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Our beloved hobby is in dire trouble. /tg/ hasn't gotten shit done for a decade at least, and the most autistic, dysfunctional losers essentially control discussion here. Every other community has its own severe problems, or is so tiny replies take days. 5.5e looks terrible and Hasbro wants to further monetize it. It feels like fewer and fewer people actually play games, wherever you go, and the rise of terrible practices like paid GMs only exacerbate the issues.
How can we save tabletop gaming? I just want to have fun again. My group is good, but a new group worth playing in is nearly impossible to find.
>It feels like fewer and fewer people actually play games, wherever you go
So you got the the point in life where your friends are getting real jobs and starting families.
Whether tg does things doesn't actually affect my ability to play games in any way, same goes for the rest of your dogshit post. Get off the internet and make friends.
We need more "setting" and "worldbuilding" threads.
>How can we save tabletop gaming?
shut up and play games. encourage your players to gm and invite non players to join. Who cares what [soulless company] is doing? If Hasbro really bothers you, let newbies know that they're a bad company and don't represent the hobby as a whole.
>I just want to have fun again
nothing is stopping you. get a grip. we have this thread every fortnight like clockwork
>a load of rambling about what strangers on the internet and company executives are doing
>"How can we save tabletop gaming?"
Tabletop gaming is something you do, it's ot an object or a living person. You don't save it, you play tabletop games.

>I just want to have fun again. My group is good
Why is your group good if you're apparently not having fun with them, and how do you not realise that mentioning both in the same breath is a bit weird?

>but a new group worth playing in is nearly impossible to find
I guarantee you that you are not spending significant effort finding, cultivating or creating another group other than your regulars. I also strongly suspect that even if you did have two groups instead of one, the hole in your soul would not be filled, because what you actually want is for social media and corporate products to better match your tastes..

Both social media and corporate products are designed to keep you constantly wanting more and coming back; if there were a product or a website that let you die with a sense of completeness and a smile on your face, that company wouldn't be able to compete. Focus on human relationships, your art and your soul and you may yet find satisfaction; if you look for happiness in 4chan posts and Hasbro products then you will always be left wanting, because that's what they're designed to do.
I can make one about magic systems for us!
nice numbers
/tg/ getting shit done was almost always just the efforts of a single dedicated autist and a loud chrous of cheerleaders anyway. Those people have largely moved to discord where actual collaboration can happen.
It's a shame, but it is what it is. My advice is to approach things with a positive mindset. Do not concern yourself with the post-irony culture, make threads about things that you genuinely find cool, be as authentic as you can be. Post your homebrew and get people talking. Make dumb threads that are fun, essentially.
Oh nose! 4chan fags have gotten shit done. Big surprise. (You) haven't gotten shit done either, Crybaby. The hobby is doing just fine. Although, it would do better without (You) and your dirty diaper whimpering.
Not my problem LOL
I'm having amazing games every week and my only issue is two of my players literally died to death irl and if this goes on I'm gonna have a ship of theseus situation
>How can we save tabletop gaming?
stop posting here and start playing whatever you like
NooOo, real people are too scary! I just want to play pretend about imaginary campaigns with you guys!
if only playing IRL didn't involve taking a shower beforehand!
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>someone else needs to make homebrew
>not me, though.
OP is the reason /tg/ sucks these days.
>I am bad at attracting new players
Oh so you're just a loser failing to chase the new fad.
4chan has been circling the drain since about 2015 or so, and it's been getting worse ever since it was founded. Just leave and find a Discord group or something. There's nothing of value here.
I do play games, but I only use /tg/ for occasional shitposting nowadays since some mentally handicapped discord teens made a habit of systematically bombarding worldbuilding threads
The reason it sucks is that the negativity has finally outweighed the mania. That "chorus of cheerleaders" we used to have was the whole impetus. People cheering a project on, not for clout or to virtue signal (because there was no identity to attach it to) but because the project was worthy. The criticism was usually constructive (if scathing) because people wanted to be smarter than others. Now it's just screeching about idpol garbage.
The truth is that 4chan had no immune system to fight of psyops, and while we were a new enough phenomenon to resist scienologists and furries, the various actors in the game now have us dead to rights.
The actual reason it sucks is because we've had a massive population drop that continues to drop. Not 4chan as a whole, but specifically /tg/, and all because of one bad mod.

/tg/, all the way back to 2013, saw a stable population of around 18,000. It took a bit of a hit in 2016 thanks to people leaving due to /pol/ raids, down to a low of about 14k, but recovered rapidly back in less than a year's time. Sure, we all thought it was the end times back then, but in retrospect it was just a brief dip.

Even the pandemic didn't change /tg/ that much, with 2019 and 2020 actually seeing a slight rise. But then, in the middle of 2021, we quietly got a really bad mod, and we've been dropping ever since.

2021 coincidentally also marks when Ribbon images started to get deleted from this board. That's one of the most obvious "tells" of this particularly bad mod.

So, we've entered a cycle of people leaving, and then more people leaving because more people have left, leaving us with a population below 7,000. And dropping. We're at less than half of what we were even at our lowest recorded period, back in 2016 when we thought it was the end of times.
Join communities for games you think are fun. Offer to run games for free. Write your own game or scenarios and shill them. Be the change you want to see.

There's just not really a point for websites like /tg/ or other image boards in a world where everyone uses Discord.

Ironic that places like 4chan, tumblr, etc. were created to get away from the tyranny of overbearing forum mods, and now we've just traded that in for Discord mods.
What's this mod doing? Most of the problems with this board that I'm aware of are problems of presence (/pol/, shitflinging, coomerbait) not absence.
Predominantly supporting shitflinging and trolling. You can blame most of the negativity and general decline of this board on his policies that enabled trolls to act with relative impunity and without any of the traditional counter measures against them.

Beyond that, the biggest issues from this mod are that he knows he has no oversight and will delete anything he dislikes, regardless of whether it breaks the rules or not. This includes taking political sides, deleting criticisms against certain games while deleting criticisms about criticisism about others, and otherwise just abusing his powers and treating this board like his personal playground.

