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llanowar elves in standard for the next 5 fucking years edition


The 2025 MagicCon and Pro Tour Schedule:

Metagame Mentor: The Scariest Standard Strategies in Duskmourn:


>Current meta, complete with deck lists
>Build and share casual decks

>Build and share Cubes

>Search engines
>Proxy a deck or a cube for cheap
>Play online for free

>What is EDH?


is there a card you wish you could play forever but became obsolete either because bans or power creep?
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It was only good in Scars/Innistrad standard, but god, this was such a fun deck to pilot. You had a bunch of wacky artifact creatures like Phyrexian Revoker and Phyrexian Metamorph in the same standard environment too.
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I really miss the old 2-for-1 Jund lists.
TQ: Real, I always found Pentavus to be one of the coolest cards when I got into the game as a kid and always wanted to do a deck revolving around him and a bunch of other counter-matters things, but there's no planet where durdling around with those is viable except when it goes infinite. I'm 100% there are cards that just completely mog it and its relatives too.
Ravager Shops does some fun stuff with Steel Overseer in Vintage but even that tops out with Walking Ballistic and Stonecoil Serpent as its most durdly cards.
i really like old snappy but the thing that's in these days are permanents that shit out tons of value rather than rebuying something like brainstorm
>llanowar elves in standard for the next 5 fucking years
I mean, mono green really could use some help, I think the last time mono green was even close to competitive in standard was 2021
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Drudge skeletons
Maybe picrel instead, possibly my favorite creature art
TOR will be the first card restricted in Modern and the first copy of the 'New Power 9' (all will be from IP tie-in sets).
>The 6 infinity stones are just legendary versions of the moxen, plus a new one that taps for anus mana
>The Cosmic Cube is a legendary version of Black Lotus
>They are only available as serialized cards in collector's boxes
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TOR will be reprinted in foundations as jace's wedding ring
Infinity stones as SL mox would be an unironically good idea though
This but the new one taps for Energy instead of Colorless
Better than the stones being new cards, besides as long as it doesn't impact real formats like standard and modern it's fine.
Also an anus mana moxen is just sol ring.
this would be insane
imagine vintage decks playing 2 copies of each mox lol
Reminder Mox Opal and Faithless looting died because of MH1.
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>There are exactly enough infinity stones to cover each color of mana
it's just the nature of rotating formats
>playing legacy burn
oh that's right this game IS fun
god i love how this deck is complete shit but it wins sometimes because a blue deck spins its wheels a little too much
lol, they're trying to phase out rotation, that's the problem. They want every rotation to be based on power creep.
All I have left is Legacy D&T and Premodern RDW.
I chose D&T because I Legacy delver is obnoxiously expensive to maintain and I wanted to play something more interactive than Sneak and Show.
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They want Modern/Legacy to rotate more and Standard to rotate less. They want everything to be in a constant churn while giving off the illusion of stability.
Like Commander.
how is any of that, especially stability, like commander?
Everyone's cards in all formats are being depreciated at the same steady rate by a constant trickle of new overpowered cards.
Commander is in a constant churn because it's always ALWAYS getting hot, new, targeted bullshit in every single release that Commander players will dutifully gobble up. Even the Commander players themselves will admit that all the constant pandering just made the experience worse, but they keep buying anyway.
But there's always the illusion of stability. Commander never rotates and almost everything is legal, you can play any card in your collection! Don't like new cards? Just houserule them away!* Don't like bans? Just ignore them!*
* - most players won't and everyone knows it
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-Lurrus ban in pioneer kills her deck
-Unplayable in any other format except for ISD-RTR Standard

This, and also any x/1 creature.
>They want Modern/Legacy to rotate more
I don't believe they particularly care about what happens in Legacy, the amount of people actually buying duals to play with is insanely small, the majority of new Legacy players just proxy the expensive stuff.
Yes, the blessed churn.
I lumped them together just to stand in for """non"""-rotating formats in general. Legacy and Vintage are more resilient to the churn because the RL has already created some tolerance towards proxying, but WotC would love to squeeze whatever juice they can get from them too.
>WotC would love to squeeze whatever juice they can get from them too
imagine a Vintage Horizons
This is one of the benchmarks I've used for my homebrew cards for a while so it's reassuring to hear that it isn't playable anymore. If I make something that would be playable in current year it means I fucked up bigtime.
commander is also the draft chaff format though
I just don't think its a good comparison
They don't need to make Legacy/Vintage Horizons because Modern Horizons already does the job. Go take a gander at the top lists in Vintage and you'll see some of our good friends, like Psychic Frog, Grief, Urza's Saga, etc.
>dozens of shitposts about how it would kill Standard
>is completely fine
>play deck ported from 2012 into current year in webcam match
>go first
>opponent entombs archon of cruelty and dazes my tidehollow sculler
>plays fetch pass on his turn
>i play a land and pass
>he goes to fetch
>i opposition agent, now im up 3 lands to his none
>he shows me his hand then immediately topdecks reanimate
>i lose
>postboard i just die to bowmasters but its fine because its just raise the alarm

I don't agree that Vintage is resiliant to it. Any deck in that format in UB colours is obliged to run at least Frog and probably Bowmasters and in some cases will bend over backwards to do so - see Lurrus BUG lists. Vintage and Legacy now are defined by various old broken cards being powered out with fast mana or protected by cheap or free disruption. I can see Vexing Bauble being banned at some point in the future when some 2C creature is so powerful it warps the format around it like WPA did.
>commander is also the draft chaff format though

That's unironically what they want you to think while 99% of actual Commander players go buy new product and get excited about next product.
>commander is also the draft chaff format though
Ah, here's the problem, this is obviously wrong. There's no more incentive to play commander with draft chaff than there is to play any other format with draft chaff.
There was once a time where people were more likely to build a deck with what they had on hand, instead of asking the internet to build their deck for them, but that too was once true for any format (it's why MtG was better in the 90s).
>Flamethrower guy surviving the flames
Flavor fail.
My phrasing was a bit off. Vintage/Legacy still do get rotated, but the players are some degree less liable to actually buy the new expensive cards since proxying isn't as foreign to them as it is for Modern/Pioneer players. But that doesn't mean WotC totally writes them off either.
He's a 3rd party observer torching the board, not a creature himself
Standard is too fucked for it to matter. The Red decks are too fast and the tokens deck can rebuild too easily.
So he's a planeswalker?
There are supposed to be flavor conventions highlighting the difference between a burn spell and a boardwipe.
He simply has toughness >2 so he doesn't burn
someone needs to slap whoever fucking card designer working on standard sets who is an edgelord kiddie that thinks black should always be the best color
black has three win the game if left alone + hard to remove threats for 3 mana right now, and then three more for 4 mana. you can print midrange cards into other colors guys! stop listening to that edgy moron!
That's what happens with DEI hires and no playtesting.
Which ones are those? Slasher, Demon-room, and what?
aggro decks don't care they get above 2 toughness on turn 2
token control decks don't care they rebuild next turn
black decks don't care because they only run 1 creature with <2 toughness lol
only deck that cares is jeskai convoke
slasher, lili of the veil, demon room (used to be preacher)
>2 damage sweep kill standard

nobody thought this.
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>is there a card you wish you could play forever but became obsolete either because bans or power creep?
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i'm just glad usea decks stopped running this
black is honestly pretty tame compared to red based aggro or beanstalk bullshit
been here a few times. designing my own magic set inspired by cartoons.
A first draft of The Mechanics, Draft Archetypes, and Ten Signpost legendaries have been figured out.

I'm brainstorming 3 planeswalkers for the set, 3 de-sparked planeswalkers, 3 to 4 three colored Mythic Legendaries and then eventually some of the other spell types.

right now I've compiled the set mechanics and the signpost legendary creatures here https://pastebin.com/u/MTG_InktropolisSet Hopefully either tonight or tomorrow I will have the document for the draft archetypes written up and sharable
nah, there's a reason the only good monocolor decks in the meta right now are mono black
You're half right, they'll be mana rocks that are only playable in commander.
mono white token control is better than any flavor of mono black
and who cares what the best mono colored deck is if its not the best deck period
if youre still convinced its so oppressive just play it yourself
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I miss the times it was a Vintage staple. (And WotC wasn't afraid of naked women.)
What's the Pioneer meta feel like?
I see a lot of different decks, but there have to be a few at the top that are better than everything else right?
Once you get past those 2 your basically just against one of like 6 different flavours of black midrange and it has been like that for the last few years. It's not as flashy as RDW but it's crazy how many midrange value bombs black currently and has previously had in standard the last few year
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>try to brew around pic related
>it just ends up being a worse version of maverick or D&T
>commander card
Guys I think Mazemind Tome might be my favorite card
I think the only mediocre card I've seen people not want for the younger formats because they'd be too powerful is Mana Leak
Didn't they print something that was better than this and also had an adventure?
No it's not, Commander is singleton legacy+Sol Ring, it's all busted garbage being played by people who couldn't hack it in an actually competitive format so instead they infest a format that's supposed to be for casual games to get their free wins, and that's how it was since the first set of EDH precons all the way in 2013, it's only gotten worse. The format died the day WotC decided to pander to it.
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>Play this card
>Bring out automatic Nerf gun
>Shoot my opponent's deck off the table
It's that easy bros
Yep, Questing Druid. It's a Quirion Dryad with a random impulse draw spell stapled to it, and it's supposedly supposed to have something to do with Questing Beast, even though you want to play Questing Beast in a green stompy deck, and you want to play Questing Druid or Quirion Dryad in a deck that's predominantly not green. Absolute shit-tier card design made by hacks that probably only play commander if they care about the game at all. And it's probably not even meta relevant.
well, if your opponent happens to be dumb enough not to shield his deck and gives you clear line of fire, you deserve that win
>have Leyline of Anticipation on the table
>cast my own Nerf War
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>llanowar elves in standard for the next 5 fucking years edition
Maybe it's finally time for me to get back in. What's the mono-green meme of the month?
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aggressive self-mill into a 10/10 Lumra
Is Arena worth playing for standard and pioneer or is it still abysmal
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Eh, no moreso than the formats themselves. I was convinced that Standard was better on Arena than in paper when a rotation hit and I needed another suite of fetchlands and rares that would've cost $100 physically but took 15 seconds and some wildcards. The monetization is predatory, the UI is ass, and I've lost games because of how fickle the priority system is compared to MTGO, but it still beats paper.

