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Trench Crusade's Kickstarter finished with over $3m in funding.

And the only thing that was FOMO was the rulebook being hardback whilst the retail version will be soft cover. Everything else will be available at retail.

Other companies like Westfalia Miniatures have also graciously given out free .stl's in collaboration with the creators.

Finally, here's the rulebook art. By the legend Paul Bonner.

I won't lie, it's not completely my cup of tea, but at the same time it's refreshing to see such a fan-friendly approach to miniature wargaming recieving such interest.

Every game of Trench Crusade is a poke in the eye of nuGW and their way of doing business, and their honking and squealing paypigs.
I don't have much experience with Kickstarter funded projects, I'm hearing rumor we'll have to wait for summer to receive book/models considering how many people backed it?
I don't care for grim derp but good on them for getting closer to releasing an actual game.
I know there are plans to expand beyond a skirmish wargame to a full wargame, but is there an ETA for that?
Mostly balancing the current game to a state where it's nice to play campaigns in for now, once that stuff and all factions are sorted, larger scale wargame is something they want to do, could see it as being seperate off shoot system, think by GW standards, necromunda and gorkamorka being two different things.
I tried to get into but the lore is kind of stupid. in b4
>hurrr there's demons and knights! it doesn't have to make sense!
well, wh40k and fantasy make more sense somehow. Maybe they'll patch up the lore at some point.
Models and lore look cool but are the rules any good?
Aren't they written by Tuomas Pirinen? Or am I thinking about another thing? If so, the majority, if not all, of Mordheim was done by him. He's pretty good.
You’re correct. The rules look promising.
You may have to wait for literal years and may never receive anything, kickstarter projects can just fail completely even after being funded and just not result in a product at all, or result in a product that's wildly worse or different than originally advertised.

Usually that doesn't happen, and this is a relatively simple project that should pan out perfectly fine, but funding kickstarters is not like purchasing finished goods, you're funding a project, so there's no guarantee anything will happen properly or on time.
It's really nothing to worry about. It will most likely just take a while to get your rewards.
Yeah I dig it. Some of it goes "too far" for me in that the Grimdarkness becomes a bit ridiculous for me but I mostly play fairly straight historicals and fantasy. Some people really dig that though and will go ham on the kitbashing etc.

Waiting for Tommy P to give us a new whfb with semi historical lists in the back for fun. Gimme herohammer with units of 10 infantry and 5 cavalry again. 20 horde. You can do it muscles
The rules are free, you can find them in the OP of the general >>94367859
How does Christianity in TC differ from irl? Looks like there's new scripture from what I can tell, anything else?
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Lot happier how this guy came out desu
>anything else?
The church doesn't have to cover up it's child molestation problem.
It's hard to get invested in TC when it's probably going to die within a few years like 9th Age.
theres nothing to invest. Shits all free. But yeah the community will kill it, Its been ideologically captured.
>theres nothing to invest
I mean get emotionally invested.
Not a fan of this project. Warhammer uses religious imagery, sure, but TC just straight up disrespects Christianity in a way you'd have to be truly dedicated to accomplish. It's vulgar to me.
I assume they all do the same, but the guy i replied to was asking about the church specifically.
you should know by now to never do that
you have a point but people who this stuff is for (me) dont care
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Has there been any accouchements on what is happening after the kick starter? I really like the iron sultanate infantry but the monsters look cringe and I heard IS are supposed to have mechs.
meant to say announcements.
IS have mechs? since when
I hope Duncan makes a painting video on any Trench Crusade model.
Good. The game doesn't need faggy ChristLARPers like you shitting it up
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I need good base models for those? Any ideas?
Just for the pose is enough I think.
Game isn't even out yet and you're already telling potential customers not to play. Probably not a smart idea for a niche indie game.

I listened to the interview of the creator, his motivation was refreshingly boyish, along the lines of "WWI stuff is cool, knights are cool, I like drawing these and I always wanted to draw more and more gross stuff."

The game and fluff doesn't look that interesting to me, but the art is neat.
>cheap 40k knock off with bolt action rules
WOn't be buying won't be supporting.
The art does look really cool. Has a nice 80s/90s vibe to it. While GW is making trans Space Marines it seems the gaming world is moving on. Hope this game is a success.
Don't you feel trashy saying stuff like this? What did I do to warrant such an unkind reply?
Correct. Keep culture war bullshit out of it.
First time on 4chan?
Does anyone know any other good places to discuss Trench Crusade where people won't get bogged down in culture war anti-woke bullshit?
For that matter, TTRPGs in general. This website is becoming increasingly exhausting to browse.
Not Reddit, please.
the subreddit is sorta ok, occasionally you get goonhammer faggots brigading it.
as a POC please show me where exactly I am represented?
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Iron Sultanate
looks kino
Where can I read more about this game? Rules previews/factions/potential models, etc? I really like this kind of setting where it mixes guns and blades and armor and doesn't take itself too seriously by trying to justify it based on "muh real world science". It's just a cool aesthetic. I hope they expand it to go beyond religion though, in the sense that they present something a little more original.
The entire rulebook is on their wesbite - lore, factions, units and weapons, rules, etc.
>poc representation
Pick any of the demon factions
bait for the bait god.
You're trying too hard
Cool, wasn't so obvious to find but whatever I appreciate it.
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tnt nunchuks have now been sanctioned by the church.
What faction we playing, everyone?
I'm going for Trench Pilgrims, because they look cool as fuck and I like the lore.
Might try and sculpt an Anchorite shrine from scratch, since they're big and pretty simple looking (That and I'm not paying $36 US for a single mini)
Iron Sultanate. Really like the aesthetic.
For me it's New Antioch
This has only happened in your head