If you keep your head down and stick to the generals, you might have avoided getting caught by his erratic behavior, but that's really just left this board as a place of nothing but generals and shitpost threads.
Just played warhammer 40k dark crusade.
It kind of holds up. I think dawn of war has aged better tho.
No one with the capacity to get shit done wants to waste all that effort on a project that won't be noticed nor appreciated by the subhumans who are still here, nor do they want anyone to know they come here to post at all.
>hurr durr it's not a REAL job unless you no longer play TTRPGs
Fuck you faggot. I work fulltime and still play TTRPGs. NO ONE is taking that away from me. I have a girlfriend now and I have given up a small amount of /tg/ stuff but if she ever tries to get me to cut down significantly then the relationship is over. If I had kids I would give up RPGs for a few years but that's it. Once they are in school i am going back to as much as I can. I probably won't have kids anyway. Oh and if my job makes me work on weekends then I will quit and find another one. Fuck that shit. I love my hobbies and I will die on this hill. I walked out of a 54k a year job because they wanted me to start coming in on Saturdays. i don't give a fuck about your shaming tactics, "manchild" etc etc fuck off with your slave mentality.
coming in here to say thank you for this image it's the best lol
Switch to board games, which have never been stronger than in the last ten years.
>Less people playing
DnD is more popular than it has ever been. More people are interested in TTRPGs now than ever. If you don't live in bum-fuck nowhere you can find local people to play in a Facebook group.
>DnD 5.5e looks terrible
Play OSE, Index Card RPG, Shadowdark, Cairn, or any of the hundreds of d20-based RPGs that are out there in the world. All four I mentioned even have unofficial guides you can use to convert 5e content.
>D&D 5.5e
just play pf2e and scrub out the woke shit (or run the game with the express intent of de-wokifying the setting by killing and raping all the woke icons they forced in)
>If I had kids I would give up RPGs for a few years but that's it.
Not even that is needed.
I play on a regular basis with a guy who is, as far as I can tell, a very responsible father of his little daughter. He works a full time job with irregular extra tasks. He's my group's current GM and we play at least once a week, sometimes online, sometimes irl.
People who pretend they don't have the time for hobbies because of their oh so busy adult life are full of shit. They're either horribly badly organized or just lazy and demotivated, so they lie to themselves.
>This site has declining value
>Doesn't try to create value via homebrew or world threads
>Lets cynical dullards and idiot trolls sway opinion
>Oh, it's dying.
Come on, OP, think!
It's okay to take a break if it means living more comfortably. Yeah, yeah, if you're in a soulless hellscape; it'll cripple you with depression... But how do you know it'll be bad? How do you know there won't be fun TG spergs there who might better fit your new schedule?
... why do you talk in plural? Are you mental? I mean given your bizarre projections, it sure looks like you are mental.
>I just want to have fun again
Then start playing ("we" all know you never started in the first place) and have fun, you dumb shitposter
I haven't seen this happening, and I've not seen any meaningful control on political sides here. Unless he's deleting centrist takes, I guess.
Go out of your general newfaggot
I've been here since 2008, nigger.
Deleting ribbonspam is good. I don't need, or want, to see the same picture of cestree every time ribbonfag posts in a thread.
You definitely need something to cure you being a complete faggot.
As a doctor, Big Demon Titties is the first thing I'd prescribe, but it seems like your faggotry might be incurable.
If you don't like what reaction images people elect to use, you should just ignore them.

Trying to micro manage this board, especially when it's done by self-entitled little shits who just want to be upset about some character's popularity and the dozens of artists that have drawn that character, is the sort of disease this board does not need.
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The cockroach approach. You do your own thing and let the shitstorm rage above you. (You) WILL NOT stop the changes, no matter how much you try, cause you have no control over the market or people's minds. Play your games with your friends and have your own fun. Don't bother with the wider community if you don't have to. The hype for ttrpgs will probably die out by either the players or the investors losing interest. The storm will one day end, the tourists will pass and the real fans will prevail when the dust settles.
>but what about the new games getting woke???
then play old games or make your own. I do and it works.
The solution to your problem is just having your own friends (even if it is much to ask from /tg/) and not relying on randoms and wider community.
>If you don't like what reaction images people elect to use, you should just ignore them.
>Trying to micro manage this board, especially when it's done by self-entitled little shits who just want to be upset about some character's popularity and the dozens of artists that have drawn that character, is the sort of disease this board does not need.
You invented all these schizo persecution scenarios after hearing that I don't like ribbonspam.
Nailed it.
He loves to ban the people who try to keep this place productive and informative, all while protecting obvious trolls.
Troll posts stay, anti-troll posts and warnings about trolls all get hammered.
He's s libtard shitfuck on a powertrip...
...see you in three days......
Man, take medicine
>I don't understand what was said
>spinning is a good trick!
I understood it but it was rambling
Ribbon? Explain, please
>explaining is 'rambling' now
Ah, I see why the kids are so messed up.
Is it even remotely spam anymore? I see maybe two images tops in the catalogue then one retard still spamming work on your art like it's the funniest thing ever.
I'm 53 lol I reread it. Nope, still rambling
The images were never spam, he's just butthurt over reaction images to the point where he thinks people are doing it to target him. Funny how he thinks he has room to call anyone else schizo.
Not rambling in the slightest, in fact.
>I'm 53 not a stupid child with learning disabilities
You say that...but a casual reference to the post in question reveals that anon provided one short paragraph per response.Some might rightly call that 'pithy', anon! But it is hardly 'rambling'....
Then, at the end, anon summed up, in a short paragraph, his advice.

Pretty sure you don't have a single clue what the fuck you're talking about. Son.
But, yeah, go off.
Good, worldbuilding isn't a traditional game, so it doesn't belong on the traditional games board.
had a stable population. not "saw".
>he's just butthurt over reaction images to the point where he thinks people are doing it to target him. Funny how he thinks he has room to call anyone else schizo.
Tell us more about this anon's inner thoughts and motives.
Allowing shit like this >>94165868 to stay up at all, let alone to the fucking bump limit.
Well, it is a major part of most traditional games that are celebrated on this board, so you're opinion is discarded.
Hi, jannie.
>someone likes things I don't like!!!1!!one!!!
Off topic threads are against the rules, actually. But thanks for outing yourself, jannie.
He's fat, homosexual, and doesn't use coasters.
It was never spam, the woyafag just needed to invent some justification for his personal crusade. He couldn't outright just say "I think I own this board so it's up to me what kind of images I should see", he needed to create a mythology that all the images were being posted by a single person, a singular artist, and even though it's quite clear that the art that was being reposted was drawn by different artists he'd always just spam "work on your art" as if he imagined he was carrying on a conversation with that one artist.

The worst part is that this is obvious, but copycat trolls have a bad habit of seeing a retard being annoying, and because you need to be a special kind of idiot to decide to be a copycat troll, thought they could add fuel to that fire, and even encourage to woyafag to act like more of a little cunt.

It's the dumbest thing. This board went through close to a decade of people posting Ribbon images without any fuss, but then in 2016, when Ribbon got voted into the /tg/ banner, the woyafag went insane and decided that he needed to make Ribbon images a problem.
Alright, jannie.
Maybe people just remember how the poster had a habit of requesting his characters in drawthreads and then citing the existence of the filled requests as evidence that his characters were popular.
Nope, but you are.
Reply to this post if you're a janny.
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About a year or two after the board was made, a /tg/ drawfag began making comics featuring an elf named Ribbon that played games and posting them on /tg/. People would crop panels of these comics, drawfags would draw new images of the characters, and these would be used as reaction images/thread starters.

There's not really much to say about the comics themselves.
> /tg/ hasn't gotten shit done for a decade at least
I browse /tg/ maybe for only a year now and all I see are problems with spam and jannies. Can you give an example of the shit you expect to be done to make /tg/ great again?
Maybe you're making shit up again to try and justify your personal crusade? Maybe you're desperate to pretend the characters had literally no fans, because that's the only way you can justify your enduring hatred towards them?

That's why the banner contest broke you. Undeniable proof that people liked those characters.

