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Previous: >>94324218

>OFFICIAL Commander website, where you can learn the rules, see the current banlist, and read the format philosophy, laid down by the rules committee

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen color identity

>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck strategy and card choices

>Card Search

>Proxy a deck or a cube for cheap

>How to proxy using any printer


What are your expectations for UB: Spider-Man?
I won't care about it at all lmao
Gay Bolas
I expect to be bored by the online discourse for a month at minimum because I truly don’t care about UB shit
Any way to get around a cyclonic rift with black red?
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jeskai spider tribal
red elemental blast
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Unban Mana Crypt
oh boy do I have the fucking card of cards for you
Posted about it earlier but never shared a decklist, r8 and h8 my $20 (now $18) Balmor PDH deck
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4 Commander decks:
>Grixis Symbiote Spiderman Power Matters
>Jeskai Miles Morales Spiderman Unblockable Tribal
>Bant Peter Parker Goad deck
>Temur Supidaman Vehicles deck
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I keep forgetting this kino card exists
Where's the Yung Pyzzy
I expect them to do a lot of into the spider verse shit
I sure hope that spoiler actually happens. Though I'd think at least one of the decks would be based on the Sinister Six and other villains of his.
Never printed at common unfortunately
I thought it would be a small thing like Assassin's Creed was. I know they probably can squeeze a decent amount out of Spider-Man if they wanted, but a full set sounds like a lot.
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>Least pushed UB mythic
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>literally makes opponent ask how do I shot web
why the gay horns tho?
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$40 haul from tcgplayer thank goodness this one came in just a few days
Still no Polluted Delta, might have gotten lost in the mail at this point :/
>Why the gay horns
Because I'm designing another set of retarded pushed cards for fun and couldn't be bothered to pull another set symbol.
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Probably a chunk of it will be Spider-Verse stuff but you can really fill out a significant amount of a set with just mainline Peter Parker and associated characters and events.
The real question is if we'll see... Him.
Actually a cointoss because it would be insanely based (making it less likely for WotC) and cringe (making it more likely for WotC) at the same time.
no it's perfect, keep it
I think it's unlikely, personally, because UB stuff like this tends to be mostly with what the broader 'idea' of the character is, with deep cuts here and there. Paul's both too recent and too maligned to be anything people WANT except ironically. He's not "part of the Spider-Man mythos" so to speak.
Nah, Miles has a distinct enough outfit. Not unlikely they'll both have DFCs, actually, or separate cards for civilian and hero identities.
He could make a cameo (especially in MJ art) but he likely won't get a card to himself.
I wouldn't worry about it.
Is this the same inner voice who told you Cloud will be black?
nono, it'll be fine
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Are we still mad?
>Try to get feedback on deck
>Ask about neat interactions
>Thread ignores and just continues to shitpost and show random cards and memes and complain about everything

Do you guys even play EDH?
so anyway, moving on..
Mad it sold out and the thing was a clusterfuck.
>Hour of Devastation set symbol
fucking gay Bolas
>Fucking Gay Bolas
that's for Ugin
post deck? will ignore if it's not interesting
Why did they take 5 precon commanders, some of them pushed, and then make them have less copies than alpha lotuses exist?
That way they can tell executives they sold out.
Yes that's the real reason.
so you'd want it (wotc product) more
Electromancer has been power crept by Storm Catch Mentor, but I'd run both personally. I also like Curious Homunculus and for an upgrade Baral, Chief of Compliance is good.
Adeliz, the Cinder Wind is also a good inclusion if you plan on running a Wizard sub theme in the deck.
They make less money this way
I got to watch UB slop guzzlers get buttravaged and shitter shattered all day. Nothing to be mad about there
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>put pushed commander cards on a secret lair
>purchase them yourself (WotC employees)
>leave some of them for the masses, prevent as many purchases as possible through queue
>re-sell them on the secondary market for more than double their price
But I didn't get it so instead, MPC.Com got the money and not them? Also knocked out all my triomes and various other staples so I also don't need to buy those from WOTC approved places. I didn't go and spend the money on a different WOTC product. I just gave it to a different company.
seems like they made as much as they aimed to since it sold out
>3 uncommons and a rare
This is a PDH deck, anon, though I am thinking of brewing a normal EDH deck for Balmor so I'll keep those in mind
Dude shut the fuck up lmao
If they can show a rabid scramble to aquire the IP cards, other IPs are more likely to take their money and participate in Universes Beyond. This was all a big advertisement for them.
yeah i'm sure they don't have any under the table "secondary markets" to get 5x profit on the cards later
a normal drone doesn't know/care what mpc or a proxy seller is. they'll wait until the card they want gets reprinted as mythic in otherwise shit product and consume that one. you are in minority and thus not taken to account
Fuck me, I only just got that his name is a Peter, Paul, and Mary joke.
This implies a marvel lair may not have sold out otherwise.
They make exactly the amount of money they want to make this way and get to tell the investors that it was a massive success that sold out in hours
this way it's more vocal (free) advertising
How are they going to double profits by setting small goals for sales? That's nonsensical.
>hey UB is super popular see how the secret lair sold out in hours
>and now we have 2 other marvel SETS later this year give us money ok??
it's actually really obvious
>WOTC doesn't care if it loses customers to competitors
Probably should. It is number 3 or 4 in the card game market (Yugioh, Pokemon, and one piece are more popular. Arguably Lorcana as well) and the companies stock is in the shitter.
>small goals
Do we know how many sets there were to sell?
Also this. It’s free marketing for the UB slop sets coming out next year
This was a limited secret lair that only included these few characters. An underprinted scramble that leaves players mad about not getting it is exactly what you want to take back to Disney when negotiating to get a Universes Beyond set that includes the entire MCU.
Why would you give your IP to a product that is in decline and whose company could genuinely cease to be by 2030, going by the companies stock and how every other aspect of the company. I'd want to give my IP to a company that isn't a coin flip away from filing Chapter 11 this decade.
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which art should replace meren gravebros?
yeah, they should indeed. they even have a way to make super rare versions of cards now so there is no reason to fear the "investors" either. idk how big an audience that is but it's the only other reason I can think why they want cards to be desirable
That isn't what I would want to see as a disney exec? Seeing that your actions turned people off and caused many to not give the game a try, as well as you trying to put a cap on the amount of players we can bring in, would cause questions.
It's ok to just say a company that is considered poorly run in is actually in fact just poorly run and not doing 8D Chess.

