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WarShips edition

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Set Condition One throughout the fleet
Can't wait for IKEO to figure out some contrived way to destroy the vast majority of the Snow Raven warship fleet.
They'll give it to the Wolves as a tithe to Alaric. Watch.
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>This is McKenna Actual
They'll all go off to fight the bears because *mumble mumble* and get Lev II'd. Then Alaric will receive the remaining ships as a tithe.
Or they'll get shelacked by the Combine or something. Whatever the reason, it'll be incredibly stupid and insult your intelligence.
>The Combine winning against clanners without outside help.
Don't give me that kind of hope, anon.
I'm pretty sure the Lev will get destroyed in the opening act of the new Combine/Ghost Bear war by a DEST team sneaking nukes aboard.
That little spherical escort isn't a dropship is it? It looks like one of the General Products hulls.
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It would be sweet. Unfortunately, they have multiple Lev III's now too.
That won't stop a writing team who are hell bent on DropShips getting removed from the setting.
Probably one of those Luthien-style Naval Laser stations/
We've already lost the other fucking two. What's the point of them even existing if they never fucking get used?
*WarShips, my brain is dumb and bad today apparently
To give you hope, so we can take it away.
That picture makes me think each Clan should have way more WarShips than they do.
They actually put a bunch in mothballs, which is crazy. Also where the Society picked up some.
>clans' very first ever military operation involved yoinking as many parked ships as possible
>get so complacent they let the exact same thing happen to them
it rhymes
sorry, didn't mean to leave that on it was just for the gag
That's pretty sensible, I think, but I would imagine that if you're going to reactivate them for anything, it would be for The Return
The point is to make everyone who even vaguely understands warship construction rules disgusted. The Leviathan II is the warship equivalent of a 5/8/8 max armor, standard engine, heat neutral, tarcomped cLPL boat.
They knew from the Goons that the IS didn't have any active warship fleets (other than the hidden C* ones), so the fact they brought Warships at all is kind of interesting.
That's what mechs ought to be anyway, so what's the problem with a warship that does that? There is never a valid excuse for suboptimal mechanical design.
Yet somehow the Lev III is worse.
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>What's the point of them even existing if they never fucking get used?

Dying against the Blakists at Dieron and Terra in the two biggest naval battles of the last 300 years was pretty fucking sweet really. Except the one dying outside the O'Neil Yards to a jumpscare maybe.
Which is fine, because there was only one. WarShips should be powerful if there's only like 20 of them in the entirety of explored space.
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Reposting >>94224159 because of course I don't notice the thread hitting bumplimit.

Considering how the rest of the ilClan is going I wouldn't be surprised, but I do hold out hope that the Ravens side with whoever ends up fighting against the Wolfs.
The designs are right for the setting details. It's more important for the minis to look accurate to the setting than it is for them to be visually exciting.
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Waiting on the Ravens to make Space Operations Adaptation for BattleMechs.
>Jump Jets
>Liquid Storage for extra reaction mass for jump jets
>HarJel system
>It's more important for the minis to look accurate to the setting than it is for them to be visually exciting.
If that was true then explain the Shimseen.
Old models weren't accurate to the setting
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What are your armchair general opinions about Battletech's major powers? Bonus points if they're not just
>build the good mechs and not the bad mechs
>meritocratic officers please?
>genocide my least favorite faction immediately

Mine: in a world with jumpships and drop-ships as a bottle neck fitting more mechs into bays is a huge advantage on the offensive. The Locust, Jackalope and Sarath are not enough, we need more compact, stackable mechs.
Giving Compact Mech to anything beyond the Locust was a mistake
I love the Clans and I want them to do well in the setting, but they're kinda retarded, but that chronic retardation is what gives them their character. It's a constant balance of retarded enough to be interesting and not so retarded that they all die.

They have not walked that balance well.
From a game balance perspective absolutely, but within the armchair general hypothetical I'm aiming to win, not make the setting good to play in.
Yeah, I almost said "have clan advantages without clan retardation" as one of the gimme points. I think that's really one of the win buttons for some eras of the setting, the non-retarded clan with good resources can conquer a big chunk of the inner sphere in one go and then the rest after a period to incorporate the people and industry.
The most successful Clans are the least retarded. The most retarded Clans are dead. I don't like that kind of proportionally inverse relationship.
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Blood Spirits had really sensible mech construction doctrine but they were too poor and unpopular to stop getting bullied to death. Too bad, I liked their mechs.
Unironically the reason I learned how BT space combat works.

>being competent
>having plot relevance
>doing anything that hurts the bears
Haha, no.
They defined the setting. Kill yourself, zoomer. Nobody will miss you.
>What are your armchair general opinions about Battletech's major powers?
There is no valid reason that the Free Worlds League would not have completely destroyed the setting and conquered the Inner Sphere around 3064-5. Nobody could have stopped them, including the invading Clans, until the Bear completed their Lev II refits around 3070.
>Also my least favorite faction should not be genocided. <ALL> other factions but my favorite faction should be genocided.
It's not. It's worse.

Leviathan IIs and IIIs are like if everything in the game is optimised and built to the level of a 3025 Javelin for mass and firepower, maximum, and then you threw the Hellstar into the resulting meta.

It's an out of context problem that can literally slaughter entire fleets at a time while facetanking entire fleets at a time.
All of the U configurations that aren't for underwater use are for space use.
Why do they even exist anyway? Who approved 1 faction getting the literal best warships AND dropships AND clantech AND never losing major fight?

I approved that
>Free Worlds League solos the verse in 3064
Say more, from talking about the Lev II refits I assume it has to do with their space assets.
I'm pretty sure the Lev thing happened because literally nobody else involved in designs knows or cares about warships at all, so all the rest are practically built on autopilot and have so much wasted tonnage that it's almost not even funny anymore, but the Leviathan was built by someone actually using the rules who either still didn't really know what they were doing, or really really knew what they were doing and were the kind of person who doesn't understand why everyone else isn't bringing customs optimized to win at all costs to this casual pickup game.
The Clans should've gone harder on their specific gene angle. I should be able to tell apart Clanners and which Clan they hail from visually and they kinda do that with the phenotypes but it's only limited to their job in the Clan rather than the Clan itself. Also Jags having the highest amount of blacks.
The IS and Periphery have the multicultural blob market cornered already.
MA3 and the Genecaste had it right.
Doesn't it still die to massed nukes? I know it has a bunch of AMS but I think that just turns it into an N+1 game.
Herb has spoken about it before but the initial FASA plan for the "Jihad" (it was planned, but not to be the Sphere-wide shit fit), Victor was going to assemble a multinational force that got bodied and was in despair until the Ghost Bears showed up to rescue everyone.

Part of this was their heel face turn from aggressive Crusaders to care bears around 3058, part of it was making them have a fuckhueg massive military, and part of it was giving them mega-WarShips.

But also the devs don't really know or care about the naval game so they didn't really pay attention to what was going on with the Lev II, then they let Jellico make the Lev III, because they needed more Lev per Lev.

The Leviathans are, in an absolute sense, pretty shittily optimised from a design standpoint due to the number and type of conventional weapons carried bloating out its fire control mass and their anti-ship firepower is nowhere near as powerful as it could be. The armour isn't maxed out but being nuke-proof is a considerable advantage.

Designing a killier WarShip is pretty trivial. But among canon designs, nothing stands a credible chance one on one. I'd put the minimum viable force to fight one at about 2 McKennas and 4 Black Lions, and those are some of the best canon ships available. Nobody has a fleet that powerful.

You'd need to assemble a fleet composed of the entire state navy of like four major factions just to take on one Leviathan II. The Bears, naturally, have one Leviathan II and one Leviathan III, which is better than the Lev II and thus have a more powerful navy than everyone else combined.

It's their Theras and attached supports, yes. The Zechitinu and Agammemnon are ass, Eagles are kind of okay, but their real strength is in ASF squadrons, which are fundamentally broken rules-wise.
>The Bears, naturally, have one Leviathan II and one Leviathan III, which is better than the Lev II and thus have a more powerful navy than everyone else combined
This is exactly why I think they're gonna get taken out with nukes from the inside, because all warships have to go and no one can take it out in a straight fight.
Lorewise, yes. On the tabletop, overwhelming its redundant AMS grids requires more missiles be fired at it than anyone is likely to have. Functionally, it's invulnerable.

Clanners can identify anyone who was born into their Clan by look and can distinguish between their own Bloodhouses at a glance. They are able to do this with other Clans they are familiar with as well.

It's a plot point in Impetus of War that Loren Jaffray can't allow himself to be seen because the Nova Cats will immediately know that he isn't a Jaguar, or a Clanner at all.
It would be amusing if someone Miraborg'd the fuck out of one of them.
>clanners are so unfathomably racist they can read your phenotypes at a glance, down to the bloodhouse, to decide how inferior you are
I kneel
Ben Rome approved them, and had Jellicoe design them. It's entirely because Ben is a massive CGB fanboy and wanted his Clan to win. It was finding out that Wolf was going to be the Ilclan that convinced him to quit the assistant line developer position back in 2016. They were deliberately designed to break the setting so the Ghost Bears would win.
>quitting a job because you can't cheat /yourdudes/ into the ultimate mary sues before the other guy
christ almighty is anyone in this godforsaken industry qualified for their jobs?
"Pocket warship" mules and unions each have 2 AR 10s, and each nuclear killer whale does 1000 capital damage and scraps the ship on an 8+. Maybe I am wrong about how hard it is to get 11 missiles to hit the same location

The Nekohono'O with its three Kraken Ts is also worth considering. Combine built them specifically to counter Ghost Bear warships.
No. And it will never change. The things that makes you creatively qualified to make something at a professional level also inherently make you unqualified to make good logical decisions not in your own best interest.
Rome was already gone before the Lev III premiered but I will agree that he was part of the bigging up of the Bears.

Rome also quit because CGL were being shitcunts and not paying him, not over anything ilClan related. That wasn't even on the horizon at the time either.

I'm not Rome's biggest fan but if you are going to shit on him at least shit on him for stuff he did.
Nope. This is why you hear people say you shouldn't hire fans for games like this. But people who aren't fans have the opposite problem where you know they just don't care like the fans do.
I'm gonna be gentle here because it's clear you don't know the rules, but no.

