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Honor the Liao!
LAMs are fun... FUN!
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is it worth the watch? I've been sitting on it for like two months.
Depends if you like old style Sci-fi. It has a good story, but obviously the effects and the like don't compare with modern days. It's a good bit of oldie glory though.
Shit man, that's barely above Blackpool, you can have a whole cargo container full if your willing to go there.

Kek. Here's a (you) anon, you deserve it.

2nd batrep to come
Also, fuck these captchas, their getting worse
You can have a fucking mansion for £750k if you're willing to live in central accy, and it's not worth it because a nutter will jump through the window for a trial of possession within a week.
>Davion and Steiner are uniting to form the FedCom!
>Never mind, there was a civil war, FedCom is split up again
>the Inner Sphere has reformed the Second Star League!
>Never mind, the League has collapsed after less than a decade
>Comstar has emerged as the leading Inner Sphere power after winning the Battle of Tukayyid!
>Never mind, there was a schism with the Blakists, Comstar has collapsed
>the Republic of the Sphere has been established by Devlin Stone!
>Never mind, the Republic has been conquered by the Clans
>Clan Wolf has split in two and been absorbed by Jade Falcon!
>Never mind, Clan Wolf has been reconstitued
>All of the above happens in the span of half a century

Why is the plot going nowhere? Why deos nothing stick in this universe?
They did stick
All the after effects changed the universe
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>follow Kerensky into the Exodus
>everything goes well
>Capellans start shit again
>Kerensky dies
>civil war errupts
>Kerensky's son offers another Exodus
>you and other 799 people follow him
>brain damaged Kerensky's son with zero experience who never been to war starts rambling about mongols and warrior society to a room of hardened veterans
>he breaks a battalion of elite warriors into 20 larp groups, 40 people each
>no support, no logistics
>mfw you're expected to conquer a world with 40 men
Boy, they were desperate if they listened to this retard.
In Introtech/without CASE, is it still worth keeping 2 tons of srm ammo on the mech to have 1 ton normal and 1 ton Inferno?
Only On the condition that they stop acting like starscream.
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What's her endgame?

That's the look of a true toaster worshiper. So if I had to guess: Nuclear annihilation of all Great Houses and Clans.
Alexander Kerensky's greatest issue was that he did too good a job. It resulted in people listening to his idiot kids.
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Have you followed real world history at any point?

Fuckin' cowboys, telegrams, samurai and ninjas all running around at the same point and nobody blinks.
>Why deos nothing stick in this universe?
Giant robots do. Those have been in use for 700 years straight.
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It's weird 1970's pre-Star Wars scifi. Lots of hippy psychic and sex shit, but good.


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Why does nobody talk about shit like the wedding plate conspiracy or other bits of battletech comedy?

I’m only just hearing about this!

During the Steiner-Davion wedding Steiner publicly announced that as a wedding present he was going to give his new wife the cappellan confederation. Which is when the Liaos who were in attendance realized that all the dinner plates had Cappellan worlds printed onto the plates with numbers under them. Thinking this was all critical intel the Liaos lost their minds and started grabbing every plate they could and running out.

The numbers were utter jibberish, and the plates were just there to fuck with Liao.

I mean, the declaration of war was true, but the Steiners aren’t actually stupid enough to put important intel on dinnerware.

But I’m still giggling at the mental image of the two reciting their vows, the guests watching on, and in the background is Liao just screaming “AAAAAAAAAAAAHH!” While running around manically grabbing all the plates off all the tables and everyone ignoring them.
Getting railed by my monster clanner cock
"My dear I give you the Capellan Confederation" with the plates is one of the most ancient and holy memes of Battletech. I think it's literally older than me.
My favourites one FWL sending toilet paper as aid to Capellans during 4th SW and Dunklewälderdunklerflüssenschattenwelt starving to death because they decided to remake their planet to Bob right before the first succession war.
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My favorite is that Boris Johnson founded the Western Alliance that would go on to become the Terran Hegemony. Probably not intentional, but it's hilarious in retrospect.
To provide a source for conflict.
>Second Star League persists and wipes out the clans
>No source of major conflicts to justify giant mech battles
I honestly respect when major factions like Comstar, FWL, and to a lesser extent the GDL and ELH for mercenaries are killed off. Cheapens it when they just bring them back anyway, FWL, ELH, and GDL should have stayed dead even if I like each of those factions.
>Why is the plot going nowhere? Why deos nothing stick in this universe?
Almost like setting have scale bigger than 1 planet.
FWL never died off. It voted to dissolve itself, which is also pretty funny. Comstar is also not dead.

>Second Star League persists and wipes out the clans
>No source of major conflicts to justify giant mech battles

That would have been the natural conclusion to the original storyline. That's when you have a peaceful period and then jump in when it falls apart a couple hundred or few hundred years later. Which is what they're trying to do with ilClan but their retarded idea was to let the clanners win and destroy the houses instead.
Maybe, depends partly on the size of the SRM and how many launchers you're feeding. A Wolverine 6K isn't too bad with two tons feeding one SRM 6, but the Dervish having two tons of SRM 2 ammo even with two launchers was a bit much even in the age of old school infernos that could only be fired from SRM 2s.
> FWL sending toilet paper as aid to Capellans during 4th SW
So… is Janos Marik just that crotchety grandpa nobody likes but put up with because “he’s grandpa”?
listen I get you're a newfag hence why this 40 year old scene is such a big deal to you but at least get Hanse Fuckin Davion's name right.
FWL and Capellans are historically enemies. The alliance was like CSTO: fake as shit. The only reason the Dracs gave them Chargers was because they had a bunch of them and they were considered basically useless.
Yeah, it was a flex. Because Hanse knew that Mad Max was suffering from degenerative mental illness, and he decided to publicly humiliate him and his family. I mean, the man HAD tried to have him killed and replaced, so fair.

Sun-Tzu would spend his entire life in terror of the psychosis that consumed his mother's and grandfather's minds.
There should be Locusts with 4 small lasers and one medium, and a Locust with 1 flamer and two medium lasers. They should be manufactured and used by Marik and Liao respectively, but easy enough refits to be in Mercenary and Inner Sphere General.
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Painting battletech hasnt gotten me a gf
Perhaps it's time for real aliens to show up again
Nobody said it would. We paint the mechs because… and listen closely… we like to. It’s fun and personally rewarding to see a finished model.
I painted some mechs to have some painted mechs but I actually find the process tortuously tedious and frustrating.
just paint their cockpits and wa la
factory fresh battlemechs
> they stop acting like starscream.
Can’t do that. Cappellans gotta be space North Korea all the time.
Well Xin Sheng kinda fucked that didn't it
Clanners? More like WOLVERINES
So historical that thomas let sun tzu plap his daughter for years
North Korea is pretty sensible, politically
>isolate yourself to control internal factors
>have nukes so that the US won't invade you
>make money selling weapons, drugs and slaves
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Playing mechwarrior 5 clans has made me realize how retarded clan culture is. Thanks Nick, you ruined your dad's legacy and those who believed in him.
To be fair, the Clans are a reaction to Alexander's inability to build a viable society himself. It's not like Alexander had any kind of vision beyond "not the great houses" anyway. They were never going to survive living in the Pentagon Worlds without some kind of ideology unifying them, otherwise each world would just turn into a competing nation-state and now you're right back and the IS.

