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he did it again edition


The 2025 MagicCon and Pro Tour Schedule:

Metagame Mentor: The Scariest Standard Strategies in Duskmourn:


>Current meta, complete with deck lists
>Build and share casual decks

>Build and share Cubes

>Search engines
>Proxy a deck or a cube for cheap
>Play online for free

>What is EDH?


you're now the new World Champion and you can design your own Magic card, what does it look like?
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>hate game but can't quit because I have pps
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I would make them depict me as a human chair for the Wanderer
isnt there already a card that does the exact same thing?
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With the update from CARDNAME to "this creature", "Creature" in a textbox can now refer to card types other than creatures in many different circumstances.

The reason MTG used CARDNAME as the de facto self-reference is because it was the only aspect of a card (fuck stickers btw) that was persistent across all zones and situations.

This change is really, extremely difficult to justify within the rules of Magic.

If I Lignify something and it has a "this creature" ability, does it no longer trigger as it is a land and not a creature?
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This is all I could find
Lmao wrong green removal spell. Meant to use Song of the Dryads in this reference.
Lignified creatures are still creatures, you're thinking of something else.
damn... it just seems like such a generic effect that it would have been done like a hundred times already
I was. It was Song of the Dryads I was thinking of.

Should have read over Lignify before posting. Reading the card did, shockingly, explain the card at one point in the past.
ligna deez nuts honestly
u dont have nuts troon lol
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>If I Witness Protection something and it has a "CARDNAME" ability, does it no longer trigger as it is a "Legitimate Businessperson" and not a "CARDNAME"?
Anon, her name is Ligna Balls not Ligna Deez.

It is "Ligna balls nuts".
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We had similar effects
CARDNAME was previously an interchangeable self-reference token within a card's text.

The new wording specifically refers to types, so are we to assume that a type written on a card changes according to situation?
Can I now Murder a non-creature permanent? Since it's targetting a Land, surely "Creature" in the context of that card means Land now, since it can do precisely the same thing in other circumstances.
sorry i dont know what a troon is
That female of color is sexually attractive.
ligna balls nuts is pretty funny not gonna lie
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Wait no here it is, stupid "this creature" templating fucked up my scryfall search initially. I knew you were right I just couldn't find it at first.
>ligna balls nuts is pretty funny not gonna lie
She really is. Great comedian.
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>Ragavan was unironically rotated.
the virgin monkey vs the chad cats
That's why they should have just changed it to "this"
what are you talking about? every boros energy list runs at least 3 copies, and energy is over 20% of the meta
>playing a card that doesn't IMMEDIATELY 2for1 your opponent in value
fucking deserved
>mechanic like storm but instead of copying for every spell prior that turn you conjure a copy of the card into your hand by revealing it at EOT like nega-forecast

oh look my shitpost has more design space than duskmourn
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>That's why they should have just changed it to "this"
If the goal was to make text shorter (gay goal but whatever) then "this" was the best solution.

Somehow, SOMEHOW they managed to find the worst of both worlds. Still wordy as fuck, but also now causing rules confusion.

The fuck are they even going to errata shit like Agent of Erebos into? "... this enchantment creature or another enchantment"?
Are they just going to exclude types during the type self-reference?
Because that seems like a fucking complete garbage fire waiting to happen.
>"Whenever this creature or another enchantment..."
Doesn't make sense since "another" doesn't slot into it cleanly.
>"Whenever this enchantment or another enchantment..."
Is retarded as fuck, assuming "Creature" is the primary one you reduce down to.

It's a very stupid and pointless change that causes problems while accomplishing nothing.
>Being in the top10 most played creatures in the entire format means it has rotated
I know /mmg/ hasn't payed attention to Modern in years but this is embarrassing.
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I want a chud alter for Snapcaster Mage.
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Of all the cards I designed, I'd probably go for this one if given the chance.
It's very rude. I probably will have to tone it down eventually.
based card, very elegant design
sir this is /mtg/
It originally had lifelink lmao.
Was a rare moment of complete fucking insanity on my part.
alchemy is not magic

