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/tg/ - Traditional Games

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The /btg/ is dead! Long live the /btg/!

David and Goliath edition.

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you fucked up the subject line
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Marik! Marik! MARIK!
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Honour the Eagle!
brb, killing myself in shame
stick em up bucko or taste 4 LPLs
That anon forgot the Clint. Fragile and undergunned and filled with proprietary garbage that makes it expensive to keep running unless you do overhauls to rip that shit out. It's actually pretty decent if you treat it as a bug mech, though. Kinda like the Assassin that way.

Raven has a reputation as a failure in-setting, at least early on. The Cyclops is considered old and busted since almost all of the advanced command computers are long, long gone. Centurion had a mixed-to-poor reputation and almost went out of production at one time, thanks in part to a shonky autocannon. The Jackrabbit had a reputation in the toilet thanks to being a piece of shit AND being used by Amaris's forces. Rakshasa is widely regarded as a disappointment. Teddy K was disappointed to be issued a DRG-1N Dragon, indicating some ambivalence to the design despite it being totem mech. The Nova, Hunchback IIC, and Kit Fox are all ill-regarded during the invasion era by Clanners. The Daboku was considered a hideous, humiliating failure (and it is). The Wolf Trap is also considered an overbuilt and weak embarrassment (which it kinda is, don't use it against Clan mechs). The classic quads - Scorpion and Goliath - both have poor reputations; quads are looked down on by mechwarriors in general and the Scorpion in particular is infamous for its rough ride.
You tagged it properly, which is more important.
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It's about time to purify BT art of single-shot shoulder-fired missile launchers, I say.

They have no role in anti-armor duty.
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New mechs in early 3000s:
>Davion & Steiner
Super Wasp (failure, not produced)
Super Griffin (failure, not produced)

>Outworlds Alliance (& Steiner)


Daboku (Failure, reworked)
Grand Dragon (Arguably nothing but a Dragon variant)


>Sue's Dragoons
Marauder II

Am I missing anyone?
>posts a launcher that has zero anti-armor capability
Infantry SRMs make sense because, unlike in table top, they can be aimed.
Oh shit, I forgot:

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Should we create our own /btg/ channel and make BT content?
Sort of like Black Pants Legion?

NEA has experience educating and filming instructional videos, right?

NEA could be our Tex.

We could do 'Mech videos, lore videos, even BatRep videos.
interesting that the Capellans were driving innovation the most
>Davion & Steiner get 1 good mech, 1 OK mech, and 1 terrible mech
>Marik gets 1 OK mech
>Kurita gets 2 good mechs and 1 worthless mech
>Liao gets 1 good mech and one bad mech
>Fagoons get 1 superb mech
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Such is always the way of the superior people.
The Davions/Steiners get the Merlin, Wolfhound, and Hatchetman, though. Sure the Hatchetman is a piece of shit, but so is the Raven. Meanwhile the Wolfhound and Cataphract are both good and the Merlin's alright.
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Nah, get fucked.
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To be fair the Marauder II is a certified Davion CHADmech with Julian Davion running around in one with Clan ER PPCs.
Mad II in that era was Dragoons-exclusive. Now everyone has it.
In the Capellans case it was desperation, they had something like 5 mech production lines left? They where basically down to pumping out Vindicators, Thunderbolts, and Urbies, as well as a few bugs, the Cataphract was the result of them taking 4 semi-functional mech lines and cludging them together to make a frankenmech that turned out to be so good it became a regular production machine. The Raven came a little later, after they had got some industry up and running again, and needed a testbed for this new E-War gear they had made.

Gods man, if you had suggested this 5 years back then maybe, but today? nah, too many weenies here trying to be le ebic edgy 4chinner.

Anyway, 2 batreps to come because I finally have time to do them.
I don't know that it would have worked 5 years ago, but it would probably have had better odds yeah.
Were things really that much better?
You're free to try this but I doubt NEA would be onboard and I definitely won't be. Putting videos on the internet was a mistake and I won't contribute to there being more videos.
That is a bold assertion. I'm not sure if I agree, I do think overall the dissemination of knowledge is a net positive, but at the same time I do kinda feel like the world would be better if some content wasn't readily available on the internet. Care to elaborate on your position? I'm interested.
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Headshot ran a Halloween game. 5 of us, Headshot, myself, Wheels, Stonk, and Atlas(new guy, nickname tbd)
Its been 2 weeks so I dont remember the mech variants, but I had a Shadowhawk 8L and a Royal Sentinel, Headshot had a Rifleman, Griffin (proxied by a Wolverine), and a Wraith, Wheels had Clan mechs, Stonk a Hatchetman, Centurion, and Blackjack Omni, Atlas a Vindicator, Griffin, and Hunchback (borrowed from me).

The objective was to gain VP by exploring the map and flipping the objective markers over, which gave differing levels of VP, but also risked raising the noise level. Which was bad.
Anyway, the first turn sees us all move on, I split my mechs to let the Sentinel cover my Shadowhawk, whilst the others move in and grab some VP's, and both Pherome cans get popped, which let the scary marker be moved by them.
2nd turn and I know I need to grab VP's so I split my forces. My Shadowhawk grabs an objective aaanannnddddd its a Noise Maker. No VP and my noise level is now really high. Stonk and Atlas are sweeping up VP with Wheels just behind them.
Not really, it's not battletech related and doesn't belong here.

Anyway, new map campaign round Monday. Will post updates.
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As the big bad runs towards me, I decide to turn and move my mechs toward Headshot whom has placed his Rifleman to cover his flank, knowing my faster mechs can pass it and "brush" the contact off on to it. Sadly, I am not fast enough and the monster catches up and reveals itself! Thankfully my mech gets away with only most of its RL armour gone.
Meanwhile, the others gather more VP's.

Noise. Firing weapons increases the noise level.

Aye, it is sad.

Mate, it was a different place. The toxic culture from /40kg/ had not spread here yet, the board itself was friendlier, a lot of the generals had a nicer atmosphere, and there where multiple Secret Santas every year. I've been here long enough to see the boards golden years and its decline into the culture war battleground/reddit colony it is now. Its sad.
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The big bad vanishes after ravaging my mech and the counters, which are now all up, are reset. Headhshots Rifleman limps away, having taken a Gauss hit to the leg, and my mechs scatter to prevent a heavy fight, running to the centre. as Wheels and Atlas continue to skirmish, moving to the centre too. Stonk, meanwhile, enters the compound, and finds a large agricultural complex filled with dead bodies, and thousands of tiny pumpkins with glowing eyes feasting on the dead and those pumpkins that are injured or weak.
Bit of a cop out, but ok fair. Any good games recently? New mechs?
Christ, every time I see your name you are confidently stating something completely wrong. 4chan has never been a good website, and 5 years ago was 2019. /tg/ was somewhat insulated from gamergate and trump but not by that much.
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Added a Firestarter and Strider to Naginata's Omni Company. Last game i played was the one last weekend where my FWL medium lance took on the Steiner assault lance. Most notable for me using infantry as juicy bait ti draw his Warhammer out of position
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Plus I started on my Dawn Guards a few days ago. No progress since this picture, been working.
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Another pherome canister is found and the big bad counter begins to move towards me. I finally score some VP (having uncovered a series of "nothings") only to hit a Noise maker. Again.
As the monster is revealed the others know they have a urn and go weapons free, though not many hits are scored. The Blackjack Omni under Stonks control takes a PPC hit from Atlas, and my Mercury takes a couple of hits, but nothing else really happens. Gunnery rolls are very bad this turn.

>4chan has never been a good website
It was a good website, your just too young to remember those days. Remember when /tg/ was the "get shit done" board, and wrote multiple game systems? Dive into the Sky, Adeptus Evangelion, Lancer (was originally written here, got subverted later), CATastrophe, Blam, ..... The list is long and varied in quality. We had Secret Santas, threads had culture, the board was healthier. The same goes for many other boards, I remember when /out/ was a slow, interesting, board before lockdown saw a spike in interest from outsiders. Now look at it.
Just added a gladiator myself. Love the print. Need to keep working on my painting.
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Stonk's Centurion made the mistake of running and turning on a paved road. His prone mech is promptly swarmed by hungry pumpkins, but survives.
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Moving on, my Sentinel limps away as Headshots Rifleman moves away and Stonk tries to get up to support his Centurion which is in immediate danger. Everyone goes weapons free, although Atlas and Wheels do not do much, being too concerned with moving to the fight and gathering objectives respectively. Stonk's Centurion takes a battering and goes down, the pilot down to one wound remaining thanks to an ammo blowout, and my Sentinel is killed by the combined fire of Stonk's Axeman and Blackjack, and a Gauss crit the pilot passing out from the blast. My return fire does damage, but nothing critical.
>be enjoying a lovely autumn day on my brand new porch
>a foul smelling, red-haired manlet with shambles toward my house where I smoke my cigars smuggled from my communist guerilla friends in Cuba
>oh no, it's Davion man
>cautiously greet him with a smile on my face
>tell him that I can't give away spoilers
>explain that the Capellan Confederation is the strongest great house because firstly, the Federated Suns bled to repel the Clans and the Blakists while the Sun Tzu Liao rebuilt his nation's economy with decades of relative peace
>and secondly, the Capellan model of service guaranteeing citizenship and loyalty to a central ruler is superior to the constant civil wars of the Mariks and Davions
>I explain that firstly, the morally right faction has not always prevailed in real life
>and secondly, there are unambiguously evil Davions (Caleb) and heroic Liaos (Kai)
>at this point Davion man begins to screech incoherently
>he grabs a lighter and a can of gasoline out of his broken down 50s jeep and threatens to burn down the new porch that I embezzled good money to build
>with no other choice, I open my computer and write that Davion miraculously reclaimed New Avalon, New Syrtis and Robinson and the Capellans are about to lose to Clan Wolf (whose ilKhan is part Davion)
>the end
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The game comes to a close. Atlas's Vindicator, with TSM active, gets in close with its sword and takes a swing at Atlas's evading Blackjack, whislt his Hunchback misses its AC20 shot.
The Axeman and my Shadowhawk agree to a truce, and tagteam Headshot. I take out the Riflemans leg, and Stonk does the same to the Griffin, the Wraith having been downed by a freak shot last turn. But time is up and it is time for the chips to be counted.
Stonk had won decisively, followed by Atlas, then Wheels, then Headshot, whilst I lost hard on VP's (goddamn 'no points' and Noise makers). The game was fun and seeing as Headshot put it together in half an hour after work it was a decent scenario for a laugh.
I am sorry that this is not more detailed, its been 2 weeks and I can't remember much about the game.
Davion man is right
>he remembered how to post games instead of shit takes
Davionman didn't know about the fall of new avalon, that came after the incident.
>NEA has experience educating and filming instructional videos, right?
>NEA could be our Tex.
After the shitposting disasters which were the BTGTRO (both times) and Space Poland, plus the repeated shitposting and mass reporting batreps and the people trying to dox NEA and rooting for his kid with cancer to die, I don't think NEA is going to go much out of his way to help anyone anymore. And I don't think he would be welcome to make videos, either. People here would shitpost them to death or try to force their personal memes, and I don't think NEA would be willing to compromise his views on Battletech to appease the woke types elsewhere, not to mention the Bryan Youngs of the the world. Yeah, he's articulate and a practiced speaker, and he knows the game possibly better than anyone alive, but he's also still a channer and is willing to call a cunt a cunt, and that's not acceptable to the wokies.
>also, he's a tenor, and nobody wants to listen to a tenor speak. Men in public speaking roles need to be baritones or basses to be taken seriously.
>Men in public speaking roles need to be baritones or basses to be taken seriously.
Let's not forget the most important part - he isn't rich.
I’ve heard a few people on the internet now describing the Clans as a bunch of smooth-brained idiots (with clan smoke jaguars as having the smoothest brains of them all).

