The Cardinal protects edition.Previous thread>>94115718Come discuss all things Mutant Chronicles. The RPGs, board games, Warzone, Doomtrooper, the baller ass art by Paul Bonner, even the film!Mutantpedia: the best resource for classic Mutant Chronicles art and books.>Thread QuestionHow did you discover the glory of Mutant Chronicles?
I just realized something: where the fuck is this picture supposed to take place? Venus is basically all sweltering jungles. Mars is mostly deserts and fields, Luna is a city, Mercury is all caves.It's an iconic piece, but I'm struggling to place where it's supposed to be.
>>94219551>where the fuck is this picture supposed to take place?I think I remember reading something about the poles of Venus being arctic-like in nature, so if that's true (which I can't remember for certain whether or not it is) it would hold that cold regions exist and are inhabited.
>aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZvbGRlci9vZUlDeUR6RCNoOTNad0FZSTlqTDFON2V1YnJqQVJ3An stl collection.>aHR0cHM6Ly9jdWx0czNkLmNvbS9lbi91c2Vycy9tYWhyeWFudXNzLzNkLW1vZGVscw==>aHR0cHM6Ly9jdWx0czNkLmNvbS9lbi91c2Vycy9rdXNhbW90by8zZC1tb2RlbHM=Scanners, doing Gods work.>aHR0cHM6Ly9jdWx0czNkLmNvbS9lbi8zZC1tb2RlbC9nYW1lL3JheS10cm9vcC10cmFuc3BvcnQtZmxpZXI=3d modellers
>>94219836Sounds like I need to really dive back into the old books.
>>94220053I'm getting ready to do the same, I just dug out my novel trilogy for a re-read. Fun fact, some of the artwork in the first edition rule book is actually illustrated scenes from the novel.
>>94219551Like Anon says, this is supposed to be circumpolar Venus. That's why it's full of bowwowhousers. (Literally the second paragraph of the Bauhaus RPG sourcebook, which this was painted as the cover for, talks about "the teeming jungles and snowy wastes" of Venus.)>>94220161The main characters of In Lunacy are also Doomtrooper rares: Yojimbo, Pam Afton, Lane Chung, and Fay & Klaus. IIRC there are a bunch of other related cards as well but I couldn't name them offhand, it's been too long since I read the book.
Getting some Mourning Wolves painted up in the next week or so.
>>94220617>The main characters of In Lunacy are also Doomtrooper raresNow that is something I didn't know. Nice one anon.
Is there a version of 1st Edition (the RPG) with a better layout? I skimmed a PDF of it and it was cool for lore I guess, but the layout was kind of all over the place. Did 2nd Edition of the RPG continue with the lore of 1e? I heard 2e and 3e went off the rails with the lore, and after watching some videos I didn't know were 3e the concept of White Star and the fog is so absolutely retarded that I wouldn't want to touch anything even associated with it>AlsoWhat the fuck is even the point of the cartel? The Corporations fight all the time. Is it just that the Cartel prevents all-out war?
sorry for the doublepost just looked at the prodos minis searching for vehicles remembering that one anon's battle two threads ago. Holy Soulless. The Capitol guys look like less cool Halo marines.
>>94221752The fluff changes with 3rd edition can easily be ignored. Rulewise it is very different to the previous editions but I had a blast running three campaigns with it.Don't read the Whitestar sourcebook or the Mutant sourcebook, and you're okay. Don't bother reading the fluff parts of the Cybertronic sourcebook either, but the rules are fine.I would be happy to explain the fluff changes, but it'll be a long post. TL;DR Modiphius wanted to explain all of the mysteries in the setting but some of their answers undermined the setting a little.
>>94221752The Cartel are the Megacorp United Nations. They're incredibly ineffective, but they mostly prevent all-out war (until heretics stage a false flag attack and kickstart the Second Corporate War).The one part of the Cartel which functions as intended is the part meant to fight the Dark Legion which is amazingly good at its job.
>>94219415>How did you discover the glory of Mutant Chronicles?Unironically thanks to the movieI briefly remember looking at this generic B-movie on the tv guide that said "FROM THE FAMOUS RPG COMES..." and I started to search about itFound that the game was very different from the movie and got interested in it
>>94222025>I would be happy to explain the fluff changes, but it'll be a long post.NTA but I'm always interested in learning more about the setting, even the jank.
>>94219415>How did you discover the glory of Mutant Chronicles?I picked up a copy of Blood Berets real cheap online one day and from there, one thing led to another and then one day I came across the Mutantpedia which led me down one hell of a rabbit hole which eventually led to me finding Prince August and since then I've spent hundreds on miniatures from around the world.
>>94219415>TQHere just now. Anyone mind explaining it?
>>94221752The reason the Cartel seems so weird is that its purpose is not connected to the wargame. Its core function (on the meta level) is to allow PCs from different corporations to work together in the RPG, they can be a crack team of doomtroopers gathered from the different corps to deal with small-scale commando shit or like, heretic investigations.The original editon of the RPG basically has two assumed "default" campaign modes, either you're all playing shitty gumshoes with no connections in an agency together in Luna City, or you're a motley crew of high octane operators doing missions in the style of the board games and novel. The Cartel just exists to facilitate that, which makes it more or less useless in Warzone.
>>94222974Rather than having someone explain it, you should just start reading here > that, read the various source books found on this page >
>>94221140>Mourning WolvesRemind me who they are?
>>94223647An all-female Imperial unit from the Clans.
>>94223647The bitches who use chains in melee and are in Anon's pic; they're the widows of dead Wolfbanes and part of the big Wolfbane expansion into its own effectively separate army.
>>94220617I remem er being so stoked to have all the novel characters cards when I was playing Doomtrooper.Shame not all the expansions got English releases. My brother and I had a shit ton of base set and Inqusition (we were buying booster boxes and starter deck boxes off eBay for dirt fucking cheap in 1998-99).>>94221140Very nice.>>94221752Don't bother with the 3rd edition lore. It's just so bad. White Star was a etupif addition, and they tried to explain everything and just made it worse.But I hear you on thr layout thing. That's an issue the plagued the older books. I just spent a few days compiling all the stats for the megacorps and Brotherhood for 1e Warzone because bouncing from book to book to find this or that was driving me insane, and they're all laid out differently.>What the fuck is even the point of the cartel?They're mainly to keep the corps from going too wild. They aren't good at that job, but they also run the Doomtrooper units, which they are incredibly good at.As >>94223248 me tons, they exist mainly for the narrative purpose of allowing characters in the RPG to come from different corps without immediately being at each other's throats.>>94222335Well, welcome to the fold! The movie is an abomination, but a hilariously entertaining one at least.
>>94222974There's a lot to explain, so I'll try to do the short version here. It's billed as "techno-fantasy" where mankind leaves a ravaged Earth and terraforms other planets in the solar system. Some dudes from one of the megacorporstipns fly off to the edges of the system, find some shit on Pluto they should not touch and unleash pure evil calle the Dark Soul. Thinking machines go haywire and shit gets bad, a dude named Nathaniel Durand shows up and preaches against the darkness, forms the Brotherhood and tries to save humanity from technological regression. Then more dudes from the same megacorp find more shit on a previously unknown tenth planet called Nero, proceed to fuck up YET AGAIN, and unleash literal monsters on humanity in the form of the Dark Legion because these guys are incapable of not ruining everything for everyone. Mankind fights back, led by Durand and the Brotherhood, and eventually drive off the Legion. For a bit, anyway. A thousand years pass, life is stable again, and on Mars a Dark Legion citadel appears. The corporations fall back into war with each other, a new corporation pops up overnight by manipulating the fuck out of the stock market and are filled with weirdly high tech shit and AIs that had been banned under Brotherhood edicts and nobody knows where they came from exactly, and the hellish hordes of the Legion march across the solar system once more.And that's just a very basic skim. There's some wild shit in here, and reading the lore in the 1st edition RPG book is a real treat. The story of the guys on Pluto is pretty gnarly, and there's some sketchy shit going down all over the place.