Half the arguments you are making should also apply to all card games but do not.
WotC is paying them money, not the other way around.
Besides red counters, I'm guessing you mean static cards. Faceless Butcher, Facelss Devourer, Foreboding Steamboat, Prowling Geistcatcher, and Mechtitan Core can act as O-Rings for your creatures. Oubliette can be used to phase out one of your creatures. Outpost Siege can deal damage with creatuers leaving. Nadier's Nightblade can act as a blood artist for bounced tokens. Nadier can make token's when he leaves. Rapacious Guest can hurt someone when it leaves. Worldgorger Dragon? lmao.
And? Why would I want my IP to appear in pictures of a landfill in a year? Your mindset is why hasbro is dying
>my mindset
I'm describing THEIR mindset, but you're right. Constantly chasing short term goals will destroy a company.
yeah instead their IP is appearing in a landfill because the latest media they've produced has been very sub-par
>What I want to take back to disney is pictures of tweets of marvel fans saying they were going to try magic but now never will due to this.
Is he worth playing, or should I just play Henzie?
not really a fan how the borders clash but I'd go with organ harvest since while good the current pic also clashes with the creature types
Your deck is just trash buddy no one cares
touch of death even though it's not technically a human anymore
Didn't realize that was a thing until now.
In that case I recomend changing out most sorcery speed cantrips and draw out for instant speed ones like Quick Study, Deliberate, and Hithlain Knots. I think you should lean more into instants and also include a Naiad of Hidden Coves, partially for combat tricks, partily for making counter spells better, but mostly for the psychological factor.
Other possible inclusions could be Stonybrook Banneret, Tempest Angler, Izzet Charm has a printing at common, and Fire // Ice is an interesting(?) split card choice.
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xenagod is great, i put him in anzrag, he's pretty sticky with being not a creature sometimes and indestructible
that art on the left is giving me strong Do The Evolution music video vibes
>That isn't what I would want to see as a disney exec
when was the last time Disney didn't lose fucktons of cash on one of their flop movies?
When will you people grasp that EXECUTIVES ARE RETARDED their positions come from nepotism, every CEO, every excec was given their positions by daddy. That's why every company is currently collapsing and solely sustained by a war chest of money created by their predecessors.
In 20 years you'll see swaths of new companies that are successful and then in 50 more years the cycle will repeat. That's just how it goes
deckbuilding isnt easy once you leave the beaten path of edhrec. not many want to invest time into helping someone improve their deck when they dont care about the commander.
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>Try to buy the Storm one cause Xmen are cool and I'd use the cards
>Put in over hour queue
>It sells out whilst I'm waiting
>Use the money I've saved to buy some FNM eternal witness's
Honestly not all that bothered
so you learn to proxy instead of buying overpriced cardboard
the call is coming inside the house
lmao this guy actually thinks a limited edition secret lair was going to bring in new players and not just be scalper city

AND this nigga thinks Disney execs have any common sense when it comes to decisions about what will and won’t make money. Dude you are a laugh riot
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Trying to make Sasaya Orochi Ascendant and am trying to see what the right balance is between getting more lands in hand vs big mana payoffs and interaction, any sleeper hits for making 50 mana on turn 7?
I already proxy, anon.
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I could not play this without saying I respond to every spell with the ability.
what is pushed
it's funny you can always reveal your hand and then respond to revealing your hand so your hand stays revealed until the check resolves
Xmen are the lamest cape characters next to the justice league
Quick study feels a touch slow at 3 mana but deliberate and knots could both slot in pretty easily, and I had actually floated the idea of naiad of hidden coves for the counterspells angle but ultimately decided against it since he doesn't directly benefit my game plan in a super meaningful way and a deck as aggro as this really wants to be locked in on that plan as much as possible. Stonybrook was on my radar and looking at the list most of my creatures are wizards so I think you're right on her, and I have no clue how tempest angler slipped past my radar he is absolutely going in.
Thanks for the suggestions, anon :)
t. Artfag
my cock in ur mum
Thor would have been a better inclusion than Storm.
the idea that any land card (ANY) should be above $10
Xenogod is more straightforward with beating face. Worth it if you like that kind of play style. I guess if you like graveyard tricks Henzie would be more fun.
Absolute CHAD card
Or "Robbing Peter to pay Paul".
Comics don't sell well. They will prioritize popularity over including Scrimblo blimblo from a single crossover event in 2003. Spiderverse does absurdly well and is critically acclaimed.
I'd expect much more rep from that then from some character only die hard comic nerds (not even cape fags specifically) know about.
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>opponent 1 never shuts the fuck up and I have to play my turns basically in a way where no one can respond to my actions because I refuse to wait for this retard to stop talking, and I just take my turn instead of waiting 5 minutes for him to shut up.
>opponent 2 doesn't know what a magic card even is
>opponent 3 is a furfag complete with sexy anime furfag commander and a krystal playmat, and really really autistic humor
for me it's opponent 3, they're literally me except the playmat is gay
Basado anon
I mean, we'll get the "major Spider-Man characters", obviously. Peter, MJ, Aunt May, Harry and Norman Osborn, Eddie Brock/Venom, Doc Ock, Electro (and the rest of the Sinister Six), Kraven, Carnage, etc. We'll see Miles of course, too, and some of his villains and associated characters. We'll likely see Spider-Gwen too. I don't know how much explicit Spider-Verse stuff we'll see.
Is there a benefit of putting him in Anzrag vs the other way around?
You'll get Noir Spider Man before you get some long lost literal who brother.
cool deck anon, i have some cards for you to evaluate and see what you like:
>Sazacap's Brew
cool draw
>Water Wings
protection for balmor
>Blazing Crescendo
impulse draw and + dmg
>Clout of the Dominus
more protection for balmor
>Deep Analysis
kinda expensive, but can draw in the gy too
>Karfell Harbinger
rare case of dork for blue
>Windrider Wizard
card selection is nice
>Stern Dismissal
one of the few ways you can bounce an enchantment in blue colors

