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Previous: >>94225769

>OFFICIAL Commander website, where you can learn the rules, see the current banlist, and read the format philosophy, laid down by the rules committee

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen color identity

>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck strategy and card choices

>Card Search

>Proxy a deck or a cube for cheap

>How to proxy using any printer


Which uncards would (or do) you unironically play?
I'm planning to try out Magar of the magic strings once i'm done assembling my rat decks.
How much money have you spent on Commander in the last 3 months?
Be honest.
On *Commander*? Probably in the neighborhood of $300
2 booster boxes of Duskmourn, a Duskmourn Nightmare Bundle, and I bought the Green/Black Duskmourn Precon. Also $262 on TCG for singles for decks I either run or already disassembled for more fun ideas. Currently waiting for Amazon to restock the Red/Black precon so I don't have to pay 30 more dollars for it at my LGS.
At least 400. I bought like 4 SLDs
Easily two or three thousand dollars, primarily on collector booster boxen.
jesus christ
actually way better TQ
fuckk I'm actually kind of annoyed about the secret marvel lair. I don't give a shit about spiderman but missing out on this one might suck. there's some pretty good reprints and I'm sure it'll retain value.
There was a guy in the last thread asking for a way to put his $800 card order on credit somehow because he'd already maxed out his credit card. And then there was a guy in /mtg/ saying that commander was 'the draft chaff format'. It just made me curious.
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Unban Mana Crypt
Big spender here. I absolutely have a "draft chaff" deck, but I also like to have the sexiest versions of cards at my beck and call though I don't even use a bunch of the fast mana bullshit that got banned
OCD Schizo Quiz:
All Foils / Non Foils?
Same Borders?
Same Lands?
UB Only / Non UB Only?
Please lower your tone when speaking to me if you have spent more than $0 on MTG this year.
>All Foils / Non Foils?
I've been trying to find foils or neat prints of cards I like/use but I'm not hung up on it since some foils are ludicrously expensive and I ain't payin' for that.
>Same Borders?
This doesn't bug me at all, but I do go for old border cards if there are older prints of them
>Same Lands?
I like to keep my basics consistent if possible unless I have a fancy one I wanna show off
>UB Only / Non UB Only?
No opinion, if UB cards are good I'll use them regardless of how little excitement I have for the prospect
I will not, thanks.
What is your favorite tribe?

Commander *used to be* the draft chaff format until the last few years. You can totally build a commander deck out of cards you just have laying around, but whether it will keep up with even precons is a different story, especially with some of the insanity they're putting out these days.
Doesn't matter to me. Whatever printing is cheapest and/or has the best art.
>Red/Black precon
Is endless punishment worth it for baseline group slug deck? I was trying to decide between picking it up or just starting a mono red zo-zu.

Obviously can't keep up with the cedh table, but you can still absolutely build a budget/chaff PL6-7 deck.
I actually have no idea, I bought it just to put the commander into my Nekusar deck. I'm sure it's fine, or maybe using Lord of Pain, but in general I mostly just wanted it for scraps.
>All Foils / Non Foils?
Foils curl too much. Nonfoils whenever possible
>Same Borders?
I kinda like a fucked up mishmash of borders. makes me feel like I'm digging deep into the card pool
>Same Lands?
Lands are usually the last thing I'm autistic about. At first I'll throw whatever basics I have into a deck. But if I end up liking it I try to use basics from the same set or plane as the commander.
>UB Only / Non UB Only?
I try to avoid UB but sometimes the cards are really fucking pushed and I cave.
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>Same Lands
I used to not really care about this but I've started to do this more and more. Either keep them all one art or keep them all at least on theme with the commander. At least as far as basics are concerned.
Gay Bolas
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>All Foils / Non Foils?
No foils in my decks. I go out of my way to avoid foils, and sell/trade them away unless they're from before 8th Edition.
>Same Borders?
If possible. It's impossible to make them all match because WotC can't make up their fucking mind about how Magic cards are supposed to look, but I get them to be as symmetrical as possible. I have sharpied white borders before, and I'll probably do it again. I may even pay to have proxies made of new cards in old borders if I find a deck I really like that's mostly old cards.
>Same Lands?
I pick a set that matches the deck's vibe and pull all of my basics from that set
>UB Only / Non UB Only
I avoid Universes Beyond unless the cards are generic enough to come from any set. Bowmasters, Confession Dial, Haystack, etc.
Uhh like 8 bucks? I grabbed the blue eyeball thing from duskmourn for nuvannifar before it blew up. Haven't been playing enough to justify more.
Is there a good source of old border basics online?
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Can I get some thoughts on this? I want to get a little more interaction in and maybe another wipe like Ezuri's Predation or something. I think there's some facedown stuff I need but missed. Gonna try to pickup Hauntwoods Shrieker at least when I go to play tomorrow night.

Anybody know of some kind of payoff in esper colors for having only permanents in your deck? I took out the tutors from my flash deck and realized I now only have 2 instant/sorcery spells that I wouldn't mind cutting if there's something I could do with only permanents. All I could find was green stuff like primal surge
I'm going to say $0 since I haven't played Commander in the past 3 months. I have bought cards, but for now that just counts as collecting.
I got 3 copies of the Extra Life lair and everything in the lair before that, plus an extra Miku and Momoko.
$600 on 12 decks for my schizo tournament
So far it's been fun as fuck having so may different playstyles, burn, voltron, control, aggro, tribal, enchantress, lands matter, midrange, energy, tokens, etc.
Don't want to spend any more for now though 32 is a nice solid number
At this point, probably about a hundred or two hundred. Most of it is cards I'm theory crafting with, slot in for a game, and then just swap out. I don't get enough games in enough to really feel what does and doesn't need to go so it's mostly just intuiting.
Not that you were any help but I was able to use a paypal credit to get them and the amazon slaves will deliver it to my house tomorrow.
like $400
thanks for reminding me to chill out.
only about 30$ of it was in pack gambling. the rest were precons, events, singles.
50$ only in singles.
Wish Mimeoplasm wasn't boring. Bustin makes me feel good.
Play no other creatures in your deck. Just mill opponents for fuel.
Contagion Clasp and Giant Fan (well, and Dragon Blood too) in one sexy, exciting package.
>All Foils / Non Foils?
Don't care. As long I can use it.
>Same Borders?
Don't care. As long I can use it.
>Same Lands?
Needs to have a theme in my basics at least. Landfall deck uses pre-6th edition basics
>UB Only / Non UB Only?
Priority on non-UB. Exception is Warhammer Sol Ring in my chaos deck.
I'd make a lot of changes. Use Nissan reanimist w/ ashaya + more cratures like quirion. Constant mists is better than moment of peace or w/e fog you have better ramp, more land recursion