I mostly draft though, so maybe some of the lifers can speak to what it's like on the ground. I will say Best-of-1 is a fucking wasteland, particularly in unranked. People will just throw memepiles at each other hoping to spike wins and they've been doing it for fucking years because as soon as something has a daily attached people lose their goddamn marbles.
Arena defaulting to the worst stuff (Alchemy and best-of-1) is so bad. I can SORT of get BO1 for newer players, but defaulting to Alchemy is just bad.
Arena was always a red-headed stepchild that was shoved out the door to die but its success forced Wizards to actually invest in it by fits and starts before covid slammed the door shut on paper play for years. As a result they never quite decided if this was a testbed for an actual MTGO upgrade, bait for the hearthstone/eternal/shadowverse players, or an actual way to play magic. Alchemy is the digital-only flash and bluster that Hearthstone players are used to, but it certainly doesn't feel like magic to enfranchised players and the fact that so many of its mechanics are designed to add spice to Bo1 play just twists the knife.
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Don't give WotC any more ideas like that; they're bad enough by themselves...
Lifelink seems kinda pointless considering that the card will either win you the game or kill you by the time your extra turn is done, so it's not like you'll be absorbing any hits from your opponent with that life. The anti-reanimation clause is kinda funny though.

Now for a few formatting nitpicks: Only the first keyword ability needs to be capitalized the rest should be lowercase. Additionally, "lifelink" is one word. The Final Fortune style effect could also probably be phrased better. Remember to look at real magic cards for reference for these sorts of things. Scryfall is very helpful for this.

You also forgot to credit Howard Lyon. That art is from an existing magic card, you can easily figure out who the artist was.

Also, cardsmith is ass, use Magic Set Editor instead.
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why daleet?
just yesterday I was trying to build a viable nimble mongoose delver shell but came to the conclusion that temur colours are really badly positioned in the meta and sultai colours can't cast a turn 2 psychic frog off a turn 1 basic forest for mongoose so why bother
>and it's supposedly supposed to have something to do with Questing Beast
is that confirmed or is he just questing because he goes on an adventure?
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oh uhhh idk man it's just a hunch
This, but there will only be one of each infinity stone printed, so each will be worth about 10k on the secondary market and Marvel will be the best selling set ever.
Well, the Questing Beast is a whole 'thing' on Eldraine. It's part of one of the plane's stories, people seeking out the Beast for some sort of boon. Typically the High King has to seek the Beast out to become officially recognised as the High King, etc.
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what about this?
>If MTG is so bad why hasn't it been dethroned yet?

In terms of revenue it isn't even close and it never was.
In terms of gameplay in theory it's the better game but it has degenerated so much that it's not fun anymore. At that point why play?
In terms of artwork it still has great pieces but at the same time you have to look at ugly scribbles, cgi and woke garbage.
If you know what an "infinity stone" is you should probably kill yourself.
If you know what a "phyrexian" is you should probably kill yourself.
>What's the Pioneer meta feel like?
feels fine to me, I played a league last week and had a good time, my matchups were
>rakdos tree
>jund sac
>green devotion
>selesnya company
I went 3-2 with soulflayer
>I see a lot of different decks, but there have to be a few at the top that are better than everything else right?
sure, that happens in every format, the more competitive the environment you want to play in, the more likely you're to face the same decks, but personally I don't have any interest in grinding challenges at the moment, so it's not really an issue

don't know anything about the explorer experience on arena though, I haven't played that format in a while
You're either going to pay a shitload of money to have the cards needed to play or spend dozens of hours grinding drafts. If one of those sounds fine and you're not put off by how hideous the game is, then you might have fun.

Looks gr8 m8, I r8 8/8
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it's onna deez
False equivalence but yeah, I agree, if you read magic novels you should probably kill yourself.
If you know what a "mulligan" is you should probably kill yourself.
He's right you know.
False equivalence. One is not as bad as the other.
It is though.
If you know what a "Mana Crypt" is you should probably kill yourself.
You keep implying Magic is the same as capeshit slop. Your brain is rotten.
Not even close.
If you know what a "fetchland" is you should probably kill yourself.
>knowing things is bad
Sir, this is a 4chan board dedicated to physical games and you are posting in the general thread for a trading card game known as "Magic: The Gathering".
do you have any proof of that?
It was revealed to me in a dream
It is though. MtG writing has never been as good as Marvel writing. You are a braindead consumerist culture warrior and you don't have a point.
Maybe if you're talking about the original comics and not the movies or the modern Marvel comics.
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>as good as Marvel writing
lmao even
Read real books.
The first three phases had some good movies, then all of Marvel's writing became on par with Magic's writing.
They could just make it a rename like the Godzilla card
The movies have better writing than MtG has ever had. The modern comics have better writing than MtG has ever had. Cope harder retard.
Captain Marvel, Multiverse of Madness, Eternals, etc all have better writing than MtG has ever had. Cope harder retard.
You seem upset.
Nah, it is what it is, MtG is a beautiful game and it used to have top-tier worldbuilding but that's still different from good writing. The writing was never good.
why are you all so mean
I think they were largely carried by the major actor's chemistry and the fact they wrote for it. Once the big stars shuffled off people really weren't all that interested in the B-team characters... then the writers didn't put in any effort to give the audience reasons to be interested in them, so the only people still watching are those who don't really give a shit, either because they don't know better or they don't care.

Magic's writing never really interested me all that much on a top level. I read cards, say 'cool' and shrug. Generally if it's not a current plotline I don't hear about it at all until my friends mention it to me and give me a synopsis. For current sets I pick up a little out of osmosis and the rest I don't really follow up on.
We have plenty of reasons.
Nerds get pissy when you tell them they have shit taste.
Less-mean versions of this community can be found anywhere on the internet. We're mostly mean because we're anonymous and because we don't have to spend any effort making new accounts. There's also a certain meanness related to 4chan's ex-somethingawful culture and our tradition of being misanthropic weebs, but really, 95% of it is just because we're anonymous and because people can post here without making accounts.
Marvel went from good to okay to utter dogshit, so the fall seems worse than Magic, who had one decent storyline a long time ago that has been buried by the never ending stream of dogshit writing. They both hit that event horizon where the writing is so nonsensical that it's hard to judge which one is worse than the other.
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>there are people itt who unironically think mtg was ever more respectable than anything by marvel
maro made it his personal goal to ruin my fun
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can I use FoW's or Daze's alternate cost off something like Seek the Beast?
of course
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The cards don't say you don't.

I believe that some alternate cost mechanics specify that they only work from the hand, I can't think of any off the top of my head though.
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>Marvel went from good to okay to utter dogshit,
You can adjust your scales as much as you want and that still won't be true. There are Marvel comics from the 70s, 80s and 90s with worse writing than the most recent movies, even the most recent movies aren't that bad by Marvel standards, which is to say that they aren't that bad by (popular media) standards.
Because, and this is the thing that people like to overlook when talking about Marvel movies, most mainstream movies have terrible writing. The standard for mediocre movies is way below the standard for mediocre comic books. And the standard for media-related-to-paper-gatcha is even lower than that.
Normies on 4chan have their own cultural hierarchy, where mainstream media is regarded as lower and "nerd media" is regarded as higher, but that's just an identity thing. No one who actually pays attention to both kinds of media would actually say that Marvel writing is worse than MtG writing.
Thought those were custom cards for a sec
as far as I'm aware you can't pay alternate costs off bolas citadel or snapcaster mage
> bolas citadel
It specifies a specific alternate cost to allow you to play the cards from your library
> snapcaster mage
Doesn't allow you to cast cards from your graveyard. Just gives them flashback with a specific mana cost.
Imagine defending capeshit.
Wtf is a meter
The first commander product came it in 11 though
the cadence of ban announcements really sucks, everyone knows obvious cards are leaving formats in the next B&R but they still have to wait months for them so new players are forced to either buy shit thats obviously getting banned or just not play those formats
The first EDH commander theme decks were the 2009 MTGO ones, Xira and Rubinia.
But the first new products with original cards is from 2011.
I agree that the current cadence sucks but I disagree about your new player point, nobody who's getting into modern or legacy right now is buying into energy/frog decks unless they got someone really fucking scummy giving them advice, it's the enfranchised competitive players who feel forced to keep playing these decks that are obviously going to get cards banned because that's what you have to do in order to keep up with meta

