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Previous: >>94237787

>OFFICIAL Commander website, where you can learn the rules, see the current banlist, and read the format philosophy, laid down by the rules committee

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen color identity

>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck strategy and card choices

>Card Search

>Proxy a deck or a cube for cheap
https://pastebin.com/9Xj1xLdM (embed)

>How to proxy using any printer


Thoughts on Tarkir: Dragonstorm?
Gay Bolas
New Ugin? I thought he was busy babysitting gay bolas.

My Miirym and Atla decks are gonna be eating good.
Desparked sarkhan that's a flipwalker to ugin?
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>Serialised Edgar in Innistrad Remastered
Well, at least they're finally reprinting this fuck.
emet selch

here i fucking go
the prophecy...le came true?
At least I know every person playing him as a commander is probably a pretentious prick
That face looks off
>Serialized card
>Looks like dogshit
So Innistrad is the next set then?
Don't jinx it. I don't want ugly art for her. :p
>reprint him as a super chase rare when he has desperately needed a reprint
Foundations in November, Innistrad Remastered in January
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He has non-serialized reprints as well in three frames
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I’ll say the same thing I say whenever we’re talking about going back to Tarkir. I don’t give a shit unless they go back to the three color wedge identity instead of “Poor Man’s Ravnica Lite: Dragons Edition”
Foundations. Right. Forgot about that. Think that may be one of the least talked about things that we've had coming.
Because it's getting its own panel after.
5 years of nonstop dicking down mellowed out his temper. Turns out Bolas was just sexually frustrated the whole time so now he's a good guy and everyone clapped.
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how do you deal with Kalia of the vast, when other players dont have fliers or reach consistently?
I meant in the player base. I don't think I've seen anyone talk about it yet. Here's hoping this panel changes that.
What's that webm from?
no one NEEDS fucking Edgar of all things
I hope they have a set of lands that are just the painted backgrounds from the show
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I'm dying lmao
This will be the favorite commander of every insufferable unfunny fuck in every LGS across the world.
Your question is a bit strange. Why do other players not having flying or reach hurt you? Because Kaalia can safely cheat in more creatures? The way to beat Kaalia is to just live the first 6 turns and then board wipe.
>Mocking Wizards isn't funny
>Why do other players not having flying or reach hurt you?
How does it not hurt him when the Kaalia player cheats out some huge fuck with an annoying effect? It isn't solely going to bother the other guy.
That running animation from the front and back is fucking horrid
Cannot fucking wait. I hope there's mechanically unique legendary creatures in this.
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all these dead or borderline dead IPs going for a last sloppening through MtG, gotta love it
>either of those
You just have to hit her the moment she comes out. It's kind of lame but that's about all you can do if your whole rest of the table doesn't have any fly or reach.
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>The way to beat Kaalia is to just live the first 6 turns and then board wipe.

Tefferis protection, Flawless Maneuver, plus several other hexproof spells.

So the question isnt strange it's how do you deal with Kalia when they just over run the board by turn 4?
Swords, path, pongify, etc

Soul snare is a cute one
they had something back in the day and this shit has been a dead horse beaten to a pulp for quite a while now
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Just kill her?
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holy shit bros it looks ASS
Are we going to pretend marvel is some dying IP as well?
I cast literally anything and she dies. The better question is "How do you keep her alive when she's a 2/2 with a gigantic target on her head?"
>"Well you see the MCU has lost a lot of its momentum so clearly Marvel as a whole is literally a worthless IP nobody cares about at all ever"
Considering how their viewer retention plummeted after Endgame, half of their movies aren't even turning a profit anymore, and comic books are a currently dying medium where they can only harvest money from boomers (like mtg but further along in the life cycle). yes.
bruh the spider man game sold over ten mil copies and every spider man movie does gangbusters. stop.
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Why arent you running flawless manevuer, teferis protection, and the million other ways white can make things hex proof?
You're acting like Kaalia is always going to have the fast mana, best creatures, and protection every game while everyone else has nothing. Blue, White, and Black should all be able to disrupt her. Red and Green obviously don't have as many options to control her, but they should be progressing their board so that they can kill the player.
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UB sets 2025 and onward will now be standard legal
holy fuck he is HIDEOUS
Outside of Spider-man, yes, it is
if three people don't have more ways to destroy target/all creature/s than the kaalia player has ways to prevent that, then the kaalia player deserves the dub
Hey if you want to say something really dumb, go ahead. I'm just laughing at you.
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No one plays standard anyway.
anything to get them to play standard
(it wont work)
Can’t wait for the Burger King secret lair LMAO
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I need some kind of durdle card that's just this fucking thing
>Burger King
WOTC could probably buy them.
The comic is bad as is the faggot who makes it.
>Cyanide and happiness but MAGIC
Yeah Spongebob is so unpopular. It's why everyone went nuts over Wendys rebranding a Dave's single as a krabby patty. Because no one cares about Spongebob.
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but I bought into pioneer last week literally to get away from UB
The MCU has been performing like ass for years now and the comics have been a dying medium for ages.
>but muh spider-man and deadpool
There's only so much those make up for all the other colossal flops.
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I can't wait to run this in my IRON MAN deck so I can tutor for all the extra combat cards!
what the fuck are you talking about? dav pilkey's comics routinely sell more issues than all of manga put together. the samurai FEARS the Dog Man.
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Unban Mana Crypt
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Name me the last widely successful marvel release that doesn't involve Spiderman.
I'll give you a hint: you can't. That's why wotc is doing just a Spiderman set and nothing else.
Yes, you're pretending if you think a top 5 franchise is "dying" especially after selling so much this year alone. Please get off /v/ or whatever and hop into reality.
>Hasbro 9.8B market cap
>QSR 32.8B market cap
Hey I doubt it
>That's why wotc is doing just a Spiderman set and nothing else.
I thought they were doing multiple sets?
>theres nowhere to hide from this fucking retarded gay ass bullshit
do you think I was playing standard because I liked it?! I was playing standard because I wanted to play magic and any set with non-magic cards legal in it is no longer magic
holy fuck im in a blind rage
first edh dies then this shit
Im losing it brahs im losing it and I dont know what Im going to do but Its not going to be good
Scholastic isn't Marvel, anon
Literally everything they release. Can you name all the things that flopped supposedly? I also love how it was "marvel is dying" and then you swapped to "WELL...EXCEPT SPIDER MAN" when you got shown to be wrong. Keep livin in that bubble, boy.
I said Burger King
>be europoor
>wanna get back into edh after years of absence
>cardboard crack is expensive af suddenly
feels bad man
any chance for a cheap start in color R?
any guidance for cheap and easy proxies in europoor lands?
if you mean marvel, then say marvel. don't tar all of comicdom with marvel's sins you imprecise fucker
>edh after years of absence
dont bother if you liked building janky silly decks
It is so fucking over
I'm going to tar you, specifically
>Can you name all the things that flopped supposedly?