AMS bay damage, like everything else, rounds up. The Front, Fore-Left, Fore-Right, Aft-Left, Aft-Right, and Aft arcs each have a bay of 5 AMS. Each AMS bay covers its own arc and one adjacent arc.

Each of the Leviathan II's AMS bays rounds up to two capital damage against capital missiles. Krakens take 4 damage to shoot down, i.e., exactly what the Leviathan can do.

As long as the Leviathan has enough heat capacity (it has 9,500 heat dissipation) and ammo (each AMS bay has 1,000 volleys) it can shoot down as many incoming Krakens (and thus Peacemakers) as it wants per turn.

So you need to do over a thousand damage to get to the IS or get a very lucky shot to take out the AMS bay and stop it from no-selling missile strikes.

Functionally, the Leviathan is nuke-proof.

>The Nekohono'O with its three Kraken Ts is also worth considering. Combine built them specifically to counter Ghost Bear warships.
Lore-wise, sure. In tabletop play, naval missiles suck balls and Teleoperated ones are even worse. It would have been better with bays of standard scale ER PPCs.
>Warning: back of napkin approximate math

An extremely large and well-equipped flotilla can, technically, overwhelm a Levs AMS grid, yes. However, these sort of counterfactuals always end up as and myopic look at a single aspect of an engagement, rather than considering magnitude of the entire enterprise.

First you have to assemble an armada big enough to do the job. Then you have to build redundancy into the armada. This is by no means an insignificant operation. Let's say you need to be able to reliably hit the Lev with 15 nukes - all in the same arc of fire - to overwhelm the defense grid *and* to provide enough redundancy to overcome the 8+ breaking the keel check to a satisfactory degree. That's 15 successful attack rolls.

You have to build redundancy into your armada for combat losses, for ships which cannot make it into the desired arc of fire in a single turn, and for missed rolls.

Combat losses are going to be *severe*. You have to actually get to the Lev in order to hit it with a nuke. Which means you have to get through it's fighter screen (best in the game), it's DropShip screen (second best in the game with the best combat DropDhip selections), and through its own capital-grade weapons fire, and the massed capital weapon fire of any of its warship escorts...all massed in exactly the right place at the right time to generate the very large number of attack rolls required to guarantee 15 successful hits.
can't we just call the wob remnants up and just shoot the lev with a mass driver?
My understanding was that there was a limit to how many missiles could be negated per AMS per round of combat. If it literally makes you immune to missiles that is very silly.
Lmao. This is like the Star Wars dork who got so mad about losing "who would win" arguments to trekkies that he joined lucasfilm specifically to ad comically large specs to Star Wars ships so that he wouldn't lose an argument to trekkies on the usenet again.

So now say you need 10s to hit (4 gunnery + long capital range + 2 capital ECM). How many actual attack rolls do you need to generate 15 hits? (~90) Now back that up even further; that number is the bare minimum number of launchers you require. Multiply that by about 3 in order to account for being out of arc, or being destroyed by the screen before they can take their shots, or anything else. You might get lucky and do it with less, but we're talking about a mission you need a 100% guarantee of success. You need about 270 launchers available.

So how easy is it to amass **250+** capital class missile launchers to fire the nukes at a Lev? And these are capital class, remember. If you use standard scale launchers, you have to close to shorter range and will therefore take higher losses before you can salvo.

And none of this is considering the full rules for the Leviathan's AMS grid, where IIRC you need slightly over a thousand points worth of capital missiles in order to *actually* overcome the defense grid (each missile is between 2 and 4 points). This is just trying to give you the scale of the problem using fluffwise plausible numbers, and not the actual tabletop rules.

So which fleet has 250+ capital launchers laying about? Which fleet can afford to mass them all in one place? What faction has good enough intelligence to actually manage to catch an L-F battery equipped WarShip during any sort of operations? Which fleet can afford to take the losses that will ensue from trying to get all of those launchers actually into range and into the same damage arc of the target ship?

"LoL, just nuke it", is not actually an answer if you perform any sort of analysis whatsoever.
My next armchair general opinion: The cost of dropships means it's more efficient to put stronger mechs in. The price of a Leopard stocked with four locusts is 174,130,928 C-bills (8 compact locusts: 180,181,328). The price of a leopard stocked with four Timberwolf Primes is 265,014,628 C-bills. If dropship space is limited, and jumpship collars are limited, then you get a lot more power delivered with much less expense if you put more expensive mechs in fewer dropships. Now, if you're shipping mechs as cargo and doing the setup on planet then it becomes a question of tonnage ratios, but for combat drops / landings you should never bring less than the best.
See >>94224855, NEA. AMSes each do 3 standard scale damage to capital missiles. The Lev II has 5 AMSes per bay in each arc. Each bay can do 2 damage, and two bays do 4 damage which shoots down a Killer Whale*, so it's nuke proof unless you have a way to get around the heat and ammo limitations or take out an AMS bay, and the only practical way to do that is to slam over a thousand damage into a given armour facing.

*I goofed and said Kraken. Krakens and some of the heaver Sub-Cap missiles can get through, but then there's the rule that each point of AMS damage done to a missile adds 1 to the to-hit roll to consider, so even then the Lev II can impose anywhere between a +2 (1 bay) to +6 (three bays) modifier to the to-hit roll and it's hardly ever going to be hit by the Krakens or Sub-Caps any way.
I mean, you can, but Mass Driver rules are shit. You can only attack down the Nose row, there's a to-hit penalty, and even then they do pretty crap damage. The only reason to mount a Mass Driver over an equal damage amount of NGRs is because you for some reason want to exceed the 70 damage per bay cap.

So maybe lore wise, but not really on the tabletop.

The limit is how much ammo and heat you want to spend. AMS bays can fire as many times as you have the heat and ammo to accommodate.

Nukes on tabletop are scary to most ships because it's really only the Lev II that has a credible defense grid. Against anything else they will essentially kill anything they hit either from the critical existence check or the sheer damage, but negating nukes is trivial design-wise since it takes a grand total of 2,515 tons to laugh forever at nukes. Cump change on a WarShip.

I got you. 2nd post, man. >>94224891
>none of this is considering the full rules for the Leviathan's AMS grid, where IIRC you need slightly over a thousand points worth of capital missiles

But regardless, thank you for putting up the actual rules. I'm at work and did not have the AMS reference material, and I didn't want to say something *wrong*. Good to have someone posting actual facts.
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Hey do you guys like mechs?
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Hypothetically speaking, what would be the most effective way to end the clans invasion era? Nuke every home like Smoke Jaguar's?
If this is what the AMS rules allow, then they are silly and stupid and I would not allow them to be used on my table. Nothing should be able to survive a nuke, ever, period. That's what nukes are for.

So is there actually any valid reason why someone couldn't just nuke the Leviathan while it's stationary in orbit or something? Badly written rules don't count.
Not as much as I like the idea of flying battlecruisers or combat airships in alternative history settings. Do you have anything like that?
What if, after wiping out the Jags to prove that the Clans can't wage warfare with impunity, we faced the Clans on Strana Mechty in proper Trials of Refusal to force them to end the Invasion? We could even call it the Great Refusal!
Ignoring your bait, I think the play is to compromise one of the many dropships that must be going back and forth. I think there was something about the taurians taking out an SLDF battlship with a fuel tanker detonation either during the periphery uprising or the reunification war.
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We're not past the bump limit yet, so all I have is this very normal use of the fact that Battletech has Airship rules.

This is why I was thinking sneak a nuke aboard inside of it.
Nukes produce a set amount of explosive force and radiation depending on how big their yield is. They aren't conceptual delete buttons that vaporize everything by default. It is entirely possible to engineer something which could survive a nuclear blast. It's just a question of applied engineering.
I'm going to keep asking MCA and NEA to post things about Leviathans, solely because it brings me joy to see you so continually mad about it.
Dumb faggot.
Battletech nukes are comically bulky for their very low yields and do only 10% of their damage in space but are still one hit kills for the level of stuff they are supposed to be fired at.
Not even to mention the fact that explosives, especially nukes, are incredibly energy inefficient. In a standard explosion, say like an RPG-7 projectile, something like 90% to 95% of the energy of that explosion is wasted. It just disperses randomly, intead of being focused on it's target. Nukes are even worse. For the aplications we use them, nukes waste like 99.999999999% of their total energy. Nukes suck and are the poor man's doomsday weapon.
The problem is that firing a nuke at a ship is essentially a case of "roll 8+ to delete this ship completely" due to how much damage they inflict, which is not fun.

Hardly anything has enough AMS to stop even a single nuke, let alone multiple.

As far as just trying to nuke one? Bt sensors are similar to those of BSG and can pick up warheads quite easily. It's hard to slip the net and bring one to bear. Then on top of that they are the highest-value assets in the setting and protected and screened accordingly.

Leviathans are basically only destroyed as narrative contrivances. If you tried to play out the battles in which they fell they would actually have facetanked everything and then dawdled off to the next fight, having deleted entire WoB fleets from the setting.

As long as a Lev doesn't fail the save or die check for being hit by a nuke, it can tank up to six Peacemakers before taking internal damage.
Okay, so I'm on grand discovery learning with battletech and it's fun really. But I'm also trying to get a useful set of sculpts out to use in game.

So the armored game set should be set in the late success wars? Roughly 2900 - 3020? What's the best mix of starter mech's? I sort of wanted to do a Light / Medium x3 / Heavy to start with for the two of us but I also wanted some variety. What's the good mix to showcase a variety of options for newbs like us?

I sort of wanted something that would be sort of canon and give me an excuse to paint them together.
Peacemakers do a thousand capital
4th Succession War is 3025. Lances are 4 mechs, you can take more, but so will your opponent.

Any collection of mechs is going to be canon-ish. Go onto Sarna and look at mechs and see which ones you like, and look at what year they were introduced.

Note that the majority of mechs are pretty much canon for a lot of time period. Though they are burning through those basics and moving into some more specialized ones. Use the MUL to check.
The Lev II has 1,000 capital armour on each facing.

I know how much damage a Peacemaker does.