Just for starters. Fix your mana base
Uhh, I spent £16 on a random commander deck from ebay, £5 for a shitty aliexpress deck box, £20 on custom on some sleeves for a different deck
I built like 4 decks, so maybe 100bux or so on singles
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>£5 for a shitty aliexpress deck box
Did it come with sleeves? I've bought a bunch of these, 5bux for deck+100 sleeves is the best deal I've come across
No sleeves no, just a fabric deckbox.
Those look like a great deal honestly
Zero dollars
I haven't played a single match either
In case you're wondering, the sleeves are textured and feel great, and the boxes themselves snap together
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I sold 300$ worth of bulk to buy like 7 old bordered legends
Hmm. I've gone to FNM commander 4 times. I bought a Cabal Coffers and a Crypt Ghast for $25 total. So I guess around $45?
>four out of my six decks are UBx
how do I break the curse?
Just pick a monocolor commander that isn't either of those. I think everyone should have at least one.
Luck? I've found all my commanders by stumbling across them on here and the random button on edhrec
I just don't get it. I don't build Selvala Selesnya midrange and then think "damn, I should really build Yasharn Selesnya midrange." Why did you make 4 UBx decks in the first place? Please tell me they all play different.
I was stuck on building WUB for a long time. Then I built RG and turned out really fun.
Superior Slimer
Please tell me they all do different things. 4 decks all running the same 25+ noncreature cards sounds so incredibly boring
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tried that and wound up just making a mono U emry deck

I've basically trawled through scryfall for everything, I might just be burned out

they do actually all play different, I have Bane aristocrats, Thrasios/Tevesh theft, Nymris flash and Raffine aggro
pretty much the only shared cards are a small counter package and lands

my sixth deck is actually Etali, it's fun when I want something different
That's why you pick a color that isn't U or B retard-kun.
mono-green unironically makes me gag
white is boring muh stax or muh attack
red is just too fragile or is a boring treasure/artifact ping deck
simple as
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80$ but it is the first purchase in 5+ years
All my decks are mono-color.
>I am boring
Man this reminds me of the "whenever someone draws a card, ~ deals 1 damage" tribal deck I've been wanting to build for the last decade. Every creature/artifact/enchantment would have it. I keep wanting to build it but the apathy/laziness kicks in and I never do
I am giving you solutions and now you're giving me problems, so now I'm giving you problems.

Build Naya Cats and Dogs. Fuck you.
As someone who's built Nekusar, it's pretty fun but people get pretty exhausted of your shenanigans pretty fast.
Lol I bet. Nekusar was def the commander I had in mind, as he's perfect for it
The precon came with like half of them already in and utilizes the effect in a pretty good way if you wanted something that's not quite as single focus on it as nekusar
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the REAL nightmare is making people resolve a wheel, or even a copied wheel with Zur's Weirding or Breathstealer's Crypt out. It's a motherfucker of a time and it makes me giggle like an autist the whole way, here's the decklist I use if it helps
Warning: this is not nearly as good as I'm sure tons of people could build it, but this is more for casual funtimes
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Definitely bookmarked. Thanks anon
the eyes was never under 9 doll hairs
Thirty (30) starting life is objectively superior to fourty (40)
You know it, good luck out there. The new Valgavoth will find a slot in there if that deck ever shows up.
Depends on quality and who was selling it. Lots of places were selling Persistent Petitioners for ~1$ each but I found someone on TCG dumping 38 of them for 30cents each. And you bet I picked up 35 for a deck
I've never met someone with only mono-color decks. I'd say that's pretty interesting
125€ all on singles
about 25 of that is on postages
I get the few cards I want from the new set that are under 5 and print the rest. Idk why I don't print it all, maybe some cope
My LGS was after release week. They can be a little slow on catching new cards that are starting to spike.
>All Foils / Non Foils?
some foil some not, doesn't matter
>Same Borders?
nah, too hard to do these days
>Same Lands?
no repeats. every land has to be unique looking
>UB Only / Non UB Only?
they keep printing perfect/powercrept cards for my decks so I'm forced to kitbash in order to keep up with the arms race
Non Foils
ONLY old border or pre-m15 border (I detest the black bar)
Same Lands
Non UB Only
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On real cards? 20-30 bucks. Proxies? About 40-50.

The most expensive part of my budget are the goddamn sleeves and deck boxes. Hopefully the Chinese start producing Dragon Shield tier sleeves soon so I can drop these grifters completely.
>shit interaction
>almost no one-sided draw
>Dragon Mage unironically
>Chromatic Lantern
>protection is just boots and two shit enchantments
>Call the Bloodline
>Random infect that doesn't help because you wont attack with nekusar
what the fuck is this deck
Looks like a normal Nekusar deck to me
>Random infect that doesn't help because you wont attack with nekusar
anon... infect applies to his ability
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Can't believe this card spiked to $20, I just bought it for like $5 before Valgavoth precon dropped