Well the most recent ones off the top of my head would be:
The Marvels
Black Widow
Ant Man and the Wasp
>Can you name all the things that flopped supposedly?
You need me to run through all the phase four movies and tv shows with you and the absolute state of comics or can I trust you with google?
>The Marvels
>Black Widow
I had no ideas these came out
Comics in general have been doing poorly outside of Scholastic. True blue kiddie stuff always does better than the rest of medium. Same deal in cartoons.
I'll never understand anti-crossover people. Is it a belief your favorite property is inherently superior and should not be tainted by lesser properties? Is it just a hatred of anything main stream?
The most recent of those is almost a year old, anon.
They're zoomers who don't want to deal with "multi-fandom" people because being a zoomer means you are only allowed to like one thing at a time.
I like icecream
not ice cream with pickles in it
I have nothing wrong with pickles, in fact I grow my own cucumbers and pickle them
that said
I don't want to put them in my ice cream
because if you dont identify with the crossover thing at all or might even hate it, and that thing has mechanically unique cards, it sucks

not hard to understand at all
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50/50 split between slop sets and magic sets going forward
It dilutes a property. I mean, look at what they've just announced. Going forward, we're going to be getting considerably less original Magic the Gathering products in favor of other IPs. What if I actually liked original Magic the Gathering material and don't care for Marvel etc.? Fuck me, I guess.
This is a terrible analogy.

No, it's pretty hard to understand why you'd care.

So yes then, it's just a belief your property is better?
If everything is in everything, you get burnt out on everything.
how come? is edh no fun anymore and full of try hards now?
>mfw I liked themed decks or jank
Also, just, genuinely how many fucking UB sets can you really make? Even if we assume they're splitting Marvel up into like 4 or 5, that's not that many. DC I can see getting some too. Then they've kind of already hit everything that'd be hugely successful.
>They're zoomers who don't want to deal with "multi-fandom" people because being a zoomer means you are only allowed to like one thing at a time.

What the fuck are you talking about? Boomers are the ones who seethe the most about crossovers because they didn't grow up with Fortnite and stuff as the norm.
They are adding a tier system but your entire deck will be based off the highest tier card. So let's say your garbage Phage deck used demonic tutor to grab something so the deck actually functions? Well your entire deck is now cEDH even if the other 98 cards were basic lands.
>if you like one thing you have to like this other thing
and yes mtg is vastly superior to Dr. Who.
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>anti-UB fags will finally quit
Praise be to MaRo
>So yes then, it's just a belief your property is better?

Not necessarily "better", but I'd prefer to get more of what I like over something I don't care for, sure. Is it unreasonable to want Magic the Gathering when I'm playing Magic the Gathering?
ok mr contrarian keep being retarded
>ask question
>tries to answer it providing perspective
many such cases
its only a terrible analogy if you think assassins creed fits into magic better than pickles fit into ice-cream
I would disagree with your horrible taste.
If you've never had to deal with a zoomer with this sort of brainrot, I am truly happy for you. I've already given you the keyword, so if you want to seek knowledge thats your own prerogative. But remember that HP Lovecraft was right when he wrote books involving finding knowledge that you were better off not knowing.
I like things because I like them. I don’t play Magic because I want to see Optimus Prime throw Captain America’s shield at Godzilla like some Ready Player One hack shit.

Ultimately every thing that caves to crossover slop gives me the feeling that they’re floundering and trying desperately to remain relevant. They’ve lost all confidence in the actual product and are hoping random memberberries will keep people interested. It’s sad more than anything.
the power creep in the format hit hard in the last few years
and the idea of building decks from draft chaff is a distant memory
>two men sitting alone in a corner of the LGS, playing Boros Spider-Man versus Abzan Sephiroth while the rest of the store is playing 40k or some shit
>"Thank god those asshole boomers who liked those old, dull Magic settings finally quit Magic"
>muh zoomer boomer doomer gloomer
Hey you stupid bitch I AM a zoomer. What you are describing doesn't fucking exist.
I understand not liking UB, but if you actually think it will kill magic (as in, nobody will play it anymore), you're actually delusional
wanna buy my cards?
>Carrying 40k
Rent is expensive and that shit requires too much room. Never been to a shop that hosted 40K game or anything like it.
I'd rather deal with a zoomer who can focus on a single thing than the ADHD riddled fucks I normally deal with who can't stop spouting off random anime/vidya memes every second while we're playing a game
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>being a zoomer means you are only allowed to like one thing at a time
idk what psych ward you just crawled out of but you should go back
WH paypiggies have heavier wallets than MTG paypiggies.
More like
>UWchads will continue to make UBslop users eat dirt during games
Almost every LGS in my area that isn't the size of a closet has at least a couple tables dedicated to wargames.
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might this slopper be the best Voltron commander ever printed?
Are there any voltron Commanders that come close or are leagues better even?
only thing that comes to mind might be Light-Paws
Read 'em and weep: https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Multifandom