The game term for the era which you are referring to is "Introductory Tech". I would recommend that we both put forces together of 8 Mechs each (2 lances; units during that time period use 4 Mech "lances" which are analogous to us tank platoons of the 1980s). Having eight Mechs each allows for a good sideboard, so you can swap units in or out pretty easily so the game doesn't get stale.

Based on your proportions, I would look at two forces similar to this:

>Force 1
Cyclops, Warhammer, Archer, Griffin, Centurion, Phoenix Hawk, Javelin, Locust

>Force 2
Battlemaster, Marauder, Archer, Shadow Hawk, Wolverine, Enforcer, Jenner, Wasp

Those two forces are balanced against one another on a broad level, and should give you plenty of configurations to play with, especially once you start getting into variants. It also purposely avoids some of the more powerful designs, to keep both of you on an approximately even footing. Both sides are mostly faction-agnostic, though the second one leans a bit towards the Federated Suns/Draconis Combine border region. And yes, the Archer is in there twice on purpose. The most common Mech chassis in the game should be well represented.
If what you meant was "provided they all hit different facings" it's very strange to leave that out.
If you've actually played the space game that is literally what people will do. Tank with a facing, then turn, then rotate, then turn again.

But then hardly anyone has actually played it, so...
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Show up at Adepticon, there'll be big group games and a tournament.
This pic has never made any sense. You mean bottom penetrated you? How would that even work?
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Well you see the gameplay doesn't really reflect who we are as people. Also I don't remember exactly but I think my cruiser survived that.

Then NEA absolutely destroyed me in a game of BT despite having SV_nocrits 1 enabled.
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Got my Lyran Regulars company all painted now I can procrastinate throwing a wash on and basing them
They flew too close to Terra and hit The Wall.
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>I should be able to tell apart Clanners and which Clan they hail from visually
You canonically can. The Blood houses all maintain the looks of their founders after all, creating very distinct blocks within their warrior population that all look like they're from the same family.
thud's cockpit?
Anon missed it. That little octagonal bit with the 2 parts sticking up on the front of the head is the cockpit glass.
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This is very helpful thank you.
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The part on top isn't the cockpit
could use a third color before the wash, frankly.

any mechs worth a shit that actually carry club instead of a hatchet? By worth a shit, I mean not some horrendously worthless mech you'd only see periphery militias bolting together out of duct tape and sisbro semen.
While entirely correct, it does look better with the little curved bit painted as a cockpit. Think it's an unfortunate design, personally.
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I agree with >>94225565 , if you're going to keep the two tones then you need to help break it up by applying metallic silver to the hands and joints like you did with the weapons
> it does look better with the little curved bit painted as a cockpit.
You mean the hatch?
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The Nightsky is the best hatchet mech due to being a 6/9/6 pulse boat that can also hatchet. Axman is either a Hunchback with a hatchet for bonus (1N, 3S) or a Catapult that can hatchet anyone who tries to exploit minimum range(2N)

No-Dachi has a sword rather than hatchet, but the 2KO model fucks severely. Killed a Sagittaire with it on Monday.

The Berserker is a hundred ton monster with a hatchet, but it's best used as a distraction carnifex, not a direct threat.
>Archer is the most common mech.
That cant be tru
>Looks up Sarna article.
>Over 100000 produced before the Succession Wars.
Well i learned something today. Thanks NEA

Also why does it take 15 minutes to post on /tg/ now?
When you look closely, yea.

But at a 3 foot distance, where everyone will see it, it's a little curvy bit. It just reads better as a cockpit from eye level. It's not like the models are perfect either. I've got a couple that clearly have multiple cockpits because of the cgl vs piranha design differences not being 100% figured out. Like I think my archer has a maddodg cockpit as well as a proper archer cockpit.
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I'm aware of hatchet designs. It seems the only mechs that would use a hatchet are relegated to solaris so they're not real weapons.

All melee weapons are the hatchet unless otherwise noted, basically. Or claws, on all of like 2 mechs in the universe.
>would use a mace*
Oh, I didn't read your post. No, maces are a gimmick for Solaris.
> It just reads better as a cockpit from eye level.
Debatable, having the narrow view slits helps to emphasize that this mech is effectively an armored tank by giving the torso and cockpit a more tank-like appearance.
yeah that's because all melee weapons are from the solaris supplement splat and they just straight ported them without making any actual attempt to make it worthwhile for regular battletech.

it's why even with TSM equipped, it's better to just kick in 9/10 situations rather than use the melee weapon.
oh, it's just hidden from the camera
If I could make one change to the rules, I'd make it so kicking only hits the hex directly in front of you, not any hex in the front arc. That'd make hatchets and punches a lot better.
Punches have a 1/6 chance of hitting the head, a kick does more damage and can unbalance the mech, but can only inflict direct damage to lower areas of the mech. How is that not enough?
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>no pile bunker
>only a lance or a retractable blade
>neither of which are the horrorshow satisfying divine mecha uppercut of the pile bunker

>9 crits
>can only be placed in an arm with no hand actuator
>to-hit: +0
>damage: 1/per 10t +2**
>a successful hit prompts a critical hit roll regardless of armor, and deals 2 structure damage.
>** only penetrating damage is affected by TSM
>weight: tonnage/10 rounded up
There really should be a reinforced retractable blade that acts as a pile bunker.
because melee weapons don't use the punch table. and additionally kicks get a -2 on hits with none of the weight or critslot drawbacks of the melee weapons either, while also doing as much damage as a hatchet.

i'm not certain how i'd balance it honestly. nerfing kicking feels bad. making melee weapons use the punch table seems the simplest solution but then that leaves the question on damage. cause why the hell should a kick do as much damage as a fucking hatchet.
Quads have 4 legs therefore they are the best mech for melee
>they're kinda retarded, but that chronic retardation is what gives them their character
this, in general, is what makes good war fiction.
Wars are planned by humans, humans are retards with biases and dumb ideas and dumb goals.
Our retardation is a limit, and limits breed creativity.
>why kick damage
I've always seen kicks as more of an aggressive forward step. You're basically putting all of your tonnage into an exaggerated step or a low tackle. Which explains the psr roll when you miss since you lose your balance if there's nothing to step onto.

>melee weapons in general
I think of hatchets more as a formalized strudy tree. The game is much more forcused on movement and ranged combat so I think melee options are only there as quirky flavor and less as something fully flushed out.
When it comes to clan vs IS weapons, what are the worst offenders? Pulse lasers?
They're so obvious as an IndustrialMech tool that could be adapted to weapon that the ommission is glaringly obvious.
large pulse lasers and lrm 20s
As always, the tier list is Energy weapons > Missiles > Ballistics. There was a window of time where the IS only had Ultra 5s and LBX 10s but that closed relatively quickly.
For the anon who brought up the status of the Annihilators that Wolf's Dragoons brought with them to the IS from like two threads ago:

While I was browsing More Tales of the Black Widow last night, there was one Annihilator actively in use (by Jorge Muller) in the Black Widow Battalion in 3031, and that same Annihilator, with the same pilot, was still in use when the unit converted to Trinary/Cluster formation in 3039. It doesn't give what version of Annihilator was in use, however, so it's kind of a toss-up if he was using the dumbed-down -1A or the post-Misery -1E by 3039.
Fucking CGL just took my money for Kickstarter shipping finally. I'd be glad, but I have been asking them for three fucking weeks that "hey my shipping is too high, I've seen equivalent shippings be less than half of this". So fuck me, guess I'm paying 90€ more than other people because CGL hates me.

They did give me 24$ of complimentary credit to use at their webstore, which is about as useful to me as a snowball in hell, as trying to buy anything from their webstore has over a hunded bucks in shipping anyway.

Fuck CGL, pirate PDFs and 3D print your models.
sounds like a you problem
Live someplace civilized.
There are rules for picking up trees or 'mech limbs starting from the earliest editions of Battletech, so it's pretty obvious they are an intentional part of the rules.
How many light years across was this again

And that is why one always buys from third party sellers and not the big wargame jackasses directly. Could be worse though. Atleast we dont have the australian shipping issues
And you wonder why half the planet hates your fucking country
I do. How's that healthcare going for you?
>inb4 Hurr I live in Guatemala not USA durr
MY healthcare is fine, but I won't lie and say everyone's is. Some folks just have an aversion to earning it.
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>Actually defending USA healthcare
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New WIP: A company of Dawn Guards. Obviously early stages but I just realized I've been painting for hours and need to stop.
I swear once I'm done with this company of Pleiades Hussars, I will never touch yellow paint ever again.
The yellow has been much less problematic than extremely carefully recess washing. I normally do all-over washes but that wouldn't work here.
I'm at the wash phase myself. I'm thinking of doing the Duncan Rhodes method and just washing the whole model before re-painting by panels rather than try and pin wash all of Shimmy's greeble gaps, but either way will take forever to finish.
anon, this is 4chan, if a post makes you unduly mad assume it's bait.
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>All melee weapons are the hatchet unless otherwise noted, basically.

And that's how it should have remained.
>The Nightsky is the best hatchet mech due to being a 6/9/6 pulse boat that can also hatchet.

Strong argument can be made for the TSM Scarabus. It's a great scout that can destroy most things it can't outrun, and can deliver the odd headcap (though obviously that's not something to count on).
Did someone mention the japanese Battletech: Ubawareta Seihai game being translated to english, or was that a fever dream?
SCB-9T is fucking whacky. I love the little guy and I really need to get a model for him.
Concept: all Mech melee weapons which require tonnage (except the flail), give the effects of the Swordsman SPA automatically. That should balance them against kicks acceptably.
I'm still not sure why you think kicks are too powerful. They can be a huge risk for unskilled pilots already getting into perilous range. I've had Princess bend me over and savage me viciously for getting cocky and going for a kick with piloting and tonnage too low to justify the risks.

On the other hand, melee weapons and punches both carry no risk beyond getting into melee range, with a chance of headcapping for your prizefight knockout being enough to justify the gamble. While melee weapons other than swords and hatchets seem rather hard to justify in most cases, that has more to do with their stats being not very well balanced against the OG rather than any intrinsic problem with mech melee.

