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Previous: >>94256259

Silver Border Edition

>OFFICIAL Commander website, where you can learn the rules, see the current banlist, and read the format philosophy, laid down by the rules committee

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen color identity

>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck strategy and card choices

>Card Search

>Proxy a deck or a cube for cheap
https://pastebin.com/9Xj1xLdM (embed)

>How to proxy using any printer


What UB crossover would you like to see next?
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Unban Mana Crypt
I'd like to wake up from the nightmare marketer-kun
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Zelda would be kino
Or just another 40k one

Unfortunately we're in for a slop year
you ever have difficulty finding people who play low power decks but also aren't complete noobs? like im running mono red phoenixes here and if i go below a 7 lobby the players don't know basic rules or how to read cards.
I would like an immediate end to crossover slop
It's not reasonable, but I'd like to see a Yugioh crossover. Break things down to decks based on the first three series primarily while throwing in some XYZ and Synchro inspired cards too.
Just looks like she has a tan. Which is strange considering the setting, but whatever.
Path of Exile
All UB is slop tastelet
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Anybody want to buy my bags?
UB Dungeons and Dragons so I can get more anthro furries on my cards
>Secret Lair Legends of Avantris
UB World War II
UB Harry Potter
UB Australian Ostrich War SL
UB Mass Effect
UB Greek/Roman Mythology
UB Mr. Clean SL
UB Gundam Wing
UB Family Guy
UB Nintendo
UB Halo
UB MtG. A daring choice I know.
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>What UB crossover would you like to see next?
Dragon Ball Z
I know you ment it as not wanting more UB shit but i immediately thought of Planar Chaos when i read UB MtG
Same. I can't wait till the game is to such a point where it's an event when we get actual magic settings as sets once a year.
Not now, not ever.
Same, but because I want a revisit to backgrounds and dungeons.
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Unironically Fromsoft
Gay Bolas
>no Infect.
Why would a proxy add abilities the card it is proxying doesn't have?
Hearts of Iron IV
We need to be able to check Benito Mussolini off the ultimate showdown checklist.
I never understood why Mussolini was in the ultimate showdown.
>Future Sight frames, Old Border frames, Planar Chaos frames, White Borders, Stamped textboxes, play legal Gold Borders, Full Arts, Lottery Frames (Expeditions/Invocations/Inventions) all in the same set
>1 of each of the bottom tiers, 1 Lottery Frame a box
God it would be so good....
Why would you make it a proxy of a card that doesn't have the fitting ability?
alliterates with Blue Meanie, rhymes with Jambi the Genie, adds a little bit of edginess to the song without putting Literally Hitler in it.
Because it makes him happy?
Are you also surprised when The Joker breaks out of Arkham Asylum again?
It was obvious Bolas was coming back eventually the second he got sent to gay baby jail.
That doesn't make sense, Tarkir is the straightest plane.
>implying they wouldn't go back to faggot dragon dildo land without the biggest dragon dildo showing up
Hitler doesn't rhyme with anything, anyway
>you guys are the reason the biggest mtg villain ever is coming back!
>"I only wanted... to gather all those sparks... to resurrect my dead gay dragon lover..."
>Bolas is gonna come back despite no one will remember him, besides Ugin his permanent babysitter, because Jace erased everyone's memory of Bolas so no one would try to free him.
I hope he comes back.
The Gay Bolas shit started this year. Sets are in production for years.
I guess it really was the gathering of Magic all along
Dead format
This. Only 60 people at my weeklies. Dead AF
didn't know they were discontinuing commander decks in favor of more secret lairs
"Benito mussolini and the blue meanie" also flows really well
It probably rhymes or at least slant rhymes with something, but nothing I can think of off the top of my head.
Is this actually officially happening?
I'd much prefer to go back to yearly commander deck releases instead of this bimonthly commander release shit they are doing.
Monkey's paw says ok but they'll only ever be UB.
Thirty (30) starting life is objectively superior to fourty (40)
I'd like whatever IP would justify more background cards.
Yiff in hell, tourist.
Hopefully fucking not but it would not surprise me if they did it's less printing and more money for them
I have an Italian PSA 10 Invoke Prejudice that's worth more than your entire collection
Why doesn't Jonkler just kill Man? Is he stupid?
>Bolas was trying to regain oldwalker status to restore Ugin's material form
It's because he too, is a homosexual