The single fandom kids are still inattentive spastics, they just also hate anyone who likes more than one thing.
This is going to be another extremely derivative, trash set like Thunder Junction. It almost seems like a ploy to make in-world sets so fucking bad that people just rather have UB instead
I refuse to believe this
They've been doing that since Innistrad.
>ohhh but its keeno!!!
You are a fucking simpleton.
I've literally never run into this sort of shit and I've dealt with plenty of zoomers.
Hot Wheels SL when???
Not everything has to be in every product. It's not so much that magic is "better", it's that magic is "different" than something like Dr. Who, Transformers, Wacky Racers, Marvel, etc. I don't even really dislike the crossovers on principle, but it's not a hard concept to understand unless you're being extremely and intentionally obtuse.
Cherish your innocence, or this world will take it from you one day.
>a term less popular than some random shit I made up in 2011
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My biggest gripe is these sets introducing mechanically unique cards that Wizards is reluctant to reprint at all. The fact that the D&D Movie secret lair cards are never getting a Universes Within reprint according to WotC illustrates why I don't want more of these cards around. If these sets were full of nothing but reprints reskinned to fit the IP then I wouldn't really care.
That probably would be at least 1 mil rent a month here. So Cal rent isn't cheap even on a business.
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Holy shit XIVbros, we're eating so fucking good. Emet's art is so cool. I hope the card itself is also dope
>>The single fandom kids are still inattentive spastics, they just also hate anyone who likes more than one thing.
So these are the culprits behind the people who hate any game that is turn based
In part. Samsung and Apple helped too.
no thats just because turn based games are slow
>No my urban dictionary meme means more than your life
I don't think so, touch grass.
>Lightning as a reprint
>Tidus and Yuna reprinted on a garbage card
>some literally who gets a unique card
It's going to be a standard legal set so I wouldn't expect much
You're posting in a thread for a fucking slow turn based card game
They're all literal who's to me.
Where did they say Lightning was a reprint?
wtf is that bullshit, really?

so it's either go full retard on power scale which requires a bunch of proxies or dodge, right?

any chance to get cheap europoor proxies anywhere to smash some skulls?
>things I like and spend time talking about dictate the tastes of everyone on the planet
>Nooo my anecdotal evidence outweighs anything you might say!
Maybe you really are a zoomer.
its not. Its titled "Lightning, army of one"
its not THAT bad but wotc has basically been printing hard archetypes for long enough that if you wanna play x you are kinda stupid for not playing y legend and including a,b,c,d,e,f and g cards
Literally yes. Anyone can make a gay urban dictionary page.
That's what I thought was happening as well. It sounded like we're getting a lot of Marvel next year.
But actually done well this time, gj anon.
We are this much closer to a nonUB Format.
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Uh bisexual Niv-Mizzy?
You forget Magic players can't read.
"army of one" is already an epithet, it's a reprint
Goes great in my niv-mizzet tribal deck
I don't get it either. Hell, it seems pretty clear we're moving towards this being a western Weiss Schwartz. It's happening one way or another. May as well roll with it.
so they just powercrept 3R3U niv?
I always thought the parun looked like he had down syndrome
...What? Epithets can be re-used. It's also... Not a title on any Magic card that I can find, so you're also just wrong.
his frilled-neck was always a bit too fruity for my taste
and its existence since you were in grade school means that it's been around for a lot longer.
I'm going to grudgepost you so fucking hard when she turns out to be a unique card
But what is foundations supposed to be?
A very long lasting Core set
>makes lightning bolt into ancestral recall
what a time to not really be playing magic anymore
If it gets Duskmourne out of my head it’ll be a 10/10 even if it’s full of gay furry shit.

I hate Duskmourne so damn much. Even worse than Universe Beyond.
The earliest date on that page was when I was in late high school. There is not a stigma about liking more than one thing and you are a retard for thinking there is, just like you're a retard for taking something you see on urban fucking dictionary at face value.
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>Tinybones continues to get the best mono-B cards for commander
Don't care. Still playing Korlash.
Meh, Uril still has him beat IMO. It’s hard to do better than native Hexproof.

Then there are creatures like Zurgo that have native indestructible, or even freaking Wilson the bear with ward and trample.