If you want or need more melee power out of your melee weapons, why not just pay for/acquire the SPAs for your pilots? That's literally what they're there for.
Kicks' -2 to hit means they are always, 100% the ideal melee option whenever they're available.
Given it's just MW1 with a new coat of paint I suspect the latter.
The only reason to punch is having a reason not to kick. That says enough imo.

Mechs have pulse legs (-2 to hit) this is huge. Only missed kick attacks have a chance of you falling over. And even then at piloting 5, it's only a 1/6 chance. And if you hit (which you are likely to do) not only is your damage very focused, you also inflict a chance for your opponent to fall over.
Compared to punches where your chance to hit is significantly lower, and the chance of hitting the head is only 1/6.
This plus punching and using physical weapons locks you out of any shooting weapons mounted in those arms, while leg weapons are so rare the kick requirement doesn't have that problem
Be happy that you aren't from the Euro countries that add VAT and random tax to out-of-Europe shipping. Sometimes my shipping expenses flat-out doubled because the EU hates its own slaves.
If a game's limits are "units from 3066 or earlier, no clan tech" what are the beardy optimized builds to watch out for?
FedCom gausswalls and heavy cavalry mostly.

After that it's jump + PL stuff like the Wraith.
AS7-D-H2 vs. HGN-732b; which one will be generally better?
>no mention of Clan pulse boats with tarcomps

Warhawk C and Rifleman IIC are probably the most bullshit standard variants before the Hellstar.
>units from 3066 or earlier, no clan tech
Atlas II has better ranged firepower but can't jump. Most of the time, Atlas.
Boy, do I have a non-weaponized tool that can be used as an improvised weapon for you
Why can't you just take a jumpship, fill it with basketball-sized ball bearings and nukes, jump it into the middle of an enemy formation and watch your hillbilly-rigged space mine obliterate everything in sight
Jumping directly into a moving formation is very difficult. Theoretically you could do it by feeding real-time data through an HPG constellation but the cost for that sort of thing is eyewatering.
Jumpships don't land with pinpoint precision and can't land anywhere significantly affected by a gravity well. There's a good chance it won't be close enough to anything else at the same jump point, and if you started doing that, nobody would linger at the jump point at all, they'd just spend a few hours after each of their jumps slow boating into space where you can't jump. Or just pick an arbitrary location slightly further away from the optimal jump point and leave you guessing which part of the featureless void "near" a jump point they happened to have chosen.
What's the most busted Star you can make using standard configs?
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> Holy Shit, mercenaries on amazon, how?
> Oh....
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This is a warship thread now, keep moving

>want the Ravens to actually get some conflicts to participate in
>this necessitates removing their warships from the equation
>which probably means they lose any war of attrition or ground game that follows

I like the Ravens but man, I’m just waiting for the other shoe to drop because I know whatever the writers do is likely going to get them wiped out for a stupid reason.

Please don’t
I'm telling you, the next arc needs to be the Feddies, the Ravens and Rasalhague all invading the Combine and partitioning it. If you wanted to go far enough, you could even turn the Combine in nu-Japan, complete with Self Defense Forces that behaves at the behest of it's neighbors.

You could do 18th century Poland and 20th century post-war Japan all at once. Then to appease the boomers you can work up to a Beerhall Putsch style nationalist revolution after some decades.
Under advanced rules you can use the retractable blade like ezio auditore during a punch to get a crit roll with a chance of snapping the blade.
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Unironically I would enjoy a full Combine civil war with different halfs being backed by different foreign sponsors, instead of the wet-NovaCatKilling-fart we had.

TeddyKC3 land vs. Black Dragon Japan
And when you do make the jump, it takes somewhere around a minute for the jump bubble to collapse and your sensors to come back online, so your first indication that you've actually landed where you're supposed to be is when your ship starts exploding.
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I like it, now put the funny hat on the Regent.
Don’t get my hopes up, that sounds awesome so obviously it’ll never happen
Or collapsing into Sengoku era civil war with regional warlords would be cool. Make it like the FWL for a few years.
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can someone post that Solaris mech that has "you suck" (? or whatever it is?) written across the chest?
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The 3D renders of the Dragon Fire are now publicly available on Shimmy's Patreon. I'm still not sure what I think about it...
Is there anything about the setting that irks you no matter the era?
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Second view
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Rear view
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Seething Cappie detected.
Yea. and that's not kewl. I want something as spooky as an ac/20 in melee.
Clan Wolf and their permanent win streak no matter the odds. Even when they lose its um akshually a keikaku victory.
Just get a TSM assault mech. That's a 30-something point hatchet or kick and a head popping punch.
So do you get to download these files as stls or is it literally just paying a patreon to get still shots of models that will be coming out in the future?
Why the hell no one's figured out the Wolf's Dragoons have literally betrayed the entire universe and are still in existence in 3150.

Welcome to my Patreon!
I've been running this page on and off for a few years, previously with a focus on my personal scifi setting called "Rangers Project", or "Protectorate Wars".
Now I'm back with a new angle. Catalyst Game Labs has given me approval to start posting official Battletech work to my patreon (pre-release content included), giving fans a deep look into my work and production processes. If you want to see stompy robots, this is now the place to be!
I'll be posting mech design sketches, 3D sculpt WIPs/renders, prototype shots, paintings (when they occasionally happen).
(Please be aware I don't give out any 3D files at any tier)

To reward even the most frugal of support, $1 patrons will be seeing a fair stream of sketch work. The meat starts at $2 though, where you gain access to all posted images. From there on up simply pledge what you're comfortable with and able.

Additionally, ALL patrons may accrue credit towards copies of my PDF art book. For every $15 of support you send my way, I will give you a copy. After your first personal copy you can provide me with your friends email addresses (how I distribute the book) to give them copies too! Simply nudge me for redemptions whenever you hit those $15 increments.
So you are asking for money and providing nothing of value at all. No actual asset. That's rather absurd.
You will own nothing and you will be happy. Remember, you buy licenses for your Steam games, not the games themselves. This is the world ((Marxists)) made.
>So you are asking for money and providing nothing of value at all. No actual asset. That's rather absurd.

You get to see them three months early. He doesn't post STLs because he likes his job with Catalyst.
More than that, the setting bends over backwards to set them up for a win that they shouldn’t even have been around for. Example: why the FUCK is being ‘forced to participate in the invasion’ a punishment? Wolf gets a shitload of personal honor, resource-rich planets, and the chance to actually win the drive to Terra, which you would think are counter-intuitive to PUNISHING your political dissidents.
I'd argue that early access isn't worth shit.
The wanking off of the Big Three Clans being relentless.
Another Mech that'll get an optimized Davion variant in the ilClan era. Hooray.
Did you know that different people in the US have different Healthcare coverage? Not hard to understand.
>filled with autocannons
Nobody's forcing the poor corporations to sell you licenses instead of physical products. They do it on their own accord, because it makes more money. If anything, it's the logical end-result of capitalism: why sell someone a product and charge them once, when you can sell them a subscription and repeatedly charge them for something they already bought?
As compared to what? Canadian health care?
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ah whatever, I'm just gonna go for "FUCK YOU"

>I'd argue that early access isn't worth shit.

Much like your opinion then?
Oh wow, I get to see pictures a few months before everyone else gets to see pictures. Such amazing value.
I understand that he implies that the Elders of Zion are to blame and that you should kill a random Jew to set things right.
This the world Reagan and Clinton made. Rampent deregulation and legislative apathy have ruined our economy.
It isnt, but some consoomers can't help themselves.
It seems that you're asked to pay him, because CGL sure as fuck aren't going to give him a dime for his time.
>And you wonder why half the planet hates your fucking country
Lol, no we don't.
Look promising, keep us updated.
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awww yisss
This is still better
> ‘angry buzzwords’!, ‘angry buzzwords’!
Yes, yes, everyone is awful but you, and you are the sole voice of reason amongst a sea of idiots and mustache-twirling villains.

Now can we PLEASE get back to discussing big, stompy robots and the reckless dumbasses, -err… I mean “hotshots” who pilot them?
That looks like some crazy firepower! Which mech is that?
>Oh wow, I get to see pictures a few months before everyone else gets to see pictures. Such amazing value.

It's fucking $2 a month. Anymore that wont even buy you a soda.
>That looks like some crazy firepower! Which mech is that?

>> 94228631
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So I note in some of the earliest battles described in the setting, Draconis March Militia units are used a lot in a more offensive role. Is this a thing militia units do? I thought the idea was that they just did defense. More importantly, did this happen on the Capellan front as well?
DMM units have more hate for the DCMS than the entire Capellan March has for the Liao family. DM orphanages might as well be DMM recruiting centers.
Fedrats were so shit at war for the 1st and 2nd Succs that they had no choice but to use militia units for offensives. It wasn't until they finally got a Davion to give in to monarchism and pull everyone's shit together that the AFFS started getting good enough to put up a fight against the Dragon.
The earliest written stuff was also the most feudal, and the era is still the most feudal even with later writing toning that aspect down. The only thing stopping strictly defensive units from being offensive is the higher ups actually caring to stop them. There's a good chance the higher ups are the ones using them offensively in the first place, but even if it's just a Colonel being a gloryhound, as long as the unit doesn't up and die or start a war that wasn't already in progress, there won't be many consequences of it. Pretty much everyone operated like that. One unit does a little rogue raiding without orders, the guys on the other side do some revenge raiding, and so on.
It’s a weird quirk of the Federated Suns that more capable milita units are organized into March Militias that will patrol an entire march. It would thus stand to reason that if there are worlds under Combine control that historically belonged to the Suns, they may send the Draconis March Militia(s) to “get them back” as an extension of their duties.
Jumps are acausal. They put out an IR burst at the point of arrival a few minutes before the ship arrives and the strength and duration of the IR burst is a function of how big the ship is and how many DropShips it has attached (e.g., a Potemkin with a full DS complement has a longer burst than a McKenna). This is a plot point when WoB deploy one of their super-Jump vessels because the burst runs past the size and duration of any known jump signature.

So not only is space ridiculously massive, but making a Jump warns everyone with the ability to move that something is coming, and that's on top of jumps having margins of error. Even if it works one time it will result in SOP being to start moving when you pick up an inbound signature, so it won't work again.

