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>Brutus' Drive

>DriveAnon's Drive

>Jumpchain IRC Chat


>How to Jumpchain

>Last Thread
I would say yes but I don't think that's how most jumpmakers handle it
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So Shadow generations got leaked and well....
>Rouge's cleavage has been covered up
>Rouge's back has been covered up
>Rouge no longer flirts
>Amy is no longer in love with Sonic in the western version (localized by Ian Flynn)
>Any references to her infatuation or crush is replaced with business meeting discussions on becoming stronger and trying their best
>Cutscenes showing Amy being portrayed in a negative light has been reworked, and ONLY these cutscenes.
>For those who played the original Generations, yes. They would rather re-do Amy's cutscenes than fix the Time Eater, regarded as one of the worst final bosses in the series
>In the Japanese version Amy is still shown to be in love with Sonic, all references to this has been erased in the western version, again by Ian Flynn, in favor of portraying her as an independent girl who wants to get stronger
>Shadow bros got an inoffensive story about overcoming the past
>Sonic jobbers got destroyed by a modern audience
>Maria was given a fat ass
>Rouge was patched up because it was deemed "offensive"
I was trying to think of all the creature partners you could potentially get across a chain like Pokemon, Digimon, Yugioh Card Spirit, and so on. Then I remembered Monster Rancher existing. I played quite a few of those games growing up but never beat one. Have any of you ever beaten one of those games? Ever use it in your chain? Do you have a preference between any of the monsters? I gotta look up a gallery or something because it's been so long, but I remember the mantis ninja guy and the big beetle being really neat. Probably wouldn't jump it until I could make a monster immortal though; 2 to 3 year lifespan obviously doesn't work on a chain.
...Hey this is a dumb ass question but does anyone have a good perk or way to take a bunch of species and blend together the best traits of them into a singular species I have a few ideas eventually I may want to do.
>Cover up Rouge
>Give Maria an ass
"They" don't want you to fuck Mobian women.
The Jurrasic Park jump got perks for that.
The bone and lava dragons always looked neat to me.
I also remember giving my companion a Monol form since I thought it would be funny for him to make a 2001 Space Odyssey joke in modern worlds.
This kills fat bat tats anon...
Amy hasn't been a good character since Sonic CD, so I don't really care. Besides, Sonic has had thirty years to tap that and he won't. Thirty fucking years of the "will they or won't they" subplot. If Ian wants Amy to do something else besides threaten to kill Sonic unless he marries her, fine.

Rouge getting censored even further is way more of an issue for me. We deserve a flirty bat with giant tats. Who do I write angry letters to?
...Checking it thats not the jump I would of guessed at but that does work.
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Good luck to the sonic unibombers, free the phat bat tats, and may the translator's head be removed from his shoulders Inshallah.
That's amusing, the idea of a companion having a form that's just a shape. Kinda makes me want to brainstorm how to make Ramiel into a companion.
>Maria was given a fat ass
No wonder Shadow's still obsessed with her.
Western "Localizers" truly are the modern 4Kids. They're the Dolores Umbridge of anime
>Blatantly off-topic /v/posting
At least the pokefuckers tried a little.
>Creature Partners
Did you remember Jade Cocoon? Our jump for it could really use some attention by someone who actually cares about the property, but the game itself was pretty fun. I liked the gimmick of having 8 monsters that you rotated around yourself, so sometimes you had to put a monsters that wasn't the best fit up front because you wanted to save two other monsters from getting trampled. It has some cool monster designs too if I remember correctly.

>Have any of you ever beaten one of those games?
Not really. I played a lot of them but I always got distracted hunting down new CDs to see what monsters they gave me.

>Ever use it in your chain?
Not any of my main ones. I try to limit visiting those kinds of settings unless I'm doing a chain centered around gathering monsters. Otherwise it becomes too easy for me to get bogged down with tracking all those Companions. I would like to do it at some point though.

>Probably wouldn't jump it until I could make a monster immortal though
Yeah, that's one of the major problems with Monster Rancher monsters. That short lifespan is kind of silly. But video games gotta video game.

I don't even care about Sonic all that much. But really now, why murder Amy's character like that? It's been one of her major traits for, literally, decades. Changing it in one translation of one video game isn't going to alter how any fan sees the character. And you're going to be hard pressed to get casuals to randomly pick up a Sonic game with a story linked to a decade old other Sonic game.
wow it's fucking nothing
>Shape altorms
A few more come to mind. Dream Demon in Gravity Falls, everything in Flatland, a few of the species option in the Smash Bros jump and as you said Angels in NGE of course can be all kind of weirdness especially with the Ineffable perk.
How would LInk do if I unleashed a zombie plague on Hyrule?
>Wind wakers a fun game. Definitely my favorite don't know why but Botw and Totk just dont gel with me the same way maybe its notstalgia.
Wind Waker’s a good one, yeah.

>Finally got some light arrows on this lad though so thats nice
Really, you could probably deliver Light Arrow grade blasts on your own already.
>Has a breakdown from ReDead.
But really it would depend on the zombies.
Any mage companion suggestions for the Otherverse jump?
The issue is that I don't believe you and my first instinct is to assume you made this up for culture war clickbait.
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>Amy is no longer in love with Sonic
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Yeah, this lil' guy.
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>Sonic blueballed Amy so hard he retconned her into a strong independent woman
That's actually quite funny if you think about it, you have to really stand out as a female character with bad writing for fans to say with a straight face they're glad you're no longer shackled to the protagonist

>Who do I write angry letters to?
Sega's HQ in Japan, they're the ones with authority to tell Ian to go stuff his fanfiction where the sun doesn't shine

Who's worse, Ian of Sega or Albert of Lasengle?
I don't think I've ever seen a Monster Rancher game on a shelf, never mind played one. Likewise, I haven't used it on a Chain that I remember.
A girl chasing after a boy is misogynistic. Instead her personality is just "girl"
>Did you remember Jade Cocoon?
I've never heard of it before but I'm always interested in new monster designs. Probably checking it out later.
>Not really. I played a lot of them but I always got distracted hunting down new CDs to see what monsters they gave me.
Yeah, I did a lot of that too.
>Yeah, that's one of the major problems with Monster Rancher monsters. That short lifespan is kind of silly. But video games gotta video game.
I hate games that put lifespans on things, yet those games were really fun. Just too short a lifespan for me to beat them.

You really could just get a really aggressive piece of geometry for a companion and I find that amusing.
Isn't that the most recent center of the Fenexo game related drama?
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God, when I try to think of companion suggestions for the Otherverse fitting the setting I just come up with a list of people so insufferable I'd consider them better as drawback inspiration. Wildbow is very, very good at making you want to shank strangers.

And the few exceptions aren't mages at all. Psycho normie twin muggle hunters of the supernatural? God/Incarnation/Angel/powerful Other who uncharacteristically likes you? Bogeywoman waifu?

Mage...mage...what about a less antagonistic equivalent to Crone Mara? Old as the hills, very strong relationship with the local territory as a result, inscrutable and borderline Other themselves, uncharacteristically approves of you despite you presumably being an unknown variable by default
Uraume is confirmed a boy and Sukuna's adopted son
Well, "girl with hammer who is strong". And assuming Ian's consistent with her writing in Frontiers, just kind of generically and platonically cares about cute things.
NTA but the Berwyn/HugsAlright blowup is over a year old at this point.
>Really, you could probably deliver Light Arrow grade blasts on your own already.
Oh probably but its still nice to have. The triforce of courage is useful to pick up to. It was gonna be here or twilight princess and I figure it'd fit better here. And theirs a buncha funny moments to potentially. He probably confuses the hell out of the king of red lions give he already probably knows whats going on. or probably ganondorf to if they just pull out the tri-rod on him and starts spamming darknuts and light arrows midway through the game at the forsaken fortress.
No. There are bigger fish to fry when critiquing Fen.
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>The issue is that I don't believe you
Has there been another bout of retardation after that then? People can freak out over something for a long time, took a long time for the futa cucking drama to truly die down.
Look at a man with Sukuna's professed worldview and morality, and tell me with a straight face that son and spouse are definitively exclusive categories for him.

Remember, he told Yorozu he already knew what love was in the context of her jumpin on him naked.
>There are bigger fish to fry
I remember CoC far back enough to remember when the random worm swarm attacks couldn't be toggled off. And I'm not sure whether to be more amazed that Fen is still doing a thing long after, say, Gabe has realised he can just not make a game period and rake in a trickle of income, or that CoC2 has apparently found new lows to plumb
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What is it with Sega and trying to make Mobians fuck humans?
They haven't been around for a long, long time now which might be one reason. They were never as popular as Digimon, which was never as popular as Pokemon.
They know their audience, apparently.
I played one, once, and it was mostly using the feature where it generated a random monster by putting a different game disc into the playstation.
That's like one of the core appeals so I don't blame you.
The main point of the post is that Sukuna isn't gay. Which is either irrelevant to the actual ending because it signifies a familial relationship or entirely untrue because he's molesting his son.
The Japanese don't understand any of this. They just see random cancel culture puritan BS and are told by their co-opted US counterparts that they need to make these changes to protect themselves. They shrug their shoulders, and say 'eh, I guess if you say so'. The entire thing is a confusing mess for them.
Who the hell is Albert? And what did he do to Lasengle?
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reminder that furret is fucking massive
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Amy is free now so I guess I can seduce her alongside the other mobians while sanic seethes
The japanese do not understand height
Sonic does not care about bitches at all. He just goes on adventures and has fun.
I am going to put furret up against Medusa so she stops complaining about her height
You might actually just win at the Forsaken Fortress, and then spend the rest of the jump obtaining the pieces of the Triforce of Courage at your leisure.
Sauce? I'm interested
Alright, this took a day or two but I got the builds made. No writeups because I would have never finished that way.
Reminder that Zigzagoon is immune to servant attacks and so is furret
>a mommy one wraps around its young to keep them warm at night
Ghost types can have attacks that aren't ghost type, you know.
All their strongest moves only exist because they're ghosts, therefore their noble phantasms are ghost type. Once they see even their strongest attacks don't work they'll simply give up.
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Breakthrough by the forbidden master and disciple
Here the mc is the son of the hero and kinda neglected by his parents, but he meets the ghost of the demon lord and the DL becomes his father figure and trainer.
He's also very petty tho
The Servant throws a rock.
What the fuck is this shit?

Go say that about Square Enix. Now the lawyers want to cancel Yoko Taro.
If memory serves, didn't that get cancalled or end or something after about 20 to 30 chapters?
>Square Enix
I will, since the DQ creator's interview is the most recent example of this attitude.
>Exalted: TFA
>Origin: Solar (Twilight)
>Experience: Legendary
>Student of Autochthon
Supreme Commander isn’t going to know what hit it.
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Not really. It's a lm adaptation and did properly the first volume. The ln itself got cancelled but not for selling issues, iirc it was similar to what happened to ballistic weaponry (antique)
What is an Im? I was interested in the manga but it just stopped. If it's still going somewhere I'll probably try looking it up later.
Fen locked William into writing shitty things, and stopping him from doing good things. But on the top of my mind, the failure of the mino foursome, the colosseum and the granny fox, all around shit.
I think most people, people as in actual people not the ones echo chambers from the official forum, are really getting tired.
Still waiting for the jump btw.
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They're now convinced it must be an incredibly powerful phantasmal beast. It would be foolish to try using a rock of all things.
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Square Enix: What interview?
>You might actually just win at the Forsaken Fortress, and then spend the rest of the jump obtaining the pieces of the Triforce of Courage at your leisure.
Potentially! That feels like it'd be some sort of Disgeasque alternate ending that'd only become possible in new game+ in game terms.
King of red lions: Well this went wildly right. Guess I can move on now.
Jumper: oh no- Not quite yet boat-man. We still have a treasure hunt to complete.
-Actually that may be a fun bit to bring tetra on if she wants to go on a adventure since shes not kidnapped.
Ghosts can use normal-type attacks. Like "tackle". Or "kick the fucking thing". Busting out Noble Phantasms tends to be a last resort. Using basic attacks such as "punch" or "kick" is what they default to first.
Honestly the go-to problem resolution method in this chain is using Master PC to make it stop being a problem but I've made sure to be prepared in various ways.
That they took action after the fact just reinforces what I am saying. It doesn't initially occur to them what the "problems" might be, their counterparts have to tell them.
People seems to think SJW is only a western problem, and on paper, they are right, but Japanese's companies seems more than happy to profit from it. In the end, they are not so different.

And I waited and wanted this game for such a long time. What an utter disgrace.
All I know of Albert is the "don't be greedy" shit, what else is he responsible for?
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Light novel, my fingers are just fat. Anyway the ln stops in the second arc, the web novel is complete
The author was a faggot that said he didn't like harems so no surprise.
Highlight of the series is the relationship between the DL and the MC,
Technomancer/Scourge Sadako expy who's trying to ascend into a nex machinae instead of devolving into a mere boogeyman. Technomancer/Collector whose collection is gacha waifus. Oni mage who talks good shit about being a heartless demon but is weirdly merciful and refuses to hurt weaklings (he also has a shotgun). Dollmaker and canopic doll familiar pair who deliberately traded parts until neither themselves or the world know who's who.
China is probably the only remaining true exception, really. And the problem is, well, when you stoop to China your options are reduced to

>(Monkey King/Romance of the Three Kingdoms/some other ancient tale or famous figure like Ip Man's biography) retold for the nth time
>Xianxia-level writing
>A handful of actual books like The Dark Forest that are probably outside your strike zone
Ya know it really makes me wonder how bad it'll get in Nip land before something gives-in. Even with a mere trickle of outlanders, they appear to be buckling and warping.
From what I've heard, pokemon is kind of inconsistent on how it measures 'height' for 'mons. Some are actually its standing height, while others are its length from nose to tail. Might be specific to the body type for that pokemon, but without an official source on which is using what it's pretty misleading most of the time.
Consider: Dynamaxed Furret.
>Highlight of the series is the relationship between the DL and the MC,
Man, the manga sold so much potential.
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>A handful of actual books like The Dark Forest that are probably outside your strike zone
Nta but that book is pretty intimidating to just pick up in a store. My hardcover of Trisolaris can double as a murderweapon and is one of the largest books I own.
What's the power difference between your Jumper and their companion(s)? For example:
>Jumper is a Heihachi level master martial artist.
>Jumper's companion is if link was a Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid level dragon slayer.
Good enough for me, thanks PsychoAnon, though even if was a no it wouldn't have changed much in retrospect build wise.
>Jumper is a hyperdimensional godmind whose code actively warps reality and can fully reconstruct themselves from naught but the idea of themselves
>Rebecca is a below average height human with really high-quality cybernetics and a fat ass
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No problem, brother.
Wait, what's up with Dragon Age 3?
You’ve got a World Seed AI, so now I’m imagining you sitting on your spaceship and telling them to make someone no longer a problem.
So in JJK could I just fuck off away from Tokyo and be fine?
It's not even from Americans coming in, it's from greedy Nip corporations chasing American money for short-term short-sighted gains, when they should instead just stick to making content for the other Nips and the Weeaboos that eat that shit up.
Japanese media becoming mainstream in the west was unironically the worst thing that happened to them. Companies abandoning local markets for international markets almost inevitably leads to said companies becoming self-parodying shells of their former selves
Mostly yeah. Might want to just fuck off from Japan in general, since Cursed Spirits are mostly contained in Japan.
Dragon *Quest* III is using the Body Type A and B thing and censored a number of the models, along with other changes. The creator said in an interview that it sucked that it had to be changed.
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Stay away from Japan in general, really.
Got beaten with the ugly stick until it became masochistic. And if you don't like it then you're just a coomer bigot chud
Not exactly but sorta. I used technomancy (after setting the relevant skill to legendary - not godly just yet to keep from cutting things short) to move Master PC to my head and I added a bunch of scripts for convenience so it takes care a lot of things without need for manual input.
I see that you have discovered Renee's coffin.
It's really fucking retarded. Body Types, I can sorta ignore, stupid things like models though? Fuck that shit.
Here I thought the Maya in The Dark Prince was just a silly thing, how naive I was.
>Owl is a magical scientist with knowledge of Thu'um, ritual magic, and architecture.
He is accompanied by:
>A man literally too angry to die who wields enough firepower to count as a one man war crime
>A being locked up because a whole pantheons of gods were afraid of her ability to murder divinities
>A small dog working off decades of menial bureaucratic paper pushing through violence, whiskey, and overwhelming willpower
>Three tribes of kobolds who's natural instinct when something dangerous and more powerful than themselves comes along is to grin madly like a Shonen manga hero.

Owl is usually not the most powerful one of the group. But he keeps everyone pointed in the right direction.
Psycho, you looking cute today.
The premise itself was held back
Makes sense when you remember that JP Dino’s are a genetic mishmash of dinosaurs, fish, reptiles, frogs and so on.
And then there is the Indominus Rex and Indoraptor which are pretty explicitly combinations of traits from various dinosaur species. And maybe human, possibly.
He’s the guy in charge of FGO NA. Known for among other things bleaching Demiya and fucking with free quartz/tickets.
Also it will be heavily censored by Qin Shi Huang, even CN webnovel websites got nuked.
That's the problem when most writers in that country are dumb people who wrote in their basement, on top of being vegetarians.
>Arceus is god
>Regigigas was the only one of the 18 giants that survived the battle with Arceus
>Everything with Terapagos
Reminder that Normal is canonically the strongest type.
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Jumps to pick up healing magic/abilities/perks?
Oh, what happened to ballistic weaponry?
For maximum fun, take the perk for being able to upgrade Master PC and the perks from Generic Videogame Developer that enables you to make programs self-optimizing and self-upgrading.
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Which Transformer jump is best for a robo-fucker?
Besides the Micheal Bay movie with the pervert minibot thing Sam had, has any of the various Transfomer media supported Transformers being able to be fucked by humans?
The 3 part Unicron trilogy, reasons: being a Minicon in a land of Bulks.
Kiss Players.
>Amy is no longer in love with Sonic in the western version (localized by Ian Flynn)
This isn't true. She's just nowhere near as overt (but still has moments of getting overjoyed about him).

And stop blaming Flynn for this shit - the man WROTE IDW issues with Amy clinging to Sonic and Sonic blushing at her affection like a motherfucker.
Redo of a Healer and MHA.
Is this cheating or missing the point?
In no form of canon is sex ever illuminated. But old G1 had 'bots and humans (or other oddities) happening only to NEVER be brought up again.
Anything bad that happens is Ian's fault and anything good that happens is because of Sega's oversight.
Nuance and understanding is for a more enlightened era. This is the new dark age, let it all burn.
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>jumper is a wizard/scientist of godlike power
>jumper's companion is a clone Asagi from the taimanin gatchaverse jump and her superpower is having huge boobs, pic related
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>But really now, why murder Amy's character like that?
Amy's character was murdered from damn near inception because NOBODY likes the obsessive psycho stalker bullshit that Amy used to engage in. It was (and is) the biggest reason why people hate Sonamy and despise Amy as a character because they think she's literally insane. It didn't help that many of them were first introduced to her in Sonic X which had her first and last response to Sonic blowing her off be to "beat him half-to-death with my hammer until he admits he loves me". And that was the show specifically made to try and cater to Sonamyfags. The only time Amy and Sonic's relationship was treated as it should be was the original Shogakukan manga.

All this shit is just Sega massively overcorrecting like they did with 06 when people expressed hatred for Sonic's "shitty friends". They want people to stop making murder/torture/rape fics of Amy because the retarded Japanese boomers never intended for Amy's overbearing personality to be a thing to garner hate, but because they're retarded they also don't understand WHY she was so hated so they're throwing shit at a wall to see what sticks.
No, that's over a year old like anon said. But it IS the biggest reason to no longer play the game. I've only been peeking in since and it seems like they've just doubled down on being shit.
I did. It was alright.
Thank you.
Where are her nipples/areolae
Hiding, she's got ninja skills after all.
tiny and hidden by strategic cloth. Ignore the fact that the artist doesn't know what tits look like.
Demons stole them.
Amy is still madly in love with Sonic, but I doubt you'll care since all you so is go to settings with rape perks to gather waifus. And Sonic won't care.
Isn't she 12?
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I think the story lost focus on the time travel arc. Eirth was supposed to surpass his father by taking over the dream of the DL and making it happen, something his father gave up thinking it was impossible.
Instead he became a discount hero just wandering around like a hobo and sometimes rescuing people.
Also the no harem thing was a serious blow given there were like 5 potential love interests and at least 2 of them were super good at understanding the mc.
After bring published it got a lot of traction, given its own website and not just a corner in the publisher's own. This is always reserved to anime adaptations.
However the author was very vocal in his narou blog about the pressure and meetings with editor and higher ups.
His wn updates slowed down and eventually just stopped, the ln also was just left without new volumes without a proper cancellation or hiatus notice.
>the failure of the mino foursome
That one was the PC needing to use drugs to keep up with all three cows right?
>the "He was all great" line is completely unchanged
>Amy has several scenes in-game where all she does is gush about Sonic
>her Frontiers appearance is the closest Sonic has ever gotten to openly reciprocating her affection
>and so on
0/10 bait, made me reply.
Yeah, but it was also all around, pretty shitty scenes.

You can tell someone wanted it to be shit while taking a shit on the players.
Have you read Ric's jumps?
Japs have this weird fascination for stupidly tiny nipples that look the same, no matter the size of the boobs.
You would be correct.