Now I don’t know much about the clans, beyond what a certain fedcom cartoon has portrayed. Namely a hyper-fixated warrior society fashioned off ancient Sparta (warts and all) with disturbingly advanced technology.

So, if you please, elaborate, what makes the clans seem so cripplingly moronic to the rest of the informed fandom?
They make dumb decisions occasionally and people meme on this
Anyone following any rules of warfare is a moron. There is no such thing as honor. There is only someone who wins and someone who loses, and anything you do that makes you more likely to be on the losing side is moronic by definition.

They could easily have won, but they insisted on fighting single combats, bidding to win battles with the smallest numbers possible, and declaring their forces and objectives before attacking because it's the "honorable" thing to do. This kind of thing worked to prevent infrastructure damage warring with other Clans who held to the same code of honor, but got the Clans ambushed and humiliated over and over again by proper armies until they were forced to rethink their strategy.
>elaborate, what makes the clans seem so cripplingly moronic
They do not share my traditional Christian values regarding behavior, relationships, and sexual conduct.
Honor-based warrior societies are moronic by definition, anon. It's true in Star Trek. It's true in Stargate. It's true in Battletech.
Anything which makes the Capellan Confederation less likely to win the setting is stupid. I don't want there to be any competition to my faction winning everything
>have centuries of peace and technological advancement
>spend them regressing into a grug society dreamt up by a nepo baby with literal brain damage
>throw a war against troglodytes with museum pieces despite having the initiative
>then galvanize them into reforming the star league cucking you out of your prophesied destiny and having them invade YOU and win, murdering the clan who led the invasion
slight retard
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I can fix her
But should you?
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But whatever is wrong with her is way hotter, right?
The Merlin is an Outworlders mech, the Wolfhound is niche 3rd War implement and the Hatchetman is a step backwards.
Yes, it is the morale imperative of every Inner Sphere soldier to dick down as many clan women as possible. It is a morale imperative and necessary step in the defeat of the clan way of life. It is a dangerous mission and many won't survive but that is the way of life for any soldier who defends his state.
I wonder if Bolin was with the solahma clusters that perished defending Huntress
Whats the mech thats done up like an ashigaru?
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Are the Jengiz and Sabutai a decent ASF point to support a star?
Any Omnifighter can be. Jengiz A and Sabutai C are quite capable of ground support.
What about a Kirghiz?
That one's a harder sell, since it was actively being replaced with Jengiz. You might get some mileage out of Kirghiz C if you use it as an Elemental bus and then just zip around potshotting shit with the UAC/20 and ERPPCs after you dump off the kids to play, but it's results may vary.
Yeah all it's variants seem fucking stupid.

I'm using them for Ghost Bears, so I'll probably find some way to shoehorn it in, but all the variants seem to want way more ammo than they take into battle.
>use it as an Elemental bus
Did they ever fix the rules for that officially?
>seem to want way more ammo than they take into battle.

That's typical clan dueling thinking.
Kirghiz is the worst about it. It either has too little ammo space for long fights, or too few heat sinks to be an energy boat. Just a poorly-thought out design, probably a stopgap product that overstayed its lifespan.
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I'm so fucking tired of groundtruthing my catalog, boys. Only 2 discrepancies so far but I'm ready to just break out the whiskey. Scratch that, already have.

I had a technical grog question though. I have an ultrasonic cleaner for my resin prints. I need to strip a bunch of old metal. How best to make use of that tool? Flammable stuff isn't good in the vat. Should I soak the minis in acetone, then drop them in an alcohol bag and run the cleaner? I don't want to run acetone in there directly and it would melt the ziploc bags for a smaller thing.

Simple green ain't enough to strip some of this enamel.
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Which Thunderbolt variants do you guys consider the best?
This guy makes 40k Orks seem like tactical geniuses by comparison.
-5SE. Jump Thud.
It's less smooth brained and more hidebound and specialised.

In straight combat, they absolutely demolished the IS. We're talking taking on almost 7:1 odds and killing or destroying almost 90% of the opposition, repeatedly, even for the Smoke Jaguars who were the least adaptable Clan possible.

Defeats only occurred with massive fiat, trickery, or both- the Dracs lied about who some of their most elite units were to lure the Jags into an ambush and the Dracs produced eight extra regiments out of their ass and still barely won at Luthien, and Kai burying the Falcon Guard stopped them burying the whole AFFC task force in a shallow, unmarked grave.

When the IS took out the Jags, they did so with near-perfect intel and at least a 3:1 numerical advantage, probably closer to 4 or even 5 to one considering how understrength the Jags were by that point.

The IS didn't beat the Clan logistically or, really, strategically. The Clans beat themselves politically by focusing on intra-clan vendettas after Tukayyid. With the exception of Bulldog and the Great Refusal, the Clans still casually dumpstered the IS in battle. And even the Jags were able to run a years-long logistical chain and make good losses immediately for years for dozens of Clusters on over 80 worlds before attrition finally told; the IS sent nine and a bit Regiments to one planet for their invasion and that failed.

You can say that their way of doing things is dumb, and there are things that probably count. But if it's dumb and it works, how dumb is it really?

SG specifically shows that fighting with honour carries a moral weight with it that gives you an advantage. When the team went to the Nazi planet and discovered that the advanced society they met was in the middle of a race war that they were winning, O'Neill told them to get fucked because he hoped they'd die and they left. If they'd had assets like Daedalus at the time they would have intervened.
5S gets respect for being the OG swiss army knife. The 5SSS is a fun toy.. 7M is a solid refit kit.

Everything else good is either some SLDF Royal Unicorn, merc special toy, or some Project Phoenix heresy.
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He was a proper Jag.
Nope. He fucked up his back and legs so badly that he could no longer serve as a Warrior at all. Maybe Paramilitary (police) caste or sent to be a tech or something.
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I like to think he wound up some shitty Klusterfucker bureaucrat.

The biggest retard move of the clans really was not listening to Clan Star Adder and deploying all of the Clan at once. This not only meant that the IS invasion was gimped, but also caused the WoR later.
Haha, no. Why would they fix the rules for something that the fluff says that fighter was capable of doing when they can instead have the Magistracy field the first BA fighter taxi?

-5Sb is a killer design.
3025? -5S and -5SS.
3050+? -7M, -7E, -9NAIS, -9W, and -60-RLA
>Did they ever fix the rules for that officially?
No, and they've said that there's no plans to any time in the future. Aerospace isn't a priority for the devs. So you can't legally use a Kirghiz C to airdrop Elementals.

There's a lot of Thud Variants, which makes the question more if you like the Steiner Menu of thuds or the Marik menu.

Or if you're cheesy, the Falcon Thuds.

Actually, I am curious, which Thud upgrades do people like more, the S variants or the M?
It was going back to the Homeworlds for the Grand Kurultai. At the rate they were advancing, they would have been on Tharkad and Luthien by early 3051 and on Terra by the end of 3051. The IS never would have recovered.

They had the tech but not the precedent to do it in real time virtually.
That sign on the trash bin is great
God, I need to scan the "20km to Imperial City" road sign page with an elemental from my Mechforce magazines.
>Magistracy field the first BA fighter taxi

As the person who wrote that fighter taxi, the *JOKE* was supposed to be that the MoC also didn't have any jump-capable battle armor. At that time, the only BA suit the MoC had any significant access to was the Trinity series, and the Theseus doesn't jump. Therefore the ASF design was a failure, which is why it only appeared as a record sheet in an upgrade book.

They've been retroactively given full access to IS Standard BA since then, which makes the joke a lot less funny.
This was the main problem. Even with the downtime between the waves, it wasn't long enough to allow the IS recoup the tremendous damage that was being done to them when the fighting was on.

That, and it allowed Comstar time to consolidate and prepare for Tukayyid. I think. I can't remember if the knew about Terra at that point, or if Ulric told them later.
Did they ever make a mechanical distinction between the production IS Standard and the NAIS "Gorilla" suits?

IIRC, the OG Gorilla suits (not the exoskeleton) could only carry half the armor of an IS Standard, don't include an IFAK for the user, and they were much more limited on firepower. Maybe only a single modular weapon mount? It's been *forever* since I've even thought about those things.

But yes, there was a mechanical distinction between them. You'd need to get a hold of a copy of ClanTroops to be 100% sure, though. That's the only place they've ever been statted out.
Is there any good introtech -#L variant?
>Other than the BL-7-KNT-L which I'm not sure why it has -L at the end

Honestly Tukkayid was the biggest, finallest fuckup.

I'm actually curious why the Clans as a whole bungled it so bad - doesn't Tukkayid take place after shit like Twycross, Luthien and Wolcott? The clans should absolutely have been prepared for some fuckery. "The Wolves deliberately let everyone else lose as a joke" only goes so far.
The "Hothammer" Warhammer is good
The Jumping Crud and the Hothammer are legendary and I will hear no slander otherwise.
>Rooftop Alacorns
L is for Laser.

Unrelated but I noticed today that the Nightstar can actually be dropped down to SW tech and it's still excellent. Armor is untouched. 17 SHS. 2 AC/10s. 1 PPC. 2 medium lasers. 1 small laser. Still a beast. Arguably better since it doesn't have an XL engine to get critted into oblivion.
You can get basically the same experience with that 2 PPC, 1 AC10 banshee
In that case, they still mostly trusted Comstar. They had been used as garrison forces during the invasion up to that point, and they were still the only vestige of the Star League that still existed in the Inner Sphere. That's why the Clans allied with them in the first place. Comstar was tentatively enthusiastic about REVIVAL, at first at least. Here finally was the answer to their constant prayers: a bit of the Star League reborn, with even more advanced weaponry and capable mechwarriors than the SLDF left with. They kinda just ignored the whole Clans thing and hoped they weren't too weird being 1000 lightyears away for almost 300 years. The Clans had no reason to believe that Comstar, of all the spheroids, would be bargaining in bad faith. And even then, with Comstar literally destroying themselves to stop the Clans, they still suffer tremendous casualties. The Clans gave as good, or better, than they got from the Comguards. But attrition is a bitch and no matter how big and bad you are, a fresh suicidal ambush every 36 feet is going to take it's toll eventually.
First, Focht is the greatest commander since Aleksandr Kerensky himself. Even Ulric and Hanse are the next rung down. He commanded the whole thing from a LosTech holo-tank that let him micro-manage everything if he needed to take direct control.

Second, ComStar legit mega-engineered the entire *planet.* We're talking levelling mountains and relocating cities. Stuff the Clans were seeing didn't match up to the maps they had from the SL or FRR.

Third, you've got the Clans putting Ulric in charge not because they wanted to listen to him, but because they thought with him out of the way the Wolves would be slowed since he was no longer their leader. Everything Ulric said to do, they ignored because they wanted to prove that Crusader aggression was better than Warden caution. Arguably Ulric was aware of this tendency and deliberately goaded them on things like not bidding (much is made of the Jags bidding a Galaxy away, but they'd taken so many casualties it would only exist on paper any way, so they consolidated their remaining forces into two actual Galaxies) and bringing enough supplies (the Jags decided they would win in a single push and only prepared for a single battle, so they were SOL after they spent all their munitions).

If there wasn't a Year of Peace, Focht would have had to try and defend Terra against an Invading Clan force with two or three regiments and a pair of Dantes against a full Clan fleet and several Galaxies. GG no RE there.
The Clans would have got to Terra, but then what? It is a significant planet but not an auto-win button to the entire Inner Sphere
>The Clans would have got to Terra, but then what?
Destroyed each other fighting to be the ilClan, apparently.
I don't think they even cared about that, they just wanted to win their internal social footrace to establish the Boss Clan.
Sure. Better weapons spread, worse armor. You see a fair bit of overlap like that in the SW era.
The other big issue was inter Clan Politicking. If each Clan had brought everything they had to bear against ComStar, they would have won Tukayyid, but because they were all fighting each other more so than the Sphereoids, whom they viewed basically as speed bumps. Even before Tukayyid, the reserve Clans were already fighting the main Clans for conquered planets.