You're better off with Q-Ships if you want to try your luck.

Nothing but Timber Wolf As and Dire Wolf Widowmakers or As.

Or, I guess, Nagas with nukes.
>permanent win streak
>lose a third of their OZ to the Bears, with the Bears proving better at mobile warfare than the Wolves
>lose half their remaining OZ to the Horses, including Vlad Ward dying to a fucking tank
>get assreamed by the Bears, Horses, and Falcons for a century until they have so much intergenerational PTSD they flee the OZ that remains
>overextend themselves to create the Wolf Empire
>so weak they'll fall over
I'd lay odds that the current state of the Wolves is a fake-out. Either the Falcons or Bears will challenge them and take the crown in the end.

They contributed significantly to the IS' victory over the Clans by training the heirs, fighting at Luthien, and fighting in Bulldog then were the first to notice WoB were up to no good and lost a lot opposing them. Show me one actual betrayal.
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thanks bro
Why does the texture look so weird? Like its made of styrofoam
The March Militias range in quality and support, from backwater numpties to essentially front-line formations. The DMM are particularly battle-hardened and well-supplied. They're basically at the level of the better regional commands of other Houses and get used in the same way.
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cause that picture was with a bunch of zoom.
Ok yeah looks much nicer here. Good work anon
Planetary militias vary in quality and can genuinely contain part time soldiers and minor lordlings with family machines doing feudal obligation stuff. The March militias are brigades of worth of professional soldiers in battlemechs who were federalized before the star league fell and are only called militias as a political smokescreen.
I can understand the logic behind most of this, but
>Lyran Commonwealth=Star Wars
I'm not quite sure how this tracks
The FedSuns is only Star Trek because Hanse is a trace of William Shatner. By that logic, Katrina and Melissa running around with a handgun and a dream despite being princesses at the time makes it star wars.
I know that the March Militias are not planetary militias. However, you've got the DMM that are up there with the FedCom Corps of RCTs for supply and combat ability through to the shittier commands of the Crucis Marh Militia which depending on the unit may be just above planetary militia tier.

They're still nominally second-line formations, it's just that some are better than others.
>I'm not quite sure how this tracks
They have space nobility doing whatever, but by that logic, the Fedsuns would be the Imperium, because they're the ones who got their Senate overthrown and had a system installed where their dictator directly invests people into all relevant political and military position.
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Found out about Flux AI images and ran a simple mechwarrior prompt through it. Not bad at all...

You guys think this will make BT related media in the future?
Doesn't look anything like a mechwarrior. Looks like a generic sci-fi commando.

Show me something that resembles a mechwarrior and then we'll talk.
>I'm still not sure what I think about it...
Honestly I was never much of a fan of the original, I like the new design better.
Its pretty close to mech warriors in modern materials, which mostly just look like generic sci fi soldiers, even if it isn't really much like the art from the 80s and 90s.
>modern materials

You mean the video games.
NTA but I already know you'll bitch about anything that isn't a big bucket helmet, despite the fact those weren't the only kind of neural helmet even back in the early FAFSA lore.
New books too.
How do you use the Dire Wolf? I know it's a great weapons platform, but it's just so slow. I can never get it where I want it.
Blow the shit out of them at range.
3/5/0 assaults you get to a controlling position and make the enemy come to them. They need long range weapons (for their era) to be effective - or, y'know, to be in tight confines, like a city. This is why the AS7-D kinda sucks ass unless defending or attacking a static target, its reach is too short.
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Looks like someone forgot about Battletech: Legends
Is that Nipsey Hustle?
Are 8 Medium Pulses with 2 ERPPCs and an LRM-15 good enough? Should I swap something out?

Sure but, the visual aesthetics of BT have been evolving since its inception.

It would be different if there was only one or two mainstay artists for the TT sourcebooks but that isn't the case. Don't get me wrong, a part of me loves the 80's aesthetic of the old BT books and I genuinely hope for a happy middle in that expression of BT.

There definitely is the 80's futurism crowd and then there are some fans who want it to bear a closer resemblance to Halo or The Expanse.

And while the AI didn't present an absolutely perfect image, that could totally be a mechwarrior from at least 2050's onward.

Shit, I meant 3050's.
> You guys think this will make BT related media in the future?

I should hope not, AI art in general is more than a little scummy, on multiple levels.
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blerp. this one is fine for tonight. might do something on the gun later on
so perfect for CGL?
Is that a beemer?
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yes. butt.
Look how they massacred my boy.
Are there any novels where you get a good perspective of Clan life and how the Clans work? I prefer it to follow the Ghost Bears or Cloud Cobras but if it's good I'll read it whoever it is.
Why not a pneumatic tungsten rod the size of a subway train that glows red when charged by TSM?
I miss the 80s and 90s so much. Better times.
Jade Pheonix trilogy is all about coming up in the warrior caste, although it's Jade Falcon focused.

Twilight of the Clans series follows Trent from the Ghost Bears a bit. That's more about the Bear occupation zone than life in the homeworlds though. The Freeborn novel in the same series follows Horse, a Jade Falcon Freeborn, getting caught up in Jag politics on Huntress, although you'll be lacking context for what's going on without reading Jade Pheonix first.
>follows Trent from the Ghost Bears a bit.
Derp. Trent is a Jag, not a bear. I'm a little fried this evening.

The latest Davion book grades most DMM equipment as F tier, recommending that they keep using introtech mechs with maybe one with lostech upgrades per lance even during the post-Tukayyid arms buildup.
>the visual aesthetics of BT have been evolving since its inception.
Yes. They've been getting continually worse.
>trashcans on legs with impossible geometry was peak
Have some sense, please for fuck's sake.
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I wouldn’t be so quick to say that.

I mean let’s not kid ourselves, more than a few of the mech designs from that era were… really bad! I mean really, really bad!

Just look at them, really look at them. Those old minis were stiff, awkward things that often had extremely hard lines and simple shapes to them that often made them look like game graphics from the same era.

Some might find these old designs “charming” but I find many of them repulsive, to the point that I might not have even picked up the game at all, or would’ve had a large catalog of mechs I’d refuse to run just because of how hideous the mini was.

Say what you will, but CGL’s glow up of the mechs when they started making them in plastic was a massive improvement.
Two dollars matters. A dollar wasted here and there adds up quickly.
There's a difference, I think.

The clungy old battlemech designs, sure. Garbage, mostly. Some are accidentaly cute or endering, like the swag Stalker, but most are bad. And Shimmeringsword, as much grief as he gets, has done an excellent job updating the old designs while still keeping them identifiable. I don't feel like the old spirit of the designs has been lost with the new plastics.

Replacing the old art, though, depends on the concept. Is completely replacing the old bucket helmet with something that looks both more modern and generic, worth it? I don't think so. People wearing thongs and life preservers and buckets to pilot Battlemechs is identifiably Battletech. That design doesnt look like anything else, and ditching for something that looks more contemporary is flat out ridiculous.

Now, that doesn't mean it shouldn't and can't be updated, or tweaked. It absolutely should, but that old style indicated that piloting a Battlemech required and included an certain amound of physicality. The helmet is big so you don't break your neck when your mech gets punch. You go in half naked because it's incredibly hot and just idling without a cooling jacket will induce heatstroke. That's cool, and those aspects of Mechwarrior-ing would be lost if we just turn everything into Titanfall. They can have different designs and models of course. No 2 like things look the same no matter if it's PPCs or Lasers or LRMs. But you shouldn't abondon the design ethos of the old designs. Then it's just like the other guy said, Halo.
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i understand why certain mechs which aren't actually common in-universe have the ubiquitous design quirk, but why doesn't the Locust get that quirk, it's literally the third most common mech in existence.
Because Locust parts don't survive long enough to accumulate in every warehouse and junkyard in the inner sphere. You lose a Locust, you unwrap a new Locust from cold storage. Locust lifespans are measured in hours, not centuries.
Probably just an oversight. Quirks need review and revision.

This is apropos nothing but there should be a Locust with 6 small lasers instead of the MGs and 2 mediums and a flamer instead of 2 MGs and a medium.
If I were a WoB geneticist, knowing that the ability to pilot a mech has a biological component in neurohelmet compatibility, why would I not simply research what genes control that and just engineer a virus that removes that ability, release it over every planet with a major mechwarrior academy or a population over 500,000,000+, and then just wait a few generations while you vaccinate the rest of the wobbies?
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there already is, and it's the coolest looking light mech ever made: the Flea
The thongs and life jacket look invites questions like "how hot exactly is the inside of a battlemech" because there is a very narrow range band where taking clothes off is helpful and having exposed skin isn't dangerous.

It works in the era where everything is falling apart and no one knows how to repair the A/C that broke in granddad's time, but for new design/new production mechs that don't go up on the heat scale unless they are covered in super napalm it makes the engineers seem like morons.
>engineers look like morons
I mean, the Adder has a non-pod Flamer. I think it's safe to say they aren't brilliant.
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>The helmet is big so you don't break your neck when your mech gets punch.
I don't actually think that's true. Iirc, those bucket helmets were old school neural helmets that were kept around for training in academies. Then the succession wars happened and there was a shortage of regular helmets, so people had to improvise with these obsolete shit cans that are uncomfortable and hurt your neck. People hyperfocus on the bucket helmet and forget that it's not the only kind of neural helmet even back in the succession wars, just a really common one, and even then you wouldn't see an officer or rich mercenary caught dead with one if they could help it.
And battlemechs are incredibly inefficient for really any kind of warfare. Application of reality into a fictional setting will destroy it. Everybody should be building WarShips and just nuke each other from orbit. Modern battletech tanks and aerospace vehicles are more than capable of handling any kind of terrestrial heavy weapons requirement.

Also, the listed weight of every single battlemech is wildly underestimated. The locust should weight like 60 tons. The Atlas should weight upwards of 500. Everything falls apart if you try to litigate it with 'realism'.

you fucking secondary
Engineering a virus like that, that wouldn't also kill or lobotomize whoever it infected, would probably take generations of work. And even then it's efficacy is questionable.
It could also just be that mech designers have come to believe that adding a goddamn AC system to the cockpit is an unnecessary luxury, and have forgotten the lessons that have lead modern militaries to realize that it’s very much a necessity. And probably arrogant enough to believe that the mech warriors coming back bitching about heat exhaustion and heat stroke are “just being babies”.

