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lol all it took was one pro to make redditoids change their opinions on ub
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>Lorwyn knocked out of 2025 for an unannounced UB
MTG is dead.

Such a shame too, because Worlds has been great.
doomsdays mill deck won?
Yeah, the good guy lost.
It's a legit deck. Seth drew a lot of removal and not a lot else and then got double Jace'd to death and even then came within 2 life of winning.
Reddit has always been a consumer/sheep hivemind
>WotC releases new policy about they are gonna flay random people at events to death and steal their wallets
>redditors make a bunch of threads about how it's a weird policy (you can't be too negative because that's like fascism or something)
>WotC then backtracks it's flaying policy begrudgingly and announces the Rick and Morty/Onions Secret Lair for 99.99 + tip
>redditors make a bunch of threads about how Rick and Morty is their favorite show and they are already preordering cases and all negative news from the day before vanishes and is never mentioned again
What a great game 5.
Game 3 was great too
*mills you for thirty*
Javier had plenty of removal, he could've just dropped double jace a turn later to win guaranteed.
>all of those who would be okay with this if it was 2/6 or less UB sets
ah the bargaining stage
Missing the January Innistrad Remastered release.
The whole match was great.
Javier missed a bunch of annex triggers while ending the game at 2 life. Take that as you will.
so pictureless cards when?
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I did a bit more clean upon the image, I think this is more or less the finalized version.
Death to anyone who works at WotC at this point. Not in Minecraft either. Minecraft set when? Notch already made a card before.
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I'm ready to pre-order the Spongebob Squarepants Secret Lair.
>conveniently leaves out arabian nights and p3k
I would much rather at this point look at cards with no flavor. just card number and set identifyer with rules
>>Lorwyn knocked out of 2025 for an unannounced UB
Thank God
I'm ready to paypig auron + lulu deck for standard
Previous thread
not a good look after his previous match
I'm not even angry anymore because the writing was on the wall but what the fuck... Is sad to see something you loved slowly dying while is shit and piss over by corporate faggots...
Seriously. Imagine wanting a return to Lorwyn with the current attitude of the MtG designers. I'd rather it stay buried.
Yeah a section on Arabian nights should be in there as another transitory period.
You mean the set that was explicitly meant to be outside the main game and reflects that design wise while also being a anomaly within the games greater trends at the time?
Bloomburrow is Lorwyn updated for modern audiences
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Be sure to buy the "Secret Lair: Rules Only" drop this April 1st!!
this shit is so autistically cherrypicked and poorly written at the same time
Bloomburrow is better than a modern audience Lorwyn return would be.
Apparently using tiny forest animals allows you to get away with the complaints the modern audience had about stereotypical fantasy races, so I'd rather they stick with that instead of attempting to "fix" Lorwyn.
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it's also written and presented horribly, I still have no idea what it's ultimately trying to say why i should care.
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Added, and what the other Anon said, PSK was a weird non-standard set meant for east asian market, it's like weird pseudo spin off game so it's not featured here.

Anon, you're on 4chan and are replying to a person who care about the flavor of MTG cards.
Of course it's autistic.
what happens once we run out of UB IPs? can we go back to focusing on magic?
It's one guy's massive cope after people started pointing out that MTG has always had pop culture references.
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but I'll recognize that thing!?
ok now twll me the difference between aladdin's lamp and dead man's chest
annihilator is a terrible mechanic
>here's a gigantic fatty that you have to beat or it will clock you in 1 or 2 turns
>btw you have to answer it now or you suddenly lose a bunch of permanents for some reason lol
Speaking of which, The Simpsons UB/SL when?
One's an Aladdin reference and the other is a Pirates of the Caribbean reference.

>Two guys.
Are we all cheering on Marcio then?
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that one sure is long overdue
>equating spongebob with ancient mythology, gothic horror, etc.
American bros... When we become so bad at this fucking game?
that's the real reason they've brought UB into all formats. americans will have an upperhand due to consooming all the slop all the time for years already.
autumn burchett is the best modern mtg player though?
Its meant to be a companion piece to a statement another anon is making at the time for the sake of context.
On Friday some anon mentioned that Wizards learned a bad lesson from Innistrad's success in relation to the UB announcement. That statement itself was formed out of previous discussions in earlier threads dating back months, so other anons had no idea what said anon was talking about.
I made the OG image was made to go along with those types of posts in the future as to provide context. ANd now another Anon with much better Paint skills has picked up the process.
Aladdin's Lamp came from the early part of Magic before it had figured itself out.
Starting in Fallen Empires and going into the Weatherlight Saga, Magic was less and less relying on outside influences to inform design eventually becoming its own thing.
Dead Man's Chest is a regression in that regard.
>Portugal vs. Spain in the finals
Total Iberian Domination
>spongebob is just a couple of millennia from being worthy of mtg
can't wait until 4024
They both look like the most average person from each country too lol. Computed amalgamations of all their countrymen blended together.
What is that referencing? I didn't watch much Simpsons
yeah and he's english
Similar to the difference between Ancestral Recall and The One Ring.
One came early in the game's lifespan, so can be excused as a mistake by designers who didn't have the experience to know any better. The other is a more recent design and has no such excuse.