Real talk though, I'm honestly shocked some mentally deficient writer at DC hasn't tried that angle yet for him.
You joke but it is a running gag in DC to have homoerotic tension in Joker's perspective of Batman so it's funny you compared Bolas to him.
WotC would never have the stones to make a villain gay though so if they actually go that route it would be really funny because we would probably actually see everyone just forget how Bolas drove entire planes to extinction and (allegedly) killed hundreds of planeswalkers in favor of making him kiss Ugin in every other card he appears in.
>i-i spend money so you have to accept m-
No. Go back or kill yourself.
Are there any cards like pic related in Grixis? I'm trying to pull artifacts and creatures out of the graveyard but there doesn't seem to a lot of choices.
Is this bait?
No. Grixis is rather notoriously bad at interacting with the graveyard.
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You can't even post 1 deck you own right this second
no games no deck anon coping
honestly just make Bolas and Ugin oldwalkers again and get it over with
I'm tired of these nerfed planeswalkers
My house has a deck out back.
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I hope we get a Burger King Universes Beyond secret lair.
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what the heck, this is cute
What are some asymmetrical board wipes I can play in Jund?
Too small for MTG
poopoo demon, garruks wake,
Insurrection plus a sac outlet.
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>Cute art
>Unplayable shit
Many such cases
Kenrith as the Burger King
>deadly venom
>no deathtouch
I do agree the art is cute though.
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I hate that I know they're making jellyfish and starfish cards just to make alternates of them in the spongebob secret lair.
When's the shrek secret lair?
Playable in Inalla
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Fuck mainstream licenses. Bring back the Foglios for a Girl Genius UB set.
Smurfs. IIRC there are exactly 100 of them so it might be a fine Smurdeck for Elder Smurf HighSmurfer.
So how does the new damage works with trample? Can you assign everything to the opponent even when blocked?
before the defender had a chance to respond to lethal damage assignment
now the attacker gets the final say in assigning lethal damage even after combat tricks
it still needs to be lethal
Blue isn't allowed to have Deathtouch. Unless they play colorless cards like Wurmcoil Engine, then it's allowed because for some reason colorless cards can just ignore the color pie.
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Foundations has a new Kykar, for some reason.
Kykar, Who Awakens the Breeze 2WU
Creature - Bird Wizard
Whenever you cast a noncreature spell, choose one of the following:
Exile another target creature you control. Return it to the battlefield under its owner’s control at the beginning of the next end step.
Create a 1/1 white Spirit creature token with flying.
No problem in making a new Kykar. What I still don't understand is why they made another fucking Niv-Mizzet. We already had six, we didn't need a seventh.
Niv now has the most legendary creature cards of any character in Magic. Previously he was tied with Urza.
Neither has more cards than Chandra, though, who's onto 20 with Foundations, and soon to be 21 in Aetherdrift because... Chandra really needed 21 fucking cards, huh. Didn't think Vivien needed a new card in Foundations, but Chandra DEFINITELY did?
Kike Air.
Sarkhan, Daretti, Rowan, and Koth all got desparked, and Lukka, Tibalt, Jeska, and Jaya are dead. Chandra is literally the only mono-red Planeswalker left, it's not fucking fair.
Good point, I hadn't noticed. Looking at other mono-colored walkers:
>White: only confirmed one left is Ajani. The status of Elspeth, Teyo, and Basri is unknown.
>Blue: Jace, Tezzeret, and Kaito confirmed. Kasmina and Mu Yangling unconfirmed.
>Black: Ashiok confirmed. Liliana, Sorin, and Davriel unconfirmed.
>Green: Literally none confirmed. Vivien, Garruk, and Jiang Yanggu uncomfirmed.
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please help me decide a mono white commander, not necessarily between these six but I would like something that is past the 100th place in edhrec. I'm trying to build a deck for each main color and so far I've only got green done
Gandalf looks most interesting, Wanderer if your current commander list is nothing but waifus
I like Blink, so I'd recommend Phelia, Exuberant Shepherd and Preston, the Vanisher.
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I thought the Ashiok in WOE was actually Jace
All my commanders are women
No, the Ashiok in Eldraine was the real Ashiok, except for the last scene where they release Eriette from jail, that was Jace.
No, only at the very end of the story. Ashiok was actually there, Jace just did a fake-out to get Eriette's help (which, uh, I don't think she ended up DOING much in OTJ but besides the point).