As flawed and misguided as Nicholas was, he's the reason the SLDF lasted almost 300 years in-exile. not his father.
not really, it doubled down
Davions, I tell ya.
>how retarded clan culture is.
Considering how grounded BT setting in terms of colonization something like Clan culture was best solution of preserving bunch of war grizzled military veterans from killing each other with few remaining resources
Without having personally read Exodus Road, it sounds like he demilitarized too fast. Collective farms may be less efficient than private plots, but for a bunch of people pushing 20 years in uniform, depriving them of that military structure fucked them up something awful.
It's the same problem Rome had. Giving 20 years of your life to the legions is all well and good, but nobody wants to have to spend the rest of their life in back breaking farm labour, by yourself, when you just gave the best 20 years of your life to the legions. Life long soldiers want what everybody else wants when they leave their commands: they want to relax and enjoy their lives.

There really is no correct answer to the problem Alexander faced. You need laborers, you need farmers. You need to build things and you need to eat. Especially considering the limited resources and knowledge and preparation they were working with. The only correct answer was to delay the Exodus by like a decade maybe, trying to survey as much of the Periphery as possible, while trying to recruit as many civilians into the Exodus as possible so you have that pool of labour to work with.

But waiting is a risky choice in a post-Amaris Inner Sphere. Each day the Great Houses are working themselves up to what would become the Succession Wars. Alexander might've been aboe to buy some time by threatening incredible violence against any Great House that tried anything, but hindsight is always 20/20, and there are no guarantees there anyway.
I don't know he built a society that was based on the Mongols who were famously able to turn a nomadic existence with incredibly limited resources into the largest land based empire in less than 100 years. He went with what he knew worked in that situation and it worked unsurprisingly. His dad's legacy came within a hair's breadth of being "he lead the SLDF into exile then they all killed each other"
I wouldn't call North Korea an advanced nation, but to each his own.
Alexander did have a correct choice. He could have bent the knee and brought the SLDF to serve my faction, putting my chosen house on the throne of the Star League. He chose not to do that, therefore he made the wrong choice.
That is incredibly gay and stupid and you should feel bad for wanting that you stupid stupid little man
Kuritan hands typed this post.
Alexander should have taken the throne for himself
Is there any specific reason why the clans don't get Air Defense Arrow IV? Just saw it in tacops and it says IS only. Surely at some point at least some IS clans start using them too?
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Working on a Solaris event rule set for my group, here is the current set
How many plattforms with tarcomp'd Clpulse do those fuckers have again? No point in wasting a whole missile if you can pew-pew for free.
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>wa la
I'm not even French and this causes me physical pain every time I see it.
>The DJ starts playing Superstition as the Liaos run around yanking tablecloths to see if anything's written underneath
>Also, fuck these captchas, their getting worse
*they're getting worse, just like your namefagging.
We will get an what if expansion where the Jaguars win.
He'd be no different than Amaris then, at least in his own eyes. He'd also have to fight continual wars to legitimize his rule, and he wasn't really wanting to spend the SLDF like that.
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Killing a pilot incurs a penalty in official Solaris sourcebooks. The crowd likes the risk, not when it actually happens.
We'll get Tukayyid and then either BULLDOG or SERPENT. Maybe both, depending on how well the game sells.
Consider how exactly this CCAF cache was found where it was.
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people only say they don't like death and carnage when their answer is public
their true desires are the same today as a thousand years ago
That is accounted for, its a 2 point penalty to rep that moves you closer to 0.
My idea was to have something like the WWE leagues of good guys/bad guys to let organisers and players better get into that showboat fighting for entertainment mindset. Good guys have the positive rep, bad the negative rep, and the further from 0 the more well known/famous/notorious you are, though I might just drop that.
He hoed her out to anyone, the poor girl.
>you ruined your dad's legacy
He did that when he decided a bunch of his loyal soldiers who followed him on a harrowing exodus would now be slaves.
Glory, glory House Amaris!
That was to show how Janos Marik was running his country into the ground. Janos was the one who set the stage for the collapse of the FWL and effectively end of his own line. He was a petty and vindictive fool always too slow to act and when he did tended to respond too harshly to minor and even imagined slights isolating himself, enraging his family, and weakening his state.
Satan jests, but that was honestly the only solution that would have preserved the TH and the SL.

The Camerons had cadet families several places and I think even the Davion Lord was distantly related.

All Sasha really had to say to the lords was "If you won't pick someone, I will." and I bet Liao would have folded. She didn't really want war. Kurita on the other hand would have likely needed to be pounded all the way back to the Stone Age before they gave up.
That is perhaps one of the most formal and polite ways to tell someone subtly to “go fuck yourself” I’ve read in a long time.
Rules as written.
The problem with your system (numbers balance aside) is that it doesn't account for heel turns. People don't fade into obscurity for executions (which is the only condition you've put for that 2-point mod), a heel gets even more hated, while a good guy is going to have a sharp change in public opinion. I'd suggest a double scale, one for general name awareness, and one for paragon/renegade points.
To be honest, the Kuritans needed a good genocide to put their uppity asses in order. Parts out their star nation into its constituent parts and keep a weak, demilitarized rump state with a permanent SLDF royal division occupation force as a humiliating warning to the other big boys what happens to uppity inferiors. But Kerensky lacked the moral courage.
>(Prozac, hand to Chancellor directly)

Fucking kek
I can't wait for the next SW story line being "the Partitioning of the Combine"
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No one likes a namefag attention whore.

tits out gtfo
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If you read the Concord of Kapteyn stuff, only the Kuritans and FWL really considered themselves equals. It's why the Kuritans sent Dragon Batts to the FWL and Chargers to the CC and the FWL sent LL Hermes to the Kuritans but nothing to the Caps. Caps were sat at the kids table and only there because it was an alliance of all the remaining not-Fedcom people.

When the 4th War hit and there really wasn't much movement on the FWL front, Janos counted his blessings and let his hated enemies get beat up. Imagine Davion having to align with the Caps just because the FWL and Kurita joined up. They wouldn't try hard in that relationship.
Liao at the time had no interest in war and knew they wouldn't win. If a Cameron is on the throne they will kneel. John Davion has a lot of pressure from his nobles to push for a Davion on the throne but was generally opposed to it. He abstained in votes as much as possible, if he is given an out he will take it. Steiner can be appeased with former RWR territories and the promise of hitting the Combine if they don't take a deal. Marik hated the Star League at the time but were extremely practical, they will see a fight they don't want. That puts the Combine right back in their spot the first time the Star League was formed. They can fight the entire Inner Sphere or wait for their next chance and I expect they will make the same choice again. All Kerensky had to do was make a choice.
Actually people didn't like it when Gladiators get murdered.