I didn't know either so I googled "dog bees simpsons" and got it
That's so specific lol
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fixed according to me
>Singular reference on a card that works as a part of its own setting otherwise with no mechanical relation
>The name of the thing your referencing with mechanics explicitly meant to represent the thing your referencing down to the mechanics.
What a retarded post.
>Autismo's damage control
>Slob coping about their inability to understand nuance.
There's little nuance to a random cartoon reference in a Celtic folklore setting vs a pirate movie reference in a setting with pirates.
it's not even fun playing anymore, knowing what's coming makes even high-roll playlines taste like ashes
Real question: How is the smell at Las Vegas Magic con?
Trick or Treat sealed was really fun actually
>20 sets in standard
>i double block your attacking spider man with cloud strife and spongebob
what are we even doing at this point
The cartoon reference works within the context of Lorwyn thanks to the abstract nature of elementals meaning the artists could of put a variety of different things in the box and still have it work as a part of Lorwyn. If it was designed as one of Burns's hounds with a Simpsons quote for flavor text that would be another matter.
Leaving this game.
2025 1Q is the last fucking breath of this slop
we're bringing in new players
Marcio is a total fucker he literally gave away the final.
>The cartoon reference works within the context of Lorwyn thanks to the abstract nature of
Lmao dude's just grasping at straws like his life depends on it.
To be fair Javi had some pretty busted hands/draws except in game 1. I don't know if Marcio can still turn this game around but that Duress just now is one of those Duresses you fucking scoop to.
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You do realize all the top pros cheat, right? You can't possibly think that all these tournaments that have tens of thousands of players ALL PLAYING THE SAME DECKS and it's the same few 'pros' that win?
Wew lad this is the ultimate cope.
Define cheating, anon.
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they're smarter than me
Cope, Timmy. We had new players in the top 8
His draws have been shit compared to Javier's.
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yeah you're right, they're just better at shuffling
Holy shit i know you guys are bad at this game but is not excuse to make this shitposts.
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>port a yorion nu-DNT deck into modern
>top 8
In game one both players had bad draws and it all came down to the timing of those bad draws. Javi flooded early when he could afford to fall behind, Marcio flooded when he needed to find removal. Funny how the highest level of play sometimes just boils down to that.
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Imagine disrespecting a literal living legend of fantasy and scifi art TWICE.
What was Battle for Zendikar? Kaladesh? Ikoria? Brothers War?
Likewise, how are you ignoring Kamigawa?
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>yeah you're right, they're just better at shuffling
LMAO even.
And now he's flooding again when he needs removal again lol. This is so feelsbad.
All I want is the FF set and I really could give less of a fuck about anything that happens after
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you're right, i'm just bad, magic doesn't have a storied history of cheaters
This is why I increasingly favor proactive playstyles, it feel so bad to be in a completely dominating position and then draw 3 lands in a row and just lose.
I picked up the digimon tcg. The gameplay's fresh and fun and it's still small enough that it hasn't gotten picked up by finance bros and ledditor types. Sure there's the typical Bandai bullshit but it's better the WotC
Honestly it's literally just been "who gets Unholy Annex down first" and it's consistently been Javier. It's just honest-to-goodness bad luck for Marcio.
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based. I love dimir and edgelord demons
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Please post the most sexual card arts you are aware of. Asking for myself so I can include them in my cube.
Marcio subhuman the Monored guy would have been miles better.

1. mill
2. companion
3. planeswalkers
4. rooms

these four are so bad I can't think of much else in the same league
rooms are cool though
Nice b8
I also like rooms
bait used to be believable
i like the idea of rooms but then outside of dusk they are unlikley to feature and the concept would have arguably been better as a conditional saga.
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mama mia
If you like automatons...
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rooms aren't bad, just lazy, its just a flashback for enchantments.
planeswalkers are braindead cards, they are an absolute cancer.
>lazy design isn't a subset of bad design

ask me how I know you could star on "my 400lb life"
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>actually rape isnt so bad
>at least im getting laid, chud
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Not everything can be included here, it's a gradual process and the cards chosen are supposed to be emblematic. But Brothers war would fall into the nostalgia category, Kaladesh is already represented with Insidious Will, Ikoria has Godzilla and while the plane itself tries to be more than just the Kaiju plane we don't get enough time with it for it to build it's own identity. Kaladesh also isn't very pop-culture, at the time it was Magic's equivalent of a cyberpunk plane alongside Esper and while the story itself is gatewatch shit, I don't think the plane itself is bad.
BFZ got excluded since Zendikar is already represented here but BFZ is another transitory period, and original Kamigawa is kind of odd, while it is the Shintoism plane it wasn't very popular at the time and was immediately turned away from, while it also retained MTG's identity.
Neon Kamigawa also has the problem of just fighting for space while followed by more clear examples.
>Complete asshole that gets treated like God by the writers is blue
Hey I saw this one!
>Cleave at 4
Come on anon...
Dont listen to the haters I am enjoying this project
Whats wrong with haunt?
Well now it's been effectively replaced with Disturb, hasn't it?
Hololive UB when? I NEED my oshi Gura for my Merfolk tribal deck!
For the foootfags
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Sexo token.
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Living in a medium-small town is sweet because there's enough of a playerbase to fire consistent events at my LGS but the players are almost all dogshit enough that I get prizes every single time
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Yeah, seems excessive. I get why people don't like cleave. It's mostly just a weird kicker variant with a bunch of ugly brackets. But there were some glimpses of interesting designs using it, like Lantern Flare. It's a fairly interesting design space where it can either act like a kicker or almost like a split card depending on how you handle it.
Mark nosewater spotted.
Not really? Disturb is just a different thing entirely.
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So... Is Javi gonna have a second card now??
brackets are cool wtf are you smoking
They're ugly. I can tolerate them, but I'm not gonna pretend I like them.
>dude we're making UB standard so we aren't shaking up modern as much
>most of the modern fuckery came from non-UB horizons sets
>Marvel Universes Beyond will be Standard Legal

I m so glad I stopped playing
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Do I really need to start buying jumpstart products too?
I haven't even played with my friends on tabletop simulator recently. I think that's going to continue, because I have no interest in playing Magic: The Sloppening and I think one of my friends is intentionally including slopcards to piss me off.
just proxy
Still mad we didn't get a card called All or Nothing, where it had One with Nothing's text but also [then draw that many cards] and a cleave cost of 2R or something like that.
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So the artist for the new Solumn Simulacrum art initially made a version based on Jens but was told to change it.
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>opponent steals my crab
>misses multiple mill triggers a turn for several turns (misses every one, actually)
>I notice every time, and never mention it, he only realizes he's been missing triggers once it dies
Did I cheat?
Yes, it's the responsibility of both players and any spectators to ensure all triggers are acknowledged and resolved
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Guess I'm a cheater then, and I'd do it again!
You do not play eternal formats if you think initiative should be on the left side of that list
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Curious how quickly they forget when the situation suits them...
Double retard.
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Krab's Krusty Crew.
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Squid is already a type, anon.
you know what
fuck it, I will play legacy Zoidberg
>40k and d&d, other nerd hobbies got sided
>fucking funko pop mind gets in
i hate this game
arena shitposters don't know much, don't bother engaging
As if they won't do another 40k thing.
Squidward is actually an octopus. Stephen Hilleberg named him after the Squid because Octoward was really awkward to say.
What? No it's not. Show me in the rules where that's true. You have no obligation to point out the opponent missing triggers.
The card that made me finally give up on Magic the Gathering
the rules were updated a while ago. triggers are only the controller's responsibility to remember.
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>mfw it's true
this post aged like milk
Same energy as Omniman's real name being Nowl-Ahn.

milk ages to become cheese, which is a hell of a lot more valuable economically
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who cares about mechanics that are just kind of weak or bad

The worst mechanics of all time are mechanics that simply make the game fucking insufferable to experience.
I still can't understand what compels a multinational company to ruin this hard their own product, losing most of their stablished fanbase just for a shot temp profits and the promise of bring a some casual faggots that will stay for 2 months and then leave for something else while taking away all the money too.
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>Cum. Upkeep
Dredge is based.
Don't any of you fuckers dare to mess with Dredge.
Dredge should be viable again as a legit archetype in at least all eternal formats.
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can't wait for my wife Y'shtola to become standard and modern legal!
Companion first is how you detect zoomer midwits.
>Dredge is based.
>Don't any of you fuckers dare to mess with Dredge.
I like how dredge works in decks as an engine.