The worst thing that's happened is the same kind of quasi-normies who put 10,000 likes on midwit 40k memes on Facebook have found it
That's probably a good thing, they've helped fund the kickstarter and will never actually play. In fact, they'll mostly go back to 40K or move on to the next popular kickstarter before the models are even delivered.
>no models won't be getting models.
Sky is blue, water is wet
Black grail, probably. Or any Hell faction. I really like the Plague Knight, but it's also the only Grail model I like.
Will be a novelty for people looking to avoid GW and then it will fade into obscurity. Although I am really skeptical it will ever be "released" with actual model sets (and they will likely cost a lot of money).
>28mm heroic
When are people going to learn this scale doesn't work for war games?
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>Will be a novelty for people looking to avoid GW and then it will fade into obscurity
that art is amazing
A lot of good it did the game.
Yeah I guess, but i do miss this kind of fantasy art. especially now with this AI look that seems to be e everywhere.
It's a skirmish warband game with a dozen miniatures on each side
Black Grail, but I'm just going to do some kitbashing of things I have on-hand at first. Another local will be getting all of the STLs so down the line I may toss him some cash to print a few things. I love the Lord of Tumors and Plague Knight.
I am doing trench ghosts and also the 3 model assassins meme faction
Black Grail and Trench Pilgrims.
Any name ideas for a Court Warband dedicated to lust? I was thinking something Slanneesh adjacent but with a more noble twist.
>waaah waaaah I hate GW! They design, manufacuture and sell miniatures at a profit! I'm so mad!! Waaaa waaaah! Please buy my shitty game!
lol no thanks

I would have more respect and interest if you faggots didn't always put in a pathtetic little "GW is bad!!!111" whenever you try to shill a competitor.
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I fail to understand the appeal of this. The reason people even play 40k is because of the lore and models not the always terrible rules.

So why play a game made from what looks like its made from non copyright infringing minis you'd find for free on thingiverse? are the rules at least good?
The rules are fucking genius. You move your minis a certain distance during your turn, it's called a movement stat!
Then it's time to fight! You roll dice to see if the attack is successful!
Grab those victory points and regardless of if you win or lose remember to be a good sport!

ah yes the one thing 40k fans are currently howling out is how complicated 10th edition is.
It’s a skirmish game and not really comparable to big 40k. It’s more like a competitor to Warcry if you need to shoehorn in a GW comparison.
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>People unironically, actually, believe that "not making business like GW" is a good thing.
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If I already bought something for the KS (I got the Book) but decide I also want something now (I kinda want the physical NA warbond) is it too late
There will be a pledge manager coming up where you can add things I believe.
They're pretty fun imo.
They're not standout amazing, but they're far more inspiring than last time I touched 40k, are more complex than HotT and Crossfire, and are interesting in the way they work.
He's also very dedicated to balance, playability and win-rates.
Trench Crusade's rising star is comfy as fuck.
>The community is apolitical, no polfag or religious brainrot outside some very very rare cases.
>The developers are all genuine artists of their individual crafts, and well acclaimed old heads at that, all motivated by genuine craft passion.
>Kitbashing, homebrew and yourdudes are actively encouraged, to the point where it's possible for third parties to produce their own content for it after some vetting.
>Consistently make good business decisions without selling out their original idea.
>Setting is grimdark horror that actually has mature themes, grim darkness, and horror.
>Rules and balance is monitored almost neurotically, to the point where people have to tell Tuomas to 'go to fucking bed'.
>John Blanche himself retired, and just said he was going to do draw TC stuff.
>'List optimization' enthusiasts are met and managed with the understanding that 'competitive list building' goes out the window as soon as their opponent doesn't bring a similarly 'competitive' list.
Honestly the discord. You get the obligatory 3-5 people reacting to announcements with an lgbt flag (among thousands), but they're pretty staunch against anything sociopolitical, off-topic or the like. This, plus how active it is, makes it breddy gud.
Link to discord?
>'List optimization' enthusiasts are met and managed with the understanding that 'competitive list building' goes out the window as soon as their opponent doesn't bring a similarly 'competitive' list.
Mind elaborating on this further?
>Kitbashing, homebrew and yourdudes are actively encouraged, to the point where it's possible for third parties to produce their own content for it after some vetting.
One of my favorite aspects of this game.
I'm gonna run full nuns in trench pilgrims
>Link to discord?
It's on the main website I believe.
>Mind elaborating on this further?
The WAACfagging endemic to modern 40k is much more frowned upon, or resisted from what I've seen. Outside of covering your bases for numbers, anti-armour and the like (even then, not always needed), yourdudes reign supreme and you can get away with any real composition because things are pretty well balanced.
>still posting this lame old fake and gay bait
>community is apolitical
ha good one
Don’t like trench crusade. It insists upon itself.
He's a dumb boomer caught in a time warp.
NTA, but I have to admit, I think Trench Crusade gains a certain credibility from the small number of internet Christians who go out of their way to be offended by it.
I don't have anything against deus vult larp shit in games, games are where that shit belongs and I think it's childish to try to dissuade it, but any properly grimderp game has to offend a few internet Christians or else it isn't really grimderp.
the creator of this did a talk with a crucifix on the wall.
Indicating he himself is christian, it might even be a subtle flipoff at all the athiest anti-christians that suddenly attached themselves to TC.
He did it in the Goonhammer interview no less
>the community is apolitical
>can't even contain the politics seething long enough to bury it in the rest of the retarded bullshit
The Chancery of Appetence.
What is G-d and Jesus up to during the TC? Why are there no forces of heaven helping?
You ever think that excessively bedshitting and screeching, shitposting, derailing spergouts, and general acting like a retard is what gets all your posts deleted, and not because of TC itself? Maybe people are just tired of you shitting up threads. Especially when you come back an act like you just offered up valid and mild constructive criticism and are totally a victim of some grand shilling conspiracy, instead of being a retarded faggot and getting shoved out for it. Just something to think about, spazlords.
Some folks I know paid into the kickstarter but even they admit they don’t expect much. Like why the fuck then? The art feels like it’s trying too hard to be cringe and just feels try hard contrarian. That uncle atom guy is raving about it and he just runs on anti-GW sentiment to keep clicks going. GW and 40K is the devil I know.
>GW and 40K is the devil
This but unironically.
Oh god, FINALLY!
There is a chance those annoying threads are going to now disappear from /tg/.
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If it makes you feel better, I've gotten a refund on KS before. Product Flextail put out, and while it took forever, they did eventually wire the money back.
> Mordheim writer
Mordheim has ridiculously badly written rules.
I started playing 40k before the load your mom should have swallowed left your dad's nut sack. I don't need trooncord to tell me 40k is a shit game.
I know. The entire world doesn’t have to look like a trench. Grimdark works best when there are sane normal people who can be properly horrified you turned a child into a radio to contact God, and be even more horrified when they meet the adult form who’s ascended to an unfallen state and is no longer anything approaching human.
Hell is connected to very world there is so if you have demon minis collecting dust use those instead.
I’m hoping we get an Ethiopian/Benin army alliance and a cannibalistic witch evil secret society as an African hell faction.
Why did no one tell me they already had an ethiopian army?
how dabomb work?