Especially the owners of said Gladiators. People are expensive.
Gladiator matches were a lot like pro-wrestling, the people went to see stupid melodramatic character development, not actual gut ripping head chopping violence. The wounds were shallow most of the time if it was a fight between actual gladiators. The shows where they throw almost naked criminal slaves to die against lions and men with swords and armor were not as popular.
Liao and the Combine had tech, mechs, and intel traded, the problem was that Janos refused to do anything with Liao. It wasn't Liao at the kids table, it was Janos being a stubborn fool. Janos ordered his forces to prepare for an attack on the LC border when the 4th SW occured and when none came launched an attack so pathetic it left the FWLM humiliated despite minor territorial gains, that were then offset by losses on the former CapCon border.
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I love the detail that Andurien is producing pro-FedCom action figures.
Yes... "action" figures.
150 left handed gloves is crazy
...dude it's clearly sex dolls.
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Someone should write that song.
Not him but I do think action figures as real sex dolls would require a crate for each one.
Depends on the size of the crate. Also considering the time they might just have been blow ups, since I don't think they had sex dolls like we do now when that was written.
>Blow up Hanse sex doll
That's absolutely fucking legendary.
Don't forget the 96 tons of food that expired 13 years ago.
Actually, given how Sino-soviet the cappies are, they probably made their soldiers eat it anyway.

100% Romano absolutely used those dolls to piss off her father.
Wasn't Romano slavishly insanely dedicated to her dad though? Or am I misremembering?
Nah, she had an extreme hatred for Marik. Romano would have been smart to not even tell her this ever happened, because she's the type of psycho who would have taken her regiments on a campaign of bloody revenge for it and he really couldn't afford having to explain to his nominal ally why his daughter is attacking their planets and crucifying every civilian she can reach on them.
Max would have been smart*
Although hey, Romano might have been insane enough to have to not tell herself about an insult.
She used fuckboy K-pop men to piss off her father.
To be fair, Thomas hating you was pretty much a prerequisite for smashing Isis.
Yes, "his" daughter. "His" daughter born out of wedlock and presented to the court shortly before he reappeared after apparently being assassinated with a bomb. That daughter.
if people didn't like seeing gladiators die they wouldn't put two people in an arena with almost no armor and tell them to stab each other with swords
owners of gladiators didn't like to see the gladiator they personally owned die
Choreography is not a modern invention. If they were regularly killing each other, the same guys wouldn't come back over and over again and they wouldn't get so many dramatic "let's ask the highest ranked guy here whether this loser should die or not" moments. Trained actors can make shallow cuts.
the skilled gladiators were the ones that lived, that's why they come back repeatedly, they were exceptional in that they were a skilled combatant and entertaining gladiator and that is what allowed them to survive longer than the rest
the assertion that death was rare and not commonplace in the arena is the same revisionism as the historians asserting that phalanx combat was just a bunch of shoving and nobody got hurt
>Trained actors can make shallow cuts.
Which was also important when gladiators were used in executions. A criminal with no training and wooden weapons won't last long against a trained fighter so the gladiator has to make a show of it for the crowd. They want blood but don't want it quick so the gladiator dances around a bit, deflects blows they don't need to, makes shallow showy cuts on the upper arms and outer thighs, gets blood flowing for the crowd to see and only when the criminal has exhausted himself knocks him to the ground to stand over him and make a show of listening to the crowd pronounce sentence.
You may add in a funeral expenses change, where the stable/company you work for covers some of the expenses based on fame, or if you are really famous a wealthy fan or company you've advertised for may pay for the funeral outright. It would cushion the blow of losing a good mechwarrior, it'd also just be funny to see several hardened mechwarriors pass by a weeping widow with a Triple-F Restaurants branded coffin.
You know, as the Confederation burned around them and finding out that their allies would rather laugh at their misfortune than render any actual aid, I wonder if the Liao didn’t think, in a brief moment of self reflection:

> “Why!? Why does everyone want to see us fail?”
> “do, do you think this might be the centuries of conniving backstabbing coming back to bite us?”
> “… naw! It’s gotta be something else!”
Liao and Marik isn't one sided conniving backstabbing. It's centuries of pretty conventional rivalry on one side and a rampant militant expansionist enemy on the other.
Thats a brilliant idea anon, thanks mate! I'll put them on the list to be added in.

Ah shit man, you are right. I might re-write the reputation rules, positive is good and the player can lean towards the "good" or "bad" side of play, and negative is really bad. Im not going to lie though, I wish i could get the guy im doing this for to just run the event by the Solaris book.

Not all of us are thirsty attention sluts laddy.
Forgot image. 4U
>Not all of us are thirsty attention sluts laddy.
He said whilst namefagging

Over all the succession Wars, which nations made the biggest gains against the others? The Dracs took a lot of the FedSuns and Lyrans (pre-Rasalhague), right? And then the Suns whittled down the Capellans a ton.

How much did the FWL nab from the Cappies? And I know the Lyrans retook Solaris and Bolan, but how much did that FWL/Lyran border really move?
The CapCon/League rivalry started before the SWs. Their rivalry helped found the Star League.
According to data from grave stones of Gladiators who were successful enough to not be dumped into mass graves, death rates fluctuated between 9-25% and life expectancy of gladiators fell pretty close to the numerical average of the population. As in they generally bought the farm and moved upstate by the time a current-day athlete would think of retiring.
>How much did the FWL nab from the Cappies?
Andurien is basically all old Cap territory.
Adding to the advertisement thought, roleplaying the awkward post match interviews where they have to name drop supporters and the local appliance store tier advertisement readings would also be entertaining for your players. Most players would jump at the chance to write bad and embarrassing scripts for each other to read.
Are any of the old Field Manual rules in any of the newer books?
those death rates would spike significantly if they could include the more numerous unnamed gladiators that died without achieving a worthy career
NTA, yeah, that's the point. Newfags get imported from Gaul, fail to put on a show, and get the big thumbs down. Execution was a punishment for not being entertaining, but once you made it through the great filter, your odds of surviving a career were quite good as far as combat sports go.
Favorite Medium?