The weirdest thing is that we're not even arguing about anything major. Even at the height of their "popularity" they were only ever a minor feature of this board that most people didn't think much about. But, even that was too much for you, because you're a weird little shit.
She was never popular.
>actually and unironically uses muh ahcktually
No, anon, you're not allowed to like things that are against the roolz!
>never popular
>won a popularity contest

Seethe harder, anon.
Off topic threads are against the rules, actually. You will report them, and you will refrain from posting in them.
She was never popular. Keep coping.
The butthurt is strong with you.
Swat team's on the way.
>loses shit because badwrongfun character is actually popular
>pathetic coap
Sorry I broke your brain.
Not popular. Sorry you're wrong.
I was here a year and saw what this anon is talking about for a dozen of times. Entire thread with posts critical of D&D or commies were deleted, and bans for pointing out troll threads are daily.
That's the lie you've convinced yourself of, and funnily enough, it's also the fuel for most of your hatred.

They were never popular. That means that every image you saw of them were being spammed by a single person.
That even though most of the images of the characters drawn by various artists didn't come from our drawthreads, including a fair amount of pornographic images that couldn't be requested/posted in them, it must have been a single person requesting them.

No evidence can convince you otherwise. That's kind of why the banner contest broke you, because it's basically undeniable proof that runs counter to your worldview. Hell, the runner-up entry featured Ribbon and Cestree, so even if you thought it was one guy buying dozens of passes just to make the Ribbon banner win, he also would have had to buy dozens of passes to make the R+C banner get 2nd place.
Never popular. Sorry you're wrong.
Now I know /tg/ has its own mascot. Cool.
>mindless naysaying
Ribbon lives - what have you created?
You're not wholly wrong. They were never all that popular. But, not being popular isn't a crime or a sin, and people posting whatever reaction images they want isn't something that anyone should obsess about.

There's really no way to justify your bizarre crusade, and every attempt you've made just showcases how weird and petty you are. You are very much the ideal representative of the worst kind of poster.
Nope, you're wrong in every way, and crusading against her is good and correct.
Keep coping.
>That's why the banner contest broke you. Undeniable proof that people liked those characters.
Weren't they the only banners submitted for /tg/?
I ain't the one bitching about a popular image from 8 years ago, bootyblasted anon.
But, please: go on.
No, there were several dozen entries. /tg/ actually had one of the bigger selection of options to choose from.
Keep coping.
zoomers only play online virtual tabletops killed trpgs may as well be vidya
See >>94215138
You did that wrong.
The level of mental gymnastics we're reaching is getting kind of silly.
Are you a jannie or something?
Why are you samefagging?
I can't even imagine how mad you are right now.
Why are you samefagging?
Why are you samefagging?
If you really want to save /tg/ you need to get rid of the jannie to make the board useful again.
Why are you samefagging?
The question is: why are you, kid?
Why are you samefagging?
Didn't guardbro and Neckbeardia make several games?
You won't win with this lameness, kid. Bedtime is almost here...
Also he deletes threads with frog ops (even though Pepe the Frog is imageboard culture)
Why are you samefagging?
Frogspamming is a mark of how bad a board is. The more frogs you see, the worse the board is. It's basically a dead meme that died in /v/, than got resurrected as forced spam made to annoy as many people as possible. It's less "imageboard culture" as it is "shitposting culture", and /tg/ isn't really supposed to be one of the shitposting boards like /b/ or /r9k/.
>dead meme
Everyone laugh at this retard take.
You poor dullard.
Go back to your safespace.
I'm glad we at least have frogs deleted most of the time.
Frogposters are the lowest there are.
see >>94215945
So you're telling me to go to a safespace when you're the one being insulted and having your things deleted?
>The more frogs you see, the worse the board is
/qa2/ is the best board on this site and it's a frog paradise
>It's basically a dead meme that died in /v/, than got resurrected as forced spam made to annoy as many people as possible.
It's organic 4chan culture that dominates the entire internet and spreads our powerful western values (unlike tranime)
>It's less "imageboard culture" as it is "shitposting culture", and /tg/ isn't really supposed to be one of the shitposting boards like /b/ or /r9k/.
shitposting and memes encourage creativity. /tg/ is a creative board. Frogs are memes. Ergo, Frogs belong on /tg/
Man, frogposters just can't hold back their desire to shitpost for like 5 minutes.
Stop trying so hard, kid.
Why are you pretending shitposting has any value here?
Why are you shitposting?
The funny thing is, I think that it's a different mod that's deleting the frog images. /tg/ has mods with different shifts and have come and gone, and not all of them interpret the rules the same way.
Either way, that spam gets removed properly, which is nice.
Doctor, heal thyself!
But you're literally arguing in favor of shitposting anon. Are you just giving up on that immediately?
Let me guess, you think the frog is le raycist?
He's literally a dead meme. Even the original comic creator killed "Pepe" just to make this clear.
The idea of spamming a dead meme is it's own meme, kind of like Milhouse is not a meme, but "Milhouse is not a meme" is a meme.
>thinks all posters are the same person
wew lad
You tourists sure are dense.
No. It's just used by shitposters. Though I suppose many of them are in fact racist, if you think about it.
Even if you're not that anon, your statement doesn't make much sense. You know what the conversation is about.
That's just the defense that frogspammers use when people call them out as being deliberately annoying. But, you already know that, right?

>doesn't know how memes work

School starts early tomorrow - better get ready for bed!
No, my and his summaries seem to be highly accurate.
It's predicting your behavior precisely.
>blathers more meaningless drivel
No, the point was pretty straightforward and easy to understand.
Why are you samefagging?
I'm not, you're talking to two people.
There are multiple people in threads on 4chan.
Why are you samefagging?
Please don't stoop to this, there's no reason.
>makes up bullshit
I expected better from a troll self-dedicated to taking down dirty 4chan.
Why do you guys all suck at this?
Why are you doing this?
You've already seen the frogposter agreeing that he loves shitposting and wants to bring it here.
You know that frogposts are from shitposters.
You know that shitposts are bad for the board.

>makes up more bullshit
>whines incoherently
No, he actually said these things, check it out
I know it sounds ridiculous, but that's his stance.
>>doesn't know how memes work
It seems like you yourself are in need of some education.

"Pepe the Frog" came from a comic called "Boy's Club" which was posted on /v/ and used for reaction images. Eventually though, this died out and was largely forgotten. But, fast forward to the "Gamer Gate" controversy, when /v/'s numbers swelled, a lot of newfags arrived, and mistakenly imagined that by using frog image reactions, they could pretend to not be newfags. This turned into an explosion of frogspamming, and it actually resurrected what was essentially a dead meme at the time and transformed it into a bizarre "I'm really a part of 4chan!" tag despite it actually being a mark of "I don't belong here at all."

And, this actually repeated during the 2016 election, when /pol/ more than tripled in size, and that's largely where the "modern" frogspamming got most of its character. People wanting to pretend they belonged on 4chan, but failing to appreciate that this place wasn't just all about trying to troll and annoy each other.

So, it's now just this weird thing that kids spam around to pretend they're "edgy", because they associate the frog with 4chan trolls, and the edgiest thing on the internet is still apparently 4chan in their minds.
You're confused, anon. Or trolling.
Either way: stop that.
No seriously, check it out
>shitposting and memes encourage creativity. /tg/ is a creative board. Frogs are memes. Ergo, Frogs belong on /tg/

He's literally arguing that because frogs are primarily used by shitposters, they should be here.
Wild, huh?
Did you get all of that off wikipedia, kid?