also, I love obvservers. Im a massive slut for weird headed diving suit mother fuckers.
I think there two are my favorite designs.
Black man, I play a game that grosses about 100k of sales each year. Infinity hit what like 1 mill? This could be the top non-gw wargame.
With that print quality, would it make that much of a difference?
>i don't want to play this game it is offensive to me
ok don't play it
>why are you telling me to not play this game
>the only Grail model
Same here
I will only use the art, just because they used the goat Paul. For the rest I don't care that much desu.
I think they cloned Jesus and he's sort of in a state of undeath giving boons to a chosen few worshipers, and seem to harvest his blood for sacraments to mutate their soldiers
It’s still super early into the system, but it kind of feels like they still don’t have the art style really down for the factions yet. A lot of them feel like they had a theme and then got slapped with random stuff.
The allied and central powers equivalents feel especially like that with really on point infantry and then larger units that look like they actually belong in the opposite faction or like they just needed to drop a design somewhere so it wasn’t wasted.

Reminds me a lot of early Warhammer when everyone had access to really weird shit that latter on had no place in its faction ironically
Early Warhammer was the most fun.
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>as a POC
I read the lore and am pretty sure those two are on opposite sides.What the hell is going on in that picture.
They cloned Jesus multiple times and some people think that’s blasphemy or just plain crazy. Also the Jesus clones aren’t in god health because clonar degeneration is a thing.
problem is they are writing themselves into a hole with the setting.
Like its ww1 but.. no modern nations exist, theres a subset of the community insisting no colonialism exists either, which makes no sense.
Its starting to be hard to see the ww1 side of ot besides it being set in "trenches"
Yeah that’s kind of the issue I see happening.
Either the factions they do have are going to become extremely muddled messes with extremely vague personalities and designs or we are going to end up seeing an absolute shit ton of factions all trying to do a ton of different things, but with very little real personality beyond this historical nation/ethnic group, but grimderp.

It’s like they went for the most cheap and easily identifiable parts of WWI, but only half way went for it. Honestly they need to either wheel back around to it or leave it behind and pretend it was always just a coincidence.
>theres a subset of the community insisting no colonialism exists either, which makes no sense.
Why not? Building colonies is something that nations with excess wealth and population can pursue.

There haven't been any nations with either of those things since the gate opened.
I think that's very much intentional. The Church and Sultanate are both doing things that should be severely side-eyed, sugar coated in religious justification, but ultimately driven by brutal necessity.
We don't entirely know for sure but based on hints and what lore we have;
- God does intervene but in more roundabout ways.
- Direction intervention fucks up prophecies.
- Angels are very much old testament style. If they take to the field *everyone* is going to die, the vast majority of humans are not capable of surviving their presence.
>refreshingly boyish
faggot you just described almost the entire industry thanks to GW. Everything has to appeal to 10-year-old-boy rule of cool wank in order to gain any traction at all against 40K. It's made wargaming so childish and stupid that most systems barely bother trying to do anything actually involving real strategy or tactics anymore, just sell piles of muh cool plastic shit with some weak ass game system tacked on.
Why would tje American colonization happen in this timeline? Britain lost its armada to heretics. If it is about trading, then Jamestown could exists. But not the States as we know it.
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I'm sorry we're all not as high minded or intellectual as you are oh mighty epic reddit genius, but this "childish" stuff is cool and good actually.
>you just described almost the entire industry thanks to GW
>most systems
hyperbolic nonsense, simply not true
No one is arguing the usa should exist, this is a strawman
theres no way some sort of colonisation hasnt happened.
Considering the Faithful have planes, possible jets and a space program.
Its absolutely absurd that a subsection of woke assholes are insisting no european can land in the americas.

