Asking the hard questions editionPastebin: >>94338972This general encompasses all board game genres, whether it be Euro, American, Warfare, or Card-drivenTQ:>We talk a lot about and hold replayability very high, but is it really that important? Most games won't see more than 3 plays. Have publishers just caught on and use setup and player power variety as bait to imply infinite replability when the game is just meh? Or is this just an excuse for consooomerism?>Be honest anon. How often do your games get played in a span of, say, 5 years?
anon if the Illuminati card "Israel" got the thread pruned last time, what are ya doing with this OP
>>94376098Imagine giving the *nnies ideas
>>94376023>TQAbsolutely it's important. I don't even like to form a strong opinion on a game until it has 5 plays.
>>94376098I don't see anything wrong with it. He looks like that and says that.
What's the QRD on sleeping gods?
Are legally distinct "funny" D&D knockoffs the absolute worst theme a board game can have? I'm not talking about having a Tolkien-esque fantasy mythos for a game. I'm talking about stuff like pic related or Munchkin, where it's "let's go to le heckin dungeonerino with our epic roleplaying classes!" I haven't seen a single game with that theme that ever looked even decent, let alone good.
>>94376023posting my playtest game again. the color of the tiles a bit with help from someone who can see color properly and tells me this is much better, which I guess looks better a bit. This is the new tile, I'll respond with the old tile.
>>94376023>the madmen actually deleted itFor the record, it was just a compilation of caricature-anons drawings of reviewers which happened to include one of quackalope as happy merchant.Surely, acts like this will finally stop antisemitism?
>>94376888>>94376892I have also just noticed that tile has a wildly badly placed top left square.
>>94376843Genuinely can't think of anything that would turn me off as quickly. Maybe cthulu mythos but with pronounridden minority characters or anthropomorphic animal theme reprints come close
>>94376921I mean, Zoo Vadis is definitely a thematic downgrade, but it's at least a gameplay upgrade.
>>94376843Red Dragon Inn was pretty fun for a beer and pretzels game.
Y'all ever get that gud Gudnak?
>>94377052Eh, its got its charms but I hate its dog pile gameplay. Nobody likes king making, but dog pile is worse in my opinion.
>>94376023>WarfareI thought we got rid of these people when their general flopped
>>94376023>We talk a lot about and hold replayability very high, but is it really that important? Most games won't see more than 3 plays. Have publishers just caught on and use setup and player power variety as bait to imply infinite replability when the game is just meh? Or is this just an excuse for consooomerism?Publishers are absolutely using variability as a selling point for games they know won't get played often enough to justify it. I don't think there can be any question, and I think it's scummy.>Be honest anon. How often do your games get played in a span of, say, 5 years?In the past 5 years my main group has never had a period where we didn't have at least one regular attendee who had notable deficits of working memory and fluid intelligence that make teaching any game, no matter how simple, a long drawn-out process. The teach is always at LEAST half an hour no matter what the game is and usually takes about an hour, and if we haven't already played it three times in the past year it has to be re-taught from scratch, and whether we've played anything similar before doesn't make any difference.Because of this, when we find something that we all like, we play it into the fucking ground, because after the third play we don't have to reteach anymore. Argent has come around 5-6 times a year since 2020, Three Kingdoms Redux has done the same since 2021, and Outer Rim became a staple last year after the expansion redeemed it. When we had a fourth, Hegemony came out all the time, but now we are but three. We still find time to try new games, but the two of us who have collections are trying to play what we have and avoid the cult of the new, and our current memory-challenged attendee never knows any games to suggest.
>>94376023>>Be honest anon. How often do your games get played in a span of, say, 5 years?It's sad that this assumes everyone is a consoomer that have hundreds of unplayed games. And you'd be right if it's the general public of board game community, but I doubt us fa/tg/uys are that suspectable to buying everything. My wife and I try out every game atleast 10 times to see if it stays in our relatively small (40 - 50) collection and replayability plays a big part.
>>94376023>We talk a lot about and hold replayability very high, but is it really that important? Yes>Most games won't see more than 3 plays.maybe for consoomers and normies>Have publishers just caught on and use setup and player power variety as bait to imply infinite replability when the game is just meh? Or is this just an excuse for consooomerism?Both>Be honest anon. How often do your games get played in a span of, say, 5 years?This year I have played every game I own at least once with the exception of Here I Stand and Pericles, both of which are new purchases.>>94378877>In the past 5 years my main group has never had a period where we didn't have at least one regular attendee who had notable deficits of working memory and fluid intelligence that make teaching any game, no matter how simple, a long drawn-out process. The teach is always at LEAST half an hour no matter what the game is and usually takes about an hour, and if we haven't already played it three times in the past year it has to be re-taught from scratch, and whether we've played anything similar before doesn't make any difference.That is some weird sort of hell you are living anon
>>9437898340-50 is not a small collection lmfao its a shitton, not consoomer tier but I can't picture 50 titles getting regular play unless boardgames is all you do in life
>>94378983Nah, I didn't. I have 63 games I try to keep below 60, but that number is arguably already too much. I have games I love dearly I still don't get to play even once a year. Obviously this is a question of how often can you get the band assembled for game night. I'd consider myself lucky to have a relatively stable, nonautistic and reliable group and we don't even manage to meet once a week. 40 or so sessions a year (even if they are 10h ones) still isn't enough to play everything in my collection once a year without actively trying to do so.>>94378877That does sound hellish at first glance, but when I think about it I can understand needing a little refresher when a few months have passed, amd Argent, Hegemony and presumably three kingdoms aren't short teaches. The thought of reexplaining a game week after week gives me headaids though
>>94376023>Most games won't see more than 3 playswell most games are shit>Have publishers ...certainlythe audience has increased in size but so did the competitionpublishers are straight up coming up with bullshit reasons to justify roughly a $100 price tag on something that is a essentially a one to three times thing
>>94379189Depends on how much of that is 1+ hour games really. Like you could have a collection of 100 filler card games and smash through that in a month or two easy.
You know the drill. I will give some hints. It's a small game with lots of dice.
>>94379624Bios: Genesis
>>94379656Already have it>>94379742Is it any good? I thought Origins was the only one worth playing.
Opinions on The King is Dead? seen the second edition on the second hand market a bunch of times at around half price and it kinda looks like el grande but smaller
>>94379875hope you enjoy some Asmadi kino anonthe forest box is better btw
>>94376890Fat chance, kike
>>94380935Really? I thought it was more of the same.
>>94381414I think the heroes are more interesting and the poison mechanic coupled with the other portions is superiorif you like the game it's worth it to have both to play with the mixed deck rules and have more bosses
>>94379189i also count small box games like Love Letter, and The Crew
Lads I'm getting more obsessed with Hegemony with each passing day. I've got to say, it feels very good to still be so hyped up for a game after a few plays. The game might still be underrated tbqh
>>94380594It's a good 3p game that plays fast. It's pretty tight all the way to the end. If you have a group that doesn't puke when you start talking about history and you can get it for cheap, definitely worth it.
is Defenders of the Realm just Pandemic with extra steps?
After seeing how they butchered the new version, finally said fuck it and play on TTSIt's bretty good, nice and crunchy but not tediousBiggest complain besides it being drier than bread is that each deck feels like its a few cards short. Or I guess I was expecting only to see 2/3 of the deck, not the entire deck each time. With repeat plays its clear you'll start looking for patterns, so I wonder if the delay in when they come out will shake it up enough vs not coming out at all(honestly tempted to just mix the a/b/c decks together for maximum chaos)
Just checked out World Order because of all the Hegemonyposting here. World order looks... ok? But what I did realize is that for some unfathomable reason, the same faggy youtube (((((reviewers)))) that cover every fucking kickstarter with paid video that has barely any views. Why on earth would people pay for this slop, who watches it and why would it ever be necessary?
>>94376888Any comments on the rulebook? Its in the spoiler so just ignore if you want.
>>94383425No, it's better than Pandemic in every single way.