But dredge as intended, a mechanic to loop the same game state over and over until it works, is awful. Mechanics intended to produce stale or looping game states are affronts to game design.

That said, yes, Dredge as it worked out in practise is kino. It can be a terribly designed mechanic and be kino at the same time.
>Rebels and Descendant of Kiyomaro
What did he mean by this?
>I pay it gladly
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Same, i just hope they do something interesting with her other than just another izzet mage with spell copying tacked on in someway
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SpongeBob has fungus named after him. What is MTG contribution to the scientific community?
You forgot Black Summer and Academy Winter to larp as a boomer.
Those were fine.
A lot of data on gynecomastia.
>Dredge 13
And Flash Hulk.
I would genuinely put Planeswalkers first
best mechanics? designed by richard godfield.
worst mechanics? designed by mark nosewater.
Yeah they're pretty awful.
But it's honestly hard justifying anything be higher than the true garbagefire game-warping trash heaps that nuMagic has shit out.
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>typical Bandai bullshit
Nigga it's dead, they are actively killing it for the same reason mtg is killing itself, to make way for more popular IPs.
Dredge would be based if it was just the archetype as intended, but when people just run the cards with the biggest number for free mill, it's shit. They needed something like "you may mill three cards instead, exile all cards milled this way without dredge"
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She'll be Azorius.
Planeswalkers are the definition of nuMagic
>best mechanics? designed by richard godfield.
Flying. Trample. First Strike.

>worst mechanics? designed by mark nosewater.

'Nuff said.
I like Undying.
nuMagic is post-WAR.
'Walkers are Bronze Age.
Maro was the lead on the original Ravnica set, which introduced pretty much the most important aspect of the game that wasn't present in the initial stages.
I'd buy the Spongebob shit if Nils Hamm or Jesper Ejsing made the art.
Ante can be refused

I'll take Ante over planeswalkers
Everything after 8th ed is nuMagic
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speaking of companions, can you guys think of any reason why these legacy painter lists aren't running jegantha?
the only thing I can think of is giving information to your opponent that you're not running fury maindeck, but that feels negligible
Which is?

ravnica was and is utter trash in every sense. always has been, always will be.
because it's useless
Ravnica is kinda gay

Innistrad is pretty good

Dominaria is kinda cool
I've seen maybe two or three times in leagues where jegantha actually helped someone win a game. I've cast him two or three times and usually if you get flooded enough to play jegantha the games usually over already. I know theoretically having him is better than not but if I really need that extra sideboard slot he's getting cut. Unless you're a slow control deck companions are pretty ass (except lurrus).
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>Dominaria is kinda cool
ante was based and a way to balance the game, you wanna play your 100$ ring? Well there's a chance you're going to lose it to a 50$ rdw.
Color combos having identities, and to a lesser extent the balancing of ally pairs compared to enemy pairs.
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bro you can disagree with statements without throwing out the most contrarian take you can think up

bro you can leave 4chan and go back to the crowdsourcing labor market
Am I wrong?

yeah, I think so. color combos having identity has only been bad for the game. you could make a case for draft signpost uncommons which are at least interesting as an idea, but for constructed formats? no. making cards "harder to cast" so that you can push broken shit has just been bad. If the game were in the hands of competent designers that might have been different but we live in this timeline, not the one you want.
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>We need to revitalize standard!

>overflow the format with a new set every 2 months
>continue to not make any precons to standard other than the garbage intro pack starter kits, which don't even come out every set
>continue to offer no incentive to not just dick around on arena
>any deck that is tiered and not some flavor of red aggro costs 300+ dollars
>blight universes beyond into every single format hoping that the spidermanfags and final fantasyfags will actually stick around and not just buy the fucking edh precon or a few singles to display
there's really no excuse for making "kicker but hard to read". they could have executed all of those cards with a kicker variant that doesn't give you a headache. there's no upside to introducing this shitty templating.

haunt's not excessively bad, but it's just kind of pointless to be like "when this enters or when something else dies". it just adds fiddly load without actually providing anything. it's very "we needed a mechanic so here's some moving parts" rather than actually accomplishing something.

but anyway i could accept that i maybe put haunt too high on the list

you're right, i haven't played anything but limited since we entered the Modern Horizons era.
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he was the lead, but garfield was there. There's a pattern when garfield comes back to help design a set - it's fucking fantastic, and then maro later takes credit.
Love when these teenagers who weren't around for more than half of the game's existence start talking about what's good and bad for it.
Not gonna lie, I may not like Ravnica and view it as a very weak setting, but color combinations in Magic and the general themes behind those combinations is definitely one thing that's pretty intriguing and pleasant when not overdone
I remember when /tg/ had mtg lore threads, and mtg oc threads. None of those exist anymore, and is not UB fault

Mtg lore has been shit since a long time ago, almost the beginning, even before the gatewatch. But it has been dead for Years now, Years, and nobody cares about Olivia Voltaren cowboy hat or Thalia riding the fucking gitrog monster, or Chandra's 43204 card that is the same but with another complaintthose things are lame, cringeworthy and ridiculous, and people here is complaining about a spongebob card? Mtg players are really autistic
EXCEPT Arabian Nights genuinely sucked hard

what's bad for the game is making it more accessible. giving color combos identity was the thin end of the wedge for everything that is now happening.
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That's... not what color combos having identity means. They were already doing multicolor cards before Ravnica, including multiples sets focused on them. The difference was that prior to Ravnica, those cards were what you described, basically a way to make cards more efficient at a more restrictive cost. Ravnica started the idea of "X+Y color is Z faction, which does it's own Z thing". It's a plane with a 10 slice color pie. You can combine the red half of boros and the blue half of azorius, but that wouldn't give you izzet.
>urza's saga
>the literally combo winter ser
By that logic, any set where garfield was the lead and maro was working on it, you could say the reverse.
Jesus Christ what a turbo brainlet

>You can combine the red half of boros and the blue half of azorius, but that wouldn't give you izzet.

