. Either way many people play mechs only so it still has a niche
>airmech cruise is +3 and flank is +4.
My bad, its been over a year since I last used a LAM and I must have memory-holed the modifiers being quite so crippling. Its still useable I guess, but it sucks balls. Explains why I dont recall the one in the mini campaign hitting anything, or the Pixie doing much for that matter.

>LAM working as intended.
Along with Super Heavies, I tend to find that LAM's attract an inordinate amount of fire from most opponents. They see something small and fast and it does not matter that it packs a puny amount of firepower and is taking crippling Gunnery penalties just for moving, they act like its some all killing monster thats going to eat their rear line (to be fair, 3/3 pilots with VSP's sort of do) and focus it down at the expense of all else. In that penultimate battle the real hitters where my Marauder 3L and 2 Vindicators, which led the push up to sweep the ridge my opponent was trying to hold before he ran off to chase the LAM and left only a couple of mechs to screen. After that his line collapsed. I think the LAM landed one Medium Laser hit the entire campaign.

Fighting it in the campaign was awful, luckily the player that did it had not leaned wholly into the Macross Missile Massacre build and had 2 screening mechs, but even so, slogging across a map under constant missile fire with no way to respond was awful.
Note, I don't mind missile spam normally, indirect fire has penalties and you can kill the spotters. But OA completely negates the need for spotters and all the downsides, and its only Cost 1 for some reason.
None of those were on Luthien
Were RAT, BULLDOG and SERPENT some kind of acronym? Or the Feddies like to name their operations using animals?
I don't think they were acronyms but stuff like that is not exactly unprecented.

Operation Gothic Serpent was in the somali civil war.

The redpill is that the whole Jihad arc is basically about the iraq war/afghanistan

You have the COALITION OF THE WILLING, STONE'S COALITION uniting to defeat the religious extremist JIHADIS
The Republic had the upper hand in the struggle to exploit
Blakist scientific personnel. The Coalition had captured Terra,
and thus had physical custody of many of the most important
design teams. Devlin Stone was in the position of absolute moral
authority to decide what to do with them. His choice of clemency
earned the Republic much goodwill among those scientists and
technicians already disillusioned with the Blakist cause.
There was a darker side to the Republic’s recruitment efforts,
code-named STAPLER. The threat of being dragged before
the tribunals in Geneva hovered behind every Republic offer.
Reluctant former Blakists faced official harassment or prolonged
detention even if they had committed no crimes. The Portland
Clarion exposed the abuses in 3092, with the help of an anonymous
whistleblower, leading to an end of the program.
I wonder if some of the Flea variants would be a good use case for the 'horde of dogshit' tactic that Combine bugman got killed trying to make work. A bunch of large laser Fleas working with Commandos, maybe.
a large laser is pretty decent in 3025, like the commando 1B but able to move more than 9 (which is trash with all the 3025 5/8s)
>airmech cruise is +3 and flank is +4.
Damn that's brutal, you'd think they'd at least make variants with a targeting computer or AES to compensate at least a bit.
I think they face capped, but then hand tweaked a few models here and there. Thats why scarface girls mouth goes practically ear to fucking ear and Jayden looks like discount Ezra Miller complete with 'I never finished puberty' peach fuzz.

Maybe they were trying to pay homage to 80's FASA art?

Yeah the faces and the voice acting is really weak. Everybody constantly looks like they're about to break down into wild hysterics, but sound like they couldn't be less interested.

Leo Showers looks like he's about to start screaming at the top of his lungs when he's in fromt of the council. It's really bad. Only thing saving the story is the middling writing, which is a small step above the abjectly bad animation and voice acting.
One of the line writers/devs despises LAM's, so they cannot exist or have anything good, ever. If you think that the current rules are bad, ask NEA what the original draft was like, he was one of the playtesters and helped stop some of the really bad stuff. Gems included:
>LAM'S cannot gain a TMM when in airmech mode
>LAM'S take skid checks on all turns in airmech mode with a modifier equal to the number of hexes moved
>if your LAM enters a woods hex for any reason, it is automatically destroyed
>if your LAM is ever destroyed then you lose the scenario immediately

Honestly I do find the Large Laser gets a bad rep. 8 damage is still 8 damage, even in later eras, it's an existential threat to many Lights, and can contribute to hole punching, and it pairs well with an AC10, plus it out ranges AC20's and SRM's. It's a decent weapon in its own right.

Try drawing. Hands are evil, fingers where made to confound artistry. I almost sympathise with AI slop bots. But then I remember they are AI slop bots.
Look at the hands, clearly AI did this.
That claw is for honouring the dragon, no?
Large lasers even have their niche post-3025. 8 damage is still 'hole puncher' range, but they're light and cool enough in the DHS era to work with some higher heat long range weapons, or to be the secondary hot armament if your main guns are, say, a gauss rifle and a big LRM rack. I had an Orion refit that replaced the arm mediums with larges that was a pretty ugly customer. XL engine was glassy, though.
What's absurd is your namefaggotry.
>Leo Showers looks like he's about to start screaming at the top of his lungs when he's in front of the council.
That seems to be on-brand for the Jags.
Like, in a bad way.
LL are obsoleted by gauss, if you want a backup to gauss erml are basically always better or LRMS or ERLL or LPL
More like the devs made an attempt, but it's really hard to completely shed yourself of your cultural programming.
Erza or Mia
IS LPL is almost never a good choice unless you're building a city-fighter or move 6/9 or faster. You're paying a 2-ton, 2-heat, useful range tax for 1 point of damage and some accuracy increase. Bad trade.

Once the snub PPC comes into use, there's no point to the IS LPL. Ever, at all.
The problem with the facial animations is that they are too monkey to be human. The jaws and lips stick out forwards far too much, even more than would be right for Africans. Pull the lips back and make them less animated.
So a Fluid Gun is always a zero heat weapon, but does a Vehicle Flamer firing water or coolant still produce 3 heat?
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the facial animations going all over the place was kind of funny at times
also why are we talking about the vidya here, not on /v/?
IS LL is a decent sidearm to an IS Gauss platform.

CERML is strictly better though, you trade 1 damage for 3 less heat at the same range for only 1 crit and 1 ton.
>CERML is strictly better though
Almost all Clan tech is better except their plasma weapons, which suck shit through a paper straw. So it's kinda irrelevant.