Then again, given how many mechs are out there that can barely keep their engines cool, I suspect keeping the mech warrior cool might just be too big of an ask of the engineers.
They might even see it as a point of honor, that piloting a mech is physically taxing and requires focus and determination.
>Then again, given how many mechs are out there that can barely keep their engines cool, I suspect keeping the mech warrior cool might just be too big of an ask of the engineers.
Well you know, "salvage the metal, replace the meat" and all that.
>Everybody should be building WarShips and just nuke each other from orbit.
They did that already, it was called the Age of War and it was an awful time to be alive and it ended when the powers of the time signed an agreement to not do that anymore and to gang up on anyone who broke the agreement, because the alternative was living in terror 24/7.
BattleTech is a step ahead of you.
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You just wanted an excuse to post your balls on /tg/.
Paint that sucker up!
>chad 3d print vs. virgin cgl plastic
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this is so chewable. I want to put this in my mouth.
That's my point. The game rules and simple logic both say that one of the things the life support systems do is keep heat away from the pilot.

If the cockpit temp is 85 F then shorts would be helpful. If it's 130 you can't have your skin exposed. If the first is true you should be able to knock it down to 72 with DHS, and if the second is true you need full body protective equipment.
All mechs run ridiculously hot. It's part of the myomer. Getting hit with weaponized fusion exhaust gains the same amount of heat as just running around. And importantly, it doesn't matter where that heat is applied, it gets dissipated all around the unit without melting anything. But that means it all gets equally hot.

I've personally worked in environments hot enough where I was wearing an air vest and had an industrial AC (15 ton unit, 20 foot six inch pipe) outlet directly on my back and I was still sweating my ass off. Pilots can have AC right on their face, it's not going to help if the ambient temperature is that high.
the vietnam sweatshop that assembles the boxes actually makes me less interested in buying cgl plastic. All I can think of is what they think of the grown men buying literal toys like this for 5 dollars a pop while they make nickels per hour.
Well, it might help. It's probably why you only take pilot damage and not pilot dead from extreme heat.
And of course if the heat didn't circulate around the head, then you'd get pilot dead as soon as a flamer or inferno missile happens to roll a head hit.
They probably think kids buy them.
You think that's better?
>I conveniently just now decided to care about poor asians in sweatshops, the universal constant of production
I don't care about poor asians. I care about the embarrassing waste of money.
Well, no, but sweatshops aren't all bad.

Is it abuse by western standards? Yeah sure. Does it save them from back breaking agrarian labour that would probably pay about the same, if not less? Probably.

If you're going to get moral about it, you can't buy anything, and I mean anything, for less than a serious mark-up because it's domestic and the all natural non-GMO egg farm you buy from is trading on your morality. Anything you buy that comes in a package, any kind of package, probably came from a third world country and was packaged by somebody that wouldn't be able to buy a candy bar with their daily wage. Is it moral? I don't know. Probably not. Is your refusal to buy from them going to harm those corporations that use that labour in any meanginful way? Not in the slightest.

If your conscience keeps you up at night thinking about the vietnamese kids sewing shoes together, that's fine. That's good even. But join a non-profit or something. Virtuistic moralizing on 4chan will not allay your conscience.
Considering these are probably the same gooks who make Christmas tree ornaments and Halloween decorations, they probably gave up on thinking about what they were making long ago.
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The new Midjourney AI image retexturer works pretty good with Battletech Black and White lineart.
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You clearly have never been poor, or unsure where your next meal is going to come from.

Your average vietnamese sweatshop working isn't thinking about you. When they think of America, they think of Brad Pitt and McDonald's and Kim Kardashians tits. That's what they think of when they think of America. When they're working, they aren't thinking "wow whoever buy these is such a loser." They're thinking "i can't wait to get home and see my wife/husband/dad/mom/grandma I wonder what's for dinner tonight I hope it's good and not garbage stew again"

You don't even enter into their minds. None of us do.
These are not tremendous dogshit I'm impressed.
It's seems to be heavily optimized for filling in color and shading on black and white sketches.

Which makes it particularly suitable for battletech shit.
If it provided you with layers, it'd be an excellent in between for people with no artistic ability.
Then why did you/he say anything about the vietnamese sweatshops?
Would a Clan ERPPC with Capacitor work in a Summoner?

Adding onto this, would a ERPPC with Capacitor or a Gauss Rifle make a better can opener?
How many spare heat sinks are you carrying?
>Would a 15/20 be better than a regular 15

This post sums it up >>94231988
Lighter machines will benefit more.

Now the better quastion is why not take a Hyper Laser? Fuck them retconning being able to slap pulse modules on it.
Can you Pulse Module a Binary Laser?

Obviously would be atrocious heat, but might still be fun with AES stacked on it or something.
I'm one heat short of being heat neutral, not accounting for movement.
Only works on regular and ER lasers as of the latest retcon because fuck fun apparently. But then again, Caps were IS only no-mixtech until enough people bitched.
> You don't even enter into their minds. None of us do
Yeah, that sounds about right. I think the only other person who is in a position to judge you for buying plastic figurines would be the retail worker who is watching you bring it up to the register and pay for it. But even here they are probably thinking “what time is it? Where the hell is Jeff? He was supposed to relieve me so I could go to lunch. If he doesn’t show up here soon I’m going to hit my 5th. Forget it, how many are after this guy? Okay once I get through these I’m closing my register, I’m not getting in trouble because of Jeff”. Well either that or a passing “oh, that’s for that game right?”.

Really at the end of the day the only people who will judge you negatively for your hobbies is your own low self esteem, and the entitled bitch behind you who already is utterly convinced that she’s the main character and everyone else is just an npc who doesn’t exist outside of their relevance to her. And honestly who gives a flying fuck what they think?
... what about an improved heavy large laser?
I mean, that's not that bad, especially since you're only using the capacitor every other turn.
This. It buys you an extra 5 sinks every other turn.
Hey that's a good point. I think I'll do that. Use an ERPPC w/Capacitor and an LB-X10.
>fire hyper pulse laser
>cap out heat immediately
>it explodes for no reason
hyper laser my beloved
I haven't found the right mech to out it on yet, but I'm looking
>And Shimmeringsword, as much grief as he gets, has done an excellent job updating the old designs while still keeping them identifiable. I don't feel like the old spirit of the designs has been lost with the new plastics.
I disagree. All he did was make everything angled and covered in greebles. The old FASA designs had curves and flat plates and identifiable features. I could look at a Banshee and know it was a Banshee simply by the Gargoyle sunglasses or Enforcer vy the chest structure. Now? If I didn't have a label with them, those mechs might as well be new designs entirely. All he did was make every single thing have a uniform design aesthetic as though everything comes from a single, unimaginative, engineer.

He helped ruin the look of BT by making everything look boring because everything looks the same.
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Hard agree, it's the reason I prefer ripped MWO models over the official minis.
>covered in greebles
This is his biggest sin. I think everything else is basically fine, but I don't understand his weird fetish for panel lines and weird, meaningless fixtures. I put it down to a compulsion to add texture.
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The key is that the 2 roll for explosion is the same 2 roll for pulse module self delete. Dare you Drac in the ultimate mook?
Panther is the right choice.
The MWO models are a complete hit or miss just like with Shimmys designs.

Fuck off.
My only real complaint is it's difficult to find any kind of flat surface for decals. I would appreciate each mech having at least one flat plane for decals.

I disagree on pretty much every point you made, but that's just objective. I can kinda see where you're coming from, but I just don't feel the same way. I'm not saying the new designs are perfect, but I like them and I think they have enough personality without being hard to identify. Some of the older designs, I mean the very earliest, (that aren't just taken from Macross or something) are very difficult to tell what the actual proportions of the mech are supposed to be. They have so many angles and panels, which are not helped by the uniformly, and I mean 100% uniformly, terrible poses. Like the Commando looking sidways so everybody thinks it just has a weird head. That's objectively bad design if you can't tell what the head is supposed to look like.

But again, you like what you like, and i sympathize with that feeling because watching something you like be bastardized for mass appeal is awful. But i don't feel like the new designs are honestly bad.
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I don't know how you can say the PGI sculpt is more accurate to the old art than Shimmy's? Are you retarded?
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I hate how Shimmy ruined the Hunchback with this art.

>cannon has 2 meter bore, looks like it's a toy for eight year olds with a spring launcher
>tiny baby hands contrasted with gigantic pixar mom hips
>calves are just cylinders that don't at all match the rectangular thighs
>stupid 90s moon shoe feet
>head inexplicably has a right side window even though the entire right side is taken up by the cannon
Damnit Shimmy
That's nice.

For most of the game's run time, that hasn't been the case.

In FM:U, Addicks DMM has an upgrade rate of 85%, Kentares DMM has an upgrade rate of 65%, Raman DMM has an upgrade rate of 55%, Robinson DMM has an upgrade rate of 75%, Dahar DM has 40%, Bremond DMM has 40%, Bryceland has 55%, Milligan DMM has 65%, and Kilbourne DMM have 45%.

For context, their upgrade rate is on par with the Free Worlds Legionnaires brigade which are front line for the FWLM, better than a lot of the Lyran Guard RCTs, better than literally every Capellan Warrior House and all of their royal guard units, and better than most of the Ryuken from the DCMS.

I haven't really looked at anything for the ilClan era, but for the overwhelming majority of their running history, the DMM units get treated as well as the better commands from other states even if that means relatively poor treatment from the AFFS.
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>complete hit or miss
I think they got a little worse over the years as they burned out, but nailed most of their designs overall.
>Fuck off.
No. Cry about it.
>more accurate to the old art
I didn't say that.
I jumped in with the PGI design because anon said something about recognising the Enforcer by its chest design and the PGI version is much better in this regard than the CGL model in my opinion.
As for accuracy to the old art, I think the legs and head definitely carry some of the original DNA.
The PGI design doesn't have the cross in the middle. Shimmy's does. The protruding trpezoidal shaoe is the same on Shimmy's. It's not on the PGI design.