Why the fuck is Village big box so fucking ugly compared to the original? I feel like my eyes have been assaulted.
>>94384808look how much cleaner and easier to read this is. WTF were they thinking?
Would I enjoy Fields of Arle if I dislike Le Havre and Agricola?Each game just felt the same.Also is it a good idea to trade war chest for rising sun?
>>94384822>old board looks too much like pic related
these niggas serious with this box art?
>>94376888>>94376892>>94384107Do you want to teach it sometime?
Redpill me on Tanares.How is it?Why's it cost so fucking much?
>>94385232No one knows. No one cares.
>>94385232>asking about an expensive miniature filled Kickstarter campaign board game>on /tg/anon, i don't think you'll get any info here.
>>94385284Tbf, I only give a fuck about a standee version, I hate giant boxes with a shit ton of miniatures.
Does anyone have high-quality images of the Root faction boards? I want to print/laminate them so I can have thinner, lighter versions to carry around.
>>94385218Could yeah, maybe tomorrow. Would be around 5 pm PST
>>94385299I mean, the new Root crowdfunding is offering literally that, cardstock faction boards. That being said, Leder game's website has lots of art asssets on it, they might have it there.
>>94385301I'll make myself available then and read the rules tomorrow beforehand. Any other anons wanna playtest this?
Arcs is good but not great. I don't get the hype.
>>94385535Sell me on it
>>94385535It's fun. I like that it's a simple dudes on a map game with two mini games attached. I'll probably get a few more games out of it with my various groups
>>94385535It's a wehrle game with all that entailsUnreasonable hype is one of these things
>>94385301>>94385364>Not giving a timezoneRookie mistakeIt does look interesting but I have not even enough free time to schedule game night atm
>>94383735Building up hype I guess? Apparently it is important to pay 7 different irrelevant shills to make a positive review of your game for reasons>>94384808Holy shit that looks bad. Well not bad in itself but man is it badly designed. And it lost all of its comfyness. Does it have anthropomorphic animals on the box?>How about we make everything but the spaces you interact with pop out?
>>94384829FoA is nothing like Agricola, for example food is not required, just a way to get a shitload of points with clever town planningThe ability to spend opponents' workers to use their buildings (and deny them the use of those buildings) is a fun thing, especially since as usual the number of turns you get is very limited.
>>94385299try the Tabletop Simulator mod for it, extract the images from there, it'll have all other assets too like reference cards and adset cards
>>94385196Unsure if this doesn't predate the soi memes but fuck if I can remember when that came upTbqh after looking a bit into the catalogue of emperors of eternal evil out of curiosity I feel like their games are very unique, soulful things that serve more as curiosity than game; boardgames that larp as rpgs and such. Maybe cave evil is the one that's actually more game
>>94385549Space war over limited resources with very small armies on a tiny map with a)actions being determined via a tricktaking mechanism, but also you can just spend the limited resources on a few extra actions, and b) the objectives are set by the players, and doing so gives the initiative to opponents so there's a bit of self-balance in that declaring an ambition early means it'll score big but others can start working on it much earlier, and c) the court deck full of bullshit powers but you have to spend battle cards on itit's a fun mess, and gets even messier with the Blighted Reach expansion, but base game is the recommended start point for a few reasons, mainly because it's fun on it's own as a knife fight in a phone booth kinda game
>>94385623>PST timezone clearly statedKek. Hope you are having a less tiring week than it seems from the outside, anon.The upcoming Dune Imperium expansion was leaked. It seems a bit underwhelming particularly if not coming from an Uprising base and even when doing so it seems dubious whether they're an adequate counterbalance to worms.
>>94385951>The ability to spend opponents' workers to use their buildings (and deny them the use of those buildings) is a fun thingWhat the FUCK are you talking about?
>>94387060Oh shit fuck, i mixed up Fields of Arle with Ora et LaboraDon't ask how, it's been a long day and my brain doesnt work
>>94376023Your minislop sirs
>>94387387Does this pawn participate in the conspiracy? As far as I understand, it's an "agent" first, "serf/concession" second, until it's placed after surviving the battle.
>>94387556Yes it does participate, just like with a peasant revolt.
>>94387585Thanks, we had a discussion about it since the player aid said "Agents (Knights and Rooks)" and but the rulebook only said "Agents" without the specificity. Also Religious War did take its time to say that pawns themselves don't participate such as in cards like this one.
>>94387556>>94387585>>94387601Inelegant game.
>>94384829Yes and NoA lot of Uwe games force you to touch a little bit of everything to foster interactivity under the threat of losing points if you don't. Arle is no different and really isn't a "sandbox" people make it out to be. That said, you come to realize in a lot of his games that you shouldn't waste time trying to do everything and instead go hard one path and use bonus points to soak up those penalties. To this end, Arle is great for that because it's not nearly as cut throat nor demanding - more often you'll feel the weight of missed opportunities rather than frustratingly losing significant ground. On the flipside, if the games feel samey because you find yourself compelled to do the same thing, Arle will be miserable. There's very little setup variance compared to Agri and Harve and there's absolutely none during course of play. So if you're not the type of player who experiments for experiments sake, you could easily just play the same way over and over if you tried.Personally, the concern that you would math everything out on turn one was put to rest after my second play thanks to the clever season structure. It really hits the sweet spot on cognitive load
>>94386123Man, I really have become incapable of reading. Thanks for not (rightfully) berating me
>>94387387Looks cool, but I'd just take the standee edition.A game with too many minis is not ever hitting the table.
>>94384786better enough that I should check out the new edition?
>>94388163Better enough that you should burn every game ever designed by Matt Leapenis you own and replace them with Defenders. Pandemic is a slow drudge through mud taking 1 step forward and then 0-2 steps back until the game ends one way or another. Defenders is riding your horse in the middle of a huge, game ending battle, whipping out your cock to slap the faces of all the enemies around you and then riding into the sunset while everyone else cheers. You'll never get a round of high fives in Pandemic because no turn is different from any other turn. Every game of Defenders creates memorable situations that you'll think about after the game ends.
>>94376023Any good rec for solo games (or playable solo at least) with cards and or tiles playing around exploration ? Any must play solo games of any genre?
>>94388395ok but how does it compare to an actually good co-op game? Spirit Island for example.
>>94388536Arkham Horror The Card Game. Downside: you'll be spending a fuckton of money on different campaigns.
>>94388543>actually good co-op game? Spirit Island for example.NTA but it compares very favorably because unlike Spirit Island, it is not the most boring game in existence. >a-at least the gameplay is good"No!" The gameplay is dreadful; the game was terrible. As I played, I noticed that every time a minor power was played, the player did it for the symbols instead of an interesting effect.I began marking on the back of an envelope every time a card was played for symbols only. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Reuss' mind is so governed by bland effects and thinly veiled set collection that he has no other style of gameplay. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Spirit Island by the same Kenneth Johnson. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these manchildren are playing Spirit Island at 31 or 32, then when they get older they will go on to play Phase 10." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you play "Spirit Island" you are, in fact, trained to play Phase 10.
>>94388536Mage Knight
>>94388810I truly admire your consistency anonWish I could buy you a beer at some point
>>94385301>5 pm PST>or 3 am in my timezoneaaaaarghh i hate living on the wrong side of the world
>>94388913Nice try, Eric. I'm not falling for that one again, I barely got out of your last trap.
It's out anons
>>94376023Can I get a link to OP's picture? It was on the "popular threads" tab but it got deleted
>>94389148use external archives you won't get it anyway unless you're into boardgame youtubers (and if you are, why the fuck are you on 4chan???)
>>94384808jesus christ, that church looks like a prayer shed. It doesnt even look more legible.
>>94389213>prayer shedThe fuck's a prayer shed?
>>94389220One of those modernist churches that just look like a giant shed. Prayer barn is probably a better translation.