Vivien and Liliana I'd call "soft" confirms with Foundations, even if it is timeline agnostic. Liliana is probably the safest bet after Chandra and Jace.
not really, I just wanted a weenies commander without looking at Adeline or similars. Sanwell I have a lot of unused artifacts and Djeru maybe I'll build Mila planeswalkers and keep him in the 99.
I'd imagine that The lorwyn 5 are all still planeswalkers.
Well, 3/5 are hard-confirmed, one is soft-confirmed, and the other is Garruk and has vanished into the mists of time.
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Crazy how a company will throw away a 30 year legacy just to turn their card game into Animayhem.
But number go up, you see.
No great loss.
They're turning it into White Schwartz
Weiss Schwarz has even already done collabs with Marvel and Final Fantasy.
but the doubling and tripling repalcement effects are now seriously buffed, since you can assign 1 damage to each blocker and then it will be multiplied
don't you still have to assign lethal damage not accounting to doubling
I am very mixed up on this. I like the variants but if I wanted to play an anime game I would play something else.
yes, doubling happens when the damage is applied, not when you line it up. So a 10/10 would still have to use up 9 of its damage killing 3 3/3s, and then they'll be doubled upon it hitting. All things considered, lifelink still benefits, but it's not different from before in terms of doubling.
Not anymore, nope!
you don't need lethal anymore unless we're talking about trample
now if a 3/3 is blocked by three 3/3 it can assign one dmg to each and then it will be trippled if you Fiery Emancipation or something similar
What if the 3/3 had trample?
dang that's kinda nuts
I was about to answer and then realized I didn't know. I think you still need to deal lethal damage to all blockers, it's just that 'lethal damage' is only checked one, you don't need to assign it beforehand and that works better with damage multipliers.
i dont like most of the UB, but you sure know that i will be over and under it if they release THAT one.
I'd go crazy about a Monster Hunter Collaboration, even though it would probably focus on equipments and shit on the Hunter's side. But i'd love to see some of the Elder Dragons as Legendary Creatures, would fit nicely in this format
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Is this decent for a grixis manabase? Most of the cards that have multiple symbols in this deck are either BB or UU, with a 1UUUU and a BBBB in there at cmc 5 and 4 respectively. 44% of symbols are blue, 37% black, and 19% red.
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>one Reddit magic player said “because he played that card, he must be a ruthless, evil, ambitious dude who wants to win at all costs.”
Honestly, MH would be a fun crossover. It fits in the "world" of mtg, can be done similar to Ikoria and gives lots of room for equipment and big monsters. I'd build Kushala Daora in a heartbeat.
i'm more of a Teostra kind of guy.
i think it would be neat if both the Hunters and the Monsters were designed in a way that they are about Voltroning them up, with a good amount of protection and regeneration to symbolize the long fights between these two factions
I think the monsters should be anti-voltron, hunter decks should have key creatures that they want to survive, monster decks should have a "there's more where that came from" mindset. Powerful monsters can just be hard to kill so they don't need other cards to protect them.
>Shit "news" website posts an outrage bait headline
>Anon bites and reposts it on the infamous Indian basket weaving forum
So is Kaito officially the new Jace Beleren?
Regenerate coming back in a big way and getting some really proper explanation would be nice. It makes sense to me, but it's a hard sticking point for a lot of people, maybe even just cleaning up the wording with errata one more time. Oh and Fight/Enrage need a big big comeback as well. I could see it being more of a Voltron for humans and the monsters themselves have innate, strong effects or powerful activated abilities that rely on having fought or triggers for that sort of thing.
Humans want to slam equipment, buffs, potions, bugs, etc on one guy, vs something like Lunastra instead is JUST huge and if it "fought" this turn, you can activate an ability akin to Chandra's Ignition or something.
Not yet, wait for him to get a version that somehow wraps modern so much that any U deck wants to run him.
I would cut down on basics and put in more dual/multicolor lands and rocks. you can easily just run 6 basics or less in 3 color.
Dead format
I do have all the signets, chromatic lantern and the sauron rock. Also a few tutors in the worst case scenario.
How many goblins should a Muxus deck have?
Right now I'm in the process of changing it from Krenko to Muxus (people usually don't kill Muxus on sight and he's way more fun to use).