If you have access to Clan ER mediums then we're having a totally different build conversation.
Because all of you are turgid fucks that deserve a long and painful death
LAMs, Quadvees, and Protomechs are worthless lore contrivances that offer nothing of value to gameplay other than bloating the already bloated pool of mechanics. They should all be retconned and then re-implemented into one thing that is distinct from mechs, armor, aero, and ba.
Has anyone here ever heard of something called an “assault conga line”?

Is this common?
Why would you conga line assaults?
No, we need even more unit types.
The animations are generally way over exaggerated. I suspect they're doing something like just taking raw MoCap footage and pasting it onto their face rigs without adjusting it at all, although a friend of mine had the idea that they're probably exaggerated to read on the small in-mission comm windows and they just used the same method for the cutscenes. I wouldn't put either past PGI.
It's an emergent MWO mechanic that doesn't make sense in the board game.
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Mechwarrior 5 Clans OST gamerip

https://pixeldrain com/l/EqDAmhbJ
I'm writing some fluff for a mech, is there any hard and fast year on when the Taurians started manufacturing Commandos?
I'll manufacture your commando hard and fast, baby~
My understanding is that the idea is that since mechs can shoot through other mechs without penalty, you could line up 3-4 assault mechs with mid-long range weapons so that each mech guards the front mech’s flank, while forcing the opponent to focus fire on the front most mech, thus protecting the mechs behind it.

That also tracks since in the game I played where he tried this, he never got the chance to actually form the conga line. Likely a combination of me coming at him from multiple directions, moving faster than he planned, and me constantly kicking over one of his 3 assault mechs.
is the ost even any good? Felt muted compared to the rest of the audio the whole time. I had everything maxed and barely heard the music.
Kinda annoyed how shit ac2/5 are and how cluster 2 tables are skewed to be retarded.

If I made all AC2/5 variants (except RAC) have an innate -1 to hit and make all cluster 2 weapons have an innate +2 to cluster table (needing 6+ instead of 8+ for 2 shots to hit) would it be enough to not make them so shitty?
It's more subdued and foreboding. I prefer the merc one.
>LAM'S cannot gain a TMM when in airmech mode
>LAM'S take skid checks on all turns in airmech mode with a modifier equal to the number of hexes moved
>if your LAM enters a woods hex for any reason, it is automatically destroyed
>if your LAM is ever destroyed then you lose the scenario immediately
Why would anyone write these? Those aren't valid rules. Those are just reasons to make a unit type unplayable. It's like deliberate sabotage.
>would it be enough to not make them so shitty?
You could make the AC/2 a 1 ton/1 crit weapon with a short range of 24 and a -10 targeting bonus, and it would still be a shitty useless weapon. 2 points in exchange for mandatory ammo that blows up your Mech is worthless and always will be.
They shoulda played up the throat singing/foreboding choir thing they have in the opening. A lot of the mission music is pretty subdued electronic tunes that fade hard into the background and they don't really amplify the mood much.
The plague of ironic neo-80's synthwave must be eradicated at all costs
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>meds=not taken
>fusion engine=hot
Yep, it's Taurian time.
>ironic neo-80's synthwave

>i've looped this 10k times and is just the ambient music playing from my house speakers at all times.
lmao good one
It's a main staple of Taurian society that they have free quality education. It's part of the benefits granted by compulsory military service.
It's free education.
Education shouldn't be free. Anything government funded is communist. Only privatized education is actually useful or viable. The Taurians are overdue for a societal collapse, just like any population that depends on the government dole.
Found the texan
And would be a Serf all the same...
The Taurians are due that because of compulsory military service, no different than the US vets getting medical care and education for free.
It's funny because this isn't far from the standard in the IS, even the hyper capitalist Lyrans and FWL offer subsidized housing and food aid for the lower classes.
Actually even funnier it would probably be Canopus would be the state with the least amount of government assistance to the citizens, that or maybe the Marian Hegemony.
The Marians are somehow even more facist than the Taurians, if that can be believed. The Star League had it right, the Periphery exists to be enslaved.
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>The Marians are somehow even more facist than the Taurians
I'd be more concerned if the roman larpers weren't fascist.
>The Marians are somehow even more facist than the Taurians, if that can be believed
Well I can because the Taurians are basically running on the nordic economic model and are one of the few actual democracies in the inner sphere. Also by more specific looks the clanners would probably be the most actual fascist.
I'm not fully certian what would be best for a Gliding scorpion (and the creator of the STL and the image I stole didn't attach a record sheet.) so here's an Inner sphere tech base version I made while I was drunk. hopefully it isn't shit.
speaking of the marians, the circinus; did anyone care about these guys? just sort of got lumped into a blake proxy and died
or the lothians, who only seem to exist to cuck marians out of a legion
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>did anyone care about these guys?
I'd be amazed if anyone cares about deeper periphery nations unless they have some tangential relations to the wobbies.
Too much Ammo for a Streak SRM-6; When are you going to get 30 successful shots off?
>Those are just reasons to make a unit type unplayable. It's like deliberate sabotage.
That was 100% the point. If LAMs are too effective the question would be 'why does no one in universe use them?' so their rules HAVE to suck ass.
>It's like deliberate sabotage.
Yes. They very specifically don't want LAMs in the setting anymore. They feel like it's a cartoonish concept and doesn't fit with what they're doing. When they made these changes decades ago, it was when they were moving away from the mecha-anime style robots into the more lumbering portrayal we have now. Leaving them in with shitty rules was the compromise made with the then current players so that they're models weren't totally capped. At this point, they really should just retcon them out of existence, but that would break the backwards compatibility that gives the game part of it's charm.