>>94384808>>94384822Man, village is such a big question mark in my collection. I like it, it's a good game. It's fun, looks fine, is thematic, is clever, it doesn't overstay its welcome... And yet I never really feel like getting it out anymore.Every other game like that, I could point at a problem or thing I don't like. Not so with village. It just kind of faded out and I don't know why.
>>94389320play it again either you just forgot why it's good, or you'll be able to figure out why you don't want to play it anymore
>>94389392so this guy can have up to 4 units worth of abilities, or 8 if one of the four is "this treats diagonals as adjacent", if such ability even exists?How good is it, really, to have all your shit bunched up around your summoner with no easy way for him to escape if in danger?
>>94389403>Im not trapped in here with you.>youre all trapped in here with me!
>>94389391That's a good idea even if it is the most obvious approach, yeah. We'll see what happens. Honestly, I'm a bit afraid I've grown out of it by now and would find it meh despite wanting it to be as cool as it was when I first played it.
>>94389115>1.6 million alreadyman, the hype machine really going 100% for this onecan't wait to buy it off someone in 6 years for half off
>>94389115usually /bgg/ is a bit hatery for my tastes but I swear every Awaken Realms game to ever release just screams garbage to me
>>94389773this but with steamforge gamesAwaken Realms still makes some good stuff from time to time
>>94389773>usually /bgg/ is a bit hatery for my tastesIt's not hatery enough for mine.
>>94389849Thank god.
>>94389773this but with GMT games
>>94388536Ive enjoyed playing Friday. Check out once at least.
>>94389176Thanks anon, some of them seemed familiar from the thumbnail. I'm not an avid youtube follower but still wanted to see the funny caricatures
>>94389717You usually only have to wait until it ships to get fat discounts from people.>>94389773>>94389844AR can make a good game, they have done it before and I think they really got their shit together after Lords of Ragnarok was a huge miss and a stinkerI also think going all in on acrylic shit and miniatures is fucking stupid though. Most of their games barely require minis at all
>>94389866Shit taste confirmed.
>>94389866>Verification not required.
>>94385364>>94387877just trying to get my snowball mic working. might have to switch to a fucking weak ass headphone mic
>>94389866>he’s still copingIt’s been years bro let it go
>>94390358what the bloody fuck windows. Took 30 minutes to install the driver, now its saying this update might take 30 minutes on reboot
>>94389392>vekkidWait a minute I remember this name.Gonna pull out the Alliances Master Set map, Im 99% certain part of the 1E world map had a place for them, they just never got a faction deck. Just one merc card.Deep cut, Colby.
Aight, the room in TTS is "/bgg/ fae"The password is "we hate games"
>>94390450>copingThis word doesn't mean what you think it means.
>>94389988Can you show us on this doll where the nasty minis touched you anon? Seriously, why do you hate them so much? Is it because you can't paint for shit?
>>94389115I was excited for this but then I saw how bad the combat was and I lost interest. OP hero abilities, too easy to get Fate tokens that allow rerolling multiple dice (can you ever even lose a combat?), cluttered tiny combat maps, no real tactical decisions requiring having minis on a map at all, repetative yet confusing and forgettable complex mechanics for combat that is over in a minute or so. That plus no idea how good or bad the story is.. Only $300+-! I'll pass.
>>94390648My gripe with minis is usually they're a pain in the ass for setup and teardown, since so many of them either have overly specific tray inserts or board starting positions. When it's something like Kemet or the Deluxe pack for Dune Imperium where you just throw them in a tray, they're fine
>>94390648It's because (in the case of AR for sure), a vast majority of their games do not benefit at all from having minis other than it's hard as shit to store and expensive.Tainted Grail for example, in the base game there's a perfect amount of minis. 3 menhirs, 4 characters, and the guardian. You never use more than that in the game, so why would I buy the minis pack where you might have entire campaigns where most of those enemies never spawn?Tamashii is similar, minis make the game twice the size and most never even come out.Nemesis could be shrank down a lot if it had standees, but i'll give it a pass because there's always a lot of shit on the game board.But basically why would I ever want minis?>>94390689I think AR games have always had an issue with difficulty, when they said Tainted Grail 1.0 was "hard" they meant you spent a shit ton of time grinding food and resources for menhirs, or you turn the wrong corner and hit instant death. I like their coop campaign games but difficulty has always been an issue
>>94387387>push your luck battlesHoly slop
>>943885367th Citadel (or its predecessor 7th Continent) seems exactly what you're looking for
Finally got around to reading Sweet Lands rules and uh yeah, I guess the "TM with nu-Euro shit" description was pretty aptI don't know when exactly it happened, but my tolerance for modern euros has absolutely fallen off a cliff. This one isn't nearly as kitchen sink as half the Board & Dice games and yet nothing about getting up X track to get bonuses to do Y thing but only if you've moved up Z enough does anything for me anymore. It's like I played every Lacerda game and was so traumatized that I don't even remember doing it, only the aversion remains
>>94391228Maybe you're just a retard who assumes he can't win games where everyone beats the player in the lead, who never happens to be you.
>>94391037Why is Avalon so hyped anon
>>94391423It’s minislop from the oathsworn soys
>>94391564?Is that supposed to mean anything to me?
post the bird with the funny legs
>>94390648i just want acrylic standees to be norm instead
>>94385303>I mean, the new Root crowdfunding is offering literally that, cardstock faction boards.That's what gave me the idea. But my own laminated versions would be cheaper (thanks $15 Temu laminator) and more durable. I'll take your and >>94385956 ideas into consideration though. First I'll see if I can make a high-quality scan of my boards and use those.
>>9439064370% of the GMT catalogue is better than your favorite game
Anyone play Root? How is it with 2 players?Also, what are some 2 player games to play in general? I see Jaipur and Patchwork suggested a lot. Preferably something with kinda cute or lighthearted themes.
>>94392267Root is not a 2 player game. Play at 4 or don't play it at all.
>>94392298Even with the clockwork stuff?
>>94392298Root is not a 4 player game. Play at 3 or don't play it at all.
>>94392305The clockwork AI is awful, some of the worst I've ever seen in a game. They're remaking it in the new kickstarter as print and play but what they currently sell is dogshit
>>94392267Root at two players is a non-starter and besides there are a ton of games that are amazing two player experiences.Also if you’re being recommended Jaipur and Patchwork then Root is way, way too complex for your purposes I think.For light 2P I’d recommend>Hanamikoji>Lost Cities>Hive>Azul>The Quest for El Dorado
>>94392267Root is shit. Recent discussion has enlightened me that the best way to play is to jam Hegemony with plushies at the table.Recommended 2p only games: Hive with expansions, Targi with expansions, Sakura Arms, Summoner Wars 2eScaling but great at 2p games: Castles of Burgundy, Azul, Keyflower, Innovation, Mottainai, The Great ZimbabweSomething 2p that is supposedly similar to Root is Ironwood. Asymmetry in a forest. It isn't cute though, more like shitty WotC fantasy art so my wife didn't fancy a blind purchase. I am very shocked there isn't root duel and hugbox woodland market Euros just to capitalise on the popularity granted by Ferrin.
>>94391192Looked into 7th continent and that does look really good thanks a lot.
>>94393130>Root duelI would assume the idea has been tried, then they realized wehrle has to actually balance factions instead of shrugging it off with "the players need to balance the game" and buried the idea>hugbox woodland market EurosI'll assume Ferrin is somehow exclusive to leder, at least he almost assuredly has beem asked by different publishers. I mean there's even a chinese ferrin knockoff artist. I'd say everdell fills that spot quite well, and the recent second wave of anthropomorphic animal games is bound to give us a bunch of WP euros. Wait a second, Harvest (or whatever the game by the argent designer was called, it was pretty neat for how light it was but ultimately meh) isnexactly that. That one never really took off, did it?
the fuck were they thinking
>>94393229Ferrin's art remains distinct and there is a certain provenance granted by being the first memorable game with such a theme in any given era. There is the argument that they're trying to maintain brand image, but I can't say the shine isn't well off the apple after rafts of expansions that have completely failed to address balance or improve thematic asymmetry. It feels like a beta that was inexplicably successful on release and gave up on its core tenets because people already liked it enough to sell. Everdell has slick art in that oily overly photoshopped 2010s onward mtg way. Nothing unique enough to leave any impression on me. I get more artistically from blokus just because it brings to mind Mondrian over the everdell animal plus sunny shadowless glades on most of their boxes.