Reverie — You may reveal this card at the beginning of your end step. If you do, when you cast it, copy that spell for each time you revealed it to this ability. If the spell has any targets, you may choose new targets for any of the copies.
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>Unholy Annex is just Sheoldred except now she draws you an extra card every turn, even if you remove the creature body.
Nostalgia — Whenever CARDNAME enters the battlefield or attacks, you may cast a copy of the first spell that you cast during your first-ever game of Magic: the Gathering.
nah, if I could kill sheoldred with pick your poison I would be over the moon, I maindeck it in every green deck since it always has a target
>Magic: the Gathering
>lower case t
Have I been typing it wrong all this time?
yes you failed at life sorry
Why not play both?
Adumbrated Agony 2BB

Target opponent loses 2 life and you gain 2 life.

Reverie — You may reveal this card at the beginning of your end step. If you do, when you cast it, copy that spell for each time you revealed it to this ability. If the spell has any targets, you may choose new targets for any of the copies.
Yea well I don't see a colon.
Magic The Gathering.
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You are not immune to evil women
That's a cartoon.
Going infinite playing limited IRL is so easy bros
Dead game
No zettai ryouiki? Fucking woke shit.
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>legendary creature
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I see J25 is just waifu collector: the set. I guess they were banking on weebs for this since Jumpstart was a hard sell after the 1st one.
I heard the first Jumpstart set was fine, but all the mini-jump starts sets that came after were the problem.
They went down from 46 archetypes across all the colors to only 1 archetype per-color.
Based on my desire to own that card I think they are doing it right.
"This creature" functionally just means "this object", the same way "[CARDNAME]" meant it. Just like changing a card's name did not change that, changing a card's type doesn't.
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Anyway this shit's Standard legal for 5 years.
*copies the effect*
the vraska deck just got more consistent
Too bad it's not tournament viable since domain control is an impossible matchup
"Pure" jumpstart sets are fine and always have a good amount of different archetypes, but the "Current set"-Jumpstart are the cashgrab ones with only 5 different decks.
Really shitty move to give them a similar name
>we're printing UB into standard because it was confusing for new players
>also foundations jumpstart, our product for new players, named after the standard base set, is not standard legal
Do I need to physically hit my opponent to give deathtouch to target creature?
Why would think that?
Yes but using a fucking card type as an interchangable object reference is THE WORST SOLUTION POSSIBLE to this problem.
>Whenever (you) attack
So if I attack my opponent with a mighty slap, my blocker gains deathtouch, according to the wording.
It's sort of already been the rules.
>700.7. If an ability uses a phrase such as “this [something]” to identify an object, where [something] is a characteristic, it is referring to that particular object, even if it isn’t the appropriate characteristic at the time.
>we're printing UB into standard because it was confusing for new players

Don't believe their lies
they are spewing bullshit left and right, don't pay too much attention to what they say

>our customers are price sensitive so we can't make modern precon decks for them
>but sure as hell can they afford a set of four collector commander decks for $550
Well at least Wizards if bringing back a "Pure" Jumpstart sized set with Foundations.
>20 cards in each booster
>1 of 46 themes per booster
>Includes lands
The starter box for Foundations also comes with 10 packs, so you can divy them up between up to 5 players, which seems like an odd number just two more packs and you'd get enough packs for six players so everybody can pair off 1v1.

