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Dreadhorde General Edition


The 2025 MagicCon and Pro Tour Schedule:

Metagame Mentor: The Scariest Standard Strategies in Duskmourn:


>Current meta, complete with deck lists
>Build and share casual decks

>Build and share Cubes

>Search engines
>Proxy a deck or a cube for cheap
>Play online for free

>What is EDH?


What was the last deck you played?
Why don't pro players ever sideboard in spells for of one or two lands in BO3 games where they are ahead 1-0 in an attempt to go greedy?
thats what black needs, more sac support.
because decks tend to run as few lands as possible so if you side them out theres a higher likelihood of non functional hands
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golgari pile
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luv me tokens
Jund sac.
The last fun deck in this shit hole.
I'm loving Duskmourne draft nights at the LGS. It's literally just free shit.

>Pick aggro
It really is that simple.
RG initiative against a guy who was playing UWR control, as part of a webcam league. I felt bad because he just conceded in the second game when I put a Trinisphere into play on turn 1 and he didn't have FoW.
Still feels weird to me that a WAR walker is gonna show up in a pseudo-core set
Pioneer Angels.
Love that deck.
can I ask you why? not trying to be rude but it feels like such a one-note deck
Strong women with pretty wings
I miss when it was pretty women with strong wings.
>black gets dreadhorde Lilly
>white gets a new shitty Ajani
But white “cares the most about planeswalkers” now, right Nosewater?
What, is that something they said at some point?
>white gets a new shitty Ajani
it's a reprint
White is such an obnoxious thing i rather they have shit for the upcoming three new sets.
>>white gets a new shitty Ajani
are you the retard who was asking for the sand nigger yesterday?
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I love him
The whitefag cries out in pain as he wipes your board, floods the battlefield with tokens, and casts grossly flexible removal
Every day I am baffled by how this company manages to keep any of their products afloat as they continuously demonstrate nothing short of immense incompetence that would sink anything else.
Based formats
Meme "formats"
So Arena just banned Leyline of Resonance in best of one but left it alone in best of three. Reasoning is

>Leyline of Resonance has made gameplay unfun by making it so there isn't much "playing" involved


Shouldn't this reasoning apply to paper magic and best of 3 as well? turn 2 kills aren't healthy for any format.
They're bad at literally everything but cardboard (and the literal cardboard is pretty shit too), I've never given a shit about 40k but GW getting other people to make good video games for them seems like such a simple and (comparatively) hard idea to fuck up I'm surprised they haven't tried it.
Or do we count that shitty diablo clone I guess
>Shouldn't this reasoning apply to paper magic and best of 3 as well?
they literally answer this in the announcement
>To be clear, this is an issue unique to MTG Arena and only in Standard Best-of-One Constructed and Alchemy matches. The banning is not based on the general power level or the overall health of the Standard format—far from it.
Na it's different in paper because there's no dailies to do. People are grinding through 50 games in 20 minutes but it doesn't matter as long as they maintain a 33% winrate. So games are actually ending up as less than 1 turn a shocking amount of time because the monored player either sees the nuts in their opener or they concede. Tibalt's Trickery had the same issue.
I know it's a Secret Lair and all that, but why do they not just copy Pokemon cards when they get fancy with designs? Everyone likes those.
What format is "arena" and how do I play?
Alchemy, Explorer, Historic, Brawl, Timeless
Standard is also a joke format but at least you can play that in paper.
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>I know it's a Secret Lair and all that, but why do they not just copy Pokemon cards when they get fancy with designs? Everyone likes those.
They started doing that this set.
On top of the normal showcase frame they're also adding the super-jp showcase frame every set now
and that's before we get to full jp art extra sets like mystical archive
This is peak embarassament.
WotC is stupid enough to don't know what will impact a format hard enough.
And they look a thousand times better than most Secret Lairs.
They don't care. They're just watching metrics. There was probably a huge uptick in games played because of Leyline and at a certain point, the balance tipped into the negative as people got truly fed up of it and stopped playing entirely, so then it got axed.
Arena is a shithole but Explorer is based because it's trying to be Pioneer, which is the best format.
“Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery that mediocrity can pay to greatness.”- Oscar Wilde
MtG has a base of undiscerning consumers who will buy virtually anything and everything that WotC puts out, which greatly buffers all of their many mistakes.
Again, arena is a joke game
Pioneer is I suppose an attempt at a format but it's just "old modern but worse", but I suppose that is probably better than actual modern right now.
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They should've just emergency banned this shit already
ANYTHING, except Cummander and Alchemy shit is better than ACTUAL Modern.

The fact they keep that format as competitive just to scam whales and addicts is hilarious and evil.
draft/sealed and edh are the best ways to play the game, sorry
pauper's ok too
>old modern but worse
Basically correct, though the ways it's "worse" are mostly subjective.
Actual Modern is dead and no longer exists. Whatever format it is that's piloting Modern's corpse doesn't have a name, but has stolen one like some sort of archfey horror.
I've never seen non-Leyline Gruul Prowess on Mtg Arena Standard Bo1, is it better than Boros Enchantments?
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since they bothered updating tribal to kindred I have hope that their gimmick for return to lorwyn is bringing back kindred
they had a handful of cards for it in mh3 and they even had like 3 in duskmorn
Yes. The color pie was rewritten for
>Blue gets free vigilance because JOTC
>green cares about artifacts now
>black gets free enchantment removal
>red gets two turn delayed “impulse” draw
>white cares the most about planeswalkers
(half) the reason black didn't get enchantment removal was the deal with the devil enchantments but they stopped printing those a while ago
the erosion of the color pie continues but at least they're still trying to not let blue have everything forever because some scorned idiot at wotc still thinks blue should get hard removal
And yet white can’t win tournaments or ever have a card strong enough to be banned in Standard.
But somehow all of Whites weak cards were designed right alongside all the banned and broken cards from fire design.
Magic is not your game faggot. Die.
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Translation: Our rigged shuffler makes it so broken we have to preemptively do damage control.
Well they lied and just gave White more obnoxious board wipes and tokens instead.
I've been playing since 2008 and yes it is. It's a lot better than someone dragging around the corpse of modern or pretending Standard is a format anyone cares about.
Changing packs to the gay "play boosters" fucked up limited but you can at least mostly get around that with cube.
>Well they lied and just gave White more obnoxious board wipes and tokens instead
As I said before, this still has never pushed white strongly enough to win tournaments or a pro tour.
Friendly reminder: no white card banned in standard since Saheeli-Felidar combo.
But I guess it was en vogue for kikes to whine about Wedding Announcement and Emperor.
>the whitefag continues crying out in pain as he plays the most annoying color that isn't Blue