Google 'memes', then get back to us with what you learn about how they propagate and evolve over time. Then tell us that Pepe is dead.
Oh, are you just upset because he said it died and was revived by faggots?
Do you not know what "revived" means?

I'm just going to leave you in a confused state, kid. Have fun!
Have a nice day!
Oh wow, you're actually one of those kids who never realized that he's been waving around a dead frog on a banner, and that everyone thinks he's retarded?

Or are you just pretending? I can never really tell just how genuinely stupid frogspammers are, because acting like idiots is their whole gimmick.
he left, anon.
Why are you samefagging?
I'm not. Are you having some kind of brain problem?
I hope kamal's people are paying you actual legal tender, kid. I sure hope you aren't doing this for free.
Oh, are you new to the conversation?

He's not the one pretending pepe isn't a meme, idiot.
so people posting the same tranime reaction images from 20 years ago is 4chan culture but organic memes like pepe aren't? sounds like bullshit to me.
Oh, are you new to the conversation too? I think you didn't read carefully, he clearly said it was a meme, died, and got revived by faggots.
Believe it or not, frogposting is almost entirely done by shitposters, who are usually newfags who've not mellowed out yet.
Sometimes they stray into other boards, and get really riled up about how they do things there.
>back pedals this hard
You love to see it!
No, it's pretty clear up here.
>it's basically a dead meme that died in /v/, than got resurrected as forced spam made to annoy as many people as possible.
I guess you missed that in your first reading, an understandable mistake.
Why are you samefagging?
Those are both me, anon.
I'm talking to two different posters.
Do you not know what samefagging is?
That doesn't mean frogs aren't 4chan culture or an organic meme.
They're absolutely a forced meme at this point. The only people who want them want them so they can shitpost.
>They're absolutely a forced meme at this point.
because... they just are ok?!
>The only people who want them want them so they can shitpost.
and shitposting is organic 4chan culture
Why are you samefagging?
Because they're used exclusively to shitpost, yes.
When a meme isn't posted because people enjoy it, but because it's terrible and nobody likes it, that's a forced meme.
I'm still talking to two different anons, anon.
>4chan culture
It's a part of a subset of 4chan culture, but hardly something seen as universal beyond the fact that there's no hard walls on the boards against frogspamming (aside from things like no frogspam OP threads on various boards and just a complete blanket ban of frogspamming on /a/). I definitely would not say frogspamming is a big part of /tg/ culture, and marks someone as more of an outsider than someone familiar with the customs here.

Like, complaining about anime on 4chan. That's a huge "what are you even doing here" move.
Yeah, I can't really comprehend why someone would go to 4chan if they don't like anime.
It's literally a chan.
If you don't like anime, go to 4channel, right? It's not a chan any more.
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It's actually not "4 Channel" but "4 Chan Nel", referring to the Bleach character.
>still doesn't understand memes
Ah, I see. How unfortunate for anime haters.
No, I think I hit the nail on the head pretty well there.
Not really, no.
I'm not sure you could find a better definition for forced meme, anon.
I see you are new here, then.
That guy wasn't me, either, moron.
No, I've been here for the better part of two decades. And I still challenge you to find a better definition.
I think you'll find that mine is pretty damn accurate.
Knowing the definition of a word does nothing to demonstrate your knowledge of what that word actually means.
Do better.
No, I pretty clearly demonstrated the correct knowledge of what the word means.
What better example than a frog people only post because they want to force it into a place?
Yeah, keep jumping at shadows, anon. It's a good look.
Showing up to 4chan and bitching about "tranime" is a colossal red flag that someone is a braindead faggot who thinks he's going to be an internet tough guy on a fucking image board and make all the other cool anons respect him for seething about anime in general. Not simply just misunderstanding the general identity of this whole god forsaken site, but begging to be bullied while doing it.
A simple "definition" is not equivalent to "knowledge of a subject."
Your teachers lied to you.
Well, I'm glad you agree with my definition at least, which pretty clearly includes the example given.
I'm sorry you seem to oppose my conclusion for reasons you don't really seem willing to disclose.
Fuck off, weab. Maybe discuss games or something productive.
>reading comprehension issues
I said nothing about the quality of your "definition" anon.
Interesting that you'd grasp at that straw, tho.
But interesting.
If I name an anime and you concede that it's good, will you give up that particular brand of trolling forever?
However, I admire your nerve...
Good luck. You got one chance: make it a good anime that I cannot hate.
Just admit you have a fetish for being bullied, you retarded faggot.
>another "why is /tg/ fucking awful and dying?" thread
>another round of spamming faggots trying to derail the thread
It's all so tiresome.
I'll go with Paprika then.

I don't think anyone can watch Paprika and not admit that Anime is wonderful.
Why are you autists responding to him still? You should have stopped replying the moment you suspected he was just baiting you.
That's a bold choice.
I guess I have to shut up until I get a chance to watch it.
It better be worth it, anon-kun.
This thread demonstrates what's going on: dedicated trolls who are organizing off-site in order to demoralize and destroy us.
Knowledge is power.
It's on youtube, free (with ads). If you have adblock installed, it's basically free.
I mean, if you want to backpeddle you can, but the conversation is basically done then.
wonder what happened to that fella?
the monster girl thread must return, only it can save /tg/
Probably gone somewhere that’s not a toxic cesspool ruined by discord spammers.
Oh noes! You got beat, you desperately try to suggest that I agreed with you when that was clearly not the case, and now you boldly declare that you will no longer respond.
Stay quiet. You don't know what you're saying.
Oh, I have to watch it now, do I?
Damn you.
No lie, that's basically what happened.
You made a claim, I went with it, then you backpeddled when it was no longer convenient.
I can't really talk with someone who has no stances, you know?
>more lies
Adorable, anon.
You have issues with 'framing' - you get lost easily.
I can't really talk with someone who has no capacity for abstract thought, you know?

Reddit is more your speed, apparently.
Yeah, see, if you're going to flee so hard from your own stances there's not really much I can do here.
You failed to understand memes, you failed to accurately define memes, and you now feel the overwhelming need to distract from your failures and lie via projection.
That was delightful, thank you.
No, I understood and defined them correctly, you even agreed for a time.
But, because you are insubstantial, you no longer agree, as your stance is whatever is most contentious at the moment.
>still lying
>still projecting
You provided A definition (a wrong definition), anon, not THE definition.
Articles are not your friend, my friend.

Oh, and you continue to fail to provide any evidence that you understand HOW memes work - you just keep sperging out pretending that memes you don't like are somehow 'dead'.

When will you stop sucking so badly? Practice English, you'll get better with time.
You agreed with it, and we continued the conversation with it as an accepted premise.
Otherwise, you'd have just provided an alternate definition, or some reason to disagree, both of which you've failed to do.

Also, it's funny how riled up you got when some guy insisted this meme died and was revived by faggots.
I play solo and considered paying for GM before. Group play scares me since I'm too pol for normies and too normie for pols so I'm glad I ended up enjoying solo play.