Ric does not care. Also they officially removed the ages for all the characters, so they're all nebulously teen-aged or around there.
Being fair some women do have larger or smaller nipples.

It's what's nice with WNs/LNs, you can always tell what should have been, could have been, and would have been better.
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I go to lots of settings without harem perks after getting the harem perks from somewhere else. Makes it even funnier
Out of 10!
Stop with these baseless allegations
Yeah, I would've done it too if I weren't operating on a budget of 15 jumps. Master PC doesn't leave much to desire when you pour your entire budget on the program and gets fully unlocked post-chain, anyway. Not to mention that through technomancy I've made it part of my powers so it should grow with me. It's hard to say if Majestic Radiant Presence covers it but Gotta Have Power to Get Power definitely does, not to mention actively tinkering with it through itself or Skill Creation.

All in all what I tried to do through this chain is open up as many possibilities as possible for post-chain while still having an enjoyable trip. Admittedly, most of those 3+ trillion years were effectively skipped. As in, they happened but Jumper wasn't truly mentally present for them.
>Legend of Neil
Heal though being intimate. Such as hugs, kisses, just hanging out or sex.
>Darkest Dungeon
Heal minds and madness through sex.
>Once Upon A Time
Break magic and curses with a touch.
...That is exactly what I'm implying, yes. Congratulation.
>Me: "Women have different nipples"
>You: "tbf women have have different nipples"
Seriously man.
So this is the latest incarnation of Tetra... I thought you were lost amongst the sands of time.
>baseless allegations
Ric, your loli image folder(s) is probably larger than the total amount of jumps on our drive.
It's AI. Just look at the right eye.
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I never castrated a teenage girl
Alright you can continue with the based allegations
>The author was a faggot that said he didn't like harems
If the main love interest in this non-harem fantasy is the princess I am dropping this shit right now.
Sadisu a cute.
>they're all nebulously teen-aged
Even Charmy, Vanilla, and Eggman?
I have a halo question, is slipspace the kind of ftl thats faster if you are faster in normal space?

If not does anyone know of any that work in this way?
>All in all what I tried to do through this chain is open up as many possibilities as possible for post-chain while still having an enjoyable trip.
Makes sense. I rolled on that prompt and got 7, so if I made a set of builds I’d need to focus more on options that can grow over time.
Same thing that happens to a lot of vaginas in anime. Japs never see them irl so don't know what to put them. Then they just leave the women looking like Barbie dolls
Good waifu and jump options for a knight jumper?
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>His wn updates slowed down and eventually just stopped, the ln also was just left without new volumes without a proper cancellation or hiatus notice.
Sucks, same thing happened to the I Walk Among Zombies WN.
that's sad, I'm sad
Dragonlance, Tiamat.
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What are some jumps with perks to hide you strength/power? Could be physical, magical, mental, etc. etc.
Every time I'm reminded that fujoshis have attached themselves to South Park I believe a bit more in the "reality is a simulation" theory.
There's not much that upsets me more than horny South Park fanart
Especially since the fags got it into canon stuff
Barley related but I had a pleasant surprise recently when one of my favorite fanfics got updated recently after at least a couple year of it being inactive, that fic being a South Park/Young Justice focusing on Kenny as Mysterion in Gotham and his lovecraftian connections and backstory.
Is there any particular reason I *shouldn't* apply the self-repair enchantments of the Golden Army from hellboy (cinematic) to my T-Dolls from Girls Frontline?
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This is what happens when your waifus don't get along
Was the entire point of the Mysterion saga just a big joke shitting on people who take South Park too seriously or what? I remember liking it and thinking it was cool how they made things about Kenny for a while since he's usually a throwaway character, and how it was neat that it was actually going somewhere, but then they just capped it with the Mint Berry Crunch thing and I wasn't even surprised.
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>creature of pathetic flesh
That's why you have the meat sticks.
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What the fuck did you just say about my waifu you toaster?
Other than the perks in metroid and noblesse and the cyber masking system item in Ghost in the Shell are there any options that can make it so you just don't show up to digital surveillance?
Indeed. Frankly I find the fleshlings to be disgusting. Glad I never was one.
Pretty sure exvwod has something
And necrons can just NOT be visible to anyone but other necrons.
You need a witch.
Might I suggest Harry Potter? It gives you
>brainiac that isn’t actually all that smart
>spunky sporty shitty tomboy
>Magical Girl Alex Jones-Chan
And of course, fifteen variations of “I have literally zero character so I can be anything you want”
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A sorceress would be a good choice. But I think I'd rather jumper swore a vow of Chastity than companion anyone from harry potter.
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In theory yes you would move faster in slipspace if you move faster in normal space. In practice the FTL drive matters far more. Slipspace also gets fucky with space and time, and the drive itself makes a huge amount of difference in how fast you go. That's part of the whole thing with Reconciliation Debt, because in theory it is possible for plotted paths to arrive before you set off. Which space-time doesn't agree with, and lets you know... violently. IIRC in one book Master Chief does actively end up going back in time several weeks due to slipspace shenanigans.
The evil dragon god?
That’s fair.
Exalted vs World of Darkness has a perk for digital masking in the Alchemical tree... mostly because the Technocracy is looking for your ass and is sparing no expense. It does come with a capstone that gives you an incredible learning speed in all kinds of science.
The fanfic works off from that still, it's really quite good. https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11618640/1/Try-to-remember
Do you have any other suggestions for a good place to pick up a sorcerous waifu? All I can think of is Sword and Sorc but I don't think that quite works.
And if that doesn't work, you can just fry fry her brain by some means, like a taser-gun in her ass.

How dare you say that about 2B.
Heroes of the Storm has an excellent healing/repair booster. It makes all your efforts improve by at least an order of magnitude.
God(ess) anon. She's a mom.
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Deus Ex HR has something like that I believe?
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Hey Gene! Hybrid purchases scale with the base item right ? Like if I have a shotgun and hybridize it with small arms I would get a shotgun that shoots the same amount of that small arm that it normally shoots pellets of right?
Here's what I'm working with.

>>Large arms: puntgun-200 +Hybrid -50+Small arms: shurikens first purchase free+Hybrid -50 + explosives: Sticky bombs -100+Bigger: More barrels X2 -100+Faster X5 -250
>>This is a three barreled automatic puntgun that shoots Clusters of throwing stars that explode, it's awesome.
Ghost from Deus Ex Human Revolution.
Oh I know that one. It only updates like once a year but it's really fun from what I remember.
Lunars in Exalted Modern can learn a charm for that.
Those are actually fuel tanks. And also her ass is a heatsink. If a normal human tried to have sex with her she would crush him because she weighs like 400 pounds compressed into the frame of a normal woman and fucking her is like literally sticking your dick into a toaster.
WHF Brettonia and grab a damsel companion to be your magical quest giver and utility backup.
ExVsWoD has one in the Alchemical perkline.
Power, muscle, brain, and skill issue, lol.
>cooking bacon on 2-B's ass every morning
Wrong. Her ass hole is a heat vent. Its fucking terrible what fetish writers come up with.
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I think this deserves a protest. Jumpers what did you do in the various sonic jumps. Highlight the lewd and parts that might be deemed offensive by the uncultured.
Her asshole is a heat exhaust vent because her ass is a heatsink, anon.
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Here is the official printed explanation of Slipspace travel.
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Log Horizon.
The only problem is that most of them are either taken, lusting after someone else, or a shit. Or Tetora I guess.* Though you could go with a background character.

*-WARNING: may contain nuts
Well alright then. Not sure if this would melt with my necron ship drives or not since they function on the theory of ACCELERATE FASTER, GO FASTER. DO NOT SLOW DOWN, FUCK THE SPEED LIMIT.
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"Alright 2B, stand really still. I'm making my morning coffee."
This stupid fucking bullshit, I swear to God. Why do sci-fi writers do this dumb bullshit? Somebody actually sat down and wrote this and though "Yep, that makes total sense. Technology that can casually create giant expanding rips in space-time that obliterate all matter around it if done 'incorrectly?' Yep. Now let me move onto writing about how the UNSC navy is getting stomped by the Covenant because of their amazing super-cool plasma weapons and shielding! This is completely consistent with how slipspace drives work and in no way is this unbelievably fucking stupid since it implies the UNSC has the technology to casually obliterate even the largest Covenant ships but simply chooses not to!"
Just slap a slipspace drive onto a kamikazi vehicle and take out a supercarrier group anon. Same as star wars, why build a death star when you can strap a droid to an ftl drive and slam a planet.
Sci-fi as a genre has been dead since the 80s maybe 90s. They only write science fantasy these days; fucking hacks.
How heavy are your Dumbells has a perk for being stronger than you frame would imply, as does Kengan if you've got Superman Syndrome, and I think it's got something for hiding your bulk under clothes as well. I think Generic Creepypasta has various perks along those lines as well.
Reminder that Amy's obsession with Sonic is so strong, she manifested a hallucination of him to fight by her side in Sonic Battle during Rouge's story. There's yandere, and then there's that level of crazy.
>This is completely consistent with how slipspace drives work and in no way is this unbelievably fucking stupid since it implies the UNSC has the technology to casually obliterate even the largest Covenant ships but simply chooses not to!"
They physically planted a bomb on the ship that they had successfully boarded and killed basically the entire command crew of, that's hardly breaking the setting. The bomb just happened to be jury rigged out of an engine.
>Yep. Now let me move onto writing about how the UNSC navy is getting stomped by the Covenant because of their amazing super-cool plasma weapons and shielding!
I'm pretty sure that disabling this ship to the point where it could be boarded and destroyed was the single greatest human victory in the setting by that point and almost as soon as it finishes a fleet of them jump into the system.

If you wanted to make an actual complaint it should be about the flock of smaller ships you kill in a fighter right before that that's justified only by the implication that the reach PC was a shmup protagonist before his transfer.
Imagine being so yandere that you materialize a schizophrenic tulpa of your beloved as a power-up. That's some next-level shit right there.
Any good Overlord fanfics, that preferably don't focus on Ainz and Nazarick? Climbing To The Top (Climb SI) was pretty good, and The Queen Of The Moon (Usagi with an OC guild) was amazing, although I don't particularily care for Ryuu's kitchen sink setting. The Evileye side story was also great. Other than that though, everything else I've find seems to be garbage. Really, the problem with Overlord is that I like the setting but Ainz and his group are just so uninteresting.
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We can only wish to be loved that much
PsychoAnon's a lucky guy.
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Also slipspaces were stupidly expensive/hard to make. Like "its easier to build the entire rest of the spaceship". And the Covenant had extremely good point defense systems. Its not "one slipspace drive for one ship" its "several hundred slipspace drives to MAYBE take down that one ship, each of which probably cost more than building an entirely new ship".
It wasn't even because of any special powers or magical artifacts. She literally just hallucinated him being there, and then you fight both her and 'Sonic'. Even Rouge is a bit freaked out by how obsessed with Sonic Amy is.
>That should keep her quiet. No wonder Sonic's so sick of her. She's just way too persistent!
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Girls with heavy love are just the best.
Gohanposter's hate becomes so great he can actually manifest Gohans to torture at will so he can use their dismembered bodies as weapons against his enemies... who will probably be more Gohans he manifested. Not only does this make sense it's like Gohanposter Valhalla. Slap this on to an afterlife and I think we found his final resting place.
Here >>94212059
That was one of the early isekais right? Back before those were the only thing japs made?
>Back before those were the only thing japs made
Nta but aktually, that's not the earliest.
Brettonia is absolutely going in the chain, but I don't know that I want to get a damsel companion. Didn't it come out that they were all in on duping the knights and using them? Or am I mixing up the retarded lore that's come out over the years?
I know it isn't the earliest, but it's one of the earlier ones isn't it? early being relative.
How many of you act like this while Jumping
I don't think I have the requisite skill with the English language to articulate my hatred for what I've just seen and heard.
in my experience most overlord fics dont focus on exloring the world in any meaningful way, but usually power stomping it even better than nazarick did.
There is no need to be upset
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Small change clarifying that the Ventriloquism Dummy is not sentient.

I think it can be put on the drive if there are no complaints.
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If you had a name I'd flirt with you too
Unfortunately, those are your best options. Most Overlord fics that don't feature Ainz just have some other absurdly powerful OC group stomp everything into dust or add the other guild members somewhere who stomp even harder.
Charmy should still be a kid, Vanilla is a mom, and Eggman is "who even fucking knows how old he is". It's just the main cast like Sonic, Knuckles, Amy, Tails and such who had their ages removed for some reason.
Misaki is your Beard.
Is it better to post builds and write fagging as pdf or just split into multiple posts in thread?
I do in fact have a name but I refuse to use it again until I make a jump.
My wife has no beard. dumbo. You're lucky you're so handsome.
>One who serves to divert suspicion or attention from another, especially a person of the opposite sex who accompanies a gay man or lesbian to give the impression of heterosexuality.
I understand that feeling.
Yeah, that is awesome, thanks for the jump Bookman.
Do we have any comfy post apocalyptic jumps?
Silly 9anon, I'm actually heterosexual
Post-apocalyptic is inherently uncomfy, unless it's been long enough that a new society has replaced the old one.
Y'know I can't tell if I'm freaking myself out over nothing or if I actually have testicular torsion. I assume I don't. I don't match most of the symptoms.
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Jumps with dragons that need slaying that aren't tabletop related?
Probably not, if you did you probably wouldn't be typing this and would instead be screaming
Pain would be that bad huh? That's what I figured. If it was happening I assume it would be pretty fucking obvious.
Splatoon & Humanity has Declined (I can’t remember if the document was called in the Eng or Jp)
. . . Well those are some rather large fake tits.
It's because Yoro's too busy working on grimderp.
Does Wall-E count? Do we have a jump for that?
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When Jumper's involved, any jump can become post-apocalyptic very quickly.
Vainqueur the dragon
Cool, thanks for the jump. I recently watched game grumps do a let's play of that one sam & max game with the bigfoot mystery and I've got to say the setting seems fucking wild. Lots of funny old school humor as well.
CATastrophy and Splatoon are the only ones that come to mind but they're both set long after the apocalypse, to the point that it's more of a historical footnote than an ongoing issue.
Maybe and yes, respectively. It's more comfy sci-fi/space odyssey if you're on the bote, since the planet's in such a shitty state you'd likely not really survive if you weren't going robot origin. Though it could be pretty funny to speedrun the terraforming/restoration efforts so by the time the humans get back everything within the intended landing zone looks like a proper future metropolis.
I'm calling your bluff.
nta but I wouldn't think so. If you're a human on Earth then you are going to die because there's no food and no way to grow any. If you're a human on the spaceship then you're living in automated luxury that provides everything to you to the point that you literally don't ever need to leave the hover chair you sit in.
Despite my best efforts, I can't seem to switch myself out of Jumpmaking mode. So I'm working on a Worldless jump.

I have a general idea of how I'm going to do this, but struggling with how to structure it. There's a number of freebees that are necessary to interact with the basic combat system, and a large portion of the perks will be extensions of that core moveset. On top of that, there are barely any "items" in the whole game that couldn't just as easily be argued to be powers.

Basically, how would people feel about a jump that isn't broken into individual sections? Items, perks, companions, whatever, all in one list, and you just get a bunch of floating discounts to spend on whatever you want.
Looking nice, NamedAnon, but you would look even better without a shirt
>Get a Companion with the 'Love' Quirk
>Get a Companion with the 'Double' Quirk
>Create a small army of duplicates of the first companion, have all of them focus their empowerment on me
Is this valid?
>So I'm working on a Worldless jump.

Never heard of this. Is this a TTRPG?

As for the idea of the floating discounts, yeah, it can work, if there isn't that much in the world to nab that is perticullarly important.
You tell us. You're the author.
Going by quirk power system rules you explode from too much power
Other than that, yes it's perfectly valid
customs companions are usually OP
Sounds neat, don't wear yourself out though.
>>94213582 it's a game
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Seconding CATastrophe as a comfy post-apocalyptic jump.
I saw a quest for the setting ocne but it was super tryhard and grimderp
You are a retarded faggot.
Brutal and loving seggs with cute kemonomimi anime girls
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>Never heard of this. Is this a TTRPG?
It's a Metroidvania.
It's more like there really isn't much of anything to nab. Even the weapons are energy projections that are pretty much extensions of the user's body.
I guess I finally know how it feels to be a workaholic. I tried to take a break, I really did, but I couldn't stop thinking about what jump I want to work on next.

Though since I'm no longer trying to meet any kind of jump minimum anymore, I don't have to feel like I'm under any kind of obligation anymore. If I start to lose interest, I'll just drop it or switch focus to something else.
>It's more like there really isn't much of anything to nab.

Still, your jumps have been awesome so far, so I am positive its gonna be good if you work on it.
Seniors, what are some good cultivation systems and techniques to give to my waifus? What are some that are well suited for a guy that prefers to leave problems to his battle harem?
You're just obsessed, not the same as being a workaholic. When it starts actively destroying your life irl, that's what workaholism is. People neglect their health, their relationships, all in pursuit of the grind culture because net worth is everything to them. Don't mistake workaholism with work ethic, though in the case of jumpchain it's really neither since you get to choose what you want to do. Your "problem", if it even is a problem, is that your entire life revolves around jumpchain and this is the only community that you put effort into. Most people here would agree that's not a real problem. Workaholism is a problem.
Ship supplement never ever.
...like something along the lines of the Cosmic Motorhome, but it's a watercraft?
That would be neat.
So make it?
>I can't seem to switch myself out of Jumpmaking mode
I hated when I got the point I was looking out for potential perks and options in media I consume for hypothetical jumps I might make for them. Takes me out of just enjoying it. Similar thing happened to me when I got into vs debating made a few respect threads, every time I watched something I was looking for character feats and things to indicate setting power.
Need a South Park fanfic jump, will never get one because it's a bad idea.
This hobby is a bottomless pit that will consume and dictate your life if you let it. Especially because it is so harmless and beneficial compared to other addictive hobbies.
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U wanna fuck a boat lmao
>U wanna fuck a boat lmao
Maybe I do
What are you gonna do about it?
Kancolle Yamato is a good wife.
Call your selected boat waifu shit. Obviously.
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Eldar tech from Dark Eldar jump(Haemonculus perkline) or Necron tech from Necron jump(Cryptek perkline).
Which one would you choose?
What are the shittiest magic systems we can get on a chain, due to restrictions on their use, madness if you use it incorrectly, or otherwise just terrible for everyone involved?
Gay things.
Lovecraft occultism.
Make it, or try to bug that one dude who made the Digimon supplement for a jump that doesn't exist
Mistborn magic
lacks souls
Pactverse magic.
It was for the 40k Imperium Nihilus jump. Mojave never came back...

I wanna build a boat...

A Song of Ice and Fire magic, Warhammer Fantasy magic if you aren't an elf or Slaan, Shadow of the Demon Lord magic can fuck you up but is powerful, Sword and Sorcery magic can fuck you up going by Conan, Dragon Age magic sucks because demons, Templars and other assholes in the setting, the magic itself is alright.
Dude posted a WIP of the supplement on reddit a few days ago.
Good tech (somewhere else).
Really? Fuck I don't want to go to Reddit.
Here you big baby.
Yamato Hotel is fine, but Haruna, Shoukaku, Kongou, etc are better
Tell me more
type moon magic by default for like 99% of people, as long as you have an average amount of magical circuits, a single normal element, no magic crest or any inherent talents.
It's still super painful to use, overuse can kill you, but you are also extremly limited in what you can accomplish with it.
Though the only nasuverse jump that would allow you to be this shitty, is Kara No Kyoukai if you only got the baseline magus perk and the default circuits, as the majority of other jumps give you top class magic circuits by default.
Rolled 73, 17, 70, 22, 89 = 271 (5d100)

Rolling to collectathon weapons and equipment in dark souls
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>Tell me more
First are you a top, bottom or a side? That'll determine the gay stuff.
Necron every time. I love those guys. Probably because I have read a few of their books, they get a raw deal but are making the best of it they can. Plus I love the idea of just starting a chain as a necron and upgrading myself as I go.
Warhammer psyker powers. Like at least as a necron you use magic via mathing the fuck out of it until reality bends but psykers are always rolling a dice on if they will suddenly explode into daemons.
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Among the obvious selections of Lovecraft/Chaos and stuff, Honkai energy is honestly not the most ideal energy to take with you on the chain. It's entirely possible to be used without harming anyone, but accidentally radiate too much to the surroundings and suddenly zombies, beasts, etc. I love the setting, but damn is it a pain trying to make sure you don't accidentally the next jump you go to. Sometimes not even having a herrscher core guarantees your safety if you don't believe in the me that believes in you hard enough (for those that don't want to genocide humanity)
Those aren't bad choices, I will plunder the Japanese for their botes.
Dark souls 2 and bloodborne are a bust, but 1, 3, and Elden Ring are going great.
Already found it but this killed my enthusiasm for making a RT jump. The ship section was the easiest part since it would only require scraping the books for components and hulls but that is 99% done in this.
Perks that would allow you to count as being present in temples dedicated to you?
Do it anyway, that jump is about being an Inquisitor not a RT, I don't wanna be an Inquisitor. Those are gay.
>Omnipresence - 400
>Whether concealed cult or open worship you can reach your devotees to bless or punish them as necessary regardless of distance. Even better should you act on a large group of your followers you may even take physical form through the combined power of their faith.
>Jobless in Another World without one of the cheat skills that unlocks it.
>Silent Hill cult magic, it's too weak to justify a decade there.
>E-Rank without the scenario in Solo Leveling.
>Charmed magic, you can't use it for anything but fighting evil that wouldn't care you exist without it.
>Most magicians in Dresden Files can't do shit.
>Dark Souls has some trash magic, it's both item-based and small scale.
>While Mystic Quest has the weakest in the series, FF6 and 7 have magic systems that require genocide and ecocide to even exist.
>Genjutsu in Naruto is the shuriken of ninja magic, it does nothing.
>Being a paladin in D&D has an oath designed to be impossible to keep.
What jumps have lots of good food?
What are some unintended consequences of setting up a 25 mile zone with the Pathfinder mending cantrip to constantly repair everything man-made in the area?
Genjutsu can do things if you are an Uchiha or have some other magical blood.
I think black and white has something
It's impossible to open anything in a box or wrapped in plastic.
It becomes a permanent source of COVID 19.
So old people get the sniffles, so what.
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God I wish I could sleep a danm. Have a build

Time to see if Jumper can give/extend the effects of the loved and loving to alll of hyrule.
And the scenarios are bound to keep him busy even after the games campaign is over. Going out and killing grimas just common sense a bit, and a curse for witches is really useful for trying to restore sanity to people who go mad. Wondering if that'd work in madoka on witches there a bit, And then Jesses offer... well I realize Jumpers hyrule lacks a proper desert area. The iteration he has doesn't really have gerudo desert proper so. He's gonna take his new recruit for a potential harvest goddess and help them set up a country. Maybe carve out a river through it to keep it fertile and grow crops on like the nile.