>>94392267Mandala, Botanik, Kingdomino, Great Plains
>>94392267>>94394129Oh, and Kariba
What are your top civ builder games, anontachi?I recently picked up clash of cultures and have been enjoying it the last few weekends, before that I had only tried through the ages which was a good game that I never want to physically play again. Too much component shuffling and upkeep bogging it down. We had a good game ended by a cat jumping up to the table for a pat. Ordinarily that would be delightful, but it took about half an hour to track down all the scattered resources. I think it's one of the few games that could be immensely improved with alternate components and a more premium double layer board that doesn't have it. Also an anomaly among the fantastic CGE products which tend to have no more or less than is needed to allow a game to shine.
I'm addicted to 2-player games. What are your favorites?Been playing Ironwood recently. Fantastic production and really enjoyable gameplay. Can't say much about the balancing yet but so far I think it's great. Gonna be one of this year's best.>also, pick a row or column
>>94394422Save Grand Austria Hotel, burn the rest down.
>>94394422And I thought I had too many 2p games in my collection.
>>94376023>>We talk a lot about and hold replayability very high, but is it really that important? Most games won't see more than 3 plays. Have publishers just caught on and use setup and player power variety as bait to imply infinite replability when the game is just meh? Or is this just an excuse for consooomerism?>>Be honest anon. How often do your games get played in a span of, say, 5 years?In our group, with about 7 people rotating we play the following games:RootPamir 2eDunePipelineSekigaharaMarengo/Napoleon's TriumphThat's it.
>>94394549Shit taste tbqhwyf.
>>94393712I saw a bit of drama about this a couple months ago when they were shipping to reviewers. Apparently, it's not just the iron cross medal that comes with the game but the softball treatment of the Wehrmacht in general. Shipping a faux Nazi war medal in a game is kind of asking for it, honestly. Should have known better - even diehard grogs didn't like it.
>>94394682>even diehard grogs didn't like itProof?
>>94390578>i missed it because i thought it'd be todaythaks timezones not like i could handle the rulebook either so i'd just be a burden on the playtest anyways
>>94393712should've shipped both a nazi, a soviet, and an allied medal, to make a complete set and so they aren't labeled as taking sides
>>94394422>No WotRWhyAlso how is ironwood. Everytime I look at it my opinion changes from looks neat to looks shit and vice versaAlso lost cities is one of the best knizias and it is absurd how good a game it is for how simple it is
>>94395036I haven't played/learned a new game in several months and I couldn't be more ok with it.
These are the games on my wishlist. Any thoughts?Fleet Commander NimitzEuropa UniversalisPhantom FuryMaracaibo Pirates of MaracaiboA Gest of Robin Hood Eila and Something Shinny 1066 Tears to Many Mothers FrostpunkOltréé Stellar Horizons *I can get a copy of this for $60 instead of the regular overpriced
>>94393712There's based and there's pretty stupidMaybe the intention was to deliberately cause drama and up sales by 20x...which strangely enough seems to have failed
>>94393712What do spanish people think of WW2?Are they indifferent to it or cucked like Germany?
>>94393958>Everdell has slick art in that oily overly photoshopped 2010s onward mtg way. Nothing unique enough to leave any impression on me. Oh absolutely, but wasn't the question about why there are no woodland hugbox cute critter euros?As an aside, and I've said this before, I find Ferrins style loses most of its charme when not depicting anthropomorphic animals feat. autumnal colour palette. Fort works for me, Ahoy already felt weaker and I very much don't care about the art in arcs. Not that it's bad - worse - it's just functional and okay aka forgettable to me
>>94394838I can run it today same time. It's really not hard to learn
>>94395051>Europa Universalisonly playable if you had a TI4 playgroup but one or two players can't show up, because it's basically the same scale of game (very long, 1 thing per turn, until your mana runs out or you choose to quit) but it's best at 4 or 5 players instead of 6 for TI4 and there's no random/semirandom map.
thoughts? apparently it's surprisingly good deck builder.
>>94394682>I saw a bit of drama about this a couple months ago when they were shipping to reviewers. Apparently, it's not just the iron cross medal that comes with the game but the softball treatment of the Wehrmacht in general. Shipping a faux Nazi war medal in a game is kind of asking for it, honestly. Should have known better - even diehard grogs didn't like it.Nah, it's just about the Medal. The designer himself said he was against the medal in the first place, and Volko was the only reasonable person on that panel as well as the only person to have even played the game, the rest of the arguments on that panel were specious at best, even arguing that games about Rommel in Africa are white washing the Nazis because they didn't try to simulate the Holocaust.The game is good, the publisher shouldn't have shipped out the medal, but the bulk of the drama is the same progressive types as usual making a mountain out of a molehill for outrage clicks.>>94394806>>94395068It's a pretty well reviewed game for the most part, almost all of the negative reviews on the gulag are from Spanish communists.
>>94394406I have championed Era of tribes for some time now. It does things differently in a good way, one of the few dice based combats I don't hate. However, it is ugly as sin. The tech tree is alone is such a remarkably powerful affront to the concept of beauty, its remarkable
>>94395136>Nah, it's just about the MedalWhat's wrong with the medal?
>>94394422>Addicted to 2-player games. Are you me?>What are your favorites?Summoner Wars 1E and 2ESakura ArmsTwilight StruggleImperial StruggleInnovationMottainaiHiveThe Fox in the ForestAshes Rise of the PhoenixbornRadlandsMeltwater Air Land and SeaNeuroshima Hex!BattleconFlickFleetBlue MoonPax RenaissanceRunners up listWarhammer: InvasionOrtus RegniGosu: Goblin Supremacy (Kamakor expansion a must)Crystal ClansKeyforgeMagi Nation DuelReign of WitchesShores of TripoliUnplayed and to be determined (I have high hopes)NevskyBlade RondoPlantaganetNawalli
>>94395211It's a Nazi era Iron cross, meant to sell a game where you play as the Nazi high command. There's plenty of reasons not to invoke the Iron Cross specifically in the WW2 era, it's not as if it's a game about the Kaiserreich/WW1, it's pretty explicitly a Nazi medal of valor in this context.I personally think the medal was retarded, and the publisher themselves probably have some Nazi apologists within the company, this isn't the first thing they've done like this, but the designer of the game doesn't deserve the shit he's been getting. Anyone stepping away from the game saying it glamorizes Nazis is just braindead.
>>94395245I see no issue here
>>94395245>Nazi era Iron cross, meant to sell a game where you play as the Nazi high commandso it's appropriate and they make a fuss for no reason? k cool
Oath is the best Ferrin art but Arcs is a pretty close second
>>943944222P is like 70% of my collection. My faves are >Summoner Wars 2E>War of the Ring>Paths of Glory>Combat Commander>Sakura Arms>Lost Cities>Hanamikoji>Innovation>World at War ‘85>Washington’s War
>>94395051>Fleet Commander NimitzOne of the worst DVG games which is saying something given how so many of them are basically the same game remade over and over again. Easy skip >EUWhat >>94395106 said. Incredible experience but requires a lot of commitment >Phantom FuryIf you really want a solitaire wargame in a similar vein and complexity I’d recommend The Mog instead. >A Gest of Robin HoodToo unbalanced and Fred Serval is a hack
>>94395951Gameplay:Arcs > Pamir > John > Oath > Root > InfamousArt:Root > Pamir > Oath > Arcs > John > Infamous
>>94395951>>94396069people have drawn lewd art of Root they also havent drawn lewd art of Arcssays a lot about the games and their playerbases
>>94395158I love Innovation despite her homely imperceptibly coloured gingham checked visage. So I reckon I could love this one too. True beauty lies within. That said, there is a second edition on gamefound which may be less ugly. I will look when back home on my PC. Thanks for sharing your favourite, anon.