Whitefags know nothing of pain compared to the Green player's anguish.
At least it isn't the rocket tag that you keep trying to pretend is still a game.
>doesn't get his cards stolen by bans
>cries about it

Seriously, what is wrong with white players' brains?
>Once Upon A Time
>Veil of Summer
>Prosperous Inkeeper
>Esika’s Chariot
>Wilderness Reclamation
Is this nigga serious?
>At least it isn't the rocket tag
what are you even talking about
>complains about tokens and boardwipes
>white still can’t win tournaments
Seriously, what is wrong with retards?
>most recent card listed was from early 2021

Thank you for proving my point
Cool, free wildcards and I will keep playing it in first match of bo3.
I'm gonna speed the routine up if you guys don't mind
>white still can’t win tournaments
here are three standard challenge top8s with mono white, all by different players
now you're gonna move the goalpost with
>ok, white wins tournaments BUT it doesn't win as many as other colors so it doesn't matter
>there's 2 cards with a single red symbol in the sideboard therefore it's not mono white
and then we are gonna say
>shut the fuck up whiteschizo
>Veil of Summer
>wahhhhh you're not allowed to stop us from countering your spells we want our counterspells to resolve
blue players are such massive faggots oh my God
the funny part is is that all of those cards weren't even played in green decks it was just oko and simic taking a dump on the game for a few years
>b-b-but simic technically includes green chud!!
Nah, those don't count because it didn't result in a white card getting banned
shut the fuck up whiteschizo
Blue is the most punished color.
>blue players were the problem all along
Slowly, I began to hate them
This your first week playing the game?
Anyone who's been playing for more than a few weeks hates blue players.
Even other blue players hate blue players because it means they have to sit through a control mirror as they get a taste of their own medicine as they perpetuate the problem.
True Magic players know the control mirror is the best way to play magic
nah its zoo mirror
>TFW glorious Golgari player watching bluefags get punished for their shitty counter bullshit
Greenbro its okay come huff copium with me in legacy with lands decks
They might, if they do I wonder if we'll get two tribes of faeries since the Sapling turns the Murmuring Bosk into the Weeping Bosk where a new type of faeries will be born, but it's not elaborated upon much and the writers/wizards probably forgot.
crafted 4 of them like 20 minutes ago lol just in time
I mean they'd still be faeries, there are a LOT of things that are totally different but are under the same creature type.
Plus the aurora happened and to be honest I don't even remember if oona is still alive.
Last we heard from them was they still had racist elves in mom and they had racist elves in lorwyn and shadowmoor both
We do see a Kithkin in MotM and she seems to have both Shadowmoor + Lorwyn traits, which I take as a soft confirmation of the plane(s?) fusing into one now.
Oona has a stinger at the end of the book where she revives and it's been years in universe so unless that is retconned she's still around, the story also mentions a faction of flightless faeries called Groundlings.
Maybe something like the original Lorwyn block where there are both class and race tribal effects with different factions having an assigned race and class combination.
they retconned the age of kamigawa by a factor of ten and soft retconned some other stuff but we'll see
also I guess ashling is still around but mh sets aren't exactly the most canon
>Makes red leyline
>Releases it in September 27th
>Has to ban it by October 22nd in BO1 because arena is shit
>Not even a whole month
Certified Companion Moment
>a faction of flightless faeries called Groundlings.
That seems like a mistake on a plane where basically everything is a fairy, being 1/1 fliers with insect features is what made faeries distinct.
I guess it could work if they're still small and insectoid and dickish.
It's not a great card but it's more an arena issue than a card issue.
Arena is the worst possible way to play magic, and a non-insignificant part of that is the shartstone playerbase it attracted.
>we lost fast magic
>especially fast magic on MTG Arena
>fast magic is fun
>fast magic is good
>fast magic isn't the problem
>but we're banning leyline because it was too fast, but only too fast for one player
This ban really doesn't bode well. It tells us they're designing all their future sets around BO1 Arena and its dailies system.
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They're building the game around it's most popular formats, so everything is for either Bo1 or Commander.
>This ban really doesn't bode well. It tells us they're designing all their future sets around BO1 Arena and its dailies system.
arena is a forgotten side product at this point
maybe five years ago when they were shilling it to high heaven but that flopped along with their esports shit, not to mention it's banned only on arena (because again, joke game)
if you want any further proof that wotc doesn't even think about arena anymore look at the amount of money they're trying to get out of its players, no one's getting epic poggers $200 secret lairs there or whatever new foil treatment they're come up with
they could milk arena so much more but the fact that they haven't is proof wotc has effectively forgotten it exists, alongside alchemy's overwhelmingly negative reception having it shoved under the rug
>arena is a forgotten side product at this point
You surely don't actually believe that. BO1 Standard and Commander is all they design for now.
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*love fast Magic
Did you respond to the right person? EDH is (most) of what they're shilling for now and you don't have EDH on arena.
But on top of that you don't have any of the actual formats people play, with the closest you can get being a heavily modified standard or baby training wheels pioneer.
They at least added draft some years ago I guess.
Arena is not the future of magic it's the past, it only exists now as a slightly prettier modo.
They printed a bunch of one drops that can just kill you on turn 3.
They then printed the best red pump spell possibly ever.
Then they printed a Leyline that doubles all your buffs so you can kill on t2.
All of these cards were pushed on purpose and they released them at the same time.
They're fucking retarded.
can't believe we still have cute irish midgets
I obviously replied to the right person when I pointed out they only design for both EDH and BO1. You're insane if you think Arena is dying.
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my guesses
I hope not. Pikemaster is fine, but the cultist is ass now that damage doesn't use the stack
If they print that and U/W soldiers makes a come back I might actually quit standard
jumpstart are not standard legal, if not legal already
Give me Sharknado
Brawl is based because you get to bully players who think they can play it like Commander.
>You're insane if you think Arena is dying.
Follow the money anon.
The money's not going to or coming out of Arena.
Only when it's control without blue.
>The money's not going to or coming out of Arena.
>Paper gets some new mega whale product every other week, secret lair and UB shit out the ass, wotc even confirmed they're going to be focusing more on UB shit
>Meanwhile Arena just gets standard sets and lotr
If you wanna play on it fine by me but it is more or less dead in the water unless they do some serious shakeups
Look again.
Don't forget the cards that let the deck ignore removal.
Yeah, MH sets are dubious and Ashling doesn't have any evidence wither way to any theories besides having the stats of her Shadowmourn self but that doesn't prove anything.