Mila probably fits surprisingly well into there hyrule if they can stop her degeneration and tone down her blessings just a little bit to not make people dependent on them. Probably gonna watch her on probation for a few decades beforehand though.

Jump 44:Fire emblem Valentia
Location:-Zofia-The islands
Origin: Lord
>A hero's duties: Free
>Reunited at the crossroads of fate:Free
>Milas bounty:Free
>My hero:-100
>The loved and loving:-150
>Rare talent as a fighter and a mage:-200
>Milas divine power:-300
>Gold hilted dagger:Free
>A group of fellow friends (Hylia);-50
>No alcohol:+100
>With Alm:+200
>What lurks in thabes
>A cure for witches
>Jesses offer
>God I wish I could sleep a danm.
Hope you manage to go to sleep anon!
So jumper should drop the Rejuvenation zone to cure people of everything?
You can never use canned goods or open any kind of bottle ever again.
Drink some coffee. Also you might have a vitamin deficency.
Bad opinions ngl
Thanks managed to for a few hours at least.
Coffee would be nice. Though I know why I'm like this I just got a garbage sleep schedule a tad.
Chain waifus for this feel?
From what I heard, Wheel of Time if you are male and necromancy in discworld.
I was thinking you should visit a Fire Emblem jump at some point.

Huh, given her past actions I wouldn’t have expected you to companion her.
>Not available video waifu
Real life.
Any standouts?
Reminder Pepsiman is transformers jump because of Kiss players
I've always wondered what the effects of hitting an entire planet with Cure Disease would be in the long term.
Sould a female transformer have soft silicone T&A?
>Huh, given her past actions I wouldn’t have expected you to companion her.
I mean she's genuinely good hearted for the most part. She looked after her people for seemingly millennia. Maybe I missed something, but the only real problem is her making people to dependent on her blessings. Sure she got exiled initially but that seems to be more because of her brother. And Jumper does believe in giving second chances.
Are there really no female ones?
They usually do not iirc, though that could be more out of preferance.
Off the top of my head there's
>Sure she got exiled initially but that seems to be more because of her brother.
I’m pretty sure it was because she stood by her brother after her brother destroyed the city of Thabes.
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God I love the eighties
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Odd question but are there any good Undertale fangame that could be turned into a jump? I know that one dude was working on UT Yellow.
Rolled 66 (1d100)

Dont mind me.
The eldar tech isn't in the haemonculus perk line.
But why
Did making the Dumbells jump inspire you to start lifting?
Who hasn't destroyed a city or two in their time.
Not a game but a webcomic but an Under her Tail jump would be greatly appreciated.
I kinda wanted to make an Undertale jump but the original is decent enough to not need replacement
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I'm asking if they should, not if they do.
There are a few.
For purchase, or just in general?
For the former, CATastrophe has an item that'll let you summon up a banquet's amount of seafood every day by stepping on a plate. For the latter, Toriko is an anime all about food and food-related monsters, and how people get stronger by eating delicious and rare food on the regular. Those are just two off the top of my head.
Just make a Generic Undyne Rape jump.
You are minded mini-Satan.
I'm a tertiary, but based on what I've heard this magic system may or may not have been created by demons for the express purpose of making the world worse.
If that's true, then that's pretty damn shitty.
Fate/Jap has a food item that lets you summon up as much food as you want.
I don't wanna rape Undyne though

I don't want to rape anyone
Anyone working on a Wandering Inn jump rn? I like the setting whenever I hear about it, but holy shit I am not gonna read 10mil words anytime soon, especially when it'll probably keep going for another decade.
The original is shit.
There already is one thats pretty decent.
Fool, your hesitancy has left your butthole wide open! Undyne will now suplex you into the ground and subsequently rape you. In this world, it's rape or be raped.
Nah, that's the typical Aionon jump. Disappointing and lukewarm.
This >>94214530 but a Generic Submissive and Breedable Tsundere God Asriel jump.
Yeah though in a way I can sorta understand that even if I wouldn't do it myself. If someones the only family you got you gotta stand by them and she didn't destroy them herselves or seek it out. I know it sounds like a strange distinction but I still think its there. She's not perfect though. I just think maybe shes worth giving another shot she can always do better and redeeming folks is in his wheelhouse.
You could always just replace it. Even before we allowed dupes aionon told people to replace his jumps with better stuff if they wanted. Dude was too nice for this place.
Not only is the jump kind of mediocre, but it's also ridiculously outdated.
I think Yellow's the only full fangame with a finished story though, the rest are unfinished and one and done boss battles.
Nobody has time to read that shit to update it. The author is allergic to finishing a story and just keeps adding characters and plotlines that go nowhere.
Genocide of all parasites and big pharma?
The jump really needs a realism toggle/drawback that makes the MC get gangraped by goblins.
Fair enough. Just make sure she gets the full course on Hylian morality. Also, I will admit to thinking that if you’re going to be companioning people to add them to Hyrule, you should take Heir To A Missing Throne in the Zelda Xianxia jump.
Don't worry Psycho, we all know you're made for gentle and slow lovemaking only
You've come back around from your hate of him back to your homo-lust for him quite fast.
I think those are the same thing.
Every jumpmaker that has openly asked people to replace their jumps has never had that request answered. People want to shit on bad jumps because they enjoy shitting on thinga, they do not want to work to replace a jump.
Gay men act a lot like women. (Ironically unlike trans "women" there's actually some neurological evidence of it, too.)
Don't act like you don't like it
>Fair enough. Just make sure she gets the full course on Hylian morality.
Oh she is. The entire Jump when shes travelling with Jumper is gonna be him watching her very carefully and teaching her a bit if she throws to many red flags jumpers gone.
Also Heir to a missing throne definitely on the list. Gonna set her up with a principality somewhere.

Speaking of cultivation I'm thinking of journey to the west a bit somewhere in the fifty jumps range. Just gotta think of how to fit it thematically. I do have some Jumps lined up though going forward in order before considering that point though.

1. Lilo and stitch
2.Trinity wonder (need to think of a decent supernatural system there)
3.Super mario 64
4.Warhammer 40K Eldar
5.The hobbit
6. Majoras mask
I unironically prefer you gay/bi, you're a hell of a lot more easy to like like this.
Just because you can recognize something is shit doesn't mean you can do better. Likewise, just because you can't do better doesn't mean something stops being shit. I'm no Michaelangelo, but if someone on my level were to paint something, it'd be pretty obviously inadequate.
Well the thought I had was just doing it once.
So diseases that can live outside of people for a while have a chance of surviving.
But also it would set back a lot of the diseases that have developed resistances to antibiotics.
You forgot about the Jumpchain Mangnus Opus, World Seed.
Are Mongolian cultivators a thing? Do young masters and jade beauties squeal before their trample of hooves and horse archer cancer?
Wow that honestly is more pathetic than just being a leech
The young masters are taken as war brides and the jade beauties are given to their horses.
The horses probably cultivate too desu
The horses they rode were usually stocky mares because they lived off of their milk so you are looking at shortstack horse girls if they cultivate and get a human form.
>Also Heir to a missing throne definitely on the list. Gonna set her up with a principality somewhere.
Excellent. I promise an eternity of loyal service.

>2.Trinity wonder (need to think of a decent supernatural system there)
The tricky thing is you’ve already got several good supernatural systems, so it’d have to either cover a hole in your capabilities or just be something fun and thematic that you’d want to spread around.

>4.Warhammer 40K Eldar
That’s going to be interesting on both sides.

>6. Majoras mask
Man, this reminds me of an old combo I thought of for my Hylia chain. Royals Wisdom from Wind Walker enables you to learn how to use the magic of a magical item yourself. Meanwhile, Majora’s Mask has the Fierce Deity Mask on offer.
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>young masters are taken as war brides
I can't stop this mental image of the mc some some young master about to fight over some jade beauties only for a bunch of bigger men to randomly appear, subdue everyone and take the young masters and mc as comfort women while ignoring the jade beauties, who are send to the cuck corner to watch.
I like you too. I think.
>Excellent. I promise an eternity of loyal service.
Service isn't inherently needed just be sure to do some good and pay it forward.
>The tricky thing is you’ve already got several good supernatural systems, so it’d have to either cover a hole in your capabilities or just be something fun and thematic that you’d want to spread around.
I was thinking maybe something Zeldaesque (setting wise)and just making it common in hyrule. Set up some more schools for. Potions some varied elemental magic, maybe a smidge of light stuff. Its all stuff theyd probably have access to already but more consolidated and easily accessible.
>That’s going to be interesting on both sides.
Yeah it is. Jumper and hylia are gonna take one look at that setting. See slaneesh basically hovering over the eldars shoulders metaphysically and go "Nope- and start offering to let them come to hyrule. Not sure how big a craft world is though on first glance its at least city size Im sure.
>Man, this reminds me of an old combo I thought of for my Hylia chain. Royals Wisdom from Wind Walker enables you to learn how to use the magic of a magical item yourself. Meanwhile, Majora’s Mask has the Fierce Deity Mask on offer.
Ooh thats a clever idea. The fierce deity mask is very tempting I admit. But I did want to go for the scenario which wipes out all your points aside from drawbacks. Still weighing it in my head if I should go for that or not.
>due to restrictions on their use

You get three spells. Period. And they all have long ass chants, unless you're the protag getting your dick sucked by the author.

To even unlock them in the first place, you either luck out to be the reincarnation of some legendary hero, or have to shell out millions for a single use grimoire. Sometimes both. And even then it'll be barely useable until you get to grind your magic stat, and get magic skills on the shitty level system.
Isn’t that specifically a human problem, and elves don’t have to deal with it?

Or am I just hallucinating?
>Service isn't inherently needed just be sure to do some good and pay it forward.
A well run principality that produces lots of people who will go out and make the world (or, with the Quantum Portal from Trinity Wonder, the multiverse) a better place is the loyal service.

>I was thinking maybe something Zeldaesque (setting wise)and just making it common in hyrule. Set up some more schools for. Potions some varied elemental magic, maybe a smidge of light stuff. Its all stuff theyd probably have access to already but more consolidated and easily accessible.
Sounds useful. Just a general system that offers all the basics in an easily learnable package, and if someone wants to go further into a subject they can study it.
They get stuff called Congenital Magic, or they can do Magic waaay easier.

Humans can also do magic, but its hard as fuck, takes a ton of time, preparation and education. The three spell limit? That is for Falna Magic, and even then some people don't even get those slots if I remember correctly.

Also the Elves get a free level up by graduating from school.....Being a human in Danmachi kinda sucks.
nta, but no, for falna spells elves have the same limit, though elves also got a native form of magic(which is vastly weakened), but their natural inclination means they level the magic skill faster.
But the two most prominent elves in the setting got skills and spells that allow them to get around the restrictions, one having the ability to alter her spells somewhat, making her essentially have 9 spells rather than three. The other having a spell that allows her to copy the power of different spells used by elves she knows, letting her essentially have unlimited spells.
You've been mindbroken by elven supremacy in D&D, Warhammer Fantasy, and just about everyone else copying Tolkien's homework. Sorry. Big Elf has successfully gaslit you.
>A well run principality that produces lots of people who will go out and make the world (or, with the Quantum Portal from Trinity Wonder, the multiverse) a better place is the loyal service.
Fair enough. Just be sure to check in on occasion. No hylians a island.
>Sounds useful. Just a general system that offers all the basics in an easily learnable package, and if someone wants to go further into a subject they can study it.
Going with that then.
And as a general Note another build just to get closer to other stuff.

Jump 45:Lilo and stitch
Location: Hawaii
Origin: Hawaiian
>By the sea: Free
>A strange friend:-100
>His one true place:-150
>The power of friendship:-300
>Board: Free
>Infinite sandwiches:-50
>Import (Hylia,Mila):-200

Jumper: Ooh! Hawaii. Never been here before!
Mila: Oh he's... excited.
Hylia: Oh yeah he gets this way sometimes when we hit some earths. Lots of things he didn't get to see back home but I'm guessing this is one of them.
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The three spell thing is for falna stuff only.
The author polished himself a lot in the gacha game plotlines but worldbuilding as a whole isn't particularly good. Most of it falls apart really easily and in general a lot of things are stupidly contrived (which the author himself acknowledged a few times, like having Finn and other dudes sidelined so Bell can shine although it would make sense for them to be the ones taken care of it) also it runs on some questionable shit like unless you're the reincarnation of someone important or have some cool bloodline, you will never amount to anything, also how terribly deterministic some things are thanks to gods - you're either lucky and strong enough to take advantage of it, or you die. Not to mention how the dungeon is related to the cycle of souls that the gods oversee, meaning its to some unknown degree their fault everything happened.
Any perks that would allow you to install certain bits of knowledge genetically? So everyone in Jumper's Empire has intuitive knowledge of certain things without being taught.
Who is this misaki whore you have plastered across your name?
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Noita. You'll just end up killing yourself.
I don't know of any perks for that specifically, but certain high-level genetics perks or high-level biomancy perks should allow it.

Do be careful not to turn your people into Orks, though.
The Lifeworker perks in the Forerunner jump.
Why don't more people awaken the auras of animal companions in RWBY? It would seem incredibly practical as a force multiplier.
>Fair enough. Just be sure to check in on occasion. No hylians a island.
Naturally. A good leader trains their subordinates well and then trusts them to be able to do the job without constant supervision.

>Jumper: Ooh! Hawaii. Never been here before!
Technically you could have gone there in Fallout, but it probably wouldn’t have been the same.
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They're either too stupid to notice or there are a bunch of practical issues with the idea so they don't consider it worth it.
Shokuhou Misaki from Raildex.
Fate Zero has this capstone boosted perk, though it only works on your descendents.
>For the Family- 600
>Whilst the ultimate, traditional, goal for all Magi is to reach the Root of the World, most realise that they will never do so themselves and thus must pass down their dreams to the next generation. Thus, a suitable partner and an excellent offspring are often the final goal of most Magi generations. When you start to look for a partner, for romance or for more specific purposes, fate will twist and bend to bring a person most suited to your aims to you, no matter how strange or specific those aims are. Whilst this twist of fate will only facilitate your first meeting, you will be gifted with unnatural charisma and talent in romancing or convincing this person to join you, with only the strongest wills or purest of hearts being able to hold out against your charms. Finally, once you actually bring this relationship or partnership to its peak and bring about a child, you will be able to pass on traits of yourself or your partner that would normally not pass on or not pass on fully. This refers to physical and mundane traits, not supernatural abilities. You could pass down your intelligence or your physical might and be assured that, barring a problem as they grow, they will be naturally able to match your unaltered by magic intelligence or strength once they reach adulthood, even if yours is only the result of harsh training.
Capstone boost
>For the Family-
>The limits on what you may pass down are lifted further. You may pass down knowledge, skills and your own memories as genetic memories to your children. When they awaken the use of these, whether all at once at a certain age or slowly over time, is up to you. If you wished, you could even imprint everything you know onto your child, essentially turning them into a mental copy of your own mind and removing whatever individuality they had from their parent.
Would it? You have to train it and take care of it. Or you could just have your Huntsman buddies who can train and take care of themselves and have opposable thumbs.
NTA, it would. For example, if you trained a bird, it could fly under its own power, probably carry extra weapons and high explosives, and its better for spying because grimm tend to ignore animals and evidently don't have a 6th sense for active auras.
Do you really want your cat using its intangibility Semblance to walk through walls and sneak treats while you're asleep, or waking you up with a high-decibel scream Semblance to demand food at 3 AM, or using its quantum superposition Semblance to simultaneously be in your way no matter which way you walk?
The writers forgot about Zwei.
Counterpount: Huntsman and Huntresses still have to walk/run places, they're not ninja and largely don't have the means to casually travel long distances quickly, ergo they should all have giant wolfs they can ride on the backs of.
>Expect your cat to gain some sort of cool, and tangentially feline supepower
>Turns out your cat's semblance is just having autism
>Your cat now spends all day carefully stacking toy mice and staying under a sofa
Makes sense and you should do that. By the way, thank you for making a wordless jump, I will admit that it is too abstract for me to understand anything when I watched it but it is still nice to have jump. Will you offer being God(?) or summum?
Bro, why don't more humans awaken their own auras?
Too busy oppressing Faunus offscreen, I guess. That or being Faunus and comically tripping and falling into factory equipment then somehow blaming humans for it.
Why the fuck is it always wolves with you people instead of animals we actually ride?
Jump 46:Trinity Wonder
Origin: Unknown
Location: Asadel
>Culture shock: Free
>Mysterious power (Hylian magic 101):-100
>One source:-200
>Positive influence:-200
>Quantum transition energy:-300
>Quantum portal:-200

[Looks at quantum portal]
"...Well this will be highly useful one day."

Jump 47: super mario 64
Origin: Ruler
>Gwa ha ha:Free
>Fire breathing, Flying and rather chilly:-100
>Perfect princess:-100
>Pocket paintings:-200
>Chain held up by stars:-300
>Jumper king of Jumpers;-300
>Refined correspondence: Free
>companion (Hylia) Import:-50
>Iconic headwear:+100

So I was gonna go mario initially when I planned 64 but I read through the ruler perks and a lot of those are just really good, especially chain held up by star. Thats good for defenses or wards all around hyrule at this point. Pocket paintings also probably helps give a lot more living space to people And I admit I'm kinda curious to see what Jumper king of Jumpers would actually do to a human- Well Hylian in this case but a general boost is always good if nothing else.
Make a dupe anyway. Honestly I myself want to dive into that endless AU abyss Undertale spawned so maybe a generic?
Wolves are badass.
Because fuck you, a horse or donkey is boring, so's a llama, and an elephant isn't fast enough. I want a chariot pulled by boars and I want it NOW.
Don't look at me, I want to ride dinosaurs into battle.
I'm going to awaken the aura of an entire army of kittens and we're going to take over the world together.
My semblance shall be [Cat Herder], which simply gives me the ability to get cats to do what I want.
>I want a chariot pulled by boars and I want it NOW
Believe it or not one of those is in Redo of Healer.
Magical donkey seems like a pretty good mount to me. Pretty smart, good guard beast, kinda adorable between the fluffiness and the bunny ears, great laugh. Seems good to me.
You succeed but all the cats are asshole genies/demons who only do the absolute most literal interpretation of what you say specifically to fuck you over.
Wolves are the right and true way.
really though. just make an undertale dupe and put whatever parts you think are cool from whichever fan content you want. i thought a comprehensive minecraft jump couldn't be made but gene proved me wrong. i'm sure you can make an good undertale one if you want.
>[Cat Herder], which simply gives me the ability to get cats to do what I want.
Did you use it to bully the Shitty Kitty every time she gets uppity about 'faunus rights' and other nonsense?
No he should use it to bang Kali and give her a child she can really be proud of.
I'd ride an Aurochs.
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My nameless anon can't be this cute.
Unironically an incredibly effective strategy
>[Looks at quantum portal]
>"...Well this will be highly useful one day."
An old combo of mine is to take the Sheikah tech perks in Age of Calamity and use the Gearhead perks from Cyberpunk to improve them further. Ever since I suggested Trinity Wonder, I’ve been thinking I should add the Quantum Portal blueprints to the mix and make a Sheikah Slate that can open interdimensional portals.
Anon, please do not do this. You would need so many litterboxes.
I haven't interacted with much UT fan stuff to be honest. The only one is Glitchtale
OK but see, you qualified that with MAGICAL donkey, like any animal is going to get bonus points from being MAGICAL. That's the entire basis of the unicorn and the pegasus' popularity with little girls even though it's just a pimped out grey horse
>An old combo of mine is to take the Sheikah tech perks in Age of Calamity and use the Gearhead perks from Cyberpunk to improve them further. Ever since I suggested Trinity Wonder, I’ve been thinking I should add the Quantum Portal blueprints to the mix and make a Sheikah Slate that can open interdimensional portals.
Oh that'd be really cool. Sheikah techs really cool in general even if its lore implications do confuse the hell out of me with tears of the kingdom. May use that even if Im much more of a traditional magic guy.
You can just let them poop wherever outside, nature will do the rest. It's what I do.
Imagine a dog with the Aura shits.
Now you know.
I mean it's being compared against giant, rideable wolves. Why does wolf guy get giant wolves but I get a mundane donkey? If we're just doing bigger things than I will take a giant donkey as my majestic steed. That's pretty cool.
well, you have an excuse to do so now, or just leave it as a free toggle in the drawback section if you think it's too much work for no reason. your choice bro.
NTA, but you should also check out Underverse
Why don't more people in jumpchain run a summoning/tamer style build? Pretty much everyone is an evocation or crafting wizard of some stripe.
>Summoning/tamer style build
You mean like being a Pokémon Trainer (or a Pokémon Wielder, for the lest scrupulous)?
Even people who start their chains in Pokemon seem to prefer being Psychic and then converting their pokemon team into a harem who then get sidelined.
What's the best way to keep firearms competitive as you get stronger and stronger on a chain? Mostly to issue out to my troops.
>Oh that'd be really cool. Sheikah techs really cool in general even if its lore implications do confuse the hell out of me with tears of the kingdom.
One thing I’ve concluded is the Sheikah tech from AoC could be used to get to space. There’s no way Vah Medoh is being held up by just the propellers, and Vah Rudania has an environmental seal good enough to keep the inside comfortable while inside a volcano with the doors open.