glhf anon
Anzrag is basically a combo deck that pops off in combat, so taking additional combats to pump anzrag to be huge works really well with xenagos to kill your opponents with commander damage if you can also give him trample. Anzrag in Xenagos would be fine but he'd really just be a big beater and maybe an extra combat
Oh you don't know who the character I linked is. Basically he's MJ's new husband because the current arc is ragebait and Marvel wanting to fuck over people who hate One More Day (which is basically everybody) even more.
My biggest issue with this guy is that my table is lazy and won't read my cards. Makes it hard to really "win" the minigame when there really isn't rhyme or reason to my opponents choices, and they're just picking almost randomly because "I don't want to read those long bizarre cards."
Why does goad trigger people?
Because it forces them to interact with other people.
Isn't that the point of the game?
it's not a game object so it's annoying to track without misrepresenting your board state
I really really doubt this is the actual reason people hate goad.
Forces people to swing when they don’t want to and/or with creatures they don’t want to lose in combat or have tied up being tapped.

That said I fucking love goad

Just put a token on the creature? It’s no harder to track than any other temporary effect
As someone who has built both: Just build both lol
You build them both in different manners.

Xenagos is power matters so you put cards like >>94332053 in there. Anything with extra combats gets ridiculous very quickly too. In my experience, people start to fear you once you start throwing out cards like Bloodthirster or Malignus on turn 4, so timing your big plays is exciting

Henzie builds with some more reanimation like >>94332312 says. Having a draw & haste engine in the command zone is pretty nifty and allows you to build him in different ways. For Henzie, power doesn't matter as much as for Xenagos. You sacrifice a lot more creatures for big value, since they were going to die due to blitz anyway.

Just make a deck for both and get which one makes you more excited.
Yes, but stereotypical Commander players don't want to actually do anything but show off their own deck and don't want to actually 'play with people'.
I tend to wonder how people feel about stuff like Rendmaw. He causes goad, but only for the tokens he is giving you. You don't actually lose out on your own creatures or anything, but you are forced to deal with people having to possibly attack you when they wouldn't have otherwise.
I want to try out a GW Enchantress build. What are some good options for interaction? I'm running Aura of Silence and maybe Seal of Cleansing + Primordium. For creature removal is my best option O-Ring variants? Parallax Wave?
don't forget your cage
Goad speeds up games and stops sandbagging players from pulling their punches. Lots of bads just wanna play solitaire and assemble their school science project to show to everyone else, they don't want to attack or interact ever until they win.
GOAD MY GUY? I'LL FUCKING MURDER-someone else cause it won't let me attack you.
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it's also bc a lot of creatures played in commander are value engines not really bodies for swinging in with so goading someone's card draw engine to get blocked and killed is a feelsbad
goad doesn't trigger people, it triggers creatures you fucking retard GET YOUR FUCKING SHIT TOGETHER
Goad should absolutely be employed on those commanders, frankly.
Can I get some opinions on this please?
I started with an idea from anon a while ago, basically the goal is to have Sanguine Bond and Warstorm Surge, then play Licia, ideally discounted, then she ETBs and deals damage from Warstorm Surge, which gains life and Sanguine Bond gives me another trigger of damage. Then I use her buff and cast a fight spell, causing more damage from life gain, then if she dies from the fight I can cast her again since I will have gained loads of life.
There's a few cheap lifegain spells in the deck to kickstart things, and then I just liked the idea of Vampire/Angel duo tribal so I added some of them.
Got two left to cut, and everything in Considering is what I've cut. I worry that I don't have enough mana-producing lands. Blog over
Cute kitty
oh absolutely. i love popping off uninterrupted but i also love when people disrupt my gameplan
>Lots of bads just wanna play solitaire and assemble their school science project to show to everyone else
hate to say it, but that's kinda the nature of EDH. you try to assemble a lethal combo since you won't win a game by just swinging into defenses and then being wide open for 3 other players.
traveler's amulet is hot trash, put more dual lands in, some of those pure lifegain cards are hot trash, would probably be better to get some cheaper stuff like the soul sisters. also you have so many expensive cards and not nearly enough ramp to support them, either put in more white ramp pieces (and sandbagging your land count)
Thinking of becoming a scalper. Any tips?
All great suggestions, thanks anon!
Apperently people were using a line jumping exploit to jump ahead of everyone else.
Yes and yet you see people actually defending this shit in these threads lmao
Price elasticity is a significant force in mtg card pricing. Jewelled lotus is still sitting at >€25 on cardmarket and its not playable in any format.

While secondary market card price isn't a thing wizards say they care about, they clearly like making sure to have super expensive cards that they can put as mythics to sell packs of cards.