Yeah, but you can always explore new things with a creature type and the story doesn't have to use Groundlings. The type of Fairy the sapling creates is never elaborated upon and the Groundings are just a minor dissident element so we don't have to get Simic Groundlings/
There are also the establishment fairies who're white and blue, who started to shift to White due to Oona and valuing order funnily enough, despite the fairy herself being Black Blue.

The og Kithkin were quite ugly, but I do like the new art direction, very cute.
They're still pouring money into making Alchememe cards and porting Pioneer proper to the client like come on now.
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>The og Kithkin were quite ugly
apologize to my waifu right now
Don't forget the Thud reprint specifically tweaked so it would trigger Heroic. Oh and also draws a creature card after.
are you guys genuinely retarded. sideboards effortlessly shit on leyline aggro so it's not a problem in bo3. only in bo1. it's that simple.
>just instalose game 1 on turn 2 bro just deal w/ it bro they just instantly win the first game if they go first but who cares?
Why make excuses for it, dicklicker?
You hear about the former Blizzard dev who talked about how the sales from a single WoW mount made the company more money than the entirety of Starcraft 2? It's like that. Just because something has more effort put into it doesn't mean it's more important or that it's more profitable.
yes? did you get a lobotomy or something. a strat that has a great chance of winning the first game and then folds instantly to any sideboarding whatsoever losing the two games after that is literally not a problem, it's the definition of not being a problem.
I doubt banning leyline will do anything. Might just make bo1 decks better desu by cutting the trap card.
>just always have the sideboarded cards in your hand by turn 1 or turn 2
Spoken like a broken arena player.
Lol, guess i forgot who the real OG kithkin were. But I'm glad they made Kithkin cute again.