For me, it's gotta be the Hunchback.
Griffin. Fell in love with the dude ever since I read the record sheet despite barely having read the rules. The -1N is the perfect example of 'mech design and the drawbacks and design choices that make this game interesting, the -3M is the perfect example of why double heat sinks ruin the game, and the -1S is a cool brawler.
I like the Nova a lot. It's like the archetypical Clan Medium. It's fast, over-gunned, under-sinked, and always fucks for me.
Micro idea: Gulf Breeze heavy-worlders in the Lyran Commonwealth could be recruited as battle-armor shock troops intended to counter elementals. Wouldn't really scale, but it'd be an excuse for an elite unit.
I thought most people "on" Gulf Breeze lived on the orbitals.

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Medium mech? Well if I’m being honest I probably have to say it’s the Vindicator VND-1R.

Sure it’s slow, and at times feels a touch fragile. But it’s always been good to me whenever I put it in the field.

A decent enough sniper-mech that can take care of itself (or keep other support mechs safe).
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Battle Cobra

I'm a bit new to the setting, but how common are "regional" units? i.e. units that draw from a particular world or province? A quick overview shows that's common in the FWL but is it true in other states as well? The idea of culturally distinct or local regiments has always interested me, back from learning about WWII.
Most do. The genetically modified high gravity humans are migrants invited from the FWL to work directly on the high-gravity planets.
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>LAMs are
dumb, and I´m glad the clanners blew them all up
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So many good choices. Hunchback is up there, but I think I'm going to say Centurion. Love me autocannon 10.
This. The old 1N has put in so much work for me over the years.
Amen brother
It's gotta be either the Enfield or Enforcer. Especially variants with both LBX and jumpjets.
Phoenix Hawk. You gotta stomp all the bugs.
Very common. You have to remember that 95% of units were drawn as nobles from worlds in 3025, and federalization didn't really happen most places until the post-Helm production spool up. Then people still had their personal machines but they got rotated back to garrison duty or if you were in the Invasion corridor, your shit just got toast.

The Robinson Rangers largely come from the Draconis March. The Galedon Regulars come from the Galedon District. The Sky Rangers come from Skye. Every state has a load of units like this.
now that's a high quality edit
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Three problems with that:

Canonically, you can't tell a Heavy Worlder from a baseline human at all.

Physically, them being Elemental-sized would
be counter-productive as it would increase the load their system would have to bear before modifications.

Practically, the mods that ruggedize their ligaments, joints, spinal disks and circulatory systems against the additional gees probably wouldn't even make them stronger either as their whole point is to create something that can resist crushing damage over at least fifty to sixty years rather than something that can lift the weight of a whole globe for five seconds. It's not explosive power that's required here, but extreme long-term endurance.
Centurion. I blame all the video games wanting to start you with it though.
Honestly, heavy-worlders are probably best suited to being boots and doing manual labor since they're connective tissue is so durable. Boot infantry is outmoded in later Battletech and especially for the Clans, but they'd make great 'techs and such.
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>favorite medium
Snippety snip.
I like the Centurion. With Shadow Hawk as a close second.

Is there any more info on Skye beyond Scottish Independence memes? You think there would be, what with them having Hesperus, Galatea and Solaris.

And then of course, the Rangers and Skye itself just vanish thanks to RotS.
I gotta go with the Wolverine as my favorite, the Phoenix Hawk and Centurion get an honorable mention too.
>Hoplite, Annihilator, Marauder II
Any other Dragoons exclusive/affiliated mechs in 3025? Making an OpFor force for mydudes
bushwhacker is the most aesthetic
When I was a kid I would have said the Hatchetman, no contest. Now I don't know. I've got a soft spot in my heart for the Scorpion, but the Wolverine also calls to me.

There's also some specialist Dragoon versions of certain mechs, but I can't remember when they get them all. I think they have special Archers and Thuds at least.

As for unique mechs, didn't they bring back the Imp, Firefly, Falcon, and Shogun? I think they had Fleas and Hornets.
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Firestarter Omni. Looks cool ,and is a good, solid mech.
Firefly, hornet, falcon, shogun, imp, mongoose, they even had one downgraded stone rhino!
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Wait, can a pilot survive from ammo explosion?
>But headshot's 100% killed, right?
You auto eject after ammo explosion
They did an experiment with chickens (chosen for their bipedal stance, fast life cycles and cheapness) back during the space race where they raised them in a centrifuge at high-gs. The chickens (not gene modded at all, mind you) were ripped as all hell, enormous, powerful. I remember reading the story in "Great Mambo Chicken and the Transhuman Condition." I am choosing to extend this to humans in my personal canon.
Irish independence memes actually. It's literally an IRA joke.
Unless you deactivate the auto-eject prior, but what moron would do that?
Why would they have studied the effects of growing up in a high-gravity environment during the space race? All of the other potentially habitable planets/moons in our system have lower gravity than Earth.
Canonically? The FedSuns had a late surge in the 3rd SW under Hanse and finished it with a net gain in territory throughout along with some decent victories against the Dracs and Caps.

The Suns and Lyrans are the run-away winners of the 4th.

1st and 2nd are so much of a fuck fest it's hard to say anyone really "won" them. There were periods of ascendency for one state or another but then their enemies united to punch them in the dick.

Yeah, the equivalent publications for each era have them.

Gallowglas gets forgotten a lot. In a TR without the Penetrator and Falconer, it would be the best heavy by a long shot but it winds up being overshadowed to the point people don't even seem to know it exists.
Someone with CASE and a standard engine, who could keep on fighting with the other half of his mech.
Maybe they were hoping to have humans inhabiting space stations full time.
They studied everything during the cold war, no matter how impractical it may seem. Putting chickens in a centrifuge is pretty tame.
Gallowglas isn't dragoons exclusive.
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>it winds up being overshadowed to the point people don't even seem to know it exists.
>tfw forgot this mech even exists
>All of the other potentially habitable planets/moons in our system have lower gravity than Earth
At what point was it actually discovered that the outer planets were uninhabitable stormy, gaseous hell-worlds?

I wish there was more info on Rahneshire in particular, getting to go more Corporate Cyberpunk Japan on Solaris instead of full samurai weeabo sounds interesting.
He is allowed a double portion of slave rice.

Jupiter was apparently understood to not be a solid rock planet in the 1690s, according to a google search, which is something you should probably learn how to do.
The point of high grav mods is to create humans whose bodies won't experience constant stress under larger than one G. Them growing up ripped means that you fucked with their genes for naught.

The idea of an area close to Earth adopting Scottish as a vague cultural veneer makes sense, considering the Scottish diaspora around the world, and the founder of Skye.