>wizards short print secret lairs
>guaranteed sell out
>secondary market price goes high and drops very slowly
>wizards can now use those cards as "reprint equity" in products that they don't think would sell as well
I'll never get why this guy is 54 bucks. He's the most expensive mechanically unique card after the marvel shit they just released. I get fans of the show exist, but I always get the impression the series isn't very popular, so, doesn't make a lot of sense for this to be double the price of Lara croft (which came out earlier.)
>>wizards can now use those cards as "reprint equity" in products that they don't think would sell as well
This excuse does not work for licenses. In 10 years they will not have access to a marvel license. And they just confirmed they no longer plan to ever do UW again. Once that licenses are gone, these cards become identical to the reserve list. The LOTR license runs out like, next year. I doubt WOTC will be paying for all these licenses forever.
he's the face of modern Who, the card is important if you're building a Doctors Matter deck (which every fanboy does) and he's a rare 4c commander to boot
I just get the constant feeling there aren't enough fans for that to make sense. This indicates there are more doctor who fans than D&D fans or Tomb raider fans and that more people were interested in a Doctor Who theme deck than were interested in a deck using Lara croft.
Thirty (30) starting life is objectively superior to fourty (40)
Doctor Who had a whole set to support it and Fourteen works as a commander for "all the Doctors". It's not that complicated. Lara Croft is cool, but she's not a silver-bullet commander for a very specific archetype.
>$600 for that
Could buy an all foil deck instead
And it won't have a commander that gives storm to other cards
Me neither, but then again despite thinking Doctor Who is okay and having watched a lot of it when I was younger this crossover never made sense to me.
I guess Jenny and Vastra are interesting mechanically, but I'd prefer a Universes Within version over literal Jenny and Vastra from Doctor Who.
Well universes within was cancelled. So that won't ever happen.
>This indicates there are more doctor who fans than D&D fans or Tomb raider fans
There are definitely more whovians than tomb raider fans these days. D&D is a little tricky and I assume there's a ton of cross-contamination going on here
Retard-kun they have the right to reprint indefinitely they talked about it during 40k. They just can't do new art do they'll eventually all go uw if it's played a lot
>they have the right to reprint indefinitely
I constantly forget Tomb Raider even exists unless someone reminds me of it. Doctor Who definitely has more fans, by an order of magnitude.
It's harder to get and had a set to support it. You would be surprised at the amount of people who will buy Dr who shit to have it on display
they can literally reprint the one ring as UW yes they can retard
>And they just confirmed they no longer plan to ever do UW again.
No, they confirmed that they weren’t necessarily doing it in the same way they had been. They in no way closed the door on future in-universe reprints.
You gotta do what I do and respond really aggressively to anyone who tries to help so people dogpile on you and tear apart your deck
>if you're building a Doctors Matter deck (which every fanboy does)
in my pod we always joke about "Aragorn and the Timelords" as a deck and this guy would be in it
>Don't believe what rosewater said
Delightfully devilish
Don't know how accurate it is, and i have since lost the deck entirely but it was a ton of fun here's my list maybe you'll see something you missed
>The non-Secret Lair version will always be different from what the Secret Lair offered, but it might keep the same name […] aka it won’t always be a “Universe Within” version.
>won’t always
Neither of those indicates that they intend to stop printing Universes Within cards.
>600 USD for pieces of paper
fucking nerds man
Thanks for the advice anon. Which lifegain cards specifically? I wanted some such as Chaplain's Blessing and Rest for the Weary to potentially be able to play Licia on turn 4/5 without needing ramp.
I agree I do have a lot of expensive cards but I've been struggling to decide what to cut in favour for more lands/ramp but I'll see what I can do. I have some expensive recursion since the deck is so centered around two enchantments, I don't want to risk being made useless by a simple naturalise or whatever
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Remember when Rosewater said this only 2 years ago? Did you believe him then?
While you are right that paying 600 for cards is retarded, using "lol it's just paper" as an argument is dumb. I could do the same for jewels and gold.
>It's just rocks
>It's just metal.
Sythis seems like the most boring enchantress commander possible.
Yes. They literally talked about this during 40k. All ub licenses include infinite card reprints just no new art or design unless it's uw
This could mean anything from "literally just the D&D Secret Lair cards will keep their names" to "nothing will change their names at all", though I think it's likely the D&D ones will keep their names, the Marvel ones MIGHT, and Lara Croft won't.
sunspring expedition, heroes remembered are horrible, and if you want the game to end with a big combo finish by casting your commander a bunch of times for 3 then saccing her, you should have some way to facilitate that either with mana on cast like birgi or carnival of souls, but at the same time you don't have nearly enough creatures for a lot of the tremors effects and not really enough sac outlets to make it work well either. Also if you're going for hard lifegain you should have more good life pay effects besides aetherflux
Okay thanks. Heroes Remembered was there half for the turn 1 play and half for the lols at gaining 20 life in one go. I was kinda going for a playstyle where I wear everyone down whilst keeping my life total reasonable, so that my finisher doesn't have to be too big, but yeah I see what you mean I need lots of mana to do it more than twice per turn.
Are 6 CMC commanders even playable?
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The cards in AFR were fucking dogshit and uninteresting. That's why they're cheaper.
Not if the deck relies on them or is based on them at all.
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She is. Build something else
I was refering to the SLD of unique cards that were never reprinted, such as Chris Pine the foretell-man
God this guy just exudes Giga Chad energy
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Sure. Jokes aside though, you can play them in 7. Just make sure you have enough ramp in your deck.
>gains you 30 life over the game
>doesn't even leave the command zone
this fucker needs a reprint so bad, i would like to build a lifegain deck with him if he wasn't so expensive
Only if they’re a bonus card and your deck has all the juice. They’re harder to recast and even if they are “just ok” people will see a big 6+ mana commander hit the table and start frothing at the mouth.
if you can easily ramp them out and then dominate, like you can easily do with ziatora, then yes
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he was one of my first builds, really fun and great staying power as long as your pod doesn't run voltron
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Those prices arent for you. No, no, no, they are for marvel fans, and little timmy who know nothing about MTG, but need it for christmas