About 120 for 6 new decks

proxyfags unite
Yeah, I don't really like mono-green for multiplayer edh. Yisan can be interesting, but tutoring for the same thing every game gets old.
Beza is pretty comfy. White has plenty of value cards and tricks it can play now.
Red does have a lot of synergy with artifacts. Could try Neheb, Urabrask, or Plargg and Nassari, You can build those with just a few supporting mana artifacts and not make artifacts an important part of the deck.
Infect counts all damage done by the creature. Toxic is combat damage only.
Infect is combat damage, Toxic is Poison Counters based on its own number. That's why there's 0 burn creatures with Infect.
Good for you anon!
>>The most expensive part of my budget are the goddamn sleeves and deck boxes
The sleeves are legit. I won't be buying anything else from now on
>A creature with infect deals damage to creatures in the form of -1/-1 counters and players in the form of poison counters.
Nah homie it's ALL damage.
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Takes literal seconds to check the rules, anon
>actually faking a rule
maximum cope
>he actually removed the word combat
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting, unless you're legitimately retarded.
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>That's why there's 0 burn creatures with Infect.
isn't how that works, it's infect when it's in combat and normal damage otherwise
you're retarded
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>isn't how that works, it's infect when it's in combat and normal damage otherwise
It's infect at all times. It deals damage to creatures as -1/-1 counters and to players as poison counters.
>typical ESL doesn’t understand the game rules and lashes out at others
Many such cases.
Read the card. Now read it again. Now here's the quiz.

Infect means the creature deals:
a. normal damage to creatures and players
b. damage to creatures in the form of -1/-1 counters and normal damage to players
c. damage to creatures in the form of -1/-1 counters and to players in the form of poison counters
d. none of the above

A creature has an ability that states it deals 1 damage to a player. What happens when that player takes damage from that ability?
a. They subtract 1 from their life total.
b. They take the damage in the form of a -1/-1 counter
c. They take the damage in the form of a poison counter
d. none of the above

For extra credit: In three sentences or less explain what reminder text is and why it is important to read it.
>Try to jump on the decklist probably because a tripfag posted it
>reveal you are a retard who does not understand the rules
shit bait desu senpai
See? I'm right!
Bobbleheads are fun.
nta but what a terrible fucking card
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yeah I mean it's infect in red. All those creatures were bad
Stop blaming anglosphere retardation on foreign countries.
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I wish
This godforsaken website is 80% latinx
During these hours we should have mostly europeans, no?
>isn’t how that works
Proper punctuation doesn’t lend itself to retarded anglos, but the shitty syntax does lend itself to ESLs.
Most Americans on the east coast are up now. Work starts at like 6 am
Oh fair, poor bastards though
Such intense cope. There are people within walking distance of you who hold opinions more stupid than anything you will ever find on 4chan, and you know it, and we all know that you know it. Stop trying to blame foreigners. Not everything can be blamed on foreigners.
Various testing has proven that the website demographics are 40% tel aviv residents, 40% elgin air force base residents, and 20% actual anons.
Brown hands typed this post.
>shitty syntax
NAfag here, is that written shitty?
I have built 2 decks with her now, but while goldfishing, I feel like I'm drawing myself into a dead end too often (1 in 3 games where I'm out of options for -1/-1 counters and my commander is probably removed by then).
I guess I should try to improve my draw. Should I bring Deadly Dispute-like effects?
Have you already put Skullclamp and Undying creatures in?
>Undying creatures
no. some aristocrat effects but I'm thinking about removing them again.
>dropping a demonstrative pronoun leading to a partial sentence
Yes it is written shittily.
Most people aren't English majors.
So how would you phrase "That isn't how that works" more properly? I'm not being facetious.
These ruddy white hands have grown accustomed to typing responses for the benefit of people who shouldn't be using the internet in the first place. Your cellphone is a waste of rare earth elements, your life would have been better if you had never received it, all our lives would have been better if you had never received it.
Unfortunately for Leafs that's about 35 bucks after tax and shipping. Two packs of Dragon Shield and a pair of generic deck boxes will run you the same price in leafland lgs, may as well go with the proven brand than spend near the same money on some offbrand competitor.
Spare me the moralizing old man and just tell me to kill myself. Sheesh.
That’s exactly how I would phrase it, as there wasn’t a “that” in the original post. Throwing “is” in there along with a question mark would also complete the sentence.
I know one language completely, I may as well not be a mouth breather and know how to properly communicate in it.
So to properly speak that sentence, I'd want to write "That isn't how that works, is it?"?
Seriously, though, how mentally fucked to you have to be in order to think that 4chan is 80% liberal hispanic? ESLs are clearly less than 20% of 4chan traffic and they are clearly less than 4% of /tg/ traffic. Phoneposting retards are retarded. Try to stop being so retarded.
I had her and oh man was she fun as psuedo removal in the command zone but she is no winner material especially today that's for sure
That is a proper iteration of the sentence retardkun, but as I said you only need one or the other. As you can see in the post, there is neither.
Thank you for helping me understand.
What on Earth are you prattling on about? The old man has gone senile, it seems.
"(post link)isn't how that works, it's infect when it's in combat and normal damage otherwise"
The central point of (post link) is being refuted. It's bad grammar/punctuation but the syntax is fine. Anon is a pseud.
Except with context we see them using (post link) as replying to posts when they directly address someone to call them retarded. Get dunked on projecting pseud.
Village Rites type spells would probably be good, but you might also consider repeatable effects like Fountainport, Idol of Oblivion, Priest of the Forgotten Gods, Shaper's Sanctuary, and Vampiric Rites,
Fuckin YEESH. Sorry leafbros
>Except with context we see them using (post link) as replying to posts when they directly address someone to call them retarded.
lol, great syntax mate, I've never spoken any language except English (mostly internet English) and I still have no idea what you're trying to say.
Being obtuse (intentionally or not) isn’t doing much for your case, but I hope it’s making you feel better at least.
That's on you anon, I understand what he's saying just fine and it's a valid point
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>Have a super nigger rape tentacle monster 9001 laying around
>Can’t decide whether to put him in colorless Eldrazi or make a +1/+1 counter deck and throw him in it
Guys help
Put him through a paper shredder
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Is it fun to play facedown cards?
That frame looks MUCH better face down, so yes
Are all new cards just gonna be forever better for commanders because of ward now?
>are newer cards better than older cards
I mean
Well yea, because "new cards" contains chaff (just like "old cards" contains chaff), but it's fair to say that there will always be newer cards to make you regret the fact that you own older cards. That's the game.
>so angry at a trip fag you have to sperg at a well made deck
>dragon mage
On theme.... gets you lots of triggers what's the issue?
>mana rocks and a tutor
Pretty standard protection package.
>too stupid to realize nekusar with infect closes game out faster