>How can we save tabletop gaming?
Basic opinion that's actually unpopular in practice, but disconnecting from the devices and screens. So many gamers using pdas to look stuff up, calculate, roll dice, or play sound. On top of checking on kids, getting the game highlights, browsing social media, and replying to nonurgent messages. It's like trying to play a card game or Monopoly and every turn someone's checked out. It's not as fun. I'm not sure if the newer generation can do this for a whole session.
fa/tg/uys were happier when cunts like you weren't policing the board.
until recently it was literally impossible to have a creative thread because the speed of the board combined with the forced sage meant you literally couldn't keep a creative thread on the board for 24 hours to try and get foot traffic
Not that anon, but I remember staying up all night watching Event Horizon, Conan, Wakfu, and Brave Little Toaster with a bunch of elegan/tg/entlemen. The attitude of the board was so different back then. Everyone is so angry all the time now. Tripfags and drawfags used to shit the place up, but the back and forth was a fun bantery kind of bullshit. I feel like that banter has, over time, evolved into actual hostility and nastiness. I can't say as I've seen the board build anything together in an age. Someone would post an "elf thread wat do" or an "elves are asians" thread and we'd turn it into a bump limit discussion about Aztec culture or go on some other mad tangent. I remember when /tg/ and /x/ were almost linked, but /x/ has changed too, and is again more unpleasant, less fun. The whole internet has suffered the same...
We had fun. Never found another community like it since. I want to go back.

Play games, GM non DND systems, help devs make games, donate your books to schools, youth centers, and prisons.

Another thing is to just let it fucking go. It's entertainment medium so it's going to grow, shrink, or change by demand. If it dies off and only comes back 500 years from now when humanity who have evolved into a fart powered space fairing monsters plucks out books from our crypts and gives it a try then that is the will of the market
That's not how it worked at all, especially because nothing stopped people from making new threads.
creative threads need a lot of time to gain attention they're way more niche than generals
No, they didn't. People would have an idea, and there would be a flurry of activity, and if the idea merited more, people would make more threads.

Why are you lying like this? If you're just a dumb newfag talking out of his ass, do us all a favor and shut up. If you're actually some kind of retard deliberately trying to kill this board and now hoping to say "the board dying is a good thing, let's stay the course!" you'd do us all a favor by leaving here and never returning.
>It feels like fewer and fewer people actually play games, wherever you go,
Smartphones, Netflix, cheap gaming computers caught up to a stagnated games market, people need 2-3 part time jobs.

If you want to grow /tg/ games you need long running games with an open table aspect.
>/tg/ hasn't gotten shit done for a decade at least
/tg/ never "got shit done"
>the most autistic, dysfunctional losers essentially control discussion here
This has always been the case and long may it be so
>Make dumb threads that are fun, essentially.
Ok enjoy your three-day holiday
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/tg/ is just a springboard to get into the hobby. Having few people post here is a good thing.

Here's my journey
>discover TTRPGs and 40K
>start devouring knowledge about them
>lurk /tg/ 24/7
>convince friends to try it out
>ask for help/advice in the generals for character creation, GMing, pirating copies of books, painting advice etc.
>the more I get to play and gather my own experiences, the less I need /tg/
>hang around a little to give back and help former noobs like me but Frequency fades out
>nowadays only stop by when I'm ultra bored at work like right now
If you got games then this place has very little to offer for you. If you're actually interested in the hobby then the generals are the only worthwhile threads, I mentally filtered all other threads that were just coomers posting elves or /pol/tards making up culture war stories.

If you use /tg/ for anything else but a knowledge hub you're not interested in the hobby.

All those faux worldbuilding threads or "what would your party do if you encountered this big booby ork xD?" are just the failures who never found a group and use /tg/ as some form of surrogate outlet. They pretend to have games by making up these scenarios and spending days building wolrds for no particular system that will never ever be played at am actual table.
and I guarantee you someone will get mad over me using /tg/ to talk about the hobby for some reason
You must be new. In the old days this board was a lot better. Despite what newfags like this cunt say >>94217629

/tg/ actually did get things done and there was a reason to come here. Now it's just a sad shell of its former self. I'm pretty sure I'm partly to blame. I trolled the shit out of this board for years. I'd post an image that just said "Why are you still a virgin" and would get at least 200 replies every time. I'd start flame wars between 4e and 3.5 constantly and argue for both sides until people were really screaming at each other. I'd just call people retards and faggots randomly. It wouldn't surprise me if I single handedly brought in nazi mod. One of his first actions was to ban me and sticky one of my threads as an example of exactly what he was going to ban.
This nazi mod from the past you guys keep mentioning itt sounds like a cool guy.
Not the hero we deserved, but the hero we needed. Some day a real rain will come and wash all the /pol/ off the streets.
It's almost like having a small device that fits in your pocket and can blast your brain with an endless content dopamine cascade had some kind of unexpected effect on everyone's ability to focus on any activity for several hours at a time.
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>paid GMing boogermon
>5.5e is the only game in the hobby burgerdude
>/tg/ invented the hobby and it's founders are being abducted by aliens bogrsdottr
>My group only exists in my dreams backallyjoe

The fuck?!
Anon, its worse then that
It *uses up* dopamine
The dopamine isn't left for anything else
Anime's not a genre, it's a medium. Which means it covers a lot of ground, and a lot of it isn't going to be what you're after. It also means most anime you see around is generally just shit meant for kids and teens.

Other anime worth watching:

Perfect Blue(Thriller, some bits of horror. Same director as Paprika.)
Sword of the Stranger(Action, Samurai)
Redline(Racing, Sci-Fi, Romance, incredible visuals)
Grave of the Fireflies(Drama, depressing)
Howl's Moving Castle(Fantasy, very whimsical)

Kept it to movies, so all of these are ~2 hour time commitment, and tried to vary up the genre a bit so you can pick something out.
>lies covered in lies with extra lie sauce
It's amusing to watch you flail about.
>I want to go back
It's still here. Ignore the shitheads filling the board with nonsense.
Just like we always have.
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would also suggest the Forcelia shows, as they started as something /tg/ related (namely a BECMI D&D replay). Dunno if they would actually fit the taste of actually being "Good", but it's classic fantasy.
>the generals are the only worthwhile threads
Opinion cheerfully discarded.
>I am le ebin troll
Cool story, brah.
I asked for one (1).
Damn you again.

Know this: if these suck, I will hunt you down personally and call you 'weab' right to your face.

And, to keep things on-topic: did any of them get turned into traditional games of any kind? And are any of those games good?
The F-Zero RPG has rules for running it in a Redline setting.
>Also he deletes threads with frog ops
Good riddance.
why do you hate 4chan culture?
this 2bh.
as if the
>how does magic work in your setting
posters ever sat at a table and played a game. I think using /tg/ as a general writing/worldbuilding and fantasy/scifi dump is what invites those people that have nothing to do with traditional games. I always expected shit like this to fit more into /lit/, /qst/ or /diy/ or whatever but it's definitely not about tgs specifically. It's just general writing/worldbuilding/storytelling.

And I don't even think there's anything wrong with collaborative writing where youbshare ideas like that and stuff but it just doesn't fit here beyond the appeal to tradition argument.
/tg/ is fairly unique as one of the hobby boards since it's the only one I can think of that (a few rare exceptions aside) requires other people. Fitness, travel, paper craft, collecting guns, video games, watching sports - all of this can be done alone, most of it in your mom's basement.