>>94224061>we were buying booster boxes and starter deck boxes off eBay for dirt fucking cheap in 1998-99This was still possible surprisingly recently, like pre-pandemic! Unfortunately all the sealed Inq and starter deck boxes seem to have been sold and now they're rarities. I didn't buy in at the time because I couldn't think of anyone who would play sealed draft Doomtrooper with me but I still kinda regert now, despite still not knowing anyone who would enjoy it.Oh well.
>>94224131I see some on there from time to time. Much rarer than it used to be, sadly. I keep debating grabbing some just to open for nostalgia sake.
>>94224152Yeah, and it's a lot more expensive too. I remember when small card shops were flipping sealed boxes of old overstock for like forty bucks, clearly just figuring it was dead stock just taking up space, and any cash they could get for it was a bonus over just binning. I don't see that shit at all now. Now there's a box of base set boosters up for $250 and a box of Dutch-language Inquisition boosters for €180.
>>94224061>Shame not all the expansions got English releases.Honestly, it's not really. Only Inquisition was really a good/well thought out expansion and even that grossly overbalanced the game toward Brotherhood and Legion. The following Warzone expansion was clearly meant to be the Corp equivalent but it was already terribly designed and things just crumbled from there. New card types subsequently disregarded, a huge design space just left on the table with Mission cards being essentially ignored post-base set, increasingly retarded warriors. A whole expansion focused on mortificators specifically, what the fuck were they thinking?! Viruses! Alliance cards! Fucking terrible.
>>94224259That's true. Since the recent TCG boom it seems like everyone is now convinced old = valuable. Real shame, too. I would rather see lots of these items in the hands of people who will love and appreciate them than sit there gathering dust because "lolOOP.">>94224418I mostly just mean from a collector point of view. Not that my brother and I were really concerned about balance or even knew how to build particularly great decks back then.
>>94224494>I mostly just mean from a collector point of view.Oh, right.>Not that my brother and I were really concerned about balance or even knew how to build particularly great decks back then.Well, that was all for the best, Doomtrooper could never really handle that MtG level of the greasy person's competitive play. The decks were just ridiculous shit like "5 Alakhais, 5 Pretorian Stalkers" and every deck contained the max number of Ruthless Efficiency, Positive Karma, Negative Karma, Expedite Request, Gift of Fate and Personal Anti-Personnel Mines. It was a much better and more fun game on the "schoolboy" scale of only being able to afford a limited number of boosters, owning at most one of a given relic, and playing quasi-narratively with your favorite dudes.
>>94224562>It was a much better and more fun game on the "schoolboy" scale(To clarify, I don't think this is bad at all, it was exactly what they should have focused on so they got this one right. This is where the vast majority of play in any TCG happens so it should be the funnest way to play.)
>>94224562>It was a much better and more fun game on the "schoolboy" scaleThis is still my approach to TCGs. Buy a box per set, work with what you get. That old school mentality is never gonna die for me. It's just more fun than netdecking.
>>94219415>>94219415As a kid in the 90s I sent a mail-in card from a dragon magazine I think and got a free hussar kapitan (the one with the mustache and goatee) and a big poster of the mitch hunter v cybertronic art, which made me a fan of the setting. Then right around when I was ending college I thought I'd try the 2nd edition box off ebay to just enjoy the game mechanics, thinking I'd only buy a small dark legion force to try out the odd rules, which ended up being a very expensive investment as this was right after excelsior folded and tons of stuff went up on ebay. So I got a nice collection of armies now but no one Ive ever known plays it. Still my favorite setting hands down.
I've never heard of this but with someone with a hard on for WH1st I think the art and setting are really really cool.
>>94226822Welcome to the fold anon
>>94226674We need a TTS mod or something. Would love to throw down with some of you guys.
>>94223647They're the widows/widowers whose lover fell in combat.>"Having lost lovers in the long years of war these female warriors are driven by burning vengeance. As part of the Imperial Wolfbane Clan they come from a long line of fierce fighters. Wielding their vicious chains they attack in groups, showing no fear for that which they feared most has already happened."(That would be the death of their lover)
>>94230152>Lose the love of your life>Become a KISS groupie as revenge
>>94230583That's how it works if you date Space Braveheart.
>>94219415>How did you discover the glory of Mutant Chronicles?I got into wargaming right as the second edition of Warzone came out, so my local gaming store had posters of the game as well as a full shelf of all the unit boxes and blisters, and another for Chronopia. It was also the period when Vor: The Maelstrom was out, Crimson Skies and Battletech still had their own racks, there were both RAFM and 1/144 tactical ranges of Heavy Gear side by side, and a ton of other sci-fi and fantasy games.I couldn't get the box set before Target Games died, but I did manage to get the plastics a few years later.
>>94230583If I die before she does, I can only hope my wife will follow such a path. Especially the whole using chains and claws to brutally kill corporate assholes bit.>>94230798Those are some nice conversions. I think one of the things that always makes me sad going back through the old books was all the specialist models we never got.That's one thing I really hope Eternal can do. It'd be nice to see all those options.
>>94231195>That's one thing I really hope Eternal can do.IIRC, the plan for Eternal kits is something like this.You buy a box which contains a unit. That box contains all the parts required to build that unit plus it's specialists, but nothing more. For Blood Berets, this means you get a Leader, a Medic, Southpaw Missile Launcher support and two troopers.What this means is that you'll only get miniatures for the specialists we never got if that specialist is from a unit that will be getting miniature support in Eternal and if that specialist fits into the Leader, Medic, Support & Trooper archetypes.
>>94231276>Dual wielding a ChainRipper and Mandible ShotgunI need.
>>94231314Insofar as I'm aware, there are no rules benefits for having two weapons in your hands, but I'm definitely curious to find out whether or not it conveys any kind of bonus. It could be a "card rules" sorta thing that's only on the units card. I like this ability that Blitzers get, "successfully wound the opponent and you get to make a free move action"
Warzone Eternal Unit Cards have just been made available by Res Nova.These + the Beta Rules available by way of their Kickstarter means there's no reason to not give the game a try.
>>94231276I mean more in the sense of future releases. My idea would be after each faction has five unit types, do a specialist box.Using Bauhaus as an example, because they're the one I'm most familiar with, they could do a Hussar box with an HMG and a Dragoons box with rocket launcher. Then do a specialists box with a Hussar grenade launcher, a Dragoon LMG, a Ranger flamethrower, a Mortant flamethrower and a Blitzer rocket launcher (or even do the PLR). This way they can expand on the specialist options available for different unit types in a single box and add some variety to list building.>>94231536Oh, fuck yes! Maybe I ca proxy some stuff and convince someone to try it with me. I can use my Siege Dark Legion guys and then find something to use for another faction (maybe time to proxy some of my MERCS models). I'll just need to get some cardboard or something to get some of the Legion dudes onto proper base sizes.
>>94231536I mean, all the profiles were in the beta rules already, this just makes it easier, since you don't have to shuffle through the pages while learning the game.
Res Nova also put up STL files for faction 3D logos for the corps, Brotherhood, and all 5 Apostles.
Noticed this on a few of the Dark Legion cards. Icons of the other Apostles. Seems like they're taking a 2nd edition approach to DL list options by letting everyone get in on some of the options.>>94231614That alone is good enough for me.>>94231858Oh, sweet!
>>94231536So what are your takes on this in terms of the quality, Anons? I haven't examined everything in detail or anything but so far what's on these cards looks pretty good to me. I'm not hugely thrilled about the Cuirassier apparently lacking AI weakness or the absence of Art or Symmetry, but I can understand those last two from the perspective of it just being a whole separate subsystem and them not wanting to layer it over the initial releases.
>>94232207Makes sense, let's face it, sticking to pure 1st in that sense would make Algeroth so bloated and the other apostle's forces extremely anemic.
Would these desert buggies from void work as proxies for vehicles like the GT offroad? Any other minis I could use as proxies?