They were also deliberately disobeying their theoretical CnC Ulric, which would have further destroyed army cohesion if he hadn't gone the extra mile and used their political distrust of him to reverse psychology them into deeper levels of recklessness. So everyone with the exception of the Wolves, Ghost Bears (kinda) and maybe the Steel Vipers underbid and under prepared at Tukayyid, and the Vipers threw anyways because they are Kerensky's most disappointing Clan.
According to sarna at least, it's got half the armor, "lacks the Clan LSSU", and only has one weapon, but it is a modular mount.
I'm not sure what they mean by lacks Clan LSSU, since the regular one already doesn't have Clan LSSU in the first place. Maybe it just means it doesn't have life support, or not as good life support as later models.
People always mock the infantry SRM launchers. Cause what's an SRM launcher going to do against a mech. Yet they always seem to forget that the infantry guy in that pic likely has about 70 buddies also armed with SRM launchers and they're all going to fire them off at the same time and at the same target. 1 SRM is diddly. 70 SRMs though is a whole lot of diddly.
I think that would be a great idea, and you could even fuck off and leave us alone so you stop posting off topic bullshit nobody but namefags are interested in. That's a great idea. I'm all for it. I think you should start right now.
Samefag. Pathetic.
>We can be awful together
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Ghost bears are also one of only (IIRC) two clans that were even able to take their first objective, and held there, ensuring they took the least casualties if any clan.

We just can't stop winning bros
Social media exists for the exact kind of faggotry you are strying to use an anonymous 4chan thread for. I suggest you use it.
Please go suck NEA off and leave us alone.
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Ive been gone since the kickstarter started. Have they added anything new to the game? Any good new books?

[Spoiler] im back from 40k
Leaning hard into mediocrity =/= winning
Eh, it's just some new mechs and they made a couple more books in 3152. Nothing Earth-shattering.
>First, Focht is the greatest commander since Aleksandr Kerensky himself.
He lost. The clans are piccolodicking the IS atm and theres nothing the IS can do about it
Being retarded is not, in fact, a virtue.
>after being dead for +100 years
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Womp womp.
How did battletech survive the jihad?
Which ones? I only see new books in their store and their News page is out of date by months
>most competent tabletop company
By leapfrogging it entirely until they felt like backfilling it.
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Because the Jihad was actually what saved it. The most popular period before now was the 2008'ish Jihad stuff right before Porrchgate.

Dark Age and Forever 67 were what nearly killed it. It was the Jihad that got stuff rolling again.
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>im back from 40k
Do you think he'll embezzle us again? Is he our amaris?
I bet it's already happened. We just don't have the receipts yet. There's just enough money rolling in that it's not crippling the game.
Ghost Bears and Wolves were the only two Clans to take and hold objectives. Steel Viper took the fewest casualties due to being well somewhat well prepared with lots of pulse lasers and a cautious deployment and due to the speed at which Breen realized that there was no way they could fight their way to their objectives after Devils Bath, which they only committed too due to the slanders the Blakists leveled their way.

Ironic how even when they make every correct decision, the Steel Vipers still fail.
Since April 2023?

Bunch of novels, the force manuals, couple Recogs, Dominions Divided. That's probably about it. I'd pull up Amazon and sort by release date.
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>liao run by a woman
>steiner ran by a woman
>davion ran by a manlet (basically a woman)
>marik ran by a woman
>kurita ran by a woman
>house arano, you guessed it, ran by a woman
>snow raven, ran by a woman

Are we in the worst timeline?
Nta but damn i was hoping for some mech packs or soloplay updates
The problem isn't being run by women. The problem is being run by CHILDLESS women. It's like they totally forgot that you need heirs since the DA.
Exactly, who are they gonna pass it onto? Cats?
I wonder what it's like to be a Vipes fan.
>Ironic how even when they make every correct decision, the Steel Vipers still fail.
Shit writing is shit. I am certain it was just people getting giddy at shitting on BLP for giving Steel Vipers an actual identity beyond being just hangers-on for Jade Failcons.
>mech packs
The Merc KS had a shit ton of mech packs and vehicle packs.
I run the 5SS more than any other heavy when playing introtech and clan invasion
I kanot back anymore
A test of patience, mostly.
It absolutely has. As part of the original embezzlement scam, the company's auditor resigned because she was asked to illegally move funds and hide royalty payments. Nothing ever came from that.
It's like a combination of 3 clanner fans. Falcon heel, Jaguar retard, and Blood Spirit irrelevance.

Makes me kind of like them, honestly. The paint schemes are fucking aces.
The force packs are mostly pending the kickstarter release. They have put out the Star League Command Lance, and the 2nd Star League Assault Lance is coming out soon, though it was available at gencon.
Then you must wait for retail my son. Good news, the warehouses have been releasing shit ahead of schedule.
I'm going to my LGS tomorrow so I'll check. Hopefully they'll have something good
>ahead of schedule
Honestly, I think >>94256047 is right.

The whole idea of the ilClan was basically cooked up by Crusaders who were convinced that it would be them. There's nothing in the writings of Kerensky or Clan law about it.

They're meant to be allowed to perpetually name the ilKhan which technically means they can declare eternal martial law, but this gives them very little actual control, as we saw with how the Crusaders treated Ulric and everyone treated Lincoln Osis.

Clan Wolf would probably become the ilClan. Maybe the Falcons. Whoever it was, the other six Invaders would immediately start slapping them with bullshit challenges designed to attrit their strength and politically weaken them for an ultimate Absorption. Then they would declare themselves shit kings of fuck mountain and the remaining five invaders would start challenging them.

The Bears held one of their two assigned cities and lost the second. Objectively that's a draw.

The Bear victory and Falcon draw (despite them not holding either of their assigned cities) were political declarations. If either of those Clans lost, they'd spend their time trying to overthrow the results of the Trial. By making the two remaining strongest Crusaders not losers in the trial, they were honour-bound to uphold the results because a Refusal would have made them look bad.
They started delivering in June.
Because Loren's buddy and fellow Secret Undies wearer Randall was in charge of the company at the time and gave Loren a free pass.
All of those are significant improvements.
Yeah, the retail fuckers are getting it ahead of 2nd and 3rd wave.

After watching my 1st wave pledge bounce between distribution posts for a month and now only getting the final book portion of my pledge confirmed as shipped months later, I feel for you my brothers.
Doesn't make it not a win
Pardoe didn't write a fucking thing for the Vipers. the closest is him claiming, absent any proof, that Star Lord was such a shit show he had to re-write it himself but wasn't given credit for it.

And even then that means he maybe came up with Dawn. Wow. Such Viper. Much Pardoe.

Not only that, the Vipers had their downfall in fucking 2011, over a decade before Pardoe decided to start publicly REEEEing over MAGA shit and writing his self-insert Real Men saving Real America with Real Conservative masturbatory fiction series and torpedoed his BT writing career.
>FUCKING retail is getting it before my wave
Its over
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It's still kind of crazy how BLP imploded. He was the last of the spine authors in the stable, so they gave him the Mike Stackpole role for ilClan and shit, then they just discarded him in a year like fucking litter.
Pardoe wrote Bloodright. He basically birthed Steel Vipers as being something fundamentally different than the other Clans we'd been introduced to by Tukayyid.
Retail backers who did the Company Store backing, yes. Not regular distribution.

This is why attaching your name to internet posts is very dumb.
Why the FUCK did pardoe blow up his BT career? He was one of the few writers with decent pacing
>Then they would declare themselves shit kings of fuck mountain and the remaining five invaders would start challenging them.
Meanwhile, what actually happened is that the Ravens, Foxes, Cats, and half the Bears fell over themselves to proclaim allegiance to the IlClan.
Oh okay thank god
He's a terminally online boomer with brain worms. They tend to do that. He just had the misfortune to work in an industry where people care about what you might write about. At least we didn't see him slide into Heinlein-esque pontificating, but it was only a matter of time before we got "strong men make strong times" bullshit.
>be BLP
>come up in the franchise forming pillars of said franchise's identity over years
>company suits hire newfag talentless hacks to build from your work
>they trash it with their own shit writing
>you complain, they cancel you as a bigot
>company suits take their side
The best way i can describe his series is pacific rim for boomers
>strong men make good times
>good times make camerons
>fat mongolians make bad times
>a lot of bad times
>holy shit it just keeps going
>fuck me the internet's out now
>what the hell is a clickytech
>isn't this supposed to loop at some point?
>oh fuck the wolves have earth
Dont tell me you liked hour of the wolf
It was kind of a combination of Boomerism and unluckiness. He would go on stupid rants when he made mistakes, and also chew out retards that attacked him directly.

He made the mistake of doing that against a sociopathic faggot who had some clout and levered their online status to end him. Now he's authoring novels for CAV-tier competitors to Battletech. It's genuinely sad. I feel significantly less sorry for him after he brought the Jags back after he promised Topps he never would.
The historical revisionism around him is incredible as well.

Exodus Road is his one actual decent novel. I'd put it up there with generic science fiction and while it's not transformative, there are some interesting ideas in it beyond just its role in BT.

The rest of it? Fucking sucks.

Ghost Bears with slow 'Mechs beating Wolves in fast 'Mechs at mobile warfare because the the unit commander learned to play the bagpipes. This is an actual, literal fucking plot point- she trusts her plan will work because learning the bagpipes has taught her resilience, and this resilience lets her teleport her command around faster than the Wolves can chase her. It also lets her bunch of random retards outshoot one of the most elite Clusters in existence, because sure. That makes sense.

Some novels about how having Scottish ancestry allows you to overcome Capellan cultural programming and become an actual human being, then being more Scottish than a planet full of Scots so your Scottish mercs can beat anyone with the power of, again, fucking bagpipes since bagpipe music is used to bait a trap.

And some FCCW novels where he lionises the Confederacy, which even at the time was clear before he went full RWNJ and made it explicit.

He only got as far as he did because Stackpole has SW royalty money and is tired of the same faces fucking him over for pay. Gressman was better than anyone bar Stackpole in the same era. I need to see what he's written since.

Any way, Pardoe was visibly melting down over a period of years before he finally lost the plot in public and got shitcanned. He was never a good writer, he's just being martyred by retards.
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Any good Clan Heavies with jumpjets? Already have the Summoner and Night Gyr. Liie to stick with Clan agnostic mechs, if possible.
Charette > Stackpole
>Gressman was better than anyone

Truth be told.

>Hunters of the Deep.hpg
The fccw was about states rights and you know it!
Mageleader and razorfist said pardoe is good
Charrette was an OG RP sculptor in addition to all his writing so FUCK YES!
Also, there isn't a lot from the early days that Pardoe doesn't try to take at least partial credit for. He's traded on his time in the game for years, while consistently providing zero receipts.
FASA wasn't giving receipts. Pardoe was just the guy who stayed while everyone else bailed, despite having his name omitted from the writing credits for several TRO entries.
Who ARE good writers for BT?
Literally everything in there was building on Invading Clans' description of the Steel Vipers.

That book goes hard on showing that the Vipers are extremely different to everyone else.

Pardoe didn't create a fucking thing.

Literally none of this is true. He was always a fringe level contractor for FASA and only became their biggest-name writer after FASA and FanPro/CGL drove everyone else away with decades of fucking them over on pay they'd earned, leaving him as the last man standing.

Now MAGAtards are making him a hero and saying he was their favourite author. Fucking bullshit. Go back to before him imploding and everyone was saying Stackpole or Keith for the most part with a few saying Charette. Even Gressman was spoken of more highly.
Was his name omitted? Or was he full of shit?
>Invading Clans: published 1995
>Bloodright: published 1992
Yeah, you don't know shit. Fuck along now.
The Guillotine IIC is pretty good. But it's a IIC, so doesn't fit everywhere.