They also posted all of the possible themes you can get from a pack here, honestly I still miss theme boosters, but I get why Wizards replaced them with Jumpstart. Jumpstart, at least in it's full 46 theme form is draftable.
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Also the card that had people thinking Snappy was in.
I can't believe Magic is fucking dead
Just how many mythics are in sets now?
It used to be 15 for large sets
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I took a month break and now marvel is in pioneer/standard?
It doesn't even have an ETB trigger, it's an attack trigger. What use does the flash provide outside of commander?
It's Flash being used as Blue Haste.
No, but you need to physically protect yourself if you're attacked by an unblocked creature.
What the fuck is with the sudden influx of anal-retentive retards
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Yeah good point
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I just want more cards that care about exile-focused control. I can't decide if I'd rather the cards be drawn of "exile and these cards can be played until end of your next turn".
He's talking about the golgari midrange deck that runs Vraska, LoTV and Inkeeper's Talent as 2 card combos amongst the usual grindy midrange that can be an instant win by doubling the loyalty counters for insta-ults.
Am I missing something or is there no functionality difference between that third ability and ward 2?
Ward affects abilities also
Ward counters a spell so cards that cannot be countered bypass ward, but they are still affected by cards which increase cost.
Relic Seeker, I assume? Seems fun.
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>"this creature"
>"you attacked"
If only it had Flash, it would trigger every sperg on this board in one go
The Phyrexian one because Innkeeper's talent doubles counters on players, so you get 18 poison.
>>94268226 is wrong because Doubling season is permanents only.
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anon update the chart before foundations
no, no, it also needs
>Once per turn
>Sorcery speed
Betrayal's Sting. Ultimate is 9 poison counters but those get doubled too so it's an instant win via poison counters
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As this is for standard legal sets, it would exclude the new the Jumpstart legends.
Also needs vigilance
Will this make doubling season drop in price? Because it is supposed to be a set that will be reprinted annually, right?
reminder that
When did that start being the core of each card's design?
>The enchanted permanent loses any card types, subtypes, and colors it previously had. It keeps any supertypes it had and its name remains unchanged. It gains “{T}: Add {G}” and loses all other abilities from its rules text. It will still have any abilities it gained from other effects.
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>Let's change combat for no reason.
If it ain't broke, fix it until it is.
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That's not an engine. There's also plenty of cards that don't fuel themselves.
>Whenever this creature attacks
WotC it's "Whenever you attack with this creature" for fuck sake if you're going to be retards at least be consistent.
>No flash
It's trash.
No, they've changed [CARDNAME] to "this cardtype".
Yes but the wording for attacks is "Whenever you attack" not "Whenever [object] attacks"
What if it's goaded? Are you still attacking with it?
>What if it's goaded? Are you still attacking with it?
Who knows.
A question for the retards who thought it would be acceptable to turn players into game objects that can attack.
can't believe we're having final fantasy cards in standard this is hilarious
- Naruto
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You're laughing. A card game was raped and you're laughing.
Mtg players deserve everything that's happening to them because they'll keep eating shitty products no matter what
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>this is hilarious
I don't find it hilarious.
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>pixiv slop
if only they aired artists from the industry instead but that would cost actual money
nta but to me it has rotated over from bad to being funny again
Socrates approves of your enjoyment.
> playing standard
It's stock AI art
i want to have sex with thee cartoons
art is ugly on this one
its pretty believable...
kinda quirky
>read magic as maro and got my hopes up
damn I'm really losing it huh
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Isareth redeemed with sexo art.
Is not funny anon in fact is sad.
The fucking final nail of a game that used to be iconic among TCGs, now entering a Fornite era of prostitution to other more shitty IPs that has nothing to do with it.
This is indeed the fucking final of Magic: The Gathering. Is Sad.
Cant wait to play him in standard
You're right, I'm not immune, I'd let her extract my tithes no questions asked.
>new art
>still obese
I hate these retarded fags and their gay art direction
Fuck wotc
Stomp wotc into the pavement
Stir fry wotc in a wok
bro that broken english is adorable
based, would fuck
Good with Minsc and Boo
Ill be drawing 10 cards on average per sack
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Oh boy
this is why mtg is so stale nowadays more than anything
She obese, though.
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It's happening
How is a corpse counter different from a finality counter?
It's not.
This is indeed the final of Magic: The Gathering.