>>94232808Not sure which vehicle it could proxy for buti got one of these cuties cus it fits any of the corporate forces. There's some ugly walkers there that could proxy for hurricanes and such too.
>>94233518I just bought some sandrunners from them to proxy for my bauhaus guys and they look cool but since I live in the us they were like $80 dollars :(
Finally read the batrep from two threads ago and all I gotta say is a customized noncanon force list full of upgrades that included a mortar and Meka beating a vanilla imperial troopers only list (w useless upgrades like morale boosters) is not that surprising, but if it was the Mishima guys first time playing it's nice he got to win, especially since Mishima is supposed to be the gimp army because of their reliance on CC. Also it was shamefuru to go prone with hatamoto, and also my own experience with imperial is they tend to notsquad break too as per the lore which is cool.
>>94233551Good choice, they already have the missile tipped lance and pickelhaubs. Yeah I just blew a chunk of rent money on ebay warzone recently too, but at least it wasn't wasted on a girl.
>>94233575>Finally read the batrep from two threads ago and all I gotta say is a customized noncanon force list full of upgrades that included a mortar and Meka beating a vanilla imperial troopers only list (w useless upgrades like morale boosters) is not that surprisingThen you did not read my battle report clearly enough, then. Both forces were built off custom lists. I just (massively) dropped the ball on writing my Imperial list. Really should have grabbed some anti tank guns and a mortar of my own. I seriously underestimated just how effective the ronin mortar and the Meka's would be.
I'm an enthusiastic man, not a smart or capable one. Next battle report will be better, though! I learned my lesson, and have been painting up some new shit for my armies, too.
>>94233627>>anti tank gunsSatisfying to have your army complete but they are fun ruiners. I still feel bad for popping a mercurian maculator with a brotherhood rocket launcher before it did much many years ago.
>>94233692>Satisfying to have your army complete but they are fun ruiners. I still feel bad for popping a mercurian maculator with a brotherhood rocket launcher before it did much many years ago.Yeah, that's always a risk, but with how strong the meka's armour is with this custom list I reckon they can handle a couple rockets coming their way. They roll their armour saves just like vulkan battlesuits do. I'm thinking of also taking some grenade launchers in some squads over HMGs, the squad gunners have a much lesser range than the mounted and crew served ones. Which I guess is a balancing decision TG made back in the day. We'll see what happens next time, next week I'm playing 40k2e with the same guy as in my battle report, I'll share that in /grog/ when that kicks off.
>>94233692Hey, all's fair against a Legionnaire.I guess he just got... maculated
>>94232395I agree, 100%. It's just nice to know that, as a Semai fan, should he make it to Eternal he'll have more than three fucking options.>>94233635>I'm an enthusiastic man, not a smart or capable one.Ah, a true gamer!I look forward to your next batrep, though. They're a treat.>>94233692Oof, yeah that will leave a memory.
Look at what I found!
>>94236613>what I found!...on Ebay?Nice, either way!
>>94237152Buried in a spare room! I had a notion that there was a box in there but I thought it might have been for Necromunda, but lo and behold, Warzone! Plus a box of Trenchers.
>>94237215Daaaaaang, that's a hell of a find. A ton of models, like a hundred counting the Trenchers?It looks complete, too, even though of course it's impossible to tell for sure with those bags.
>>94237281I'll have to do a model count tomorrow to see just how many there are in there, but there's definitely enough to start playing the game again.
>>94237294>there's definitely enough to start playing the game again.No question, especially if you play 1e.
>>94237331>especially if you play 1e.That's the aim. I already know where my 1st Edition books are, so I just need to dig them out tomorrow and the games begin.
>>94237362Fuckin' sweet.
In the end I managed to cop the second edition starter box that I talked in the previous thread for 90€, apparently it's still sealedProblem is that the seller has not shipped it after 3 days and I really hope he didn't made some more in depth searches and changed his mind
>>94238311I'll keep my fingers and toes crossed that you get your box anon. It would be shitty of the seller to change his mind. Cardinals Blessings be upon you.
Does anyone know if Golden Lion Plasma Carbines A) use a template and B) deviate if the shot misses?
>>94236613>>94237215Fucking nice, Anon!It kills me knowing that I know where my old models are and can't get to them.>>94237362Hopefully you can share some games with us in the future, then!>>94238311Here's hoping he doesn't try to screw you over. Especially if you already paid for it. Seller should honor the agreed upon price and not try to get greedy.>>94239218In 1e? Yes on both.
>>94239242>It kills me knowing that I know where my old models are and can't get to them.You should not have fired them into space, Anon.
>>94239218Yes and yes; this came up in the previous thread actually. The Lions are bonkers in Yonkers, those carbines almost double the unit cost and Murdoch's "Enhanced Invader" is honestly worse despite its superior range.
>>94239355They'd be better off launched to Nero. Their st the house my brother is currently occupying, 2000 miles away. And his worthless, unemployed ass can't take ten minutes out of his not busy day to pop into the basement and find the few models I asked him to ship to me (and offered to pay 100% of shipping).God, I wish flights weren't so expensive.
>>94239461Ah, fuck. RIP. Now I feel bad for joking about it.
>>94239553You're all good, Anon. I'm just frustrated that that asshole gets to live in a nice house because my mom won't let her grandkids be homeless because their dad/step-dad is a deadbeat and is completely fucking ungrateful to her. I'd aeriously be happy to save a little and send him $200 to ship my Warzone and AT-43 models to me, but he's too busy being drunk and jerking off about his cocktails all fucking day.Maybe I just need to cut my losses, but I really want my Venusian Rangers at the very least. Those were the literal first miniatures I ever owned/painted. Lot of sentimental value there. Maybe I just need to find the cheapest time to fly back east and go get my shit myself. At least if I have all my stuff I can fully cut ties with my brother.
>>94239795>I'd seriously be happy to save a little and send him $200 to ship my Warzone and AT-43 models to me, but he's too busy being drunk and jerking off about his cocktails all fucking day.Yeah, I hear ya, but, if he weren't the kind of useless POS who can't get off his ass and mail them to you, he probably wouldn't be unemployed, right?Do you think you could get your mom to mail the models?>Maybe I just need to find the cheapest time to fly back east and go get my shit myself.This honestly isn't a terrible idea either, plane tickets can be surprisingly cheap if you nab them at the right time/don't mind flying midweek or at awkward hours.
>>94239864>Do you think you could get your mom to mail the models?I'm sure she would if she still lived there. My folks moved and are letting him stay in their old house instead of just selling the fucker.>plane tickets can be surprisingly cheap if you nab them at the right time/don't mind flying midweek or at awkward hours.Yeah. Once the new year rolls around and I've saved up some PTO I might have to look into taking two or three days to just fly out there and back. Good thing my job doesn't rely on me being super alert.
Hey gang, thinking of doing a solo game next week to report and keep the rules fresh in my mind. What sort of scenario would you like to see me play? I'm thinking of breaking out my martian theatre Bauhaus(I still owe you a parade ground photo, anon!) against some of my Cybertronic(classic collection, prodos stuff is in the shed atm).
>>94241113My two favorite factions duking it out? Fuck yeah, I'd love to see that!
>>94239397>Murdoch's "Enhanced Invader" is honestly worse despite its superior range.How's that?
>>94242885Damage 16 and rifle range is not enough to compensate for the Plasma Carbine's template. Remember that you can fire as often as you have actions; a squad of entrenched Lions dropping grenade templates all over the fucking place can cause insane havoc. Being able to bap 1-3 guys at long range slightly better than a Trencher just doesn't compare in practice.
>>94243019The main drawback of the Plasma Carbines being their short range and potential for shit to scatter poorly. But yeah, being able to toss out a possible 18 templates with a single activation is fucking bonkers.
Today I learned imperial trenchers and regulars are 2 different unit types even though they look the same from a distance
>>94243019I don't know being able to reach out and touch enemies at 32" range is pretty excellent. Hitting on 16 isn't to be sneezed at, especially if you take the time to aim or equip Murdoch with a Laser Sight for 7pts.