On a different note, since we're going back to Tarkir in the same year and Lorwyn and Shadowmoor are merged we might get the tribes as tri color this time. Although there are 8 tribes of Lorwyn, minus changelings, but only 5 shards so that might not work.
Although if they retcon it to make it so all the Treefolk are dead and sideline either the giants or the merfolk I think they could make the remaining colors fit. But I think the same could be said for making them fit in the Tarkir wedges.
yes, exactly, that is called "accounting for probability" and is the basis of all deckbuilding
Something is so overtuned you just instantaneously lose the first game 90% of the time in the "slow" format and you're saying you should just accept it? It doesn't matter if there is counterplay, faggot, you shouldn't just accept losing game one guaranteed on a coin flip.
How would that work out?
Temur elementals
Abzan kithkin + treefolk
Sultai faeries + elves
Mardu goblins + giants
Jeskai merfolk + giants?
They'd probably just shift some pairs around and add new tribes to make 10.
Most games of magic are guaranteed wins/losses, Why are you even playing this game if you care about games being consistently decided by decisions?
>guy is playing monored and goes first and gets the leyline on the field
>you just lose
What decision, retard?
The whole problem with the game now is shit like this eliminates decision making. All the aggro/midrange decks have each creature doing 3 things and being a game engine in itself. All the combo/control decks are 100% deterministic and at a certain point it becomes impossible to win against them if they stalled you out that long. This is the most fatalistic card game out there now.
>this Lili will be standard legal until 2029
not gonna lie, I'm starting to like the idea behind foundations
holy reading comprehension
and you're on coping to hell and back if you think arena is secretly wotc's cash cow lmao
Devil in Foundations stonks rising.
Its amazing how shit this game has become in 4 years.
Let me guess you started playing 4 years ago?
I'm not gonna call this a golden age for magic or anything but it's infinitely better than it was 4 years ago
It's really not. It's about as bad.
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>This is a real card
Magic is so gay now
play with fire and get burned
I thought these retarded niggers scurried off back to the arena general
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magic has only improved in the past few years after shit like this and FAT AND BADASS
Who are you quoting?
I'm not saying Arena is a secret cash cow. I'm saying that appearances can be deceptive. The certainty is that Hasbro has been a sinking ship for a while now, and they've been squeezing WotC for every last penny. They saw a lot of success with BG3 and Monopoly Go and have talked a lot about digital, I have no doubts they're scheming up ways to get more money from Arena. There's zero chance they're abandoning the game, unless maybe it's to focus on some new EDH game.
Reminder that people on 4chan were calling Companion the most broken thing ever before even seeing a companion based on the wording of the mechanic.
Reminder that the weekend Ikoria was playable on MTGO companions already became 50% of the meta in every format that you could play them in.
Reminder that eventually 90% of decks were companion decks with maybe 1 or 2 irrelevant archetypes not using one and some people who refused to play them out of principle, who would often lose
Reminder that even then they refused to say it was a shitty mechanic and said people just needed to adapt and git gud
Reminder that to this day you still see Jegantha crammed into random decks because you lose nothing by having it and Yorion is still so powerful control decks will run 80 cards to use him
No I been playing since Odyssey.
Yes I see those bans, but its just honestly gotten worse. Like this card.
>Aura that grants +1/+0, and Ward 2, and lifelink
>Also an Oblivion Ring effect.
>only 2 mana, one of which is colorless.
This would've been a rare years ago for what it does and at that price.
Isn't there some faggy looking kid with a pet monster in the new set? You're just so buckbroken by the shittiness of 5 years ago that you're thanking your masters for only making things 4000% shitty now instead of 5000%
Honestly, I'd like to see the Boggarts as being Jeskai or Temur if do Khan wedges. Boggarts are very izzet-like in they're pursuit of new stuff while also being very in tune with nature and community driven. The only unforgivable sin in their society is being selfish, but they're Black/Red originally anyways so I would imagine Mardu would be better fits for them as you say. Grixis might also be nice for Boggarts.
But I think the Elves would be Abzan since they're already in Abzan colors across the block, with them being paired with their only ally of the treefolk.
But I think Jeskai would be Kithkin and Giants, Kithkin while depicted in black cards. Color wise they're actually mostly White and Blue with some Green and Red to the side. Lorwyn giants are White and Red so that be their joining point.
The only odd man out would then be the Merrow who be with the Elementals or Faeries. But honestly I think the faeries work better as Esper since they already have white as a tertiary color. Merrow work best as either Sultai or Bant.
>Temur Elementals + Merrow(?)
>Abzan Elves + Treefolk joined at green
>Sultai Faeries + Merrow(?)
>Mardu Golbins + Giants joined at red
>Jeskai Kithkin + Giants Joined at white
>Crying about an aura compared to the reign of simic retardation
>trust me I've been playing since odyssey
>It's better now than it was 4 years ago
>N-No it's not, it's just better than it was 4 years ago
god you people are pathetic
>Yorion is still so powerful control decks will run 80 cards to use him
in pioneer it goes in and out of use, currently it's not the preferred build, but it's still pretty funny that it got banned in modern
Yeah, it's still shit though
Oh no!
I mean you are really a dumb mother fucker if you are grabbing the lowest apple on the tree. You don't have to point at simic because everyone has seen how crap its been. Even Nadu got banned in EDH, even the format that rarely bans shit and hadn't for three years.
>shelters your nowhere to run
>You don't have to point at simic because everyone has seen how crap its been. Even Nadu got banned in EDH,
Okay if you're plan is to just draw a second one then I can just say
>nowheres your sheltered creature
It's sad that the edh general is apparently less retarded than here now.
Except by only focusing on the egregious examples, like your dumbass is, you miss out on other cards that have severely pushed the game in its power. Like what the fuck do you think the death race set is going to do? Maybe foundations? Its going to have cards that are overly pushed and its not going to stop.
>points to cards in standard from years ago
>nobody cares because those aren't in standard anymore
>They're going to *gasp* PRINT NEW CARDS
yes you dumb nigger glad you finally got that through your head
You call me a dumb nigger but god your such an ESL who has shit reading comprehension by comaprison. Like your dumbass can't read "more overly pushed cards"
And you're the one crying over an o ring with upside instead of 20+ game-warping cards
Its still a gamewarping card you tard. Also crying real funny coming from you who can only pay attention to the rares and mythics but is blinder than a bat to commons and uncommons that are pushed to hell and back.
I'm looking at cards at an actual player's playpoint, not a bo1 arena retard
>Reminder that people on 4chan are retarded zoomers
Thanks I keep forgetting
I don't even play arena, you tard. I am also looking at its from a player's playpoint.
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>instant speed pump spell that gives +3/+0 for just a single red mana
>also the creature it affects leaves behind a grizzly bear and also will push an unwanted card to the grave.
>its only a common
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They've been trying to make a good red combat trick for years, it's about time.
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According to Maro, one of these "and no, not the most powerful one" will be reprinted in foundations. Which do you think it is? My guess is Meddling Mage.
We already had Monstrous Rage
God remember before Monstrous Rage was printed and everyone thought Mono Red in standard would be a meme for a decade? Better times.
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>lame pikula meddler
>not badass empowered female meddling mage
Yikes this is cringe
desu I really wouldn't be surprised if it was Faerie Mastermind
Terry Soh then
>"I dare nature to defy me."
>hits the wall at 25
Anon, WOE was 1 year ago. They've been steadily pushing the power up since maybe titan's strength, over a decade ago.
>no Trample
>no permanent stat increase
>no creature left behind after you fling for 13 damage
What were they thinking?
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>>instant speed pump spell that gives +3/+0 for just a single red mana
You must be new here
>I'm looking at cards at an actual player's playpoint

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That it was already enough for people to get 6/6 creatures with double strike and trample.
Would you look at that, years and years of nonwhite Standard bans. Almost as if I know what I’m talking about unlike these head-in-the-sand cowards.
>Arena challenge events, not actual paper metas
Lmao, lol
Also. Mtgo challenge events aren’t fucking tournaments you facetious kike. Literally ANY deck can win a challenge event on mtgo. That doesn’t make it indicative of the actual fucking meta. Go suck another coin roll of shekels.
Also paper tournaments don't count you incorrigible fuckhead. Literally everyone who participates in paper tournaments cheats their shuffles and bribes the judges for favorable rulings. They're not indicative of the fucking meta.
Mono white won worlds 95
Confirmed never played in paper tournament
>so mind broken he mistakes arena for mtgo then has to correct himself in the next post
I'm not even joking anymore you're 100% schizophrenic
this thing is fucking bullshit
I wish there were more cards that removed counters to punish it
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I share your appreciation for this card's power even if the others just want to shit on you by talking about irrelevant shit from the past. Everyone should be agreeing with you and saying something of note but they're fagging it up.