WishmstrRabbit — Today at 6:47 PMNo, no, no, they are for marvel fans, and little timmy who know nothing about MTG, but need it for Christmas
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its really just paper though and not even as good as it used to be lmao
imagine not taking care of your cards lmao
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Anyone tried bird tribal? He seems like he does everything the tribe wants
Would you let players at your table proxy Gaea's Cradle?
CEDH games yes, otherwise no.
I wanted to build it. Birds have a lot of fun cards to play with, even if you're using them only to swing at faces.
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This ugly son of a bitch is my new favorite card in the entire game.
He has brought me victories and joys aplenty.
I'm so happy I pulled a promo from the duskmourn prerelease. He came to me and said "hey, you wanna piss everyone off?" and he delivered.
the art is neat.
How did you build him? He seems very "bastardized" when it comes to gameplan.
I was building a Bird deck, though not with him. I switched to Flying tribal instead since it felt less specific though and I still got to use a lot of the better Birds.
No but honestly I have no clue why. I fucking love birds. Might dig through my bins and see what I can cobble together with what I have. Kastral is kind of pricey at 5 but you’ve got good protection options in WU
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just full vile monoblue behavior.
not many mill sources compare to him turning sideways, so the game plan is
>clone mindskinner or bruvac as many times as possible(spark double, irenicus' vile duplication) for maximum mill throughput
>turn them sideways
>fill the rest of the deck with blue stax and two playsets of legally-distinct-from-one-another counterspells
>throw in The Stone Brain because kozilek is a cocksucking jizzgargler
Each mindskinner has its own independent trigger, right?
They're replacement effects, not triggered abilities. Only one ends up getting applied.
No, they do not scale multiplicatively, it's a replacement effect.
That said, milling 20-30 off of every opponent at the table per combat still fucks.
If I hit Bruvac and clone him instead, it IS multiplicative, and that game plan wins very quickly.
Only one would apply because it just flat changes how damage is applied.
On the other hand if you can run a "damage can't be prevented this turn" effect then you'll deal real combat damage in addition to mill.
dead thread
>simic pubstomper just producing 2 coils a turn, oppressing the board for most of the game
>doesn't read anyone's cards just keeps tapping people's creatures on combat
>dies to a lab-man thoughtlash that just chilled on the table for a whole turn cycle
>full melty says he would have stopped it if he knew
>this guy is playing shit like cyc rift, snapcaster mage, koma in a 6-7 lobby

it's so fucking funny every time dude. some players don't know shit about the game and just coast on their wallet.
so are you swinging mindskinner with bruvac out and if you had 2 bruvac its better than 2 mindskinner?

have a list?
>6-7 lobby
What does that even mean?
it's a tier 2 lobby, new fren
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please pay no attention to the sideboard, also known as "shit i didn't want to cut but didn't know where to put"

it's a work in progress, but the results have been satisfying
Never ordered proxies before. Anyone use printingproxies.com and can speak for them? Or a better option is fine too
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Mages' contest bid 39, response?
i bid 41
Get the counterfeits instead
i buy from MakePlayingCards, make my list via mpcautofill
if it's sus i've never noticed lol
Killing them before the spell resolves so it falls of the stack.
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ah yes, the red counter spell
Finally figured out how to make cuts in my Sidar deck. Whatever cards my LGS didn't have from my list don't go in and the others do lmao

Need help with some suggestions for a low to the ground, aggressive Raffine deck. Basically I run a high density of one & two drop evasive schmucks that either generate card advantage, filter or benefit from the connive counters. The gameplan is to quickly drain everyone out with draw triggers from shit like Psychosis Crawler while I slap them with growing weenies that help me search through the deck for protection, answers or a win condition.
I'm pretty sure I need more payoff cards and reanimation targets and I'm not sure if I should be running more rocks or just cut the ubiquitous shit I have already.
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Commander for this feeling?
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I plan to once they do a full Marvel set.
Is she going to get cock?
Unban it cowards
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It's time.
ok vice president JD Vance
It's "President JD Vance" to you.
Don’t you have an election to be focusing on?
It's done
>steals your commander
6 mana fatty with no protection? Don't mind if I do!
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nuh uh
wtf do you mean nuh uh
hexproof qt
Now that Vance is Vice President he will unban it
They should print a version with him on it
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I've got you
literaly who ?
is this the new schizo narrative?
Peter Thiel is the guy who owns Palantir, and he paid for Vance's political career.
I was floundering for what you'd put in yawg's place cos I wasn't really with it but that works yeah
If wotc did it you'd probably go for the default option of trump on the right though
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i wanna build the artifact dragon but i feel like ill end up exiling most of my deck and then running out of fuel to do anything with
>Attacking 18 times with a 3drop
This isn't a realistic concern
yeah but isn't it kinda of shitty even attacking 4 times and losing potentially something you might need in those 20 cards?
No? The only way to lose a piece is if you choose to play a different one. If milling 12 cards can kill your deck then you desperately need to rebuild it anyway.
Sounds like you're one of those players who looks at every card and groans when somebody mills you. Mill is as likely to help you as it is to hurt you, it might get rid of key cards or it might bring them closer to the top, it doesn't really matter until your library is gone. But some people are bound to always notice when mill gets rid of cards they want, and never seem to notice when mill gets rid of cards they don't want, so mill always makes them feel bad.
If I were one of those guys, then yea, I probably wouldn't mill myself.
I've been wanting to build a mono blue deck for some time now (was looking at Drafna, but I'm kind of tired of artifacts)
Do you have a list? Any spicy cards in it?
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Nevermind my post, I should have just read more of the thread, my bad.
The whole UB thing is going to drive paypiggies and investards into the poor house while accelerating the death of the game. That's extremely based imo.
I don't know much about Magic, and for the most part I don't think it appeals to me due to the art style.