That’s not saying that wolverine is bad. He’s very good, just in a different way.
>trying to explain the world through your peephole of a perspective
l m a o kid
He got a new card?
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Cheese and christ...
>Mid 30s
>Trying to ascribe a trait to an entire generation of people because he saw an urban dictionary definition and maybe a twitter post.
Wait so does this mean UB shit is going to standard?
Why does he have flesh? That ain't no skelly.
Yes as part of new core set Foundations
>no no no this isn't real my peers don't have mush between their ears from 60 hours a week of elsa spiderman and t-series on youtube
China? Iunno.
Is this dude dead? Looks like there are no new comics on their site since January of this year.
Not only going to standard but half of standard sets going forward are UB. There's fucking 6 total standard sets next year.
>Nononono you aren't supposed to like more than one thing, my internet browsing said so!
it actually looks like his original apperance. he was depicted as a full skeleton in his second card.
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OG art had flesh. I guess he just got rid of it for the cowboy set?
Can Foundations give us a good Wanderer card as a Commander?
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Did they confirm or are you just memeing
>Aieeeee my personal experience is contraindicated by someone else's and it's making me feel bad things about myself! I can't face that
She's a moderately attractive asian woman, so no.
No, they said outright, six full sets a year (which isn't new), all Standard legal (which is), half of which will be UB (which is very new).
Are you unironically retarded? The Ice Cream analogy in >>94246186 made perfect sense. Additionally, do you know what "Staying in your lane" is? Let the crossover slop be in commander sure but just there. No need for Sephiroth to show up in 60-cards. And even then, designing for commander is and always be a mistake.
Imagine being unable to draw and basically stealing your shitty comic from someone else.
Are there not enough ways to interact with your preferred IP? Why does it need to be part of a completely different IP, as if that adds value to either? Does yours not stand on its own?
You are implying everyone from the age range of 12 to 28 think it's a faux pa to like more than one thing because of an urban dictionary post.
China hasn't really cared about that since old Ravnica 18 years ago. It also was never some sort of law. Just a cultural sensitivity thing, like removing pentagrams because Christians shit themselves over it.
And you are implying that nobody does. You have to be right every time; I only have to be right once.
Maybe its Tinybones...musclesuit
It's over then
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I will accept them hitting her with the ugly stick again for a decent card
>I only have to be right once
Go chug some onions to wash down your avacado toast, faggot.
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What's the problem? Ancestral Recall was already lightning bolt.
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>equipment PW
Hey remember when "having a soul" was one of the requirements for sparking, or whatever it was?
Easy there slugger, do your parents know you're using cuss words yet?
karn was a planeswalker since the 90s, retard
Like multiple sets? What's the theme supposed to be?
>Twice he became a planeswalker, having inherited the sparks of Urza and then Venser
I always took it as "he was given PW status" and not "earned it by sparking himself"
He's been working out.
It's either a synthetic spark or some walker's lost and captured spark. The gist of it will probably be that it turns the equipped creature into a Planeswalker. Reverse Luxior.
Yeah, and?
There's obviously a difference between having a spark implanted into you and sparking yourself
>Urza's soul is gone
>the literal soul of mtg is gone
no WONDER the story's been so shit for so long.
Ok, but like...you don't know what the Aetherspark's deal is, whence the spark came from, etc.
You're right, yes. Can't really blame me about being pessimistic when MtG is now all >>94246629
Are you actually 9 or did you just never figure out how to regulate your emotions?
Hopefully its not super gay.
Fat chance; it's still a planeswalker.
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Been playing for about a year, was looking for an izzet commander, found this for the first time. What's not to like here? Seems super powerful.
>showing disappointment is a sign of being a child
Yes anon go ahead, show us all how super duper mature you are and how much smarter you are than the rest of us.
Being excited about everything no matter what isn't a sign of maturity
Showing disappointment is normal. Acting on that disappointment without any sort of reason makes you a nine year-old.
What if I have very well reasoned actions in relation to my disappointment?
Being pessimistic because an artifact planeswalker exists - when an artifact planeswalker existed 20 years ago - is a sign of being extremely emotional, extremely stupid, or extremely not born when it happened. Take your pick.
Vaguely waving your hand around at the general scene is not a reason at all, let alone a good one.
To be strictly fair, this is the first time we've had a Planeswalker be another card type (in its typeline, Gideons and such were Planeswalker Creatures at times). That is weird.
Yes, it is very powerful. Usually it's built as a combo deck, so expect to get hate on.
So wait, Calix had a soul despite being a creation of the God of Fate? Where did the soul come from?
Karn was hand crafted by one of the most powerful beings in existence, and was represented by normal creature cards until the invented the planeswalker card type. There might be some incredible backstory that explains who this thing is, but it came out of nowhere and defies one of the few rules WotC has been sticking to. I don't have confidence that they will suddenly start writing good stories with Foundations.
Karn also came out of nowhere, thats what introducing a thing is. And WOTC didn't even write good stories with Karn for the most part.
Are you actually, legitimately, trying to say that people aren't allowed to be mad at Magic turning into Fortnite tier slop??
There was that one time he got tortured by being put in a conveyor belt room full of myr that he was forced to constantly crush since he couldn't be harmed physically but could be harmed emotionally; that was good
If you wanna talk breaking rules about Planeswalkers, let's talk Calix, an artificial being who somehow sparked by himself.
>Being pessimistic because an artifact planeswalker exists
No you fucking dipshit it's "equipment planeswalker" not artifact planeswalker. Holy mother of god how did you not understand that???
Shills r real
He should have been an enchantment planeswalker
he was too sexy to keep as a PW. they had to nerf him.
MTG was slop from the get-go, which is why I find your tantrums equal parts amusing and tedious
>created by a god
Im thinking I'm back
He came out in a set that had a story attached to it. Foundations has no lore, so we're going to have to wait for its second appearance to get that backstory.
>resorting to "things were always shit" argument
okay boomer. let's get you to bed
I mean he is right that MTG story was always shit. Or do you think it is good writing to have a character alter reality and auto solve the entire plot, after he forgot he could do that?