Why do people here pretend to have brain damage just to get angry at swordbro lmao
I put him in bristly bill, you get both ramp and +1/+1 counters so you should be able to cast him quite easily
Embarrassing posts
>there are people within walking distance
Ya my shitskin neighbour's lmao
Guy was outted as a retard ten posts ago, but why are you posting just to show us your tripfag cum stained face?
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>don't look at name section
don't have issue
>Anon discovers people don't monitor the thread 24/7 like him
Ya those LOTR specific orcs are definitely generic enough to come from any set and you definitely just haven't made random exceptions for powerful cards lmao
>LOTR specific orcs
their just orcs, tardlet
>uhhh I only look at posts in the middle of the thread
>no not that middle, this middle!
Ok faggot, I get why you didn’t address you sucking off tripfags now lmao.
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They're not.
>defending a tripfag's mediocre deck
He should have 10+ more interaction cards in the form of counters, board wipes, and removal.
>wake up
>refresh thread
>continue from where I left the previous day
Not very confusing at all
It's an adequately put together deck so yes I will shit on someone acting like a resentment fueled pissant lmao. My post has nothing to do with a trip code and everything to do with anons terrible deck analysis
>Anon is so bad he thinks EVERY deck needs the same bones
>continue from where I left the previous day
>just up until a certain point though
Tripfags and their sycophants are a hilarious yet pitiful breed.
Show me wherever I implied you were defending, sorry to make you mald this early in the day.
nta but that nekusar pile is not really an original build so I don't think avoiding staples was the point
>Muh anonymous is legion
Get an actual personality.
Hello Command Zone Podcast!
man, imagine tripfags would just instantly be banned, and you had to read neither their nor their supporters+haters endless drivel
pure fucking cancer to 4chan wherever they pop up
Whoa I feel so much better now, I feel like people can see the actual me!
Why do i have to want nice looking real cards? Why cant i be satisfied with print off proxies
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What's a tripfag? Do people read the name section of a post? How do you even notice it doesn't say anonymous?
Probably $200 across 4 decks I built on a budget. haven’t played a game since June
Not every deck needs lots of removal. If you are consistently the treat and looking to be on the offensive the entire game why on earth would you waste a considerable amount of cards on removal? You are the thing to be removed. Dipshitanons
I don't even understand this. I read the thread. I went to bed, refreshed and started replying to stuff lmao it's not confusing
>where did I
In all of your posts you fucking retard holy shit
>trip fag cum stained face
>sucking off tripfags
What do you gain from making yourself look like a fool?
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>I find the one post that criticizes something I pretend to ignore, then I pretend I don't care
Your post and supposedly the other guy's meltie are the only reason I'm reminded namefagging exists, what is forcing you to care?
>what is forcing you to care?
because the obvious solution lies right before us: ban tripfags like avatarfags. trip for a thread you people can follow your dump? sure.
trip beyond that? instant ban to moment you try to post something with that trip again.
the result: attentionwhoring retards don't get attention anymore. autists don't get triggered anymore. more on-topic posts.
do it now.
It's funny because in the grand scheme of attention whoring putting a name on your post that most people don't even notice is MUCH less than spending every thread pissing and shitting over his existence. Just because you are anonymous doesn't mean you can't be clamoring for attention
>It's funny because
the funny part is that you only need to ban tripfags, and the autists attacking tripfags would stop too. it would be a win-win for every single board on this site.
remember, you cannot cure autists of their autism. but you can cure tripfags from being tripfags in an instant.
Actually you can currently autists of their retarded behavior and that is objectively the correct thing to do mouthbreather
Currently? How the fuck auto correct turn cure into currently
I'd count counters as interaction as to protect your threats
What happens first?
Counterspell or the effect of Shark Typhoon?
Its on cast so assuming shark typhoon is in play it will trigger regardless
assuming you control both the ability goes on the stack after you cast the spell so it would resolve before the actual counterspell
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>Actually you can cure autists of their retarded behavior
and you refuse to share this groundbreaking discovery to the world, because...?
Nta but my dad says that beatings cure autism because it worked on him
>I don’t understand
Completely clear
>defending and being in favour of are one and the same now
Real ESL hours.
>self control is a new thing
>nooooo I'm autistic i can't be expected to actually learn how to behave!!!!!!!
People did it for thousands of years before you nannystate faggots took over holy shit
weird way to go about saying you are that exact anon
No I don't understand your complaint because it makes no sense anon. I am not obligated to respond to every post in the thread and I explained why it resumed in the middle of it lmao. You are fucking retarded
>stupid words from an idiot
Ya no accusing someone of sucking someone off has NEVER implied a defense anywhere before EVER. Who the actual fuck do you think you're fooling my guy
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So Anon, which one are you?
I'm Caleb, 'it's just a landfall deck they say' que no landfall triggers all game and it's just a ramp into Zacama and Eldrazi titan deck.
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>as long as attentionwhoring tripfags exist, autists will get triggered by them
>ban tripfags to hit two birds with one stone? no.
>because autism can be cured... with self-control
Trip fags aren't the issue anon I don't know how you're having so much trouble understand this. the problem is how fags (you) react to them. So no, banning tripfags doesnt do anything because the fags (you) will still be here!
>self control