You're trying to argue that red identity and blue identity wouldn't be better off without izzet identity cards? come on man. Izzet is like the posterchild for why combo identity is a shit-tier concept.
>You're trying to argue that red identity and blue identity wouldn't be better off without izzet identity cards?
How the fuck did you come to that conclusion from my post? Nowhere did I say anything about Izzet being better or worse than red or blue. Is this some elaborate AI chatbot?
>Is this some elaborate AI chatbot?
I was thinking the same thing kek
I don't like forced multicolor cards that much either
it's like now there are 10 premade decks forced on you
not that you can select parts from the different colors and make your own mix
>forced multicolor cards
Plenty of of good cards are still monocolor, what are you talking about? The boogeyman of Standard right now is a deck that's mono red in all but name.
it's for commander
hit the books buddy
Maro would never say retarded, thats a nono word
desu wotc probably carse a lot less about it than they say they do.
like say if lgses died tomorrow. would wotc really care as long as players are still buying cards and packs? i really think wotc is going to evaluate whether standard is worth having around in the future and cut all support when they realize the investment isn't worth it
pioneer would have been a fine replacement for it if they didn't immediately flood it with broken cards.
I haven't played tourney Magic in decades, but back then there was a difference between "may" and "must" triggers. If you noticed your opponent miss a "may" you were under no obligation to point it out. But if you spotted a "must" you had to tell or it would count as cheating.

Is that archway just for looks, or is there a Mirrodin/New Phyrexia saga? The images are Karn / corruption / Atraxa / Elspeth stab, with the right side showing what I think are the Omenpath connections.
Who Premodern only here?
Unban Entomb first
Sorry, it's too good of a card.
Sell me on a different deck then because reanimator is a complete crapshoot without it here.
I would if I had the money and if a store near me did it. I love old shooting star foils, but they're so expensive.
I'm cube/t4/edh only for a while now
>it was already dead, so why don't you like seeing them publicly rape its corpse?
I want to get more into the format but I can't settle on a deck to play. At the moment I just borrow a deck from a guy who has a battlebox of them, but it's kind of hard to justify having a deck for the format where I'm lucky if I get to play 1 game every two weeks between rounds of legacy. Everyone just goes home immediatley after it ends.
i didn't expect people to warm up to ub in standard so quickly. what the fuck happened?
I don't get why entomb is such a problem card in Premodern when Oath of Druids is legal. The milling isn't even a downside if you include a 1 of Gaea's Blessing
Deadguy Ale is a very budget friendly one. Seems like most people play on webcam mtgo if you're not in one of the random hubs where it's popular.
nobody is warming up to anything (unless you count the "bargaining" phase of grief as warming up, which is fair). I hate to bring up twitter, but I have never gotten MtG content in my feed and practically since the moment it was announced it's just a deluge of "this is stupid, I feel cheated/betrayed/condescended to/etc.".
What are you talking about?
the only warming up to ub in standard is people building dimir demons after seeing it win
Yeah, that was probably what I was going to end up with, I like Hypnotic Spectre. I'd like to get the actual cards but I can't really be bothered spending money on the real things and stuff like Caves are $10 each; I might just do an MPC order to cover them.
I didn't realize the apoc printing jumped up so much.
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Bob Esponja card
those nips are onto something
The jap artists they got on the books are really bottom of the barrel aren't they?
This and the Legendary Starfish are clearly prepping the consumer for spongebob
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>trigger warning: MTGArena
I hate Angels so much
I love Hullbreaker Horror so much
>filtered by mill
lol just use recursion like cards with flashback and mill is not a problem
they're giving you an advantage by milling you so use that advantage
weren't they supposed to cut down on legends? what's the point of making this a shitmander card?
It's Jumpstart Anon, she's part of an adjacent draft product that exists alongside the main set.
She's way too undertuned for commander, but for Jumpstart where you just shuffle two random theme packs together she's fine for an uncommon.
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>Name, X
what the fuck is this combat change dude its so onions i hate faggot haste decks so much
we all know you weren't even born yet
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There's plenty of other ways to name legendary creatures, even though the name, title convention has been used forever it's egregious with the sheer volume being printed now.
>Firstname lastname
>NobilityTitle name (e.g Lady/Lord something)
>Military rank name
>Name the noun
>Name of something
Nice to see MtG getting in on making waifu cycles.
White Weenies are super fun.
They're cheaping out on the Japanese cards now. Magic is done for
Stop being a retard
they cheaped out on them pretty much since they became a staple instead of "Hey we got Yoshitaka Amano to do one", still better than what they mostly push out nowadays.
ub being in standard makes perfect sense and is better than lotr type modern horizons products.

ub sucks in the first place, sucks enough to make me drop the game, but it's still better as standard products than straight to modern products.
i don't get why wotc jews artists so hard. you'd think they'd care deeply about the relationships they create with their artists considering the art is the centerpiece of every magic card but no lol.
So FF is standard legal now? Considering how early they design these sets it makes me wonder if WotC had been planning to make UB standard legal for a few years now because even a year or two ago we knew that FF would be Modern legal.
yeah that guy is a retard
be prepared for him to keep posting his image in every thread
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Brandon Sanderson wrote them a story FOR FREE as a charity project and they STILL screwed him.
This company is legitimately baffling I have no idea why they have an irresistible urge to just ruin everything.
Giving artists better care would be more money
More money means less profit
Less profit means line go down
Thanks capitalism
Yes and yes
They've said FF and Spider-Man and whatever else were designed with Standard legality in mind, so presumably within the last year and some they've known.
So what's with Foundations cards 707-725? Where are they supposed to be? 1-123 are new cards in boosters, 134-257 are reprints in boosters, 490-564 are cards from a beginner box and 571-705 are cards from the "expand your collection or whatever" box, so there is no place for 707-725. Am I missing something?
Variants and such, I think.
But Lyra, Negate and Lotus have the normal treatment, only Gigantosaurus seems special.
Oh, then I have no idea. Set numbers are weird sometimes. Might be those are reprints in the Starter Collection thing?
As in, ONLY in that, not in the actual proper Foundations set itself? They've made a mess of this set from the collection side of things if nothing else.
They ALREADY have exclusive cards in beginner box and starter collection, sooooo....
>constant price increases
>making rare pulls more rare two sets after introducing play boosters
>extra sheet bullshit to make some needed cards even more rare
>3 year standard rotation leading to completely new decks every couple months because they push a certain mechanic hard combined with the high amount of legal cards
>this also defeats the purpose of why they introduced the 3 year rotation in the firs tplace
>convoluted and hard to track mechanics that are designed with arena in mind
>no standard events and tournaments

For the price of one or two competitive standard decks you can buy a modern deck which at least can be played in tournaments and won't be rotated out until MH4
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what format is this even? I wonder any time I see decks that would be too sad for standard playing with older cards