Taurians remind me of Israeli settlers. They do heinous shit like random nuclear bombardment on New Syrtis and Bromhead. They also start self-defeating wars that destroy 30% of their own GDP. Any criticism is met with how they were so oppressed 500 years ago and that justifies everything they're doing.
>deeper periphery
those guys both bordered marik at some point and were just north of the marians, lol
guess they really don't have fans
Canopus is run by leftists and therefore cannot be less communist than a free state like the Taurian Concordat.
Canopus has legal slavery and considers half of its population as second class citizens, it's far less communist than the Taurians.
Canopus is basically actual ancapistan, what do you mean run by leftists?
>they really should just retcon them out of existence, but that would break the backwards compatibility that gives the game part of it's charm.
Even if they did you know people would still use them and just use either the last set of usable rules or whatever version they like the best.
Communists believe that Karl Marx died for our sins and not our Lord Jesus Christ. I'm not inclined to believe anything they have to say.
what's leftist about Canopus?
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he's only saying that because its run by women lol
That they don't have any policies on their books that deliberately kill or cripple women, I guess?
The reason given in the original conceit with busted rules was that you need to have pilots who can do both mech and aerospace and that's a very difficult training pipeline that most pilots on either end cannot complete. Also all the canon ones are relatively light, with the most common by far being the Stinger LAM. Under the original rules you could make a LAM at any weight, but the heaviest that you'd actually see on a table was the Phoenix Hawk LAM, and the heaviest that you'd realistically see anywhere in-universe is the Stinger LAM since it was the only one to continue production past the first succession war.
Canopus makes you pay for medical care and Taurus subsidizes almost everything for its citizens.
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>When they made these changes decades ago, it was when they were moving away from the mecha-anime style robots into the more lumbering portrayal we have now.
...and then they went ahead and introduced animal robots that make you go kuh-ray-zi and transforming tanks that mog regular tanks.
Quad vees kind of suck and exist only to game the bidding system.
In mean by that standard every faction would be leftist outside of maybe cappies if you count what they do to servitor women.
don't Kuritans straight up ban females from attaining a rank higher than grunt?
How does that even work anyway? I thought you had to bid fairly clearly what you're using.
>I bid this star of totally normal tanks for this trial just trust me bro
Not sure but I suppose it wouldn't be off brand.
super-ruggedized, actually critpacked tanks without terrain or tech restrictions aren't a bad thing to have.

Of course, just like Omnimech, you might not have any actual use for them.
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I, for one, am glad the they finally decided to watched Zoids.
They started that way but that had changed by the time of Takashi, and Theodore removed the block completely later.
That's enough though.
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Okay, but Gunhed.
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>want to play the game
>live in a shithole where the only entertainment people approve of is getting shitfaced 24/7
I guess the minis look nice on my desk.
Dragon has fallen...
No. It was a soft glass ceiling around Tai-sa. Women in company command roles were uncommon. Women in battalion command roles would be vanishingly rare in line units (and totally non-existent in high end units like Sword of Light). Women in regimental command roles didn't exist at all, and obviously forget anything higher. But they weren't limited only to enlisted roles, even under the most strict leaders.

One of the things that were notable about Theodore's reforms were that they were included as battalion commanders in the low end units like the Legion of Vega or the Yakuza regiments.
This, the LAMs didn't need a reason to justify being rarely used in universe. It was already established that they:
>Were a new, experimental technology during the Star League
>They're really expensive and require a lot of dedicated upkeep
>They were such effective scouts that there were LAM squadrons attached to every SLDF division
>The fall of Star League and coming succession wars meant dedicated LAM research pretty much grinded to a halt
>Only one LAM factory survived, leaving the already rare, upkeep heavy unit extremely rare relative to normal battlemechs.
>By the Third Succession War, the high cost and rarity of LAMs had made military commanders increasingly wary of committing these prized relics to battle and most had turned to replacing them with more plentiful conventional counterparts in their TOEs.
>Requires an extreme skill ceiling to pass through for an effective pilot
>the few dedicated military companies that existed by 3025, mostly in the FWL and the DracComb, were elites.
>Meanwhile Clan don't like them because they blur the line between MechWarriors and ASF pilots, which is unacceptable in their strict caste system.
Even in the old stuff LAMs were rare, upkeep heavy, little factory support, and required top-notch piloting. All together and you have them being a very rare, very elite unit to have during the succession wars.
And as we learned last thread with the game pictures, miniatures which are painted gray don't count as being painted.
>not making a BT drinking game to get them interested
Your minis sit in a jar
LAM come from anime, so they shouldn't be in Battletech. This is a western franchise, and Japanese shit doesn't belong here. It's honestly that simple.
the problem isn't BT itself, it's that "nerd shit" is virtually nonexistent here (and what little does is limited to more mainstream stuff like 40k, DnD, etc.)
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Is there a scan of the maps from the Game of Armored Combat set? I have the hills from gf9 so it would be cool to use for demo games but printed on gamemat material so it will last. I looked in the download folders but can't seem to find it there.
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Don't make me tap the sign
>have place with nerd shit
set up a game with these faggots by providing them a loaner lance, a good dealer knows the value of a free sample
Your bait is weak and your command will not last in serious combat.

The Urbanmech LAM should be canonized as a corners-cut ultra-budget rapid-response unit that can be launched from orbit to protect distant outposts.

My AC-10 says konichiwa motherfucker.
Urbie LAM unironically is fucking great and solves all of its flaws
the flying trashcan is a force to be reckoned with
Taurian education system was actually better than the Star League one and is still canonically excellent. During occupation the Star League deliberately sabotaged it. Also, the 'Taurians = Texans' thing is a meme. They're more like Finns. They even have an analogue to the Winter War where the Crapellans "won," taking a couple wars at the cost of a massive chunk of their military.
Ok cool, then get rid of all the anime mechs that were thrown into Battletech. The Warhammer, the Marauder, the Stinger, the Shadow Hawk, the Rifleman, etc etc. All of those are direct rips from anime. "Western style mechs" is a dumb cope for delusional fags who don't want to admit they like weeb shit. It's called real robot, and the japs did it first.
>Archer is a 1-1 ripoff of Spartan
how did they get away with this?
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Don't respond to bait.
>Tequila Gunner
I'll have some of what he's having.
I will always love the Bigfoot in the sleeper. He just looks so comfy. Sleep tight bigfoot.
they, uh, didn't
unseen, harmony gold, 'member?
They thought they had bought the rights to the designs. The company that sold it didn't have the right to do so, and another company that also incorrectly thought they had the rights to the designs was more willing to fight in court. The entire Unseen debacle might never have happened if they had just been willing to go all the way to discovery rather than folding immediately.
The Taurians aren't fascist. They're a republic with a free press and free speech.
I heard they also copied from a show called Crusher Joe or something but don't know what exactly. Anyone have pic like these for that show?
He's saying that because he associates them being a degenerate sex tourism capital with being left-wing. Dude should check out Thailand, lefties don't have a monopoly on sex work and drugs.
All things considered FASA did probably not have the rights as you said due to the company they acquired them from not having them and they did do what would really need to be done to solve the issue, that is just redesign the mechs. Now interestingly it was always just an issue with Macross, as far as I know Sunrise never had an issue with them using the dougram designs though odds are still they could have been sued for it.
The Locust, the Galleon tank and a couple of Aerospace fighters is what they got from Crusher Joe.
the fuckin locust my guy
Crusher Joe is where the Locust and I want to say Galleon come from.
And the Griffin, and the Thunderbolt, and the Battlemaster, and the Wolverine, and the Goliath, and the Scorpion, and the Locust, the Leopard DropShip, and more. You'd basically be gutting all of the iconic IS mechs.

