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Previous: >>94245401

>OFFICIAL Commander website, where you can learn the rules, see the current banlist, and read the format philosophy, laid down by the rules committee

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen color identity

>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck strategy and card choices

>Card Search

>Proxy a deck or a cube for cheap
https://pastebin.com/9Xj1xLdM (embed)

>How to proxy using any printer


How many times do you shuffle your deck?
Doesn't matter too much because I mana weave
Until instinct tells me to stop. I don't count.
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I don't get the whole flicking cards thing. When I don't have to play something or think about what I'm going to do next I just sit my cards down and watch my opponents make their plays. It's always weird to watch a tournament and see a pro Kibler who moves like they have a crack pipe under the table.
usually two or three overhand shuffles with the last bit of cards being mashed in. Then I ask if anyone wants to cut and proceed from there
A lot of pros use Adderall to give them an edge in big tournaments, the same way Esports players do. If they're bouncing around and fidgeting like they have bugs in their skin, they're almost certainly on something.
He does it casually for his edh channel as well, so I very much doubt it's an adderal thing. Maybe it was at some point, but not now.
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We were warned years ago.
7 ish side weave shuffles, then a bunch of overhand shuffles until I'm happy. No cutting unless someone wants to. I don't offer, at least in edh. On mulligans I'll do mayve 3 side weave shuffles, then a couple overhand shuffles.
If I have the cards in order, I'll shuffle the lands and nonlands separately, then side weave shuffle the lands in, then shuffle normally.
>How many times do you shuffle your deck?
Cut in half, shuffle each half separately 2-3 times. Take the top half of both halves and shuffle together 2-3 times, same with bottom halves. Stack on top and offer for a cut
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2 down, 4 to go
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Will be he meta? No. Competitive? Probably not. Fun? By god yeah and look how cute he is and oh man flooding the board with saprolings is going to be so awesome
im building him as a giant growth guy
It was promised and I cannot fucking wait till it's completely true.
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my nigga
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Speaking of promises! anyone remember this gem?
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There can only be one Waifu. who'll it be?
He looks like a fungi so I'm probably going to pick up some saproling stuff in preparation for him. Such a neat looking fella. Feels like he's going to be the kind who can do some big boards with the right setup too. Just got to find that setup.
wotc going back on their word because of money? wow color me shocked man
Didn't they already say that was over and done with?
Obviously Doubling Season is his best friend, time to finally proxy it
Personally, I'd be going with right. She looks cooler and I like her outfit and features better.
The left is prettier, but the pose is weird with one hand being obscured and the other two elves don't look like they're doing anything at all. I'd rather go with right I think.
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One step closer to the Secret Lair that'll save MTG.
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Gay Bolas
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That would be kino, in a "so bad it's good" kind of way.
>who'll it be?
It's still moriok scavenger.
Is this real? What set symbol is this?
Jumpstart 2025 or whatever it's called. It was just shown off a few hours ago
man i hate how tinybones is pushed as a mascot character, skeletons should look like this
I think I have a foil of that old fuck around here somewhere, I love old skellies
its the same reason why loot is a cute fuzzy heckin creature. they are going for cute factor with tiny bones and its sucks.
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I knew I recognized that little fuck
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>There are 27 new-to-Magic anime cards, all of which are legendary creatures. Each has epic artwork by Japanese artists and is perfect to helm your next Commander deck.