The only other good one that comes to mind is the Arcas and it's a Bear machine.
Pardoe was a retarded hack it was apparent that he was sending manuscripts to publishers while skipping editors. Anything he wrote after 2000 sucks absolute shit and he's too mentally cucked at this point to be a decent anything.
Which of the modern writers are good?
None of them. None are best. Best does not exist in Catalyst publishing; there is only compromise, and disappointment.
>book that doesn't say anything about CSV's uniqueness but just features them
>establishes their uniqueness more than the SB that fleshes them and their history out, gives them their unique take on the purpose of the Clans, and establishes their hatred of Freeborns
Yeah, okay. Good proof, buddy.
How about least dissapointing?
I can't say that I've read any of the ilClan era novels.

However, many of their authors are now ascended forum fanfiction writers and I couldn't stand their prose before. I doubt I could stand it now. Pardoe was likely the most competent of them.
timby-s or -tc I guess
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Unironically Brian Young.
>inb4 muh marena
> inb4 muh tranny focht
>inb4 muh woke
Yeah, and he's still better.
>Why the FUCK did pardoe blow up his BT career? He was one of the few writers with decent pacing

Blaine wrote Forever Faithful to explain how the Smoke Jags survived as the Fidelis, but clearly doesn't get any editors or proofreaders- the book is riddled with key timeline errors and it's written terribly, with one of Trent's actual tactics being "I'll just stand REALLY FAR AWAY and taunt the enemy into my guns". At the same time Blaine is a boomer on twitter with brainworms, who rapidly begins starting fights with people who criticize him while ALSO falling for culture war bullshit left right and center. Finally after too many online blowups they axed him, he just became a dumb liability- but what do you expect from someone who clearly was a little TOO interested in the confederacy?

This. Sarna needs to delete all the "Pardoe claims he made up this mech one day" because nothing can be proven and it doesn't add to shit.
please make your bait believable anon. I feel bad even giving you this pity (you)
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Yeah, Young is one of the only good ones' we got. Plenty of the fan writers are actually good in Shrapnel, but there's the key issue of having fans write your books.
This is the face of someone forcibly changing their child's sex for community woke cred.
This is incredibly pathetic.
I'm not even fucking with you. Young understand characterization better than the other BT authors right now. Yeah, he doesn't land it, but he understands it.

Pardoe's greatest sin (professionally) was that he was injecting his own bullshit into the books. When you work in an existing, corporate IP, you have to serve the needs of the IP and write what is essentially an advertising piece. Coleman bent over backwards for Pardoe, but there's no way in hell Topps is going to let their property get dragged into culture war nonsense by some boomer hack.
I love how he addresses that he'll be banned at the end. It's just perfect
>"I'm being SILENCED for my BELIEFS!"
about a middling review on a book that was so bad, it took away Trent's reasons for leaving the clans and had characters whom literally were never described what they look like. My old review has Ivanna basically being a thing with Black hair; he literally doesn't describe her, at all. But the Nova Cats magically make Trent's fucked up face better!
>getting raped by troons
I will now read your book
He's like the Pierre Sprey of BT.

Sprey: "I designed the A-10"
Air Force: "No you didn't. You weren't on any of the design teams. We have a list of who did what."
Sprey Loyalists: "Nuh uh, you just don't like him because he was part of the Fighter Mafia, so you're denying him his legacy."

Pierre Sprey: "I designed the F-15!"
Air Force: "Your involvement is limited to like the one time you came in and called everyone retarded for trying to make a fighter that used RADAR and missiles to be a threat in BVR. You then ranted about how it should be a gun-only fighter with just enough fuel to sortie a single time as an interceptor. How exactly does that count as designing it?"
Sprey Loyalists: "Nuh uh, you just don't like him because he was part of the Fighter Mafia, so you're denying him his legacy."

Sprey: "I designed the F-16!"
Air Force: "Oh, my fucking God. Enough already. All you did was bitch about wanting a guns-only suicide sled with hardly any fuel."
Sprey Loyalists: "Nuh uh, you just don't like him because he was part of the Fighter Mafia, so you're denying him his legacy."

Sprey: <Random Conservative, pro-Russian gobbledegook>
Sprey loyalists: "OMG, so wise."
Pls dont troll me.im gonna give his books a shot
Im posting two more
Not even bam magera was that salty about being excluded from jackass
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>I will now read your book
It's basically the blue aliens from Mass Effect I bet. The ones that all just happen to look like women? I bet this is how we find out all his fetishes, dude probably wants to get pegged.

>He's like the Pierre Sprey of BT.
Ah, I see you're a man of culture and a fan of a particular British swine as well.
Bloodright doesn't say anything about Viper culture or history. It just recaps the Invasion and says "anyway, Your Dudes (TM) are now competing with a bunch of Nova Cats, and fuck those guys."

You could have substituted Jags in for Vipers and it would have mattered as much.
Literally nobody. It all sucks. Just play with the robots and shut up. Fluff and fiction never mattered anyway.

My personal theory is that the US government secretly sponsors Sprey in order to downplay the effectiveness of their own equipment. It's like the reverse of what the Russians do.

Vipers are emblematic of the bad part of Battletech writing that comes from presumably balancing a lot of input - a lot of hooks thrown out for promising stuff that never lands or gets followed up on. In their original introduction a big deal was made about the Viper's plot to cooperate with the IS, and the threat they'd pose to a weakened Wolf and Jade Falcon.

Then U: 3067 happens.

There really aren't any, unfortunately. It's cute how they have some enthusiastic people but BT fiction is really bottom of the barrel, even for military fiction. It's like kids playing with action figures.
The thing is, he could have just said "yeah, I know that it's unlikely an UrbanMech IIC would show up in a front-line unit, but:
A. The Jags were super desperate for combat materiel, and were using whatever they could get their hands on, and more importantly
B. It's an UrbanMech. Everyone loves UrbanMechs. And how do you improve on the glorious trashcan of doom? With Clan tech!

So I gave them an UrbanMech IIC, for the lols."

It would either then have passed un-noticed by the fanbase or they would have said "Wow, Pardoe memes! Just like us! So relatable!"
This. Instead of being normal the man had a full on breakdown in front of everyone.

Yup. BT writing doesn't make money, whereas other franchise writing like Trek can at least produce a small but steady stream.
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Damn, nice Satan quads bro.
>Then U: 3067 happens.
Makes me wonder what happened to Natalie Breen. Suddenly having a Khan disappearing, in the Battletech universe just doesn't seem right, and especially for the era.

>My personal theory is that the US government secretly sponsors Sprey in order to downplay the effectiveness of their own equipment.
Or it's like that theory the communists have, of like, controlled opposition? Where because you always have someone going UM,AKCHUALLY and making some kind of argument, you're making sure all the weaknesses are massaged out?
>My personal theory is that the US government secretly sponsors Sprey in order to downplay the effectiveness of their own equipment. It's like the reverse of what the Russians do.
It's even simpler than that.

He was being paid by Russia. He was a regular guest on Russia Today and was constantly pushing the notion that Western gear after the A-10 (which he hated while it was being designed and built and prior to it's alleged "success" in Desert Storm) was too complex and designed just so that corrupt generals could profiteer from procurement.

According to him, what they needed to do was start building rugged, simple, non-stealth, dog fighters that relied more on their guns than missiles.

You know, like Russia. Which tries to claim they have rugged stuff but don't because it's never built to spec and which has to rely on dog fighting with guns and more maneuverable fighters because it can't build stealth for shit and its missiles suck.

By the end he was basically a Russian psyop on the American public to try to convince them that the professionals didn't know what they were doing. And if you read the commentary around the Raptor or F-35, is absolutely worked.
Yeah, anything BT does... a 5/5 battletech book, if that existed, would be a 4/5 scifi book at best, and so on. I'd say that there have been a few Shrapnel short stories that are genuine 4/5 scifi tales, but they're getting samey with the material to me.

Right? He could have just played it off for the meme of it all and people would have forgotten, but nope! He started shitflinging.
Bro I tell my brother every time you post. I never see another plane nerd in the wild.
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>Makes me wonder what happened to Natalie Breen.
Andrews probably had her killed.

Or perhaps she survived to escape the Homeworlds with Dark Asp and is somewhere in the Deep Periphery along with the remnant forces of Steel Viper, waiting to stage their comeback once Viper Bloodnames have infiltrated other Clans to such an extent that their unwitting hosts no longer remember that those bloodlines were taken through treachery and now, like venom, they sit inside the defenses.
>He was being paid by Russia
>By the end he was basically a Russian psyop on the American public to try to convince them that the professionals didn't know what they were doing. And if you read the commentary around the Raptor or F-35, is absolutely worked.

Totally agree with that Occam's Razor assessment too. There's no way he was getting paid consultancy work after pushing for a program that was treating soldiers as expendable (especially post WW2 and now 60 years of warfare to look back on), and now he was just the bulwark for this massive wave of idiot americans thinking people with degrees are somehow out to get them, because its easier to demonize that instead of confronting your jealousy over someone having an engineering bachelors or some shit.
That's really gay.

F111 enjoyers unite.
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plain nerd*
But what if she was rescued by my OC mercenary Donut Steel and taught how to LoKill capellans?
His Jade Falcon Remnant books are solid.
>British swine
Sprey memes go back way farther than that retarded youtuber.
There is a longer video from Lazerpig where he lays his theory out in full but I think we are probably at a tech level now where the average person kinda just... doesn't understand war any more.

Once upon a time, if your city/country/side didn't like someone, you got a knife, put it on the end of a stick, and fucked their shit up. Over time rules evolved and we got knights. Knights are cool. Tanks are kind of like knights and fighter pilots are kind of like sky knights. So they can understand everything up to roughly Vietnam because it all sort of makes sense.

But then tech really takes off. There are missiles now! You don't even have to see the shitmerkins on the other side, you can just blow them up from afar! How does it work? SCIENCE, bitches! Explaining RADAR is gonna take all day. Just know that it's basically magic. Except now there's stealth, which is extra magical and makes missiles even scarier if they can see you and you can't see them. Also everything is networked together, so what the AWACS can see, the fighter jockey can smash with a missile even if they don't know it's there.

The average person just wants to deal with sky knights again, not DirewolfV's hyper-entropic warfare bullshit. They want stuff to be like they saw in Top Gun, Iron Eagle, and Firefox. Not Stealth. That movie was lame.

Except for Jessica Biel titties and the sound track. Those bits were good.
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This is already sort of a thing, so I'm considering making it part of Naginata's lore that they're basically clannerboos. They mimic some elements of Clan warfare, and particularly relish fighting the Clans in proper trials with Zellbrigen.

The big difference would be to make their Omni Company their most prestigious, the one everyone moves up to once they get the chance. I'd probably keep their "doing the ISF's dirty work" thing, because the contrast between that and admiring the clans is interesting.

Any thoughts?
>The average person just wants to deal with sky knights again
Because this is fun and makes for good stories and can make for good fun tabletop game play.
>Radar, Stealth, networking, AWACS, Drones
This does not. In fact, it is actually and genuinely cancer for both storytelling and on the tabletop. Modern warfare is absolutely SHIT for tabletop.
>DirewolfV's hyper-entropic warfare bullshit
And this ESPECIALLY does not make for anything fun and/or interesting.
People have tried to get rid of the "Pardoe did this" for a while but there's a few Sarna editors that believe a "trust me bro" is trustworthy enough to keep it.
Meanwhile they scrutinized the hell out of anyone trying to add Ashley Watkins as a creator on mech articles - with links to her drafts - especially when it was on mechs Pardoe claimed he did without evidence.
>The problem is being run by CHILDLESS women.
>Exactly, who are they gonna pass it onto? Cats?
We have Iron Wombs!
Based response
>Referencing the movie Stealth
jesus, we're old aren't we
My wife did a lipbite and said she wanted to fuck pardoe
Might be you could crowbar that mentality in if their unit formed post-Luthien. Like maybe they saw the Nova Cats using zellbrigen and found much to admire about it, but thought it needed some more pragmatic refinements for the battlefields of the Inner Sphere to perfect it as a combat form?
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I like that. I kind of want them to see the Clans as a worthy opponent, an honorable change from blowing up whatever dissidents bothered the ISF this month. So they see Zellbrigen as the closest any of their enemies will come to properly abiding by Bushido.