After looking at a ton of decks it seems the goblin count is all over the place from 28 to 50, I'm currently running 32 or so.
I guess just cut the token makers and change to goblin creatures?

>white card with negros
it's so tiresome
lol i remember you
run however you like, i love my gobbos and run as many of them as i can cramp into my deck.
they say you need about ~30 creatures/spells in-tribe for it to make it really feel like that tribe
>one of the very few races known for selling their own people into slavery to other races
>known for their endless violent crime in every country they step a foot in
>hitler gym gang, child soldiers, huffing fermented shit
whoever came up with making africans white must have a very dark sense of humor
y'all naggers probably categorize hypothetical UB candidates via appearances into the color pie rather than character

also this game is make believe bullshit, whatever negatives you think certain skincolors bring to the table in the real world doenst have to apply for the fantasy fairy farm the plane takes place in
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Post IRL decks
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Picture taken at my dad's place yesterday. I'm in love with how this deck flows in Goldfishing, and I can't wait til thursday to give it a try again in person.
It's obviously just to stop racists from enjoying white decks.
>whatever negatives you think certain skincolors bring to the table in the real world doenst have to apply for the fantasy fairy farm the plane takes place in
then why do they ban cards that destroy all black creatures?
How do you feel about all the cards banned for racism?
their fault for thinking white/black in mtgs color pie = white/black skin
this is incredibly retarded and completely on them

because they are a money making company in [current year] and they love their virtue signaling and they may have realized to call such an effect "hitlers epic genocidal and purifying bonanza" might be a bit tonedeaf
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>The only way attractive women make their way onto magic cards is through anime art
I am okay with this.
>because they are a money making company
who spends money on wotc product? africans? muslims? no, I#m sure I'm forgetting a big group... black women maybe?
>"hitlers epic genocidal and purifying bonanza" might be a bit tonedeaf
is this what you and other woke retards hear when you read the world "cleanse"? interesting.
>this is incredibly retarded and completely on them
Well yea. That's why offending racists is seen as a feature rather than a flaw.
>who spends money on wotc product?
Normal English-speaking white people with normal western values.
I guess I get it? It's easy to go "wow we were bad, give us money" by banning that one
>Invoke Prejudice
Despite Harold Mcneill being among my absolutely favorite mtg artists I "get" why this is banned. Stupid people can't see that it is not glorifying anything and makes it very clear the characters with only visual similarities to the big bad guys in their mind are intentional to evoke the concept of evil and such. On the other hand, I want it to stay banned despite being one of my favorite cards because it's broken as fuck lmao
Keep it banned just because it's an annoying card, the actual errata is obnoxious
>Pradesh Gypsies
Actually has great art, despite being a shit card. Banning it is dumb.
>Stone-Throwing Devils
Unban this immediately, I love this little idiot
>who spends money prodcut?
doesnt matter, all part of and done for the virtue signaling
>is this what you hear
>muh woke retards
its not about what i hear, its about whats implied and what WotC thinks they may come across as, so they publicly distance themselve and try to erase that part of their history for easy brownie points and prevention of a shitstorm brewing
How much of this got leaked?
invoke prejudice is such a crazy card just because it's like the perfect storm of racism
>the artist is an actual, homegrown nazi
>the art evokes the image of a klansman
>the name of the card itself
>the card is actually the 1488th card printed in magic
there's no way all of this was coincidental
a lot has been officialy spoiled already
>its not about what i hear
but it is. you are very quick to justify and rationalize this cancerous behavior, and by doing so, you 100% believe what they are doing makes absolute sense. a shitstorm about "cleanse", absolutely fucking hilarious.
the mind virus is already strong in you, anon.
>card draw attached to a 2/2 vigilance creature for 2 mana
Africans generally form very Authoritarian societies, so it's not strange for them to be white. If we want to go full racist here, then they shouldn't get any blue cards. :p
I actually don't know a thing about him other than his art is fucking awesome. He's a true nazi? Like, in the funny "we're gonna call him that" sort of way, or like, the man loves the mustache man kind?
Also is that number thing true? there's no way
You don't have a point and everyone can tell.
mostly correct
>white people
>with normal western values
the correct answer is "civilized males".
yes he's an unironic hitlerite, check his website
also I misremembered the 1488 thing, it was that it's old gatherer id number was 1488
I already brought my point across, and nobody gives a fuck about your rationalizations.
Holy goodness, jesus christ
well that's kinda wild
I do still intend to get my hands on a copy of each card he originally drew for from Legends at some point, but that sure is some news to hear. I've owned a Relic Barrier and Wall of Opposition for so long that I don't even remember where I got them and always thought the style was awesome.
I understand the logic behind banning Invoke Prejudice: the figure in the art is clearly based on a KKK member, and having images reminiscent of actual real-world hate groups in your game isn't really a good optic (same reason companies usually want to avoid using swastikas on their products, even in contexts that have nothing to do with the nazis). Similarly with Pradesh Gypsies: the term is nowadays considered offensive, and having a card with a slur in its name makes you look pretty bad (imagine if the card was called "Pradesh Niggers").
The other bans are pointless to nonsensical, though. Like it's not like they haven't had multiple later cards with "Crusade" in their name, so why is this one in particular banworthy? If it's because of a "no real-world religious references" thing, there's a bunch of other old cards that feature obviously Christian crosses in the art. And I have no idea what the deal with Stone-throwing Devils even is. The art depicts imps that throw rocks, which is literally what the name implies. You have to be reading pretty damn deep to assume it's supposed to be some kind of coded racial slur, or whatever they saw on it when deciding to ban it.
I think that while it IS depicting the obvious KKK members, I think the elements don't really put forward enough to make it look like it's making them "look good" for what they're doing. But at the same time, I can see where you're coming from, and now knowing that new tidbit about Harold Mcneill's general controversial beliefs and art elsewhere, I can see why they just threw the baby out with the bathwater on that.
As for the Crusade ones, yeah, that shit's silly since they STILL use that word on cards like Cathar's Crusade and they just made Templar Knight (even if it's UB)
you have to cruise with leftoid retards for a while to fully get a deeper understand of their retardation. for them, there is no other world outside of following orders of big corporations and governments who pretend they are on their side. their entire lives are devoted to finding every single piece of opposition to their overlords and erase it from existence. they don't necessarily think they are doing it for a greater good - they usually get their kicks out of controlling, manipulating and outright hurting small and working class people for their masters, and the whole "equality" shtick is just there to justify their vile and cowardly actions.
there is an abundance of psychopaths on this world, and they all love playing police.
I have little doubt that white people is as correct abs english-speaking people.
It's also by far the best card. If it were legal it would be in most stax decks I would imagine.
invoke prejudice and imprison are the only cards that should have been banned because
>invite prejudice actually is racist and McNeil was a bonafide neo nazi
>those cards are cancer and never should have been printed anyway so people not being able to play them is good
>no actual reason why Imprison should be banned
well that's obviously a lie because when wotc banned those cards twitter leftists called them out on being obviously performative for attention and money instead of doing something of real merit