Haven't kept up with new releases in a while, anything I should look at? $40-$50 range.
Does Terraforming Mars replace Race for the Galaxy?
>>94396363Apples and Oranges
>>94396393Does Merchants & Marauders replace Skull King?
>>94396403Does Zoo Vadis replace root?
>>94396313Ngl I chuckled when I saw Mottainai and Sekigahara amongst all the weeb stuff
>>94392267>Also, what are some 2 player games to play in general?HarmoniesAzulSummoner WarsTicket to Ride: Nordic Countries AkropolisParis: La Cité de la LumièreHanamikojiJaipurCastles of BurgundyDonutsKingdominoKeep the heroes outBlokus Duo
>>94395081>>94394838Correction, I won't be able to tonight, i need to watch a giant black dude beat the shit out of a frat boy youtuber live.
>>94395126I was wondering the same thing and I was looking for a review of the full campaign instead of just a "Wow, my first play of this new Kickstarter game is so fun!" All I could find was this podcast review ; they played all the way through and apparently the game did not hold up well.
>>94396776I hope that's how it pans out, but Mike is a 5'10" outlier and fratfat is 6'1" and has 5" more reach.
>>94396776It's going to be staged isn't it?
>>94396909Not sure, but it's guaranteed to be shambolic no matter what the outcome is. Potentially the most cringeworthy event ever.
Awww yisssmotherfuckin new spirits at the table
>>94396909I'd get knocked out by a pissant for a few million dollars, sure why not?Still think Mike might have some fire in him, but not sure if he has the beast. Gonna come down to if Jake thinks it's a fight or a show.
>>94397140Did you play that card for the text?
>>94397209Combined with Mysterious Abductions on an Explorer for 4 fear on turn 1?Yes please.
>>94396077It says furfags are disgusting degenerates, which everyone already knew?
>>94397148yep, Mike has fire but no beast, and Jake just wanted a show.
>39 euros for Kemet gamefound shippingOuchThis damn expansion better be good
>>94398271>40 dollars to shipHow fucked are they at crowdfunding?
>>94398302I guess the excuse is the expansion IS in a big box, it's still bullshit though. The castles of Burgundy reprint had cheap shipping, and it charged you right upfront, not give you an unfun email to read several months later
Can any grogs help me? I'm trying to decide between Band of Brothers or 1812 Napoleon's Fateful March.
>>94396876Thanks anon, I was very curious about how the game looks like in the long run because my friend really liked his first game and shilled it to me.Now i guess i'm gonna skip it.
>>94398302Shipping is now just another profit stream.
Absolute kino
>>94398720This tbqhI mean there are whole companies that just do the fulfilment part. Imagine how low actual shipping might be if there weren't like 6 companies taking a cut.Remember covid causing a (((((tempoary)))) shortage of containers and thus shipping prices exploded? Strange how that never changed back
>play brass birmingham>its just euro point salad slop
>>94399280a game about economics in europe plays like a game about economics i europe? who wouldve thought!?!?
>>94397140fucking love eyesenjoy
>>94399816Nta, but out of the five Horizons spirits, I was kind of shocked by how much stronger Eyes Watch felt compared to the other four. Everything in its kit synergizes beautifully with itself. The innate power is effortless to hit at its first level, and that synergizes with its special rule. Its cards all have its main element (plant) and three of the four have its secondary element (moon).Compare all that to the other Horizons spirits. Devouring Teeth doesn't have a single card with all three of its elements, and only two of its cards have earth, which it desperately needs to make its innate do its thing. Fathomless Mud's special rule relies on sacred sites, but its innate power splits up sacred sites. Rising Heat's first level of its innate only damages explorers, which doesn't interact at all with its special rule.
>>94399578>Euro economics are a point saladIs that you, retard-kun?
>>94399975I think I'd rate EyesHeatPowergapMudSunPowergapTeethBut yeah, agreed that Eyes feels stronger. I think he has a higher ceiling than the others; especially if you played Thunderspeaker or other movement spirit, and are better are positioning Dahan. By far the best design too, it's goofy as fuck
>>94400225>By far the best design too, it's goofy as fuckI fucking love it. Nails the idea of Spirits being incorporeal and having a more subtle (and therefore sinister) influence on the physical world.
fuuuuk I just got arle this year bc it was cheapernow this is the lowest its ever been
>>94400952So what? Arle is the better game anyway
>>94400952They'd have to pay me to pay that slop
>somebody throws cards on the discard pile without regard for orientarion>have an internal meltyi love my bgg group but god damn is it hard not to be autistic
Did you reach this point with your collection?
>>94402206For me it's when people get upset when I wash their cards
anyone know where one might find Arkham Horror LCG for tabletop simulator these days?
>>94402336I wanted to share the megaupload I once did for bggbros, but for some reason (not checking it in 3 years probably) everything in it has been deleted and I no longer have the .json on my pc.So, good luck I guess
>huh the pic for the new ethnos game is gone from the gulag>Check it out and see a thread "this hobby is going backwards">Surely, this is about the abundancy of anthropomorphic animals>It's some faggot complaining about "yet another new edition worsened accessibility for left-handed players"
>>94402807I need a slur for color-blind people to convey my frustration with color-blind pandering.
>>94402936Chromies or monoids
>>94402336try here
What is the first game you think of when I say "multiplayer solitaire"?
>>94403303Ark Nova
>>94403303Any roll and write.
>>94399176Cthulhu clears. This is dumb as fuck
Sirs I'm happy to report that I still suck at Dvonn. But I am starting to believe. After a while playing Dvonn feels like a mystical experience, patterns and sequences pop out of the matrix, red discs like little maelstroms that all other pieces must circle around. I'm estimating another 10 years of consistent play before I can call myself confidently average.
>>94403618Is Dvonn the best Gipf?
Had my in person play test again today, only 3 players. Elves vs Undead vs Monsters.
>>94404079I had 10.5 pts to elves 7 on turn 6. Elves swung 5 points in turn 7, and won. Undead had 2 pts, but was in a position to start earning 3-4 pts a turn.Game is working. Working real good.
Is there a boardgame with this theme?
>>94404110This is just the Pax games
>>94403765The only other GIPF I played was YINSH which is kind of trash (its Othello + Connect 4 like come on how gay is that). LYNGK seems interesting to try but clearly lacks the effortless elegance of DVONN
>>94403618>>94403765>>94404803Gipf > Tzaar > Lyngk > Yinsh > Dvonn > Tamsk > Zertz > Punct > Matrx
>>94395068Spain was based while Franco was alive. They refused to extradite Leon Degrelle and even protected him from assassins.
>>94405134>simping for Franco and Degrelle
Anyone here back Shadow Moon Syndicates?
>>94405156No minis no buy. Get sea beasts instead
>>94405156I did since my wife's favorite game is ethnos and she likes cyberpunk. Hopefully it turns out to be a good gift.
Has anyone ever bought or made a custom game box for boardgames? Either to replace broken boxes, or to replace them to save space.
>>94405729Ya, i have the wooden crate and insert for Spirit Island. It's rad.
>>94405755Where did you get it? I take you bought it to store both the base game and the expansions, right?
>>94405789It was on offer during the Jagged Earth expansion kickstarter way back when. It holds base box+JE+ the two promo packs, just added Horizons spirits to it the other week.Unfortunately I dont think it can hold the Nature Incarnate stuff, which I've stalled on picking up.The Horizons spirits are all cardboard panels rather than mounted boards, which helped on space. The remaining horizons components Im keeping with my spare bg stuff.There was another anon here that stained their copy, which turned out quite nicely.>>94399816Thanks, all the new spirits were a hit with their pilots. The cat player had such an empty board by mid game, dumping all his problems on is, lol.Tempted to pick up the mounted boards from Gtg, but I dont think they would fit in the box.You got any experienced with Nature Incarnate?