>May use that even if Im much more of a traditional magic guy.
If we’re talking magitech, I will again recommend Lyrical Nanoha, it’s one of the best settings for magitech in jumpchain.
Power nullifiers
Are you kidding? Thats always been a really popular style of magic.
Not a lot of summoning perks, not a lot to enhance them, sometimes it's ambiguous if it works outside the original world or what the rules on that are. With crafting you get extreme variety and even when the Jump doesn't explicitly help with the document, the setting itself might have great 'materials' laying around. Taming is a different story, I've enjoyed some of that from time to time and I often like pairing it with some sort of chimeric monstrosity and a perk in Dark Souls 2 under Scholar iirc that helps with scaling it. That's pretty fun.
Make them shoot progressively more disgusting ammo, such that anyone who even looks at the bullet dies.
I dont know what that means.
Embarrassed Nude Female
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(Insert noble here)
I just dont know where to jump next. Being an immortal magical robot is great but it doesnt fit the vibe of most settings. Any ideas for good jumps to hit up where the focus isnt on kids?
Any female Pokemon given a human form.
They're already used to being naked.
>One thing I’ve concluded is the Sheikah tech from AoC could be used to get to space. There’s no way Vah Medoh is being held up by just the propellers, and Vah Rudania has an environmental seal good enough to keep the inside comfortable while inside a volcano with the doors open.
Yeah makes you wonder what hyrule could be like if that sorta knowledge was popularized.
>If we’re talking magitech, I will again recommend Lyrical Nanoha, it’s one of the best settings for magitech in jumpchain.
I'm gonna do that. Looking for more magical boy/girl jumps since its become a minor theme now and Im trying to think of where to hit up next that way. I know theres madoka but not to sure of many aside from that except maybe sailor moon but everything I hear about that setting is that its broken. Lyrical Nanohas definitely on the radar.
Because it's just a normal wolf but bigger, while for all I know your magical donkey shits gold or generates a magical rainbow that it uses to travel through the sky or something
Red Dead Redemption.
Fine, I select the donkey that is like three times the size of a normal donkey or however much a warg compares to a wolf. I shall call it the Clydesdonkey.
That's just a chunky horse, not a magical donkey. Also to me a warg will always be inherently badass because the movies made it look like a giant hyena, which as a [nonstandard mount] is cooler than just a big wolf. And even if it was just a big wolf, in The Hobbit wargs can talk.
Okay, first off, you fuck off with that. The donkey is smarter, tougher, and has a better sense of humor. Second of all, how much bigger is a giant wolf that you can ride compared to a normal wolf in your opinion? Whatever you're thinking on scale I'll go with that for the donkey. I'm not gonna get cheated on this deal so we're working this out ahead of time that way wolf guy doesn't show me up on the day of the big race. It's probably faster and you don't necessarily want a huge mount for speed or whatever but it's about making a statement.
>Yeah makes you wonder what hyrule could be like if that sorta knowledge was popularized.
Which it probably would have been, had Tears not come along and deleted it all from existence.

>Lyrical Nanohas definitely on the radar.
You might visit Dog Days after Nanoha, it’d make a good vacation jump. And by vacation, I mean all your Evokers and Princesses would spread out, look the place over, and realize there’s basically nothing for them to do there.
Why the fuck is Raven so goddamn powerful in RWBY
Why the fuck is Glynda so goddamn powerful in RWBY
Why are illusionists so goddamn busted in RWBY and why is it that there are no fucking countermeasures to them
I blame Aizen
All according to keikaku.
Because RWBY doesn't have an amazingly thought out power system. Oh being able to make portals, always be lucky and steal other peoples powers is fine. but turning people into a bird is magic and evil.
>not tabletop related
>suggest a setting where a god is literally a d20.
>but it's about making a statement
...exactly what kind of statement do you think you're making by entering a wolf race atop a giant ass?
Plot armour (and she pays for it by also being a total pussy the moment she gets hurt)
Experience ("Why are teachers WMDs compared to normal wizards in Harry Potter?")
Same reason there is no counter to genjutsu in Naruto except having better eyes.
A god damn strong one, now get me the numbers.
Fine. 4 times the size of a grey wolf, so roughly rhino-sized.
Illusionists are OP in general desu.
>no countermeasures
I mean, an anti-illusion Semblance would be REALLY specific. Remember, the Grimm don't DO illusions, nor do the vast majority of people - even bandits and other criminals. Someone would have to be paranoid about deception in the first place to get an anti-illusion Semblance, and even then they'd probably get "can tell when others are lying" instead.
For real though, in my build for RWBY I'm pretty sure I could actually, seriously conquer the world and trap Salem in a rock with my joke Nekomancy Semblance, by having access to global teleportation, clairvoyance, phasing, memory erasure, invisibility, probability manipulation, mind reading, gravity and electrokinesis, heat control, cloning, ect.
Because there really is nothing stopping me from just roaming around with 50+ cats each with their own Semblance that I can invoke like I'm a fucking wizard.
The god is a d20. Big deal. Most arent, the world isnt. Unless you assume just having dice makes a world a tabletop.
How embarrassed would they really be, then?
>You might visit Dog Days after Nanoha, it’d make a good vacation jump. And by vacation, I mean all your Evokers and Princesses would spread out, look the place over, and realize there’s basically nothing for them to do there.
I'm just hoping I can spread out Nanoha magic/tech to the rest of hyrule fairly easily. And hey if theres not much for them to do then there find something to do. Maybe a tournament arc.
>invent Semblance that is basically a cat-themed version of Salem's control over the Grimm
>"uh yeah I'm pretty sure I can actually, seriously conquer the world"
You are punching so far down that you are like Thanos bragging that he could conquer Westeros. Team RWBY is so incompetent and everyone else is so crippled from not being allowed by the plot to outshine them, that fucking Christian Bale's Batman could probably conquer the setting if he was dropped in with everything he had in TDK.
A lot of xianxia have a nebulous barbarian population that live in some shithole/restricted region. Sometimes there is some analogy to the steppes or some endless grassland, but it's not frequent. Sometimes there's something about a connection to the land or tattoos; really it's crude xenophobia mishmash.
>Same reason there is no counter to genjutsu in Naruto except having better eyes.
That's not true, especially early on. You can break out of them by injuring yourself or training to resist them.
The real question is how the fuck a nebulous barbarian population evolves in a setting where one higher realm young master throwing a tantrum is a mass extinction event
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Yeah you fucking think, homie.
Has anyone tried injuring themselves or training to resist RWBY illusions?
Barbarian body cultivation
When the MC has a spiritual out of body experience, he's described as looking up from a tabletop at the gods. When the sea god spilt booze on the map, it poisoned a sea. Have you even read this, or are you one of those secondaries that just saw the name and decided to recommend it?
To be fair do kies kill wolves pretty handily. Its an entire thing.
barbarian's use demonic cultivation to ascend to higher violence levels.
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Honestly I just wanna teach Ozpin the Mafuba. Just. Man needs a break. Being Ozma is suffering.

>Hey, you know how you can't kill Salem? What if I told you you don't have to? You can just lock her up forever. This would even work on the Gods if they came back.
Illusions are generally a save or die power.
Either they don't work and you just get punched in the face, or they do work and you more or less automatically win. There's not much room for middle ground.
Ozpin would probably get on his knees crying and begging if he found out jumper could just kill Salem and probably himself.
I have read it, the gods use the map to make changes to the world. Its not the only one and its not a tabletop game. You can piss and moan and try to change facts but its literally not a tabletop, the world is made by a dragon, the same for the system, its not a game even if gods may treat it as such. Its just another world.
There's lots of room for a middle ground. You could make someone see the whole world as upside down, or go blind, or just see a big monster that's not really there. That type of stuff is in D&D
I'd love to do a build mainly about capturing, summoning, and buffing something (ideally waifus) but by the time I pick something for that up it is being stapled onto a well developed spellsword/battlemage build so it can never become the star of the show.
Or, you could hit her with Izanami instead
Where the fuck is it's shadow
Just go for a full memory wipe. It fixes the problem if she is a drooling vegetable. Also doesn't try to contest her whole immortality curse.
Dice was a sapient dice created to fuck with causality. He wasnt a god to start out. He ascended to godhood later on.
They don't, that's why they're barbarians that live in a shithole. They either live in a region where the dao is a bit different, or they are an intentionally repressed minority.
No, that's usually buddhist golden body cultivation.
No, that's just standard demonic cultivation.
It's almost like it's not real and just superimposed onto the image
He's fighting Devil Doom.
Which means the entire world is a game. There cannot be a god of dice if the world is not a tabletop game.
It stomped it out like it's gonna stomp out the competition! (Looks like a pretty overcast day and shadows aren't very noticeable in those kinds of conditions.)
>I'm just hoping I can spread out Nanoha magic/tech to the rest of hyrule fairly easily.
You won’t have any problems with that, just send a number of your people to study it and they can bring it back with them. The one challenge is that while all magitech can be used by anyone, using the magic in Nanoha requires a Linker Core, and not everyone has one. However, the jump has the Mysterious Serum for this, and if you have a Linker Core then you can build a Linker Core granting prayer system like the one that allows people to pray to you to become a Hylian. If you do do this and let the TSAB take advantage, they’ll love you for it.

>And hey if theres not much for them to do then there find something to do. Maybe a tournament arc.
Oh, the locals are going to love having you around.
This doing anything for ya, non-believer?
I can see the girl's shadow, but not the donkey's, it's clearly fake.
Fake and gay
>Verification not required
How hard do you judge first jumps that have significant threat of death? Like if you see someone start in a world where they could easily die, do you judge that?
This just reminds me of the time anon asked how big the dogs were in land of shadows jump because smol horses have a huge range in size.
Not really. Sometimes you want more of a abrupt or eventful start. Trial by fire as some say.

>You won’t have any problems with that, just send a number of your people to study it and they can bring it back with them. The one challenge is that while all magitech can be used by anyone, using the magic in Nanoha requires a Linker Core, and not everyone has one. However, the jump has the Mysterious Serum for this, and if you have a Linker Core then you can build a Linker Core granting prayer system like the one that allows people to pray to you to become a Hylian. If you do do this and let the TSAB take advantage, they’ll love you for it.
Hmm just gonna note that down. Going to make the light shine just a little bit brighter by then for the metaphorical Pink tide.

>Oh, the locals are going to love having you around.
Hey if its a peaceful world and no ones really getting hurt why not? Maybe it'll be the start of a new custom of hyrule non lethal games or tournaments to keep themselves sharp.
Big feller.
I judge it based on existing threats, likelyhood of meeting those threats, whether my build addresses said threats, and if there is a reasonable level of survival from said build.
According to FGO 75% of wildlife during the Age of the Gods is just an endless rush of demon boars anyway
I wouldn't call it 'cat themed control over grimm', since you know, 95% of the work is just awakening their aura which is something anyone can do if they bothered.
Wild boars are a menace even without magic so that checks out.
To be fair, I don't think Salem has much finesse over the Grimm either. Just kind of sends them in a general direction as an endless zerg rush.
>Gilgamesh vs 100,000 feral hogs
She clearly has some significant control over what forms Grimm take, because those Seer things are clearly designed for only one purpose that Grimm themselves have absolutely no use for, that being secure remote audiovisual communications.
Unfortunately Gil probably has a massive stat buff vs boars because of that time when he and Enkidu killed the Bull of Heaven.
>Boars = Bulls
The d20 god created the system. If you really think that a setting with multiple allusions to it, has no relation to a tabletop setting, that's your prerogative.
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You're right, silly me. Carry on then.
So you didnt read the books then. Dice did not create the system, the first god, the dragon god, invented the system with her friend the first fomor. Dice just helped reactivate it through random bullshit (which is what the dice was made for) after it was turned off by the dragon god. He didnt make anything he just randomly smacked the on button
That is literally not what happened. The zmey god made the system.
Believe what you want to believe, it will not change the facts, retards
Yay build!

>And I admit I'm kinda curious to see what Jumper king of Jumpers would actually do to a human- Well Hylian in this case but a general boost is always good if nothing else.
Clearly you become a tennis boss. And also Built Different or something, but that would depend more on whatever trait you picked up via fire breathing.
You are the one trying to change facts while not having read the books.
Did you even read the series or did you just skim the jump? Serious question because I am pretty surr dice isnt even the first god after the dragon god made everything with her fomor best friend.
>someone made a jump for a dragon_jak cyoa
That's....certainly a choice.
Its not a tabletop game. Its a pyramid scheme to find the best minions for the worlds true god, because only the best minions are good enough. The gods are just the head minions of the world.
One piglet could do it, as long as the piglet has a mind of steel and the soul of a sword.
>Clearly you become a tennis boss. And also Built Different or something, but that would depend more on whatever trait you picked up via fire breathing.
Hmm well I'm having trouble deciding on that trait truth be told. Could something magical count? This ruler stuffs probably more on the peach side of the ruler tree then bowser exactly but it is probably a perk more meant for bowser. Jumper is fond of wings at times so perhaps something there?
>Hmm just gonna note that down. Going to make the light shine just a little bit brighter by then for the metaphorical Pink tide.
It’s worth noting that there have been attempts to artificially implant someone with a Linker Core, but they’ve all failed, so you’re going to be giving them a massive boon. Also you could create a second blessing that makes a person’s Linker Core more powerful, and with both of those on offer you can name your own price for everything and they’ll call it a bargain.

>Maybe it'll be the start of a new custom of hyrule non lethal games or tournaments to keep themselves sharp.
If you’re looking to set up some new customs of non-lethal games and tournaments, look no further then Dog Days.
Isn't he also a jumpmaker under dragon jerk?
I stopped reading it 3-4 years ago, so if there's some deeper, greater truth, that you feel like totally overturns the basis of the setting, then sure accept the authors retcon.
>actually reads webnovels as books
Are you from reddit?
Auto correct
Magic is probably valid, yes. Magikoopas exist, though it's kind of unclear if they're a species or if it's literally just Kamek. Well, female space Kamek exists, so it's probably not just him.
Wow you literally are retarded. The books make it really clear that the setting is not a tabletop game. The fact that dice exists doesnt make it so. You admit you didnt read it so maybe go back amd do that before you make yourself look like more of a secondary.
>It’s worth noting that there have been attempts to artificially implant someone with a Linker Core, but they’ve all failed, so you’re going to be giving them a massive boon. Also you could create a second blessing that makes a person’s Linker Core more powerful, and with both of those on offer you can name your own price for everything and they’ll call it a bargain.
"Be less dicks and our friends" is probably his usual asking price though a bit more eloquently as long as whoever hes granting the boon to isn't evil morally. A few prayers in addition to thats probably nice as a God and working up to incanae rank but not hard needed if there doing good.

>If you’re looking to set up some new customs of non-lethal games and tournaments, look no further then Dog Days.
Guess Nanoha and Dog days are on the menu then! Maybe throw in Touhou to. Lunar dial could fit nicely with his oracle of ages stuff and danmakus a fun tradition to introduce to hyrule.

Accepting that then. Thanks Blade. Sorry for any annoyance.
>anons being baited by secondaries farming for (You)s
Ah yes, it's a day ending in Y.
To be fair I stopped replying a few posts back.
>Jump #4: Jobless In Another World
Male Hume, age 17
Japanese/Wanderer Origin

Classes & Jobs
Lifestyle Magic
Beneath Notice
Advanced Class [Beastmaster]
MP Charge
Stone Body

x20 Experience
1/20th Experience

Rare Medal
Magic Equipment
The Dungeon

Some Good Friends x2 [Sirius & Arcturus]

Blessed With Suck

Otherworld Native Origin
Classes & Jobs
Beneath Notice
MP Charge
Hero Class
Limit Breaker

Otherworld Native Origin
Classes & Jobs
Beneath Notice
MP Charge
Demon Lord Class
Limit Breaker

Jump #4! This time we take a break from brutal monster on mosnter fights to go to a world of...brutal human on monster fights (allegedly)! Pretty simple stuff, the main things we are here for are Rare Medals (eating them can increase a monsters stats, and my Digimon might qualify), and The Dungeon that can be customized to a desired difficulty level and run repeatedly. Lifestyle Magic is just convenient, Beneath Notice is good for having two never before seen monsters with me. Advanced Class is OC because all of three classes or so are gone into with any real depth in the source material, and there is a Monster Handler one so I'm saying it's an advanced class from that. MP Charge lets me act as a good supporter continuously, especially once I get some support classes under my belt. Stone Body is good for survival, my Digimon would get it if they had the points. x20 helps me level up faster to keep up, and 1/20th is using the points from the drawback that'd otherwise be wasted. Magic Equipment lets me declare something a 'bane' and do bonus damage, which will be important later. Blessed With Suck is like the best drawback ever because Temptress is amazingly broken once you can control it. Sirius and Arcturus mostly grab the Hero and Demon Lord Classes for OP bullshit, and Limit Breaker to go even further beyond. MP Recharge because it is just really, really good.
>"Be less dicks and our friends" is probably his usual asking price though a bit more eloquently
I mean, thanks to your time in Spirits of Creation, you’ve probably got Charisma 8 and Presence 8. If you did phrase it like that people would accept it happily, and if you decide to be eloquent in asking people to be good crime rates will fall off a cliff.
Well, not like we can ditch this place and go on a date.
Also, I heard the LN (or WN?) ended recently and it was kinda lame in the last arc. A shame, but not unexpected. Sticking the ending is apparently a lost art in Japan...and America.
Someone shoot me a jump in a isekai style jrpg world please.
Dragon Quest 3. Go right to the source, not some cheap copy.
lmao. I literally said I read it, and you think I'm the one that needs his reading comprehension checked?
Assmad much redditor?
>I mean, thanks to your time in Spirits of Creation, you’ve probably got Charisma 8 and Presence 8. If you did phrase it like that people would accept it happily, and if you decide to be eloquent in asking people to be good crime rates will fall off a cliff.
...You know I don't think I ever really considered the true power of charisma and leadership perks until the this chain. But it is quite powerful if you can do something like that.
I can't remember the last time anything had a good ending from either country.
Mentioning SoC reminds me, it seemed like you spent the full thousand years there, so your jumper probably thinks of themselves as a god first and foremost.

>...You know I don't think I ever really considered the true power of charisma and leadership perks until the this chain. But it is quite powerful if you can do something like that.
I do empire building in my chains often, so it’s something I think about a lot.
Anon if you did read it you would know you are wrong. You either did not read or are just wasting posts baiting and being a faggot. Either way get a better hobby than sucking your own ass juice all day.
>Little Nemo
>Inception (which I can't find in the drive)
>Peter Pan
>Silent Hill
>OMORI Headspace
>Link's Awakening

We got any other jumps that take place entirely or mostly in dream worlds? Not exactly the same as the jumps with dream powers - I know that list got posted earlier.
How do you see the captives "item" in goblin slayer working if you arent a goblin?
Elder Scrolls and Lovecraft, if you count the dreams of godheads.
Neverending story
>Mentioning SoC reminds me, it seemed like you spent the full thousand years there, so your jumper probably thinks of themselves as a god first and foremost.
Jumper only spent a century there was what I planned but what your saying is still partially true. His sense of normality/ identifying as a normal human did kinda start eroding all the way back to tome of radiance. But Spirits of creation certainly didnt do any favors kinda staked it dead when coupled with the fact everyone in his kingdom and his daily life is either a god, dragon or enhanced in some way.
He's gotta be careful sometimes to remind himself of what normal humans are like. Walk around like a normal person in some worlds. Pretend to be one that sorta thing.