Same with the "aztec can not be hell aligned" they'd be perfect for it.
In that case, then I can see a scenario of limited colonization, purely for resource extraction. The best scenario for me is if TC managed to transition smoothly to a grimdark dieselpunk setting.
Securing the oil reserves of the Americas from the hell aligned natives.
When is the pledge manager opening? I forgot to pledge during the Kickstarter and I want that hardcover rulebook.
Next week according to the email update I just got.
Tuomas said that Age of Sigmar probably has good rules because it was designed by Jervis.
There's lots of
>excessively bedshitting and screeching, shitposting, derailing spergouts, and general acting like a retard
that isn't TC related that gets a pass. Go look at any of the half dozen world building metathreads currently. Shit's bananas.
The purpose of the internet is to bully Christians. You may not like it, but that is the foundation of the entire thing.
The models are being released early 2025. The book is slated for midyear to allow playtesting feedback and tweaks.
Nothing about this game really grabs me. The aesthetic is meh.
>40k knock off
>Bolt Action rules
>grand shilling conspiracy
This isn't the problem, just some mod obsessively babysitting his favourite topic while the rest of the board festers. I followed Franchina for years before the game got going, but seeing the early TC general threads being treated like a bonsai tree was a bit off-putting even to me.
Abyssinian subfaction of New Antioch. Iron Sultanate if you’re middle eastern. Leader of the Trench Pilgrims is a black woman by default. And nothing is stopping you from painting yourdudes as black or brown.
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>you wouldn't dare to paint them white, anon. Right?
Nah. As someone who’s been playing GW games since Talisman and Battlecars, this one hits different. 40K is a bloated cancerous mess with massive balance issues, shit playtesting, and hundreds of dollars worth of peoples’ army collections being obsoleted at the drop of a hat. GW has become lazy, greedy and complacent, so lean and hungry competitors like TC are seizing the moment.
In what way?
>Stupidly fun
>Still alive as a community project
>Hundreds of videos about it on YouTube
I should expect the same for the muslim too right?
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Don’t bite the bait anon.
I just wish they went for “real medieval demons straight out of the Inferno” with stupid names like Peck in the Crown instead of the “satanic panic villains” who kill Yuppies for Satan. On the other hand if they play up “the various nobility of hell all hate each other and their minions follow suit” you could have bear constant warfare between the forces of hell and take inspiration from every depiction of hell . Like one battle can be explained by the Grand archduke of wrath Hermogenes, a simple-minded former member of the celestial chorus who sided against G*d when he didn’t immediately destroy humanity and start over with a new and less defective species who is easily tricked and hates humanity and want them to suffer for their sins and leading him to fall from Grace, orders his followers to have the human slaughterhouses of Golgotha blown to hell, all the butchers forced to eat their own stomachs, and everyone who has ever purchased or consumed human flesh put to death. He is opposed in this by the followers of Bloodyguts Ironbones the All-Consuming devour of stars and lord of gluttony, who thinks humans being eating each other is an excellent insult against G*d and them being reduced to lower than animals is a beautiful rebuttal of the absurd claim they’re created In His Image. Just bitter hateful assholes fighting each other forever using humans as pawns because the higher ups will smash them into paste if they dared do open combat.
sorry, but everything I see about this game screams 'shill' more than any other miniatures game. it looks okay but I don't get the outsized excitement
Yep 2 more weeks and 40k will totally be dethroned trust the plan xisters!!!
They do for that, though. The Hellish factions are constantly at war with themselves and each other, that and their smaller numbers are the only things stopping them from steamrolling the setting.
What are the odds they expand further east? Mongolia, China, Japan, and the like.
I don’t think anyone’s claiming this will ‘dethrone’ 40K. Especially as it’s themes mean that for large chunks of the population mommy isn’t going to buy little Timmy that box of inside out undead hookers (or whatever) for his birthday.
But there are a LOT of older gamers (myself included) who appreciate a game with a normie-repellant aesthetic, a clean and simple ruleset, and a low playtime that still presents a fun challenge.
You might enjoy 40K but GW’s pursuit of plastic sales over good gameplay and a healthy community is starting to bite. Recognised YouTubers like Northern Exile and Mordian Glory are abandoning ship for cheaper, faster, better games and they’re just the tip of the spear.
Short term? They probably already have their hands full. Long term? I’d say 50-50 as these sorts of places never warmed especially to Christianity and making them innately on the side of hell might be seen as problematic in these days of “you’re not allowed to have inherently evil races”.
What boxes? This shit is all 3d printed direct mail only models. The only thing that'll ever hit retail is the rulebook.
>normie-repellant aesthetic
lmao DOA
>>normie-repellant aesthetic
>lmao DOA
you're basically admitting to being a normnigger then retarded shitposter
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>I am pretending to not understand metaphor to make a point
Real Big Brain hours.
>lmao DOA
Nah, it’s not aiming to be a 40K killer. It’ll find its niche as a popular cult alternative game. If you don’t like it by all means continue to play your literally homoerotic gay fetishist space slop.
Demons and hells are a thing in the East too, I don't see why it wouldn't work out. Authors can just make the Buddhist faction call Satan Mara and call it a day. Buddha fights off Mara as he approaches enlightenment according to Buddhism irl.
Iron Sultanate is based on Islam and they are against Hell.
>Iron Sultanate is based on Islam and they are against Hell.
We’re not discussing existing factions so I’m not sure what your point is.
Inconsistent application of moderation is and will always be suspect, retard.
I’m a huge Mordheim fan so with trench crusade seemingly being an improved Mordheim 2.0 with a different setting, I’m supporting it. If I was paid I guess you could call me a shill but I’m just a regular gamer dad whose flaccidity is being alleviated by the property. YMMV.
Well what’s an aesthetic that floats your boat then?
Yeah because the game legitimately doesn’t have an aesthetic. It started as random unconnected concept art and never really developed. The Christian faction is Christian and uses random symbology but there isn’t a cultural, technological, or aesthetic throughline that ties the faction together besides maybe random gasmasks on some units. The heretic factions are generic evil guys, but not bazuzo from berserk doesn’t even fit in the faction with the gooners squad and squirt pus from back man visually. The concept itself is interesting, but absolutely nothing is done with it from there