So these forever nogamers are kind of in the wrong hobby.
>these forever nogamers are kind of in the wrong hobby.
we've been trying to tell them for literal years at this point
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I was able to get troll threads going the moment I came back too. All I needed to do was post images like this.
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>I'd post an image that just said "Why are you still a virgin" and would get at least 200 replies every time.
You did nothing wrong.
nigger i am going to develop a worldbuilding ttrpg just to fucking spite you
Microscope exists
you are a scholar among men and an equal among saints, anon, this looks incredible. thanks for the suggestion.

now if only my group would play anything other than 5e
Very glad to help! I hope you and your group have fun.
The golden age of 4chan ended in 2012 when phone posting became common and the last hold outs of normies began to adopt the internet, as well as zoomers becoming old enough to figure out how to post.

The last fun and creative age of 4chan struggled through gamergate shit but the great reddit migration from the_donald and 2016 killed any and all vestiges of old 4chan. By then zoomies had come into their own, the internet was normizied beyond recovery, and all the old cool gen x/millennial nerds that actually built the site culture grew up and moved on or got crowded out by the poltards and zoomies.

This change didn't just happen to 4chan. It happened to all traditionally geek spheres. Game of Thrones, Marvel, reD&Dit 5e, The Expanse, Rick and Morty, etc all brought in a wave of normieshits who didn't grow up consuming actual good geek stuff and they've crowded out everything about the scene from books to movies to tabletop.

There's nothing left to save. The audience for OG fantasy media have moved on or are too few to truly sustain culture anymore. there's no new blood coming in, maybe 0.01% of zoomies and aspies who like "geek" stuff like pre-2007 stuff. The very culture of the societies that created geek media has changed drastically - Geekdom was a white person/asian product, and non-whites/asians generally don't like it outside of extremely niche outliers, and these are now displacing whites/asians at a rapid pace.

This kind of thread pops up all the time since 2016, and it always results in nothing. Even the archives that kept the good shit tg used to get done like 1d4chan are rotting and disappearing.

Let it go. We og fantasy lovers are the Tolkien elves and it's the end of the 3rd age. Our time has come and gone. Don't try to hold onto it.
World building is also part of making video games or writing novels.
It's too general.
Making game systems, ok. But just world building should be considered off topic. The reason /v/ is such a trash heap always has been because staff was replaced by a low level AI that ignored every thread that had the word "game" in the OP.
So ot thread like "what are some games where I can file my taxes?" get made.

/tg/ jannies and mods are not any more intelligent. Just vaguely hint at the fantasy genre in your OP by saying "knight" or "elves" and the sub90IQ staff is already fooled into thinking you're somehow talking about traditional games because D&D has knights and elves in it.

You have no solid argument against this.
>World building is also part of making video games or writing novels.

Sure, but we're talking about something that is fairly important for GMs. It's not like everyone in /v/ is making video games, but a sizable percentage of /tg/ does GM. A surprisingly high percentage, even.

You really need to stop with your misguided war against largely harmless threads, and recognize that they wouldn't be and weren't an issue when the board was faster and those kind of threads would live and die in just a few hours. What we need is more threads, not retards going about trying to subjectively police threads by saying "this world building thread is fine because I like it, but that world building thread is not fine because it doesn't pay enough lipservice to my austism."
There's a difference between trolls who are actively trying to tear us down, and new GMs trying to learn and develop their skills.
This isn't hard.
I've actually made shit on this board you dumb retarded bitch
shut the fuck up
Your tears make good lube!
Let's be real man, how many of those world builders actually use the stuff they post here? Most of it is completely inane drivel, most of them don't even have a system in mind, let alone someone to play with. Someone ITT or a similar thread already called it "dry playing" or "proxy playing" where people kind of get their TTRPG itch by posting here in hypothetical threads (those "what would your character do?" openers with extremely open ended scenarios). Those a proto /qst/ threads. World building isn't much different from that. Especially if it's those free floating ones.
>responds in less than 6 minutes
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The longing we share, though few identify as, is a longing for God. God the creator of all things. He made us with the capability to envision and create all these things that have brought us joy.
Though these things, are just a pale image of the glory that awaits us, when we who love god will be able to live with him forever.
Again, you got nothing but an opinion, and a raging hateboner for enforcing your imaginary rules on others who have differing opinions.
This is why you have no friends and post here.
Your entire post is one long hilarious example of projection.
>Let's be real man,
Exactly. Let's approach this like thinking adults.

>how many of those world builders actually use the stuff they post here?
Who cares? Even if 99% never makes it into a game, that doesn't make it a waste.

This place isn't like a finished newspaper. We're not fighting over page placement with a limited amount of space, with an editor breathing down our necks. Not every thread needs to be a pristine article; we're not begging for upvotes and retweets here in some sick satirical future where those numbers dictate our self worth.

Think of this place as more of a writer's room. People throwing ideas around, riffing off each other, blending and expanding concepts, with 99% of everything said ending up in the bin because all we're really chasing is that golden 1%. The more freedom you have, the more ideas that can be explored, and the greater chance to create those worthwhile nuggets.

I've been doing a lot of diving into the past of /tg/, and I'll tell you right now: In the best years of /tg/, this place was filled with crap. Tons and tons of bad threads. But, in that environment, we were really free to just have fun.

You seem to want to kill the fun on /tg/. Like you want every thread to be nothing more than "Hello, I have question about specific system. Please direct me to an answer."

Yes, i know there's bad actors making shit threads with no real interest in discussing traditional games, but I've also seen plenty of trolls crying about perfectly reasonable threads, and THAT is a far bigger issue than the former. This board has slowed down, and the idea that people should be extremely careful in how they make a thread just makes it so the people who do care decide to give up because they're gonna be harassed by trolls anyway, and the people who don't care just keep making shitpost threads.
>nooooo stop having standards!
I'd tell you to eat shit but clearly you already do.
>noooooo fun is not allowed hurr durr!
>/tg/ actually did get things done
Such as?
Ten years ago /tg/ was basically /40k/
That's a bad lie. A really terrible one that 40kids like to keep repeating because it makes them feel special.

The truth is, 40k hasn't even ever been as popular as D&D has been on this board. As early as the first census and every subsequent one conducted on this board, D&D was the most played and discussed game, outweighing the entire GW catalog combined and then some. Even if we were dumb enough to pretend we could claim that a board should belong to the most popular game, that wouldn't be /40k/.

40k is just one game among many on this board, but the 40kids like to imagine (as well as tell other people) that 40k is special, deserves premiere status, and even to demand that people respect that game.
I'm not talking about actual game discussions, every second thread was some 40k-adjacent shit in those days
>love can bloom
>vance motherfucking stubbs
It was just a big 40k circlejerk
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>The truth is, 40k hasn't even ever been as popular as D&D has been on this board.
That's a bad lie. A really terrible one.
You're exaggerating to the point where it crosses the line from "the fish was thiiiiiiis big" to "the fish was actually a mermaid and she totally blew me, shit was so cash."

40k has had popularity on this board, but if every second thread was 40k, than every first thread and then some was D&D, and then even more paradoxically there were plenty of magic threads and other games besides, and no shortage of generic shitposting thrown into the mix.
Go into those generals and see what kind of posts are keeping those rates that high.