new players are either buying into budget decks or just proxying the whole thing to get experience
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I've been having fun finding the Standard decks of Old, and trying to update them to Pioneer. Putting in new cards, but trying to retain the core as closely as you can.
>new players joining legacy don't play blue

maybe now they don't since you need 4x frogs but half the reason to play legacy is using brainstorms and force of wills
>new players are either buying into budget decks OR just proxying the whole thing to get experience
are you just choosing to ignore specific words in my post? please don't do that
I wish magic had a better story and IP, but instead we keep getting more universes beyond shit and Wizards refuses to invest into things they actually own.
So in Hasbro news, Hasbro revenue is down 15%, Magic is up 5%. Same as it ever was.
I pray for the day Hasbro fucking collapses and Wizards is bought by a competent company like Mattel.
Another year of strangling the golden goose, eh?
Speak for yourself i want to jam creatures that are too good for modern and lose to Dark Ritual and counterspells.
thats why I said half, the other half likes playing stompy decks like you
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fuck prowess
fuck oculus
fuck domain
I'm rooting for demons, preferably golgari
Is temur prowess the stormsplitter combo?
>20 players on gruul prowess
>only 3 are running leyline
wtf anon you told me it was going to get banned???
I think so
>Temur Prowess (9 players): Temur Prowess operates like a combo deck, capable of storming off with explosive turns. You can tap Valley Floodcaller for mana with the help of Enduring Vitality, cast a noncreature spell, untap the Otter, tap it for mana again, and continue the cycle. With a wealth of interaction and card-draw spells, the deck can generate an impressive number of prowess triggers in a single turn.
based, I might actually watch that
I think of Questing Druid as birthing druid because questing is supposed to be the noise of pain the real world Questing Beast makes because she is constantly giving birth.
I haven't played in a few years but even circa 2018 there was no competitive incentive.
Which is fun and let me play silly shit like the "of Empires" cards as my sole win condition.
so clearly things are gonna get even worse for this game
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>verge lands
>get deck inspiration looking at Duskmourn cards
>come up with a clever name for the deck because it's sure to be a top 8 all star for the standard season and it's my ticket to MTG celebrity status.
>log in to MTGA for the first time in years
>30+ packs waiting for me
>crack them all
>spend all my wildcards making a new pet deck for post-Duskmourn standard
>it fucking sucks and I lose every game
you can keep doing that for free on xmage, just not in standard since no one plays that format there
you guys are delusional if you think wotc being bought by another company would change things for the better
everyone knows how much money mtg shits out now and they'd go even harder on the ub and supplemental sets
couldnt be worse
could be better
I am willing to take that bet
Tell me the deck bro I promise I won't steal it and make it better just to clown on you my dude

You should treat any numbers published by hasbro with the same skepticism you should treat anything that maro says
Lying to customers is one thing, lying to investors is a completely different beast. You have no idea what you're talking about.
Yeah, you made the mistake thinking Arena was like FNM, when it is in fact a skinner box.
>the tsm isn't a scam

Come on now
>the taiwanese semiconductor manufacturing isn't a scam
yeah, they have an even bigger reason to keep telling them how everything is going great (lie)
They also have actual consequences for doing so. Nobody's getting locked up for lying to customers, but they'll be sent to hang for trying to defraud investors. Hasbro is not the one on top in that relationship, the investors are the boss. There's been plenty of cases throughout history.
What is the difference between the people who play gacha shit, hit the paywall, think "This feels bad", and quit versus those who hit the paywall, think "this feels bad", and pay money to make it not feel bad?
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It's also very hard to verify you're lying when you're the only entity with all the books and can invent future income along with saying expenses don't count. Hollywood is very good at making every movie ever produced be a financial failure in the books for tax write-offs and lying to the government is the biggest no-no there is.
The difference is the quality of the writing.
You forget that Hollywood has the credibility of a literal century of cultural dominance. Hasbro has much fewer excuses it can pull. You can't lie to investors forever, anyway, because the investors are here for the money. If they are not getting money, they pull out or start asking questions, especially if they aren't getting the money that they think they are owed.
It's even easier to build decorations for a fire scene for 5 million dollars, burn them, tell the investors they costed 10 million dollars and put a difference into your pocket.
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Hello, is this the magic the gathering general?
>you're the only entity with all the books and can invent future income along with saying expenses don't count
lmao, you have a fifth grader's understanding of how accounting works. A simple audit would reveal that the numbers are made up.
>Hollywood is very good at making every movie ever produced be a financial failure in the books for tax write-offs
They do it because it benefits the investors. Again, the investors are the boss here.
>lying to the government is the biggest no-no there is
Yes, and Hollywood accounting is technically legal. Tax avoidance is not the same thing as tax evasion. Scamming your investors is neither.

No, it's really not. If you think that's what Hollywood accounting is, you've fallen for Hollywood's own mythologizing of themselves.
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Hey buddy you got the wrong door. The gay dragonfuckers club is two blocks down.
Yes people would never lie in an attempt to keep their job
Is this the art where they just copy-pasted bolas and rotated him slightly
FUCK domain decks
Nobody said that it's impossible for Hasbro to be lying, just that it would be on a completely different scale compared to Maro lying about stuff on his blog.
The difference between a healthy person and an addict.
is control really that bad? I remember uw being all over the place before rotation
I don't see stormsplitter on the most played bloomburrow cards list, it seems like a different deck.
Yes it was stolen fanart.

The question should never be, "does this feel bad?"

The question should always be, "how can I make magic: the gathering feel bad for everyone else?
>Play monoblack discard
>everyone else feels bad
>A strange game. The only winning move is not to play.
someone doesn't like people talking bad about mtg...
It reminds me of GP events where they are constantly firing off limited events the whole day, and there are grinders that would just leave the event after drafting if they didn't get enough strong cards. They would just to join another than is just starting.
more like "dumb frogposter"
And the Ugin was a somewhat-edited version of the first Ugin card art, because if you're gonna just steal, I guess you go as blatant as possible.
>tfw you will never be a nascent superintelligence placed in total unilateral control of the cold war nuclear arsenal of the United states
>all of the fun premodern decks require mox diamonds or survivals
is proxying not a thing in premodern? wizards has no control over it
>first standard night at lgs: 1 win
>second standard night at lgs: 2 wins
I will completely disregard small sample size and will be proud that I'm improving.
whatchu playin?
Is there any rules engine that exists for playing MTG solo?
Gruul prowess with leyline (always sideboarded for forge)
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How does Hasbro reconcile its desire to create overarching plots in MtG with its policy of not returning to planes that had bad sets?
With omenpaths you don't need to return to specific planes, easy.
it still baffles the scientists how there is like no sandbox in any mtg client where you can set up scenarios to test things out
Anon we just returned to Eldraine AND Kamigawa.
I'm sure they factor a plane's popularity when writing the plot. The Eldrazi Arc and War of the Spark ended on the most popular planes. Thunder Junction only introduced the Fomori vaults so there isn't really a reason to return.
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>Tony Stark's Lab
>Legendary Land - Island Mountain
>Secret Lair Exclusive (tee hee)
There's too many black people in MtG art.
I take it that's a no?
Throne of Eldraine was well received despite the broken cards and nu Kamigawa is basically a different plane
Elaborate please.
new aids just dropped
Also buy an ad
>0 mana 2/3 with flash
man this card is cool
mtgo lets you goldfish
xmage lets you play against a bot and you can give him any deck of your choosing
google mtg forge
its easily the best free rules engine if you are just looking to play solo
Apart from Ajani this is the first enjoyable Aids deck in a long time.
-Built around synergy
-Isn't just MH tribal
-Features a variety of cards from different sets
Fascinating build, but why does he talk like that?
Thanks anons
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>"So what word are you choosing Anon?"
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I don't think this deck is very good but it looks fun as hell
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gb2 sleep, Sarkhan
even though I quit after 10 seconds I agree with you, this video is aids.
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the funniest part is that they are almost never on black cards because wizards is afraid of implying that black people are evil
red implies that theyre barbarians
green implies that theyre animals
so afro tribal is a blue white deck, which lines up with teferi colors
Funny, I was just thinking about Ojer Axonil. I want to make Cavalcade of Calamity work somehow.
I've always associated Sarkhan with mono red but maybe I'm just ignorant
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Luckily for us, the trannies at Scryfall have meticulously categorized every card on which a nigger appears. So we don't have to tolerate your NAXALT retard nonsense.
He's been literally every colour but White, actually. Centered in Red, though.
oh shit it's true lol
>someone went through every mtg just to see if there was a poc in it.
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The archives appear to be incomplete
I was never a canadian thresh player but this card being strong is a pretty good indicator of the Legacy formats that I enjoyed.
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same but also this one
Rate the most recent sets. For me it's:

>Bloomburrow > Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty > The Brothers' War > The Lost Caverns of Ixalan > Phyrexia: All Will Be One Dominaria United > Duskmourn > March of the Machine > Outlaws of Thunder Junction > Wilds of Eldraine > Streets of New Capenna > Murders at Karlov Manor
That's just because white has the most humanoids, if there was a search for caucasians then white would have the majority too.
>Actual garbage
>Everything else
>Wilds of Eldraine above Ixalan
It gave me Legacy Beans.
Black has more humans than green but green has more niggers than black.
im building a blb right now solely to avoid any humanoids or chances of blacks showing up.
They don't tell you this but Mabel is secretly voiced by Ice Spice
So what Eldrazi is gonna be in Foundations? Do we think its gonna be more than one or nah?
matter reshaper
Has going first ever been more powerful?
I feel like if my opponent goes first it's just fucking over.
>dude just sideboard in g2 bro dude 3 games
You literally just lose g1 then win g2 then they go first again
so the data backs up my personal impressions
ive been avoiding white for the last few years due to severe nigger fatigue, i knew i wasnt just imagining it
I'm leaning towards it being a small part of a limited theme since the card teased wasn't a legendary, so maybe it's a payoff for ramp archtypes
Probably just one or two Eldrazi and Phyrexians, because the sort of 'conceit' of the set is apparently "What would a set called "Magic: The Gathering look like", and you gotta have its two more iconic original creations in that. I wouldn't be surprised to see a Sliver, though they're less likely to have any minor appearances because Slivers by nature need a high volume to 'work'. Unless the new "any number of cards" card is a Sliver.
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The simplest one.
i was leaning towards frogs so im ok with that.
All three of them, but new ones with colored activated abilities so that they can be used as commanders
I understand it was unhealthy, but I was finishing all my dailies in less than 20 mins on arena.
They killed my waifu and my ass still bleeds.
just play the deck in modern bro
Pumped Amalia too close to the sun
They can already be used as commanders if you're not a coward
I took a hiatus after black Aragorn (fatigue) and came back just in time to watch this cool combo be ripped from my hands :(
I pulled an alt treatment one of her last week...
Okay for real though how ban worthy is Amalia gonna be if they keep printing cards like this?
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I played a league with the stupid oculus deck and went 3-2, it was fun and I think that this deck is viable and has room for improvement. I lost to phoenix once and beat it once, lost to UW spirits and I beat mono green devotion and a rakdos deck that might have been cauldron (they died quickly). I heavily misplayed against phoenix when I lost to it because playing on mtgo is miserable and instantly tilts me but I tightened up after losing to spirits. The sideboard slip out the backs and profaner of the dead were very good and I'm considering playing 4 slips and a maindeck profaner instead of maindeck ooze.
>If you luck out you can start with a 4 mana card on the field for free
Seriously what the fuck is everyone's problem
I'm starting to think I may be a good game designer just from looking at things and going "Yeah that's obviously a bad idea" and turning out to be right
yo I was wondering about where you've been
did you see these?
the neoform + oculus archtype is starting to pick up steam
I quit playing because of the Amalia game. That was the last deck I enjoyed playing. Every other format I liked is completely raped and Pioneer isn't far behind. There's nothing keeping me there.
I just spend more money on ammo now.
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This was banned in standard at one point
Lmao even
All Leylines are dogshit so nobody cares
This was way back when before the FIRE nation attacked.
Leylines used to be cool sideboard cards, now they are just mega win accelerators that do shit like give you 7 mana on turn 3 or let you facemelt people on turn 2 with monored
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This was banned in standard at one point
>accidentally create the best waifu since thalia
>ban her
You will like Zimone
I did, I really like the simic one. I think that sultai neoform decks have always been liable to draw weird hands and fall apart so I'm hoping that a ug list takes off. Whenever I've played against sultai neforom in the past it seems like the cost of being a payoff + enabler deck while also playing generic removal spells and also a three color mana base leads to them totally whiffing, not coming online fast enough or mulliganing to 5 quite often. I just started another league with a win so hopefully I can get a 5-0 out before someone else does lol. Whatever happens I really believe that evolution/neoform oculus is going to be at least a B tier deck in pioneer
>best waifu
if that really was the case, amaliafags would be playing the deck in modern, if your hate for modern is bigger than your love for amalia, then she's not that good of a waifu, it's that simple
I'm pretty sure Zimone is still underage.
>hey my faggot son in law disappeared into the infinite haunted house of death and terror and I need a team to get him back
>why yes magic child, of course you can come!
>marrying a spic
And it's never been printed into Standard again because of how good it is.
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What IS the age of consent in Magic's universe? Who enforces it? How?
Neither has ferocidon. Coincidence? I think not.
There's an eldrazi named He Who Sets the Age of Consent to 18 and if you lust after a girl younger than that he turns you into dust in your sleep
>llanowar elves in standard

Good. Green should always have the option of 1 cost mana dorks. That's one of the pillars of that color.
>standard at worlds
oh boy atraxa i love atraxa
someone already posted the breakdown of decks and the most popular deck is aggro
the one Atraxa deck is only 11.5% of the field
there's no pedophilia in the multivitamin
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I legit forgot atraxa is still in standard I haven't seen her hit the board since rotation, I think I just have been killing th few domain players I've faced too fast
you got catching up to do, grandpa
atraxa is a fucking relic of the past
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>Tomorrow, @Wizards_Magic shares more about next year’s #MTGxFINALFANTASY release!

>Today, we bring you a sneak peek at a mage of the Gestahlian Empire, one of Final Fantasy's greatest villains: Kefka Palazzo! #FF6

Kefkabros... we're in.