That's some parody tier writing.
The aetherheart comes out in the story set, anon. Whatever their shit explanation is, we'll get it next year.
You were busy not being born for ten to twelve years when MTG dropped, so I forgive your lack of perspective on this.
the Urza's saga was kino actually
>bad thing was kino actually
ok boomer
Something can be both slop and kino. Pulp adventures, for example.
Ahhh yes, one of the hallmarks of boomer bullshit: telling people they're too young to understand. Hurry to bed now gramps, you've got a 15 mile uphill walk to work, in the snow, tomorrow morning
Nyxborn are explicitly created beings like Angels or Demons who cannot innately have sparks (both case of Planeswalker Angels or Demons started as humans), so how did Calix have one?
That's why I said "out of nowhere". It defies previously established systems, but lacks any explanation. A year from now, when the dogshit story comes out and people complain, dick riders will say "This thing has been around for over a year, why are you mad?".
People are never too young to learn. You are too stupid to understand, however.
Keep going, boomer. We all know just how much you love to be mad at people
>zoomers calling zoomers boomers
>just sent my Edgar Markov into to Card Kingdom last week
What are the odds CK backs out? I want the $85 store credit from the list price.
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It's likely a contained spark from somebody who lost theirs or some such, tweaked with Kaladesh tech to be used by anybody (probably Rashmi's fault, she has a history of this bullshit). Y'know, like when Nahiri contained her spark in a hedron, or Teferi's was stuck in a crystal.
it's probably just something containing a spark, which we already knew could be harvested in some way. I bet the thing will require you to equip to a creature to use the abilities. And the creature will cease being a creature and will become a planeswalker. Which isn't some totally out there thing.
You're jumping at shadows by acting like it's a sword that has a spark and can travel. It is clearly something holding a spark.
Pretty sure once you print out that price sheet they are locked in
It is more likely that than what you are thinking.
>it defies previously established systems
The mightstone and weakstone held urza's spark within it which is why it transferred to karn when those were used as his eyes. Artifacts being able to hold sparks is not even slightly contentious in the lore, you're getting hung up on subtypes.
Thirty (30) starting life is objectively superior to fourty (40)
So you’re just arguing in bad faith like a complete retard then? Well whatever floats your boat I guess
Brother, where do you think we are?
What I'm thinking is that they'll spend an inordinate amount of time talking about its pronouns
Why are you even here then?
I like magic and I hate when dumb shit happens to it.
Sounds like an imagined scenario you created
It's a place for dumb shit to happen, especially Commander. It's entertained, and I am entertained when I swing King Neptune at you for fuckin 5 commander damage and I get to place a stun counter on a creature you control. It's because of his bald head, you see.
It annoyed me that Calix' story went nowhere. He got a Spark out of sheer dedication to wanting to hunt down Elsepth, but we never saw him in any set until Aftermath, which is where he lost his spark. Why the fuck wasn't he in New Capenna instead of Vivien?
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Do we know how rare the new anime arts are?
Ravnica remastered rare (avaiable in playboosters so not that rare)
Or Bloomburrow/Duskmourn style where they cost half a kidney?
Because they decided Theros Beyond Death shouldn't actually have a story, and they created Vivien but forgot to do anything with her initially so they crammed her into Capenna for no reason. Calix absolutely got it worst of any desparked walker though. Kiora was pretty harsh of one too.
>Or Bloomburrow/Duskmourn style where they cost half a kidney?
I believe you already know the answer to this question.
Pretty sure the duskmourn ones aren't that much if you don't get the SUPER SPECIAL MEGA SECRET QUARTER CENTURY FOILING version
The one PW of unconfirmed status I really hope still has his spark is Davriel Cane, since he only ever got one card and his story was pretty interesting.
Did they poach bunch of Duel Master artists?
These anime cards look like they ripped straight out of it
Him and Angrath are the two I wanna know about to be honest.
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uh oh. The korean incels aren't gonna fucking like this..............
We probably won't get more of him, Wizards burnt their bridge with Sanderson and bringing him back might be problematic.
You can really see this in him not being in new Capenna even if it looks like the perfect plane for him.
Angrath lore-wise would make the most sense to get de-sparked since he just wants to stay home with his kids and not deal with anymore multiverse bullshit.
Sure, but doing things that make sense with the desparking hasn't been a thing because Ral, the guy who never leaves Ravnica, kept his spark.
Koreans are not gonna be happy
>new niv-mizzet
>new ugin
>new arahbo
>ajani art basic plains/forest
>Spingebill Secret Lair (Mr. Krabs is a fuckface)
>final fantasy and aetherdrift being the racing themed set I've wanted in other card games
Holy shit today was such a fucking good day bros!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
based post
It's a shame because I'm still looking forward to the FF set, but the rest of the news is really kind bumming me out. I was fine with UB until it started replacing Standard sets, because it was just additive. Now it's a zero-sum game.
>PL 7 pod
>I play Selesyna Selvala
>Cast Avacyn turn 5
>Cast Final Showdown turn 7
>They all call my deck sweaty and rage quit
wtf? lol
Yeah, last year we were told we'd get a Return to Lorwyn set in 2025 and now it seems to have been pushed back to 2026.
I'm surprised they didn't announce any Commander deck-only UB collaborations like Doctor Who or Fallout. Looks like this year the only UB commander decks we'll be getting are ones with Standard sets attached.
Like, it's not 'deleting' Magic sets as much as pushing them back but it makes me wonder how long until, say, that Return to Arcavios set. Will that still be 2026, or will it be pushed back to 2027, now? It just feels really bad. I also, despite myself, really LIKE Magic as an IP, fuck-ups and all, and to see them demonstrably making less of it hurts.
>playing Urtet
>summon a bunch of weak myr homies
>play Organic Extinction on T6 after everyone brought in their commanders
>people mad cuz all my stuff isn't wiped, one dude scooped cuz he didn't like one-sided wipes
>still had Delete in my hand, laughed
People be dumb, anon
They realized they could milk people better if they were sets.
What happened with blocking?
I'm making a Plankton deck.
Damage Order Assignment is no longer a thing. A creature's controller simply decides, on damage being dealt to multiple blockers or whatever, how damage is dealt. You can now assign less-than-lethal damage this way if you want.
>A creature's controller simply decides, on damage being dealt to multiple blockers or whatever, how damage is dealt.
This has always been a thing..? Unless you mean a creature with power 5 will do less than 5 damage if its controller decides to just.. not do all 5 damage?? I need a further explaination
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Looked up the artist and they seem to be Japanese. Here is another picture they did. What are the odds that it's not intentional?
Basically you no longer declare the order the damage is dealt to multiple blockers and the opponent can respond to that, the damage just happens.
Bottom of the article.
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He's in.
I just want more horror movie crossovers. Preferably ones that don't suck like the Chucky lair did.
If you were following the anime/gacha art shitstorm nonsense that happened last year, or whatever, then yeah it's 100% intentional. And fucking hilarious
we're getting a speed racer/mad max/wacky races secret lair right
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>I also, despite myself, really LIKE Magic as an IP
I used to but haven't felt anything from it in a while. I was basically waiting for the Final Fantasy set to quit anyway. Now that Universes Beyond is on the table, I feel more inclined to pick and choose sets. Is it a Marvel set? Oh, I pass then. Is it a random piece of media where they race-swapped all the characters? I sleep. Is it a Star Trek set (nothing past Enterprise is canon)? Sign me up.
>If you were following the anime/gacha art shitstorm nonsense that happened last year
NTA but I very much was not, what happened?
He's not, actually.
It's more accurate to say I like Magic's characters. Or some of them. Maybe that Netflix series will exist and not suck, but... Eh. I just feel kinda drained by this. Crossovers all the time forever are really numbing.
The real problem with Magic having crossovers is not reskinned or reprinted cards, it's mechanically unique cards that require you to invest in them for the best version/only version of an effect that is integral or extremely powerful for your strategy. That's the thing, though, that's the point. It's marketing and they're damn good at it.
Consider the response to the 4 cards specified in the Final Fantasy set so far. Lightning has a bit of buzz, the XIV guy has people excited, but Together Forever is being sold on art alone due to it being a bad card.
Wait, what? This is a big deal. Where did they say that?
Kill yourself
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Previously, the rules called for the attacker to determine the order of blockers, then you'd have to assign lethal damage to each of them before assigning damage to the next. So if a 5/5 is blocked by a 3/3 and 4/4, you have to order the blockers as such:
3 damage to the 3/3, then 2 to the 4/4
4 damage to the 4/4, then 1 to the 3/3
And you were not allowed to distribute the damage any other way, for example 2 to the 3/3 and 3 to the 4/4.