I mean you can have lethal combos ready to roll on turn 4 and die to someone on turn 3 and here you are with a bunch of 1/1s on turn 20 or whatever
>purple shirt dude trying to put the whole cock in his mouth
>foil nem daze
extremely jealous
How do I get cards without giving WotC a single cent? I hate WotC, I hate Hasbro, I want both of them to die, but I also want a pack of Final Fantasy cards.
This is the average person collabs attract
Wait a few months and steal them from Walmart
Technically, if you buy them at local retailers you are not giving wotc any money because they have already got it from those retailers.
technically once the retailer sees their purchase paid out they then will go ahead and order more from the source until demand is no longer there
Whats the thoughts on the combat rules change? Magic returning to the way Richard Garfield intended? Or completely eliminating combat tricks and destroying the game?
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Too easy
New cards from the Foundation Commander decks
Are you the anti mill faggot that sperged for two hours last week?
Shoehorning color pairs into guild themes wasn't good for the long term future of the game.
They could have printed every dual color card they did without saying UB is the mill guild, GB is the graveyard guild, etc.
Some of the pairings have obvious identities that make a ton of sense (UR being spellslingers, UW being control) but some of them are still lacking that identity today. The biggest difference between RW, RG, and GW, are which combination of haste, first strike, flying, vigilance, and trample their creatures get.
what's with the "you have to play against it" because the community wants or some shit. did wotc post something stupid again?
Yes, Mark Rosewater in his blog posted that because people like to buy UB shit you have to accept it as part of Magic and thus aren't allowed to refuse someone playing UB cards
I first read this as blue/black. But it's universe beyond.
Also I'm not playing against what I don't want to.
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Why hasn't Mark Rosewafer gone away yet? He's spent his whole career ruining magic.
>i don't get why wotc jews artists so hard
New "players" (the types who happily guzzle-up UB slop; WotC's target demographic), don't care about aesthetics, so WotC in turn doesn't care about art/artists. This is the type of creature who would pave over a park or demolish an old building if it meant a marginal increase in convenience or efficiency by some meaningless metric.
>what format is this even?
Explorer, Arena's incomplete version of Pioneer.
>uhhhh who u no have big creatures
Jesus Christ. I'm a Timmy at heart, and I would be playing Mono G Stompy if I had the wildcards to spare, but I never realized this is how retarded we look to everyone else.
can I have an image or something. idk how to search shit on tumblr
These creatures are the reason half the brick buildings in the country have been painted.
Ravnica as a setting is fine - good, even.
Ravnica's lasting effect of having all of the colour pairs be guild-coded forever (both flavourfully and mechanically) has done more damage to the game than just about anything else.

R/W is the "ATTACK" colour pair because of Boros. It will never be allowed to be anything else - it doesn't matter what plane, setting or theme a set has, it will be this way forever now thanks to Ravnica.

Look at Aetherdrift even - why in the fuck do they need to have different racing factions based on colour pairs? What purpose does that serve? Why can't a faction be spread across all colours and just tie in with art / race / etc? They really, really don't trust their players to do any thinking whatsoever these days and honestly it is really infuriating.
> He's spent his whole career ruining magic.
Good job! You're as dumb as the company wants you to be
Maro isn't the reason that the game turned to shit, he's just the "face" on social media, so people get mad at him instead of at the company
What else is Boros supposed to be if not the attack/equipment color pairing?
He is PART of the company, and has more decision making power than any non-owner. It is completely valid to blame him for things, especially when he puts himself out there.
More intuitive and newbie friendly. Lowers skill ceiling a bit in limited. This is actually a rollback and I'm old enough to remember making fun of the defender conga line when m10 came around. Not a huge deal overall.
You fucking idiot.
>None of those exist anymore, and is not UB fault
I was one of the guys who consistently made those threads, and UB was one of the main reasons I stopped.
Not gay?
Bouncing experimental synthesizer with glint hawk and kor skyfisher
People like you need to kill themselves
lemme guess, you got all that info from maro himself and believed it
Serious answers please
But they have normal foundations symbol?
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you are the ponytailed person
Bouncing experimental synthesizer with glint hawk and kor skyfisher
You daft cunt.
A modern Horizons card.
Some color combinations are just chaff. Naya combinations in particularly are fated to never be interesting, but it's not because of Ravnica like the zoomer retard thinks.
almost like you need blue and/or black to be cool or something
now refute all the other ones
Maro is Hasbros henchman. He's made decisions and carried out the corporate will. He's absolutely responsible for interpreting his marching orders.
Maro is a piece of shit and I hope he dies in a rape explosion
Blue more so than black but yes.
Refute? Magic the Gathering has always had pop-culture references and mythology, but there's a difference between a non-obtrusive reference and Spongebob fighting Cloud Strife. although I don't know how a species being extinct is the same thing as a popculture reference, nor do I get how reanimation is a refrence as it's just describing you reanimating something. That's like saying all zombies everywhere are Shaun of the Dead references.
Same. I also hope that wizards gets freed from Hasbro.
There's nothing to refute. A textual reference is not the same thing as an invasion of one textual universe by another.
>That's like saying all zombies everywhere are Shaun of the Dead references
NTA but they're all Night of the Living Dead references.
idk all the names like frankenstein's monster and such are pretty intrusive. the reanimate is just a verb like the word use in original but to make sense of the situation
No they're not https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zombie#Modern_archetype_evolution
Literally no one gave a fuck about zombies before Romero reinvented the concept.
alright this is an actual argument now. excluding arabian nights which was pretty much just that. a whole set full of references and not just a couple misc cards
it feels like the existence of that singular set is how people justify UBslop because "it was always a thing"
Gothic horror and weird fiction, you dumb idiot
I know, calling a Night of the Living Dead and Dawn of the Dead reference a Shaun of the Dead reference is part of the joke.
The point being reanimate/reanimation is a very generic word/term.

I wasn't defending Frankenstein's monster, but Fury is just a verb as well as being MG and a Kappa is just an extinct species in universe, compared to the retcon of the kappa being alive to make a TMNT reference in Neon Dynasty.
Also I'm not defending Aladdin's Lamp, Akroan Horse, or Dong Zhou either, those are just references I don't like them either, there's a reason Magic moved away from references like Frankenstein's Monster and Aladdin's lamp in the first place.
None of those had zombies like Romero's, which became THE concept of zombie. You're reaching.
did arabian nights perform bad back in the day?
>excluding arabian nights which was pretty much just that
Yes, Arabian Nights and Three Kingdoms constitute "invasion of one textual universe by another." But here I would introduce a second distinction: there is a difference between this sort of invasion (by history, mythology, classical literature etc.) and by contemporary pop-culture IPs
Dunno, but I'm not a fan of it.
That wasn't your initial claim, which was
>Literally no one gave a fuck about zombies before Romero reinvented the concept
We're talking about references. Even ancient mythologies had zombies, but you thought that wikipedia link was relevant to the discussion when all zombie media is based on Romero's zombies.
right, I'm just trying to find a way to articulate this feel to words that isn't "old good new bad" if someone asks what the difference is because they are that disingenuous
>So, fun fact about my Solemn Simulacrum Image for Magic, I initially pitched it as being a recreation of the original card based on Jens Thoren likeness as an homage. I knew only a little about the Foundations set, but from the little I was told I took it as a new beginning for Magic. I wanted to represent the aftermath of the Phyrexian invasion and the opening of the multiverse and how we got here. Since Solemn was from original Mirrodin, I felt it was fitting to have our now justifiably sad robot emerge from an archway adorned with the story.