I never played that FF what's he like?
Evil clown that becomes god and likes seeing people suffer for his own amusement.
he's a clown
Intelligent, nihilistic, and with a wicked sense of humor.
He's gonna be Red and give bonuses to Clowns, isn't he?
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I want to switch from proxy into real cards, any of the foundations bundle worth as a kickstarter?
>Being a tribal lord who buffs others
Pretty bug flavor fail, but then again they made Shelob a tribal lord as well.
I'd guess a Black/Red Human Clown who flips into a Black/Red/Blue God before him being a tribal lord.
>I want to switch from proxy into real cards
ok bot
How is that supposed to work in the Space Opera set when all the planets orbit and spin differently?
you know what i mean nigger, i just like the art and the printed ones are just not the same
Mikubros? Why is our art shit?
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He's based.
He's also almost certainly grixis.
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And what a ban it was
Idk what would be the equivalent to Terran Standard Years in MTG? Ravnican Standard Years? Dominarian Standard Years?
>Don't make me throw you away like the last one
damn I never played dissidia, that's actually a kind of nice reference
>Idk what would be the equivalent to Terran Standard Years in MTG? Ravnican Standard Years? Dominarian Standard Years?
TIme goes off of Dominaria and Year 0 is when Urza was born.
Has anyone made a format with ONLY the banned cards yet? Like, the card pool is everything that was ever banned anywhere + basics?
rare example of a well written chaotic evil villian
print an artifact for the three statues and it wipes the board and flips him if you get both down
That's actually a thing. Years vary, for example (Ravnican years are 365, but Dominaria's are around 420, and they have different calendars, though the most commonly used one for lore purposes is based on the Argivian Reckoning (AR) from the Dominarian calendar. Which means that technically speaking, somebody who's like 20 is closer to 23, though the Dominarian DAY could be shorter so who knows, and given that they tend to consider a Ravnican year as equivalent to a Dominarian year, it's a reasonable assumption that Dominaria just has slightly shorter days.
Kefka will be Scrambleverse on a body
Also, the Argivian Reckoning is "the year Urza was born", just to show you how fucking much of a 'guy' he was to Dominarian history.
I don't really see Blue in him as a character, but Blue being so magic-associated would make sense. Character-wise he's very easily just Rakdos.
Now, SEPHIROTH, I'll have words if he's not Abzan.
>I never played that FF what's he like?
he lives in a society
Not gonna lie, some cards seem to show her developing kinda nicely, and the way she's biting her lip on this one gets me a bit. Helps that she had fun interactions with the elf himbo.
I just made it to the ghost train, should I stop coming to these threads until I finish to avoid spoilers?
Probably. The broad plot beats of most FF games tend to be pretty discussed unless they're the games nobody cares about like 2, 13 or 16.
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Is there a gameplay difference between artifacts and enchantments, beyond being able to tap artifacts sometimes? Should there be?
think you typod 15 there
not that 16's great or anything but I've never see a soul care about the boyband
there's absolutely going to be a card of sabin suplexing the train
Functionally, no. They're just separate things that different things can care about. Two colours can destroy both, though each has a third colour that can destroy one but not the other (black can destroy enchantments but not artifacts and vice-versa for red). Them just being different types is enough of a reason for them to exist. You don't need any MORE types like that, but still.
People love 15 precisely BECAUSE they like the boyband and sometimes Ardyn. Nevermind the game is an unfinished mess. 16 it feels like people really liked Clive and... That was it. Jill is somehow even more offensive than Lunafreya because Jill at least was present in cutscenes and talked to her love interest, and yet somehow did about as much as Luna did.
Could just reprint something for that, surely.
>16 it feels like people really liked Clive and... That was it.
Clive, Cid, Josh, and Dion were pretty good
rest of them weren't great though
I'd say it has the most forgettable main villain of any FF but I still don't even know who 13's main villain was. And I'm discounting XI because who knows anything about that game besides Shantotto.
Oh I'll give you that yea, Ultima fucking sucks, as does large parts of the story, but it has VERY high highs.
I just actually sort of cared about (some) of the shit in XVI where I didn't care about anything in XV
random god or something, think his name was oprhan
Why Abzan?
Sephiroth is a slave to his nature, he willingly embraces who he was 'born' to be as Jenova's 'son', very green. He's kind of a petty selfish dick, especially to Cloud, pretty black. He's got this weird visionary idea for the world, his 'Promised Land', very white. You could probably narrow him down to any combo of those three colours, but still.
he's obsessed with the planet/jenova
he's either gb or abzan
Oh this is him poisoning the water supply outside Doma, I didn't even realize at first
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he's basically picrel as a villain so golgari fits
Like, he's sort of a wildly varying character in his depictions I actually find it kind of interesting. It's VERY hard to describe Sephiroth's true characterisation because there's very little clear throughline beyond the basic beats of his character, but we don't even really know what he plans to do should he actually destroy the planet or kill Cloud or whatever his goal is today. He's a villain sold entirely on presentation because his personality isn't there.
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what will 2034 look like, hijabs?
Jace is one lucky man.
>what will 2034 look like
Presumably south americans will still be having meltdowns about black people in the art of a game they don't play
Kek, yeah, the dude was already being controlled by a planet-eating space parasite before he was even born. Although he could also easily be mono black but he'll probably have white if they do Safer Sephiroth.
wow what a novel observation anon!
i don't think we have EVER talked about this before!
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There's black people and there's politically correct slop
see if you can identify the difference
Well, there's ambiguity how much of his turn was being controlled or not. It's more painted like he's controlling her in the end, but influenced by her nature. Again, sort of a frustrating non-character.
Both are hot, one of them is just nude.
I always thought it was a lot more boring if you assumed Jenova was in control since then he's just the standard final boss for the time.
The whole reason (ok not the whole reason but, a good part of it) is that he usurped the schizo space god instead of the other way around
My gut tells me this art isn't for Kefka himself because I find it unlikely they'd pass up using God Kefka's design for at least one creature
It's probably something like Toxic Deluge
You're going to have an aneurysm when the death race set is spoiled aren't you
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I just saw someone in Vintage Cube cast Vampiric Tutor to set up the busted miracle reanimate creature.
Which is obviously banned in Legacy. But it occurred to me that you could use Wordly Tutor to set up Miracle creatures, and have fringe use as an extra Entomb if you have a surveil land in hand.
anyone brave enough for BUG reanimator?
Jenova is the only reason he does what he does, Square tried to make him a person afterwards because the character became so popular but he's originally meant to be just a puppet.
Can't wait for mog to mog everyone
I still have a strong suspicion we'll get DFCs for the villains. Kefka flipping into God Kefka, etc.
It's pretty clearly not Kefka's own art because it's not focused nearly well enough on Kefka himself. It's focused on the poisoning itself.
So what'll they do with X then? Will it be Jecht turning into BFA? Or will it just be BFA and Yu Yevon as separate cards?
Not all of them will have to have that sort of thing (I can't see it happening for 4, unless they decide to have Zemus flip to Zeromus but literally who cares about him when he's Zemus), just most. No idea for 10, though. I'm sort of assuming a Dissidia-esque line-up, though. Main protag and antag of the mainline games, or the more iconic 'villain' characters at least (like Golbez and Jecht). 3 could still do Xande flipping into Cloud of Darkness, a la Jerren flipping into Ormendahl.
I've considered doing this with Triumph but I don't think it's good. It's -1 and you can't cast it until turn 3 at the earliest unless you have fast mana or a mana dork.
If you wanna see a possible roster look at theatrhythm
They're only covering mainline games, so.
95% of theatrhythm is mainline
just ignore the mobage guys and FFL if you want
They didn't say ONLY mainline they said all of mainline.
Could have others
I feel like there's already so much ground to cover with just the 16 mainline games, even if they sideline 2 and 11 a bit.
You got a source?
2 will have firion/guy/maria/mateus
maybe minwu and leon
11 will get a lot more than 2 and probably more than like, 15
The announcement for it said it was covering the mainline games from 1 to 16.
we getting Triple Triad?
The announcement said "DOn't worry we have up to 16"
They didn't say shit about excluding non-mainline
11 will get maybe like 3/4 characters if that. Shantotto, Prishe... Shadow Lord, I dunno. 2 will get Firion, the Emperor and maybe Minwu or Guy. Bare mininum, is what I mean.
>every single FF creature card comes with small triple triad numbers on it
I don't think wotc has ever done something that soulful
They've already got a lot of them done. XIV has TT cards for a ton of stuff.
The video said, and I quote, "The set will encompass each main Final Fantasy game that has been released to date from the original Final Fantasy to the recently-released Final Fantasy XVI." Spin-offs might get a mention here and there in flavour text or some monster designs, but I don't think we're liable to see any specific characters from spin-offs.
UB reanimator's decklist is so tight.
I think the only thing you'd want from that green splash would be like 2x Wordly Tutor 1x Life from the Loam (Loam is insane with Psychic Frog and pretty great with Wasteland)
They should do the token frames like that, it's so easy.
Does make me wonder WHAT alt frame treatments they're gonna pull. Like obviously we'll get alt art variants, for Amano/Nomura art and whatnot, but frames, I'm not sure. They tend to do a new frame for these UB sets, so.
I had a shuffle or boogie card last year I think.
Christ it's been a while since the announcement
>Showcase is TT cards
damn I'm gonna be upset now because it's not that
Oh, I got it, it'll be a pixel-art thing, framing the textbox like a command box from the older games.
>Amano/Nomura art
God dude jotc will have me by the wallet if they actually get Amano to make new stuff for this
they had like 2-3 showcases for lotr
They did get him for one card for WAR, no way are they not getting him for at least SOME art for the set for the franchise he is forever associated with. Of course, they might well just decide to do an Amano Secret Lair instead, but hey.
True. I can see a pixel art-y one at least. Not any other really 'clear' ideas for ones spring to mind. Triple Triad-style could be 'cute' but I dunno.
>I still don't even know who 13's main villain was

As I recall, the Cocoon Fal'Cie (namely Barthandelus and Orphan) were bitter about being stuck in their jobs and not having true free will, so they wanted to destroy the world in order to bring back God or something. It got really confusing at the end when the heroes suddenly flip around and do the thing that would destroy the world because... uh... they figured out the writers would asspull some way to prevent it from destroying the world. And then the writers asspulled as expected.
In MtG terms, remember how they made a big deal about how the Sylex was going to destroy a bunch of planes as collateral damage and they prevented Jace from going through with using it? Imagine if Elspeth then came back and used the Sylex anyway while spouting some vague bullshit "We'll make the impossible possible!" and then Karn suddenly pulls the Mirari out of his metal asshole and somehow it prevents the Sylex from destroying the other planes.
Actually that almost sounds more reasonable than what happened in FFXIII because the Mirari is an established macguffin that could conceivably do something like that.
God FFXIII was retarded.
The FF TCG probably wouldn't be dead if they had original art like this as the norm instead of endlessly reused promo art from 10+ years ago
>FF is favorite game series
>MTG releasing FF set
>Somehow, my interest for this set is negative and I have nothing but disdain for the idea of it
how the hell did they fuck up their brand so badly that
The sad thing is I can't tell if you're talking about ff or mtg, because while ff has had a few good outings recently it's been pretty dire for a while
Playing FF13 almost killed my interest in the series
It killed the world's interest in the series.
The FNC and the 7th generation of consoles overall was a horrendous time.
I really like most of the games but that one was impossible to enjoy. Not a single likeable character either.
FF8 is the only mainline game I love
but I don't care about any character cards they could make for it.
I just like the minigame and how over the top stupid everything is.

now if FFT characters get cards...
7th gen was the last time consoles were remotely worth buying
>First FF without Sakaguchi, Uematsu and Amano
>It gobbles cocks and sucks ass
big surprise
Lost Odyssey obliterated FF13 on every level that matters.
While true it's also when they doubled down on everything and led us to today.
It was arguably the worst time for video games ever.
>It was arguably the worst time for video games ever.
The last gasp of a dying industry.
The whole thing is 100% captured by special interests now, shamefully. Not a creative soul left in the AAA sphere.
I'm ashamed to admit that I've never played any Final Fantasy games aside from messing around with one briefly on ZSNES many years ago when I was young. However, I dislike the grindiness of JRPGs. Which one should I try first, 7?