i dont get it.. is this guy at the pool or something? or does he own a pool company maybe?? regardless i think this might be that "chud" guy that everybodys been talking about lately. all in all i dont want to hear any more talk of this "dj vance" im sure hes an upstanding african man but i just dont want to hear about him and if i do i will be really upset no joke.
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corpse counter: if it leaves the battlefield it gets exiled, that includes returning to hand
finality counter: gets exiled only if it dies
So why did they nerf finality counters? Thought it would be too strong?
You can bounce something with a finality counter
I mean, the finality counters are better than corpse counters.
>lower case t in the filename
Let me guess, they're gonna to play Commander.
Isareth came before finality counters were a thing
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Come home white man
she's from m19
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They already played Magic with Marjorie Taylor Greene...
Is it too unfair to put this asshole in a coinflip deck?
yeah im playing one piece now
is there a "commander" like hero like every other game does
nigga it's a competitive game
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Booba too small
>Corpse Counter
Does nothing, is meaningless.
The effect is part of the reanimate ability and does not depend on the presence of a counter.
>Finality Counter
Is a functional counter that confers the aforementioned effect.
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Horse tribal
Well the problem is also that people will have to wait for100 coinflips to resolve if I get competitive.
nevermind I'm retarded I clicked on the wrong thread
you'll just get slow play L or time out so it's fair
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not legendary
wtf she doesn't have big of a rack in the manga. based off model coomer game
Just use an app or something
>Do thing->copy thing legendary
It's only missing a second colour to be peak commander bait
Bandai TCGs suck.
I tried DigimonTCG. I tried OnePieceTCG. I tried Dragon Ball Super Card Game. I just didn't like 'em the same as Magic. I hate getting ass-blasted by security-checks / counter-timing when I am trying to attack face. I hate the concept of counter/combo all of your cards have a secondary function as combat-tricks (knowing when to take hits to the face, and when to dump your whole hand to avoid an attack connecting always eludes me). I am too much of a brainlet to wrap my head around how to play Bandai TCGs.
I'm waiting for starter decks to actually come back in stock since there hella scalped right now and my usual seller got fucked from distributor
Foundations is a shit.
UB is a shit.
I have some hopes for Aetherdrift but in general the upcoming stuff coming for Magic is TRASH.
In case you didn't know, people in this general get REALLY buthurt about Commander, so go ask in the Commander general >>94269595
I was excited for Aetherdrift until they announced it is a colour pair faction set. That, plus the worst set symbol of all time...
Digimon is so fucking based, god just look at those
Does paying $5 to upgrade a new MTGO account to a premium one give you 100 play points? Or do you have to then buy tix to start playing leagues?
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Did they say it was going to be like a faction set or be themed around the teams like WOE?
Just waste it all on Foundations drafts.
>That, plus the worst set symbol of all time...
It's pretty fucking bad yeah.
>Fuck Wotc
>No fuck a fat and ironically fertile necromancer
Faction, there's different racing teams, including a goblin team and an insect team.
>I have some hope
>Just had Bloomburrow which was a faction set in a tribal skin
>Set after is return to Takir which is confirmed to be a 3 colour faction set
They really can't do any other type of set anymore huh
This again instead of Parallel Lives
>We will never have cool sets like BLB or WOE
>Instead we will have Spiderman, Final Fantasy, Spongebob and Transformers
Foundations is the first set in years that looks like a MtG set, no shitty gimmick, no theme park plane, no UB shit. It's just a simple core set and I missed those.
Except it's caring if this creature attacks, and many creatures have had "whenever [CARDNAME] attacks".
Finality counters came after Isareth was released. Corpse counters don't have an inherent rules function, they're just a tracker for Isareth's ability.
They are so afraid that things won't be "resonant" enough if they don't do this approach every time. It would be refreshing to see a faction that has representatives from all colours (just give them similar art / appearances / etc to tie them together). Although, the entire faction setup is getting way too stale at this point so it would be best if they at least take a break from it (but they won't).
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So, turns out "this creature" stuff does not apply to characteristic-defining abilities, those still use the card's name. Makes sense, to a degree.
>I have some hopes
Average Magic consoomer. Cut the losses. Magic is gone.
Magic is Dead!
Long live Magic!
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I'm sorry you had to find out this but it's infected with another universe.
Which is sad, because it won't even live to see its own purpose get fulfilled due to Standard about to be bombarded with twice as many sets per year as it previously did, forcing it to be even more expensive / hard to keep up with than it is now.