When the M10 rules came out we disdainfully called this the "conga line" of blockers and it was dumb then and it's dumb now. Glad they dumped it.
Where did they say this?
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>Previously, if an attacking creature was blocked by multiple creatures, the attacking player would put those blocking creatures in an order of their choice.
Fuck I had this backwards, I thought the blocking player chose the order.
>If a creature is facing multiple opposing creatures in combat, that creature's combat damage is assigned and dealt as its controller desires during the combat damage step.
So it's like pic rel. Which ehhh I both like and dislike. Because:
>The ability to "double block" or sometimes "entire team block" gives the defending player a lot of strength in many combat scenarios, and this change shifts some of that power back to the attacker.
I super dislike this. I've always thought the defender should have the advantage here. That's what makes Magic so different than Hearthstone
Same panel where they announced that UB is Standard-legal and half of all sets going forward.
Was that not how it always happened? I was under the impression defenders only got to assign blockers and that the window to do anything else didn't come again until after damage was dealt. You mean up until now you could have assigned multiple blockers then waited until your opponent declared how the damage would be spread and then responded after hearing how the damage was being assigned?
UB: 4chan
Forgive the reddit link, but it has all the best examples https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/185rm8p/so_about_that_recent_korean_issue_browndust_2/
tldr: korean incels thought that "pinch" hand pose was the girls in the art making fun of their tiny dicks. And they incel-raged fucking HARD and doxed the devs/sent death threats to artists, etc
>I'll never understand anti-crossover people
Because you're a slave, cattle, a barnyard animal. Creatures like you deserve to be converted into biofuel
4chan is too unoriginal for that these days
They really pushed back Lorwyn for more UB slop. Holy shit.
I don't even read cards anymore. If I see shitty AI-adjacent or nonthematic art I just tune out.
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There was also an infamous one recently where League of Legends had an emote for a character doing that gesture and Koreans got SO upset they changed it. Old one on the right.
>>When the M10 rules came out we disdainfully called this the "conga line" of blockers and it was dumb then and it's dumb now. Glad they dumped it.
Huh, honestly it made the most sense to me? But then again I always laugh at movies when they do the "gang up" scene and people "wait their turn" to attack instead of all coming at once. I only hate the change due to my own stubbornness desu
Thank you anon I'll check it out, it sounds like something they'd chimp out about alright
Based Korean incels. Do not suffer the feminist harridans
>Based Korean incels.
That is insane. What caused them to freak out so much at the gesture and immediately assume it was referring to their dicks? Was this always just a Korean thing and it only now blew up or did something happen to make them jump on it?
>get your way through abuse and threats of violence
Sorry, but that's based
If you scroll down some of the comments do a much better, more in-depth explanation. The gist of it is suuuuper misogynist society multiplied by generic incel insanity
Look up Korean feminism because it's both funny and fucked up.
You had forums for feminism discussing abusing and raping male children.
They also have cults
There's a massive gender war going on in Korea. Their feminist movement is absolutely insane
So it was a societal issue that has been building up for generations and this is just the result of so much insane pressure and inner conflict. Fuck that's insane. I didn't know this shit had gotten so bad over there.
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Korea is basically the worst parts of Asian culture and Western culture.
Women are treated poorly, wages suck, work sucks, culture sucks, hyper consumerism, and other shit.

Imagine a hyper consumerist society with poor prospects for men where they have to miss college and careers for years by having to go into the military.
Then have traditional Asian sexism and also normal regressive sexism and hatred of women.
You then end up with disenfranchised men who dislike women on top of extreme feminist groups.

Whole women in America burn bras and do slut walks feminists harass people and start extremist forums.
Topics including abusing children and harming men.
The leader of South Korea was also a female cult member who allowed an entire ferry filled with children die.
They even refused American intervention by a nearby navy vessel to save them.