FASA (thought) they licensed the designs. It wasn't a ripoff, it was a direct copy that they (thought) they got permission and paid for. Do you really not have any idea about the unseen or where most of these designs came from? The first version of this game were literal Japanese made mecha action figures reboxed and given new rules.
So they say. They're about as democratic as the Nazis were socialist. That is to say, not at all.
They're a constitutional monarchy my guy. When the ancestral boy-king was passed over and a statesman was put on the throne, crown loyalists were so bootyblasted that they ran off with their prince to make their own Taurus with blackjack and hookers.
They licensed all the stuff they borrowed, but only the Macross licensing was illegitimate. Jewmoney Gold never had the rights either but FASA was too lazy/chickenshit to stick out the court case against an Italian mafia front company and so it was only recently during a chimpout by a judge during a court case that this issue got resolved in the favor of Battletech.

The Japs give zero shits about it. Never have.
What do you mean anon? They're literally the one faction that successfully voted their ruling house out of the government and they never got back in.
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So the Locust was honorary Ost series then?
Ah, you're just trolling. Sorry, I thought you were actually serious.
It was actually a decision made by a council of advisors, the public had absolutely nothing to do with it.
They legally seceded from the Concordat. They're allowed to do that, even if their reason is stupid. And it wasn't, the current Taurian government was both abusive and completely incompetent (due to being Capellan puppets).
it's not unseen! bergen stole their design from ostmann and covered the whole thing up!
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>Too much Ammo for a Streak SRM-6
yeah that's reasonable, I added the one ton and said "I wouldn't want to run out" and added another ton
>When are you going to get 30 successful shots off?
when I get jumped by 30 female elementals, that's when I'll get 30 shots off.
jokes aside I just figured more ammo was better than not enough, I didn't think "will I take more than 15 turns jumping within 6 hexes of a target and successfully hitting every turn and as such need another ton of ammo"
There is one (1) head writer/dev whom has a pathological and autistic hatred of LAM's. not just a dislike, but a genuine "why do these things exist they make me mad, so mad, why is this LAM tapdancing rent-free in my head" hyper autistic hatred of them. He is so mad that he had the Nova cats go on an autistic crusade to smash all the remaining LAM factories (there were several, Lexatech being the largest) in explicit detail even though this violated the Tukayid treaty line, but of course this somehow failed to kick off Operation TCD. Read up on it, it is something else. He wanted them out of the game, out of the lore, unplayable, and retconned from existing ever, thankfully fans of the game stopped him and forced him to a compromise. He also wrote it so that they can only ever benefit from the worst weight saving tech, all the good stuff is locked out from them.

This is a pretty good summary, though Stinger LAM's where not that rare, comparatively. You where more likely to see one than, say, a Black Knight, Thug, or King Crab (unless you live in the Periphery).
Amusingly, they could come back into production, the New Dallas Memory Core contained the schematics for every mech ever built by the Terran Hegemony and Star league, including LAM's, but the writers are keeping quiet about that little bit of information. Still, you could justify one in the IlClan era as being produced by a small cottage industry that tooled up to produce some of the more exotic mechs from the New Dallas Core, its not unheard of. Just look at Timberwolves, they spend the better part of 60 years being hand tooled in a tiny workshop after the War of Refusal.

No (you) for you, lazy troll.
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>They licensed all the stuff they borrowed, but only the Macross licensing was illegitimate.
They licensed everything from a company that never had the right to extend a license to them in the first place. Macross just was part of the package Harmony Gold claimed at the time.

Macross rights in Japan are a mess, I understand, and we don't know if FASA ever inquired about the use of Crusher Joe or Dougram IPs when they went shopping for original mech designs in Japan during the 90s.
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>The Japs give zero shits about it. Never have.
Especially funny too since if I remember right they hired one of the macross designers to do the designs for the japanese release.
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>during a chimpout by a judge
It was resolved because they tried to go after PGI and, by extension, Microsoft. Microsoft wasn't going to let their license be fucked with.

The idea of the Periphery states also having feudal monarchies is retarded, you're just not supposed to think about it.

There is literally nothing stopping the Electors from not giving a Centrella a two/thirds majority. They just always have because reasons. And the OA had even less of a system for keeping Avellars in place.

It's just something you accept. Everywhere is feudal.
>and we don't know if FASA ever inquired about the use of Crusher Joe or Dougram IPs when they went shopping for original mech designs in Japan during the 90s
The fact sunrise still hasn't done anything is interesting(the atlas is also probably in many ways taken from their IP's) I'd have to think they know and seemingly don't care. Especially since almost none of those series got western releases in any major capacity.
>He also wrote it so that they can only ever benefit from the worst weight saving tech, all the good stuff is locked out from them.
I still say they should be able to use Ferro-Aluminum. XLs kind of make sense they can't use I guess? Though if it's a size problem it should just reserve more slots in the torsos.

Though would it REALLY be that big a problem with LAMs running around with an extra 5 to 7 tons?
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I think the rights were contested in Japan at that point as well. Which ultimately wasn't a bad thing as it resulted in the family of japanese BT variants.
love the comguard griffin
>It's just something you accept.
Well it's how the FWL works. Legally their are a republic made up of the various states, the Captain-General just takes command during times of crisis(which happens more often than not) and the Captain-General is also more often than not a Marik.
Not just a designer, THE designer, Shōji Kawamori. He went on to make Armored Core too.
>Though would it REALLY be that big a problem with LAMs running around with an extra 5 to 7 tons?
Reasonably? No. To the mind of an autistic man with a pathological hatred of them? Yes.

The FWL makes slightly more sense in that its explicitly a military dictatorship temporarily running things - forever.

Oddly enough, the CC acutally has remarkably few guard rails stopping them from getting rid of the Liaos - in the OG book that was given as teh excuse for why all the Liaos were """"smarter"""" than the other house lords, because of all the plotting needed to keep in power. I'm presuming that all went out the window with Sunny.