Foundations was explicitly supposed to fight against that kind of thing, and quite literally the same day they announce it, they announce immediately afterward that it is functionally useless.

But - I agree, at least it looks like a Magic set. There is still way too much irreverence in the tone though (see: Midnight Snack et al). They really started pushing the "quirky" angle hard with Strixhaven and haven't taken their foot off of the gas since then.
This is why it's my last set.
That is dumb.
Text formatting ought to be consistent.
Evil people are inherently incapable of being sincere.
Everything must be ironic or they oust themselves as hateful little demons.
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A crawling scrawler.
At least this card is only in beginner box.
Vance's favorite card is Yawgmoth's Bargain. Based or cringe?
It is? "Whenever you attack" means "whenever you declare attacks with one or more creatures". "Whenever this creature attacks" means "whenever this creature is declared as an attacker".
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Also 4 mana no-hoops reanimate in Standard is something.
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Also the longest typeline ever, as a consequence of reprinting a creature that was before Phyrexian was a type.
Probably the most hype™ card from Foundations even if it looks innocuous. Standard hasn't had 4 MV reanimation without lots of hoops for a long-ass time.
Its got universes beyond shit in it, its using romero's zombies
I wish for a 4-color set where the five factions are made of two different draft archetypes.
The ghost faction would be made of the WU and BG draft archetypes.
isn't hatred the purest form of sincerity tho
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its not much a hoop mate
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>There is still way too much irreverence in the tone though
It's still at a tolerable level compared to set like MKM. MtG always had a bit of humor.
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that's every set though
I recognize that reference.

When even Rasmussen admits Wotc doesn’t make cards years in advance, I never want to hear another one of you facetious kikes repeat this “designed for 2-3 years” kikety lie again. It’s a lie. It’s been proven to be a lie. FIRE design was always biased in favor of Grixis colors.
he said 3 years specificly tho? so 2 years is still on the table
Now that there are no sacred cows anymore and we are in the realm of shittiest decisions...

Purple mana when?
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He literally says they begin working on the sets in that time and card design comes later.
Makes sense as three years ago in October of 2021 Hasbro was in their post pandemic surge that lasted from October of 2020 to October of 2022.
If a majority of their deals were made during that time then the 2025~2026 UB sets would be the last UB sets planned before Hasbro's current slump.
Purple mana is the one thing they will never do
I've always heard it was 18 months.
UB Digimon.
and who you heard that from?
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seriously though, Butthole is functionally a 6th color
Kazuki Takahashi before he got into a plane in 2022
Water is represented by U
Wind is represented by U
Ice is represented by U
Mind / Physic ESP is represented by U
Fire is represented by R
Lightning is represented by R
Earth is represented by R
Technology is represented by R
Chaos is represented by R

If anything we need like 20 new types of mana
No, hatred is the core of lies. It hides your feelings od inadequacy under a veneer of righteous fury.
>Technology is represented by R
Industry is represented by Red
Technology is a RU thing
Ugin wanted to be purple but Bolas who's Grixis already looked very purple so he invented butthole.
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Hatred is just a pump spell.
this game fucking sucks
trvth nvke
this game fucking rocks
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>Because, by being a magic player, you accept the will of the people
Nigga, who the fuck talks like this?
i don't see "when you do thing, draw a card" so it won't trigger me
Bad text. Firstly, it should be "Each creature has" and not "gains", and secondly it should trigger "At the beginning of your upkeep".
Otherwise, neat design imo.
you'd love yugioh. it's essentially like that so you have no way of mixing 20 different types and have the deck function
I really want to punch Nosewater face with all my might...
this game is kinda mid
blind rage hides nothing
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But it's still the best there is. Says a lot about society.
Well Netrunner is better, it's just I don't have an emotional attachment to Netrunner
>busted late 30's fat bitch
Your standards can't possibly have gotten so low
>Jewniverses Goyond is a forced fusion of Communism and Capitalism
Oy vey, do you not share our vision, comrade? This is the will of the people!
That time is about to end when you have to play with Spongebob squarepants, Peter Parker and Yuna cards nobody asked for.
isn't netrunner that dead tcg
Far from dead, but that's not the issue
Is mill actually going to be viable in standard?
Javi won with pseudo Mill-Dimir deck.
>Bad text. Firstly, it should be "Each creature has" and not "gains", and secondly it should trigger "At the beginning of your upkeep".
I have my own wording conventions.