>>94405878>You got any experienced with Nature Incarnate?No, I played almost all other content outside of NI. My wife didn't play as much as I did and I don't see the value of getting more stuff for now. Maybe later, but we still have a lot left to explore
>>94405729I've been tempted to get a wooden insert, but I hear they have a high chance of introducing mold to your game. 3D printed plastic is garbage, I'm not paying $30+ for cheap inserts like that
>>94407159If you're that worried about it you could slip some desiccant packets in. I had a copy of Imperial Settlers with a wood insert sitting completely forgotten near the top of a warm and humid closet with no air flow for 4+ years. It had a ceiling water leak that caused the drywall to mold up to the point where even the clothes in that closet needed to be cleaned with bleach. I just checked it again and there's no mold on the box, cards, game pieces, wood, or wood-box surface contacts. While there weren't mold spores going into the box since it was shut, and I could have just been lucky that the wood itself didn't have mold in it, if there was ever an environment where I would have expected mold to grow it would have been that one. If you want to be extremely safe, you could assemble the set and then place it in a container of desiccants for a while so that it dries out completely before putting it into the box (it will warp some but since it's assembled it shouldn't be too bad). Or spray it down with [cleaner] and air-drying beforehand? But I think both of those are overkill.
>>94407159>but I hear they have a high chance of introducing mold to your gameWhy would they?>>94407337Dessicant packets are literally useless if the box is not sealed.
>>94407337That's not a bad idea, or even clear-coat the woodBut I'm not sure about smells, I don't want game pieces to get stinky
>>94407354There's definitely not enough of an air gap between the box and the lid to allow for convection or humidity transfer.>>94407371clear-coat might be an issue with making the board fit, on top of smell.
>>94407436Cardboxes are porous though, so humidity will transfer. Just test that yourself and see how long it takes for a silica pack to become saturated.
>>94405729A couple.Also forgot to include my Richochet Robots that's like 30% the size of the original box lmao.
>>94407601>all that blurWe arent going to judge your furniture or rug choice, anon
>>94407463Most boxes are printed and coated on all sides, which would slow it down somewhat. I would also suggest bulk desiccant and not just the tiny silica packets. Nevertheless, all desiccants need to be cycled out from time to time. If the box was sealed completely then just once would work, but they would absolutely keep the relative humidity in the enclosed space lower than the surroundings if they were cycled out when saturated. If someone is worried about mold it's either that or chemical treatment.
>>94407607It's just customary. There is something ban-worthy in one of those.
>>94407615Ah, youre poland bro with the young daughter and very specific book collection.Gotcha
>>94407615your dragon dildo collection is not ban worthy, even if it's offtopic
>>94407626>>94407904Pretty sure anon's talking about figures from a certain ponycentric show
How do I make an event deck not unfun and infuriating in my game?
Played this on bga. If you, like me, think hey it's a carcassonne-esque game with a little more weight to it and beautiful, cozy watercolor art, you'll be disappointed. The theme and art is by far the best thing about the game and at times I got genuinely annoyed at how bad a design it is.>What if we copied carcassonne without understanding anything about why it works and threw in some eurosloppy elements?>The game is essentially just like carcassonne, reduced to roads only but somehow much worse than you imagine>There's a 6 tile market which is entirely unnecessary when there are only 3 different tiles with marginal variance of mushrooms on them>You want to block your opponent or throw some subpar tiles at/near his claimed roads? Well that's a big feelbad, you (literally) gotta ask your opponents for permission to touch their stuff>Can't contest a road either>Can't snatch one away either>It's very much forcing you to have very close scores because there is zero room for tempo plays, clever tile laying, or interaction of any kind>Just busywork where decisions don't feel like they are of any consequence. Do I make a bigger ring and get a slightly better bonus or make 2 small rings instead? Doesn't matter, pointwise. Just grind out your 0.5 vp advantage from selling shrooms woooWhat a piece of shit. It could've been something interesting if it didn't go fot the safest, most uninspired design route possible. Genuinely amazing to me how someone would publish this 20 years after carc and have learned absolutely nothing.
>>94408327I saw this and Barnes & Noble and almost bought it. Good to know I didn't miss anything.
>>94408175Either broadcast it like in through the ages, or have reactivity and agency around it. Delayed effects work well as do silver lining disasters along the lines of: Volcanic eruption—half your town population dies unless you have city walls in which case the walls are destroyed. You may designate an adjacent tile to yield extra crops for the rest of the game.
>>94408564Other stuff I would consider is devil deals allowing I split you choose from a three card disaster draw that makes it an element of fun take that/suffering in solidarity. You could also have some sort of bonus if they choose to take them all, or choose to localiser the effect to themselves.
>>94408327They were pushing this thing hard at Gen Con and I could just smell it would be dogshit.
This game really exposes what a brainlet I am but I really like it.
>>94408737I love this game so far, I imagine it'll get boring eventually due to the lack of interaction but until then it's gr8 fun
>>94408763It's nice how fast it plays though. Perfect for the light game rotation before/after/between something heavier.
4Xanon here, played a 4 player match of my 4x game today, almost all of the criticism was about individual card costs, and a minor mechanism I already have a fix in place in my second copy.
>>94408882We usually play it twice in a row before moving on because it's so fun for everyone involved. I wish publishers made more fun games like it.
>>94407614>chemical treatmentSuch as?
>>94409041What game?
>>94409041Doing fine, anon.I'll eventually find time to go through the rules
>>94409862I wish you luck buddy, I still haven't play tested it myself but the playerboards just seem way too cluttered for me. I know it's far from finished but man I just hate the information overload.
>>94409579Cleaning in Vinegar, Bleach, or any antifungal sterilization fluid of choice so long as it works. Afterwards you could use some antifungal coating or oil for the wood, but that's overkill unless you store your board games unventilated in the Philippines. At that level of investment and paranoia you'd be better off getting a custom-fit plastic/acrylic organizer and putting everything in there.
>>94410329Oh, I thought you were talking about prevention.
>>94408737Castle Combo is more fun and has actual interaction, would totally buy physical if not for disgusting DEI art.Faraway really boils down to reverse engineering your tableau and not trying to chase too many things at the same time
Where could I buy the Mansions of Madness 2nd editions add-ons in the EU? Amazon has some left, but the prices are almost twice the normal price and it's sold out everywhere else. The game is not out of print, isnt it?
>>94408343>>94408730I've thought about it a bit and I might be exaggerating. Don't get me wrong, I still think it's badly designed and the art and general style the only redeeming factors, but I forgot that there are people who actually want and seek out these frictonless, comfy games. In that context, the game seems perfect. I wonder why you'd play it over reading books next to each other since it offers similar interactivity but that's me.
>>94410644>but the prices are almost twice the normal priceI love free trade agreements I love free trade agreements I love free trade agreements
>>94408175draw 3, pick one to skip, your opponent picks another to skip
>>94408737i love this game so far. hope they put out an expansion >>94410527hadn't heard of Castle Combo yet, I'll check it out
>>94408175There's options, some mutually exclusive:>draw card(s) before/at start of action round, resolve after the action round>have a whole smograsbord of events face up, and let players influence which one(s) happen if any>have the event phase also be the diplomacy and trade phase so people can stop playing multiplayer solitaire and get to play mock EU council>have fun events (the hardest one to get right because it's both subjective and highly depends on the game)
>buy five tribes second hand>open it>its the first edition with slaves
>>94412536what was bruno thinking
>>94413089Honestly, I have no idea. I thought the controversy was stupid, but opening the box and seeing slaves in a whimsical oriental fantasy world is just weird. Im surprised no editor wanted to change it. Not even for PC reasons, but just for it looking out of place.
>>94409862Not this game lol, someone in another thread called it "weird Arcs"
>>94413089>Je deteste les negros, putain
>>94412536The only value of Five Tribes is free meeples you can use for other, better games.