The worst thing is, they were actually succeeding. Standard had actually become really varied and interesting and had become my LGS' preferred way to play and now nobody wants to play it anymore knowing that UB is coming,

>why does this cabal of jews keep being jewish?! i dont understand!
it is a mystery
Being someone who lived through its release, it was received fairly well. It had some efficient creatures in it (at least, in comparison to ABU) which was all anyone really cared about early on.
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Eat the bugs.
I know what we're talking about.
They're not all Night of the Living Dead references. Khans' zombies, to give one example, more closely resemble traditional voodoo zombies.
Anon, zombie wouldn't even be a creature type without Romero, I don't think you understand how nonexistent the genre was before him, which is why you had to lump it together with gothic shit.
>I'm just trying to find a way to articulate this feel to words that isn't "old good new bad"
This first type of "invasion" (by history, mythology, classical literature etc.) is largely thematically consistent with a seriously-constructed fantasy world.
It can't be cynical and exploitative.
It's "high-cultural."
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Why did they make it Standard legal?
Not an argument.
Your claim:
>NTA but they're all Night of the Living Dead references.
My rebuttal:
>Khans' zombies, to give one example, more closely resemble traditional voodoo zombies.
also citing the presence of zombies in gothic and weird fiction.
The ball's in your court.
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>Wuk Lamat is gonna be a card
From your own link:
>A new version of the zombie, distinct from that described in Haitian folklore, emerged in popular culture during the latter half of the 20th century. This interpretation of the zombie, as an undead person that attacks and eats the flesh of living people, is drawn largely from George A. Romero's film Night of the Living Dead (1968),[1] which was partly inspired by Richard Matheson's novel I Am Legend (1954).[4][5] The word zombie is not used in Night of the Living Dead, but was applied later by fans.[6] Following the release of such zombie films as Dawn of the Dead (1978) and The Return of the Living Dead (1985)—the latter of which introduced the concept of zombies that eat brains—as well as Michael Jackson's music video Thriller (1983), the genre waned for some years.
mm that makes sense. I hear people also saying that magic being a multiverse setting already is a mismash of things but the largely thematic view really is the thing I think when looking at any given plane. there are still unifying things between them unlike with random dr who that doesn't even try to have anything in common with magic
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Was Bloomburrow the last time the game was fun? Only set I remember people apparently had fun with was Unstable.
That doesn't at all address my rebuttal that MTG contains references to non-Romero zombies.
>Khans' zombies, to give one example, more closely resemble traditional voodoo zombies.
>The word zombie is not used in Night of the Living Dead, but was applied later by fans.
Hoisted with his own petard
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If anime makes you a trannie then how come I grew up to despise them and only enjoy vanilla stuff despite having watched several hundreds?
It's just that nerds are more susceptible to trannie propaganda. Almost all trannies are giga nerds and were far before "transitioning".
for me it was neon dynasty. I had really low expectations but the limited format saved it
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You're retarded, anon.
Where did I say he invented the word?
Khans unfortunately
I refuse to believe a set from 10 years ago was the last time this game was fun.
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Oh look, I can cherry pick counter examples rather than addressing the central argument as well!
The Ixalan-Dominaria-Ravnica 3 era was fun until war of the spark fucked it all up. Self-tucking teferi fuckers notwithstanding
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You can but it won't help your case because even Mirage had Romero's zombies.
Look at this: another *classic* Romero zombie. MtG ONLY references Romero zombies; did you know that?
Why do people treat UB and SLD the same?
I don't think a couple ovepriced sponge bob cards from a lair drop hurt the game in the long run but I abhor the idea of constructed legal UB sets.
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Easy one.
Again, without Romero you wouldn't even have that creature type.
Quintessential Romero zombie, right here.
people are just generalizing them all because we don't have enough info on if the sponge cards are unique and if it's even legal in standard
but genarally I think people are fine with reskins but are against the standardization of unique UBslop
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No that's a traditional Haitian zombie like picrel.
Hmm, yes; I remember seeing this one in Day of the Dead.
Also: did you know that Romero invented the word "zombie"? https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/zombie#Etymology
It wouldn't have been a creature type without him!
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>he thinks there'd be cards referencing an obscure voodoo creature without Night of the Living Dead
Also the plot of Day of the Dead is literally about domesticating zombies lol, but keep digging.
>NTA but they're all Night of the Living Dead references.
ALL of them. That one is even worse because it's also an X-Files reference.
Would you a zombie?
>doesn't even know what I'm talking about
I accept your concession.
I would, but not an elf.
You're a buffoon. An eminently silly person.
Duskmourn draft is fun and so is its Standard. That said, every card stronger than Golgari Findbroker has been a mistake.
You lost the moment you jumped in with that wiki link, anon.
whats the point in the jackass conversation taking up so much space in the mtg general?
Anon needing to cope with his lack of reading comprehension.
Show me a Romero zombie that looks exactly like >>94266984
Cite the movie it appears in with a timestamp
If you can't do this within 5 minutes, you lose the argument
both trolls and not even very good ones
>he went from supposedly knowing we're talking about references to "looking exactly like"
Let go, anon. It's okay, you didn't read all the posts, that happens.
Only dominaria united limited was actually really good recently
your mom will be reading and comprehending my balls tonight
Tick tock
blatant trolling allowed in mtg general
Or keep embarrassing yourself lol
Tick ... tock
A Romero zombie is just a normal person acting braindead. That card is the same rendition just with a merfolk instead of a human. Stop embarassing yourself.
trolling continues...>>94267103
>BaB promo is Sol Ring
>no word on what this means for legality
dead game
game been dead for maybe 20 years
>Victor Halperin directed White Zombie (1932), a horror film starring Bela Lugosi. Here zombies are depicted as *mindless*, unthinking henchmen
So wait, now BAB aren't legal in their respective formats?
The FUCK is this shit?
Time's up. You lose
I humbly accept your concession
two people trolling can we do something about it or is this the standard for this website a this point
Based argument winner.
You're so underage, anon.
comment straight off of facebook
>or is this the standard for this website a this point
Where do you think you are?