40kids aren't called kids for no reason. Their average post length is under 10 words.
God, you are all so pitifully fucking stupid
no u
I mainly play board games as opposed to TTRPGs these days. I got a lot of TTRPGs but the juice isn't worth the squeeze these days when it comes to running them. Board games have gotten so much more involved and deep that you can get a similar level of enjoyment out of them (character building, exploration, questing, etc) without all the work in regards to adventure planning and such. And that's with me having a lot of aids to smash out a couple of hours worth of RPG setup in about 20 minutes.
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I understand the arguments for "worldbuilding" threads. Ultimately /tg/ is full of hypocrisy to allow general discussion of video game lore, image dump threads, general [insert any fantasy race or monster] threads, and so on. /tg/, by its nature of potentially being about anything and everything, means we can and will discuss anything and everything. However, there is a general purpose to that discussion (building a broader understanding of as many topics as possible to increase the quality of your own games through LEARNING) and also an intended specific purpose (Learning new things and refining ideas for the use in a game that is happening or intends to happen in the near future).

The general and specific purposes of discussing all kinds of shit should always be there, in some form, for it to be on /tg/. Even if only just to figure out if an idea needs to be dropped or plans need to be changed. Even the worldbuilding threads where everyone tosses ideas in can be seen as an exercise for learning to improvise and resolve seemingly conflicting ideas on the fly, which is great skill for any GM. I think there's still too damned many "/tg/ makes a setting" threads, and they are never used as functional settings for any games, but they're not that much of a problem.

Which brings us to the real problem, which are the In Your Setting type threads. They are ostensibly made with the faintest whiff of worldbuilding or idle discussion about a broad topic, but not actually made with a purpose beyond generating brainless chatter for the sake of chatter. To inject a little activity for the sake of activity, which is why so many anons believe it is the mod team either doing it on purpose or using bots, because the site is fucking dying and if this place is going to get sold again or attract more ad revenue, then it needs to still look like or have the raw data that appears like there's actually still constant discussion. They don't belong here at all for any reason.
10 years ago, /tg/ was still drowning in quests and you needed to samefag your own thread for the first couple hours to stop it from being 404'd by the endless Stat Me and Elf Slave threads being squeaked in between the quests.
Perhaps instead of seething and typing walls of text, you should spend that time working on your art.
>look ma i shitposted again
>brainless chatter for the sake of chatter.
By that argument, we should get rid of all the 40k threads.
This guy gets it. Companies being retarded, mods on a power trip, none of that actually stops you from playing a game as long as you can find a game worth playing. If you value pure creativity over numbers going up and engagement with (your opinion), put your money where your mouth is. And if all goes well, hopefully you'll have a fun little story it'd be nice to share with /tg/ later.

This is also why /cyoag/ and /jc/ are going to outlive the rest of /tg/
Maybe the reason your shitspamming hasn't really worked is because it doesn't make any sense. You must be really frustrated you didn't pick spamming an irrelevant catchphrase that actually might get people to stop posting those pictures when you started.

But, now you've basically trapped yourself into an eternal cycle. Your own personal hell. Kind of fitting.
Maybe the reason your shitspamming hasn't really worked is because you don't spend enough time working on your art.
We could stand to get rid of a lot of them. Pretty much any of them that are following some faggoty /tv/ format
>For me its [blank]
>[blank] did nothing wrong
>why does [blank] make [board] so angry?
and so on.
>being this mad this long
Those girls are STILL getting fresh art from drawfags, and they're still getting reposted quite often on this board.

If anything, your butthurt shitspamming has actually helped them outlive many other /tg/ memes and characters, because the added bonus of pissing off a little troll like you just encourages people to keep posting them.
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You can point fingers and blame one another all day but the answer to why /tg/ and the internet as a whole has gotten worse is glaringly obvious and it's not something you can fix by banning or unbanning quest threads or ribbon or whatever
4chan wasn't ruined by brazillians, 4chan wasn't ruined by chinamen, 4chan was ruined by straight white male retards posting politics from their cellphones.
You've never seen the /pol/ meetup pics? They're brown as fuck, mostly Hispanic.
Actually my Play-by-mail Discord games have been going great and my original setting is coming together solidly.

Granted, all of the /tg/ fags on my server joined up when I was first setting it up as a star wars game back in like 2021 and posting about it on /swg/, so it's been a hot minute since I was involved here at all.
Honestly, after seeing this thread, I think everyone would be better off if this board was removed from the site wholesale than if there was an attempt to revive it. Just let it die, the time has passed and it's simply not salvageable.
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>Our beloved hobby is in dire trouble
Actually it's more active and popular than ever before with more options, games, and ways to play than ever before. Just because you're a nogames faggot doesn't mean shit.
>/tg/ hasn't gotten shit done for a decade at least
That's because 4chan has become a cesspool of /pol/shittery and culture war garbage and this has spread all the way to the top.
>the most autistic, dysfunctional losers essentially control discussion here
So /pol/, like I said.
>Every other community has its own severe problems
I dunno man my group of friends is doing just fine, and that's the only community you should ever want or need for traditional games.
>5.5e looks terrible
Huge step up from 5e, but D&Dfinder and its clones like SOTDL have always been normie fodder.
>Hasbro wants to further monetize it
Shit's been about making money from the fucking start, only people who are pissed about money being made off of a product are filthy commies.
>It feels like fewer and fewer people actually play games, wherever you go
Except you only go to /tg/, outside of this shitstain of a board plenty of people play games all the time, just because you're That Guy and get booted from every table doesn't mean people don't play games, they just don't want to play games with (you).
>the rise of terrible practices like paid GMs
See above, if you hate people making money off of what they love doing, you can fuck off.
>only exacerbate the issues.
Maybe if you're an unlikable gigafaggot who gets booted from every table he tries to join for going "WHAT DO YOU MEAN I CANT SAY NIGGER NOOO YOU HAVE TO LET ME SAY NIGGER YOU CANT BAN ME NOOOO".
>How can we save tabletop gaming?
It's already saved by people actually running or playing or making games instead of useless nogames like (you) whining on 4chan
>My group is good, but a new group worth playing in is nearly impossible to find.
You don't have a group.
Basically this, back circa 2017-2018 I got actual feedback and excitement about shit I was working on, now this board just calls me a tranny and tells me to fuck off or floods threads with questionfag spam.

Not like I need this shithole anymore anyway, I have enough friends that I don't give a fuck about a bunch of /pol/ tertiaries to the hobby who have never rolled a die outside of maybe monopoly as a 5 year old.
Why the fuck would I tell /tg/ about my worldbuilding when none of you cock-sucking monogolids are ever going to play anything I run or make, let alone be of any use to me. You fags will just tell me to add more racism or whatever /pol/ thinks will OWN DA LIBS this week.
This, I stopped posting about the shit I make when I realized this board didn't give a fuck and would rather whine about MUH DEI and MUH WOKE than actually contribute to anything of value.
I'd actually argue that more Ribbon could only improve this board. Not just Ribbon, but reposting drawfag art in general.

Drawfags are extremely helpful to a board's life and activity. In the past, roving drawfags could drop in a random thread, draw up a few doodles, and turn a random joke into a lasting concept. They added power and momentum to any project they'd attach themselves to, and they're fundamental to the basic concept of creating and maintaining a positive board culture.