There’s also the fact that the setting just doesn’t allow for any average joe’s to exist. You’re only ever fighting religious zealots and must be just as big of a zealot to stand a chance. So far there’s no attempt at a separation between a normal life in the setting, and the forces of hell being a few miles away from your village so you need to eat this meat chunk from an insane mutant clone of Christ so hell doesn’t expand further
yeah its an everything but the kitchen sink setting.
Just a bunch of cool concepts, some better than others. It doesn't even stick to the og premise hardly anything about it is ww1 and instead of becoming a battlefield wargame its now a mordheim clone.
relax. i once funded a game that didnt reach its goal so i got my money back by kickstarter but the creator really wanted to get his game out there so he sent everyone some .pdf to print n play his game (it was shit but i appreciated the gesture)
otherwise i always got the stuff i funded sooner or later. the dark souls boardgame guys even sent me 2 of the base game on accident
if the game doesn't have decent appeal it will be dead
kingdom death is niche as hell and had a much larger kickstarter fwiw

>your literally homoerotic gay fetishist space slop.
lmao seething projector
no. but that thing looks like its carved out of wood
or go to 3dpg for some tips on mini printing on an fdm machine
You’re the one coming into a Trench Crusade thread to defend the honour of Games Workshop, sounds like you’re the seething faggot not me.
no one mentioned games workshop except you

mind broken
did you even read the thread? plenty of mentions about gw and 40k

i will have to see how much we can actually 3d print in terms of miniatures because if its every unit in every army i might even get some guys in my local tabletop club to play
>ctrl + f 40k, 23 results
>ctrl + f GW, 19 results
>ummm no ones talking about Games Workshop! Leave them alone! The LGBT space marines are GOOD
Even as someone who plays WHFB I will never understand the legions of loyal GW paypiggies who've come out in full force to defend their multi million dollar company in recent weeks. Is it jealousy? Do they feel threatened? Why has the simple existence of a new game sent them into a spiral of seethe and tears? Its like they cant comprehend the fact not everyone likes 40gay.
me when I reply "DOA" to a post that talks about how a game would hold up against GW
Oh do shut up, you tiresome little troll.

Yes, every unit in every army will be released as both a physical model and an STL. The STL’s are confirmed as having different weapons fitouts available, I’m not sure about the physical models. And they encourage third party shit too, I’ve been building lots of models in Heroforge and suddenly in the last week it’s gone from 3 people doing it to about 20. There are already people designing and building models on a lot of the 3d sites.
>I’d say 50-50 as these sorts of places never warmed especially to Christianity and making them innately on the side of hell might be seen as problematic
Why would you assume that the east would be on the side of Hell just because they don't have a good relationship with Christianity? Muslims fought wars against Christians for centuries.
just a bunch of ""cool"" concepts...
>hardly anything about it is ww1 and instead of becoming a battlefield wargame
I feel like a crazy person, but I'm glad someone else has gotten less and less interested as it's moved towards Mordheim and away from Weird War 1
Has it? I thought it was always supposed to be a Mordheim clone skirmish game but I'm just an outsider here. Mordheim always sounded like a game that I wanted to get into so I didn't think that was a bad thing.

Yeah, I'm never getting my £200 from Mythic Games back for instance.
Yeah. The Aztecs would be the biggest demon worshipers... Actually, many of the popular native tribes would: the Apache would be horrendous raiders, the Iroquois would find hell's lax attitude to cannibalism appealing... Not that it would even matter. All it takes is a cultist sneezing and it's over.
A disease demon needs neither and revels in the death and destruction wrought by a plague. Native North America died the moment the portal opened.
I never said Islam would be in the side of hell. Where are you getting this from, you weirdo?

Not the overwrought Euro-Christian imagery, for sure. Part of why the Imperium doesn't grab me in 40k; I like Berserk in spite of certain aspects of its art style, and so on.

There are a number of aesthetics that float my boat; I really enjoy a lot of the Infinity models, and for GW the ork, Eldar, and Necromunda designs look pretty cool.