Having Gaelic be an actual living language again is fucking absurd.
>Having Gaelic be an actual living language again is fucking absurd.
They brought back Hebrew from the dead and the US was hella close to becoming a German-speaking country at one point.
>asks for Dragoons exclusive/affiliated 'Mechs
>the 'Mech they make isn't affiliated with them

Right? Energy zombie with a few decent upgrades, but a few pages later it's the Bandersnatch, Falconer, Penetrator (un)holy trinity of 75 tonners so into the memory hole it goes.
>US was hella close to becoming a German-speaking country at one point.
its so funny to me that at one point Germany was to America what mexico/central america is to it today. Don't bother learning spanish, they're all going to be proper burgers in 50 years just like the krauts.
Is that any wonder though? Everyone makes a lot more money (and gets a lot less hurt) if you adopt the Japanese MMA model, which is worked fights for the talent and shoot fights for the jobbers. In this case, the jobbers would be criminals and other undesirables, but you're absolutely not going to risk your star talent in fights where they might actually be killed or seriously injured.

Does anyone really believe that combat sports just figured this out in the late 19th century? Of course not. The professional gladiators went to schools for it. The whole thing was professional wrestling with weapons. When a star was killed or seriously injured, it was because a mistake had been made.

He asked for your favorite medium, not for the best medium.
It gets sold to people outside of the dragoons. Also not around in 3025. Didn't get made till post clan invasion.
File deleted.
I didn't say I wasn't an attention whore.
It makes me sad to know there's a man under those clothes. Why can't there be whorish women who love Battletech?
Finished my clanners for now. Looking to expand my fwl. What force pack should I get?
The new Pursuit Lance with a Hermes II and Cicada.
German was more than Spanish ever has been to us. Hell, even in the wake of two World Wars, Americans felt more natural affinity for Germans than almost any other European.
>whorish women who love Battletech
Anon. You'd never know if they were or not. Those girls go to the club and get fucked, then play with their own group. They don't mix the two groups. The only time that ever happens is if they fat/unattractive and they want to dive into a group of dudes at a game store to get attention. And even then, they wont put out for the dudes at the game store.
>Yeah, the equivalent publications for each era have them.

The TRO anthologies have faction rules?
Lazerpig is a fat faggot
>Why can't there be whorish women who love Battletech?
I have yet to meet any woman who even plays BT on tabletop. I've literally seen more female 40K players.
The Su-57 is a Su-35S in a bodykit, which the faggot Russians can't even afford to acquire more than 12 of because they're spending all their money on paying for this war they're losing. Russia stopped being a peer of the US in the 1960s. It's time to let it go.
Mostly cause of all the German immigrants that kept coming in generation after generation. It's funny that in hindsight Benjamin Franklin's dislike of German immigration was vindicated.
I agree. I dont know what youre talking about in the context of his videos because I dont watch them. Lazerpig is still a fat faggot
Bismarck's Prussia enabled that. If you wanted land of your own and were locked out of upward mobility because you weren't born into it or married into it, you left Germany. Also, if you got put on the shit list and got your lands stripped from you by predatory Junker politicians, you might as well just leave because you were never going to get your land back. That's how half my family ended up in the US in the 1850s.
I'm just ketting you know that the inlet on the Su-57 is so poorly designed, that not only does it completely compromise any stealth aspects the plane might have, they also cause a horrendous whistling noise that can be heard from miles away, alerting ground forces of it's approach and presence. Truly, an incompetant craft designed by incompetants.
Wish BT focus more on smaller, planet/system/sector scale conflicts like they do in 40k
>noise that can be heard from miles away
Jet aircraft flying fast as fuck are loud, more news at 11.
Check out the Turning Points books.
It's louder than the engines.
What the fuck are you talking about? They do that all the time. Go back to your shitty game if you're too stupid to even understand what happens in this one before complaining like a dumb faggot.
I wish for not that, specifically because 40k does it. What now, weakling?
The first gray death legion book takes place on a single backwater planet.
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I will never not love the Executioner Prime. Nobody what anybody says, it's still the best config in my heart.
that looks like it got torn off the set of Legends of the hidden temple.
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Oh... of course you don't recognise me. It's quite normal for people to forget about me, don't feel bad, everyone does it.
It and the ManOWar are nicknamed the Stonefaces for a reason.
Although I think the design is atrocious, I love that they added carbonization to the top of the gauss rifle.
Why? Gauss rounds have no propellant to leave carbon behind.
for gauss its probably boneheaded, It just looks cool.
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... I'm not a whore.

Yeah, desu they look better out of that bra than in it. It was just a cheap Halloween costume.
Then stop acting like one.
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You're playing with the true scale, right?
All of these make sense to me except for Blood Spirit. I don't see it.
The entire history of your behavior proves otherwise, you dumb whore.
That does look awesome I'll admit. Where'd you get the bigass hexes?
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People mistake the Blood Spirits being bad at Clan politics for them being "le good clan".
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Why is bro in the cuck chair
Where get?
>no Star Adders
Best chart ever.
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I prefer mech scale terrain. Worrying about making speeds and weapon ranges make sense is for losers.
Nobody cares about mary sues
I like it, the big hexes make the mech battles come off more impressive imo. It helps to emphasize the speeds thelat mechs move at and ranges they can shoot up to is a lot of ground being covered in a few seconds, and not a close engagement moving at a snail's pace like some people insist is the case.
>The entire history of your behavior proves otherwise, you dumb whore.
I'm not a whore you stupid person. I'm a slut. Whore's only do it for the money. Sluts do it for fun (and for free).
I could never fit a table that big where I live. That's game store-scale.
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Nuh uh.
What if I want to be out of medium laser range? That whole board is 9 hexes from side to side.
Conversion to a different measuring parameter would be necessary.
Or just a really big board to compensate
Anybody bought the IWM War Crow? How tall is it?
Butt fangs
Would need specialized tools to be able to move the pieces.
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Reminder that you owe the Phoenix Hawk II-C to us. Prostrate yourselves in gratitude.
>I'm right
>I know I'm right
>fuck the rest of you you're wrong
>I'm living innawoods to get away from you faggots
>except the monke and ravens they're cool
sounds like the good clan to me
Well the only good clanner is a dead clanner, so they're definitely good.
Is the Medium Strike Fighter just a generic conventional fighter? Does it even have any minis?
>Do oddball planes have minis in mech scale
More than you would think, but not that one. The only conventional with an official mini is the Mechbuster.
The actual frame name is the Defender Medium Strike Fighter.
Wait, the Sai has the same art. And it has a metal mini.
>get told to stop acting like retards
>throw an autistic shitfit for 200 years
>still be a giga-crusader, just a shitty one that can't fight
>interfere with a Trial of Absorption because it didn't get awarded to them (I wonder why...)
>jump into the Wars of Reaving with just as much enthusiasm as the Steel Vipers
>get shit kicked in
>cry in their bitch hole for a decade
>get challenged again
>do what they've always done: throw away every semblance of Clan decorum while declaring themselves da realest Clanners
>get the NPPC
The Wolverines had the balls to just up and leave, and the Ice Hellions knew when they were beat and volunteered to be absorbed. The Blood Spirits were gigafaggots even by Clanner standards and deserved everything they got.
Then why even bother with the hexes at all.
Grogs aren't smart enough to function without hex-shaped objects on the table.
Apparently that's only a quarter of the whole map
If that’s true then the map size is honestly too big to be practical.
Can you do that? I heard you can just use double the movement stat as inches to move? I'm not sure if there's a better version of that?
It's a thing people do, but you lose the advantages of the hex grid like unambiguous firing arcs and LOS
>abiding by clan decorum
>listening to the retarded faggots who fucked up the clan way™ in the first place
>running away
sounds like bitch behavior to me, throwing a centuries long shitfit and making the faggots you hate put up with it is the correct course of action
also wars of reaving aren't canon anyway
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Why not map scale mechs?
I actually read Wars of Reaving literally yesterday, and it took me from the traditional dindu stance to FUCK these niggers in the space of a few hours. Quite the amusing redpill.