I know they were formed in the 3040s, but they spent the early part of the invasion on the Davion border and didn't get sent against the clans until after Luthien.

In last year's campaign they fought a proper trial against the Jade Falcons, including hammy intro.

>"Attention! This is Sho-Sa Azisu Misakari, commander of Naginata Battalion of the Draconis Combine Mustered Soldiery, and I lay claim to this fortress in the name of the Coordinator. To this trial I bring a lance of Mechs, a lance of Aerospace fighters, and a squad of battle armor. What forces dare answer the Dragon's roar?"
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Wrong picture
I think radar and stealth and ECM because its just technologically analogous to dirty fighting and ambushes. It just lets a 40 ton warm machine be like a bandit jumping out of the woods (sometimes literally) when it wouldn't make sense otherwise.

Somewhat agree on Drones, AWACS and networking, if only that it shouldn't be the focus. They should exist to facilitate the fun parts we all signed up for.
Im trying to start and finish the liao books but holy shit Loren Porchman cannot write
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Like, I could totally see them getting into the one v one mentality, but also not be hesitant to Dragon Rush that "one" and kick his fucking head off, because that's just how work gets done on a battlefield. You said 3040s, maybe prior to the invasion they had identity crisis issues? It wasn't until after seeing battle footage of Luthien and watching how the Clanners fought that their commander snapped her fingers and was all "I like that shit" and started adopting how SHE perceived zellbrigen as combat doctrine for the unit.
Your wife's boyfriend would probably be upset about her cheating on him.
That works pretty well. Before the Invasion, the CO had been tasked with building them up and given wildly inadequate funding and support to do so. Making them an all-women unit and the name Naginata was basically to make it easier to recruit by poaching women from units with glass ceilings in place, and her working with the ISF to get gear started as a move of desperation. Having them finally delight in a "proper enemy" to fight could be fun. Maybe I'll add in a bondsman they take who teaches them about Zell and it resonates with their ideas of Bushido, which before then was an idea they only paid lip service to.

They also only extend even their interpretation of Zell to clanners. They don't bother with it when fighting Davions, mercenaries, or the targets the ISF sends them after like protesters, Davion sympathizers, antiestablishment movements, orphans, or Rasalhague proxies.
>bunch of bullshit to explain why he doesnt know why a mech that shouldn't be in a front line unit is in a front line unit(when he claims to have designed so many fucking mechs)
>still doesn't justify why he doesn't know which mechs are which

Anybody defending him is a brainworm infested paedofilic conservative that doesn't care about battletech any more than they care what color socks they have on.
I'm not wearing socks.
footfags pls go
you stink of culture war brainrot, please leave
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I feel like you could make a whole Bingo sheet out of Battletech fiction. My own contributions would be

>Horrible use of metaphors
>Characters acting with the emotional spasticness of a soap opera
>The main character is portrayed as "smart," and everyone else is a retard.
>Awkward pontificating that benefits from out of universe knowledge to predict things that will happen.
>Random easily avoidable death to up the stakes.
I do think people should realize that just because its pulp, doesn't mean its not enjoyable. I'm reading Heir to the Dragon right now and it is DEFINITELY not quality as it suffers from the soap opera problem. I am enjoyed it a lot though despite it being schlock.
Dont forget allusions to the vietnam war or ww2
Or Afghanistan.
I wish more BT novels were that fun, it reads kind of like a mecha anime
>book ends with reinforcements showing up on planet to rescue main characters unit
>merc unit gets betrayed
>references to american civil war
>a comstar precentor is involved

I'd toss in weird sex moments.

Not that pulp shouldn't have lots of sex, but its a very Battletech thing for characters to like, remove their shirts or get undressed at awkward moments and its never brought up again. Inorganic sex moments, you could say.
Are the dracs comically evil or is that just racist 80s writing? Everyone besides theodore seems like an insane asshole
The sex is the worst. Its like sex written by quakers who developed internet level fetishes
It's both. They're comically evil and inept due to racist tropes from the 80s.
>female character overpowers an elemental
>yugioh levels of asspull and logic breaking when it comes to the MCs battlemech
>Are the dracs comically evil or is that just racist 80s writing? Everyone besides theodore seems like an insane asshole
It's both at the same time. That's the fun part.
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That's not such a big deal. There's plenty of female characters who can take a Star of Elementals.
In a fight, right?
>anon posts about single shot missiles
>retard posts an image with a RPG, which is reloadable
Is there some kind of problem happening at the Battletech Forums? My account has been pending administrator approval for over a week now. It seems like a long time to determine I'm not a bot.
She was better at killing than fucking.
They have an actual human checking those for some reason. Gotta wait for them to get around to it.
WHY is battletech writing so bad then? GW is notorious for assfucking their writers out of pay yet they put out readible novels
Do not start your bullshit fucko
>readible novels

If you've had a lobotomy, then yeah they're great.
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Is battletech for everyone?
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If you don't take shit personally, yes.
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BT writing is about the same as other military sci fi. Problem is, other military sci fi is mostly pic rel, and only one of these is even remotely readable.
No. It's not for people who can't take the setting and game as it is, and insist on changing or simplifying it. If that's why you're here, you don't like Battletech. You like what you want Battletech to be, and don't care what you're taking away from anyone else.
Your constant baiting is too obvious
Honestly, I'm not sure how to feel about this. On the one hand it's obvious Pardoe and whoever is shilling for him (assuming he's not editing himself through sockpuppet accounts) are filthy liars. On the other, I'm not sure I want women getting recognition in this community. It's a very malebrained hobby and realistically, while one or wo might not be a problem, any significant number are going to try to turn it into something else. They always do. And even if they did appreciate it the same way we did there's still the issue that women are predisposed to treat autistic men as objects of disgust. What good is it to do anything at all to benefit people who hate you? It'd be like when Whites started pushing the Blacks out of jazz and rock and roll. It's not just that they're different. It's not just that they had no part in making this culture. It's that not only do they hate the people who did, they're pretty much defined by that hatred.
this is some real obvious bait
Anymore, that's all we get 'round these parts.
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Got a chuckle out of me, I'll admit
>Everyone besides theodore seems like an insane asshole
The original shtick was the tension between practical, pragmatic modernization versus adhering dogmatically to tradition. The whole "it made us who we are!" vs "it's going to get us all killed!" thing. Teddy won over his old man in the end and kept the Combine more or less intact. The Combine was written I think with the weird politics of the Meiji Restoration, the Imperial military of WWII and all its contradictions, and the then current perception of Japan as bleeding edge technical innovators while their historic cultural identity was at the same time being exploited commercially in the West, creating a paradoxical image in popular perception. I think it all adds up to what the Combine was at its inception, which was then Flanderized into samurai and war crimes.
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Bait used to be believable.

>WHY is battletech writing so bad then? GW is notorious for assfucking their writers out of pay yet they put out readible novels
I'd argue it comes down to 40K being just the trope of the "Planet of Hats" whereas battletech has to do much more to softly characterize different regions and peoples. Even a few days ago, we were pointing out how the Lyran and FWL Border doesn't really "feel" like anything interesting or spectacular like the Davion borders because both powers are fundamentally capitalist states, and it's made worse because battletech has nearly died several times.
Luck of the draw I think also plays a role. ADB is a good writer I think they just managed to snag, but he basically writes 3 books and refinishes them repeatedly.
Why did Liao get ninjas if they're space singaporeans
They are also a lot more willing to play with things and the audience is, paradoxically when you consider how reactionary and autistic the 40K fanbase is, more willing to accept the results.

I don't think BT would ever produce a Ciaphas Cain or Infinite and the Divine and even if it did the fanbase at large would sperg out about it.
>Lyran and FWL Border doesn't really "feel" like anything interesting or spectacular
When the Bolan Thumb was a thing that border was popping.

Is that why they put the Wolves on that border?
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"guy who is subtle about stabbing people" is not exclusive to japan

Also Kurita gets space ninja battle armor
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>Even a few days ago, we were pointing out how the Lyran and FWL Border doesn't really "feel" like anything interesting or spectacular
You know, I feel like this summarizes a lot of my problems with Battletech, but I don't know why. All the planets I can remember are like Solaris and Tukayyid but most of those places don't have regular action, since usually the war's being fought on every front at the same time the zoomed-out perspective makes it really hard to care about what's going on where. 40k's approach is to focus on little sectors at a time and try to tell a story there but I don't know if that's actually better, but I know the shit that went down on Badab way better than I know what fuckery happened on Tukayyid and I've never been able to care about any planet in any war past the Clan Invasion and I've never been able to articulate why.
Funny enough, one of the only Battletech fan works I've ever enjoyed reading was literally "Ciaphas Cain becomes a Lyran social general".
Liao warrior houses are weird to me. They seem to fit Kurita more
"Because they're space Asians. Who the fuck can tell the difference between Chinks and Japs? Do I look like I give a shit? Now hand me the cocaine, I have an idea about a planet full of Space South Africans who have continued Apartheid into the thirty-first century."
-Jordan Weisman, probably.
Can anyone point to where exactly the rules on BV for SGLRMs are given? I can't find it in the tech manual
if it makes you feel better, the Kuritans also have ninjas.

I think he means more in an evocative sense.

Like, you can read a bit of fluff and totally understand why the FedSuns, Liao and Kurita hate each other, and have a good idea of what those borders are probably like. The use of the Marches helps.

But why do the FWL and Lyrans hate each other beyond just being neighbours? We're told they hate each other quite a bit, and you could just go back down the list of warcrimes, but the Succ wars went on a long time.

Meanwhile, the FedSuns very philosophy is antiethical to its neighbours and its to theirs. And Kurita and Liaos identies are strong enough you get why they'd clash with the Lyrans and FWL.

Even in the actual fluff it barely seems like the characters care. You get some Mariks grumbling about German and that's about it.
The biggest difference is the 40k fanbase turns over constantly, and BT does not. What is a controversy for 40k becomes ancient fan lore inside a couple years.
That's because you're racist and don't understand Chinese traditional warrior societies. You've probably heard of the Shaolin, right? There's a LOT more of that sort of thing to learn about than you think, if you actually cared about any culture but your own, gweilo.
>But why do the FWL and Lyrans hate each other beyond just being neighbours?
Corporate War. Coca-Cola vs PepsiCo. Chevrolet vs Ford.
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DEST are the true ninja.
But they're supposed to be godless commies; mysticism and spirituality has no place in that society

It is weird that they made all the fluffy FWL states with actual units be mostly either interior or beside the Liao.

The most that border got was Tamarind (which wasn't a real faction until recently) and hte Border Protecorate (which was a couple of planets without any cultural information).

And on the flip side of the border, Lyran provinces tend to really get short-changed for development. I feel like Bolan would have been good to develop before it got wolfed, since that planet was the main bone of contention and nukes.
I actually like them. Might paint up a Company of a Warrior House if I can decide on one.
Pick a warrior house with a Japanese sounding name like almost all of them
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My recent enjoyed story was a 1950s style hardboiled detective solaris 7 tale. I thought it was cute, it was written like a Hardy Boy novel.

I think that distance is a problem too, and I think the lack of real difference or granularity hurts it as well. To me, there's just no reason for the Lyrans and Mariks to really fight at all, unlike the Davions and Liao/DCMS.

>Liao warrior houses are weird to me. They seem to fit Kurita more
same. Liao was way cooler when in 3025 they were "Survival at all costs" and "ends justify the means" taken to believably extreme ends, not the current cult of personality.