But I saw this card with cool art that appealed to my yugioh tastes.
Are there any more like this?
>decide on how you're going to win with your deck
>decide whether your deck is built around your commander or whether the commander is supplemental
>add protection as necessary depending on the above
>add minimum 8 sources of ramp
>add minimum 8 sources of draw
>add minimum 8 sources of targeted removal
>add minimum 3 board wipes
>add 40 lands
>add all the cards not related to above that help your deck work toward its wincon
>calculate cmc
>remove lands and insert cards as needed depending on how low your mana curve is or add depending on how high it is
>repeat until you have a deck with a mana base with 2 extra lands over your suggested count

Congratulations, you have a viable and fun commander deck. What more advice do you want? The mathematics of this game have already been figured out long ago and all the viable/good or better cards have already been found and catalogued. You really think there's some magic piece of advice you're gonna find on this thread that suddenly propels your deck into tier 0, that there's some unknown card in your commanders color that will change the whole game and NOBODY has found it and put it on edhrec yet, or priced it over $20 bucks on the secondary market?

Post your fucking deck list and ask our opinions and stop crying, ask for slept on cards in color X and stop crying, or just stop crying. There's literally nothing to discuss when it comes to theory crafting anymore this game is SOLVED until new sets release and bring in new cards.
Because it's the literal "go outside and touch grass" of mechanics in the game, where you remind players of their own pissed off stepdad telling them to stop being such cringe autists and to go make friends.
Piggybacking off your comment.

What's funner to pilot, this or Henzie? Both seem focused on cheating out big hitters. Artifacts for chiss, jund etb/ltb effects for henzie.
As finishers/wincons? Yes. As placeholders where the color matters more or they have eminence abilities? Yes. As actual part of your game plan that need to hit the board and stay there? No.

If you absolutely NEED your commander to be out for you to win or advance your game plan anything over 4 is unplayable outside of the most casual of pods and even 4 isn't great even if you are playing a 4 color deck. Only 3 cmc and below commanders are consistently viable pieces of actual gameplay unless you have crazy ramp.
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the art style of Magic, especially recent times, is all over the place.
Use Scryfall to look at cards, I guess
Read the sticky. Or if you're really brain-dead: https://old.reddit.com/r/magicproxies/comments/q7309m/make_playing_cards_tutorial/
Also that card was from like 20 years ago, I don't think you'll see anything with that vibe in a modern set, the art today is relatively more homogenous (though that's a complicated statement in a world where some cards have spongebob versions).
This one's amazing.
What set is this from? Does it say on the cards?
New Phyrexia
The set symbol, the little icon on the right directly under the art, tells you what set its from, but you have to know it. Newer cards have the three-letter set code at the bottom.
Cheating out best of Jund is obviously much more fun.
>focusing on etb/ltb
you should abuse attack triggers too
depends entirely on how this affects swordbro, maybe our thread will be great again too
Nipkino is all from the original kamigawa block
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Now that magic is dead with UB shit, should i try FAB?
Why ask when you haven't been playing in the first place?
ty anon. Next deck confirmed
>guy I voted for won
on a better and more important note, the playtests with Coram and Sidar are both fun as fuck. Not sure which deck I'm gonna go over again now that these are functioning as intended.
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>first flight starter commander deck advertised on foundations pre-release promo flyer
I'm assuming the evergreen Starter Commander decks are getting restocked on store shelves?
are you building anything new? what other decks do you have?
So, tell me about the low-level and or fluffy decks you play with your friends?
You DO play with your friends, right?
My other decks are
>Mono-Blue Urza Artifacts
>Zinnia ETB spam
>Nekusar's wheelin' and dealin' funtime exploritorium
>Etrata Assassins (slated for disassembly)
>Sensei Golden-Tail Samurai Tribal (slated for disassembly)
and some of the prospective decks I'm interested in are
>Mayael the Anima classic Naya beast tribal
>Mr. House let's go gambling thing
>Gornog, the Red Reaper Warrior Tribal + Stax/Tax
>Try to find a new Dimir commander
>Try to find a new commander of any colors that I don't have and interests me
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You realize squirrelfags won, right?
based taste anons
the intro of that song is etched into my brain
Give it at least a year for the old man to die.
I don't like card games that are highly focused on the combat phase. It's a massive design bottleneck.
Because the ideal of EDH is 4+ dudes sitting arounda a table and communally masturbating, anything that gets in the way of said masturbation is going to trigger the shit out of people.
What a retarded post
Anon, no one gives a fuck about Lara Croft in 2024, Tomb Raider as a franchise is a shambling corpse that got mismanaged to hell and back and the height of its popularity was during the PSX days.
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>Funky little animals gets gunned down by the feds
>Republican nominee wins in a massive upset
2 for 2, I'll be upgrading my chatterfang deck in honor of your sacrifice. Rest in power, king.
No, just get out of card games completely.
Always do. Although I wish Hazel wasn't just a token commander with a squirrel image. The only actual squirrel commander is still Chatterfang who is not that interesting.
name any number of interesting tribal commander that is not
0 (zero)
1 (one)
2 (two)
3 (three)
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So you're asking for 4/5 color tribal commanders that are interesting? I know a lot of people hate UB here, but you can do 5 color assassins with Ezio.
I honestly don't even know if he knows what he's asking
Great rebuttal, anon.
what did she mean by this?
Fair or bullshit?
Extremely reasonable
Turning creatures sideways is always fair
Despite his popularity in decklists I've only seen it in person once and it wasn't bad
I'll say fair but also boring
More like jizz gurgler.
Only saw this deck played once and I blew it the fuck out.
>new deck arrived just as I was leaving for work
>Tears aplenty online to keep me entertained until I get to use it
Today's gonna be a good day
>open facebook market place
>people trying to resell black panther secret lair
kek get fucked. those tards are definitely stuck with it.
UB is good
this never matters unless you're regularly stacking the top of your deck or tutoring. anything you mill/exile off the top can essentially considered to have been on the bottom of the deck anyways and you never would have drawn it. the only time it's really bad is if your deck has a few specific combo wincons and you kill them off
Time to dismantle my jeskai deck. It's embarrassing to be associated with the color combination.
Fair, boring and not very good
Why'd you elaborate on commander being plural but not 0 1 2 3
any number except
I like the colors, but wotc just can't stop printing lame legendaries for it. Aragorn would have been fine, but they just had to make him a nigger.
Number of colors or cmc?
Yeah, France fucking sucks
tribal commanders
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Is he a decent commander?
Build this with goad auras and whichever tribe you want
seems ok, basically refunds your haste creatures by 1 the turn after, but later in the game they'll probably die when swinging
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I'm looking to make an Edgar deck that does not contain any non-vampire creatures. I've put together a rough list of spells but need to make a lot of cuts since I would also like to include mana rocks, removal, interaction, etc...
I'm also curious if I overlooked some good/fun vampires or really synergistic cards in the list. This is a very preliminary draft just from looking through my own collection as well as a simple scryfall search for vampires and cards with 'vampire' in their oracle text.