Yes lol that's quite literally what therapists will try to teach autistic people. Because that is the cure to not acting like a retard, being able to control how you behave
I see now that you are arguing in bad faith while unironically defending tripfags.
Disgusting. I guess you will have to endure getting hated on by autists forever, swordbro.
>Suggesting that people should control how they act and behave properly is bad faith
Uh sure...
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crazy joe reporting in
Using threads where noone namefags, but schizos still attack people by name even years after the person has left, I assure you this wouldn't stop the offending party in any way
I actually dont dislike tripfags. They help keep generals alive.
my suggestion then is for you to not use a tripfag. be the bigger man. oh wait, you can't, right? because you need the attention like a retarded whore
you cannot be this new
>I don't dislike a log of shit in my soup. They help keep restaurants alive.
This is so bizarre. I get you think I'm swordbro but I'm clearly not using the trip right now if I am so.... clearly (if I was) I can post without it and don't need attention. I dunno literally nothing you're saying makes sense because you're a grown fucking man trying to justify getting angry over a name and that's just not a good look at all
>food analogy
I would actually think of them like worms. Kinda disgusting but good for the ecosystem
>contribute on topic positive posts
>schizos scream and shit on the floor over your existence
>>Clearly we must punish the first party so the second learns how to behave!
just never use a tripfag, retard, and you will know peace. it's that easy. get that into your degenerate head.
worms belong sex feet under tho
Yes... ha ha ha... YES!
>just let the schizo hold the thread hostage
>he can't help it
>just don't talk about new editions
>just don't talk about expensive cards
>he doesn't know any better
>just don't talk about casual decks
>just don't talk about competitive decks
>we can't help it that YOU are causing him to throw a tantrum!
autists will always be autists. you cannot cure them. but you can cure tripfags, by taking away their trip.
the solution is simple: do not use a trip, ever. ban all tripfags. the quality of the entire site would improve.
>b-b-but what about-
your favorite tripfag, as well as your own tripcode, do not matter. fuck off forever, nobody ever asked for you, nobody needs you, nobody wants you.
deal with it.
Chandra's Ignition +Blightsteel Colossus is a super easy 2 card win combo that relys on Blightsteels Infect ability ya dingus
>ignores the whole point
>repeats the retarded take unaltered
can you even read anon? like your first sentence literally confirms the thing I said! they'll always keep trying to disrupt the thread over whatever ruins their mood next, how's that ever a reason to go along with them??
I never have ^.^ if you have to devolve into schizophrenic screeching for your dogshit position to make sense you should reevaluate your life
>cannot cure them
Why do you persist with this? All mental illnesses are treatable and all patterns of behavior are as well.
>All mental illnesses are treatable
then why do tripfags and autists still exist?
Why dont we just move on. New thread topic, favorite non legendary commander to rule 0?
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very good, keep it up
>they'll always keep trying to disrupt the thread
yeah, but tripfags will keep replying to them, because they are hungry for that kind of attention. ban the tripfags, and you take away one side who keeps shitting up the site. very simply concept.
>b-b-but if we ban my favorite tripfag, as well as my tripcode, that means-
yeah, what does that mean for you, exactly? why would YOU suffer if tripfags would get banned the moment they start fagging a thread up?
Fuck you, fuck commander, thoracle is literally genocide, Thalia deserved to be born into a better timeline.
>instant win
>need no other cards for it to work
>no possibility for anyone to react after you playyd it
pretty much the strongest 2 card combo in the game. nothing beats it.
Gee, i dunno, why people get mad when you post whit a name/trip on an anonymous tawanise basket-weaving forum?
>TFW this video is 10 years old
I think MTG Salvation (or what is left of it) is more suitable for you.
>keeps quoting noone
oh, it's bait, sorry I have enabled your addiction
Its been getting worse recently. Each thread recently has had incredibly retarded arguments, worse then usual. I suspect its 1 asshole intentionally starting shit however
Anyone actually do this? Im not opposed to it, just never considered it
I do intentionally start shit, but also I don't think you're talking about me (I mostly just tell people to use proxies or play better games), but also I do think that people come to mtg threads just to take shits and start fires (even worse than me) and it's been that way off-and-on for 3 or 4 years now.
I like Overlord of the Hauntwoods and Rottenmouth Viper, honestly if Duskmourn and Bloomburrow were two set blocks I think thet would've been legendary. We get so many legendary creatures now I think stretching the same amount over two blocks would be an improvement.
>We get so many legendary creatures now I think stretching the same amount over two blocks would be an improvement.
I think they actually said that they would be cutting back on the # of legendaries in standard sets and Duskmourn is closer to what we can expect for the upcoming sets.
I miss blocks anons. You guys member MTG blocks? I do
I'd take an archfiend of depravity in the command zone
3 set blocks were good
2 set blocks were awful and some of the worst times for modern MTG
(if anyone wants to recommend an equivalent legendary I'm taking suggestions btw)
Yeah,some cards could just be legendaries so why not
Exactly, its shocking these arent legendaries.
It was a better time. Feels like they just blast on through with zero time to actually let a setting settle. I’ve completely lost track of whatever plot there is. Couldn’t tell you what the fuck the last few sets have even been about. I just mine them for interesting cards
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What sleeves do you use and recommend?
i've been using Dragonshields for years now, and still do mostly for their Color variety and that they seem to grease up and stick together less fast.
But i feel like they quality has dropped quite a bit over the last couple of years, ive had instances where the frontside ripped off, and the corners catch more often while shuffling.