I'm getting kinda tired of the knowledge flexing that goes on in this game. Just people tisticly taking everything literally and taking statements that should be interpreted generally, like yours, as absolutes, as if you claimed the card was actual Giant Growth when you didn't. It's the same shit that has plagued online discussion of this game everywhere whether it be here, MTGS or Reddit it's the same faggot-ass retardation that should get a person banned repeatedly until they unfuck themselves.

Now that there is a 15 minute wait until posting it's as good fucking time as any other to quit this place. It still smells like fucking Hambly here after all these years and I'm finally tired of thinking it in addition to all the retards from the Arena and custom thread lending their anime-posting their unwelcome retardation here.
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Kudro did nothing wrong. It should be named "Completely Justified Act".
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Surely with a Goldspan 5-8, Mayhem Devil 5-8, and a Lier-esque Flashback effect in red, I can make this old standard combo work in Pioneer?
I seriously believe this is the card that pushes the Leyline deck too far. You can keep a starting hand with four 1 mana removal spells and have it mean nothing because when you try to use them you just give the opponent two new bodies.
I just came here to say
>Fuck leyline players you get what you deserve
That is all.
To be fair just because they are banning less cards now in general, doesn't mean there aren't cards worthy of banning.
WOTC have just gone full greed mode since their 3 year rotation inception, otherwise we would have seen a shit ton more bans from almost every color.
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Once again I'm looking for feedback, please, on how I can adjust my deadguy ale decks for my LGS meta. I'm intending to play one of them this week and am leaning towards the former because it seems alot simpler to build effectively, and the latter list is very scrappy and I feel like I want to rebuild it from the ground up.


The people in my local meta play something like
2 Cloudpost
1 Doomsday (Tempo SB) or Delver
1 Painter or BG Midrange
1 Tempo, control or maverick
1 Glimpse Elves or Stiflenought
1 guy who borrows my Ancient Tomb decks

The rest play a wide variety of decks and you can't really pin down what they'll play on any week, and we usually have around 10 people. Combo isn't too popular. I don't really want to run bowmasters but if I need it as a crutch so I don't autolose every game I guess I'll have to.
>The banning is not based on the general power level or the overall health of the Standard format—far from it.
For me, I think it should be named "Smart Decision"
the death of the arena general and its consequences have been a disaster for /mtg/
Most people try to go value town and end up having too few creatures.
Solemn has been reprinted in Core Sets already and can fit in anywhere, maybe that's too obvious.
I'd love him or Meddling Mage.
Or Dark Confidant but there is no way they let him just be an eternal Standard staple.
The death of the arena general is a WotC psyop to increase paper Standard play.
If dubs it's Sylvan Safekeeper
I warned you all. This is what containment threads are for. It's still like a 50/50 on the thread dying when I go to sleep.
You guys can't just blame the Arena general every time we have a shit thread
what's the skill level for LGS draft nights?
I haven't done one for over a decade now but they used to be free as fuck
Oh yes I can.
nta but at my place it's usually 2-3 newer players or boomers who come for the nostalgia, they go 0-X

the rest are autistic nerds who don't say a single word except for pass sweating every single game, noting the whole board state, every single card you played and the amount of hand cards on their notepad

it's still easy to beat them, they all read the same draft guides and try to force the best deck so just draft whatever is the weakest color
The "most powerful one" is Snappy, yeah? So not that.
Bob's kept in check by bowmasters, it'll be fine
In Standard?
I know what I said. We're ALL in on this ride together.
Print Bowmasters into Standard
Let the Galaxy Burn
Praetors all had some type of metal to their body, yes? So why isn't Vorinclex copper or have copper?
>What was the last deck you played?
jeskai dress down. nulldrifter is a helluva drug
I got two questions:
>What was New Capenna? Was it even a good set?
>What's the story of an Eldrazi raiding Innistrad?
He's all natty
New Capenna was your classic cops and robbers set in the vein of a standard mobster movie, but because of the various BLM protests going on during development they removed the cops. As a result the themes are an unfocused mess, the factions don't have much to differentiate them, and it was focused on bootleggers when the game can't show guns or liquor. The draft format was also abysmal.

Eldrazi raiding Innistrad was slightly more interesting.
>1000 years ago a vampire, a rock autist, and a dragon formed an alliance to fight various threats because they were bored oldwalkers and needed a hobby
>the vamp settled down and founded Innistrad, a hellplane where vampires could eat freely but he also made some angels as game wardens so there'd be a steady supply of humans
>Rock autist's home plane gets eaten by the eldrazi; the dragon doesn't pick up the phone because he's dead (he got better due to time bullshit) and the vampire doesn't pick up the phone because he can't be fucked to help
>Rock Autist weaponizes her autism to summon Emrakul to Innistrad because if her home plane is gonna get fucked then his is too
>Gothic Horror becomes Lovecraftian Horror for a bit
>Tamiyo, calling on her Japanese heritage and affinity for tentacles, traps Emrakul in the moon at Emrakul's behest
And what have we got? Nothing changed in paper. BO1 is not real magic.
There was some decent art I guess, and they printed 3-colour triome lands.
But the draft format was absolutely dominated by a 3-mana 2/1 flier with ETB draw a card, which had a higher winrate that almost all the mythics/rares.
So UW fliers destroyed every other archetype.
Then the next set the best common was another 3-mana 2 power flier with an ETB card advantage, and UW tempo the best archetype.
Something about the method traveling to other planes in canon. It was brought up in the story blurb.
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It was the last time they were able celebrate so many previously supported languages culturally via alt art box toppers
as for every year since that set came out they've canned multiple languages a year, I think we're now down to half the languages that were printed for New Capenna (Bloomburrow was the last printed set for Chinese and Portuguese)
Fuckin sucks the Russian one is impossible to get
What format could I play Altanak, the Thrice-Called?
He can't even be played in pauper so is he just some retarded thing you try to pull off in sealed?
Greasefang in Pioneer is including him now. Randomly instantly winning the game because you happened to dump three specific cards in the graveyard is dumb as fuck.
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Something like this but you need 33 lands mininum
Alternatively 4c dredge in Modern. It's very highrolly though.