2 of 27 revealed so far
Wtf I love this
Finally a cute female goblin
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>My favorite tribe and one of my favorite cards (impact tremors) in the command zone
so it's confirmed wotc looked at this comic and went "we'll show them"
why would they print another exquisite blood? who wants this combo effect? it's stupid
now I have to run twice the answers for their twice the redundancy which would bring my deck to 120% removal
I wish he had a Hybrid GB activated ability for the sake of Commander like other Jumpstart Legends.
Aye, green/anything would've been nice, but I'll take it regardless.
>The List Lolths
>putting Call of the Death-Dweller in a binder
>putting Come Back Wrong into a binder
>Soulless One in a binder
>shit tier foils except Gary in a binder
you have awful taste and a terrible collection
someone's maaaaad jelly
I love how much fun this skeleton is having. I still can't believe there isn't decent skeleton support yet.
But we already had Ardoz.
>calling him "gary"
how to be outed as an absolute faggot
It's the one fucking tribal deck I've been dying to make for like 10 years, now. Just give me some sick ass skeleton commander that does even the bare fucking minimum and I'm sold
>not a single card over 10 dollars
what exactly is there to be jelly of?
>coolness determined by dollar value
Thirty (30) starting life is objectively superior to fourty (40)
This is, at the same time, the single most boomer and zoomer ass take I've ever seen.
You said I was "jelly" which means I'm jealous. What is there to be jealous of when I could buy that entire binder for less than the cost of the book itself?
>replying to me multiple times
cringe. that doesn't even mean anything.
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how cute
>guys i know how to use f12
>muh console
I accept your concession.
>get called out
>give up
>i accept your concession
come back when you're a little older
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>multiple people think he's dumb
>hurr same posting durr console
>only one person posting
>suspiciously always after the timer would be up
>exact same opinion
>same typing style
>same grammar
yeah sure
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>He's still going
>muh timer
>3 minutes difference when the timer is 60 seconds
A tale as old as time. Sorry you have such a shitty life, anon.
I love the anime art but I wish they weren't in that awful full art frame with half of them being japanese text only
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What the devil
Making UB the standard moving forward is gonna introduce a lot of casuals. Gotta make combat easier to understand
If anything this makes it harder to understand, no?
Having to deal leathal damage to one creature before moving on to the next made sense
I was doing it this way without realizing it was wrong. There have been many times when I would swing in, deal chip damage to several blockers, then follow up with Anger of the Gods or a similar spell to kill creatures that would have been out of reach
>Having to deal leathal damage to one creature before moving on to the next made sense
See that's exactly what I fuckin thought! Apparently lots of people hated the "conga line" setup but it's what made the most sense to me. So now what happens if you have a first strike creature vs 5 blockers? All combat damage happens at once so you can only "first strike" against one of the blockers??
Well congrats anon now you're doing it right. And there won't be an awkward transition phase for you cuz you'll just remember to do it the now-correct way
First Strike actually makes a second damage step that takes place before the normal one. So your First Striker will do your damage however you assign, then after that step, the other creatures will hit him back (assuming they didn't get fucking mauled)
>I block your 6/6 with 3/3, 3/2 and 3/1 lifelink
conga line would on kill only two, while new system kills all 3?
Yes, which feels like a change for the better honestly.
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>Release this after a combat trick deck starts raping standard
Heehee oopsy!
This looks like a bigger change than "hey guys we made a little change to the rules haha, hope you notice haha"
>First Strike actually makes a second damage step
that is the most retarded shit i've ever heard, don't make up rules
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>need to cut 5
>also want to fit in 3 more aristocrat effects
>36 lands, average mana value 3.0
>ramp down to 10
>main theme already down to 26 cards
>14 draw
>12 permanent interaction
every single time with those stupid jank decks, I am never allowed to draw, ramp and interact as much as I want because I have to fill the deck with the mechanic I need
Depending on how resilient your strategy is, you could always go down 3 draw and 2 removal to 11 and 10. It's not optimal or anything, but it could help. I'm currently trying to slot 3 cards into my Coram deck since it's working in my meta and I wanna just sit on it after this next change for a bit (or change it back, rather than keep finding new cards). I'm sitting on 7 removal and my draw/discard section is only at 12.
no, damage is dealt simultaneously, namefag is retarded
>he didn't read the change
so... you assign 3 to 1, 2 to 1, and 1 to the last one
and it's all dealt at the same time
9 damage to the 6/6 and lethal to all 3 of those creatures
>namefag is retarded
You repeat yourself.
>namefag is retarded
correct but it's also correct
Odric with deathtouch equipments just became stronger. You can just declare attack and wipe their biggest threats off the board as you now control blocks and damage. Thanks WotC.
>new system
Damage on the stack is the light and the way
Wait my brain is still doing the old (MUCH FUCKING BETTER) way. So: 4/4 has 2 blockers, and I assign 2 damage each. I'll do 2 damage as first strike *at the same time* to both blockers?? That's dumb as hell imo
fellow oldfag. I miss 90s Magic. All these cards these days are overpowered as FUCK. Give me bad Legends-tier creatures dagnabbit
nta but I really miss cards with drawbacks. yeah there are some every now and then but mostly not
For monocolor decks, is there a general rule of thumb of which nonbasic lands you should include?
>want to make a shorikai deck
>apparently shorikai is a kill-on-sight problem commander, even though I don't want to do broken stuff I just want to play cars and ram them into people
Guess I'll just make kotori instead.
everything is a KOS these days so might as well not try go under the radar with new legends
whenever I see kotori I cannot let it live to next combat unlike shorikai. I dunno about others but to me it's arguably even more of a priority number one since he is only played when it's deadly and even then it might be too late since you can crew in response
Had a similar thing happen
>Got the urge to listen to a bunch of SMT/DDS OST's
>Man, having a commander that synergizes with demons and angels, and ideally is also a human, would be pretty cool
>Love just hitting people in the face, so any kind of attack or combat dmg would be extra neat
>But what are the odds
>Actually get 2 results
>Kaalia of the Vast is absolutely perfect
>Excitedly tell a friend
>"Dude she's absolutely ridiculous, fringe cedh. If we don't remove her on sight, we might aswell all scoop"
>Upper powerlevel at the table lies around the Zimone Jumpscare precon
Man I feel bad. She's definitely kill-on-sight, and I can see how even getting 1 fatty like Avacyn or the 9 mana Valgavoth out makes it one hell of a swing, but I'm not spending more than 5 bucks on any card that's not my commander or essential to my gameplan.

Anyone got any experience with Kaalia? From the looks, a budget Kaalia doesn't look too bothersome, as opposed to a 1k worth of cards Kaalia.
for me it's
>cycling lands
>nonbasic hate like demolition field and friends
>bojuka bog in black and scanger grounds in others
>maybe maze of ith
>maybe glacial chasm
>channel lands
there might be others but in general all kinds of flexibe effects
The old/current system would also kill all three blockers since damage is dealt simultaneously by all creatures. >>94250554
You can already do that, since “lethal damage” checks for shit like deathtouch.
Anyone who finds this card interesting is braindead
A friend of mine plays her. Most important thing is having some sort of protection and haste on the field when you cast her. Boots and mother of runes are a must have. Otherwise people will just instakill her and you'll find yourself bricked with a bunch of 10 mana demons in hand.
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I mean, you're in the EDH general, don't know what else you expected to see here
The same could be said of literally any commander ever.
No it definitely could not
Can't wait to massacre wurm against one of these
Name me one interesting commander
Pay 1 and tap to draw 2 discard 1 and make a 1/1 is a lot. That is an absurd rate at 4cmc.