how are katanas/cortex sleeves from ultimate guard? also, any other good ones from other parties?
Crazy Joe.
Deck: Blim, Comedic Genius Chaos.
Will check how well can a rando take salt
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ive seen some decks, especially for commanders that should be legal to run.
samurai kino with multiple arches and storylines is illegal to build under normal rules
Quality has dropped. Other card companies are kinda hit or miss. Ive been getting them off cheap Chinese dropshiping sites and just replacing them when they tear
Yea, I ment 3. Magic just felt better then, in a more healthy place. Sounds kinda gay and nostalgic, but im sure anyone that has been playing for at least 10+ years knows where im coming from
Reason here being that the other legendaries with forced sac do one or set number so they're countered by a handful of tokens, whereas the archfiend has an inverse relationship where he punishes going wide more
19 is an improvement, I'd still prefer two set blocks though. Well it's better than nothing and at least they're printing even less plansewalkers now. Also I like Rapid Augmenter and Sunspine Lynx from Bloomburrow, they're also great rule 0 commander.

It's funny since in the story the Overlord and the lesser Calamity beasts like Rottenmouth and Pyreswipe Hawk are effectively legendarily. Although I don't mind it, rule 0 commanders are fine with me and it means that certain cards don't have to be given the restriction of being a legendary in other formats so they don't have to be balanced around that and how they play in the commander zone
If your cards stick, buy some alcohol-based wipes and spend an evening giving the sleeves a scrub.
>I'd still prefer two set blocks though
Two set blocks lead to some of the most predictable and shitty storytelling in recent memory
>set one: introduces setting
>set two: setting gets fucked up
Not to mention the two set design coinciding with horrible balancing like Eldrazi winter and Smuggler's Copter.
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I have a rules question, I used this card to counter my friend's creature spell, then I cast ulamog the defiler for free
he said I can't do that because it doesn't have flash and it was his turn, but I told him this card let's me do it because it's part of the effect of counterlash
we got into an argument and basically he called me a cheater and left
was I mistaken? I could've sworn counterlash let you do that
You're probably right but I started playing in 2016 so I don't have a personal refrence point for threee set blocks, but I at least feel what we had back then is better then we had now. I see Smuggler's Copter and Eldrazi winter were design mistakes and not the calculated one set block power creep we get now, but three set blocks are probably better.
If the card doesn't specify a time when you can cast it until, then the proper execution is casting it at instant speed. Magic is literal so if it says you can cast a spell, you can. If it says you can cast it on until end of turn, then normal restrictions apply.
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The card says you can. Even if a card had flash you couldn't cast it during the resolution of a spell. your friend is a retard.
Also thanks, this is going in my new niko deck I need more ways to cheat out the big creatures and although this is similarly costed it has good benefit.
Absolute brain dead mindset
Its within the effect of counterlash.
to create a trip for the sake of fagging up threads requires a big amount of brain rot by itself
yes, counterlash allows you to cast the other spell without timing restrictions and your friend is wrong
imagine getting filtered by a 30 cent card
Your friend is wrong and, like most things, was likely brainbamboozled that not only was his spell countered but he was getting BTFO by an Eldrazi in the process. As if a 6 mana counter spell shouldn’t have some value to it. These things happen.
way to shiy up a thread
If kongming had a little more going on id play him. Id alter him to give him that anime art
eldrazi winter was the only time the game was fun and innistrad/eldritch moon were kino because it made sorintards go ballistic that Nahiri put him in his place for being a faggot
are the eldrazi the mtg equivalent of the Egyptian god cards?
>inb4 ahmonket
you know what I mean
Yes thats why you can get alters of them as the EGCs
yes, the eldrazi titans are the 3 most powerful and feared creature cards in all of magic
dragon shield + dragon inners still. matte black. I double sleeve everything in them and just resleeve any cards that gets too worn out. the new premium ultra pro ones look pretty nice though.
no, I don't because I have no idea how the egyptian god cards work
the eldrazi titans are like if the Egyptian god cards behaved the way they do in the anime
Strange logic of theirs, isn't it?
I'd say the Elder Dragons of EDH namesake are closer since most of them suck balls just like the Egyptian God Cards, while the Eldrazi Titans are like anon said, the God Cards in the anime
post stupid shit win stupid prizes
Sort of? If you just mean by big notable monsters. But in paper it's not even comparable. The Egyptian Gods suck immensely.
this is so accurate lmao the eldrazi are actually good
Angry toddler fishing for biters to restart his argument
Any cool ideas for a Halloween deck?
Draft duskmorne. It's what im going to do
Sounds like a great time!
I've been using Dragon Shield for years and only really have ever gotten two bad packs. One that just completely fell apart and another that came weirdly chipped at the top of every card. Seems like every card shop I go to exclusively sells them though.
dsk limited is really not good gameplay wise. not only does it have way too many bombs like every set these days but also removal is not plentiful enough to answer all the dread manifesting and other token spam
just sayan
Should I change my Krenko to a Zada deck?
Everyone says Krenko is really unfair, but Zada is a better commander and deck so???