But Periphery outside, its ludicrous that the Houses that started the Age of War managed to all still be there by Ilkhan - even if you do count the rare occasions where its just slapping the brand logo onto someone.
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Will ever love the Japanese Dragon.
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Hey Lois look, I’m a medium mech!
can THIS be our grand dragon?
Lil'Snaggletooth needs a flamer in the CT.
A fat medium too
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That's how it's supposed to work. However, over the years it has expanded to
>the marik commonwealth has veto power over the selection of captain generals
>the captain general has veto power over the selection of future captain generals
>the captain general has executive power "for the duration of the emergency." with no enforcable definition for "the emergency"
>the captain general has authority over provincial forces also (this waxes and wanes, but other than one big concession a well-liked captain general gave, has usually trended to more power)
>the warden of the border protectorates (captain general when there's not a war, supposed to be commander in chief of military units on the borders) isn't even a real title anymore and is just given to retired captain generals instead

Basically, parliament kept giving them more power until they were functionally a dictator.
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No, but it can be your Grand Dragon.
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I find it funny that Steiner despite having some of the strongest power of the IS states leaders also does the absolute least compared to the others. Marik just kept moving towards absolute control, meanwhile the Archon just sits at the throne and lets the bureaucracy do its job. No one questions the Steiner rule because the mess of local leaders and local nobility work how they are supposed too and is able to easily respond to issues where they need.
>One of the line writers/devs despises LAM's, so they cannot exist or have anything good, ever.
For the best part of 30 years, LAM rules have been absurdly broken. Like to the point of being so ridiculously good there's a genuine question as to why you would ever use anything else given the choice. AirMech mode has, historically, been busted.

Where they are currently has trade-offs in AirMech mode. This angers the AirMech mafia because their smooth brains can't conceive of what is going on, which is one part game balance (they are still very powerful, customs or Clan tech ones are still very broken, but no longer to the point of haha 18 heatless Jump MP go brrrrr) and partly making them work in game the way they do in lore, which is fly down to a world as an ASF and make use of that mode for strategic movement, scout in AirMech mode, and transform to a 'Mech to fight on the ground at the tactical level.

>Leo Showers looks like he's about to start screaming at the top of his lungs when he's in fromt of the council.
Honestly that Showers scene was pretty much how I imagined it going down, minus the Wolves or whoever it was going THAT'S UNPOSSIBLE! during it.

Showers was a rage monster and that scene captured both it and his hypocritical manipulation pretty well.
So I want to make a force consisting of the Scarabus, Nightaky, Hatchetman, Axman, Black Knight and Berserker on vengeance (sword-shaped) hatchet run against the Clans around 3056 (as soon as the BRZ comes out); But it well after the Invasion and the Truce of Tukayyid. Was there any interesting struggle they might find spot in in 3056 and after? Before the Bulldog and such
>while forcing the opponent to focus fire on the front most mech
Doesn't work in BT, aside from some regimental special abilities that force people to target whomever is closest to them. In BT, if you can see them and you're in range, you can shoot them.

The real fix is to allow basic A/Cs to rapid fire with perma jams, and for Ultras and R-A/Cs to be able to unjam.
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This is a really mixed up force. Parts of it are Steiner exclusive, parts of it are ComStar exclusive.

I get the "haha, lemme ax you something" meme but in terms of being canonically likely it's near zero. If you get rid of the Clanbuster Black Knight and include a second Axman it's fine though.
Any moderately competent player can use LAMs to engage in the firing axis of their choice with at least a two point differential in to-hit numbers, more likely 4 points.

That it is no longer as simple as plopping them down in whatever wooded hex you feel like doesn't detract from that.

They're about as hard to use effectively as a Locust in 3025 or Fire Moth today and significantly more powerful.
I'd simply allow AC2s to target missile flights, using the OG AMS ammo expenditure rules.

And yet the Steiners have the only case I can think of of the nobles voting a leader out of power with Alessandro.

But I figure that's sort of how it works. The real power is surely all the factory owners, the Archon just needs to do noble-y things and not fuck up.
>Where they are currently has trade-offs in AirMech mode. This angers the AirMech mafia because their smooth brains can't conceive of what is going on, which is one part game balance (they are still very powerful, customs or Clan tech ones are still very broken, but no longer to the point of haha 18 heatless Jump MP go brrrrr) and partly making them work in game the way they do in lore, which is fly down to a world as an ASF and make use of that mode for strategic movement, scout in AirMech mode, and transform to a 'Mech to fight on the ground at the tactical level.
The current rules are intentionally written to make them as unplayable as possible without invoking an outright rebellion from the playerbase and a potential "LAMman" incident. If you are honestly arguing that the insane modifiers that mean an average pilot will miss a point blank shot at a stationary target 50% of the time if they only cruise, gods forbid they try to move at flank speed, or the target be in cover or move at a moderate walk.
Dropping the modifiers to +2/+3 would fix a lot, and after than its the construction rules that need an overhaul.
Forgot to add, there also lore descriptions of them engaging in Airmech mode. The Pixie LAM in "Far Country" spends most of its time in Airmech mode when in combat, performing strikes from the air.
Can someone share a pic with a green bird fursuit with "You dare refuse my batchall" caption?
Didn't the FWL oust Charles during the Interdiction for a time? Made him leave Atreus and everything because he wouldn't pay off ComStar?
>The current rules are intentionally written to make them as unplayable
And that's a good thing, and you will never convince me otherwise. If LAMs have to exist at all, they should never be a viable choice on the tabletop.
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Can someone please explain to me what the PRACTICAL difference is between a LAM that jumps 10-14 hexes a whole lot into heavy woods, and an IJJ/partial wing Mech that jumps 10 hexes into heavy woods? Because a 10 hex and 15 hex jump have the same TMM adjustment, so as far as anyone shooting at them is concerned, they seem to be mathematically the same thing.

So why do LAMs get people's panties twisted, while Jihad and Dark Age era stuff that does exactly the same thing, mathematically speaking, doesn't even pick up a raised eyebrow?
Needs a question mark.
Yeah, *flying* in AirMech mode and strafing things, not operating at NOE levels. That used to be an option in AM mode, not that anyone ever used it because hurr hurr 18 hex jump radius go brr.

Bitch please. Airmech Flank is +4, sure, but it's also a 27 hex movement radius that lets you control range, attack vector, and whether your opponent can even see you to try and attack you, while also generating a +5 TMM.