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What are some of the most unique/interesting commanders?
that's 1 (one)
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since most of the vampires are black i'd say try and run as many lands with the "swamp" type since u have nirkana revenant, throw in more support like pic too.
Just know that if you really want to go vampires only you'll miss out on land ramp making you susceptible to being stalled out by removal so be careful how many expensive cards you put in
A commander can be unique/interesting in a couple of ways:
>1) It encourages very specific types of deck building.
There aren't very many of these. In general the most specific that deck building gets is 'pick creatures of a certain creature type' or 'pick this type of [non-creature] card type'. I'd say something that focuses on Delirium is somewhat unique because to play it well you would want a balance of different card types and different ways of getting them into the graveyard.
>2) The commander has significant hoops that one needs to get through in order to play it.
Phage and Haakon are the only ones I remember off the top of my head. As commanders they are unique but most decks using them are pretty same-y because it's just 'a handful of tricks to actually let me cast my commander' and 'general goodstuff that works well with my commander'. Mishra, Artificer Prodigy kind of falls here as well.
>3) They have very unique playstyles/effects that do not play well with traditional gameplans
In essence, the opposite of 'do thing draw card'. I'd put Norin The Wary here. Baron Von Count or other silver-bordered cards that create a 'mini-game' style of Magic where you care about things you don't normally care about.
>4) They fundamentally change the way the game is played for all players.
My favorite example of this is Maralen of the Mornsong. As soon as she resolves a lot of decks are fundamentally transformed and some are completely crippled. Gaddok Teeg and a bunch of Stax commanders do this sort of thing as well I guess but to a much lesser extent.
>Encourage Specific Deck Type
Ojer Axonil combining Equipment and Pingers
Secret Commanders like Norin in a higher color deck would also count
>Change the Game
any Day/Night works here too, I have a Vadrik deck that gets out of hand quickly, especially once the table comes around and I can untap and pass to pump him up more. Say what you want about it but people need to consider if they want to cast a lot of spells when day/night is in play and is relevant to the izzet player getting a -5 discount on all their spells
I think my curve is decently low with nothing exceeding CMC6. It's a solid mid-range curve I would guess. Given that the deck isn't very explosive I don't think Bubbling Muck is a good card here since I am trying to play a 'fair' game of Magic so a single burst of extra mana is not worth going down a card. I'll obviously be running Sol Ring and signets/talismans which I think will serve the same purpose without losing card advantage.
I don't think 'day/night' counts as 'change the game' since it only impacts a single player. Day/Night is closer to a minigame which would put it into category 3. If there was a commander that said 'during the daytime attacking creatures get +2/+0 and have first strike. During the nighttime blocking creatures get +0/+2 and have lifelink' or something like that it would change the game for everyone but Vadrik is just 'if you do/don't do this one thing a single player gets very powerful' which isn't really changing the game for everyone.
Never played with or against her. Is the plan to just run as many multitype creatures as possible so you can sac 1 and still get the trigger? Or streal stuff from your opponent and sac them?
Archaeomancer's Map and Charitable Levy can be decent ways to ramp (dual tapland) lands in non-green, I'd definitely say running more land ramp will typically be better for a casual pod since artifact destruction is fine but land destruction is taboo
I'd think you'd want to just make 1/1 saproling, foods/clues, and then maybe have good land recursion so they can be fodder too
Do you have a maralen list?
I was wanting to build her as well but my friend warned me combo players are just going to use it to close out early and any blue player wanting to draw is going to remove her before their turn
Give me a moment to transcribe it to something online but yeah sure.
>combo players are just going to use it to close out early and any blue player wanting to draw is going to remove her before their turn.
Yes. Maralen is a deck that only works if at least 50% of the table wants to do what Maralen does. My deck does include a number of silver bullets/protection spells to try and help her survive multiple turn cycles but if everyone else in the pod isn't interested you are going to have a bad time.
Damn, why are you hating on the dutch like that?
Can confirm that if my opponent plays Maralen I'm going to win the game or kill her on my turn.
What's the most consistent deck you've seen at your tables? Other members of my friend group has slowly been increasing the power levels of their decks, and my current one isn't cutting it anymore.

This is what I'm running right now and it is a lot of fun in mid-power pods but it is definitely outdated. I picked up a couple of cards from MH3 (Flare of Malice and Accursed Marauder replacing Fleshbag Marauder and some other removal spell I don't remember anymore) but otherwise haven't updated the deck in a very long time. There are almost definitely better options for most of the roleplaying cards (eg: Deadly Rollick should definitely replace something).