Gains and Has being parsed is pointless. Dividing between temporary and state-based is useless when all temporary effects already list their time limit.
"the beginning of" is removed, as It's redundant and MTG doesn't have "at the end of" triggers other than Zariel's emblem, which is just a formatting mistake.

Cheers though. Feedback's always cool.
>muh capitalism
If money is not SPENT PRODUCTIVELY it's not capital. It's just wealth.
All companies hoarding wealth and cutting costs to hoard even more wealth they will not spend because their kike brains can't allow them to part with a shekel are not capitalist, they're usurers and usurers have existed in and destroyed every single economic system we've had including Stalinism and Maoism.

It's not a mix of communism and capitalism, it's just party "communism" funded by usurers like usual.
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you must submit to the will of the people
Why are her hands tiny?
> they will not spend
But they will spend it.Where do you think the shareholders money come from?
I don't mind UBs honestly, just wish they put in more thought on what to crossover with. LotR is cool, Marvel is fucking lame
>Why are you doing this?
>”That’s why you have to play against it”
>Why are her hands tiny?
It's AI Pixiv slop.
I want to exterminate that "people".
I think such will is not worth accepting.
Based phyrexian poster
i like final fantasy, but the other two are gay.
magic should have given UB separate card backs and designated it a different game with a shared ruleset. just give it a different card back but still have the "deckmaster" on it. have "magic the gathering" be one IP for the "deckmaster" game. whatever kitchen table numbnuts want to build decks with both can do so.
Paying loans is not spending money retard.
If a company's earnings are being spent in research and development, paying the workforce and growing operations. It's capitalism.
If a company's earnings are going back to the bank and making someone who's done nothing for the company other than buy stock, it's not capitalism.
how many mortal threats we need to change the current situation?
netrunner is proof the mtg will never die.
People using the "will of the people" to justify everything is how dictature start.
They'll get rid of white before they add purple
We need a Freyalise to Pernicious Deed the JOTC headquarters
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Der wille des volkes!

>NSDAP: 33.1% (288 seats)
>SPD: 20.4% (120 seats)
>KPD: 16.9% (81 seats)
>Centre: 11.9% (73 seats)
>DNVP: 8.3% (52 seats)
>BVP: 3.1% (19 seats)

The people have spoken, Universes Beyond has a clear mandate
>it's another "poorfag tries to define capitalism" episode
love these reruns
Capitalism isn't real, it's one more lightning rod for retards like you to bark at while shriveling at the mere thought of calling out the real problem.
confirmed poorfag lol
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What is functionally different between
>each creature has "at your upkeep, sacrifice this unless you pay 1 life."
And the seemingly more simple
>at the beginning of each player's upkeep, for each creature they control, they sacrifice that creature unless they pay 1
Is it an aesthetic choice? Or a line count choice? Or is there some mechanical reason you want this card to grant abilities to other creatures instead of doing it itself?
>dude it's companies stealing all the money and houses, not banks, please believe me
>ignore the fact companies get erased overnight everytime the banks want to shuffle the people in power
It's not really functionally different. Though the other option you proposed solves some potential confusion with ability-altering effects. I'll probably change it, now that you mention the alternative.