If you can't ruthlessly exploit this to consistently attack from the rear or weakest side arcs to minimise return fire while ensuring that your opponent is in medium range of your weapons and long range of theirs, it's because you are bad at the game rather than because the rules are bad.

They're plenty viable, and in a lore-friendly way now. AM mode was always supposed to be a scout/skirmish option and if you are playing a campaign (IE, where you want scouts) they shine.

LAMfags are just buttmad that they are no longer an instawin and require even a basic level of git gud.
I'm not a troll, I just genuinely hate you.
There basically isn't one in terms of movement or TMMs.

However, LAMs have other stuff going for them, like vastly reduced heat and the ability to literally traverse an entire map in a single turn to either attack or deny an engagement at all.

Jumpy little fuckers are always an issue due to the 2D6 probability curve, but LAMs turn all of those issues up to 11.

It's partly that and partly historical. LAM lovers have a long memory of time when their favourite unit type was completely busted and now that they are more balanced they are mad. People who were repeatedly bent over and taken dry by LAMs for 30 odd years are now either so blindly enraged by the unit type at all that they are still angry or accept the current rules as fine.

So there's roughly a 75% chance that when LAMs are mentioned, *someone* is going to be mad about them being either too good or too bad.
You have Russians getting economically blocked by the rest of the world yet still playing Battletech in the middle of Siberia. And you can't find one other person to play with.
Your honestly better off jumping, the modifiers are better, you can jump into woods if you want, theres no risk of skidding if you try to turn, you can move through/over enemy units, you can move over buildings/cliffs, etc. The only thing you dont have is speed, where a LAM can hit 23 movement, but good luck hitting anything or turning after that, and it has to pay move to fly up and over enemy units/woods/buildings, or go around them.

Im not going to argue that the old LAM rules where not broken, because they where, although Partial Wing Improved JJ mechs are rapidly taking their place (Jade Phoenix, looking at you). What I am going to argue is that +4 is a joke when the average gunnery is 4. 8's, before terrain or TMM, is just a straight up "dont use this" nerf. 23 move (27 is impossible on canon units) is nice until you remember you cannot actually hit anything after doing so (see before when my Stinger LAM landed one hit in an entire campaign, on the rear of a Catapult). You can pay for the pilot upgrades or bring that one WOB Wasp LAM with VSP's, and actually stand a chance, but most of the time your looking at 9's or more at point blank.
+2/+3 modifiers for Airmech Cruise/Flank, and no MP penalty for moving at altitude (still have to pay for climbing) would go a long way to fixing things.
But your not arguing in good faith, are you now?

>Jumpy little fuckers are always an issue due to the 2D6 probability curve, but LAMs turn all of those issues up to 11.
LAM's dont, as per above they suffer inordinate penalties for moving fast. The modern "jumpy little fucker" is a Partial Wing+IJJ nightmare that can dissipate +3 heat and jump 7+ hexes (the Jade Phoenix jumps 7, its a 85 ton Assault, there is a variant with a UAC20, it is not nice) and deliver a strike from any vector it chooses without worrying about intervening terrain or enemy units.

NB, I have used LAM's to good effect against slow Assaults and by paying for 3/3 pilots
what is the coolest faction
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The Draconis Combine
wrong, zipperhead
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Stay mad, you know the Dragon is the real deal.
And we come back to the issue of unit optimisation.

People were big mad over the Hellstar because it's essentially custom 'Mech levels of good and canon. We are seeing similar exploration of iJJ/Partial Wing design space now but LAMs haven't moved on much since 3025 in terms of canon designs and even then they are either niche and intended to suck (Shadow Hawk LAM) or just very niche (WoB revival).

I can guarantee you that custom LAMs are just as fucking busted.

You can get a near fully armoured (ie, only one point off) 55-ton LAM that goes 3/5/5 (ie, 15/23 in the only mode that counts) with 16.5 tons of payload and 20 crits to play with.

If you build an iJJ/PW competitor and take advantage of an XL and Endo to get 11 Jump, you only have 8 tons and 5 crits left over with the same armour profile.

It's very easy to optimise LAMs in their design space given the advantages they have, but that development isn't happening IC to be seen. If we were seeing canon LAMs that packed, for example, a pair of TC-enhanced Clan LPLs and C3i or BC3 we wouldn't be seeing this argument at all.
The Society, Dark Caste + Genecaste
Many thanks
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Blake damnit, why is it so hard to find high resolution png for the era logos?
>My AC-10 says konichiwa motherfucker.
Isn't an AC-10 too heavy for the Urbie LAM?
Like most of the back working from the Alpha Strike Stats arm it with a Light PPC or something?

>"Western style mechs" is a dumb cope for delusional fags who don't want to admit they like weeb shit. It's called real robot, and the japs did it first.
Plus a lot of those Eastern Nerds were obsessing over Westaboo shit, at first Disney and then Gerry Anderson.

>lefties don't have a monopoly on sex work
Hell, it's usually the "Conservatives" over-compensating for their own carnal urges via psychological projection, blue-balling themselves so hard they end up doing way worse shit than just sucking dicks.

The Rule of Thumb is that most games don't last past 12 rounds and, with how most of this thread views receiving an Ammo critical, you usually want your bins running dry.

>THE designer, Shōji Kawamori
I wonder what his take would be on the autistic hatred for one of his most famous designs.
Like, he'd probably be the first to admit they're Impossible Spaghetti Engineering, but he does make sure they can actually be converted between modes.

>even if you do count the rare occasions where its just slapping the brand logo onto someone
I mean the Centrella's at least the branding of specifically founding an Interstellar State around not treating their citizens as expendable shit.
>EVER helping with anything ever
>not just teenagers with underdeveloped sauce sleuthing skills begging for porn
why do you insult him so, it wasn't even a request
> In BT, if you can see them and you're in range, you can shoot them.
I am by no means a proponent of the assault conga line, but to give credit where credit’s due, the idea isn’t that the opponent is “forced” by rules to shoot only at the front most mech, but that they have “compelled” their opponent into playing the game their way by making the alternative too foolish to consider.

For example, if you have a Battlemaster, devastator, and awesome marching single file in that order towards your position, you will want to target the Battlemaster first because if it gets into close, or melee range with you, it’s going to be bad, and it’s tough enough that they believe that you will have to overcommit to taking it down before it gets to your mechs, thus not focusing on what’s behind it, and you can’t flank the Battlemaster because that would put you in the perfect firing position to get lit up by the other two mechs.