>we will never have a fabius bile
>we will never have a vect
>we will never have a guilleman
>we will never have a khorne or nurgle
>we will never have any character of note except OP as fuck mercs and clan wolf win at everything ubermensch

Where are our relatable and kick ass lyran, marik, and non-liao liao characters?
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Nevermind, found it.

So basically you copy the BV cost of each ton of ammo for each TAG you have. So if you have a single ton of LRM20 ammo(23 BV) and you have two TAGs, the total BV of your force increases by 46.

It's even less interesting than that though. At least in brand wars the brands try to maneuver themselves in different ways. Pepsi for a long time tried to be the boat-shaker to Coke's dominance.

Ford was seen as a little crappier than Chevy (Found On Road Dead), but its owners prided themselves on being more handy. Ford tries to brand itself towards people with small penises who need to compromise, Chevy tries to lure in people blinded by form.

I get that hte Steiner and Marik families hate each other but that's a bit abstract to go on.
Thats literally why i drive a ford
Actually leaning most towards Tsang Xiao, though I fear the stripes.
Its easy, paint cream then paint yellow and red on top
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Arw there any clan units named 'the shooting stars' or 'falling stars'?

I want to name my OC striker cluster something like that, but I don't want to double dip if it's already taken
>ADB is a good writer
No, no he is not.
I just envision a lot of taping in the future. The stripes are much cleaner lines than anything I've attempted before.
I'm honestly really envious of people who have a ton of lore for their dudes and have played them in campaigns. I have my dudes but just making up lore without any games or campaigns to organically flesh it out just feels wanky. Like if you have a pilot who got super lucky over a few games that can make a really good story and is pretty cool, but If you just declare your pilot did X it's kinda lame. Going full campaign ops is a bit much, but I'm not sure how else to build up lore and background for my dudes.
Fun thing. The Mercs Campaign system in the new box set produces forces that can just be used in a pickup game and your opponent need never know there's bookkeeping happening behind the scenes. Great for exactly your situation if you can't rope your group into a full campaign.
That wouldn't happen to be loaded up in snords loot pile would it?

This should work
You are a good man. I'll give this a gander. Does it interact with salvage at all?
Yup, you can adjust how good your salvage rights are as part of the contract building step.
It's just business, aside from the Bolan Question. They're both big industrial powerhouses that would much rather be profiting off of everyone else's wars. That puts them directly at odds, especially with the FWL supplying the DCMS en mass.
Because Battletech originated in the 1980s, liek Star Wars, homosexuality does not exist in the setting
Silver Hawks got and get a lot of fluff, and they're in the wedge facing Terra, so they're up against everyone, including the occasional Kurita or Davion misadventure.
That said, I wish there was more about the planets around Oliver, they're supposed to have been in a mutual defense alliance called the Ring Coalition which only gets mentioned in relation to one or two of them. I've played an RPG character from there, so it's been an interest for me.
Fuck the Free Worlds League and the Rasalhague Republic. The only great houses that matter are those with a distinct ethnic background and culture
Free Worlds League are full of pajeets
Tired of /40kg/?
Worse, anon. There's a WoB unit with that designation.


Ain't nobody gonna touch that one with a barge pole.
Which is why Battletech and its fans have always been problematic, and why a new generation of writers is going to fix the bigotry inherent in the setting, whether you like it or not.
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This bait was as stalw as a week old Azami katsu shawarma.
Kai Allard-Liao
They should start with the videogames then. Mechwarrior 5 clans was a disappointment with it almost overwhelmingly white, and there's no gays or trannies either
I kinda ship Liam/Jayden tho
>Leo Showers and Sara Weaver black
>Perez and Kit Commander Fuckstick both Latino
>Yuichi a Jap
>Naomi Indian
>Ezra looking vaguely brown
>Nasir looking kinda Arabic
>Really only Liam, Jayden, and Mia who are white
Well, I can just use 'Falling Stars'. I like that more anyway. Thanks for the heads up though. Might still swap it for something else if the Wobble affiliation bothers me too much.
I fuckin' hated how much Wimmer and Mia gave me "I can fix her" vibes. Ezra was right but I wasn't gonna abandon Mia.
Perez, Ezra, Nasir, Ibrahim, Emilie, Yuichi and Akari are all white presenting
>Perez and Kit Commander
They may be latinx, but they're still white
So are you just fucking with me right now? Or are you serious?
Culture war. Culture war never changes.
White Latinos and Japanese are considered white and not PoC in the American racial conception
You know Clanners don't follow racial archetypes when assigning first names, right? Perez isn't called Perez because he's genetically Hispanic/Mestica, his name is Perez because that's the name his Bloodhouse assigned to the male child in that Iron Womb.
Pic reminds me, have anyone tried using meteorites asteroids and/or space colonies as weapon?
>Clanners replaced racial repugnance with elitism over whether or not you passed through a pussy on your way to life
Amaris tried to turn a 10,000 km-diameter mirror into a Solar Ray during the Star League Civil War.
I mean the don't even acknowledge a difference in genders among mechwarriors, since they aren't allowed to breed. The fuck would they care what race somebody is? A male name is for males and a female name is for females. That's it.
blakists, probably
they sniped a planet's yellowstone with a mass driver to induce a volcanic traps event so fucking anything's on the table
Are clan contraceptives better than inner sphere contraceptives
If Clanners are not meant to reproduce sexually, why not just make all Trueborns sterile
I don't think they ever sterilized trueborns in the lore
Only during Annihilations.
I'm an American and that sure as fuck isn't part of my racial conception. I refuse to believe anyone unironically believes that and isn't just taking the piss.
>not allowed to breed, so no need for longer penis to deliver semen into womb
>bigger penis and testicles = larger vital point in fight, weakening a warrior
So the Clan warriors must have been genetically modified to have microdick
No, but he looks Latino of some description as well. Might as well have squinted at the camera and said "Joo... came to de wrong neighbourhood, esse!" when the Cats showed up.

That aside, blood houses and Clans canonically have phenotypic markers. One of the reasons ComStar failed to get anyone into the Dragoons is that they could tell on sight if someone was Clan or not, though that advantage went away after Misery and the 4th SW.

Loren Jaffray has to wear a mask so the Cats can't see him and determine that he is neither a Jag nor a Clanner at all.
90% of people are taking the piss, the remainder have cognitive dissonance that every minority doesn't play ball with their POC pity party
Even then they are only sterilised in the sense that dead people can't have children. Annihilations are to the death.

That being said, Clan females seem to have a contraceptive implant of some kind. Peri had to beat hers to get pregnant with Diana.
How shitty will this be in proper Battletech, if it can be legally built at all?
>If Clanners are not meant to reproduce sexually, why not just make all Trueborns sterile
They fucking ARE. READ THE MOTHERFUCKING FLUFF YOU STUPID NEWFAG 40K REFUGEE MOTHERFUCKER. Peri Watson had to go way out of her way and do scientist shit to make herself fertile so that she could have Diana. All trueborns are rendered infertile via permanent contraceptive, and it's evidently a stone cold bitch to reverse.

And they're all made to look like models because they're sterile, and fucking is fun, and nobody wants to fuck an ugly person. That last part should be familiar to you.
Are the rules in the old Field Manuals collected in any of the new CGL books?
No Mech can mount 512 points of armor. It's illegal on its face.

Vidya was a mistake and video game players aren't real Battletech fans.
>verification not required
aren't vidya armor like x2 of the tabletop? multiplied for game purpose or somethinf?
So what is the 'clan' look then?
Crackheads, if the pics of Alaric are accurate.
Also the 360 rated engine. It can only be 360 if it's a primitive engine or built using Frankenmech rules.
Everyone in the BT is meth addict according to that 'artist'
Trueborns are not ugly. They are extremely attractive. Also their genetics stem from 800 or so people only so there will be some kinda sameface going on after generations
They arent, because the same guy did portraits for Phelan Kell and Caleb Davion and Vlad Ward and they all fucking look the same
That just implies they're all crackheads.
That's just vidya being vidya, the only reason TT cares is because it's not granular enough to tell the difference between 3/5 and 3.1/5.15
The real thing you should be losing your shit about is how it has two SLs in the head.
Two small lasers - one for each eye; what's not to like?
Can't be built. It needs to have either a 300 or 400 rated engine and you've assigned a 360.

However, if we convert it to proper BT rules, 53.2 kph (3/5) is close enough to your stats. That's a 300 SFE.

The head can only fit the two SLs with a small cockpit. We can do that.

The biggest issue is that even after giving it maximum armour it still has 12.5 tons of unused mass.

My suggestion would be the following:

Small Cockpit, Compact Gyro, 300 SFE with 2 DHS, 19 tons of armour, Endo Steel, 2 LB-20s with 6 tons of ammo, 1 ER PPC, 3 Medium Pulse Lasers, and an ECM suite.

LBs and ammo in the side torsos and legs, ER PPC and one MPL in the CT, ECM in the head, MPL in the CT and each arm.

It's not a great design but there's worse in canon.
Or one guy draws everybody like they're russian gopniks
When is alaric gonna get FUKT up bros?
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When his pet Smoke Jaguar leftovers murder him on his throne.
Ruleswise, how muchs gets changed when I go up from the Introtech rules in the AGoAC rulebook to the Standard in the Battlemech Manual?
So which is it?
Lots of stuff gets added in but nothing actually gets changed. Everything in the AGoAC book is also in the BMM.
Both are correct. Sterilized can be temporary or permanent. Trueborns are, for all intents and purposes, "permanently sterilized", but that sterilization is reversible if you have a member of the scientist caste work for over a year to reverse the procedure. Since it's actually reversible (through an immense and unusual expenditure of effort) they aren't technically "sterilized", but for a colloquial definition, they are definitely sterilized.

As long as you aren't autistic, this will make complete sense.
Explain Diana Pryde then.
Aiden washed out of his sibko and was on the run, he didn't get the snip yet.
He did. That was the "reversible (through an immense and unusual expenditure of effort)" part. Are you ESL and therefore subhuman?
>Explain Diana Pryde then.
Ok. See >>94257715. And then read the motherfucking fiction. Because Peri is Dianas mom, and anon already explained it and you were just too retarded to comprehend it.
Check Way of The Clans pg 71. Ter Roshak's journal describes how coupling among Trueborns "merely amounts to the occasional birth of worthy freeborn bastards for other castes"

Unless you can give me a citation about Peri's sterility being reversed, that trumps you just saying "read the fiction", because I did.
also aren't freeborn elementals a thing? I doubt the washout working in the warehouse got a super rare surgery to pass down his big boy genes
So rules stay the same, just more weaoons and equipments added?
>C3 looks too complicated for me
Yes. And don't worry about C3, it's fairly rare for it to get used because it's way too expensive in BV to be worth it most of the time.

Yup. Trueborn of all phenotypes produce freeborns.

I just skimmed the sections of Way Of The Clans that Peri is in. Nowhere in the entire thing does it indicate she went through any procedure to have sterility reversed. On page 178, the narration says "Peri had told Aidan that once she was fully qualified in the caste, it was expected she would breed with various of her colleagues at the station" and they have a discussion about Scientist attitudes on child rearing. The two spend no more than a few weeks together, and Peri takes no action to make herself fertile to have Diana as >>94257715 suggests, and then Peri, who had not seriously contemplating having a child and was not prepped to do so before Aidan shows up and then spent a pretty short amount of time with him, gives birth to his child by the end of the book.

So we can conclusively say that Trueborn are not universally sterilized, Peri did not spend time scientist shit to reverse that, and >>94257715, who has mysteriously gone quiet and not cited his claim otherwise, is full of shit.
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>Unless you can give me a citation about Peri's sterility being reversed,
Here you go. From Robert Thurston's Bloodname.

>who has mysteriously gone quiet and not cited his claim otherwise, is full of shit.
Just so we're clear. >>94257946 is me, I've cited my claim, and you can suck my tiny diseased cock. Peri had to CHANGE HER BODY CHEMISTRY to allow herself to get pregnant.