>>94243413>Hitting on 16 isn't to be sneezed at16 *damage*, Anon. Although Murdoch does also hit on 16 that's coincidental and due to his MW. He'd hit on 16 with a Plasma Carbine too.Mainly though I think you're just missing (and I don't blame you, the ability to visualize the effects of a fairly obscure 30-year-old rule system isn't exactly mandatory) the effect of dropping a grenade template. Even if it deviates it might very well snag an enemy or two, and the ones that don't deviate can more than compensate for any whiffed shots. And if the enemy force is too grouped up in general, pfff.>>94243086Oh yeah, I'm not saying they''re perfect or anything. But man, if you see a squad of Lions on the table it's pretty obvious the Plasma Carbine wasn't meant as a trooper weapon.
>>94243396Indeed this is the case, yet for some reason in Eternal, all Trenchers have the Recruit keyword.
>>94244101What's the fluff behind Trenchers? Eternal has them set up as cheap chaff troops.
>>94244492Their fluff is they're just regulars stuck on the gigantic ww1 trench the mccraig line fighting capitol and the legion on Mars I think. Same how golden lions are supposed to be city bound anticorporate special forces who just so happen to use plasma carbines one time in a piece of fluff in the imperial rpg book but then got turned into one of only 2 special forces for the wargame when there's many, giving you the same just change the color option you had with gw space marines from the beginning
>>94244492All Imperial citizens, irrespective of birth or social standing, must serve a term in the Imperial Regulars, this is what allows Imperial to maintain it's Military Holdings while also creating an able and skilled workforce by drawing on specialists to excel in certain fields. All Regulars are exposed to indoctrination, training and physical conditioning, but The Trenchers are those from the Regulars who show a particular aptitude for battle and a high degree of resilience in the face of the Dark Legions hordes. Trenchers are exposed to "difficult work, weeks of drudgery" and "hours of sheer terror." The most often referenced and commonly shown division of Trenchers are the 32nd Trench Battalion. They derive from the 6th Army and are situated on southern Mars, where they were known for defending a Clan Bartholomew weapon manufacturing plant. Since becoming well known simply as "The Trenchers" they brought their expertise to other Clans, teaching them how to build, defend and raid trench lines.Res Nova fucked up imo by making them "Recruits" that need to pass LD tests to unpin.
Got a pretty good deal on Ebay today. The Warzone Resurrection Bauhaus Starter Box and Bauhaus Resource Megadeck for a total of £91 and some change.
>>94244699I have a feeling Res Nova is just using them to fill the Regulars role.>>94246706Nice.
>>94243396>>94244101>>94244492>>94246879IIRC there originally *wasn't* any distinction between Regulars and Trenchers, I think one of the first two 1e compendiums introduced the Trencher as a separate troop type.
>>94246879Almost certainly the case, but I expected more from supposed Lore Heads who are making the game.
>>94244699>>94247183To be fair, in 1e there is no stat difference between Regulars and Trenchers. Trenches can just deploy trench lines. Otherwise they have the same stats and cost and weapons/options as Regulars. They've basically been the same thing throughout Warzone as far as I can tell. I think they have some minor stat differences in 2e?They were also the basic line unit in Resurrection.
>>94247585Yeah, they only saw a stat distinction in 2nd and 3rd edition, and only saw existence in WZR in the aftermath when the rules team decided to release the unfinished Kirkwood expansion book for everyone on the FB group. The distinction is a point of RS, CC and LD between the two units and choice of specialists in 3rd edition, at least. 2nd it was just stats, though. They never got an official fleshing out. :(
>>94248212For what it's worth, in 2e Trenchers do, technically, have more options. They have three Individuals they can take in the Hero, Sniper and Mortar.I'm not too bothered by them having the Recruit rule in Eternal. Everyone else, aside from Chasseurs, is some manner of special forces as far as I can tell. I wouldn't be surprised if Light Infantry, Hussars and Ashigaru all get that rule as well to represent the more "normal people" soldiers of the setting. But, time will tell on that front.
>>94248307>They have three Individuals they can take in the Hero, Sniper and Mortar.I forgot about the last one, yeah, dude with grenade launcher, I've been wanting to figure out how to kitbash stls so I can have one, finally. Got the parts I want to mash together, just none of the how-to guides make sense right now, I'll be watching them over and over until they do, and hopefully I'll have something nice to share with the thread.Fuck, man, can you really believe it? Three threads in a row so far, even back when WZR was the new thing I couldn't make things stick like this when I was trying to get a thread going.
>>94248404Ironically it's probably harder when there's New Thing actively being supported because the threads end up being about only that and peiple who don't care for it don't participate. It's pretty noticeable that in these threads despite optimism about Eternal most of the talk is about 1e. I think the original RPG has been mentioned more than WZR.
>>94248566I think once we can test Eternal some more we'll have more to discuss on that front. And, obviously, once we have product in hand.But I'm still happy to see people taking about MC at all. In my local scene, despite a lot of older gamers, I think only like three of us know about it.Like I said before, once things stabilize in my life after next month I'm gonna try and rope people into playing some Siege with me and try to ween them into the universe. Just s ahem it's already getting too cold to prime shit.
>>94248566>I think the original RPG has been mentioned more than WZR.That's quite true, actually. I think I'll do a WZR battle report soon, too. Just to mix things up, it really is a nice rule set, and I loved the whole advanced combat deck mechanics. I've got a mate of mine who's keen to get playing with his Bauhaus again, too. And speaking of battles, I've settled on a scenario for my upcoming solo game next week.V.I.P rescue.I'll scribble out the details over the weekend and then have a report to share Wednesday, I think.
>>94250601I'm only looking for that little grenade launcher specialist, now. One day he'll be mine!
>>94250661>>94250669LMAO! These are my Sea Lions! They're a little more done now, but still unfinished. I got a bit bored and switched gears to my Prodos Mishima.
>>94250709You post em on Facebook or here before?
>>94250717Posted them to facebook, I'm in a few warzone groups.
>the imagespammer returnsWaaaaaaaarum>>94250709How do you feel about mixing old and WZR models? Does the 32mm scale make the troops stand out too much? I've been curious about this as a pure oldgamefag. (I assume it's fine for vehicles)
>>94250955You're foul
>>94249946>I'll scribble out the details over the weekend and then have a report to share Wednesday, I think.Very much looking forward to it, Anon!>>94250595>>94250601The light blue armor is actually a good look on Capitol. Always love to see alternate color schemes.>>94250687Uhhhh, what?>>94250955>How do you feel about mixing old and WZR models?I feel like some stuff you can get away with, but often the design philosophies clash a bit too much for my taste. I think Cybertronic and Legion can probably pull it off the best.
Anyone knows a model close enough or 3d printable stuff to proxy a hurricane walker? Finding a model it's impossible
I commissioned an artist to draw an ezoghoul a few months ago as I never liked the art for it, never posted it anywhere.
>>94251378There's actually a STL for the OG Hurricane Walker in >>94219873
>>94219415i had bought several books when it came out, had bought some minis (those highlander types and some ww1 lookalike infantry and some other faction). I liked the minis, the art looked strange but liked it and it was so intensely colored. Never got the chance to play other than a bit with a friend with my own minis. Had them painted and wrote "take that" or "die" etc on the large shotguns and some weapons that had room. Painted some blades with blood stains. It was great. I liked the landscapes and terrains in the artwork. WW1-style wastelands, tropical jungles and some other stuff. Got any favorite monster villains? Sadly i don't remember much from it. I will re-read the books. Was there a fan-made compilation unit or monster/villain book?
>>94251516Well, that's certainly nightmare fuel. And I'm fucking here for it.
>>94251574>Was there a fan-made compilation unit or monster/villain book?You want Gediman's Mutant Chronicles Encyclopedia. Hope you can read Czech.
>>94251584>Gediman's Mutant Chronicles Encyclopedia. Hope you can read Czech.thankk you
>>94251621Be aware he made up a lot of shit. If it's got one of his crayon drawings on the page just disregard it.