Somebody really likes missile Catapults but ran out of the same color on his 3D printer...
>ywn play BattleTech on a giant gaming table, moving minis with casino sticks while wearing military dress uniforms
Pain. Agony, even.
don't like all the home clans act like irredeemable retards violating clan rules in that?
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You can get closer to that experience in Leviathans
Hang on, let me slap the jumpsuit back on, *ahem*
There were many contributing factors to the Wars of Reaving, but nearly all stem from the failure of Operation Revival and the Great Refusal. It is hard to overstate the shock these defeats were to the Clans. As we had told ourselves for centuries, we were inherently better than the Inner Sphere, we would ALWAYS triumph over them. That reality had not borne this out could only mean that SOMETHING had gone terribly, horribly wrong. Scrutiny, naturally, fell first upon the invading Clans, which combined with the rising political power of the snake clans, Steel Viper, Star Adder and Cloud Cobra, to lead to these Clans being increasingly challenged. As their Trials increased, they became ever more desperate, and as all men do, they began to skirt the rules, which in turn served only as further proof that they were impure and needed to be removed. The true point where the Wars of Reaving exploded was when the newly-elected ilKhan Andrews, a Steel Viper, declared that the Bloodheritages of the tainted Clans would become the exclusive property of the Clan to reave them. This free-for-all pushed all the Clans into overdrive, putting each in turn into similar states of desperation and rule-breaking, which again one by one led to their own disownment by the Grand Council until the Snake Alliance finally ate itself with the murder of the Star Adder Khan at the hands of the ilKhan in the Council chambers, revealing his own Clan's perversions and bringing forth their own Annihilation.
In old Terran politics, there were terms along the lines of "purity death spiral", wherein the search for an internal enemy always finds a target, no matter how tenuous, but when it fails to solve the issue, it can only mean that there must be another target out there.
The urbanmech.... is about as good as an elemental, hence it should be used as an elemental equivalent.
>Have a 15 foot massive oak table with steel rails and 3 leaves
>Has 8 matching chairs
>Drawers at head and end
>Perfect condition
>Also 75 square feet of 2.5" Italian marble hexagon tiles from Carerra

Another year when I finish remodeling the long sunroom into a dining room, and I'll be able to play the way I've dreamed for fifteen years. Don't give up, anons.
Brain the size of a planet this one...
Gonna say either the Bushie or the Phoenix Hawk.
You guys are quickly convincing to give true scale a try, no matter how impractical getting it set up is.
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Not even true map scale, but the original Battletech scale of the Battledroid days, N-scale. Bigger hexes for bigger mechs and terrain. About the same mech to hex ratio.
Is there any use for the Crossbow? Are there any decent variants?
I'd like to pozz Star Commander Jayden's neghole. I want to fuck him in the aff
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Just remember to dress appropriately, anon.
SaKhan? More like SAKHAN DEEZ NUTS
I was playing clans with a friend on comms, somehow came to the phrase "oh that must be the SaKhan" and without knowing the first thing about BT blurted out exactly that reflexively
it was like getting flashbanged and I'm shocked it never occured to me
Crossbow B is terrifying at short range
Is the XXL engine a liability for the Savage Wolf? I can't imagine any mech being usable with an XXL.
The Ferro Lam makes you basically TAC-proof, so it only matters when somebody tears a torso off. It's actually better off than a 3050's IS mech with an XL in terms of survivability.
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Gray Death Legion canopy glass: orange into red, or bright red into dark red? Which is closest to canon?
Canon is all glass except the Mackie is a dark smoky sunglasses color. Any other colors in art are just there to be more visually exciting.
Green into purple. Like a bug.
Or rather it's straight clear, but then polarizes and gets dark automatically against laserfire and such when the shooting starts.
>polarized cockpits
it still fucks me up that looking at a big laser from the side IN REAL LIFE can blind you, like how? it's all pointed that a way it's a fucking laser, how scary are these fucking things?
So just throw a dark wash on the windows and call it good?
This. Clan XXLs are only 4 slots instead of 6, so it doesn't eat up TOO much space. Durability loss is a thing, but the extra 6.5 tons is a pretty substantial amount to play with. My complaint with it is the rear-mounted SSRMs in the Prime, but I haven't played a lot in the hyper-mobility era, so it may be useful with the sheer speed lights can get around at.
Personally, I always choose a complimentary color. It looks better. But gloss black or a black wash over dark gray is the way to go if you want canon.
Oh, if you're talking armament, it's literally a Madcat D as the Prime. That was intentional. They mention it in the DA novels.
There's a model of Large Laser that's a fucking Gamma Ray laser. You can warcrime entire platoons like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uSJcPAE39ao

>Look, it even melted all the little people and stuff

The colloidal dispersion of a laser through air is what blinds you with a light laser. That you can see the path of the laser at all is because it's refracting as it's passing through.
Yeah, I just pulled them open in MegaMek. Overall, the Savage saves 6.5 tons on the engine, 1 ton by going from 3 to 2 SSRM boxes, and another .5 for the ERSL, for a total of 8. Of that, 4 is spent on the upgrade to Ferro-Lam, which actually drops its bubble count by 6, but the damage reduction is going to more than make up for that. Another 2 is spent on extra heat sinks, which allows it to run while blasting the PPCs indefinitely, even with the greater heat output of the XXL, and the last two goes into armoring the gyro, which is probably going to be the most contentious part of the package.
It's actually exactly 1 BV cheaper than the Mad Cat D, though C-Bill cost jumps from 24 to 91.6 M-m-m-million, because holy fuck XXLs are expensive.
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Sell me in the dragon bros. Is there a niche it occupies on the tabletop? I really want to make it work. And yes im talking about the AC2 variant
The Dragon is a glorious mech unparalleled by any in the service of the Coordinator, an-
>yes im talking about the AC2 variant
The extra armor is worth it! Just use the AC2 on tanks and planes and treat it like a punch/kick bot
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Drac shit works together. You need to have an APES TOGETHER STRONG! mindset to run Dracs. The Dragon works best with other Dragons and its LAW brothers the Charger and Quickdraw. Throw in a 5/8 Trinity or an Ostsol if you're lucky enough to have one.