Gender issues there are so insane the most insane western incel and feminist would be put off
Yes, exactly. South Korea society is fucking I N S A N E right now
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(Yeah I know I have to update it)
>gold border survival of the fittest
I hope you had that from back before reserve list or I'd just say you should have proxied it.
Nice deck but playing against it would make me angry
Championship decks were awesome and I try to put gold cards in all of my decks
They should do them again
>They should do them again
I agree but they probably won't.
I mean it would give me a reason to care about the pro tour if they did
Why blasting station?
Looks like Saffi loops
When is UB: DBZ?
When more latinx start playing the game
shiiiiit I can't decide if I want Spirit Bomb to do like 20+ damage to a target or be a Door to Nothingness "player loses the game" type card
It should be nevs disc cause it needs to be charged
Darksteel Reactor but less shit? (despite me loving that card). If it charges up enough, it wins you the game, maybe with some extra effects if you "set it off" early like doing a lot of damage or being a boardwipe.
Awesome! Our decks are pretty different though. lol
I cut fast mana, tutors, and a lot other oppressive cards.
I'm basically just running her as a dumb midrange commander.
Here is my list if you want to check it out:
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It's Death Grasp, but red/white and it has Convoke
Son you're a fat gambling dipshit, please do better with your life.
So never because this game is absurdly unaffordable even by first-world standards let alone third-world ones.
this is really pathetic, anon
No clue. But I hope soon. If there's going to be any actual anime in the game they may as well go as big as Dragon Ball.
You and I both know this is the best I got lmao
>Control of permanents cannot switch.
>Cards can't leave exile.
>Players can't flip coins.
>Players can't roll dice.
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>Libraries can't be shuffled
>If cards would be placed anywhere at random, you may choose the order instead
As a yusri player...Please Jack all I want to do is kill myself let me kill myself.
Actually now that you've stated it in clear terms, I see.
who the fuck is this?
Jack's single minded focus is so powerful he stops any and all Chaos from happening. Even game mechanic chaos. I don't know how they'd mechanically make this happen but I'd be all for it.
"Players can't flip coins or roll dice"
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We have to start by figuring out what all the sources of chaos are in a game and putting a stop to them. We've done
>Control changing
>Flickering into/out of exile
>Coin flipping
>Dice rolling
>Deck shuffling
>"In a random order"
What else can we think of?
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Yup, this is my hobby

Speaking of, I'm considering Archfiend of Ifnir for my Coram deck. Now, it doesn't really synergize with the self-mill aspect, but I have about 10 one-time discard abilities (such as Bloodrush, Cycling, or as a cost to cast a spell) and 7 repeatable discard effects. It feels like a weird little niche option that can also be cycled if the game isn't lining up that way. I have a neat promo one so this could finally be a place where it could find some use. Putrid Imp, Necromancer's Stockpile, Key to the City, Matzalantli, Tortured Existence, and Fauna Shaman (and maybe someday a Survival of the Fittest) seem like enough not counting the single-time activations.
they play a mean game of starcraft though
Being pathetic is your hobby? Why though?
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How did I do?
He needs a
>counter target spell that has someone roll dice or flip a coin
With a "Bullshit." quote on the bottom. Either an instant or an enchantment will do.
They said every FF game is represented.
Goes infinite with Delina, Wild Mage.
Is his game even out?
Why isn't it a plant hydra?
Stranger of Paradise was out like a year or two ago anon, lovely little soulslike game.
Plant is too complicated for new players
Playing magic for 20+ years comes with its consequences
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I think we can do even better
The only logical takeaway here is that you hate yourself for playing magic
if magic is pathetic why are you here?
>defending a tripfag
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Does Nemata go in Shroofus or does Shroofus go in Nemata?
They both go in Slimefoot
But you don't make as many saprolings with him.
aw man I thought this card was real. Does this effect not currently exist? I want more Krenko effects in other tribes
This card is real, just not released yet. It's part of Jumpstart 2025
the card's real
and yea he's probably one of my favorites in a long time
there's also earl of squirrel if you want to fudge things
Having access to black and not needing colors is worth paying 1 extra. His ability is also better and costs 3 instead of 6.
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Ive been meaning to see how she plays without the tax pieces
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I'm fucking building this right now I've wanted this effect with saprolings for YEARS, anon.