I love the Souls series and while a Souls UB crossover is very feasible, I would be disgusted with the idea solely because it's not Magic.
Eh, I don't agree with calling it the worst time, because that would imply things haven't gotten worse. 360/PS3 era still had plenty of decent games and each console had a worthy assortment of exclusives to justify choosing one over the other. Sure, in retrospect we can see all the ways that it was laying the ground work for future cancer, but compared to that future cancer it was still a silver or brass age at least.
Also this anti-spam system is getting on my nerves. I wait my 15 minutes, make a post, go take a piss with the tab still open on my computer, and then it tries to make me wait another 15 minutes when I try to post again unless I refresh the page and/or noodle around until it randomly remembers I already did it. God I hope this bullshit goes away after the elections.
Think FF5 is the best one to start with.
Almost everything bad started then.
EA started to ruin franchises like dead space
The three Bs completed their transformation into complete garbage
Grafix focus started
Paid online, nickel and diming, mtx started around then
SOME things have gotten worse, true, but I still wouldn't call it good outside of a few stars.
All the modern versions of ff1-9 have things to make it less grindy.
5 is one of the best mechanically
7 is the most popular for a reason, but 6/9 are amazing as well
I love 8 because there is no grind (well, and there is an awesome card game that you can ignore the main game for).
The trick is that every boss/enemy scales with your level but your stats don't; so you can run from every fight and leave your chars at lvl 1 the entire game and it will be even easier than if you grinded.
>I love 8 because there is no grind (well, and there is an awesome card game that you can ignore the main game for).
8 has the worst grind in the series though
draw sucked and so did junction
Skill issue.
sounds like a (you) problem
I liked 8 because it was the corniest, most wholesome romance story set inside a temporal apocalypse.
It's a really comfy game. Rinoa is the best character.
I want to see

>Malboro {5BB]
>Creature - Plant Horror
>When Malboro enters the battlefield, tap each creature your opponents control and put a stun counter, a cursed counter and a decayed counter on each of those creatures.
mega filtered
(also you can transmute items into spells to avoid ever having to Draw; the best being healing items you can buy from the NPC or rare triple triad cards)
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I've 100%d 8 twice.
It still sucks.
You're focusing on the later parts and forgetting the start and middle. Like, you're complaining about Dead Space getting ruined, but Dead Space STARTED in the 7th gen.
>I've 100%d 8 twice.
>He plays FF for the gameplay
>He thinks beating FF games is impressive or an achievement
>they hated him because he told the truth
the corn factor makes it.
everything is so charmingly stupid that you can't help laugh.
Oh if we're talking about the story then 8 SUPER fucking sucks.
Half the characters make no sense and time dilation is nonsense, and even with the proper translation of Squall he's pretty shit, let alone 90% of the rest of the cast.
Edea's theme is cool and for the time they had very impressive usage of mixing CG and actual gameplay stuff, but it's still pretty bad overall.
A game for women, at best.
>Which one should I try first, 7?
The best FF to start with is FF10.
It's more linear and easy to parse than the other games, but came out before the true "Hallway slop" of FF13 and beyond.

FF7 is popular for a reason. FF6 and 9 are very comfy. FF8 if you want tota schizo insanity.
>everything is so charmingly stupid that you can't help laugh.

>World going to hell
>All of time collapsing
>Eons-old uberdemons hopping through bodies in order to survive long enough to orchestrate the reconstruction of reality...

>What's that? That girl I have a crush on likes music?
>Bro! Zell! You play guitar! We're starting a band, right now!

Total, unfiltered kino.
6, 7, 9, and 10 are all decent. The DS remakes for 3 and 4 are pretty good as well, although at that point you could also go play Bravely Default since it's almost literally just a Final Fantasy game under a different name.
Bravely Default is FF5 but modern
Bravely Default is one of my favorite games of all time (FF5 is also good)
I'd nut if we got any Bravely characters.
Though 3 (DS) was my first one.
If we get a card called Eternal Wind or something I'll also nut.
>Which one should I try first, 7?
The best FF game to start with is whatever one you pick between the ranges of FF3 and FF12.
FF1 + 2 were very early protogames that are very jank. FF13 and beyond are modern slop garbage, with 13 easily being the worst FF game.

They're all awe inspiring in their own way. You literally can't go wrong. The FF series is legendary for a reason.
ESL take
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I wish the story made it clearer that the characters were aware of what was going on in the true end. It's kinda fucking goofy how you have to pretend to be retarded to get the true end and then they don't acknowledge that you're just pretending.
It's why I liked the "false" end more. It actually felt like it was following through on the character arcs and I was making a real choice as a player.
Otherwise amazing game tho.
FF games are only ever grindy if you're going for 100% completion with the exception of II and XI. XI is an MMO and II is typically considered one of the worst games in the series.
For I-VI go for the Pixel Remasters. The DS remake of III is different enough to be considered a wholly distinct game but both are good and you can play either. IV's DS remake is closer to the original. All the Pixel Remasters are trivial to mod to change the fonts, sprites, etc., just check the Steam guide page and you can get whatever you want.
FFVII's steam version is fine. I highly recommend looking into grabbing the Reunion/Beacause mod because its original translation was very very bad which is how you get retarded shit like Bizarro Sephiroth.
VIII and IX are on Steam. VIII got a remaster and IX has the Moguri Mod. When playing IX I highly recommend reducing the number of frames in the battle transitions because they're hideously slow for no reason.
X/X-2's HD Remaster is fine but some people hate the new faces so it's easy to emulate if you want. The rest of the games are on Steam.

You can realistically play them in any order but I would probably save II for later and start with I and IV. V is fantastic but unusually lighthearted for the series and it can put people off. IV is very streamlined and was the first one with what modern standards would consider a full story, and both it and I are fairly short.
VI, VII, and X have their legendary reputations for a reason.

FFI is only jank on the NES because it was buggy as shit, most modern versions are silky smooth. II is a different beast though.
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Reminder to everyone
that LOST ODYSSEY is the best Final Fantasy game
Its story is one long, slowly and steadily unfolding gut wrenching masterpiece.
Plus, Amano and The Gooch were unrestricted by corporate overlords, so the brutal, tacitcal difficulty is ramped up to 11 and all the female characters have giant tits.
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>and all the female characters have giant tits.
You have my attention.
I mean they do pretty overtly.
By late round 2 they're saying something's wrong
You left out that it's exclusive to the 360 of all fucking things
I have a special place in my heart for ff13 because of the designs and music. Unfortunately everything else sucks.
Plus, the Lost Odyssey soundtrack is easily Uematsu's best work.
>"But what about FF7?"
Yes, better than that.
>"But what about FFX!?"
Yes, also that.

Not only was it a 360 exclusive, it was barely marketed in the west at all.
Very few people played what is imo one of the greatest video game masterworks of all time, and that is a damned shame that I will work to rectify at every possible turn.
>the FF that's literally about bashing feminism is a game for women
Lmao you got that right in a way.
I actually own a copy and iirc finished the first disk as a teen but remember struggling to follow it somewhat
Can Xenia emulate it well?
They do and they don't. Like, they're beating you over the head with the implications, but then in the final cycle the characters seem kinda dopey about it all over again. I just needed a bit more of a clear "We were just playing along" line.
>Lost Odyssey is almost impossible to emulate because of all the custom, jank spaghetti code tech they used to push the 360 to its limits
>It's a 360 exclusive with zero ports
>Mistwalker holds the Lost Odyssey IP and has no desire to port it.

Lost Odyssey is very close to being lost media and that is truly a shit thing.
Anon is right, that game is a masterpiece and it's cool to see it shilled.
>I actually own a copy and iirc finished the first disk as a teen but remember struggling to follow it somewhat
The story is very adult and intricate. I can see why it might not catch a teenager's attention.

>Can Xenia emulate it well?
Lost Odyssey is famously a beast that almost set 360s on fire. It's not impossible to emulate but, depending on how things pan out, it can be very janky to get working. Mistwalker took a few of the top Squenix cooders with them, and those fuckers really loved their insane technical optimizations to squeeze every last pixel out of a machine. (Just look at the work they did with FF12 on the PlayStation)

If you're lucky it'll just work. It has never just worked in my experience, lots of troubleshooting whenever I tried to emulate it. The game is a behemoth.
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>That one short story you find about the king who got infested with flowers that he had to rip out every morning, so he could keep up appearances for his men.
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>massive XIV fanboy
>know there's probably going to be a decent amount of XIV shit in there because of its popularity
>don't want it to overshadow the earlier games
>but also there's enough material in XIV to have a whole set to itself and still have plenty left over
>there's absolutely going to be something cool omitted, Ravana and Susano for example almost guaranteed to not show
It's a complicated kinda feel.
no straight guy is going to watch a six minute love song and think it's the best thing ever
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>no straight guy is going to watch a six minute love song and think it's the best thing ever

>tfw when Rinoa finally sits in Squall's lap after a full disk of space warfare and desperately dodging near-softlocks between save points while shambling through an alien apocalypse trying to rescue her

FF8's story was ultimate kino.
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You sound a bit insecure bro
I get the hate for ff8 honestly. Its mechanics are among the weakest in the series.

But the story really isn't a point you can say was bad.
Squall being so dedicated to love that he's willing to turn evil just to be a knight for Rinoa. Rinoa being so committed to virtue that she refuses to be taken over by evil, in order to prevent Squall from doing the same.