Lots of these wording squabbles really are just pick on and go with it, though. I should probably settle on some standards on when to use which formatting. Avoiding state-based effect confusion, and dodging the need for timestamps, is a good principle to start with.
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Strixhaven art. I wonder if the return to Arcavios in 2026 will be about a field trip around the plane to search for Phyrexian damage.
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Updated. Thanks for the feedback friendo.
i said nothing about companies ans banks, they don't even have to "steal" when the goy cattle give everything to them unwittingly
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New Koma.
>No flying
>No flash
It's trash.
So just like Magic.
Spooky because I just made a deck with Koma in Pioneer.
Banks owning everything and everyone is not capitalism.
Therefore capitalism is not the problem because capitalism doesn't exist in reality the same way communism can never exist because of basic human nature.
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Burst Lightning reprint
>Five years of topdeck instant death in the late game
nooooo, I was so hopeful about bolt
high school dropout take, no wonder you're poor
>high school dropout take,
not gonna lie that's a pretty cringe response, bro
I hate Mountains.
bro you're still in high school
Do you have to be poor to get upset about being called poor?
Asking for a friend.
you have to be poor to get upset about most things
>being ageist
not a good look
it's pretty obvious bro
People are calling this trash and will then be bitching about it when some greedy standard deck ramps into it and eats their ass.
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Rionya is made for ryona
This is more green than the other koma
Why did Chandra change her name?
That goes infinite if you breathe on it the wrong way
You can tell by the clothes that this is a Prismari student from Arcavios.
i dunno why you guys keep ascribing random shit to capitalism
capitalism just means using capital to make more capital (i.e. 'making your money work for you')
you guys do the same shit to communism and marxism
i'm sick of you /pol/brained subhumans
You need spells to clone your creatures
The only creatures that care about spells are prowess
Prowess only triggers if the creature is in play before you cast the spell
What the fuck are they doing?
meant for commander I guess
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Coomerbros we are eating good
>exposed ankles
how shameless
So don't run prowess creatures with her, then? Clone tolarian terrors or shit like that.
That's literally what they said.
If you SPEND money to PRODUCE productively it's capitalism.
If you use jewish tricks to accumulate wealth it's not capitalism.
We're not living in a world where people are spending money to make money and somehow making shit worse. We're living in a world where the government demands you have a credit score to work and the kikes who own the government deny loans to anyone who's not gonna funnel every single cent extracted fromt he workforce and consumer base back into their hoard.
That's not capitalism so whining about capitalism is not gonna make things better.
Her skirt is way too long for a 20's flapper.
Prudes of the Coast can't let us have good shit even in their overpriced "coomer" cards.

If you play Yawgmoth's Bargain you're literally Hitler.
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Seems fine.
leddit must be in shambles
Really, it's a drastic step up even from the previous anime art they did of her.
>can never print an intro pack again because it would just be dead on the draw to mono red

How does WotC manage to even fuck up making anime art cards? They should be an easy sell but these things always look like complete uninspired shit
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Oops I have infinite combat steps
She's a child you sick fucks.
By picking cheap, shitty artists instead of good ones.
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U/B seems like it could be a flash/instant archetype or a mill one.
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Not clicking on that video, but very glad that my favourite card is instead Crusade.
You retards need to go back, flappers wore roughly knee length dresses because that was provocative for the time. The exposed ankles thing is barely a meme.
Might actually built Pioneer Angels if they print all the key components with White art
The same way they fuck up normal art cards. Shitty art direction.
What does that mean?
I don't know how ready you are for this conversation but One Piece is actually levels and levels above mtg in complexity (not the rules, everything else), resource management and decision making.
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how hard it is to draw 3+ cards with this? 1 drop + token is already 2 cards
>See deck for this card
>Spend 10 years drawing and discarding cards to get red spell
>Just hit your opponent with fire balls before time limit is up
Confirmed Foundation archetypes.
W/U Flying
U/R Instants and sorceries. Might have a wizard theme.

Theorized archetypes
U/B Self-Mill/Flash
B/R Deal damage to gain effects
R/G High Power beatdown
G/W Counters
G/U Hight cost cards. Landfall themes.

I feel like cats and elves will be part of a monocolor archetype.
U Wizards or Pirates
B Zombies or Vampires
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>Asian actually looks cool
Whatever happened to this type of shit?
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Reminder that 1 out of 5 new cards printed last year was a legendary creature (403/1923). In other words, legendary creatures are more common than any other card type.

> 2024 - ?
> 2023 - 403 < you are here
> 2022 - 347
> 2021 - 192
> 2020 - 191
> 2019 - 79
> 2018 - 95
> 2017 - 54
> 2016 - 54
> 2015 - 45
> 2014 - 34
> 2013 - 38
> 2012 - 22 < first Commander set
> 2011 - 28
> 2010 - 15
> 2009 - 14


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Sudden Insight Universe within art
With threshold confirmed in the set I wouldn't be surprised if both UB and BG are some form of self mill/ gym shenanigans
>bloomburrow comes out
>in two weeks all the cute aminals are getting literally Thanos Snapped in standard

this entire game is a humiliation ritual
I will not use any UB cards in Pioneer.

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