actual results non meme deck
I don't read slop so wtf is a glimmer?
Can't reprint safekeeper because of Shroud.
It's Dark Confidant. That card will hit rock bottom. How the mighty have fallen.
they are enchantment creatures

the opposite of a nightmare, like peoples best qualities manifested as a "good" entity
Something that should be impossible on a plane totally subsumed by a fear demon

mayhem devil is quite awkward as wincon.. you don't really want your grapeshot to be on a creature. If you're in red black it really behooves a storm deck to win with beseech the mirror and that is quite awkward in pioneer. I've made the deck go off in red green with hardened scales, runaway steamkin, questing druid, a xorn or two, and dragonspark reactor to kill. I like reactor, it is efficient and works well even when you bric; you just kill their best huge threatening thing and chunk them and win next turn. crime novelist flew under my radar; will test. season of the bold is bonkers for pioneer treasurestorm; sometimes they're just on a slow draw and you make five treasure, untap and win. sometimes you just already have infinite mana and it does whatever the fuck you want. gold rush interacts well with goldspan dragon and does deck things but I couldn't make it work consistently.
it's gonna be Avalanche Riders
the themes for Foundations are Echo and land destruction
I agree about Mayhem Devil. Skinripper is a better fit because you can drop it after going off instead of before, but it's the same flaw of relying on a creature that can be removed.
Dragonspark Reactor is nice. Dowsing Device seems like it would perform similarly if redundancy is important, though again it relies on creatures to finish.
Green has some nice toys, Gold Rush was one I saw too.
Season of the Bold does look nice. I was turned off by the "tapped" treasures, but I'll reconsider.
Urabrask looks like it does everything the deck wants, but I don't know if that 3-cast restriction would be awkward to play around since I haven't tested it yet.

I couldn't make urabrask do jack shit and I tried petty hard.
Has anyone made a deck from Duskmourn using all those clowns?
There are only 3 clowns in the set, despise the fact that some of the non-clown creatures look exactly like the ones that are actually clowns
>There are only 3 clowns in the set
I meant those guys with spikes in the Boilerbilges or whatever red is.
Fucking really?
Also why aren't Clowns human?
Surprised no one has yet to find a deck centered around him yet.
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Why do some of these card set logos have something behind it? Is it for a different version of MtG?
Tree is very much a deck.
what do you mean? he was literally made for rakdos tree, you can execute the combo without relying on the graveyard thanks to him
It's for commander/edh
You can't have fear without hope. If there is absolutely no possibility of your life improving you just don't fucking bother.
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favorite mtg memes?
That doesn't make any sense. You can absolutely feel fear in hopeless situations, and continue to feel fear as you die slowly without any hope of escape.
yeah, as other anons pointed out, it's the new linchpin of the tree of perdition
are sideboard related mechanics kicker too? like companion or learn?
You feel fear because you don't want things to get even worse, meaning that you have hope that they don't. If you have zero expectations for your future and care about absolutely nothing, being attached to nothing and consumed by despair, you just can't feel fear. Fear what? That you'll get tortured? You'd need to care for that, and you don't.
The positive emotions that glimmers come from are needed for fear to make sense as a concept.
I just accidentally curved him into the ninja planeswalker in Sealed on turn 4 and realized that I could use the planeswalker abilities with him (because Kaito is a creature on your turn).
god Limited is so good.
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new overlord kino just dropped
I think Zur strains your manabase a lot. The payoff is good, though.
I'd rather just play Enigmatic Incarnation
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We're so back.
>believing mark of all jews
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the classic
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there's also the sequel
pretty good never saw that one
>containment zones
oh how times have changed
Kek, who declares a counter spell before they even see what their opponent is casting.
Room is the most simple mechanic they've made in awhile.
>Have enchantment with 2 effects
>You spend mana to use one of the effe to and later unlock the other room to get another enchantment
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I wish that new Storm legend had 1 power, 1 less cost, and double strike. Current one is going to be such a snowflake deck. What will Storm grant storm to? Oh its Seize The Day. Who could've foreseen that coming?
It's commander bait to get people who don't even play magic to the buy the secret lair, it's not meant to be good.
aspiring pro caleb and totally not a strawman
literally me
Anyone got a deck for Razorkin monsters?
yeah, in Limited
i...is orcish bowmaster gone yet? Is it ok to come out?
Razorkin aren't their own deck they have cards spread out over a bunch of different strats
>frog centric meta
>doesnt even chump block him

gotta wait for december
Storm is actually pretty masterfully design as almost perfect commander bait, It has just enough Timmy and Jonny to appeal to both crowds of players while also being pretty simple mentality of, "I PLAY [insert any 6+cmc spell] X TIMES NOW!" which commander players love. It's designed to support spell slinger archetypes as well as UB creature ones as well. It can play chaos, big burn, walk machine, mil, etc.
I guarantee you will hear at your lgs multiple people saying they are building Storm® as their commander and their version is completely different* than everyone else because they a running one or two pet cards in the list.

It is designed to be commander crack, and it succeeds on almost every level.
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post the updated one where every format other than edh is empty
>cast roaming throne naming clown
>get two(2) gremlins every turn
New brew incoming?
The rakdos sacrifice deck in standard is probably the closest you'll get

Reason enough to buy at least one even if you dont want to play it. Couple years from now you'll probably be able to name your price.
nope, everything that isn't reserved list or super rare one of printings like championship promos goes down in price with time
>Rick/Greymond still at 30$
Popular UB commanders hold their value, even after reprints. Storm also has the advantage of being tied to a popular IP, I have a hard time seeing Storm being bulk anytime soon.