the article doesn't say it's not legal so I assume it is legal since all other BaB promos have been
comments straight off of twitter/reddit
Thanks, anon. You are also based
You lost
You lost by proxy
You guys get BaB promos? My lgs takes them off and uses them for draft prizes
comments straight off of twitter/reddit
Twitter/reddit won, 4troon lost
i dont get what a 4troon is sorry but i dont get it and every comment i see on this site reminds me of something off of reddit/twitter/facebook
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Now that the dust has settled, is my waifu a Pokemon reference?
>literally stealing from customers
I'd report them to wotc for that
Are these actual people or just bots?
yes i think so
Show me a Game Freak pokemon that looks exactly like that
Cite the game it appears in with a timestamp
If you can't do this within 5 minutes, you lose the argument
i dont know think for a second and figure it out
Oh shit, hold on.
Excellent rhetorical technique. You evidently learnt from the best
there is a good point being made here
Is phyrexian goo lubricating?
>Pioneer is dead
>Not even one tournament for the format for all of next year
I hate WotC so fucking much.
sorry meant to say... UNIVERSE BEYOND BAD. OLD GAME GOOD NEW GAME BAD. SPONGEBOB BAD. there is that more on a level you can comprehend?
It's funny because UB is, in fact, bad, and the old game was, in fact, good.

Spongebob is fine though.
wohle game is dead why not play however you want with your friends?
sick troll really got me good with this one (jk)
If you bought UB cards you are a part of the problem
>>94267216anyone who bought ub cards gets an hour with your mom how about that one
Palworld in a nutshell.
Have fun tasting my cum
>Play some test games with my cube using the combat damage change
What the fuck were they thinking with this shit?
Less obtrusive than the dog with the bees.
their just doing stuff that doesnt matter to make it seem like their trying to fix the game
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I believe this goes infinite with midnight guard and some cryptolith rite-like effect
they're not their retard
whatever nerd
No but for real I can not even fathom how much worse this shit makes the game.
It literally turns combat off. Half of all interesting about combat tactics is just gone.

This is an ABYSMAL change. I normally follow through with rules changes in my cube and just adapt the card pool to fit, but this shit is so loathsome that there is NO WAY that I'm going to be using anything other than pre-this-change rules for my cube.
both me by the way
You sound like you're on HRT
realistically it does make the game less complex in a way that invalidates a chunk of decision making. i think combat tricks are a fun part of mtg so i think this change is horrible.
he might just be swedish or a cucknadian they tend to express themselves like overly emotional women
>i think combat tricks are a fun part of mtg so i think this change is horrible.
Tricks and tactics in combat were often the lifeblood of limited.
Play Boosters already fucking obliterated any hope limited had of being good ever again, as if that side of things needed ANY more damage done to it.

How the fuck would ANYONE think this shit is acceptable? Sweet fuck the game is so much less interesting with this change.
It just feels like every match is now solitaire.
you sound like you just came over from r/4chan or maybe r/greentext>>94267288
>no heart-shaped tail
she's trans
calm your tits
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>Plane you live in sucks ass.
>Omenpaths open.
>Thousands of lush, safe, unexplored planes to move to.
>Stay on your home plane so that Wizards can do another Return To set some day.
The change was unnecessary but it doesn't affect any real formats
>but it doesn't affect any real formats
Limited you dingbat.
well i think its somewhat clear they are trying to make the game play as simple as possible while have it be somewhat recognizable as magic the gathering. i assume its because they want to turn the game into fortnite tier crossover stuff so making it into something more people can understand more easily makes sense if a bunch more people are gonna start playing the game. and they obviously dont care about limited formats in any way considering the experience is to pick two colors and put together the preconstructed deck those colors were designed for.
comment straight off of twitter/4chan
>and they obviously dont care about limited formats in any way considering the experience is to pick two colors and put together the preconstructed deck those colors were designed for.
It's beyond shit what limited has become. Every set is the same as every other set: Paint by numbers, thoughtless garbage. And, of course, shills will fucking defend it lmfao.
Play boosters made it even worse, somehow. And apparently that wasn't enough.
Could a boycott work? Seems like there may be enough normies for it
>Could a boycott work? Seems like there may be enough normies for it
Why not?
Even Reddit is almost exclusively negativity right now. Seems possible.
admittedly i dont really know what play boosters are but i can imagine they only make things worse. truly every limited environment is exactly the same at this point. im not sure how anyone can defend the offensive lack of creativity from wizards. i would agree that the blocking change will probably ruin the format.
Can someone please give me a real life example of the combat damage change making a significant difference in a game?
You are going to boycott the game by not buying singles and chinese proxies?
do you play the game?
i will boycott by not playing or interacting with the game at all
Duskmourn limited is actually bretty good, bloomburrow's was total dogshit though you guys are right there
Do you?
duskmourn does not exist sorry all i your head
This game is funded by whales. A vocal minority of broke ass niggas on the internet has no leverage.
I don't often (if ever) over-block by doubling up on an attacker while also holding a pump spell in hand that would have done the job on it's own without risking one of the two redundant blockers, which seems to be the only case cited in which this change has any measurable effect whatsoever.
But that's why I asked. Maybe there's a different scenario which is affected by this change that I'm overlooking.
i dont get the question sorry
No one who plays the game cares about the change.
Any combat involving First Strike, for starters.
i play imaginary cubes against myself but i'm an unironic schizophrenic
>Duskmourn limited was great
>Opponent plays t1 raucous carnival
>Scoop it up
i personally think that any change that effects even a small aspect of the game negatively is disastrous. i know the change is only small but how many small changes before the game is unrecognizable? its easy to say that "well this doesnt really affect anything important" but after enough "small unimportant changes" the game will be totally different.
didnt happen because duskmourn is not real sorry but you have to accept it
It's set code is PRM, that means it's only legal where it's already legal
Pre change:
>I go over to your home to fuck your mom and sister
>I get to decide the order and make you watch.
>I pick your sister first because she's got less toughness
>You reveal that you have a mithril chastity belt on you and put it on your sister which would break my dick so I can't fuck either of them

Post change:
>I go over to your home to fuck your mom and sister
>You reveal that you have a mithril chastity belt which you put on your sister
>I get to decide the order and make you watch
>Now I pick your mother instead so I still get to fuck something, even though it's the less desirable outcome
>My dick still breaks afterwards
That's a fair point, but that assumes this change is universally negative.
It's a rebalance of power slightly in favor of attackers. It's just as positive for attackers as it is negative for defenders.
I don't have a sister and my mom is in the graveyard so you'll have to fuck me.
that is also fair. but in my time playing the game ive never thought that there was an imbalance between attackers and defenders that was so extreme it needed a rules change to fix. and if i were to be swayed in one direction i dont think it would be a change in favor of attackers
this is a good way of putting it i think
Those are both fair but without combat damage on the stack it's a nothing burger.
>you come to my house
>i offer my mom
>i give her the Chastity Belt of Cockmangling
>your cock gets mangled

>you come to my house
>i offer my mom
>i give her the Chastity Belt of Cockmangling
>your cock gets mangled

i think it would be nice if combat damage still used the stack
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Or will I?
pre-change: i have sex with your mother and sister. post-change: i have sex with your mother and sister.
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My opponent attacks with his Tobias Andrion, knowing he can confidently kill both my Forest Bears with his creature's mighty power.