What exacly does the PGI design do that Shimmy's doesn't?
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The hexagonal chest is more distinctive, especially against other PGI designs, than the square chest is among other Shimmy designs; I'm not a fan of the new Vindicator and Centurion for example. I also prefer the more slender silhouettes of PGI's light and mediums and the original artwork (and Shimm's older art) over Shimmy's new chunkier designs. In fact looking at it now, putting his pre-CGL work side by side with the production minis, it sheds doubt on how much creative authority he has.
Wait I got mixed up, that's FlyingDebris. Maybe they should have hired him.
That picture looks very little like >>94232262. It looks much more like a PGI design than either the original FASA art or Shimmy's current art.
Bro I am so tired of these kids that played MWO and want everything to look like a generic 2010s sci-fi IP.
That screams Titanfall.
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> made it worse
Look at it!
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You can't be serious
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Look upon these walking cyber truck rejects and you tell me the new models aren’t an improvement!

So that book is full of bullshit, fair enough.
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It's from FlyingDebris, I got mixed up. Besides looking a little fragile, I like his mechs for their scale and proportions.
Not really. Titanfall designs have more bulbous headless bodies and are covered in pouches.
I'll stand by the old JM6-A, PGI's version is not as cool as this.
He does it on purpose because he has a problem with decals and (especially) pinups.
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Is it looking time?
How do I get the pewter Regent A's legs off it's sprue? The connection is massive.
The bit in MW5:C where Perez destroys Edo is fun. It shows both the smartest Combine soldier in the world,


And the stupidest Jaguar


I'm just now wondering how pissed the Star Commodore in command of that ship would be at a ground pounder giving orders to his crew.
If it won't cut with snips, then you might have to get a modeling saw. I've never sawn pewter specifically, but it should work as long as you get a good one.
I thought that video was kinda weak.

It says, "Wow, Galaxy Commander did something not very cool," rather than, "Holy fuck. a million people just died."
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It looks like a bootleg claptrap but with none of the spastic charm.
Ugh, the ship internals and camera effects look like Halo 4.
I have an inset pewter base, so it'll probably be fine if I cut into half of the connection and leave part of it connected to the foot, right?
Somebody skipped leg day.

Good god which mech was this supposed to be?
The new models aren’t an improvement.
I'm setting up an Instant Action game for this weekend, building out a clan star at 8k BV for the scouting objective. So far I've got:

>3/4 Mad Cat Mk II 5
>4/5 Nova S
>4/5 Adder S
>4/5 Elementals [AP Gauss]
>4/5 Elementals [AP Gauss]

The 3 mechs all have Active Probes (LAP on the Mad Cat), which seem to be good consistent ways to scan objective hexes since it turns the range into a 5-hex check from a 2-hex check, and doesn't require rolling to hit like TAG. Everything but the Adder can jump in case I find myself in a rough map (opponent picks in most scenarios). Nova and Adder are both Omnis and can carry the toads, and while the Adder would be nice if it had JJs it's at least fast enough to get the toads somewhere. Problem I'm seeing here is that I think I'm lacking just a wee bit more mobility, but I feel iffy about trading out the Adder for something faster or jumpier. Most stuff that mounts probes or TAG are just really really frail.

I was considering a Shadow Cat TC and a Black Lanner A with the Nova S, but this setup has more armor and some bigger guns and I'm not a huge fan of MASC. What changes would you guys make here?
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This wonderful beast.
Look at it. All must see, and despair.
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Loose should stick to straight lines.
>a million people
A million dracs is like 11 people.
Is Nightstar + Penetrator + Jagermech + Blackjack-3 a fitting fire lance for Syrtis Fusiliers? I have a company's worth of Federated Suns mechs lying around and I want to do a lot of units. Time to kill Taurians, commit high treason and job to Cappies.
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Lemme know how it goes. I'm waiting on my layout guy to get 4.1 out, but he's got stuff going on, and I spent today exploring a volcano.

I wish the Sunder mech got more love. It's a true Omni that can be reconfigured for every role except scouting, and mainly used by Davion and Kurita to boot. It was in Mechwarrior 3. C3 double master missile boat assault mech that can be hotswapped to a jump brawler. Why do people forget it exists?

>everybody knows Idaho for the potatoes but most of the state looks like this
IS XL engine and that bastard fixed heatsink.
Then I’m afraid that you have no taste.

Or completely blinded by nostalgia.

Either way it’s a crippling condition and I’m sorry for you.
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Yeah, I say I live in New Mexico and then show people this picture and they think I'm a liar.

I've run the Sunder. It doesn't hold up, would be better if it was a 3/5 with a SFE.
A crit roll on the punch location table is pretty scary anon
Have you run the Sagittaire? I'm sure that with the right loadout the Sunder could outpace it.
The nose art and silly slogans in the old art were one of the most fun things about the old books. Between that and the little vignettes they put in they really set a particular mood for the Inner Sphere at the mechwarrior level, and I miss it in the later materials.
The number of people that want to do a single drybrush pass after priming way outnumber the people that want to fuck around with transfers and do freehand art.
We're finally getting somewhere with the infantry. I just need to finish the bases for all my mechs and add a facing indicator and I'll have a full company ready.

Anyone have any suggestions for decals for the base? Triangles, pips or stripes are simple, though I like the 'front towards enemy' decals. Anything like that that's not quite as popular thought?
You could still lazy-paint a mech with enough flat surfaces for decals and freehand art.
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> add a facing indicator and I'll have a full company ready.
You really don’t need that step. I’ve been finding with just about all the plastic minis that the forward facing of the mech to be so painfully obvious as to make the addition of a direction indicator unnecessary.
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I agree with this. Clanner gene warriors should have more visual distinctive features, maybe like in pic related, where they take on more of their namesake. So Falcons have a hawkish look and swept back hair styles, Wolves have canines and yellow eyes, Bears are more bulkier and hairier, etc.

Also, there should have been genotypes for laborers and scientists. Laborers are simpletons, but are strong and hardy, perfect for menial labors. Science caste have bigger craniums and male-pattern baldness going on.
It's more of a consistency and ritual thing than anything else. One final step to be done for all my models that has a tangible gameplay benefit.

If I do pips too it can make it easier for me to keep track of the infantry and/or vehicles. An alternative I've considered is mounting a little bracket to put replaceable labels to both mark forward and make it easier to identify chassis variants/identical units at a glance.
I know I can't shoot any weapons in any torso segements that have an Elemental attached, but is any differentiation made on elevation?

Can a Dire Wolf with it's LRM-10, or a Timber Wolf with its LRM-20s still shoot those weapons? Are there any rules for where exactly Elemmentals are placed on an Omnimech's body?
No, it's terrible.
The MWOs still suffer from greebles and polygon inflation, but at least their shapes are interesting and their proportions haven't been made subject to the necessities of cheap plastic toy production.
Love the design.

Absolutely, but an enforcer that replaces its arm cannon with a railway spike the size of a city bus is kewl.
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Behead all of those who hate on Blackjack.

>Also, there should have been genotypes for laborers and scientists.
They aren't Brave New World, they're a society that would make the Eugenicist movement fall back to armed terrorism in defense of their class position.
MWO is where the box laser menace originated and I will not have you championing its failings. Some of the designs are fine, but I've found very few of the CGL plastic models boring or bad.

Also the shimmy enforcer straight up fucks and I won't have anyone saying otherwise.
>box lasers
This reason alone is enough to cast all PGI renders into the lake of fire
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Box lasers are great.
That's fine then, because I have my own issue with the way it standardized its weapons. Even if I understand why they did it.
That book just builds on everything else to that date.

The AFFS was just that far in front of everyone else until the Dark Age.
Davion Fiat: Delighting shotgun wielders since 1984
Nope. If it's in a torso location, no dice.

And now you know why BA is rarely carried by anything on TT.
Tip: Ryoken B is one of the best battle armor buses. All its weapons are in its arms and it moves 6/9, plus its loadout means it wants to get close anyway.

For a discount IS equivalent, the Strider Prime
It's not fiat if they set up ahead of time that the davions are way ahead of everyone else in the field of science. They had working double heat sinks in 3020 before the black widow blew them up. Also a bunch of the DMM units are reported as green, meaning the average mechwarrior is 6-7.
>it's not fiat if it's been fiat for a while

"davions have better stuff just because" is a textbook example of fiat
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There was still some competition to the NAIS, the Cappies for example had enough technical know-how to develop a working E-War suite in 3025 before the Helm Core was rediscovered.
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oh hey guys what's going on here
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Never forget that the Davion tech advantage is literally because of a time traveling rockstar played by Robocop, and also because of Jeff Goldblum dressed as a cowboy
Were any JapTech minis produced? It'd be neat to kitbash those arms onto a western Enforcer model.
Imagine being dumb enough to exemplify Missing the Forest for the Trees for box lasers alone. It is a game development concession that has nothing specifically to do with the "design". In terms of actual mechanical design uniqueness and quality, Alex's work for PGI are all universally superior. Yes, even the Marauder, as its one of the few that takes the step of having a genuine original design yet it remains attractive unlike the Phoenix variants.
I mean, it's kinda bullshit that they let things get to the point that fluff wise a District March Militia unit is better supplied (apart from having Clan salvage and Omnis) than the elite commands of other states.

Those are their most shittily supplied units. You can only imagine the gap between the best Suns commands and a mid-tier command from any other nation. If you use the RATs, the Suns gets some of the absolute best designs in the game for the 6, 7, and 8 slots and will significantly outmass their opponent. If you use percentages, you're outright fucked. Both are given as the preferred method of generating campaign forces.

And it's not just for the advanced tech era either. If you have a look at the RATs from Sword and Dragon, the Drac tables are decidedly shit compared to those of the Suns.

The usual rejoinder is "well use BV then" but that does mean that in canon terms, if you're not playing AFFS you need to select from the best and rarest machines your faction has access to just to break even against a Suns player who is running a relatively shitty list supply wise.

This also completely destroys my ability to believe that the Suns is ever under any real threat during the 3rd SW through to the Dark Age. Not only do they get Hanse, Morgan, and Victor for a large chunk of that era, their shitty home guard units mass and use as much advanced teach as one and a half elite regiments from the Caps or Dracs and are on average an experience level better to boot, plus they get codex creep on their special unit rules.