It's a really brilliantly constructed piece, and one of the only stories I can recall where "Love conquers all!" actually makes sense.
X-2 was a good game.
Yea and no one pretends it's the best game ever.
8's ok, it's not amazing
Great game, awful story
8 is better than 7 but most people aren't ready for this conversation.
the only people who like 8 more than 7 are people who had it as their only game or wanted to be contrarian in the 90s
Nah, I played both on release.
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>But the story really isn't a point you can say was bad

I don't know if I'd call it outright bad, but it has some questionable ideas.
>or wanted to be contrarian in the 90s
I preferred 7 back then, but in hindsight it's the worse of the two.
>But the story really isn't a point you can say was bad.
the story is the worst part about 8

Dead serious, the theme of Love as executed in ff8 is beyond brilliant.
Not just that "Love wins!" but that, Squall is so dedicated to love that he is literally willing to become an absolute monster just to be by Rinoa's side, even after she's fallen to the Succession of Witches.
And Rinoa loving Squall so much, that she doesn't want him to go down that path, and THAT love, the rejection of your partner becoming evil, is what ends up breaking the cycle.
ON TOP of all the crazy scifi questions, the subthemes of friendship, civic duty vs personal duty, parenthood...

It's a very heavy-hitting thematic work, of quality far beyond what you normally see in video games.
>Why didn't anyone know this?
>Uhhh we all had amnesia
>But she shouldn't have amnesia
>Oh uh no I had a bit of amnesia too, forgot to say
that and time dilation are more than enough
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I like Golbez. He looks cool.
>the story is the worst part about 8
8 is a subtle and richly thematic story presented as a corny space opera.

If you go in expecting a vapid corny adventure like FF7, you are going to be disappointed. FF8 doesn't fuck around, it is easily one of the most thoroughly brilliant and thoughtful stories in all of gaming if you take a step back and actually engage with it.
Golbez is pretty cool yea
Also the one person who DOESN'T have amnesia is a retard
Yes, Ultimecia manipulates people to achieve her goals. This is not a plot hole, though it was clumsy in its presentation in the english translation.
Does anyone else find Nicol Bolas really, really hot?
Gonna be fun seeing /mtg/ talk about ff more than /ffg/
Playing the English version takes a lot of nuance away from the game. You don't know Ultimecia talks like a man unless you check the Japanese text for example.
>Ultimecia being a tranny makes the game deep you guys
You can get a modded version of FF8 that does a more literal and direct translation, and that scene in particular is totally night and day.

You have to remember this was still in the era of "This guy are sick" and "Off course!"
As much as most of the FF team were at the top of their respective fields at the time, the translation team was not and it shows. The themes of FF8's story are executed far better with the cleaner translation.

Critiquing the story because one scene was badly translated is silly as fuck.
>Critiquing the story because one scene was badly translated is silly as fuck.
It's not one scene, or "Whatever", or any mannerisms.
The entire story top down is retarded.
No, not a tranny. She's a seething roastie who's mad that men have been persecuting witches for ages and keeping them down. The whole point of the time compression shit is her trying to avoid her fate and dooming herself because her seethe is self-defeating.
Gender being a subtheme is not an issue when the game was made in 1999.
>The entire story top down is retarded.
This is simply a bad assessment.
FF8 has the most thoughtful and thematic story of all Final Fantasy games. FF6 comes very close though.
Well what else are we going to talk about? Magic the Gathering? That'll just get me depressed.
A story being thoughtful and thematic does not make it good.
You and every other person who defends the story needs to understand this.
>The entire story top down is retarded.
>Brainlet can't into complex themes so declares it bad
a tale old as time
go play ff7 again lmao
>Squall and Rinoa being brave enough to complete the love story that Laguna and Ellone were too timid to follow through with.
/ffg/ is just barry and 3 gacha-playing filipinos calling each other barry
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>A story being thoughtful and thematic does not make it good.
What did he mean by this?
You can talk about themes until you're blue in the face but that's not gonna stop the story from being retarded and nonsensical.
Again, it's literally the game for women, only they could care about "omg they love eachother!!!"
anon your underage is showing
>Again, it's literally the game for women, only they could care about "omg they love eachother!!!"

The insecure man cries out as other people enjoy brilliant love stories.
I'm 32 you retarded nigger.
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Wait until he discovers that Love is the main theme of every Final Fantasy game...
In fairness, well-constructed themes are only part of a story and if the material events of it are hackneyed or poorly handled it can still drag it down significantly. I can see his reasoning.
XIV ran into this issue with Endwalker but people took to that better than they did VIII. Also with Tactics Advance and the escapism thing.
anon stop embarrassing yourself please
yea and ff4 has a much better story than ff8
Look, I get it. You like the game and people shit on it more than they should. I'm a Dark Souls 2 defender, so I know what it's like. But using superlatives like "most thoughtful" never helps your argument no matter how much you genuinely believe it. It just makes you come off as too deep in your own hole.
What about superlatives like SUPER fucking sucks?
>But using superlatives like "most thoughtful" never helps your argument
It's not a superlative mate.
FF8 has the most thoughtful story, explicitly. As in, the widest array of well arranged themes, the most carefully constructed morals and meanings.
It's an explicit statement of quality not a superlative.
>As in, the widest array of well arranged themes, the most carefully constructed morals and meanings.
You not understanding something does not mean it isn't present.
>no you don't understand it it's 2deep4u
I'm glad some things haven't changed in the past 25 years
It does appear to, in fact, be too deep for you.
he's right though you really need to shut the fuck up lol
Hold on, he's kinda onto something. Just because you as the audience can construe themes and form a grand narrative from it, that doesn't make it necessarily good. Theoretically you can do that for almost anything if you put in enough attention and effort. I mean, you can defend FFXIII's story in similar terms if you're either deluded or duplicitous enough.
That's not a superlative, that's an expletive
>I mean, you can defend FFXIII's story in similar terms if you're either deluded or duplicitous enough.
I'd love to see you try.
That would be a SUPERpletive.
The entire narrative, from XIII to LR, is all about choice in the sense of a jrpg protag because them being the speshul chosen ones actually fucking sucks.
I can make up infinite bullshit as to how XIII is actually a good story, just like people can make up infinite bullshit as to how VIII is a good story.
>I can make up infinite bullshit as to how XIII is actually a good story,
Yes but that wouldn't make it a good story. That just makes you a liar.

FF8 is a brilliant story.
I am neither deluded nor duplicitous enough, but I could basically copy-paste a lot of your statements and switch names out. Admittedly, I'd have to replace the exultation of the romance with, I don't know, some shit about the growth of the group and their shifting relationships in the face of their differing interests slowly getting worn away by their mutual dilemma and eventual shared purpose.
Basically, Lightning is the most kino FF character in existence and if you don't understand why, you either didn't play the game or you're too stupid to grasp her nuance.
>Yes but that wouldn't make it a good story. That just makes you a liar.
Now you're getting it!
The difference being that I am not lying in my assessment of FF8.
You going on this tangent to imply that I am is disingenuous, and a naked attempt to sidestep the fact that you are just too stupid to actually engage with the rich themes of FF8's story.
FFVIII still being the pleb filter of the series after all this time is quite impressive
You're doing wonderful anon, keep it up.
>FFVIII still being the pleb filter of the series after all this time is quite impressive
lmao for real.
It really is one of ultimate litmus tests in gaming.
FFVIII is the Dark Souls 2 of Final Fantasy.
Prove me wrong.
>Resorting to snarky cringe reddit-tier gaslighting attempts
FF8 isn't mechanically buggy, it's just intentionally bad.
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>Entire argument is reddit 2deep4u
It isn't. But you being unable to understand the real arguments means the game is 2deep4u.
Then surely you can understand my totally genuine discussion of your points of the game, in relation to my points of XIII, correct?
>Then surely you can understand my totally genuine discussion of your points of the game, in relation to my points of XIII, correct?
Yes, you are being disingenuous.
So we're both on the same page then, good to know.
You are being disingenuous and attempting to gaslight, which is pathetic and vile.
Anon you keep using gaslight, the word doesn't mean what you think it means.
Rinoa is Ultimecia is the only way to really make FF8 truly come together. If you reject it, huge chunks of the game lose their thematic weight and only function on the most boring, tasteless surface level reading of the narrative.
Prove me wrong.
Pro-tip: you can't
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>Anon you keep using gaslight, the word doesn't mean what you think it means.
I wonder if he realized the irony in this statement before posting it.
Rinoa is what Ultimecia could've been if she had someone to tap that ass.
I like the theory as it slots very neatly into the bizarre timelessness of the Succession of Witches narrative.

I honestly think it's the only reasonable conclusion to make, too, considering how everything slots together in the end. Rinoa is Ultimecia, Squall is Griever. The loop persists, everyone is trapped, but it always leads to a happy ending. Which is beautiful.
>Rinoa is Ultimecia, Squall is Griever. The loop persists, everyone is trapped, but it always leads to a happy ending. Which is beautiful.
wait wtf ff8's acid trip ending is starting to make sense now
Isn't this a catch 22? If you claim you are being gaslit, then any denial of gaslighting can be claimed as proof of it.
Yes. I win no matter what.
That's what we call "Checkmate"
The theory was debunked by the creators. Anon is trolling.
>The theory was debunked by the creators
that's just what they want you to think
So the first to claim gaslighting wins?
No. The first person to gaslight loses.
But you started gaslighting first
Death of the author would be one of the least stupid things that have been said about stories in the past hour or two.
Wouldn't you "lose" then?
I have done no gaslighting.
>I wonder if he realized the irony in this statement before posting it.
>He fell for it

includes NEW ART foils of:
- Bronze Bombshell
- Bone Flute
- Tunnel Ignus
- Breeding Pool
- Strip Bare
- Organ Grinder
Finally, some substantive MtG discussion
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>more replies than most /mtg/ threads because discussion got totally derailed into talking about a 3rd party IP

This is why Universes Beyond exists. This is what they want. I hate it.
Even if it is nice to talk about vidya outside of the septic tank that is /v/.
>/mtg/ has talked more about ff than either of the ff generals have in a year
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>This is why Universes Beyond exists. This is what they want. I hate it.