>>94251630oh, ok. At least as you say its discernible.
>>94230152i had these babes, bloodied all their blades.i wanted to make some visible blood drip but did not know how then and did not attempt it.
>>94251516That's fucking wicked.
>>94250799I might just be a fat bastards, but that really looks like it's made out of gingerbread
>>94252955Welp. Can't unsee that.
>The Dying Stars are a kamikaze unitWhat the fuck I don't remember that part at all.
>>94253030that's cause they aren't
>>94253052It literally says it in their rulebook entry anon.
>>94253094for which edition
6 Hussars - 60pts1 Hussar Sgt - 18pts5 AG-17 Assault Rifles - 35pts1 Hagelsturm Shotgun - 8pts1 ARG-17 Rocket Launcher - 52pts5 MP105 Handguns - 5ptsCybernetic Power Arm for Sgt 4ptsTotal - 178pts 6 Hussars - 60pts1 Hussar Sgt - 18pts5 AG-17 Assault Rifles - 35pts1 Hagelsturm Shotgun - 8pts1 ARG-17 Rocket Launcher - 52pts5 MP105 Handguns - 5ptsCybernetic Power Arm for Sgt 4ptsTotal - 1182pts Max Steiner - 135ptsTotal - 499Bauhaus don't get much for 500pts.
>>94253452Did you miscopy something in this post? That second block is identical to the first but has an absurd cost.
>>94253738>Did you miscopy something in this post?Indeed I did. Both blocks should be 182pts. My keyboard has been fucky recently and I didn't noticed the mistakes.If you're wondering about the Cybernetic Arms, this force will be going up against Mishima, it's more thematic (imo) to buy Cybernetic Arms to boost my ST for using a shotgun in close combat than it is to go down the route of buying melee weapons.
>>94251516amazing. saved.>>94251378nothings impossible if you wait on the ePay fairy, you just have to be willing to pay out the nose
>>94253797Maybe this is a retarded question but, what does ST have to do with using a shotgun in close combat? Don't you just fire it as a sidearm, forfeiting the template?
>>94254997As per Dawn of War, there's now a roll off + ST to determine whether or not you can blast your opponent.
>>94253452Those rocket launchers eats up a lot of points. Then again, even I'd yoy swapped those and Max you wouldn't get a whole lot more for the points. 500 is just very small.Honestly, going against Mishima I'd bring a squad of Mortants to counter their melee skills. Unless the plan is to try and keep them at range the whole time.>>94254059God, I hope we get a Vulkan in Eternal at some point. Just a big "fuck your Razide" model.>>94255150I'd kill for all the rules to be compiled somewhere. If there's one thing I don't like about 1e it's how spread out everything is.
>>94255396>Unless the plan is to try and keep them at range the whole time.I'm hoping that the missiles will deal with the bulk of them while my regular Hussars focus on holding ground. And it has been a while since I've used Max so I just look forward to his double Plasma Handcannons adding yet more templates to the table.
>>94255425Do his handcannons do templates? It doesn't say in the entry so I was never sure on that one.
>>94255396The Vulkan suit alone almost sold me on Bauhaus for Resurrection.
>>94255150Oh, that's right! What a weird rule, is that just to compensate for a shotgun having higher DAM than sidearms? It's not like 12 instead of 10 is ridonk though, especially since most sides have a 12-13 DAM SMG that can be used as a sidearm. What am I missing here?
>>94255664It is pretty sick.>>94255924I think it's to represent how clumsy they are. A pistol or SMG is small and compact, a shogun is long and tricky to bring to bear in a tight melee, so it represents the opponent possibly being able to knock the barrel away and avoid a face full of buckshot.That said, do you still use the template if you get to shoot the shotgun in melee? Because that could be brutal as fuck.
>>94255511Surely they have to or they'd be garbage, his cost wouldn't be justified at all. Plus, the fact they're plasma weapons seems to clearly imply the template. I agree this is a wack oversight though.(Weirdly, there *is* a rules clarification about Steiner in Casualties of War, but it's just to say that he can fire both the handcannons as one action – since he's dual-wielding them. presumably.)
>>94256023>I think it's to represent how clumsy they are.Okay, I won't deny that 1e has a lot of these sim-type rules, and I like it for that most of the time, but to me that's excessive, it seems to be a nerf of something that wasn't superior to begin with.>That said, do you still use the template if you get to shoot the shotgun in melee?No, you explicitly don't, pic related.
>>94254059Yeah i saw that but c'mon that price is insane even given the rarityI hope we'll get some vehicles in Eternal someday
>>94255396>I'd kill for all the rules to be compiled somewhere. If there's one thing I don't like about 1e it's how spread out everything is.I'm actually working on that, but I'm juggling caring for an infant all day and keeping a household functioning at the same time. I've got most of the rules copied over to the main document and working on the army lists and errata next week. Tournament rules get to live in the back of the bus with the perverts and the extra scenarios>>94255511He's really clearly using the plasma carbine model, I suspect it's just an oversight like some of the other stuff with one-off guns that got errata'd later. Of course 2e just turns them into SMGs like all the other Plasma Carbines.
>>94256565>He's really clearly using the plasma carbine model, I suspect it's just an oversight like some of the other stuff with one-off guns that got errata'd later.The thing that makes it uncertain is that the Plasma Handcannons *are* given their own armory entry and have a longer range (20") than the standard Plasma Carbine. (Which, if fired at extreme range, gives the handcannons a truly horrendous deflection if he misses.) I agree with you that it's meant to fire a template like the normal ones, but it's unlike 1e's standard pedantic repetitiveness that the entry says nothing about templates, and I can see how that causes uncertainty.
>>94256028I agree, but it doesn't mention templates which makes me think they don't? It's such an odd decision that'll never be addressed by the creators (unless it's somewhere in an issue of Chronicles).>>94256053>Okay, I won't deny that 1e has a lot of these sim-type rules, and I like it for that most of the time, but to me that's excessive, it seems to be a nerf of something that wasn't superior to begin with.I hear ya, but that's about the logic I could come up with.>No, you explicitly don'tAh, thank you. That's what I thought, but my brain was not remembering for some reason.>>94256565>I'm actually working on that, but I'm juggling caring for an infant all day and keeping a household functioning at the same time. I've got most of the rules copied over to the main document and working on the army lists and errata next week.Doing God's work, Anon. I wish I had a way to share the spreadsheets I made for the units with you if it would help speed up the process. But take as long as you need, man. Family comes first.>He's really clearly using the plasma carbine model, I suspect it's just an oversight like some of the other stuff with one-off guns that got errata'd later.I agree, but it's weird they just never say specifically.
>>94257429>it's weird they just never say specifically.Honestly errata in that era was super-slow, especially with Target being split between Sweden and Scotland. You'd tap in on Usenet or send in a letter, they'd call back into the office and confer and then *maybe* give a ruling in print the next time a magazine or rulebook came out. Horribly inefficient and easy to lose at pretty much every step of the way, but it was always kind of nice being able to contact the actual guys writing the rules directly. And also running into the people writing the games shitposting on alt-rec-tv-mst3k or the like.
are the target games magazines archived anywhere?
>>94257697I don't see them on Mutantpedia anywhere, I don't know where they'd be other than there.
>>94257658Yeah. Sometimes I miss those days, but the agonizingly slow fixes to stuff is not something I miss.>>94257697Which magazines? I know Mutantpedia has a ton of the Chronicles issues.
>>94257838you're right, I found most of them here you just have to scroll all the way down
>>94257859Oh hey, Chronicles #10 (page 22) states that Steiner's Plasma Handcannons use the grenade template. There's your answer, >>94255511!
>>94257977Well, how about that! Glad we got a definitive answer on it.
>>94219415I'm now to the setting so I gotta ask what's the gameplay schtick for each faction? From what I understand Bauhaus is quality over quantity type deal, Capitol is all about the airforce, Brotherhood has their magic and Mikushima(?) are the quantity guys, what's the schtich for Imperials besides them being british?