Play through the salt with Krenko or change it to Zada?
zada is the same removal magnet as krenko
I can't find a commander who jumps out to me as being unique and fun. How do I find one? My favorite color is black and my favorite combos are dimir and golgari.
changing commanders doesn't really matter if you are gonna build them to combo anyway
But I don't build them to combo.
Krenko has 1 combo in my entire deck.
It's just the goblins making ability that triggers everyone.
what do you mean by unique, just super specific strat or one that can be built in many ways making it easier to be unique? I'm guessing the latter but I still don't know what kind of gameplay you enjoy to fill the fun factor
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Lazav mill/voltron, mill the table until you find a good bomb to turn him into then destroy
yeah, that's how you combo in krenko. with the ability. if you are winning with that most of the time then it's a combo deck even if there is only one in the deck
I kinda refuse to believe making a finite amount of 1/1s is somehow the problem here without something that ends the game on the spot like purphoros and what have you
Unfortunate, i had heard good things about it. I suppose these are the same people that love cards being pushed for commander in every set
it might be that people are just pumped about the setting
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When the horror set is not scaring them TOO much tho.
I’m curious, is there a cast version of panharmonicon? Like it does the same thing but instead of ETB it copies cast triggers?
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Sort of.
I would assume there is a lot of overlap there
Your friend simply has another case of talking and bitching about something he doesn't have a clue about because he didn't have the courtesy to at least put some effort and read the rules before playing a game.
To be fair here, people who know the basic rules of the game generally haven't read all the rules and rulings, and it's understandable they wouldn't know if this is the first time they see something like this (no matter how intuitive it might seem to us) The problem his friend has is that he chooses to get pissy and leave instead of looking up the rule as everyone's first instinct sho>>94236086
uld be.
Off the top of my head there isn't a super broad one. Only for specific cards like Ulalek, Fused Atrocity for Eldrazi and Veyran, Voice of Duality for instants and sorceries.
That said the card designers right now fucking love doubling so I wouldn't be surprised to see one in the future.
Are walls decks fun to play?
>unique and fun
small oof
>How do I find one?
unironically impossible to help you on that, because unique commanders are usually just fun for a couple of games before you get bored of them, and fun commanders are the ones that just give you consistency and more than one option for deck building - meaning they are usually very popular.
also, commander choice is still mostly subjective. I hate voltron but love building a resource for a big finisher. I hate running protection, but I don't want people to constantly remove my commander. so my favorite commanders are low cmc resource providers in decks that ramp hard.
if you are talking about the one wall commander, then no, it's pretty boring
Isn't this just a better painland?
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I'm trying to make grull landfall to work and srsly, it's not that great, i guess not any deck can be made with a budget and be decent, any recommendations? I think i need more card draw
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Turn 5, I cast Armageddon
It definitely works. This isn't a landfall pairing is your problem.
we are in bracket 3 to avoid thoracle tho
I have two blue mana open, anon. Would you like to take that back?
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>everybody always gangs up on angry omnath player
>friend takes pity on him, decides to throw a removal at me for once
>angry omnath immediately goes lethal with with 10x 15/5 trample
>pod goes back to bullying him every game again
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not if i cast it first
grull omnath is in the deck anon, srsly, 7 mana dies to removal slime is okay i guess, but i think 2 lands a turn (when erinis attack) and having non stop creature removal with street urchin just seems better, since with landfall you are more of a midrange/control style than anything else, i just don't see how you can cast him for more than 2-3 times in a game than erinis
I much preferred fall of than in my hazezon list. The two times I cast Armageddon the entire table insta scooped and I got salty I didn't get to finish my destruction. Thran is a bit less salty as it gets everyone some lands back and you can still push your advantage by playing deserts from the yard
fucking EVERYTHING shits out tokens these days, especially in our pod. should I play the enchantments that make permanents with the same name go away?
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>191 decks
weird, you can just run interaction and he draws you cards on combat damage
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>pregame actions
here are some cards
Is sol ring not more powerful than Armageddon?
it is
Damn he thicc.
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what are you doing anons? these posts don't answer my question
My favorite take on sol ring is probably that its like yugioh not banning pot of greed because its too iconic
You're a big boy you decide what you want to do. The anons are being helpful by showing you more cards that shit on tokens. You come across like a massive faggot though so please do not update the thread further.
Sorry my answer was not satisfactory and I understand your frustration. If there is anything else you would like to know just ask!
you motherfucker I told in the post what I wanted and the clueless bots posted the exact cards what I was talking about without contributing any experiences if they are worth it, you know the thing I asked
Again, anons helped you and you are screeching. I would wager you spend a lot of time complaining dont you anon?
so you didn't read the post. thanks, chatgpt
Yes, board wipes that apply minus toughness are also good if you're in black.
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I once did this on turn 4 after land tax had put 9 basics into my hand (I had reliquary tower on the field). Opponents were mad but they could see it was a good play. Especially since 2 of them had already played ramp spells.
well the problem is not just creatures but all types. that's why I asked about the 2 specific cards that deal with all of them
Unless they're cloning enchantments as well those are going to be artifacts, use Vandalblast as well.
I do in the decks that can but it's only one time and I wanted to know if it's worth it to jam all that in the same card rather than run 2 different ones with different applications
guess nobody really plays them then so they might not be that good or I just have to try em out myself
Am I the asshole for building Gaddock Teeg hatebears just to fuck over the two guys at the LGS who bring CEDH shit and dominate every game they sit in?
This is not reddit but no. Commander should be a casual format
I can see the two posted above being super useful. Imagine the treasure player shitting himself in anger the moment the leyline comes down. Or the temur dragon bitch who makes nonlegendary copies getting their coupons expired.
I'd usually say that putting very specific silver bullets against a single deck is too obvious and brings salt if they figure it out but Teeg is vague enough that I think it's passable
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he sounds interesting. mill in dimir is obvious, but doesn't he also immensely profit from general removal/counterspells?
also, what kind of interesting equipment would you run in dimir for him?
That's a nice question Anon, but what does you not like Ascension have to do with it?
last week I had to play with someone who made infinite sac loops in 3 different decks after tutoring their combo pieces/fast mana, so I'm on your side
Are the people at your tables really giving you that much trouble for wanting to play Krenko?
I'd just try and make him indestructible if I were you. He already has hexproof so he's only really gonna die to boardwipes or edicts. You can also run the combat tricks that give phasing to a creature. Protecting him is pretty important cause if he dies you're not getting the good creature he was back. You should also run windfall effects of course.