You can never crew it, put zero other vehicles in your deck for your 1/1*s to crew, and Shorikai still a great value engine.

Even a simple vehicle deck get a huge boost, as the 1/1s can basically crew the vast majority of vehicles themselves, and discarding isn't a downside as both U/W can bring artifacts out of the yard.

i've been booty blasted a lot by Shorikai.
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Unban Mana Crypt
By a bad comic
Your autistic hate of this guy is fucking sad
This helps that deck though
I hate change. Stop changing things.
Tazri is probably our best skeleton commander right now.
There's that one goblin background commander who makes 2/1 skeleton tokens.
Anyone played with this commander? She seems like she might be fun with a snow subtheme. Already have Osgir/Muldrotha/Isshin/Galea decks, was thinking of trying her for a control deck.
Yep, just like most commanders, you can absolutely build her to be casual. Sadly, most people will treat you like you're playing the most optimized version.
Cardboard crack was almost never funny but at least it was sometimes apropos and in the case of >>94249628 almost prophetic.
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>build deck around easy mechanic
>it's fun and super high power, but feels kinda cheap
>build deck around barely supported jank mechanic + good land base
>it's extremely fun but never leaves medium power level
how do you cope?
Why would I cope? Sounds like I'm exactly where i want to be at
I've thought about building her. She seems like she could be pretty good. An enchantment subtheme would be nice with her since there are so many that you want in her deck. It would be hard for me to not go full Opposition.dec with her. Also wtf mind over matter is $50?
I will bet my entire collection that the comic will never happen
Enchantment subtheme could be good, toss in that new Fear of sleep Paralysis creature in there as well.
Is there really such a thing as a not kill on sight commander?
Norin the Wary
wait so is Edgar actually being reprinted or just 500?
I read the words and understand their meaning, but my soul refuses to be at peace
I had a friend who built her. He went with an angel tribal list and stuck with it fully. He ended up taking her apart after a while but for the time she did pretty well. At least in games where she didn't immediately get hit and then lock him out of the game then and there. She demands you have protection and some kind of haste enabler at the start. You will need the Lighting Greaves and Hall Of The Bandit Lord and anything else that protects. Even when there were games where it was clear he had nothing to cheat in he would still get laser focused sometimes. It's a rough one, but if you're ok with knowing your commander is one that puts a target on you then you'll be fine.
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Actually being reprinted, also a serialised version.
What other cards that aren't from any of the 3 Innistrad blocks but depict characters from Innistrad should we expect?
nice, i unironically like Clavileño more but good to hopefully afford the option
printing an eminence card with the classic oldschool frame hurts
I fucking hate eminence and experience and all that "works from the command zone" shit
I don't think anyone has ever removed my Pharika in 30+ games, she's been farewelled couple of times but those were always incidental and she wasn't the main target
Wtf so now 6/6 creature can kill a 2/2 and 4/4 and still survive? Is this only for EDH???
I don't get it
How do you figure that?
He'll still be 70+. He needs to be in a precon or reprinted 5 sets in a row.
People rarely go after him in my experience. They'd rather take the free cards and just ignore me.
you'll have to wait til like week of release for it to be its lowest
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I'll just continue proxying him.
At least that one's reasonable. People in my playgroup killed my Anowon, the Ruin Thief twice instead of the Valvagoth that was clearly the real danger (he won no surprise) just because my playstyle involves milling cards, and they personally blamed me for every good card I milled them and every land drop they missed.
>I just want to play cars and ram them into people
I hate this mindset so much
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>rex can turn himself into a vehicle and let other creatures pilot and crash him
That's the kind of stupidity I expect of an Un-Set card.
Shame that they decided half of un-sets should be fucking legal in non-retard formats.
>Shame that they decided half of un-sets should be fucking legal in non-retard formats.
They should be, or they shouldn't ever be made. Yes that goes back to the original. Every unset besides Unfinity is a waste of designer time and of cardboard/paper.
Same. When I see players constantly shuffling the cards in their hand, or when they draw a card they slide it across the table to their hand makes me irrationality mad.
Damage before:
>Declare attackers
>Declare blockers
>For each attacking creature that's blocked, attacker declares in which order they want to assgin damaged to the blocking creatures
>Players get priority to do stuff
>Game calculates lethal damage and the attacking creature deals that much to each blocker in the order you decided

>Declare attackers
>Declare blockers
>Players get priority
>Attacker assigns damage freely

The main differences are that a) you don't get priority after the crucial decision of deciding damage has been made, so you can't use anything and b) you can spread out damage if you want to without killing creatures.

The second part is probably more relevant in EDH since it means you can half kill creatures and then play a -X/-X spell on all creatures to finish them off.
The scariest card to cheat in with her is under $5.
Out of these two, obviously Llanowar Elves (right)

anyone picking the bland generic shitshow going on in the left outs himself to be a tasteless bitch
I guess I'm done then because I've been playing the second way the entire time and so has my group. Nothing will change for me
I don't understand this and will ignore the rule. Don't change major rules of a 30 year old game.
nice art tho looks like it could be cleaned up a bit more
i mean he is just better if you dont play any actual vehicles
arabella or anim pakal for an aggro deck?
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i struggle too to find a nice vehicle commander that doesnt fall into the same boring design space most Equipment commanders do: either cheat cost, skip the crewing or drawing cards when they are cast