>>94414920What's bad about it? It looks fun
Is Cthulhu Death May Die overly luck-based?
Guards of Atlantis II, Battle for Biternia, Skytear, or ELO Darkness? I have tried Battle for Biternia once and liked it, and I have read the rules for GoA2 and they seem neat enough.
>>94415005>It looks funNever buy a game without testing it first
>>94416730The actual answer is Cloudspire but GoA is good too
>>94379875All the Bios games are worth playing desu but I think Megafauna 1e is the best. Anyway Genesis is fun.
>>94415005Not that anon, and I've only ever played 2p on bga, but the game is almost strictly tactical (aside from 2p which is very stupid in a different way because it is largely about turn order and getting insane 2 or even 3 turns in a row) - and, in my limited experience, is not as deep as it seems. That might obviously change with further plays when it becomes clearer what moves are good aside from the obvious land on space x and claim it/land on space y to do the most powerful action...but as is I find it a bit chaotic. Or rather, I have no qualms with more tactical natured games, but they need to be fluid. Five tribes often saw me only start to think when my turn came because a 2p game already saw too many things change between turns to really have plan + contingency plan. Which would also be fine, I'm okay with the occasional game that I play from my gut, but the game largely makes it easy to directly compare moves. Do I go here, get the blue guys that give me 6 coins and claim that 4 pt spot that gives me a 3pt palm tree...or do I get white guys to here where I don't claim anything but get a 10 pt djinn card that'll net me 2-3 more points over the course of the game. Or do I [...] - you get the point. It is neither quickly calculated nor too obscure to touch. For me, it sits in an unhappy middle position where the game is neither a snappy game played mostly from the gut nor is it something that gives you the statisfaction of setting up a good move and seeing it through. I also imagine setting it up is quite annoying. But I also believe that it would be far better in person, and it IS kinda fun. I'd give it a 6/10, not bad but not good either. Wouldn't mind playing it every once in a while.
>>94383735Same. It will probably be good, but from the preview they have, it seems like all 4 countries play the same game, but have different strengths and weaknesses (e.g., Russia has more plentiful resources). In Hegemony, each player (except the middle class) plays a totally different game, which is 80% of the appeal.
>>94383735>why would someone pay for advertising that no one sees? Good question. Big Business spends billions of dollars every year trying to convince me to buy their product. Perhaps MBAs are like little fools trapped in a maze, stuck with false beliefs like the necessity paying money to feed my adblocker? Yet imagine asking an MBA to simply not advertise his product, or to advertise in an ethical way. Imagine how he'd shriek and moan and scoff at you for being such a simpleton. Advertising is an endless, mindless maze and you should not expect to find reason or truth in it.
>>94418333Thing is, it has to have some tangible effect. I'm not debating that companies will do esoteric methods or use old techniques just because that's how it's always been, but I doubt the bigger fish don't carefully calculate these things through.On the other hand, it might really just be what I said; the same paid shills getting more jobs simply because new KS projects try to imitate ones that worked well. I think I even read that qu*ckalope has an insane amount of subscribers because he does monthly bg giveaway lotteries or something like that. Noone actually watches his videos.It's actually maddening to think about how the costs for these clowns then gets handed over to the customer
>>94415005Five Tribes is fine, but because of how the board state changes between turns, you basically have to start analyzing your options on your turn, meaning there's a lot of opportunity for AP. It's a design issue that gets more pronounced after a couple plays, the same way that open information ruins a game of Pandemic.
>>94416730B4B for two players and GoAII for higher counts
>>94418693>the same way that open information ruins a game of PandemicHow so? I've always found Pandemic trivially easy to play "right" once you understand the underlying mechanism of the infect deck 10 minutes into your first game
>>94418966Yeah, with open information it's a lot easier, if you require people to actually communicate what they are holding Pandemic becomes a game again (it's still easy though)
>>94418966>I've always found Pandemic trivially easy to play "right"and that's what is ruined. There is no challenge. There is no cooperation. Just multihanding a routine.
finally a game with enough miniatures
>>94418981>>94418987My bad, I misread and thought you were implying the game gets more and more solved with each play yet the ap only increases with more experience. Which is obviously not what you meant. Man I have been misreading and -interpreting bgg posts for a week now, it really is high time I get some quality sleep.
>>94419024To be fair the original Defenders of the realm and Defenders of the last stand also had a shit ton of crappy minis.Greater than games is good at component quality but there is nothing that a mini can do than another type of component can achieve better and cheaper.What bothers me way more than the minis is the art style. The original's art style was generic fantasy but even that it's better than this Cal Arts round edges garbageGtG are lucky to have sentinels and spirit island, any other game they have published has quickly vanished from people's mind. tought I heard Tak is a pretty decent 2 player abstract
Have any of you tried voidfall?Is the hype justified or just another bait?
>>94419223Just from what I gathered as a semi-interested party. Most people I know that played it said it was pretty good albeit a bit annoying to learn (esp. the iconography). Then the hype faded and I've never seen anyone talk about it or get it out. Pretty sure it's the type of "Just fine" with little staying power that gets replaced by the next thing pretty quickly. Could be wrong, of course
>>94419169i probably would buy this if there was a meeple version. I actually like the art
>>94419223after watching the how to play it looks like someone looked at TI4 and said "but what if it was worse?" and while some parts of it are neat the whole thing is just another economics eurogame, even the combat is deterministic so whoever has more ships wins (it's not as simple as this but you can do combat math before fighting so you know exactly how many ships you need to make to win the fight)but i havent played it yet and i want to be wrong on this opinion of mine
>>94419374your assessment of combat is fairly accurate. It's basically check your tech and count your ships. I don't know why they made it so difficult to understand when its really just 'more ships = you win' 99/100 times.>>94419296>>94419223I like Voidfall a lot, it's a really well designed game and fun to engine build and get a big economy going. But it's a eurogame with 4x elements, not a 4x game really. Learning is a bit rough but it's really a relatively easy game, it's just learning the iconography but you can understand it by looking at it and rarely need to look it up.Ask any other questions you might have about it, I think it's fantastic.
>>94419223It's yet another Euro set in space. Even if it was good it's so generic I doubt anybody could give an unbiased opinion because of the saturation of same-looking games.
>>94419431Thank you. which aspects you enjoy the most? Which games (please name one or more) do you concider real 4x which are the best in the genre?
>>94419461I like how naturally feeling every mechanic is with the central goal of the game, and how the teach is surprisingly easy compared to learning. You spend more time thinking about what to do next to optimize your turn, not because you don't know how to get there or what to do.The game is essentially pick a card from your hand, do 2 of 3 actions on it (can make it 3 of 3 actions if you get a token on it from another card effect or exploring), thats your turn for the round. at the end of a 'cycle' (3-9 turns), you flip a new cycle, resolve start of cycle stuff, pick up your used cards, and do it again. Do it 3 times and check to see who's got most points or whatever the scenario win con is.I think the 'voidfall is tough as shit' posting online is not really accurate. It's a mid-heavy game for sure, but it's not a tough one to learn or play, it's just because you have a lot of decision space to think about what to do. I think it filtered BGG tards hard.Also unlike TI4 (I love TI4 don't get me wrong), it plays really well 1-4 players and is done in 3 hours or less Just make sure you set up the game and scenario before you start, setting up the game takes forever and there's nothing you can do about it to speed it up.
>>94419024Will you paint them?
Now that the dust has settled, how is Red Dust Rebellion?
what do you think about Hands in the sea?
>>94419431Nta but is there any pvp combat or any player interaction at all?
>>94419762>GMTIt's shit.
Innovation Ultimate fucking wheeeeeeeen ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
>>94418333>Yet imagine asking an MBA to simply not advertise his productSadly the fools that are sensitive to advertising are the ones too stupid to turn it off. Like the nigerian prince scam, it self-selects the ones most vulnerable to it. It's also a race to the bottom, even if YOU dont advertise, others still do and drown out your product.