>>94259015Bauhaus - qualityCapitol - mobilityMishima - quantityImperial - big damage numbersCybertronic - expensive bullshitBrotherhood - magicCartel - eating shitDark Legion - depends on the apostle, algeroth is khorne, ilian is tzeentch, semai is kind of slaanesh, demnogonis is nurgle, and wacky old muawijhe is malal or something idk
>>94259015>>94260092I don't really know that it's as simple as one word descriptions. Bauhaus tends to be the shooting army with better than average ranged skills, but Mortants are melee machines. Mishima isn't just about sheer numbers they also tend to rock the best melee stats on average. Brotherhood has good shooting and melee stuff PLUS magic. I mean, Mortificators are a real thing.I feel like you can usually make any of the armies fit your preferred play style.
>>94260092Cartel is that bad, huh? Thought it was, like, super elite ones with doomtroopersOr are doomtroopers literally all they have?
>>94260092>Cartel - eating shitNow now, Anon. You know as well as I do that nobody plays Cartel and eating shit is Mishima's schtick.
>>94260204Bauhaus also has the lowest cost base trooper of any side but Algeroth in 1E (and Algeroth's cheap guys are literally dead).
>>94260427That depends what you consider base troopers. Ashigaru are 9 points a dude. But yeah, in 1e Hussars are pretty cheap. Capitol Light Infantry are 2 points more, but get Helecopter Deployment, better CC and LD with matching MW of 12.
>>94260641Oh yeah, I was going by just the core book. Ashigaru don't show up until the second compendium.
>>94260870Yeah, in that case Hussars hold that title. With Chasseurs being the most expensive base infantry I believe at like 21 points a dude.
I wanna make some martian terrain because I love the aesthetic but my armies are bauhaus and imperial. Why might they be fighting each other on Mars and not Venus?
>>94262693Mars and Venus are the two biggest worlds in the Solar System, all corps have at least a base on each and want to expand their territory. If you want specific objectives, it could be that one corp has a secret lab or other base that the other wants to hit for industrial secrets/a prototype weapon or vehicle/just wants to scope out as spies and then GTFO, or maybe a VIP of one corp was traveling over a section of desert when the other corp shot down his transport and now the VIP and his surviving escort have to fight their way out, or else one side wants to muscle in on the other's turf, and so on.Basically, it's always pretty hard to justify battles in the middle of nowhere narratively, but if you put your mind to set your mind to it you could probably work out a whole short campaign of connected scenarios using mostly the same terrain elements.
>>94262759Yeah looking through the bauhaus sourcebook it's mentioned they have a megacity that's popular with nobility in the vastitas borealis and that they're planning to expand the megacorporation's holdings there.
>>94262693Imperial Conquistadors are always making land acquisition grabs. You could just say Imperial was out to take some land from the Homebuilders.
>>94224418>A whole expansion focused on mortificators specifically, what the fuck were they thinking?!That is very simple to explain - they didn't commision art for the cards specifically.They got a golgotha comic, therefore Golgotha expansion.They got a lot of Mortificator pics, therefore Morty expansion.The core game made sense tho. I wish they didn't go full powergaming with the expansions. I still remember my friends cursing when I put a destroyer with a Nazgaroth on the table.
>>94224098>in the form of the Dark LegionI want to add that the Dark Legion is horrible in-universe but on a meta level walks between awesome and ridiculous to the point of self parody. In fiction, many evil factions have evil tech, evil biotech viruses, dark magic, necromancy, mutants, zombies, evil biotech grafts, extradimensional beings, demons, intelligent malicious weapons, aliens, evil cyborgs and crazy AI, cultists, heretics, evil overlords, evil magical constructs, tech-corrupting magic, blasting magic, mind corrupting magic - but they generally have SOME of the above. Often, just a few.The Dark Legion, to the question "so, which type of evil factions you guys are" answers "yes". They have all of the above and then some, and many of their monsters are a combinations of 2-3 of the above in the very least.
>>94260092>algeroth is khornealgeroth is not retarded as khorne, he's more than happy if you kill people using guns or magic.
>How did you discover the glory of Mutant Chronicles?first saw picture of doom trooper snes game cartridge at my local video store. knights video store. 2.10 to rent a video or game for night. then much later when I first went into what would be my flgs, ground zero games. They had some discount doom trooper cards in the bargain bin and I think I bought them all becuase I thought the art work was so cool.He also had some Mutant Chronicles prg books on his newspaper rack in the back of the store. it was a corner game store, had like 4 tables and walls each with their own section. It was a good store. I think he eventually got the starter set for warzone and I bought it. Its been a franchise I have been interested ever since. I recently dropped all the dosh for all the shit for the seige of the citadel remake. and now that I am typing seige of the citadel actually before I went to ground zero games, I had this friend , robbie who I knew through my brother as they were both in higschool wrestling. But robbie was also a big nerd. and he had a bunch of nerd friends. He would want to get me to play the MIB roleplaying game starter set all the time when ever he came over. He loved to watch monday night RAW and we would sometime make a night of watching it. His friends introduced me to babylon 5. His one friend who would paint a few of my dark angels miniatures when I was too timid and poor to do it myself and he also was a dark angels player. The dude looked exactly like Cliff the original bassist from metallica. excapt with jacked up teeth a real true metal head and hesher before I knew what a hesher was. Anyways the first time Robbie introduces me to these guys the dark angels guy says we should play seige of the citadel the original. And that was one of the funnest games I had played.
>>94247585>They've basically been the same Correct, it was a stealth buff to have something more than Blood Berets #6543765 and Golden "Fuck YOU" Lions.I mean, barring the neckbeard with the boner for the wolfbanes.
>How did you discover the glory of Mutant Chronicles?My mom bought me a core deck and I was mesmerized.>>94263360This pic is awesome. Les Edwards is the same guy who did the original Heroquest box cover. Legend.This is what he said about that piece>The characters had already been designed for the game and the clients wanted the painting to be a combination of Alien and Hellraiser in feelWhat a time.
>>94263260IIRC the Mortificator expansion also used pics from the Golgotha comic. But sure, yeah, the shoestring art budget probably contributed. Which doesn't make the concept of the expansion a damn bit less crazy.
>>94259015Imperial has a few different armies with a few different schticks. Their "core" thing is extra initiative and their spec-for won't retreat, at least in 1e>WolfbanesMix of infiltrators and close combat specialists with mobile backup firepower, lose out on some of the Imperial special forces>TrenchersCan bring cheap fortifications to the table and have a different suite of specialists than Regulars. They have an infiltrating Engineer with decent stats, several different Special Forces units with terrain abilities or infiltration and good mid-ranged firefighting, and their vehicles spit out a lot of hard-hitting long-ranged fire. Imps are one of two factions that get jetpack troops. Basically an Imperial line can move *some* people very quickly to reinforce or set up to control most of the table in the early game, but then have to rely on the lanes of fire they established early on. They also have some borderline obscene individual characters, like the ISC agent.>CapitolIn addition to mobility, Capitol get some really nasty close-up template options and anti-horde tools. Their specialists include a mix of fanatical marksmen, close-combat tunnel fighters, jetpackers, and Space Marines. In 2e they lose almost all of their named characters and some special forces as well as many of their unique weapons, in exchange for K-9 troops and a couple extra force-wide special rules. >>94260277The Cartel takes a massive penalty on Initiative rolls and loses any Corp-specific special rules (some of which are extremely good) on their line troops in exchange for getting Doom Troopers, cheap Stealth troops with very flexible weapon access, and can pick and choose units from every army. If you know what you're doing with Cartel and run a good combination of troops they can be extremely effective. Problem is that they really suck at dealing with heavy armored support and are on the back foot quite a lot
>>94263432>IIRC the Mortificator expansion also used pics from the Golgotha comicI checked the comics - Crenshaw (The Mortificator) is indeed all over the comic and kicks ass.I think in one of these expansions though they did somethng good (but with the usual over-correcting) - they threw some bones to Mishima.