>"Let's get people talking about things that aren't us!"
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well what the fuck are we supposed to talk about

there's going to be a God of War magic set within the next 5 years and lets not pretend otherwise
at this point /mtg/ is just a dumping ground for every IP that wants to make a quick buck in licensing fees while whales buy pure slop

do you realize Shaq has put his face on gummies and pizza, pepsi, taco bell and wheaties?
fuck advertising revenue, I mean that would be like if wotc started auctioning off the ad card slot in booster packs
no shaq literally has shaq-a-licious gummies at grocery stores and a shaq-a-roni pizza at papa johns

this is why you'll be playing Kratos - legendary god and Mjolnir - legendary artifact - equipment in a few years
hell at this rate the NBA might get in on the gang bang and make their own MTG product line and you'll have Shaq on a magic card
>no shaq literally has shaq-a-licious gummies at grocery stores and a shaq-a-roni pizza at papa johns
The difference is
Shaq got a fat pacheck for those jobs.
While MTG pays other people for the privilege of being a billboard.
It's genius, isn't it? You get all this free energy in the vicinity of Magic when they have no right even being in the same room. It's like inviting a famous musician at your shitty party. Everyone's talking about the music instead of how shitty the food is or how dirty the place is. And they all stay for the music.
At some point you realize every other IP is more interesting than MTG and that's okay.
Kratos and Shaq, Rookie of the Year are going to be part of the New Power Nine (The One Ring is the first one. all will be UB.)
>Here at Wizards of the Coast we make doomposts of yesterday become the nightmare of today!
Lakers vs Bulls commander duel decks will go for $900 because you can get two copies of "Three Point Shot", the card that is warping Modern and Legacy.
>New Power Nine
Anon, Kratos, Shaq, The One Ring, Master Chief, Harry Potter's Wand, Blue Meth, the Iron Throne, Sonic the Hedgehog and Krabby Patty Secret Formula are jut the Power Nine.
Get with the times, old fogey. Those old cards aren't relevant anymore.
how do you even one-up a 4 mana time warp that draws you 10 cards
You joke but UB has given them their biggest sales ever.
Is this sustainable? I dunno, maybe not, but when has wotc ever thought in the long term.
I am being 100% serious when I say I want things to accelerate so we can get the entire Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny in here.
Yes including Mr. Rogers.
>how do you even one-up a 4 mana time warp that draws you 10 cards
That's easy.
A 2 mana Time Walk that draws you 10 cards.
Never underestimate WotC's ability to dream up new and exotic manmade horrors beyond comprehension
Psychic Monkey {UR}
Creature - Monkey
Whenever Psychic Monkey deals combat damage to a player or planeswalker, draw a card and create a treasure token.
Discard a card: Put a +1/+1 counter on Psychic Monkey. It gains hexproof until end of turn.
Exile three cards from your graveyard: Psychic Monkey gains flying and haste until end of turn.
Until end of turn!?
That Hexproof, Flying and Haste should be in counter form, anon!
it will be balanced when it becomes the first card to get Restricted in Modern.
the rest of the New Power Nine, not so much.
you aren't thinking cancerous enough
haste counter most useful counter
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that is one of the worst decks I have ever seen.
Those other guys are thinking way too small.
Fellating Insidious Rat Eater 1UG
Legendary Creature - Shapeshifter
Flying, haste
Ward - Discard a card or sacrifice a nontoken, nonland permanent.
This card's color identity is colorless. (It can be included in any deck, regardless of the commander's color identity)
When ~ enters, create a Fellatio emblem. Whenever a player creates an emblem or a token, and whenever a creature enters the battlefield, draw a card and create a Treasure token.

Fellatio Emblem
If you don't control a card named Fellating Insidious Rat Eater, ~ is phased out. At the beginning of each end step, you may draw a card, then discard a card.
Whenever a player draws a card, put your choice of a flying, haste, hexproof or +1/+1 counter on up to one creature you control. If no counter is placed, you may create a 3/4 colorless Shapeshifter creature token with changeling, flying and haste.

It's even useful in all commander tribal decks! And the emblem lets them fit lots of extra text and effects on it!
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can barely tell it's him from a distance I pray the rest of the set's cookie cutter art is exactly like this
>Fellating Insidious Rat Eater
wait hold on what kind of eating are we talking here
I'm taking this as a shapeshifter that eats out ink-eyes' great-x-grandkid and you can't stop me
>Things are kind of hard to make out if you look at them from far away
thank you for understanding anon
I can't tell a single fucking thing that's in that thumbnail of yours either.
Just hit Plat on Arena bros. I'm gonna make it
>on Arena
>2 mana
DOA. I recon it should be a single triple UBR hybrid mana
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yeah fans love barely making out their favorite characters that's supposed be showcased on the little cardboard rectangle they're expected to be spending money on but hey don't get mad at me I love the art direction preview it gives me everything I ever wanted
See I can tell this is mog because it's not 95% a blotch of red. (I'm also of course not saying the amano art is bad, but if you look at it from far away you wouldn't be able to tell shit other than random color splotches).
I get what argument you're trying to make but you've gone about it in the absolute worst way imaginable.
At card size you are gonna easily be able to see that's kefka.
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hey man don't waste your time on me you should save that energy in case Sephiroth, Mother Fucker is a 1x1 pixel in the background of typical mtg slop art that's the kinda damage control that might kill you
Mr Rogers, Ultimate Champion 1WB
Legendary Creature - Human Elder
First Strike, Deathtouch
Whenever Mr Rogers would leave the battlefield, instead exile him, then return him to the battlefield at the beginning of the next end step.
Bloodstained Sweater 4
Legendary Artifact - Equipment
Equip 4
Whenever a creature dealt damage by equipped creature would be put into a graveyard from the battlefield this turn, exile it instead.
At the beginning of your upkeep, if equipped creature is legendary, and there are no other legendary permanents on the battlefield, you win the game.
The sooner they do shit like that the better. Put Taylor Swift on a card already, I want to know where is the limit to this.
They die for her, They'll bail Hasbro(-15%) out for her
new sets reveal at 1 pm vegas time right?
Arabian night’s remastered incoming
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we won bros, another set with serialized collectible cards:

gothic horror with angels and demons, movie poster cards. Here I come man.
This is going to have the Legacy playable card Delver in a retro frame, right?
They really want to push Zimone as she is in foundations, huh.
Taylor Swift {1W}
creature - human bard
Taylor Swift enters the battlefield with 0 egg counters on her
{T}: Tap target quarterback
the fuck? they're just going to post about it live and then put up a video even later if 1 pm in Vegas is 10 pm in Europe? and does VOD mean it's going to be behind a paywall? so fucking gay
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Help me out Anons. Me and my friend play janky MtG, mostly commons, a few uncommons and like 6 rares we got gifted from full-fledged players. His birthday is coming up, I already have a proper gift ready, but figured I'd give him some cards as a little extra. What are some cheap rares/uncommons I could get for a fella that loves playing black-blue control?
He's lacking proper board clears, so something like Perplexing Test or Blood on the Snow? Or maybe something weird that would allow him to make a weird deck, he loves shit like that.
>and does VOD mean it's going to be behind a paywall?
everything that goes on Youtube is free
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>Or maybe something weird that would allow him to make a weird deck, he loves shit like that
Get him picrel and watch him try to predict opponent wincons.
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You'll wish. They'll be indistinguishable from males.
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why must they always be ugly
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>2000 years later and the average /v/ poster still doesn't know that the amnesia is used as a plot device because the main theme of the game is FATE and the entire point is that they ended up together again despite not having any memories because it was FATED to happen
based bingo granpa. it even has some of the same ones I did for marvel that didn't get a stream
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The dot was bothering me, so I removed it
>the average /v/ poster
This is /mtg/ but based on the incessant yapping of jrpg fanboys itt I can see why you would make that mistake
flavor text: "Taylor nooo! Not again..."
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Okay but this is a /v/ offshoot thread anyway, magic is primarily a video game
cardmarket youtube channel did a video on that just yesterday, modern banlist deck vs legacy banlist deck
That is correct, I concede
Ban dual lands
Ban lotus petal
Unban tinker
Unban imperial seal
There I just saved Legacy
Honestly considering Miyazaki likes MTG it's not impossible, but since Elden Ring takes no little inspiration from MTG I'd expect to see an Elden Ring crossover first, just because it'd be easier and fir closer with Magic's high fantasy aesthetics.
spot the funny pronouns or chuds with no pronouns is my favorite part of the stream

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