Maybe I wasn't raised on Christianity and anime so this just doesn't grab me?
It's the Mork Borg of wargames
People only give a shit about it because of the art
The idea of a skirmish game with a smaller number of models seemed like a nice change of pace for me. It just feels like a much smaller commitment than what I've had to deal with in modeling and painting in the past.

Maybe it's just "anon's first skirmish game" is why I'm excited about it, but I wasn't particularly excited about any of the other skirmish games that were floating around previously either.
wrong, people also give a shit about it because they believe doing so is part of some kind of anti-warhammer cause
Unless their own gods are in competition with the lords of hell. Even if they're brutal by European standards, it doesn't mean that they'd just accept that Hell is automatically the better choice and start throwing out high-fives to demons. And with the Trench Pilgrims establishing that faith is enough to turn aside bullets, the boons they receive could be similarly impressive.

Even the idea of asymmetry in biological warfare isn't as much of an issue. The Black Grail is effectively a disease that liquefies people that have been contending with it for centuries. It doesn't really matter if you haven't been exposed to it previously, it seems pretty fatal to anyone exposed to it. All the native Americans might be stronger for their isolation, since Hell and its forces have been mostly trapped in the middle east, and preoccupied with conquering the old world. They haven't been enduring centuries of unending battle, and might have been allowed to flourish for it. The East may be in a similar position of strength, having stayed out of the 900 year conflict as far as the official timeline seems to indicate for now.
Both are true. Minis look alright also, and being cheaper and 3d printer friendly is turning some heads, because anyone who figured out how cheap and easy 3d printing actually is in the last few years is looking for any excuse to print an army and wistfully entertain daydreams about one day painting them and maybe even learning the rules of a game at some point.
"If it looks cool" is my highest priority.
it's the new heavy gear
no one will play it
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>There’s also the fact that the setting just doesn’t allow for any average joe’s to exist.
The vast majority of New Antioch are just regular people with guns. You're not going to see many non-combatants because it is a wargame at the end of the day, but you can live a completely normal life in New Antioch even Sultanate territory. Sure the looming invasion of hell is a constant threat and you're likely piously putting together boots or making food as your primary job, but you're not some slathering maniac for Christ hitching yourself onto torture wheels for un.
I wasn’t raised on those either (child of the 70’s) and so I enjoy the stupid heavy metal/screamin’ demon/religious wackjob/grinding war aesthetic from an intrinsic perspective.
In my younger days I felt it would be cool as fuck to be a Space Marine RIPPING AND TEARING before 40K became all about man on man anal sex and rainbow alliances. But I look at TC and think “there is no fucking way I would ever want to be some fucking peon in this shitfight”.

Oh and I always thought that Infinity was gay and lame.
the fuck are you even babbling about? terminal brain rot.
Stfu you homosexual retard
Outside the art, models and lore, why does anyone give a fuck about 40K? The gameplay is awful, the rules are a bloated mess, the fanbase is 50% sweaty autistic retards and 50% autistic LGBTQ retards and the whole thing is skub and AIDS. And I say that as someone who’s played every edition until 10th sidelined thousands of dollars of my models and finally drove a stake through the heart of the final wisp of fun.

The reason I’m excited for TC is a return to the glory days of kitbashing shit and playing small, fast, fun games, just like I did as a spotty teenager back in 87-88 when I was converting a bunch of my D&D playing friends to 40K.
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Late to the thread and I know this message is days old but I'm also going with Trench Pilgrims for both reasons. Psyched for this game and setting in general since it looks cool as hell
I'm looking at doing something with Heretic Legions. I'm not super confident with my ability to kitbash yet, so I was thinking I could do Trench Ghosts and mostly duck the weirder looking guys until I'm feeling it a bit more.

I do kind of like the idea of a "war band" of people trapped between this life and the next, but I really just wanted a force that had a reason to fight everyone. And I wanted to be able to play the villain in case the other people I find to play with want to play the more heroic factions.
>Calling 40k homoerotic gay fetish slop
>He doesn't know about the Trench Crusade devs being only a few steps behind Robert Kurvitz
>Trench Crusade's Kickstarter finished with over $3m in funding.
And now I await an eventual TTRPG ruleset for the setting because I love the lore but fucking hate wargames.
I had a careful read through and for me it’s New Antioch. No especial strengths or weaknesses, solid line troops with some interesting options. I’ll probably branch out over time and add the variant NA warbands as well.
Space marines are literally made via primarch cum being inserted into prepubescent boys and have poop based rituals
>multiple cosmologies are active
Why the fuck didn't you morons establish that at the start?
Okay I've been lore watching videos about this game. This game looks so fucking boring. They took all of dark parts of wh40k and made a game out of it. At least GW tried to play it as satire.
It's a saving throw. They know the heckin aztecorinos wouldn't last long in this setting and would make for the best demon themed army.