The 1C is a conventional slayer. It's meant to drop tanks and VTOL's.
superior range
superior armor
at the low low cost of a small lasers worth of damage
to be rear line dogshit by succession war standards
just upgrade it you don't need to hurt yourself like this
This. Dragons are made to run in swarms. Think Takeda cavalry
Specifically the Mad Cat Mk IV is essentially just the Mad Cat with ferro-lam, using an XXL to make up the weight difference for the new armor since the OG used all the extant weight savers already.
Dragons are never meant as solo ronin mechs. You need to have +3 to take advantage of the speed. Treat it like a clan mech split into 4
>ac2 variant
Wait until plastic vehicles are released
Until then try the PPC variants
Dont just run a warhammer or thud like a normal person the dragon is pure unadultered TRASH
anything made by luthien armor works is kuso
Instead opt for a superior davion man heavy like the rifleman or jaegermech
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>anything made by luthien armor works is kuso
Get fucked, baka
>we put a hat on a charger and upgraded it from joke mech to generically mid
wow good jerb luthien
>we made the charger slightly less bad
Why tf did they name the Japanese planet Luthien anyway
Why tf is there a lyran planet named Kwangjong-ni?
Because it wasn't settled by Japs. It wasn't a founding member of the proto-Combine, it got absorbed in.
Tell me about the great wyrm. Is it good? It's backstory seems cool at least.
Kurita came to power on New Samarkand and they only moved their capital to Luthien after it was intentionally converted from its original agriculture economy to a heavily industrialized one. They were not originally space kings and didn't get to name most, if any, of their core planets.
If there's a planet Luthien, where is planet Beren?
It also wasn't the capital until the 27th century
The Streak component of an iATM works like regular streak right? No differences? I know it allows for indirect fire, so is it affected by Streak? Or do you have to roll on the Cluster table for Indirect Fire?
They added a son to it and stuck it down on the FWL-cappie border.
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Jealous Fedfags assmad they didn't look at a Charger standing next to a Thug and put two and two together themselves. Stay sad, losers.
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Because it's pretty, like Luthien, a sight mortal men challenge gods and death for the favor from.
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This thread merely proves that all envy the glory of the Dragon.
SRMs have a form of self guidance, right? They're missiles after all, not rockets.
Varies by writer. They're at least capable of having guidance, since NARC SRM ammo exists.
Basically it all got fucked up with the introduction of post-Helm tech. The general idea back at the start was that 'Mechs were swimming with EW gear, which is why combat ranges are so short and missiles spread so much, but then dedicated EW equipment got added, so who the fuck knows anymore.
No, the idea at the start was targeting systems along with everything else had simply gone to shit that badly since the fall of the Star League.
This is like saying no mechs had targeting systems because targeting computers were added
No iron sights or basic optical sights for targeting? It has always irked me how battletech weapons have hilariously short ranges
Some mechs do have irons on their guns. The Stinger was noted for having irons on them.
Why would a barrel 20ft lateral from the targeting position have ironsights?
I always figured that mechs do have general ECW equipment, but it's baseline and isn't heavy enough to warrant mention in the crunch. Meanwhile using equipment like beagle active proves and Guardian ECM suites is dedicating one to two tons of your mech's tonnage to use advanced, specialized gear thar outpaces the basic shit all mechs come with.
There are even design quirks, like the 'Improved Sensors' quirk you find on mechs like the Fire Falcon, that imply even baseline sensors aren't all equal, with some mech lines being built with better sensor suites than others. Then you have mechs with sensors that specialize in certain roles, like the Rifleman's sensors that are geared around Anti-Air Targeting for example.
I think it's just a case of the crunch not properly conveying the fluff of how mech electronics work.
do ppc's actually do that fizzy discombobulating that the vidya always has when you get hit or are near where it hits? I don't think there's anything in tabletop rules that indicates that's the case.
It should to be honest, i think that will differentriate it from AC10s
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You don't paint minis to get bitches anon, you paint minis to play show and tell with other socially and/or hygienically retarded men in person and online.

Also I guess play games with the minis from time to time (optional)
I imagined they would wire a crude camera on the weapon with a crosshairs overlay or behind the sights on a weapon and that is your passive targeting display now.
>you now hear the weird bubbly sound from the armor
>Also I guess play games with the minis from time to time (optional)
I don't even get that as an option, I get zero action working nights. I exist as a painting machine that plays vicariously through the batreps of others.

The only bright note in this wretched manner of existence is I'm getting to play with paints and techniques I never thought I'd have to before. Shit like pigments and mediums just weren't things I gave a fuck about before, now I can't wait to start messing with them on the horde of minis I've accumulated. Same with actual basing.
Same. I get zero ass and all i do is paint white. I dont even play comstar
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If it makes you feel any better I bought my first mech years ago and have literally played zero games of BT. The local scene is super small and when they do play in a store it tends to be a store I refuse to patron, so I just have a bunch of mechs chilling on my shelf.

Every once in a while I'll get a weird hair up my ass or need a palate cleanser and I'll just grab one and paint it.
That's a handsome Thud.
BV for clan invasion? Whats the tournament standard? I dont have friends so im trying to build a list for megamek or the once a month game at some LGS
What you just described isn't ironsights.

Mechs have targeting systems that are more advanced than a gopro velcro'd to an elbow. A first person view is unnecessary and inferior.

The more human shaped ones are quaint little relics of when they plagiarized macross/robotech ip.

>wait 900 seconds before posting
For what reason?
>For what reason?
Because you're a filthy fucking phoneposter.
>dragon bros
W-Who are the dragon bros? Kuritan Mario ripoff?
The integration of these large ethnic groups wasn't a neat process though. A lot of terrorism was being committed in the former Mexican territories post-civil war, and the German-Americans only performed their grand act of cultural suicide when WW1 broke out.
That didn't kill them either though, and attitudes and perspectives that really can't hide their germanic smell seemingly started popping up all over US politics from then on.
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Thanks. When I get painter's block sometimes I go to the Unit Color Compendium and dig around until I find a scheme I like and then paint it. That Thunderbolt scheme was from something called "Brewer's Legion".