but like most rightoids all you do is project and swing at windmills
I keep seeing Asians playing it. You can count them as white I guess. What counts for me is that they are fit to live besides me in a civilized matter without running around blowing themselves up or attacking random people to rape/rob them.
Enchant creature

Whenever a player activates an ability of enchanted creature with {T} in its activation cost that isn’t a mana ability, you may pay {1}. If you do, counter that ability. If you don’t, destroy Imprison.

Whenever enchanted creature attacks or blocks, you may pay {1}. If you do, tap the creature, remove it from combat, and creatures it was blocking that had become blocked by only that creature this combat become unblocked. If you don’t, destroy Imprison.
because the card is unfair and unfun and never should have been printed, much like invoke prejudice
Because it's a stax piece he doesn't like, just like invoke prejudice. The artist being a racist shouldn't affect a card being banned, my god.
I just mean that there are an approximetly equal amount of nonwhite people playing magic as there are nonenglish speaking people playing magic. I'm not saying asains are white.
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>twitter leftists called them out
twitter leftoids called someone out? no way!
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I didn't know Christopher Rush was a racist
Bet my sorry ass it will have either W/G, W/U or W/R in addition to the cost to draw.
Sadly we do not know since that wanker of a leaker decided to put a fat thumb above the cost of the ability.
>is that... is that a man with dark skin wearing in iron mask?
The thing about the Invoke Prejudice ban is that it turns ever card into a totally awesome piece of contraband. Originals are going for $300-$400 and people are selling proxies.
>I think that while it IS depicting the obvious KKK members, I think the elements don't really put forward enough to make it look like it's making them "look good" for what they're doing.
That's basically where the line is if you're talking about what you or I considered to be good taste, but like I said earlier, the purpose really is to troll racists and make them feel unwelcome. More specifically, it's about selling normal people on the idea that you are trolling racists and making them feel unwelcome. And I agree in principle, because racists are shitters and the game is better off without them, but of course it's tiresome when every piece of media is trying to toe the same line.
don't post lies and you won't get corrected next time
I'm gonna be real with you anons, I came back to magic maybe a month or two ago from taking a break since around Tarkir