Now kill yourself.
C3 is one of the ones that people tend to immediately boggle at, but it's specific equipment that you have to deliberately build your force around, not a pre-requisite for playing at Standard level. It is VERY powerful if handled right, though, so I'd suggest that once you're comfortable that you take a try at it.
I don't recognize that as a legitimate canon source. Post something that can't be photoshopped or concede the argument.
That just says that two trueborn from the same Sibko aren't supposed to be able to reproduce, obviously to prevent teenagers producing kids in Sibko when they first experiment. It was specific to her and Aidan(and the rest of their sibko), not Peri and anyone. Learn to read.
"Peri had been able to alter her own body chemistry so she might know the freeborn privilege".

Absolutely nothing about that suggests that it was limited only to members of the same sibko. There is, simply, no other way to read that except to admit that trueborns have to ALTER THEIR BODY CHEMISTRY TO GET PREGNANT. It takes a lot more than a hearty plapping. Concede the point and kill yourself immediately.
Bro I said it clear as day right here >>94257961, just admit you lost. No need to be so mad about it.
ok but the other guy also has a source and seems like less of a twat, why does your source win by default?
You can say whatever you want. Doesn't make you right. It only means you have access to a keyboard. Now go suckstart the nearest shotgun, because your family is better off with your skull splattered on the ceiling. Your parents will be relieved that someone with your level of reading comprehension and intelligence has removed themselves from the gene pool and they don't have to worry about a retarded grandchild to go along with their clearly retarded offspring.
Weirdly enough the sources are both from the same author, same series, and written less than a year apart. But Way Of The Clans was written before Bloodname, so it wins.

>being so mad you're still replying
lol i aint even reading it
You can say whatever you want. Doesn't make you right. It only means you have access to a keyboard. Now go suckstart the nearest shotgun, because your family is better off with your skull splattered on the ceiling. Your parents will be relieved that someone with your level of reading comprehension and intelligence has removed themselves from the gene pool and they don't have to worry about a retarded grandchild to go along with their clearly retarded offspring.
>You can say whatever you want. Doesn't make you right. It only means you have access to a keyboard. Now go suckstart the nearest shotgun, because your family is better off with your skull splattered on the ceiling. Your parents will be relieved that someone with your level of reading comprehension and intelligence has removed themselves from the gene pool and they don't have to worry about a retarded grandchild to go along with their clearly retarded offspring.

You can say whatever you want. Doesn't make you right. It only means you have access to a keyboard. Now go suckstart the nearest shotgun, because your family is better off with your skull splattered on the ceiling. Your parents will be relieved that someone with your level of reading comprehension and intelligence has removed themselves from the gene pool and they don't have to worry about a retarded grandchild to go along with their clearly retarded offspring.
seems like a classic case of a sci fi pulp author not bothering to write down the deep lore they dreamt up to keep things consistent between books, while being horny for trueborn naturally remains consistent so it keeps coming up
>this mindbroken over make believe robot pilots having kids or not
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NTA. Technically, it does win. Bloodname is published after Way of the Clans, and the later source wins. Nothing about this topic has been published since AFAIK, and since it's stated from a 3rd person omniscient viewpoint, it's objectively true, instead of being a fallible in-character statement.

I truely dislike conceding this point to a right cunt, but >>94257967 and >>94257946 is technically correct in this matter. He's got the most recent source and it's stated in the most authoritative viewpoint. Unless someone has a more recent source, also from 3rd person omniscient view, the passage from "Bloodname" is the final word on the matter.

It would be very convenient if we could not accept statements as canon if they're said by people being assholes about it, though. But since we can't, that asshole is correct. Still an asshole. But correct.
>Way Of The Clans was written before Bloodname, so it wins
Literally the opposite of CGL canon policy.

lol, so mindbroken all you can do is repeat. I win.

I don't have to be nice. I have to be right. And I'm right. All of you 40k refugees can fucking cope. Read the fluff or get out.
I don't have any pdfs on me, but bloodname is '91, and apparently jade falcon sourcebook mentions freeborn elementals on page 87 and was published in '92
Unity through dick period.

Smalldom generation, ect.
>CGL canon policy.
Doesn't matter. Retcons aren't real, and if you were a real longtime player instead of pretending, you'd agree.
How can an Elemental become Clan khan? Socially, they are lower than mechwarriors
I'm pretty sure it's only happened in the Hell's Horses, who are more excited about Elementals than the other clans and thus rate them equal to mechwarriors. Could be wrong though.
>You can say whatever you want. Doesn't make you right. It only means you have access to a keyboard. Now go suckstart the nearest shotgun, because your family is better off with your skull splattered on the ceiling. Your parents will be relieved that someone with your level of reading comprehension and intelligence has removed themselves from the gene pool and they don't have to worry about a retarded grandchild to go along with their clearly retarded offspring.

You can say whatever you want. Doesn't make you right. It only means you have access to a keyboard. Now go suckstart the nearest shotgun, because your family is better off with your skull splattered on the ceiling. Your parents will be relieved that someone with your level of reading comprehension and intelligence has removed themselves from the gene pool and they don't have to worry about a retarded grandchild to go along with their clearly retarded offspring.

>You can say whatever you want. Doesn't make you right. It only means you have access to a keyboard. Now go suckstart the nearest shotgun, because your family is better off with your skull splattered on the ceiling. Your parents will be relieved that someone with your level of reading comprehension and intelligence has removed themselves from the gene pool and they don't have to worry about a retarded grandchild to go along with their clearly retarded offspring.

You can say whatever you want. Doesn't make you right. It only means you have access to a keyboard. Now go suckstart the nearest shotgun, because your family is better off with your skull splattered on the ceiling. Your parents will be relieved that someone with your level of reading comprehension and intelligence has removed themselves from the gene pool and they don't have to worry about a retarded grandchild to go along with their clearly retarded offspring.
Steel Vipers had an aerospace pilot Khan once. Anyone Trueborn can vie for the position, it seems.
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>A young man stands in his bedroom.
Lincoln Osis as well
here it is, you lose
didn't mean to reply
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CGL canon policy is wrong. Retcons are a form of communism, so we can't have any retcons in battletech. Don't believe me?

>red communist
And your parents didn't mean to have you, yet here you are
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stay mad
Dissemination of knowledge can be done without videos too. People no longer read, and that is a bad thing.

Fuck you and your cringe namefaggotry.
You should remember to stop filling in the "Name" field.
House Marik has zero character and unique culture unlike Favion, Steiner, Kurita and Liao
>shitting on kraken for the vanishingly rare on topic post
false flag to feed his victim complex so he'll act like even more of a brazen twat in the future when he returns to useless tard posting
ROMiggers glow in the dark you can't fool me
Being Comstar pets and later WoB patsies is their character.
Thank you.
Why did Ismiril refuse Nasir's request to transfer to the science caste? Was he that determined to see him killed or turned into a laborer
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I'm sure a future issue of Shrapnel will explore an answer to that question.
It had something to do with him having a bloodname. I don't actually understand how that process works, I guess. Yo daddy was an uber badass, so you being anything else is an embarrassment.

I do think I have a fundamental misunderstanding of how sibko, bloodnames, and castes work though.

sibko's were genetic recombinations of two bloodnamed warriors, I thought. And they grow a hundred or so of these fetuses only to whittle them down to a handful by the end. So they're all literally siblings. So wouldn't they all have a bloodname if their sires were bloodnamed?
Nasir wont appear in Shrapnel; he's neither trans nor a fag.
Wonder if there are some Scientists who fake the lab tests results to get married/mate with specific person (from another Caste) s/he likes
>"Aff, the test shows that he and I have the best gene match so we must mate and have lots of kids. It's science trust me."
Fuck the Free Worlds League and the Rasalhague Republic. The only great houses that matter are those with a distinct ethnic background and culture
Freeborn scientists might. Trueborns would absolutely not. Peri Watson is the exception which proves the rule.
He's definitely a fag. A non-fag would have survived his trial of position
A bloodname is earned, not inherited. A warrior is a member of his gene-mother's bloodhouse, but only earns the right to use the name after winning a Trial of Bloodright. Earning a bloodname is the foundational step to earning a true legacy among the Clans, as only bloodnamed warriors may earn a Kahnship or Loremaster's position, as well as providing his own giftake to the eugenics program.
could be logistics, it was RIGHT before the trial and probably a bunch of paperwork, either he passes and you can deal with a transfer request once things quiet down or he washes out/dies and you don't need to worry about it anymore, ez
or some bullshit about how he honestly believed in the whole kit and thought it was just pre trial jitters and he was gonna make a fine warrior if he just took the trial but that's gay
None of them have a Bloodname, just a heritage. There's no logical reason for Ismiril to deny Nasir a caste transfer except for Ismiril being a dick who wanted to graduate a full Star of worthy warriors, which he gets denied when Nasir gets killed anyway.
what were the others in the star teasing him about all the time then?
So, they are descendants of two bloodnamed warriors, but bloodnaming isn't something you just have. In order to earn a bloodname, you have to go through a trial. I recommend reading the Jade Phoenix trilogy. Book 2, Bloodname, is unsurprisingly focused on the main character's quest to earn a bloodname.

Way Of The Clans states that the Scientists keep their numbers up by breeding with those on their stations, so there's no need to fudge tests or anything, scientists can just fuck their coworkers freely.

If you mean Liam, he has the FIRST name of one of their bloodhouse's founders. It's like being named Washington in the US army or something, of course people will tease you.
to my understanding your heritage is always there so everyone knows you're a kerensky or a ward spawn, but until you earn it you don't get to call yourself cockfag kerensky
I ascended to a high position within my clan, not through any particular skill in battle, but through my discovery at an early age of how sensitive the testicles of my sibkin were to being squeezed in the Circle of Equals
But doesn't everyone in your sibko have the same heritage?

>your given name is the same as a famous guy
Who the fuck decides what their given name is anyway?
Sounds pretty gay
Yes but what if there is this REALLY thick girl in the laborer cast I have been dowbad for, could one produce such a paper, hypothetically?
I don't think we actually know who names Trueborn. I like to imagine it's the Scientists who breed them, but they have to pick from a list.
I don't think they're all genetically matched; the clan scientists probably work with a stable of genetic material from the esteemed donors, then mix and match sires from the same genetic line much like horse breeding. They also probably edit genes and expression, but the point is to produce a scattershot of ideal candidates for the caste from the genetic line with the variance to be generationally healthy. Perhaps extremely successful warriors (or other caste exemplars) have their genetic material taken as another sample of the genetic line to be hybridized for further generations of Clanners.

It is possible then that specific members of a sibko may have greater expectations placed on them for their specific combinations and not just their more broad lineage. Once again the horse breeding metaphor comes to apply.
really thick or dummi thick? dummi thicc even?
>Perhaps extremely successful warriors (or other caste exemplars) have their genetic material taken as another sample of the genetic line to be hybridized for further generations of Clanners.
That is the process of earning a Bloodname. By both being worthy of being nominated to a Trial of Bloodright, and then by winning it, a warrior proves his superiority, and thus his genetic giftake is provided to serve as the springboard for new sibkos. This process, as you allude, provides for continual refinement of the Trueborn, providing the Clans with ever-greater warriors.
The genetics and familial lines of clans is so weirdly dense compared to most culutres.

So a 'bloodname' is just having your spunk dumped into the great axolotl tank. It's not an actual name.

Trueborns, have a given name(defined by their batch of sibko?) and a surname(possibly pulled from a list of authorized names). They aren't bloodnamed by default. They can survive long enough to earn a bloodname and thus nut into the community cum can.

Freeborns are more or less regular folk that aren't genetically produced and also make up over 2/3's of the population of a clan. They have marriage and kids and jobs etc. A freeborn has little chance of becoming a mechwarrior, but if they do, they can still perform the trial of bloodright to earn a bloodname and thus make the genetic pool bigger.