>I do empire building in my chains often, so it’s something I think about a lot.
Fair, theres surprisingly a lot of flavors you can take empire building. Its pretty fun.
I think the secondary only ever read the unfinished webtoon, hence why he's a retard
iirc its supposed to be people you saved but I think its funnier if bound hot women keep showing up no matter what you do.
I'm sorry, I only just woke up and this can apply to many things. What are we shitposting about?
final fantasy tactics advanced, sonic and the black knight, and maybe legend of zelda phantom hourglass.
City of Angles is a dream world.
>sonic and the black knight
Not quite a dream-that one takes place inside a storybook.
The last several posts I said anons are free to accept their own interpretations, and I wasn't current. I'm pretty sure all the butt hurt replies are begging for (you)'s. Good samaritan that I am, I indulge them.
>get a better hobby
Takes one to know one assjuicer.
Nta, but jumper later finds out the women he frees keeps spreading word about the best sex dungeon around.
First person, third person from one perspective, or third person and switch perspectives between jumper and companions?

First person feels the easiest but I think it makes for awkward reading. Maybe that's just me?
What's a good population number for a highly prosperous interstellar humanity with three to five hundred worlds within its sphere of influence? I don't want to make the common sci-fi mistake of "tney had a million worlds and 100 billion living souls, which is clearly a large number even though that only means there's at most 100,000 people on any given world and probably far less"
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NTA but I wouldn't really count those. The dream of Azathoth isn't like an imaginary kind of dream. It's that Azathoth is envisioning reality and that act of imagination is what's producing reality itself. Reality exists in Lovecraft, it's just that Azathoth is the being whose will is maintaining the existence of reality. Lovecraft is a setting which runs with the concept that creation isn't a consummated effort. You don't just create reality and then it's over and exists forever. Reality, including Yog-Sothoth and all of the greater Outer Gods, only continue to exist at all because of a continuous mental action by Azathoth. If Azathoth "wakes up" in that he breaks out of his delusional imagining, everything except Azathoth disappears. It's part of the existential horror of the setting and it's why the Court of Azathoth, such as Nyarlathotep and Yog-Sothoth, are so invested in keeping him in a dreaming state. Before Azathoth, the difference between Yog-Sothoth and the puniest blade of grass on Earth is nonexistent. They are both equally insignificant and will vanish together the moment Azathoth ceases to picture them inside of his mind.
A trillion to the low tens of trillions. Presumably they have space station habitats to pad out the numbers a little.
Reasonable for Lovecraft, but what about Elder Scrolls?
Take our current world population, then roll a 2d4. On the first dice 1-3 indicated number standard deviations from that number while 4 means no deviation, and the second dice you do odd vs even to decide whether it's an increase or decrease in the number based on your standard deviations. Then repeat for every inhabited world. Add them all together and you'll get your answer.
No, I don't know how to automate this calculation. You'll have to figure it out yourself
Take some real world numbers and multiply. There’s about 8 billion people IRL, so let’s scale that up and say there’s an average of 10 billion people, some worlds having more and some less. By these numbers, there’d be 3,000,000,000,000 people for 300 worlds.
Thanks for the assist; I think I'll go for about 15 trillion spread across about 400 worlds or so. Seems like a reasonable amount.
Not you. You created lots of work for absolutely no reason.
TES is a little different. All of reality and everything within it is actually a small component of a schizophrenic Godhead. Unlike Lovecraft, where reality is a product of imagination by Azathoth, in TES technically speaking everything IS the Godhead. So even if it ceases to imagine you, you'd still continue to exist just like a memory you forget about in the moment doesn't suddenly vanish forever. When you zero-sum, which is arguably the "good ending" in opposition to CHIM, the part of the Godhead that represents you attains self-awareness and "wakes up" in that it realizes it's not actually what it believes itself to be and returns to being a part of the Godhead. In theory, if enough of the Godhead does this then the end result would be the entire Godhead waking up and reassembling itself back into the Ein Sof-esque existence it was prior to the schizophrenic act of producing existence.

Basically if all the pieces of the Godhead realize their nature and return, the Godhead would stop being a schizophrenic psycho and would wake back up. You'd cease to exist as an individual because you never were one to start with, you were just a mental patient with crippling schizophrenia who imagined yourself as a universe and uncountable individuals.
What about the "bad end" of CHIM, and possibility Amaranth?
CHIM is being confronted with hard, irrefutable evidence that you're a fucking delusional schizo and then refusing to take your meds, unironically. Instead you double down on the super schizophrenia and make your own schizo universe with infinite bitches and meth.
Is it morally wrong to do evil onto evil?
I'm going to steal the Dragon Cult stuff from Skyrim dragons for my own use but with more bitches and pyramids.
No, but you’d make Jesus sad. Do you want to make Jesus sad?
Who would be good candidates for D&D style godhood in non-D&D jumps to serve as the gods in jumpers realm?
Slight correction; CHIM is being confronted with hard, irrefutable evidence that you're a tiny fragment of a delusional schizo and deciding "no, fuck you, I exist" regardless and thus unlocking console commands/lucid dreamer powers within the delusional schizo's dreams. AMARANTH is when you go so bugfuck nuts that you physically emerge out of the dreaming godhead as your own truly independent being and begin dreaming up your own schizo universe full of infinite bitches and meth.

CHIM is like if one of your neurons decided to start misfiring and acting on its own. Weird, but not unexpected given you're an utterly delusional schizo. Amaranth is when said independent neuron suddenly punches its way out of your brain and forms into its entire unique person, only to proceed to flop on the floor like a fish as it proceeds to go schizo as well.
Yes, because that makes the evil double. Instead, try balancing the equation by doing evil unto good. In fact, do so as much as possible.
I don't think Amaranth has anything to do with escaping the Godhead. You're still a part of the Godhead, you've just expanded yourself into an infinite new universe defined by your will inside of it.
What would happen if I started whispering in Azathoth's ear that Gohan is a pathetic fucking jobber?
Johnny Bravo god of being a man
That...is a whole debate for another day, but it is known that Amaranth elevates one to a state of existence independent of Anu and Padomay, able to exist beyond their argument. That's the whole point of the Walking Ways, after all. Whether that truly causes you to emerge from the Godhead as your own independent Godhead or you just form a whole infinite universe independently within the original Godhead is frankly indefinable.
Worth mentioning is that while 1/20th experience affects only you the x20 experience affects everyone in your party. For example if someone without it killed something worth 10xp then everyone in the party would get 10xp, but if someone had the x20 skill and killed something worth 10xp then everyone in the party would get 200xp. They figured this out in canon relatively quickly after they formed their first proper group because the protag getting the killing blow on stuff allowed them to power level way faster than normal. Something to keep in mind when you're considering how things work out.
what was the ending like?
not sure, just heard it was dumb
In Worm, do you think you'd be able to mess around with the Endbringer settings if you had a comprehensive physical access and control over Eidolon's/a clone of Eidolon's brain?
Possibly, but it'd be extremely finicky and difficult.
They despawn if you peg him btw
Just make Eidolon realise his only value is his bussy and his depression will disappear.
Jump 48:Warhammer 40K-Craftworld eldar
Path: Path of the seer
Craftworld: Altaitoc
>Guardian training: Free
>Psychic Race: Free
>Eldar Physiology: Free
>Grace of the eldar:Free
>Lost to the path (Farseer);-400
>Soul stone:Free
>or maybe thats to much: X2 (Hylia, Mila):-100

Jumper: Okay where exactly are we that last Jump was a bit rocky.
Hylia: Not sure, I think we hit something. Not sure how but its not where I was intending for us to end up.
Jumper: Well we're hylians...or elves of some kind we know that-... Much.
[Jumper notices just the shadow of a chaos god lurking over everyone he can see including themselves.]

And so a long campaign of trying to make a name in the craft world and convince as many eldar to join up with hyrule to get the hell out of their began. Probably ends up getting a lot of them honestly. Might need to get more land of some sort soon but painting dimensions can probably help house them partially for now. How many usually live on a craft world anyway? A few million? There a dying race but hard numbers I haven't been able to find on a casual search.
Theres surely gonna be a lot of cultural exchange between the eldar and Hyrule though.
The good news is, once you leave 40K the warp will be a lot calmer. And since the warp is shaped and influenced by the thoughts and beliefs of people, you can imagine what the warp is going to be like in Hyrule.
I imagine the warp near and in hyrule in non 40K is almost like it would be pre war in heaven a bit.
Though the silver lining is hopefully even if it takes few centuries for the eldar to relax and get to really trusting hyrule they could probably teach some interesting tech and the like.
Though this gives me the idea of trying to make hylians naturally psychic like eldar as well now as a bit of a project
All of this is fanon btw.
Probably not unless you mess with the shard itself. His thing is called High Priest because he is pretty much at the mercy of his shard.
Is there any good way to give your companions/followers who aren't imported into a jump a history there? Not any CP or such but just as if they were imported with no build rather than coming into the world from your warehouse/pocket dimension as full drop-ins with no connections or history?

Would offering such a thing in a slice of life jump be excessively meta?
>Though this gives me the idea of trying to make hylians naturally psychic like eldar as well now as a bit of a project
Sounds like an interesting time. Wraithbone will make for a good material to work with as well.

Out of curiosity, how many jumps were you planning on making this chain?
>Out of curiosity, how many jumps were you planning on making this chain?
Oh well in truth I'm not sure. Hope I haven't gotten annoying with it going on the last few days. You and anyone else dont gotta respond.
This has already been the longest chain I've had in years truth be told most others don't even get beyond 5. But I'd like to just see where this goes and how far.
I think the original touhou jump had a power that let you retcon history once a month or something so you might be able to do it with that.
Eh, I’m enjoying talking about this. I was just asking because I thought about the Zelda Xianxia jump again and I thought that you would probably visit it towards the end of the chain, given the progression you’re going for.
A little meta, but I don't think a perk that just let you customize you and your companions backgrounds would be too different from some of the perks we already.
Alright I'm enjoying it to! Its nice to talk about shop and chains on here. Well I was thinking of maybe doing Triune scriptures after all the other zelda jumps are done. So maybe that'd be more mid chain if things don't slow down?
And by that point Hyrules arrives in triune scriptures its so developed that it catches the eyes of the gods their and they kinda come down and look at it surprised anyone could get that far without proper cultivation and it gets introduced. Though I'd probably have to come up with some method for Jumper and the kingdom if I dont just wanna use the titular style though divine delusion is really god danm good and a favorite of mine
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What are some jumps with good shapeshifting powers? I think I've covered my bases with Animal Morphing and Self-Molecular Manipulation from the X-Men movies, along with Shapeshifting from X-Men Evolution, with a boost from the Gem of Cyttorak and the boost from Power Surge, but I want to cover all my bases.
>Well I was thinking of maybe doing Triune scriptures after all the other zelda jumps are done. So maybe that'd be more mid chain if things don't slow down?
Makes sense. Though it would be funny if Heir To A Missing Throne missed all the other Zelda jumps.

>Though I'd probably have to come up with some method for Jumper and the kingdom if I dont just wanna use the titular style though divine delusion is really god danm good and a favorite of mine
I too am a Divine Delusion fan. If you want to use the Triune Scriptures themselves, you could build an improved version of part in the builder and have companions build the other two parts. That’s what I did with my build.
Third person omniscient
The thing I have in mind would be an option in the items section that gives your companions and followers who wouldn't otherwise have a place in a jump (as in they weren't imported with a build/budget of their own) a mundane/normal history/background suited to them in each world.
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>Makes sense. Though it would be funny if Heir To A Missing Throne missed all the other Zelda jumps.
I can throw em in earlier if you'd like? Could easily fanwank them as getting isekaid by Nayru and not ending up in a world without a hyrule but instead a worldlet dominated by Hyrule. (Because honestly Hyrules probably gonna get a little to big soon not to keep in its own dimension if you don't wanna disrupt the native setting)

>I too am a Divine Delusion fan. If you want to use the Triune Scriptures themselves, you could build an improved version of part in the builder and have companions build the other two parts. That’s what I did with my build.
Thats one idea. Admittedly I'm laughing at myself a bit because the original idea for this chain is Jumper being a replacement hero for link and in universe its mutated a lot from that original purpose while trying to keep the original spirit of it. Well that and admittedly OOC a lot of the zelda origins are more appealing to build for then link ones if you want to be something beyond just a straight up combat monster. So I've been leaning for into zeldaesque roles as Jumpers gone on.
baste titcow ninja
In the Chronicles of Amber, has anyone there actually use their power to go and get in all sorts of depraved and perverted things like drugged fueled orgies?
Final Fantasy 3 uses a lot of dream-like imagery, I'd say it counts.
>I can throw em in earlier if you'd like?
If you’re fine with it, sure. I will note that if you obtain the Triune Scriptures they won’t break the chain that badly, once you get out of the first realm cultivation times start at thousands of years.

>Could easily fanwank them as getting isekaid by Nayru and not ending up in a world without a hyrule but instead a worldlet dominated by Hyrule.
Clearly what happened is after the world was saved, Nayru told Zelda that since she’d taken up the name she was going to send her to a world where she could learn everything a proper Zelda needed.

>(Because honestly Hyrules probably gonna get a little to big soon not to keep in its own dimension if you don't wanna disrupt the native setting)
That might be a good reason to go soon. Get a dimension to keep your Hyrule in.

>Thats one idea.
If you’re curious, the enhanced versions I made are here.

>Admittedly I'm laughing at myself a bit because the original idea for this chain is Jumper being a replacement hero for link and in universe its mutated a lot from that original purpose while trying to keep the original spirit of it. Well that and admittedly OOC a lot of the zelda origins are more appealing to build for then link ones if you want to be something beyond just a straight up combat monster. So I've been leaning for into zeldaesque roles as Jumpers gone on.
Link is impressive, but he’s only one man. The best kind of hero is the one who creates more heroes.
Prototype has a shapeshifting power, as well as a booster that increases the strength of all runner abilities bought.
>In the Chronicles of Amber
No, because everyone only care about fucking “real” women in amber.
If it helps, I'll remind you that Zelda does canonically have an isekai hero running around at one point. Debatably two, but I don't think that second BS game had a plot and was just a straight up clone of Zelda 1.

To be fair once you can kill a Golden Lynel in under sixty seconds you don't really NEED more combat related perks, so you might as well start branching out to Zelda's stuff. Admittedly things might start to get Very Silly if you account for multiple games worth of gimmicks, but he's still just one man. Unless he has the four sword, then he's four men. Or sixteen. Or sixty four. Like I said, Very Silly.

But there is a way to use the power for perverse reason?
>Clearly what happened is after the world was saved, Nayru told Zelda that since she’d taken up the name she was going to send her to a world where she could learn everything a proper Zelda needed.
Good enough. Welcome aboard anon, Feel free to throw a companion build at me if you see heir imported anywhere if you want or what you want them to be referred to. Gonna default to "Heir" if nothing else.

>That might be a good reason to go soon. Get a dimension to keep your Hyrule in.
Fair got a while to go before triune plan wise. Building out Nanoha now and trying to figure it out.

Just gonna take these for reference.
>Link is impressive, but he’s only one man. The best kind of hero is the one who creates more heroes.
"I suppose thats what they call maturity." Still funny to me a bit. though. Chain got zeldafied even the Jumper a little bit.
>To be fair once you can kill a Golden Lynel in under sixty seconds you don't really NEED more combat related perks, so you might as well start branching out to Zelda's stuff. Admittedly things might start to get Very Silly if you account for multiple games worth of gimmicks, but he's still just one man. Unless he has the four sword, then he's four men. Or sixteen. Or sixty four. Like I said, Very Silly.
That is true. Admittedly the wisdom stuff serves Jumper a lot better at this point then straight up combat. And the hero of lights cool to. Jumpers hyrule gets a few of them popping in in occasion given its from stone tablets.

Jump 49:The hobbit-There and back again
Origin: Adventurer
Race: Elf-100
Location: The hill
>Fairytale songs: Free
>Night watch: Free
>Descendant of the father of fathers:-300
>Greatest of your kind:-600
>Lonely mountain:-300
>Jumper and company (Hylia and heir):-100
>Risky adventure:+400
>Gonna default to "Heir" if nothing else.
I presume Zelda is taken, so Heir seems fine.

>Just gonna take these for reference.
The primary improvement is they can be spread around much more easily. Of course, you should still provide them to only those who meet the highest of standards.
Any DC jump where you can get Plastic Man powers or Martian as a race. Also jumps where you can become a nanomachine or living metal being, the Terminator jumps jump to my mind.
>I presume Zelda is taken, so Heir seems fine.
Fair enough. At this point zelda and links have some secondary name or nickname a lot of the time but I can use zelda for now anyway given Im not planning on companioning anymore zeldas for a while.

>The primary improvement is they can be spread around much more easily. Of course, you should still provide them to only those who meet the highest of standards.
Sounds good. That is what I was gonna try and adjust myself If I was going to change the base styles.

Anyway ran out of space last post but I imagine the hobbits a lot of detoxing and calming down from 40K make sure hyrules okay long term and the eldar settle down well and dont isolate themselves from the rest of hyrule. The lonely mountains probably a good place to settle gorons and use the gold to trade to people who dont use rupees like civilized people /s
Treat it like VR. Yes, but it's cringe.
>Fair enough. At this point zelda and links have some secondary name or nickname a lot of the time but I can use zelda for now anyway given Im not planning on companioning anymore zeldas for a while.
Fun fact, that one anon’s work on a Digimon MMO for Alterworld inspired me to try and create a Legend of Zelda MMO for the jump. I didn’t get very far, but one idea I thought of was that duplicate names were allowed, and perma players could distinguish between identical names, so a person could walk into a room with thirty Links in it, call out to the Link that was their friend, and everyone would be able to tell who they were calling.

>and the eldar settle down well and dont isolate themselves from the rest of hyrule.
Deploying Princess Friendship Bomb.
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Grt the transform ability of a pokemon(like mew or ditto) so you can replicate the powers of those you transform into.
It bothers me that in the anime the beady-eyes was explicitly a flaw in one Ditto's transformation but everyone draws it like they are always like that.
Neat little idea there. A legend of zelda MMO would be fun. To bad nintendo would never make it.
>Deploying Princess Friendship Bomb.
Nayru from out of universe: "See? they've taken to it like a fish to water."
It makes it easier to show that it's a ditto.
>zelda mmo
Quick, someone make an alterworld document for it and hope it inspires someone's autism
>Nayru from out of universe: "See? they've taken to it like a fish to water."
The Eldar tried to be arrogant and hold themselves as superior. Unfortunately for them, ‘arrogant and thinks they’re better then everyone’ is the kind of attitude socially focused Princesses melt through without even slowing down.
Has anyone actually made progress for a jump for the Digimon MMO?
>Legend of Zelda MMO
Something like Guild Wars 2 jumping puzzles would work great for that, as well as other puzzle types.
>The Eldar tried to be arrogant and hold themselves as superior. Unfortunately for them, ‘arrogant and thinks they’re better then everyone’ is the kind of attitude socially focused Princesses melt through without even slowing down
Definitely, Eldar are a scarred people and deeply troubled but give em a few a century in hyrule with the princesses and others and I'm sure there be space hylians yet eventually. That or they get oddly protective of these "poor innocent fools who are to kind for there own good."
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Yes, actually. Unironically
Hey Valk dumb question but if one wanted to friendship the cocoon of finality any ideas how to go about it? Considering having a Jumper whose specced fairly well into therapy and redemption perks end up trying to bring some sense into the herreschers as they become relevant working there way down the plot. I know its a alien entity though and kinda kills you generally without meaning to.

Also good on you for developing healthy habits.
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Honestly the Herrschers, while a big part of the test, are not the real fundamental issue. Ultimately the Cocoon just wants to uplift humanity as a whole. Communicate, prove, and show that you can actually viably do that and the Cocoon will be right there to help as much as it can. The real issue in that part is actually *getting* in contact with the Cocoon.
I'm gonna make her into a chubby.
>The real issue in that part is actually *getting* in contact with the Cocoon.
Hmm alright. Any idea how to do that? Jumpers got a few "The gods/Higher powers like you perks and you can communicate with them." but the cocoons not quite a god I think to count as that.

...One thought occurs to me is to maybe try to use the correspondence. To try and be understood for a moment and maybe give it pause if it just heard this random metaphorical ant suddenly speak in a way it can understand before trying to open more communication somehow.

The First Principles of Language (200 CP)
The Correspondence is a language. Many things communicate on it. Many things also
understand language in wholly different ways then you; and to understand life amidst the
Great Chain, you must cross that barrier.
If you are ever given a sentence- a word, a text- that you cannot understand, or if you mean
to communicate with a being that cannot understand you, you may dissolve words- break
words into fragments of meaning, either to speak, hear or read. It is brutish, and simplistic.
Wholly insufficient for complex sentences or intrincate concepts. You cannot explain nor
be explained much with it. But what scant words can be told- conflict, disagreement, stop,
continue- will be told.
Rights can be subverted at any time, but strength remains forever.
>Mububujenge, the Evil God of Degenerate Corpulence (『堕肥の悪神』ムブブジェンゲ) (meaning to become Degenerate and Fat), is the guardian deity of the Noble Orc Kingdom. She is stated a goddess.
... Okay. Someone would be very interested in this.
I'm the one who would ostensibly be interested in such a thing, but I'm not into slob. So the whole "degenerate" thing and the fact that she's covered in writhing tumors is a massive turnoff.
Gohan sure might be.
Anyone who lacks the willpower to not become fat will lack the willpower to keep themselves clean.
Do you know what a sexual fetish is?
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Are you going to get back into Genshin?
Guess that depends on your definition of a god. It is a higher dimensional being who has Authority over certain aspects of reality itself, capable of creation and destruction on a planetary scale.