I've found that i just really only like vehicles in concept, and their implementation into magic is just super underwhelming

i hope atherdrift provides better commander options, even though this promo picture looks absolute ass
why do people even like vehicles?
they are barely any different from creatures at the end of the day
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>their implementation into magic is just super underwhelming

i mean thats what i said, didnt i?
tanks and mechs are cool, and picrel is probably my favorite. overall they are just slower/stupider artifact creatures
I like my Arabella list. Haven't bought it yet but it seems a fun deck. Been to lazy to play magic when I do pull the trigger I'll report back!
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Okay enchantment, can see this cause bunch of mayhem in battlecruiser metas.
People will think twice about boardwiping if you got this out.
people will be like "oh no, be careful: he gots it!"
i think its much more useful in Aristocrats.
Boardwipe insurance works best in the form of instant speed protection like Heroic Intervention
seems mediocre.
The only one that feels implausible at this point is Travis Scott.
I'm sure that at least one of the Commander decks will be all about Vehicles.
Unwanted Remake>Path to Exile
Burger king is more implausible than Travis Scott.
Maybe if the retarded comic said an actual popular fast food place. But I assume the creator of the comic is out of touch and stuck in 1993
Oh yeah. Verity Circle, Opposition, Thassa 2, Crackdown, tons of good shit.
>The hair length increases with rarity starting from bald to past butt
The anime art will get changed
2/2 shitter>Land
Interestingly, it seems like we're back to "only" getting 2 commander decks this set. Probably because we're getting more sets this year, my guess is that only UB products will get 4 commander decks from now on.
I could see them making a whopper food token.
Good. 2 Precons is already more than enough, the terrible Karlov Manor precons that are still filling store shelves show that not every setting deserves 4 precons.
But yeah, Final Fantasy will for sure get 4 precons, maybe even 5. Not sure about Spider-Man though, I think 2 precons, one for heroes and one for villains, should be enough.
>You can already do that, since “lethal damage” checks for shit like deathtouch.
So you are saying that Odric could have declared opponents ten 1/1s and one 10/10 to be blocked by one deathtouch scab an assign it's damage so that the 10/10 dies while the 1/1s block the deathtouch creature?

I remember that needed use two creatures to do this. One for the 1/1s and one with deathtouch for the 10/10. Have I've been playing wrong?
Correct. They both have costs and benefits. I like both btw.
I couldn't. Maybe a big mac. A near-death fast food company like BK? Nah.
Literally like 10 more popular fast food places than them.
Generous Gift > every other white removal spell
Stroke of Midnight
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how many of your decks are slow midrange, be honest
doesn't work, effect happens at the declare attackers step
scary for a moment until everyone remembers the rules, breathes a sigh of relief and exiles it
Slow midrange
Fast midrange
Slow midrange, borderline control
Fast midrange, almost aggro
Slow midrange
Fast midrange, borderline combo
Slow does not work in my pod.
nevermind I'm totally wrong
What do you consider to be "slow"?
Buff to Menace as a keyword and overall simplifies the game. Functionally does nothing because there's no universe you multiblock by choice.
you fondle your nuts for three turns and "generate value"
>there's no universe you multiblock by choice.
that anon clearly has never played anything beyond edh
Are you retarded?
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Commander moment
In MaRo's own example it's better to single block then commit Scale Up because you're not giving the opponent a choice. The best time to multiblock is when you have Banding to overassign damage and cuck Trample but this is unaffected.
You do know in some situations you would die when you wouldn't if you multiblocked, right?
Situations like this haven't come up in literal years in any 1v1 format. Multiblocking is a meme.
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Mana Crypt is still banned
Fighting isn't considered combat damage, right? If you were to use this guy to make something of yours fight something of your opponent's it would trigger noncombat damage effect triggers?
Yes? Why did you think you couldn't make all the creatures block the scab?
Thalia and The Gitrog Monster are battle buddies!
You're both retarded. Swords to Plowshares has been the best white removal spell for the entire history of magic. :p
Why are we discussing 1v1 in this general?
They'll unban it anon. They're gonna show us sending death threats works.
Fighting is not combat damage, correct.
Correct. Fights will trigger your enrage effects.
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Cool. Thanks anons. I had thought that would be the case but I just wanted to double check if fighting and one sided fighting would work with the noncombat damage stuff. Been trying new deck ideas and noncombat damage happened to be a part of them.
Sorry I thought the counterpoint was that this mattered in 1v1 which it doesn't and while it could technically matter in EDH that's because it's a meme format where people constantly sandbag.
it was such a big part of sweaty old tournament magic. after playing in modern tournaments. i stopped at horizons but that’s just how everyone played. now its just habit. i think the thing that annoys me more is when someone’s field is a fucking mess even though they only have like 10 cards on it.
Never noticed how dopey that guy's eyes look. His right eye looks toward where his sword is pointing. The left eye is sort of looking off in a whole other direction, and from this angle, with his brow, that eye looks right at the viewer like he's in disgusted awe.
Enrage isn't noncombat damage exclusive, it's any damage.
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Is it really that bad in my budget 26 basics Izzet mana base?
From what I’m hearing these lands will always be ass no matter what.
>Is it really that bad in my budget 26 basics Izzet mana base?
It's perfectly fine as a budget land in your deck.
do you run spirebluff canal? because it is in most situations something similar, an untapped dual land for the early turns and a tapland past the midgame. it depends how much you value that early game speed and flexibility.
>Why did you think you couldn't
Doesn't the blocker decide how the damage is dealt between multiple blockers? Like even if I decide which creatures block the deathtouch scab with Odric's ability they get to decide the order in which the damage is done. Scab has to have 11 power or it doesn't reach the 10/10 to kill it with current system.
That's only true if you're blocking with Banding
>Doesn't the blocker decide how the damage is dealt between multiple blockers?