You're just a salty modern refugee, my picks don't miss so my binder has multiplied by X where X is the number of years it has been in play.
>a marvel crossover
>barack panther in the same league as captain america and wolverine
>wolverine doesn't get hardened scales, doesn't get violent outburst because it's banned, doesn't get monstrous rage, doesn't get regenerate
You can't imagine my disgust right now
>doesn't get regenerate
Anon you might be stupid
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TOR has broken 60% meta share in Modern.
Just figured I'd mention it.
>thinking SL drops play by the same rules as everything else
>Whole set based off a Haunted Mansion
>One of the new mechanics is Rooms
>Don't add a reference to pic related
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>room invoke prejudice minus 80
what did they mean by that
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>>One of the new mechanics is Rooms
>>Don't add a reference to pic related
the number add up to 13
thats it
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>Almost hitting Vintage numbers
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>he listed 3 other card names, but surely when he said "regenerate" he meant the ability and not the card
What a foolish blunder. How ridiculous you look on this niche anonymous imageboard.
memedern will have restricted cards in our lifetime
There is a non-zero chance ToR is restricted in modern rather than banned.
Wolverine has the power to regenerate others? I thought he could only regenerate himself.
I'm buying one for the Villeneuve hips alone.
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I could have saved her...
Is this hobby cheaper than 40k?
Would the percentage be even higher if it was a $5 card?
it's free if you're smart about it
No, it would be 0%.
If TOR was cheap it would have been banned a year ago. The only reason WotC is "Monitoring the Situation" and "There is no One Ring Deck" is due to it's cost and reprint value.
depends if you want to collect cards or are fine with using proxies/counterfeits
a lot of ttgs outside of board games makes me feel kind of stupid for getting in once i'm out. i had fun playing modern but once i stopped i realized i paid ~$1.5k to have about as much fun as i'm having playing ashes reborn or street fighter 6.
Both are free.
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people really charging 50 bucks to tell people to mulligan for force of will
If we count meme format it's not even the quickest ban, Lutri was banned in EDH before its release.
Remember it's the same company that thought a standard with Oko, Uro, field of the dead, fire of invention and a bunch of other banned cards was totally fine.
(((commander))) isn't Magic the Gathering.
you're an antisemite so your opinions are worthless
(((commander))) isn't even a game, check the op.
Are they now?
Well I want to collect the cards, so how expensive does it get?
go to decks, pick the format you're interested in. expect to pay around that much for a deck.
Neither are Arena Bo1 or Alchemy
Yes, none of them should be here.
That's not too bad. Way cheaper than 2k points of Admech
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>Wolverine has the ability to bond adamantium to other people's skeletons? I thought it was only him that had adamantine bonded to his skeleton.
Forgetting a single card out of tens of thousands wasn't actually embarrassing, but coping this hard about it is.
Really depends on what you want to collect, MTG has over 30k cards in various styles and rarity, so your cost range will vary greatly depending on what you want to collect.
why do people pretend to like draft? i go to 2 different lgses and i've never once seen a draft fire except on for a few days after release day
pyramid scheme to keep winning prizes off noobs while simultaneously keeping pack prices low but WoTC looked at their data and realized that yeah, no one actually likes draft
I like playing different decks
not playing duskmourn though I hated what I played of it
sounds like a LGS problem, probably because too many commander players.

MY LGS fires consistently but it does seem like DSK is a bit less popular than the last few sets, but I don't know if that is a summer thing or a set quality thing.
Old player planning to return here, what changed post Theros/Tarkir block? Is standard still the dominant format?
There is no dominant format, Wizards doesn't even print cards for Magic the Gathering anymore, read the op.
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The game is ruled by Commander and Best of 1 on Arena. Standard might be #3, but it's picking up the scraps that the design team forgets to throw away. Legacy and Modern are rotating formats now, since every Modern Horizons and Universes Beyond set introduces a brand new never before seen level of power creep. Pioneer was created as "Modern lite", but then ignored for over a year while one deck dominated and interest dwindled to nothing. It's better now, but still nowhere near what it should be.
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It's because the Redditors are scared by all the heckin scary centipedes!
But like unironically
Commander isn't Magic the Gathering.
What about LGS games? Been itching for a nerd hobby that lets me go outside, thinking of coming back to my old shop. Never tried Arena
If you play Alchemy or Bo1 you are a subhuman.
If you play Commander you are literal garbage.
Play Boosters and MTGA
Play boosters have completely changed draft and overall caused it to become more bomby due to there just being more rares and mythics being opened.
MTGA because it makes it so much easier for players to draft the set to death the first week after release, get tired or bored of it quickly, so you have a group of players that feel no reason to draft it again, more so in paper.
>what changed post Theros/Tarkir block?
Somewhere around 2018/2019, Hasbro basically told WotC they wanted them to double their profits. Consequently, power creep exploded, several direct-to-Modern sets have been released, the amount of cards geared towards EDH increased dramatically (pic related), and there was a general increase in the amount of products getting pushed out. Crossovers in the forms of secret lairs (i.e. bundle of ~6 cards with "premium" alt art) and full blown crossover sets (e.g. Assassin's Creed got a direct-to-Modern mini-set).
As a result of power creep and a very clear reluctance to ban new cards before they're out of print, most formats have suffered greatly. Standard has been wildly unhealthy for a while, Modern has been dead for 3 years (hence why these threads are /mtg/ instead of /mmg/ now), Legacy has been generally shitty.
Also there's a newer format Pioneer which has become something vaguely resembling old Modern in terms of power level, but only has cards from RTR onward. And none of the godawful direct-to-Modern bullshit. That said, it's still a dubiously healthy format due to the power creep and weak ban policies.
>Is standard still the dominant format?
No, it's all EDH. Paper is all but dead except EDH. Everything has been sacrificed before the altar of Commander.
The notion of paying money for 'coaching' in Magic is retarded. Whenever I see a youtuber mention this it always sounds like the client plays once in a blue moon and barely engages with it outside watching videos.
>Paper is all but dead
What the fuck?
Nobody wants to pay 1,000 dollars for a deck and any price point less than that is casual commander which isn't even Magic the Gathering.
Paper magic no longer exists.
Commander is the end of Magic. No other TCG can compete with commander's popularity, and commanderfags have already proven they will accept whatever slop WotC injects into the game. Every decision WotC makes about the game is to appease commander players, and it is ALWAYS to the detriment of non-commander formats. Some busted ass shit that was designed around there being 4+ players? Its now rotated Legacy (again). Unsets being made black-bordered? They need to be so I can run my heckin attractions deck in my pod. 50% of the rares in a Standard set being build-around Legends that suck complete cock outside of commander? Commander. LD/MLD/Mana denial no longer viable strategies? Commander players find them unfun. UB is also because of Commander, when WotC realized they could ride the EDH gravytrain and turn every popular character from any IP into a commander.
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Is Face The Hydra real Magic?
Paper isn't dead. Doomposting Anons are just doing what they do.
Moreso than Arena, yes.
It's pretty sad, I know stores that used to have multiple events a week, legacy, modern, standard, and limited back in the RTR days, to now just to, draft, if we have enough people, and commander freeplay.