To reach it, I guess try following the link the herrscher cores have?
>To reach it, I guess try following the link the herrscher cores have?
... See this jumper has magic to do that probably when I think about it. Through sympathetic connection magic. I'm just imagining them using Kiana as a telephone now though and her chiming in.

But fair thanks for the tip there. I can use that actually.
Alright, for the time being I'm done with Generic Xianxia stuff. Christ that's a lot of stuff when you're making things up.
>Build: https://pastebin.com/4keRJa7W
>Setting: https://pastebin.com/QNuhRLaH
>Cultivation Technique: https://pastebin.com/2RtmmES8
I'm sure I'm not doing this perfectly, and I'm immediately going to bed so I can't talk about it much, but here this stuff is for whoever wants to look at it. Gave some stuff some ostentation names but that felt like it fit. Sorry if it's cheesy but also kinda not really since it was fun. Goodnight.
Anyone know any options for giving a pocket dimension modern amenities?
>Pocky and Rocky - Mini-torii (300 CP, discounted for Onmyoji): A small replica of a torii gate. When held in hand and focused on, it opens a gateway to a pocket dimension with a shrine complex that has long been forgotten and abandoned, entirely yours to do with as you see fit. Will take a bit of work to bring it back to it's former glory. The torii also allows one to place up to three mini-shrines in any one jump which can gather some faith if someone decides to give an offering or prayers to it. Place them wisely. If the jumper does not already have a patron kami like Ō-Makari, they may choose one to inhabit the shrine, however they are weakened and cannot do much more than offer advice and conversation until enough faith is gathered.

>Egyptian Mythology - Humble Shrines - 200cp, Neter Poor is the god with no shrine to call their own. There are roughly a hundred of these small shrines or petty temples scattered throughout the land, located in nome capitals, small villages, by the sides of roads or carved into nooks in wild cliffs as you please. It is up to you whether these shrines are well known by the locals of each region, housed in secret locations marked only by signs that your faithful can determine, or are wholly forgotten and lost from current knowledge. When the faithful hail you with their worship and you are beside any one of these shrines, you feel where the hail is coming from, and may transport yourself between the shrine you are currently at, and the shrine you are being hailed from.
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>Gu master
Kengan posters get the noose.
You were always the "weakest" among "us", anon.
>Azathoth dreaming reality
Yep, it's fan headcanon time.
Oh great sage of Lovecrafting lore, bestow upon us your wisdom.
The Cocoon is basically an Aeon and whilst Aeons are worshiped, I'm not sure calling them traditional "Gods" works either. So fanwank how that works.
Why would I? You maggots will literally all ignore it or relentlessly shitpost at me anyway? Go back to mindlessly gooning over waifus, making up nonsense headcanons or whatever it is you braindead NPCs do when the general hits page 9.
Nta but azathoth is really just supposed to be sleeping at the center of everything. Its not supposed to be literally dreaming up everything. Its also not supposed to be literally radioactive but people see nuclear and they think radiation and not central unit.
NTA, but Azathoth maintaining reality through a dream has no basis in the actual works of Lovecraft. It's an invention by Derleth and other Circle writers. Closest is that he does some forging of new parts of reality but again there's literally nothing in the original works that suggests he's some kind of cosmic load-bearing structure that will erase reality if he's woken up.
>>94218113 (me)
Oh yeah, and I forgot to mention, the Circle writers almost certainly based it on Mana-Yood-Sushai from the works of Lord Dunsany (chiefly Gods of Pegana), which Lovecraft obviously took great inspiration from. However, they're separate entities from different settings. You shouldn't apply the attributes of one to the other any more than you should apply those of Lovecraft's to any of the nigh-infinite entities in fiction that were inspired by his works. Or Superman's to any of the countless flying bricks that followed in his wake.
Here it comes.
Raildex. Basically finished. It covers OT and I won't be touching it again unless someone points out some major issue for me to fix.
Didn't ask.
Thank you for the jump, Ricrod!

Congrats on surviving the jump's multiple attempts on your life!
Here's a version in white with a different cover
Take your jump, gobble it up like the little slut you are and then show me some builds.
Thanks anon. you're a dear
Quick. Someone ask a bunch of inane questions so he has another stroke.
Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
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Are you having a stroke or am I?
Hey ric congratulations on finishing raildex. Maybe I'll use this in my current chain.
Congrats dude! Are you going to move to some less stressful waifu jumps now?
Hope you like the OC companions
What changed from the last release?
Basically doubled the Science side items. Several perks got some minor fixes, added more notes, changed the canon companion option so you can make accelerator a girl, added more oc companions, added drawback to replace a character, etc
Will take a break and shitpot, then work on something for QQ
Definitive ver of OT Jump comes out, looks at Companion List: Classic Pizza and Apple Frittata!

Fuck yeah! Thanks a ton Ric! You remembered! Awesome!

Welp, time to think about a build and go nab waifus, mainly Oriana and maybe one or two Academy City chicks....maybe even help Touma recover from his brain damage.

His Imagine breaker, at this point, is kinda shit and can be overpowered by strong enough magic, right? Might as well just use a healing spell so powerful that even with Imagine Breaker bitching about it, it still heals Touma's brain.

That way he is happy, Misaki is happy, and I gain a very scary duo of friends.

Again, thanks for the OCs Ric. You rock.

So, now onto Oppai Academy?
>For Potential you subtract from the cost what you paid for Current Level, only exception is Level 6.
So how much does it cost to be Level 5 with Level 6 potential? The way this reads it would be 1200 CP but that sounds like way too much.
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>Pure Pure*27
Does she come in small cubical form?
Yeah, I should make level 6 potential more difficult to attain probably.
See the difference between Accel and every other Level 5? That's the potential at play.
>That way he is happy, Misaki is happy, and I gain a very scary duo of friends.
You would need to convince his ass to date her first.
But yes.
Do you even need to ask?
>If you somehow pair him up with Shokuhou Misaki after fixing his memory issue, you get (+300cp) extra.
Wow Ric, I didn't know you were an NTRfag. You keep posting Misaki images, but then include a mission to set her up with another man.
Just be a level 0 with level 6 potential and make the Kihara's power level you
If you think 1200 for being accel is too much then I don't know what to say
There are many options to replace touma, and to even replace his place in her heart and mind.
This is just for those that want to keep close to canon but still want to set him up
>Accel and every other Level 5?
Kakine would have won the rematch if Accel didn't have help
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Is using Sweet Entrapping Hole on Kuroko demolishing her sexuality, or rebuilding it?
>If you think 1200 for being accel is too much then I don't know what to say
Accel gets completely shat on by like, every non-jobber from the magic side. I like Esper powers, but it's really only for the aesthetics. Rationally, magic >>> science and 1 (uno) 600 CP spell is better than anything an esper can do. Hell, you can be a future magic god for 400 CP (after the jump ends, but who cares, it's 6 months).
Logically. He's TRUE NUMBER ONE after all.
>Replace Touma
>Take Cupid of Miracles for free points
>Fix your own memory and date Misaki
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You can't even defeat uiharu you jobber. this is why you failed to protect your own loli
Fucking failure.
>t's 6 months
It's 3 months
And yes, but I promised to treat the science side like big bois
>You would need to convince his ass to date her first.

It is bad that I am think of dropping by the 1984 Jump especially to arm myself with top class manipulation skills to lead the stubborn mule that is Touma to happiness?

Also need to think where to nab healing strong enough to laugh at Imagine Breaker.......I mean I could take it, but there is another Negation power I am kinda fascinated by.

Again, thanks for your work Ric, you're awesome.
>It is bad that I am think of dropping by the 1984 Jump especially to arm myself with top class manipulation skills to lead the stubborn mule that is Touma to happiness?
Aren't the manipulation perks in that jump enough for that?
>And yes, but I promised to treat the science side like big bois
That's fine, but can you like not bully the science side too much? The author himself does it often enough. There's no point in using this jump if becoming an esper jobber with some potential costs literally twice or thrice as much as getting vastly more power. 600 CP for being a current Level 5 + 200 more for Level 6 potential is more than enough for what it gives you. This costs as much as the Index perk. And for both you have to do at least some work to get to a higher level.
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Yes, because i'm not familiar enough with cloning and AI in toaru to know if the companion can replicate the grey goo bullshit of the character she's based on.

And there's a major issue of her being too much dere and not enough kami and tsun.
>Aren't the manipulation perks in that jump enough for that?

We are talking about Touma here, that made his way after being killed a million times. When it comes to manipulation there is no kill like overkill.

I am not taking chances.

He WILL be happy. Whether he wants it or not.
What did Ric remember?
Now do the parts with the actually cool stuff
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Anon, you get 700cp just for setting up some retard with his simp.
I'm not trying to bulli the science side, I have been pretty much trying to make them look as appealing as possible in this jump without super big handouts.
Not my fault they're inferior by nature.
>And there's a major issue of her being too much dere and not enough kami and tsun.
I like dere. Just fanwank yours is more kami and tsun
>Also need to think where to nab healing strong enough to laugh at Imagine Breaker.......I mean I could take it, but there is another Negation power I am kinda fascinated by.
You can just keep his hand down and heal his brain directly.
And I'm glad you like the jump
Not now
Someone should really start binding demons into handheld quantum computers. Ones that can simulate and model events of extreme complexity. I feel like that's the next step in Academy City's technological revolution.
You should listen to that anon, i need to find Alice.
>Anon, you get 700cp just for setting up some retard with his simp.
This doesn't change that the balance is fucked, and you get a lot more for your points by not being an esper. I really don't know why you're gating /potential/ to cost 600 CP when every two bit magician can already make themselves a god by reading the bible. I don't even need the perk, there's like 1000 uncappers in jumpchain, but it's just retarded balance.
>You can just keep his hand down and heal his brain directly.

Wait.....that is an option? I thought that him being healed by stuff outside medicine and homerest was being borked by IB!

Huh, neat. Guess I just have to gaslight him into a relationship then.

Also yeah, really loving it. Though I am debating on whether to bring ToAru Magic with me, considering the issues it causes. That and the fact I would need some serious bullshit to keep phases from touching and making sparks, or fate.

Don't want a second Crowley, one is enough. That and an IB existing that is not in my collection is not something I would be willing to entertain.
Im thinking of starting a new chain. Might start out as a necron. Any suggestions for jumps that would be useful for upgrading mechanical bodies? Maybe ways of giving them souls?
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Ah, OK. Guess nothing's changed then, my experience of OT is irrevocably tainted by even my limited knowledge of NT, so the gulf between magic and science ultimately ended up being tainted by plot armour splitting the difference anyway

The most depraved thing anyone did there on-page was fuck his wife while she was unconscious, and he didn't do it fully willingly, the Unicorn basically railroaded him into doing the deed to power itself up. Dubcon missionary, basically.

Visage, Nobilis.

The Dread Pirate Roberts, God of Bluffs

Thirding Pactverse magic, it's everything I expected from a magic system created by Wildbow.

For an original answer, Necromancy in Exalted. Not only is it qualitatively shittier than sorcery at everything except ruining the living (specifically ruining; by RAW sorcery is arguably more efficient at immediate destruction) and binding the dead, but the number of people it's upper bounds are gated from is even less than for sorcery.

Make one in Valk's Generic Xianxia that is compatible with the cheat that lets your cultivation scale off your descendants, junior. It creates a quantifiable profit incentive for your battle harem to graduate into a battle family.

>Dummy is not sentient
Oh, that's a relief. I've never been sure how seriously to take the premise of item fiat backing, but if it really was a Nyarlathotep puppet I was thinking I'd have to bind it into a sarcophagus or something, and build an SCP 076-style killroom to obliterate it every time it reforms. And the worst part is, the bastard would probably just be happy to have someone to constantly play with.

>Jumper is the death aspect of the Godhead, whose wheels are constantly in motion, and infinite worlds fall like embers from his flames simply as a result of his perfect order straining against itself
>Gar is a Gardevoir, who just happens to function as a Silver Surfer-equivalent for Jumper
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Things didn't end well for the last unlucky boi that tried
That's not an argument? Its so expensive because its a fucking miracle that only Accel has been shown to have and Level 6 is the god-tier final form of Espers. Neither Platinum Wings Accelerator or Dragon King Touma are that level despite both being ultra high tier reality warpers. It's worth to be expensive cause its the highest espers can go.
This is different for magicians because even Magic Gods aren't the end all off them, they're just one of the possible branches and true experts like Anna K can pull them around (hell even lesser experts like Crowley and Matthers)
>Wait.....that is an option? I thought that him being healed by stuff outside medicine and homerest was being borked by IB!
If it doesn't connect with IB then it can't cancel it. If you tie down his hands and blast him with magic, he have no choice but to tank it.
Similar stuff happened with Mental Out and Measure Heart. Their powers worked perfectly on him until his touched his head with IB.
But Battler, I put in a lot of effort so you could jump it :(
I even added unhinged women just as you like them
"live" in Savior Of Lives, Owner Of Hearts should have an s at the end.
>god-tier final form of Espers
The god-tier final form... that will still be weaker than a magic god, which as you said, isn't the limit of magic. Just because something is rare doesn't mean it is good. Anyway, it seems like you want to keep the esper side garbge because you don't like them, so I obviously can't change your mind.
>Their powers worked perfectly on him until his touched his head with IB.

Neato! Good to know. Hmm. Then I need magic that really sticks, or makes permanent changes uncancelable by IB.

Also quick question about Affiliation, since my tism is a bit confused.

If I take No Side as an affiliation, then I can't gain my Origin Discounts?

Let's say I go Cabal Magician, but I have No Side, do I still my Discounts for Cabal Magician? I mean, I know I can kinda do whatever I want, sure. But might as well satisfy my curiosity.
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>that will still be weaker than a magic god,
Yo, don't give up on them just yet. We haven't see anyone get there and kamachi has been hyping it up for a solid decade.
I'm not trying to bully espers, both Magic God and Expert tiers in NT will be far more expensive... and having the Level 6 potential means you're always just one good experiment away from reaching science godhood.
Thanks Satan
>Let's say I go Cabal Magician, but I have No Side, do I still my Discounts for Cabal Magician? I mean, I know I can kinda do whatever I want, sure. But might as well satisfy my curiosity.
Yeah you get cabal magician discounts, but no magic side ones
You get 700 CP for replacing Touma and setting up Misaki with yourself. This is certainly a jump. A jump that exists.
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I told you people I had to be supervised. I told you and you didn't listen.
fair and balanced
>This is different for magicians because even Magic Gods aren't the end all off them
But they are, characters like Anna only compete with their post Hijacking Spell nerf that reduced them from the level ACCIDENTLY destroying the universe from clapping their ass cheeks a little to hard together to "merely" being able to destroy Earth.
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So would an Esper power that's similar in category but narrower in effect "outweigh" broader ones on the same Level? Like a mind-affecting Esper power that did one kind of mental alteration only compared to Misaki's broader power, both being equal Level Fives?
>Yo, don't give up on them just yet. We haven't see anyone get there and kamachi has been hyping it up for a solid decade.
I can already see Accel finally becoming Vector GodTM, having his 1 minute of coolness, only to get punched in the face by Touma or insta-defeated by the newest magic hotness.

> and having the Level 6 potential means you're always just one good experiment away from reaching science godhood.
This is also true for the Index perk. Which is literally 3 times cheaper than level 5 + level 6 potential. My problem with this is that I KNOW esper powers are a lot worse than magic, and I'm fine with it. But why the hell are they still more expensive?
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Also to not that his IB won't cancel after effects of magic. So if you use the correct spell, the healing won't be undone.
Remember that most of the claims from the trascendants come from their max output at risk 4
Not as much as you think, but probably more than you expect. Ayu vs Misaki shows it best when 2 similar powers of different strength fight each other
>only to get punched in the face by Touma or insta-defeated by the newest magic hotness.
Touma is dead
He can't punch anything as a corpse
>But why the hell are they still more expensive?
Cause they're cool. Also something something aeon of horus
But I do see your point. I'll sit the thought out and consider just taking out the restriction on Level 6 potential
>He can't punch anything as a corpse
He'll just punch his deadness (personified as loli #2343) and revive.

> I'll sit the thought out and consider just taking out the restriction on Level 6 potential
Thank you.
>Touma is dead
We both know he's getting revived
>Also to not that his IB won't cancel after effects of magic. So if you use the correct spell, the healing won't be undone.
Does... does touma just like being brain damaged if hes gonna try to prevent being healed?
>He'll just punch his deadness (personified as loli #2343) and revive.
People talk a lot about the indomitable human spirit. I think touma encapsulates it well.
He's too brain damaged to make conscious decisions. I'm actually surprised the frog doctor let him out of the hospital
Why is there a mission specifically to kill Hamazura Shiage instead of like, any of the other horrible people? What did he do to you Ric?
>He's too brain damaged to make conscious decisions. I'm actually surprised the frog doctor let him out of the hospital
Ah okay that at least makes slightly more sense.
Ric is simping for Misuzu ig
>He's too brain damaged to make conscious decisions
No that's Subaru. Touma is just built different.
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What non-nasuverse jump would be best if I want to make an expy of Demon Slayer Breathing Styles?
By the way since I'm not sure you know, Touma's under 2 levels of memory erasure. Brain damage stopping him from remembering Misaki and his memories being erased by the feather of light. You can stop the second one by interfering when he helps Index and just heal the brain damage.
Unironically and I do mean this in all seriousness, Jojo.

Hamon is basically 90% of the way there already.
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Hey, mission accomplished. I jumped it!

I could tell you what I did in the various Sonic jumps, but the answer is nothing lewd. I have this vague idea of trying to take over the world cleanly and efficiently in many of them, only to run into some cosmic horror (or Eggman family tree invasion, or being sent back in time, or encountering a crystal dimension wizard and being reminded I'm King Arthur. And so is Sonic. Somehow) and ending up putting more effort into defending the world I set out to conquer or aiding/abetting it's defenders than, say, capturing random animals to put into soul-sucking giant robots. So from one point of view I've successfully fooled the heroes into thinking my various ECO-FRIENDLY living biomechanical war machines are totally benevolent public welfare devices, and from another point of view the existence of The End/Black Doom/Dark Gaia/the Time Eater has completely derailed my MO because I'm too autistic to take the less efficient path of trying to destroy an eldritch horror AND battle Sonic at the same time


The closest I have to a coherent arc in any Sonic jumps is from the Sega Small Friends jump, in which I continuously create various entities of godlike power using local components only for them to go completely off the rails of my original plans
>90% of the way there
Isn't Hamon literally everything Sun Breathing is and more? If anything the sword styles of Demon Slayer are a poor attempt at imitating Hamon
Yes, BUT Hamon doesn't give you crazy acceleration. Superspeed is like the one thing it doesn't do but Total Concentration Breathing does.

So 90% of the way there. It's just missing a few extra bits and also a sword. Jonathan HAD a sword to go along with it, but Dio broke that sword and he never really used it well anyways.
Trascendants are Frauds who think gimmicks can beat having the Biggest number.
Jumper campaigned to be president of GUN on a environmental platform. He was almost president but lost due to big business buying out votes. Which sucks because jumper was very serious about his plans.
>BUT Hamon doesn't give you crazy acceleration.
Doesn't it? It lets Hamon users keep up with Pillar Men in battle, and Pillar Men basically move in bullet time compared to regular humans.
Goddamn my weeb detectors are off the fucking charts. Calm down children.
Where do you think you are?
Hamon is neat, but it's pretty much life force manipulation at its base, ans I am primarily looking for a breathing empowerement method that works entirely physically, since I can then stack up some ki/magic bullshit on top of it independently.
It doesn't. A lot of that is actually just Joseph being a gigabrain superchad who can predict his opponents very well, as well as the natural consequence of increased strength applied to movement. Hamon DOESN'T let Joseph just move around at lightning speeds or the like; he has to fight at mostly normal human speeds except when leaping or long distance running since he can apply his increased strength to that and achieve superhuman results.
What did you do in norse myth?
What is there to do except fucking Valkyries?
>Old Soldier
Do this perk helps with soul damage regen? Thanks for so many companions. Might take most of them with me.
Captcha: DxD20
You can fight giants, fight Odin or Thor, strangle Loki with his own cock, craft stuff, punch greedy dwarves, fuck elves, drink a lot, learn magic at the cost of being called a sissy.
Nah, thats incorrect. What >>94218972 said.
Bringing about your own doom by trying to prevent it.
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You know speed doesn't exist in fiction, right?
I don't think your supposed to fuck the valkyries. Isn't that a big taboo for them? Or am I misremembering.
Yeah, unless it is specifically pointed out by the author, and even often regardless of that, you can basically ignore all speed "feats" in any media. It's pretty much always nonsensical.
Plot >> Massive power gap >> Logic or Physics
If the plot needs superman to be overpowered by an ordinary newborn baby then he will be.
Thats an excuse for shit writing.
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I cancelled the apocalypse by bringing my family together and turning a two-man con into a three-man con, shortly after arriving on site from "cultivating" from the lower realm of the german legends jump.

