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Wish Granted Edition

Previously on /slop/: >>94236486

▶ Thread Task: prompt depictions of entities with the ability of granting wishes.

▶ It's been confirmed images are not saved on Microsoft's servers forever, only for 50 days. Make sure to save your images.

▶ Generators

▶ /slop/-approved styles, prompts and perspectives

▶ Videogame art styles

▶ Useful links
Color identifiers -- https://www.htmlcolorcodes.com/
List of art movements -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_art_movements
List of hair styles -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_hairstyles
World folk clothing -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Folk_costume
World body armors -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Body_armor
Names for general clothing styles (PDF) -- https://files.catbox.moe/3r0ux6.pdf
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Very artsy
Sorry, mortal, we're busy with our dancing contest.
Mermaids can grant you wishes.

They might.
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Perhaps a genie?
Hamster can grant wishes
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Might be best to wish upon a star.
His face makes me think that someone in this town, at this point is screaming "HAMMOOOOOND!!!"
What prompt did you use to get a sky like that?
beautiful starry night, with a white shooting star
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He could just unlock any door with his finger
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Except the door to your heart.
much <3 to you mister skeleton
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Hobo with a shotgun?
Yeah but I didn't intend it to be related to the movie of the same name at all.
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holy fucking shit bing sucks now
Why is it like this
good movie. alot better than people give it credit for
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Widow's peak is very aesthetic
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I can't get Bing to give me a full body picture, god damn.
All that's really missing is the stars. Prompt?
I actually really like this version of dragon ball you made. moar?
Bing just gave me "You can't submit any more prompts. Please wait until your other ongoing creations are complete before trying to create again."
When does this shit reset?
OP is being a pretentious loser again.
it could be 20 minutes or 12 hours. usually its a few hours at least for me and than I cant make that many more. I usually wait 24 hrs to let it fully reset. others experiences may vary
>When does this shit reset?
If you sign out and create a new account? Instantly.
How hard is it to make new accounts? Do they stop you after one or two?
Try it.
The one time I get tomboyish hair, it's without even trying
I can grant any wish, but why would I bother with such strange devices such as these lamps? Just call upon me any time.
Is the Z stored in the balls?
They are rather inert
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why the long face? :D
I'm scared ;_;
I used FLUX Schnell with 8 steps, not sure if it will work on DALL-E, this is the prompt.
>1984 vhs anime screengrab, green dragon with long snake body and muscular torso, crossed arms, red eyes, black horns, "I shall Grant you 3 wishes" closed caption subtitle, alien planet desert background
Sure, I guess FLUX just has a default style for anime screenshot and gives the image a weird amalgamation of old western cartoon and early 90s anime.
Casting Wish may have some very interesting side-effecta on a caster.
could the next one be a dark sun athas monster art thread? variants of existing monsters?

Poor choice of hairstylists?
Anon, just post here whatever you want to.
Bingbing had on prayer, one wish, and it was granted.
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There's the thing though. If it was about what they can post to the thread, they already can just do it. Safe to assume it's about what everyone else can be encouraged to post.
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Our friend Ralph has found the fabled golden ticket!
This makeshift altar with his stolen helmet sure will do the trick.
>...Suuuuure. Is your cousin okay there, hun?
>That's some good shit there bro!
>Care to try one of mine as well?
Race - Human (Variant)
Class - Cleric (War)
Background - Urban Bounty Hunter
Random Oddity - Xenophile. You find yourself exclusively interested in a race you weren’t born into.
>Bring me your tithe, and I shall rid your village of mongrels.