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>His ability is also better
but I wanna hit things with saps, not drain with saps
I'm glad they remembered he existed but OG nemata is still probably my favorite commander ever
He's also the first saproling creature ever, and not just a token.
>will have a shitload of saprolings at all times
>they'll all have trample cuz green
>sac a handful to go sicko mode
oh my god I'm so excited right now
>Non-borderless anime
Based, i J22 anime cards are my favourites because i like magic borders.
Nemata's an ancient card but yea he's still my favorite.
I wish his new version wasn't a really different playstyle but again, nice they remembered him.
>Sapprolings that aren't just boring aristocrat Ghave loops
Now we are cooking.
List all of your discard/cycling cards out of your 99.
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That guy as the LGS who:
>Doesn't even try to pass, just wears a bra and "it's maam" everybody
>is furry
>is a weeb
>is a bronie
>Wears rainbows
>Gross shit under fingernails
>Plays stax and other sweaty cards versus casual
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a new gobfu
>Souls of the Lost (discard on cast)
>Titanoth Rex (Cycling)
>Ghor-Clan Rampager (Bloodrush)
>Rubblehulk (Bloodrush)
>Viashino Shanktail (Bloodrush)
>Putrid Imp
>Fear of Missing Out (Discard/Draw on ETB)
>Grab the Prize (Discard to cast)
>Thrill of possibility (Discard to cast)
>Tormenting Voice (Discard to cast)
>Necromancer's Stockpile (Discard Creature to draw)
>Brass' Tunnel-Grinder (Discard to draw same +1)
>Decaying Time Loop (Discard hand/draw same) (has Retrace)
>Matzalantli (Draw then discard)
>Key to the City (Discard cost)
>Tortured Existence (Discard cost)
>Fauna Shaman (discard cost)
How many impact tremors we have these days? 4?
all 20 of them
get chaosed by thieves' auction
Purphoros, Impact Tremors, Agate Instigator, Witty Roastmaster, Molten Gatekeeper, This Goblin, Warleader's Call in Boros
one of my buddies called this AI
Your buddy is likely retarded.
Every mainline game.
>The first Saproling card
>Impact Tremors
>something to give haste to everyone
Jesus fucking christ.
Good thing Jack Garland is the antagonist in ff1
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Older normal ninja turtle.
wait hold the fucking phone. I'll fully admit to being a mega slowpoke but is the new FF with Jack "Bullshit" Garland just a remake of ff1?
Actually Dissidia Opera Omnia clarifies that while both are "A" Garland, Jack Garland is not necessarily THE Garland from FF1. He's sort of his own thing.
You're like four years later but kind of, it's technically a prequel and FF1 happens at the end.
fuckin neat
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This is nuts actually
Pretty good. He could also have an Abundance like effect when drawing so you eliminate even the chaos that drawing can add.
>Jumpstart 2025
I was wondering when this would happen. How many cards have we gotten?
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Oh wow didn't think we'd ever get a 2nd ninja turtle
It's fine, it competes with a lot of other good 3 drop goblins. I'm talking about eternal formats btw. No idea if shit will be playable in standard.
This card is pretty damn fantastic. But I can't deny I'm very disappointed she doesn't have a big Krenko nose. Will probably still put her in my Grumgully and Isshin but I'd have liked a little more nose on her.
like 8 or so. Several legendaries and some regular creatures
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goblins will probably never have big noses again, nue-krenko art doesn't even have big noses anymore
You can't run away here after your schizo screed got proven wrong and a krenko art from this year got shoved in your face.
You didn't include the best card ever: >>94248850
Because it was already posted and because I didn't want to make it 10 cards but I could have just made it 2x5 or something
lol oh snap
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how do you actually close out games with an aggro raffine deck?
just stuff that slaps more counters or buffs power based on draw or a big hand
i was actually wanting a brimaz hope this hits the price
what the fuck are you talking about my guy
Is jumpstart even standard legal?
I mean, this guy has a decently sized goblin nose so I don't think it's impossible. But it does seem like a decent amount of other recent goblins went for a more pug like nose instead. Seems like the anime styled arts just don't have them.
I dig the new art for Vilis. Old art wasn't bad, but I thought the scrolls could have been drawn much better. I think new art could also be improved by changing the color of the scrolls in the background. I thought they were doors at first. lol
Anon, if you already know about that card, then you're smart enough figure out what is best for your deck.
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Kek who are they fooling with this dogshit art? Half of standard will be UB is the most desperate plot I've ever seen from these idiots.
Sure I concede that one goblin out of the many they've printed in the past few years has a nose, most new goblins are censored now western or japanese, look at all of krenko new arts he looks entirely different.
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Someone asked for my darigaaz deck
It's gone through some changes I forgot about and is now mostly life gain life pay + removal and is missing the fun tech cards like head games
Ill have to put those back in later
Despite being an objectively bad deck it does win games more often than I expected
post list
Yeah, I'm not denying that. They're mostly all got wide squished ones. And the anime ones may as well just be green regular people. Not really a fan of those. They don't even really have to go too exaggerated with it. Just a bit of a schnoz would be enough. Like with Ardoz here. Guess we'll see next time a decent chunk of goblins make it into a set.
Went through stuff I'd be interested in and I currently have Archfiend of Ifnir, Necrogoyf, and Tectonic Reformation in the maybeboard. Not sure what I'd cut for them though, or if I'm moving too far away. It might actually just be fine as-is and the only real changes are saving up for a Survival of the Fittest and replacing something with Strip Mine.
I feel like these monikers have become increasingly low-effort over the years.
they are running out of naming inspiration imo
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goes nicely with this gitty
is that supposed to be Tarkir? what the fuck
>Japan Showcase cards appear only in Collector Boosters. In Japanese Collector Boosters, Japan Showcase cards will always be in Japanese. In non-Japanese Collector Boosters, they will appear in English two thirds of the time and in Japanese one third of the time.
Prepare to pay
they've been doing this for like 30 years. There's only so many things you can be named
There's only so many times they can name something "creature name" followed by "title" until they start running out. They would have probably been better off just going with a base name first and then when it comes time for a new version or something they can make up a new title then to add to the original name.
yeah its like they should slow down on all the legendary creatures or something
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Her face is off in some way. It's like her head is "long" or something.
you're preaching to the choir, homie
I mean some of these are probably legendary for balancing reasons, but that is also true.
This guy is awesome. Use him in the ninety nine of another deck and he pretty much always makes a splash.
I can't imagine what the commision description must have been like:

> Big titty goblin shaman prancing around a leather shoe spewing fire
Do you only use this for the looting effect? I've been trying this in my zombie tribal Muldrotha, but I don't know how useful it would be if you aren't getting zombies off it too. If you're looking for more looting I'd think Moria Scavenger would be a decent include as well. It's a body on board, has haste, and loots along with generating a guy if you happen to discard a creature.
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What am I in for?
Whoever sent out the order for her wanted her to have big swinging green tits, thighs, hint of ass and belly on display. Someone clearly knew what they wanted with her. Both in planning and drawing her out. Whoever was behind her, I hope they get him to make more goblin girls because she's pretty much the ideal.
So the main purpose is a mix of repeatability and having a perfect synergy with Dredge.
>pay 2
>discard Golgari Grave-Troll/Stinkweed Imp
>Dredge it back up with the draw
>repeat until I mill something I want to cast with Coram or even a land so I don't miss a land drop
or, in the off chance I have Shambling Shell
>Do above
>but also make a 2/2 zombie
The thing's won me games off of digging for Key to the City for big Coram swings, so I think the big sell to me is that I can just mana sink into it more than anything. Moria Scavenger is neat, so I'll go see if I've got a copy of that, but it's sad that he can only go once per turn. The Tokens are generally very incidental and irrelevant to the strategy of just swinging a shovel and digging up half of my deck.
Ah, ok. This is what I was missing. Moria Scavenger has been useful for me but that's because I don't have to put mana into him and in the games I've played having even one blocker can help. Or just be decent ammunition for a sacrifice effect. Didn't realize you were using dredge as a key part. I should have remembered with my time with The Necrobloom that dredge can work funny ways with looting. Getting to explain how Necrobloom works with cycle lands was interesting. Anyway, yeah I think you have a good idea of what you're going with then.
Yeah, I appreciate the input all the same! Necrobloom is probably the card I'm saddest isn't in Jund/just golgari, because it would've gone right into this deck as a strong dredge enabler.
I figured a mix of discard payoffs might reward me with a little extra juice, since Ifnir basically cripples the whole board and takes out dorks just for discarding junk to cast things like Grab the Prize or using Matzalantli
Where are all these new teasers from? Have seen more in the other general...
Why? Whose asking for this?

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