Why would you even think that? You have the advantage for blocking with more than one creature, you also want to have the advantage to decide damage distribution? NO
I don't really like them, but they aren't that bad in 2c decks. With three colours the number of lands you can show quickly becomes low, but having a few tap dual lands is fine imo.
If you're concerned about these type of lands then just go all the way and exclusively use true duals, shocks, and fetches.
If you are in two or less colors you don't really need any of those come in untapped under certain conditions lands outside of check for other basics on field ones. Just some utility stuff at most.
That's what I like about Miriam, Herd Whisperer. Yeah, it's two pieces of value as well, and lumps Mounts in, but they're nice pieces of value to prevent someone from picking off one of your vehicles on your turn when they're creatures, and to reward you for swinging in with +1/+1 counters.
I do hope that Aetherdrift brings some fun ideas to the table, though.
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Did not realize Conspiracy completely replaced the typing of creatures entering resulting in infinite slug rats. So what happens when an infinite starts? Both cards causing it get exiled?
Wick amasses a snail, so he'll just add an additional +1/+1 counter when he sees the snail/rat enter.
Honestly that artifact that makes everything all creature types is better since he can then fling your rats.
The game ends unless any player has a way to destroy Wick/Conspiracy at instant speed.
Oh, wait, yeah, that's not infinite. There ARE things that can be infinite in similar ways and they do wind up that way.
No, I get that. But if you declare rat as the type for Conspiracy the snail enters as a rat and is never a snail on the field. He sees it enter as a rat and not a slug so he tries to make another and then on and on. I was hoping it would be a good interaction but I didn't realize he's not optional and that you're locked into this if you have both on the field.

Game ends? I thought it exiled the stuff causing the loop?
Read nigga
Why on earth would you think that?
Well, in that case, you just make infinite 1/1 rats with no way to stop the loop, so the game will end unless somebody can destroy Wick or Conspiracy, as I said. This isn't YGO.
Not sure. I thought I remembered something to that effect being said somewhere about game actions intended to end the game. Never really had to deal with a infinite loop that didn't have some kind of optional stopping point or damage wrapped in there somewhere to end the game so I haven't really had reason to actually look up what happened.

On thinking of it more, it may have been this. I was probably just getting the games confused.
This is actually one of the more sober changes they've made recently. I think a plenty of people actually played casually like this for a while

No you retard, read it again
>before: you need to declare an explicit order in which your blockers have to be tackled, and the opponent can respond to this order. My 6/6 still takes damage back as you'd expect
>now: my 6/6 deals 6 damage which it can assign to its blockers in any way I want (unless they have banding). It still takes damage back as you'd expect
Wick creates one snail per rat if you don't control a snail, it would be infinite if Conspiracy replaced a creatures preexisting type but it's an additive effect.
So conspiracy adds the snail or rat creature type to all creatures you control, so naming snail would actually cause wick to never make a snail, and naming rat wouldn't cause your snails to amass an additional time.
Old cards like this usually aren't formatted or written correctly so make sure to read the rulings on them if something sounds off.
Catering to hyper casuals is never good. And I highly doubt most people were playing this way before because it would've literally been cheating
In casual settings, people would often just skip over it and have the damage hit the obvious ones.
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Conspiracy does replace. It does not say "in addition to their other types". They just are Rats, not Snails. Was reprinted in ACR, and has that same thing, that's intended.
I hate hyper casuals as much as the next guy but this is an absolutely miniscule change in terms of actual gameplay that'll just cut down on time while keeping things nearly the same way. Much more miniscule than their idiotic recent erratas to Suspend and Hideaway, which for some reason none of you faggots ree'd about to this extent
I'm on mobile right now so I'll just send a screenshot.
>I think a plenty of people actually played casually like this for a while
Same. For the longest time that's how I had seen people playing out damage. I have never seen a table game where someone reacted to how damage was allocated with something.
That's weird. That was ruled long before the new printing and wording of the card so I wouldn't know if this is up to date or not. An errata with the new printing maybe. I know they aren't exactly reliable but on on Forge it's a full replacement of creature type. Either way may be something to look into more directly with a judge.
What >>94253774 said.
Consider Blood Moon: "Nonbasic lands are mountains". Everyone knows it replaces the original. This is because it lacks the "in addition to their other types"
Why would it replace? This is not Blood Moon. Blood Moon also would replace if it wasn't the specificity of basic lands. "In addition to its other types" is normally used for clones/copies to go indicate it's not a 1:1 copy.
Because nowhere on the card does it say in addition to. It just says they are whatever type you pick. Nothing else. Seems straight forward so I'm unsure why they would have it be in addition to in old rulings. And again, for whatever reason the simulator ruled it as full replacement and locked with Wick creating infinite rat snails and I had to close out the game.
You are retarded, it's not how works at all. It's because of the specfic rule for basic lands. It's also why for example Roothpath Purifier does not replace.
It doesn't have to say it. It's not how it works.
What, what's the difference then? I choose to kill the 4/4 first and then the 2/2 and both die right???
Had to go to the forsaken site for this shit
>305.7 If an effect sets a land’s subtype to one or more of the basic land types, the land no longer has its old land type. It loses all abilities generated from its rules text, its old land types, and any copy effects affecting that land, and it gains the appropriate mana ability for each new basic land type. Note that this doesn’t remove any abilities that were granted to the land by other effects. Setting a land’s subtype doesn’t add or remove any card types (such as creature) or supertypes (such as basic, legendary, and snow) the land may have. If a land gains one or more land types in addition to its own, it keeps its land types and rules text, and it gains the new land types and mana abilities.