I think?
>Star Colonel Balzac "Grappler" Turgidson's reign of terror finally ended in 3054, when he was challenged to a Trial of Greivance for the first time by a woman
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dummi thicc, thighs like an urbanmech II
if the report "enhancement" fails I am hoping my pickup lines about genemixing will win the trial of booty call
Eh he'll just easily overpower her without needing dirty tricks. Turgidson has got this.
almost, they don't have surnames
just flat out skip em
that's where the bloodname goes or nothing
also in addition to passing down your jizz you also get access to political positions like council member or khan
I knew bloodnames were earned, but I forgot that was what qualified your genetics to sire more clanners. I think I read one of the clan novels in middleschool decades ago, so I'm rather fuzzy on details.

Anyways; point is that there are a number of reasons Nasir could have been refused transfer. Crucially washing out at this point would make his sibko literally not amount to even a single worthy star which probably would sting even worse than having them narrowed down to 5 like bubbles floating to the top of a bucket of mud. It could also have been his specific heritage or there also could just not have been any openings for a mechjock washout to fill. The important part is the PPC headcap and/or TAC does not give a shit and he didn't make it out of his trial of position.
No. Up until they earn a bloodname, Trueborns don't have a last name of any sort. Aidan is just Aidan. Trueborn warriors carry a Codex, a unique ID with details of their heritage and history, so if you need to identify a specific Aidan you refer to that.

The only people in Clan societies with two legal names are Bloodnamed Warriors. Upon earning his Bloodname, Aidan becomes Aidan Pryde, because his genes were pulled from an previous Pryde. Earning a Bloodname *also* gets your genes added to the breeding program for future use.

Freeborn are not Trueborn and thus can't earn a Bloodname except in extremely main character circumstances, such as Diana Pryde(Aidan's freeborn incest baby) and Phelan Kell(a spheroid who had Wolf plot armor)
Best Clan assigns Trueborns numbers when they are decanted. The number assigned is the order the prospective was drawn from the iron.
I get the sense from Ismiril's characterization that he saw it as cowardice, which only made him more determined to put Nasir through it, whether he died
What will happen if a freebirth mechwarrior with Kai or Morgan level skill pull some legendary bullshits? Still looked down on?
apparently there's a point where you earn their respect, although they'd probably still call you a freebirth during bar fights
Wasn't Jamie Wolfe a Freeborn who managed to earn warrior status?
Wildly wrong, but the ignorance of Sphereoids is to be expected.

>The genetics and familial lines of clans is so weirdly dense compared to most culutres.
Trueborn have no more ancestors than any other culture, the Clans simply keep better records.
So a 'bloodname' is just having your spunk dumped into the great axolotl tank. It's not an actual name.
If you were of the Clans, you would be subject to Trials of Posession for your tongue for that. A Bloodname is very much a name. It is the name of a founding member of one's clan, and all who followed in his or her wake. To wear a Bloodname is to wear the illustrious legacy of that lineage, and with it to bear the responsibility of living up to it.
The giftake is of blood, not semen or egg, and is preserved unto itself. The scientist caste develops a new sibko by selecting two giftakes, and most likely with the assistance of cloning, are artificially placed through cellular meiosis and mixed to produce zygotes.
>and a surname
No, the only surnames among the Trueborn are Bloodnames.
>Freeborns are more or less regular folk that aren't genetically produced and also make up over 2/3's of the population of a clan.
Correct. Only the Warrior caste is predominantly made up of Trueborn, though prospective warriors who fail their initial Trial of Position without dying fall to the lower castes.
>A freeborn has little chance of becoming a mechwarrior
This is largely dependent on the Clan in question. Jade Falcon has a few very noteworthy examples, while the Smoke Jaguars and Steel Vipers were legendary for their distaste of the Freeborn.
>they can still perform the trial of bloodright to earn a bloodname and thus make the genetic pool bigger.
Diana Pryde was unique in the history of the Clans, and only gained the chance to trial for her Bloodname because she was the child of two Trueborn of the Pryde bloodhouse, and, again, because she was a member of the Jade Falcons, who despite their reputation in the Inner Sphere, are often surprisingly willing to give Freeborns a chance to distinguish themselves.
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If he'd dress up as an Incroyable, there'd at least be some visible effort put into the clownery he's performing.
Freebirths can test into the warrior caste by demonstrating aptitude. They're generally assigned to freebirth-specific units that are second line or worse, but Battletech fiction features a lot of Freebirths earning recognition and renown because people like underdog stories.
>street sweaper
My advice is to fill in the broad strokes and then add in the details when you play the games. The more details you add, the more wanky it can become, whereas "These mercenaries succesfully did an operation against House Kurita and made lots of money" is just something that anyone should be able to accept as far as story goes.
>Shit in your Urbanmech cockpit
I can imagine the chatterweb thread of science caste spamming smug laughter reaction images
Leo Showers? More like GOLDEN SHOWERS

Giftake? More like SHITTAKE
The nigger is trolling you. The Warrior Houses literally are a Kuritaboo institution. They got greenlight because their founder promised to set up Kurita-tier elite military formations exclusivley loyal to the Coordinators themselves.

There is nothing Chinese about them, they got no connections to the rivers, lakes, clans, sects or cult, they're completely the result of in-universe characters refering to in-universe military and political institutions.
I shit on Kraken for anything he posts.
>Giftake? More like SHITTAKE
So trueborns come from mushrooms?
>Jayden, Liam and Perez look like male models
>Mia, Noami and Wimmer look like ass
Sounds like spam to me. I'll make sure to treat any attacks on Kraken accordingly in the future. Thanks for the heads up.
They are Canadian. You will get sign up for voluntary suicide if you put hot women in a videogame there.
Aff? more like ASS
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Occham's Razor would suggest that the author could also simply not know how babbie is formed. It's not uncommon to be in the dark about the topic.
>They got greenlight because their founder promised to set up Kurita-tier elite military formations exclusivley loyal to the Coordinators themselves.
Re-read what you just posted, then slap yourself when you find the fuckup.
Hint: it's you
IIRC Robert Thurston had 4 kids. I'm reasonably sure he knows how babbie is formed.
Goku had two kids and he still seemed pretty clueless
Goku was a fictional fucking character.
There's no casual relation between having kids and knowing where they come from, especially in males. We know this for a fact.

Eh, the other Big Dictator el Honcho That Is Not White.
says you
Someone should fit an Urbanmech with a speaker to blast such messages at planners before and during battle
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No. Fuck urbie memes. The urbanmech should be made extinct and never used again. Fuck anyone who thinks it was every fun or worthwhile as a unit. All urbanmech fans should be booted out of the fandom forever.
ok, what mech would you suggest be wasted on this mission?
You can say whatever you want. Doesn't make you right. It only means you have access to a keyboard. Now go suckstart the nearest shotgun, because your family is better off with your skull splattered on the ceiling. Your parents will be relieved that someone with your level of reading comprehension and intelligence has removed themselves from the gene pool and they don't have to worry about a retarded grandchild to go along with their clearly retarded offspring.
It's old already. How long do you plan to keep spamming what someone else wrote?
Canopians are interested in what you have to say in this matter
>says some vanilla shit compared to stackpole and female child HRT shill.
been a year and retards still cope over it
Please refer to >>94258086
Shouldn't you be busy cowering in fear of NEA's Batchall?
you can have opinions when you have a car.
Batchall? More like BACHA BAZI
Males don't get anything done to them. Females get some sort of contraceptive implant.

Presumably it just prevents implantation like our current ones do.

Yeah, I'd assume whatever it is goes in at menarche so they can bang without issue(s, hue hue) and then gets reversed either when the washouts pair bond and want to start a family or the scientists order two freebirths to get jiggy with it.

But this is common sense rather than canon, and we can't have that.

Elementals in higher positions are probably the most dangerous Clanners. There's a huge stigma against them advancing past Star Commander because they are percieved as being bred for beef rather than brains and they are at risk of getting one-shotted by a 'Mech.

To rise to higher command, they have to be smart, tough, and able to correctly utilise opportunities.

>>94258031 is someone you do not want to fuck with. Brick shithouse with a genius level intellect if he's been able to take it to that level.

Nah, it's happened in tons of Clans. More common for the Wolves, Bears, Horses, and Jaguars but probably every Clan has had at least one.

Literally explained in the game. Ismiril told him to man up and become a Warrior or die trying, because asking to wash out was a bitch move he refused to tolerate.

He may have found it a bitch move because he knew and served with Nasir's genemother or because they were of the same Bloodhouse, but ultimately that doesn't matter.

Nasir was probably just going to walk out and deliberately throw the Trial after putting in a plausibly deniable effort but he got Battletech!ed by the first shot.
>It's like being named Washington in the US army or something, of course people will tease you.
Being named George, acing the ASVAB, crushing basic and officer training and being descended in the male line from George Washington, more specifically.

Bloodnames are inherited matrineally, I know, but that's the closest analogy.
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Trueborn avoid pregnancy because they hate contractions.
Earning a Bloodname is not a guarantee that your genes will be used, merely a guarantee they will be considered.

It's usual for the scientists to wait 10+ years after a Bloodname holder dies to analyse their service history and determine matches, but particularly dishonoured warriors get iced out and so at times do people who used combat drugs or other enhancements. It's written somewhere in one of the books that the scientists are weighing up what to do about EI users, because on the one hand they did win a Bloodname, but on the other hand, virtually all warriors with EI were marginal at best before they got the surgery and only won their Trials through the advantages it conferred. It's possible that all using their genes will do is make subsequent generations better able to handle EI, which is not the goal of the eugenics program.

She was only given an opportunity because her father was Aidan Pryde and it was argued that because she was the child of two Pryde/Mattlov Trueborns she was genetically identical in every sense that mattered to both her parents.

I don't think the Falcons were fully on board with it until they realised that it was an exceptional opportunity to troll the fuck out of the Vipers though.
>Why the FUCK did pardoe blow up his BT career?
Why couldn't Pardoe be a communist? Why did he have to actual have morals and be a conservative!?
>Confederate apologist
Choose one and only one.
Heh. Have a (you)
Even in Introtech where the fight will devolve into mech kickboxing at the middle of the map, AC20 is bad? Especially on 3/5/# mechs?
Try being a global backers
>"delivery will start in ju- sorry we mean jul- actually it's going to be augu- sorry, sept- LATE septe- no actually October. By the end of oct- by Dece- before the new year we promise"
It's going to be summer by the time we get our stuff, calling it now. And the retailers will be selling everything long before then, the latest they will hold too is December.
I'll be able to buy a backstreet box in accrington next week I bet, and you'll still be stuck waiting for shipping.
Of course, one in three chance I get knifed instead, so swings and roundabouts.
He demonstrated low WIS low INT very consistently in his online interactions, which, as has been shown scientifically, is an indicator that somebody is in fact biologically incapable of moralic reasoning.
It's funny that BLP was stalked and harassed by a mentally ill loon that was lying to the community, but everyone took its side against him.

Then after he was cut off the loon came out and admitted it had been lying all around, and no one stopped to think maybe they were retarded for rank-and-file going along with it lol
New thread >>94259077
>Now MAGAtards are making him a hero and saying he was their favourite author. Fucking bullshit.
I was actually around back then and I can concur back in the day that BLP was seen as "okay" at best most of the time, with the occasional title that punched above his weight. Still better than the schizos they threw him under the bus for, but if you're giving seagull so much as a dime, more the fool you, IMO.
Yeah it only makes sense if they stretch it right
Looking for an in, always.
New ComStar and infiltrated by old ComStar
Whoever holds Earth, they go with been this way awhile
>Da Bears
Fucking disappointing, will probably have that half culled absorbing Cappie advance.
Foo Fighters and Bush have been classic radio for a bit now. It's time to grill.
hello petson replying idk what you're saying but i do not doubt it's some bitch tit tumblr thing

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