Some spicy tech you can run is Auton soldier. Bribery is also very good since you at first steal the creature, and when it's removed Lazav can become it. And yea, try to control the board. Lazav often becomes pretty big so toxic deluge style effects are quite useful.
I've been wanting to try this guy. The consistency surveiling gives and the advantage he builds up as you do it couple with some reanimation seems like he could be fun.
Zada is also a kill-on-sight commander anon.
>Opponents were mad but they could see it was a good play
people really get mad about the most curious shit in magic.
>mill half my library? wtf anon?
>unblockable commander? cancer
>building a resource? nobody has any idea what you are doing
>any sort of infinite combo? bullshit, except when *I* do it
>burn/fling? too little "interaction" with the table
>the color green with big trample? fuck you
>downgrading the budget of the deck so I won't get mad at you? but anon, you didn't need to do this :^)
I have given up on trying to build decks that won't tilt people and embraced zurgo+worldslayer
Its really just a worse version of Ojutai
This is a very one-dimensional room temperature (Celsius) IQ commander.
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Ojutai doesn't draw
Sol ring, signet, turn 2 Armageddon
Commander players rightly have a reputation for being pissbabies, but people getting upset about certain playstyles or effects is as old as mtg itself. My playgroup is generally fine with everything though, except for one guy who will scoop pretty early once serious stax hits the board. The rest of the playgroup will typically just try to fight their way out of it though.
but your reliquary tower gets destroyed with armageddon
Depends on the group too I guess.
Mine get mad at Winter Orb/Smokestacks, harder stacks (fine with Collector Ouphe though) and get mad at mass land removal when it doesn't end the game.
Talked them into land destruction for notably stronger lands. People have started running the Ixilan things that flip into lands and you bet I'll be blowing up lands that do shit like tap for 3 mana of any colour
Surprisingly I haven't seen this complained about myself much. I've seen more complaints about flying rather than straight up unblockable.
>windfall, copy, theft, indestructible, board wipes
I think I got a pretty good idea now how he will play out, thanks anon. Gonna brew a little now.
Honestly, they just sound like they want to durdle and build up their board state while not attacking anyone.
Yea, but afterwards I just discarded down to 7, keeping 6 lands and one spell. Opponents were missing their land drops almost instantly while I easily rebuilt.
>I've seen more complaints about flying
Gimme your coolest vehicle commander. I want to kill someone to some eurobeat
Kykar vehicles is super fun.
Forget about Vehicle commanders until next year because after the death race set none of the existing ones will matter. Otherwise I like the idea of Ovika as a vehicle commander.
Can you stop repeating this shit meme at every opportunity?
You are probably right and i hate that
I will be on a business trip next week visiting the middle of nowhere and the only event in the area is a "Casual Commander night"
I dont have a deck yet but have a massive collection, how do I build a deck that is of the appropriate power level?
sounds fun, got a list?
He's wrong. And retarded. Now would be the best time to invest in any existing vehicles/support because their prices will go up after more shit is released for them.
It not being draw can be better in some cases, and being in Azorius means you can abuse vigilance, double strike, and have access to better board wipes
>complaints about flying
utterly insane combination of words to put in this order
I didn't say anything about stocking up on existing commander asshole, obviously will be useful for the upcoming set but probably most of them will be powercrept to oblivion.
the good news is random chaff you have lying around is going to be weaker than shit purpose-built for commander, so you can just slap some shit together and be fine
ok so like a kiki jiki deck would be totally fine even if it is basically just a combo deck with a piece in the command zone?
Pretty much. People might think you're a dick if it's too consistent but lots of decks have ways to end the game out of nowhere these days and monored is dicey in EDH. Worst case if people hate it someone there will lend you a deck and you can just kill time that way.
I switched to proxies 3 months ago, so like $200 to proxy out 5 new decks, replace all the cards in my decks over $10, improve all my decks with better lands, rocks, etc, and then I sold every card in my collection over $10 to make about $3000, so final answer -$2800.
ok cool, cause I mostly play RDW in 60 card formats so I highly doubt a pile of burn spells will be a good idea.
I was thinking Heartless Hidetsugu or Kikijiki but if it really doesnt matter then I probably will just play kiki
Play Ragavan
nta but having a "scary" commander can get you dogpiled so prepare to 3v1. the idea is usually to under the radar and then bumfuck everyone once the coast is clear
in my exp it doesn't really matter if you tell the table "the deck is not that good" and with a feast and famine style deck where you either turbo out or stall completely really hurts more than it helps in a multiplayer format
just some insight
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This is the list I use. The ikoria free spells can be easily replaced to make the deck more budget.
Have fun anon. Happy driving.
shit, you don't need to tempt me to play the monkey. I'm sold.
Holy fuck I'm retarded. Sorry anon.
honestly something like ragavan sounds way better as a choice anyway. like I already said in that other reply, way less threatening to others since he is not a wincon but an early engine
What >>94237502 I mentioned it up thread but I played against a ramp into Zacama and Eldrazi titan deck and the guy who was piloting basically didn't get to play the game since everytime he'd drop a land, play Zacama, then Zacama would die to removal or get countered. An earlier game of that same day had everybody dogpile the Voja player, some commander's are just such big threats people aren't going to tolerate them being on the board for longer than a turn at most.
Doesn't mean you can't play them, but you're deck needs to not rely on them too heavily, don't think of those commander's as combo pieces or play makers, they're win conditions for when you've finally got everything prepped and have you'r opponents right where you want them.
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Fucking saved.
so like is there a template for edh decks that I can follow? how many lands? I imagine you might need card draw cause 40 life is kina a lot.
If I play 17 in a 60 card format that puts me at about 28 lands although if I increase my curve a bit maybe I don't need as much card advantage and throw a few more lands in so like 33? Throw the one ring, wheel of fortune and memory jar in, load up on red's greatest hits, call it a day and hopefully I hit something good off of someone's deck lmao
>5 mana in blue
Ill proxy anything over 5 dollars anyways
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Around 50 eurobux on some Bloomburrow and Masters stuff, after ignoring MTG for the entirety of covid
Urza is a mana short
Generally 36~38 lands is what a deck needs, with the lowest land decks being in the mid twenties and the highest land count decks being in the mid 40s. After that you generally want 10 cards which draw you cards, 10 forms of ramp, 10 cards which interact with what your opponent's board. 10 is sort of a threshold here since you have a 99 card deck the math gives you roughly a 70% chance of drawing one of those types of cards into you're opening hand.
Ramp is pretty broad but generally, it's something that gets you more mana of guarantees a land or on board in hand like Travler's Amulet, Mind Stone, Sol Ring, Wayferer's bauble, Solemn Simulacrum, Topiary Stomper, and Sakura Tribe Elder.
Of course this all depends on what commander you're running, for instance Susan Foreman, Radha, Heir to Keld, Ruby, Daring Tracker all cost 2 mana and can tap for mana on turn three, guaranteeing you three mana on turn four if you kept a three land. So you don't need as many lands or as much ramp in their decks and what ramp you are going to run is probably wither 1 or 4 mana ramp since that's the only form of ramp which fits comfortably around having one of them as your commander.
The same principle applies to commander's who draw you cards or have removal. Although I don't recommend going bellow 8 cards for draw or removal.
about $200
but I just came back so my backlog was pretty extensive
I already regret playing again
that is not random chaff tho so you might have to ask your group if that's too good
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>Why build your own deck when you can just play others'?
I've seen some people get so upset about it they start trying to play cards that only do things against flying creatures. Sure, they don't even blink when they hear unblockable but somehow fly is the deal breaker.
Not him, but I've always wanted to try vehicles. Thanks anon.
Greasefang can be a really good aggro vehicle commander, that can put on pressure early on.
My pod was too pussy for her, and after a while it got a bit tiresome looping the same Cars over and over
But i do recommend, give it a shot.

I think even after Death Race she will be one of the top commanders for Vehicles, i just wish for something more open ended to be released
She's fun.
zero dollars

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