Of course this still isn’t an optimal idea as it doesn’t account for, well, properly deployed tactics, if the opponent has faster, more aggressive mechs then you can’t form up correctly, if the opponent attacks from multiple directions then it’s you who’s going to be forced to split fire, same with if the enemy outnumber’s you. Then you have situations where if you are playing a special scenario where it’s important that you have mechs that can run faster than 5, then you’re just screwed.

In general it kinda feels like in Battletech trying to employ rigid, universal mech formations is a bit foolish, like you’re trying to cheese your way out of having to actually think tactically.
So, ERPPCs make even the Annihilator work?
There's a russian company making BT miniatures and models, FYI.
You keeping in mind that the Chinese are the ones making the game pieces and that the middle of Siberia is still closer to China than mainland US?
>NB, I have used LAM's to good effect against slow Assaults and by paying for 3/3 pilots
Tbh one thing I can't argue against is that LAMs should require higher skilled pilots to be viable, if only because that fits better with the fluff. These rare, expensive machines that successor state troops were wary of wasting shouldn't be put in the hands of 4/5 pilots.
Speaking of which, McCarron's Armored Cavalry box fucking when?
It works pretty good in 3025 as a 15-18 hex exclusion zone as is.

If it had an LRM variant with, say, 4 LRM-15s, 3 tons of ammo each and 8 additional HS I'd be quite happy.

It starts to shit the bed in the upgrade era with dumb refits. Like seriously Goons, just give it a 300 XL, 4 R-A/C-5s, and C3 already.
I dunno. Nine times out of 10 I ignore the BLR if an option exists and shoot something else, like the Devastator, Nightwear, Pillager, or Thunder Hawk it's screening.

Long range headcappers and lower TMMs make them a higher priority target.

I have used this trick in the past (Grand Dragon up in someone's face as a distraction while a Stinger 3G, Locust with two MLs, and a Wasp with Infernos ran in and did the real work) but as a rule assault 'Mechs are too slow to do it on a small scale.
>But your not arguing in good faith, are you now?
There's no such thing as arguing in good faith when it comes to LAMs. You're either for them or against them, and there's no middle ground.
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Forget LAMs, when are we getting mechs that turn into submarines?
Mechs have the same (roughly) weight by mass that a person has. An Atlas would be able to swim.
Dear Toyama I might go crazy if my job was this
Also, pre-painted or colored plaatic? Those green ones at the end
Going to be buying the Clan Invasion and Alpha Strike box sets soon enough.
Asides from what's in those, excluding the executioner and one or two others that I'll pawn off, what are some other mechs fit for a Jade Falcon force up to post tukayid?
Mainly want to focus on firepower and maneuverability.

The Society should have won. Any clans they wanted to keep should have become Coreward Periphery powers.
/gerg/ is ded, long live /gerg/.

Just make sure you have the Summoner, Hellbringer and Kit Fox. After that you can sprinkle in some Tukayyid debuts like the Turkina and Black Lanner, and any generic omnis you like.
3054 is when they got the license.
Technically, since Clan tech exists and Wobbies are smart enough to integrate them, 5 to 7 tons of Clam energy weapons is a very dangerous thing. I mean its the usual irony of the faction that doesn't want them having the absolute best means to make them viable beyond the Star League's wildest dreams.
Definitely want those, they look like they mesh well with my preferences.
I was also thinking at least one Fire Moth, Nova, Timber Wolf, Warhawk, Adder, and Mongrel, as well as at least one Black Lanner and Night Gyr and Cougar for post Clan Invasion.
Might get a second of one or two of them, especially the lights and the mediums, don't know which yet.
Thank you.
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>/btg/ kept telling lore accurate Clans have fishnet cooling suits and their gatherings look like fetish parties with skimpy suits and animal masks
>meanwhile the new game and even the old cartoon has them in boring stuffy military uniforms
Have you been lying to me all this time /btg/? Or did they just tone it down for the normies?
the skimpy cooling suits have in general been sort of deemphasized due to wokeness and the animal masks are only for special meetings/rituals
The artists don't know shit about the actual lore these days. They made Romano Liao look chinese for god's sake and Minobu Kurita some quarter black guy instead of a full on afro-samurai.

And unless you had your star fucking each other after every mission, they definitely toned down the clanners.
>special meetings
A bloodname council is just like Clan Congress. It happens all the time.
They toned it down a ton for the mainstream audience yeah. Most mechwarriors are half, if not almost entirely, naked in their cockpits. Mechs run way too hot to bother with propriety
Anyone have the 7th Printing PDFs for Tactical Operations Advanced Rules and Advanced Units & Equipment?
You're thinking IS mechwarriors. The Clanners do use the fishnet cooling mesh in a full body suit. You can see it under the big cooling tubes here >>94207302

There's a really famous shot of an ejected Falcon pilot that has just the suit. Elementals wear a similar one too. You can see it in the armor cutaway view from Techmanual.
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Pretty much every vidya tones it all way down. All those slick flight helmets and fancy bodysuits they give every pilot in succession war games? None of that is accurate. The helmets were big old bucketheads that had to be mounted on your shoulders to avoid breaking your neck and the cooling is in the form of vests over tank tops and shorts.
Out of this picture, only row 2, column 3 is accurate to succession war era neurohelmets. Everyone else is either wearing star league relics that should have too many "ghosts" in them to function anymore or else are wearing something that is just plain not a neurohelmet at all.
1,6 is just a fucking stalker npc lmao
also is that fucking randy pitchford in 4,1?
1,2 at least has the right rig for a shitty neurohelmet. You could definitely put a bucket on that.
3,1 looks like a Japanese former accountant living his best life.
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2 and 6 from row 1 are keeping up the tradition Tricky Nik, Killer and Vernon Marrone set in place
while they're not the famous bullethead, plenty of those look like they have extensive rigs on the shoulders, third guy is actually one piece with a hinge if you look close a lot of those EOD collars look like they're bracing the entire head up
there's definitely some cheaters, but on the flipside whatever is happening to the oni mask does NOT look comfy
Some of them could indeed be infantry helmets that are just being worn for the picture. Other than the egghead there are a few others which are large enough that they look supported by the shoulders, namely
>r1 c3
>r2 c2
>r3 c5
>Have you been lying to me all this time /btg/? Or did they just tone it down for the normies?
Actually both.
Clans still have more or less standart SLDF-like military uniform, which is used by current artists and designers as excuse, to avoid "problematic" fishnets and cooling suits (which are still supposed to be more advanced than IS cooling vests)
>and their gatherings look like fetish parties with skimpy suits and animal masks
Pretty sure, even amon khans it's not mandatory, we know that some clans have such masks (Star Adders, Wolf), but other use more utilitarian uniform (Jags, Steel Viper). Goliath Scorpion khan, for example, ceremonial dress is just their standart Seeker uniform with more details.
Are you pairing this original thought with a completely original crab themed unit?
>Clans still have more or less standart SLDF-like military uniform,

I love that the Falcons say FUCK THAT and still have a ridiculous falcon helmet and cape for their military uniform. Best boys.
Nova Cat formalwear is just a black, curve hugging catsuit.
It's mostly border raids, the Goon Civil War, Refusal War, and Guerrero.