>. All the native Americans might be stronger for their isolation, since Hell and its forces have been mostly trapped in the middle east, and preoccupied with conquering the old world. They haven't been enduring centuries of unending battle, and might have been allowed to flourish for it.
But the Demons have naval dominance you complete morons. They're going to set sail across the Atlantic in search of souls to eat. They're dead.
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It looks cool, but I doubt I would get a game going in my, or neighboring areas. Its already really hard to get a 40k or AOS game going, so I doubt it'll be easier for a non GW game.
Most people I saw talk about Trench Crusade were no-gaemz that just wanted to talk about the lore like a book club, but I'm hoping there's at least some kind of community out here.
40k has some cool parts to it. The decaying Empire dragging up infantrymen straight out of WWI dials in how far humanity has fallen. Indeed, the practice of conscripting entire regiments of cavemen just to make up for the extreme losses in the field adds to the feeling of decay and human misery. And creates some fun sights: Viking heavy infantry advancing as confederate artillery men hit the ork positions. Here it's just edge for the sake of being edge...

With a few exceptions. Can't let the heckin indorinos (and Chinese apparently) get hit by the demon invasion.
They didn't because it's not canon. It's unclear if the god of the abrahamic religions exists, or if it's the demiurge or the like, but there's nothing on other deities at all
It's not a demon invasion, it's humans serving hell primarily, and those humans use submarines to capture native americans as sacrifices, so
So don’t play it.
The big difference is TC has a MUCH lower play cost. The system is simpler, the models are cheaper, and the playtime is much, much shorter. You can learn the rules inside out in 1-2 games, and the glory/campaign system is the cherry on top.
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Yeah but it comes down if anyone near me gives a shit. I guess I could advertise it around but advertising for free is sort of lame. And telling people to start yet ANOTHER wargame is probably not going to go well. if I see an event for it at the LGS, then I might give it a go.
>The big difference is TC has a MUCH lower play cost. The system is simpler, the models are cheaper, and the playtime is much, much shorte
Yeah, like every other /awg/. I honestly don't see the chrome it has compared to something like Malifaux or Infinity; hell even Carnevale.
As opposed to what genius. Fucking Napoleon? kill yourself.
>The Christian faction is Christian and uses random symbology but there isn’t a cultural, technological, or aesthetic throughline that ties the faction together
The fact that you say "the Christian faction" as if there's only one is already all the proof I need to know you haven't really looked into the lore at all and are just a blithering fucking retard spouting random crap with no idea what you're talking about.
I think it's silly to compare the cost of a skirmish game to a wargame. GW skirmish games such as kill team are actually cheaper than trench crusade. You get an entire team for 55-60€ (with few exceptions) versus 80€ for a starter trench crusade warband.

Kill team's rules are also pretty simple and straight forward (especially in the new edition)

I haven't played trench crusade yet but look forward to it.
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Game is actually really well done. Lore is great, lots of stuff to bite into but vague enough to let you fill in the blanks and make /yourdudes/ as intended. Art is fucking fantastic, best in the business, not even GW can compete anymore since they drove away all their best artists over the years. Models look good, although not as good as the art but that's to be expected. Rules are very snappy and easy to learn and hit above their weight efficiently - ie, very few pages to read but more depth than expected, the lead dev knows what he's doing.

...But it's all for fucking naught because the community is absolutely full of fucking trannies. RIDDLED with them, like an absolutely disgusting swarm. Every time the devs post an announcement in the discord it gets like 3 dozen tranny flag emoji reactions isntantly, when that has nothing to even do with the shit being posted AT ALL - they just can't help forcing themselves in everyone's face all the time. Nothing more guaranteed to kill a game unironically. The devs need to cut ties with this shit, trannyism is in a cultural death spiral anyways. If something isn't done about this it's the biggest waste of a promising up and coming tabletop game in human history. Absolutely fucking tragic.
>3 tranny flags posted out of thousands of followers
>the game is RIDDLED with trannies
I said 3 DOZEN retard, learn to read, and that's within minutes, they're all in there forcing discussing about that shit all the time, posting their hideous selfies next to their models and talking about how they're making a whole army of non-binary xe-xer fag demons. No one wants to see that disgusting pathetic desperate attention-whoring SHIT.
You can always just leave the discord, also post screencaps
This game won't survive. This is 9th Age all over again.
Best way as always is to create a couple of interesting forces, hit the local games club and run demo games.
Found the culturelet. Just because some hicks chose to copy the hat for their chucklefuck pogroms doesn't mean it has no other association.
I have shit ton of Malifaux but it has too many rules interactions and gotchas to appeal to a lot of entry level players. Infinity is something that I’ve looked at but didn’t want to spend hundreds of dollars on. For me its appeal is its simplicity. We’re talking about similar model counts to Kill Team with none of the stupid cover rules and special rule interactions.
Seems like the filters work. Based community keeping the gate.
This. I have a swastika tattoo and tell everybody it's the indian symbol of luck, no biggie.
That depends on the angle and orientation. Tattoos are tricky in general, "Where is the Mill, there's the Way" and thousands of mistranslated chinese tattoos are enough proof of that.
I was thinking over the weekend of setting up a TC Discord for normal people. I couldn’t give two shits about being banned from an official discord run by left wing activist nut jobs.
That said I don’t think the issue is TC quite so much as it is general troon retardation on Discord, which seems to be mental gender bender central.
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>Comparing a full size rank and flank wargame released as WHFB was dying with a Christopunk WW1 skirmish game
I have a question regarding automatic pistols, the rules are:

>A model armed with an automatic pistol can use it in melee as well as ranged combat (using Ranged Characteristic), including as an off-hand weapon to execute an additional melee attack. You can make two Attack ACTIONS with the automatic pistol instead of one if used as a ranged weapon. They can be against the same target or two different ones.