If you're gonna play a campaign and the other side is AFFS for most of the game's run, either you have to cripple the Suns so they're no longer lore compliant or you have to expect and accept a loss at the unit selection stage. That's pretty bad design for a war game.
defiance industries made some miniatures but kinda failed to capture the art
Fails to capture the art but it more or less looks like it belongs in current BT.
>get an old design quickdraw mini
>get ready to put on antennas
>look at old art
>no antennas
What the FUCK
On the flip side of things, how were the Dracs ever a threat? They're so belligerent and so incompetent and so hated by everyone (including their own people) that you'd think the Steiners and Davions would have crushed them into an area of space the size of the CapCon by the end of the 2nd or 3rd SW.
Maybe if the Steiners and Davions had a border during the 3rd SW it would have been a good opportunity to make them fight and build up actual grudges with one-another so that the royal wedding is more significant and the Civil War is more expected, or maybe have a timeline where the FedCom never happened and the Dracs survived the 4th SW by getting out of the way.
>plus stealth armor, TSM, and plasma rifles

Are Cappies just the IS version of the Clans? They invent a ton of the cool stuff, but are an immensley shitty faction
No, Davions are the IS version of the clans
What is iron wind metals? If I buy stuff from them am I giving money to catalyst games? I don't want my money going to evil corporations.
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Stealth armour is something they developed thanks to their E-War headstart, but TSM was leaked to them by the Davions in a sabotaged form and Plasma Rifles were developed sort of incidentally at a time when everybody had left the Cappies alone for a while and they'd gotten back on their feet.
Nah the Wolves are the Clan equivalent of the Davions.
And actually the Jags are kinda the like the Clan version of Dracs except their actions have consequences.
The DCMS "Too Stupid to Win; Too Angry to Die!" (TM)
It's some dude casting minis in the back of his shop whenever he feels like it.
Jags and Drags deserve each other.
They aren't, really. They just look threatening on paper.

The usual comparison is made to orcs; they're never intended to win, they just look scary and give the real PCs something to style on.

In terms of crushing the Dracs, if you look at their unit and planetary losses in the 4th SW, the Lyrans basically slam fucked them as hard as the Suns did the Capellans. However, by the time the next snapshot of the universe is taken in 20-Year Update, the Dracs have recovered and the Capellans haven't in terms of their military size and the FRR hides how many worlds the Dracs actually lost.

This is then compounded by the War of 3039 getting back-filled by FanPro to say that the AFFC ruthlessly crushed the DCMS, inflicting overwhelming losses and almost destroying it wholesale, ending the conflict with the Dracs on the ropes and waiting for the killing blow yet is somehow a marginal loss for the AFFC, presumably because they didn't get to OPERATION: RAT the Dracs and that is the standard for Suns victory in that era.

I don't necessarily mind that that a given faction is the most skilled for P/G scores, the heaviest on average by RATs, has the most Omnis, has the most Clan tech, or gets the best unit special rules. Somebody's going to be better and someone's going to be worse at each of those. It's just that they made the AFFS *overwhelmingly* better in all of those areas than anyone else.

If I was going to re-write things I'd make the Dracs more skilled but lighter on average, the Lyrans heavier on average but less skilled, the Suns would get the best special unit rules to reflect their tactical supremacy, morale would be a factor and the Capellans would be amazing at fighting to death but shittily supplied, and the FWL would just be kinda OK at everything without specialty.
Ghost Bear are the never lose Clan with authorial fiat on their side.
Disagree, the MWO box lasers look like ass. I never get this obsession with needing to make everything blocky.
The point is to make them immediately distinct from ACs at a glance. It's why PPCs also have that blue glow to make up for being round and why gauss weapons have that hexagon (triangle with cut corners) shape. Some of the MWO concept art featured lasers with round muzzles before in-game consistency requirements forced them to put squares in the ends of the barrels.
AC/20s, short barrels exclusively or long barrels too?
Long barrels work for tanks.
So no relation to catalyst?
...Oh, so THAT is why so many Clan designs have most of their weapons in their arms...
That, and counterplay.
he has the rights to produce minis as acquired during the FASA break up, so he cooperates with CGL to allow them to make figures
also he's a lazy boomer faggot sitting on the rights while refusing to modernize production whatsoever, meaning things like CGL not offering poseable figures or the ability to order specific models is his fault
So CGL cucks to him? based.
Trebuchet 5N or 5J? I'm a sucker for some maneuverability, but I don't know if it'd end up like a worse Catapult.
no one likes CGL, but at the end of the day he's fucking the end consumer over because
>don't like them 'puters, molds should be made by hand, in tiny batches so each is inflated to multiple times their worth, and dripfed into the market because it's my hobby
This answer's a bit of a copout but it depends on what you need out of it. If your lance needs a mech that can throw a lot of LRMs the 5N is very cost-effective. The 5J is a little bit too much of a generalist that doesn't excel at anything other than keeping cool, but if you're fighting over broken terrain or across city streets then jets are good for staying out of trouble until your missiles are spent and they're good for flanking if you want to put the lasers to use. If the 5S had jets and extra armour it might be perfect for city brawling but alas.
In the end it's pretty pathetic how BT has it's IP whored out in various ways to several different entities. It's to be expected though since the people that always seem to have the IP have no love for it whatsoever.
holy based
Now the important follow up since it looks relatively even, stick with a stock 5N or kitbash a 5J?
Kitbash a 5J so you've got something unique to show off.
that's the long short of it I guess, ejecting the brand piece by piece was pure judaism that has haunted it for decades
>On the flip side of things, how were the Dracs ever a threat?
By being right, and better.
he greenlight clickytech dark age blindboxes
>deep enough into the bit you'll admit to loving wizkids
One day, I'd like to believe some shadow conspiracy will reassemble all the rights under one roof and usher in a new golden age.

But I also know they'll just continue to sit on the IP and use the monopoly to make everything objectively worse without anything new that fans want.
>don't like them 'puters, molds should be made by hand, in tiny batches so each is inflated to multiple times their worth, and dripfed into the market because it's my hobby
That's called gatekeeping the hobby, and you people have assured me multiple times that it's a Good Thing.
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Be careful what you wish for, there's still a Bad Santa or three around to buy up your IP and then camp it for decades.
If dealing with the Battletech community has taught us anything over the years, it's that what you want is wrong. You're welcome to leave. You will not be missed.
We love you too.
>anon incapable of reading comprehension
It's all so tiresome.
It was the first attempt to kill the game, not because the owner had a "better idea" but because he was a dum dum who thought video games were going to completely and totally delete the entire tabletop market and wanted to get while the getting was good. Then the tabletop market failed to collapse and he was stuck on the ass end of at least three or four perpetual, unrevocable, one time payment licensing deals.
Then came the clix thing which was a "better idea" and then alpha strike...
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>ey starcommander, we started a batchall with a spheroid pirate, we know he won't respect it but we're going in anyway
>huh, why are there 3 unions just sitting here turned off, better leave a star and all our elementals next to them
>did you find anything useful? just some assorted explosives big enough to blow up a union? damn, keep looking
I know they're clanners but are clanners... THIS special needs at the start of revival?
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I mean...
Many of them are literally confused by the idea that spheroids don't recognize their clan terms or inherently know the specifics about how trials work. They take a lack of knowledge as a deliberate snub. They have a very poor grasp of history and drink so much cool-aid that it doesn't even make sense to them for people who haven't already drank the cool-aid to exist at all.
It's a special time for everyone involved. Remember in that mission the bandit lord thinks you're DCMS.
I mean what's more likely
>a. the DCMS has mcfucking had it with these pirates and is sending the big dick squadron with classified mechs to end it once and for all
>b. the fucking star league has returned and they're now SUPER autistic but also sci-fi tier
neither is likely, but a rational man would guess A, especially since the dracs are the only spheroids who go on about muh honor and muh duels
They're Smoke Jaguars, so yes, they were that retarded in terms of how they approached battles.

On the other hand, they regularly took out 6 IS machines or more without a single loss each, so while they might be dipshits at recognising traps, they will seriously fuck you up if they can get you to meet them in the field.
This particular interaction was confounding because clanners cannot fathom throwing away valuable equipment for a ruse. They actually have several conversation exactly about wasted resources and it seems to be the biggest sticking point among the smoke jaguars.

>guy has 3 ferrari's(i dunno what high end cars people covet) in his garage where you planned to have a brawl at
>find a bunch of c4 in his house
>there's no way he'd destroy his cars
It's that level of confused when the bombs go off.
No that shit is retarded
In the actual fluff the dropships were stripped down and the explosives were concealed in the hulls, the Jags never knowing about them until they went off.
>but because he was a dum dum who thought video games were going to completely and totally delete the entire tabletop market and wanted to get while the getting was good
In 1999, that was a reasonable take. Apply context to the decisions people make.
Maybe, but it was also an incorrect take, and he didn't hedge that bet enough to be that wrong.
I don't think that changes much. Just think it's weird they left materiel unprotected, but also think spheroids are retards.
In the context of business, assigning perpetual licenses for peanuts was a well known blunder by the late 90s. Some genius had already let Lucas keep 100% of the merchandising rights for Star Wars. The entire executive class wept for decades over it. Selling rights for the lifespan of the recipient with no exit clause was not a good idea back then and they knew it perfectly well.
>Some genius had already let Lucas keep 100% of the merchandising rights for Star Wars.
That decision at least made sense at the time. In order to get the film made Lucas gave the studio 100 % of the box-office profits, but asked to in return to get to keep all the merch profits. Considering there really was no precedence for a science fiction film spawning such a huge merchandising empire as SW did the execs figured they would be getting the better deal since if the movie turned out to be a hit they'd make a fortune from the ticket sales. Which they did, but Lucas ended up making even more money from the merchandise.
It wasn't something he himself had really expected to happen either. He figured he'd probably be able to make just enough profit selling T-shirts and posters to eventually be able to afford to start the production of a smaller budget sequel.
New thread: >>94234152
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They do improve the look, at least. The only good catalyst retcon.
I do wish they had kept the 3050U art style.

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