The game fucking sucks now and everything they've been announcing is making me less interested in continuing to play
you should quit and never post here again
shut up and show us your Commander and the deck you built around him
Print proxies. Recreate your favorite grand prix matches. Then start homebrewing cards and making proxies with crayons. You came back because you wanted to play magic, so play magic, don't let Hasbro stop you.
regardless of the reason invoke prejudice is a bonkers broken card and I'm glad it's banned, nobody wants to play against that shit
>game is better and more popular than ever
>/edhg/ complains
>The thing about the Invoke Prejudice ban is that it turns ever card into a totally awesome piece of contraband.
That's actually why I wanna get a copy for my blue binder. A "bad" card you're not supposed to have. my friend actually depicted all of our little characters as Invoke Prejudice recently in a commission lmao.
And yeah, it's all pretty muddy stuff with the "trolling racists" stuff and how every company seems to be doing the same thing in one way or another.
Honestly, take a few deep breaths and look through archetypes you like and see what's new with them before anything. There's tons of shit, including all the constant UBs, Secret Lairs, etc so I'd start with figuring out how stuff you already liked has changed. Dragons are doing pretty good these days still, so you may find some comfort in something more streamlined and tribal.
there was no lie in my post, and your "correction" was how twitter retards (who are known for instantly attacking you if you give them a finger) attacked other leftoid retards.
leftoids are not some bubble that exists in harmony. they hate each other like they hate themselves. a good example are how french antifa absolutely despises american and german antifa, because the french see themselves as fighting against the elite, while the american and german leftoids are pretty much modern-day brownshirts, deployed to fight political opposition and the working class. it was very noticeable during the corona lockdowns, when german antifa was openly attacking people for not wearing masks and unironically claiming that people who don't get the vax are nazi supporters.
I have no idea why you chose to slurp cock anon, but one honest tip from me (heh): people have an easier time listening to your drivel once you take it out of your mouth.
im bored and im going to alter my orzhov signet to be borderless
>my friend actually depicted all of our little characters as Invoke Prejudice recently in a commission lmao.
That's awesome, can you post it?
>leftoids are not some bubble that exists in harmony.
You're only admitting this because anon forced you to admit it. You'd prefer to portray all liberals as being the same. You're a shitter and the game is better off without you.
based alter anon. do you have any older ones to share?
Making my own decks is one thing but having to play against Dr.Whocares or Fortnite guy kinda kills the fun for me. Especially when they're playing solitaire building a 30 permanent boardstate by t4