This means at melee I can make a melee attack with the pistol (hitting them in the head with the butt) or shoot them twice, right? I'm getting confused by the wording.

Also based on the description wouldn't it make more sense that the automatic pistol has a -1 Dice to hit instead of -1 Dice to injury?
I won't play it but I will definitely grab some of the cooler looking models to paint.
That's just discord in general. It went from being a decent TeamSpeak app to being tumblr 2.0 for people looking for attention with Nitro. You get that in any large public discord and should really only use it for news and info now.
im pretty convinced theres discord of troons basically on standby to invade and hijack any new community.
Ive seen it happen in real time. i mean there was a big upset on plebbit with a tranny destroying a community, so some people made a new community, instantly troons start posting there.
It gets two attacks at range, and then can be used for one attack in melee. It just uses your ranged attack modifier while used in melee.
Especially nasty in TP where they can slap incendiary ammo on it
So it's a painfully generic skirmish game without Infinity's reactive turn and order pool, Malifaux's card resolution, or Carnevale's parkour fantasy.
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>hangs around trooncord
>is surprised when he sees trannies
What, realistically, did you expect?
If I go into a morrowind modding discord I expect it to be crawling with them, who the hell did you think was going to hang around a wargaming discord?
I wouldn’t say painfully generic, and yes, it hasn’t taken mechanics from other games.
tranny crusade
Did 9th age even have a kickstarter?
This game made enough money it will linger for two or three years before people stop caring
Same with space programs but here we are.
Also 'a subset of the community' isn't 'the person with creative control.' Also 'no colonization' would then America, China, and Japan out of the story. I'm sure that's a smart idea.
why in the fuck would europe not colonise NA when they are being besieged by hell.
It'd be logical that people would flee to a continent not being threatened by hell.
This also has historic precedent as people fled in large numbers to the USA to avoid religious persecution.
Maybe because they’re in a state of total war for the very existence of humanity, eating anll the resources, and Hell rules the oceans, making intercontinental exploration a near-guaranteed death sentence?
post your models
The heretics have naval superiority and any sufficiently large colonization group would be captured and enslaved. Most of europe is fine, it's only the coasts who have to worry. Think vikings - people are living in feudalism still
I knew the moment this game was announced troons were going to be drawn to it so they could stan the Hellish factions to epically own the Caths oppa gangam style.
whats funny is ive seen sjw on plebbit make seething incoherent retard posts about how the heckin chuds are comparing lgbt/trannies to hell.
When the troons are literally doing that, i fucking saw some troon upload trans TC fan art the next day
The faithful are owning the caths oppa style due to being heretics
are the tradcath christofascists in the room right now?
>Implying they won't blow through it in a year
Starting a Sultanate list, friends wanna build up from 300 ducats.
What do you guys think I should start with?
Vikings had colonies in north america though.
What's that have to do with what I said?
I think the main reason is the anti-Warhammer sentiment that began after the Discord incident which is why there are so many of those that can be found unfortunately.
Personally I want to expand the games to play and Trench Crusade looks pretty fun.
>replacing a community killing community for another community killing community.
>this is somehow based
Anon. Don't be ignorant.
Based trannies keeping the sane people from wasting their time with the game.
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(Puts hand up)
You mean Thomas Pirinen? He's not religious, I think it was just a little joke.
does anyone have this war wolf STL? i'm prepping for a campaign and i can't find it anywhere, it appears to have been taken down.
Small points lists you always go either shooty or choppy, one modestly kitted out leader and as many cheap troops as you can. Use focus fire or melee bullying. Don’t make the mistake of having 2-4 elites that can each be taken out with a lucky shot. Azebs w/ rifles and trench clubs, bayonets or swords should be your bread and butter.
If your opponent if playing black grail go shooty, trust me.
Think it's worth giving my Azebs alch ammo?
I wanna get a machinegun Alchemist down the line because they sound hilarious, so I think shooty is the way to go.
At 300 ducats take a leader and as many jezzail/sword azebs (36pts each) as you can, then invest in alch ammo @3pts each with leftover points and give your leader a halberd-gun. I assume you’re going shooty if you’re considering alch ammo, so the more guns you have the better.
Lots of people make the mistake of spending big on fancy shit in low points games and get mobbed by numbers. Be the mob, not the mobbed.
You may find it in https://mega.nz/file/17EFSIzB#ZCZ5WCeZZBGJ3LfJ95yDoeZlfu0q30bt4jbPMyWt10k
don't listen to these autistics, pick stuff that seems fun/cool. do not pick a list for a fun little slow grow with friends based on what's "good".
has anyone told you how handsome and cool you are today?
Cheers bloke, you seem cool and interesting too.
i take it back you piece of shit it wasn't in there.
Anyone have some cool STL suggestions or kits to kitbash Iron Sultanate with? I feel the other factions are receiving a ton of love, but Sultanate is harder.
I did say ‘may’. Sorry for disappointing you.
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This game was always going to create some drama, between the troons wanting to self insert as demons owning the Christians/Muslims and the Christians wanting to self insert as epic crusaders owning the lib demons. Thankfully Im not friends with troons or ChristLARPers so I dont have to interact with any irl. I observe the online shitshow and laugh.
are you using a toothbrush to paint these?
>I observe the online shitshow and laugh.
This may well be /tg/‘s answer to “if only you knew how bad things really are”.
NTA but post models then Duncan Rhodes II

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