>>94420313players have fleets on the board, and when a player moves a fleet into a system with another players' or the Voidborns' fleets in it, battle is resolved immediately. It's wonky, aggressively anti-random, but combat addition to that, there's the Technology and Agenda cards, that function differently but have a similar "get it first before the one you want is gone" mindgame.
>>94419762I've played it 3 times now all with mostly new players. Most everyone liked it. People that didn't, didn't like the COIN mechanics and felt like they were just pulling levers. Everyone preferred the theme over non-fiction history.I think it's ok. There's no short, medium, long scenario so every game is going to be 3-5 hours no matter what. The factions are great - one traditional COIN, one traditional REB, and two that are really novel (CORP and Reclaimer) so players can play something they're comfortable with if they've played limited COIN or something wild. My gripes are really with Flashpoints (they really interrupt the flow of the game) and RDM Campaign Cards (way too random and way too punitive to one faction). You're also racing to get your victory condition, other players be damned. In other COINs, you have to balance that with incremental VPs in order to submarine others. In RDR, there's limited amount of shenanigans outside of support/op swings and dumping population and that really only impacts MG and RD.I'd play something like Liberty or Death before I'd play RDR if people didn't choke on the theme.>>94420291It's pretty good but has a steep learning curve. A poor player can trounce a smart one that's never played before. Play really benefits from knowing the cards. The refresh looks great but knowing that it's PHALANX, I'd wait for retail.
>>94420972>The refresh looks great but knowing that it's PHALANX, I'd wait for retail.why exactly? I don't really follow PHALANX
>>94420986They have like 4 crowdfunding games that are more than 2 years late (one was due in 2021) and they have 5-6 more that they are kicking off. They are obviously taking money from new kickstarters to pay for the old ones - I wouldn't want to be holding the bag at the end.
>>94421055>They are obviously taking money from new kickstarters to pay for the old oneswait a minute, i've seen another company use this tactic before
>>94420972>if people didn't choke on the theme.American Revolution is a no-go?
>>94419699probably will skip this one but I should probably learn how to paint minis for GoAII
anyone here played Return to Dark Tower?looks unique, need something new after a string of point salad euros
>>94421354>The game features traditional game mechanisms, such as engine building and resource management, paired with a technological interface unlike any seen before in games>technological interfaceSay it with me >buy a board game>open the box>it's an app game
>>94421389>technological interfacethey did it way before apps were a thing
I am obsessed with Barrage. Not paying for that huge ass box of air though.
>>94421354It’s fine, but it’s very expensive for a simple co-op. The app stuff is fine, basically it handles all the random events and stuff you’d need 10 different decks of cards to do traditionally and it also runs the titular dark tower.
>>94421536did you try the competitive mode? sounds like an afterthought when i read it, but maybe it plays well?
>>94419024Would not have minded the minis if the art style wasn’t so pozzed
>>94420313as far as 4x's go, interaction is low. It's a eurogame with 4x elements, but not a 4x.Fighting is extremely fast as >>94420469said, whoever has more ships and/or stations on a system wins, that's that.It's really convoluted for "more ships attack first, more ships typically win".
>>94421354The essential gimmick game. Now, I've heard people say it is suprisingly solid, only to listen more closely and realize what they mean is that it's suprisingly not an absolute and utter dogshit gimmick game, if you are into this kind of high chance ameritrash, you might even play it a second time!Bittom line is it's very expensive nostalgiabait that does not justify itself at all. Probably still better than fireball island though
>>94421548No I haven't and the game isn't mine, someone at my local board game club has a copy from Kickstarter. I've only ever tried the co-op mode twice so I couldn't say what the competitive mode is like. I suspect it wouldn't change my opinion on the game though.
>>94421640Fireball island got fucked over so hard man. What went wrong?
>>94421518I don't think the game is guilty of being boxed air tbqhI try to have the expansion in the base box as well and the lid barely fits despite the huge box. That said, I've yet to destroy the solo components for it to make room. Because oh my is it shit. I think at that time, turczi was experimenting how his malicious invention - the solo tax - could be implemented. The one in barrage was a little too shit, even for a turczi solo mode
>>94421684Not sure what you mean? It is exactly what it wants to be, a nostalgiabait cashgrab. Restoration games saying something along the lines of it's their mission to bring back iconic games of the 60s-90s doesn't mean they are reprinting good games. I can't imagine anyone has worked on Fireball island for more than 10 minutes and not realized it is an irredeemable, pure gimmick game, no matter how many new coats of paint you apply
>>9442032480% of GMT games are better than your favorite game
>>94421756I think it could have been better if>the board wasn't the cheapest plastic imaginable, so the marbles actually roll properly>the countdown timer wasn't comically short
>>94421354>>94421684>>94421802People, people, people, just play Surivive! with your kids
>>94421280NTA but in my experience you either love historical war settings or you hate them.
>>94421055>>94421206Personally I totally lost interest when I saw what they did to Successors. Putting minis in that game made me want to barf.
>>94421811I wonder if survive! Was the first game ever that got the dumb it down and stuff it full of minis treatment. I remember getting this as a kid in the 90s
>>94421885I miss board games having plastic everything. Now it's all shitty cardboard pieces.
>>94421885i wonder how much this costand why are modern plastic minis game so expensive.
>>94421934We're running out of resin
>>94421913I could not disagree more. Give me cardboard or wood over plastic any day.>>94421934If I had to guess it was going for something I'd deem ridiculously low, butonly because I have zero intuitive sense for how to adjust for inflation
>>94421885ah, to be a kid again
>>94421987>As a kid, we weren't allowed to play with my uncles miniature vehicles, terrain and soldiers, so we recreated them in our imagination with whatever was at hand>As adults, we use sophisticated materials and expensive components to desperately try to get glimpse of the fantastic and rich imagination we had as kidsLife is cruel that way. Can't wait to find out in 40 years why not having time to play games actually was something positive
>>94421987TAKE ME BACK
>>94421934>and why are modern plastic minis game so expensive.unironically it's tariffs
>>94420331Probably around April or June.
>>94421705Im talking about the newest scamstarter box that's like 3 times the size of the original box.
Arydia chads…. We’re coming home
No we're not. We're getting evicted fucking what
>>94376843But munchkin and bargain quest are both lots of fun. Game mechanics aside they deliver exceptionally well on theme.
>>94422163I'll tell you today, if you figure out too early that it should be spelled b-o-r-e-d than you cant sit around thinking about how awesome it will be when the kids put you in a home and you can play Dune every day with your buds.
>>94422379Oh what the fuck
>>94420972>>94421055ok, so I'll just wait for retail without minis. thanks.
>>94423041Another cruel facet of life?>Tactility becomes a problem for your arthritic hands>Can't read the text on cards anymoreAnd, most likely>99% of elderly people in your care home including the nurses can't or won't learn/play anything more complex than ludo.I'll die with HIS set up on the table
>>94423041Kind of the main reason for having +2 kids tbqh. Man I'd need more than TWICE the number of bastards I already have to play Dune as my wife cannot handle anything even remotely heavy
>>94423748>You to your wife: I'm gonna put two more babies in you unless you learn how to play something more complex than munchkins
>>94423821I think she would genuinely rather go through labor twice more than learn here I stand
>mom why was i born?>dad wanted an extra player for TIfuck, that is so depressing
>>94424500Better than being born to play Nemesis
Alright, talk me out of buying tons of Kingdom Death stuff in a weeks time when it goes on sale. I'm not going to play the TTS version with my friends, if we're going to be on our PCs there's way cooler stuff we could be playing if we aren't going to be meeting up in person.I am going to have to learn to construct the figures from scratch too since I've never done it before, nor painted them. So I'm kind of looking forward to that, but not the additional burden on my wallet (for paints and stuff).I already have played Gloomhaven a lot, and have Frosthaven, but we need a break from that game for a while.
>>94424901Sounds like you already have miniatures you can learn to paint on. If you want to add to your grey pile of shame I can't talk you out of it.