This is the only reason why Blood Moon works how it works. It doesn't have anything to do with missing "in addition to its other types".
Then it's a bug in the simulator and strange choice of wording when other cards like it have the "in addition too" on them. Especially since it's a modern printing with modern wording. If it didn't matter then why would Arcane Adaptation have in addition too is what I'm getting at and where I guess the people making the simulator must have messed up on. Either way it's strange and an odd interaction with it I stumbled upon when trying things out in testing.
All that means is that it doesn't affect the creature types in rules text, it does replace all creature types in the typeline with the chosen creature type.
The comparison point for Conspiracy is Arcane Adaptation, which is the same except it has "in addition to their other types". Conspiracy changes them entirely to that new time. Adaptation adds it on.
I didn't buy the lord of the rings products because they made Aragorn a nigger.
New type, even. And Conspiracy even explicitly calls it out in later rulings.
>Affected spells, cards, and creatures lose all of their other creature types.
Thank you for your sacrifice
Holy shit bro you fit in.
Who is the best Goblin commander and why is it Muxus?
I bought it but I'm still mad. Ever since they did that MtG is unironically not the same for me and I'm trying really hard to cope with all the Sweet Baby Inc bullshit just because I like the game.
Oh there it is. I knew there was something we were missing. Yeah, I didn't realize the first ruling from 2004 said "in card text" as in referring to any instances of a creature type in it's wording. Like it doesn't replace Giada's use of angel in her card text for 1/1s but it can make her and any angels that enter squirrels instead. Ok thanks. I knew there had to be something here we were missing.
Sucks since The Uniter has a cool effect.
>MTG is not the same for me because they didn't make Vigo Mortissen
Unironically pathetic.
>UB will now be standard sets
>lorwyn pushed back for spiderslop
I thought MTG would die because of EDH bans but I think 50% of all sets being UB from now on is what will really kill it
Explain your reasoning.
Unironically you are a racist.
Isn't that good though? Stay consistent.
>waiting for innistrad remastered to get an exquisite blood cheap for krrik
>see this fucker getting printed in the upcoming set
Thank go i can cut another emchantment from the deck, can't wait to get him for a few dollars from my lgs
Why is this niggas head so small?
I know you're meme'ing but it's true. I can't voice this opinion on any other platform without a hate mob/banning. The same people who say race doesn't matter sure seem intent on targeting one race in particular.
Why would it be good? You leftoid amoebas are not consistent in comprehension let alone in making a point.
You could easily do it on X.
And you are being hated on right now.
I think it's mostly there because some older cards said "x counts as y", not to mention that there's specifically a ruling later down that clarifies that it removes the other creature types from cards you cast and whatever, anon's ruling picture even has that ruling visible.
>direction brained Gen Z
Armor big.
He looks like Bob from Beetlejuice 2
Or the lead singer of Talking Heads
He worked for beetlejuice
Yeah there's probably a lot to go through when having to rule out for cards printed through the decades. Anyway, thanks for clarification. Still disappointing to find out Conspiracy doesn't work with Wick without killing the game then and there but it's good to know for the future.
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Beetlejuice lair when?
Play Stenn. He's a nice cost reducer for busted artifacts and is never kill on sight. You can put Shorikai in 99.
They had a clear shot with the movie that came out. Thought for sure they were waiting to announce it in the lead up to that movie.
Sure, all you have to do is look at how Costco is selling in bulk UB Magic products like the Fallout decks or the Lord of the Rings decks
They just never sold well after the original 40K collab so in a desperate effort to earn a mass appeal from the playerbase they are now destroying the game as a fortniteification with collabs 3 times a year. Standard is going to have 18 sets legal in a 3 year period and 9 of them will be from UB. You can argue MSRP coming back is an exact facet of this because they have set the floor price at $5.50 instead of the old $4, and that with UB flooding the Standard scene the shelves have less space for Magic IP sets like the upcoming Innistrad Remastered or Aether Drift. They want to sell the higher priced packs after all.

The most damning evidence though is they explicitly said they would NEVER put UB into Standard sets and they would always just be a side product for casuals. How long until the entire year is 5 UB sets and 1 Magic IP set? How long until a year is just UB? You can argue UB is Magic, but you can't argue Magic is UB. That's exactly why the reactions are overwhelmingly negative towards things like Spongebob and Spiderman being in the same game as Phyrexians and Slivers.
Shorikai isn't even the best vehicle commander
>join 7-8 pod
>I play a 7
>everyone else plays a 5
This happens way too often. I'm not trying to play arch. If I knew everyone was playing lower PL, I would play one of my weaker decks too.
>UB sells way better than any non-UB product
>its amount increases because it makes more
>somehow this leads to the company going bankrupt because anon thinks no one likes UB even though objectively it is super popular
I will never get this shit.
I saw that battle scene artwork for the new Tarkir set and I was genuinely confused by who was suppose to be who.