Remember, everybody and their dog was still raiding and conquering above the Truce Line. The only reason the Lyrans didn't get raped is the Falcons imploded themselves fighting the Wolves like retards.
Reminder that dudes dressed as wizards and dudes dressed as the G-Force were slogging it out at Tukayyid under a hail of artillery, gausswall tanks parked on roofs, and 300 year old museum pieces pitted against bespoke clan tech hauled a thousand lightyears just for this operation.

The craziness of it all is just wonderful, second only to stuff like the WHO DIS? Red unit quadrangle near the core.
I was digging through some books looking for that, could you share where you found it?
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What's the Battle Value total of pic related
The design of the more “lore accurate” neurohelmits does explain a few design choices on the mechs themselves that I previously found odd but just accepted as part of the aesthetic:

why the cockpit was usually in the mech’s vulnerable head
why the heads needed to move from side to side and up and down
why many mech cockpit canopies offer limited or no peripheral vision to the pilot
It all ties into the idea that with that ridiculous bucket on their heads, they can’t actually turn their own heads around to observe their surroundings so they need the mech to look around for them.
I like the Demi-Precentor's outfit in MW5C. Really emphasizes that ComStar is a bunch of weirdos in costume.
Should be in the original Objective Raids as the correction to the 1629 mention of them making it in the 3020's.
50-100k per side
In the books, limited peripheral vision is accounted for by a "vision strip", a wide horizontal screen under your cockpit glass that shows a composite image of what's around you from cameras, compressing a 360 degree view into a 160 degree strip. For some reason the vidya has never included this.
That, but also they have a 360 degree holoband projected in compressed 180 at the top of their helmet. That let's them keep tabs on everything going on around them.
If only they emphasized the Clanners are even bigger weirdos in costume.
The TC Commando is in Objective Raids but I don't see any mention of when they start. The in-universe date for that book is 3054 so it fits as a starting point at least. Original TRO 3050 also mentions Taurian Commando production, and that book has an in-universe date in 3052, but it may still be riding on the 1629 listing.
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Which faction has the best Thud variant?
wouldn't this be incomprehensible dogshit? I've cranked up my FOV in vidya for the quake jokes and it's a mess once you get up past 250
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what the fuck
And more advanced neurohelmets such as star league and clan models can beam that info directly into the pilot's mind. It's not practical, but hotshot SLDF pilots were capable of piloting with their cockpit completely blacked out and their screens off.
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It's meant to provide situational awareness, not to do anything precise.

>see movement on the right hand side of your vision strip
>start panning mech to right
>you're facing the right way just in time when that No-Dachi emerges from the treeline and tries to sword your face off
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I think it's meant to be a Nightstar. Look at the feet, two long guns on each arm, and a large gun on the right torso.
where's the pic from? are there more drawings for the other clans as well?
I wonder if the average player would make proper use of it, let alone appreciate it as a QoL feature.
I can see people moaning about how it makes them nauseous, and mods removing it, and others still saying it's "cheating".
Let me dig around. I know the date is right off the top of my head, just because it's such an old question.

So far, I've checked TRO 3050U, TRO 3039, 20 Year Update, Objective Raids...I feel like it will either be in Periphery 2nd edition or a TRO at this point.
Savage wolf A is a beast. Ferro lam is awesome (at worst gives it armor greater than max armor 90 tonners) and its good at range with 2erll + atms and nasty up close with HE ammo and those SPLs + an erll now and again

>but muh xxl
not an actual issue, read the rules
The end result of Duane Loose choosing the refusal to elaborate angle in the only art of it

The Davion NAIS variant with RAC/5, targeting computer, ECM and fast engine is nice. It's kind of an entirely different mech just using the same chassis however.
The old mini is actually fantastic despite that.
>Phoenix Thud with head on the wrong side
NTA but you make me sick.

Re-read my post. I'm not a Lyran so I don't know enough about the "real" Thud and its variants.
Mechwarrior RPG 2nd Edition. Has the Big 5 Houses, the FRR, and the 4 invading Clans.
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>Meant to be a Nightstar
Still coming up dry, but all the Capellan Phoenix stuff they make has the license years in HB:MPS
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Given what the artist had to work with...
Lyranbros... why is our mech, our glorious Nightstar, so ugly? Not like this...
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No matter how it looks there, the nightstar looks good on a mini.

Which is more than I can say for this retarded concept. The champion was a mistake in every way.
At least the CGL mini nightstar looks pretty good
>CGL mini nightstar looks pretty good
They totally fucked the cockpit. The OG is better.
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Got a laugh out of me, thanks bro



New thread
Reminder that due to the erosion of tech and industry by the end of the succession wars it was not uncommon for mechwariors to not even have cooling vests.

In fact, when Greyson Carlyle laid eyes for the first time on the woman he would marry, all she was wearing were boots and a thong. She had come out of her mech and surrendered to Greyson because nothing gets a girl hotter than threatening to cook her alive with the man portable inferno SRM you're carrying.

It's also worth mentioning that Clanners, at least among the warrior caste, have co-ed bathing facilities like in the Starship Troopers movies. Not only that, but pretty much every trueborn looses their virginity with a member of their Sibko. Their sibling company. The batch of test tube babies made from the same two Bloodnamed warriors. Yeah.
That's been my experience. A lot of the games with their discord are basically thinly veiled attempts to abuse the best options on the MUL for whatever faction they are taking with no thought to fluff. It smacks of tryhards. That being said, their rules actively penalize people who take too many jump 7+ or pulse-laser equipped units, so that's nice.

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