Prereleases do seem to still be very popular,
It's not uncommon for an LGS to only really have EDH play now. A little while back, Standard was so dead that WotC had to make a public push to "revitalize" Standard. Their ass backwards solution was to push back rotation and basically stop banning things, under the the belief that people weren't playing Standard because they were afraid of their cards losing value once they stopped being Standard legal, which was pretty much the exact opposite of the actual issue, that people were fucking sick to death of the dogshit meta at the time.
it's not 'dead' in the sense that nobody plays it
it's 'dead' as in it's a shadow of what it was a decade ago.

World of Warcraft can be considered 'dead' because while it may have about a million players when in it's heyday it had 14million.
Well paper sure as fuck isn't alive in the LGS's near me, aside from EDH. And it's not like there's a huge amount of EDH players either.
actually wow has never been bigger and its all thanks to the chinese finally getting their hands on wotlk
Imagine playing paper when MTGO exists.
MTGO isn't Magic.
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>tfw started with RTR (Innistrad, for a brief period) and quit right around Tarkir
Jesus Christ
Go check your LGS, the format depends on your location and the day of the week. Usually it's commander.
Not Magic the Gathering.
It's a soulless ripoff of Horde. It's still better than the last three years of Standard.
dont, it's a skinner box phone game disguised as mtg.
why is he bad now?
dreadhorde arcanist is not real magic
he's banned in legacy, are you talking about pioneer? the rakdos prowess deck doesn't need his value, it just want to kill people
>no etb
>no haste
Literally unplayable
Why play this when Leyline of resonance exist?
dumb consumer, only the cards from [current set] are designed to see play
I really, truly wish Leyline of Resonance was as good as the shitposting made it out to be. Imagine if we got Nadu shitting up the old formats and IMMEDIATELY afterwards we had Leyline ruining Standard and Pionner.
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>being this mindbroken by a card nobody play
I play him in vintage, flashbacking ancestral recall and gitaxian probe is great
please understand half this thread only engages with MTG through bo1 on arena
it is good, banned from Bo1 Arena, the dev's stated it more than doubled the number of turn 3/4 wins in standard Bo1.
Couldn't it replace Innkeeper's talent in this list?
And it would make the deck worse since it's a 4 mana do nothing enchantment you only want in your oppening hand and is a dead draw otherwise.
definitely not, inkeeper's talent is really good
Nadu was underplayed (online at least) and beatable but it was still fucking cancer
Wasn’t Nadu almost impossible on Arena and MTGO because of how long it took to click through the combo? I remember Krark Clan Ironworks combo having a similar disparity, where it dominated in paper but was unplayable in digital.
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If MTG is so bad why hasn't it been dethroned yet?
>Wasn’t Nadu almost impossible on Arena and MTGO because of how long it took to click through the combo?
it was a pain to play on mtgo but it still was the first or second most played deck in the format, every top8 was full of nadu players
Worst one except for all the others
Same reason 40k and D&D haven't been dethroned.
Market share inertia.
Damn near every other card game made afterwards either made exactly the same mistakes for the same reasons or threw the baby out with the bathwater. It's no mistake that Pokemon/Yugioh/Magic are the main surviving TCGs and they have three very different resource systems, because that's the fundamental pillar of this style of card game and without making serious game design decisions surrounding it you're just making small tweaks that won't ultimately shift market preference
People would play it in challenges but it was too tedious for most in leagues.
I love how they shift the design for commander, don't test it, resulting in it being banned in both modern AND commander, and now we're stuck with it in legacy and vintage for all eternity. I hope it's banned and restricted simply because it's a horribly designed card that isn't enjoyable to play with or against.
F&B doesn't have a multinational corporation behind it.
I thought his regeneration power was from his mutant powers not from Adamantium skeleton.
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Is this uncommon with 7 lines of text a legacy playable card
I dont think so, but I dont play legacy
The fact you need a creature to attach it to weakens it, and the creature could die on the stack
Then again, surely you would have counterspells ready to handle any interaction from the opponent
I got you a legacy and vintage list
take your pick
f&b is a much better game mechanically than mtg, yugioh or pokemon, and the art/flavor is pretty great, but a decent tournament deck costs like $800 because of equipments and premium attacks that every deck runs, and youll get to play those cards maybe a few times a year because talishar is the only place you can find people to play with
god I hate this card
13% to win on T2
Not great, not terrible
god I love this card
the real reason to run the t2 combo is to bait your opponent into tapping out/emptying their hand to stop it so that they have no answer to your plotted slickshots
The real reason was to grind those obnoxious dailies on mtga so you dont have to spend a second longer on that shithole than absolutely necessary
Having any chance to win on T2 in Standard is egregious and that's saying nothing of the high chance to win on T3.
I think boggles has been powercrept out of legacy, but I would run it in a legacy boggles list if I made one.

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