Game's just not for me anymore I guess
>You're only admitting this because anon forced you to admit it
Why would you think that? I'm honestly believe, without prejudice, that all leftoids are severely mentally ill, and them constantly attacking each other is completely detached from the fact that they are power-hungry control freaks who delightfully build authoritarian structures the moment they get into power. see https://www.forbes.com/sites/jackkelly/2020/06/14/meet-raz-simone-the-alleged-warlord-of-the-capitol-hill-autonomous-zone/ for a good example how fast leftoids can plunge people into violent chaos if left unchecked.
Damn that's actually really good
Day one purchase for me. I love the Foglio's art.
Haven't read Girl Genius in ages, I think I was at the point where they finally leave the castle.
oh look, he finally got a sister
in my language, the word "duelist" is male, and since that flamboyant vampire has neither name nor gender nor tits attached to it, yes, I will call him "he".
>I honestly believe [thing that I know for a fact isn't true]
uh huh
These are the only others I have done so far.
I have a spare signet so I figure it's worth a try.
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anon, have you been living under a rock? the entire world knows for a fact that leftoids are severely mentally ill.
not even you believe it so clearly the world can't
>Why would you think that?
Because of the lies that you told in your previous post.
"All liberals want to serve their corporate overlords, unless of course they don't. Nevermind the fact that this is corporations adopting liberal rhetoric (as contrasted with conservatives adopting corporate rhetoric). Nevermind the fact that racism is an ideology and that proponents of that ideology have richly earned all of the scorn that the rest of society is showing them. If possible, you will portray all liberals as holding the same ideology. If your lie is called out, then you will say that liberals are mentally ill and that they mindlessly attack each other, and then you will go right back to pretending that all liberals hold the same ideology.
>in my language
stopped reading, don't care about the opinions of thirdies
But I believe it.
>All *leftoids want to serve their corporate *and government overlords
see soviet union, the first big leftoid experiment. leftoids lust for authoritarian control and censorship, and they willingly fight the working class every chance they get.
Now comes the part where you pretend that liberals are weird minority and that there's some secret majority holding a candle for you. Even though your whole schtick is to portray yourself as an aggrieved minority and ask for our pity. You're a shitter.
Those are pretty good
There better be a fucking tap symbol under that thumb
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very good style imitation and brushwork with edges, anon. I only have some old ones because I haven't painted in a while, moved to custom tokens with pencil
looks like it. the R from Remove would be too far in otherwise. also it would be too good without it
TQ: death note.
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beast tribal/power matters/fight commander?
Thanks anons, i really appreciate it.
I already fucked up this one so I'm going to try and make it a full art rather than just borderless.
Bro really though reading the card, then typing out "[cardtext] tribal?" was a worthwhile post.
>put daretti in a greaser costume
holy I hate
i find irl the best players play fucking jank. they’ll know every rule and interaction, but be playing insects or attractions.
welcome to Fallouts visual identity since bethesda
This is literally me
Good players don't play unshit
I am the best player in my playgroup and my decks have more UB cards than my friends.
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TIME FOR GORGUSSY. And snakes too I guess.
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Cute, I guess.
minotaur tribal will be real one day
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The anime art on the newer cards in Jumpstart kinda throws me off, but I suppose that was the case for Jumpstart prior too.
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Also, Beast tribal, randomly?
How many others have we seen so far?
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At least the new stuff is better than the 2022 stuff
Whole Jumpstart set got revealed. It's in the Foundations card-gallery for some stupid reason but you can sort by Jumpstart specifically.
why is there so much waifufaggotry art in this set
It could go in a few ways. Equipment and armor focused things for hunters, a bunch of random monsters and elder dragons, and probably palicos. There's something there to work with. Wouldn't have minded that crossover.
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He... He looks like me..

He's built like me... I... thank you
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muh heckin cattos
I wish they would stop locking weak ass effects behind {4}{T} for no fucking reason at all
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Yes, they do
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Also here's your fucking Horse commander.
glad to see snakes getting more stuff recently
No they don't
>Not Selesnya
Oh well, I'll take what I can get.
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And this guy who goes in... So many fucking decks, I guess.
Oh no she's going to pin me over a barrel with her second pussy and rape me.
zurgo is pleased
I'd let her extract my tithes if you know what I mean.
Mono-W sucks for horses. There are like 9 white horses.

Way more pegasi/unicorns.
just got this in the mail, instead of a Hauntwoods Shrieker. Apparently the seller accidentally switched letters and now wants me to send this to the other actual Buyer, while ensuring to refund me shipping cost and getting my Shrieker (that i actually need)

should i be a good boy or just keep this as a trinket and accept this apology from the universe for my bad luck opnening the occasional booster?
It's not your job to send it to the correct person. Simple as.
>now they are printing life total halving every set
Why the fuck doesn't this work with blood instead? Ugh
Is that Melody?
Because it's the biggest thing MTG is lacking if they want to break out of seventh place in Japanese markets. If I hadn't been enfranchised when I was young and the art was superior, I wouldn't be here either.
They turned all the naga into snakes to match the orochi, I imagine that's part of it.
and no don't even try "just for standard sets :<)" when UB is gonna be legal in there. just make everything legendary at this point FUCK
Jumpstart uses legendaries to help center the themes of its packs.
They should change the legendary rule so legends are one per deck in every format.
that would actually make the game more balanced I feel
Isn't blood an innistrad only set
They won't do that until they're ready to pivot away from commander.
>It's in the Foundations card-gallery for some stupid reason but you can sort by
What a weird screw up. But thanks anon. Lot to look through. Can't believe the whole Jumpstart got revealed. When is it supposed to be coming out?
This bitch seems strong
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>Every niche creature type getting commanders
>Still no skeleton commander
Its not fair man.
How come this thread isn't about people making decks and recommendations and stuff?
It's just endless shitposts about WotC or weird political bait posts.

Do you guys play EDH?

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