>>94263360Which Ground Zero? I picked up my first Warzone stuff at Ground Zero in Pensacola while I was in A-school in ~1997-1998.
>>94263913it wasn't pensacola. northwestern pennsylvania. the shop doesn't exist anymore sadly. but its spirit still carries on in the surviving grogs in the area
>>94264086Which card did this come with?
>>94251516This is great
>>94262693Everyone's thugging it out for a slice of the freedom lands, much to Capitol's chagrin. Bauhaus have their northern polar holdings, and Imperial has their own land grab expansion From the Elysium Rise into the Elysium Lowlands. Which are south of the Bauhaus territories in the north pole. So, this gives you two reason why right there!
>>94263867>n 2e they lose almost all of their named characters and some special forcesI feel like Capitol does a sort of lateral move in 2e. They lose stuff like Airborne Infantry and Spyders and gain Desert Infantry, Rangers (arguably the coolest models in the Capitol line) and Assault Marines.>>94263317Dark Legion has so much great variety when done right. And some of the designs are still top notch.>>94263326"Khorne cares not from where the blood flows">uses magic o pull all the blood out of a dude"NO! NOT LIKE THAT!"Meanwhile Algeroth is just "fuck it, have fun killing dudes!" This is why I will always say Dakr Legion is superior to Chaos. >>94262693Everyone has bases on Mars and Venus, so having Teo forces meet where they both want to claim some land isn't unheard of.
>>94251516Glorious art.
>>94263867>Imps are one of two factions that get jetpack troopsU wot?
>>94267612Presumably he means Rams unless there's another Imperial unit with a jetpack that I'm forgetting
>>94265551>"Khorne cares not from where the blood flows"That's a Khainite heresy, they're not real Khornates nor real men.
>>94267621Not either of the preceding anons, but the huge expansion of Imperial special forces allows the Twin Barracuda to be used by most of those as well.
lol at the ptsd ridden Venusian rangers
>>94268135This has long been one of my favourite lore tidbits, my brother and I laugh about it frequently. Imagine just going to see the flowers wearing a red hat and getting yanked into the bushes and killed because you were mistaken for a Blood Beret.
>>94267612He might mean Storm Trenchers from Resurrection
>>94269483that gehenna puker is tiny
>>94268135>>94268337>be shifty Bauhaus teen>go to the Botanical Gardens to steal some crazy Venusian shit to smoke with your buds>without warning a guy in a skull mask pops out, stabs your bro in the side of the neck and drags him into the bushes>this happens in the space of about two secondskek, coinflip whether you join the Brotherhood or the Rangers at that point
>>94269483I think Rams Air Cavalry and Martian Banshees respectively are the more likely candidates. But maybe I'm just biased by the fact that the Twin Barracuda is canonically a pair of Southpaws modified to fly.>>94269494Yeah, what the fuck?
>>94269531>a pair of Southpaws modified to fly.I love this by the way. Let's just make our missile launchers fly and strap a man to them.
>>94269494He just got out of the pool.
>>94269629hue hue hue
>>94269629>Gehenna Puker? I hardly know 'er!
>>94269540Same, exactly.
>>94269483>>94267612I meant Rams and Banshees, yeah. I was thinking in conventional SF wargame terms where jump-troops have some kind of jetpack to move themselves around and drop-troops are a one-way trip. I was specifically emphasizing Imps and Caps are the only two factions that can rapidly redeploy actual troops, not just a light vehicle or two.
>>94271318The Rams and the Twin Barracuda are so fucking retarded, I love them so much.
>>94271353His constipated face makes me think that the real lifting force of the Barracuda is the pilot's projectile shitting.
>>94271353>Clan Loughton is one of the richest clans within the Imperium>The ImperiumThat's the first time I've ever seen Imperial be referred to in that way.
>>94268135>>94268337>>94269496To be fair, it just says Venusian veterans, it never states a specific unit. But you'll know when it-s a Blitzer with PTAD when some drugged up kid comes stumbling out with a demolition change duct taped to their face.>>94269494More of a lighter than a flamethrower.>>94269540Sounds like Imperial to me. Stupid bastards.>>94271406That's just him trying to hold the weight of that thing on his shoulders. His knees are about to explode.
>>94271979>That's just him trying to hold the weight of that thing on his shoulders. His knees are about to explode.Kek, I somehow never thought about it before but those things must weigh 600 lbs with full fuel tanks.
>>94271353>>94271979>>94273684I've got a pair of these old Rams Air Cav, they really are ugly models. They have a kind of charm about them, but they're fucking bad, not as bad as the 1e brotherhood, but they're close. I can wholeheartedly say their WZR incarnation was a massive improvement.Solo game tomorrow! Should have a report to share with you guys in the evening. I decided against doing it at the local hobby shop I normally play at, I'll manage it on the dining room table, it's just about right for a 4x4 layout.
>>94263326Algeroth is statted out though, because you -can- kill him. Temporarily at least.
>>94275092Yeah, as much as Some of the old models have charm, some are just rough.>Solo game tomorrow! Should have a report to share with you guys in the evening.Fuck yeah! Looking forward to it.
>>94271979>Stupid bastards.Yo watch your tongue, that's my Corp you're talking about.
>>94275092>I've got a pair of these old Rams Air Cav, they really are ugly models. They have a kind of charm about them, but they're fucking badIIRC, they were originally from the line of pre-Warzone RPG minis and just kept in production. And even the best of those RPG minis were still various shades of rough
>>94276018I apologize for nothing.t. Bauhaus player
>>94276018>>94276160You guys should settle this over VTT.
>>94276761I should do what with who now?
>>94275092I really hope Eternal lasts long enough to get some updated Templars.
>>94279651>I really hope Eternal lasts long enough to get some updated (insert model here)Probably half my desire for the game to not get the usual Cabinet treatment.
>>94279651My biggest hope, that will go unfulfilled because the devs evidently didn't want to make a very involved game, is that we get solo rules.
>>94280239>because the devs evidently didn't want to make a very involved gameCare to elaborate? I'm curious by what you mean here.
>>94280347The game is simple as hell. Have you read the rules? It's VERY straight forward and the most complicated thing was how to draw line of sight, which they then go on to say "lol don't use this if you don't want to."If it were more involved, solo play would have been viable by a set of check/response actions on the players part. But it's so straight forward and by-the-numbers that even playing against yourself is basically impossible.Don't be mad Bryan. I'm sure you did your best.
>>94279158A VTT, Virtual Tabletop, is an app that lets you play nerdgames online, but you have to input the rules and shit yourself. The probably most-liked one, Tabletop Simulator, has tons of modules for different wargames. It honestly probably doesn't already have a Warzone one though. Too niche.
>>94280766>It honestly probably doesn't already have a Warzone one though. Too niche.There are modules for Warzone:Res, Warzone:Eternal, Siege of the Citadel (both versions), Fury of the Clansmen, Blood Beret, Mutant Chronicles 1e and 2e, and Doom Trooper (and the fan expansion, and in Czech). Remember, Warzone was legitimately at least as popular as 40k for a while, back when Battletech was king.
>>94275092>templarWhere the FUCK are these guys from?I read somewhere they look normal over THERE but they corrupt fast in our universe.
>>94281237Bizarro Earth
Are Bauhaus Blizter over-costed?I love those based retards but I feel one pays too much even for a small unit.
>>94280382I have looked at the rules, yeah. It seems solid enough while feeling true to Warzone. But to each their own. I can understand why it might not appeal to some fans. I can't really think of anything I'd add to it that would provide more depth.>>94281233Wait, there are Warzone 1e and 2e modules for TTS? Fucking hell, how have I missed them?>>94281513We talking 1e or 2e? They're a tad expensive, but being able to parachute in and chuck explosive charges around makes them pretty dangerous. Also the models, at least the 2e sculpts, fucking slap.
>>94280382>>94281929I mean, its not like core Warzone 1st ed. is that more complicated. But I doubt we'll ever see solo-play rules from Bryan, he really just doesn't seem like the kind of gamer that's interested in that aspect of gaming.