Like since when did dromoka/Abzan wear armor like that? What happened to the naga? Are they actual sultai/Silumgar?Am I just looking at some 3rd alternate reality of Tarkir?
It's the new timeline still, and I think the idea is they're pulling in more cultural consultants to showcase stuff beyond the surface. The armor I think is based on a demon from Chinese myth, but I do agree I can't tell who's who from the art alone. They're definitely gonna tweak the clans overall with their 'new form' as it were.
Based on this piece, I think we're getting five new dragonlords from the storms, centered in the wedge color. So the Sultai are now wearing green because they're green-centered, the Abzan are wearing black because they're black-centered, et cetera. Which is absolutely insane and absurd to have happened in the span of a few years, but whatever.
I have that combo in my deck, but I have Impact Tremors as a payoff, anon. There's plenty ways to leverage a combo like that.
Anon it is being sold in costco bargain bins with the march of the machine commander decks that never sold well at all
Your headcanon is not proof their revenue is funneled directly from UB, every store I go to has tons of unsold Ass Creed packs
>But I saw at my local store
Your anecdote is not going to beat reported earnings./ LOTR was the best selling set ever. 40K were the best selling commander decks at the time. You can claim this is false but that would mean the company is committing a crime by lying to share holders about what is happening. Your logic is basically just "My local place didn't sell the fallout deck no one wanted, so magic is dead." with a splash of somehow implying the game hinges on standard, which has been dead for like 5 years
Saw this guy in action recently. Yeah, he can be a real menace. But only on his turn.
That is a good point. Or some death pay offs and sacrifice outlets. I'm only just building the deck so I was just looking for general rat and slug generation and pay offs first before seeing what other direction I can go with it. Do you have a Wick list?
If Standard wasn't important why aren't they selling Modern UB products??? Legacy UB products??? Vintage UB products??? Pioneer UB products or Brawl UB products for fuck's sake.

And thanks for proving me right, because after LOTR UB has been on a steady decline in sales. This is exactly why they shifted their business plan to flood Standard with this marketing collab crap.
Wasn't there also some word about MSRP coming back? Was that true?
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>people don't play unwinding clock/seedborn muse and this fella in their artifact decks.
>I want a vehicle commander but both edhrec and scryfall's t:legendary t:creature o:"vehicle" search turned up nothing!
Have you tried broadening your search?
I mean, those help but he only animates on his turn so the games I saw with Bello usually end up with Bello alone without any blockers to help.
The set that was packed to the gills with collector bait cards, broken shit and choice reprints(literally just LTR) sold well. shit like the 3 times we've had DnD universes beyond, the fallout precons, Ass creed have not. Wizards is in for a rude awakening if they keep pushing this slop
as it can only lead them to undermine the game's integrity by printing more power into UB to drive up sales.
Yeah, and you can just end their entire turn by just removing him as they swing with stuff
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Yes anon it was announced yesterday
As you can see they jacked up the prices on packs and standard bundles but collector packs are the same price and commander decks are now $5 cheaper and the specialty bundles like the nightmare bundle for duskmourn will be $80 instead of $90

Keep believing that. You are genuinely a fucking moron and I mean that
Yeah because all the recent Slop Lair collabs have sold out so well huh??
I mean that sounds like bad deck building if they run zero utility and no creatures and just try to do the thing with Bello.
So it was true. Makes their initial move away from MSRP strange considering only a year later they'd pull back.
No MSRP = people will buy from their amazon direct store instead of big box charging more for store shelves and LGSes who either undercut and take a loss or price gouge to make a profit but have less overall sales

Now that Amazon is starting to fuck up the orders so often though with mixing up the products I think they're trying to make amends with big box stores and establish a reconnection
Unfortunately no, I haven't made the effort to put it online, mostly because I'm not into tribal and I made it with the assumption that I'm just gonna disassemble it anyway, but it's surprisingly fun, so I ended up actually buying some cards for it, originally I just bought Wick and used stuff I already had in my collection.
I probably should put a list online.
>Now that Amazon is starting to fuck up the orders so often

They've been doing it since like 2020
If you do I'd appreciate if you shared it here too but either way it's cool. I've been planning on building it with a bunch of my bulk stuff too since I've picked up a couple of rats along the way and some type changing and changelings as well. Testing has proven to be pretty fun.
>commander decks are now $5 cheaper
Typical commander decks have been $45 at my LGS for a couple years. In fact, any that sit on shelves for more than 2-3 weeks periodically get $5 knocked off until they sell or hit $30.
Wish mine did this.
>What, what's the difference then? I choose to kill the 4/4 first and then the 2/2 and both die right???
The whole point now is that you don't "choose to kill first" anymore. You can choose to kill both the 4/4 and 2/2 simultaneously, or only one of them. If it was a 4/5 and a 2/3, you could even kill neither by dealing 4 and 2 damage to them respectively.
Same. Ever since they got rid of MSRP ever shop near my has sold precons at seventy to start and raised any of the more popular ones even higher.
My LGS's owner is pretty based. His philosophy towards sealed MTG product is that he'd rather sell something at break-even than have less-desireable products collecting dust on the shelves. I think they make almost all of their money on flipping singles and selling board games.
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I'll try to put it online tonight if I have the time, but it's pretty basic rat deck I think. Song of Totentanz is a necessity imo.
>"I want to die to rakdos charm: X flavor"