This is really really good.
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>Oh stop embarrassing the poor kid.
This place has really slowed down over the past few months. What's going on?
A mouse vs a rat king
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Have you tried posting more? Oh what's that? You haven't? Is it because you only post your generic shitty waifu gens that everyone else posts and you don't' actually have any creative ideas to share? Yes? Then shut the fuck up and stop complaining.
athas org made the Cthonian tomb adventure available and it has a plain depiction of a monster, i don't understand what it is.
Bat head, very long arms and legs and very strange torso and puke-green colored.

the image appears on the link

Can someone generate a cool one? great that they released this but that art is just....
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I've been trying to find a good minimalist, maybe even Patrick Nagel-like style for some cyberpunk portraits. I'd be interested to see your style prompts. I was trying this.

>"minimalist, high contrast style illustration, clean, bold lines, sharp and precise. bold colors."
(no idea why did Bing put a face on the mountain)
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Switched to
>minimalist, european-style digital painting with rough brushstrokes, bold colors

I like the look, but it's still not quite "minimalist" enough for what I'm looking for. I'd like to find something along the lines of this anon. >>94254488
I just happen to have saved an old prompt an anon came up with for Patrick Nagel style minimalism. Still works quite well.
>minimalist, high contrast style illustration by Patrick Nagel, full body standing portrait. <subject>. clean, bold lines that outline the subject, enhancing their features and creating a sense of sharpness and precision. Geometric Shapes. Minimal Color Palette.
The only downside is fucking Bing presents them as .jpg, complete with terrible jpg artifacting.
It was pretty much what DK wrote
>Minimalist, impressionist, muted and flat colours, manga:
Dunno if the background have something to do with it
>in a dark red room, coach, table with money, curtain over a window, lightbeams
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Not bad. definitely has a Nagel-like quality. Seems to work well for portraits but falls apart a bit when you try to add background scene elements. I'll play with it to see if I can strip it down some as the style takes up a lot of text.
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Yeah, I'm starting to really like this one. Modified it slightly to

>minimalist, high contrast style illustration by Patrick Nagel, lean, bold lines that outline the subject, creating a sense of sharpness and precision. Geometric Shapes. Minimal Color Palette. dynamic fashion pose of <subject>

Throw in a few modifiers like "from profile" or "diptych" and it works really well. Thanks for the prompt Piro-anon.
Yeah, unless you want just simple geometric backgrounds, it falls apart. And I even had to simplify a few things. Like changing Piro's normal "rich red and black Renaissance dress" to just "rich red dress" because the more details I'd feed Bing, the more it tried to work those in and more details are quite contrary to minimalism.
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"I look out the window of my office. The unnaturally warm, greasy rain drizzles down on the neon-lit rooftop tenements of Kabuki. I was pouring a shot of bourbon when the dame walked into through my door bringing trouble with her..."

Damn these are beautiful, I'll have to give it a try
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Last PC of the group
I was going to be done, but it's a slow day.
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Not sure why, but my results with "Minimalist, impressionist, muted and flat colours" are not nearly so minimalist as yours. Curious.
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Did you add manga? I do it for the simpler faces. I rolled up a few with and whiteout the manga part, and changed the background to Urban city background (just in case that influenced it)
The medic and the outfit have words like sleek, futuristic in them, which might influence it, dunno. And is also the thing of bleedover from previous prompt, but that is very speculative