I can't find my original build for the somefaggit Viking Saga jump and I doubt i wrote it out nearly as thoroughly, but the result was more or less the same: Fate was defied, the Aesir had to awkwardly live with the consequences of the world NOT being renewed in fire and ice, and a war-weary Odin decided to retire from being the king of the gods and join me on my own quest.

Don't forget grind a literal boatload of salt, invent poetry, eat the sun and moon, or commit self-harm on the World Ash in exchange for vague mystical powers powerful enough to impress even the gods

It does in the Hyperion Cantos tho, one of the protagonists getting fast af enough to knife fight the Shrike (who is otherwise effectively untouchable from hos fast it is) AND getting the crystalisation power he needed to actually beat it (so yes Gohanposter, ORT would beat the Shrike because it is both fast and good at crystalising things) is a major plot point

Not if you discount the Nibelungenlied. AFAIK in the Prose Edda, Brunhild actually lives in a house surrounded by the flames and challenged men to ride through them if they wanted her hand in marriage-which she gave willingly. Otherwise Snorri...doesn't really talk about valkyrie boinking either way, but I don't remember any source listing a taboo before a certain opera composer decided to get all dramatic.

The Aesir are generally pretty cavaliar about boinking, they didn't even have an issue with boinking jotunns if they were civilised enough to not rampage, kidnap or con them (or be on the winning end of an Aesir con)
they just lose their powers and become normal women like Brunhild
>Not if you discount the Nibelungenlied. AFAIK in the Prose Edda, Brunhild actually lives in a house surrounded by the flames and challenged men to ride through them if they wanted her hand in marriage-which she gave willingly. Otherwise Snorri...doesn't really talk about valkyrie boinking either way, but I don't remember any source listing a taboo before a certain opera composer decided to get all dramatic.
>The Aesir are generally pretty cavaliar about boinking, they didn't even have an issue with boinking jotunns if they were civilised enough to not rampage, kidnap or con them (or be on the winning end of an Aesir con)
Huh well you learn something new every day. Maybe I'll do that for a jumper next chain. Jumper tries to win a valkryies hand for fun.
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Pretty sure magicians in general are frauds over gemstones, and espers are frauds over magicians cause crowley is a bitch
>Do this perk helps with soul damage regen?
>Thanks for so many companions. Might take most of them with me
>Captcha: DxD20
Fuck elves too
This means you need 20 waifu companions
>that Anon companion
Why does this feel like a grudge?
Magicians started out as frauds but surpassed Gemstones a long time ago.
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The Shrike would lose in crossovers because it invested in being being a Dexcuck, instead of a Strchad.
I developed a reincarnation power specifically to retcon myself into being Sigurd reincarnated until that Fate Norse myth jump popped up on Reddit.
Hmm,been meaning to ask now, but did you have a specific character in mind when you wrote Classic Pizza?

It might just be some regular traits that you used to describe her, but I am getting an impression of a character I should know from a show/manga, but it is escaping me.
>Classic Pizza
Nope. She actually came out a bit different than what I thought at first.
Dunno, it wasn't supposed to read at such
Go back to mouthraping touma and bullying misamisa
What's a Strcuck to do when a Dexchad keeps spinning circles around them and takes them down with chip damage?
>Can't handle the truth
how pitiful
>chip damage
>he can't regen
begging to lose
>can't even conceive of poison or bleed damage
Strcucks really choking out their own brains with their muscles. And you ain't a VITank; your regen is shit.
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Try crying HARDER, maybe you will be able to forget how much of a loser you are.
>poison or bleed damage
>tanks it
what now bitch?
>And you ain't a VITank
No true STRGOD neglects his VIT
Speedsters really do just exist to job huh?
Anyone know if diciplines of the conclaves from the necrons jump cryptek line is discounted for extra buys or if its just the first purchase which is discounted?
I asked worm that ages ago and he said discounts stack. Like with the planet option if you discount it each new level is discounted.
What do STRfags do in settings where END and VIT are separate stats? How do you manage both without compromising your STR?
Seethe at casters, Dexcucks are never a consideration
Sweet extra cp.
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Best jumps for Time shenanigans?
Also how the fuck was Timeshift never made into a jump?
Achronal is pretty good. Also I think one of the ben ten jumps has some good stuff. And dyn freaks as a yog.
>Best jumps for Time shenanigans?
>Kamen rider
Also, reddit has a jump for timeshift. It's barely decent but hey it exists.
>Also how the fuck was Timeshift never made into a jump?
You never made it.
>You never made it.
There's not much of a story desu.
>Best jumps for Time shenanigans?
Ben 10 got an origin all abou time manpiulation, and also several alien races all about htat like the Cronans or the Cronosapiens.
>ben 10
best perks to avoid getting retconned?
Would it be too much to fanwank for a magic focused build in Overlord that you can take a Crafting Class focused on creating spells?
nta, but Heaven's Ben 10 jump got this perk
>I Walk In Eternity [600 – Discount for Timewalker] – Let me guess, you fell into a time portal stabilized by a ring of quartz crystal? Or maybe you’re just especially obsessed with the time-space continuum? Regardless, you have gained an in-depth understanding of time and space, so much so that you can manipulate it at will. Your body no longer ages, frozen in your prime (or an age of your choosing). You can stop, slow down, or speed up time relative to yourself as an act of will, as well as
travel back and forth in time itself by simply walking out of sight of others to take a ‘shortcut’ up and down the timestream. You can also transport and change the age of people and objects with you, should you wish to.
>You’re completely insulated from changes to history, always remembering what the original version of a timeline and still existing even if circumstances leading to your ‘enlightenment’ or even your birth were prevented by an act of time travel. Keep in mind, some events are key to the flow of history and risk unforeseen consequences if you meddle with them, though you can thankfully recognize these important events on instinct alone and know how to set things right if something else meddled with them, as well as how to avoid paradoxes in general.
I'd say go for it since new worlders do have magic realated crafting jobs like runecraft. but they probably wouldn't come close to high tier Yggdrasil spells or wild magic but its been a while since I consumed Overlord media.
probably, creating spells as a crafting class doesen't make sense in the setting.
For players there was a fixed number of spells(3000 overall), of which they could select a limited amount when leveling up or some other specific circumstances(typical spell cap is 3 per level in a magic class, can be increased to 4 with in-game purchases). The only way I could imagine an an Yggdrasil player making a new spell is by using a world item designed for that purpose.

While new world magic users can just create spells through personal study, like Fluder's undead domination spell or his immortality ritual, or the Elf King's spell that allows him to summon a primal earth elemental.
Worth noting that new world magic casters also dont need crafting classes to enchant items, if you can cast a spell you can typically enchant an item with an effect related to it(like if you can cast fireball you can make a fire sword), though that consumes expensive ingredients.
Damn, Dexbuilds can beat speedsters?
I'm a CHA chad so I wouldn't know. Better ask some INT nerd to check it out,
>jobbed so hard they got disowned by the dexkeks
Careful what you say in case you provoke someone into atomizing your pelvis again.
>probably, creating spells as a crafting class doesen't make sense in the setting.
I figured in the game itself it would've been something like Ainz's Dark Wisdom, effectively allowing me to learn more spells by "creating them".
Rolled 50 (1d100)

Rolling to fortify Ric's pelvis
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That's my secret, anon. My wives will break my pelvis even if I say nothing.
Why are you always teasing us with those pics. It's so rude man.
You have strengthened it, but you have also strengthened his waifus an equal amount.

There is a net result of no change.
Well at least you know what to expect.
Dark Wisdom as exist in the setting and not the jump, is a racial skills that allows him to use a ritual to extract extra spells from corpses of players(presumebly other beings too, but that hasn't been tested), it's not a straight up uncapper for how many spells you can learn, its just a new way for you to learn spells.

If Ainz wanted to create spells for himself to use in the new world, the only real way I could think of would be having powerful new worlders create the spells, and then try to extract it from their corpse(or anyone else who learned it).

I understand that the jump handles it differently, but if you try to justify a choice in the game itself, a crafting class like that wouldn't have made sense.
>I understand that the jump handles it differently, but if you try to justify a choice in the game itself, a crafting class like that wouldn't have made sense.
I suppose I could always handwave it with "a world item/wish to the devs" did it. If some dude can become a world boss, then surely they can let me get that.
>and I won't be touching it again unless someone points out
Bottomless Pit and Lesser Curse of Misfortune have-
>some major issue for me to fix
-errors on their point awards; one is in all-caps, the other doesn't specify point type. For a slightly more worthwhile tweak, none of the point notation in the Drawback section has parentheses, but the ones for the Mission section just above there do, so you could use that as the excuse for a 'major' fix to go kill the typos. Mentioned this a while back, but the thread died...
Anyone know of any tech based jumps where you can get a way to store a soul?
For dual skill do we have to go through buying the potential again or is all the purchases with the first ability applied to the second?
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Rolled 70 (1d100)

Roll for Ricrod pelvis upgrade.
Higher = better.
And just like that, Misty became fuckable.
>Waifus breaking your pelvis
Why don't you just break their pelvises right back?
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Don't make fun of INTbuilders, they'll play blue decks and cuck you out of your waifus and piss on your door for good measure like i did
Because they kind of need them to have kids. Or something.
This is actually one of if not the easiest ways to graduate into post-game prep in Disgaea 1 specifically because they hadn't nerfed monster capturing mechanics by hardcapping their level to the MC's.
You can use that to potentially break a bunch of stuff in the jump by abusing things that weren't supposed to show up until D2 like the Tamer class or using the canon companion option to bring the Cheat Shop into play before it should show up, all in a bid to get monsters with freakishly high stats that would be markedly better than their first few reincarnations when in normal modes that you could then buff further with the Tamer's skills. Going full cheese might even get you access to at least 2 characters you can magichange, maybe 3, but that kind of relies on wanking presence/lack of game constraints in the other direction.
Just get unbreakable bones lmao.
Waifus have no self control.
A waifu will watch another waifu get her organs pulped by an oversized dick juiced with QQ perks, then try to climb up on it for her turn while the corpse is still warm.
Carrots cooked in butter are surprisingly sweet. Overpoweringly so actually.
Ric spends all his CP on harem perks so he can't afford to do that
Because sex makes women stronger and men weaker.
Not every jumps he jump has harem perks.
Are you trying to make fat rabbits?
>QQ perks
You don't get porn logic perks?
>Women want strong men
>They then do this to them
Why are women like this?
Are all women secretly demonic cultivators?
I hate this meme.
>Not having a dick stronger than genre conventions
Didn't he die to leeches or some shit?
Yeah. He got too into alternative medicine.
The propaganda and demoralization tactics have metastasized. We won't be free of them for generations.
>Also how the fuck was Timeshift never made into a jump?
It's not really that complicated of an answer. It's a cool concept but a mediocre game. Not bad enough to warrant an ironic Jump, not good enough to justify an unironic Jump.
Where could I creat psychic entities? Like gestalts and shit. Persona but less cartoony.
I got just the jump for you.
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A Certain Magical Index jump
Cp:1000 Age: 20 Sex: Male
>Dangai University
>Science Side
>School Lunch - [Free]
>Irregular Spark - [400]
>Olympic Fraud - [Free]
>Science Worship - [700]
>Level 0 [Manipulation of nose hair] - [Free]
>Between Geniuses and Eccentrics - [1100]
>Level Upper - [Free]
>Gekota Right - [Free]
>Graviton Panel - [Free]
>Mimosa - [Free]
>Pincet Glove - [Free]
>Testament - [1200]
>Cloning Facility - [1400]
>Automatic Factory - [1600]
>Suzuhina Yuriko - [Free]
>Pure Pure*27 - [Free]
>Apple Frittata - [Free].
>Labcoat Star - [1300]
>Reasons, Reasons (Esper only) - [1100]
>The BEEG One - [1000]

Time to rise my AI waifu Pure Pure*27 to level 5. Science Worship + Irregular Spark + Between Geniuses and Eccentrics should be enough to do it. Luck and science perks should be enough.
Do you need to get an esper power to buy Between Geniuses and Eccentrics?
>Cupid of Miracles
Is there a point where Touma loses Imagine Breaker and so can be affected by magic?
If you buy it then he doesn't have it anymore, I'm not sure what happens with it if you leave the jump
He lost it for short while at the end of NT.
>Touma is just DRAGONS because of Jumper
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How does your Jumper interact with Magical Girls?
I'm the antagonist in their corruption doujin and they're made to lose
Hmm. That’s past the timespan of this jump, so it wouldn’t help here. Back to the drawing board.
I'm the seductress in their yuri corruption doujin and they're made to lose.
>walk into park
>walk up to crying kid
>open trench coat
>lots of magical cute animals in coat
>Hey kid, how would you like to be a magical girl?
I will be disappointed if you don't have at least one Prinny and a random Moogle in there along with the actual Magical Girl Mascots.
Never forget: fuck Kyubey.

What did you do to Mami?
Usually sarcastically and by playing the dark and brooding anti-hero who tends to stumble onto their heroic fights whether he wants to or not.

Seriously, you people need to think before you take "interesting times" or "always where you need to be" types of perks. It gets old. All I want is a midnight milkshake, so how did I end up watching a magical girl transform and use her love beam attack while I'm holding off three mooks from stabbing her in the back?

And don't say I should just let her get stabbed and deal with it herself. What kind of monster walks away from a kid getting murdered without helping?

In the immortal words of Star Lord, "I'm an asshole, but I'm not 100% an asshole."
There is also an Eevee and Digimon tossed in there.
And a Persona Evoker.
No, those kinda make sense if you squint. Technically a Pokemon trainer can at least learn to access Aura or Psychic powers and therefore kinda be a magical girl, and Digimon are all sorts of bullshit. A moogle is literally just "capitalism, but cute", and a Prinny is literally just a damned soul turned into a living bomb in a cute package. Those two have absolutely nothing to do with magical girls beyond being cute animals.
NTA, but that's the joke. Some are just awful options so you can giggle at them failing.
Hit them with rock.
> What did you do to Mami?
Received head.
What did you do to Mami?
>What did you do to Mami?
Caved her head, using a rock.
I am the Magical Girl
A lot of them I hope.
Which jumps have either hive mind style self cloning? I wanna get a gift for my companion so my Jumper can gang bang him for their anniversary.
X-Men Evolution
Nirvana Yuga
The hive mind style one I can only think of Invincible, though i'd imagine it'd turn up in alot of Superhero jumps. Naruto's an obvious one for a similar style of cloning though don't think it's a hive mind though you do get their memories back after they pop, PsychoAnon's Teen Titans jump has a good one that's open enough I think to fanwank it as a hive mind at least.
Invincible got Dupli-kate's power, which explicitly was used for that purpose once

Otherwise you could probably use the Cloning Specialty in Naruto to come up with a cloning jutsu that does this rather than memory transfers upon dispelling.
Isn't that a in universe lie? I remember the protagonist being a man that uses magic.
>Those two have absolutely nothing to do with magical girls beyond being cute animals.
Depending on where you got it, they can easily teach someone combat magic and the KH ones can even give you a weapon.
If you can finagle a way to make the recipient count as the prinny's mentor, than all it'd take is a serious training arc to teach the prinny every available learnable spell so it could pass those to whoever takes the prinny.
>>94220318 (me)
I screenshot-ted the wrong fucking perk.
That's rough, buddy
You get a chain, but you need to put in a bunch of Random Religious Imagery in your Jumper and the events of your chain. It specifically cannot have any deeper meaning, though it may be freely interpreted as such.
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ANOTHER opportunity to celebrate my FIT SPIDER WIFE through the medium of DUEL MONSTERS? Well all I can say to that is it's time to YABBA-DABBA-D-D-D-D-DUEL!
Does it matter what Religious imagery I use? Can I mix and match?
Doesn't matter at all, feel free to mix and match.
That’s easy.
Just throw in an “Allahu Akbar” everytime you do anything.
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Sure, I can rock some priestly drip.
I would imagine the iconography becomes more impactful if there is meaning (even tongue in cheek poking) at such icons. But I'm just an old iconoclast.
Perks for making custom summons/spirits?
Hunt dragons.
Become a dragon.
Get rich.
Become a jarl.
Fuck everything with a pulse.
Accidentally a hag.
Get cursed.
Find a rune blade.
Improve your rune blade.
Kill hags for clout.
Become an honorary elf.
Murder giants in honor duels.
Become elf king by default.
Fall from grace.
Go to the underworld.
Fuck Hel.
Break her chains.
Break her brother's chains.
Begin Ragnarok.
Outlast everyone else.
Ride the world serpent.
Rule the new world.
Hunt down Odin's ghost.
Resurrect Ymir for one last fight.
Make weapons from his body parts.
Drink profusely with Baron Surtr.
It's not meant to be impactful. It's meant to be random cool-looking shit from various religions.
Deal. There’s plenty of good stuff to borrow from.
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Time for a 20,000-strong harem of Kuroko!
Doesn't even list out many of the main character esper powers.
How big of a Pope hat can I get away with?
How strong is your neck?
Thoughts on the Lake House DLC for AW2, Shard?
Jumper has a tarrasque alt form
Then however large you can make it before your body cannot take it. Assuming you mean "literally immortal tarrasque", then as big as you can make it until it either collapses in on itself due to lacking structural integrity, or collapses in on itself because the infrastructure required to keep it upright has reached a critical mass and the entire thing collapses into a black hole.
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>Jump 1
>Locals know about what Jumpers are and that (You) are one
>If properly captured, Jumpers can be turned into a device that allows one that to travel between universes
How fucked is Jumper?
How strong can you make yourself in jump? how good is a stealth build?
Sounds difficult, but I think I can set up a random dice roller and tie it to a nested table full of myth, legend, and modern religious sectarian minutiae. That way it's random, religious, and fit to be dropped in at a moment's notice.

Might use that for a shake up mechanic, I like it. Could take some work to make it explicitly meaningless, maybe write out the work with a big [BLACK BOX] space in advance, and then insert the imagery post-hoc?
This >>94220757
I'll just use the cross as my jumpers emblem.

though I am surprised nobody here is going with a swastika.
>Ripper Gang from God Save the Queen
>Clone Unique Skill and Parallel Presence perk in Slime Tensei
>Vasteness/Wanderer Divine Attribute in Nobilis
>Eight Hundred Lies User from Medaka Box
>The Immortality perk from Dragon Ball Super
>One of Sun Wukong's transformations is clonning himself from Journey to the West
How goes your jumpmaking?
It really depends on how good you are at flying under the radar and how good they are at detecting Jumpers. Is there some special quality they can test for, or do you have to out yourself by using out of context abilities?
This isn't good isn't it?
It's jump 1, you wouldn't even have any out of context abilities yet.
I mean technically you'd have the warehouse. A door to your own pocket dimension is an out of context ability in most worlds.
I go to Disgaea, where multiverse travel is already super easy. By staying away from humans and only hanging out with demons (who are already murder-prone) and angels (who won't care, they live in Heaven) I should be fine.
By RAW you don't get the warehouse until after Jump 1.
I do love the Fucking Jumpers drawback from Worm, but certainly not in jump 1.
why is jumpchain raw so gay?
Huh, guess I missed that. Then yeah unless they have some special way to detect jumpers you should be perfectly fine honestly. If they do have a way of detecting jumpers then you're just fucked.
This is why I prefer to use jumpchain smackdown instead.
I mean it looks like the dude got honey trapped and sold into slavery or worse, and more importantly the art is shitty and uninspired, so yes it isn't good.
Haven't touched anything since the end of September. Got caught up on writing Background descriptions, partially due to not having the perks done, and have been brain dead for the last few weeks.
Jump 1 is DYN Freaks and I am Yog Sothoth, so it makes sense that you could use me to travel.
Perks for having a ton of power over the earth element that aren't just generic custom pick a domain type thing? Like the way there's a metric fuckton of perks around specifically for fire.
Ignore the faggots who pretend to have read Lovecraft but just repeat what other tertiaries have said.
Any of you guys knowledgeable about 40k? Necrons in particular? Im kind of wondering if it would be possible to make canoptek humanoid soldiers. Not as good as a full necron in a fight but much easier to mass produce. Basically I want to make my own necron B1 battle droids to help pad out my armies.
Way ahead of you buddy.
Please don't listen to whiners who want Esper powers to be cheaper, they're clearly just trying to make their own build cheaper so they obviously think the current price for Level 6 Potential is worth it. They're obviously just fucking lying to you about their motives and their reasoning is complete garbage
do you think having the potential to reach level 6 is worth more than being able to become a magic god in a couple months?
True. Make magic cost more.
NTA but yes. Magic Gods are literally weaker than Accel canonically. They lost 2 on 1 against him
after getting nerfed twice
Magic Gods can be nerfed and it sticks. Accel has only gotten stronger since he was crippled.
When you stand at the top, the only place left to go is down
When you stand at the bottom, the only place left to go is up
Why did I include the second bit? Did anon possess my hands to force me to undermine my own argument?
But Magic Gods aren't at the top. They're not even close to the actual top of the setting
True expert cope will not be tolerated until Kamachi justifies the hype. If Aleister had a hundred+ years to plot against CRC and Anna they'd both job too.
Aleister literally jobbed to Anna.
Did he have a hundred+ years to plot against her?
Anon circumstances don't matter. If you lose than you lost, that makes you a loser into perpetuity and thus your powerlevel is permanently downgraded to 0.
sad but true
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But that's only if you get powercreepedand don't have every new threat being hyped as "She's literally Kuroki-i mean literally Gojo- LITERALLY MAGIC GOD LEVEL" and being told that Touma needs to assemble the Toumavengers to combat [new threat].
Do we know where Emiya Kiritsugu is buried? Just had the idea of digging up hos body and ruining his bones into various magus ruining weapons. (Bullets and Swords)
>99.81% of deceased Japanese are cremated
Yeah, good luck with that.
Wood Clones from Naruto. Unlike Shadow Clones, they don't pop when you damage them because they're living physical entities and don't disappear unless destroyed. I believe they can also regenerate chakra and everything just like a person can due to their nature as an organism in and of themselves. They can also rapidly heal from even normally fatal injuries to due to their nature as a plant. They're essentially permanent, individual beings unless you destroy them. Unlike Shadow Clones, which have to pop to send their chakra and memories back, Wood Clones are linked through a collective consciousness with the original being the controller and directing all of the clones across apparently any distance or at least across continental distances anyway.