Please print more of these kinds of cards, wizards.
>Magic in 2025
>you look for a Tier 3 table, finding a Tier 2 table with Davros, Squidward, Captain America, and Frodo + Sam partner
>you glance over at the next table and the commanders being played are Spiderman, Negan, Abaddon, Optimus Prime, and 5c Miku in a Tier 1 table
>you spot a full Tier 3 table with Elminster, Snake Eyes, Eleven, and Dogmeat
>finally find a Tier 3 table open, your opponents are playing Lord Zedd, Tifa Lockhart, and Ezio Auditore da Firenze
>you spot a Tier 4 table nearby with Slicer, Marneus Calgar, Thanos, and Dhalsim
>your next game has your opponents playing the The Fourteenth Doctor, Sauron, and Liberty Prime at Tier 3
best hot Asian girl legendary creature?
Azusa or Yuriko
My Spongebob, gleeful frycook is tapped and attacking are you going to block with your SSJ13 Broly?
Why do you think I care about LE SANCTITY OF LE MAGIC STORY over gameplay?
Not if you play the original printing.
>mana flood all game
>keep casting commander into board wipes
>everyone at the table almost dead
>win by dealing 8 to everyone
I keep getting so many undeserved wins lately it's insane.
No way. You get foos equal to yoir power on attack, and then with your equipped Spatula, you get +X/+X where X is the number of food you control. My Broly wouldn't stand a chance!
the best tactic is to not draw attention for long enough until you play a kill combo
the amount of games I won with this card
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My favorite combo deck
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Is Earthcraft too strong and/or fast for a tier 2ish, go-wide style deck?
I'm kinda annoyed by Cryptolith Rite more often than not and I actually own an Earthcraft for some reason.
The difference is there isn't a round of priority between the attacker assigning damage and that damage being assigned. The defending player doesn't have the ability to respond to the blocking order by pumping the first blocker or sacrificing creatures. Blockers are declared, priority is passed, blockers are arranged and immediately dealt damage.
Earthcraft is tier 3, but it really depends on how you build the deck. If you can't combo off with it, then I think it has a place in your tier 2 deck.
>Earthcraft is tier 3
I'm pretty sure I have one or two of these in my bulk. I'll be sure to add it as it's exactly the kind of thing it sounds like the deck would want.
Insidious Roots
Elven Chorus
Citanul Hierophants
Enduring Vitality
I don't think you need to worry about anything
Yeah, it's a bad card. 2 mana? What does it even do? Someone should go tell wotc to unban it in Legacy. Fucking dumbass.
The fact a token can activate the ability the turn it comes into play is a huge part of earthcraft's power. There's some silly lines with Marath/Ghave that don't work with Cryptolith Rite or the like but do work with Earthcraft.
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Then there's me with Xenagod
These all have the same problem as CR due to adding tap effects.
The issue is summoned sick tokens.
Also, these all cost more than 1G.
No combos, but in the right ways, it could be fast mana.
Wizards isn't ranking every card and this is 'obscure' enough that they could possibly ignore it.
We'll have to see.
They should just remove flavor text, arts and card names, then put full rule texts
This is what I hate too, the blocking player has lost all the power. I prefer Magic over Hearthstone because I get to decide how shit get blocked and in what order. If you've got a 6/6 with menace and I have a 0/8 defender and another creature, I can't save the 2nd blocker anymore, you can just ignore my 0/8 and put all damage on the other creature, and that's fucked up.
We do not have tiers explained yet. You saying it is tier 3 is a literal lie.
Didn't answer my question
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>tfw bought sealed commander decks of him for 15 dollars at a walmart trying to dump product.
>tfw cashed out three months ago at something like 600 bucks/each.
Feels good anons, I don't even collect cardboard for money I just wanted some spare teferi's protections and never used them.
That was already true. That's not what changed. What changed is that if I swing with a 4/4 into your two 2/2s and you have a giant growth in hand, you don't have the ability to pump whichever one I declare as the first blocker and kill my creature for free. You have to pump before I assign the blocking order, and so one of your creatures will always die.

It's a nerf to the defending player, but magic's priority system is always going to have edge cases of interaction where you have to bait out a move from your opponent to be able to act with full information. This just removes one of those traps.
>buying magic cards
>buying magic cards >20$
>for edh of all things
You are the problem.
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>when you blocked an attacker with multiple creatures, your opponent would then order them up and deal lethal damage to one before moving on to the next.
Aw fuck guess what I've been doing it wrong for the last like 8 fucking years or whatever. Our playgroup has been letting the defending player decide blocking order. Fuckin... whoops
Ah yes. All blockers have banding. Good job.
>T Pro
>Clever Concealment
>Flare of Fortitude
>Flawless Maneuver
>Galadriel's Dismissal
What am I missing?
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>Spider-Man being tier 1 because "fuck you"
Yep it's accurate.
That guy playing mixmaxed Cloud Strife, ex-SOLDIER First Class?
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This is going to do numbers in my breena deck.
Tier 1 is the baby tier.
Yes and I'm saying WotC would put him in tier 1 anyway to push him harder just like they print TOR and don't ban it.
I'm still mad the Secret Lair Dog and Cat EDH deck is so expensive
Should have released it in stores too
Why do dogs bother you?
Not dogs, reddit.
Reddit doesn't like dogs, they all have toxoplasmosis
>Child of Alara(Miku) in Tier 1
Someone is getting their shit kicked in behind the store after games.
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>He plays Dogmeat altered as his own dog
that's literally where the "heckin good boyarino" shitpost comes from
Extremely based
It's ok to be embarrassed.
Would you prefer em bear assed?
The dogs are fine
The flavor text sucks a mile long cock
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Bare asses are my specialty
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Ardoz is not cute
I cast Eat to Extinction targeting Dogmeat.
>doesn't have menace
Into the dumpster
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Spider-Man would have reach because he's a fucking spider, giving him flying is retarded
He'll have flying as long as he's attacking, because of web swinging.
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In past two years, it'd be about ~320
What are you trying to say?

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