Also, I'm getting a bit bored of my Medi-ko, think I'm shelving her for a bit
Itty bitty living space?
Can't make him into the lamp unfortunately
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Thread task sucks. Patrick Nagel thread, now.
Very nice. I really like that.
Tried to copy that dress.
Bottom right
Not irl
Always fun whenever you describe footwear in hopes of getting a full body, only for them to hold a it, and it's waist up.
This seems to be rather rare instance. Typically even when you want the character to hold a shoe, it's hard to get.
I've tried to describe character barefoot and Bing would have them hold up a pair of disembodied bare feet.
On the subject of the thread, I tried to have a character hold a monkey's paw, only for it to just turn the character's hand into the paw.
>Bing would have them hold up a pair of disembodied bare feet.
I got that too. Sometimes way too often. That's why it's always good to add "full silhouette shot" or other perspective.
>[X] Bare feet. [Y]
Works for me. Fill out X & Y with the rest.
>always good to add "full silhouette shot" or other perspective.
NTA but I've tried very hard to get full body shots with phrases like that and it's never seemed to do anything.
Hmm. Red dress even sexier.
>Full silhouette
Looks like skill issue to me
Oh just adding "barefoot" as one word tends to work best for me. Especially since it doesn't trigger the filter for having "bare" in it.
It's rare that I get the feet in the hands anymore. Just a funny little thing that sometimes happens.
By itself it's never worked for me, but combined with descriptors for the feet or ground, it feels like it does help.
But it's all voodoo hoodoo for exactly how this fuckin thing wants to work.
How do you go about getting guns to look half way good? Some of the ones I see here occasionally look quite decent, but mine always look so shit even as non centerpoint pieces they end up drawing the eye.
It mostly depends on the style of the gen. Real-life looking ones are typically okay-ish. If you go for fantasy or sci-fi ones, results can be disappointing.
Tried to make an Aure in that style. Hope Aure anon doesn't mind.
Bing fought me on that heterochromia. Cheap way out: winking!
Now it's Shrodinger's eye color whether the one you don't see is the same color or not.
Jumping on the minimalist bandwagon

Also, blessed genie gen
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Ooh, I dig the split top on the lady
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>Alt TT

Why not. The Warhammer all-criminal party, featuring the halfling waifu
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Me too, unfortunately it's bingnot my prompt making it so it's was just a cool accident
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Ancestry: Elf
Heritage: Woodland Elf
Background: Junk Collector (Engineering Lore)
Class: Kineticist (Water)
Archetype: Wandering Chef (Cooperative Waffles, Mender's Soup, Dragon's Blood Pudding, Missive Mint)
>Jungle Elves hydromancers have a peculiar way of cooking, sometimes standing in a river filled with chunks of drake meat and causing it to boil around them
>Cooperative Waffles
As they should be.
Cooperative Waffles
Alchemical Consumable Processed
Source Treasure Vault pg. 47 1.1
Usage held in 2 hands; Bulk L
Activate 10 minutes (Interact)
Flash-cooked on a waffle iron and drizzled with alchemical syrups and compound butter, cooperative waffles bolster the supportive spirit of those who share the batch. You can split the waffles with one other creature. After you both eat half of the waffles to Activate them, when one of you uses Follow the Expert to follow the other, the circumstance bonus granted is 1 higher. The waffles' bonus lasts 24 hours or until you next make your daily preparations, whichever comes first. You can only be linked to one creature in this way at a time; if either of you eats cooperative waffles again, the effect of your previous waffles ends.
Price 5 gp
Bulk L
This one came out good and had the heterochromia.
I recognize this filename style. I know what you are.
I threw in "rennaissance" to see what it would do & it made it more "propaganda" styled in my opinion with more stylized angles
What's your prompt?
Really just using what's in >>94260375 with
>alluring young lady, pale skin, black hair, ponytail and bangs, one green eye one blue eye. wearing an elegant blue dress with gold trim, off the shoulder, split skirt. she is smiling, dancing. dynamic poses.
...for Aure
Thanks, I may be in the minority but I like an armored Aure
Always practice safe Aure-ing!
I think Aure looks good in anything
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"Drink it all! Sometimes the roofies are on the bottom! Cheers!"
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Aww...I just got back into town, made a post before catching up on the whole thread, and saw these! You guys love me! You really, really love me!
What was her wish?
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Bigger tits, it seems.
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Nothing wrong with that.
Is posting AI genned miniatures still a thing in /slop/?
That's a cool troll.
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Race: Half Elf
Class: Monk Four Elements
Background: Ruined
Random Oddity: Guilty. You believe you are to blame for the death of someone close to you.
>The flames took everything from her; her home, her family, her beauty. But rather than run from it, she learned to make it submit.
It always feels good to see people using my old prompts still.

Looks good anons.

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