Yet one more reason to check off for why Hashirama is fucking ridiculous.
The problem with Toaru is that 90% of the time, Touma doesn't assemble the Toumavengers even when that should really have been the solution to the problem in that arc. He just beats the villain and solves the problem by himself, which is often unproductive since most problems aren't supernatural enough that IB can negate them.
Remember when touma learnt that it's okay for him to ask for help only for him to disregard that lesson later?
Shadow clones don't disappear when they take damage either if you're not ass. Naruto's clones take damage all the time.
It's a yuri with a giantess, a giant robot (female), demon king (female) and a isekai plain girl (missing an arm). The MC also has a female yuri childhood friend that she wants to kill.
If Hashirama just fucked Madara most of the issues that later came up never would have happened.
>unless destroyed
They don't even disappear then, you just end up with the wood clone's corpse.
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Was Hashirama so ridiculous because his wood element was OP or was his wood element so ridiculous because Hashirama was OP?
For real though, there are iirc quite a few moments where characters are injured and Touma is like 'damn sucks I can't use healing spells, guess I gotta leave you dying on the floor' and it's like, there are so many people that can solve this problem for you it's goddamn ridiculous you never asked.
Both. Wood Release is a pretty strong kekkei genkai. But it's not like crazy powerful. It's high tier, up there with something like Shikotsumyaku or Lava Release. But Hashirama is fucking obscene and that's why it's considered THE strongest kekkei genkai instead of just like one of the strongest.
Neat insect related powers?
World Seed.
Haven't really been checking in but how is the quirk supplement been coming along?
Also to NamelessAnon if they are around how is the Stellaris update going?
Hashirama was busted OP with every ninja skill. If he had a gimmick other than Wood Release then we would have seen the equivalent of mountain dwarfing buddhas from that too. He was multitalented weapon master but didn't even use them by hand, he'd just swing a bunch of them around via wood tentacles and do it better than 99% of ninja could wield one weapon with two hands and all their focus.
Hashirama was OP because if he fought any character not one degree of separation away from the SOSP he could punch them one time and they'd explode
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Here, you dropped your pic.
Seven Deadly Sins had a good one IIRC.
Right now I've got like four hours of actual free time a day so I just haven't touched it. Gonna basically need to cordone off a couple days next time I'm really feeling and run through it like I did the main Jump's update.
The problem with Toaru is that we never left the Othinus arc, she's been the main girl ever since she was introduced and has stuck to Touma even when he got cucked out of every other harem member by himself.

The only reason Magic Gods keep getting brought up is because SHE was one.
Kaguya > DMS Kakashi > SP Naruto > Rinnegan Sasuke > DMS Obito > TT Madara > SOSP > Juubito > Rinnegan Madara > Hashirama > Edo/EMS Madara >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Anyone else
Do healing spells even exist in Toaru?
Is that a mecha?
Yes, there's tons of them. I think one gets used in the first book.
One is used in the VERY FIRST BOOK
How many seduction perks do you need to waifu Kaguya?
I could have sworn we had a Sword in the Stone jump. But I can't seem to find it.
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It's not about the fact that you lost. Its how you lost and the amount of W you accumulated before that. Sukuna is a winner because he killed the strongest sorcerer of today and needed the entire cast to put him down. Jobgamesh is a jobber because he loses a solo battle against shitrou.
I think Hashirama could take Rinnegan Madara honestly. Remember that while being a zombie is a giga buff for most ninja, it's an active nerf for Hashirama.
Probably one or maybe two. She seems kinda easy considering Naruto stunlocked her by turning into a harem of hot naked dudes
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Depends on whether you have the warehouse at jump 1 or not, then what setting you're in and what build you have since those will have a drastic impact on what resources are available and the ease of which jumper can potentially be detained and converted.

>tmw can't do proper cult jumping because it would require at least a little meaning
Strangely ironic sadness... At least there's an excuse to carry around a shakujo staff and maybe or maybe not steal Xiaomu's bit by having it also be a sword-cane.
He was pretty much dead even with the dude before Madara gained both Hashirama cells and the Rinnegan. Unless Hashirama got stronger after the final valley fight he should lose.
What would a Toaru Wizard that wasn't shit, could actually fight good, and isn't busy with trillion year long keikakus look like?
Sukuna went to the goddamn flashback dimension bro. He's as much a jobber as Gojo and Kenjaku are now.

SOSP = Kaguya > SP Naruto > SP Sasuke (w/ all Tailed Beasts) = SP Naruto (exhausted) > SP Sasuke > TT Madara = Hashirama > Juubito > Madara = Edo Hashirama > Edo Madara = DMS Kakashi (w/ Obito's chakra) > DMS Obito >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Everyone Else
They'd look like Stiyl Magnus
And yes, that would make you a loser in the power tiers, Stiyl is stronger than 99.99% of all Magicians.
What kind of fucked list is this?
An accurate one. Where's the problem?
Can Styil fight well? I remember him jobbing a lot and being a one-trick pony so I can't say him despite him being the first to come to mind. Knight Leader? Most of the others I'd say can "fight good" are saints or are busy with trillion year long keikakus.
Knight Leader isn't strong on his own merits, everything that he has going for him is a hand out that can be trivialized anyway.
I wouldn't call them dead even when Madara's biggest feat in life required borrowing Kurama's power after brainwashing him with Hashirama beating down the Sussano'o armored nine tails solo. Also if memory serves, the Hashirama gene enhancement was a procedure pulled by Kabuto after raising Madara. If we include that on top then I think Madara might win, but just Rinnegan buffed and all other things made even, I still like Hashirama's odds.
There ist a Graveyard in Fuyuki, we See Taiga visit His grave and know her Grandfather handled the funeral.
Though being Japanese, he was likely cremated, so only ashes ans bone Fragments would be left, but you can still likely use them to make some mystic Codes.
It wasn't a nerf the second time around. Orochimaru's Edo Tension was amped by the Hashirama Cells in the Zetsu body He stole, and he was able to bring back the four Hokage at original strength.
I would unironically put Madara with Kurama above Rinnegan Madara. None of his feats during the war are even close to the sheer destructive power he leveraged by amping Kurama during his fight with Hashirama in their prime. And even then, despite hurling multiple attacks powerful enough to completely annihilate mountain ranges and create explosions so large that you can see the geography of what looks like an entire country, he failed to even pressure Hashirama much at all. Hashirama didn't just win that fight, he absolutely crushed Madara like an ant with Madara putting up some token resistance but ultimately being entirely unable to even hurt Hashirama at all even with full-power Kurama behind him.

I seriously don't think Rinnegan Madara would stand a chance if he fought living Hashirama again. They might be more equal than they were before but Hashirama would defeat him pretty soundly I think.
>The nine tails
Didn't do shit in the fight and by the end both of them were exhausted, Hashirama only winning by tricking Madara with a wood clone. There's even a databook that says they were dead even.
No, Madara slapped the Hashirama cells into his body himself after he bit a piece off Hashirama. It may be implied he gave Madara more of them but Madara already had them because if he didn't he couldn't have unlocked the Rinnegan.
Perhaps you were confusing it with Quest for Camelot?
You can use the King Arthur jump to jump it.
Careful, you are implying that Gohan is based, Gohanposter will eat your anus.

Super Saimoth.
It doesn't work.
So besides Kaguya and Loli Madara what other OP waifus exist in Naruto?
Hinata if you're a black guy.
Why are japs like this?
My bad I thought he was still being held back.

My line of thinking in several ways as well.

Ah, it totally slipped my mind that he already integrated Hashirama's cells, my bad. I wanted to get deeper into this and debate it but I don't have time to write something up. Sorry, you can just take the w unless someone else contests you.
That's an utterly awful jump.
Blacked porn is a weird American thing. Japan put her with a blonde haired, blue eyed guy. Don't let the ntr coomers in this thread distort your perception.
OP relative to what?
Hashirama was tired and bleeding by the end of the fight just like Naruto and Sasuke in the Final Valley. Hashirama only wins because he tricks Madara with a wood clone. He did not crush Madara. Stop glazing.
She nearly got kidnapped by a village of black people anon to become a broodmare, it's in the text.
Oh, I'll have a friend with a broken pelvis
Level and potential apply to both
nta but they weren't gonna breed her. They were literally just gonna steal her eyes.
And then she didn't, but then coomers fixated on that and can't stop thinking about it and bringing up their fetish.
>but then coomers fixated on that
It also came full circle when the moon dood from the last movie also explicitly stole her as a bride and upped the ante by stealing Hanabi for her eyes.
No they weren't. They were going to use her to create a Hyuuga clan in Kumo. Of course, since this is Kumo I can unironically see them training her into a ninja and then having Hinata end up fighting for Kumo of her own volition while having like two children with the Byakugan because this is Naruto and that's just how this setting works. But the whole reason they kidnapped her and didn't just rip her eyeballs out and run away with those is because they needed Hinata and not just her eyes.
Look everyone knows Hinata is extremely breedable which is why Naruto is the only one of his entire peer group with two kids to everyone else's one despite being busier than all of them combined. The reality is that the most NTR to ever exist in that whole series is Naruto accidentally kissing Sasuke in front of his fanclub though.
When was this ever stated or implied?
People don't like to remember that it was a clone that fought the Third Raikage, make a bunch more clones from itself and basically solo that warfront.
>The reality is that the most NTR to ever exist in that whole series is Naruto accidentally kissing Sasuke in front of his fanclub
Rin and Obito?
Every girls in Naruto are jobbers.
There are several "strong" magicians. Like styl, lessar, birdway, sherry, etc.
Yeah, we rarely see them because Touma is usually inmune but they exist.
Othinus came to stay until Index gets too hungry and eats her, as she has tried before.
He asks for help nowadays, just that he doesn't feel close enough to lost people to ask them. So he mainly asks othinus
When they said that Kumogakure wanted the Byakugan and then specifically knocked out and tried to abduct a little girl who lacked the seal that allows the Hyuuga clan to instantly kill her and destroy her eyes instead of just ripping the eyeballs out of a few Hyuuga and then running away with them.
[Time Stop].
[Delay Magic: True Death].
That's not ntr that's unrequited love. You're a victim of terminology escalation the same way some call all losses jobbing.
So you're just assuming, then?
Japan is America. Earth is America. Humanity is America. Etc. Etc.
Now we just need to have those spells pierce any resistances.
Look, she knew that dude wanted to fuck her and still verbally slurped off Kakashi every chance she could directly in front of him. She probably enjoyed it.
>smugs at you with time stop immunity
>makes the saving throw against your """instant death""" effect
>has immunity to instant death effects in general
>also has multiple automatic resurrection items
Go cast that retarded RP bullshit on a level 30 scrub, you bonehead.
He's not into women.
Daihaiseisai when he fights Misaka 5.3 and unleashes some dragons. When izzard takes out his arm. When Fiamma take out his arm and absorbs IB.
We all know Sasuke and Naruto belong together. But it would have been really funny if Naruto had ended up with Hanabi instead of Hinata.
>styl, lessar, birdway, sherry
I feel like every one of these guys is a Kuroko victim
Tsunade, but only if you get to her before she gets clinical oneitis and lifelong depression.
>Daihaiseisai when he fights Misaka 5.3 and unleashes some dragons. When izzard takes out his arm. When Fiamma take out his arm and absorbs IB.
Hopefully I can catch him at one of those times. If I’m going to help Misaki get together with Touma, I’m going to have to fix his head problems, and that means being able to use magic on him. On the plus side, one of those 103,000 grimoires should have exactly the spell I need.
Kuroko is objectively insanely powerful. She's not Level 5, but teleportation is broken in Toaru where most people aren't accelerator have have no prepared defenses against 11th dimensional attacks. Also, she's surprisingly competent in a fight for a teenage girl.
The clear context of the scene is about eye extraction, as it exist to highlight the difference between the main family and the branch families who's eyes are protected by a cursed seal. That's the whole point of Jump demanding Hiashi and getting Hiashi instead.
Reminder that Martials were the meta in Overlord.
True, I should have said that level 4 victims since all the level 5s and level 5 candidates should body them if they're not jobbing like Mugino.
You can, you know, use science instead. Some nanotechnology to repaid the damage and that's all it's needed. There's an item in the doc that has the blueprint for lots of stuff like that
Kuroko could probably win against stiyl and maybe lessar depending on circumstances
Not true.
Mugino just shoots lasers, which is a common enough threat in a magical world that pretty much anyone should have planned to defend against it.
Gunha is just a dragonball character basically, so despite being incomprehensible to science he's against pretty easy to plan ahead for a fight against just by using normal critical thinking of standard threats.
Accelerator is basically unbeatable unless you're God, so he doesn't count.
Kakine, fair enough.
Misaki jobs to literally any magician because mental defenses are a universal constant on the magic side, so her powers are actually useless.
And Misaka is kind of a loser in a fight. She almost lost to Frenda, who is literally powerless
Why are the Electromasters such jobbers? Mugino actually lost to a level 0 and Misaka almost lost to one.
>The clear context of the scene is about eye extraction
No it's not, that's pure fanfiction. And once again, if they wanted to extract the eye they could've easily done that. There is literally zero reason for Kumo to kidnap Hinata herself when dragging an unconscious child out of the village is vastly more difficult than just pocketing some vials and escaping.
Any word from the anon doing the Albaz jump?
You're just wrong, flat out. Stop watching so much Blacked porn
Is it morally wrong to pick up girls in a dungeon?
>You can, you know, use science instead. Some nanotechnology to repaid the damage and that's all it's needed. There's an item in the doc that has the blueprint for lots of stuff like that
Hmm. I’m going down the magic route, and I doubt any of the grimoires have a way to bypass IB, but I could make a companion that could do that for me.
Which jumps would you say have the best mass fabrication capabilities?
Would Synthesize Grid(which I'm told is the best of both worlds between One Way Road and Dark Matter in terns of function if not power) cost the maximum amount?
nta, but he's got a point if not taken to that extreme. You don't get much context in the moment - especially because this series can't really out and say that shit to their target demographic, but the flashback-focused storytelling adds it as you go. First is a double-down on that whole thing with the branch family seals, then some forever later in Shippuden (which went out of its way to remind everyone that attempted kidnapping definitely happened) they introduce Ao as a sort of answer to the question of what it'd look like if they had settled for just ripping out the byakugan. And mind that his is supposed to be from the context of Kiri's days as the Blood Mist, the de facto villain faction of their day. So with all those parts, Kumo might not be THAT evil to go full slash and burn, but (what amounts to) a war bride route could've still been on the table even if the editors failed to not make it weird after forcing a Stockholm scenario or having the love interest elope with her because muh Will of Fire or some shit.
>Stop watching so much Blacked porn
You first. You realize there aren't just black people in Kumo, right?
>especially because this series can't really out and say that shit to their target demographic
What do you mean? There's all kinds of fucked up shit like that in shonen manga. Isn't sex slavery in One Piece?
This manga gave us Jiraiya, if it were a sex thing they would have just said so. They just wanted the fucking eyeballs, as evidenced by the fact they didn't just demand any other Hyuga alive since the sex slave plan could have worked even better if they just asked for Neji instead of Hiashi, since the Caged Bird Seal wouldn't have actually stopped him from breeding and only makes stealing the eyes impossible.
>Isn't sex slavery in One Piece?
Nta, but while it does exist, it's more implied than stated. Like it focuses explicitly on the evils of slavery, but it doesn't outright say that Hancock was raped, rather just implying it by talking about the way the abuse of their world nobles traumatized her.

Personally I liked that decision, since as a kid it went right over my head, but as a teen/adult it became obvious.
Probably something like Supreme Commander, Total Annihilation, Factorio, or Minecraft.
Then Odacchi the Killer took the training weights off and threw Kuma's backstory at us.
Nta but no.
I want a Keyblade but don't want to go to Kingdom Hearts.

What was that Exalted setting with the keyblades?
No, afaik it's only a level 5 power. There was no further road for progress given it was a gemstone
Literally everyone who isn't accel and maybe kekine dies to a saint
Ric-sama, please do something about the serious lack of big booba waifu jumps in existence. It is a problem you are best suited to solve!
Forerunners by a lot for big stuff though supcom is pretty high too. Could be higher.
Wrong, Misaka fought a saint in NT and didn't die
Kuroko would have won that fight. Saints aren't all that
Pretty sure you can get one in World of Light through the Legendary Weapon, but you might be missing a few features. Chain of Memories is also a pretty isolated space from the rest of KH if you wanted to get an actual keyblade.
>What was that Exalted setting with the keyblades?
A Wizard's Keychain, but I'm pretty sure it only has jumps on other drives at present.
Jumpchain is Kingdom Hearts by default. Suck it up and sing with Ariel.
>Implying Wakine would've had any problem with a saint even before his upgrade
No, that's definitely not an Exalted setting. That's a rather decent CYOA that got converted into a less decent jump.
Keychain of Cringeation.
>What was that Exalted setting with the keyblades?
Keychain of Creation
Saint physiology isn't even specifically magical in nature, so anyone can just use science to modify their body into that of a saint
Has Freyr_anon been around recently? I'm curious how the TES daggerfall jump is coming along.
I'm not sure if we read the same thing. That Brunhild was casually bullying Misaka while the middle schooler was on killer mode throwing everything she could at her.
If you consider that to be a good showing then might as well make shiage magic god tier given her distracted two for a bit, and also let's make Touma literally stronger than god. No IB, no dragon, no IT, only Touma, bigger than god.
Yeah, not because of his power but because the man can't win anything. Hell the only surviving member of his group is probably sucking Oji sans
>Has Freyr_anon been around recently?
Lol. Lmao, even.

Daggerfall was FU, tho.
Pretty sure he hasn't been around since he made that anime dark souls jump years ago
Touma did literally punch a woman so hard she few into a ceiling and bounced off like a cartoon character.
If you're thinking Tokyo Souls, that was myrmidont, and pretty sure Culture Minds came after it at the very least.
Brunhild wasn't bullying anyone, she was going all out and Misaki was still holding back by the time their fight got interrupted.
I had a chain start in Ravenloft like that. Jumper also had drawbacks that caused all male monsters hate him and all females ones go yandere.
Nah, I'm not talking about the modern Dark Souls fanfic. I'm talking about the anime Dark Souls that secretly took place in the Godeater setting

Can't remember the jump's name, but the plot involved vampires with special powers called Blood Codes
>normal high school boy no longer being held back by IB, dragons, or IT
If they all work together, they might be lucky enough to leave some intact corpses
To be fair I was expecting someone in the science side to have a saint tier body after modifications.
He also bullied Nyx over her not being Moe enough that she ran away crying.
And mindbroke Othinus into becoming his literal fairy onahole.
Not to mention the casual and constant miracle negation
What is this Misaka cope?
Code Vein, and it's kind of weird we got that jump first...
Ah, Code Vein.
Yeah, I'm still confused by there not being a God Eater jump yet. I want a weird flesh sword damn it
Die thread!
No, I like cursing too much to go to Disney

Thanks anons
Rolled 7, 1, 3, 7, 5, 1, 1 = 25 (7d8)

Lets just try and see what my cp will be.
How long will it take for someone to make a new thread this time?
>Jumpchain is Kingdom Hearts by default.
Chainbutt every jump opens with the original version of Simple and Clean.
N/A. This is the last thread. When this thread dies, Jumpchain dies.
I got one ready for as soon as this one dies.
Doubt it, Crowley said that Touma's free thelema is AC tier of amoral conflicts.
He might end up punching a pregnant woman again
Well damn. Ah well gamble and lose sometimes.
It's not Misaka cope since I agree she would have eventually lost as she's a natural born loser. I'm just saying that it's not by the Saints merit that she would lose, because she was giving one a run for their money in a serious fight. All I'm saying is, don't wank Saints too much, no matter how strong and fast they are, it won't matter because speed and strength are irrelevant narratively. They're just better justified Hamazura's.
You should use OoC to get a goddess pregnant and see how everyone responds to that.
Call it "a certain magical edition" or "a certain scientific edition" pls
Calling someone a hamazura is a sure way to make them look less cool for sure
Will do
What did he do to deserve this hate?
Miracles in Toaru are the true meta anyway. A literal baby was able to do something inexplicable that deflected Coronzon's flaming sword with one. IB cannot negate Miracles either because they're not supernatural.
Are miracles just the in universe manifestation of plot armor

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