A couple of cards (Ob Nixilis and Exsanguinate) are there to end games and are usually reserved for higher level games but if you feel like it would be unsporting to include those and NOT tutor them up when they would be a great play you should cut them. Gray Merchant was also in the list and acted similarly for a while and Kokusho + Mimic Vat does similar stuff.
I played Exquisite Blood 'fairly' because it really helps with the 3 life loss each upkeep but people kept assuming I had Sanguine Blood so I decided to cut it.
There's a resident birdfag here, maybe he will post his list.
What's changed since Wizards took over EDH?
>first flight starter precons
these things are pretty trash. its insane how little reprint value they're putting into this garbage.
$29 - https://magicprecons.com/first-flight
$38 - https://magicprecons.com/jump-scare
my LGS will probably still be selling them to tards for $50 each
Nothing. They took over after the last ban announcement and said they were planning a tiered system. Most people think this is intended to split the format so people buy more cards to build more decks.
>Nothing. They took over after the last ban announcement and said they were planning a tiered system. Most people think this is intended to split the format so people buy more cards to build more decks.
I wish they'd just sanction dual commander as an official competitive format. imho its the only way to get the retarded CEDH people out.
Pulled Ulamog from a gift bundle a buddy gave to me. What deck does he work in? It's so damn expensive mana wise
monogreen ramp
>What are your expectations for UB: Spider-Man?
Actually (especially with this secret lair being fucked) magic just got a lot cheaper for me. I don't think I'd buy anything from it at all. Even if the cards are super pushed. Especially with the new tier system. Fags can play CEDH with their mixed UB decks.
He works with the new Winter from the precon. Since the etb looks at stuff in exile but doesn't care how it got there.
forgot pic
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he could work well in gruul treasures
I've played a lot of duel and I think it should be sanctioned, but I don't think it would fix EDH. Some people are just going to build the most powerful decks they can for a format. I think they really just need to ban fast mana and 1cmc tutors.
Well, anon, lets break down the card a bit.
>big colorless cmc
More viable in a deck that ramps so they can actually cast it. Good in artifact ramp decks like Zhulodok.
Synergy with Ulalek.
>cast trigger that exiles libraries
Syngergizes with a deck that mills or cares about exile, like Umbris.
>+1/+1 counter and annihilator
He has an attack trigger that gets better with +1/+1 counters. Multiple combats are in red while strong +1/+1 synergy is in green.
Fucking nothing. Gavin had big plans, but was quickly stopped by his bosses.
when in doubt, izzet pirate tribal is a cheap cEDH deck in disguise.
Did they? That sounds like a surprising amount of freedom on their part.
What is this?
Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?
>have a colorless Kozilek the great distortion deck
>pull pic related in mystery booster draft
>easily swaps into command zone without needing to adjust the 99
>is arguably weaker than great distortion
I'm gonna keep both in the deck box but would you let me use this as a commander?
I think it's stupid, but I wouldn't mind.
What deck?
She's fine. Makes treasure to help pay back her cost if she's removed and if not can help you play into bigger things easier. Also in some fun colors
I like this one a lot better than actual Kozilek, so sure.
Stupid because it’s bad?
>10 mana, 8 if you pay 4 life
I mean my decks are all early game aggro so yeah that's never hitting the field anyway since you're dying first
Sure, play it
More so just because of how silly the card is. It's like playing an UN card.
Cool:) Ancient tomb, sol ring, basalt monolith. Go ahead
Now hold on a minute there you didn't just assume my EDH tierlist did you?????
I'm a Tier 2 player!
Lol. Love that assuming tier number is gonna be like a new slur
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boltwave is so fucking good. 1 mana for 9 fucking damage. are you not impressed? IS THAT NOT VALUE ENOUGH?
>boltwave + fiery emancipation and a furnace of rath is almost half of each player's health
There were a few fun months of playing Neheb where I just played aoe spells to play big dumb dragons.
Man, it sucks when a commander is recognized as strong and your lower power list gets hated out for it.
Because it doesn't really exist? A sufficiently strong enough commander will enable degeneracy no matter what, that's why you chose him in the first place anon. The only thing holding back your big dumb dragons from being a genuinely problematic boardstate is mana. Not upset personally but that is why people don't split hairs when it comes to commanders with actual game warping effects
>Sorcery speed
>Face damage only
I am not entertained.
Nah, me playing dumb dragons is much lower power level than just killing everyone with a burn spell like Comet Storm. lol
Not even remotely an intelligible response to what I said anon. Maybe they just don't like playing against you cause you're dumb
Nah, no one hated me for playing Neheb. They did hate me when I played Derevi control though. They were pretty happy when I took it apart and went back to playing midrange.
I love magic, but this just isn't magic. More than half of magic isn't going to be magic.
I love brewing, but I'm not going to be brewing any more decks. It's just too depressing. I'll probably go to the few prereleases I like the look of (none of the UB or new plane sets), but that's it. No more singles, no more draft. Not more new decks. No more edhg, probably. I'm just so done.
Looking to build a Gruul treasure deck. Would she be too strong for a casual playgroup?
>finally mtg gets a cat girl
>not hot
>not loll
pass. I don't think its too strong though. especially at 5 manas
>not hot
You're blind.
There's like 8 of them bro.... Mirri, Kemba, Kitt, Kutzil, Phabine, Prava, Purraj, and Zar. And THEN Roxanne makes it 9.
It depends on what you're doing with the mana and how good your interaction is. If the answer is "casting big funny creatures" and "not great", then nobody will care. If the answer is "setting up efficient combos" and "as good as it possibly can be", then it will be too strong. This goes for every deck.
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Magic has had catgirls for a long time. You just can't handle a strong feline woman. Shout out to Ajani's Sunstriker, Blade of the Sixith Pride, Healer of the Pride, Kemba, Kitt Kanto, Leonin Den-Guard, Leonin Shikari, Leonin Vanguard, Mage's Attendant, Mirri the Cursed, Skyhunter Cub, Skyhunter Patrol, Sunspear Shikari, and Wild Nacatl. I hope Phabine gets a hotter card soon.
>not hot
you’re blind in addition to being retarded, anon
She's pretty good from my experience. She generates so much mana that you can do a lot with her, which can help tune how strong you take it. She's going to eat a lot of removal without some help, but she pays it back so you should he comfortable casting her far into the game.
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>just girls with cat heads
pass. we won't get a hot cat girls until final fantasy set. picrel
So you'd rather just girls with animal ears? If so then you don't actually like cat girls.
She's just a value engine by herself, so it all depends on how you build her. Also her art is hideous, so use something better.

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