But, powerful green mage that I am, I double block with a Giant Growth in hand!

>Result 1: Real Magic rules
He declares damage order, I Growth the first Bear to a 5/5. Tobias dies, I lose nothing.

>Result 2: Retarded WotC change.
All I can do is Growth one of my bears to save it. His Tobias becomes a fireball and kills one of my bears anyway.

This change gives HUGE advantage to attackers. Doubly so if the attacker has First Strike.
Don't you fucking dare.
It also MASSIVELY reduces combat intricacy when more than one combat trick/counterspell is involved.
bro... this guy is gonna have sex with your mom!
The actual example is Menace in Limited formats. Nowhere else will this ever be relevant because combat tricks are irrelevant outside of aggro and if you're casting them defensively you're losing anyways.
based time traveling faggot

To make the situation even more clear:
In pre-change rules, combat tricks can trade 1-for-1 with threats through double blocks.

With the new rules, all results end in the attacker gaining a 2-for-1 trade.
You would have gotten the same outcome pre-change by blocking with ONE bear and then casting GG, never risking the other bear at all.
You lost a bear under post-change rules because you are retarded and you deserve it.
This is the only real answer here, only losers and commander r players use p/t based combat tricks on their opponents turn
>You would have gotten the same outcome pre-change by blocking with ONE bear and then casting GG, never risking the other bear at all.
My opponent has unknown cards in their hand.
I may have other cards in my hand.

If I just block with one bear, I give away information about me holding a combat trick.

The new change eliminates the ability to hedge unknown information during combat.
I swing with my myr enforcer into your 2 3/3s. I have a krak clan shaman in my hand.
Current: I have to deal 3 damage to one of them and 1 damage to the other. I can then play shaman and sac 2 artifacts to kill the other one.
New: I can deal 2 damage to each of the 3/3s. I can now play shaman and sac only 1 artifact to get both of your 3/3s dead.
comment straight off of facebook dot com
>If I just block with one bear, I give away information about me holding a combat trick
Chump blocking has never existed, apparently
a boycott would only work if you could actually convince the gigantic silent majority mass of players that keep the game afloat, people complaning about UB in standard are a fraction of a fraction of a fraction
you need to hit them where it hurts, in this case, their deep pockets
Gotta love these retarded hypothetical scenarios that nogames come up with in this general.
You seem to know a lot about that place, maybe you should go back
different thing
people addicted to spending money on things will keep the game funded forever no way to change it unless you give all of them professional help to make them realize there is a problem with their actions
I could also desire to block with two bears intending simply to have both trade for the Andrion, while holding a pump spell up in case of removal.

This becomes FAR more relevant if the removal is damage-based.
This. So much this. It's so OVER the game is RUINED forever I'm LITERALLY shaking.
majority of average "players" will believe anything a pro player tells them to believe
Whether or not chump blocking exists has no impact on this change deleting hedges against unknown information during combat.

It effectively turns bluffing and hedging off completely. Which is FUCKING SHIT.
actually true but the new change is only partially responsible
Thank you for agreeing with me.
Why are you shaking though, do you have parkinsons?
which constructed decks get better with globohomo combat? affinity, tolarian terror, any aggro?
Limited is where it will be relevant so your attempt to score points by asking an irrelevant question is pathetic and disingenuous.
bro you got trolled epic style lololololol!!
>Making blocks with mana and cards up before the change
>Oh man he's got mana up, is he just chumping/trading or does he have some kinda combat tricks?
>Making blocks with mana and cards up after the change
>Oh man he's got mana up, is he just chumping/trading or does he have some kinda combat tricks?
Literally the same as before
Bluffing has won several world championships.
the actual majority of players don't even know what being a "pro" in the context of magic is, that's how far removed they are from magic discussion
That's a good example. I think it highlights the fact that this is really TWO changes though.
>1) there is no priority step between "assigning" and dealing damage anymore
not actually "assigning", but I don't know how else to describe it since they removed "ordering blockers" entirely, and "assigning" also got changed as per:
>2) you don't have to assign lethal damage to one blocker before damaging another
I am absolutely in favor of the second change. If someone wants to under-damage to try and combo with a sweeper, good luck to them. Hope you don't get blown out by a counterspell after voluntarily choosing to leave blockers alive.
Having fewer options to bluff, interact and hedge against unknown information is a massive change for the worse.
how do you bluff in mtg?
>I am absolutely in favor of the second change. If someone wants to under-damage to try and combo with a sweeper, good luck to them. Hope you don't get blown out by a counterspell after voluntarily choosing to leave blockers alive.
I am partly in agreement here, but ONLY in the context where you have a priority step between damage assignment and damage being dealt.

Being able to set damage assignments to blockers is not the egregious part of this change, and I don't think anyone will claim that. The egregious part is the removal of the priority step between damage assignment and damage being dealt.
the only thing thats "the same as before" is how often i fuck your mom
true i suppose
holy rekt lolololololol

Say it with me, bros.

>we're printing UB into standard because it's confusing for new players
>also the new jumpstart, our product for new players, is not standard legal
at some point they wanted to use a different card back for arabian nights
it's like the entire crew was drunk, high, and in the middle of sex while they came up with the set, and post-nut clarity is the only thing that made sure it wasn't a total blunder because they remembered card backs being same in a card game is important
and now we have DFCs
God I want that faggot on the right to focus his daddy issues on me
Oil-based lubricant breaks condoms
Since the Lord of darkness asked. You cast a spell as bait and then cast the one you need to resolve after they waste their counterspell
Boros midrange/control with aoe effects?
That's the worst Bob art yet.
Not even doujin artists will work for a nagging bitch like WotC AD for merely $1K.
It helps you be one with your sex partner so yes
Elesh Norn really wanted a multiverse-wide gangbang when she said "all will be one"
Oh boy blinged out expensive reprints of old cards, better dump while it's high if recent trends are anything to go by
Why are 1 mana artifacts allowed to have two upsides and actual walls of rules text? This is bad design.
What sucked? Was the power creep not good enough?
You grew up in the manly era of anime
Hate these dimwit arguments. Most didn't want the fucking walking dead cards. Now those who didn't people either stopped caring or quit. You can push any terrible agenda by saying something about the majority AFTER you make changes.

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