We don't have much to attract drawfags anymore, especially compared to websites like Reddit/Twitter, where drawfags don't just develop followings, they develop careers. But, what we could offer is at least the idea that their art will have a lasting presence on this board, mixed and remixed by other anons, and used to help build up something. /tg/ used to be a meme machine, and now we instead have people trying to import memes from other boards and websites.

Encouraging drawfags in a powerful way to help restart this board's engines, and reposting drawfag art is an easy way to encourage drawfags. I really wish our drawthread hadn't died, and hadn't been taken over by people asking for personal requests they should be spending money on, rather than requests meant to entertain/inspire the rest of the board.
The big problem is we've allowed tabletop games to be moved online. It defeats the purpose. It's not just to tell a story. It's there to have some fun with people in person, create some OOC jokes, have a few beers, and have a good time.

Moving online has utterly killed the hobby.
>The big problem is we've allowed tabletop games to be moved online.
Retarded boomer take.
>It defeats the purpose
It really doesn't.
>It's not just to tell a story.
That's a huge part of it.
>It's there to have some fun with people
Still possible online.
>in person
Note how you have to add this stipulation or your entire argument goes to shit.
>create some OOC jokes, have a few beers, and have a good time.
All things you can do in online games. I only play online and we've reached the point that any time two NPCs show up at the same time someone OOC says "Well Well Well, if it isn't the blowjob brothers". That's an OOC joke.
>Moving online has utterly killed the hobby.
It's actually expanded it, you're just mad things aren't like you remember and refuse to adapt to the modern way of doing things and are mad about being left in the dust.
>Stat Me
Oh shit I forgot about those
4chan used to be so low-effort.
>They don't belong here at all for any reason.
Retard, every 4chan board is a general purpose board with a slight degree of window dressing.
Our greatest mistake was that we got old.
>I have a girlfriend now
Ok? Try raising children. You have no idea how much of a full-time job a child is.
Same. If you build it, they will cum and shit and piss themselves anyway regardless
Just let your parents help you
>but they dont want to
Sucks to be you
What a bunch of dishonest faggotry. The actual problem is that all the oldfags left and all you have left are low-attention span zoomers who can't be bothered to read a thread before replying. Making something and being more than an ideas guy takes effort and most of the people who still comes here every day is looking to put effort into anything but shitposting.
>"le /tg/ gets shit done!" doesn't happen anymore!
>M-me? It's not my fault, it's the c-chud shitposters!

Your kind are all over the board now, yet somehow it's not your fault?
Sorry, but this isn't working, /tg/ isn't for you. Try hanging out on /b/ for a few weeks and if you still feel like you belong here then you can slowly branch out and explore the other boards.
You are right. /tg/ used to be my main board now I only check it every few weeks. I just happened to see this thread so I posted my opinion.
I don't know why, but at some point /tg/ got too slow and boring.
I think bumpfag is a symptom. Not because he bumps dead threads, but because the threads were dead enough for bumpfag to be noticeable to begin with.
Alignment threads also. The low-effort bullshit has always been a problem, but now that the board is slow and dying, it sticks out so much worse when there's so little genuine discussion happening anywhere and so much soulless faggotry polluting the board. Despite having more mods and janitors than ever, very little is being done about it.
>10 years ago, /tg/ was still drowning in quests
The archive doesn't support this claim. At the highest point of quest saturation (when quests from other boards were being moved to /tg/), quest threads were 11% of the threads on the board, as shown by the archives.
>11% of the board being taken up by a constantly cycling pile of threads wasn't a problem
It wasn't.
Everyone's problem is thinking /tg/ is suppose to be their own RSS feed of things they like. It's not. It's an image board. Post a few things once a day and go about your life, check back later.
Everyone needing constant streams of entertainment and trying to spam that into being regardless of what it is, is what fucks this place up.
That and 6+ years of innovative tactics.
Then fuck off and dont come back.
This anon gets it.
>What a bunch of dishonest faggotry.
Eat my ass you lying faggot.
>The actual problem is that all the oldfags left
I garuntee I've been here long than you, newfag.
>all you have left are low-attention span zoomers who can't be bothered to read a thread before replying.
And /pol/shitters, who have also infested those who do it for free which is why /pol/ culture war spam is now traditional games according to those who do it for free.
>Making something and being more than an ideas guy takes effort and most of the people who still comes here every day is looking to put effort into anything but shitposting.
Yes, like I said, /pol/shitters.

Go back to your cesspool of a containment board you dishonest fuck.
In the past 6 years there has not once been a single time I have tried to get feedback on something I'm working on that didn't just devolve into /pol/ tourist shitposting or other off-topic spam.

This board does not want to be anything more than the cesspool of /pol/ tourists it is now, and that's not going to change, so why should I waste my time and effort on this failed board when I could get reliable, useful feedback elsewhere?
Eat shit /pol/ tourist scum, I'm going to keep complaining about you inbred, redneck, fetal alcohol syndrome, limp-wristed, boot-licking faggots until this board finally dies.
>I'll shit post and troll here you tourist
lmao even
Currently sitting on a 2-day (i.e. too short to appeal) ban on /tv/ for "replying to an off-topic thread" where the thread isn't listed.

You guys got any ideas you need help on?
Are spooks and outsourced glowprojects also /pol/ or just whatever you disagree with personally?
>Everyone's problem is thinking /tg/ is suppose to be their own RSS feed of things they like
And everyone who disagrees with me is a glue-huffing faget, exactly. And so I must shit-up every thread I find because I can't manage my emotions like a big boy.
It's amazing that virtually every internet spat is just one retard choosing to be retarded at everyone else's expense.
>I garuntee I've been here long than you, newfag.
Sincerely doubt it.
>muh /pol/
Lmao yeah that says more than enough about you and your oldfag credentials.
I am a zoomer and I like older, more imaginative fantasy specifically because my father gave me his favourite books from his childhood and I grew up reading them
The game isn't nearly as over as you might suggest, if you just bite the bullet and actively try to train players
The only thing wrong with /tg/ is that it's packed to the brim with the latest generation of hobbiests who, unlike previous generations, aren't the product of hazing and elitism. Now it's just all the slight social rejects who'll never adapt to anything and slurp up stuff like Critical Roll like it's the TTRPG bible.

Critical Roll isn't even that bad, it just gives people unrealistic expectations and it provides them a faulty framework onto which they build their assumptions for what makes a tabletop game fun.

And it's not funny voices, it's not customized foam table decor, it's not a bald man and 3 quirk chunguses playing D&D at a table.

It's about being creative. Having fun. Making your own rules when the rules you have available to you aren't good enough. Roleplay starts with action figures, but people like you didn't grow up with action figures, you grew up with ipads and roblox. Soon enough, when you get tired of systems like 5, you'll make your own, and I look forward to that day. For now, just explore and enjoy, always be willing to learn, and always be willing to create.

Anyway, later.
You get a certain amount of low effort bullshit as a consequence of having a high board population. Without that high population nothing productive gets done. A board composed entirely of elegan/tg/entleman will die from lack of population.
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>You guys got any ideas you need help on?
Can you stat this BBEG for me?
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It's only going to get worse.
I pity you.

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