>>94282066>But I doubt we'll ever see solo-play rules from Bryan, he really just doesn't seem like the kind of gamer that's interested in that aspect of gaming.Fair enough. I imagine one could come up with some solo rules pretty easily, though. But who knows.
>>94281929MC 1 and 2, not WZ1 and 2, unfortunately.
>>94275092templars should have been size 3 or 4 even but they got nerfed just like the chasseurs in 1st ed.
>>94283068>>94283073Heh, I recognize that resin. Did it make it into production with Armorcast or is it a prototype?
>>94283108the unpainted one was homemade and multiples sold by one of the ultimate warzoners on the excelsior forums while it was still around. the painted one is from the webs so dont know nothing about it.
>>94283150I love Pieter Bergting's art, he did some really interesting pieces for BattleTech as well in the late 3e/early4e period.
>>94283158Damn, that looks good.
Glad to report that the guy delivered and got this for 90€Brand new, still sealed, i'm gonna have fun painting the whole thingI feel like the game was pretty popular here in italy compared to everywhere else because often I find decent deals on MC stuff
>>94282258Ah, my bad. I promise I can read.>>94283136I hope rhat if the Ezoghul comes to Eternal they give it a proper big gun again. I always thought the art for 3rd edition RPG the gun seemed so weak looking.>>94283158The white and black is a slick look. But his sad Nemisis with it's droopy barrel kills me.>>94283169>>94283366>>94283561>>94283570>>94283576God, I love photography like this. It's so evocative>>94284274Fucking awesome, Anon! Glad it made it undamaged.
>>94284274>the guy deliveredFuck yeah, bro!
>>94284274>the guy deliveredYoooooo!
>>94281929Blitzers? 1e.
Hey gang, question. I missed out on Resurrection when it came out, so I missed out on playing and collecting it. But can anyone here tell me what the cards do? Are they essential to play? Is it a sub-game within the tabletop game?
>>94288558I think a lot of their cost comes from being able to parachute in, and they have pretty good LD. But 40 points a dude before weapons is a tad steep.>>94288647You can absolutely play without the cards from what I remember. It was basically an added thing where they let you give units extra equipment mid-game like med-packs or one time stat buffs and the likes.
>>94288700>You can absolutely play without the cards from what I rememberDope, I hope that's the case , because they're kinda hard to come by.
lol @ his little red butt
>>94289287That's a tight butt.
>>94286875>>94286886>>94286895good lord do you own these yourself?bro you NEED TO GET TO RECASTING THAT.
>>94288647At least in the 2.2 version, the cards are extra rules. You can 100% play without them.
>>94288647The advanced combat deck is an optional layer gameplay to add to your battles. In the basic game you have the resource card mechanic to call upon for extra action points for a model, unique actions, adding addition ranged or close combat attacks and for some activated abilities for your troops. The card deck then further expands on that, granted more resource cards to make use of gear cards to play on your men for either a one off bonus or a persistent buff, strategy cards that can affect the battlefield in your favour(usually, some of them will force a condition on both sides), and tactical cards to either boost your troops or penalize your enemies, depending on the card played.In WZR1e you had faction specific decks while in 2e it was streamlined into a universal deck, with dual effects for either a pair of factions or a universal effect and a faction. I was initially off put by the streamlining in 2e, but I came around to it after a while. The 1e decks are packed with flavour, though. You can see it explained more in the advanced rules section in the WZR rulebook, I'll share my Mega folder of wz rulesets below.
>>94289933sorry pictures are potato but i found a folder from 2016 with RPG minis. theyre rare but show up on ebay every now and then.
>>94292087I was tempted to grab a set off eBay recently. Ultimately can't justify it.
Happy Halloween gamers.
Are thes chaps MC WZ figures? They are Heartbreaker branded.
>>94263360>And that was one of the funnest games I had played.Siege of the Citadel is the best boardgame I've ever played. The Mutant Chronicles movie with Thomas Jane as Mitch Hunter was ... hard to watch, though.
>>94294005>Are thes chaps MC WZ figures?Yes. Those are Cartel Agents.
>>94293285>check the ol' burglomat>a guy is selling weapons pack 2!>it's priced at one hundred and eighty ringadings>mfw
>>94292087Impact Miniatures are selling new resin casts of a good chunk of the range (I think it's all the ones sold in pairs, none of the ones packed individually). And, frankly, the resin casts have much more crisp details than Heartbreaker's own metal castingsThey started selling casts of a load of old Heartbreaker stuff some time ago, mostly from their old fantasy range. Not sure if they got their hands on the masters or are just straight recasting, but they're strangely good quality
>>94294635Would you mind spoonfeeding a retard, anon? Is there some particular category name or the like to find these?
>>94294763Nvm, I was more retarded than I thought even. I expected these to be unlicensed and renamed to hide it, but it says they're done with permission.
>>94291322>>94291408Thank you both, a pair of champions.
>>94289287This Razide is in the top 5 of the old warzone models.
>>94294834Man, I must be EXTRA retarded, because I'm not finding shit on Impact Miniatures' webshop.
>>94298077Nevermind, had to put it through the search bar, thought it'd be in one of the categories instead.
>>94298077>>94298091Don't worry Anon, we are tardbros. I can't give you shit after my own monumental goof moment.
>>94298077>>94294763to be fair Impact's site is fucking miserable to navigate. They used to have a much better one with subcategories and an actual browse function.
>>94294045Thanks. Shame that's the extent of my army then.
>>94298984Especially since the other two minis in the blister are armed with a Plasma Carbine and a Gehenna Puker. the bright side a Cartel army in 1e is just "Buy 2 characters - one each melee and ranged - and an accompanying squad or two from at least two Corps". Given that several armies are missing units on Prince August you can totally get away with buying a few of whatever you think is coolest. Another Cartel Agents pack would let you field a full squad of five Agents or two fireteams of 3. They're especially good if you can scrounge some weapons - the guy with the Punisher handgun (the bottom one in your pic) is just about perfectly set up to take a rocket launcher or something extremely silliy like a Mourning Wolf Chain Whip or a grenade launcher. If you've got the skill to chop and repose him a little you can fit a Dealthlockdrum on it too. The main problems are:>No vehicles>permanent -4 Initiative forcewide(This can be countered by making a Doomtrooper with the Tactical Initiative ability)>You don't get Imp or Bau force-wide rules>Can't actually take the special character Doomtroopers from other factions, RAW You can mitigate the last one with the custom Doomtrooper rules, a bit. Big Bob can get a Nimrod and Born Leader, he just can't Infiltrate with the Free Marines for free or get his auto-bracing exoskeleton and twin-Nimrod facewrecking gear. If your opponent is forgiving and you want to be silly, load up on a couple personalities but keep the INI penalties. Makes for a fun gameI have a pretty competent Cartel force with a couple teams of Agents (some modded from Necromunda figs), a bunch of Capitol line infantry with a little Imp and a unit of Chasseurs, a shitload of medics, plus a Mortant Squad and three Doomtrooper teams. It's not going to get a massive advantage - especially not in the jungle or against heavy vees and Symmetry users. Still fun to play.
>>94299154Thank you anon. You're punching so far above my weight though, I'm still at the "these little blokes look cool." Stage...
>>94294635This looks like a reasonable deal? Is it? Are these figures useful as a starting point?
>>94299550Kinda? It's all models from the original RPG range, so you'll be getting a pile of doomtrooper teams out of it, plus the dark legion guys. I'm thinking of pulling the trigger on this, too.
>>94299706I keep debating it for the Atilla, DL guys and the Brotherhood stuff.
The Blood Berets boardgame apparently had a set of cards produced that allowed you to play the Venusian Rangers, can't find 'em online. Does anyone have high quality pics/scans of these cards they're willing to share?TIA!
>>94300525Have you checked Mutantpedia?
>>94300525I also wound't mind seeing these if anyone happens across them.
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