Alternately I'll rip off videogames. The Crusader reminded me of a RAcast from Phantasy Star Online so that's how I painted it. I also did a Catapult in yellow with some checkers on the legs because I was playing a lot of Crazy Taxi at the time.
>Mechs have targeting systems that are more advanced than a gopro velcro'd to an elbow
Actually that seems about right for "targeting systems" in the Third Succession war.
There is no tournament standard. Tournaments are pretty unpopular. But I recommend 6000 BV for Clan Invasion. It's what CGL recommends as a "scale 2" (lance vs lance) game, and what Instant Action uses.
what's the humblest non-merc /yourdudes/ lance you could reasonably make that still has mechs? planetary militia? want something to dumb urbies and the upcoming security lance into
Corpo security at a facility.
>There is no tournament standard
Well that's retarded. Somebody needs to impose a tournament standard onto the community so that people can actually prepare for games. It's not right to have a competition where you can't know the conditions of the game ahead of time.
Local organizers decide their own standards, they don't need Daddy Catalyst to hold their hands.
If you're looking for a hypercompetitive waacfag meta tournament scene than you picked the wrong miniature wargame anon.
Sound like loser talk ngl
could the clanners' disdain of contractions for corrupting star league english not also be applied to nicknames and slurs, or new words in general, or even their own clanspeak?
You're correct anon. Battletech is completely full of losers like me. You won't like it here.

I suggest you try /40kg/.
>wrong miniature war game
Especially considering battletech isn't a miniature war game.
>clanners are hypocrites
Why did clanners invent a PPC that headcaps their warriors at any moment and run a society based on fights with these weapons?
Fight enough trials and any bloodnamed clanner should be head shot.
>Fight enough trials and any bloodnamed clanner should be head shot.
Skill issue
And? So long as they make their mark warriors don't care much about longevity.
The fact that battlemechs in general aren't maximally armored in all situations is still funny to me. Considering how expensive they are and supposedly rare enough that salvage is a worthwhile means of maintaining a force.

The idea that mechwarriors are easier to replace than mechs leads credence to this too. I'd expect a real force to go speed/manueverability > armor > weapons in terms of mech design. And retreat as soon as your nose starts to bleed to save the mech in terms of tactics. Battles to the death seems like a truly absurd concept when so much is at stake every time.
How is it not?
> The idea that mechwarriors are easier to replace than mechs leads credence to this too. I'd expect a real force to go speed/manueverability > armor > weapons in terms of mech design. And retreat as soon as your nose starts to bleed to save the mech in terms of tactics. Battles to the death seems like a truly absurd concept when so much is at stake every time.
They tried to incorporate this idea into the game. As far as I am aware players universally hated it.
>They tried to incorporate this idea into the game. As far as I am aware players universally hated it.
That is only because that when they included that in the game, the players universally hated it.
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There's no requirement to use miniatures. It's a token and chit game and is intended more narratively as an alternate future 'historical' wargame.
Are there scale 1, 3, 4 as well then?
Thought "Life is cheap, but BattleMechs are not" was the game's motto
If Battletech is a weeaboo setting, why is Kurita the bad guys?
Same reason the Yankees are bad guys in the US civil war reenactments. So Will Smith can pilot a giant mechanized spider and crush a small town. Get your head in the game.
It isn't and they aren't.
insufferable pedantry, got it
Anyone remember a story about pirate invading a planet with the Urbanmech, and the locals tried to fight it off with industrial machines and barely failed?
I would assume he's referencing the forced withdrawal optional rule.
Correct. So either get with the program or leave.
Go to a 40k tourney with a pocket full of bottle caps and pogs as your army and see how many games they let you play. The rules as written require minis unlike bt.
Anon, this is a Battletech thread not a 40k thread. Their rules do not apply here.
I feel like you have a misplaced "get out reeee" shitfit once a thread and it hasn't really accomplished anything
I'm aware.
As i stated here.
Nobody cares. It’s still a war game by all practical standards.
40k general rules apply in every thread on /tg/
That's because 40konsumers are buck broken faggots.
If you don't want to understand the context in good faith, there's no point entertaining the comparison. Suffice to say bt is foundationally different from miniature war games.
Battletech is not a MINIATURES wargame.
It is a still a wargame.

Are you intellectually capable of comprehending the difference between those two things?
>bt is foundationally different from miniature war games.
which you've done nothing to prove since your autistic argument hyperfixates on dabbing on le evil 40k for not allowing chits or proxies when the first guy you started crying about was basically on the same side of gatekeeping
>>>>>good faith
if you didn't have your head up your own ass, you might be able to point out it's hex based, ruler free, LoS abstracted to separate it from mini games instead of pretending everyone plays with paper triangles
are either of you particularly wrong, guess not
do normal humans care, no
have you done a single thing to keep out evil refugees, not at all you're just ackshyullying a randy
now seethe
Consider yourself gatekept from this community, then.
>literally imagining himself winning
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>thinking that anyone would care about what some random stranger on the internet has to say
>i have a list of things i already know of that makes bt unlike other games
>no, spoonfeed me why it's unlike other games
Yea. Arguing just to argue. Shut the fuck up already.
I obviously don't need to be spoonfed, since I know what your mangled attempts at arguments meant, ergo I'm not the same anon
I'm telling you you're a retard who can't even do what I just did and that's why you just wind up shitting and pissing all over the place over strawmen in a fight you started
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This is especially dumb because the original anon got his answer of 6000 BV already.

Chaos Campaign and the new mercs campaign outline Scale 1, 2, and 3 play. Scale 1 is 1-2 mechs, Scale 2 is a lance of mechs, and scale 3 is two lances to a company, all with optional non mech backup.

The Instant Action scenario pack I wrote recommends 6000 BV, 3-6 units, and apparently the guy who writes the Outworld Wastes campaign system is standardizing on that too to line up with IA. CGL using 6k as the recommended number is probably convergent evolution.

File related in case you're curious.
>actual literal purity spiral happening live
maybe the wars of reaving weren't that retarded after all
Is this the updated version of IA?
I mean, eventually, we are always proven right.
please don't, you're fucking awful at it
cry instead it's funnier
That's version 4.0, which is the latest to exist in PDF form. The guy who does my layouts has had stuff come up that's kept him from putting out 4.1. I'll bother him about it tonight at the campaign.

Unrelated, FedEx says my kickstarter finally delivers today. On the other hand, it's in a city seven hours' drive away from me and isn't listed as Out For Delivery, so who knows. Hopefully it arrives while I'm asleep. Night, all.
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Battletech official tourneys used to provide players with miniatures, FYI.

This game might not operate by the rules you're familiar with in more than one way.
Those days are long gone. If anyone's providing any sort of physical prize at a game or tournament, they're doing it without prize support.
Was this written by the same guy who did that tie-in story for the HBS computer game? I remember that having a lot of anime references as well.
Those weren't prizes. They were loaner minis you used for your games.
Oh, that's quite different, then. Last time I saw a store do that was for a Firestorm Armada demo day event.
Copy. Thank you
Is there a quick rundown on painting Battletech minis? I haven't painted plastic (or otherwise) minatures in years, not since painting warhammer stuff when I was still a kid I think.
I'm getting the AGOAC box set soon. I don't have any paints.
Battletech has plenty of anime references in general, especially the older stuff
proper heavy Crab when
Tokens and chits are miniatures
Bottom-anon is the change they want to be.

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